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Compiled bv 


Revised & 

enlarged bv 

Dr. Abdul Haq 








Revised and enlarged by 


Educational Publishing House 

3108, Vakil Street, Kucha Pandit, Lai kuan, Delhi- 6 (INDIA) 

Ph: 23214465, 23216162 Fax: 91-011-23211540 


© Reserved 

No Part of this Book may be reproduced in Original or 
translation without explicit permission of publishers in 
whom its copyright fully vests. 

Edition 2003 

ISBN 81-85360-38-3 


Rs. 180/- 

Published by: 

educational PuMidunq Home 

31 08, Vakil Street, Kucha Pandit, Lai Kuan, Delhi-6 (India) 

Ph: 23214465, 23216162 Fax: 91-011-23211540 

T0 c R c E c Tp<DT?f) 


Prof - Gopi Chand Marang 

Heady Dept, of Urdu ° 


Dean, Faculty of Humanities and Languages 
Jamia Millia Islamia 

Th« nnKr Jan iia Millia Islamia 


scholars working On the etvm«i«„" *. ater th,s monumental work became , wl . lrk,sh sources 
by Baha-e-Urtu, MiulvFffln g H aI S ° U / ces of th * lexical terms Th cne >t ** 

»wiarSS?' tl --s3S. 

Jathia Millia Islamia 

Dumber 13. 1980 (IW) Copi 0, Md N „, n| 


Dr. S.M. Abdullah, M.A.,D. Litt. 

General Secretary, West Pakistan Urdu Academy; Chairman, Department of Urdu Encyclopaedia, 
University of the Punjab; Formerly Principal and Head of the Deparment of Urdu, University 
Oriental College, Lahore. 

The present Standard Urdu-English Dictionary compiled by Prof. Bashir Ahmad Qureshi 
is decidedly an advance on the previous lexicographical works of this nature. The author has already 
won fame and distinction by producing an equally valuable English-Urdu Dictionary which is 
perhaps; the best practical reference book in its own field. 

In the present dictionary, the author has taken great pains to indicate accent. He has also 
endeavoured to guide the reader in exact pronunciation. For instance, we find highly accurate 
transliteration of some extremely difficult phonetic complexities, rendered intelligible to an ordinary 
reader— -especially the foreign reader — by means of a well-thought-out system. Some such words as 
and are often difficult to be pronounced ^correctly by a foreign learner because in 

the original language (t^., Arabic), the first alif is whereas in Urdu, in spite of its being 

jy** it is pronounced somewhat differently, with the result that in the interest of accuracy the 
author had to transliterate these, as eh tiram and ehtiraz, instead of ihtiram and ihtiraz which 
do not correspond with the spoken form. . 

/• « 4 

Similarly, we have the Persian word which is neither j—sf nor -<*—'£✓ but midway 

between the two forms — and it was extremely difficult for the compiler to reproduce it in its pure 
accuracy except as shaih'r. This seems to be correct because, the common transliteration shehr 
too is not in correspondence with the spoken form. 

These instances would amply indicate the intricacies of the problems facing the author of 
this dictionary 

Prof. Bashir Ahmad Qureshi has incorporated quite a large number of new words drawn form 
English and other foreign languages. These words now form a part of the Urdu language and 
deserve a place in such a compilation. The number of such words is larger in this dictionary than in 
any other compilation of the same nature. 

In my opinion, the present work is a great achievement and will be found extremely helpful in 
spreading the Urdu language in the English-speaking countries. It would also be of great help to all 
those, in Pakistan as well as abroad, who are called upon to undertake the work of translation from 
Urdu into English. 

West Pakistan Urdu Academy, 

S. M. Abdullah 


The cultural - cum - national language of the Islamic State of Pakistan has long 
deserved a much less shabby lexicographic treatment than a mere-reprint of Platts’ outdated 
dictionary (issued recently) or a plethora of publications based on it. This is the raison 
d’etre of Kitabistan's 20th-Century Standard Urdu-English Dictionary now being offered 
to the public. 

This is a dictionary with a difference in that it makes a truly linguistic approach to Urdu lexico- 
graphy. It comprises well over half a lakh words, phrases and proverbs one most frequently comes 
across in one’s contact with people or literature today. These are explained in various nuances and 
their modem English renderings are set out in all accuracy. All this makes the present compilation 
profitable for the common reader, illuminating for the foreign learner and indispensable for the 
student who is called upon to translate passages into English as an essential part of the examinatons. 

The transliteration system adopted for indicating the pronunciation of Urdu words in this 
dictionary is based on principles which are by and larg accepted by modem Orientalists. It has the 
added advantage of being akin to the Roman Urdu script used for army education in this sub- 
continent over the past few generations. 

A special feature erf this work is the indication of accent in the pronunciation of Urdu 
words. This is not just an innovation. The attempt was first made by Dr. Fallon and his talented 
team, in New Hindustani-English Dictionary but has been overlooked by compilers ever since, resul- 
ting in ludicrous phonetic errors by foreign speakers of the language. The present work which owes a 
lot to that epoch-making lexicon as well as to Farhang-i-Asafiyyah and Nur-ul-Lughat, revives the 
unique feature in addition to presenting many new ones. 

Preference in vocabulary, idiom and pronunciation in this compilation is given mainly to the 
Western dialect of Urdu which is cognate with the various regional languages of the sub-continent. 

A word about etymological notes on various entries in this dictionary. For headwords of Arabic 
origin^ the Urdu form closest to the Arabic root is given as being more serviceable and revealing to 
the ordinary Student of Urdu than the Arabic root itself. English derivatives are not traced further 
beyond, save when of special interest. Other languages of origin are indicated at relevant places. 
Where, however, the derivation is not given, the word must be considered to be purely Urdu in 

The unprecedented reception accorded to this compilation has now encouraged the 
publisher to bring out this edition on photo blocks with the Urdu entries in nasta’liq script rather 
than naskh type. That should serve to make it still more presentable. 

Bashir A ‘Qureshi’ 

Following abbreviations have been used 






















CON i. 






























































in this book : 









plural . 

















which please look up 
derived from 


Pronunciation has been indicated by the following transliteration symbols : 



ct t 


\jt sh 

U n 

/ i 

& s 

if s 

y v 

9 U. 

& j 

& z 

• h 

1 a 

& c M 

* t 

f , 

<£— 1 e 

l h 

S* z 

(S i 

| ai 

t hb 

t ‘ 

& T 

J d 

b gh 


Jl o 


J d 


^ f 1 



jl 00 


) z 


0 q 

Jl au 

J r 

l/ k 


Consonants : 

h. r 

J g 

Accent : 

^ b 

J z 

0 i 

The minute sign 
(') is placed im- 

L-> p , 

V ' 


J zh 

r * 

mediately after 
every stressed 

C/ i 

</ 5 

U n 

syllable to de- 

note accent. 

NOTE : The various letters have been given their Urdu (as dis 
tinct from Arabic) sound values. 









< a'lif vowel first letter of Urdu alphabet 
I (equivalent to English a) initially used 

as carrier for another alif or mad, as '| , I a , 
for tabor, as ) a , for ter, as 1 1 ; for pn± as | u 

medially and finally used to indicate a (Js 
(in jummal reckoning ) 1 ; one. 

•T/i vowel (called a'lif~e^mavidoo'dah) repre- 
' sents a v.i. {imp. of 1*1 v.t. -fr) 
t'T’a int. sound uttered for modulating voice 
' in vocal music or recitation "f < a a int. 
yfdb n.m. (rare) water n>. polish 
• lustre or water (of gems) temper 

; of steel) edge or sharpness (of sword, etc.) 

splendour ; elegcnce dignity ; honour, 
t/v' lsi d'b d'b kar'na v.t put to shame 
Ifc-A ab ho' nay A ^ blush be thoroughly I 
ashamed i^j&'tislab-e a' tasli iahg,j^\us\ib-e 
ataslnn' h m. wine ab a mad 

tayam mum barkhdst' pit. lesser^ things make 
room for greater ones flelwlai djjt'rtd 
v.t. shine get polished 
S ban tab n.m. ^water in which ateej^ is 
tempered d^f^lab-t ai'nah n.f., ' i i'b 

Utar'na v.t. lose^lustre or polish ; fade 
lose honour '^’j'j^lab-t arghavaiA n.m. (fig.) 
wine nOi^sfab-e istadqh n.m. still water 
stagnant waters ab-e^ baqa n.m. 
nectar water oflife y^l^la-be ah mar n.m« v 
(fig.) wine j^h-Jtab-t ahgaor' n.m. wineJkAj'i 
3b~t infe'al' n.m. sweat caused, by shame, bash- 
fulness or remorse c-f'-'t tib-f bti'rah n.m 
Taio-watcr baf'iah n.m. (lit.) ice, 

frozen water i d p bigar ni v.t, loose 

lustre be disgraced (/b}Ji6b-pa\h n.m. (rare) 
watering can^Jv'lfli-pa (arch.) n.f. tm- 
gatlon I'Jtf'iiLslhb-pd'thi kar'na v.t. water 
irrigate (land) usfykt ab-pa^sln ho'na v.t. 

be watered ; br irrigated mb' n r. 

(col.) splendour lustre c-'l db-t tnl'kh 

n.m. (fig.) tears wine tfjtfL-'lab-t jairi 
n.m. running water ^rivulet jf.Ysb'-joo n.f 
streamlet , runnelt/'/w'laft-jort n.m, (arch,) 
soupCI*‘%*? / fdb charha'na v.T. burnish 
polish f^LfXdb-t (h.atji'm n.m. teanf'b’Vi ib-t 
k n ram n.m. wine; liquor us/sZsIib-t ha£ral 
n.m. wistfulncss remorse tS-tfUi ib e 
hayst' ; Jij^Tdb-r ha^oak (ped. -hdytoan ) 
n.m. name’ of a fabulous spring water of 
life ; water of immortality ; nectar^Uw'l ab-t 
khas'sah n.m. (arch.) drinking water set apart 
for royalty, etc.. wlsfr-kfciiWA n.m watet 
repository ab-t khijalrtl N.F sweat 

caused by shame,’ bashfulness or remorse tj/J 
ab'khoteh n.m. earthenware cup V/ft-jf 
ab'khvrr bhnr'vu v.r fill earthenware cup* 
with cold drink as an offering , make an offer- 
ing of cold drinks % uJtdb' -khti ^n .m . & aOj. 
(land) with high water-table jl>f ib'dir n,m, 
butler on* in t arge Of drinking water 
ad|. ■ • lustrous . polished ; burnished * (of 
gent) of high watet . iustrouS ■ well-temper- 
ed (steel) sharp (sword) * kJSj *>t bb'dar 
kha mbnn. ^repository of drinking water 
j, cclia^# ! pb da nab n m (col.) . joh 
employment * means of subsistance lot 
destiny *£<*1 ah -dau n .m. water lbi washing 
• anus and hands after evacuation laving 
water l^j^uTab'-dasi It'na v.t. wash ones 
anus , lave dtit'iih n,m lustre or 

polish^of teeth c ft*^lab-e dahari n.m. saliva 
#>> ) ab-di'dah adj. tearful atv in tears; 
•weeping tyojojil ab-di'dah ho'na v.l. be in, 
tears ; shed tears , have tears in the eyes 
1 ‘/ab-dtdak kar'na v.t bring tears to (some^ 
one’s) eyes ; cause (someone) to weep <si 
3 b dt'na v i. temper (steel) burnish 
polish raih'mat N.m. (fig.) rain; 

much-needed rain salvation ; deliverance ; 
divine mercy 1 ab-rez n.f spoon for 
pouring water into, inkpot place where 
water falls (JbJ^fub-e rava'fi n.m. run-, 
ning water (arch.) lawn ; fine muslinyyw'/ 
ob-e zar' n.m gold water , liquid gold 
u\q£i£-ab-e zar' se likk'ne kt qa'bil ph. golden, 
ab-e zutai n.m. pure clear water^vL/| 
ab-e zam’ zam n m water of the sacred Meccan 
well, Zam Zam ^'/iab'-zfln n.m medieinal 
bath l ’ftf'S.I ab'-zan kar’na^y.r give (some- 
one) medicinal bath ab-e shor' n.m. 

salt water sea A water ‘ ish'rat 

n.m. (fig.) wine i/Tfab -kash n.m. (arch.) 
water-carrier drawer of water 'ab-e 

kau’sar n.m. water of the heavenly river, 
Kaus&r v nectar ; water of life /Ji f ab- 
giZar' n.m (rare) watercourse ffi-s\zb-e gat’m 
n.m. hot water warm water 'jj^L/fab-e 
gulgoofi ' N.M. (fig.) red wine C2?/L'Tab-e gosh’t 
n.m (rare) soup gravy oJjab'-gooft 
adj »" azure burnished f ab-gir n.m. 

(arch.) reservoir (jf. Tab' -gift adj. (of eyes) 
watery , tearful i^fab-e-mlqatftar nj t. dis- 
tilled water ab-e nada mat n.m. sweat 

caused by sh*me or remorse oAfZftj/ojojo" w/ 
36 na-dfdah mau'zah kasHi'dah ph. too 
-crapulous over-cautious e^i^'fab-i-nitq 1 rah 
n.m. quicksilver , mercury £^J/(a b-nai' n.f. 
bowl pipe of hookah tab, (col. 

‘r'^T "Tab tab') N.F splendour lustre >4 

if a! b-o-khir n.m. food and drink 
lj^3' b-o-khir baram ho'na v.i. be greatly 
worried be too, preoccupied yb) ^lab-u 
d&'nah (col. y /*<_✓/ ai> danah) n.m, job 
means of subsistence lot \i£fi^\jji^Tab-o- 
di'nah uth'nd v.i. (of means livelihood)' 
end be transferred (from, a place) be 
about to die jj; if I ab-o da'ne ka zor'^ 
ph. fate , drift of circumstances •r'l 
ib-o-da ve ka got ho’ndy.i. be driven by fate 

01 by means of livelihood ' I ab-o-ratig 

n.m. lustre, freshness or vitality (of face, etc.) 
if t uffab-o-gil' n.m. £ nature (of man, etc.) 

human bgdy matter (rare) mud , 
slush ijf t » *-? iab-o-hava n.f. climate 

l) ab-o-hava' badal'na (or tabdil' kar'na) 
v.i. " have a change of _ climate go^to a 

health resort I’titJ &b-o- 

hav a ras' (or mo'a'-fiq ) (no) ana v.i (of 
climate) (not) to agree jfa' bi ADj 
zb-yz'n n.f. watering ; ' irrigation fjfjjif 
ab-ya ri kar'na v.t. water . irrigate [P] 

j Taba' n.m, pl. ancestors ; forefathers jljglfl < 
j ’ aba" -o-ajdad' n.M. pl. -^ancestors family 
lineage .; ancestry yf’^^llaba-e sjtaih'r 
n.m. city fathers (/Jt^lTaba'e'-ul'vi n.m pl 
(fig.) seven planets ; planets of the solai sys- 
tem 1 } f / abz"i adj. paternal ancestral - 
hereditary [A - sing.wI father] 
t*f abad' adj. populated tarea) culti- 

2 » * vated (land) thriving, prosperous 
happy suf borough ; colony , town 
ubad'-kar n.m. settler ; colonizer pioneer 

colonialist cultivator ;^pne cultivating 

uncommanded land absd-ka'ri n f 

colopization settlement , rehabilitation 

(SJWt \ Bfnizs'm-e abad^ka'ri wx. colonialism 
colonial system tyjjUab&d' raih'na v.i. con- 
tinue to prosper ; thrive (,’fjb'f abad kar'na 
v.t. settle; colonize ‘make (place) 
habitable populate bring uncommanded 
land under the plough I'jT jlT^ ghar abad' 
kar'na v.t. get married * marry if 

abad' ho'na v.i. prosper be, colonized * 
live happily with husband lyf) a bada'ni n.f. 
(arch.) being inhabited prosperity tfjlT 

aba'di n.f. population inhabitants (of 

an area) habitation prosperity C>ljtf 
ftbadiyXal n.f. demography tf ibadiyya’k 
adj. demographic [P] 

» jf'ab'roo n.f. honour prestige cha- 
'*'♦ ' racter fame fo/.T' 

ah' -roo vtar'na (or bigafna Or lena) dis- 
grace ; defame ; dishonour rape ; ratish ; 
violate the chastity (of) ^^fjJ.iab'roo b&chdtna 

v.t. & 1. safeguard (one's or someone’s) 
honour 'roo bakhsh'na v.r. confcr 

honour (on) honour ab'roo 

kfrak nun mila'na, v.t disgrace defame; 



blander ruin (someone’s) character tjfJlrjS I 
Cbab'roo kkak mth mil'na v.i. be disgraced 
have one’s character ruined 
db'roo barh'rta v.i. (of someone) have greater 
honour ; gain more honour l‘ls,jjTab'roo 
banana v.i. build up (one’s) prestige 
cam a good name for ^oneself) I'fcfJVjs'i' 
db'roo par har'f a'na, iZjjtj/j'ab'roo' men 
bat'ta lag'na v.i. be disgracedftjj^ai'roo rakk'na 
v.i. have honour; enjoy reputation^Jj^/ sb'too 
n'tt n.f disgrace humiliation slan- 
der ; calumny rape vf(f roo re'zi 
kar'na v t. disgrace humiliate slan- 
der rape kj/jab'roo ka la’ goo ho’na , 

v.i. try to ruin (someone’s) character 
db'roo kho'na v.i. lose one’s reputation 
tffcab'roo ke pi&ju par'na v.T.^try to ruin ^some- 
one’s) character tab'roo 

jag nufi ra'he to badsha'fii ja'niye prov.* one has 
everything if one’s honour is retrieved-*^// 
a broomand' adj. respectable sU^fsiabroomafi- 
da'nah adj. honourable adv. honourably 
abroomafi'dt n.f. honour respectability 
IP -•“'/water +xi face] ^ . 

(glr’T^h-pa'shi n .f. , /ejlsfab-jiarl n.f. [see under 

• fTdb’doz' n.f., adj. submarine 
doz' kash'd n.f. submarine [P — 
stitch ; pierce] 

^J'yabas’tcnA adj. (lit.) pregnant (with) [P] 

__ A(a 

cataract ; cascade [P~ 


/Al/TdMa'rf n.f. excise 

excise duty distillery 

(fji^l^maib'katna-e ab-ka'ri^HM. 

Excise department [P~ ] 

•Jffab' gi’nah n.m. glass crystaj goblet 

■*£•> winecup ; winebowl ; wineglass IP- wj 

l'7'ab'lah n.m. blister bj[i sb'la pa adj. 

A * having blisters on the feet (fig.) tired ; 
exhausted a'6/e pa"I n.f. (fig.) fatigue; 

exhaustion^^fai'/e reo adj. & n.m. pock- 
marked (person) ^jj^l sb'la roo”i n.f. being 
pock-marked [P] ^ 

t**fab-ns’ n.f straits ab-na’-e basfo'ras 
• n.f. Bosphnis Straits fP«-/7f^(,*pipe] 

fjifabnoos' n.m. ebony fayfabnoos’ ka. 

V ’ kuh'dah n.f. (joe.) fat dark person (f/J 

j&j’T'ab-shar' n.f. (ped. m.) water- 

' fall ■ raiararr • raerarlp I IF 


of ebony 

jTVfci adj. aquatic 
OJ moist light blue b 

abnoo'si adj. 
black [P] 

; water marine 
bread made from meal 
kneaded in water in place of milk -^-bun foSfjf 
abi bur'j n.m. pl. Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces 
as three signs of zodiac supposed to be watery 
in nature tlfS'tfJa'bi har'f n.f. letter(s) t btfo ji 
(/ y /j ,/supposed to be watery in nature 


-tfsbys'na n.m. water cess ; charges for 
'a* - supply of irrigational water [~P ] 

jTa p pron. (polite, fpr) you self 

? ' 

most welcome you bring us good fortune 

apne pa" oft par kalhs'n 
mar'na, I.^Ta 'p apni qab'r kkod'ns prov. 

dig one’s own* grave Ig'/eflfgpV*' 3 P' a &&b e 
jahan' adL'fhfra,ildf la jfcjJgr l jS'iap' bba'le to 
jag' bha'la prov, good mind good find 
"ijVyglap' bka'tl adv. (rare) according to one’s 
own'pleasure (%'rffnp' Wd autobiography 
story of one’s own suffering 
( 2 Jf)&P' ja'nth ap' ka kam' (ja'ne) ph* “you 
do as you like that’s none of my business 
fchurade ap ' mars' dt ph. 
(W. dial.) selfish (person) (one) posing 
to be happy despite povertyt^U^j/j^Jf^f' 
ap 4 al’ dal' nun't pat' pat ph* f am more, 
than a match for you in cleverness <^1 

Wap doo'be to jag 400'ba, Cr.'SJyi 

, ftflV a P' Qb'dah jahan zip.' dak ap' mar' doh jahan' 
mUr’doh, \/^jQf£jfig\ap' mU’e to jig mlCa 
prov. death’s day is doomsday^a^i ap' se ph. 

from you of you adv. by itself ; by one- 
self so ap ADV. by itself of its 

own 'accord voluntarily spontaneously 
unsolicited n\ontl!j‘J r t^S>*gXap' se a'bo 
ho'n 3 ph. be debased^^^V^^ se &*** 
ja'na v.i. renounce oneself (of someone) 
be no longer of use to anyone gfrspdOQtif! 

ap ka ba'yah qa'dam Hjiyt ph (iron.) lje » a 
pastmaster in fiaudulence /Vr its/ 

nta'ha faj prov. self-done is vyell done- jglfigf 
^r~Q%ap’ ka kya' bigar'ia hmjn. you* don't 
stand to lose^^fci^t^/^S^lap* ka pas' (or 
mala' baza or muhh) hoi ph. it is only for your, 
sake ; it if just out of respect (orregard) forytm 



dr i 

ftsfap' ku ( Qp'na ) ghar' hai ph. feel 
yourself at perfect ease in my house J<~/f a p' ko 
pron. oneself to you ap' 

ko ssmsn par khetikh'na v.i. give 'oneself airs; 
put on airs a p' ko bP.ool' ja'fla y.i, 

forget one’s ’humble beginnings Mb/ ^Idp' 
ko /ta'-na v.T. make a correct appraisal of one- 
self VC^jJj/^tap' ko door' kkehehrav.r. keep 
oneself aloof (from someone) through pride, 
(etc.) Sp’ kj> dabo'ns v.T. ruin one- 
self (I'XfTkj ap ko kho'nn (or kho s’ ns 

lose oneself (inV (fig.) become oblivious 
of oneself k!m"e bil'R ko 

bats' t ph. lay own blamcat another’s door ; 
shift blame to escape censure I ap' 

ke hah (or’ya'hsti) adv. a at your place ' in 
your milieu *j \J ~ l P' 
miysh soo'bedar , ghar men bl’vi jkoh'ke ‘ bh a r 
prov. one putting on airs with penury pre-_, 
vailing at home 

ap' miysh maiig'ta (or nah'ge) bs'har kha're 
danesh' prov. what help can a penurious per- 
son render the needy ^jb/ij}^j\<-/\ap hart 
bil'H ko ma re ph. a bad workman quarrel 
with his tools making a scapegoat of some- 
one ‘sr'*(#W S P' hi tl P' ADV • all alone alt 

by ^oneself by itself spontaneously. 
~'&r<JjC£ap' hi kijoo'tiyoh ka sad'qahhai ph. 
it is. all due to you (or your training, etc.) 
thanks to you^-^f^*^4til^*-'7ap' hi ms' re 
sp hi &Uln"e prov. culprit pretending inno- 
cence dja'pl pron. (also ( s’ pi ap') by 

himself (etc.) ( ^7^^?) ' 

’ifZ'ptf n.f. elder sister a' tr kl s' pa 
V n.f. simple woman " simpleton 
y i /s' pa n.m. self one’s senses; self- 

* I control gla>jbfa'pa dka'pi n.f. selfish 
scrambleH Irf^tfa'ps satibhat'na v.i. come to 
(one’s) senses ^VyiyJb^dJts'pe se bs'har ho'ns 
v.i. be beside oneself ‘(with rage) ; fly into 
a passion ,be in ecstacy l‘l s'pe meit 

s’rm v.i. come to one’s senses T 3 'pe meii 

ha' ns v.j. be in one’s senses. “ * y 

P/a'pes n.f. mutuality (used only as 

S' pas is'r% n.f. brotheihood 
relations fj^ts'pas ks adj. mutual 
intemal / >U< , lf' t ^fr 3' pas ks mu'.amaleh PH.^our) 
private affair ; (our) internal affair s' pas 
meh adv mutually privately’ between 

ourselves v-s between friends together 

a pas tneii raihns v.i. live together 
(peacefully, etc.) ifii a pan ADJ. (rare) mutual 

sTa/tf pron. (cont. of (see under 

pron. if) 

Ap fs'tash (pop. a’lish) n.f. fire ; conflag- 
{J I ration anger; rage; passion 
firebrand iitpljtfi itash-afza rah n.m. (arch.) 
rocket j^yi(y*Tstash-afroz' adj. kindling 

seditious N.M. fuel incendiarj ^ mis- 
chief-monger (fiffifatash-af'gan, j Tajinp- 
ahdaz' adj. fire-spitting n.m. spitfire 
stash-aiigez’ adj. jncendiary stirring up 

fire seditions jUi^latOsh-bar' adj. raining 
fire fiery n.m. ‘( arch.), musket tinder-box 
jUpijs'tash-bsz N M. fireworks, exhibitor or 
manufacturer ; pyrotechnist .yj t^Satash-bs'zi 
N.F. fireworks ; pyrotechnic lash-bayah' 
adj. fiery (speaker) I s'taxh-ba yani n.f. 

being a fiery speaker yjjJ^ipT's'lash-e be-dood' 
N.F.Jfig.) wine sun rage 
jJfalash-pa'rah n.m. spark 
"(fig.) beauty (fig.) provoker of 
quarrels adj. quarrelsome^r/aftuG 
parast' n.m. fireworshipperj Gue-^ 
bre ; Magus ; Zoroastrian 

sla.du-paras'ti n.f. ftreworship j&j^a'lash- 
pai kar n.m. creature -of fiery region sun 
l£t yfa 'tosh-paima n.m. pyrometer Sjsf 
a’tash-e tar' n.f. .(fig.;-, wine lips of a 
pretty woman tm "a’tash-e char kh' N.f; 
(rare) aurora fj^/lp^pjatash-e kltaniosh v.T. 

extinguished fire (fig.) dormant passion 
v Lr i/fa tash-kha 'r\ah n.m. (arch.) fire ,tem-^ 
pie fireplace powder-magazine J' ( 
s'lasp-khon adj. fiery itash-khar^ 

fire-eater red-legged partridge 
Stash-dsn’ n.m. fireplace hearth 
a'fash-rukh adj. rosy-checked 'JJ t s' lady-rex! 
adj. fire-spirting incendiary quarrel- 
inciting (jljfj* l a' taeh-zabsii adj. fiery 
(speaker jgte&ia'ta.di-za'dagi n.f. fire ; conflag- 
TTA'ionbj^fta' tas^-zadah adj. burnt out 
gut ted tPj^ts' tash-zan' n.m. one committing 
arson (arch.) touchwood a' tash-za ni 
n.p arson l/j{ytat<ish &'r-e pa adj. restless 
Jh-^yfd'tashs sayyal' n.f (fig ) wine ortf 


a' tart *-sh«uq‘ (or ishliyaq') N.f. ^strong 
desire (to meet, etc.) passion tffrXa'tnA- 
lab" adj. hot-tempered ; irascible pas- 

sionatc (jl^y^fa'taA-fishafi 1 adj (ire-spitting 
n m (also ‘tash-Jishati pahar') 

volcano a’ tasJi-Jisha'rA n.f. raining 

fire being a firebrand Jlfj£tf'£p7a'tash k& 
per ks'lah n.m. beauty ; beautiful woman 
too clever person jj&'fa tash-kadah n m. 
fire-temple . (fig.) very „hot place adj 
scorching gruelling tash-gir adj 

combustible n.m (arch.) pair of tongs #j lJPt 
atasji-gir mad'dah n.m. combustible matter 
'tash-mizaj' adj. fiery ill-tern-^ 
peredJp^pfa'tasJi-mKa'ji n.f. irascibility 
alash-nak[ adj fiery ^iUfSlash-ns'ki n.f. being 
fiery (/^ffifatash-e-naf s' n.f. (fig.) lust 
atash-e namrood’ n.f Nimrod’s pyre (lighted in 
bid to burn Abraham) lj(y^fa'tash-nava adj. 
fiery (speaker, singer etc.) ’fif}Q J fa'tash-nava"i 
n.f being 2 fiery speaker (etc.) Ta' tu- 
sh} adj. of fire fiery hot 
ble burning (glass) -AtriyT 
a'tasja ski' shah n ,m. _ convex lens : 
burning glass a tasla'ai'nak 
n.m. (arch.) convex lens set in ring 
ADJ._ of or like fire 
** incendiary^j^/a'tarWn as'lehah 
(ped as'lehah n.m. pl. firearms 
jfy&f ataskifi khoo' adj. passionate iras- 
cible [P] , - 

jZiTat'shak (ped. a'tashak) n.f. syphilis 

at' shaky a n.f. (col.) syphilitic [P-^/l 
£"( at'ma n.f. (H. dial-.) soul life [S] 

a' too,, (jjXatoon N.F (arch.) female 

* ' teacher ; governess [T]. 

i b'Yata n.m flour; mealt/l/3'ta kar’ia 

* ‘ v.t reduce to powder ; pulverize 

fyuflfmu f list meh a'ta gi'la ho'na ph. be in 

trouble be despondent ilpjLfl^l'ii.Ta'te dal 
ka bka"o bats' na v.t take to task ^_T 

dal ha bha" oma'loom ho ja'tia 
v.t, get into hot water Jt’(f(Jb!eL~ia'te dal' ki^ 
fik'r ph. worry for bare necessities of life 1 f 
PipjV'tl'te ka karkha'oa n.m flour mill 
at'r m a' pa n.m. (se ' under if n.f. it) 
a'te ki bil’li n . f . apparent and not real danger 
!&) nth rta'mak (or noon ) ph 

just a pinch very little stuff 

a'te meti na'mak kt bara'bar adj & adv 

little not much 

/»\, A \a tam pa tam adv scattered all over 

JjvTst^ n. & adj eight ksJr^ltfljrXa'ih. ath 
& " ah' soo ro'na v.i. shed a flood of tears ; 
weep bitterly CDjr^XafX^faih ath afisoo. 
rula'na v.i. cause to weep bitterly tjlSlJft 
ath atlha'rah attha'is ph. eighth, eighteenth, 
twenty-eighth (as J inauspicious’ dates of the 
month) jls?jjL%fa th bar' nau uhvar’ prov. 
too frequent revelry y^cj^jath paihar' 
a'thofi paihar' adv. day and night all 
the time ; constantly all the twenty-four 
hours a ** (or a'thofi paihar’ 

soo'li par raih'na v.i. be in constant, trouble , 
suffer unmitigated trouble^, y/i( I ath ko'niya 
adj. (col.) octagonal l»T ath kham'ba n.m. 
(arch.) eight-pillared canopy C >tlf jSsTith. 
ghafi'te ka din ph. eight hour working dayt^f 
aih ma'sa Ctljaflathvaiisa adj. (child) 
born after eight months ; premature 
child field continually ploughed for 
eight months for ^ sugar-cane lath' van 
adj. -eight ^ athofi ka nu'lah n.m. 
(dial.) post-‘Holi’ festival ; Lucknow festi- 
val celebrated on eighth day after ‘Holi’ 
(Jj£( tijjrtatk (or a du>n) gaftk 
kumait' (or kamaid ') ph. horse with all the 
eight leg-joints strong (fig.) shrewd veteran, 
i Tf asar' n.m. pl. signs ; symptoms 
J l~l tokens traces footprints vestiges 

remains relics effects ; impressions 

bases Traditions of the Holy Pri phet 

breadth orwall 'hsa'r-Us-sanadid' 

n.f pl. relics of the aniuents jsjttasa'r e-bad 
n.m. pl. ominous signs ifjfjllasa'r-e qadi’mah > 
Jajfjtfasa' r : c ‘att'qah n.m. PL. archaeolagical 
finds ytJSjiljjPmaih'kama-e asa'r-t^ qadi'mah 
n.m. archaeology department CVlSjf/ asa'r-e 
qiya’mat n.m. pl. signs of the* Day of Judg-^ 
ment; signs of the doomsday’s approach 
asn’ r-mutahajjar ah n.m pl fosses 
nek ' n.m. pl, good omens (A -sing. J 
r jiff osar' n.m pl (ped.) seers (P-siNOy^ | 

ssam' n.m (pi ofpjN.M -^*) 


sinner adj. sinful (person) 

J i a sim n.m. sinner adj. sintul (person) 

Z | aj n.m. & adv. today this day 
U fQAK/f£*j' ba'ras to pkir na bar'soohga 
ph. (about heavy downpour) It shall rain 
with full force tonight Taj -tak adv. 
till now yet tar' to (or 

save' re) adv. early this morning ^.g,faj' se ph. 

from today henceforth hence 
( tfftr VMij&fyif* aj' ka karri kal' par 

dal'na (er (jjhor’na or fifia rakh!na ) v.x. 
shirk work put of work procrastinate 
; bfef&Taj ktdhar' ka cbafid' nik'la ph. 

wonderful, how did you care to v call after 
such a long time kis' ka 

nmh de'kha (tka) ph. what an inauspicious 
person did you (etc.) come across this' morn- 
ing ? I ka ' re 8* kal PJ' e 8* PROV - 
as you sow so shall you reap iftT a j ka ^ 

adv. these days n.m. nowadays modern, 
times present-day world 
2Z1 Laj'kal ba'rah ba'ras ki bit'ya bar mah'ge 
prov. (col.) even quite young girls are sexy 
these days &faj' kal kar'na v.i. procrasti- 

nate (jt (/&faj'kal meii adv. in a day or two 
2ls 4 kt aj' kesatk 
kal ki kal' ke sath! prov. think of today, and, 
tomorrow will take care of itself 
J*(f6aj' kya ja'/I dvn'ya de'kki thi PH. did the 
thought of death make you on me after such 
a long absence ke tkvpe 

aj' h i na’hifi jal'te prov. everything takes its 
own time )^/^Taj' ma're (or mfl’r) ! 

kal doos'ra din prov. the dead are soon for- 
gotten *J>. y 

aj' men makg'ni kal' men biyah', toot' 
ga"i mafig'nt rath' ga'ya biyak' prov. there is 
many a slip between the cup and the lip / t ^\ 

110 ke kal ' (ho' ke ra'he ga) 
ph . * today or tomorrow (happen it must) ; 
inevitable even though late ' i 

hat so kal' nalnh prov. do not leave till to- 
morrow what you can do today 
IV | a'ja'na v.t. (see under 1‘lv.i. if) 

f rUffS' ehf&lt n.r. sound of sneezing b'fdtf 
achhSfi' kar'na v.i. sneeze [ono.J 

’\akh tkoo n.f. sound of hawking int. 
y & pooh tuih£/Jj£/akh' tkoo kar'na v.i. 

hawk detest [ono. j 

-Jfakh'tah adj. Gastrated emasculate^ 
^ v/zrTakh' ta kar'na v.t. emasculately^^ 
akh'ta to'ns v.i. be emasculated 
y- 7'a'khir adv. at last ; at length in 
* ' the end ultimately adj. last 
later final ultimate n.m. end yi con- 
clusion termination IS'fa'khir-ul-am'r 
conj. & adv. eventually ; ultimately 
after all at last ; at length (jiyiipfa'fcfar-s*- 
zaman' adj. last ; final ct'Sfa'khir-biii adj. 
far sighted (person) fyjkfa'kfur dam adv. 
ultimately ; at the last moment tyjrfa'khirash 
conj. & adv. at last ; at length after 
aW^fa'khir-t shab adv. in the early hours 
of the morning j&fa'khir-e kar, (col. a'kkir 
kar) adv. & conj. at last ; at length 
eventually ; ultimately alter all Vj^f 
akhir kar'na v.t. bring to an end 
akhir vaqt {met) adv. at the eleventh hour 
trStylz'khir ho'na v.i. end be pushed to 
the extremity^/'/ a'khifi (col. akh'rl) adj. 
last ultimate ... extreme khiri 

(or akh'rf) diahar' sham'bak last Wednes- 
day of ‘Safar.’ when the Holy Prophet re- 
covered from final illness (popularly supposed 
to be a day of rest) ; Last Wednesday 
a khiri didar' n.m. last glimpse a' khiri 

fai'salah n.m. final decision Crj(fjfo' khiri oaqt' 
n.m. closing time (of) (fig-) eleventh 
hour last breadth (fig. ) closing years of, 
Mfei/^la'khirifl adj. last latest fsJ'J'f 

a' khiri fi dam! n.m. last gasp adv. last of all 

at the last moment [AJ 
V7a 'khirat n.f. next world life after 

' death ; the Hereafter doomsday fel 
(bjl/'ljij^&Jlap'ni a'khirat biga r'na (or 
sahoar'na) v.i. do an evil (or good) deed so as 
to mar (or make) one’s future life [A ~ 

■ ^T'akhor' N,F - (arch.) stable (fig.) 
J/ ' worthless stuff t (fig.) sweepings tfjjtf 
Hi/fakhor' ki bkar’ti n.f. worthless stuff 
sweepings f P l ^ 

•~?akhMhd' •ydf'lakhun' n.m. (arch.) 

Ayr teacher instructor teaching, recita- 
tion of the Holy Quran [T] 

j 'Yadab' n.m. pl. greetings ; compli- 
monts salutation rules or etiquette 
(of) good manners mores int. good- 

morning (etc.) good-bye Ol adab' 

ba-ja la'na, adab' ‘ arg kar'na v . t . 
pay one’s respects (to) greet ; wish 
adab ' ‘ar’z n.m. greetings regards 
good morning (etc.) /? & dab-e-mahjil 

n.m. pl. etiquette i~>Ql£^l7lada'b-o*alqab' n.m. 
pl. courtesy title (in letters, etc.) 
adab-o taslimdt' n.m. pl. compliments ; wishes; 
regards [A ~ sing, a ^ 

£/*{adarsJ>' n.m, (dial.) ideal (fijl adarsln 
sj s)' adj . ideal idealistic [S] 
t*jjfa'dam n.m. Adam human being 
a 'dam-e sa'nl n.m. (appellation of) 
Noah jy^jfs'dam-e-khaki n.m. mortal human 
being jS’fjla'dam khor adj , man-eating, 
cannibal’stic n.m. man-eater ; cannibal yljfJl 
a dam zM n - m . human being (as^distinct from' 
supernatural being) jljfsl PfJl a dam tia a dam 
ZSd' int . (wilderness with) not a trace of man 


» /m fad'mi (ped. S'damt) n.m. man per- 
V^'son; human being individual 
(W. dial.) husband ; man servant man 
follower ; retainer intelligent person 
brave man ordinary human being hu- 
man race ; mankind (II) foth (12) public adj. 
grown-up ; adult 

ad' mi aii'tar ko'i H'ra ko’i kaii'kar prov_ no 
two persons are alike among men some are 
jewels, some are pebbles ad'mi banana 

v.i. teach manners humanize civilize 
discipline 7 £ LI (fjTad'mi an*aj ka 

ki'ra hai ph. man lives by bread alone ; 
cereal are must for mankind IL ad' mi 
ban ja'na v.i. learn good manners have 
sense of responsibility come to one’s senses 
- ^r?tfj)ad‘ n& pichke adj . per head one 
by* one severally 

ad'mi ckeh're se paikcha na ja ta hai prov.* the 
face is the index of the mind tip 

ad'mi so/fbat se paihcka na j a ta 'hat prov. a 
man is known by the company he keeps 1 j/{j7 

IT? * I );.)$> I ad’mi (or ad’miyob) ka jab.' gal 
n.m. thickly populated place L*7^’ 0 r'ty 
ad'mi ke libas’ met a‘na v.t. appear in ‘human 
form ; assume human visage 
ad’mi kuchk kko' kar hi sikh'la hai prov 
man learns by his mistakes (fjf 
*^-}Zad'm netakhir to kact'cha hi ‘doodh piya 

hat prov. to err is human tfjidrdba're ad’mi 
n.m. pl. gentry big guns classes^J^?* 

mashi'ni ad’mi n.m. robot automaton &/$ 

a’dmiy'yat n.f. good sense human nature 
good manners ; civility ; courtesy fellow- 
feeling ; commiseration magnanimity 
humanity (age of) discernment 
adamiy'yat ana, adamiy'yat pakar'na 

v.i. become civilized Jearn courtesy or 
civility come to one’s senses^ reach the 
age of discernment ClfjgdC*/H(4A’^J)(d&n'ya 
se) adamiy'yat utk ja'na v.i. (of world, etc.) 
become inhumane ; be a very bad world to 
live in (,*.( cg&fyladami/ytat meft ana v.i. see 
reasolifl'IpjnjfojCeirtzSjiadamiyyae se gUzar'na 
(or guzar ja'na) v.i. behave improperly 
act inhumanlyft'llJ'LjilJ&yJadamiy'yat sikka'na 
(or sikkla'na) v.t. civilize render hu- 
mane polish teach politeness or good, 
manners bring (someone) to his senses C*/)\ 
j I’Jadamiy'yat kar na (or se kam’ 
le'na) v.i. behave nicely 

adk adj. half (hour, seer ctc.)»j1tmX\ek 
^ * adk (sec under t^Cfpt) ^ 

i *7 a'dka adj. (f. if jf a' dhi) half 1*jIU>jI 
' a'dka a’dka divided into ^equal parts 
half-and-half; fifty-fifty 
a'dka ti'tar a’dka bater ph. neither fish nor 
flesh nor good red herring worthless or 
ludicrous jumble fj£U L»jl a'dka sa'jka n.m. 
equal share (fTfj’tlijbrji'adka (or a dhi) sf si 
n.f. (W. dial.) hemicrania t/U>T a'dka kar'na 
halve divide into two parts bisect 
f* l' (try t a'dka nam N.m. not full name 
a'dka ho'na be reduced to skin and bone ; 
become lean ; grow lank decrease in size 
fjlO-dfy'adkob adk adv. half and half ; fifty 
fifty (C'&lfjTa'dhl bat sun'na v.i. not to 
hear in full (rush to implement) without^ 
hearing full instructionsfXfi 

U> e^jJ’jTa'dhi etjkor sa'ri ko ja"e (or 
arch, dka’e) a' dhi rahe na sa'ri pa'e PROV. 
catch at the shadow and lose the substance ; 
grasp- all, lose all rfjyjfjta'dhl dar'jan ADJ. & 
n.f. half a dozcnfjl&l/fftytil&l/Jty&'dkl 
ratldkar a dhi rat iidkar' adv &. n.m. (at) 
about mid-night (fJ/'l'X- 1 J b tf» 1 

lid a' dhi rat ko jama"* a" t sbam' hi se mkih 


a f* 

si A 

phula'e prov. count the chickens before they 
are batched pet adv. hungry 
< not having eaten to the fill SZ-iTa'dhe 
• a s'te melt adv. midway ( /l),jij^fe-dS-}ia'dkt 
:e kjtc&k ziya'dah (or kam ) ph. a' little more 
(or . less) than half 
i/^yfadfnah N.M. (rare) Friday [P] 

a’dit n.m., jfota 'ditiiig n.f. audit Jgi\ 
a' ditar n.m. auditor [E] 

*'7a ’tflr n.m. (lit.) fire ninth month of 
Persian calendar (corresponding to De- 
cember [P]^ ^ 

(or jtjil) a'ziqah n.m. (same asJjyfN.M.^) 

I V 

j f ar n.f. awl 

f ,^ar n.m. this side (of river, etc.) 

•*' ke ar' kar'na v.t. transfix " 

»' Y ar N.F. (arch.) shame bashfulness 

Jr [~A cor.] 

i'ra (ped. . a r'rah) n.m. frame- 
fJl saw (Ci£~j 1‘OrljJ'a'rs chala'na w! 

(or kkeh&na) v t saw l "Jr/yS^-jT 
a' re sir par (jiaCna V.t. be 
fortured be tormented rj*oj\ar'ra 
Irtish n.m. sawyer 

•'l jY 3TS ’ N r - ( pL - °f ^ N F ★) 

i" "f ara' suf. adorning em- 
U I bellishing gracing lj\ % 

ara » suf. 
ting up 




paras' iagi n.f. decoration adorn- 
ig U’mcnt arrangement preparation 
~*-^Tjlaras'toh JZsJgfzsffi'ara' sta pairas'tah adj. 

adorned ; tfocoratcd ; bedecked arrang- 

ed equipped prepared [P~t/^VT| 

Y sram' n.m. cure rest respite 

\'J 1 repose comfort convenience 

relief ease health ij'ffjlaram pains v.i. 

be at ease get all sorts of comfort f/j/ 

aram f ^pa' , i n.f. (W. dial.) (arch) a kind of 
high-heeled wide-toed shoe (jUfulara'm-e jail, 
(Jjfhfara'm-e dil', fblb dil a ram' n.m. sweet- 
heart ; beloved c£?(t/T aram ’ .jhaiit n.m. 
peace of mind rest vJi, £,} )fU r Mj)ar am 
harsm' r (or tal'kh) kar'na v.t. & i. make 
life hell for ; give hell to have no rest^jbfpT 
aram'-dah n.m. basket for betel leaves ; 

betel-basket small domed betel-box 
I i>!i)aram' pahvhdla'na (or dt'na) v.t. give 
relief allay give comfort give rest 
put at ease £Z-^\tSatam st adv. gently 
carefully softly. ±J*(fjTaram'-ta'lab, 
aram -pasahd' adj. slothful lazy ; idle 

indolent n.m. indolent person lotus- 
eater (ftyliTar am' - la’ lain, (f J ^(tjTarzm'-pasafi'di / 
n.f. indolence slothfulness •—> ytffuT 
sram' ka asbab n.m. (rare) ^furniture I 

aram-kur'si n.f. easy chair^fliaram' kar’na 
respectful or ironical Cljkfijlsram' forma' na 
v.i. rest; take rest . redine go 
to bed sleep fjjjffljlaram ki 

roo'khi hazar' ne‘' mat hai PRoy. a little in quiet 
is the best of all diet nlfft) lar am' -gah n.f. 

(also aram-gah) grave ; 

tomb ; mausoleum (rare) rest house 
(rare) bed chamber CLSijfljlJ'ko arsni ho' 
jii’na v.i. (of someone) have more peace 
be relieved U—zfjTdrami' dah adj. (lit.) re- 
posing at ease at rest 

^ara'ish n.f. decoration adornment , 

(J Ul bedecking orderly arrangement 
(of shop-window) dressing (f^uiara’ishi adj. 
decorative [P~ (Sift] 

| Y dr' par adj. pierced through 
J*,J > across from one end to the other 
"« Y ar't'i N.F. Hindu religious rite compris- 
J • ing offering, etc. to idol ; idol-worship 

[ s ] ^ 

b "fan N.M. art*-Ofar'»ut n.m. artist 

artiste u^^iartis'tik adj. artistic [E] 

ar'tikal n.m. article [E] 

i Y at' -jar n.f. coming and going ; constant 
Jrf A movement of people both ways 
yYJfy fach'-bt'shap n.m. archbishop [EJ 

yj\drd n.m. (ped.) flour ; meal [P] 

bYar'Zar n.m. order t^,*jlar'4ar buk n.f. 
Jiir order book Jr'rfar buk karri na 

v.i. book an order ujjjZJtar'dar dt'na v.t. 
place an order (with) [E] 

n.f. wish ; desire , longing m- 
yearning love 
request ^want, 

(10) hope (11) trust (12) expectation VS/.tial 
ar'z°o bar a'na v.X. (of desire) be fulfilled jJjf 


^clination solicitude 
presumption faith 

fyJuZaf'zoo khak' meii mil ja'rta v.i be 
frustrated have the hope shattered J'cJjjJJt 
ar'zoo dil ki di!' meii raih'na v.l. not 
to have one’s hope fulfilled t "Xij/K'jjjiaj'zoo 
ka khoon' ho'na v.i. be greatly disappointed 
V/ijjiar' zoo kar'na v.i. desire long for 

yearn ar' zoo-maiid ad|. wishing; 

desirous importunate eager aspiring 
intent (on) concexned^^jjjtar' zoo-man di 

n.f. eagerness desire yearning 
wistfplness. concern [P] 

(fjlar'si n.f. small mirror set in ring 
worn on thumb ; mirrored thumb-ring 
mirror : looking-glass 
ar'st mils' haf n.f. wedding rite 
comprising new couple’s mutual 
introduction . 

ar'r? mils' Jiaf dikha'na (or dikfilana\ v.t seat 
bride and groom beside or opposite each other 
Under improvised canopy or sheet with a look- 
ing-glass and a copy of the Holy Quran be- 
tween the couple 

‘f/jtarogft' n.m. (rare) belching ; eructation 
iCj i a'fi n.f. small saw [dim. of 

In J 

are iNT. (lit.) yes ; yea 
l a re bale kar'na 
v.i. (arch.) procrastinate [P] 
j i ar'yah,Ljlar'ya n.m. & adj. Aryan 
** member ol modern reformist but fanati- 
cal Hindu sect & b*~ji zr'yali samzf n.f. name 
of this sect ; Ary a Samaj jl J l'arya”i adj. Aryan 
[S noble] 

ar n.f. cover shelter protection 
subterfuge pretence ambush (Ait) 
or le’na v.i. take cover or shelter (behind) 
l£jTar' meii adv. behind (lying) in am- 
bush under cover (of) under the 
pretence (of) 

rVrs adj. (f. tfjs a'rt) frilled 
(trousers) inclined , bent 
athwart awry diagonal ; 

transverse cross oblique 
crooked I’jflfj'ltl a*rs tir’etka ho'na 
v.i. be enraged l 'f^XT(^(ke)a're a'na v.i. 

stand (someone) in good stead in time of 
need protect ; shield ha'thofi 


le'na v.t chide ; scold ; upbraid run 
do^n ^ 

jyii'T d'ra go'ra n.m. refuse; sweep ingstft/lJr 
v a'ra S°'f l n.f. name of a trick in wrestling 
‘tlla'ruo n.m. pea.clt*}l(^?.L)(j^chakai ' t (or chaptz ) 
a'roo n.m. Hat peach 
£+ jpj\aT\at, n.f. commission agency 

sale bv commission brokerage ; 
commission '(/"jizrkii , (pop.L^yTsrA'nja) n.m. 

commission agent broker correspon- 
dent ; agent 

) Ijl aZad' adj. independent free 

liberated at large scot-free un- 
controlled n.m. a class of mendicants who 
regard themselves as above religious precept 
and practice hermit freeman free 
thinker jjjljl aZad'-rau, jjt)ljlaZa'da-rau ADJ. 

bold unbigoted liberal; liberal-mind- 

ed n.m. libertine free-thinker 
aZad'-tab“, cr^ljfazad'-manish' adj. & n.m. 
undaunted person liberal-minded ; liberal 
libertine LV'lfjlyTsca*/' ka son'ta ADJ. (W. 
dial.) saucy I'ljksO'i'aZad 'katana v/r. liberate 
(jerson, territory, etc.) I'/ sljl azad’ kar'na 
v.T. liberate free discharge, I'jfjlyl 
azad' ho'na v.i. be free (to) be set a 

liberty be independent win indepen- 

denceyljljtszada nah adj. free ; independent 
adv. freely unfettered ; unhindered 
freely expressed azad ana ra'e, n,f. 

free opinion ; independent view Jj(/T 

aza dagl n.f. (arch.) freedom ; libertytfjljT 
' aza'di n.f. freedom ; liberty liberation 

« independence (rare) discharge (from 

prison, etc.) manumission enfranchise- 
ment azadi-khah adj,. freedom-lov- 

ing n.m. freedom-fighter [P] 
jirfazar' n.m. malady malaise woe 

suf. annoying tsjl!/lazar'-deh adj. annoy- 
ing , irksome ; teasing azai' -dehi' 

torment bitterness ; irksomeness tpu/i/acar' 
annoy gall^/iasa'ri 
annoying galling [P| 
annoyed dejected 
troubled distressed 
glum (Jiss/Aazur'da- 
dil, jj'jUzur’ da-khz' tir adj. dejected 
troubled in mind displeased annoyed 

de'nz v.i torment 
suf. tormenting 
g jjyf aziir'dah ADJ. 

uneasy gloomy 

glpomy sorrowful despondent tsjA 

a£Ur'da-di'lX,(JJ’{rt)j'jlaziir'da kha /iri'N.F. 
displeasure annoyance sadness : dejec- 
tion i'/ aiur' dah kar'na v.i. ^isplease 
annoy afflict trouble azur'dah 

ho'na v.i. be displeased be annoyed 
be sad ; be defected ifv fiat ur'dagi n.f. dis- 
pleasure annoyance sadness ; dejection 

trouble ; distress [P 

l *\,Jlazma na v.t. test; prove try 

experiment scrutinize [ -~ Hsb/jiTtry] 
Aj, .7 awa"iij! n.f. trial > ^ test 

{J * J I examination proof IbTjJ’ISfazma’ 
ish-o khala n.f. trial and error [P - prec.] 

azmoa'dah tried tested experi- 
encetfffyQyrflfrjIazmoo'da rs azmoo'dan 
jah'l ast prov. it would be absurd to try again 
what has already proved a failure T 

azsnoo’da kar adj. experienced skilled ; 
practised veteran n.m. veteran [P ~ prec.] 
/ £jyf{or‘ / >}hor‘jjj'orJ if) azoo'qah n.m. (arch.) 

bare sustenance meagre pittance 

[ P U 

V ss n.f. Hope expectation prop 
supporting voice ip vocal concerts 
a'saulad' va'la n.m. & adj. (one) blessed with 
children if, ££ -f. £■’>/$ l/j-f as 

para"i voh take jo ji'te hi mar ja" prov. sus- 
pense is worse than death I'jHfji.if* as poo ri 
ho'na v.i. have one’s hope fulfilled L'jjjfas 
tor'na v.t. disappoint £ t&j l ) fail (/fas 

haSidh'na (or rakh'na or lag' us - ) v.t. cherish 
hopet(*Vt / 1 as bafidkarta v . t. raise hopScfWt^i/* 
as toot' na{orj ati raihha)v. i.(of hope) shatter 
t it ha v.t. raise hope solace 
sing as a supporting voice a'sa (col.) adj. 
hopeful fSjl'l a sq jilyt mra sd mdre 

prov. but for hope, the heart would break 

Is I asa' suf. like [P] 

^ttasan' adj. easy simple con- 
(Jlsl venient LJ^lfasa'n kar' na v.i. simplify 
make easy remove difficulties 
ttsa'rit n.f. ease simplicity con- 
venience if as&’hi j t adv. easily ; with- 

out much difficulty (P) 

*Sasa"ish n.f. comfort facility 
(✓ ease calm repose ; rest tran- 

quillity (life of ) luxury [P-c^lrest] 

as' pas adv. near , nearby in 
the neighbourhood (of) 
ka'hin as' pas adv. somewhere near here 
^jl^rfas'tan. ci&mstan' ,slZ'iasta’nah n.m. 

(fig.) shrine ; mausoleum (lit.) 
threshold (of saint, superior, etc.) abode ; 
residence^ O^sj^ias'lnh bos' n.m. devotee 
(f'j/'ljC'l as' lah bo' si n.f. humble visit 

paying one’s homage [P] 
cZ^sas'te adv. (col.) gently , softly 
slowly [P. ~ / £-?7cor.] 
lastin' (occ Pjj&ias'tTh) 

** sleeve ‘cuff 

a stin' pakar'na v.t. kick up a yearn 
row buttOn-hole (someone) l‘ibfcl*?'lastin 
jhar'na v.i. give away everything re- 
nounce the world lastin' ka safip' 

n.m. hidden enemy ; snake in the grass 
lastin' meft sattp , pal'na v.t. 
maintain someone who is bound to betray one 
later lastinefi sharka'na v.i. tuck 

up one’s sleeves (fig.) get ready to fight [P] 
-r' as'ra n.m. support ; stay ; prop help 
hope trust refuge ; shelter 
means of subsistence I'lsjyl as’ja bana'na V.t. 
depend (on) as'ra takna 

(or dhaohd'na or laga'na) v.t. look (up to 
someone) for help or support seek protec- 
tion (of) (SlfJz,)).) a'sra toot'na (or 

toot ja'na) v.i. lose hope despair; des- 

pond Lsj l/S ( as'ra de'na v.i* reassure give 
heart ; rouse hope encourage help 
succour Vjlyfsas'ra kar'na v.t. fely ; depend 
count upon recline against Vjlyi as'ra 
ho'na v.i. be the prop (of) be the support 
(of) \ S^-he -as'ra adj. helpless 

( Jlr asman {occ. Ortas' mail) n.m. sky, 
the heavens ; firmament celestial 
order great height Heaven 
asman par itrha v.i. fly high (fig.) be 
very proud I't^^gy^lr'lssman' par charhaha 
v.t. flatter wheedle give fulsome 
praise l‘/C I asman' par charha 

kar utar'na v.t. debase (someone) after show- 
ing respect to him asman' par 

tkoo'ka muilh par a'e prov he that blows in 
the sky shall fill his own eye T 

l‘sf asman' par dimagb' (or mizaj') ho'na v.i. 




be vain ; be very proyd gave oneself airs ; 
put on airs &&k'‘fasman' phat'na. (or 

toot par'na) v.i. be overwhelmed with trouble 
asman' tak’na (or jkahk'ns.) v.i. 
wax strong (of fowl) be caproned 
as'trafijah' adj. (used as title) of exalted 
rank with sky-rocketing fame 
Cj asman' zamin' ek' kar de'na v.t. leave no 
stone unturned Cd fc-'T asman' sir par 

Sika le'na v.i. raise afiue and cry 
Chatman' "se ag baras'na v.i. (of weather) be 
very hot lv'*|<s£-y| (A asmm' se filar' rm v.i. 
(iron.) be of rare quality lyjfl & b )\r' l tasman r 
se ba’tefi kar'na v.i. (of structure) be very high 
tl/lT 4 ~jl‘&'d\r'Tzsrnan se tare iitar'nd. v.t^ 
(fig.) achieve the impossible kf 

asman' se gi'ra khojoor' mefi at'ka pRov.jaut of 
, the frying pan into the fire i asman 

se gir'n 3 . v.i. fall from the sky come as a 

windfall 1 l/l/jif'Wman' kka gayti ya 
Zinin' int . (fig*.’)”where has it vanished ? Jjlr'l 
M/fastiim' *» khabar la'na v.i. .rocket sky- 
high * asmari" ki san' kar'na v.i. 

fill into an ecstasy asman' ke 

to' re tor' na v.t. be very artful achieve 

the impossible asman' -gi'n n.f. cloth 

fastened to^ceiling canopy. awning inside 

room i&drb&^^srnan meti thig'li lagana 
V.I. be too clever (jb'i as' mam adj. celestial 
heavenly ; divine unexpected azure 
N .r. (slang) hemp ; hashish llfjl/JIr'fasma’ni 
bala' gir’na v.i. be suddenly overtaken by mis-^ 
fortunes; have a bolt from the blue 
«j.„ j'w pila'na v.i. make intoxicated with 
hemp portion ^'jlr'lasma'ni tir n.m. (fig.) 
useless Irf asma ' ni zaban' n.f/ heavenly 

language J) l)£ gasmans forma' nl n.f. act of 
God ; heavenly decree u/Dj l/tasma'm kitab 
n . f . revealed book ; scriptures JjJL-’iasma'm 
go'lah n.f. (fig.) bolt from the blue 
hailstorm hitting standing crop [P] 

rf'\a'san n.m. posture in coiture (rare) 
inner part of thigh dfijptfia san ta'le 
a'na v.i. come under control VLfyfj a'san 
jama na v.i. sit on the hams sit firmly 
a’ san laga'na v.i. (arch.) stage a sit- 
down strike |j IcTI a san mar'na v.i. squat 
sit in one posture 

asoo'dah adj. well-off ; well-to-do 
affluent rich ; opulent calm ; 
composed at ease living a life of luxury 
^\eijyiasoo'dah hal'AD}. WeH-off ; well-to-do 
affluent cool ; composed ; unruffled : 
serene (fi/x/iasoo'dagan n.m. p.l. the afflu- 
ent those at ease those lying in peace 
J$tfj*'7asoo'daga'n-&-khak' n.m. pl. the dead ; 
those lying buried Jst^fasoo'dagi n.f. com- 
fort prosperity ; good circumstances rest 
[P ~ cby7 rest] 

Ivf , 4 'siya n.f. (rare) mill ; grinding mill 

- y[ p l 

a'siyah adj. dejected n.m. this as the 
** name of Pharaoh’s wife who brought up 
Moses [P] 

Jlaseb' n.m. evil spirit (fig.) harm ; 
• ** disaster (fig.) misfortune 
aseb iitar'na (or door' kar'na) v.t. exorcise ; 
cast on an evil ■' spiritV/L^fattA' za'dah adj. 

possessed haunted aseb' sir 

par khel'na v.i. (of possessed person) dance in 
ecstasy I'jfog'i aseb' ho'na v.i. be possessed 
ase’bf adj. (col.) possessed haunted [P] 

asl'mah aff. surprised 

bewildered lessor asi'mah, 
ast'ma sat adj. confounded ; confused 
bewildered [P] . ^ 

| ash n.m. , soup ; water Cb^cf'l ash paka'na 
v.i. make a soup (fig.) contrive 
something against another ; plot (against) 
ftflash-ejau' n.m. barley water [P] 

\^a'sha n.f. (dial.) hope expectation 
desire ; longing [S] 

rfyiasham' suf. drinking ; quaffing one 
[ who drinks asha'mi suf. drinking ; 
quaffing [P ~cUf L? 7] 

ft^fash'ti n.f. peace accord har- 
mony reconciliation rapprochement 
detente lj£fsulp-o ashti n.f. peace and 
harmony [P] 

rfp'jash'ram n.m. (dial.) Hindu hermitage [SJ 

t Py mJ 

ashuf'tah adj. , perplexed confused 
afflicted ; distressed raving (Jiff**! 

ash&f ' ta-hal adj. afflicted ; distressed 
perplexed^ 7 iiii^lqshuf'ta-kha'tir, I ash of 

troubled in mind uneasv^lfei^' 


ta-dil adj. troubled in mind uneasy^b^T 
as±uf:ta-Ma'tin,'dy^ashnf'ta-dm n.f. un- 
easiness of mind tr\rK^iashuf ' ta-dima^}' 

cf^vf'ta-scr Ar?j. mentally deranged ; of un- 
sound mind ifh^iashufta-dimaghi, 
ashufta-sarl n.f. unsoundness of mind 
axhuf Ut-tab" , ZJ/'^'lashfifta-mizaj' ADJ. 
distracted afflicted in mind (ffZ&faskuf'Ui- 
lab'% (/’'}/•;&'! vshnf'ta-mizaji#*.*. destrac- 
tion ; mental derangement lashuf'tagi 

N.F. perturbation 
uneasiness raving 


miser XA , 

derangement [P 

Ijj^fashka'ra (lit. ashkar') ADJ. visible 
evident ; obvious disclosed 
known apparent clear IjO &\jishka'ra 
kar'na v.t disclose; divulge ashks'rs 

ho'na v.i. transpire come to light be 
disclosed [P] 

t ;,^ashna n.m. acquaintance comrade 
* ' friend paramour suf. knowing 
deciphering known (by) Ijf ashna' 
ho'na v.i. become friendly become intimate 
be conversant (with) (of animal) become 
*aine or domesticated harf -ashna' n.m. 

beginner ; abecedarian Cuy^sop'ral-ashna'^ 
n.m. knowing or known by sight only 
ashna’i n.f. acquaintance friendship 
fellowship intimacy illicit relations^ C&f 

ashna’i kar'na associate 

be intimate 

kifow ; develop illicit relations with 
become paramour (of) ^[(piashnaya'nah adj. 
friendly adv. in a friendly manner [P] 

. jtf[ Sshob' n.m. uproar; disturbance; 

* tumult ill-luck tempest redness 
and swelling of eyes suf. social satire ; 
satire on disturbed condition (of city, etc.) 

disturber asho'b-e cjiash'm n.m. con- 

junciiviliesjlfjiu'jpfasho'b-e roz^ar'^ N.M. 
world-wide tumult beloved > V'^J^ashob'-gah 

n.f. tumultous place script asho’b-e maih'shar 
n.m. (fig.) great_ tumult unprecedented 
hue and cry^Plspshaihr-ashob' n.m. satire on 
country or city’s disturbed state of affairs [P] 

», ( f*J ( ashjya’riah (lit.cllf \aqhiyah') 

*• n.m. nest (fig.) abode ; 
residence I'&njly! ashiyaii utha'na^ 
v.t. abandon one’s residence 

jU/Igs/njaft banana (or .[s, 
bandit 'ns) v.t. & I. build (one’s) 
nest have (one’s) house (somewhere) 
take ,up abode 

j I jy^csliir'bad, >\/£\ a shir bad n.f. . (dial.) 

blessing ; benediction l j j )[/*'i'3§hir'- 

bad de'ns v.t. bless IS] 

a'saf n.m. name of Solomon’s minis- 
ter any able minister [ A ~ H] 

[f I a'gba N.M. (arch.) (title of respect for) 
chieftain (title for) elder brother 
(as courtesy title) respected ; venerable [PI 
J If I aghaz' n.m. beginning start 
aghaz' kar'na v.t. begin ; start 
open ; launch Ijfjliisgh az' ho'na v.i. be 
begun ; be started be opened ; be launched 
jlt!Z>fharf-e aghaz' n.m. foreword pre- 
fatory note preliminary talk or discourse 
beginning jbl&nUqta-e aghaz' n.m. start- 

Z&faghasJ'tah ADJ. & suf. (blood) stained 
t covered (With) [P~yr^7] 
lY?\ aghosh' n.f. (rare m.) ^embrace 

lap bosom clasp 1'JtJ 'Xf tagh oih' 
gar'm kar'na v.t. embracej (of sweet- 
heart) yield . (to) f'Ta gho ' sh-e laihd 

men so' ns v.t. enjoy eternal, rest 
aghosh' met a' jana v.t. (of beloved) embrace 
ldt!t££f'j'iaghosh' mefi le’na v.t. (of lover) 
embrace [P] H> 

ujr la'ghofi n.f. new-torn infant’s cry [ono.] 

CZ'lfi 2 fat’ n.f. pl. calamities catastro- 
phes disasters dangers ; risks 
afat-e arzi' -c-sama i% n.f. pl. 
unforeseen calamities allotypes of trouble 
acts of God [A ~ sing. ] ^ ^ 

Qtif afaq’ n.m. horizons y/jClTifa q'-gtr, JtSl 
zfs'qi ADJ. universal worldwide 
catholic ; oecumenical afaqiy'yat n.f. 
universality catholicity wide appeal 
(of) [A ~ sing. jfl] ^ 

fat N.F. (PL.t Ssbiafat') calamity 
catastrophe disaster evil . misfor- 
tune mishap wretchedness unhappi- 
ness difficulty ; hardship(tVj^t&»1iV/tff a 'ns 
(or par'na) v.i. (of misfortune) befall 
(of ill) happen L'tSl C^fa/at utha'ns v.i. 
raise hue and cry cause a tumult labour 
under affliction suffer or bear pain, etc. 
ijl/'&l'a'fat bar-pa kar'na tor'm, 

C[}d>m'fnt dha'na v.t. raise a tumult^ ^Aa'/al-r 
jail' n.f. troublesome person (fig.) mis- 
chievous beloved a'fat jhel'ns v.i.^ ^ 

suffer a calamity i undergo troubles* ' 


^ \ 


s'/at~khei adj. tumultous calamitous^j^i 
&'fal-rasl' dahj}j&\afat-za rlah adj oppress- 
ed by adversity , run down by misfortune 
miserable unlucky Jit Jl/ctta fat ka par ks'lah 

adj. very naughty n.m.' mischievous fellow 

astute person (fig-1 beloved IjL I 
a'fat ka mar a n.m. & adj. afflicted (person) 
(«£/>£ )ljp^C^ta'/at ki pUrya (or pot) n.f & 
M3 j V * '’naughty (person) mischievous 
(person) macha'na v.i. raise a 

hue and cry create much trouble make 
much noise t ^J/^'a/qt 'not' le'oa v.i. mvite 
trouble 1‘j'^i^Ta/at men par'na I fat 
met phahs'na v.i be overtaken by calamity or 
disaster [A] 

a/tab' n.m. sun ^iilJpijj.i^Oia/ta b 

* g 'mad dali'Le a/tab prov it is an obvious 

truth iqbal' cha'makna v.i. 

have (one’s) star in the ascendant 

a/ta'be- iqbal' gh aroob' ho'na v.i meet one’s 
downfall jk^Q't a/tab' -bit n.m. helioscope 
aftab' tuloo“ ho'na v.i. (of sun) rise 
[‘y^J/i/0/ a/tab' gh uroob' ho'na v.i. (of sun) 
set C^r>0^ s /tab' parost' N.M. sun-worshipper 
Zoroastrian , Magus i a/tab' sa - 

va ne'ze par a'na v.i. (of sun) draw close to, 
earth on doomsday (fig.) be very hotftyUT 
a/la’b-e sham' n.m. setting sun (fig.) very 
old person l >ta/ta' b-e ‘ a' lorn-tab n.m 
the sun illuminating the world y/ L^ijta/tab - 
glr n.f. (arch.) umbrella parasol sun- 
shade (i^AJOla/tab-e tab-e bam’ n.m. setting 
sun very old person something decay- 
ing fast L^/^ib ) l>4l r Zii'a/tab’ ms/Sn-nahar’ 
par pahum’na v.i. be midday (fig.$ be 
at the zenith (of) ; be at the apogee of one’s 
career, etc.jDTa/ta'W adj. solar 
bright n.f. a kind of fireworks 
J^'O/z/la bt ghfir/ n.m. sunbath 

[ 1*3 _< , •*«*' 

Jt iis/taboh, (arch.) col.J,lila/la'i’a) 

* n.m. spouted jug ewer 


, yf a/nd’gar n.m. Creator r/)l a/ri’dah 
J sue. created n.m creature hu- 

man being 

J * | a/’ nil, qfrin int well-done , brave 

n.f. praise ovation , acclamation 



cr< ator 


applause suf maker , creator airin’ 

kaih'na v.:. applaud commend ’ lom- 

plement praise tjf tO^fjahah' a/rifi n.m. (Clod 
as) (Creator of the world a/' rin n.m. 
(God as) Creator of soul ) /tfpiqfri ' rush n.f crea- 
tor ; genesis tj/bpi a/rinin dah n.m 
maker the Supreme Being [P 
N M office [E] 

(JsJ t afin'di N.M. (rare) esquire 

, IT] 

fa I a fa n.m. employer lord 
owner yy*j tj'taqa'-n- mau'la 
master Lord ; God ! p l 

ak n.m. swallow-wort 1 

ak' ki barh'ya n.f. swallow- 
wort down li 

l/'fa'ka n.m. (arch.) title for) 

elder brother [P] ' 

takas' ^dtakash' n.m. (rare) sky , the 
heavens; firmament J lij'tCi'akash' bam 

n f (dial.) All lndlia Radio . A I.R. 
akas bel n.f dodder , air-creeper [S] 
fi/ft ak sijan n.f oxygen [E] 

^fcag n.f. fire conflagration blaze 

I flame wrath jealousy 
barsa'na v.i. (of sun) be very hot bomb 

bombard ; fire a volley , open a hot fire 
ba'rasna v.i be very hot , rain 
fire be parched up (of bullets, shells 
or bombs) be fired in plenty 
banja'na v.i. be consumed with ragejT^^/J*!' 
Ow ag bin dhoo"ah ka'hah' prov. no smbke 
without fireJZ'/iJfog' bot n.m. (arch), steamer ; 
steamship V/p iMi »*):>*, t^fjiag ■ bkabhoo- 
ka (or baboo'la or bagoo'la) ho'na v.i. fly 
into a passion be mad with fury or rage 
ag bujha'na 1 ‘lfajiag bkarkana v.i. 
fan the flames provoke , incite U*l Jyfjl 
ag bharak itth'na v.i. (of fire) rage 
** ns iaga'-ooh int (W. 
dial.) to Hell with it JW 

ps'ni (or pkoofts) ka bair' ph. sworg enmity 
inherent antagonism ^//tfaw^agpa'rd 
ka satijog PH union of the opposites 

ag paid ka khel' ph machine worked by 
steam anything unpredictable or out of 
control owing to the interplay of element* in 



it U^ijfyjiag par tel' dal’ ns (or 

chk'rik'na ) ph. ‘stir the fire incite further 
ag par'na V.i. be very hot 3 j?' 

par ja'ns v.i. have a burning sensation 
(of bad blood) be created between be 
infuriated /;ftaftA-'na v.i. feel a 

burning sensation be lashed, into fury 

be jealous exaggerate l&fji ag pkoohk'tis 
set on firex, stir the fire pjcovok ; 
incense i^l'UTsg tap' ns y A. warm oneself up 
before the fire ag tal'ooh se lag 1 ns 

V.i. be incensed Vftfjc&Slag tkah'di kar'na 
v.i. cool down passions pacify 
extinguish fire JcLb i&jjlJlfj 

ag' ja’ne luhaf' ja'ne dftaunk'ne vale kl 

hala jn'nc prov. why should the agent worry 
1*1 ififtsg' jaga'iia v / t stir up fire create 

a longing fac. t <-g jalo’na v.t. light or 
kindle fireVjUjjag' jksr'ns v.t. brush ashes 
from embers strike fi re (CVl ; CLiffag dabs' nu- 
or gSr'ns) v.t. & 1. cover embers with 
ishes quell revolt (etc.) control anger 
(etc.) I’UjU^ag dikkn'ns V.T. set fire (to) 
heat i'jPflS'i'ag dho'ns v.t. brush ashes from 
embers iPjSfsg de'ns'v.i. set fire to (H. 
dial.) burn (a corpse) rau'shan Jiar' 

na v.t. & i. light or kindle fire -OJ 'lag' 

sard' ho’na V.i. (of fire) be extinguished ; 
be put out (of passions^ cool down (of 

trouble) be quelied i&iftag sa'lgsns v.t. 
set on fire burn fire in hearth foment 

trouble create disturbance cV'Jr ag 
stilagns v.i. (of fire) be kindled (of 
trouble) be fomented dg se 

ps'ni ho js'na ph. lose the heat of passion ; 
cool down .recover from a violent fit of 
temper C'WtMag ks Aagh' ph. Nimrod’s 
fire fireworks (fig.) goldsmith’s crucible 
/Stag' ks piit'la n.m. agile and dili- 
gent man astute^jneraon fiery being 

•fr-t'S! I(L«h sg’ksja'ls ag' 

hi se tffA'c&fci bo' is kai, . (fUl fu* dg bo 
ag' fa war'll hat prov. like cures likes ; 
diamond cuts diamond measure for 

measure ; tit for tat' ka pa tali' ga 

n.m. spark of fire ; particle of fire V/Lf'fag 
kar'na kindle fire ; ignite make exceed- 
ingly warm enrage ; inflame 


C&pjag ko da man se dkahk'ns v.,t. & 1. try un- 
successfully to hide a secret 

ag'kk a"e ga anga're ha ge ga int. like 
cause like effect Sjl 

ag' Rfca'e mufih na ja’le udksr' khs'\t pet 
ja'le prov. borrowing is the mother of trouble 
O'ufSt^/Jfag' kaih'ne se mltith nahifi' jal'tp 
V.T. mere lip-service is ineffectual /Isi/dJr 
lJjj(aL}j3g lags' kar ps'ni ko (or le ) daur'ns ph. 
pretend to quell trouble after stirring it up 
UFjOliSl fitjlag' lags ke lams' ska dekk, ha ph 
enjoy stirring up,, trouble fiddle while 
Rome burns \P\Hut ag lags' ns v.t. burn 
foment trouble ; stir up disunion 
provoke ; inflame lavish ; dissipate, 
disdain kindle a passion (for) j djJlag 
lags'oo n.m. misphjef-monger rabble- 
rouser ; firebrand l&jfsg' lag'na v.i. burn 
cateh fire be inflamed ; Ije incensed 
burn with envy or rage &J1 ag' la' gt INT. 
(W. dial.) to Hell with it t 
ag' la’ ge par knii’'sh khod'ns PH.^lock the 
stable door after the steed is stolen 
(/£' <J. (My v — ■ S ag le'ne ko a'i ghdr Vail 
ban baiTki prov. trespasser laying, claim to 
ownership St St a S ’ le ne 

ko js” eli payam'bajfi milja'e prov. have a 
windfall 0>j(} I'.tfUTag' men pa'rii dal' ns 
extinguish fire slake thirst satiate hunger 
put down disturbance ; appease tumult 
ag meh jhmk'ns V.T. burn to 
ashes fling into fire squander dissipate 
(L'AjLj meh kood'na (or gir'ns) v.t. 

court trouble brave a danger lo»cAJt 
ag' meh lot' ns v.t. be afflicted with sorrow 
be consumed with jealously till GU^ag niksl'- 
na V.T. strike fire I'j^^/'iSg' ho' ns be set on 
fire become exceedingly hot be incensed 
be very hot-tempered 

tfj, s'ga N.M forepart ; forelegs facade 

front (of house) front (of turban) 
visage prow van advance-guard 

avant-garde Vjf iff a ga bka'ri ho' ns v.t. 

be in the family way ; be big with child ; be 

pregnant &fr* 'ga pi'chks n.m. fropt and 
rear antecedents consequences Ua£j 

£,» agS pi’chhs dekk! n a (or sosp'na) v.T. 
& i. look before and after consider the 
prose and cons. i'j'il£i~aga pi'ehka kar'na 

hesitate , waver demur Qlfitffa'ga 
ta'ga le «2 v.t look minutely have sus- 
picions (about) pry into others' affairs 

U Irf'Yi s ga sahbkal'na, l*j{ I /f a'ga W na v.i. 

advance take, the lead 
0 1 4 1 Sgab AD J- aware informed ; 
acquainted with warned ; intelli- 
gent^shrewd suf (*\so/fagak') aware 

agah'-dil adj. mindful t conscious 

clever shrewd ; sagaciousy»tfr agak' kar'- 
nav.i. warn acquaint (with) inform 
IjSitf'f agah' ho'na v.t. know cpme to 
know take the wamingc^Ta^a 'hi, (/fa 'gahl 
n r. knowledge information insight 

vigilance warning [P] 

ADV before in front (of) 

""■'opposite face to face in advance 
ahead hereafter in future next in 
tjm^or place (10) beyond (11) further^ on 
Zt£fa'ge a ge ADV. ahead futurelY<£Ta'£« 

a'*» v.i. appear advance ; come forward 

come near fare challenge inter- 
vene lie between come about take 
place (10) befall O %£.fa'g» bark' na v.i 
proceed press forward improve go 

Ibrth to meet or welcome a visitor outdo 
surpass defy ; oppose act as a guide 

d£s£.fe.g‘ pichht ADV. in a row in a 
series one after another in front and in 
the rear; fore and aft by and by close on 
the heels (of) confusedly sooner or later 
(Vtflr/fa 'gt khada' ka nam' ph. nothing after 
that jj*/£$jiJJfa:gt dour pltjsju e}ihj>r 
try to run r ' be fore learning to walk thp 
farther we go the more we fall behind 
a'ge difir le'na v.t. get before make 
(someone) go before bring forward ufj£f 
i'g t dekk'na v.t. be vigiknt ; be cautious 

look to the future CntXf a'gt dal'na v.t 
throw or place before I^^Ta'gf rakk'na v.t, 
lay or set before exhibit present tfaCjf 

age st adv. in future prior (to) ere 
beforehand in anticipation (of) 
previously a'gt qa'dam bark a'- 

oa) v.t. step forward fydCy/i/jK a'gt ka 

qa'dam plekhe par'na vt. be too confused 
to take the right-step be loo unlucky to 
register any success K/Xfagt kar'ha .v.t. 

push forward present . offer expose 
exhibit IW&lf/lU'gt ko kan ho' na v.t. be 
warned ^ promise not to repeat the mistake 
etc. i'lf age la’na v r bring forwardtVJ^J 
a'gt ni'kal ja'riu v.i advance pass 
age na ho n 3 v I. not to come forward 
stay behind the. scene not to defy 
a'gt ho'n a v.i. act as a leader take i In- 
lead proceed be bold ; be saucy 
oppose defy if,^!a'ge hi adv already 


,ffag gaya n.f (H. dial.) leave ; perm is- 
•fusion order ; command fS) 

(j/\n g'th' suf. -ful 

ysf.. .F. progeny, family or followers (of a 
great person),,! htyfal' aulad' n.f 4 chiiflren; 
offspring ; progeny descendants house ; 
race ; family ; kindered ; dynasty 'J Ik^fal-e 
suit aril n;f. royal family {/(jffal-e 'aba n.m. 
the Holy Prophet, Hazrat Fatima, Hazrat Ali, 
^Imam Hasan and Imam Husain [AJ 
Jlals.r. long pumpkin green stitlk of 
onion a tree yielding a dye ; ‘morinda 
citrifolia’ moisture 

(//a7a,W*a74a n.m. name of a legendary 
mediaeval Hindu hero his exploits against 
Muslims ballad traveller’s talc 


taleltflfa'/a ga'na v.i. tell traveller’s tales 
indulge in selfpraise [S] 

1/ 1 a/a n.m. wet ; moist (arch.) niche in 
wally (only in) J|y g^jgf a'la dt niv^'is 
prov. upstart unable to adjust herself (etc.) to 
new surroundings 

Divr a'la ba'la n.m. dilly-dallying ; prevari- 
cation ba'la (or 
a'Uba'lt) bata'na V.T. prevaricate; dilly-dally , 
shillv-shaUy ; hum and haw 
uj)72/af n.m. pl. instruments imple- 
ments tools weapons a& t-c 

barb' n.m pl. weapons of war (fjjxi£f$gf 
ala'l-t kashaoar'gj n.m. pl. Agricultural imple- 
ments [A ~ sing, jf] 
flffalam' (n.m. (pl. of^Ss.M. if) 

<t)jffalan‘ n.f. chain for elephant] 

Jjf 8 | a ’iS NF 

ai'pin n.m pin (port.) 




iJslalal.-N.?. penis [P~A J 
- A -Jf al'ti pal'tix.r. cross-legg- 
U..C/ ed posture I'M pal'll 

mar'na , Us?* I (jfl fitalli pal'll 
,n a r(i) bdilWna v.i. sit cross-legged W i — 7 ~ 

d&Ufyw' N M - bad dream ; SS 

horrible visions 

^is'/as, j^ial'kas n.j. lethargy lazi- 
ness ; indolence^r’/s/'ri, (f^'al'kasl n.f. 
lethargy laziness ; indolence ; adj. & 
n.m. lazy (person) U-^T sl'siya, tal'kasiya 

lazy (person) 

fu'lan n.m. pinch of wheat or gram meal put 
A, in potherb 

tJCi t along' n.f. heat (of mare, etc * 
along' par ana (or ho'nn) v.i. (of mare) be 
on heat 

Jta'loo n.m. potato Lsjtdloo 
bukhaara N.M. 1 m sjlaloo'- 
Aah n.m. chtmson [F j 
jjjfalaci'dah adj. polluted 
soiled suf. (ukojji aloud') 
mixed with) polluted Jsjialoo'dagi n.f. 
pollution being soiled [P ~cW • ] 

^'lah n.m. (PL.C'llfa(ai') tool imple- 
Jl ment. instrument weapon fa'/a-e 
tanasul n.m. penis ; male reproductive organ 
S la-e kar' n.m. tool ; cat’s-paw C* jfOfa la-e 
kar' ban'na v.i. become the tool (of) [A] 

?fam n.m. mango f> 1 i/Jll 3 m 

bo"o am' kka’o im U bo"o im'li 
kka'o prov. as you sow so shall 
reap C&ftam' tapak' na (ofj 


mellow mangoes) drop frorn trees’ 

(w>y W ft am’ 

khz'nt se km' ya per' gin'ne se {mat' lab) prov., 
I would have the fruit, not the basket lift 
£(JIj kka'iye pal ke 
kharboo'z* khs"iye dal ke ph. best to eat man- 
goes when they are artificially mellowejl but 
melons when freshly plucked ( < 
m' ke am' guth'liyofi ke dm' prov. kill two 
birds with one stone l • 'SJf.f I mi men mam' 
a 'na v.i. (of mango trees) blossom k 

fial' ka (Sm) n.m. mango ripened in straw 
ft tyjdal' ka am n.m. mango ripening on tree 
r l^i-T a maj'-gah n.f. target 

shelter [P] 

rjl>1 ama'dah adj. & suf. ready ; prepared 
u tama'dagi n.f readiness inc.lina- 

tion [P] 

f amas' n.m. swelling ; inflammation (Pj 

Jhldmad n.f. arrival, advent income 
inspiration ; poetic inspiration jifjfidmwl 
a 'mad n.f. approach expected arrival 
s' madam bar sat-t mat' lab pH. 
coming to the point I revert to the topic 
Zy?iM a'mad-o kharcji' N.F. income and 
expenditure C^jsM a'mad-o raft' a'mad-o 

shad traffic ingress and egress clsidmadan 
n.m. corning n.f. (usu. am' dan) income y c j>'T’ 
dZ'jlflfcP&jljl dmadan ba ira’dat raftan ba ijd- 
zal ph. etiquette demands that one must stay 
till allowed to leavelUTam'ifaff? (ped. dmadani) 
n.f. income receipts revenue profit 

[F J . ' - 

j\a'mir n.m. dictator ^l^iamira'nah adj. dic- 
'tatorial ( amira' na nizam n.m. dictator- 
ship amirs'na iSzam' n.m. dictatorship 

Cfyt amiriy'yat n.f. dictatorship (A- fl j 
A *'amur'zish n.f. forgiveness ; pardon 
C/ j/' salvation jtfj/t am&rt'gar adj (God 

as) Forgiver ;Saviour (P ~ J 0 

smiriy'yat n.f. (see under /iN.M.jt) 
tA/m'lalu Jjfalw'lafi i n.m. myrobalan 

C' (jjthjtamlah (or sfm'lah) sar 
gah'dhaK n.f. purified sulpher if £-\ 
dm It ka kka'ya buznrg ' 
kd forma' ya ptchbe ma'loom ho'ta hat prov. 
good things, though unpalatable at first, prove 
their utility in the end 

^/•lyi^lam'ns sam'na n.m. confrontation , 
confrontingtftt^i-l am'nt im'nt adv. 
face to face opposite each other ‘vis- 

I a' manna im sad" daqna ph. too 
true sure ; doubtless we be- 
lieve in and testify to the truth okayU^.#l>/ 
l d manna va sad' daqna kaih'na v.t. 

bear (someone) out okay [A - city 
^ytamokh tah n.m. (arch.) previous lesson 
adj. fit. suf. learnt taught 

Jyiamoz' suf. learning teaching j*'"' 
amo'zish n.f. (lit.) instruction’! ffi/iame' ciA- 


gab n.f. (rare) school [P ~ i/V» ] 

I amekh'lah adj. (S^suf mixed n.m. ad- 
mixture P - < J 

• ft amez ’ 8UF - m ““ n B ^7 * am a»«‘t'' A oj- 

yjf* leading a comparatively secluded life 
unsociable amr' eii* n.f. adulteration 
mixture ; admixture association inter- 


course ; temperament [P - cr*~ * ] 

n.f. & i nt. amen awin' kaih’va. 

0 v.i. say amen to [A-H] 
•llmtn.r. (rh+Ufmat') i 

^ fax n.f. (PL^Tana t') instant ; moment 

j timeflilTa'wut fit nan, ki an' 

JMftt ( aiw vzltpA nuU adv. instantly ; 

immediately ; in a moment ; in a jiffy [A] 
\jflM N.r. behaviour grace affectation 
pride dignity modes ty^f^tan' tan 
N.f. pomp and show splendour tan 

Jt redb'na v.i. live elegently t‘*jyTan' torna v.t. 

humble (someone’s) pride (rare) back 
out of (one’s) wards bring shame (to) 
ffat non. (me) thnttyflak'-ku'ret sal'lcdla'ho 
i/' • dd'kt at utom n.m. the Holy Prophet ; 
He(pooebe«hiin!) ^fat'iU ookj. that 

.^S'aB v.t. come reach ; arrive 
v * approach pass appear happen 
be possible i a i nt. sound uttered for 
modulating the time in recitation or vocal 
music (osu. ffa'a) call to domestic fowl, 
etc. imp. come' a' tala' 

gzflt par’ nafhtt para to’ tki^par paov. 
(allusion to) inviting trouble C{la' banns v.t. 

befall be involved in trouble U.1 

jUttfsI-G a' too " a lor'et, la’t* hama'ri tala' 
(allusion to) shrewish temper 

be lam'de ja’ be lam'de kar'n a V.i. 
prevaricate waste time over trifles 
a' boil mU'jke mar ' prov. inviting 

tipuble it is more painful to do nothifig 
than to do something fjj'fa' por'na befall 
(to) come come to live (with) occui ; 
happen assault L^Ta'pokor'na seize 

overtake Cj^vTa' pah ottk’na v J. arrive 

draw near U-*£fa' phots’ na v.i. get caught 

be duped I'lfTa' ja'na v.i. come C&>~a 
dhtfmakna, l£!Ta' ddt’na v.i. come suddenly 
come uninvited Uf>Ia' rnh'na v.i. come 
to put up with fall down L^JV lag'na v.t. 
hit reach (of disease) affect (of 

boat) touch the shore, clc.Cdfa' le’tat V.T. over- 
take CkX a' mil' na v.t. meet join Ct a'ts 
n.m. dues known : learnt, pa. r. coming 
C\fl'ia’taja'ta n.m. .A adj. passer-by 
casual caller I’lf tgefijg.fyj/ii'i 

a la ho lo hath se na d~jt , ja'li bo to {tan* M 
kije prov refuse not what comes your., way, 
crave not what is evanescent ^-j7 

£Xi?jr%aii hai ha’ihi ke pair, ja'li hoi cfnjot'd 
ke pair pRoy. agues (etc.) come on horseback, 
but go away on footXiXia'te a' u adv. by 

and by ; slowly ; gradually on the way 
while coming till (someone’s) arrival iVl'f 
a'naja'na n.m. visits and return visits 
social contacts (jta"i n.f. the inevitable 
misjortune doom calamity death 
na'Hittal'a prov. the inevitable 
must happen; what will be, will b e^t-of/Tjr 
(jllV ’a tala' ( ko ) sir se tal'na PH. / avoid get- 
ting into trouble dodge t jfa”* go”i 

ko' j a' na v.i. come toend be forgotten; 

be a thing of the. past 

af’it H *a qtleh sob’ ka mot met di'khilnh prov. 
(W. dial.) here comes the meddlesome woman 

Pit Ct a' nan fa' Am adv. (see under & /"n.f. id 

a’na ka'nl n.f. arrogance purpose- 

ful neglect dodging il‘f JJi/jLtf* ‘ 
a'na ka'm de ns (or knr'na) v.t. dodge ; prevari- 
cate (A ~ I'll) 

extant N.r. ^intestine gut ditrails , 
bowels I'fl&Tatt' utorne v.i. suffer from 
hernia ; have a rupture £{ f£*i(f£Tah’tek Wlat 
ja'na v.i. vomit feel sick ; filled or over- 
come with nausea 

qul huval'lah poA ra'ii bait s* PH. I feel very 
hungry CMjr^jfhfi'tot ke baT kkpl'na^ ph . 
eat to one’s fill after starvation 
Uh sookWna ph. feel very hungry iX&Jfc « a*'- 
tdimUhh ko ana ph. be distressed be 
greatly worried feci suffocated 
ul'ti ail’ te ga'leii par'na v.L be involved in 
trouble catch a tartar 
^f'aht n.f. purity test (of bullion) ; add- 
test knot enmity malice i&iftatp 

laga'na v, t. test purity of bullion 
knot breed enmity (towards) bear 
one) malice ^^lailt' sat^ N.r. 

slot reconciliation unlawful aliancc 
£rfa»'tf n.p. .aunt aunty [£} 
j/fah’ti .N.F- knot a kind of wrestling 
trick lUV'Wtl bats' na v.t cause adversary 
to trip over 

N -F Haze flame fire heat 

0?’ warm!* fervour loss trouble t'T&l 

***k a'aa (or pdhun&ns) ph,. suffer 
a loss _ be in hot water L'lf tk' 

ah A ki ka'sar raih' j ana ph . fail ,a» d\c critical 
moment fail despite hope jtf'&7/&L'sahdl’ 
it ahA’ na'Uk prov truth has nothing to 

uffah'Aal n.m. corner of stole /Sfh u 
(etc .) jjtfjft in Ad' pal' Loo n.m. ' 

embroidered border (of shawl) nfflwK t ilv 
il^ah'Ad' ijsl'm v.t veil (face, 7 Ay^p*p' 
etc.) (H. 

Q>} ah' dial meh gi'reh dens v.t - use , Jf . gT 
a memory tag (for errands, etc.) SwJhr® 

. *i ah'doo n.m. chain or rope for elephant’s 
feet chain worn big wrestler as trophy 
h'dbS n . f . .dust storm strong wind 
CM' 1 storm tOeLj cinJ^tah'dk Stik'na, (or 
chal'na) v.i. (of dust storm) blow 
akdhi ki tar' A s' ns ph. coom. suddenly like a 
storm fyCiftfeJ: rf&JyifMah'dhi ki tar' if 
a'na, bagoo'le ki Utr'h ja'ns v.i. leave as abrapt- 
|y as someone (or something) had come/, 
ah'dki kt am' nji. (fig.) windfall some- 
thing going very cheap ; that which goes 

jffahd.juiahdk n.m. (dial.) testicle 

ah' 4* bah' it MM pl. a children’s game, 
saunter ^4tXk\^M<&4 c boh'dt tta'na 

(orjdul’na) v.i. saunter ; have a stroll 

i£//t n rtrl api. honourary flB] 
uTWw s.a tear I'TjJiah'soo s' ns, 

* ak'too ba'hm a'na weep have tears in 
the eyes ; have one’s eyes filled with tears 
(Of lean) gush forth in the eyes 'ah'soo 

potAk'na v.t. wipe (someone’s or one’s) tears 
comfort ; soothe console ; solace I'kjPf 
aXt* fk’ja'na suppress (one’s) tears control 
one's feelings C^r^tah’soo ta'pokna v.i. weep y 
d njd tears joo pkeot baih'na, ,jtr t y 

i'y^acah'smeh U mihk iho'na, 

at’jg’st ki jka'H lag *4, Mvjbjtfytjr’ i 

ah' su' oh ka tar' batdk'na v.r. weep bitterly ; 
burst into tears A 

^la'msah n.f (courtesy title) Miss j 
Mile, mademoiselle (A~ ] J[ 

tby^ah'k'rs n.m. hook barb ‘"s $3^ 
.^shepherd’s staff ; crook ✓ 

ati'kas n.m. goad for elephant 
Sh'kas mttr'nB v.t goad 
bring under control J 

l * ^J &fahk'na v.t. appraise leap* 
evaluate weigh or measure 
for evaluation i^fahk n.f. appraisal 
evaluation weigh or measure for evaluation 
jrfahkk n.f. eye I'tjtahkk a ha v.r. & i. 

have a sore eye fall in love (with)*y?i^r 
il/aStkh a shob' kar'na v.i. have a sore CyeUj^f 
~tfil^SahkkUtha' kar tdu na dtkk'na v.t. 
disregard displeased feel ashamed IrfJ# 
ahkk ijka\ kpr dekh'na v.t. look at 
attend, to OftJfahkk Stk'na v.i. look at 
jfiijL^fJfiftnahkk o'jhol pahar' o'jkd pgov, 
out of sight,' out of mind ill 
(IV ahkk ooh' A* (or bora' bar) na kar'na (or An- 
na) v.i not to look (someone) ip the face 
(through shame or respect) Clf ^jf'fahkk 6a Aa 
ja'na v.i. (fig.) evade ; dodge ;*avoid 
fyaftkh badia' kt nikal' ja'na v.i. slink away 
iH M(J kjfjFtald& badsf mat para'ya (or 
ya'roh ka) prSv. eye withdrawn, property 
gonelt5(jM^T(j^faftAt (or ah'ktuh) bans' na 
v.i. perform ophthalmic operation (on) 
replace someone ’ s injured eye with an artificial 
one I'A&ti/jfnhj/Tahkh (or ah'kkeh) bohd' kor ' 
na v. shut one’s eyes sleep 

ahkk (or ah'kkeh) band ki'ye c^a'le 
ja'na v.i. move ahead without fear walk 
forth blindfoldedly move uncautiotisly 
tijftjfjj^atikk bhar kt (or kar ) ydekk’na v.t. 
look" to the heart’s fill Vlp-nCjff ahkk. bath' 

«3 v. become blind ; lose one’s eyesight CtdJi 
ahkk boidt'na v.i. become blind (of eye- 
ball) sag V^tt/f^iyjrtahkk (or a ftkk'th) path - 
ra'nav.i. be about to breatjie one’s last 
have glossy or glazed eyes UC &/tFiahkk par 
tin'ks rakk'na v.t. & i. place a straw on pud- 
sating eye (as supposed cure for it) 
ahkk par diark'na ph. have a special liking for 
(li^Jfahkk.paptAan’na v.i. guess the inten- 
tion (of) J%Jt^<kk pkorok'na^TH. have a 
premonitxm (owing to pulsation in the eye) 


fJ 1 ahkk pkfot'na v.i. lose one’s eyesight; 
become blind < f’%‘jjfjTankk‘ phoo'ti pir’ ga”i 
PRQv^ better, the eye out than constant pain 
VjjJd'fahkh phor'na v.t. hit (someone) in the 
eye make (someone) blind nkk (or 

ah'kkeh) pker' le'na v.t. turn away one’s eye 

(from) ^withdraw one’s favour (from) 
evade l&jJufJ'afikh pkaila' kar dekh' na v.i. 
look carefully all over the place tl/l^Aahkk 
pox' da kar'na v.t. develop keen appreciation 
have an eye (for) ahkk(or ah- 

kkeft tar' ho'na v.t. weep L'Jji^Wahkk 
plait' dt kar'na v.t. & i. console.; solace 
please oneself (by the sight of) VjQSidtankh' 
te'rtd kar'na v.i. scowl ; glower drpi jfl'ahkk 
| akna v.i y wink nap be dazed 

Jjs? • , ‘/*(f*~Z f xfrahkk jhapakne kx .dir na 
ki'tkak, <jt ahkh jkapak'te meh adv . 
in the stwinkling of an cysCdfajVr'bjd&iikh, 
(or ah'kkeh) jkuk'na- v.i. Have downcast eyes 
(owing to shame) (or ah' 

Ueh) Aora'na ph. evade, dodge avoid 
'Tahkk tjurrka’na v.i. become angry 
tofrinahkk cjtark'nn v.i. have heavy eyes 
have eyes turned up while dying be 
drunk uJfJuahkh Aamka'na v.t. & i. flash 
one’s eyes (,‘Uj dtahkk (or ah'kkeh) 

dMa'tta get the sight tested stare defiantly 
frighten O.WatddL dab'na v.i. yield 
admit being defeated V'ie2%/*?bjfatkk (or an"- 
Hut) dak* 'ne ana v.i. have sore' eye(s) * suffer 
from ophthalmia Vlbsidtahkk daura'na v.i. 
look around *Ji*j()j*rd'fahkk dhgjdka”i ph. 

unabashed unashamed OltJTahkh! dal'na 
v.t. look at cast an evil eye (ost^jftbJPi 
l'f li It ahkk (or ahkkeh) dabduba' a'r.a/v.i. 
(of eyes) be moistened with tears (djJljfffyJ') 
l‘S 3hkk (or ah’kkeh) rau'shan kar'na ph. de- 
light (by appearance) 1 'Xj^( s ftkk rakk'na v.t. 
A i. (lit.) cherish hone choose as one’s 
target (etc.) ('jptpr'ulU^^.tJ'iohkk (or ah'kkeh) 
rau'shan ho'na ph. be delighted on meeting 
someone (met.) have children 
ah’ Ml sam' tie kar'na v.t. look at attend to 

(or ahkkeh) surkh ho'na v.t. 
have redness in die eyes tib'Jlei&fahkk. se ahkk' 
mila'na v.t. look (someone) in the face 
claim equal status with challenge ; d^fy 


respond amorous glances £/jjZ.jtsS&k' u dekV 
ke adv. knowingly with open eye aS-^T 
aftkh it sal uni' le'na v.i. just wink at 
someone in return for greetings be too 
proud to return greetings save thus 
1‘j 7 (se) ahkk sl'dki ho'na v.t. look on (some- 
one) with favour i'iJs^jTahkk se gira’na v.t 
debase withdraw V/^ Jl ahkk se gir'na 
v.i. be debased O^ij^TljAaiikk, (or ah'kkeh) 
sefik'na v.i. feast the eyes on make eyes 
at ; cast amorous glances on ( 
ahkk ka pa'tu dhnl'na (or mar'na) ph. ’lose 
modesty ; lose all sense of shame have no 
courtesy left no longer have regal'd (for) 
tJL^tfJi'ahkk' ka par'dah n.m, modesty 
retina conjunctiva IjCVjtakkk ka ta'n adi. 
(one’s) darling ; apple of (one’s) eye 
ahkk ka til' n.m. pupil of the eye UlfWtahkk 
kaeta'la n.m. conjunctiva l&S/ 
dhal'ks n.m. a disease causing one to run at 
the eyes l , £jk / J?Tatikk ka dae'la n.m. 
eyeball Jlj/df ahkk ka ghubar' n.m. 
dimness of sight >V VJfafJk ka- 
W}oz' n.m. modesty l ahkk' 
kkdl'na v.i. get up ; rouse from 
sleep be born become aware 
learn the truth about 

aftkh (or ah'kkeh) kku'\ki kki'lt 'rdih j'fna 
v.i. be wonderstruck Oj'/iahkk kh.ol'na v.t 
open (someone’s) eyes acquaint 
IkriJjjJahkk (or ah'khet) kkol' kar “dekh'na 
v T ; Jook carefully examine directly 
eriahkk ki p&t'lt n.f. pupil of -the 
eye pet J'Tahkk ki sit' n.f. modesty 
regard courtesy JgfjJfahkk ki ki'ekaj 
n.f. discharge collecting in eye comers eCJt 
gjstatikk ke do’ re n.m. pl, reddened veins in 
eye (as sign of drunkenness or sleeplessness) 
(aC-l ^bXi'J^Oj/Tij/Taiikk (or ah'kkeh) ke 
s'ge (of sam'ne) adv. under (someone’s) nose 
l’ , y*rfahkk lija'na v.i. feel ashamed Lj}r \ T 
Hi! ahkk (or sft'kkeh) a f ge lara'na v.T. /cast 
amorous glances H^Jtatikk lar'na v.i; meet 
the eye exchange amorous glances (‘0dt 
ahkk laga'na v.i. sleep doze off &U 
in love with make love to C^'ediahkk! lat'na 
v.i. fall in lpve (with) fall asleep 
ahkk la'gi n.f. mistress , keep un wedded 





wife (of) CjCjftafikh mar na v.l. wink at 
drop a hint thus make eyes (at )tlf&fjesafikh 
mickja’nn v.i. (arch.) of eyes) close die 
tijgoftaiikk mifha'ha V.T. wink at 

mi&au'li n.r. be-peep ; blindman’s 

buff ; hide-and-seek tag afikw 

mi&au'R kful'na V.l. play hide-and-seek (with) 
1*1 kjftafikh mil ana v.t. exchange glances 
V&(<juftl)ahkk (or ah'kkeh) muhd'na v.l. (of 
eyes) be closed sleep die £Xsj £ 7 
moofid' kt adv. with eyes shut ; blindly 
inconsiderately VjSS(v*fPXl)jJ>taM. (or a ti- 
mr wfid'na v.l. shut the eyes die 

aMk mat'll kar m PH. frown ; 
glower ; scowl trjtf c^Jtafikh- mefi pa'tu 
m ho'nav.i. be shamefaced be immodest 
tT afikh mefi pkul'li a'na v.t. have a 
white speck in the eye become blind t^arT 

Qy afikh mefi mo'fl hoot' hoot 
ksr bko' re ho'na V.i. (of someone’s. eyes) be 
exquisitely oeautiful ti U^'ifdZiSee'iaiikk 
meM til ki sala”? pier na v.t. blind (someone) 
by drawing indigo-tailued needle in his eyes ; 
blind Ijj&d'jaz-ijt'jr'fafikk.' nak u durast' 
b'ss v.i. have all the organs intact be 
unblemished . afikh nam' kar'na v.i. 

weep IjfMjrfaftkh nam' ho’na v.t. (of eyes) be 
tearful Vwiijni afikh na utha'na v.t. & t. not 
tp look at (through) shame or being busy 
’yytjunkk na thai'kama v.i. be dazed (by 
die brightness of) ; be dazzled ; be dazed 
iJvJ'ertafikk' na nak', ban' no diatid'si 
prov. (iron, for ugly woman) what a 
beauty ! afi/ch (or an' him) 

rf'Ai Ao'na v.i. feel ashamed be heavily 
obliged (to) MjJ^atikh va'la n.m. & adj. 
(one) blessed with, sight (one) able to 
appreciate VyJt afikh ho'na v.t. & i. be 
blessed with sight love (someone) choose 
(someone) as one’s target ^.^((fsjjJfah'khofi 
(id) atfkhofi men adv. in a jiffy winking- 
ly Vlfi/fjjft afi'khofi par bitha'na v.t. treat 
with respect or love hold dear 
atfkhoh par pat’ it' bafidhina v.t. ignore 
connive at i afi'khofi par (or pa) 

padiah par 'na ph. be misled be deceived 

par pal'kot ka- 
hojh' nahlti ho' la prov. own. things are never 

burdensome I aii'kkoh par 

thik’ri rakh le'na ph. be blind to all be- 
have in an unfriendly manner lose all sense 
of shamzPfyjJZUr Tali' khan par char’bi charh'na 
ph. be arrogant lose all sense of shame 
refuse to own or acknowledge friends^yn 
0>£dti\koii par diark'na v.i. be liked (by) 
L'CfljIJsyjjJnah'khofi par divar utha'na v.i. 
deny evident facts sir aii'kkoh 

par rakh' no PH. treat with respect 

or love hold dear 

aii'kkoh par hath' rakh le'na v.i. (fig.) feel 
abashed aii'kkoh ta'le ahdke'ra ana 
v.i. feel giddy be struck with consternation 
ifi'khofi ta'le phir'na v.i. be ever 
in sight become large 1*1 i Cs^jldlil Ujj^a/T 
ah'khofi de'kha ma'na, kv.'non tuna na ma'na, 
d-i&L oM4- lat'kim dtkh 

bhat para, mu] he ka'noh sun'ne dt prov. see- 
ing is believing one eye-witness is better 
than hearsay . ddkhl hat 
n.f. first-hand knowledge J 

afi'khofi de'khs mak'khi na'hifi nig r tl ja'li 
prov. nobody will willingly swallow poison 
Xj&£Z J^jjJu'ati'khon sukh kale’jt ihxrlt- 
dak PH. % by all , means - with pleasure 

se (or ke) 

ah’dfu nam’ nain’ sQkk prov. black bloke call- 
ed Mr. White ; be the victim of an irony of 
fate IL. ^rJfil^Jjenah'kkoft se p'jhal koja'na 
V.I. go out of sight I’ll Qy*Xi^ ** T Sh'khofi 

se ba'ja la'na fh. .obey willingly and cheer- 
fully aii'kkoh se tal ve saihla'na 

v.t. & i. show love or respect (by rubbing 
eyelashes, against sole of another’s foot) 
(b(J\C)JtHi'kbofi se gir (or u’iar) ja'na ph. 

* lose favour (with) b? no longer in the 
good books (of) ah' Huh se laga'na 

v.t. treat (something) reverently by touching it 

with the eyes bjt'Js^dui-jjyr'i'afi'khoh se ma'zoor' 
ho'na V.I. be blind V/lX jfy^O^ah'khoh se 
mo'hinl pai'da. kar'na v.i. reflect love in one’s 
eyes ah' khofi se nil dhal'na v.l 

be on the verge of death 'UtfVfatiltijjiFf 
afi'khofi ka afi'dha gafith ka poo'ra ph. silly 
nevertheless careful of his pocket 
afi'khofi ka tel nikal'na V i. burn the fnid- 
night oil put a great strain on one’s eyes by 

minute needlework, (etc.) it l/(Jj^\ 

ah'kkoh ka ka jal a ns ph. be an expert 
thief be too clever ah'kkoh iff non’ 

n.m. .sight (one’s) son one’s progeny 
jfkif'Jo^nsn'khoft fet ihahdak n.f. . person 
who is (one’s) heart's 

a'bht ah'kkoh ki f oo'iyah niksl'm b&‘<p 
hain prov. the critical moment is yet to 
Come you can’t be sure of the result so soon 
tfl/fJt^teOj^Tah'kltoti kt a'ge ahdkeri a’na 
V.t. feel giddy ( khoh 

kt ~a'ge y ta're chotnk'na- (or ^kfltna ), 
fa lie sfikkoh ke a ge shahdjna ho'ns 

X.i. have speeks before eyes 
i*Jlr U^afi’ kkoh ke age na k sodjfoo kya khak 
PRov. one can hardly, see one’s own faults 
(tV i > ifjdjjk* {/*> (sir) ahkkoh k* bal 
fifttf/' kar ana (orja'naj v.i. come (or go) 
respectfully a h ' khoh ke ga'rhe n.m. 

pl. space round inner corners of eyes 
t tlifjAtSh'kkoh meti ah soo dubduba s’ ns v.i. 
(of tear^V gush forth ; well up in the eyes 
pl!d^(j!f"ti^oA7ah'khAh meh ah’kkeh dal' ns 
<?.T. exchange glances with look (some- 
one) in the face Vyfc^Jj^Tsh'kkoh meh 

pkir'ns (or bas ns) ph. be greatly liked 
obsess ; be ever present in one’s mind t jtjj&'f 
ah'kkofi men pi ja'na v.T. & i. stare 
lovingly (at) refrain from reproof 
I'jofi.. 5 h'kkoh meh iak'U fifty bho’ns v!t. torture 
ah'kkofi meh tel Jags ' na V.T. 
trump up an excuse ttiJtyfajcrf ah' khan 
meh tkab'dak par'na v.i. be aelighted 
ah'kkoh meh jan' Tina v.i. be on the 
verge of death (of eyes) have rest Vfif.Uj&'i 
ah’kkoh meh j ask 1 na, ah'kkoh meh 

ja'gafi kar'njt v.i. be liked dtfQJjjjjjA'ish' kh oh 
meh diar'bi child' na v.i. • (of eyesight) \veaken 
become proud lose all d»cretion£^i>yrf 
I'f ah'kkoh mefi ska' ka chaufid a‘na v.i. be dazed 
r ah'kkoh meh hal'qe par ja'na 
v.i. have sunken eyes UAjtjfjjen s’kkofi meh 
tol'na v.i. adjudge mentally b'y; j 1 
ah'khah meh khar' ho'ns ph. be ugly be 
«n enemy be an eycsoT<£iij(J&ljJifj*jjJ% 
( ah'kkoh meh khak’ (or dkooV) dal’ ns 
(or jhahk'na) ph. throw dust in (someone’s) 

*V'es cheat palm off one’s wares (on) 

dS'u!', 0 ah'kkoh meh khoon' a' tar a'na 
v.i. fly into passion have bloodshot eyes 
[’/} (> ah'kkoh meh dam' ho' nil v.i. be on 
the verge of death I'jj 
sfikkoh meh dan'yamrik' (or ahttiur’) ho'ns v.i 
be greatly shocked ah’ Khan meh 

rat kat ns pH, have # sleepless night (JOA* 
ah'kkofi meh lar'soh phool'na ph. see 
yellow on all sides (VAf l )£kyjtJjrt ah'kkoh 
mrit sama'na (or kkub nB) v.i. be greatly liked 
ah'kkoh meh nulla' pm ho'ns 
v.i.VaVe lovely eyes ClfifktypAfatikoh meh 
sift'di chka'tia v.i. los£ one’s sight ; become 
blind l’U£j/j£jjrT ah'kkoh meh khaje ja’na 
v.t. stare with menacing eyes 
ah'kkoh meh kkatak'na v.i. be die object of 
jealousy or enmity V/fj£fc£OA t ( ah'kkoh meh 
mir'ejufi bkar'na v.t. not to let sleep (jftjpAt 
’Cs; ah'khflh meh rno'hin i ho'na v.i.** have 
charming eyes i ah'kkoh u'lqt ja'na 

v.i. be on verge of death ; have pupils up- 
turned as sign of imminent death 
ah'kkofi bidhka'na , V/ t nh' kkohfarsht- 

rsli l:ar'na v.t rpdearpet show great 
respect (to) ah'kkoh bahd ki'ye adv. 

blindly unmindful of the consequences 
ah'kkoh ba'dal It na v.t: be 

fickle; be inconstant withdraw oine’s favour 
(from) ah'kkoh bahd ketr'na v.i. 

close one’s eves for contemplation sleep 
die Cijpuffr'f sti kheh bahva’na v.i. get eye> 
operated upon get an artificial eye 

Vksi ah'kkoh pat' tam ho ja’na v.i. go blind 
bfyfvtr'ahkheii pkat'na v.i. have a splitt- 
ing headache be wonderstruck tfiitjfe , rT 
I'U 5 j ah khoh pka'ti ki pha'tl raih ja'na vTT be 
wonderstruckl 'AjUjI^ftah'kkoh pkar' phsr'kcr 
dekhPia ph. strain one’s eyes gaze 
wonder cast amorous glances VAtfr/ 

ah'kkoh pkoot'na v.i. become blind' , » J gG£*7 
ah’kkoh pkoot' ja'na v.i. get blind 
ah'kkeh poh&na v.t. wi^ off one’s teats 
console ; comfort t ah'kkeh phi r' ja'na 

v.i. (of one’s condition) become precarious 
ah'kkeh. plw' le'nu v.T. withdraw 

one’s favour (from) 

ah’kkoh pke’re tote kl si. batch kart 
mai'ns ki Si Pfcov. fair without, foul -within 



come across 

kar np 



‘ ah kheh ta'ras jo na v i yearn long 
enough (for the sight of someone) 

Ljfdfi kheh thahdS kar'na v.j. be comforted 
(by the sight of) ah’ kheh (hat kar'ny 

v t face , come face to face with 
an kheh ch&r' ho'na v.i. come ac 
in love llpytir i&gtfitft etui' an a v.i. evade 
CO tZ-tZsfijuri ah' kheh chhat' if lag'na ph. 
be on one’s cleath-bed CUjJif7nh'kheh dikha na 
v t glower get eyesight tested (by \firt 
Ca£t$h'kheh dekh'na v.t. test the eyesight 
(oO inculcate the habits (of) be in- 
fluenced by the company (of) 
ah He h sifed' ho ja'na y ph become blind (in 
expectation, etc.) VW(JfP~ati khth.jai' na v.t 
stare fixedly (at) I'ScJttJjii Ian kheh tab 
(pi'li) kar'na v.i. show sings of anger 
ah'kheh maxka'na v.i. look with blandishment 
l> ij~ i ah' kheh mal'na v.i. rub one’s .eyes (to 
remove effects of sleep) Q& L tfr'sdtikheh 
ntkal'na v.t gouge out the eye scowl ; 
glower CJgjJ'jjyrTankjieh n fH py/i knrnd 
ph be^enraged > jjf* f ' jC v i befoupfr 

ah'kheh hu'th char'"dil meh 
a>a poyar', ah'kheh Hu'lh o t dil meh a'ya kha t’ 
prov. out of sight out of mind 
gfnah'gan n.m. (dial. Cyiahg'nd) 

courtyard , yard 
ASidnahd' n.m. (dial.) 

luxury (S) 
jlah"o,a”oh n.f. 


mucous discharged in 

* tenesmus ; mucous 

)h** 'vol NiF, afterbirth , secundiness; uterine 
discharge with foetus on delivery Jt'Jji 
ah' val nal N.f new-born infant's navel-string , 
umbilical cordJjbO jtah'val' jhah'val n.m — 
ihJL*\Jj*ah'val gat'ta n.m. 


twins LZ^(JJiah'vat gat'ta n.m. dried myro- 
balan myrobalan fallen from tree | - fol] 
Jjlahv'lah n.m. (same as>i-fr) 

Zna'nah n.m. anna ; a former coin equiva- 
lent to one-si xteeenth or a rupee one- 
sixteenth share (in something) 
i'tu pa”i ka hisab' n.m full account adv to 
the penny 

m I a n* jo’ni adj . transitory evanes- 
M cent mortal [ - l‘l ] 

Ijlava n.m. kiln 4 - f>; fi# IjTlfa-il « ve ka 
a'va hi big’ra hu" a hat prov they are 

chips of the same block it is rotten from 
top to bottom 

t a'va ja va n.m , Td Vd jd'l N.F 
uncalled for crTands needless 
exchajigc of visits scamper [ - C7- t*U] 
9jfjiava rah n.m. & adj . tramp ; vaga- 
bond, debauchee profligate 
dissolute jJeJjIdva'ra-gar'd n.m. & adj. 
tramp , vagabond profligate dissolute 
dehauchee (fjysjl/fava'ra gar'di n.f. vagrancy 
profligacy£,l/»jbt aid ra-mtzaj' adj. dis- 
solute unprincipled ; unscrupulous 
irresponsible _ if. (/* ulj i ava' ra-miga'ji n.f. 
irresponsibility being unprincipled pro- 
fligacy tjtj'i ava'ra-vatan'- n.m. & vypj. 
alien ;.(one) away from one’s homeland{Mif 
aaa'ragi (col. avar'gi) n.f profligacy 
vagtancy irresponsibility lack of princi- 
pley being unscrupulous fP] ^ . 

Jijldvaz' n.f sound voice 

ootcfii (or bitlafid') avdi' n.f loud voice 
Cio’i jljfavdt' Othd'nd v.i. raise a voice 
(against) . protest rtjise one’s voice fyJLfjW 
dud' ba'dal ja'na , Clsyfjlji dvdz bi'gar ja'na, 
">avaz bhd'n ho'na, CjefjljTavaz' bharra- 
na v i. become hoarse Csjtjljiavaz baith'na v.i. 
lose voice l^fckJIsTauaz' btilahd' kar'na v i 
lift up one’s voice register protest , raise 
one’s voice (against) ; Ijljiaoa'z-e pa n.f 
footfall yjltlavaz par adv. at the beck and 
call (of)’ guided just by the sound 
aoaz-ejaras n.f call, for departure Cjjbiavaz 
de'na v.t call out IjlfJ'jjZtyj&'jb'ava'z-e sa'gah 
kam na-kjinad' ng'q-e gads' ra ph. malicious 
endeavours of adversaries hardly affect a 
sincere person’s lot Clhj Ijl^ jljTaoaz se avd( 
mila'na v t bring in concord with ; be 
armonious Chjljlezjl/favaz se avaz'^mil’na 
v.i. be concordant; be harmonious j/*j*jiara'z-e 
soot’ n.f. sound of resurrection trumpet 
clarion-call > r >^j\S\ava' z-e ghaib'^ N.f .mys^, 
terious voice ; voice from heaven 
ava z ka filar' &arha"o n.m. rise and fall of 
the voice^t Djljtavaz' ka pat n.m. range of 
voice l‘/}j3'jcfjij\avaz meh r a" shah ho’na v i. 
have a tremulous ^ voice I'JjljTavaz kar'na v i 
call aloud fUJafatavaz kkjil' ja'na v i. recover 
voice C*ffjljiavaz goohj'na v.i. _ej:ho , re. 
sound have a stentorian voice (i^jljtavae 


lags' na v.i. (of beggar) cry out (of pedlar) 

cry out one’s wares (of vocalist) raise his 
voice (of birds) sing ; chirp 
mek pot' U lag" ns v.i. (of vocalist’s voice) not to 
: to be clear svsz' nek 

chhiir'ysk (or katfriysk) hhari ho'ns' v.i. have 
a very sarcastic tone aosz' men loti' 

ho'na v.i. have an appealing voice 
aoaz mek na'mak ho’ no ph. have a pathetic tone 
•jbtava'zak n.m. report fame ^reputation 

slander Vpdhfjbfaua’zah bitfakd'Jio'nay.i, (of 
something’s fame) spread 'Jr jV aoi’zdh 

(or dMt'er) kas’na v.t. taunt yell out 
shanderous remarks [P] ^ 

fJW dos'zah N.M,(see under fair) 

7 aua gav'an n.m. (dial.) metempsychosis; 
transmigration of soul (S coming and going] 
jjia'var suf cause of something that 
brings jjjfsvard n.f. (in versification) art ; 
lack of normal flow ad). artificial ; lacking 
natural flow suf. result of ; brought about by ; 
aftermath of oar'dah adj. (amount) brought 
forward n.m. protege afteimath (of) 
]P~ oljv/bring] 

“ Yjiavtkhtah suf. ^ hanging ; suspended 
'* attached 

yfisuez’ suf. hanging attracting Jlsjl 
** sve'zsk adj. hanging; sus-, ^ 
pended ; pendant attached ti 
Sve'zsk kar'iis vyr. hang; sus- 
pend attach ttfiavt'zah N.M. ear- 
ring [P~prec.] 
iy}j\sve'zi± n.f. enmity 
" differences [P~prec.] 

Aj'a* n.f. sigh cry of pain ; moan int 
W alas , ah ; ah ah; dear ; dear me ; oh dear 
tydrfhl ah' (or a'hek) bkar’ns, Isaiah' kat'na 
v.i. sigh ; lament cry with pain Ifyiah 
par' ns v ,t suffer retribution for oppression ; 
be overtaken by Ncmeyi&fyfta' h~e jsh' kah' n.f. 
heart-reading sigh jyj£*?oXah-e ji'gar-soz' n.f. 
burning sigh L^iefs'h-e .rasa’ n.f .< sigh evoking 
response; effective sigh #< s'h-e sard' n.f. 
deep sigh s'h-e > ar &\ kket&ns v.t. 

heave a deep sigh CjfjHjCMafc' kar'na (or 
ikokt b'na) v.t. sigh’ moan 0>>Tah' lens 
v i oppress ; tyrannize invite Nemesis ; 



deserve retribution afm' 

S'h-e turn sha'bi n.f.* midnight lamentation 
midnight prayer t Ta'h-o-buka\ tfjljt #7 
zrh-o-Za'ri,(jb>jeta'h-o-Jighan n.f groans 

wailing lamentation [P] 
jrfoha, llali'hi int (expressing delight or 
wonder) oh wonderful 
> *'a'hat n.f. footfall l a’ hat puna v.t. 

hear the foot fall' (of) get an inkling 
(of).l^viii tZfia'hat le'te raih'nz PH, be on 
the alert ; be vigilant 

^ skis' tah adv. slowly softly ; tender* 
'"‘V* ly leisurely adj. slow slack 
tardy so ft £*$2^ ahis'tak skis' tah adv. 

slowly gradually by degrees 
dkts'la rau adj. slowpaced J&iTahis' tags n.f. 
slowness tardiness delay mildness 
softness [P] 

X s' hart n.m. (ped.) iron tffi/mar'd-e a' kart 
strong njan jX\a' hen-gar n.m. black- 
smith ; smith (fjttfa'han-gari n.f. blacksmith’s 
trade jfia'Aant adj. iron ferric strong 

hard Clb'jtTa'haril salakh' n.f. steel bar 
Jjftfftta'kani sef n.m. iron s&hytfs' hatAk adj. 

like iron strong hardt(jff»/F*atN»Nr 
ahanU, S‘J(fl7a‘harA.‘azm n.m. firm resolve ; 
unshakable resolution [P] 

£*'ahakg' n.m. sound music ~ melody 
harmony purpose ; intention 
way ; mode time occasion [PJ 
r'a'hoo n.m. deer ; antelope prf/ifa'hoo &adm 
Jt' adj. gazelle-eyed (fd^rjahoo’-t haram' N.M. 
(fig.) inaccessible beloved antelope of 
the sanctuary -djr£~f{takpo’-e falotd n.m. (fig.) 

sjWt^J i 

\jgfa'fnah N.M, (ABB. Of <tlN.M.,'^r) 

jla 'o n.m. coming used only in :) tsJdjIa'-'o 
bfafgat n.f. warm welcome , courteous 
reception \*»C> Ufjjfa”o dekka rut ta"o ph. 
in ^reat hurry indiscriminately [~fl] 
t&ta'in'dah adj. next future coming 
ensuing subsequent adv. in 
future again; afterwards ui/t 
a'ikdah ikjttiya'r ba-das't-e mukhtar’ ph. you 
have my word of advice ; now it is up to you 
to accept or reject it j%(a'\k£ n.m. 

(only ir> +ijt U*7n.m- pastcr(s)-by 

(Jla"i n. f. & v.i. (see under ff-*) 

I a ”* si N M - (arch.) 

U.-O-O' Civil Service ; l.C.S. 



i - j 

jfa’in' n.m. constitution (such ) law 
4% '(arch.) regulation manners (jCi^fa’tn 
bati'di n.f. jsublic decorations illumina- 
tions a’i'n-e dad'-ra'si n.m. trial 

procedure^ way of justice tfs/tifija’i’n-e 
tahri'ri , tailin' a’i'n n.m. written 

constitution (//JK'fctdai'n-e gh air lahrin 
air navisfdtah a’i'n n.m. un- 
written constitution c r£?fa”ln-e kohari n.m. 
old Older former constitution -H'^Ta’in' 

na'tmh n.m. constitution (arch.) manual 

of rules and regulations^^ nau 

(or navi') n.m. new constitution new 
'ni adj. constitutional [P] 

6a”«ft shs"eh n.f. irrelevant 
" * .* talk ^ silly talk of discomfited 
pctson!^( 5 t Al’(^ , 'a'’di 6a'’rt j&3'’rt fczr'na v.i. 

talk irrelevantly talk in a silly manner 
siJ'fa’l'nah n.m. mirror ; looking-glass 

(*tr>7 a'l'nah aft’ </f»a 60 ja'na v.i. (of 
mirror) blind ; lose its polish ZfS 
if la 'i'na-e 6a' tin n.m. (fig.) purity 
of heart ; heart ; clarity Qf con- 
science CC. Jsfa’V nah bana'nz v.t. 

manufacture a mirror per- ' 
plex (lfl)^JCjda”ina-e ha' lab (or ’Q 

ha’labi) n.m. quality mirror (arch.) such 
a one made in Aleppo xl^/f a ’i'na kha'nah 
n.m. mirrored chamber jb^tfTa’ina-dar adj. 
reflecting or echoing (views, etc. of) n.m. 
(arch.) one holding a mirror (to) t&^Tai'nah 
dikha'na v.t. hold a mirror (to) show the 
pros and cons (of) put; {/jfjai'na-rukh' (or 
roo') adj. fair ; blonde jlst>ta’i'na-saz\ 
a’tna-gar t n.m. # mirror manufacturer 
glazier C^i^i-^leyj’yzdinah sam'ne se na hat'na 
v.t. pay constant attention to one’s make-up 
sikah'dar (or sikatidaz I) 
n.m. (arch.) polished steel mirror stated to 
have been installed by Alexander to detect 
movement ^of enemy ships (lit.) magic 
minor Ig^faTna-ffma adj. very beautiful 
respondent a’l'nah kar de'na v.t. 

cause to glisten (fig.) clarify; make absolute- 
ly clear a l'na-c mujav'vaf, 

mujav' oaf ainah n.m. concave mirror 
n’ina-e mobad'dabJ>h-sj/ mohad'dab a'i'nah n.m. 
convex mirror {Jl(/ 4 ££. 7 a’i'ne meh bal n.m. crack 
in the mirror L'Tijff^d'itu meh bal a’na v.i. 

(of mirror) be cradted me* 

Tr.uhh de’kho ph. don’t give yourself airs [P] 

3 >. a n.f. nurse lady’s maid 

't aya-gari n.f. midwifery 

C ) ay a conj. whether if 

* .whether or not [P] 

Vfa>3 v.i. (p.T. oft! v.i. *) r&jggSM- 

^Aa'yat n.?.*la'yah n . m . ( n . f . PL.^iJa'yat’) 
’.(Quranic) verse sign (of God) mark 

i'yat-il kur'si n . f . the Throne Verse ; 
verse 2 ; 255 of the Holy Quran describing 
God’s authority r£J a'yat-e kaii'mah n.f. 
the Penitential Verse ; Verse 21i87 of the Holy 
Quran repeated as a penitential formula 
t_w<*6 adv. now presently; just now (jjjL/i 

ab, 6fcf adv. even now till now ; to 
the present time ; to this moment yet ; still 

paehh'tat kya. 

hot jab chir’yaft chug' ga"i ft kket' prov. it is no 
use crying over spilt milk L'jCslfiab’ tab kar' rat 
v.i. evade ; dodge ab' tab ho'na v.i. be 

on the point of deathi^i-daft' tak (arch, wvlw 
ab' talak) adv. till now ; yet , still 
hitherto rahg la"i gilaifj'ri ph. 

(exclamation about mischievous pa$on) now 
does he show his true colours^wiao' s* \£r> v - 
henceforth, henceforward ; from now on ; 1 in 
future Ififtiab' ka adj. of the present time 
the next ; the followingJwIa6' ki^lj^iab' kr 
bar' conj. & adv. this time this once 

** tot •*' 

ke sath,jab' fa bad jab' it sath- prov. changed 
circumstances call for a changed itjiom 
ab * ke conj . & adv. this time 
ab' ke ba' eke to sab' ghhar ra'fjie prov. saved 
once’s saved for ever w “e^tab'na tab' adv. 
never in no case ; under no circumstances 
?- */lab'ke ba'ras adv. this year < 

ab N.M. (PL. a6a') (ped.) variant of.# 
abo’o N.M. father JJja'baA adj. 

partiarchal paternal [AJ 


Cltia n.m. refusal ; denial detestation 
l '/it iba‘ kax'na v.l. detest 
1 1 ab'ba N.M. daddy ; papa; pop^lflilab'bajan, 
,flt ab'ba ji n.m. respectable father int. dear 
daddy ; dear papa 
(JtLlaba'btt n.m. swallow; martin 
n.m. pl. flock or swarm (of 
birds, etc.) ( - sino.JI/ swarm] 
iJZ&il iba'hat n.f. leave ; per- ' JT \ 
mission liberty ; licence yj 


i\i, ubal'na v.t. boil J tynbal' n.m. boiling ; 

•j, ebullition rage ; fury ; fit of passion 
Mtfjlimi: ana (or B tk'na) v.i. start 
boiling have a fit of passion have a 
sudden but transitory longing (for) or aversion 
<to>KUD4ifi*a'/3 suba'la adj. (of dish) badly 
cooked merely boiled tasteless ; vapid 
tyjljilbi uba'ti dal mil'na v.i. have tasteless 
food [~U]Icaus] 

I ibtida' N.f. . commencement begin- 
ning origin lifl&l ibtida kar’rta v.t. begin 
make a beginning take the initiative 
ibtida' ho'na vx be begun ibtida ’ 
meii ad v, in the beginning : at first ; originally 
dli}jibiida”i adj. - preliminary initial 
primary ibtida 'i ta'tim’ n.f. primary' 

education ibtida’ 'i huroof n.m. pl. 
initials initial forms of letters opening 
words J U>ly$liilibtida”i tib’bi imdsd' n.f. first- 
aid ibtida''* mad rasah n.m. primary 

school^ UfiUi l ibtidH mada'rts n.m. pl. primary 
schools [A] 

ibtida 1 ' n.m. innovation [A~ w^] 

(Jjfyf ibtizal' n.m. triteness meanness 
vileness contempt [A ~(M] 

y^fab'iar adj. spoiled ; spoilt vitiated 
ruined destitute miserable confused 
disorderly (rare) issueless I'/p.iab'tar 
kar'na v.t. spoil vitiate upset ruin 
Vjfifab'tar ko'na v.l be ruined be spoilt 
be thrown into disorder (f/ltab'tari n.f. 
disorder mismanagement confusion 
rain [ ~ k/i curtail] 

ibhszm ' ’ n.m. (pcd.) smile cheerful- 
„ ness Jeftabas' sum’ n.h.^ IA] 
vifibtila* n.m. misfortune; s’-oke of ill- 

-luck temptation trial fA- Ht] 
few\ibUhaj' n . m . happiness cheerfulness 
^ ' gaiety ^ilarity [A - 
[tflubot'na (col. ktbUt’na,tfl\ib'tan) n . m . 
cosmetic unguent mixture of perfume* 
oil, flour etc. for rubbing the body with 
ubat’na mol'na v.l. rub (body) with it ; apply 
unguent (to body) 

jflab'jad n.f. Arabic alphabet according to 
Hebrew order of letters alphabet 
ABC ; rudiments (properly called 
mat) mode of reckoning number^ by the letters 
of the alphabet. (Following is the value 
attached to each letter according to this sya 
tern of reckoning : 



J > 





X ** (O 








g i 












m * 







O © 

o © 

fs (O 





Any letter not included above has the same 
numerical value as the. one written like it in 
this table.) < J lfidftab'jad khati n.m. one who 
is beginning to team his alphabet ; abecedarian 
beginner ; novice ; tyro [A] 
j\J\abkar , /.lob'hur n.m. (pl. of/Vu. *) 
p Jiab'khirah n.m. pl. vapours steam 
‘S' evaporation exhalations fumes [A — 

i\¥l ab'khal' adj. & n.m. very miserly (person) 
[A-t^] .... 

JtSdbad n.m. eternity ; time without end 
* a’bad-ul-abad' adj. eternity of eternities ; 
time without end t il a'bad-ul-abad' lot 
ad v. forever ; forever and ever tj/a' bodan' adj. 
forever ; etemallyi£*fa'W* adj. eternal ; 
everlasting perpetual endless Cdtlabadly'- 

jit n.f. eternity ; cverlastingness per- 
petuity endlessness [A] 

sMa" n.m. innovation [A~*^f] 

n.m. PL. an order of saints y 
saints devotees ; religious persons [A- 


y'-T 1 


/JJ^| ibdal' n.m . (gram.) substitution of one 
* letter for another ; substitution [A ~J>] 

(• fllftMatl' N.M. (PL. OffiifN.M. it) 

.e.t*'badlKti).&'j>labadiy}at n.f. (see under 
Wajnm. it) " 

abt n.m. cloud bahar’ 

J,i ( or baha’rsh or baharj (nrc^yjab'r-t bath'- 
mm) n.m. spring clouds (J\j\sjabr-e-ba’rah, j j\ 
«br~t tar' n.m. rain cloud(s) u&tfabr-t tunOk' 
mm. light cloud Clfiri abr Ma'na v.i: be 

cloudy (of clouds) be overcast ; overshadow 
jljyi abr-dar' cloudy j^Lju>jabr-e dar'ya-bar' n.m. 

saturated clouds ; rain-bearing clouds 
(fig.) generous person C*$Sjabr-e rath' mat (J/i 
abr-e karam n.m. much needed cloud 
God’s grace »y*2labr-e siyZh n.m. dark c)oud 
abr-e ghaHz n.m. thick cloud(s) &4/Jab r 
kkal'na v.i. (of clouds) be dispersed (of 
sky) become clear St^jjabr ghtr ana v.i. (of 
cloud) be overcast tjysj abr-e mur'dah n.m. 
spong ^yjabr-e mi’safi n.m. spring cloud (s) 

(this as) rain-bearing cloud [P] 
jtab'ra.tjilobrab n.m. outer fold of a double 
>vganr»ent ; outer fol^hjltyjalfra aur as' tar 
N.M. outer fold and lining [P] 
jtydlabrnr' n.m. holy men [A ~ sing.] 

ibraMm' (occ. barahim' among 
Christians fe/jabraham') n.m. Abraham- 
gika'r-e ibrahim N M. pyre metamor- 
phosed into garden (A ~ H] 
fyHbram' n.m. pressing necessity solici- 
tude persistence [A] 

(jZ/Jab’ras adj. leprous (one) suffering 
j fiom leucoderma (A ~ 

•Jyjab'rak (Arabicised asJyjab'raq) n.m. mica ; 

SJ\ ab'roe N.r. eyebrow(^£^; (j^ljjjyiab'roo 
par (ot tntk) ba!' a'na (or par' na) v.i. knit 

the brow ; frow ; scowl ; glower 
ok' no par mail' na a'na v.i. not take something 
ill Qljj'lab'roo lan'na vt. & j, knit the brow ; 
frown ; scowl , glower, ^f^jylabroo-e jateu.' 
mjs. (fig.) crescent [P] 

N.r. marble paper (P) 


jf^labre' sham, n.m. raw-silk silk co- 
coon abre'xhami ad|. silk ; silken 

(A- p ] 

jfylibtiq' n.m. ewer spouted waterpot 


U>l u'basna (rare tybus'na) v.i. become 
j stale rotCldlubsa'na v.t. cause to rot 
\t)\absar' n.m. (pl. oOf'N.F. *) 

tlty abtal' n.m. (pl of^N.M. *) 

^j\i^tibtal' n.m. refutation falsification 
} * ba'til adj.-^[A - yrtfc^N.M.] 
i?Jlat>‘ad' n.f. pl. dimensions extremeties 
jp ab's'd-e sala'sak n.m. pl. 

the three dimensions, mz . , length, 
breadth, and depth (or diickness) 

[A ~ SING.Xjl] 

Jj)\ab"ad adj. sup (pcd.) farthest , 
most distant ; remotest [A -SUP 

|0f ub'ka n.m. slip knot round neck of vessel 
, for drawing water. 

ylabkar' N.F. (pjd.) (PL. of ^ bik'r) virgins 
f (pl. of *J>buk'rah) mornings (A) 
f\\£\ubka"l n.f v act of vomiting nausea 

* sicknessl‘i)#lfiM:a' , f a'na,£?iu'bakna v.i 
vomit ; disgorge expel ; cast out 

Jji'bil N.M. pl. camels [A] 

g/lkl iblagh' n.m. communication 

iiha'ro iblagh' n.m. expression and com- 
munication [A ~£>ji] 

M'l ab'laq adj. piebald , mottled^ blank 

* and white n.m. piebald horse f Iffliab'laq-t 
ayyani n.m. nights and days .; motley time (A] 
{jSflab’laqa n.m a species of cuckoo 

(^luis/ra v.i boil swell flow over 
rise well up L'lfyiu'but a'na v.i. boil 
over overflowl^c^ u'bal per' na v i. boil 

over over flow swell OlfUbaina v t if 
J>\ab'loh n.m pl ,J»bulh) simpleton adj 
simple stupid ; gullible bashful 
ab'lafartb' adj. sly ; wily knave impostor 
huckster (fCiab'lahl n.f. foolishness , folly 
stupidity ; gullibility f A] 

^tiibUi' n.m. (pl^Ii abatis' ->l(iaba'luak) 


devil Satan mischievous person [A ~ 
yf 1 frustrated person] 

n m. (pi..Clalma) son child 
'CM'* 'n-t a dam n.m. man mankind 
(dial.) Son of Man ; Jesus^i )\£i ib'n-il-amr 
adj. high-born ; of noble birth or bloodjW’crt 
ib'n-us sabil' km. traveller (f/d^/Jib'n-ul-gha'ra- 
n.m. selfish person ib'n-t mar'yam n.m. 
Mary’s son : Jesus 4 ^y<y< ib'n-ul-vaq'l n.m. time 
server libna'n.M, pl. sons peoptej&Ot 
abna-t- juu n.m. pl. persons (of same quality 
and rank) ; companions equals abna'-e 

jahah' v fj£lsiabna'-e dok'r (or daih' r), jtfpjjLty 
abna'-e roz-gar'jl>J^-V*labna'-e zamanah n.m. 
pl. people humanity ; mankind con- 
temporaries fA]- 

t,aboo',Lf>lab n.m. (pl. 1 1 aba) father pref. 
(abb. boo) father having ; evincing 
possessor of ; owner of connected (with) 
distinguished O^flr^JJiabnl -baxhar' n.m. 
father of humanity ; Adam sfjjahoo'bak’r n.m. 
appellation of first orthodox Caliph ; Abu 
Bakr t^l/jjaboo' /ttraf', L-'l/ lur&b' n m. 
Dusty (as appellation of fourth Orthodox 
Caliph) (Jfjiahoo’jah'l n.m. (or jaih'l) Father of 
Ignorance (as appellation of one of the earliest 
antagonists of Islam) ; Abu Jahl tj/jj}aboo’ 
hurai'rah n.m. Kitten-owner (as appellation of 
one of the Companions of the Holy Prophet) ; 
Abu Hurairah^la haul adj. (sec under n.m 


^/Ijlabvab' N.M. (PL. oftp'fN.M. if) 

^/L/lubbsr'na v.t. (see under if) 

> . • 

ft\abhd'i nn adj. & n.f. unfortunate (woman) 

/ i~ JV] 

\W\ibham' n.m. ambiguity thumb (AJ 

i^jfUt'bkarnd v.t. rise . grow gain in 
prominence ; become prominent come 
to the forefront ; come into the lime light 
become salient achieve fame ; become pro- 
minent ijhjtubh&r'ns v.t. rise up; lift 
unload induce ; pervade incite excite 
give prominence cause to be salient 
/fila'bhl adv. now just nose ; right now 
even now already in a short 

while this very moment.; immediately; 
instantly till now [~i_W-{J"/] . 

(J I ib'bi n.f. toss-stroke (at tip-fat) t j/^jJJib'U 
dab’bt kar’na v.r. play tipeat 
aU abe int. you rascal sirrah , siree 
* a' he ta'be km na v.i. address disres- 
pectfully ' . 

&l/labyat' n.m. pl. ofi^Vi.F. if) 

i lil&bya'nu v. t. get sick (of) get tirsd 
(of) be or get fell up (whhJuyldfiAya'- 
hat n.f. irksomeness ; weariness 
y fiabir ' n m. (rustic for if) 

jJCf\ ab’yaz adj . white snow-white 

milk-white more or most splendid^* 
U?siJ>ah'r-e ab'yaz n.m. White Sea [A~ (J/tf- ] 
abiqoor'n n.m. & adj, epicurean 
abiqooriyyal n.f. epicureanism [E~G] 
/K y /Jrtt abail' dabail' adj. & n.m. weakling 
** ** subservient 

upar'tm v.t. uproot cause to blister 
** fyupar' n.f. blistering (of skin) 

Upar' kar'tta v.r. (of skin) blister [~ C^caus.] 
fgir ( apa'haj adj. crippled lazy ; indolent 
n.m. cripple indolent person 
U'paj- n.f. new idea flight of fancy 

wit (lit.) produce ; yield U£» U’pqjrtB 
v.i. spring up , grow sprout ; germinate 
(of idea) rise in mind ^ 

t/jbl Vpdcsh' n m. (dial.) sermon 
'•'* updesh''na (or de'na). v.i, preach l 
d/uie'shak n.m. (dial.). preacher [S] 

Af y[nprail' n.m. April Jji^laprail'/ool n.m. 

All Fools’ Day April Fool [E] 
lylu'pmna v.i. give a good impression be 
'** well-printed (of skin) blister 
1^1 a p' sara n.f. (dial.) gay girl ; prostitute; 

courtesan (H. myth.) dancer at Indra" s 
court (H. myth.) nymph [S] 

D'lap'/d n.m. dung-cake - ). - 

v ap'le ikap'na (or di»irT^|f*>a) 
v.i; jireparc dung-cake eCTv! 
ap’likasfmn n.f. application (EJ 
{^lap'ii a pron. one's own 
* personal : individual appro- 
priate exclusive n.m. relation , rela- 
tive , kith and kin liCiop'ta a' pa n.rl 

* s 'f 

one’s self; oneself IP I ap'na ap’na adj. 
respective personal individual IPj IPj 
k l ^j'J^ e a P na a P'na hai, parz’yz par a y a p'ro’v. 
close sits my shirt but closer my skin ; blood is 
thicker than watertyvusj I IPj ap'na mV loo si'dha 
kar'na ph. wheedle someone grind one's 
oyn arte ; look to one’s own interests 
UfJ^ap'na ul' loo Pa'hifi na'fnfi' gays prov. I 
stand ip no way to loset^l/ ^ I ap'na bans' le nS 
v.i. Win (someone) Over ciUlyjb&Okip'Tta 
bega'tmh (or parz'yz) n.m. all and sundry 
friend and foe related and unrelated persons 
y&JtljfriOjttpna. pool pars’ ya dhifigra prov. 
every man thipks his own geese swans jdLapXjj 
frOijf£fap'na pet to kit' tz b\d pal'ta hai 
prov. it is not manly on ojie’s part tolook just 
to self-interest 

■ap'na pai'sa kho't 3 to parokk'ne Va'le ks kya 
-qUsoor' prov. if your money is bad, the assayer 
js not to blame I 

ap'na pet paih'le dhaftpo doos're ko naftga pt'chhe 
kaih'ns v.i. those who live in glass houses 
should not throw stones at others 
ap'na to' shah ap'na bharo'sah,2l'£~\'J>jiP t \ ap'na 
to' shah ap'ne sz'tk prov. every tub must stand 
on its bottom VJl&ty ap'na thika'na kar'na 
v.i. shift for onesejf arrange separate 

residence for oneself ap’nZhisab' kar'na 

v.i. settle one’s account (with) &£-40lap'na 
ras'tah le'na v.i. . wend one’s way not to 
meddle with other, affairs IPJ ap'na rakk 

pars' ya chakk prov. save one’s own and spend 
another’s Ijjtrjjfyl ap'ns ro'na to' ns v.i. air 
one’s grievance talk of one’s woes 

Jap'ns sa mifih le kar raih' js'ns v.i. 
hang down (or hide) one’s head in shame CVlJ) 
It/ ap'na sabe'ta kar'na v.i. fend for oneself 
ap'na sir' pit' le'na v.i. curse oneself 
CtfjLsOiap'na sir' kha'na v.i. (iron.) do 
what one wills not to pester others VjCfyty 
ap'na soojh'ta kar'na v.i. fend for oneself 
ap'na ‘aib bhl hunar maHoom' 
ho' ta hai ph. one’s own vice seems a virtue 
Cy ap'na ham doos're par na da'lo 
ph. if you want a thing done well, do it your- 

■ielf V/lPl ap'na kar'na'v.T. mak^ (someone 
. or something) one’s own /, attach (someone) 
to oneself embezzle (,0>fJ)ClJ\Pl ap'na ki'ya 


pa'na (or bht'ga/na) v.t. suffer the conse- 
quence of one’s misdeeds face the music 
ap'na gkar' bhar’na v.i. aggrandize 
oneself use one’s position to ope’s personal 
advantage ^)C?S^j t >/0\ a p'na gkar’ 

door' se soojh’ta (or na'zar) a'ta hai ph. one 
seizes on one’s personal advantage fy-A IP, I 
ap'na la'hoo f/i'na v.i. suffer oneself 
ap'na meith dWo ra(k)'kho ph. don’t ^you 
hanker after it you do not deserve it 
jr, ap'ns mifih de'kfto ph. you do not deserved 
Bbci ap'na tram' ba'ial dal'na v.i. 
change one’s name put one’s honour at 
stake for something Ufi tfffyVfjglap'm ng' men 
ap'jal'na v.i. vent one’s rage on oneself j'lcl'i 
Ujf(Jj.ap'm ap m bc'li bol'na v.i. (of each) press 
one’s claim simultaneously &Ctv f l%Jap'ni ap’ni 
par’na v.i. look out each for oneself 
Ljijtyap'n* ap'm jafti ap’ns ap'na rag prov. 
everyone has his own fad Jf ,>lf -(! rjfy ap'nx e'ri 
de'kho ph. do not cast a malignant lookvO^I 
Cifji ap'm bat par or' ja'.na vvi. uke a firm 
stand (j>Jjjfy\A>^ifyap' r& pith dikka n i na'hifi 
de'li ph'^ none can see,the beam hi one’s own 
eye 4 ran' kho'liye ap' 
hi lajofi mar’ ye prov. wash your dirty, linen in 
public and be put to shahie (Oflj (AtbJ'iap'ni 
rah' lag nS (or le'na ) v.i. not to meddle with 
others affairs tyd>i/dl»&Jap'ru kfcal meti mast ’ 
raih'na v.i. be happy despite poverty 
frjtfap'm kafn’ na aur ki sura ph. without 

v.i. settle enough dower on one’s daughter 
. ap'm ga'H mefi kit' la 

bhl sher' ho'ta hai prov. even cowards are 
bold at their own post’; every dog is valient at 
his own door pvery cock is proud of his own 
dunghill A tfof ^/P'rngauh' ks yar' ph sel- 
fish friend wfaJpgsiQ 

ap'm nzk ka'u to ka'ft, para"T bad shagoo'tti to 
ho' ga i prov. never mind if the.nose is cut, at 
least the face has been spited 
ap'm mftd so'nZ ap'rii riiftd uth'na v.i. lead a 
carefree life be subservient to^npne I 

ap'ne ap adv. by itself (ctc.)(frJCjiL2£lap'nc 

pa" oil par kka're ho'na v.). stand on one’s 

feet achieve self* sufficiency^^t/ilA^/^-l 
^ryfiap'ne ap'ne vaq't par har chi’z' achchhi 
lag'll hai prov. everything is good in its season 
ap'ne pn°on^ ap kal'ha'ri mar'na 
ph. dig one’s own grave ap'ne ta'ili ph. 

(arch.) oneself ap'ne fa ah (or 

faaboii) adv. according to oneself 
" o. ap’ne haq meh kah'te bo'na v.i. cause one’s 
own ruin 1 ap'ne dhab ka ph. (person, 
etc.) after one’s heart the type needed 
Vjtf&ap'ne ssi'e se bkl dar'na v.i. be very 
cowardly H&jf ap'ne kamse kamrakk'na 

v.i. mind one’s own business ap'ne 

ki’ye par pachfcta'na v.i. regret one’s actions 
'nt Wye ka kya ‘llaf PH^there 
is no remedy for one’s own misdeeds < 
L* ap'ne In' ye ki saza'Phugatna (or pans) 

v.i. face the music <U 

ap'ne gireban' meh mlhh dal'na (or dal- kar 
dtkh'na) v.i. undertake honest self-criticism 
i^Oy&i~\ap'nt muhh mi' yah mit'dw . ph. 
self-praise uno recommendation 
Hi ap'ne mlhh. miyah mithoo ban' na v.i. be one’s 
own tiumpeter ; indulge in self-praise 1 

Vji/'U’ap'ne muhh par tamahekah mar'na v.i. 
chastise oneself -tfdCOIjjSlfrflfdLtnp'ne hi tan' ka 
pho'ra sata'tata hai v.i. one is betrayed only by 
friends dpna'na v.t. adopt make (some- 
thing or someone) one’s own JdQapna'y at n.f. 

kinship family relation 
J&\ u'panishad n.m. philosophical portion of 

* Hindu scriptures [S] 

{Ml a'pkarna v.i. swell out gormandize 

* be satisfied with food be full 
grow strong boast be. puffed up with 
pride - become very rich ; have one’s head 
turned with affluence n.m. (aph-ra') flatulence 
adj. (apk'ra) swollen elated satisfied 

fbfya'pharja'na v.i. be overloaded be 
elated be saliated M/$laphra'na v.t. stuff 
gorge feed (someone) so that his belly 
swells out give (money, etc.) to the utmost 
extent of someone’s desire 
\jj/\nphan'na v.i. froth ; foam ; effer vesce 
boil over (fig.) make a wry face 

A Up' pi adj. (of sword, etc.) burnished 
* whetted . 

(dial, m.) appeal fyfiiJfclap'irda'khil 
" kar'na v.t. & o. file an appeal uJilapW 
kar'na v.t. file an appeal Cj^ij&'foapil' 
manzoor' kar'na v.i. allow an appeal (/^Japil' 
khas' n.f. special appeal apil' 'sai'sari 

n.f. summary appeal ^<X,\apil' ‘ am n.f. regu- 
lar appeal J^&tfpapil' mutakha'lif n.f. cross 
appeal [E] " „ 

&lat n.f. extreme /dslat ka adv. extreme ' 
t at' gat adv. very much . 

Cl at a' N.M. father chief Mi'iata bik n m. 

(arch.) Turkish chief princess tutor 
Premier Usfiata'-turk' n.m. Turkey’s father 
(as appellation of Mustafa Kamal, the buildtr 
of Post-Caliphate Turkey [T] 

C\it'ta Adj. (col. fori fiii'na) this much; that 

much a.[si\it'ts sa adj. & adv this 
much a little ; woe bit [ ~l> l] 

C£f| a'ta pa' to. n.m. whereabouts details 

iCtyia'ta pa' la bat a n a v i. give details about 
tell the whereabouts (of) 
lyCfiilar'na, iPiMutar' de'na v.t. cause to 
alight or dismount unload (cargo, etc.) 
land lower ; bring down take down 
tear off cut off disgrace resent 
enthrall (11) expel . (12) make a recompense 
(13) shave off (14) remove (15) free from (16) 
take off (clothes) (17) cast off (18) make away 
(19) uncock (gun) (20) let down (21) lay (in 
grave) (22) produce (23) distil AlStar' n.m. 
descent slope ebb-tide fall decrease 
reduction in price alms 
char ha" o n.m. ebb and flow rise' and fall 

fluctuation ups and downs : vicissitudes 
(of life) loss and gain plot Clrjti star 
ja’na v.t. gulp down bijCl Star' de'na v.t. 
(pull down) take ofl dishonour ; disgrace 
CPj(] star ' le'na v.t. copy take down 

insertitiatjr'ra n.m. slope running into river, 
etc.) ; wharf halting place cast off clothes 

offering (moved a certain number of times 
from head or foot of someone to appease or 
exorcise evil spirit) I'/'hhlSla' ra kar'na v . t . 
takedown dismount iolXljCista'ra Star na v.l 
dispossess evil spirit thus ; exorcise (pjUtUia'ran 
N.M^cast off ciotbcsjjChlta'roo adj. .sloping 


bent upon I'jfjjQuta' roo ho'na v i. descend 
A be bent upon l'y\utar'na v.i. if ^ > 

ata‘M,ifj!ialachi n.m. attache (/ZtfJ 1 
ata'cjii ke s' n.m. attache case 
(f'll spares' ata'shi n.m. Press 
attache [E] 

ffiOala'liq' n.m. tutor ; coach ; 

^ structor precepter mentor 

alali'qi n.f. private tuition ; coaching 
preceptorship [T.~ fl* father] 
m itla'ola adj. precipate impatient 
hasty U sir'd jfi Via" old soba”ola PROV 
haste make waste^figla'V/i n.f. precipita- 
tion impatient haste adj. impatiently hasty 
dla”* n.m. & adj. (same as'tflfc^N.M. if) 

f. (•* atba n.m. pl. followers ; following t/£\ 
C/* * i'ltibz f ' n.m. following ; toeing the line 
obedience [A~ #] 

.y ilt'ehad' n.m. unification unity 
>17' union united front alliance amity 
friendship treaty ty‘jlf y iitteha'd-e sala’sah v.i 
arch.) Triple Alliance, (fs&l itteha’di n.m. 
(arch.) Allied Powers ; Allies adj. ally {A ~ 

J\Ut'tar n.m. north adj .-northern [S] 

Li/fitra'na v.i. strut give oneself airs 
behave boastfully act coquettishly 
IJsi itra'ya adj. boastful conceited ; 
arrogant coquettish 

(Jjjfliilra'i N.T.flJiutarta adj. (see under tVf 


jyji alar' soft n.m. & adj. day after 
(>t tomorrow day before yesterday 
ly'lu'tamz, I'UyfU'tar ja'tta v.i. alight; 

get down land disembark lodge; 
put up ebb wane cross fall off 
• fade be born (11) reach (12) decrease ; 
abate (13) fall in value or dignity (14) be faced 
from debt (13) become insipid (16) flatter (17) 
be disgraced (18) grow old (19) become pale 
(20) grow v thin (21) be pulled down (£2) die 
(23) fell upon (24) change (25) come down ; 
descend (26) be revealed 1‘t'Slu'lar par'm v,i ; - 
settle alight get down lodge l/'liel'ra 
li'Vtdt'ra hi’ a adj. fallen dismissed 
defended weakened waned ebbed 

aliy >ted shoih'na mar' dak nam 

prov. no power, no respect ; out of place, out 
of grace tyjIUtra”? n.f. coming-down ; 
descent come-down ferriage VjlUtar'ta 
adj.&adv. waning (moon) ebbing (tide) 
descending decreasing </? Cyiu'tarta hu'a 

adj. worse meagre of lower quality 

ut'ran n.f. cast off clothes 
dylutrarig' n.f. top piece of door- 

• . utaruana v.T. cause to 
** y ' alight cause be taken off ; 
get doffed [ ~ I'yt caus.] 

n.m. description praise 
. qualification [A~i>*j] 

(Ji&iittisal' n.m. junction being adja- 
..... '■ ccnt t A ~ ch] 

(J&Httifaq' n.m. agreement concord ; 

harmony coincidence amity . 
alliance unity ; union. consent chance; 
opportunity event ; accident equality 
(1 1) probability Cjjfalittifag' ban' tm v.i turn 

out well harmonize L’^G IHUifaq par'ns v.i. 

occur ; come to pass ; happen itiifa’q-e 

ha' saiiah n.m. favourable opportunity 
lucky chance good fortune ; stroke of good 
luck 4~bjb>littifa'q~c ra’e n.m. unanimity 

consensus concurrence £i-£-l)0\e)\ittifa'q-c 
ra"c st adv. unanimously itiifa'q-e 

ia"t ho-' no v.i. have consensus of opinion 
(of concensus of opinion) be V^dlPuttifaq* 
rakh'na v.t. live in harmony be on terms 
of intimacy a q' st by chance ; 

accidentally fortuitously toMthcr ; conjoint- 
ly in conjunction (with) V^yQ\iltifdq‘ kar'na 
v.t. unite agree (with or to) conspire 
form a friendship IjfO^jtllifaq' ho'na v.i. 
happen _ be agreed harmonize grow 
intimate ulift ittifa qan adv. * accidentally; 
by chanoe occasionallywW?U']i«{/a?3«' n.m. 

chances events accidents occur- 
rences aqa' l-e ha’sanah n.m. pl. 

unexpected terms of good fortune agree- 
able accidents }l}&ffli,Utifaqa't-e zama'nah n.m. 
pl. vicissitudes of fortune Xdj. 

accidental ; chance ; fortuitous incidental 

contingent (expenditure) casual (leave) 

•« ** 

agreed ; unanimous *^&uttifaqiy'yait alj. 
chance ; accidental casual contingent 

adv. by chance ; casualty [A ~ lj>] 
l**U iteqtf n.m. piety abstinence shun- 
^[ning [A~c*6>] 

rUl aiqijya' n.m. pl. the pious adj. pious 
« ./devout righteous; virtuous [A ~ sing. 

ypiittika n.m. reclining (against) de- 
, pendence ; reliance [A 
Jtyit’kah (or at'-) n.m. husband of one’s foster- 
mother or midwife [TJ- 
itlaf n.m. loss destruction ruin 
<* decay [A~^] 

Aut'tam adj. best highest excellent 

ul'tam khe'ti 

mad'dbam biyopzr, nikfcad' gia'kafi bWik na-dar' 
prov. of means of livelihood agriculture is ex- 
cellent business mediocre, service the lowest 
and begging the worst 
ntairi adj. (more or) most perfect 
utmost extreme pty-* ba-dar'ja-e atam' 

(ped . da'raja-) ph. extremely to the 
utmost [A-.j'tf' sup.] 

** — itmarri n.m. completion accomplish- 
< "^ment perfection {Ultima' m-t huj' - 

jst n.m: final bed fulfilment of a condi- 
tion [A- ] 

Clifna adj. (f. (jflit'rS) as much as this 
so much thus far C^^t/tS'iit'nisi J>at n.p. 

a minor point ; just that much 
it' rS si jan' gazf bhar ki zaban' ph. too saucy 
for one’s years it'nt se it'na ho'n a 

ga'jra PROV. cheap things cost more to main- 
tain than to buy it is easier to build a new 
house than to patch an old one U^.isL I it'nt mek 
adv. meanwhile ; in the meantime upon 
this ; at this U“i ut'na adj. (f.^I ut'ri) as 
much as that ; so much ; that much that far 
{Pi Ut'na IS adj. exactly that much dCiUfnt 
adv. as many as that ; so many 
yw'too N.M. (arch.) embroidering or plait- 
ing plaitipg ; puckering ; marking 
plaits ; plea bana'na (or kar'na) 
v.t, (arch.) embroider (arch.) pleat 
(fig.) beat l)lue (fig.) vilify (fig.) make a 
of </v"> Ut'Uxbia&lUjiut'too-saz.JjW'too- 

. *• 

gar s.u. plaiter embroiderer t/J'ut'tto 
ho'nsv.t. be disgraced be scandalized 
[corr. of P pr. u too] 

Jt?i itvar' n.m. Sunday 

.<•* . itteham’ n.m. imputation charge ; 

I 'accusation suspicions slander 
censure tf^f'id'l itteha'm-t be-ja', (tel if 4- be-ja' 
itteham' n.m. false accusation uncalled-for 

pQffathah' adj. abysmal ; bottomless un- 
fathomable deep unfordable [ ~ neg. 

1 "t/^3 

UJ?lutk'/g adj. shallow (fig.) unable to 
t .. keen a secret 

{JtPIW thattm v.T. turn topsy-turvy ; upset 

turn over O^O^iQ’tWalna pu'thalna 

v.t. upset ; turn topsy-turvy cdfiSfltfa'na 

v.T. turn topsy-turvy upsc 

pit' that adj. upset ; tops -tu>-vy 

VJii'thal puJUal kor'na v.T. tui i topsy-turvy ; 

upset PzTtJ^Criu'thal pu'that o'ns v.i. be 

topsy-turvy be upset 

iJ^Lla'ta tut' adv. (full) to the brim [ ~kl] 

> */* 

^Llafa’di n.m. same as^TWN.M 

(/jl)ata'ri n.f. upper room ; ggj£SjlJ|| 
garret penthouse JBB^jP^P 

(|vlata'/a n.m. lumber goods lS ' t[ 

chattels stock mass, heap 
commodities ; provisions * 

ata'la kor'na v.t. heap mass Lji/ ill fata 75 

lad'na v.t overload 

ata'na v.t. fill fit [ ~ 1^*1 caus.J 

fjl/t /sta octh n m name of an Indian town 
£ ata’ve ka ka'rigar n.m. (fig.) brag- 

ging workman who does not turn out to be 
very skilled at his trade 

atpata'na v.i. talk nonsense waver 
V iinger at' pat bol'm y. i. 

gpeak incoherently talk nonsense 
^ y at' sat n.f. cleverness ; ingenuity 
plot ; intrigue l'l*J J^sJ/lat sat 
laps' na v.t. plot sat la' rl ho' tut 

have inspired have an equation (with) 
l*j£n<sfJta'na v t. stop hinder impede 
restrain cause to falter postpone 
jV<aika' , o n m, postponement hurdle ; 


hindrance restraint detention [ t^iCAUs], 
/JP I at'kal n.f. guess ; conjecture sup- 
position presumption opinion 

rough estimate at’kal baz adj. conjscturer 
JrVpiat’kal-paflt'ilioo n.m. wild guess ; random 
guess ; mere conjecture adj. uncertain 
Conjectural adv. at random at'kal sf adv. 
approximately ; by conjecture ^ffej^lat'kal 
se Asm le’na v.t. guess ; hazard a guess 
a’tak matak n.f. coquetry 

atak’nn v. i hesitate stick rest 
* falter be entangled be dependant 
(on) L ltfat'kana V.T if . . 

at'kan bat’kan, era I at’ kart mat'kan 
* n.f. (formula for) children’s game 

comprising self-prepared make-believe feast 
t . MPatkhe'lt n. (usu. pl.) gambol play- 
l/~ ’ fulness blandishment coquetry 
C&juJIatkh eliynk soojk'rm v.l. be in a play- 
ful mood llfoiLfnatkhe'lijsfi karna v.l. be 

rf\atal' adj. inexorable inevitable 
permanent unchanging firm ; determ in- 
' ed : resolved [ ~ neg. 
ijrimt'las n.f. atlas [E] 
b ' 

r\a'tam n.m. heap 

isiat'na, tyJslat' ja'na v.i. be filled to the brim 

&l Vutk'ga adj. (r.JPtiitafi'gl) teddy 
(trousers) ; high drainpipe (trousers) 
shrilled ; badly shaped 

l*)*' j Utah' gam n.m. a species of nettle 

J • atvafi'G khatvzfi'ti, 

afin'fi khatva'ti n f. state of 
women who takes to her bed in grief or trouble 
or feigned illness atva^l 

kkatm'fi li'ye pa? raih'rm ph. be confined to 
bed thus feign illness in protest 
t^ffjiatoot' adj. inviolate unbreakable 
indestructible integral ^Ji^j\atoot' 
aiigPL, (dial;) integral part (neg. i + J>j] 
jfS Mb. suf cighttltflitftfiiaik paih'ri (or paih'- 

rtya) n.m. & adj. (one) with round-the- 

clock duty 

j 9 ' M 

Vtjat’tka n.m. (at cards) eight ] 

ut'thz bai'fhj n.f. (see underOlv.i. 

. b ★) „ 

i/Wla{t)tha'rak n m. & adj. eighteen 
, y a{t)&a ravafi adj. eighteenth >> 

(jwo(t)tha'si n.m. & Adj. eighty-eight 
y a(t)ika'sjvaii adj. eighty-eighth 
(J&lufkan' n.f. (see unde rflfrt v.t. if) 

f Utka'na n.t. lift take up hoist 
erect Lake (an oath on) take away 
pack up produce invent awake (11) 
excite (12) bear ; suffer ; endure (13) -carry 
(14) gain (15) incur (loss) (16) expend (17) re- 
move ; drive (18) nullify (19) abolish (20) put 
aside (21) steal (22) eject (23) breed ; bring up 
(24) raise or rear (wall) (25) effect C'jClS'iuiia'- 

detta v.t. exterminate 


do away with L^Uiuika' rakk’na v.t. assume 
(responsibility) ; take (responsibility) upon one- 
self put off (till tomorrow , etc.) spare 
utka le'na v.t. take up, pick up 
clear undertake utha’ leja’na 

v.t. take away kidnap abduct 
walk off with ellflUthari N.F. (dial, m.) up- 
bringing growth rise ; ascent elevation 

opening # sexual desire development 

of breasts jtflUiha' , oo ^dj. portable 
mobile ; moveable Uj§!telutka"o 0 stfio'th^ n. m. 

portable stove rolling stone 

uiha ,, i-gl , ra vt.u. petty thief; pilferer; larcener 
larcenist I^Vcaus.] 

a(t)^ve n.m. & adj. ninety-eight 
j 'JjU) a(t)tkan'vnan adj. ninety- 


udta"oo n.m. (see Under CUlv. t . if) 

a(t)tka'van n.m. & adj. fifty-eight uijldr 
> y a(t)tka'varwan adj. fifty-eighth 
( J\^\ a(t)tha”is n.m. & adj. twenty-eighth 
a{t)tka"isvafi adj. twenty- 
eighth > . > 

gi'ra N.M. (see under lU7-fc) 

J } jr •• Jt 

iriffth v.i >4 WVi(t)hci ADJ., U/ath'/a adv. (sets) 
under Wv.i, if) , 

»%ffathat'tar n.m. & adj. seventy-eight 
s \ l<ithat' tarvafi adj .^seventy-eighth 
liitplatfc/a'na v.l struct walk coquet- 
tishly walk indifferently 


is' no ‘ashar n.m. pl. the twelve Shi’ite Imams 
is'na ‘a'shari n.m & adj. twelver ; 
Shi’ite believing in twelve Imams [A *• Iwtwo 

^OSir ADJ. high lofty [A] 

fasts' n.m. ether [A~G] 

ya’bat n.f. grant , acceptance 
* * consent, compliance answering 
auph) motion; stool Ijr? (Si)*) ija’bat 
(Afcif has ) ho no v.i. have a good motion [A- 

tj\fl ija’rah n.m. monopoly contract 

leased »jty ija'ra-dsr’ n.m. monopolist 

lease-holder In ija'ra-da’ri n.f. mono- 
poly Oj tjfft ija'tah de'na v.t. give monopoly 
Vvlft i)H' rah kax'aa v.t. engage be ac- 
oountable for Iri iji'rah le'ns v.t. take 
monopoly (lease a monopoly (etc.) sl’ulrt 
tja'ro-na'mak, t$&^;ifiija're ka potto n.m. 
deed of lease ( etc. ) Cf^dtytija're de'na v.t. give 
«n contract [A] 

l^UHyar'na v.t. uproot pull down 

lay waste plunder ; ravage depo- 
pulate mud jlfiijar' adj. ruined 
demolished deserted waste depopulat 
ed desolate n.m. desert wilderness ; 

waste ; wasteland devastation, ruin jjty 

Hja'roc n.m. wastrel ; spendthri(t ; prodigal 

adj squandering ; prodigal 1*5 t< H'jdrnB v.i. 
Ija'zol n.f. permission ; leave 

sanction licence consent 
» ja'iot daA'M V.T. take leave of sfeek 

permission dfojUi ija'zat khah N.M. one ask- 
ing permission ija'zat de'na v,T. 

permit ; allow authorize empowei^fc^Vl 
•jaitflt rntTna v.i. get permission get a 

adj. manifest bright 
luminous conspicuous ll/Jff t Vja’gor 
her' ai v.t. show off or up make conspi- 

cuous i'jtjyi tja'gar ho'n a v.t. be or become 

n.m. sunshine 
daybreak ; dawn light (fig.) 
glory l<rf»i>illf»^a'/a ho ’ na V.I. dawn ; (of 
dayjbrtak he daylight be lighted ; be 

lit uphiV'tLiflija'U ka ta'ra N.M. Morning 
Star ; Venus Olflujal'na v.r. burnish 
polish brighten cleanse 
(£} if I vjan' adv. (rare) upstream 

W'lf 1 aja'nib n.m. (pl. of c^f<Aoj. & n.m. if) 

ijbar ‘ n.m. compulsidb ; constr ain t 

.♦ force repression [A~ /.) 
ijtiba' nm. choice ; selection [A] 

ijtima n.m. gathering ; concourse 

meeting assemblage congrega- 
tion combination conjunction co- 
existence community society 
ijtima' ‘-e ziddain' n.m coexistence or combina- 
tion of opposites Vstfci ijtima'' kar'rta v.i. 
gather ; combine ; league hold a meeting 
convene £/%W>jroo'k-*l ijtima“ n.f. spirit 
of society ’espirit de corps' ijtima”* 
adj. social collective community 
congregational ii lima ' ‘1 tah^f'Ttr H J t 

collective security c }S(f'w ijtima"! taroq qt Mr. 
community deyelppment f) ijtima' ’f 

jid'd~o jah'd n.m. collective effort- 
ijtima' *1 mansoo'boh kj*. community project 

k^\£%jijtimb' n.m. keeping aloof; shpn- 

ning abstinence abstination 
ijtinab' kar'na v.t. shun ; keep aloof (ftomV 

I *y. ijtehsd' n.m. exercise of judgment 
^vy*. 1 exertion earnest effort interpreta- 

tion of la-amic law ; authoritative interpreta- 
tion (fj&tijuha'dl' adj. interpretative Jvfa&i 
. ijteha'dl mas”alah n.m. interpretation of law- 

jl/ffajdad' n . m . pl. ancestors ; toafcthar 

> i 9j<*4’ *t>J- rude ; unfldftinarly idiotic 
ignorant Inconsiderable njs. ill 
mannered fellow errant blockhead lout 
idiot irjotf gatoor' n.m. unmannerly boor 
J%\aj'r n.m; reward ; recompense re- 
muneration Cj^Ug’r ddna v.t re- 
munerate recompense ; reward (A) 

I# *7 ra n.m. enforcement issue exeea- 
tion service circulation t'/'tfi ijra 1 ' 
kar'ita v t axeeuie (decree} issue sat 

on foot ijra -e dig'ri n.m. execution of 

a decree . 

l*ljZlajram n.m. pl. bodies (r^iajrs'm-e - 
fa’laki n.m. pl. heavenly bodies [A ~ 
sing. ffjirm] 

^IT'f rat n.f wages remuneration 

Jj’lS/ig ADj (see underlay. i if) 

ujarrta v.i. be ruined become 
desolate be demolished be ravaged 
be plundered be deprived of inhabitants ; 
be deserted be spent die be violated 
\>jr\ j \ a adj. ruined desolate depopu- 
lated deserted ,/j.i (a I 'j’fa diyar' n.m. waste- 

land ^har n.m. house lying in 
ruins (fig.) ruined family j r .& t) j': s 

adj. (v.tfjgffjQ Jj'\ i p'j'ii) in ruins; desolate 
~>jarvdna .v.t. cause to be laid waste 
cause to be ruined 

fyrf ajza' N.M. PL. parts ; portions 
members ‘ ingredients constituents 

elements parts ajza-e larkl'bi n.m.' 

pl. constituents (A ~ sing. /Sj\ 
jLZ'l ajszd' N M (pl. ofA-^N M. if) 

I Lfl ajsam' n.m. (pl. if) 

Pf’laj’gar n.m. boa constrictor dragOn 

n.f. death hour of death 
term of life stated, time destiny 
a'jal-rasi'dah adj. overtaken by 
fate doomed Ci&/()fla'jal~sir par khel'na 
v.i. (Of death) loom large d'jal-girif'tah 

adj. doomed in the jaws of death [A] 
fyffajal’ adj. (more or) most glorious [A -cfcs 

iMfvj'la adj. (v.JflVj'li) white clean 
clear luminous ; radiant splendid 
lovely (/jfUfi vj'la a d'mi N.M. (fig.) respect- 
able man ifrllitf xfla fly ad(. quite white 
quite clean if la pan n.m. whiteness 

cleanliness . lustre intelligei ce Itlfl 
Hjal'na V.i. , (of jewellery) be polished Olft 
gjui rm, Ctj/fl Xjalvfna v.t get (jewellery) 

C/'Dff ijl&s km. sitting session bench 
(of court) meeting ijlas’ forma' 

adj. & adv. presiding in session 
( jla's-e ka'mil n.m. full bench (of law-court) 
ty/lifl ijlas'kar'na v.i. be .in session 
preside sit in court* r^Htlifi^khUsoo'sl ijlas' 
n.m. extraordinary meeting ifUflZUissala’nah 
ijlas’ n.m. annual meeting iftiftflfd+khtfla 
* am ' ijlas' n.m. open general session tflffit/^ 
‘umoo'nti ijlas ’ n.m. general meeting [A 
&j)?lajlaf' n.m. pl. scum of society the 
vulgar ignoble people [A- siNO.*-^f 


j . ijlal' n.m. exaltation glorification 

( JVf' ijla’l-o thtiram n.m. respect 

and glorification idtZoo’U* ijlit N.M. 

arrival (of important personage) Clfl) 
nuzoo’l-e ijlal " farma’na v.t. (of important 
personage) arrive ; come (A- J*) 

Jflajil’lah n.m. (pl. of cJM^adj. if) 

Otp ijma *' n.m. consensus ijmdf-a 

urn’ mat n.m. consensus of Muslim opi- 
nion l?\ftijma’ , l adj. based on consensus [A- 

Jifl ijmal" gist ; abstract ; epitome ; sum- 
mary abridgment, synopsis 

(arch.) joint possession * s 

ijmal’ ki yell hai ph. a detailed account of the 
points is (that) (j l?i ijma'ti adj. brief 
abridged (rare) joint ; undivided 
ijmal’li khandan’ n.m. (arch.) joint family [A] 
)aj'mat adj. more or most beautiful 
lovely [A ~ J^sup.j 
ajma'ln' pl. all together whole 
[A ~ sing. $£( '■—'££] 

Jj%\ ajmood’ n.m. parsley 

• •• 

ajnas’ n.f. pl. commodities crops 
cereals goods genuses [A- sin£ 


aj’anbi (ped. t^&laj'nab) N.I fc (pl. fdlf* 
aja'nib) stranger foreigner; aHen 
adj. strange foreign new to a place 
unfamiliar aj ndtnjat N.r. unfamillarity 
strangeness cold attitude ; lack of 

warmth [A] 

(*/ f ajva" in H.r. a species of dill dill- 
seed 'JL'ljtflftajifa’'in khurasaid n.f 

haoV hmhan* mu d 



ajoo'rah n,m. (pcd.) re- 
ward wages remunera- 
tion (A~Z*1 

in', aj'kal adj. most ignorant 
U ** ignoramus dunce [A~jjV 

vjht'nn n.m. dung cakes or firewood 
arranged in hearth before setting fire to 

(£l a'jl int, (for calling attention) Hallo 
I say Sir a' ji jane ifcj 

di'jiyt ph. don’t you tell me leave it 
alone( ~ 

Dlglvjjrn'fa adj. (same as Uifi n.m. *) 

ej'ifan n.m. adjutant [~E CORR.) 

£i,ajir‘ n.m. employee [A 

ran adj. vexatious wearisome 
burdensome opperessive dis- 
tasteful \j,}Jul?Aaji'ran kar dt'na v.r. make 
things difficult for Clfjr’Jyf.laji'ran hoja'na v.i. 

grow burdensome become vexatious 
be distasteful be sickening 

a&a'pat n f. things (esp. provisions) 
*'* V bought on creditfWl^Vl uehapat uthana 
v,t. give (provisions, etc.) on credit L’J^Ui 
i«fta pat la'na v.i. bring (provisions, etc.) on 



adj. disgusted ; dissatisfied 
tired dull bored t'bjj-iU/ u&at' ho 
jd'ns vx grow veary be bored be- 
come disgusted 

vUfosSar' n.m. pickles dnl'nn 

V v.t. pickle preserve (fig-) cause 
to vegetate P(6'U(a^ar' niknl'na v.i. crush 
e&a'nak adj. (dial. ^jflsiadian'chak) 

** all of a sudden ; all at once unawares 
by chance unknowing 

iin a&'pala adj. playful ; sprightly 
yZl rcsllcssJtriisiafhpala’ha} n.f. playful. 
b^s ; sprightliness restlessness 

v.t. be separated (as plaster 
from wall) rebound (as sword striking 
obliquely) bedisheartened be displeased 
be sick of ha' a adj. cur- 

sory careless y&Jjfcfri uthatl hul na’ttu n.f. 




ii auyi 

C'?' 1 

cursory glance t Pi ucktann v t 
cause to turn away from 
&f)o(k ar j (dial, a'charaj) adj. strange 
> ' surprising uncommon ; out of the way 
a'chomn v.i. (rare) be uttered be 
spoken be pronounced 
uchak'ka n.m. pilferer pickpocket 
swindler bad character knave 
iicfiak'ka pan n.m. pilfering r vindling ; 
fraujl knavery 

7 1 ach'kan n.m. tight long coat 
with full-buttons in front , 

uchakna v.t. & t. rise on 

* tiptoe jump swoop down 
carry away understand ; guess 

u'chak kar adv. rising on tiptoe leaping 
up i yjftu ckak le'na v.t. swoop down 
carry away guess correctly slip out (of) 
reach U’chak' le'na v.i. swoop down 

( firZlacham’kha n.m. wonder marvel 

astonishment adj. wonderful pro- 
digious strange uncommon l/y!L^fia(ham'- 

Iha ho’na v.i. be astonished £?y aefcam’bke 
ka adj. astonishing ; marvellous^ 
aepambhc kt bat n.f strange affairpf * 

acham'bke met ana (or ho'na) v.x. be lost in 
amazement be perplexed be astonished 
be bewildered 

i^’.ach'chhs adj. {r . dZ'ach'cthi) good 
excellent sound pleasing ; agreeable 
appropriate serviceable ; useful right- 
eous ; virtuous healthy pure correct 

(1 1) genuine (12) lucky (13) cheap (14) pro- 
ductive (soil) (15) lovely (16) delicious ; whole 
some (17) noble (18) benevolent (19) clever ; 
skilful adv. well granted nicely 
admirably int. yes well ; very well 
exactly very good no matter never 

mind well done fine all right too 

trueUlrl/iasi'rAfva kha'ss adj. & adv. 
quite well not, bad raih'n <k 

v.t. fare well kar'm v.t. 

cure do good do right C/bPtatk'tkjta 
kaih'na v.t. say yes call good speak 

well (of) l^^iaeh'dhka lag'ra v.i. be pleas- 
ing afford pleasure be agreeable look 

nice fit well enjoy relish benefit 




l‘jf tyadk’dihB fto'na v.i. recover, be cured 
be in sound hea\th(*z-)Z/ y i>(jfi acfc'eh hi tar' A 
(re) adv. well carefully duly suit- 
ably thoroughly ; fully plentifully 
satisfactorily (ffyvl acfc'chhi ka'ht int. (iron.) 

well said what next strange ; how 
strange too true 1 adi'skhe n.m. pl. the 
good betters patrons ancestors ; fore- 
fathers upper classes men of birth, posi- 
tion, literary merit, etc. £~- 1 ei£- ' «£&' silk# 
a&dkh* n.m. pl. persons quite high up in life 
/Os I atfi'clihe a&hoh ko. n.M. your 

” V ^ ' 

betters men who count I acb'clthe din 
n.m. pl. better days se adt'ekha 
adj. best ofalljt^itf^'ffika"* n.f. good 
virtue good point good features 
i/l^l Vtkha'ls n.m. (ef water) gush, spurt or 

.sport l~ 

fhhak'ka n.f. strumpet 
^ Canton who exposer her bosom 

UL&lu&'h&al'na V.T. throw up toss; 
^ fling up make known ; make famous 
bring to disgrace ; scandalize (of child) 
vomit (milk)jt-s*5£<2£-k£f l-V' so'na ucthal'tt 
(fog' It ja”o ph. (there was such security of life 
and property then that) you could go about 
tossing gold on the road [ ~ caus.] 

(see under 1^1 ad j. it) 

l * C*%ll*£iatjthta'na paefsbtana v.t. (col.) 

V repent repine 

Ufi u'cfihalna v.i. leap ; bound issue 
* gush forth ; spurt out fly out 
rejoice be full of glee be puffed up with 
pride be in high spirits ; be wild with rage 
Vi'Jfl ucjihal par'na v.i. leap up with joy 
spring break into a passion be 

frightened < S dfrolte phtr'na v.i. feel 

elated be in high spirits be puffed up 
with pride l/fj+i u'chhal kood' n.f. leaping 
and jumping ; hopping and skipping 
frolicking revelry 

jgjaA'c&koo n.m. suffocation choking 
Ijjffiuet'dLh 00 ho'nav.i. have a catch 
or frog in the throat be suffocated (in the 
act of swallowing) ; get choked 
Dif^lpAhva'ta n.f. caudle 

achkoot' n.m. & adj. (H. dial.) untouch- 

* ab,e t~ NEG - 1 

v P&l ochhoo'ta adj. untouched by hand 
unused new unique remark- 
able dsfi acjihoo'ti n.f virgin (dial.) 

such Shi’ite devotee adj. untouched,, by 
hand unique untouched by death jj£i 
a/a^ihoo'ti kookh n.f. woman whose offspring 
are all alive 

jUl afa d’ n.m. pl. units ; any figure be- 
tween 1 and 9 Traditions transmitted by 
only one narrator in each link of chain [A~ 


4 ^is'jlflahadTs' n.f. pl. Traditions of the 
Holy Prophet (rare) news [A ~ sino. 

eha'tah n.m. enclosure compound; 
close premises precincts boundry 
circuit area ; territory I eha'tah 
kar'na v.t. enclose surround fence 
limit confine [A ~J0Uwall] 

Lmslfl ahbab, Iftahibba' n.m. pl. friends 
lovers dear ones [A ~ SING. 
jlflahhar' n.m. pl. Jewish priests [A -sing. 
. ..s?¥br] 

{j ehtibas' n.m. stoppage restraint 
w (rare) imprisonment [A 

ehtijab' n.m. (ped.) seclusion 
* * retreat (A ] 

ehtijaj' n.m. protest ba-sad' 

* ehtijaj ph. after great protest S-jr 
zer-i ehtijaj' ph. under protesj & l? rl 4~L*sada 't~ 
thtijaj n.f. voice of protest yZi&'&'&lusoda'-e 
thtijaj balatid kar'na ph. raise a voice of protest 


ehtiraz' n.m. abstension ; refraining 
from abstinence for bearance 
avoidance evasion guarding against jy^t 
Vf ehtiraz' kar'na v.i. abstain (from 
avoid refrain (from) [A] 

£) ehliraq n.m. combustion burning; 
conflagration scorching heat [A] 

*' ihtiram' n.m. honour respect 
^adoration ; veneration [A~*S*V] 

ehtisab' n.m. check evaluation 
restraint reckoning making 
up accounts police administration 
fSS&ithti&am' n.m. pomp magnificance 





parade retinue [A ~ Jr ] 
thlx&t n . m . (fit.) enjoyment [A ~&\ 

J &\ t/ftikar' n.m. hoarding [A] 

I ejtilam' n.m. wet dream ; nocturnal 
pollution Bright’s disease [A~ ^ 



/J ttytim&U n.m. apprehension con- 

jecture likelihood doubt sup- 
position probability presumption JC?i 

ehtima'li adj. conjectural probable 

likely hypothetical doubtful 

ma'S ehtima'll n.f. (gram.) hypothetical past 
tense {A-t^ ] 

ebtiyaf n.f. want need im 

digencc necessity emergency £>Ulri 

ehtiydjcLt’ n.f. pl. wants requisites 

necessities [A -wflr] 

ehtiyal' n.f. caution circumspec- 

** don care foresight scrupulous- 
ness heed td-kCfl ehtiyal' se carefully 

cautiously ehtiyal baralna , v.i. be 

cautious ; act cautiously lyhC^lektiyat' 

kar'rm (or rakk'na) v.i. attend be careful 
take precautionary measures watch 
guard against I ehtiynt'tan adv. as a 
precautionary measure pruAtnUy^CfUhtiya'tl 
adj. precautionary ehtiyal' ti tadnbir' 

N.M. PL. precautionary measures ; precautions 


J*\ a had n.m. one unity God*-^ 
ahadiy'yat n.f. unity oneness ; being 
individual harmony alliance 
zn't-e ehady'yat n.f. God as Unity I ah' dt n.m 

(ped. a'/iadi) (one of) a body of soldiers in the 
reign of Akbar somewhat of the nature of pen- 
sioners sluggard idler ; undolent fellow ; 
busy person [A 

ehdzs’ n.m. (ped.; invention novel- 

J'jy<Jfrar' (or aih-) n.m. pl. free-born per- 
sons liberals the noble generous 
persons ingenuous persons [A - sing, yhur] 
ain tf)raq' n.m. burning setting on fire 


fl/l tip am' n.m. pilgrim robe ; shroud-like 
garment comprising two white unstichcd 
sheets swam by Muslims during pilgrimage to 

Mecca interdicting all. worldly enjoyments 
thram‘ bafidk'na v.i. don pilgrim 
robe make a vow of pilgrimage preparatory 
to entrance into Mecca ehram ' 

n.m. pilgrim robe [A] 

**sf7l a h* 5ft' n.m. pl. parties n.f. the Holy 
Prophet’s defensive war against the 
onslaught of allied clans [A 
l •Jty'f ahzan' n.m. (pl. of^>N.M. +) 

ehsas' n.m. sense feeling sensi- 
tiveness perception as' 

dila'nav.T, cruse to feel I'Jlr e fcas' kor'na 
v.i. have a feeling V/; ehsas' ho'na v.i. 
feel [A-t/^] 

ehsan' n.m. favour; kindness good 
office obligation (Jl7 (J> ehsari 

(ka bad'lah) ntar'na v.T. do (someone) a good 
turn in return for his favour t b-*} ths&ri - 
uiha'tia v.i. come under (someone’s) obliga- 
tion owe a debt of gratitude (to) Clf^Ls) 
f/tsari' jala'na. v.T. speak or boast of favours 
conferred (CuC }. ) IjPijls’tehsan' dhar'na (or 
rakWna v.t. place under an obligation 
fr/ijehsan'-faramosh' adj. thankless ; ungrateful 
Jtyi/ efysan'-faramo'shi n.f. thanklessness ; 
ungratefulness ; ingratitude V/c)k^e/}San' kat'na 
v.t. oblige ; favour ; do a favour to 
ehsatt' le’rm v.t. be under obligation be 
indebted istjls'l e /sari manna v.i. feel thank- 
ful (to) ; feel obliged (t o) Jp&ks* ehsari -maM 
adj. thankful ; grateful obliged ; under 
obligation (to) ; indebted (to) thszn- 

mafidz’nah adj. grateful (attitude, etc.) 
thsTin -mart di n.f. thankfulness ; gratitude in- 

af/san (or ail/-) adj. best better 
, perferable more or most lovely 

excellent tfM ba-tafl'q e aihisnn adv. in 

an excellent manner ; nicely aihsan t, 

ahsan'ta int. bravo ; well-done < aihum't 

kaih'na v.i- buck up say well-done [A~ 


a/ ska tut. pl. bowels ; intestines 
(rare) contents of thorax (like heart, liver 

lungs) (A ~ sing. l>] 

rhsa’ k m. calculus counting ; enu- 
merating narrating ' comprehension 



d W'l tftsan n.m. chastity ; sexual restraint 
(rare) besieging ; investing ; circum- 
scribing [A~t/^] 

ekzar' n.m. attendance appearance 
summons summoning 
elfzn'r bil jabr' forced attendance {A-yV’j 
jit? I ah fad' n.m. pl. grandchildren 

Jr l ahaq' adj. (more or) most proper 
(more dr) most deserving [A- £T sup.] 

j\jtZl thqaq' n.m. demonstration of truth (of 
doctrine etc.) proving due adminis- 
tration (of justice, etc.) lifO&lehqa'q-e haq n.m. 
establishing the truth (of) proof of truth 


ah'qar (or aih'-) adj. (more or) most 
contemptible meanest lowest n.m. 

(usu .’aih'qar) (as self-humiliating expres- 
sion used out of courtesy for other’s) I your 
most humble servant [A— //sup.] , 

akkatn' (or aih-) n.m. (pl. of hukm 
1 n.m. if)f'Jfr r le$cam' n.m. strengthening ; 
reinforcement fO ah'kam adj. very strong 

firmer most stable [A - ^ ] 

/IV I ahlam' n.m. pl. dreams [A -SING. / I 
( hulm] ' 

jv? I ah' mad (col. aih' mad) adj. (more or) 
most commendable n.m. the ^ Holy 

Prophet Ahmad this as a male named^Vi 
CijSaih'mad ki pag'ri maihmood' ke sir 
prov. rob Peter to pay Paul i) 

aih' mad AS da’rWi bari ya maihmood' ki 
prov. quibbling (fjfsaih'madi adj. of Ahmad 
n.m. (also I aihmadiy' yah) (member of) a 

new Muslim Messianic sect name of an old 
gold coin [A — praise] 

J? | ah' mar adj . red f\ /. bah'r-e ah' mar n.m. 

' Red Sea [A] 

jf\ aih'maq (ped. ah'maq) adj. (pl. UV | 
hUtnaqa) very foolish silly ; stupid 

thick-skulled n.m. fool dunce 
blockhead idiot moron (.'£ aih'maq 
bans' na v.t. befool gull ; dupe cheat 

(fjdiyfi aih’maq-ul-lazi N.m. (pl. l y?\ aijf'- 

maq-al-la&n') arrant fool 0/ \ aih'maq bans' na 

v.t. befool gull ; dupe pull (some- 

one s) cl aih'maq pan (or pa’ ns) 

n.m. folly stupidity idiocy aif- 
maqanah adj . silly foolish idiotic JSf 
aih'matfi n.f follv stupidity idiocy 

Lifip'l ahnaf n.m. pl. Hanafites ; followers 
of the juridical school of Imam Abu 
Hanifah of second century of the Hegira era 
[A- ^>] 

Ji f i ahval' (col. aiitval') n.m. sing, report of 
state or condition n.m. pl. afiairs ; 
circumstances ; incidents ; events VCsbC&Jlfi 
CJl) ohval' ~ bfita'na (or sUna'na or kaih'na ) 
report (someone’s) condition (to) give an 
account (of) tell the story (ofj 
ahval' -pur' sail adv. enquiring after (someone’s) 
health, (etc.) n.m. & adj. solicitous (person) 
ahval' pur' si n.f. inquiry (after) 

solicitude (for) ah'val pur' si 

kar'na inquire (after) ' show solicitude 
(for) ; be solicitous (for) [Arsing. JU ] 
dr ah'val adj. (ped.) squint-eyed [A] 

'l^l ehya n.m pl. the living living 

l" things [Arsing, if hay] 
tfl ekya n.m. giving Jife preserving 
* revival ; resuscitation quickening 
&ljlltyelya-ul-maval' revival ; resuscitation 

(fig.) bringing wasteland under plough 

■ l uloo'm{-o-f itnoon) Re- 
naissance ; Renascence [A - if hay] 

VL?t ahya'nan adv. occasionally nowand 
" then from time to time sometimes 
[A -sing, ctjf] 

7,\ akh (rare fiakhot') n.m. ikfpan' 

** tfi ikh'vah ) brother [A] 
l /f akh' khz, •i>la khkh ah' int. (expressing 
surprise) ha ; O ; oh oh no 
well . 

j\f\ akhbar' n.m. newspaper ckjA^iakhbarat' 

* n.m. pl. newspapers daily Press 
l/j/ji? I akhbar firosh’ n.m. news- 
agent; newsboy ; newsman J&jW 
akhbar' -navi s' n.m. journalist 
working journalist newspaper 
editor (arch.) intelligence man 
akhbar' -navi' si N.F. 

journalism profession of work- jji • 
ing journalist {fj \? I akhba'ri adj. Press 
akhba'ri film n.m. (or f.) news ■ 



-akliba'ri kanfarahs n.f. Press conference [A~ 
SIJIG. yf’] 

akh'bas adj. (more ,or) most impure 
4 very mean [A ~*£^sup.J 
C^IUkht n.f. (pl. Cslflakliavat') sister 
congenial thing [A] 

/*\ j£t ikhtitam’ n.m. end termination 
( ^ 1 conclusion completion coming to 
an end ftS^tiU^qaTib'-Ul-ikhtitam ' adv. 
approaching the end ; almost ending almost 
at the end of one’s tether [A ~ ^ J 
^5^7 akh'tar n.m. „star luck omen 
naturei/vU>'> r / akh tar-shvma' ri , n.f. 
(spending) wakeful night(s)£/ui^'lafc/i'tar 
dkinas' .n.m. (rare) astronomer astrologer 
t/' C^y^i akhtar shina'si n.f. (rare) astronomy 
astrology bad' akh-tar adj. & n.m. 
ill-natured (person) ; malicious person curs- 
ed (person ) ^i^C'ne'k akh'tar adj. & n.m. 
good-natured (person) (of) lovable per- 
sonality (f?ri akh'tari adj. stellar n.f. (as a 
female name) Stella [P] 

ikhtira e> (col. na"i ikhtirg “) n.m. 

contrivance __ contraption some- 
thing devised invention innovation 
novelty li ikhtira 1 ' kar’na v.t. 

contrive invent devise concoct a (lie) 

[A] . 

I akh'tar bakh'tar n.m. (col .*) bag and 
' baggage 

ikhtisar' n.m. bravity abridge- 
ment ; curtailment contraction 
summary precis synopsis compendium 
ikhtisar' kar'na v.t. summarize 
abridge curtail reduceyt^-v^t ikhtisar' 
kt sath adv. briefly ikhtisar navis’ 

n.m. (arch.) same as gjj&Hkhti - 

tar' nan’sl n.f. (arch.) same as n.f. 

(see under ^ adj. [A] 

ikhtisas' n.m. specialization 
t appropriation [A~ i/^] 

l ikhtif a' n.m. concealment going 
into concealment L‘J ikhtif a . kar'na 
v.t. hide ; conceal cover [A ~ (jf ] 

W ikhtilaj' n.m. palpitation *^0&\ikhti- 
) fa'j-e qol'b n.m. palpitation *of the heart 

J>lrl ikhtilat n.m. intercourse pro- 
miscuity intimacy amalgamation 

friendship ; amity concord ; unison 1 

|A~ &] 

. ttrt ikhtilsf' n.m. difference dissimi- 
larity disparity divergence 
dissensions ; strife misunderstanding 
opposition disagreement dissent dis- 
tinction <LloiW ikhtilaf-e ra"t Nail. dissent 
difference of opinion IjCffetikhlilaf' 
kar'na v.i. hold a different view (from) 
beg to differ (from), ty&ftlikhtilBf' ho' no 
v.t. differ (from) ftJPlikhtila'fl adj. non- 
agreed divergent felt khtila 'f J umoor' 

n.m. pl. points of difference ; differences 

khtila' ft mass"il n.m. pl. points of differ- 
ence ikhtilsfi not' n.m. note of dis- 

sent [A] 

[ i\j£ ikhtilal' n.m. disorder obstruction; 

( 'Jt^i hindrance interruption penury . 

want [A ~ J*] 

jpl akh'to bakh'to n.f. stock names foi 
two shrewish marionettes in puppet 
show [ ~ tS‘fe \ ~ P ‘fet cor.] 

ikhtiyar' n.m. ikhtiyarat') 

” power authority command dis- 
cretion control choice option 
ikhtiyar' de'na, ikhtiyar se ba’har 

ho'na v.i. be out of control lie beyond 
one’s power or jurisdiction ikhtiyar' 

kar'na v.i. adopt choose elect IZb&l 
ikhtiyar’^mil'na v.i. be invested with power 
I'jfLris&l ikhtiyar meii ho'na v.i. be subject 
to the authority (of) ifjC^likhtiya’rl adj. 
optional elective voluntacy in one’s 

power at oiie’s disposal [A ~ 

akh'z n.m. exaction seizure 
adoption inference VJat\ akhz kar'na 
v.i. take seize assume adopt 
get the hang (of) infer ; conclude 
akh'z-o jab'r n.m. extortion lj£nat'ijah 

akhz' kar'na v.t. & i. infer [A] 

ikhraj' n.m. expulsion ; eviction 
dislodgment evacuation extrac- 

tion discharge rej 
okhrajat' n.m. 

rejection [A~ 

expenses charges 
disbursement costs (A~ 


akh/rot' n.m. walnut . 

ukh'ram adj. pertaining to 
afterlife ; of hereafter [A ~ 

for, ] 

if r \ akhas' adj, more particular 
, • special [A — sup.] 
akh'zar adj. green 

* ikhfa’ n.m. hiding concealment 
wJ ffiiri i kh f a* kar'nz v.t. cover 
hide conceal render oneself invisible 
(jriMr\ ikftfa'-ej&r’m n.m. concealment of an 
-offence [A - J-' ] 

akh'fash adj . dim-sighted ; weak- 
sighted* having small eyes n^m. name 
or a famous Arabic grammarian bl’z-c 

akh'fash n.m. brainless fellow [A] 

J&I akh'gor n.m. ember live ashes [PJ 

ikhlzs' n.m. sincerity . loyalty 
^ attachment 11 ikhlas barkz W 
v i. have increased intimacy L'lififU'' 
jor'ns v.t. breed intimacy ; contract friend- 
ship (ffji > Uji/it'l ikhlzs' rakknz (or kar'na) 
v.i. entertain love (for) have regard 
(for) be friendly (with) be sincere (to) 
^q/lfnkhtos'-mafid AD]. sincere intimate 
ikhfos-mati di n.f. sincerity love. 

friendliness , M .r. 

Lllf | akhlal' n.m. pl. (bodily) humours'Z*^ 1 
akhlz't-e ar'ba‘ah n.m. pl. all the four 
humours, viz-, blood, phlegm, choler (yellow 
bile) and melancholy (black bile) fA-smc.i^ 

khill] . 

akhlsf' n.m. pl. progeny; offspring 


akhlaq' n.m. pl, manners ; disposition 
virtues morality^ ethics (also 
jySyiJ* ‘il'm-71 akhlaq') akhlaq' 
at sd'rm ban' (a hai RROV. manners maketh the 
man ^ akhlaq' se akhlaq' barh’la 

hai prov. love begets love; kindness begets kind- 
ness jMakhla (fi ADJ. moral ethical 
gh air a khla'qi' adj. immoral ^Cj^lakhlaqiyyZt' 
N.M. # ethics [A -sing, jk'khllq] 
dlf'l ikhvari n.m. brothers (jlj&jfl ikhvz’nt 
zamafi n.m. contemporaries 
ikhvan-ush-shaymn' devils ; wicked peoplekrfW 1 
ikkmn-us-safa' n.m. Brethren of Purity ; 
(members of ) a secret society of Abbasid intel- 
lectuals ikhpan-us-safa 

n.m. the Encyclopaedia of the Brethren of 
Purity (A -sing. ZA 

ijpj't ukh'w’val n.f. brotherhood fraternity 
brotherly relations [A- prec.] 

Jf\ akhuftd' (rare ^ilakhun') n.m. (arch.) 

t teacher [P] . 

jlfl akhyar’ n.m. virtuous persons [A - sino^ 
akhyafi adj. uterine (brother, etc.) [A] 

y?f akhir' adj. last ; final conclusive 
n.m. end ; conclusion completion 

adz' n.f. payment execution 
\V accomplishment performance dis- 

charge 1‘Jtil adz' kar'nz v.t. pay repay 
defray execute perform discharge 
accomplish do justice toljfht adz' ho'na 
v.i. be payed be done ; be performed 
be discharged be expressed or uttered intelli- 
gibly Urfbl'j haq' adz' ho'na v.t. pay the 
dues do full justice loo? Mada”igi (arcb.jfljl 
add" i) n f. payment repayment [A] 
r . ada n.f. (also PL.) blandishment ; 
W* coquetry grace expression hand- 

someness embellishment elegance ; grace- 
ful manners if &lj I adz'-shinZf, b I ada'-faih'm 

one who readily takes a hint one who 
understands another adj . tactful tf'Ob \ada- 
shinz'sf bt adz'-faih'mt n.f. readiness to 
understand tactfulness; tact jlfbl ada-har 
n.m. actor n.f. (col. orfa' kz'rah) actress 
' lO/ljtada'karanah adj. histrionicfl&fcliMa-- 
kz'rl n f. aaing ; action stage-craft 
histrionics [P] 

i*^\)jadat' n.m. (pl. ^Ijiladovat') (gram.) 
particle (logic) cypola instrument; 

tool [A] .. t 

ida'ral n.f. editors hi pJ>*j1 id a rati adj. 

editorial [A - jtf\ 

sjijlidarah n.m. institution organization 
establishment • administration 
office department [A doublet of prec.] 

idzriy'yah n.m. editorial ; leader; lead- 
** ing article idzriy'yah nav'si n.m. 

leader-writer [A 

tfljl adds' adj. sad melancholy 

depressed ; dejected lonely blealc 
l/tfljl udas' ho'na v.i. be depressed be 
cheerless ; be dejected feel lonely^blurfa'rl 
N M depression ; sadness loneliness 
bleakness hdn'si '»a (or ha' 


raifta) v.i. oe clouded with sorrow be- 
come dull be gloomy 

b'fjl udasa n.m. (slang) (beggar’s) baggi jl 
Ada S3 kas'na v.t* & i. (.slang) pack 

j*l J I ada'm int. may perpetuate; may, give 
permanence (usu, in) / 

ada m-alla h-o barakal-i him (prfujoo'z-i him) 
tt^T. may God perpetuate (for us) their bounties 
ada'mahfillah' int. may God perpetuate 
him ; may God preserve him [A ~ Ao] 

ada'nl n.m. pl. mean persons [A ~ sing^i] 

Uda'hat, J^bjIoodattaiw.T. purple- 
ness lividness (of lips) from fear, etc. 

[Z, »"'] 

Jf Ijl ada'igi N.F. (see under (jJn.f. 

ImSjIddab n-.m. literature decorum res- 
pect courtesy ; civility ; politeness 
etiquette ; manners for maliiy a' dab 
smoz' adj. that teaches literature or politeness 
t'L j^L/jIa'dab sikha’na v.t. teach good 
manners train^-i^yt a' dab se adv. respect- 
fully ; reverentially politely ^Jff^jla'dab-e 
‘ a'liyah n.m. sublime pieces (or genres) of li tera- 
turc L’/lys^a'dab kar'na v.t. behave politely 
esteem venerate show respect 
a'dab-e lalif n.m.’ ‘ belles-lettres’ [A] 

Ijl udaba' n.m. men of letters ; ‘litterateurs 
writers of other than fact ; prose writers 
l)ljls*sh7 ,, ara-o-udata' n.m. pi., poets and 
prose writers [A — sing, 

. . idbsr' N.m. downfall ; fall ilMuek ; 

misfortune mishap alHictlon 

(ped.) turning back 1 lAjlidbar' a'na v.t. 
fall on evil days be oppressed by calamity 

IA ~ > J ] 

/U )\ adbada kar,£*,t)t adbadn' ke adv. 

out of stubbornness mischievously 
just for the fun of it 

JVjl idkhal' N m . shoving insertion 

entry [A - J/s] 

idraj n.m. gradation doing by 
gradual process idra'j-o tamhll' 

n.m. gradual process gradation [A ~f/j] 

■J dJ 1 idrar' n.m. flowing (of urine, etc.) freely 



lljlidrak' n.m. perception comprehen- 

y sion sagacity [A 
UJJI ad'rak n.f. (undried) ginger 
t— Jjsiadrak ka lach'chha n.m. 
ginger cut into the form of a tape , 

idris' n.m. name of a prophet y/ j 
h Enoch Jj)\\ 

ud'ra gud'ra, jjiu'dar 
. gu'dai n.m. pl. rags cast off clothes- 

Ifjlidde'a' n.m. pressing right or claim 
pretension [A - (f/d] 

ad"- [yah n.m. pl. prayers benedic- 

tions i/jL'£>lad' l iya-e masoo'rah n.f. pl. 
prayers reported from the Holy Prophet A 

/*iff I idgham' n.m. duplication of a letter by 
* tasbdid contraction of one letter into 
another [A] 

Qj\ adaq adj. very ..difficult prof® . 

^ abstruse [A~# sup.] mi 

adgad'ra adj. half-ripe 

(Jj,iJ)\adal ba'dal n.m. alteration com- 
mutation exchange barter adj. 
‘mutatis mutandis’; ‘vice versa’ Ja V'Jrjiad'le 
k,t bad' I ah n.m. lit for tat V/d^Jjta'dal ba'dat 
kar'na v.t. interchange commute 
barter transform shift fA ~ c/-»cor. | 
Jy\adU'lah n.m. pl. arguments proofs 

j, introductions (A - sing. S\ 

J Jlad'tio adj. ordinary small trifling 
interior lowly wretched mean; 
base scanty petty mediocre (11) 
vulgar (12) meek (13) (rare.) nearest ; nearer 
n.m. (pcd. pl .J'jladii’ni) commoner per- 
sons of no consequence the humbler classes; 
commonalty -Jj ’J> i'ji I ad'na ad'nalag n.m. pl. 
quite mean people '■> Jslatl'na-o a‘la n.m. 
the high and the low the high-born and the 
base-born the noble and the ignoble the 
prince and the peasant [AJ 
jljyf aduar' n.m. pl. periods 


. epochs ; eras (A - siNG.yr^] 
(jfbl adva”in n.f. bedstring; 

siring at ihc foot of hed for 
tightening it \s?fa , )jiadva.''in khefi- 
tk’na v.t. tighten the bed string 

3 1 ad'viyah (col. '(w 1 adviyat') n.f. pl. 

'* medicines ; drugs" sjjifi^'il'm-Ul-adviyah 
n.m. pharmacology ) l adviyat' tl adj. medi- 
cinal ; pharmaceutical ; [A ~ sing. U»] 
prjladh pref. adk-ba'na adj. half- 

formed unfinished adh pa [k)'ka adj . 

unripe immature half-cooked parboil- 
ed Dfj>jladh-ja'la adj. half-burnt L&jladh- 

kach chn halfripe immature ' unripe 

IjlZiadHka&'ra adj. half-dressed (food) 

half-ripe lj*jladh ka'hn adj, half-spoken, 
hall-expressed not fully articulated 
adh~khi’l<i adj. half-bloomed (flowers) 
adh-kht‘la adj. half-open ajarJjtfcui 
adh-gad'ra adj.- half-ripe immature »✓*■>< 
adh-mta adj. half-dead ; as good as dead ; 
almost dead [ - b/i] 

t tod'dW a n.m. half-bottle half a bottle 

J^p)\itdhar' n.m. loan debt credit adj. 

lent loaned out jacjyanced bor- 
rowed adv on credit udhar 

di'jije dvsh'man ki'jiye prov. lend and lose a 
friend C&lvj) udhar' derm v.T. lend ^ give 
on credit advance (a loan ) 1 14/ It'S udhar 
kha'na v.i live on credit [Udhar le'na v.T 
borrow buy on credit if^tipar) 

Udhar' kha"e baith'na ph. treat (someone) as 
one’s mortal foe treat (something)^ antago- 
nistic be bent upon (doing) 
udkar'°makab'bat ki qaiii'chi hai prov. he that 
lends, his friends lose 

wp iidkar' kha'ne se bhoo'ka para raih'na 
ach'ehha hat prov. better go to bpd supper less 
than rise in debt udhar ki 

kya mail' ma'ri hai PROV. if you have no _ hard 
cash, why can’t you borrow? 
nau naqd’na le’rah Udhar' prov. a bird m hand 
is worth two in the bush 

u'dhar adv. in that place on that side 
thither; in that direction dhar se 

adv. from that side or place from that 
direction thence //>> I U'dhar ko adv. to 
that side thither ; in that direction 

i'dhar adv. on this side hither . to 
this place here this vay i'dhar 
udhar adv. up and down _hcjpe and there 
right and left around i'dhar 

6'dhar ki ba’teh n.m. divers points general 

talk irreleVent talk i'dhar se 

U'dhar ho'na v.i. be lost be gone be 

made away with be turned upside down/*** 

i’dhar se u'dhar kar de^nn v.t. 
disarrange turn topsy-turvy 

i'dhar koo"afi u'dhar kha”l prov. between the 
devil and the deep sea ; between two firestl/v< 
i'dhar ki U'dhar laga’na v.i. carry tales 
iW’tf ysl • i'dhar ki dnn'ya u'dhar hoja'na 

v.i. turn topsyturvy undergo a revolutionary 
change^ij^’Jl \sjJ/’i\f'^cha'he i'dhar ki dvnya 
udh'ar ho ja'e ph. come what may l 

£f,\i 'dar ke ra’he na U’dhar ke ph. we (etc.) are 
outcastes for' both sides ; wc etc.) have been 
rejected by both the parties i'dhar yu 
udhar adv. at a critical moment. 
i'dhar y a u'dhar ho'na v.i. (of dispute, life, 
etc.) come to a decisive stage 
jp/iadhar' adv. (arch.) in between <jy»^adhjar' 

' men adv. (hanging) in between be- 
tween heaven and earth mid-way, half-way 
in the centre 

(• ^Py\ udhar na v.i. open at the seams be 

peeled off be Unrolled be ripped 
open be undone VyPjlO&khal u'dhar' na v.i. 
have a good hiding^' iidhra adj. opened 
at seams unrolled 

u'dhai'na , Cif^y'siudhal ja'na v.i. be 
spoilt (of woman) become loose be 
beside oneself (with some passion) 
t^/jliid'dham n.m. (same as ★) 

Y J > )\ad'ham (lit.) n.m. bay adj. dark ; 
f bay [A] 

a'dhan n.m. water heated to boil or poach 
something ; boiling water 
l *J>jiadhan'na n.m., (jfjladhan'ni n.f. half anna 
an old coin [~j>j f+<*T] 

j \yP)\ adhvar' adj. & n.f. mediocre (quality) 


t adhoo'ra adj. (f. (Jjj*jladhoo'ri) in- 
complete half-done half-prepared 
half-dressed half-baked imperfect 


ad hau'ri n.f. hide; thick coarse 

leather tanned hide coarse ani- 
mal skin Ollfy^iadhau'ri tan'na v i eat tf 
one’s fill 


BJ'S ’ 

[fplad'dii n.f. old coin equivalent to half 
a ‘damri’ ; 512th part of rupee half a 
piece of cloth lawn i ad’dki 

ad'dki par jsn' de'na ph. be niggardly 
^i^/ad'd/U ad'dki ka fiisab' x.m. full account 
adv. to the penny < 

ad'dki ki kaM'ya 'bid tkohk' baja' kar le'te 
luufi prov. no one buys a stuff without fully 
testing It [ 

iryvjlodtya'M v.t. (col.) halve t~M 

fe^Pjladhiraj' n.m, (dial.) chief 

maharaf adhiraj' n.m. (dial.) 
the great ruler the emperor [S] 

^Pyladker' adj. middle-aged (person) 
middling (age) V^ffrladher' ‘ %m'r ka 
adj. middle-aged [ ~Vj(] 

\?jZ4>)ludher'na v.t. open at seams un- 
roll ; unfold untwist peel off 
dismantle (roof, etc.) kkzl iidker'na v.t. 
give & good hiding Jjf ; I Bdher n.f. opening 
at the seams untwisting peeling off 
dismantling ^/J^jittdker' blln n.f. anxious 
thought perplexity dilemma ; delibera- 
tion embarrassment reflection ; medita- 

U&)fadkt'fa, tyidke’la N.M. half-pice ; an old 
** coin Jfiladke'li, ftjdke'ti n.f. half-rupee 
tl-'j l}fJ<dJiD*f>tadk£'la na de adke'H dt prov. 
penny wise and pound foolish 

adyari n.m. (pl. of (fidln n.m. 

^y^\adW n.m. (pl. Itlsdaba’) writer 
‘litterateur’ [A 

Ajladtm’ K.iA. (lit.) skin tanned leather 
surface (of earth, sky) [A] 

Ijlad’da, ad 1 dak n.m. stand stop 

station (air)port worker’s seat 

(criminal’s) den rendezvous perch 
pigeon-stand embroidery frame 
Clfc/fad'de efcafka'n 3 (or par laga'na) v.t. 
seduce prevail upon 

j»| ud'do, jjl jjlud'do ud'do n.f. loose woman 
jl j*t 04 ' do ud'do ho'na y.i. be scan- 
dalized become the talk of the town 
nnSodol' ADJ. firm steady [~neg. / + 

aft tar tt.M. (same as^>iN.M. ★) 

(£,)\adl'shan n.m. (same as «c<ilN.M. ★) 

ij^)ia4\sh'nal adj. (same as <£%' AD J- ★> 

^T*1jjladvafis' n.m. same as(/^(>>(N.M. *) 
jlazan n.f. Muslim summon to prayers; 
call to prayers (cAjtlsjcfljl atari’ de'na (or 
kaik'na) v.t. give the call for prayers [A ~(jii ] 
uz!bVk (usu.4_^’() n.m. Name of a 
Tartar tribe (arch.) fool [T] 
(^)\d)fiz'an' n.m. obedience submission 
. trust ; confidence belief [A] 
jpjjazkar’ n.m. pl. rehearsal of prayers 
eulogy of God recitals commemora- 
tion jV'jt izkar' n.m. refreshing someone’s 
memory [A -/Szikr) / 

LSjiazkiya' n.m. (pl. otyjza'ki adj. ^) 

(J)\azai adj. most despicable ; very contempt- 
ible ; basest,[A~ ^/sup.] 

^))\izn n.m. leave; permission consent 
(of contracting parties as in marriage)^^/i 
izn-e ‘am’ n.m. general permission free or 
unrestricted admission [A] 

^jiu'zun N.M. (pl. Jl'jTaZari) ear [A] 

^jtj\azhan n.m. pl. (of^N.M. ir) 

i£s'}f aziy'yat n.f. oppression; torment 

trouble suffering woe ; sorrow ; 
distress hurt annoyance Ojcyil aziy'yat 
de'na v.t. harm hurt harass trouble 
tormentC llfcZ&'l2 l ]>)l&ldy}laziyat utka’na (or 
bardasht' kar'na) v.i. suffer [A] 

*jf ar n.f., fjfara n.m. spoke (of wheel) 

j I ar conj. (rare) if ; granting that [P~ X 


^fjl ara'bah n.m. (arch.) gun carriage 
' wagon [P] 

l Ifarra'ta n.m. loud dull prolonged sound 
(as from gun-fire or collapse of building) 
moan gasp in stubborn child’s wailing 

ira'dat n.f. devotion faith; belief 
[A doublet of fol.] 

fjjji ira'dah N m. intention desire 

mind bent fancy design ; plan 
I'Jfiblira'dah kar'na v.t. intend mean 




•devise design ; plan idjiiradatan adv. 
on purpose ; purposely ; intentionally deli- 
berately (fairs' dt adj. intentional deli- 

berate [A] 

a'rarot n.m. arrawroot [E] 

Ijllars'zil n.m. pl. the vulgar the 

ignoble fom, Dick and Harry [A~ 
srNoJvi] , 

iC a \j\ars‘& n.f. (pl.“% *jaraziyat')^ lands 

r fields ; agricultural lands jit^l/lara’z i dar 
n.m. landholder ora ’z* ' e kha'lisah n f. ; State land^fwiVl fis'dah ara'zi, 
d^par'ti ara'zi n.f. fallow, desolate or 
barren lands if if < (A/J&!/) nau bar-zr (or nau 
bax-Tt'mad) ara'zi n.f. alluvial soil [A ~ sing 1 . 


\j\arskiri n.m. pl. members (rare) 
pillars ; columndpd^ItJCdjfe/blarakin-e 
dau'lat (or ialtanat) n.m. pl. pillars of State ; 

^>j)arab n.m. thousand million (u.s.) billion 
a'rab pa'tl n.m. & adj. billionaire 

J i arbab' n.m. pl. owners lords 
* * proprietors officers members n.m. 
(sinc.) landlord ; chief 1 orba'b-e 

bos' t-o-kushad' jUkjJr^lyKirba'b ball-o-‘aq'd n.m. 
pl. authorities*^*^/!.;! arbz'b-e bast rat n.m. 
pl. the prudent ; the sagacious 
arbd'b-e jah' n.m. pl. men of rank or position 
arbz'b-t da' nish, Ijlarba'b-efaih'm 
arbab-e faih'm-o-da'nish n.m. pl. 
intelligentsia intellectuals arbab-e 

su kh an n.m. pl. poets the eloquent 
linguists £j/k* m f'ij\or’bab-e shar^' n.m. pl. 
jurists (arch.) law officers arba'b-e 

gut’a'ttf n.m. pl. spiritual person f&^bAarba'b-e 
nashat’ n.m. pl. dancing girls dancers, 
singers and musicians the gay world 
orbs' b-t him' mat N.M. pl. men of spirit 
men of lofty aspirations 

arbara'nm vA. (same as Mj'/fV.t. *) 


sr'ba'tJ&iarba'ah' adj. FouT^Cf'^jtarba' 
‘arts' sir n.m. pl. elements ; the four de- 
scents, (viz., earth, water, air and fircyr'&Cp 1 
orbs' a-e mu tans' sibah (col .^jfar'ba'ah) n.m. 
ratio (of three known and one unknown quanti- 

ty) Ci^^Jjiar'ba'ah laga'na v.i. find out the 
unknown quantity through known ratios 
(fig.) hazard a guess ^jbjjrhudoo'd-e arba'ah 
n.m. (seeunder ★) [A] 

arba'in adj. forty n.m. collection of 

** any forty Traditions of the Holy 
Prophet (by) forty-day period of (religious 
or other) confinement fortiethday funeral 

jri/jl irtibat' n.m. alliance inter course 
friendship familiarity affinity 

l n.m. extemporisation titfj t 

^ » irtijalan adv. extempore ; impromptu 
O-J fatyjiirtija'lan kaih'na v.i. extemporize 
(verse) [A] 

| .irtikal' n.m. death ; demise ; expira- 
tion departure journeying [A~ 

4 ^] 

) 1 JLjl irtidad' n.m. apostacy ; rejection of 

one’s faith refraction recantation 
fitna-e irtidad' n.m. the revolt of apos- 
tates tin early Islam) [A~ jj] 

‘rid am' n.m. mark design 

^ painting [A~ 

IjIrJl irte'ash' n.m. vibration shaking 

tremor [A~-*$) 

irtifa *' n.m. elevation height 

ascent eminence rise grandeur 

dignity exaltation [A ~©;ll 
IZJjlirtiqa' n.m. evolution S^.Wjlirtiqs pozir' 
adj. evolutionary</V>hi/irh?a' po&'rt n.f. 
being subject no evolution *d&Hrtiqa''l adj. 
evolutionary [A ] 

irtikab’ n.m. commission (of offence) 
* perpetration (of crime undertak- 

ing (of enterprise) (jr^jl irtxka'b-t jvrm' n.m. 
perpetration of crime lUrtikab' kor’na 

v.T. commit (crime) undertake a venture or 
enjerprise [A] 

{ jf arthl n.f. (dial.) bier (of a Hindu) [ 8 ] 

inheritence ; heritage legacy 

iZ^jfirs n.m 


irja 1 n.m. (arch.) reference 
course suit [A~&p] 
j£/j\ arj'mand adj. noble honourable 
* worthy happy 
tunate [P - &;<worth +J?] 


beloved for- 




r jl 

k • ~ 

WJV/ ar'jafit adj. urgent [E] 

arftsm' n.m. pl. wombs matrices 
zavil' arhatri .n.m. pl. maternal 
relations [A~ SING.^] 

SjS ar'ham adj most merciful ; most compas- 
1 sionate arhamur-rahimin n.m. 

(God as ) the Most Merciful [A~ Jf sup.] 

( fj\ ir'kks n.m. slackening loosening [A] 


)J\ urd n.m. (same as jjlQrd n.m. ir) 

. . / ur'ds be' gam n f. armed female 
follower in royal harem; seraglio 
Amazon [ ~T] 

ir'd gird adv. around round about 
on all sides 

( }3jf ar'dall n.m. orderly [E] 

})j\ ur'doo n.m. Urdu ; name of one of 
Pakistan’s national languages horde 
(arch.) army (arch.) bivouac (arch.) 
camp ; encampment ; cantonment jl'LjjjIur’doo 
bazar' n.m. (arch.) camp market market 
of Urdu books ft-^gJjjHirdoo'-e mo'a'lla n.m. 
(arch.) royal army royal encampment 
{ ^JifJ^-jJJlurddo'-e mo'aiis ki zabsn' n-.f. 
(arch.) Urdu court language [T] 

bihisk t'^IOr'di n.m. spring 
month of Persian calender (cor- 
responding to April) 

(Jjjfar'zal adj. (PL^Jjf/lara'zil) base 
mean most despicable [A ~ (^Jjsup.] 
Jjfarz N.M. cost value reverence; 

respect ; honour quantity (P] 

0 \jj[arzaq' n.m. (pl. ofJ^N.M. ★) 

jl/ji ar'zan adj. t cheap inexpensive 
" low-priced jhyfar^a'ni n.f. cheapness 
low price abundance of proyisions^/J l u I 

arza'nl kat'ns v.\. present give away; 
give gratuitously Vjfftjjlarz'rii ho' na v i. be 
conferred be cheap (of cheapness) pre- 
vail [P — >>l] 

&£ atzhafig’ N.M. picture-gallery of- the 
painter Mani collecltbn of Mani’s 
pictures album [P] 

Iji/Jl irsal' n.m. femittence despatch 
LyfjLssi irsal kar'na ’».t. remit 

despatch send [A] 

araststslu' j^jiaras'loo n.m. Aris- 
* totle U IkSji arastd tali' si adj. 

Aristolelian [A ~ G] 

(jjJSjl of satin n m. (rare) lion [T] 


) [sjl irshad' n.m. words something said 
order ; behest ; command guidance 
showing the path of righteousness 
Cfyirshzd' kar'na (or farms' na) (of superior) 

say desire command ordain dictate 
^desire direct ; guide [A 
J&jS ar'shad adj. well-guided most 
honest [A - >^sup.] 

ar sham das n.m. Archimedes UlCfjJjtl 
** usoo‘l-e arshami'das n.m Archimedean 
principle (cither about working of lever of 
about relation of weight of immersed object 
and water displaced by it [A~G] 

ar'z n.f. earth world land 
country l e'jjtjl ar'z-o-sama' n.m, pl. 
heaven and earth whole universe 
tabaqt' ml-arz' n M. pl. geological strata 

tabaqs' t-Ul-arz' n.m. geology^i 
ar'Zi adj. earthly ; terrestrial mundane 
Crfjilar'zi jan'nat,(fjlC^jan'nat-e ar'zi n.f. 
earthly paradise hoo'r-e - ar'iSl n.f. ex- 

quisite beauty adj. 
terrestrial and celestial; earthly and heavenly 
Xffjhirziyyst'^ n.f. geology "jLft/larziyys'ti adj. 
geological tyb'ftlfjlarziyya' R js"izah.NM. geolo- 
gical survey [A] 

^j\ar^nan, (JsfjiarQanoofi <n.m. 

organ [A-G] j 

(•) \fj\ arghaisft' n.m, purple 
colour name of a plant 
bearing purple, flowers and fruit 
w* arghava'ni adj. purple 
vjolet crimson [P] 
gjhrfa' adj. most . elevated 
nent [A~S^ SUP.] 

/{j j\ irqaw n.m, (ped.J writing 
, down in black and white tiff lijlirqsm 
kar' na y-dr. pen ; write l*^l>yl jVflam' h»'ns v.i. 
be penned ; be written arqsm n.m. pl. 
figures ; numbers items [A ~ sing. ^ r] 

/») 1 arkan n.m. pl. members pillars ; 

** columns props components, in- 
gredients basic principles ; fundamental* 




tenets arka'n-e islsm’, 

arka’n-e din' n.m. pl. fundamentals of faith 
( ££hM / ij£j J j i )lClarka'n-e dau’lat (or sal' tempt) 
n.m. pillars of state ; grandees [A ~ sing, rfj ] 
if. I ar'gaja n.m. a perfume made of rose, 
K ' ' sandalwood, musk, etc. 

£ )jl art n.m. earl [E] 

r j I i'ram n.m. ancient Arabia’s Aad 
sovereign, Shaddad’s garden built to 
rival paradise earthly paradise [A] 
gH Jl amrnn' (poet. tfij I ar'msh) n.m. de- 
sire 'longing yearning wistfulness 
poo' ra (Or poo're) kar'nn , 
Ctfyfal arman' nikal'na v.T. & i. gratify one’s 
ambition arman' rash' jana v.i. be 

disappointed in one’s wish or hopeOI fab/l 
arnan’ nikal'na v.i. have one’s wishes fulfilled 
L'jfUlljl arman' ho'na v.i. wish aspire 
long for [P] 

gift, pfe- 

(f. $A 

| ar'mighah, ar'maghan n.m. 

sent rarity ; curiosity [PJ 
jl ar'na, U^fCljiar’na bhaihsa n.m. 

. ot'iA) wild buffalo 

artful n.m., arafi'di n.f. 

'recinus communis’ ; castor- 
oil plant ajjj&jlenrahd' kharboo'zah 
‘carica papaya* Jf. i/fyXjIarah'di ka 
UP n.m. castor-oil tyJ'tfXjlarafi'tji 
IH jar' n.f. (fig.) flimsy stuff weak thing 
JL/t a' rim v.t. manifest Thyself to me ; (as 
" words of -Moses’ prayer to God at Mount 
Sinai) f'Jjljfrirtga n.m. (fig.) presumptive 
parxmjjk^f(J jl a’rirA go’-e toor’ n.m. Moses 

7j\jj\arvah n.f. pl. souli spirits [A- 
- sing. £>y] 
or’vi n.f. anuh 

9j\ at'rah n.m. (Sameas it) m 

pfjl ar'har n.f. a kind of pulse ; ‘arhar’ 

n'rt int. for calling mot’s attention 
With love or eontempt) O ; ho ; hello 
(expressive of surprise) O no ; oh no ; dear (fji 
•o' rl int. (far calling woman’s attention with 

love or eontempt) hello ; ho (expressive of 
smprise) 6 no ; oh no ; .dear 
^SAvireV adj . frilled (trousers) slant- 
*** ing ; sloping deceptive ; crafty ; 

crooked ureb' pa jamah n.m. frilled trou- 


^^jlarib' adj. wise [A] 

a •* 

I ar n.f. (see under yj* ar’na v.i. if) 

ara’ra dkam’ adv.. (come down) pat ; 

I > (fall) flat [ono.] 

aras’ n.f. narrowness AfJi/ijiaras' H 
ja'gah n.f. narrow space [~ 1‘jtarna v.i.] 
qJ IjI i Iran' n.f. (see under L'jlur'na' v.i. ★) 
^Wfcij/Hran gha i n.f. trick ; ^ruse ; 
feint deception evasion ; shuffling J 
1/ Quran' gha'i bat ana v.i. misleed dupe 

evade ; shuffle 

t*l ara'na v.t. fly ; cause to fly waste ; 

squander fritter away spend lavish- 
ly allure eat away pilfer copy ; 
plagiarize give currency to (story, etc.) 
pull (someone’s) leg (1 1) enjoy (12) sing (a 
tune) (13) remove (14) elope with (15) guess 
(16) cut off (head) Oj ura' pur a’ de’na v.t. 

spend lavishly ; squander Vlt/IjSdf'be par' In 
Ura'n a v.t. & o. give currency to baseless 
stories jtj!lira' , oo n.m. -spendthrift ; squan- 
derer ; prodigal ; adj. prodigal ; extravagant 
[~ l'i/l#r'na caus.] 

t*/ tl f ara’na v.t. cause to stand or stop * 
cause to check motion fasten some- 
thing to another ram ; plug ; thurst(j/^X^. 
tPl5l*ftfpard’e phat’\t meh t tfig' ara'na prov.* 
poke one’s nose into other people’s affairs ; 
meddle With other things [ ~ l* tri ar'na caus.] 
ar'har n.m. nonsense ; meaningless words 
adj. nonsense irregular ; * rough 
uneven craggy 0^5/ or' bar’ bak'na v.i. 

talk nonsense talk wildly talk idly 
jfr'jl arbtft'ga adj bent rough ; rugged 
" not straight ; crooked n.m. obstacle 
a> X a P jWrap n.m. tiff i scuffle 
struggle ij*> 

i f ^ l ^ larta'tis n.m. & adj. forty-«^M^4^si , > , 
arta'hsvab adj. forty-eighth 
ipy ) or’ tala n.m. excuse shelter; reflige 

defence ^vjiar’kila Una v.t. & l. 
put up an excuse take shelter 
•Sjloxtis' n.m. ft adj. thirty reight Jlgfil- 
Y- arfb'va* ADJ. thirty-eighth 

mkk'ni V.i. bear malice (towards) 


tfl __ 

yj I Srd, (ped. jjlurd) n.m. a kind of vetch ; 

vetchlmg tJjty>j\ur'd par sife'di ph. a 
wee bit (not) a bit > , 

ar'satk n.m. & adj. sixty-eight J> - 
> ar' sathuaft adj. sixty-eighth 
u'rasna, u’ras le'ns v.t. tuck up 

rvf a'rara n.m. heap, 

t^l ur'na v.i. fly soar move very fast 
be worn out fade evaporate 

explode spread get lost (of head) be 

cut off (11) be removed (12) be cast to the 
winds (13) be blown away (14) feel out of 
sorts (15) vanish (16) (of words, print, etc.) 
fail to give impression (17) disappear (18) 
(of story) get round (19) (of luxury, joke, etc.) 
be indulged in (20) (of tune) be sung (21) feel 
elated Bran' n.f. flight (arch.) kind 

of curtain on coach, etc. uran ho'na v.t. 

be sick of (place) be disgusted ; be 
bored cJ^^Ur' IB v.t. walk with a 

stately step strut be conceited 

fakhtah n.f. (fig.) gull ; simple person 
iiy ke ja'na v.t. go by Chance get shelter 
^s£-jtur' ke lag'na v.t. (of infection) catch ; 
spread fir ke mil'na v.i meet on one’s 

own meet with pleasure ^t/luran adj. 
flying raging cjjhoo ho 

js'tid v.i. disappear; vanish run away 
sneak away^%y(0'rcn tosjjtarl n.f. flying 
saucer Dstyji uran kkaio'la n.m. (legendary) 
flying car iron gha’l hatn'nl v.i, 

deceive; dupe; gull fi'ri 

tag’ par bai'pH prov. the report gradually 
spread ; the scandal spread soon enough it 
became talk of the town 

l*V I ar'na v.i, stop come to a standstill 
refuse to budge oppose be obsti- 
nate be wayward put up an excuse jt ar 
n.f. stubbornness ; obduracy dispute 
contention heaviness (of stomach) ^^jta'rxr 

oaqt' 0t*. difficulty hard times ar 

btiith na v.i. be stubborn importune ^> 7 vl 
or pedt' n.f. obstacle tV5t ar ja'na v.i. 
stick to (one’s) guns lay a stake ujjon tfjla'ti 
n.f. trick stubbornness obstacle 

ar'yal adj. obstinate wayward; headstrong 
jU)i a'n-mar adj. & n.m. trickster ^tia're 
(tWU’re) vaq’t adv. in times of difficulty Mi 

• I. L L ' 

fir Iff ADJ. (f.J’I ur’ti) flying Jj Jjl ur'ti tot, 
ur'ti hui adj. weighing less; under- 
wcigh«l fi» 'ti dkir'ya paihtban'na>l%Qjt 
Cjf/J- Br’ti dtir'ya ke par' gin'rm v.i._ be 
shrewd know a crook at sight^tf^ St ur'ti 
(si) khabar n.f. rumour hearsay 

arah'ga n.m. hitch: jhindrance ; 
v* prop tripping {LjMjCvtflUaranga lagu- 
na (or mar' rnt) l'l*kt&5larafi'ge par dtarha’na 
v.t.. trip ^(someone) 

fa fa. aurhg' baraftg n.m. (children’s 
game called) catch-the-thief 
name of players in it nonsense C£Jfr,Jcj\. 
arang'^barang' bak'na v.i. talk nonsense 
^lijjlarvar' n.f, prop (under falling roof, 

> cic j) 

(JjJl'f a l 0 ± pans' N.m. neighbourhood; 

V vicinity adv. nearby here- 

(,*U^/Q>Wna v.t. (see under U»J*fv.t. «fc) 

\ i*. ai%a”i adj. two-and-a-half half- 
ly^' past two l/j U* t arXa' ’i (fia'val 

alag' gala'na v.i. ^(always) hold a different 
opinion itt/l arlia"* ain ka jhohp'ra n.m. 

(fig.) transitory thing flimsy structure 
l J i&jl arha' ’» cjiuiloo la'hoo pV ja’na 

v.t. (threaten to) suck the blood of U»vi arhay'- 
ya n.m. two-and-a-half seer weight or mea- 
sure two-and-a-half times multiplication 


• ,az prep, (ped.) from than by of 
with J ljlagafi' adv. thence JSjIJi azati- 
jum'lah adv. of those out of that total or 
sum /j\az bar' adj. memorized well 
learnt l yj.j\az bar kar'na V.t. memorize ; 
learn by "heart; learn by rote lu$V£ j I az bar' 
ho'na v i. be memorized of! JloZ bas' adv. 
much adequately £^j\az bas-kth conj. 

since however ; nevertheless ; notwithstand- 
ing much az ja'ntb adv. on the 

part of on behalf of for from j*Jiaz Pad' 
adv. boundless, infinite indefinite sur- 

prising adv. very much extremely infi- 
nitely beyond description j/haz khud' adv. 
of one’s own record voluntarily b> 


self ‘suo moto' khud' raf'tah' 
az khesh ' raftah adj. absent- 
minded distracted not in one’s sense ei/Jl 
az ra'h-e adj. by the way of ; ‘apropos’^-tv-ri 
az roo”< adv. by virtue of ; by reason of 
under Uy'Jf az sar (a pa' adv from head 
to foot from top to toe perfectly 

wholly )j*SJlaz sar-e nau.' adv afresh ; anew 

‘de novo’ »—*?'./) az g haib' adj. providential; 
God-sent adv. providentially 

tnar’de az ghaib' biroofi' a'yad-o ka're 
bi-kunad ph ‘deus ex-roaehina’ God will 
send someone to help [P] 
j\j\ izar' n F. trousers drawers Jfjbhzdr- 
bafid' n.m trouser-string tijrljZtytfjPyljt 
izar'-bah'di rish'tah (or ta'al'liiq) n m. relation on 
wife’s side ; petticoat interest 
izar' meh dal' kar pai'han le'na v.t. (fig.) be 
devoid of all sense of shame be saucy 
JIjI iza'lah n.m nullification revocation 
abolition removal amends 
compensation jfJIJiiza'la-e bikr' n m. (causing) 
loss of virginity i) iza'la-e haisiy yat-e 
‘ur'fi n m. defamation slander [ A - J 0] 
Uz'baik (or uz'buk) n.m. (same as^jl 
V . Uzbek [T] . 

firijl izdehsm' (P. cor .(fajjHzhdefiam') n.m. 

crowd ; throng milling crowd 
mob rabble [A] 

Q fjjyl izdivaj' n m. marriage, matrimony 
espousal nuptials ad' d?d-e 

izdivaj' n.m bigamy polygamy (fjjijlizdiva'jl 
adj. marital t^f^JjzjHzdiVaji /faisiy'yat n.f. 
marital status [A 

t zdiyad' n-.m. increase enlargement 
t augmentation escalation [A ~ej tj] 

(jjjl az'raq ADJ. blue azure fi?Ojj\az'raq 
> &ash' m adj. blue-eyed [A Jxv] 
Uj\azkiya’ n.m. pl. pious people [A ~ sing.JvJ 

i . . a'zal n.f. beginning eternity 
w'"' source origin (JjlJjjro'z-e a'zal n.m. the 
beginning ; the first day t-tffyeZ-JJla'Zal se a' bad 
tak adv. from beginning to end forever 
ilJl a'zali adj. eternal perpetual un- 
ending&Jjlazali/yat n.f. eternal existence [A] 
Jt/I az'minaA n.m. pl. times eras ; epochs 
. periods stages WdJiaz'mina-e saty- 

sah n.m. the three times, ( viz ., present, past 

and future) [A ~ sing. Pli]- 

gyljjl azvaj’ n.f. wives spouses 

couples azvaj's mlitah'harat ' 

n.f. pi . Holy Wives (as referring to the spouses 
of the Holy Prophet) [K-Qrsz] 

[p/Jla zhdaha' n.m dragon 

winged serpent cockatrice; 

basilisk _boa constrictor 
python ^ azh'dahe 

ke muhh men bath-' de'rm v.j. court 

trouble [P] 

j/jlazh'dar n.m. (lit.) dragon [P] Wrf&k 

Pjjt izhdeham' n m. (same as 


(j'fis adj. demonstrative this (>"l \J\ is asm' 

meh' adv. meanwnile ; in the meantime^^/{/l 
is' bir'te pa tat’ta pa nt prov. a hope 
of success despite this inefficiency^*!; 
is' kan su'hi us kan ura'di ph. forgotten as soon 
as heard ; in at one ear, out at the other 
f 1 is ko me' ra (or sat ) salsm ph. ! 
Hell vyith it is hath' le us hat:., 

de ph. open the purse and then open thy 
sack tit for tat Namesis comes sooivt^i 
i'se ckhupa'o use nikn'lo ph. they*" are 
exactly alike 

'se va'hah 

ma'riye ja'hah pa'ni na mi'le ph you should 
not show him any mercy give him no 
quarter Ud^ftis' tak {a.Tch.Uyj'tis' ta'lak) adv. 
to this extent ; so much ( , (/\is' dam adv. 
now right now fortnwith immediate- 
\yjyj\is' par conj. for this reason hence 

'at this tfjtjtis' par bhi conj. moreover 
notwithstanding even at this^-^/tiV 

tar'h se adv. in this way ; ihusjlij'lix' qadur 
adv. as this this much so many to 
this extent 4rWt is' li'ye, Muftis ms'tt conj. 
hence ; therefore 

ij'l us (demonstrative) that pron. him 
her ity<//vj' par adv*- upon that ; at 
that thereafter upon which /{//fix' dim 
adv. then there and then Us' vaq't 
adv. at that time on that occasion at 
which momentt^/lftx' mefi adv. meanwhile; 
in the meantime in that in him (or her 
or it) 


9jHi/f asa'tizah n.m. pl. teachers school- 
masters [A 

yU/wxaVa N.M. shed ramshackle structure 
assrh.’ n.m. fourth solar month of Hindu 
^ ^ calendar (corresponding to June- July) 
£j\/)asa'r1a n.p. *rabi’ crop [S] 

i -cssUt' n.m. pl. myths asSi*T-ut- 
awatiri n.f. pl legends of an ancient 
people myths [A ~ sing.J^M] 
gfc[S\asatiri n.m. pl. pillars [A~ sing J 


'hsci’fd N.m. pl. the mean the vulgar 
[A - SING. J*t| 
ir^JQlasalib’ hm. pl. styles modes ; 

* * manners; waysftllj'w^U'iara/ti-e baysn’ 
n.m. pl. modes of expression [A- sing.i^JH] 
las as' N F. foundation base 

plinth basis ff'^iasa'si adj. basic ; 
fundamental [A] ^ 

jflylasa'rm n.f. (col. (fUlasa'ml)' post 
tenant , cultivator debtor customer 

permanent loser (a^ gambling, etc.) n.m. pi.. 
(rare) names JWy'shi'kanM asa'mi n.m. such 
tenant Ji/fytymauroo'sl as a mi n.m. hereditary 
tcmnt(fL'W(fidakf6l-kar asa'mi n.m. occu- 
pancy tenant [A double pl. of Ui~ sing, f I) 
Ul/Msa'na V.T. winnow 

jtflslasanid' n.p. (double pl. of a^n.f. +) 

^JjUlosa'varl n.f* name of a musical mode 

i^i/iasb nh. (same as^Njt. ★) 

asbab' n.m. luggage ; baggage 
* equipage goods and chatties 
furniture property ; effects provisions 
n.m pl. reasons causes motives^twU'l 
tfjljasba'b-e kha’na da’fi N.m. household effects 
ys^\fS\asb'b-e sa'far nj*. travelling requisites 
[A- StNO.^J 

• ^j^iUsboo 1 ' n.m. (lit.) week [A ~ fff] 

jrisiasbat n.m. pl. Jewish tribes ; the 

Tribes grandchildren ; progeny ; off- 
spring [A - SING 

asp, (rare ~~ 'lasb ) a m. (lit.) horse 
(at chess) knight £Pj 


ispat' n.m (rare) steel (Por.) 


^Jl^laspafal'jJC^fbaspatal n.m. hospital (E] f 

(Jj^laspaghol' n.m. Reawort-seed [P] 

£%iisparf, gZ'sapabj', glis/afij n.m. sponge 
,v [E] 

ispand'-^sipaUd’ n.m. wild 
rue ; (a seed burnt as incense 
or charm) [P] 

j&t&slad' (ped t n.m. 

(pl. eXts lass' lizah f. 
usta'ni ) teacher instructor ; 

tutor professor preceptor 

skilful man clever person 

person dance or music master 
wrestler serving as coach ; wrestling coach{£>l2l 
Qstadi n F. teacher’s job or office 
masterly skill cleverness trick ; finesse 

adj. masterly finished (P) 

1 ) iPl ists'dah adj. standing erect 

raised rampant Jj&listB'dagi n.f. 
creetxon standing waiting raising 

constancy resistance IP] 

i^lusta'ni n.f lady teacher ; mistress l~P 

fayiisUbdad' n.m. despotism tyranny 
istibdad 1 posaiii'ifjjJsiistibda'di 
ADj.^despotic (powers) [A] 

I IP'l istibra’ N.M. use of toilet paper (or clod, 
.. etc.) (A - (/A) 

Qy^iistib'raq n.m. silk cloth (csp.) 

* green-satin (A] 

jlX'fistiiar' n m. hiding ; concealment 

..secrecy rj- 

istisqdl' n.m. (ped.) heaviness [A - jr ] 

[fX^lislisiia' N.m. expection disuncuon 
qualification of a statement with the 
ph. ‘In-sha-Allah’ (or God-willing) ^nanie 
of fifth Jx>ok of Taurah) ; Deutropomy [AJ 
&Xif'listijabal n.f. acceptance (of prayer, 
request, application, etc.) [A—vl^-J 
9 j lf m0 1'istijazah n.f. (ped.) taking leave 

* seeking permission [A ] 

isUfya'zah n.m. prolonged morbid 
* mensturation 


J I istehalah n.m. change 

istekbab' n.m. making friendship 
* * supererogation [A~^] 

.A istehsan' n m. lenient interpreta- 
tion (as a principle of jurisprudence) 
approval praise [A {sT*] 

( ( isteksal n-.m exploitation extor- 
V „tion acquisition gain ; profit 

Jte^i istehsal'-bil-jab'r n.m. extortion 
unlawful exaction wrongful acquisition 
expropriation [A 

j' n.m. sending for ; summon- 

istehqar' n.m. scorn ; disdain ; 
holding in contempt vilification [A ~ 

£ istehqaq' N.M claim right title 
merit privilege [A ~ fr ] 
istehkam’ vn*. reinforcement stabi- 
• lity solidarily strength 

support rectification ; corroboration con- 
firmation [A- & ] 

Ol&'i istehlaj' n.m. causing to swear ; ad- 
,,, ministration of oath [A~i^V] 

\ isti^ha'rah n m. judgment from 
omens augury prayer for dream 
serving as augury [A~ y£] 

QjiH' istikhra j' n*m. deduction de- 

ductive logic removal deporta- 
tion ; extradition refusal expulsion 
taking'Out ; ejection v [A - 
Cf istikhfaf n:m. slight disdain 

vilification contemptuous treat- 

ment [A~*^^] 

istikhlas n.m. liberation free- 

dom (J* tf&'l is tikhl 3s-e vatan' n.m. 
liberation of homeland le] 

tO I 9^ ustukhah' n.m. bone (rare) stone 
(of fruits) [P] 

istida’mat n.f. constancy firm- 

ness diligence assiduity 
l/j&f istidraj’ n.m. escalation raising 
bringing close to deception ; 
'fraud deception by a pagan showing a mar, 
vel [A~ . 1 ry] 

-itidruk' n.m. clarification quali- 

fication overtaking 

istidrak' n.m- clarifying particle , qualifying 

clarifying partji 
conjunction {viz. [A 
[f istid'a n f. request; prayer 
entreaty petition solicitation 
supplication [A~lo] 

/} iL&l istidlal' n m arguing argument 
proof reason ratiocination 
istidlal’ kar'na v.i. argue reply 
insist [A ~ kj) 

^ fas' tar n.m. lining mule (fjv^ias'tar- 
ks'ri n.f. coating plastering 
as’tar-kn'ri kar'na v.t. plaster [P] 
ijZdjus'tara {pcd. us tirah) n.m. 

— dstira'hat n.f. sleep 

I siesta rest ; repose 
relief quietness ; peace [A ~ 

I * *•>/ istirkhs' n.m. flabbiness ; flacc'dity fA ~ 

istirdad' n m. veto revocation ; 
repeal ; .setting aside reversal; IjZ't 'iF 

Jiaq'q-e istirdad' n.m. right to hi (jT 

haq'qe istirdad' iste’mal' kar’na v.i. veto 
[A ~jj) 

istirza N m. bid to please willing- 
ness assent [A~^] 

S\is tari n.f. iron (diai.) woman 
is'tari kar'na v.t. iron 
[p^/Sjistisqa n.m. dropsy [A 

istishhad' n.m. (lit.) 'iting of wit- 
nesses production ot evidence (from 
[A -£»&) 

istisvab' n.m. plebescite referen- 
dum reference commendation 
seeking advice ; taking counsel^^Ji.*-/W^'» 
istisva'b-e ra"e (Jam'mah) n.m. plebescite 
referendum Uj> istisvab' kar'na v.i. 
hold plebescite hold referendum refer 
seek advice or counsel [A 
£Jijb* / fistita“at n.f. capacity power 
,, potentiality wherewithal [A~«&*'(k] 
fijU&'liste’a’zah n.m. seeking God’s pro- 
tection doing this through repetition 
of formula a'oo’z-o billah' [A ~ £/) . 

fylfM / liste‘ a' rah n m. metaphor 

iste'a're ki zaban' n.m. metaphorical 
language ; figurative expression [A'&tfUl 



n.f. (lit.) seeking of help 
. soliciting of aid succour relief 

l Arwp 

* stt 'j&r n.m precipitation haste- 
| ning (a crisis, etc ) [A - CJf"\ 

iste'did’ n.f. qualification skill 
capability capacity aptitude 

proficiency ability talent means [A] 

fa&fisU'fa n.m. resignation (from an 
office) asking pardon Oyii^iiste'Ja 
itna V.t. resign mahzoor' 

kar'na v.t. accept resignation (of) \A~ 

istefaf' n.m. abstention from evil 


U** / i isteUa' n.m. supremacy bid to 
M achieve supremacy (A ~ )* } 

I iste'mar’ n.m. colonization colonial 
powcrXfi/lr^f iste'mar!. pasahd’, 
iste'ma'ri adj.‘ colonial iste'ma'ri 

ta'qaten n.f. pl. colonial powers 
^}\t‘£ / liste‘mal' n.m. use empolyment 

application usage l/jt^fiste'mal 
kar'na v.t. use apply 
tarlq'-e (or tarkiibe) iste'mal' n.m. way of use ; 
method of use J b^i iste'matl adj. of use 
employed customary practical [A ~ Jf ] 
istigha'sah n.m. complaint ; suit 
plaint V/slj2(j*'iistigha'sah da"ir kar'na 
v.f . & i. file a suit [A ~ *£>y] 

istighrab' n.m. (lit.) amazement ; 
wonder surprise great admira- 

tion fA~ 

i jl isti&hraq n . m . engrossment ; absorp- 
tton | ~ m 

istighfar' n.m. asking forgiveness from 
God through repetition of formula 
astaghjirullak' graving mercy 

begging pardon (istigbfar' kar'na) 

beg pardon of God implore ask for 
mercy/# I as tagft 'firull ah int. I entreat 
forgiveness of God God forbid far be it 
froiji me (to) [A - 0)/?} 

istighna' n.m. content ability to 
.^dispense with carelessness [A ~ ti#'] 
tyi&\istija'dah n.m. seeking profit 

benefiting attainment gaini>/li^i 
utifa'dah kar'na v.i profit (by) benefit 
(from) [A ~ 

/'Miy'l istifa'zah n.m. benefit (A - 

Cjt^f istfta n.m. seeking advice on a point 
of religious law seeking someone’s 

opinion I'J U* / ' i is lift a ' kar'na v.t. seek such 
advice (from) [A~ 

aw istifragh' n.m. vomiting [A- 

isti/sar n m. query inquiry seek- 
ing of information reference 
islifsar kar'na v.t. refer make a reference 
to ^call for information question [A 
f | is tifham n m . interrogation Ques- 

tion inquiry investigation 
harj-e istifham n.m. interrogative particle 

for pronoun )(Cp!^‘lif‘ala'mat-e istifham' n . m . 
mark or sign of interrogation ; questionmark ; 
query islfhamiy'yah adj . interrogative 
*Si£*'tJfjum’l-e istifhs miy 'yah n.m. interroga- 
tive sentence [A ~ p ] 

2J h'?a'mot N.F. firmness stability 

constancy .steadfastness recti- 

tude ; uprightness [A ~ fv) 

A\2>\istiqbaV n.m. reception welcome 
' to) future futurity future tense 
isliqbaV kar'na v.t. advance to 
meet a person receive (a person) wel- 
come (a visitor) [A - ifc*] 

istiqra' nm. induction inductive 
logic istiqra "1 adj. inductive [A ~ 

istiqrar' n.m. declaration ; confirma- 
tion taking place ; consummation 
istiqrar'-e hoqqiy'yat n.m. declaration of 
title J^jj/^tisliqra'r-e ham' l n.m. becoming 
pregnant ; pregnancy [A-yly] 
l&M'i istiqsa' N.M. reaching the limits (of) 
research deep probe i/U*' I istiqsa 
kar'na v.T. look deep into (a matter) [A~ 

isiiqlal’ n.m. perseverance fortitude 

constancy steadiness firmness 

resolution independence ; freedom 
dlffijash'n-e istiqlal' n.m. independence, day [A] 
gsfejistika'nat n.f. humility [A~ i y*f'] 

jU&ltstikbar' n m. (lit.) pride ; conceit ; 

haughtiness vainglory presump- 

tion (A- ]f\ 

g\J&) istikrah' nm. repugnance abhor- 

rence dislike demur duress 
, \ J&'i ) £jab'r-0‘istikrah' n.m. constraint 

duress bQ-jab'r-o-istikrah' adv. 

under duresi unwillingly 


L^j*S(istop’ n.m. stove primus 
>. stove [ ~ E stove corr.] 
jjyiistor' n.m. same asvy-'N.M. ■*) 

/>£» isu‘ shan, sate short n.m. 

- station railway station 

/j'L>flisush'nari (same asOfXTN.P. ★) 

_ J f y > ^ 

isti’wr N.M. {same as /‘y n.m. *). 
ashar' n.f. (pl. N.F. it) 

00 f 

ishaq n.m. Isaac (A- HJ 
a' sad n.m. , lion Leo ; the fith sign of 
the Zodiac XJ^Ia'sadvllah' n.m. Lion of 
God (as the appellation of the fourth orthodox 
Caliph, Hazrat Ali) [A] 

jLdjisraT' n.m. mystery hiding ; conceal* 
meuUpiasrsT' n.m. (sing.) mystery n.m. 
pl. secrets asra'r-e ila'fii n.m PL. divine 

secrets Jfjjjjyiasm'-o rumooz ' *.m. pl. secrets 
and symbols [A -sin y\] 

&L/I israf n.m. N-travagance ; prod' 

, abuse (of wealth) ; waste [A] 

AfJ/SUsrafil'jilS sarajil" N.M. name of the 
' angel who will sound the trumpet on 
th^,day of resurrection [A-H] 

. yl^lisra'’il n.m. Israel (as a appellation 
*• of the Prophet Jacob) (so-called 
State of) Israel'noo 
ba'ril isra"%l' n.m. "pl. Israelites; Jews^^Vi 
isra'lli n.m. Jew adj. Israelite ; Jewish 

^J ^-fasiuafit n.m. & ADJ. assistant [E] 

istokhaddoos’ n.m. name of a medi- 
cinal herb [A] 

L jU Us' t Uriah (or as'-) n.m. (same as 

J*S\as' l ad adj. very lucky extremely 
happy [A ~ sup.] 

n.m. sorrow regret [AJ 

J/l fiSlasfar' t*.u. (pl. of f/sa'far n.m. if) 

fi» .j asfar' n.m. (lit.) 



asaf/i (A) adj. (fik . cf Ji-» asfal ) Most 
(Tseafi; very mean {fellows). 

tomes rolls 

books volumes ; 
scrolls [A-sino. yV 

jp'i isfamj n . m . {mtmm&tfispmj. if) 

isqat' , isqftt-a fom't n.m.. abortion. 

t4 miscarriage [a-VM 
j^ifi^lasqam' n.m. of it) 


^nJls'l us'q'j n.m. bishop j A — GJ 

^liskat' n.m. rendering speechless 
y calming down [A 

JJ*y / liskafi'dar n.m. same e»^ iVH.U. it) 

^fi\isko dya? N.M. ESQUIRE' Esq.) ; *E] 

^J^\iskool' n.m. (same t* 

( iski'mo n.m. Eskimo \m 

^fU^I aslzf n.m. pl. ancestat? ; 

forefathers ; progeniwi * 
ancients Jl^Ltinatg-r oslaf N.M 
infamous descendant (j -oliit title 
for oneself) I [A — — «■*''] 

/*Hs l lislam' n.m. Islam (».*., submission to 
I God as the sole religion preeched by all 
the Prophet of God and as-fl'nallj presented by 
the Holy Prophet, the otdy sme religion 
Wi) trtam' la Ito (or qibool kar'na) 
v.i. be converted to Islami adopt Islamic 
faith Ji^iislami n.m. Islamic Muslim 
^if^lisl&miyyat' n m. Islamic studies 
Islamics [A] . 

jiy I as'leAah n.m. pl arm* armour XJi 
asleffa-khanah n.». wwruri ; armoury [A- 

SING. £lLj 

^/jL^flisloob' n.m. (^i/lasaltb 1 ) style 
' mode method way ;■ manner 

form ; shape arrangement 
Usloob' adj. elegant methodical well- 
regulated ; well arranged {A] 
y*''! ism n.m. (pl. Wiasma') name appel- 
C lation denomination fgram.) noun 
\Ais‘m-e islifbnm' n.m. interrogative pro- 
nount/Plf^lis'm-t sharah'h n.m demonstrative 
adjective is' mm "zam n.m. Almighty’ r 

name the Ineffable Word (cherished for 
incantation) — ''Him' ba mlsam'ma n.m. 

one actually possessing the attribute implicit in 
his or her name ism-e tqf&l’ n.m. adjec- 

t rye,, of superlative (or comparative) degree 
ism-e tankir', ism-e na'kirah n.m. 

indefinite noun ism-e jamid n.m. primi- 
tive noun ism-e jala'ti n.m. the illustrious 

name of .God f^lism-e jins' n.m. generic 
noun appellative ^ i ism-e / aiiy'yah n.m. 
present > participlc<^*^') ism-e sifal' n.m. adjec- 
tive is™-* zatm^N-is. personal pronoun 
(J f l>^'\ism-efa’il n.m. subject (y/fi ism-e fadzi 
n.m. fictitious name assumed name (f (^ 
ism-e kul'li n.m. generic noun I ism-e - 

ma r ’rifak n.m. proper noun ism-e maf-ool' 
n.m. passive participle dsWfl ism-e mausooi 
n.m. relative pronoun ism-e navi'st n.f. 

writing out the list of witnesses cataloguing 
Jbp^f-ism^var' adj. riame T wise ts'tasma' n.m. 
Pt. names appellations denominations 
•» nouns JtrjbU'lasma" ir-rijal' n.m. 
cyclopedia of narrators Traditions branch' 
of knowledge judging merits or otherwise of 
Tradition-nariS&rs dictionary of national 
biography If^Lh'iasma'-e bus’na (or 

uz'ma) n.m. pl. the Beautiful (or Great) 

Names ; ninety-nine epithets of God [A] 

Jw lasmar' n.m. pl. nightly talks- 
. nocturnal stories IA~ sing. f sa'mar ] 
C/rl asms*' n.m. pl. (lit.) ears [A- sing. tf\ 

dito isma'il' n.m. Ishmael (as the name 
of Abraham’s elder son) Isma’il<as 
the name of a seventh and last Imam of a 
Shi’ite sect called after him) fr* Ir'l isma'VU adj. 

descended from Ishmael pertaining to 
Isma’ili sect n.m. Isma’ili ; member of his sect 
-zkfl isma'ilKy’yah n.m. Isma'ilis ; the Sevener 
Shi’ites ; the Seveners [A — HJ 

I osaim'bali n.f. Assembly Hall ; Assembly 
Chambers [E] 

jiblasnad n.f. (dial, m.) (pl. of^aW n.f. 

i. ★) 

(j)\s\asnan' n.m. pl. (lit.) teeth (A- sing.<j/- 

jSj^Sasrtar' n.m. (col.) (same asjb^N.M. it 

y'l asvaft'si n.f. a lineal land'measure 

fry'iosooj’ n.m. seventh month of Hindu 
calender (corresponding to September- 
October [S] 

yy*\as’vad adj. black n.m. {vh.js’sood^jy 
soodari) Negro,/) as'vad-o-aih‘mar n.m. 
(members of) the black and the white races 
Jj^'j/’baih'r-e as'vad n.m. the black Sea (A) 
iJLf^fishal' n.m. diarrhoea flux 

isha'L-e da' mam n.m. bloody flux ; hae- 
matic discharagc [A 

,(^§*v‘hol adj. very easy [A-J^ sup,] 

tr^ps'oah n.m. example ; pattern ; ideal tyi 
JZm^Zs'va-t ha'scmah n.m. the ideal of 
good good example (of the Holy Prophet 

lA] / 
iff i'ji adj. its own pron. this very fOnf'l 

lot' Hi i' si din ko pa' la tka ph. did I bring 

you up for this reward ? [ ~</l is (f ] 

O' si adj. its own pron. that very [ ~tSfus 

, +a1 

f I os’si N.m. &. ADJ. Eighty J Ijf'l as 'sivafi adj 
eightieth os' si if a m'dani, 

dtaura'si ka kharsfc' prov. live at the rate of 
six scores to the hundred b {' 

m* ba'ras fti ‘ iimr ' nam miyafi ma'soem prov. 
person feigning ignorance 
^ l/\ asyaf ^rfas'yaf n.f. (pl. oftiM'iaj/ n. f. 
** ★) 

y^fasir' n.m. prisoner captive 

asi'r-e a'b-o-gil' attached to one’s native 
land bound by mundane things t) Ifc^i asi’r-e 
s&lia'rn n.m. prisoner of State (£*?iasi'n n.f. 
imprisonment confinement ; incarceration 
captivity [A] 

ij*^(asis' n.f. (dial.) blessing ; benediction 

ase'sar n.m. assessor (E) 

£/!/(?! isharat' n.m. (pl. oft^N.M. it) 

&jL'\is*arat’ n.f. insinuation hint [A~ 

* doublet of fol.J 

0j\2\ish*'rah n.m. (pl .Zi&iskarat') hint 

suggestion indication gesticulation 
gesture , .wink sign token note 
clue (11) syrrtboll*/ $j0l ishi'rah kar'na v.t. 


signal beckon' hint suggest indicate 
— ityl isha're par eftaina V.I.' be at the 
bcek an d_ call (of) be under control (of) 
^-jlf tjOuZ^aql' maftd ko isha'rah ka'fl jiai 
prov. a word may suffice to a wise personjM-^ 
isharali adj. symbolic(£/l7/ijfra'ri adj. 
symbolic index (card)y>l5t ishany'yah n.m. 
index Vj*J/gj\?\\6hariy'yah mural' tab kar'na 

v.t. compile an index (of) (A] 

£S\!>\ isha'‘al n.f. publication propaga- 
tion dissemination circulation , 
spread ; difusion edition *», (rta) 

qa'bU-e isha'‘at adj. (not) suitable for .publica- 
tion [A ~ J 

pC'\P\adia'‘irah n.m. (pl. of n.m. if) 

£A?'lashbah‘ n.m. (lit.) Bodies objects 
, [A- SING. ] 

tlsloshbah' n.m. (pl. oi^shib'h n.f ★) 

ts&ii 'a 1 ' n.m. elongation of vowel sound 
k (fu£'!ishba' , i ADJ. elongated (short-vowel) 
'ma (pr Jai'ha pr kas'ra)-e 
ishba'i n.m. elongated u (or a or i ) 
g^jPiishtibab' n.m. ambiguity doubt 

suspicion uncertainty hesitation 
distress ifi&fishliba'hi adj. doubtful sc*i- 
pulous [A~ 

) l£?t ishlidad' n.m. strengthening in- 

. creasing in violence [A 
^Aiush'lUr n.m (same as sh't'tur n.m. if) 

\y2\ishlira' n.m. purchase selling 

y # trade ; commerce [A - lif 4 ] 
u T)*^'f ishtirak' N.m. partnership society 

company co-operation colla- 
boration (rare) subscription (to periodical) 
ba'dal-e ishtirak' n.m. (rare) subscrip- 
tion (to periodical )J(^l!y/i/tYa’Ai n.m. socialist 
ADJ. socialist socialistic ishtirakiy'yat 

n.f. socialism [A~ 

J \Pi ishte'ai' n.m. provocation instiga- 
tion incitement (1‘lbij ishte'al 

it ’na (or dila'na) V.T. provoke ; incite ; insti- 
gate C^JU*^lishte‘al-e tab' 1 n.m. provocation 
ishte'a’lak n.f. instigation incite- 
ment ishlt'a 'lak de'na v.t instigate 

incite {A- J*'] 

J u4 ishtfghal' n.m. occupation avoc?- 
.. hon trade engagement [A -J* 3 } 
{J UVf ishtiqaq' n.m. Derivation 

» ishti qaq n.m. etymology [A~ Jr'J 
t trbtemal' n.m. (land) consolidation 
comprising ; containing (f'i/lJP'l 
ishtemal-e ara'zi n.m. land consolidation ; con- 
solidation of landholdings krJL Jiriishtima'l-e 
be' ja' n.m. misjoinder ishtima'l-q 

da‘'va n.m. joinder of causes of action J (At 
ishtim'ti adj. & n.m. Communist; Commu- 
nistic O^V^tishlimaliy'yat n f. 'Afcmmunism 


[tyZ'l ishteba' n.f. appetite hunger 
.. . (rare) urge [A] 

JVY^ n.m. (PL.iP'jlr^hshleharat') 

advertisement bill ; poster hand- 
bill notification, notice publicity 
currency placard _ (arch.) renown ; cele- 
brity^t^tJ^jOiC^i ishtehar' ave'zafi (or &as'- 
{pan) kar'na, ishtehar' laga'na v.t. put 

up (or affix) a prater ,. \yy jCr^ishtehar de'na 
v.t. advertise ishtehar' kar'na v.t. 

(arch.) notify ; publish^l^^f frhteAaVj adj. 
proclaimed ^popularized through advertise- 
ment ('/tfjCr y Ushteha'rl mitj'rim n.m. pro- 
claimed offender one who has decamped 

{Jh^iishliyaq' n.m. liking; fondness 
wish ; longing yearning ; hankering 
bent, i desire [A - JA 1 ] 
jf^lash'tami n f. eight day (of Hindu month) 

** » [I] 

j\P\ashjar' N.M. (PL of^ N.M. if) 

* • 

jash'ja' adj. Braver of bravest 

^ ,(more or) most valiant [A£.^ s 'siip.] 
a shkh at’ NM (pl of^/^N.M. if) 


X>\ashad‘ adj more or most vehement 
urgent extreme severe excessive 

violent ^jy^Atoshad' zaroo'rat n.f. urgency 
I fsr/tj&iashad ' zaroo'ri adj. very important 
urgent [A - vtA^SUP.] 

Jir'lashar' adj. (more or) most wicked ; more 
or most wiciouso'Oj^lashar'r-un-nas' n.m. 
the most wicked of menjj^lashrar' N.M. pl. 
the wicked criminals malicious persons 



being the real person btasa'latan adv 
in person ; ‘in propria persona’ origi- 
nally primarily [A ~ ij^l] , 

| asah' adj. (more or) most authentic 
asah' h-Ul-ku tub n.m. the most authentic 


n.m. pl. Companions (of the 
Holy Prophet) w comrades friends 
preceptors disciples nobles ; peers 
possessors of ; those having those pertaining 
to >-'l7*iasha'b-ul-fil' , (Jf.^d^lashab-e fil' 
n.m. pl. the army with elephants ; the .pre- 
Islamic Abyssinian invaders of Mecca l 
asha'b-e kah'f n.m. pl. Catacomb Comrades 
{A ~sino. 

jUtffisdar'. n.m. proceeding appea- 
rance production issue {A 
■Jy^lisrar' n.m. obduracy persistanee 
It I constancy [A] 

(pU*TI istibagh’ n.m. baptism C*C>UWi istibagl} 
de'na v.T. baptise tyfc'&'listiba gh le’na 
v.i. be baptised 

os’ total n.m. stable [A~ L) 

{or (is’ tarlab’ (or 

as'-) n.m. astrolable ; [A 


lltt*listifa' n.m. choice ; selection 
.. [A~^] 

islilah' n.f. term ; 
technical term slang expression 
conventional phraseology.^/kjlfc-’l islilahai' n.f. 
pl. terms; technical terms slang ex- 
pressions rWi{frvaz''-e istilahat' n.m. coin- 
ing of technical terms tfttWlislila'hi adj. 
technical conventional secondary 
istUa'fa ma l 'na (or-nl) n.m. technical sense 
conventional meaning [A~ if ] 
i^as'ghar adj. little tiny younger 

or youngest smaller or smallest n.m. (pl. 
/’Plasa'ghir) younger or youngest son, etc. 

this as male name a person of no impor- 
tance tS/^tasQali n.f. (false feminine used 

as female name) younger or youngest 
daughter, etc. [A ~ /g^sup.] 
jw*\as’far adj. yellow saffron-coloured ; 

of the colour of mustard-flower [A] 
tJU*| «j/fya n.m. (pl. ofd^N.M. it) 

L^as'l n . f . original principal ; princi- 
U | pal sum stock-in-trade root 
essence ; quintessence cause ; root-cause 
spring, source base ; foundation plinth 
basis (11) truth ; reality (12) lineage (13) 
pedigree adj. essentially vital funda- 
mental ; basic substantive positive 
important principal chief legitimate 
real ; true (11) actual (12) factual 
asl-e usool' asl-ul-usool n.m. funda- 

mental principal ir^tj^iasl-usoos' n.t. liquo- 
rice root asl' khair se adv. (W. dial.) 

safety at# 'j^lasl ma’ sood' principal with in- 
terest tyity*\as l-o-far'' n.m. root and 
branch cause.and effect i^J^tasl' nas'l n.f. 
(col.) lineage £? J^las'l naf" n.m. net profit 
Was' la Was' tan adv. never at any time 
at all ; in the least altogether <J?*las'ti adj. 

true ; real genuine , authentic pure ; 
unadulterated original natural . basic ; 
fundamen tal actual ; factual.^HW/ty^a/ n . f 

truth ; reality basic facts (about) origin 
genuineness purity authenticity 
originality [A] 

7 jUq islah' n.f. ( pl. t si a tat' ) reform 

U reformation correction (of pupil’s 

exercise) writing pattern (written by teacher 
for pupil) (rare) haircut (rare) trim- 
ming of(bcard) ICit/Wiislah’ banana v.T. trim 
(beard) ■Sp/Z/tf) islah'-pazlr adj. docile 
amenable (i'JljCiOWiislah.' de'na (or kar'na) 
v.T. correct rectify amend improve 
revise reform isla'h-t maz'hat 

n.f. Reformation ; the Protestant Reformation 
isla’h-t nas'l n.f. eugenics 
islah' bar' vaq't mum'kin hai prov. it is 
never too late to mcndC>biUl islahaf n.f. pl. 
reforms Ll/jsl'&lsWl islahat'^ ns’fiz kar'na v.T. 
impliment reforms Z/WLX/f taihrt' k-c-islah' n.f. 
Reformation [A -» ] 

as'h ADj. Ct^fasliy’yat n.f. (see under v* 

J*\ asam' adj. deaf (math.) surd -fP#* 
I miqda'r-e asam' n.f. (pl .fl/j&maqadir-e 
asam') surd [A 

£fb*losnaf n.f. pl. genres sexes 

species asna'f-e si'khan n.f. pl. 

genres of literature [A - sinq.up^’} 


^[s*lasn3tn’ n.m. (pl. of ^ w.m. 

CJ/f N.F. (PL. of^N.F. «fr) 

Sreof n.«. principle n.m. pl. funda- 
mentals. causes principles princi- 
ples of Muslim jurisprudence dogmas 

manners Utool-t mQta'a'rafah n.m. pl. 

axioms Usool'l-t mauzoo' l ah n.m. pl. 

(math.) postulates fcyjJ/*lusoo' l-o-ftiroo'' n.f. 
pl. causes and effects creed and law (of 
faith) according to Shi’ite sect [A~ sing. J*/] 
asil adj. pedigreed of good extrac- 
w tion high-born ; noble genteel 

pure; unmixed asil' 

gko're ko cha'buk ki ha'jat na'kih prov a good 
horse should be seldom spurred. [A~cPi] 

izafat n.f. genitive case mutual 
construction (of two nouns) ; construct 
phrase^ appendage ; adjunct reference 

J k/is'rn-*- ■irn'fat M.u. tim nf mn«hiict 

kas'ra-t - izafal n.m. sign of construct 
phrase [A doublet of fol.] 
j U?| izs'fah n.m. enhancement addition 
. enlargement excess surplus 

(j &tiza'fi adj. relative comparative 
additional supplementary surplus [A] 

iza ‘fy 'ya t £*> W*.finazariy'ya-t iza'Jiy'yat 
a n.f. ( theory of relativity^UltVa/i adj. 
(see,tmderJti/N.M. -jjlr) [A-prrc.] 

,Sy\ Uzboo'kah n.m-. laughi ng-stock J ojijfjl 
uzhoo'ka-e roz-gar’ n.m. butt of ridicule [A~ 

/j I o.zJia n.m. pl. sacrifices ; sacrificial ani- 
■ mals victims ff IH^id-uU azjha n.f., 
the sacrificial Eid ; Eid-ul Azha [A ~ sing. 

jjjj0\azdad n.f. pl. opposites. words 

each of which conveys two opposite 

izlirab' n.m. impatience rest- 

lessness ; uneasiness anxiety 
agitation anguish vexation distur- 

bance; commotion N.F. agitat- 
ed uneasy (fSJbj!) C^^iztira'HkaiJiy'yat 
(or hs'lat) uneasiness ’ restlessness [AJ 

iztirar' n.m. constraint force; 
t coercion restraint ..agitation 
violence perturbation (fj^iztiraii adj. 
involuntary uncontrolled cA/ifJ 

tztirz'rf ha'lat (or kcafiy'yat) n.f. compulsion 
involuntary state [A] 

n.m. pl. double things 
twofold things multiples 
zoo az‘a'f-e aqal' n.m. lowest common multiple 
LCM ^C/^az'af-e muza'afah n.m. pl. 
manijfold things [A~sino. jj^ze'f] 

az u qf adj. most (or more) feeble 
decrepit [A.~ ‘^'sup.J 

fljflii/lju&f az$a's-e Mam n.m. pl. mean- 
‘ ingless nightmares disturbed 

dreams [A] 

azl a*' n.f. administrative district ; 
districts parts ribs sides (of figuce) 

/JjjJrf izlal" n.m. leading astray [A~ Jtt+] 

jU^f izmsr’ n.m. use of a pronoun /&[£■ 

izmar ’ gab'l-vz-zik'r n.m. use of a 
pronoun' before mentioning its antecedent ; 
pronoun preceding own antecedent [A~^-^ j 
A llyrf izmrhlal' n.m. . weakness depres- 
sion ty/fyc^tabf'at par izmek- 

l&V tn'ri ho’rm v.i. feel very much run down 
be enervated (A] 

azy&f n.m. (pl. ofiiLfN.M. if) 

iSfilrhtfat N.F. obedience reverence 
worship Cjlyljj \ it a 1 at shi‘ar’ 

(or gazar) adj. obedient^l^t^W^tf 
shi‘n’t1 (or guzs’rl) n.f. obedience 
ita' s at kar’na v.t. obey pay homage (to) 
worship (A] 

Qibititaq' n.m. (rare) room Jlbluiaqi adj. 
Jrare) pertaining to room rooming 
. UtiCjIbl Uta'gi jo'ra n.m. rooming couple 
(J\jriqial’ int. may elongate i/ZnJlblata'1- 
aUa'ho Sm'rjahdo int. may God grant him- 
a long life [A ~ J>J 

Mlita'liyah n.f. ItalytfJIblita'lm adj. I talia n 
•\ u [E~It.) 

ctibba' n.m. pl. physicians prac- 
titioners of indigenous system of medicine 
[A~ sti)ic.w>l 

* .1 * 

alraf' n.f. Pl. directions side 
extremities suburbs environs 
outpost boundaries &iHs*>ibtatra'f-o-aknaf’ 
n.m. pl. surroundings all sides 
atra'f-e shaih'T n.f. environs of city or town 
suburbs [A ~ SINO li»>] 

tfjtl itri'fal n.f. a kind of medicated pudd- 

at'‘imah n.m. (pl. -fc) 

Ifijrlilfa' n.m. extinction (of fire) (A) 

N.M. PL. children babies 
issues J U>( Jrji. baZl'(ha-e atfal' n.m. child’s 
play [A ~ SXNOi 

yftifi ittila‘ n.f. information intimation 
comunication intelligence report 
notice notification (£Mr£/lhlittila"e ha'ziri 
N.F. joining repor de'na (or 
htt’n a) inform apprise acquaint 

report give notice communicate yl'frilkt 
ittila"-na'mah n.m. written notice rftfrl&i 
iUila"-ya'H getting information receipt 
or acknowledgment of notice, ctc- tfei ittifa c, -an 
ADV. by way of notification for informa- 
tion lit) i nils.' 'an 'an' kai ph. submitted 

for information [A ~ 

tftfjrt itlaq' n.m. application (lit.) setting 
at liberty itlaq' rakk’na v.i.'be ap- 
plicable (to) C/jifbl itlaq' kar'tm v.t. apply 
(to) use (a word or phrase) in a particular 
sense tyjjlih itlaq’ ho'na v.i* be apt be 
applicable Jl^lil^'alal itlaq' adj. absolute 
adv. absolutely 3toiild*Si'ha'kim(-e) ‘alal 
itlaq' n.m. (God, as) the Absolute Ruler -(A) 

, J&\at'las N.M. satin j-^t at'lasi adj. satin 


^A\jf\itminan‘ nm. satisfaction calm- 
** ness ; composure complacency 
confidence respite pledge surety cfLuJ’i 
fciMljM'itirHna'n-e kha'tir (or qalb'): n.m. satisfac- 
tion of mind (*/c itmjnan' kajna v.t. & t. 
satisfy (someone or oneself) i itmnan’ 

ke la"iq adj. trustworthy ; reliable [A] 
wlih itnsb' n.m. verbosity profusehess 
* (of speech) [A] 
t^U'l alnab' n.f. (pl. ofi.'D’N.F. ir) 

j\J?\atvar' n.m. pl . conduct ; behaviour 
.ways ; manners deportment 

characteristics practices customs 

khiih-atvar adj. well-mannered affable 
polite ; courteous [A - sing. 

athar' adj. & n.m. pl. unpolluted 
chaste (persons) non-menstural periods 

(A -sing. (a)yfU>(b) yfi 
Jrfat'har adj. (more or) most pure [A ~/t'* 
.sup.] , 

(JDJrladal’ n.m. (pl, ofjN.M. if) 

nz’lam adj. 
I .cruel] [A~ 

darkest (more or) most 

jl>H izhar n.m. expression ; expressing 

disclosure examination or deposition 
of a witness testimony display procla- 
mation (f^jt^rizha r-t ha' If l n.m. deposition 
QjjUFi izhar ' de'na y.u bear testimony 

attest depose I’/jfj’lizkar' kar'na express 
unfold announce assert izhar' 

le'na v.t. examine (witness) put 

(someone) in the witness-box ^^vl^) izhar’- 
navis' n.m. deposition writer izha’r-a 

ibla gh n.m. expressing and conveying of mean- 
ing ; communication [A — v>‘] 

J?\ az'har Apj. evident ; obvious dear 
plain az'har min-art-skams' adj. 

crystal clear ; quite manifest 
pjwfe'a'dah n.m repetition revision 
review ; renewal Ife/lel e'a'dak kar'na v.t. 
repeat revise {A — //] 
riylfia'adl n.m. pl. foes ; enemies fA - PL. Of 

P\f\ a'a’zm ADJ. & N.M. (PL. of VlADJ. tA) 

(JUla'a'ft ADJ. & N.M. (PL. of if l ADJ. it) 

lOdlfle' a'nat n.f. help ; assistance sup- 
port abetment ; facilitation ; extension 
of facility fecslfte'a'nat-ejurm’ n.f. abet- 
ment of crime ^sifijjlHimda'd-o-e'a'nat n.f. 

help succour [A — fc!/] 

m e'tibar n.m. credence confidence ; 
* faith credit esteem (lit.) taking 
a lesson from accordance ^j&^ke e'tibar' 
se ph. according to Cl jiff i e'tibar’ a’na v.T« be- 
lieve CjfZulpi e'tibar’ uik'ja’na v.t. lose credit 
e'tibar' kar'na v.t. believe trust 
give credit (to) have faith (in) ; repose 
confidence (in) depend (upon) 
e'tibar' kha'na v.t. lose credit losereputa- 
tionjC*i[ba-e‘tibar’ adj. reliable; trust- 
worthy crcditablcbfsjChlji'ba-tia' Zar-e e'tibar 
dekh'na v.t. take a lesson from (some event) ; 
draw a moral for oneself (from something) 

I fjO*1t'tibart adj. reliable , trustworthy 

creditable [A] 

m ,tida' n.f. tyrannizing cruelty [A] 

(Jltfl e‘ tidal' n.m. moderation tem- 
perance evenness balancell^yj Uh 
e’ tidal par raih'na v.i. be temperate 
observe the golden mean [A —J-O ] 

* tizar ' n.m- apology excuse [A ~ 

t? e'tirsz' n.m. objection fault-find- 
ing criticism observation tak- 
ing exception protest resistance ani- 
madversion e'tirsz ipesh) kar'na 

v.i. take exception (to) raise an objec- 
tion cavil at call in question protest 
disapprove e'tiraz' raj" kar'na 

v.i. remove the cause of an objection 
redress , thc grievance (of) Mift/l^'ie'tera'ze 
Zabilah N.M. technical objection [A ~ 
iZJl^fle'tiraf 1 n.m. admission confession 
avowal recognition 
e'liraf- kar’na vp. confess ; admit own , 
acknowledge tCfalp'le'lira'f-e gunah' n.m. con- 
fession of one's sin [A ~ $ lip} 

t'liz&z n.m. eminence respect- 
f .. ability [A ~ 

U ’ifl e'tizal’ n.m. dissent secession 

rakhina (or kar'na) v.T. repose confidence 
in depend upon [A] 

m e' tina' N.f. care solicitude exer- 

tion ; labour; .taking pains 
e'tina ke qa'bil, dar' khlr-e e'lina' adj. 

worthy of attention [A] 

M e'jaj n.m. miracle marvel wonder ■ 

* e'ja'z-e masiha'Ci) .n.m. 

Messiah’s miracle (fig.) wonderful cure 

,J\ a! Jam n.m. non-Arab, £ ‘a'jami n.m. 

■ * (see under it) 

o'joo'bah n.m.‘ wonder [A ~<^jJ'ajab] 
tjpla ! da' n.m. (pl. it) 

a'dad' n.m. pl. numbers a'da'd-e 

mutaba^yinah n.m. pl. (math.) prime 
numbers^l^i* I a'da'd-i-nru'tava'-Jqah n.m. pl. 
(math.) composite numbers J'C&jImi a'da'd-e 
mutada khilah n.m. pl. (math.) concordant 
numbers jtr'jjlvia'da'd-o-shlmar' n.m. pl. 
slatistics facts and figures [A ~ sing. »] 

\ e'rab 1 n.m. vowel points cases (of 
nouns, etc.) [A] 

Jt \f'\ a'rabi n.m. (pl. y jpla'rab ') Bedouin ; 

, Arabian nomad [A] 

</j A e'raz' n.m. shunning shrinking 

from eschewing vfSfWi e'raz' kar'na 

withdrawal Rationalism (as a school 
of Muslim scholastic philosophy) [A ~ J'f) 
f'laS'te'tisam’ n.m. holding fast .catching 

■' hold (of) refraining from 
t'lisartl be-hablillah' n.m. holding fast to the 

covenant with God [A ~ 

,Pr e'tiqad' n.f. belief' faith credence 
reliance (in) e'tiqad' rakk'na 

v.i. believe (in) have faith (in) 
repose confidence (m)Cljjj0i e'tiqad' la'na v.i. 

believe (in) become a convert (to) j ‘0'S 
Vjfe'tiqad'hp’na v.T. & u have faith (in) 
beli tvqf>0\e‘tiqa'dl adj. (matters, etc.) per- 
taining to belief [A ~ tjiif) 
l if&Urtikaf' n.m. retirement (to mosque) for 
continued prayer lyol&te'tikaf kar’na 
V.J. retire thus [Aj 

lO/rW n.m. (lit.) rise raise in- 
orease [A~>] 

P * tinted n.m. faith cpnfidcnce 
oiw reliance (lyj.ktfjlftrimad' 

shun shrink from eschew decline 

fj*lfla'raz n.f. (pl. of foaraz n.f. ^) 

a'raj (col. ai‘~) n.m. place between 
Heaven and Hell Purgatory [A] 
a' ’raj adj. (lit.) lame [A] 

]i'/le'zzz- n.m. (vL.&ljl'/U'zazat') esteem 
award title ; title of honour (con- 
ferred by government, etc.) exaltation 
extolling e'za'S adj. honorary 
t'zaziy'yah-NM. honorarium reception [A~ 


,f\ a'iz'zah n.m. pl. relatibns, relatives 

a'iz'za-o-aqa'rib n.m. Pl. kith and kin; 
near and distant relations (A 
ji^a'shar' n.u. pl. pieces-’ tom or broken 
.pieces (of) tens£A~j^J 

a'thBriy'yohHM. decimal decimal 
** point a'sha'ri (or «‘.j adj. 


decimal q'shs'ri sik'kah n.m. decimal 

coin a‘sha'ri nitsm' N.M. decimal 
system [A ~ 

uU) a‘jai' n.m. pl. nerves muscles 
d'Ltf a 1 sabi adj. nervous 
a'ss'bi jaiig n.f. war of nerves [A~siNG. fc ^ p ] 
vt^e'rar' n.m. extracting the juice (of) crush- 
ingj U'ia'ssr' n.m. pl. times ages 
eras [A -X] ?$• 

W a'za n.m. pl. organs limbs 

of tare ra'tsah n.m! pl. chief organs ofi the 
body («£., heart, brain, liver,, testicles)^-^ 
a l Za sbi'kani n.f. fatigue pain in limbs 
(owing to feverishness, etc.) [A ~ sino.^m^J 
USi e‘ts' n.m. bestowal grant |A~ [if] 

a‘.'zam adj. & n.m. (PL.^la‘a'^tm) . 

1 greatest (person, etc.) the great 
'sdd-e a“zam n.m. highest common factor ; 
H.C.F. J?ii’qa r id-e a ( ’zam n.m. the Great 
Leader (as title of the Founder of Pakistan) ; 
the Quaid-i-Azam a l 'zam n.m. 

the Great Moghul (as appellation of the 
Moghul emperor of India, .Akbar) [A ~ 
sup.} • * 

M e‘/a' n.m, upholding elevation 
1/1*0 eHa'-e kalimat-Ulfiaq' N.M- uphold- 
ing the truth [A ~ J* ] 
jtyl a l lsnd n.m. (pl. of ^‘alam n.m. ★> 

ffiPi <‘lam'N.M. (lit.) notification announce- 
I ■’ ment ^fldie l lsmiy'yah n.m. PreSs (Note 

handout proclamation [A ~ 

N,M * notification announdb- 
*^ , *^ , meht pronouncement [A] 

I if 1 a' la adj. & n.m. (pl. J lfa‘s'ti) topmost 
W ’ first-rate principal superior 
higher elevated most dignified (person) 
supreme being God {A ~ J 
' a 1 am adj. very common most (or 

I more) common {A- f sup.] 
m a ( msq' n.m. (pl. of J^n.M. ■£) 

Jifi a'msl' n.m. actions acts beha r 
viour ; conduct ^Ci^a'mslns'mah n.m. 
record of (someone’s) doings record of 
(someone’s) misdeeds [A ~ sing. 

a'msm n.m. pl. unclesJA ~ j*f] 


I a ll ms adj. blind (A] 

^/id'usn’ ti.M. name of a Rajput clan 

its members n.m. p.l. nelpers (A~stNO. 


{/[/la'yari n.m. pl. eyes dign&torks 
) cdt> u) if'l a'ys'n-t dau'lai (or sal’tbnat ) 
n.m. pl. dignatorics of State {A - sing. <£] 
Ajfjtgh/iBom' N.m. capture as booty; seizing 
pillaging [A - . 

SJf\a$'ziya'k n.m. (pl. ofj^N.F. 

a$rat' n.m. (pl. of (f/g haraz n.f. ir) 

*♦. ♦ 

{Jiff ighTaq' N.M. exaggeration hyper- 
bole [A. ~Jf] 

Ufa f idghtqt n.m. pl. mistakes errors [sing. 

»• » A iM] 

jjfyfi ighfaq' n.m. abstruseness [A] 

Jjfch/a/'.N ,M. pl. yokes chains [A~ 

\ SING, 

/flffigblsm' n at. sodomy ; paederasty [A 

' .toy], 

i^iMfagh'lab adv. probably very likely 

adj. probable quite , possible [A ~ 

. sup ,-l 

/ t^/Jf/a‘gha/ Aa'gfW adj. on either side 
’ right and left [ ~ 

^d^lagh'laf adj. uncircumcizcd [A ~ &D*] 

(fit I ighmsz' N.m. overlooking; neglect 

connivance (I l‘sf. C&j ijA) Ojfi/iti ighmsz' 
ba’ratns (oe raps' rakk'ha (or kar'rts) v.t. 
overlook connive (at) [A] 

(Jflaghtiiys' n.m. pl-. the, upper classes 
**, rich people [A ~ sing. fl 
ij/j ig}}vs' n.m, abduction (rare) seduc- 
tion ; enticement ; leading astray IZ/tPi 
ighsS karris v.t. abduct (rare) seduce ; 
lead astray [A— //'] 

^/faghysr' n.m. pl. strangers unfamiliar 
** persons rivals opponents [A~8 ino. 

int. ah;. oh no alas fie; for 

shame I n/' re int. ah ; oh aol'/sn*v&l 
fi/' tak na kar'rts v.i. not even to raise 
one’s little finger not even to utter a faint 
cry I’/cJtuf kar'ns v.i. sigh utter a cry 
of pain mount bum; consume ; destroy 
hojs’ns v.i. be burnt ; be consum- 
ed ; be destroyed [A} 




• 0 

enlarge rise in price Jj])lafzoo'r& n.f. in- 
crease augmentation plenty rise (.in 
price) [P-pREC.j 

jOlafsM N.F. (same as (J&w.t. if) 

JH*ffafsa'ruih,}lJfasa'nah n.m. short story 
concocted story fiction 
efsa'na-khaft, J iCHafsa'na-go n.m. fabulist ; 
romance or story teller j tpii^iafsa'na~nigar ' , 
<ji)j>C>\afsa'na namt n.m. short-story writer 
<Sj ftkO I afsa'na-niga' ri, tf$iUiafsa‘na-naui'si 
n.f. short-story writing JiCtj^mukhtasar-qfsa- 
nah n.m. short-story j&fjtyjktadir makti- 
Uuar-qfsa'nah n.m. long short-story [P] 

taf'sar n.m. officer 'If^lqf’sar a 1 ’ la n.m. 
superior officer chief authority^^L^ ( 
of sor-e ba’la das't n.m. superior officer 
afsar(-e) mol n.m. Revenue Assistant f /** 1 
af'sari n.f. being an officer officer’s 
rank or cadre [E] 
ff\qf'sar n.m. crown [P] 

0)y*?\ afsUr'dah adj. dejected spiritless 
melancholy bleak frigid 
benumbed ; deprived of sensation # withered 
extinguished ; extinct 
kka'tir . f h uj^UtfaUr'da-dil adj. dishearten- 
ed downcast fafsOr'dagi n.m. dejec- 
tion melancholy ; depression bleakness 
extinction (rare) frozenness [P~cfj^|] 
In' n.f. wormwood ; 

absinth [A ~G] 

ifjPfafsos' N.M. 


sorrow woe 
trouble ; afflic- 
re morse ; repentance int. 

jf/ ■ • •* 


(also hti’e afsos') . alas , 

ah dear ; dear dear \!j(j^j\cfsos'kar'na v.i. 
deplore regret moan; bewail; lament 
ttfeve ^sorrow pity mourn [P] 
^jpfqfsooti n.m. charm; enchantment 

incantation 'magic ; sorcery 

afsooft' tfcal'na v.r. be successful in charming 
afsooti kar'na v.i. enchant use 
spelb or charms conjure exercise 

afsooti -g& n.m. magician conjurer 

wizard seer {Pj ./ 

tf ft? n.m.' divulging disclosure 

. . i/dp'-troti n.m. disclosure of a secret 1A~ 

o&w 'shah n.f. tinsel strips for 
bedecking face, hair, etc. 
suf. sprinkling ; dispersing ; 
diffusing ; spreading strewing 
strewn sprinkled diffused 

shah dkun'na v.t. sprinkle 
tinsel strips ‘J &lqfsha'nl sup. 
strewing diffusing scattering adj. sprink- 

led wjth gold dust [P ~jjiUp I strewing] 

ffjJ^lafshur'dah n.m. juice squash suf. 

crushed messed ; squeezed out 
filtered ; strained j/lt&\qfshuT'da-e dhgoor 
N.M. (fig.) wine strain] 

of ’sat} adj. eloquent (more or) most 

.eloquent (A~ gf? sup.] ’ p 

J&lafzal' n.m.pu favours excellences 

0*^1 if&t' n.m. (rare) doing goor caus- 

ing to excel or exceed leaving a ha- 
lance [A ~ prec.] 

^af zal adj. & n.m. (pl. jftafa'zif) «*_ 
cellent supreme most prominent 
(person) ^Iqf’zal-ul-mur satin' n.m. (the 
Holy Propet as) the most distinguished of the 
prophets ofzaliy'yal n.f. supremacy 
excellence [A~ prec.] 

jQstfiftir' n.m. (co\.(fj\SH\ifta'Tt n.f.) break- 
ing a fast breakfast light breakfast 
I’Jgilffl iftar'karna v.t. break a fast [A] 
JlPfafal' n.m. pl. acts ; actions deeds 
conduct functioning 
ul-ad'viyah n.f. pharmacology 
o-'Za n.f. physiology [A - sing. J**] 
rf&lafi (pcd. of “a) n.m, asp ; adder ; viper; 
serpent [A] 

U* I a/gh 2 n'JiPfigl} ah' (or/g-) n.m. wail 
clamour , complaint [P] 

(ji^lafgfan' oT (df’ghah) n.m. Pathan a 
# native of Afghanistan [P] 

JWfnq n.m. (Ph.Jlitafaq') horizon uf'qi 
n.m. (ped. u'fUqi) adj. horizontal [A] 
jPlUfknr' n.f. ideas thoughts ; thinking 
notions meditation cars ; worries 
poetical works writings philosophical 
system ; philosophy [A — sing. 
j\£)\ afgar' ,j$figar' adj. wounded ; lacerated 
suf. wounding ; lacerating [P] 

^riaf'gan, ^Pfigan' suf. overthrowing; 
flinging hurling ejecting bUjJ&i 
J adj. & suf. throjm fallen prost- 
rate fjj>)ajgatida$ t $j$figatidagl n.f. 

ing hurling throwing down casting away 
downtrodden state 

(jDiliflas' n.m. poverty ; penury ; indigence 
want [A] , 

qflatoori n.m. _ Plato 
boaster ; braggart I af la toon' kd 

said ph. (col.) conceited personal* 

D^/ba'ra a yd ka'hxfi se afldtoori kd said ph. 
what a conceited person ! aflaloo'nl adj. 

Platonic nau-faldtooniy'yat n.f. neo- 

platonism [A ~ G] 

L f [\ilaflak ' n.m. PL. heavenly spheres , 
spheres the heavens ; sky ; firmament 
starry host Heaven [A~ sing. 
fyi)l a f'vdj' n.f. pl. armies armed 
forces hosts crowds legion^'i^j/l 
afvd'j-e qd'hirah n.f. victorious army 
armed forces &ty , ((j’baih'rx afvdj' n.f. pl. Navy'fi afvdj' n.f pl. Army ; land forces 
2 J/i{j!ti'}jJ&faZd'’i (or hava"x) afvdj' n.f. pl. 
Air Force [A ~ sing. &>] 
f\vffo,tj\uf'f°h int. (expressive of surprise or 
regret) oh [onO.] 

fijiqfvdh' n.f. rumour hearsay gossip 
town-talk tipi Jjlafodh (or 

afvd'hth) ura'rtd (nxpiaila'nd) v.t. spread 
rumour(s) ; bruit abroad ( £j\ hj)\) Uy t lj I 

afvqh' (or afvd'hth) 3 r'na (or pkail'na)~ v.i. 
be rumoured (of rumour) be spread [ ~ A 
sing. fooh or ‘J fam mouth] ' 

njlifhdm’ n.m: causing (someone) to under- 
stand ; driving home \o ha' m-o- 

tafhim' n.m. mutual understanding talks ; 
negotiations conciliation rapprochement 

[A~ Vcaus.] f . . 

Jr\aj\rh JjfJafyoon' n.f. opium 
'.afyri (or ajyoori) kdgha'Id n.m. dilute opium 
(^vOC^^b^afim' (or afyoon!) ki dkHs' Ai n.f. 
a sip of opium tf~\afim'dtl, (^Jafi'mi, *Jj£i 
afyoo'ni n.m. opium-eater n.f opium 
eater [~ poll.] 

afyoon' n.f. (same qs pl n.f ifj^jfj 
afyoo'ni n.m. same as//l(sec under j?\ n.f 
★)[A] ■ * 

f I aqd'rib n.m pl . relatives, relations 
• •• 

kindred >~'j\t\jy'f i a!X z-o aqd'rib n.m. 
ri “ kith -and kin ; kindred i near and dear 

ones [A ~ i ~ js^sup.] .. 

aqdlim' n.f. (pl. of^fiN.F. if) 

I iqg'mat n.f. stay sojourn .dwell- 
ing iqa'mat ikhliydr kar'nd 

v.i. , stay dwe\lik / £sifUqd'mat-gah n.f. 
dwelling ; lodging ; abode (rare) hostel 

S[)\oqdriim' n.m. pl. bases Pjpfi/iaqdru'mt 
(** sald'sah N.m. pl. (dial ) Trinity [A ~ sing. 


(JOliqbdl' n.m. prosperity luck ; fortune 

confession acknowledgment name 
of philosopher-poet who gave people vision of 
Pakistan ; Iqbal (j/fJO'tiqbdl-e da l 'va n.m. 
confession of guilt ; ‘cpgnovit’ acknowledg- 
ment of a claim iqbal-i-sikah’darj n.m. 

(fig.) extremely good fortune li/fjlfiiqbdl' kar'nd 
admit confess (guiltU^jti’i iqbal-mohd adj. 

■ fortunate well-off thriving prosperous 
Jifijqbali adj . confessional n . m . confessor 

^UUliqbdliyyat' n . m . books on the poet- 
philosopher Iqbal Iqbal bibliography [A ~ 


J'O^Uqtibds' n.m. excerpt; extract 
* quotation derivation (of bene. 
etc ; ) [A] 

\%\iqtidd' n.f. following (person, action 

or example) accepting the leadership 
(of) c£&'l(fkt iqlida mtit , under the leadcr- 
shipjaf [A - &jG] 

jtJ&f iqliddr n.m. power sway authori- 

ty influence eminence ; dignity 
Ifljljfl iqtiddr-e a 1 ' Id n.m. supreme authority 

,.)l‘pliqtiran' n.m. closeness ; getting close to- 
^^ether [A- <tf) 
y iqhsdd' n.m. economy (rare) 
moderation ilSZtt^ilm-iU-iqlisad' n . m . 
(rare) political economy , economics 
iqtisa'di adj. economic C>jiC£\ iqtisadiyyat' n.f. 
economics ; political economy (A — >*2>] 
\jj3fiqli7d' n.m. exigency expediency 

need ; necessity demand ; requisition 
iqtiza'-t maslaJjat n.f expediency 
Cifitetlrfalat kd iqtizd' n . m . exigency of 
situation [A] 

jijfl aqdar' n.f. pl. values jljtljlPlakhla'qi- 
aqddr' n.f. pl. moral values 



roofa'ri aqdar' n.f. fl. spiritual values yltfl if A 
mad'di aqdar' n.f. pl. material (istic) values 
If ~ sing .‘ib'qadr] 

pjffaqdam' n.m. pl. of i''.* n.m. if) 

flv t iqdam' n.m. initiative courage ; 

valour going forward attempt 
intent J*/]jj{iqda'm-e qot'l n.m. murderous as- 
sault iq dam' kar'na v.i. take the initia- 

tive attempt take steps (to) [A - fjt } 
^Jjffaq'das adj. (more or) most holy 

very sacred t-e aq das N.F. sacred 
personality (A ~t/>i'sup.] 
jl} ( iqrar' n.m. promise assent admis- 
sion contract declaration 

iqrar' kar'na v.i. promise ; confess admit 
accept assent agree iqrar' - 

na'r.iah n.m. agreement contract 

written bond indenture assurance de- 
claration compact ; covenant pact ; 
treaty iqra'r-e sa'leh n.m. solemn declara- 
tion iqrar-vd mah sa'lisi n.m. arbitra- 

tion agreement^)! iqra'rl adj. confessing 
confessional n.m. confessor [A - jljf] 
yijjfaqran' n.m. pl. peers [A ~ sing, dyqirn] 

^/*Haq'rab adj. (more or) most near n.m. (pl. 
w-ylTl eqd’rib) relative ; relation 


b" aqriba' n.m. pl. relations ; relatives 
kindred ; kith and kin allies [A — sing. 


ffaqsat' n.f. pl. instalments parts 
'^C’Dlbil-aqsal' adv. by instalment 
flJi aqsam' N.F. pl. kinds sets various 
kinds very sorts ^C^lkfjam'la aqsatri 
n.m. all types [A - sing, ^pqism] 
r ^Jioqsam' n.m. pl. oaths [A ~ sing, ^qasam] 

, M 

lj*}\aq'sa adj. most (or more) distant; 

if* mas 'j id-e aq'sa' n.f. E 
the Rock [A]' 
j\$Saqtar' n.m. pl. regions ; zones dia- 
, w meters [A -sing. 

fjjffiqla 1 ' N.M. pl. tracts ; pieces of land [A- 
sing. jJ^] 

*fj^\iqta 0 n.m. {pl. &ltUdiiqla < al') feudal 
grant ; Rcf^flldl iql’’iy'pat n.f. feudalism 

Dome of 

tv >'i 

jflaqal' adj. least ^^.^ba-da'raja-e aqal’ mini- 
^ mum tylaqal'lan adv. (rare) at leastC^I 
aqalliji'yat n.f. minority y^iaqalUy'yaii adj. 
minority jy£d?\aqalliy'yafi fir'qah n.m. minority 
community IA-^'sup.] 
iZJflaq' laf adj. & n.m. uncircumcized (person) 

(£jt\uqli'das n.m. Euclid geometry 
£ [A~G] . 

frfiqlim' n.f. (pl. yij] aqalim') country 

\ zone clime iqlim' n.m. the 

whole world [A - G] 

y* filuqnoom n.m. '(pl./£VI aqanim) basis 
' m (dial.) one of the Trinity [A] 
j^fiqva' n.m. rhyming with unidentical 
vowel sound(s) use of imperfect rhyme 


tj]J\aqval' n.m. pl. sayings ; saws ; maxim 
words precepts (Jlti(jtj'laqva'l-o a‘mal' 
n.m. pl. precepts and practices [A — sing. Jj) 
r\J\aqvam' n.m. pl. nations races 

castes aqva'm-e miitHahidali,*jStyl}l(Jji 
ida'ra-e aqva'm-e mui'tahidah n.f. United 
Nations (Organization) ; U.N.(0.) 
aqva'm-e magh'rib n.f. pl. Western nations ; 
the, West [A ~ sing., 

at>], oncjioitkbar adv. once (fjf/itk- 
bsr'gi adv. suddenly ; all at once (sOlikta'ra 
n.m. single-stringed harp j)i"Jlik-ia'la n.m. 
name of a tune on ' tabla’ Ir^fi ik-j a ' adv. 
together at one place fil/tik dam' adv. 
suddenly immediately ; m in a jiffy JjJ\ik- 

rukkt adj. one-sided ik-ru'k^ tasvir 

n.f. onesided picture profile silhouette 
y/tJ\ik-goo'nah adv. sort of a little ; 
somewhat l£L/1 ik-la'ra n.m. single-stringed 
(necklace) [-fa^lcoNTR.] 

|j| ik ka n.m. ace (in cards) a kind of 
old-fashioned carriage adj. one single 
unique l/tik'ka duk'ka adj. desultory 
one or two just a few ( 
yf/l ak a' bir n.m. nobles high-ups; big 

guns adj. greatest aka' Mr -a asa'ghir 

n.m. rich and poor ; great and small [A -sing. 


a / ikad'M n.f. (rare) eleventh day of Hindu 
ifjifi months [I] 

6 ? 

(Ji^\ akad'ml, akai'dimi n.f. academy 

tmSjffl aka lib' n.m. pl. lies ; untruths ; travesties 
of truth [A~ ‘r'lysiNG. 

taiyp \ aka rat adj. vain ; unavailing un- 
profitable ineffectual ; fruitless use- 

less worthless unserviceableiy^KfataVa/ 
ya'n3 v.i. be of no avail be in vain be 
useless be profitless go fto) waste 
come to naught 

SjSIqI aka'sirah n m. chosroes (as title of ancient 
/ | / * 

- Persian kings) [A - sing. J ~ P ) s* r \ 

(f'viika'St aoj. & n.m. eighty-on? 1 

j ikasivaii adj. eighty-first 
jjpi^kal' n.m, (dial.) timeless ; eternal (as God’s 
attribute) J/lakali n.m. (member of) a reli- 
gious order of Sikhs [S] 

flikati've, ^.jlfiikyan've adj. & n.m. 
ninety-one J \>j/ifxkari vtvaii adj. ninety 
first " 

t^Jvlika'oan.f-tikfiikya'oan adj. & n.m. fitfy- 
P one (Jljjtf I ika'vanuan adj. fifty-first 

ika"Mt n.m. account SAtln iks" Tifttant 
n.m. accountant ( )yTjZjt%V\ika" uiitant - 
jariral n.m. Accountant-General ; A.G.^-^Vi 
ika'jlfitafisi N F. accountancy [E] 

/J q! ika"i N. f. unit digit one any 
j digit from zero to nine unity [ - 
Jiak'bar adj. greatest greater n.m. (pl. 

J.tfiaka'bir) appellation of the Great 
Mogul a male Muslim name J^ak'ban n.f 
female Muslim name (old use) guinea 
adj of Emperor Akbar ak'bari nau-ra - 

tan N.M. nine gems (i.s. , nine famous courtiers) 
of Akbar , 

u 'kaJ' n.f. strange thing &(f<2hn'kcU kt 
Una v.r. say strange things . 

iktil' Its adj. & n.m. forty-one 
**/ ikta'lisoafi forty-first 
ifcfliikta’na v.i. be bored be disgusted 
be tired of ; be weary . be browned 
off JUrjTl akta 'hat n.f. boredom disgust 
iktisab' n.m. gaining (skill) with 
effort attainment earning I 
iktisa'bi adj. gained with effort result of 
effort not inherent lacking natural flow 


iktishaf' n.m. discovery unearth- 
>ne (A~ cAS) 

i£f^iktifa'x.r. content sufficiency lyhAt 
iktifa kar'na v.t. be content (with) [A- 

j/yJIaktoo'bar n.m. October [E] 

. r*^ikat'tis (rare iktis’) adj. & n.m. (thirty- 
one (jjfA^ikattis'vait adj. thirty-fii 
uk'ta adj. (F.Jnuk'ti) mean fellow 

U'katna v.t. & I. revile worn out 
. (secret, etc. from someone) , dig up 
1%/iikat'ika, ikkat^a adj (f. ikat'thitf *\ 

ikhat'tt) tied up united A cirtkpted 
iJiarl ikat'ta kar'na v.t. gather ika?pu[ 
y ikhatte adv. together in bulk 
yjfak'sar adj. most much ; very many 
frequent adv. frequently ; usually ; 
often mostly ; generally chiefly 

ak'sar auqat' adv. mostly often ord'- 

narily usua 1 1 y aksariy'yat n.f. majority 

[Ar of^SUP.] 

ifiak’ra n.m. vetch growing under sprint 

crop uncleaned crop 

n / 1 ikram n.m. veneration deference 
, respect ; esteem honouring [A~ fj ] 

fj/iikrah' n.m. duress dislike; disgus; 

. abhorrence [A ~ kSf!/] 

//( ak'ram adj. most munificent mo. 

' , gracious ; most benevolent [A~ sup 

yia'kar n.f. pride vanity ; conceit ; haughti- 
ness stiffness ; rigidity ; firmness jiyl 

a'kar-baz n.m. proud ; haughty ; vain 
affected person fop (/j^a'kar-ba’H, oi‘/< 
a'karfooii n.f. pride vanity affecta- 
tions i^fa'karna v.i. give oneself airs be 
proud look defiantly at be ready to pick 
a qmirrel stiffen be cramped ' 

Hk'rooh adj. squatting ; on the hams Jtf) 
[^.uk'roofi baiih,'na v.i. squat ; sit on 
the herns'* 

l*l^Jlukszt'na v.t. excite, incite; insti- 
gate provoke ; fan a flame urge 
encourage lift ; stir up (flame, wick, etc. 

uksa'hat n.f. instigation induce- 


ikta ’iz n m. excise (E] 

ik' sath adj. & n.m. sixty-one 
sathvah adj. sixty-first 


6 a 

ukas’na v.i. raise oneself be stirred 

> wriggle out come out 

/AiiV n.f. elixir sovereign remedy , 
penacea alchemy iks\r'-ga ' n.m. al- 
chemist [A] 

lift ik/a' n.m. a kind of false rhyme its use 


iakal kkirs adj. selfish jealous 
» unsociable unmannerly 

ak'l-0‘sh~trb' n.m. eating and drink- 
ing victual [A] 

vjrliklau'ta adj. (f. Jjrtiklau’li) the only 
jj (child) sole ; solitary 
(J?fi iktil' n.m. crown [A] 

/Tiak’ma 1 adj. perfect supreme [A~ 


tOU lakrtaf n.m. borders environs [A- 

m ssino. 

^jJ\ak'nooh adv. (lit.) now ; at present ; 
j presently [P] 

t j\ ikau’na adj. unmixed ; picked (grain) 
Ijfafl4kfa'ra n.m. arena ; lists court Ky>! 
I,V» ik'dar ka akhz ia n.m. Indra’s court, 
place with a bevy of beauties 
ek%a're mrh n'tarna v.i. enter the lists 
I’j&l ukhar'na v.t. uproot pull out 

> dislocate demolish destroy ; ruin 
jijflukkar' n.f. . uprooting ruinous trick 

tL/jUiukiar pi Mar N.F. uprooting 
bungling pell-mell s 

Z/likhat’lar adj. & n.m. seventy-one J 1 /" 1 
ikhal'tarvafi adj. seventy-first 
\J\ ihaih'ra adj. (f. <///' ikaih'ri ) single- 

folded one-sided lean gaunt 

ikhattS adj. (same as A) 

[yffdMuirna v.t. (of something) offend 

^/.ok'kkar adj. uncouth ; uncivilised ; un- 
mannerly rough ; rude boorish 
obstinate quarrelsome recalcitrant n.m. 
i. lout; boor churlish person ak'kbar* 

pan n.m. obstinacy rudeness ; roughness ; 

u'kharna v.i. be uprooted be dis- 
’ placed be tom asunder be pulled 
out go off the track I'ljyiiukharva'nB v.t. 

cause to uproot have milled out 
A^lvkk'li n.f. (same as n.f. if) 


akhand' adj. (rare) undivided 
> partition [S] 

akkh-o mak'kho n.f. (Nurs.) formula 
recited by woman while stroking infant’s 
face while it stares at lamp hoax 
(f'i/i iky a si, adj. & n.m. (same as (/bilks' si, 

ADJ. & N.M. *} 

4^.4 1 / I ikyan've adj. & n.m. (same as^(f/ A Di. 

♦* 0 .v J 

y & n.m. +) 

tfjyiikja'van adj. & n.m. (same as yjtfiks'uan 
j adj. & n.m. it) 

jJlakid' adj. sure (reminder, etc.) [Al 

** s 

ik'kis adj. & n.m. twenty-one U 
j ik'kis van adj. twenty-first 
tyj\ake’la adj. (f . /flake’ li- lonely ; solitary 
alone ; single peerless; unique f~ 

— 1'3 

/*tft a 8 s ' r* n.f. forelegs - ropes with which 

horse’s forelegs arc tied front fore- 
part adv.^ forward ahead ; further on 
in [ront£$ (fjl/tfjlrfaga'ri picjjjka'ri lags' nd v. r 
tie together fore and hind legs of a horse 
aga'n mar'na v.t. attack in the front 
attack the vanguard defeat enemy force* 
[frugal' n.m. spittle, something spit 
V * 'out after chewing^ tfugal’dari n.m. spit- 
toonO\ftrigalnZ v.t. spit out 
^Vga'na v.t. grow (crop) ; raise [ - 

[yi/iugah 'nm realize (debt) collect 

gather (//iuga hi n.f. realisation (of 
debt) by instalments collection (of rent, 
etc.) proceeds receipts 
yia'gar n.m. aloe j I jJ^a' gar-dan n.m. censer 

//(/(ifsfiagar {ki) bal'd N.F.^aloe stick 
^jfa'gar conj. if ; in case qfl a!gar-c/eh conj. 

although ; though ; even if ; even though ; 
y^Jia'gar ma'gar n.f. hesitation excuses 

i Island buts [P] ^ 

yp >/) a'gar-ba'gar, ^y/\ag'ram bag' ram n.f. 

mess ; disorder ; pell-mell non- 
sense trash odds and ends 

a' gar dkal'ta adj. tall very large; 


spew . spue 
OlC. ADS.) 


® gar dhrnfi dkauit' ^ j . plump ; 
fleshy ; corpulent 
£ Ziftagast' n.m. August [F] 

(flag' la adj. agli) next past pre- 

vious ; former future first.; foremost 
fulfil ag'la ja'nam n.m. (rare) former; exis- 
tence future existence ag'la 

pifhk'la adj. (f. (fciftag'ti ptfhh'li) whole; 
the whole lot past and present 

bjf\ U'galna v.T. spit out vomit , spew ; 
^,spue disclose (secret, money, etc.) 
a'gan pref. fire JL/Jtfta'gan-bo} n.m. steamer 

(fJffig'na'V.i. grow rjse sprout; spring 

up gemmate . 

tt /f agau'ln, sfgau'la, tijfiakhau'la n.m. top- 
, s, shoot of sugar-cane 
LjU^I ugjurr'na v.t. undress expose 

reveal betray (someone’s secret) falfi 
ggfca'ra ADJ. apparent bare undress- 

„ fla'gkan N.M. eighth month of Hindu 
calendar corresponding to November- 
Decembcr [S] 

(Jfal pref. (lit.) tJxedWal-aman' int. God 
preserve us ; God help us dear ; dear 
dear^jM-aa' adv. (lit.) now ; at present ; 
prcsently5-(/ni/-Aaj' n.m. one who has per- 

formed the Haj ; pilgrim i/V tal-fa'sU adv. in 
short ; briefly ph. foe long and short of it is 
al-lfal adv. (lit.) now; at present 

at this moment ; just now jjS\al~jfazar' Int. 
God forbid ; God preserve us j&lai-Aaflz' 
int. Heaven defend us ; God preserve us 
dear ; dear dear I al-amSn-o-al-hafiz' 

int. God help us ‘tfial-liaq' adv. (lit.) really ; 
indeed ; in truth al-ham d-o-lillah' int. 

God be ptaised J\as*ala’m-o ‘ alai'kUm 

ra. (salutation) < peace be on you ; safety 
attend you good morning, (et r.Wld-‘riV 

/• _l: \ i. .» 

is great, all else comes to naught jp>lal-gharaz 
adv. i in short ; briefly on the whole 
al-^ajas ’ an. (lit.) help, help do me 

Justice ; justice ri&ial-qu' sah adv. briefly ; in 

short PH. to cut the long story short **^al'-qai 
adj. stopped ; ended [t/tis^al'-qat kar'na N.M. 
bring to an end al-mfun'‘af adj. 
double . twofold (col. al-vida*') 

n.m. farewell int. good-bye ; adieu farewell 
L>/t/ IjJIal-vada *' kaih'na v.t. bid adieu (A) 

,,i it'! a adv, or else ; otherwise if not 

” except ;>»!el5td(«T/a maph'allah’ ph. 
save what God wills except as a remote 
possibility rarely [A—ph if 1) not] 

Iff ala' bala’ n.f. worthless and unwanted 
stuff cheap snacks undesirable results 
t^fffalap' n.f. (music) > modulation prc- 
v lude to singing U'ilia/ap'/ta v.t, & i. 
modulate ' sing as prelude 
j\j I filar' adj. (of cart) heavily laden at the 
back liable to be upset 
\ ala' ram n.m. alarm [E] 

elas'tik n.m. Sl adj. elastic (cord, etc.) 

jjjlf I i7a”ijftl itM. cardamom 
* ila' y du-da nah n.m. sugar-coated 
cardamom Jb t&ljdana{-e-)ila'’idii n.f. 
cardamom seed [P] 

jiff ala”o N.M. bonfire v large fire 

ila^fins n.m. allowance [E] 

j ^/jfff filah'na n.m. (same axCflfiJak'na n.m. if) 

(fltf I ulafig'rta v.t. jump over (something) ; 

jump across ; move astride 
t^Ul albab' n.m. wisdom; intelligence 

* * hearts (A~sino. 

X^lalbat'tah adv. of course surely, cer- 

tainly positively ; decidedly [A] 
jJ I alburz' n.m. name of a Persian mountain 

j m 

flail' bam n.m. album (A] 

albe'la adj. (f. J^'albe’H) foppish 
** cute playful ; wanton lively ; gay 
care-free coquetish lovely n.m. 
fop ; beau ; dandy ; coxcomb , belle cute 
(girl) coquet I albe'la’pe* N.M. 
beauty ; elegance ; loveliness playfulness . 
gaiety ; frolic coquetry 


tfi) t alpa'ka n.m. alpaka [E ~ Sp. ] 


JVM ibas' N.M. confusion (of meaning) 

vagueness similarity resem- 
blance \A~i/U] . 

••Jr** ilm'mish (corr. (jnal'tamosh) n.m. 

L/ 1 advance-guard name of a king [T] 
illija n.f. entreaty , supplication 
* petition ; prayer ly if t illija kar'na v.i. 
beg ; request ; beseech , entreat [A] 

>•*,, m , M . taking upon oneself 

being necessary making concomitant 

iltifal' n.m. regard ; attention 

courtesy . inclination friendship ; 
amity respect consideration i'JS'&Ultifat 

kar'na v.i. show regard (for) ; have respect 
( for) JA] 

(p| iUimai n.f. request; entreatv 

prayer , petition supplication 
illimss' kar'na v. request ; implore ; beseech 
supplicate submit [A] 

al'tamash n. m. (same as n.m. •*) 


lal'lani n.f. rope round elephant’s neck 
preluding stirrups for driver 
i jJ\illiva n.m. postponement ; defering 
. delay adjournment stay cessation 
jabg' n.m. cease-fire ; truce ; 
cessation of hostilities (A) 

(tyl illiyam' n.m. healing (of wound) [A] 

bJiUlat N.M. inversion^ reverse over- 
turning ; upsetting adj. opposite 
contrary reverse obvcsdiSJUifiVai par'na 
v.i. change side or direction change side 
to attack pa'lat ho ns v. be up- 
side down be topsy-turvy be in a mess 
ptur' n.m. deception ; trkkyry 
embarrassment perplexity OflJbjj 
u'lat ke kar'vut na lend v.T. forget altogether 
pjiy no head drop from (one’s mindXta^' 
UV U'lat ke kaih'na v.i say in reply 

,K. ul'ta adj. * (f. i/lu'tt) inverted , 
topsy-turvy opposite perverse ^adv. 
,n the contrary , on the other hand wbfijV 
ul'td bksg'ua V.I. flee run away l£k U 1 

ul'ta pitl'ta adj. confused jumbled 
upside down inverted topsy-turvy.l /y-fftf'l 
ul'ts pkir ana v.i. retrace one’s steps 
turn back on IjVlul'ta la vs n.m. inverted hot 
plate^: convex hot plate adj. (fig.) jet black 
^f.Ui ul'ta javsb' n.m. impertinent reply 
crooked reply retort rejoinder j J i'j/ j?(j 

j zi/’trt chor kolval' ko dah'le prov. criminal 
chiding the judge 1 ul'ta sa'vnajhna v.i 
misunderstand ; misapprehend mis- 

turii upside down ; over- 

.-Julia na V T. 

lurn overset upset pervert ; thwart 
reverse convert modify CLkl'U lulta'na 
pulps' ns v.T. mix up shake up modi- 
fy t$lu/ia'na (aMpii.) IpjJcJl u'lat de'na over- 

turn : tilt upset turn over refute 
cancel counteract turn over empty 

adj. (f. of D'adj. ir) n.f. vomit 
ul'ii ii' ns V.I. vomit feci sick , feel 
nausea l iil'ti pat' ti parka na v. r. 

mislead poison the inind tfiai’s 

lasbik'’nS v.i. invoke a curse by counting 
one’s beads backwards ~ ul'ii nl‘ n.f. 
strange way jd £'# J I ill it sa'majk n.f. perver- 
sion erroneous view t ul'tj sidhi- 

iltna'na v.i. insult abuse • scold 
ul'ii kar'na v. vomit ; s'pe\HifSs»tf i iul'ftJ(kop'ii 
ph. crooked mind stupidity iil'ti 

haoa' n.f. contrary wind (fig.) strange 
trends V/jJ jj 1 Jill ul'te pa 'oh pkir’na v.i. re- 
trace one’s steps go back immediately 
^^lal'-ti metam n.m. ultimatum [E] 

\^J\ aljab'rs n.m. algebra [E~A 

a J V'lajhna v.T. quarrel ; be involved (in 
C&J quarrel or difficulty) ; fall foul (of) 
prevent *. hinder . be entangled be confus- 
ed feel uneasy Ufji itlajk'ns v.i, feel un- 
easy ; be disturbed V&. I Uljks'na V.T . ravel 
entangle , complicate involve ; embroil 
entwine entrap ; ensnare confuse mis- 
lead ; deceive embarrass confuse Lf' 
■nl'jka n.m. tangle rb^b/iii/’jAa par jd na v.i 
(of thread) be tangled I'jka ihjkira ns 

v.i disentangle ^^! iiljha "o, n.m. ^ liiljhan 

n.f. complex entanglement ; intricacy 

complication complexity ; confusion 
derangement difficulty embarrassment 
U'lajk par'na v.t. fall foul (of) Of Jl 
U’lajk.jU’nB v.l. be entangled be delay- 
ed be detained uljtn'ra n.m. diffi- 

culty ; quarrel ; broil entanglement ; intri- 

UUt ilhah’ n.m. beseeching [A] 

i U'i Mad' n.m. atheism ; disbelief heresy 

~U [i] 

i}\fl UhSq' n.m. annexation joining to- 
gether contiguity (Aj 
£ IJ I Man modulation; recitation 
. dJfari n.m. (pl. of [A - ^ ] 
rjilakh' adv. to the end of it ‘et cetera’ 
[A - I ABB. ) 

n.m. accusation ; charge alle- 
gation imputation blame 
tlzSm lags.' na v.t. accuse ; charge blame 


JZ/^lala'st ph. aint I n.m. (day of) creation 
[A~ + ui! ] 

/ JL-' | al'sinah n.f. languages tongues 
\ al' sina-e-sharqiy'yah n.f. a 

pl. Oriental languages [A ~ sing. d 

^ taCsl n.f. linseed 

alset n.f. obstruction 
fraud ; deception difference ; quarrel 

procrastination dilly-dallying 
alse'tiyS n.m. deceiver 
quarrelsome person 
AJ. H'liish n.m-' leavings (of food, 

(✓ dish, etc.) kar'ns 

V.l. eat a little from) [T] 

(jf/tfalgha 'rail adv. & adj. very much (~TJ 

alghho'zah n.m. flageolet ; oboe 

£)\}l}laUaf' N.M. PL. (A- SINC. 

lai’lah n.f. the Arabian Nights (A 
** | &i\alj thousand JJ lai'lah night) 

Ctba'lif adj. n.m. name of first letters of 
Vtthi alphabet adj. one alone 

straight stark ^Cdla'lif be' n.f. alpha- 

bet abc ; rudiments VjgCttt a' lif ho'na v.l. 

(of horse) rear be naked [AJ 
Jl$talfaz' N.m. pl. words terms [A ~SING. 

n.m. attachment ; affection 
friendship ; intimacy \o\’C. Ugi/d&luPJat 
ka bafi'dah n.m. sincere and loving friend 
one held in thrall by love \!/&&\v.Vfat kar’na 
v.t. make love (to) be intimate (with) 

[A] . 

^ifiihlaftah, X^lal'-ftah n.m. outsider, alien [~ 

. , P] 

/ ylalft n.f. long sleaveless shirt open at sides 

IfijMIqct' n.m. inspiration . revelation [AJ 

alqnb' n.m. honorific form of address in 
letters n.m. pl. (pod.) epithets 
alqsb-o adab' n.m. pl. forms of address [A ~ 

jOi al'kali n.f. alkali [E~ A] 

tdfialag adj. separate alone a lout 
, distincj apart detached ; loose 
asunder alag' adv. separate- 

ly severally individually one by one : 
apart th'ilag’ adj. solitary 

alone^ apart ; unconnected disjointed 
Cpisvlalag' raih'na v. live alone ^ live 
apart refrain from , shun li/i. ^vialag' 
kar'na v.t. separate set apart part 
divide remove unravel dispose of 
disixiiss ; discharge , sack 
•'gani n f. washline ; clothes- 
'Hne; line 

adv. at random ’ 

alaljkap ' adj. fickle unreli- 0^ 

able slovenly 

JJJl il'lallatf no fl'tsllazi 
m n.m. vacillating undecided 
J~ A^/corr.) 

L al'lah, atlgh’ n.m. A) ( lah,; Gody/jptailah-o 
^'ak'bar God is great ^XHal'la alt ah 1NT- 
my goodness _ goyd God ; good gracious 
wonderful al’la al'la khair' sal' IS PH. 

thank God it is all over that wqs the 

end to 

k. cjod 

Wltfl al'la al'lsh km ke adv 

fXlinam' n.m, pl. leade- chief large 

bead in rosary oil imam' ba'rah n.m. 
Muharram functions’ sanctuary imam' 

tn'min n.m. guardian saint Imam Kazim 
imam za'min ka rvpa'yah n.m. rupee 
tied to arm as offerty to guardian-saint 
i mg' mat n.f. leadership _ guidance 

imamiy'ydk Am. Shiites adj Shi’ite [A] 
[jLlam'm a* n.f. mother ? mummy [doublet of 

- ' on 

(Jlfa'mM (nntjilam'mah) int. hallo [ 


^Waman' n.f. ■' protection ; quarter safety 
security immunity mercy ; grace 
t A ~ j/l] 

JZs'ilama'nat n.f. entrusted thing or per- 

son ; trust , charge deposit security 
integrity trustworthiness jljCs’hama'nat- 
dsr n.m. trustee guardian adj. honest 
faithfuUfjj&liiama’nat-dart ti.r. integrity 
trustworthiness fidelity VtjdJ'Uama'nat 

rakk'na v.t. entrust deposit(6/$£j(j tyCsU 

oma'nat meh khiy a'nat [kar'na) n.f. & v.iT (be 
guilty of th*) breach of trust ^ ’ amz'ti aoj. 
official work done other than through contract 


/ /*L< ama'oas n.f. (rare) lunar month’s last 
u night [S] 

m *\ ant'bar n.m. (dial.) 


passage of time (A ~ <«^>] 

imtiznj' n.m. mixture mingling , 
commingling £/\y^l<)y£kimya'l imtizaj’ 
n.m. chemical mixture [A ~ £/)>] 
iPjimtila' n.m. sickness ; nausea [A] 

imtina" n.m. prohibition restraint 
Li ^ stay ; injunftion (fC*limtina'‘i adj. pro- 
hibitive (f&jj'kukm-e imtina'‘i injunction 
stay order ( A ~ q ] 

sheet ; covering [S] 

[yjambiya n.f. small unripe mango e /Sk 

** * [ -fT DIM -] i 

fy[s\ampa"ar n.m. umpire [E] Jsl j 

l ~j/a'mat,'(a'mat N.F. slave-girl (of) -V ||| (||f 

nr [A] 11111,11 

MSrfnm'mat- n.f. (pl. urnam') disciples; 

followers ; adherents nation brethren 
ifi faith [A] 

IjT+imiisaV n.m. obedience ; compliance ; 

execution /\f)&\imtisa'l-e qm'r n.m. com- 
pliance with orders ; carrying out of Orders [A] 
q) imtekan' n.m. examination ; test 

experiment trial Cttf&\imUhari de'na 
v.i. sit for an examination ; take the test 
i/^iimtehan pas kar'na v.i. pass the examina- 
tion (tsC)i%fc>OliniUAan Una (or kar'na) test; 
examine try experiment [A~«o^j 
ylj^iimtidad' n.m. prolongation passage 
(of time) ZiJjl&iimtidad-e zamanah n.m. 

imtinan n.m. gratitude [A~ 

/Pjum'mati n.m. follower of a faith Mus- 
lim (A~>— ^1] 

j imtiyaz' n.m. discrimination distinc- 
** tion jtyy&nishan-e imtiyaz' n.m. order of 
distinction' * imtiyaz' kar'na v.t. dis- 
tinguish discriminate I imtiyaz' *019 

kar'na v.t. decorate t imtiya'zi Adj- dis- 
tinctive distinguished special preferCn- 
tial rmjiya'zi aura/’ n.m. pl. distinc- 

tive features tfjPifjlXlimliya'&ftiqooq' n.m. pl. 
preferential rights ; privileges concessions 
^Sj^imtiya' a sulook' n.m. preferential treat- 
ment [A+] 

adj. indelible [~neo. i + *2*“] 

(J fyamsai' n.m. pl. proverbs maxims 

sayings ; adages r nbles examples 
^am'silah n.f. pl. examples ; instances [A ~ 
SING. (J l>] 

l(f/*lam' Ja ns v.i. be exhausted be 

' ' benumbed 

[am'jad n.m. most glorious (A ~ sup.] 


am.-fk.oor n.m. sun dried .mango parings 
^used as seasoning) powder of these 
i* l + powder] 

yfjkl imdad' n.f. aid ; subsidy relief 
support succour help ; assistance 
(f/ljUl imda'd-e ba'-hami n.f. co-operation 
imdad' kar'na V. ) help assist suCcur 
subsidy give relief jloltflma’li imdad 1 n.f. 

financial aid grant-in-aid aid rl*l 
imda'di adj. reserve subsidiary co- 
operative [A - j* J 
$lSma4'na v.t..(same as£j>/v.i. if) 

Marti r n.m. order ; command ; < 

S | matter affair business ^ 

. 4 . 


imperative mood / fy tanqik' ta'lab am'r 
n.m. point for determination ; issue ; point at 
issue y't/lam'T-Q nak'y n.m. command(s) 
and prohibition(s) (gram.) imperative and 
prohibitive tenses [A] 
jijsmar' adj. (rare) immortal ft/ 1 ( 

' amar' btl n.f. aircrecper ; dodder 
{ ~ NEC. I + ] 

\jtltimaTa N.M. pl. the rich; 

affluent people lords ; nobles 
grandees [A — sing^I] 

( amraz' n.m. pl. diseases ; ailments ma- 
ladies [A — SING. j>/\ 

n.m. ('rare) water of life ; nectar 

- [S] 

6/ i am'ritl n.f. a kind of sweetmeat 

am' rad n.m. (pl. } /murd) beardless lad 
Ganymede minion ; catamitc«>^v'i 
and rad parast’ n.m. sodomite ; homosexual ; 
paederast ftA^t/^arn'rad paras'lt n.f. sodomy ; 
homosexuality ; paederasty [A] 
fjy*\am'-ras n.m. thickened mango juice {~ f" 1 

+ c/A 3 

jjfjamrood' n.m. guava 1?] 

jjfl im-roz' adv. today the 
times \>/ ) z~» jar' da 

n.m. the times prevarication ,)>/* 

imro'z-a far' da kar'nA v.t. 
prevaricate [P] 
ill/* I amriy’yah n.f. (sing, declined as pl.) 
mango grove 

/ i r y*\ am'zijah n.m. pl. temperaments ; dis- 
position (bodily) humours their 
combinations [A -SING. 

c * It mas n.f. sultriness ; stuffiness ; closeness 
(of weather) 

..imsak' n.m. (sexual) retention 
parsimony ; miserliness ftjiJiS\imsak'-t 
ba'rah n.m. drought [A] 

M amsar’ n.m. pl. cities ; town garri- 
son towns ; cantonments (A~sinc. /*] 
\p/j am'a' n.f. pl. bowels get [A] 

, . im l an' n.m. depth of vision 

w I im'a'n-e na'zar se dtkk'na v.t look (into 
something) carefully (A] 

am'kit dh/im'ka, 

Dick and Harry nobody 


S imkari possibility potentiality 
(✓*'7 contingent existence (Jfrhmks'ni adj. 

possible potential contingent [A] 
l ^ftla'mal n.m. [pi., ft \amul') Hope ex- 
Y pectation desire ; wish [A] 

If I a'mal n.m. intoxication addiction to 
drugs law'/r n.m. d^ug-addict 
U'l imla’ n.m. dictation orthography 
taking dictation ftjfr limin'- naois n.m. one 
whp takes dictation (A] 
jpl amlak’ n.f. property possessions 
estate amla'k-e ghair' manqon 

Ink n.f. immovable property ; real estate 
Jjp* amla'k-t manqoo'lah n.f. movable property 
v*V. a'maltns n.m. tubular plant 
U used as purgative ; ‘cassia 

Jr I amal'gham n.m. amalgam 
I amalgamation [~E] 

/t I im'll n.f. tamarind 


ft I umam' n.f. pl. nations races 
* followers of various faiths as distinct groups 
[A -SING.ri*')] 

• am'n n.m. peace tranquillity 
O'' security ; safety ft am'n chain n.m. 
peace tranquillity comfortyjlbj/’f am'n-o 
amsri n.m. peace order [A] 

•> umafid'ns , ^Atu'madna v.t. gush forth 
P-Aej swell (of tears) fall (of clouds) 

% itmafig n.f. longing yearning 
^“''*'7 passion ambition 

am'ua n.m. (dial, or endearingly) mange 


„ , • amvat n.f. pl. deaths 


persons dead 
billows , 

sing. &/} 

. - amva 

C/'-'l surges [A ~ SING. &A 
. amval' n.m. pl. goods ; chattels 
(J* property (A -SING. 

umoor' n.m. PL. matters affairs 
j/\ things business actions orders ; 
commands Jlyjj'tumoo'r-e havalah n.m. terms 
of reference ft j/iumao' r-c miil'ki n.m. political 
affairs ; affairs of the State [A ~ SING, />] 



g/lytlummahat' n.f. pl. mothers (jt “S&lst 
ummaha' t-ul-morm'nn' n.f. pl. wives of 
the Holy Prophet (as mothers of the faithful) 
(S'&Ul ummaha' t-e sif'li n.f. pl. the four ele- 
ments (/’.A^f/luTwnaAa'I-e * tf/'tf n.f. pl. spirits 
iOuls [A~SING.f'/«Wl] 

fj'\amrni n.f. mummy ; mom <^Udim.] 

{JlUm'mi adj. illiterate unlettered [A - 
(\ fun] 

^ ^fa'nS ja'trH se adj. (W. dial.) safely 

(col. Qmed') ,n.f. hope ; cxpecta- 
“ tion trust anticipation pregnancy 
Cj/ASiummid' rakk'nd v.i. hope expect 
anticipate trust Ummid' se ho' MX 

v.i. be pregnant ; be in the family way 
ummid'-vsr n.m. candidate adj. hopeful 
expectant ^jljjt^tumijfid'-vUr ho'rta v.i. be 
a candidate ; be an applicant (for a post) 
hope expect^'v/^(«»wr?t(/'-raVi n.f. can- 
didature hopefulness ; expectation ; depen- 
dence ; apprenticeship ; candidature [P] 
yf\atrliT' n.m. (pl.I^I umara) rich person 
ruler governor prince commander 
\j i) ami'r-ul-umara’ n.m. doyen of the 
nobles Prime Minister /£( ami r-Xil-baK t 
n.m. admiral t^j/Sjanilr'-za'dah n.m. prince 
son of wealthy man ; scion of wcaldty 
family and! r-ud-momirHn n.m. Com- 

mander of the Faithful (as title oi caliph) jsj . W 
amir a nah adj. princely ; lordly of the 
rich (felamS'r'i n.f. wealth ; riches afflu- 
ence ; opulence [A] 

fairnn ' adj. trustworthy faithful n.m. 

trustee guardian minor (revenue 
or attachment) official custodian ffiamini 
custody guardianship [A 1 ) 
i \an pref. (used for negation) un- ; in- ; non- 
tfiJtari-ban n.f. discord j disagreement^^! 
anfparh! adj. illiterate unlettered, un- 
educated $c)l an-d/kha, adl ( F - an- 

dekhi) unique unseen **&(p'an-lkak' adj. 
untiring diligent£)l/W-j3/i' adj. ignorant 
unacquainted stranger C*ij\f[an-jan’ 
han'na v. feign ignorance ; be ignorant f k—f) 

» an-ja'ihi, adj . (f j If (ill an-jam), unknown 
unacquainted unique Ci/tflan-gin't, an- 

'gt'nal (co\. n/ {J\nn-giri ) adj. countless ; innu 

morable S' an-mif adj. ill-assorted jj'an-mol' 
adj. precious priceless ; invaluable 
in pro.n. these (polite PL. for single 
^ person) he, she (j )>ij' in di'nofi adv. these 
days ; now-a-days ; at present 
^JlUn rron those (polite pl. for single 
person) he ; stie (jj >(J\un di’nofi adv. then ; 
in those, days ; at that time 
0 a'na n.f. ego self pron. (ped,) 

ana parasl' adj. selfish egotistical n.m. 
ego i st ana my 'ya t n.f. -A (A) 

fan'na n.f. wet-nurse 


[JV L* ( inabat n.f. repentance ; penitence 

inabat ilallah' ph. return to God 
through penitence [A] 

’ianabib' n.f. pl. tubes ; ducts ; canals 
*** (fsfl&.L'ianabi'b-e sha‘'ri n.f. capil- 
lary tubes tiny ducts uniting veins and arteries 

^/[fsLsOanap' shanap' adj. nonsense ; silly 
*t ** (^slisLsl'lanap' shanap bak'nn V.I. talk 

SS\inas’ n.f. pl. women female [A~ 
sing. ^ I ] 

gyl J anaj' n.m. grain ; cereals 

I anajil' n.f. pl. the, New Testament ; 
** gospel [A ~ sing. H] 

jilansr' n.m. pomegranate a 
kind of fireworks S>\ jjL'nnar'- 
da'nah n.m. dried pomegranate- 
seeds ifjil anar' katt N.F. pome 
granate blossom m y 

C 1*1 anar' /ft n.f anarchy 
O'"’ andr'-kist n.m. anarchist [Ej 

t> » ana ft adj. unskilled unskilful ; 
0 >** inapt inexperienced green art- 




hur\g\zrrf(jA‘\ana'ri-pan n.m. 
clumsiness lack of skill 

less ; clumsy n.m. 
head sloven 

tin a si adj. & n.m. seventy-nine 
Una'sivan adj. seventy-ninth 
^i\anam' n.m. mankind creatures [A] 

I ana' mil n.f. pl. 

|A~sinc. S' ) 

lingers finger tips 



^Jt^ananHy yat n.f. egotism conceit 
** self-praise egoism [A - L'i ] 

jLA am ^ ar ' N M - hfap ; pile collection 

• 'stack r store k^jWambar' lag'na v.i. be 
piled^upU^U/amiar laga'na v.t. pile up [P] 
^(^>1 imbisst' n.m. cheerfulness merri- 

. , ment ; mirth joy ; delight [A ~ b~l] 

gj^^amboh’ n.m. crowd ; throng mob 
"multitude concourse abundance , 

great quality [P] 

Jfam' boh n.m. (ped.) mango [P] 

L tfiambiya n.m. pl. Prophets [A ~ sing. It) 

(dial.) n.m. end adv. in the end [S] 

f unta'lis adj. & n.m. thirty-nine^fW 
. unis' lisvah adj. thirty-ninth 

ff\J‘i%ntibah f n.m. warning caution [A] 


intikhab' n.m. selection choice 

extract ; excerpt l intikhab' kar'na 

v.t. elect select ; choose extract 
pick up compile edit [A] 

intidub' n.m. mandate Jj^i inlie/a' bt adj. 
mandatory [A] 

y/fah'tar (dial) n.m. distance dissimilari- 

ty adj. different 

L^lon’lora n.m. second line onward of song 
.pjaiit'ri n.f. intestines w entrails ; bowels 
if/] Ojfyytff'taht'ri ks bal' khsjl'na v. eat 

to the fill afit' riy an 
&Jaht'riyon ka qul huval'lah park' na I 

1$ ahl'riyofi men ag' lag'na v.i. be very hungry 

i_y| *>*( intisab' n.m. delication connection 

jlS^lintishar n.m. confusion ; anxiety 
— broadcasting erection [A ~ } 

jl^ltnlizar’ n.m. waiting anxiously (for) 

expectation intizar' dekk'nd 

v.i. be on the look out (for) b’/jtiPiintizar' kar'ra 
v.t. await ; wait (for), expect to look 
out for anticipate /^jli/’i intizar’ kash' adj. 

awaiting ; waiting looking out (for) 
expecting anticipating j Wflz/jzaih'mat- 
kask-cjntizsr' adj. awaiting anxiously fjrS/j 
I’jfjHi'izoiPmat-kqsh-e intizar' ho' ns v.i. await 
anxiously [A 

inti zam' n.m. arrangement manage- 

I * ment administration regulation ; 

order organization method 

intizam-e kha'nagi (or col, -ngi) n.m. domes- 
tic management private arrangementC^^'i 
intizam' rakk'na v.i. maintain order and 
discipline manage (£/VU Plintizam’ kar'na 
v.i. manage arrange regulate 

intizamt adj. administrative^!^ inli-jamiyyaA 
N.F. executive administration {A~ 
e, (-♦. inttfa‘‘ n.m. derivation of benefit pro- 
C/ 'filing (by) [A- ] 

| T»j mliqal' n.m. death transfer alie- 
U nation transmission conduction 
travelling ; departure migration move- 
ment transportation conveyance (11) 

(also tf/A()5/)intiqai pazi'n n.f.) mobility 
iniiqat'-e ara\zi n.m. transfer of 
land ; alienation intiqa'l-e^ ja'edad’ 

N.M. transfer of property ISA intiqal-e 

haqqyyal n.m. transfer of rights (fljJ&t 
intiqa’l-e da'irrg n.m. permanent alienation 
inliqa'/-e reh'n n.m. transferor mort- 
gage ii/ji&i inliqsi kar'na v.t. & t. die; 
pas seaway transfer carry out the mutation 

iJ/JljistintiqaV kinih'dah n.m. deceased 

alienator ^IfJlS'lintiqal'na'mah n.m. deed of 
transfer [A -t^] 

/[fi/Untiqam n.m. revenge , ..vengeance 
' reprisal retaliation Ojs&tintiqam le'na 
v.t. avenge take revenge retaliate ; 
hit back [A] 

frfinteha' N.F. extreme utmost limit ; 

extremity completion end ; close ; 
finish ifC/iinteha ka adj. extreme ; utmost 
perfect ; consummate [A ~*is£U'J 
f&litn’tis (dial ; utmt'ds) adj. & n.m. twenty- 
y** nine Jlj~tfin'hsvah adj. twenty-ninth 
ah'ta n.m. large ball of opium _ billiard 
ball large pill marble any ball- 
like thingf^J^VMn'ta ghafil' ho' na v.i. hg 
under effect of opium be unconscious / K 
okia ^tar n.m. billiard room > 

Jyt!\ in' tar viyoo n.m. interview t&fbjllQjs'] 
'* ^ ifitarviyoo kar’na (or le’na ) v.t. interview 

. V/J, *, Oht' saiit adj. irrelevant adv. at 

V afiti at'ti n.f. thread reel wound 
te ) round spindle ; spindle skein any small 
bundle handful (in wrestling) a leg-trick 


eft'li de'nn (or lags 'nd) v.t. trip 
(someone) up use the Leg-trick 

rintarain's n.m. entrance ; matriculation 
. examination (E] 

ih'tarnaishnal adj international (E] 

. .. 

/plan's a n.f (pi ..^Al inns’) (lit.) woman 
female [A] 

£/\fflinjdh‘ n.m. fulfilment (A I 

I at jam' n.m. result consequence 

’ ' issue, accomplishnicnt end con- 
clusion Ijr/jfflflaijdm'' ba-khair' ho' na v.t. 
have a good ending Clflflafjam' pa nd v.i. 
be brought to an end (or a close) be per- 
formed isifl/'iaijam dt’nd V.t. accomplish; 

complete bring to an end manage 

comply with discharge larjam' 

soch’nd v.t. have an eye on the end 
provide against be prudent be far-sighted 
j/flf'latjam-e kar’ adv. at last; in the 

end ; at length * eventually ; ultimately (PJ 
j^laHjabdr' n.m. (drug obtained from) a kind 

* * of creepier [P] 

| injizdb' n.m. absorption diffusion 

& £ I ah' jar pan jar ,n.m. limbs joints 

* skeleton I's; £Z-Jj£z'ati' jar pah' jar 

dhi'ls ho'nd v.i. weakening of limbs (through 
fatigue, etc.) . 

7 I ah jam n.m. pi . stars [A~/] 

r> ' 

injimad’ n.m. freezing congealing ; 
*, curdling, condensation [A~ ] 

rfflan'juman n.f. association society 

union meeting assembly Oh’&SicK 1 
anjiiman-e illehnd-e muzdoorari , 
mazdoor' an'juman n.f. labour union ; workers’ 
union (/'ibj^lJ^.jt^ianjuman-ha ’-r imdad-e ba- 
haml n.f. pl. co-operative societies - 

an'jan n.m. antimony sCgj| 

*y collyriunt 

uf, f.ih'jan.n.i*. engine loco- mra^"*-’ *- 
,, motive any motive force (E] 

/ZS if) jit' n.m. fig [P] 

AfliUjil' s.r. f i\LdJ^i'lanajil') New 
^Testament, Gospel [A ~ HJ , • 
s\f mji'tuyar n.m. engineer (jj/Ttv 1 SL. 

Si.) inji'nari n.f. engineering [E] 

q } (trade spelling S' I ) in(h N.M.inch[E] 

* * 

ji y itnehas' [di3i\ SStananchasj adj. &. n.m 
L/ ' for ty-ninc^ji^'^/M/icAai' waft adj. forty- 
ninth . 

iS/'JjL-latifht efi'che raik'na v.i. keep the dis- 
' v * tancc 

• tSinhiraf n.m. deflection deviation 

*— *^/*' refraction declination turn- 
ing away (from) swerving repudiation 

evasion inhirftj’ kar'nd v.i. deviate 

deflect decline turn against repu- 
diate recant rebel disobey evade 

I inhisdr' n.m. reliance; dependence 

», encirclement [A ~ 

1 in/iitat’ n.m. decline degradation 

„ detrioration fall [A] 

iljgjlan'da'/ri N.m. sustaincr master 

*1 * 

Jlklahdaz' n.m. . blandishment way ; 

manner ; method style measure suf. 
throwing firing ; shooting arranging 


pjlj/i ahda'zah n.m. estimate guess 

measurement weight evaluation 

conjecture forecast jSb j rjlilaiids'zz-t 

zilip'nat n.m. intelligence quotient ; 1. Q. fjf/i 
aitda zd-ejzihn' nal kar'nd v.t. determine 
the 1 .Q.. (of) U‘l and d'za-e fast n.m. crop 

forecast Ljijtit ahda'zah kar'nd (or lags' nd) 
v.i. make a rough estimate guess jon- 
jeeture weigh measure evaluate iJfjCl 

ahdd'zan adj. (col.) roughly approxi- 

mately [P] 

Shi,! afta’am' n.m. body figureJU^W 

ends' m-t nehd'tf n.f. female private parts 

l P] 

JJt\ ah' dor prep. within inside adv. in- 

ward JSi/Siah'daT-kh&'ne adv. covertly 
ah'dar se adv. from within from inside 

internally inwardly b'/jA andar kar'nd 
V. (esp.) put behind the bars drive in 
bring in l ~ P] 

'dih'dar (pcd. ihd'ra) Indra ; Hindu god of rain 
(counterpart of Greek Zeus) # * i/llfyji ih'dar ka 
akkd'rd n.m. Indra’s court place with 
bervy of beauties [SJ 


• ansab' n.m. pl. genealogy genera- 
tions families racesi—sU>l) l J* i ilm'-Ul- 
ansab' n.m. branch of history dealing with 
genealogies [A -sing.*-*"'] 

,, j .insan' (poet. alsojU'linraft') n.m. man 
human being mankind ; humanity 
insan' banana v.t. civilize educate 
polish humanize £1<J insan hi to 
hai' ph. but human ; man is fallible ; one is 
liable to erc{)LJimf&n'nt adj. human 
insaniyynC n.f. anthropology 
n.f. humanity civility affability ; hu- 
man kindness politeness human nature 
mankind [A~i/' l f] 

. ±J tarisnk adj. most suitable of very 
*✓, noble descent [A ~ 

liispik'tar n.m. inspector d/fs*' 
‘ mspik'tar jan'ral n.m. Inspector-General 

adj. & n.m. fifty-ninet^!> /r T2n'ia/fe'- 
oth adj. fifty-ninth 

jjfatl insidad' n.m. end; termination 

prevention , check bar ; hindrance , 

obstacle management arrangement 
uistda'di adj preventive y £ , Jji‘(fjLjlinsida'd1 
iadabir' n.m pl. preventive measures [A 

( 2?linsha ' n.f. composition style dic- 
tion writing jbylPl insha' pardaz' n.m. 

writer master of prose beletrist 
insha' -pardszs' nah adj. elegant (diction) adv. 
(writing) eiegenliyl/As/^tinsha'-pardu'S n.f 
writing composition authorship ele- 
gance of composition letter-writing 

belles-lettres J'&linsha’iy'yah n.m. essay 
(also adj.) (sentence) expressing uncertainty, 
order, wiyh, etc. [A] 

in-sha’-allah {ta’ali) PH. .God 
(Almighty) willing [A~g)/if4- 


£^2^ 1 inshir ah' n.m. laying open making 
clear manifestation lack of pre- 
judice^u^j^linshira'h-e sad'r se PH. with 
an open mind without prejudice (A ~ 
insho'rahs n.m. insurance [E] 

jL^fhnsar' n.m. PL. Medinite compansions 
(of the Holy Prophet) ; ‘Ansars’ hel- 
pers ; friends (fjUilansS'ri adj. scion of 

‘Ansar’; ‘Ansari’ weaver (A ~ sing. ^W i] 
£y[^)\insaf' n.m. justice ; equity fair- 
play impartiality division into 
halves ; bisection tybctlefi insaf chah'na v.t. 
seejc justice demand fairplay seek redress 
VjCSi^t insa f'kar'ns v.t. do justice be 
impartial LVtly insaf ka khoon' kar'na 
v.t. be unjust be partial be prejudic- 
ed tyrannize misrule [A ~ J^] 

I insiram' n.m. management (of estate 
* or business) administration ac- 

complishment performance conclusion ; 
completion [A] 

^{JgHmzibaf n.m. discipline regulating 

" restraint , self-control O&lpLdh 

• ' * 

inziba't-e auqui' n.m. schedule ; time-table [A ~ 


fLbJi intiba° n.m. impression being 

Z.' . printed [A~^t>] 

L intibaq' n.m aptness (of example) [A - 


f, *,,in‘am' n.m. prize reward favour 
I ^ grant g'h i present gratuity 
tip SlJlj/ e &iin‘ain~o-ikram' N.M. bestowal 
largesse uj in' am de'na v.t. award a prize 
reward ; give a reward tip 
trism taqsim kar'na v. give away prized ; distri- 
bute prizes tfijlin‘a'ml adj. prize ; presentable 
pj(f$iin l a'ml raj'm n.f. honorarium 
gratuity tn'a'wi baufid n.m. 

national prizebond [A - £***] 

1^1 an‘m' n.m. pl. cattle [A] 

iijUPfin‘ita/' N.M. refraction [A ~ u^} 

taking place 


jif^HnHgad' n.m. , holding 
celebration [A ~ Jr\ 

{J 3 in'ikas' n.m. reflection 

being reflected [A - ^/ ] 

s ' N.M. pl. breaths [A ~ sing. 

(4j)W\ infirZ'di adj. individual solitary; 

lonely infira'di musha'hadah 

n.m. individual observation case work 
• * infirsdiy'yat n.f. individuality [A - j-* 1 ] 
jTlan'fisu.fq.vL. souls people [A- 

S1NG. t 

infisal' n.m. separation decision 
settlement infisa'l-t mUqad '- 



damah n.m. decision of case [A~cK] 

JlM 1 tinfe'al' n.m. shame modesty 

bashfulness contrition reactions 
passivity a'raq-c info' at N.M, perspi- 

ration caused by shame [A ~ rf** ] 

infikztk' u.m.' redemption disloca- 
tion tjlij&>\tnfika' k-e reh'n n.m. redemp- 
tion of mortgage [A ~ i^,U] 

in' floorin' za n.m. influenza [E] 

» *♦ * 

inqibziz n.m. , dullness ; heaviness 
. ,. contraction detention ; restraint [A 


n.m. distribution, , apportion- 
ment ^ division partition [A] 
Litrifinqizs' n.m. expiry (of term) lapse; 

end (of period) termination comple- 
tion^ , extinction [A ~ i&] 
fc/ijph inqits'' n.m. separation disconti- 
nuance ..being cut or broken 
amputation [A ~ J 

inqilsb' N.M. (pl. dZL&linqilabat') 
revolution change ; alteration 

vicissitudes (A ~ ) 

•T^.inqtyad' n.m. (lit.) submission obe- 
dience subjection compliance (A~ 


inkar' n.m. refusal ; declining denial; * 
^ disvowal contradiction negation 
i infer' kar'nd v.t. refuse ; decline 
deny,; disown disallow [A~ J 
j\Jy\ inkisar' n.m. (col. (fjLk't inkisa'ri n.f.) 

humility meekness modesty [A ~ 

^ |* * inkisha l /' n.m. disclosure; revela- 

, ' tion exposition discovery [A ~ 

1 in'kam n.f. income in'kam-taks n.m. 

inepme-tax [E] ^ 

(J l^an afikk'riyat n.f. pl. eyes [~ 

V, used endearingly] 
wV?aft£N.M. body limb organ 
breasts style (in music) Uydt^Vlt^V} 
afig' afig j&a'rakna v.t. - have youthful exu- 
berance $kdlahg'lag'nc v.t. (of food) go to 
strengthen the body 

live coal embers ; adj. 

fed hot b)s(jjj&‘iafiga'rofi par lofna v.t. 

be on thorns be agitated burn with envy 
or rage &J4~-j\£’langaTe barasna v i. be exces- 
sively, hot 

^y^iaiigbiii, angabiri n.m. (lit.) honey [P] 

afig'rakka n.m. narrow-sleeved ‘achkan’ 
like coat with double fold on one 
breast and single fold on the other 
j>Jr\afgrez' n.m. Englishman Briton 
- Anglicized person ^yAaiigrez' -paras l' 
n.m. & adj. Anglophile (gne loving Eng- 
lish way and manners Jr^yjlaftgrez' -paras' a 
n.f. love for English ways and manners 
abgn'zi n.f. English language adj. English 

[ ^>^ nglaiSe) 

yO^J^Iangar khan gar n.m. variety of old 

I angra’i 


yawn ; 


n.f. yawn 
lahgra'l le'/ia v.t. 
oscitam stretch the limbs 
angusht’ n.f. finger 
angush’t-e bai’rat dar jahan ph. 
aghast ,'iahgUsh’t.e jyj 
shaha dat n.f. forefinger^ ^C^iafigUshta- 
nah n.m. thimble (p^>’lafgiisji'tart n.f. 

ri a& [ p ] 

Jr I uti gal n.m. finger finger’s breadth 

a (as measure) [doublet of fold.] 
tune' li n.f. finger flung K dhar'nu,^) 
&juhg It rakk'na v.t. criticize cavil 
(at) , find fault (with) take into possession • 
bring under control pick and choose 
ufig'li na lagand v.t. nor to touch at ail 
, show complete indifference \^^lf'‘iUhg'liyak 
uik'na v.t. be ridiculed ; achieve notoriety 
tU^jU^iufig'hyan chaxkh&'ni v.t. snap the 
fingers, L'lf jU^'liifig'lijSfi najja'ttfj V.t. twid- 

dle ; twirl fiddle with fingers 
uhg'Uyoh par nafhd'na v.t. make a fool of 
wheedle (someone) into following (one’s) 
whims k, 

Jt p\ ai, £ na l N F ‘ yard; court y ard t ~ (/'dim.] 

j, ^ atigoo'tha n.m. thumb (also 
U!r I pa’-h ka angoo'zka) great toe 0^1^) 
aitgoaih-a ttoos'nd v.t. suck the thumb 
ahgootkd ciioom’nd v.t. show great love for 
I'Ujahgootha dikka'na v.t. refuse outright 





mock ; jeer irritate challenge use an 
obscene symbol > , . . 

</^| atgoe'tb J n.f. ring (f/l JJ'ilsshn'A W 
^ x/, ahgoo'tkt n.f. wedding ring 
(£jr| atgo'&ha n.m. towcl-cum-topless bath- 
V ing sheet used by the poorer among 
Hindus ; towel ; kerchief 
jjtS afigoor' N.M. grapes granu- 
lation (ofbealinjL wound) 
scab (of sore) afigoo'ri sir'- 

kah n.m. vinegar i\ 

sharab’ n.f. wine 

L#*( afig'ya n . f. bodice bras- 
** siers (The old style ahgya was 
much different from the modern 
brassiere. It looked like a full- 
length half-sleeved bodice show in 
the picture) [ ~*X'\] 

atfi'thiM.v. stove grate j/JtomsrfF' . 

brazier +#*!*** 

ahgekht’yN.f. instigation [P 

A' ~ yXzh 

ahgtz suf. exciting ; rous 

ra ? nK causing ^ w ^ 
instigating tf-Jn aige’zi suf. exciting ; rousing 
JRr prec.] 

{.Ipltthgez'na v.i. bear ; endure ; brook 
k/V'f anannas n.m. pineapple ; ananas IPer»v.) 


N.M. PL. light 
. lustre [A~ sing. /j\ 
fyjt afce" n.f. pl. species kinds ; sorts; 

varieties ft?!j £ ( jianva' ‘-onqsam’ n.f. all 
sorts ; various kinds ; large variety [A ~ sing. 

i^yiamtop' adj. (dial.) peerless; incompar- 
* able [SI 
b * 

tja/y I an' vat n.f. grace blandishment 

belled ring for great toe 
j Jl an' oar adj. splendid resplendent 

J very brilliant [A~ /j] 

Ujlf arto'kkn, adj. (f. Aj\am' khi) . curious 

singular extraordinary ; rare un- 

«*$*•' * *■ pl. canals [A~*inc. y<] 

( lor Adj. 8s. n.m. sixty-nine 
m mhat'w-vsk adj. sixty-ninth 
yjrfi ii&idanC n.m. demolition (A~ ft] 

Vff I inhi&m' w.m. sustaining defeat [A ~ ft* j 

'finhimak' N.M. absorption con- 
„ centration [A] 

0^y/ianho'riyah n.f. pl. prickly heat 
jtftu' fduh paon. them 

/? \ a'tt n.f. point (of spear) prow J 3* 
W (of boat) Wfjia'ni ehal'na v.i. thurst * 

(in fencing) 

2J^hnnaya"e n.m. (dial.) injustice [S-neo. 

**.l+i^] j 

n.m. companion friend [A~u l 

/ fin'Bfr W.M. & adj. nineteen {I’fJ/Vj 
** un'nts tic" (kit far'q ha’ ni) PH. (be) slightly 
different ; (be) almost equal J^uC^ vn m 
na’hiii ph. (is) in no Way inferior 
ho' na v.i, be inferior (to) knots' tafi adj. 


(JjvJ'l anisoon ' n.m. (rare) anise aniseed 
[A ~ G] 

^\an'la adj. (F.jf'iam'tl) gull; dupe 
ani'la-pan n.m. gullibility 
y(o i nt.- O ; oh end (as i»L.) final por- 
## tions [A — sing. J'i] 

av&'zah lava'zah n.m. taunt ; jeer 
invends [~P#jblooRR.] 
a(j | ava'mir n.m. pl. orders commands 

' f matter affairs [A ~ sing. y*l] 

Iff aua"il n.m. beginning ; commence- 
ment (as pl.) early portions, etc. J'tjl 
yfava"ii -t 'um'r n.f. childhood early 

age [A~sing.Jji|] 

l^\jlava”i n.f. (correct but rare spelling of 
•. rumour [~ jlj l corr.] 

eubash' n.m. vagabond dissolute; 

* debauchee ; rake ; voluptuary ; liber- 
tine ; profligate adj. licentious ; dissolute ; 
profligate ^Ijtaubasha'nah • adj. rakish 

depraved (fljiauba'shi n.f. dcbaucncry ; 
dissipation ; dissoluteness; rakishness depra- 
vity [A~ mean] 

//*jM °P'tb N - M - * AD J- armed (person) 
mail-clad (person) 

Jjloo'par adv. up on ; at upon 
V oyer above high aloft Cfjtfatpar 
a '«a v.i. come up rise ascend ^»f^*i 
to' par oo'par adv. over and above one’s head 

secretly ; covertly £>Jitjjtoo'par os' pm u 
adv. superficially just for a show ) 
m'p * if to'^ar ka adj. best cream of £rj*i 



ee'par la' It adv. one after another ; in suc- 
cession ; continuously in a row I 

oo'par la'leke bach' At n . m . children bom in 
(quick) succession oo'par se adv. front 
above overhead 'in addition (to) over 
and tdOovc&Mifsjloo'pat kl am' d<u& n.m. bribe ; 
unlawful gratification- OU^Jtoc'fiar oa’la n.m. 

God (W. dial.) crescent OUbj/ji oo'par 
m’liy a® n.f. pl. maids, maidservants 
spirits ; residents of upper storey (W. dial.) 
fairies (W. dial.) evil spirits oo'par 
«s7rN.M. residents of upper storey officers 
■tun ; heavenly bodies strangers ; other 
persons servants J*\ (fyji oo'par M oo'par 
adv. secretly ; covertly {ffyrl oo'par ka kam' 
h m. odd jobs ; miscellaneous work ; general 
duty|f//l oo'pri aoj. unknown superficial 

specious n.m. stranger 
Coioot issueless dunce- crack 

oof na-poo'it ad/. & n.m. issueless (person) 
autad' n.m. a category of saints comprising 
only four at any time in the world [A] 
jfyautar' (ped. avtar') n.m. (dial.) deity 
incarnate (according to Hindus) [S] 

^rjf ot s.r. shelter cover screen ; cur- 
tain veil mask hiding ; conceal- 
ment «’ kar'na v.i. hide ; conceal 
cover screen shield ho’na v.i. 

be .^onccaled ; be hidden be behind 
cover J’j/owl' apj. lost to view behind 

M*hg. adJ> nonsense 
v absurd ; silly ridiculous 

.•k ' ), 

\Sjlefna v.t. gin (cotton) (fjrn'rt n.f. gin- 
ning machine 

gj faa; n.m. zenith acme apex 
apogee summit top highest point 

m ■■ ’ . 

jfj) ojk n. v. guts ; tripor (f/fjtojk'ri n.f. tripe 

[J£}\o'jka M>}- wizard \'$5t)lo' jha” n.f wizardy 

if o'JkalKDj. hidden ; concealed in- 
vincible but of sight lyffiio'jka! kar'na 
v.t. 'screen conceal ; hide , I'j^J^lo'jkol 

ht'na v.i. hide ; be concealed be screen- 
ed become invisbk jisjfifjnahkk' 

o'jkat pahar' o'jkal p*ov. out of sight out of 

ux o' Aha aoj. (f. (fijl o'Airt) mean; 
contemptible ; low-bred fickle ; car- 

v.t. 'screen 
VflV.L 1 

pricious petty ; trivial a... y grazing 
light amiss cf ty o Alia-paa n.m. shal- 

lowness meanness jbbfrlo’d Ika ear n.m. 
attack going amiss grazing stroke kfrl 
o' Aka hath! n.m. light grip gazing stroke 

iVWM* ho'na v.i. be shallow be 
mean becapricious 

irrJ I o'Ahan po'Akan n.m. crumbs 
* food left over 

Jji oo'd‘bla”o n.m. otter 

Ijjfoo’da adj. (f. tfjjloo'di) purir’^fe* 
pie violet*%!r luda'hat n.f. ’ 
being of purple colour 

oo'dham , ffjlUd'dham n.m. noise 
f uproor ; tumult turmoil; perturba- 

tion disturbance \?{/Jjjloa'dbam maAa'rta 
n.m. make a noise kick up a row 

create disturbance 

jjfaur conj. and also adj. more 
not this different else imXkjtSoar' yk 

adj. another different one more 
(Tur'iS'rto intj. just listen ridiculous 
how strange 0 rlaar f kya adv. what else 
indeed besides this }\/^jjlaar' mi' fan la 
adv. why not? if not, then otherwise 
tft/jlaur' hi quite different quite Chang- 
ed ,//lor n.f. (dial.J side direction 
climax (of) Jj$sjjlor na Afar fh. endless 
jljjfaurad’ n.m. pl. daily round of prayer- 
formula [A ~ sing. >/i\ 
ijjjji auraq' n.m. pl. leaves (of book) 

■ leaves (of tree) [A~sinjj. tf/i) 

Ljjlor’ma n.m. hemming hjlyjlor’ma kar'na 
T. & i. hem 

wvV/i wtshg' n.m. throne ouraig- 

ztb' n.m. adorner of throne 
this as appellation of av Mughal Emperor 
(adorner of the throne) l&tfj^Qriavrakg-zt'bl 
pko'ra n.m. carbuncle i aurah'g-e sha’hi 

n.m. imperial throne (Pj 
/ iAjloryab tal adj. oriental (E] 

|J;jJo'ra n.m. dearth (of) 

. k ork'na v.t. cover (body) with sheet 
dress (oneself) in a sheet t'jflZufi 
ork'na biAfau'na n.m. coverlet; severing 

and bedding (fig^jole interest 
or total possession N. f. 

(usu. cotton) shawl 
. . . aazar' n.m. instrument ; 

implements apparatus 






< Jljjl 



auzafi' n.m. pl. weights measures 
C'!#' (in versification metres [A ~ sing. &] 
^jl o.f n.f. dew os’ par'nti v.t. 

despair ; feel ' disappointed ; (of wet 
blanket) be thrown over 
l>)[sj\ausan' n.m. self-possession ; presence of 
mind ; senses IjftkfyUslaustin' kha’tti 
ho'na , lj*0l9l ausa.ri kho’ita v.i. lose one’s 
senses ; lose presence of mind be stupefied ; 
be stunned be non-plusscd 
oustin' qti"im rakk'nti v.i. not to lose pre- 
sence of mind not to be perturbed 

au'sar auj. barren; unproductive 
unproductive ; barren 
h^jl au'sat adj. & n.m. (pLo ksljtavaril) 

average mean mcdiuiri ; middling 
middle au’sat am'dani-ipv. average 

income oly' b/j I au’sat tankhpeh n.f. average 
pay 0PJ*4I au'sat niktil'na v.t. strike an averge 
J*ei dOy* shar’q-e au'sat (or usu.) though in- 
correctly il^QA'niash'riq-e ous'ta ) n.m. Middle 
East (A - bSj\ 

/j*| l&Al pushad-dtiA'Iiyah n.m. (dial.) dispen- 
sary ; drug-shop (S] 

tJjlsjlMsaf' n.m. pl. attributes charac- 
teristics qualities ; properties 
praises manners morals ; virtues 

properties *j/ctlpjtaUsa'f-e hand' dah n.m. com- 
mendable attributes ; noble qualities (A - 

yejiausij a' N.^t. pl. (pcd.) (of will) executors; 

# administrators {A- sing. (fj\ 
flfauza" n.m. pl. wuyujiJ'lf^iauia'-o 
L/''alvtir' n.m. pl habits traits of 

character [A~sjnc. £?>) 

m if* , au ?3< n.m. pl. limes ; hours 
‘-'WJ schedule n.f. status ; position ; stand- 
off lS/f&&auq*l' ha'. sari n. F ; whiling 
away one’s time means of livelihood 
■ Kr&fiS/bflauqat' ba'-sori kar'na v. 
subsist exist ; eke out one’s existence pass 
one’s time Vjgzfilauqat' tal'kh horn v.i. 
have a bad time lead a miserable life 
lal'kfp-e auqtU' n.f. misery 
bitterness of conditions l/^iioJ>j\auqat' «'V 
kar'na y.T. waste time jSriiii^tapyi ' *-<•' auqat' 
n. f. waste of time [A- smd.J^j] 

• .os . au 1^f n.m. pl. endowments charit- 
able endowments trusts properties 
held in trust (also CsWjt nmh'kcma-r 
auqif ) the Auqaf department (A - sing, jjj) 

n.f. palm of hand contracted to hold 
drinking water 

i-jJ j’LrW ook'ehook' n.f. oversight error; 
error and omission ; E. & O. 


pjlok’na v.i. feel sick vomit 

j£ji ookk,jfnkk n.f. (dial, m.) thin 
/sugarcane (as standing crop) . 

(J*jl okk'li n.f. large wooden 
s? mortar 

fjjhg’ra adj. (of stew etc.) unseasoned with 
/ butter oil, etc. „ 

o/jUu’gUn n.m. (dial.) bad quality [S ~ (/gun) 
&d>j\ au'ghap adj, rugged impassable 

(jjl au’gi n.f. embroidered upper 
of shoe 

( Jjlau'pal adj first foremost 

best excellent adv. at 
first ; in the first pla^e in. the 
beginning n.m. (pl. Jrtjlava’il) 
first part earlier part commencement 
beginning CrftJJJ-fi/sJjt ao’val khesh' ba'd 
darvesh’ Pnov. charity begins at home 
av'val dar'je ka adj. first-class ; first-rate 
class posh top aZ-gfst)t\av’val diti' se adv. 

from the very first day from the very- 
beginning ; right from the start CfjJjIao'val 
raih’ns V.i. stand first ; obtain the first position 
top the list Vjlau'valan adv. at first in the 
first place initially j J fj(Jj\av'lval-o akhir 
adj. the first and the last n.m. God avoal if - 

yal n.F. priority pre-eminence superi- 
ority excellence e^lao'ca/i* adj. first 
premiers former ancients past 
original aJdtirUt adj. the 

first and the last [~Ajsl] 
j)jt ola N.M. hail lUjj tito ta ho ja’na v. be- 
come very cold 

if yUll att ' ,a **»'/* adj. good-for-nothing 
n.m. simpleton 

aulad'ji.r. pl. chidren dccendants 
jlijl offspring ; progeny iUs' 

n.f. pl. daughters j/SjItjiouTd* gUkoar' n.f 
pl. sons jltjlJjlMalaC kl nilad' n.f pl . 
legitimate children well-behaved progeny 

Jlbl^l'iia-Ma'lqf aulad' n.f. pl. unmanner- 
ly or good-for-nothing progeny [A ~ sino. Jj J 

°al'to n.f. lower edge o r £ 

V roof 

/Ijf, j . ool'-jatocV adj stupid 
■ * unmannerly awk- 

ward ; clumsy sloverlv 

| j i uo ~ ud y 

n.m. nonsense Ofajjjlau/’ f au \ 

* Bah'ns v.t. talk nonsense 
Ujf toM. boiled mince meat 

urn a v.t. mince meat beat severely 


(Jjl no'l a adj. better best preferable 
y. chief ; main ; major [A - Jj|] 

ttim pik adj. Olympic (£U>1)A±MjI 

* « dim’pik Uul (or muq abate) "n^T. S»l. 
Olympic fE ~ GJ 

jj\ pref. possessed of 

having ; possessing owners of 
ulut'-etbsar' n.m. pl. discerning; wise y+ffIJji 
Alul -am r n.m. pl. chose in authorityw/UjlIj^l 
fi/i/ -albab n.m. pl. wise nien ; person of tin- 
demanding az m adj. enter- 

prising ; venturesome ; adventurous ambi- 
tious aspiring resolute 
‘ai an n.f. resolution • ac> emimation 
ambition enterprise S^Ujiulul'-'ii'm n.m. 
pl. learned people savants sages [A] 

JjlJj I au ' lo ° aa ' lo ° adj. awkward ; strange 
giving a strange feeling (on being 


N.M. PL. saints ; holy men 

(ped.J associates ; companions[A~siNo.fl->) 
» j avualijjai N.r^fjlav'oalit adj. (see under 

^JiIadj.*) - 

«m n.m. (Hindu name for) God (S] 
y)j| «en n.f. wool JjIm'ss adj. ★ 

£/j\ook\ N.M. camel 

dt'khiyt kif kal 

(orker’witj baitki mov^lct^us see J] 

how the wind b 1 ' J^te" 

rtnekt U ri kaun’si (f* 1 *£sJ 

U ji'Ai prov. u is rotten all over 
Ijft&jlnrtt kata ra n.m. a kind of thistle eaten 

by camels ** m ** h nu * f ' r<J * 

prov. a giant will SUrve on what surfeits a 
draft lOlpoit'M n.f. dromedary she- 
camel * 

CCjl *a V.T. boil Pjlauk t’n* v.i. seethe 

, bubble over boil 
Jryerttf'si n.f. (see under <£3 1 n.m. *) 

\fjl ooft'eba adj. (f. if ilfiofi ^n) high 

v lofty elevated tall precipitous ; 
steep senior UJj/(\ i A!\Jjtooti'ets (or bora) 
bnl bol'na ph. brag sUn'ita v.i. be 

hard of hearing ; be deaf Ly;i/jljf^katk ook'tha 
ho'na v.t. have the upper liand be muni- 
ficent ($* look'ek* dukari tdffka 

pakvan prov. great cr/ little wool 
ook (he boV ka mufth' ni'c&a prov. ‘pride gocth 
J before a fall fy(fjioofr'ch&"i n.f. height; 
altitude elevation loftiness tallness 

steepness fi^^ook'eh n.f. inequality 

difference in social status vicissitudes ; ups 
and down high and low 

aundha adj. (f. JVjlauk'dk }) prove 


upside down ; inverted topsy-turvy 
perverted l^lMjIauk dha lei' na v.i. lie face 
downward (fjpfydjlauh'dki khop'ri adj. (fig.) 
stubbornness perversion 
auks n.m ounce ; 02. [E] 

eft oobg'n a v.t. grease the axle (esp. of ox- 
y, t driven carriage) with tallow-coated jute 
Jrji ookgk n.f. dozing drowsiness 

sleepiness nod doze . ookgk’ na 

v.r. feel drowsy doze off 
oo*h int oh well 

(JjffJil oof-kook int. no ; never 

il y | 00m adj. woollen ( fUsJjioo'ia diaga 
M (or dha’gah) worsted knitting wool 

woollen yafls [ 

*K|J|y/oo’nl oo’m adj. idling ; wasting one’s 

j 2 ,jl mint pau'nt adv. more or less 
V irrespective of loss or profit at a 
loss at the price offered at cut price 
ySjjji o'var-s*".ar n.m. overseer [S] ^ 

1&* o'car-ktf' n.m. overcoat \ 

Ajtaukam’ n.m. pl. supersu- n fh f 

tions apprehensions fear ME 

lA~SINO./>j ^ . . J,/£T 

p* isT. who cares nevermind 

int. ho, hey 

*>' . , 

s. «#'’», ol’lah int. (W. dial.) 
l Heaven forbid oh ; 


jyViS aDer ' saeer ' adv at all hours 
** ** early or late 

(Jfjl aha'H n.m. PL. residents of a place ; 

people ; inhibitants citizens Jl/jjfi 
aha'H imwaft (ped. Jiyj^laha'tf-omava'li) n.m. 
ml, dependents retinue [A ~ pl. of J[(] 
iha'nat n.p. affront ; insult dight 
slander contempt ; scorn 
iha'nat kar'na v. insult ; slight defame ; 
slander [A] 

-ha int. (expressing surprise, pleasure 

AP • n 

or pain) oh ; ah 
ICrlthtid a' n.m. guid; 

lirflt-htida' n.m. guidance [A~id>ij] 

thliz&l' n.m. blowing (of wind) , 

„ vibration rejoicing [A] 
flrfiehtimam n.m. arrangement effort 
, management administration 

supervision vigilance care [A] 
rSjfi ohram' (or aih-) n.u. pl. 

pyramids. pyramids 
Egypt) [A~ 

a'hir ta'hir n.f. restlessness 
1 during approach, pf death ; 
pangs of death . , uneasiness 
gjfcfah'raman (or aih-) n.m. Zoroastrian god 

of darkness devil ; Satan [P] & 

(♦^f aih' ran n.m. anvil fiS /fi 

(ped. aA/') n.m. fit jiF 

■' capable worthy. • suitable . . M.Jf . - fjr 
deserving n.m. members of a Jferl 

family inhabitants, citizens people 
followers master : owners jl£l()laih'l-e 
ejtihad' n.m. pl. qualified jurists (of' Islam) 
£tJjahl-Mah' n.m. ph. saints pious 

people iflJrtoik'Le ba'tin n.m. pl. saints 
pious people £*f(jlaih'l-e bait' (-e athar') 
N.M. pl. members of the Holy Prophet’s family 
comprising Hazrat Fatima.Hazrat Ali and their 
children (according to the Shi’ites. .. Jtyl 
aik'l-e tosann'un n.m. pl. Sunnis gZ^Saih U 
*>& V'yo' n.m pl. Sh\'\tts s~jfy\aih'l-e tnfsir' 
m.m. cxegetical expertt I aih'l-e hir’Jah n.m 
workmen artificers ; artisans 
tradesmen •>^f(j’Jaih'l-e kha'nah n.m. members 
°* the household ; owner n.f. wife n.m. pl 
family jjl),iaih'l-e khirad' n.m. pl sages ; 

wise people JjJriaih'l-e dll' n.m. pl. saints- 
pious people VjJpaik'l-* dun'ya n.m. pl. 


worldly people laymen cJijJ’Jaih’l e dcu' Jot 
n.m. pl. the rich the upper classes 
aih'l-e zauq' n.m. pl. connoisseurs yfljJjl 
aih'l-e zaban' n.m. people whose mother tongue 
a particular language (fJj[lat/i l-e zonin’ (or 
lii') n.m. pi.. inhabitants of the earth 
people of this world jjJ’Jath'l-t zohd n.m. pl. 

pious people ascetics c (TM 

sakhun') n.m. pl. poets eloquent persons 

litterateurs pf'K'O) C^piaih'l-e sun nat {val- 
jama' f at n.m. pl. Sunnis Jjgfyiaih'l-e saif n.m. 
pl. swordsmen soldiers combatants 
£i / /Sj' l taih'l-e Aar'* n.m. pl. observers ol 
Islamic laws ii*()jaih'l-e safa’ n.m. pl. the 
pure in heart saints aih’l-e san"at n.m. 
pl. workmen artisans' tradesmen £&f 
{jd/aih.' l-e lari' qat n.m. pj.. (first-stage) mystic 
tiftylaih'l-e zar'f adj. magnanimous 
great tfljfylaih'fo 'irfan' (or l iifah) n.m. pl. 

mystics people having a real understand- 
ing of the ways of God J*fylaih’l-e ‘ aq'l n.M. 
pl. wise men sagacious persons J*(%\ 
aih'l-e Hl'm n.m, pl. the learned erudite 
persons scholars savants intellectuals 
intelligentsia jjfyaiit’ l-e gha'raz n.m. pl. 
interested oprsons selfish persons vested 
interests *jp/(} l laih' t-e Jaraig' n.m. pl. Euro- 
peans Westerners tf^aih' l-e fan- n.m. ,,pj« 

artists artistes J>£t aih'l-e fik'r n.m. pl. 
thinkers philosophers intellectuals 
intelligentsia J^ J’Jaih'l-e qib'lah n.m. pl. Mus- 
lims M aih’l-e qa'lqm (or -lam') n.m. pl. men 
of letters Jnflaihl-kar' minor official 
public tervznt^ifylaih'l-e kitab' n.m. pl. 
people of the, book (i.e., Jews, Christians and 
Sabiansj aih'l-e ka'ram n.m. pl. charit- 
able people ; generous persons liberal people 
*~*-~(J t laih'l-e kas'b n.m. pl. tradesmen 
aih'l-e maj'lis n.m. pl. participants of a 
meetine members of a society «*£( aih'l-mad 
n.m. minor court official office in cfiaige 
Cirt))! aih'l-e ma°rifat n.m. pl. people with 
an intimate knowing knowledge of God 
saints^M^faiA’l-r mdqad' damah n.m. pl. parties 
to a suit I aih'l-e^ _ man' sab n.m. pl. 

officers dignitaries [fijjaih'l-e nazar dis- 
cerning people far sighted persons wor- 

shippers (of beauty) tf&tjiaih'l-e nifaq' n.m. 
vl. hypocrites£jjJ[laih'l-e var'* n.m. pl. 
holy ; godly pious people ascetics (jjfiJ'J 
aih'l-o \ayal' n.m. pl. family Jfj t 'laih'l-t hi'nar 
(or nar') n.m. pl. artisans skilled workc. 
L~f?Jl*r'jll0lah'lan va • sah'lan mar'habz int 


welcome Crflaihliy'yal n.f. worth capa- 
bility aptitude skill possession -*[•) 
aiklh’yah N.f. wife {A] ^ 

, r , aih'U gaih’le adv. coquetishly 

Vyff aih'U gaih'le phir'na v.i. move 
about coquetishly 

s* aham' adj. most important urgent 
(/'pressing grave significant momen- 
tous ; stupendous aham' umoor' n.m. pl. 
important affairs; matters of import 
ah amn&y'yat (col. ath'miyat) n.f. importance 
gravity significance (A] 

^J^iohia'sa n.f. (dial.) non-violence ‘ahimsa 

M.ahv n.m. cowherd this as a caste 

..ahv n.m. 

'C' > 

this as a caste 

. .»• n.m. amity friendship 

association connection alliance 
unity [A~*S*»b) 

s.a‘im'mak n.m. pl. leaders religious 
^leaders [A~3Inc.^I»] ^ 

| at vocative particle oh O kash' 

int. would to God ! O. how I wish 
^.^.ax hat int. O 

• i .ay zz' n.m. name of the first Muslim Goyer- 

nor of Lahore who was originally a trusted 
slave of Mahmud of Ghazna mathmoo' d'o 

aysz n.m. pl. loving pair (/0&f2-/jS/l1ayqz 
tjad'r-e khud bi-shinai pkov know thy worth, 
ipan one should not forget one’s humble 
beginnings [T] 

* .ayagp n.m. wine-cup ; wine glass [T] 


.ay a! N.F mane [P] 


lyalal n.f. governorship govern- 
w^^ment sway ■ domination [A] 

M ~cyyam N.M. PL. days time period 
jlf duration menstura* period (rare- 
wars ; battles . engagements J^ftiayvam-r fcz 
n.m. Pl.. thirteenth, fourteenth and fifteenth 
nights of a lunar month (as the brightest 
nights) i'j^^hiayyam se ho'ha v.i. menstruate 
have the menses J^uavya'm-r mad a n.m pi.. 
heat period [A - sing, f 

aya'ma n.m. for F.) (pi., of 

/ ai’bak (rare i-l n.m slave messenger 
appellations of two famous Muslim 
kings (one ruling India, the other Egypt) 

[T] S. 

n.m. pl orphans (A -sing. 

S', ai' tarn n.m. atom > /^taitam bam n.m. atom ’ 
^ bomb [E] 

jfPfissr' n.m. selflessness [A] 

,y, Ijab' n.m. assent proposal, (by 

• 7** one of the parties to a bargain) 
positiven ess fta b-o qabool' n.m. pro- 

posal and consent (in matrimonial negotia- 
tions) tfgi ija'bi adj. positive affirmative 
zrffjljabiy'yat n.f. positivism [AJ 
y ijad' n.m. invention contrivance 
J'fj contraption (lit.) creation 
ijad' kar'na V.T. invent devise origi- 
nate creat Ljfjk£liJad' ho'nz v.i. be created 
(A ~j#} 

n.m. brevity [A] 

ejaftt n.m. agent (f^lt'jahsi n.f. agency 

l&jfjrjanda n.m. agenda [E] 

tujookeshan n.f education 

/ cch' peck, (col. &J&J rhek.' pehejt) n.m. 
complication fraud ; deceit 
crooked ways Ltir/ ^^il ech' peck ki ba'teh n.f. < 
crookedness double dealings U>y &:&' 
edi' pedk na jan na v.i be straightforward 
have straight dealings 

J >.atd'ras n.f address (E) 

IJjJe I 

** •• ^ 

y^aidvZhs ^yijfiadvaiis n.m. advance (E) 

* ( >, aid'mket n.m. advocate I E] 


4 ^ aid hak' adv ‘ad hoc' [E] 

4* ' ' 

Jr > ai' ditar, ^Jhidi'ur n.m. editor 
yyO aidtWnyai n.m. & adj editorial [Ej 

jphj aidl' shan, JUSiadf shan n.m. edition [E] 


jA> aiJUh ita/, fjrz^ttadish'nai adj. additional 

JZi f i e] 

^•j^l ddl kahg n.m. aide-dc camp (E - F] 

, Us 1 N.f. affliction pain trouble 

distress vexation ; annoyance oppres- 
sion (/>'>! izz dd na v..t, afflict injure 

hurt pain annoy; vex (jLi\fdiza'-rasaii 
adj. vexatious troublesome annoying 
oppressing j ^Hza'-rasa'm n.f. causing 
harm ; doing injury 

e'ra phi'ri N.F. fraud shady deal 
yp? (rare) exchange 
jf/l irad’ n.m. (pL.&jbliradat') objection [A~ 


» *j«r* -r, oi'ra fhai'ra {nat’tkoo khaira ) 

ic ^ n.m. Tom, Dick and 
Harry the scum of society , 

£ f l/i Iran' n.m. Persia ; Iran jjflira'ni adj. & 
** n.m. Persian, ; Iranian 1 [P] 
fyer n.f. spur Cvfytr laga'iia v.T. spur ; urge 
*• fa horse) [-fold,] j, k 
(Jyl e'ri n.f. heal UPjJjtfyftfJ} 

JktyfefrAe'ri se fho'u tok ph. from 
head to* foot : from top to toe (or 

bottom l‘ 50 (jj;J?le'rij>ah ra'gorna v.r. (fig.) 
be in straitened circumstances ; pass through 
hard times be helpless , 

j\}f lead' N.M. addition (of) VJityt Had’ 
** iur'na v.i. add (pseuda A~ #il>] 

Stud N.M. GoA.(f&}t'zadi adj. divine; 
** heavenly [P] 

[^)\ ai'sS adj. (F.^/m'ri) such like like 
** this resembling L^jUiai'sa vai'sa adj. 
(r.^r^lai'ri vai'si)^ inferior indecent; 
smutty* so-so IfifatWsi tai'si (vulg.) ph. 
to hell with tai'si tai'si kar’na v.t. 

do one’s worst (j^^lm'se meti adv. at this 
juncture in these circumstances (P^dtai’se 
in’ adv. so to speak ; accidently ; casually ; -by 
the way adj. so-so int. why ; how 
is' tar n.m. Easter [E] 

f^fjs/taiso'sU'^m N.F. association (Ej 

n.m. (Hindu word for) God [S] 

e'shiyi n.m. AsiaJ t^fesfcya"* adj. Asiatic ; 
*'** Asian pref. Asio- (EJ 
JififtisaT n.m. conveying conduction 
** sa’Ue savab' n.m. conveying 

reward of virtuous deed or rite l^tisa'l-e 
Jhra'rat n.m. conduction of heat -[A — ij 0 )] 
aizan adv. ditto [A] 

n.m. repetition of rhyme [A] 

\fiflifa' n.f. . fulfilment observance re* 
** turn execution (fjsjj^ifa'*i dig' ri n.f. 
satisfaction ii>l*fa-c ‘ah'd (or -‘aih'd) n.m. 
fulfilment of promise ; honouring one’s word 

[A~frV] ; V- 

/ti\j)fiqan' n.m. knowing for a fact cer- 

*' tainty faith [A~(j(^] 

^Xjtk adj. one only single sole 

** a certain one singular unique 

pth^tiek' a dk Apj. some just a few n.m. 

a. half j\>0sKMe'k a dk bar ph. once or twice 
(h£\ a dk ja'gak ph. (just) at one 
place 'tjffcj&nJjek? afida uoA' bht gafi'da pkov. 
but one* egg and that addled; the only 
child turning out to be good- for-nothing jW_/i 
ek' bar adv. once at one time once upon 
a time all suddenly JjU'tek-bar'gi adv. 

Suddenly ; all of a sudden all at once 
simultaneously^. ek’ pet ke adj, uterine 
(brother or sister) /a/' n.m. harmony 

unison; concckAfjtf^Mekjan' apj. 
of one mind intimate well-mixed 
ek' dil adj. unanimous of one mind 
of one accord ek' dil ho kar adv. 

like one man solidly ( unanimously^//*;!^ 
ek dam' (re) adv, instantly ; immediately 
forthwith k/iek gaban ho' Tin v.i. be, of 
one accord be unanimous 
sa'da ek' se din na raih'na. ph. (of fortune) 
have vicissitudes (frjijiMek In das'sUna’na 
v.i. to retaliate much more sharply^^jL# 
tW mail'. bap ke adj. I of children) bom of the 
same parents £Z*£X\ek mtuh't adj. lump sum 
entire adv. entirely ; in lump sum 
ek'. natk adj. one or the other (fiimdfeJt’ H adj. 

only one ; solitary unique adv. very ; 
extreme ly 

%,) \e'kz n.m. unity alliance pact 
**/ friendship unity of interest 
ft / j&Jt t'ka e'ki adv. all of a sudden- 
** ** suddenly unexpectedly 


{kj fctaik't n.m. act (of law) art (of 
drama) Jf/t aic'tar n.m. actor i^/riaUf- 
tares n.f. actress acting ; action 

[E] / 

fj^laik'tsra adj- extra n.f. extra girl ; extra 

A E] / y 

faik's re n.f. X-ray lj4~J"laik's re kar’na 
y v.t. X-ray [E] 
jg\ikh n.f. (same as dstH.f. if) 

$k\el‘cKi n.m. envoy ; ambassador . emissary 
L lT1 

jrl *Vm n.m. aloe 
(J~r\ailopaitki n.f. allopathy [E] 

at T»* 

ailominiyum /jh ailmo-niyam n.m. alu- 

!#♦** '* minium [E] ** 

J\ ay'yim n.m. widowed person ^filaya’ma 
»** n.m. pl. widowed persons f A] 
if lima’ n.m. sign hint suggestion - 
** instance intention assent 4}t}£ 
ke Ima par pn. at the instance or suggestion of 


iMf\ ima n’ n.m. faith • religion belief 

** creed confidence trustworthiness 
integrity VZ&kiiman be&na v.i. betray one’s 
faith (or truth) jlj&l/J Jinan' -dar adj. faithful 
honest; upright; conscientious trust- 
worthy true loyal (fjlJUliman'-dari n.f. 

faith faithfulness constancy in- 
tegrity ; honesty ; uprightness trustworthi- 
ness conscientiousness dZ^fUltman' se int. 
&adv. by God iman' se kaih'na v.i. 

depose t*Ufclhiim3n' /a‘na v.i. believe 
accept a faith ; enter the fold of a religion jlfj 
ll^Jfiman' mefi kha'lal a'na v.i. prove 
faithless fall pray to temptation [ A ~ i? • ] 

. j^y^Jaim'boolahs, '{jibflaint- 

** * boolafis n.f. ambulance 


e’man adj. most happy 
r ** auspicious [P ~ A ctl] 
i»r\ t'mm n.m. name of a musical 
r*\ mode [S] 

^T\ ax man N.M.^right-hand adj. right ; right 
** hand (fjh vadi-e ai'man n.f. Sinai 
Valley lying to the right of the mountain 
where Moses had a glimpse of God [A ~ ($•] 
UjSlaimo'nija n.f. ammonia fjfjaimo'myam 
** ** n.m. ammonium [E] 
tj | aih int. (expressing surprise) oh ; O 

adj. (only in combinations) this 
** ih'ja'nib pron. I ; we 

i*t N.F. brick ingot any bricklike 
'* thing (} As (&Bna'’l n.f. brick- 
work iftt' se ifit bajs'na v. des- 

troy demolish work havoc with 

knjavab' pat' Aar se de'na v.t. 
give blow for blow give tit for tat reta- 
liate sharply Jerk' itf 

ki mnx'jid alag' batta'na v.r. (rig./' recede 

sho^, schismatic tendencies 

aift'th-an n.f. convulsion coruor- 
* tion gripe colic arrogance 
obstinacy Ca^laivth'nu v.i. strut , swagger 
be offended contort tighten 
stiffen, > y . 

eh' (ha la Hi, J Fleif kfuii laiH N.F. 

V *• struggle tension 

ki'dhan n.m. fuel firewood 

■%J\<nhd adj. unfinished ho'na v. i. 

be unfinished 

Wd aihd'na v.t. strut ; swagger 
*' affectedly /byaiiid kar adv. wit 

ger walk 
with a Swag- 

gering gait 

b&J ind'vs NM.ifjA'Iindvi n.f. circular po»l 
k j^for supporting weight on head 
jffllfaCrlaifidl baih'di adj. (of talk) silly 

** nonsense nid» 

nonsense rude crooked 
aiti d* baih'di siina'na v.t. abuse; 
call names ; swear (at) talk rudely 
(jjjyi cAudn’ (Arabicized as tvan') n.m. (pl. 

iVatiaf) palace court hall; 
gallery " House^;(jK(^!>»a»»a'»-« te'/a (or 
ierifi) Upper (or Lower) House (of Legislature 

kmJjiay'yoob' n.m. Job I^J^h r 'JJrf*sab'r-e ayyoeb' 
* (or ayyoo'bi) ph. Job’s patience (fig.) 
great patience (fig.; forbearance [A~H] 

/t /ffAam' n.m. ‘double-entendre’ ambi- 
* '** guity ] A ~ ] 

k^bt second letter of Urdu alphabet (equiva 

* lent to English b) (in ‘jummaP) 2 j two 
LSbi pref. (usu. before Arabic article as 

* pr. bil or ii + consonant following J|) by 

with from in into on for 

towards near according to (11) I swear 

by (12) be ransom for tfh d>tyhi-abi' mn'tm 
va um'nn ph. my patents be ransom for; non are 
dearer to me than even my ki* and kin 
fo-it’lifeq adv. unanimously { 

wi* one voice with a concensus of opinion 
AlPd\bii- ijmal' adv. briefly ; in brief ; in short 
,jijli\bil-ira'doh adv. deliberately; inten- 
tionally^ purposely ■; on purpose voluntari- 
ly bil-takhsis' adv. specially i parti- 
cularly bil-tasrih adv. explicitly 

specifically , expressly distinctly »n 


— i *" 

detail ; at length tffUil-tafnl' adv. at length ba-khu'shl adv. with pleasure; gladly 
in detail ; detailed ^bil-jab’r adv. for- cheerfully by all means as you like it # 

cibly violent under duress adj. forced ba-khair’ adv. in safety in peace well 

JL-ft lil-jum'lah adv. on the whole : alto- | adj. (in salutation) goodnight, etc.) 0jj.ha-dri 
gether in a word ; in short ; brief! y^-af^ rajah (*«) adv. in a degree ^ l^y>,ba-da'raja-e 

bi-jin' si- hi adj. identical the same adv. adv. at least ftjlfytbada'raja-e oo'.in adv. 

exactly ; precisely^ Lbilrkhair' adv. well in the first place adv, as 

happily in a good manner adj. good usual in the usual manner unchanged 

welcome propitious (iron.l unlawful; ba-diq'qat adv. with difficulty {OcAJiba-ditf'qat-e 

illegitimate unwelcome (■ biz-zaroor' tamSm' adv. with great difficulty d*ba-dil', 
adv. necessarily inevitably certainly y! IfjJ'i ba-dil-o-jan‘ adv. with all one's 
definitely^r^lJj7-‘aA:'i adv. on the other heart ; from the cpre of one’s heart not just 
hand on the contrary ; contrariwise outwardly A» ba-daulal adv. through 

bi1- t 'umoom' adv. generally commonly by means of by dint of (Ji^ha-doo-ti prep. 

universally ibi-‘ai'nihi adv. exactly 
precisely adj. the sam cj^^bil-far'z adv. 
supposing granted ; granting that : admitt- 
ing for the sake of argument hypothetically 
speaking ()***[ bil-fe‘ 'l adv. now ; at present 
in fact ; actually adj. active . real 
bil'-kal adv. ^ entirely ; wholly ; completely 
APJ. all Ibil'-kUl thlk ph. all right 

bit kuUiy'yah adv. as a general principle Ji t 
bil-lah' adv. by God bil-musha' f ah ah' 

adv. faccto.face ; ‘vis-a-vis’ j [liM.bit-mtiqabil 
n.m. adversary adv. opposite facingJjl*U 
bil-muqa -balah adv. as compared (to) ; in 
comparison (with) [A] 

teV bi prep, (used for emphasis before certain 
* Persian tenses) do [P] 

ba pref. (used before nouns) (joined to 
the next letter or written as -r') with 
by for from to up to into in 
on upon ply l ba- if mt' adv. in abundance 

adj. abundant , plenty L*. ba-pa adv. 
on foot ; afoot going on ; *6eing held ; pro- 
ceeding £j£bd~tadrij' adv. gradually ; by 
degrees 'Jj^ytfba-tasrihat-e zail' adv. with 
(the following) remarks <-?l£ba-javal>’(-e) adv. 

in reply (to) ■ in response (to) inspired 
*-/ Lfba-hisabj-e) adv. at the rate (of) in 
the proportion (of) according (to) in the 
name (of) ; debited to the account (of) f/‘ 
ba-haq'q{-e) adv. in favour of in thp 
matter of : in the case of on account of J*’ 
ba-ffSk'm [-e) adv. under the orders (of) 
by command (of) by authority (of)^^ 
ba-khilsf ’ , CJ&j'bar khil&f' adv. contrary 
(tb) in opposition- (to) J/ba-khoo’ljl adv. 

well nicely ; in a* good mannej- 

thoroughly with grace : gracefully 

except ; save without lacking ; want- 
ing for want (of) j/jba-iot' adv. perforce 
by force ; orciblv ; under duress 
ba-sabab' adv. because (of) ; by reason (of) 
on account (of) f *~£jy*{ba-sa'r-o ehaeh'm adv. 
by all means most whillingly 

ba-sii silah(-e) adv. in continuation (of) 

as a sequel to ^ba-shid' dat adv. fully . i n 

full meagre forcefully severely very 
much ba-shar'te-keb adv. if in case- 

on condition that provided that ; with 
the proviso that A^ba-tad' adv. with much^^* 
ba-soo'ral(-t) adv. by way (of) in cast 
(of) ; in the event (of) in the manner (of) 
iS ba-son fal-c khilaf'-var' zi in case 
of I breach (of) ^ ba-si'ghah{- e ) adv. the 
department (of) on the (civil, etc.) side 
ba-zid' ho'nz v.i. stubbornly insis \jjt> ba-tar'z 
adv. in the manner (of) in the form 
(of) j# ba-taur' (-e) adv. as in the capa- 
city (of) after the manner (of) jJj£> 
ba-tau T-e khud adv. of one’s own accord 
voluntarily in one’s own way on one’s 
own account y“l£)ba-za'hir adv. apparently 
outwardly ostensibly^/*/ ba-'ivaz' in 
exchange (for) in place (of) in lieu (of) ; 
instead (of ') Jyiba- ( aun'{-e) adv. by the help 
(of); with the assistance (of ) ^Jtfibi'ai'nihi 
adv. exactly ba-ghair ' adv. without 

except ; save lacking i wanting jadba-qa'dar 
(or ba-qad'r{-e) adv. to the extent (of) 
by the power (of) according (to) in the 
measure (oi)J^ba-qual'(-e) adv. according 
(to) on the authority (of) in the words 
(of) j&. ba-kar 1 (-e) adj. useful; serviceable 
prep. for on behalf (of) j^/j\^ba-ka'r-f 
sarkar' ph. on official duty state service 
tfCJicJii&ba-ka'r-i dau'lat-e pn'kistan ph. on 


State service di'^fba-kas'ral oj. plentiful ; ing generous kind humane tpi Ju- 

abundant adv. in abundance >/. ) a - mujar' tad ma'zah adj. tasteful delicious 

adv. instantly immediately forthwith ke ba vVjood' pup. in spite of ■ despite 

~ i $ iba - mar'tabah adv. to some extent ; in a ba - mjoo ’ dt-ktk adv. altho u gh notwith* 

degree to the extent (ot ba - muqtaza'-e standing; in spite of the fact that ; de sp i te 

adv. in consequence of owing to be- the fact that (fjjilba-oar'dl adj. in uni- 
cause of for reasons ba - man'zilak adv. form liveried kmi'/ prkp. 

in the place (of); instead (of) of the status notwithstanding in spite of; despiteful 

(of) ba-moo’jib adv. by reason (of) ba-vaz’’ adj. sticking to habits snobbish 

in pursuance (of) in accordance (with); civilized ; cultured , civil* polite tme ; 
according (to) : in conformity (with) as per loyal ; faithful jfyl ba-vU’zoo adj. having per* 

by under feba-nam’ adv. in the name formfed die ablutions 

(of) to ^^^ba-nis' bat adv. in compari- t^Lbab n.m. chapter door ; gate topic; 

son (with) ; compared (to) than ?J,ba-vaj’h * * head subject ; affair ; kind 

adv. for ; because (of) ; by reason (of) ; owing bab met ph. with regard to this ; in this nutter 

(:o) J^ifJ^/L^bajiak' kirishhmah do kar'- ph. [A] 

kill two birds with one stone [P] l 1 ba'ba n.m: old man grandfather ^ 

(r ba prep. by ; with possessing ; having * father (corr. of) baby 
* (Js'lLba-Usool' adj. principled (man) of ba’ba a' dam kt zoma'ne ka adj. old ; ancient 

principles J/fllia-iwoo’/s n.f. acting on one’s 
principles being principled J>,ll ba-\h'-k*h t 
Jr\\ ba-ak’-keh adv. notwithstanding that ; in 
spite of that despite that jllba-a’sar adj. in- 
fluential effectual efficacious jQ^fiba- 
ikhtiyar adj. in authority ; wedding power 

powerful authorizedi/iirfl ba ikhlas’ adj. 
sincere ; cordiali-oltia-arfoA' adj. respectful 
polite ; well-mannered INT. (alsoJd^Oti-of I 
j\J> rfba-ndob' ba-mUla'hazah bosh y it’) Gentleman 
please rise in your seats (His Majesty, etc. 
arrives) tjWlb ba-afuta'zeh adj. & adv. 
moderate(ly) proportionately) accord- 
ing to measure g)Uf li>a iman' adj. honest 

pious religious faithful 

hamah' adv. in spite of all that ; despite all 
that bx-ladbir' adj. wise discreet ; 

prudent resourceful ^ t bdiamiz' adj. 
civilized ; cultured polite ; courteous ; civil 
sensible ; wise ( jplia hayz! adj. modest 
bashful £ l bs-kha'bar adj . wel 1-i nform- 

ed ; well-posted not stupid ba-khuda' 
adj. godly religious pious 

shu'oor' adj. well-mannered wise ; intelli- 
gent shrewd; sagacious JiJii’iba-za'bitah 
adv. formal official ; in accordance 

with law (cicJcJfl/ltba fara'^at adj. (man) 
of means adv. leisurely in a satisfactory 
manner »js\i\ba-qa’ i idah adj. regular 
formal ; official procedural in accordance 
with law (etc.) gji ^ ba - qati’itah adj. well- 
arranged £* J /{ bz - mwriu[vat adj. oblig- 

antiquated outdated ; outmoded 

baba jan N.M. dear grandfather dear 

daddy pop t*f/Uba’ba log n.m.sino. orn. 
(corr. of) baby mendicant(s) HP] 
ba’bat prep. usu. used as ph.£/IJ ks hi’ bat 
prep. as regards regarding ; about 

O a r’H 

Jiba’bur n.m. lion (as appellation of an Indo- 

* * Pakistan Moghul ruler) [TJ 
ba'bul n.m. father 

(Jl^lba'btl N.M. Babylon ; (Bib.) Babei [A] 

y | la' boo (endearingly or respectfully (fjLba’bor- 

* ji n.m. cleric father ; daddy* ’ lord 

vj(, baboo' nah N.u.camomile ; wild 

ivy [P} 

ba'to n.m, (also 
bi/yal) name of a heresy, of 
Islam Babi faith follower of this 
heresy ( founder’s appellation t-rl 


bap n.m. ‘ father CV'^bap’ bazta'na v.t., 
regard (someone) as one’s father cajole 

wheedleft’bl^l^C^'! ’bap' tbk pakHteh'na 
(or ja'na) phT * go to the extent of abus- 
ing (someone’s) father bij^bbap' da’ da 
n.m. forefather ; ancestors ; progenitors 
bap’ rc^idd-^bap’ re bap int. (expressing 
surprise fear /etc.) dear, dear dear; dear 
me help mercy /}l/^\bap' ka nou'kar 
n.m. (met.) humble servant 

ma'rt ki bair’ ph. family feud; longstanding 
enmity n.m. fore fullers : 

ancestors elders(>^ri jftl/bijtaslbap da' da ka 
team rauhatt kar'ni v.t. & i. bring credit to 
one’s ancestors be a source of pride to one’s 
family (iron,) bring a bad name to one’s 

family dj-ba'poo n.m. (dial.) lather 
„ . but h.f. matter affair subject ; 
^ . topic issue ^ question word say- 
ing speech ; discourse ; talk news gossip 
story ; tale. ; account point ; particular 
(11) proposal ; proposition (12) substance (13) 
taunt ( 14 ) advice (15) occurrence ; happening 

every time.; on 

every occasion in every particular 
bit ba’dalna v.t. back opt of one’s word 
bit barki'ni V.T. prolong a dispute bit 

bigar'na v.t. ruin one’s credit mar 
(someone’s) plan bring disgrace lliOl bat 
bana'na v.i. tell tales concoct a stpryi tfj 
U* kl bat ban'na v.i. prosper , flourish 
surged Ofti&Lbafna pach'na v.i. be unable 
to keep a'" secret Pj'&tbit pa' harm v.t. carp 
at ; cavil at V/J&bbit pak'ki kar'ni v.i. 
have (something) confirmed confirm 
contract Ofy&beSrse bat poochh!na v.t. 

question ’' inquire from hat 

hooM'ni v.T. inquire after (someoue’s) 

health or welfare express concern <or 
welcome show due respect to tyfJ^lbnt 
phtr'na v.i. change the topic equivocate , 
prevaricate I'H^^bil phnilani V;T. give 
currency to a report ; spread a rumour CUpt 
bat phail'na v.i become the talk of the town 
be talked about ; be bruited about or 

abroad IVj CA bat pi' ja’ni v.i. put up 
with an insult ; pocket an insult bear with- 
out demur hide a secret IjW&l bit pai'di 
kea'ni v.i. attain excellence create some- 
thing new put up an excuse pttS/Ua/ ti I’m 

v.i. evade or dodge (an issue or insult) 
put off bat fafi'di par' nit v.i. be 

shelved ; be put in cold storage 
bit duth'dl par'ne de'ni v.t. allow the / matter 
to cool down bat ihailiarni v.i. be 

engaged be settled Aai thaihra'm 

v.i. make a settlement arrive at a deci- 
sion betroth bit' ja'ni v.i. be dis- 

graced ; lose one’s credit (-VI ^ibitjimi'na v.t 
bring iomeone) round to one’s viewpoint 
iyj jr£t{bat dtaba' ja'ni v.i, swallow one’s 

word I'ifctSd bit (h.ali’na v.t. cut the ice' 
initiate (a subject) in discussion djsfCsl bat' (fait 
n.f. chat gossip talk ; conversation 
negotiations . parleys bat' shit kar'na 

v.i. chat gossip talk converse 
have negotiations ; have parleys CjfjJjtbal 
dohri'nB v.t. repeat recapitulate Crj^lJ 
(t*U tjb) kl bat' raik'na (or raih ja'ni) v.i. 
havejhe upper hand prevail succeed 
Cm^iV&bbatka batah'gar bana'na v.i. ex- 
agerate awfully ; make mountains out of mole- 
hills (If'Uv.yl,/ bat ka pakki (or poo'ra 

or sad' (ha) adj. true to one’s word; as good as 
as one’s word ut’l&lbal' kat'na v.t. cut 
in bat ka sir' pair na ho’na v.i. (of 

words, etc.) be irrelevant' be baseless ; 
be unfounded be illogical I'fyfeibat kan! 
par'na v.i. hear; learn kar'te 
pat'thar mar'na,v. talk rudely give a curt 
ft&QiiifflCtf&blm ko khat a'’» men jal'rn v.t. 

defer ; postpone ; procrastinate put in 
cold-storage ; shelve CM&tbat' khulj m v,i. (of 
secret) be out ; be laid bar bit 
kho'na (or kho de'na) v.i. lose** credit ; injure 
(one’s) prestige Oj/^lbat khol'na v.t, 
have a straignt talk reveal or disclose (a 
secret) ka'hl para n i hu’i prov. a 

word spoken is an arrow let fly 
bat' ki'ye ph~ooi jhar'na v.i. be eloquent 
be soft-spoken Cffolbat' ghar'na v.t. fabricate 
forge ; trump up (excuse, story, etc.) fjii&l 
jjfcjjoctt lakh.' ki, kartti khak' ki prov. roar- 
ing clouds seldom rain Cdl^lbat' man'na v.i. 

obey accept a suggestion 
bat' melt st bat' mkal'na v.t. bring out fresh 
point(s) p&l 2 l 4 &iA*lbat' men se bat mkal'na 
v.i. # (of fresh points) emerge from talk yipl 
Clfijbat men ft' nik&l'na v.t. ^cavil at” 
pick holes in an argument (etc.) C tJpjLba'lo* 
men a'n» v.i. be taken in ; be gulled'; be dup- 
ed l'rtl(£jj)ba’ion men ura’na .v.t. talk 
(someone) out of his wits ridicule ; hold tp 
ridicule Cjjf^j'Aba'ton men, bajfila'na v.t. 
delude with Ifair words C\^(Jjj)lba'ton men 
lags' na v.t. engage (someone) in conversa- 

tion divert (someone’s) attention I'Ot/ft 
ba'tensuna'n a v.i. talk repeat one’s story 

relate one’s adventure # abuse ; revil re- 
prove •_ reproach ha' ten' sun'na v.i. 

listen lend cars eaves drop P ut up 



with unpleasant remarks have to iisten to 
reproof ‘dJ^baioo ni adj. & n.m. talkative or 
garrulous (person) batoo'rii pan n.f. 

( talkativeness ; garrulity 

tittlebat n.m. weight jjl/jjiJslbZt aur tars' zoo 
r , n.m. weights and scales 
^slbat n.f. path 

fe/fcbaj n.m. tribute (rare) tax jllffy ( bsj- 
guzsr' adj. n.m. one who pays tribute ; tax- 
payer adj. feudatory ; tributary [P] 

(fl ba'js n.m. musical instrument UV'irLba'ja 

gaja n.m 


musical instru- 


baj’rs n.m. millet (rare) drizzle 

* IL^j , A baj'ra ba‘ rams v.i. drizzle A# 

iaj're A» it Aa'r/iA v.t drizzle 
bsj'ns v.t. (dial.) (of musical instru- 

* * ment, etc.) sound 

baji n.f sister ; elder sister [T] 

g\ibadsfr.H.v. corner of the mouth assess- 
V ment of share of tax or subscription P(Sa?l 
Asjik dal' ns v.i. levy tax , raise by subscription 
rTc/^ft ba'ebjuh S'na V.T. have an inflamajion 
at the comers of the mouth 
ba (theft khil'na (or khiljs'tla) v.i. laugh : laugh 
loudly smile burst with joy be satisfi- 
ed be overjoyed 

-1. bakh'tar n.m. west Bactria [P] 

X r " 

„ * bakh'tah suf. played beaten (at play 
lost (by gambling) having lost ; 
deprived of [P~ 

y[bad n.f wind breeze sirelhtbad- 
* ban' poetfalso^ljliarf'-iaft) n.m. saill>t£arf-pa' 
ADJ. fast, swift n.m. courser bfylbad-paima' 
adj. fast ; swift n.m. aerometer courser 
idle talker one who builds castles in the 
air j&jtbsd-e tuft'd n.f. windstorm tem- 
pestuous g^le J&jjibad-nftar' ADJ. swift N.M. 
courser 1 bad-remg' (corr. as lba"o 
baraftg'} n.m. a cucumber-like drug root' 
bad-e samoom' n.f. simoom bad' -sab] n.m. 

air guage one who builds castles in the 
air bji'^bad-e shUr't n.f. favourable wind ; 
fair wind If bad-e rafcf n.f. the zephyr 
morning breeze bad-e farafig' n.f. 
syphilis J^yA. bad-firoM n.m. flatterer ; syco- 
phant (pjJjlbad-firo'fkl n f. sycophancy 
bad kash n.m. ventilator exphaust fan 
‘Mbad-gard, jljJgtrd -bad n.m. whirlwind cA&A. 

bad-e mukha'lif n.f. contrary wind s\sA, bad-e 
murad' n.f. fair wind 1$ i/sl bad-e mo' ‘S' fa n.m. 
favourable wind ■ fair wind L-^A^bad-numS' 
n.m. weathercock , vane [P] 
njlbadam' n.m. almond 

bada'mi adj. almond.' 
almond shaped light brown , 
nut-brown j'f(/bl [ bada‘nn oft'kkefi 
N.F. Pt. almond-shaped eyes , 
fllSli* tad shah' (also tiyjlpadshah') 

n.m. king ; sovereign ruler mag- 
nate highest name (in) iAJt&\bad'shah- 
za'dah n.m. larch.) princcifAjiiAsL bad'shahza'di 
n.f. (arch.) princess . sister or wife of a prince 
Jt&tl bad shah-gar adj. & n.m. king-maker 
badsha'hat n.f. kingship sove- 
reignty realm ; kingdom : tmpirctSftA.badsha' 
hi n.f. reign , rule ; sovereignty king- 
ship realm . kingdom empire adj royal 
regal ; imperial [P] ^ 

(Jjtba'daf n.m, cloud C ijilba’dal ana v i. be 

* cloudy CLfJjCba'dal djia'na *v.i. be 

cloudy ; be overcast with clouds ba'dal 

ga'raj'na v. i. (of clouds) thunder [P] 
\)}lbad'la JsUad'Inh n.m. brocade gold 

or silver thread 

ba'datjan N.M. brinjal [P] 

pjlba'dah n.m. liquor , wine r spirits ; strong 

* drinks ; drink ba' da-par ast' adj. & 

n.m. drunkard ; toper ifyt>\ba'da-paraAt\ n.f. 
intemperance ; fondness for liquor jrtAba'da- 
ka\h‘ adj . & n.m. one who drinks , wine-addict 
(f~^$j[ba' dtfkaski n.f. intemperance ; fondness 
for drinks (/juiba'da nosh' adj. wine r addict ; 
one who drinks ’ffinlbs' da-noshi n.f. fondness 
for drinks [P] 

ba'di adj. beginning first ; SrtA 
b^dl-Un-na' zar melt (ped. ba'dm-na' zar 
meh) adv ‘prima facie’; at first sight 
y ba’di ADJ. flatulent ; windy rheu- 
(jyi matic &t(filba’di ba’dm n.m. corpulence; 
bloated body [P~ •»(] 

/A Ijl badiyttri, jlAba'diyati N.F. anise 
** * aniseed [P] 

'fyl ba'diyoh n.m. desert wilderness : 
•* * waste ; wasteland LyffsAba' diya paima' 
adj. wander# ; tramp' deser traveller 
ft ba'diya-paima' ’» n.f. desert travel 

tramp [A] 

Oj t ba'diyoh n.m. bowl [P] 




0 J )r 

n.m. body [E] 

ba'dl bodice ; brassiere [ ~ E bodice corr.] 
gar’d n.m. body guard [E] 

oar n.m. turn time chance ; occa- 
) ; sion ; opportunity (dial.) day of the 
week jij\bar' bar adv. repeattdly ; again and 
again ; time and again ^jlbar'-ha adv 
often ; frequently times out of number [P] 
y bar n.m. burden ; load liability 
J j{ heaviness leave ; permission ; admission 
court sitting of a sovereign to give 
audience ; audience produce ; fruit onus 
(of proof) jjljL bar-a' var adj. bearing fruit 

fructuous jbjAbar-bardar' adj. (beast) of 
burden n.m. porter ; carrier (jj bjj l bar-bar dan 
n.f. transport freight beasts of burden 

Ji/jjfji ba'r-e suboot' n.m. onus of proof ; burden 
of proof ybijjlua'r-e kha'tir adj. _ unpleasant 
disagreeable offensive j\pj\baT-kha'nah 
n.m. gddown< IjlAjlbfir-e khuda(ya) int. Great 
God ; Lord God jljjlbar'-dar adj. (of tree) 
burdened with fruit pregnant fortunate 
i> I jyl bar-da' r.ah n.m. gunny bags (etc. in 
which provisions are kept) ; packages pro- 
visions fojage I'bjl bar-e ‘am' N.M, public 
audience \!jj\ bar-kar’na v.t. load j^j[bar'kash 
n.m. cart or animal for carrying loads ; load- 
carrier tl^jlbar'-gah n.f. palace court 
place of audience yJj l bar'gir n.m. pack ani- 
mal rider or cavalier not owning the horse 
he rides jjjlbar'-wtr adj. fruitful success- 
ful fortunate laden with fruit Vjfjlbar’- 
ho'na v.t. be laden be an obstacle or 
burden t-slv l Aaryai adj. & adv. admitted at 
court or into company ; granted audience J jyl 
bar-jia'bi n.f. admittance at court ; audience 

l ! ] 

yvba'ra n.m. lifting of irrigation water in 
bucket from well with a lever; lever-lift irriga- 
_ tion bucket used, for the purpose person 
turning the bucket song Sung on the occa- 

&\jy barat' ,0^bara\i n.f. marriage procces- 

I ( sion . 

(Jjvba'raft n.m. rain adj. raining(yA’fJ^ 

bara'iu (tamin') adj. & n.m. rain-irrigated 
(land) relating to or depending on rain 
VJsblbar -ai\-la' ph. Bar(rister)-at-Law [E] 

Joj l bar' bad n.m. name of a lege ndary Persian 
* musician [*} 

l^A bnr'ja, ( bar' j ah n.m. inside balcony 

Pjlba’rid adj. (f. & pl. gjfjlba'ridah) adj. 
cold frigid [A] 

Jjvba'riz adj. apparent manifest [A] 
Qjiba ' risk n.f. rain showers plenty 

*1 f /) vindfal, l P ~ 

\_jJJ V ba'rak-allah int. God bless you ; may 
& . * you prosper [A ~ oCj-f Jbi] 

LJjlba'rag n.f. (usu. as pl:) barracks [~E 

barood' (co\. C^rAb&root’) n.f. gunpowder 
Z^^SjjAbarood-kha'nah n.m. powder 

magazine gunpowder factory [ ~ T] 

I . ba'rah adj. twelve (UtAba'xah imam' n.m. 
bJ , the twelve ‘Imams’ (religious leaders) of 
the Shi’ite sect (viz.) Hazrat ‘Ali, Imam 
Hasan, Iman Husain, Imam Zain-ul Abidin, 
Imam Baqar, Imam Ja‘ far Sadiq Imam Musa 
Kazim, Imam Riza, ImamNaqi, Imam Taqi, 
Imam Hasan ‘Askari, Imam Mahdi) 
ba'rah bat ho'na v.i. be scattered be torn 
by internal, dissensions confused , non- 
plussed £<£ *-;*?*> £ barah 

ba’ras ke ba‘d ghoo'rt ke bhi din ph-ir'te hain prov. 
adversity is followed by prosperity 
V'jfjtyAapSrf ba'rah baras drill null rahe aur 
bh&r jhofika prov. a boor who has failed to ac- 
cept the civilising influences of society ; arrant 
fool ba'rah pal’ thar ba'har 

n.m. outside the city limits 
ba'ra-da'ri n.f. (usu. square) sum- 
mer house with a dozen-doorway 
pavilion 1 ba'ra-sih'gha N.M. 
stag ijlba'ra-ma'sah n.m. 

calendar (as a genre of Hindi and Panjabi 
poetry describing woman’s pangs of separation 
through various months of the year) 
ba'rah v a/a/' n.f. Rabi-ul-Avval 12 (as the 
Holy Prophet’s) death anniversary (and now 
mostly as his Nativity day) jIjrAbar'havah 
adj. twelfth / 

J ^ ba'rah adv. (same asZ^ljf) 

I ba'ri n.m. the Creator HAAtfA, ba'ri la'a'la 
n.m. the Elevated Creator , God [A] 

Y. . ba'ri N.F. time; turn jlt/ifAbari ka 
V J Z bukhar' n.m. ^ tfj\ba'ri Ai tap n.f. 
intermittent fever jfjil/A ba'ri ba'ri adv. 

tfjtrj J 


in turn 

— i- earh in duecourse( ~P-(/J] 

^Ajlbarik' adj. fine thin minute 

slender delicate threadlike subtle 

\A harik'-bal' N.F subtle pointj^J^l 


bank' bih adj. _ shrewd sagacious 
penetrating Jrf^tharii'-bini n.f. 
shrewdness Subtlety hair-splitting 

(Jj ! f bariki n.f. fineness thinness deli-' 
cacy i subtlety discernmentCd^Jt^tc^/t 
(met) b&ri'kijah nikal'nav.i. pick holes (in) 

find fault (with) split hairs 
'^rjiba’rf tjiba’rah adv. at last , a length 
kt ba'rt meh adv with regard 
to , in respect of regarding concerning 

^JXba're adv at last at leng h (P - Vl J 

jtftar n.f. hedge fence / 
edge (of weapon or tool) l’l &}l 
(Cfji i)bar lagana (or bandh'na) 
fence put a hedge round 
l^lba'ra, fitiaVtfA n.m. en 

* closure - pen . fold 

&jl bark* h.f volley VAtiXbatV mar’nb y 
* fire a volley -<aa 

' *i baz n.m hawk falcon jbJt 

• bat'-dar n.m. falconer one 
in charge of someone’s hawks! - A 


agent actor . doer 
player (P) - >j 

f . bat suf. 


oaz pref re- aga backl'Utia^' ana 
v.i. abandon ; lea off turn back 
(from) ; obsiain (from) efuse declin 

bat'-piirt' n.f. explanation called 
scrutiny interrogation ; inquiry calling 
to account b&t'patifi'AO). last 
batrhia'sat n.f remand to custody >j)l da.?' did 
n.f return visit bat' rakk'nd vt 

prevent - prohibit dissuade restrain ; 
holdback hinder repress disallow 
debar UyyyJ bat raih'nav.i. desist , refrain, 
abstain forbeai shun leave ofl , cease 
J^ll^jibat’gaskt n.f return retyeat 

relapse resumption (also U* 

tadt'-e baz'-gasbt‘) echo JlAbat-ya’bi n.f re- 
covery bat-y&ft' n.f.’ recovery re- 
sumption (of alienated land) [P] . 

n,m. bazaar marked 
* batar' gar’m ho na v.i. (pf thing) 
be in great demand (of trade) thrive 

" " ' " ■ 1 i 

, be brisk bi in vogue ; be the 
order o/ the day . be r mpant C0A}tb at*,' 
lagan a v i establish a market display 

one’s wares gather pc Ic (round oneself) 

l'/7 lift IJt bazar' n 'da (or far’d) ho'n a 

v i. be in the little de land (of trade! 

be dull jij ljJ£ihpr batar' n.m. blackmarket 
<{M J fA 0T bata'ri n.f. blackmarket, black - 
marketing l)lj<L-/<fAjlzJrckor bazar* kar’nt 
oak n.m. blackmarketecr jijlj/kku'/a b*za> 
n.m. open markct(f)l;jia?sri adj. vulgar 
inferior relating to the market indecent 
lax in morals uncultured incredible 
(report, etc.) (/itfjfAjlbata'ri ad'mi n m 
vulgar person ; uncultured person low com- 
msirr person <2j/f(fjljlbaza'ri *, au'rat n.f prosti- 
tute harlot . whpre ; street-walker woman 
on the sireet ^A/jljibaza ri gap n.f. in- 
credible report hearsay rumour fajiJA'A 
bazar * nir'kh jted \fjl j\ batar ka bha'o n . m * 
market rate [P] 

jjLbd too i, arm wing (of 
bird) side frame (of door) 
side of bedstead hank (of army) 
accompanist , accompanyisi 1 (of 
"marsia’ or dirge-singer) com- 
panion supporter associate-^)! 
ha' zoo-baftd n.m. armlet bracelet 
ba’zoo pharak'na v.i. have an augury of meet- 
ing some friend (^J)jlba' zoo toot'na v i. lose 
one’s supporter (through death, etc.) [jjjA 
ba'zoo de'na v aid , assist . help support , 
lend a helping hand ^/jjjlba'zoe da''va n.m 
suit for the restitution of conjugal rights [P] ^ 

, n.f. sport , game, play wager 

bet , stake lAtfjLba'zl bad'na v.i bet ; lay 
a wagcr(lV / /t ^tj*>iJ’jiia , ^i jil'na (or mar ja'n a) 
v i win come out victorious excel 
C^lJjlbazf de'na v.t. beat win (a 
game) checkmate kba'na 

[or bar' na) v.t lose be defeatcd» |^J 

n.f. theatre circus playground 
stadium gjlba'frgar n.m. acrobat rope- 

dancer^ juggler . conjurer magician-, sorce- 
cer (] Jrj t ba'zi-garni n.f female acrobat 
acrobat’s wife sorceress (/Jrjiba' tk-g^ri n.f 

rope-dancing jugglery legerdemain 
£$t/jlba'zi taga'na v.i. wager lay a wager 
stake . lay at stake lk^.(£/l£8'.Ei It jStOt^ v.i. 

win excel /jl ba&'&ak n.m. toy 

plaything fun Tr 


jL L 


baa' &a-a*tf al' n.m. child’s play (P) 

(St 1 ? N.r. smell . ad>'ui sent un- 
pleasant odour n m. (dial ) abode . dwell- 

jf'lta'sofk adj. & n.h. sixty-two 0'r\ 
m ba’safkaan adj. sixty-second- 
bn' sit n.m. Giver of prosperity (as an aitri- 
# /buteofGod) [A-J^J 

bat' matt n.m. basmati ; a superior kind 

-Vi* °f ricc 

tJT"basatlq' n.f ‘vena basilica’ , the great 
** * vein in the arm [A~G] 
l ha' son n.m. vessel ; utensil 

ba'si adj. stale overnighj n.m. 
* (dial.) dweller , inhabitant 
ba'si ba’dtc no kut'ta kha"e paov not to lay by 
a penny ba’si ‘id N.r stale Eid . dayfS) 
after it b‘Ji/\ba' si kor’na v.t. make stalq/%*i 
ttVifiljZba'si ka'fhi melt *bdl' (a'na) ph 
wish to be young in old age storm after 
event ba'si rnhhtf Aov before breakfast 
i bash sup. staying, living being int 
{j\ (ped.) stop : stay (fi%vr stay being 
existence (P~ftbj(be] 

tj&iba&itiiah N.m. citizen resident , 
, * inhabitant [P~ prec.] 

^Iba'dtak n.m falcon . hawk ; sparrowhalk 


I'siroh N.M sight [A~ /*> J 

tu. ba'til ADJ spurious false null 

ir *and void futile, ineffectual 
fictitious unsound (IsUJjrjOfcPlbati/ 

so'majhna (orjan'na) v i. regard as false 
bait kar'na v.t nullify rescind , cancel 
abolish vitiate revoke falsify [A] 

L. ba'tvr n m. heart mind innermost 
{J ? part inside (jfbba'ttni adv internal 

intrinsic hidden concealed . latent 
esoteric Cartnathian (sect of the Shi‘ites) 
'j}0f[ba'tv& fir'qah h u Cartnathian sect fA 
- pff) 

•Jr ba'*ts n.m cause reason condi- 
**} tion ground , basis origin (rare) 

instigator [A] 

p I N M . .garden orchard grove 
yl (£lrjrJj;)l'j{t/\ibtl)>WI) bdfh' bagti ho na (or 
.ba ja'na) ph rejoice greatly be overjoyed 
b't ba fh N m (fig i • deceitful pro 
vain hopes Q/i&l/fsob i ba gh dtkha na 
v 1 (fig.) raise vain hopes excite dqire 
and expectation fay deceitful promises 


ba%h~t-ma‘ilaq n.m. b raging gardens 
bag^-o-bahar n.m. garden in spring ; spring 
garden adj. beautiful (sc ne) delectable 
(personality) tflslbafk-ban' n.m. gardener 
vagetable grower i}iHbagh-ba'ra N.r. 
gardening ; horticulture vegetable growing 
%%ba$at' n.m. pL. gardens orchards J it l 
bagha'n adj. pertaining to gardens horti- 
cultural baghifaah (tare y jf}bagh'(fcdh) 
n m. grove orchard kitchen garden 


ft'lba gh I n.m. rebel insurgent traitor 

fjjlbafsvr weaver woven 

* fntta'rt-baf n.m. lace weaver CJl (fjjiftl 
iaf N.M. gold-lace weaver [P ~>gpt A.. J 
&{baft texture web (j*\baf'tagi n.r. 

weaving knittingJ^ia/'taA adj, 
woven knitted n.m. tissue rjjibafihdah Njm. 
jweaver [P~cT tf ( weave] 

Jl tba'qir n.m. rich scholar adj. 

— at lea.-ning and wealth [A] 
ba'qir-kha’ni n.f. a kind | 
of crisp .ragile bread 
i ba'qila n m a kind of bean . a 
m * potherb [A~ (P.] 

'qi adj. remaining outstanding 
existing alive perpetual n.m. 
balance remainder surplus arrears | 
im'Lf'ba'qi hisab' n.m balance of an account 
jlrJib a'qi-dar' n.m. owing a balance 

debtor defaulter Ufjjlba'qi raih'na v 1 
be left remain (unpaid) have a . balance 
(or »>" U? Iba'qt^mah'dak n.m re- 
mainder residue adj remaining resi- 
duary Ofifibba'qi ntkal'na v r subtract 
find the difference between two numbers 
strike a balanced Citia^iyad n.m pl. arrears 
balance remnants £lj Ua^ya'l-e- 
saltbat n f pl. the good that on? does 
memory of one’s good deeds (A- l^j 
^jfibak n.m fear terror harm [P] 

fib ba ktrnh n f virgin (A ■ 


bakk n.m udder « bakk r» , j \ bakk' it 

* n.f cow or buffalo when sjie ha* given 
milk for five months or so t}r^ba'kkal n.m 
enclosure * courtyard enclosed by several horse 
cattle-sheds, etc 




I’&lJibag utha'nd V.l. 
start on horseback give die rein 
set at full gallop^* oibag'-dor 
n.f. rein halter (fig.) 
control 'si kt 

ks A' meh bag'-dor ho'na v. i.Yfig.) 
exercise control over I'JjffJibag dfu'li kar'tia 
v.T. give free reins (toK leave (someone) 
free in his evil ways bag' (t'ns v.i. 
take the rein pull up b’j/Jbbag mor'na v.t. 

turn the reins change the directiop (of 
horse, conversation, etc.) 
hath.' st chkoot'na v.i. lose control miss 

pLba'gS n.m. (dial.) apparel bridegrooms 

f't bagar bit la n.m. wildcat (nurs.) 

. for scaring child) tom-cat (fig.) chubby 
child. " 

bagh. N.m. tiger 

^ym^ibages'n n.f. name of musical mode [S] 
y til pref. see under [A prep, w /- f 


' ji bal n.m. (ped.) heart mind condi- 

U* tion ; state [A] 

r l, bal n.m. wing, pinion U^jyjJlba'l-par 
U ; nik&l'na v.i. be fledged learn to fly ' 
oppose betray malicious designs [P] 

All bal n.m. hair crack (in glass or china) 
U . n.f. car (of corn) Cfjlbatatna v.i. (of 
glass or china) be cracked have hair (on 
chin or face) IjtiJlbal utar'na v.t. shave 
off cut the hair JlJifaU bal ' ad v. altogether 
completely C^JbJl bal bst bacb’na ph. escape 
by a hair’s bredth ; have a narrow escape^fjj 
\^>X>bal bat banifcna v.i. be inextricably 
entangled fltfijrjilJlbal bah’dhz gh8(am' n.m. 
very obedient servant ; one held in thrall 
C#jll){bal bshdk'na v.t. set the hair braid 
4r—i}{bal' bac&’ f be n.m. (one’s) children 

one’s family I'gfb^iyj/Jlbal' barn 1 bar far'q ns 
ho’ nil v.i. be identical ; have no difference at 
all bat bi'khnrniii v.t. have dishevelled 

hairi’ti Jt 4s(' beoa'iis v.t. do the hair , chess 
the hair Vj; bl£sj\ ( ¥'ka bal’ Wkana ho'na 
ph. not to receive the slightest injury , 
escape unharmed OjJl W pok'na v.i. 
(of corn) ripen (of hair) grey j'i£\ 

& adj^ (boil) caused by 
hair ( r^'OSbat-tarm' n.m. 

(of hair) 

bat -lor n . m . 
breaking of. 

hairdresser bal' jHar'na v.i 

fall off, (of baldness) approach Ji 
Mar n.m. spikenard , hyacinth jbjCbsl'-dar 
adj. cracked (glass or china ) &jjt bat rakk'na 
v l. allow the hair to grow wear (long, 
short, etc.) hair L'j^^JUal Slftd' ho'na v.i’ 
grey . grow grey age remain no 
longer young become elderly j tfjlbal- 
kama'ni n.f. hairspring (of watch) 
baLkka're ho'na v.i. (of hair) stand on encUjl 
(CgrtyOrdUba! ki khal nikal'na (or kkeheA'nav t" 
"split hairs be hyporcritical l^Jf Aa/!' 
le'na v. sha v <j one’s private pans tibJLbal'va'/a 
adj. hairy iT^yjJlba'lofi ka bursh' n.m. jwir- 
bru i ba ' loh ks ttl' n.m. haip 
ha foil ki hat rat n.f. hairiness (fjOJbba'lofi ki 
ka'nn n.f. thinness of hair 

bal (used as *~hjj\bal bodi'&e) N.m. (pl.) 
Ui childrenut^Ji bat hat n.f. obstinacyfof 
child) , childish obstinacy 
i .. La' la n.m. adolescent mere boy, 
Vy stripling large ear-ring >■ gramsprout 
adj. new young lisflitba'ls bko'la adj. 
ch'MlikcJ^jftJJba'l! bkole N.M. PL. children, 
tiny tots ^Jibba la-pan n.m. childhood 
infancy * adolescence if*# lar'ka ba'la n.m. 

a mere lad a slip of a boy ^4 ^Pflar'ke 
ba'le n.m. pl boys lads and lasses 
f . . ba'la prep. above on upon ADJ. 

v? high . lofty exalted foregoing . 

aforesaid ; above-mentioned suf. super, n.m. 
top upper part stature ; height l)t Hi ba'la 
ba'la, JJlOfiDbba'la A* ba'la adv. by under- 
hand means over dnd above the head (of) 
secretly ; privately U? 1)^ ba’la bala’na v.t. 
dodge ; give an evasive, reply jP^\ba' la band 
N.m. broach for turban ba' la-posh N.M. 

overcoat coverlet , coverlid cover bed 
cover .HPillba'la-kha'nah n.m. upper room . 
antic upper storey brothel Aa‘/»- 

dost' adj. superior high having the 
upper hand ff)$bba' la-das' H n.f. superiority 

hegemonyt^K 1 ba'la-nasfnn' adj . occupying 
the chief seat ' JZ*jf\)bba'la-o-p*st’ n.m. higl^ 
and low heaven and earth [P] 

. tala ’« adj. over and above external 
unusual . extraordinary superficial 
illegal (gratification, inconje etc.) N.r 
(euphemism for Jj 4) cream ljillbs/a j, i aw - 

dan i, N.F. perquisites 


bribe ; illegal gratification received*!^ 1^1 J li j 1 
ta/a'’i akhraiat' n.m. overhead expenses 
te/'t* N.F. 


pail backet 


bal'AHar n.f. spikenard ; hyacinth 

QJlba'lish n.f. pillow cushion [P] 

„~i balish't n.f. span 

balisht’ bkar adj. (of the 
length of) a span ig&lbslish'tiya 
n:m- dwarf ; pigmy ; midget [P] 

bal'shtnik adj. & ■ 
bolshevik [R] 

ba'ligh adJ. of age ; major having 
T attained puberty having reached the 
age of maturity n.m. adult ba'ligh 
ta''*-de'h\ ( ka haq’) n.f. (m.) adult franchise 
lVr£t fia'/ifh ho ’n& v.i. attain majority ; come 
of age [A] 

/ ba'lak n.m. child ; infant I flibal'ka n.m 
(dial.) Hindu sadhu's disciple 
J. ba'lam .n.m. lover (usu. woman’s) 
f . sweetheart husband adj. young 
youngish ; boyish large and superior ,, .. 

balah'goo n.m. a kind of citron 
Jr, tukhm-t-baini'foo n.m. its seed used in a 
cold drink [PI , 

ba’loo n.f. sand £*fyj[batoo ki bhti n.f. 
well of sand (fig.) anything frail 
/-lAj# ba'lno-ihahl n.f. a kind of 
swcetment ; disc pastry 
ba'h n.P. small girl ; mere 
slip of a girl earning ; spike 

(of torn) adj. very young 
bi h ‘umar ,fyf(Ji;ba’fi ‘S mar'ya n.f, young 
age (esp. of girls, sweethearts, etc.) [ - Jl] 
g ba/i'dah adj. grown up increased 

A d» enhanced j^Jl bad' dagp n.f. growth 

increase expansion ' lush vegetation (P~ 


j}, baltn n.m. pillow cushion the head 
CJ.J'ofa bed(PJ 

*>i bain n.m. housetop roof terraceffv'* 
f , lob-t bam n.f. (A adv.) (on) the edge of 
the roof 

V/ bim t ^sl banb, J^fibam math’k'li, n.f. cel 

I :tsj 



i . n.m dawn morning 

<i adv. early in the 

morning at dawn fP) 

fbaman NM.i/Lbam’ni n.f. (see under c/fv 
C^N.M. -A) 

• sbarn'm n.f. a kind of lizard disease 
j shedding eyelashes yellow stamens of 
lotus moonplant 

1 ban n.m. rush string (for plaiting bed* 
O', stead, etc.) bloody track of wounded 
animal (dial.) arrow (Hindu myth.) 

^ ban n.m. a tree yielding benzoin [A] 

V . i bun suf. driver guardian keeper [P] 


». ba'na n.m. woof ; weft staff with balls 
l ' fixed at ends and used as weapon ; balled 
stafT • its use at military weapon (Arch*) 

distinct uniform (arch.) guise 
^^buntt 1 n.f. broadcloth 

’^ba*'bi tt.r. (snake’s) hole 

baht n.f. division distribution 
share (rus.) feed fc>‘ibaftt'n<X v.T. divide 

distribute apportion share dispose 


sf bar jh adj. sterile barren 
y bat jk- pan n.m. sterility 
.. v bahet’na v.i. decipher (letters) make 
*y»out read carefully ignore over- 

. • *. bahdk'na v.t. bind pack tie 

pack fasten chain fetter ; 
shackle shut construct ; build (bridge) 
embank (II) plan ; design (12) seize (13) 
bind in marriage (14) set (15) settle (16) 
form (17) compose (18) versify (an idea) (19) 
pitch (20) set (21) take (aim.) (22) chamt ; 
captivate (23) pair (24) liken (25) put on 
(armour) (26) take upon oneself 
.a *i bah’di n f. handmaid maid 

to *> 

to' in AB'H to’ vi tki to band* hu"i raov. victim 
of vicissitudes of fortune 
•fr.i bahd n.m. bond jifnf hi I in' Uiht bahd n.m. prize 
^ » bond [E] 

**i ban da ao|. & n.m. (person) with crook- 
ed legs tailless (bird or reptile) 

1). bihtti.u. bamboo, lett- 
ed • foot-long measure 
bShi par thaiha Ha v.T. (fa-) liaise 

(an umvortliy man) (O/i; 

bait roh u'chkatna (or* kood'na) 

v.t. (fig.) be overjoyed J^ibah'M 

adj. bamboo ; of bamboo 


l^lbafi'sa n.m. bridge of the nose 

bait' s3 phir’ ja'na v.i. approach of death 
(denoted by the turning of the bridge of the 

( babs'n (rus. tft bats' li) n.f. ^S| 

* pipe ; flute reed ; fife [ . 

^J^lbatk n.f. anklet dagger- 

* play type of dagger used : 

in it ; curved dagger piece of t ' 
wood protecting a wheel fault : offence ; 

| filbah’ka n.m. fop ; beau ; coxcomb 

snobbish bully (esp. of Lucknow) adj. 
curved crooked ; cunning spirited 
babk'-pon n.m. cuteness smartness 
foppishness ; gaiety ; wantonness /’t bat'ki adj. 
& n.f. cute (woman) 

kmd&baiig n.f. crowing (of) cock) ; crow 

cry ; shout fusu. yjfjL J&bah’g-c azan) 

call to prayer bat'g-e dura' n.f. sound of 
bell (as signal for start of caravan) 
batg' de'na v.i. Crow [P] 

) : bahgar n.m. & adj. upland ; highland 

Jt/fy batg' roe churlish stupid ignorant 

/ /. n.m. boor highlander 

(/ t ban'gi n.f. sample 

jlba'no (ped. ba'noe) n.f. lady princess 

* syp. (used with female names) woman [P] 
l ban vc ADJ. & N.M. ninety-two 
t * ban'vtrah adj. ninety-second 

bath n.f. arm sleeve support 

supporter surety -, guarantee 

bath' pa'korna v.t. succour support 

defend come to the aid of bath' 

joof'na v.t. have a broken arm lose one's 
prop ; support or friend bath' de'na v.t. 

help : aid succour OJU'l bath gaih’na v.t. 
I (rait) support ; come to the aid of ; 
fHte'aiN.M. founder ; author originator 

* builder cause of (trouble; etc.) 

ba'idre ftsad 1 n.m. mischief-monger one 

stirring up trouble [A~ fe,] 
r ». r 

/Jlia'itJ n.f. words sounds tale 

* nature bad habits 

jjl ha'va n.m. father grandfather 

(nurs.)doIl (someone's) superior 


summate knave /jlltlbaloa a'dam n.m. Ads 
ply 1 *» ba'ca a' dam nita’li he' 

v.T. (fig.) (of person) being curious (of 
situation) being strange If'ljbba’ua ka adj. 
(iron.) own ; personal inherited 

Jjlba'var n.m. credibility faith ; belief 
trust adj. credible trustworthy 
true t ”/jj\ba 'oar kar'na v.t. trust believe 
to be truttfilflji/jl bs'oar ho'na (or a'ira) v.i. 
be believed 

bavar'f&i n.m. cook i Htfjs £ bivar'&h 
V * kha'nah n.m. kitchenf^jl laoar'&i ga'n 
n.f. culinary art v 

yljl bason adj. & n.m. fifty-two jyjU/tbf 
ba’van lo'le pa'o ra(H adj. exactly ; pre- 
cisely Stf^j\baoan gat ka adj. tall mis- 
chievom tat’ ka nut jo ' hoi so 
ba’van gag ka prov. everyone here outdoes the 
others in mischief (or oddity) •>> i ba'vanaat 
adj. fifty second 

tlbahu.T. lust virility ,\£'jq*u>'oat-e bah 
* n.f. virility [A] 

ba’hir (col. ba'har) n.m. & adv. out 
1 * outside away abroad beyond 
external exceeding ba'hir ba'hir adv. 

outside at a distance int. keep away^J; 
l' If ba'hir ja'na v.i. go out go abroad 

go overseas by*[bahir ka n.m. outsider 
foreigner adj. outer external I’SsJ l 
ba'hir kar'na, 0 ba'hir nikaVna v.t. turn 

out; expel oust ; erect exclude dis- 
miss ; omit strike out LZ-fCyf {ba'hir bbfj'na 
v.i. send out expire send overseas 
Clftiyfi ba'hir U ja'na v.t. take ou) (of) 
export take abroad kaih'nt u 

ba'hir ho'na disobey refuse to listen be 
out of control t£y{ ba'hiri ADJ. exterior [A1 
SI ba'-hom adv. together, jointly 
I ’mutually reciprocally l ba'ham-di'gor 
adj. mutual reciprocal adv. together 
mutually reciprocally tf , ( ba'-hand adj. 
mutual reciprocal [P - ( +^i ] 

,,/ft bah' man, ^/[ba' man n.m. (col.) brahmin 
w * tf l bah' maiii, tf l bam'm N.F. (col.) brah- 
min woman j ~&fs. corr.] 
frlbah'na v.t. till (land) open wide 
(mouth) show (teeth) eg} 

^yiba"ibol n.m. Bible [E] 

Ai ta'“e n.m. seller [A - Cfi ] 

jl ba"o n.f. wind flatulence iwBU- 
* matism L Jyjlba , 'e borahg' n.m._ a cucumber- 
like drug-root ‘embelia ribcsfCT'tj ba * 




sar'na (or a'n3) v.i. pass wind ; fart i)/s[ba' , o 
go' la flatulence (esp. in women) ; hysteria 
ba"oTi n.f. (also (f£i 'jjZbe'jo ba"orl) 
children’s game played on small fK’i 
by lifting potsherds in toes filed for it 
tfjjt ba"ola (dial.l/jlia'Va) adj. rabid 
mad insane; crazy^iljlia'Va pan 
n.m. craziness J tljlba”ola kuha n.m. rabid 
dog (f)tba"oli (dial.^/lta'Vi) n.f. crazy 
woma adj. crazy 

Ajl ba''olt n.f. deep well with steps, etc. 

, * leading to water-level 

J>L ia'’<mi n.f. seed time sowing & 

y bo’na] 

() j ba"i n.f. madam (as title for dancing 
girl) ‘mother bawd ; old abbess ; la 
bonne (dial.) lady ; dame (dial.) flatus 
(dial.) fait' rheumatic pain > 

/f^l ba”is adj. & n.m. twenty-two 
** * ba‘'isvah adj. twenty-second 
(Jib ba'yafi adj. left junior bass n.m. 
j‘ left had pa' 'on pooj’tia 

ba'yan qa'dam U'na \.t. bow to 
someone’s 1 Superior cunning f 

ba n ak hatk, se rak/ua' It' fa v.t. extqrt ; get' by 
force l(J^)^JVS^(/'Xba n ak haik ka kor'tob' 
(or Hut) ph. easy job (for someone) 

• A , i ba'yod-o tha'yad adj. meet and 

proper ; as it should be rare [P 

l^bib n.m. bib [E]'bar, 

ba'bar Outr n.m. lion [P prOn. 
ba'bttr or ba'bSr] 

fy* bob' r a n.m. blue piebald pigeon 

(Jytbab'ti n.f. look of cropped hair hanging on 

* woman’s forehead 

lyj^ba'bi'a N.M. boy boy’s (clay) effigy 

* as plaything [~jj] , 

QjJbdbool' n.f. acacia ■ 0 » rj/?- baboeL’ ka 

* kah'ta n.m. acacia babool' kt 

p*r' bo'n a v.i. (fig.) do something evil. 
jfj^baboo'la, bjfbagool'la n.m. whirlwind 

(f,bab'bi, jjfvpap'pi n.f. (nurs.) Wm^l^kkat'a 

* (Jbab'hH) n.f. (nurs.) 'first 
(bab'tH) n.f. (nurs.) second kiss 
^l^bibjra’nab n.m.& adj. ladies 5tuff[~P Jilj 

1>M 'ta n.f. misfortune adversity 

r distress ; woe calamity ( 

op'rnr bip'ta kaih'na (or sSna'na) v.t. relate 
one’s tale of woe Ijg&bib'ia par'na v.i. (of mis- 
fortune) befall 

^yji^baptis'mah nj*. baptism [G] 

l* u'bi'pkarna v.i. fall into passion be 
A* enraged be out of control defy 
revolt show obstinacy 
£s>but n.m. idol image statue 
* mistress ; beloved lovely person adj. 
stupefied stunned dumbfounded IP, &•. 
Vj 7 tjpbUt' ba'na kka'ra ho'na v.i. be' struck 
dumb; be dumbfounded but’-parost' 

adj. & n.m. worshipper of images ; idolater 
{j-j&.bUt paras' R n.f. idolatry ; idol-worship 
( ?l)‘ii%but-torash' ^ carver of idols 
sculptor: statuary (/i/^ybit-tara’sb} n.f. 
sculpture statuary J,b^?bnt-kha'nah n.m. 

idol-temple place with a bevy of beauties 
^dPfbUt-shi'kan adj & N.M. iconoclast.; 
image-breaker tjlzsfbut-ka'dah n.m.. idol- 
temple (rare) pagoda [P~S Buddha) 
p but' la Df. balo'la n.m. delusion cajolery 
fraud ; trick ; evasion (usu. in) fy 
(C&UbtU'h (or batola) de'na (or bata'na) v.t.” 
deceive ; defraud dupe overreach 
evade; dodge Cf(J , i (JJ{}.)ai?bUt’U (or bate' It) 
men a'na v.t. be duped 

bata'sa, Odbatatha N.M. puffed sugir 
* drop a kind of small fire-work 
bubble „ 

bita'na v.t. pass or spend (time) 

1. # CAUS.l 

bata'na n.m. iron ring used as measure far 
f bangles 

1*12 bata'na v.t. tell explain indicate 
point out ; show acquaint describe 
instruct make sexy signs in dancing etc. 
fit?, batla'na v.t. tell explain talk ; 
converse point out ; show explain 
teach ; instruct [» <Ht\ *' 

%ba 'tar adj. worse [P- ) 

bUt'ra adj. having a dull blade 

^u^batak'kar adj. garrulous 

^ baton' gox n.m. accurate (usu. in) 

b’Vt bat' ka baton' gar ban a'na v.t. exagg* 
rate unduly [ ] 

^ybotoara N.M. dung-cake heap 

0 ?. ■ 100 

(Jf'batool m.f. chaste woman who is God’s 
true devotee <as fltle of Hazrat Fatimah) 
^virgin [A} 

jjyjbaio'la n.m. (same as •£) 

bat tt n.f. wick candle any sort of 
lamp electric light any stick like 
thing suppository plug (for wound, etc.) 

V Of if", bat' 'ii jala’na v.t. light a candle (or 
lamp, etc.) switch on a light Cbis*# bat'd 
dtarka'na v.t. raise wick (of 
hat' a dikkana y.T. show a light bat'd 
dt'nav.r. plug (wound with gauze, etc.)(j?J)y 
&${{& m (etc.) bal’d (s' gat n.f.' 100 

(etc.) candle-power t,‘S(f£ bat'd gut kar'na 
v.t. put out a lamp (etc.) ; switch ofT the 

fjiS^batb'aa m.m. a kind of potherb; 

‘chenopodium album’ 

Uyt bato'la n.m. (same as I^n.m. if) 
ijs. halo lan n.f. deceitful 
woman loquacious woman [ ~ Oj>J 
J^batti n.f. wick light ; lamp 

fJ^bat'tU adj. & n.m. thirty-two O'rf.bal'- 
lisvatt adj. thirty-second(^5fcli’vt/y> ; /-*t^ 
bat'lis datt'toh men zaban ( lio'na ) prov. (be) 
surrounded by enemies 

ball' salt (col. b-Kpati'sa) -n.m. a kind of 
* „ crisp sweetmeat ; crisp candy 

batti'si n.f. set of teeth any flec- 
tion comprising thirty-two units 
batti'si dikha'na v . t . grin laugh mocking- 
ly (or in a si ily manner) ifi^-batd’si bajna 
v.t. (of teeth) clatter (with cold) 

bat m.f. path portion (alsottltat) 
*“• measure of weight fold (on fat body) 
any fold shiny part of tripe banyan J&. 
baymur' n.m. / highwayman footpad 
\tbat *ta, bat'tah n.m. measure of weight 

brickbat piece of stone pestle 

discount juggler’s casket blemish 

stigma CkbiZ.bat'fa laga'rta v.t. reduce the 
value stigmatize b&l/.batta lag'tia v.i. 
have (value) reduced be sold at discount 
be stigmatized ; be defamed ZtfJkbat'tak- 
fti'tah n.m. irrecoverable balances ; bad debts 
account jit^bat'u-baf' adj. artful ^ crafty; 
fraudulent n.m. swindler ; sharper (old 
use) juggler ^ iirbat'u par adv. at a discount 
Ir'l/kdtJv.i. get divided divert (atten- 
* lion, ctc.)$l?Aff/a'’i n.f. division of 

crop between cultivator and landlord wages 

far twisting ropes 

ba’fan n.m. button [E] 

ba\m v.t. be divided (of attention) 

• be diverted form by twisting n.m. instru- 
ment with which ropes arc twisted 

ji»* bUi'na n.m. same as n.m. or n.m. if) 

y [*«}« n.f. (same as JL> if) 

itbaf'va NM. p purse; wallet b'lj; bat PS sS 

adj. . (f bat' os ri) small but lovely 


/ ltd Partition ; division of (each) 

d'7. person’s share of) joint property 
batvi'ra kar'na v.t. partition jlyibawsr' N.M. 

toll collector tax gatherer who collects 
in kind [ - b* ~ fcW ) 

,-fibam'na v.t. cause to twist get 

V (something) partitioned [ - I/Acaus.] 

bator'na v.i. amass (wealth; dv fraudulent 

• Kbidta'n^ KMbiAa'de'nav.-r. seat 

»“'• instal (on throne) impress plant 
set fix cause to sit down persuade 
(election candidate) to withdraw cause 

(child) to pass stools send (child to school) 
for first time, ( II ) not to send (married girl) to 

[ in-laws c/j lid bitka' rakk'na v.t. keep 
seated keep waiting refuse to send mar- 
ried daughter to her home keep daughter’s 
marriage in abeyance for long 
l hm*. yibitto n.f. daughter int. my little 
” ^daughter l ~ Jj dim.] 
j£bayr' n.f. quail 

ba-ji adj. correct right ; proper 

* opportune suitable ; fit in the proper 

place adv. properly precisely tfjtft/. 

ba-ja' a'varl n.m. execution (of orders) * 
compliance (with wish) Cip(r&l)' {irsSgtdt) 
forma' na v.i. (said of a superior) speak aright 

fjl ? ba-ja' la'na v.t. obey comply 

with : obey put into effect; implement; 
execute accomplish ; perform [P~<in + fr 

\f / .bVj'ja, Cf-b'j'na (crude form of) 

* sanitary towel ' plug (to stop flux from 

jgbijar' n.m. bull (fig,) lusty fellow 
llff'bija'ta adj. full of seed | ) 

(ifbqja'na v.t. play upon (musical instru- 

* ment) beat (drum) blow (whistle) 
(vulg.) be active agent in sex relation [ ~ fy 

ba-ja"*, JL~l/?fkc bo-ja’'t adv. 

* * in place of instead of ; in lieu of 

C -Ff+ir] 

\bjf ba'iat n.m. budget [E] 

fbaj'jar, ba'jar km. hard heavy stone 
** thunderbolt adj. unwieldy immovable 
\fbaj'ra n.m. yacht flat-^__ 

•^•bottomed boat 

fif ba'jar bat’ too n.m. juggler’s^S^pS^ 

** wooden ball toy a kind ^ 
of black seed for making necklace 
/ffbaj'ri n.f. grave) small 

'* hailstone 

fba-jUr! raw. except ; save . with the 
'* exception (oO withoht [P ~ + jg] 

/ 1/* btj'H n.f. electricity (electric) 
current lightning thunderbolt 

kernel of mango stone ear-ring y>j 

active ; smart very swift ( IW/}J 
(U-^t fry 'ft da'makna (or kauhd’na or la’pakn a 
or Lamina) v.i. (of lightning) flash i'/ityjf'- 
bij'tl por’na (or gir’na) v.i. (of lightning) 
strike (fig.) blast (fig.) (of evil) befall 
(jpbii’ti is tolvar’ n.m. sharp-edged 
sword lf*/(fbij’tl ka’rakna- v.i. thunder 
JVbij'ti H ka'rak n.f., Wtftf.bij’tl ka kar’ka 
n.m. thunderclap 

fcfbaj'ia v.i, sound be sounded (of 

* musical instrument) be played (of bell) 
be rung (of teeth) clatter (of clock) 
strike . chime strike so as to produce sound 

(vulg.) be poked for sexual act (*)/* bajva'na 
v.t. cause to sound cause (musical 
instrument) to be played (vulg.) be passive 
agent in sex relation 

bujna n.m. (samcas tf'-iujja n.m. *) 

yZbij'joo N.M. badger hyena (fig.) 

tiny-faced or small-eyed person 
fjf* bijau’rl n.f. small knobbed lid (for 
V Af. pitcher, etc.) 

^JjV* bijog' n.m. separation of lovers [S] 

bjtfia'rat (JjfbVrjkav'val n.f. riddle [~ 

. v* . Cflti '■ 

btijk'na V.i. ' be quenched be put 
out ; he extinguished (of spirits) be 
dumped ; be depressed Clt/.bitfta'na v.t. 

extinguish ; put out quench slake (Kmc) 
temper (steel) depress smother (anger) 
explain cause to comprehend bong 
round pose (a riddle) [ — uf‘CAU».) 
if* bu&'Aa, IsJboo'Aa adj. (f. (f;b*d'di, iff. 

V boo'dl) ear-cropt (fig.) usn. (fjj*' 
nak'fjl bud' At) with no jewellery in Cara 
(fig.) shameless (woman) 

bidar' n.m. (Usu. as Jf&r'iod bid* »r') 

V reflection worry ; r care£/Kfrf$tSr'ap 
v.i. & t. (dial.) think ; ponder 

\j\f bids’ ra adj. (f. (f jtf bids' tI) same 
f (see under f^-J 

/iff bids'll n.f. straw fa- horse’s bed 

j . 

bad' pan, Ufrbad’Jma N.m. in fancy 

v childhood 7 ‘bad’ pane ki ba'tek 

n.m. pi.. childhood’s memories childish 

gij fba’dal n.f. (see under (£?v.i. if) 

tf&bad'dagati km. pl. (rare) children 

V little ones zvf.bad' dagBnah (col. baekga '- 
nah) adj. of or for children childish 
[Posing, f] 

/.j&ba’dan n.m. (dial.) pledge ; wad of honota 

]yf»bad ns v.t. escape (from) ; save oneself 
¥ dodge ; evade ; avoid be spared 
recover survive (of money) remain un- 
spent (of material) remain unused ; prove 

to be spare frf tyba’ds kku'ds adj. n.m. 
remainder ; residue adj. remaining left 

over (after use or exploitation) t,‘f bads' na 
v.t. protect save spare preserve 

defend ; guard help secure put aside 
ty.bada'o km. rescue .. defence protec- 
tion preservation security escape *tf 

bada’’o ki soo’rat nikal’na v.i. contrive 

escape n.f. savings ptwiiti^* 

bo,' do int. look out ; watch 
fbad'doo, (£/-bad'dooji int. sonny 

(as a terra of endearment for own son) 
sonny (as term of contempt for foe pP/ % : 
badoofig’ra N.M. (term of endearment fa) 
child brat [ ~P f-] 

(Jfbido'a, yfbidol'ja n.m. player part^ 
* cipatmg in matcl* w both sides 
mediator arbitrator agent pimp ; 
pander (~ #.] 

^ bad' dab n.m. child baby Iqfcqy 

f young person young (of an animal) 
adj. green inexperienced innocent 


ba&'fka-ba'zi n.f pedcrastxjU^K^' 
bath? jia-dan' (or rfa'nj) n.m. womb ; uterus 
ty^bash (h*- bhara'na v.iy (of 

birds) feed the young Jf/jA/ tx 

ba& sh°b ka Hul’ n.m. entertain- 
ment for children children 
play (%•) mere child’s play^^J^^ 
^^baeh'dta-kSM N.F. infanticide JJ ' " 

ytfjj&adi'choli ka bsH'kar n.m. large number 
of children i/'jg- bash' chah kach'dia n.m. (pl 

^ bachh'rs kkootiu 

kt bal' par nach'ta hai prov every 
dog is valiant at his own door 

bi’ehkarna v.t. be separated (from) 
go astray get lost 

faf'bichh’na v.t. be spread lie flat 
^ humble oneself (before) (of mangoes, 
etc.) be helped; lie in heap t'U \a£bi'ehka 
ja’na v.t. be extremely polite Cl/'.biehk.a'na 
v.t. spread extend lay 

bifhbva'nd v.t. cause to spread 1 M Jf 

bich'choo n.m. scorpion 

jjotfbishh'va n.m. iron claw w fS‘ 

*«* a kind of dagger ring for 

bishhau'na n.m. bedding ; l >’v 
bedspread [ ~ U/-] 
baehk'yft n.f. female calf !# 
bachfc'ra n.m. ★] 

\y^f‘ bachht'ra n.m. colt «-<• %-r 
*>' bashhi'ri n.f. foal ; filly \ 

bash' ehi n.f girl female tUlAi J 

child [~P^J »/T/ 

& ba-hal' adj. reinstated ^ " T 
, \ restored in normal state or 
condition unaltered upheld refreshed 
flourishing again CdjJtf ba-hal' rakh'na 
v.y. maintain ‘status quo’ uphold a 
decision maintain in the same condition 
keep (something) as it was int. as you were 
W ba-hal' kar'aa v.t reinstate rcstor 

^•establish issue orders for maintenance 
of 'status quo’ refresh Vs, ba-hal' ho'na 
v.i be reinstated return to a former 
Mate or condition begin to flourish again 
be refreshed J IS? ba ~ha'li n.f. ‘status 
quo’ j ‘status quo ante* reinstatement 

restoration maintenance ’ rehabilitation 

return to former state or condition pros- 
perity recovery ; recuperation 
ba-ha‘li-e ara'zi n.f land reclamation f ~P~ A 


baih's (ped. bah’s) n.f discussion 
debate controversy question ; issue 
argument ; dispute ; alteration (jtf&lbaiKsa 
baih’si n.f. prolonged argumentlV^AaiVb'aa v.t. 
argue ; dispute bath's kar'na v.t. dis- 

cuss raise a question debate dispute ; 
argue [A] 

baxh'r (ped. bah'r) n.m. (pl. jt/l abhar' 

' ab'hur, j/.buhoor?) sea ; ocean n . f . (pl ,/• 
btihoor ) metre UjJf. baih' r khul'na v.t. (of 
memory, intellect, etc.) improveuJKjjjqjy/, 
baih'r-e oqiyanoos' (or arch, zulumat', arch. ‘col. 
zulmat') n.m. Atlantic Ocean (lU^zffbaih'r-t 
mufi'jamid-e) shima'li n.m. Arctic Ocean 
$J?baih’r-e mM'jamid-c) janeo'H n.m. Antarctic 
baih'r-e hibd' n.m. Indian Ocean iff' 
baih'ri (ped. bah-) adj. sea of the sea 
marine nautical maritime naval t/; 

baihriy’yah (ped. bah-) n.m. navy 
Pakistani baihriy'yah n.m. Pakistan Navy tf. 
bohai'rah n.m. -pc [A] 

ll) IS, bo hr an' n.m. crisis , criticaj moment 

' turning point of disease (etc.) abnor- 
mal condition ^fbohra'ni adj. critical 

abnormal c^j/Jfbohra’nt kaifiy'yat' n.f. 
crisis . abnormal condition [A] 
jf, bahoor’ n.m. pl, seas ; oceans ; n.f metres 

f buhai'rah n.m. sea large lake^/j^* 

■ bohai'ra(-c) as'vad n.m. Black Sea (*{*/£' 
J bohai’ra(-e) room' N.m. Mediterranean 
bohai'ra(-e) qul'zum n.m. Red Sea 
bt>hai'ra(-e) kha'zar n.m Caspian Sea [A~ /> 

j\y. bukhar' NM, fever ague steam; 

vapour grief ; anguish worry ; 
anxiety rage ; anger grudge ; animosity 
11 jfr. bUkhar' a 'na v.t. hav£ fever; run a 
temperature ; be feverish UK’i/^Jjyi/lbukJtar' 
dil'meh rakh'na v.i. bear a grudge; harbour 
animosity U^jiif/Jjdir ka bUkhar ’ nikalaa 
v.i. vent (one’s) rage , give (someone) hell 
air (one’s) grievances &ljl%bukharat' n.m 
pl. steam fume vapours [A] 

bukha'rl n.f. high-up niche used 
a^ granary fireplace in wall (also 
5< W bukha'H) name of a famous 
collection of Traditions adj of Bukhara (in 
Central Asia) (A- T1 , 



bai-kft&l'q I n.m. rudeness jj> bad-khoo ' adj. 
evil-minded malicious rude J/s bad-khoo' ’I 
n.u.. malice ; evil disposition rudeness 
t|l/> bad-kha'bi n.f. insomnia ; sleeplessness 
bad-khsh' adj. malicious ; malevolent 
malignant inimical n.m. evil-wisher 
enemy </,!/* bad-kha'ki N.F. enmity ; 

animosity malevolence l 04 bad-do' s' n.f. 
curse ; malediction ; imprecation Jyj>bad-dil' 
adj. frustrated disgusted dishearten- 
ed hopeless ftij/bad-di'll disgust 

frustration l/t^bad-dimagf}' adj. haughty ; 

prude peevish ; iretful rude J'\,»J ! bad- 
dima'ghi n.f. pride ; vanity preevishness 
rudeness cXit-i b«d-diya'nat adj. . dis- 
honest unreliable faithless (fiy^bad- 
diya-nali n f. dishonesty C/lj^baz-Zat' (or ped. 
bad-znt') adj. low-born ; of bad disposition ; 
base ; ill-bred ; unprincipled vicious ; evil- 
minded wicked base; low-born jf S4 
bad-zs'li n!f. wickedness vileness 
meanness bad'-zd"iqah adj. unpalatable 

bad-rnh' adj. wicked sinful evil 
debauched *~>tfij<bad-rikab' adj. (of horse) 
difficult to ride bad-rafig' adj. dis- 
coloured dull ; faded jj^bad-roo' adj. ugly ; 
ungainly bad-roo”i n.f. ugliness Jj* 

bad-zabnti adj. abusive; reviling; foulmouthed 
ftjjibad-zab'ni n.f. abusive - language ; abuse 
isy*bad-z<b' adj. ungraceful ugly (fjj> 
bad-ze’bi n.f. ill grace ; bad grace y^bad- 
ss'*at n.f. unhappy moment unfortunate 
occasion ui Jtybad-sirisht' adj. ill-natured 
bad-sigal' AV]. malicious ; malovolent ; malig- 
nant Jjtybod-suloo’ki n.f. maltreatment 
misbehaviour bad-si rat adj. ill-natur- 
ed evil unmannerly rude bad- 
si' rati n.f. maliciousness rudeness 
bad-shak'l adj. ugly ; unbeamiful ; ungainly 
bad- shak'li n.f. ugliness j bad-shZgoc' ril 
n.f. ill omen inauspiciousness <&//% 
bad-soo'ral adj. ugly ; ungainly j j^bad- 
soo'ratl n.f. ugliness ungainliness 

» Q 

bad-tt'nai adj. malicious ; malevolent ; evil- 
minded {fifjbad-li'nali n.f. malice (Jlfbad- 
tpri adi. suspicious distrustful bad- 
tan nl n.f. distrust suspicion juf'jtbad- 
‘ lik'd adj. false ; faithless ; treacherous 
disloyal untrue to one’s word (f**frbad - 
4 th' dl n.f. breach of promise backing 
out of one’s words faithlessness treachery 

( y > j>bad-J*‘’li n.f. criminal assault Un- 
natural offence jfybad-kay' adj. sinful 
(sexually) immoral jljX*bad-kirdm‘ adj. 
sinful wicked ; evil bad-kirdar' 

shakh's n.f. bad character evil person 
bad-gumztri ADj y suspicious ; distrustful 
disbelieving bad-gima’m n.f. sus- 
picion ; distrust JJbad-go’ ADJ. foulmouthed 
n.m. slanderer ; calumniator ^jCfbaa-go’f n.f. 
abuse ; slander ; calumny ^ bad-gau'har 
adj. (lit.) evil J>*(^ bad-lihaz’ adj. rude 
disrespectful impudent (fljjbad-liha'zi n.f. 
rudeness impudenceft&r bad-lagam adj. 
foul-mouthed rude, (of horse) hard- 
mouthed ; wayward (/^Ubad-laga'mi' n.f. 
rudeness waywardness frljitbad-mizaf adj. 

peevish ; fretful proud ; haughty (/J^i 
bad-rnizu'ji n.f. peevishness pride ; 
vanity bad-maz'g\ (ped. bad-ma'(agi) n.f. 

bad taste Unpleasantness between friend 
tiff t^Abad-ma'zah adj. unpalatabJe 
having a bad taste tasteless ; vapid ; insipid 
£mX bad-mast' adj. deed-drunk inebriated ; 
sottish ; tippled l fig.) lustful (fig.) 
drunk (with power) ts^wtbad-ma'ash' adj. 
immoral ; of an evil profession roguish n.m. 

bad character blackguard rascalJ^Uif 

bad-mo' ma alah adj. dishonest ; fraudulent 

/ ntrue to one’s word unfair in dealings 

lyi* bad-mo' a.' malagi n.f. unfair dealing 

dishonesty bad-nsm' adj. notorious ; 
disreputable ; infamous ; ignominous de- 
famed vilified ; slandered bad-nam 

kar’na v.t. defame ; asperse ; slander ; vilify 
(JVm bad-nami n.f. , notoriety desrepute , 

infamy ignominy dishonour ; disgrace 
bad-nas’l adj. of low breed of low origin 
bad-nasib' adj. unlucky ; unfortunate 
miseiable ; wretched bad-nasi'bt n.f. 

ill-luck ■ misfortune misery bad-numa' 
adj. awkward ; clumsy ungraceful ; in- 
elegant unbecoming tyi/s bad-numa'i n.f. 

awkwardness ; clumsiness ungracefulncss 
inelegcncc bad-nihad’ adj. ill-iutentkm- 
ed ill-natured ; evil ; malice j/A j>bad- 
niha'di n.f. evil disposition d^&bad- niy'yat 
ADJ. greedy ; avaricious ill-intentioned ; 
ill-disposed malicious ; malevolent dis-- 
honest jfitbad- niy'ydS n.f. C ill-will, 
malice ; evil intention dishonesty 
greed ; avarice gitbai-wz' adj. ugly, 
ungainly clumsy ; awkward unmannerly 


bad-va^'i n.f. ugliness evil disposi- 
tion unmannerliness dishonesty evil 
ways bad-haz'im n f. indigestion ; dys- 

pepsia bad-hai'at adj. ugly inele- 
gent ; ungraceful awkward ; clumsy 
bad-yjtm'n adj. (lit.) . ill-omened unpro- 
pitious (jrfj bad-yum'ni N.F. (lit.) ill-luck (f> 
ba'di n.f. vice evil wickedness mis- 
chief Cjl /(fJjba'di bar u'tarna v i. be bent 
upon mischief ba'di kar'na v.t. do harm 
(to someone) [P] 
r JL bad' n.f. bubo [S] 

^iJlbada'hat n.f. extemporization (A) 

fyjbada" adj. wonders rarities 
curios rhetorical devices [A ~ sing. 

(!*| Jt Jt budbuda'na, V/jjkjJ^bu dor bit dar kar'na 
* * v.i. mumble mutter grumble 
Jjbbad'r n.m. moon bad'r-t ka'mil full 
*moon (fig.) exquisitely beautiful person 


Jjtba-dar adv . out ; outside suf. banished from 
* 1 '/jjba-dar' kar'na v. extern banish 
extradite expatriate dar' ba-dar' adj. 

from door to door forced to lead a 
tram’s life 1‘jl/^Uvjj^jidar' ba-dar' khak' ba-sar' 
ho' nil Fit. be forced to lead a tramp’s life 

move from door to door without success 
fall on evil daysj^r-^shaih'r ba-dar' adj. 
banished from city ; expelled from townj>,J(t 
mSl'k ba-dar' adj. exiled ; banished ex- 
tradited |P~ v -fvjdoor] 
yjjjt ba'dar-rau (ped. ba-dar -rau) 

N.F. sewer (FJ 

JSjJi bad'raqah n.m. escort 

convoy drug moderating 
effect of others in a recipe; moderat- 
ing drug [AJ 

pjje badrah n.m. (arch.) purse puije 

containing a thousand rupees 
£M t bid' * at n.f. innovation in religion 

schism heresy any innovation jjfy 
bid' 'alt n.m. innovator in religion ork 
creating schism heretic innovator [A] 
UCjf bi'dakna v.i. shy . start be scared 
take flight bidka'na v.t. cause 
to shy . startle scare , frighten estrange 
ba'dal n.m. substitute alternative 

noun in apposilion CbfJj ba'dal ja'na v.i. 

change back out ba'dal de'na v.T. 
change ba'dal le'na v.i. exchange (some- 

thing with) ^JjysiJjiba'dal-ishlirak' n.m. (ped.) 
subscription (of periodical) 

IPjb ba'dalna v.t. change alter shift 
move vary (fjehadli n.f. transfer 
change of guards {">b,badlana v.t. cause 
to change alter exchange f 'jijibadta"i 
n.f. exchange commission barter [A~ 


Jjt bcd’lah n.m. exchange : lieu ; compensation 
revenge retaliation exchange s 

return rie ka bad'Jah ph . tit for tat 

bad'lah de'na v . t . requite ; reward 
compensate ; indemnify bad'lah le'na v.t 
take revenge ; wreak vengeance on ; avenge 
[ ~ PREC.] 

I^Jrbad'li n.f. small cloud [~JL»Idim.] 

jMa' dan n.m. body physique l^JO-kba'dan 

tuot'tia v.i. suffer racking pains in the 
body feci feverish O^JJ/ba' dan phmVna v.i. 
have boils all over the body I’st&tfJ/ba'dan 
pht ka ho' ns v.i. feel feverish - be running 
a temperature \>Jjflji m ba'dan c&ura'na v.i. feel 
abashed %£jj(£&J!){ba dan ke) ratthg'te 

kka're ho'na v.i. have the hair stand on die 
end (owing to extreme fear or cold) feel 
intense cold be terror-striken 'J^ba'darii adj. 

bodfly ; corporal corporeal [A] 

[*jj/bad'na 1"-* ly'shart bad'na v.t. & I. bet ; 

wagcriy,\jiba'dd ho'na v.i. be preordained 
if j.l>ba'da ba'di n.f. emulation; contention 
adv. trying to excel , outbidding 
' )Je bad'doo n.m. & adj. (one) who has a bad 
* name 


}JL bad'doo n.m Bedouin [ - foil ; corr.] 

ba'davi adj. & Bedouin 
desert , of desert n.m. 
the desert IA ~ Mjl ] 

JpJ* budh. n ,m the Buddha 

* Buddhisi(s) wisdom; 
commonsense consciousness Wednesday 
(the planet) Mercury ^j»j,budk mat n.m. 
Buddhism jr’j.bud' dkoo n.m. simpleton 
arrant fool fA/eAbudh! budkkegax'je N.M. 

P.I., small potsherds tossed and caught in 
^opposite side of hand in children’s game [ ~ S] 
£ [gbbadka'i n.f. (dial.) congratulation 

tyjebadh'na n.m. earthen jar for Persian 
wheel spouted earthen jug 



n.f. garland mark left on 
* body by a hit 

badh'ya rot. castrated animal 
* bullock Vj Utf badkya kar’na v.t. castrate 
l J* bid'deya, t j J vii'dtya. n,j. (dial.) know- 
** ledge ; skill Ijjfl&Jkar'te ki btd'deya 
prov. skill comes with practice [S] 
iJ^Jr baits’ n.m. foreign land ; alien country 
** * adv. abroad (f?* bade' si adj. foreign; 
alien n.m. foreigner [ -%r^r] 

& badi l ' f AX>}. wonderful novel n.m. 

** (pl. ^/i^bada"t t ) rhetorical device also 
bait 1 ') science dealing with 
rhetorical devices ; rhetoric (J^iC/^badi”-ul~ 
- jamal' n.m. paragon of beauty adj." exquisite- 
ly beautiful [A] 

badi’kah adj. appropriate apt ex- 
'* * tempore ; impromptu badi 'ha-go' ’i 

N.f. extemporization ifa badi' fa adj. self- 
evident axiomatic plain unpremedi- 
tated.C'UjfJarfiAyjya/' n.f. pl. axioms ; self- 
evident truths [A~ dyif] 

IfrjbSd'dha adj. aged old elderly 
* n.m. old man father i/j^X.bad'dha 
pfmfts' adj. & n.m. decrepit old man^SjAfid'- 
dfa adj. (arch.) old 
yji baz’l n.m. munificence [A] 

Jjibaz'fah n.m. witticism ; joke witfirt* 
* baz la-safij' adj. witty (person) \ba£fa- 
sati'jl n.f. wittiess [A] ^ 

1 n.m. land land mass fUjbar'tt- 
a‘'zam n.m. continent l&JJbar’n adj. if gS. 
karriyyah n.m. (see under (f^bar'ri adj. -&) 


•j/ bar n.m. body lap ; flank [P] 


bar n.m. groom ; bridegroom husband 
width (of cloth) 

bar pref. on upon at above 
out suf: bearer ; carrier n.f. bosom ; 
breast heart body fruit Ct^bar d'na 
v.i. (of hope) be fulfilled t^Aar-^a' adv. 
afoot ; on foot in progress lijiybar-pa' 
kar’na v.t. establish set oq foot con- 
vene fa Ijl bar-pa’ ho’nzv.v happen ; take 
place befall be established be conven- 
ed be in progress JJ. bar' -tar adj. higher 
suprenor eminent excellent 
supreme (fjybar'-tan N.f. supremacy 

superiority excellence ■~<~f$ t barjas'lah adj. 

apt apposite extempore ; impromptu 
ifj. har-haq adj. right justifiable 
inevitable . inpontrovertable CjQr/^ke bar - 
khilaj', bar-ak's adv.^ on „ the 

contrary as against SjfyjJijgrflJJl 

bar zabafi' tasbl'h'-o dar dil''ga’ , e khar’ "prov. 
be a wolf in sheep’s skin C^/.bar taraj adj. 

sacked ; dismissed ; discharged aside 
apart separated ^/c^bar-ta'raf kar'na v.t. 

sack ; dismiss ; discharge'raf 
ho'm v. be sacked ; be dismissed; be discharg- 
ed Ojl/. bar-tar'fi (pcd. -ta’rqfi) n.f. dismiss; 
discharge J/j. bar-qarar’ adj. continuing as 

before extant firm established 

la'ria v.t. fulfil grant (/jlbar-mafyd' 
bar-mau'qa‘,£d%barvaq't adj. apt ; apposite 
opportune ; in the nick of time fabor- 
mala adv. openly publicly [P] 

J.bir N.F. virtue obedience adj. (rare) 
obedient [A] 

s/ t bnr n.m. nap, n.f. vagina 

bitrs n.m. bad person ill-wisher 

accused adj. bad 

worthless faulty defective mischie- 
vous ill-mannered ugly ungraceful 
CfUbu'ra ban' ns v.l. be deemed an enemy 
be accused be condemned tftfL /.ba'n 
bha'la adj. indifferent tolerable ; pass- 
able of all sorts assorted good or bad 
n.m. abuse reproach ; admonition only 
id+fik{U,bu'ra bha'la kaih’na v.t. abuse ; 
revile admonish ; reproach give (some- 
one) hell Jlr Id bur a bal n.m. straitened cir 
cumstances. pitiable condition L'J^J Ul^ 

bura bal kar'na v.T; maltreat reduce to 

pitiable condition badger chaff ; aiwoy 
ruin ; reduce to straitened circumstances 
( , !f{/,bu'ra k&m n.m. evil deed sexual 
intercourse t^/Au'ra lik’kka n.m. bad luck 
tfUbu 'ra lag'na v.i. be unpleasant ; be dii 
agreeable C>hly,bii'ra manna v.i. take 
offence ; feel offended ; take as an affront 
be displeased ; take (something) ill CidjUbu’ra 
vaq't n.m. evil days ; hard times 
bare ba' loft jfna v.t. fall on evil days^lrJ^/A/. 
Cfj/bu'roti fajan' ko ro'na ph. complain of 
tyranny comphin of wrong step taken by 
elders vaq't ka ko"l 

sa’tki ua’kii prov. none helps in adversity t)v. 

4flra”l n.f. ie 

bar'ra n.m. (dial.) (same as i%ba’ra N 

J\J ban! bar adj. equal ; equivalent 
* even ; level uniform plain smooth 
straight like alike on a par (with] 
exact accurate opposite regular 
continuous adv. equally abreast 

uniformly evenly smoothly straight 
similarly exactly near over against 
beside opposite regularly 
continuously ^[/^Jibars'bar bora' bar (colj/j/.!/ 
ba'ra-bara'bar) adj. half equal adv. 
side by side abreast continuously 
regularly ^(/.Isrs'isr ka adj. equal 

match grown-up bora' bar ka be' \a 

n.m. grown-up son 1/4 bar a bar kar'na v.T. 

squander level up smooth match 
adjust divide equally assimilate do 
continuously do unhesitatingly 
bara'bar ki tak'kar ka adj. equal on a 
par (with) match VtyjU.bara'bar ho ja'na 
v.i. become equal be on a par (with) 
be full to the brim become level be 
balanced be spent; be squandered l# 1/4 
bara'bar ho'na v.i. be equal fit be on 
a par (with) overtake come abreast (of) 
mit be spent be squandered end ; 
come to an endtfj'Mbara'bari n.f. equality 
parity par emulation competition 
contest tt/^/U.bara'bari kar’na v.T. try 
to equal emulate vie (with) match 
contest resist ( 

N F - 

* marriage procession 

barat’&orh'na v.i. (of marriage 
procession) ret out for bride’s 
house bara'n n.m. wedding- 
guest (fig.) participant of a procession 

’C'U baral ' (ped.^f!/.ba r /' at ) N ;f; ,ot 

* (ped.) cheque I*' If oi/.barat-* 
•a’ddqdh bar thakh’-t ahoo prov. lovers are 
penniless true love goes unrewarded 
shab-barat', ^^^shab-e ban'' at, 
lai Iat-Ul bard" at n.f. (see under^N .F. it) 


MU biraj’man adv. (dial.) sitting (on 
* throne, etc;) tjfcl l/i/.birajmdn ho'na 
v.i. (dial.) sit ; be seated ; grace 
jj\/ t bira'dar n.m. 'fcjnother cousin (dis* 

9 all 

tant) relation J \J?'j)Ubira'iir~* akhja'fl 
n.m. half-brother (i.e. onebom of same mother 
but different father) J^jji(bira'dar-t haqiqt 
n.m. brother ; own brother ft l kjjrkbira'dar-t 
riza" 1 n.m. foster brother»j(/jil/. bira'dar-za'dah 
n.m. nephew ; brother’s son ‘$fr*jji/,bira'dar-t 
‘ala' Ci n.m. step-brother ; brother descended 
from same father but different mother 
birs’dar-kush adj. & n.m. fratricide 
bira'dar - ku'shi n.f. fractricide {ft^J^bira'dar-e 
nis'bati n.m. brother-in-law ; wife’s brother or 
sister’s husband 2> \ji!/ t bira'dar’nah adj. bro- 
therly ; fraternal adv. fraternally^ U bira'dari 
n.f. outer family circle kith and kin 
brotherhood ; fraternity group ; coterie 


Q)\ybura'dah n.m. filings sawdust 

^iPjj'bndklst n.m. broadcaster^. 

brad'kasting n f. broadcasting [E] 
j \j baraz! n.m. faeces ; stool ; motion 

baul-o baraz' n.m. excrement of bowels and 
bladder [A] 

I j[/biraz' n.m. single combat challenge 
‘ton [A~JU] 

£?jjlj/'bar-afrokh’tafi adj. (of person) 

' enraged ; in a fit of passion (of 
fire, etc.) enkindled [P ~ j*. -ft 
l*if/buraq' n.m. lightning horse (i.e. the 

* quadruped on whose back the Holy Pro- 
phet journeyed during Ascension [A] # 

jbarraq' (ped. barraq') adj. shining d'di*' 

* sifed' burraq' adj. very white milk 
white [A 

Jb\J bar-a'mad n.f. (n..&b.l/bar-amadaf) 

* export land thrown up v by a river 
recovery recovered property coming up 

coming out exit *Als m bar-a' madah adj. 

exported recovered thrown up by river 
(P~«<out-|- *>lcome) x 

fjfl/baram'dah n.m verandahe J'Ubaram dt 

* tneft adv . on the verandah [Pg~LorPg 


/J I / bur' rah adj. of sword, etc.) cutting , 
sharp [P] 

1*1/ barra’na v.i. talk in one’s sleep rave 
(in delirium) 

t*j/ bar' ana v.i. (of hope) come true 

prove mort than a match (for) (-P-/4 + 


$ 1 / 


n.f. branch [£] 
batah'di n.f. brandy [E] 

bar-abeekh' tah adj. roused ; awa- 

** kened stirred up*, excited 
erect enraged vSz—STi/. bar-abstkh' taK 
kar'na v. rouse stir up incite 
cnto&tyZ^l-tbar abgtkh'tah ho'n a v.i. 
rouse stir up be incited be ajraged ; 
fall into a fit of passion [P ~ ] 

0^1 baxa'himah n.m. pl. Brahmins [A~S 


M/I/ barahik' n.m. (pl. of if) 

(^1/ bara"at (preferably to be written as 
^ C-fJ^N.F. acquittal [A~ i}J.\ 

$ U bbra‘*i N - F - badness evil vice 
mischief wickedness harm ; wrong 
adverse comments t/£j l/,£~se bura'i kar’na 
v.t. harm ; do wrong to lb*l/fy,(Jt/.bura'‘i 
par ka'mar buftdk'na ph. be bent upon, mischief 

i'/'t) U /”’?*■' pi'dik* ( ki ’ si **) 

bjira'H kar'na ph. backbite (someone) [~ U 

adj. -*] 


^ J j bars’’ e adv. for on account of ; 

owing to ; by reason of for the sake 
of in order to ; with a view to ; to the end 
that Ctf^ilbara'e bait ’ adv. nominally ; 
cursorily just a little not enough 1 
bars” e khitda’ adv. for God’s sake fl'^l/bara”e 
nam' adv. nominally ; cursorily just a 
little not enough [P] 

(, I J bars' ya n.f. (ped.) creation ; creatures 
•* * people [A ~ sing, v/] 

M bar-bad' adj. ruined ; destroyed ; laid 
* waste wasted squandered flung 
to the winds ty t^ybar-bad' kar'na v.t. des- 
troy ; ravage waste ; squander fling to 
the winds I’^L^bar-bad' ho' ns v.i. be ruin- 
ed ; be destroyed be wasted ; be squander- 
ed be flung to the winds ('di N.F. 

ruin destruction ravage waste 
loss [P~/on+ .>1 wind] j 

tyjburbTira'na V.T. (same as CO.ic] 

L *V// barbariy'yat n.f. barbarity [A—.//* 
•* * * Berber] 

jx)/ bar'bat n.m. a' kind of harp ; duckharp 

4 *[-43 

&i/. bar't n.m. fast as kept by Hindus (8] 

t >> Va N.M. power courage ability 

* support tig!/2</,birU par usftfca/iaa v.i. 
pride oneself on the’support (of) 

kis bir'te pa tat'ta ps'tn PROV. why this vain 
. show ? 

1^/ bar' tan n.m. vessel ; utensil 

^Jjba’ratns v.T. use put to use treat 

* try know by experience Lt ’^bart'na 

v.t. didi out cause to. use ji'^bartt’o 

n.m. treatment behaviour conduct 

practice intimacy usage 

barta'o kar’na v.L treat ; behave (towards) 
/JAAaC/bartk kanvroV n.m. birth control [E] 

iPfaf fyj^birj’ bkasha, idaf &/birj’ bha ka N.F. 

* mediaeval dialect spoken in eastern 
U.P. in India in the area now called Mathura, 
then known as ‘biij’ or cowshed of Krishna 
fc/bVr'j n.m. (pl. tJ'barooj) tower 

* turret bastion sign of the zodiac 
bur'ji’ n.f. turret [~A] 

bir'jis n.f. breeches [E] 

birjis' n.m. Jupiter [P]' 

J bar' (bha n.m. spear lance javelin 
V * (fabar'diJu n.f. small spear dart 
t!U^y,bar^Aait n.m. lancer 

baxkhsst' n f. sacked dismissed 
discharged removed (of 
court! rising up (of meeting) adjourned 
barkhast' kar'na v.t. dismiss 
discharge remove from office (of meeting 
break up (of court) rise for the day (of 
Assembly) adjorn tjr«S» |, fe^ barkhast' ho’na v.i. 

. be saked be dismissed be discharged 
j rise for the day breakup adjoum i ptr>. 
barkhas'tagi n.f. dismissal discharge 

recall removal breakirig-up dissolu- 
tion adjournment [P] 

barkhurdar’ n.m. (euph. for) 

son lad adj. enjoying long life 
and prosperity [P] 

x yJbUrd SL’F. requisition borne taking 
* away n.f. checkmate owing to loss of all 
pieces save king (P . 

fyjbard n.f. striped shawl J kjj. burd-t yarns' ni 
Vf. striped Yemen shawl [A] 
jli^bar-dar’ suf. carrier bearer (£>«/• 
' bordari suf. carrying transport (F~ 



bar-dasht' n.f, endurance pati- 
ence tolerance resignation 
iar Jsfht' kar'na v.t. brook ; bear ; endure ; 
tolerate bar-dasht ' ho'na v.x. be 

tolerable be endured ; be brooked 
bardask'tah affixed raised removed '^hs. 

Ijf^lsbardzish' la-khz' tir ho'na v.i. t be disgust- 
ed be frustrated [P ~y. up -hi^thave] 

x/burdbar ' adj. forbearing ; enduring 

* tolerant patient meek (Jj\jS.btird- 
bn'rt n.f. .forbearance ; endurance 

patience toleration ; bearing of a burden 


Ijy bar' dak n.m. (arch.) slave woman 

‘abducted or^ person kidnapped for being 
told as slave iTj/t-idba/da-firosh' n.m. 

(arch.) slave dealer trafficker in women and 
children#*^* bar'da-Jird’shi n.f. (arch.) 
slave trade trafficking in women and 

fj//bar'takh n.m. partition purgatory 

(Jjybar't* m ft. street quarter (of town) 

tfyba'ras n.m.. year <J> ba' raidin' he 

din ph. at this annual festival ('sl 
NX death anniversary (rare) any annual 

4^1 Sybarszt’ n.f. rainy season ; the rains ly^J. 

bars a' H n.f. -raincoat ; makintosh 

open-sided room on top of house patio adj. 

of rainy season flooded by rains [ 
Jy/SJMr sar-e kar adj. employed 

engaged in business [P~y +s"+ jV\ 
fy/'ba'rosna v.i. rain (fig.) pour a 
torrent of invective ba'ras par'na 

v.i. begin to rain (fig.) give (someone) a 
piece of one’s mind l l^barsa'na v.t. cause 
to tain shower down pour down 

fyjjbar'ruk n.f. cutting ; sharpness [P] 

CU 6 ** * n.m. brush [EJ 

Jtfifybarshagal' n.m. rainy season ; the rains 

t u* \'ras n.m. leucoderma [A] 

^rJ'barta’nijah n.m. Britain (f)lk/,bartsn’ ft adj. 
** * British [A~ E] 

k£JJb«r’f h.v. or f. ice snow adj. ice- 
‘ cold snow vihiicty&tbrffpqh' adj. 

snowcapped l i'JJj'bar'f par'na v.t. snow IjfCt/. 
barf ho'na v.i. ‘ (of thing) become ice-cold 
be benumbed jli^barfa'hl adj. Very cold 
ice ; icy snowcapped [P] 

‘Jybar'ft n.f. white toffee [~ prec.] 


lyjbar'q n.f. electricity lightning 
(arch.) firing^ iy.barq-ab' n.f. hydroelectri4 
cityJ.L*V barq-abt adj. hydro-clcctriqjUlf/bar'i; 
atidaz’ n.m. musketeer sentinel (**&>-* 
bar'q-paima' n.m. electrometer y. io/bar' q-za’ dak 
adj. struck with lightning y/ojMr’q-^r’ n.m. 
conductor Qjbar' q-nUma n.m. electroscope 
JS'bar'q * adj. electric ; electrical'qi 
rau n.f. current; electric current 
bar'qi sho’a’' n.f. flashlight &iMj/barqi 'ilaj' 
n.m. electropathy &'q I maul n.f. 
electrocution „ &'qi qiv'vat n.f. elect- 
ricity barqi 1uvana"t n.f. electric 

cnctgyj^djy, bar'qi laimp n.m. electric lamp 
bar'qi maq'naHs n.m. electromagnet 
bar'qi mo' tar n.m. electric- motor I'itJ, 
barqa'na v.t. clectrify*£'lv. barqiyyal' n.f. 
electrology electricity ^iarjiyjaA N.M. 

electron [A] f\ 

*>JMr' q<? n.m gowped U]® 
‘veil ; ‘burqa’ (;are) veilfc fjfft. | J |k 

bur'qa ‘ posh’ adj. & n.f. veiled 1 djlB 
(wojnan) [A] WVZ 

&V bar’ hat (ped. ba'rakat) n.f. (pl. &WA 
barakal ) auspiciousness good 

fortune blessing abundance prosperity 

(euphanism for) nothing ; nil ; nought»s/vJ 
bar'kat de'na v. (of God) bring good for- 
tune (of God) vouchsafe abundance 

(dUl. bless [A] 

{yybi’rakna, I'l^birbiira’na v.T. add a pinch 

Ipj (ybar'kha n.f. rain £Z>j\ ^'kha rat n.f. 

/ rainy season ; the rains [ ~ S] 
i Jybargn.M. leaf petal provisions 
‘for journey jLj*J/.barg-o-bar' n.m. 
leaves and fnfiit (of tree) provisions prftv 
perty ij j h/'g-o naoa ph. provisions Jpf 
gaUbar'g n.m. petal ; rose-petal 
jfjbar’gai n.m. banyan 

qjyjJbaT-gk&'dah adj. _ chosen elite 
** elect saintly Jj>iu,bar-guzi' dagl N.F. 

saintliness being respected [P~^up+ 

/ Jt jL/j.barg&smati n.m. armour (for hone or 
V-r wider) |P1 


'•^bar-gash' iagi n.f. /iisgust renun- 

ciation TC\olt^M/,bar-gash' lak adj. 
disgusted (person) rebel [P~ 

t^bar'ma n.m. drill auger gimlet It/. 

barma'na v.t. drill (fig.) pierce 
/py*/'bitr-~noofi'hi n.f. ugly person eye- 
sore forbidding countenance cat 

adj. foul nasty 

/• )j>ba'ran n.m. (rare) figure face looks 


yj» barns’ n.m. youth adj. young Jiybarna’i 
51. F. youth ; youthfulness [P] 

biritij ' n.m. rice brass gJ.birift’ji 
adj. brass ; brazen n.f. small nail [P] 
bar' n.f. name of a musical mode 

Ij^bir'nS n.m. plant sapling 

£j\.jb£horihaT bit'va ke chik'ne chik'ne 
*t v v 

pat! prqv. a precocious child shows the man 
inside him, 

fyl/'buroaj' n.m. (pl. of Sybyr'j n.m. *) 

l **<m > bur 00' dal n.f. coolness coldness 

/j chilliness [A] „ 

Jtb/brreg' n.m. separation JjS. biro’gi N.m. 

'separted lover (Jjui biro' gan n.f. separat- 

ed beloved grass-widow 
jf/pJ bgjroo' maitd' adj. lucky ; fortunate 
^prosperous ; thriving [P] 

; / birooti adv, out ; outside externally 

~*fp~ J4^C<?NTR.] 

fjbat'rah n.m. kid lamb also 

bar'ra-e Ja'lak) Aries [P] 
tjbi'rsh jsJbir'hs N-. separation of lovers 
* (rare), song describing pangs of separa- 
tion (/Aj^/.bi'rah ki mart, tfj.bir’han N.F. 
woman separate from her beloved 
i/bor’hs n.m. channel for passage of water 
* 'from well 10 field ; aqueduct 
l^jnfburfrsn' n.f. (Pi- rfUbaraftin) argu- 
* merit cause ; reason proof mani- 
festation (A] 

bar-ham adj. ( annoyed ; upset dis- 
1 blcased ; angry in a mess disorder- 
ed : troubled dar'-ham bar' -ham adv, , 

topsy-turvy upset : in a mess confused 
jumbled troubled (/Ubar'-hami n.f. 
annoyance } vexation anger ; displeasure 
confusion ; upsetting anarchy lP~y.+(Cj 
[/‘jbatah'wa n.m. supreme Hindu deity 
4 Brahma fobarahm ' frrf. of Brahma 

braAm-fhsri n.m. (dial.) celibate [S] 

/ tjf, /. barah'man (or in P construction 
bar’ human) n.m. Hindu priest 

high caste of Hindus ; Brahmin 


iffy baraih'nagi n.f. nakedness 

nudity bareness obscenity shame- 

lessness J^ybaraih' -nah (rare bar'hanah ) adj. 
naked nude bare obscene shame- 

less [P] 

{fV, bir’/n, adj. (of bread) inlaid with minced 
meat, etc. and fried tyjJlfS.bir'hi ro'fi 
n.f. such* bread ; salt pie 
Ififj^barofhs n.m. vestibute 

)Jj, ba'ri n.f. groom’s wedding gifts to bride 

ba'ri adj. acquitted released 
exonerated free ; absolved 

b ariy' mah adj. free from blame 

free from obligation absolved of responsi- 
bility unaccountable ; not responsible &!/. 
bariy'yat n.f. acquittal release exonera- 
tion [A] 

^Jbar'fi adj. land ; of land *J.barrly' yah n.m. 
land force [A ~ l/.J 

(Jl^bir’yafi adj. parched grilled , broiled 
" roast ; roasted JJt/btrya'ni n.f. multi- 
coloured) rice cooked ip A soup ; sophisticated 
variety of ‘pulao’ [P«T^roast] 
gfjbariy'yat (me sMnriy'yah) n.f. (pl.iU 
** bara'ya) creation ; creature (see also 
under ba'ri adj. ★) [A] 

J/jbarW N.M. (ped.) messenger runner 
** * courier postman tmJpk^/Jbaaii-t Ja'lak 

n.m. (fig.) Saturn [A] 

barih' adj. high ; lofty sublime adv. 

* at this ; thereupon thjn JP.f-K^O 
jFjt'bart'sham N.M. (CONTR. ~ 

c- * 

y, bur n.m. banyan 

bar R.F. brag ; bosttt ; bowt- 
*ful talk tall story tijfj'.bar- 
bo’lz n.m. braggart adj. boastful ; 
bragging'lapun n.m. 
boastfulness ; bragging hsttkns, UP/ 
bar’ lags’ m v.i. boast ; brag 
Ifya'ra (dial .L(bar'ra) n.m. (usu. as Pt.) pulie- 
"pie jJyjfyda'to ba’rr n.m. pl. pultc-ptcs 
served in curds 

ly'ba’ra adj. (f. tff.bari) old elder 

eldest large : big huge senior 

superior chief supreme rich _ res- 
pectable noble • grand<pt 

bn' ia bol age a la hai prov. pride goeth be- 
fore a fall vain boasts are liable to be ex- 
posed OjJj_iyba'Td bol bol'na v.j. boast ; brag 
I'A ji fyha'ra Hr' mar'na PH. (iron.) achieve 
a lot accomplish nothing y)j\/,ba'ra din n.m. 

(dial.) Christmas long day adv. much 
daytime left IVfr^Aj’.ba'ra di'dah ho'ni ph. be 
saucy—^Ul^ia'ra snhb n.n. (col.) ‘burra sa’b’ ; 
big boss fy/'rd ko"i,\ dj. (iron.) clever 

skilful wicked ; sly Jk \*J. ba'ragkar n.m. 
spacious house (fig.) rich or noble family 
(iron.) gaol re gkar' k\ sair' 
karri nit j»h. jail ; send to gaol; put behind 
bars j^ba't a gkar rind n.m. rich or noble 
family V/fVfyba ra nani kar'nd Pit. famqjjW-5< 
[?j*~^Vba'rt bol' ks sir' m'dfd • prov. pride 
goeth before a fall^Aa'rj, J ^Aa'n bi" n.f. 

grandma (title of respect for) old woman 
A'iAaVr also n.m. pl. big people big 
bosses the Big (one) elder ^y^iibn're 

mi'yah n.m. (title of respect for) old manfclUfe/. 

iiVrfy'i’jfol&JZs'b a'rt mi'yafi so ba're 
mi'yan tJAo'u mi'ysk sibhrin-aUah prov. the 
senior was just bad, the junior is much worse 
jfabara'i n.f. greatness magnanimity 
superiority excellence bulk huge- 
ness boast ; vaunt praise exaltation 
exaggeration bar ri'-i kar’nd v.i. 

brag ; boast ; vaunt parisc ; extol ex- 
aggerate ' > 

y^bai/bar n.f. chatter; prate 1 'J^'bar 
‘kar’nd v.i. prate : chatter cfjt>%%bar'bar 
lag a rakk'na v.i. prate ; chatter rant 
i£Sl bar bart/jm n m. chatterbox 
*/Jybltr'bur n.f. murmur grumbling 

birbirrini v.i. mutter murmur 


ijTj/kirbkas n.f. youthful lust in old age 
I *l ^x/^.burbahas lag'na v.i feel such lust 
j>^y,bnrk»pa n.m. pld age senility [ - 


\jtb, bafkn3 v.i. advance moveforward 
rise swell grow increase stretch 
expand exceed surpass thrive ; 
prosper rise (in social position) of 
kite) fly higher (of lamp) be put. out 
(of shop) be closed (of dining-table) be 

cleared be surplus (of profit) be yield 
ed£j>%baikke adv. out (do) forward 
exceeding limits in behaviour or talk 
CJy. baik bark' ke bol'na v.i. brag ; vaunt 
barko’tari n.f. gain profit surplus 
prosperity increment advancement 
increase; enhancement £\j&barh.o'na v\.t. 
advance ; put forward augment ; increase 
enlarge expand extend ; lengthen 
aggrandize amplify promote ; elevate 
praise ; eulogise exalt clear (dining- 
table) put out (lamp) close (shop) 
fly (kite) higher take off : changeCt«/.>*>->•^- , 

doodh ! barka'na ph. wean jb&,bar'ka"o n.m. 
projection swell (fj'.barh.'ti adj. increas- 
ing ; enhancing growing rising more 
than usual n.f. excess surplus if%barh.'ya 
adj. superior quality : of good quality 
cjlass posh 

jj t Jba\ka"i n.m. carpenter 

L JPj*bitrkiya n.f. old woman (rus.) 
** * mother hag ^jbirkail N.F. hag [ - 

^j^bari n.f. (pi . ijlj'bar'yah) sundried pulse- 
dough for stewing ^ 

y^bltl n.f. .goat akh’fash n m. 

dunce (f/y.buz-e ko'ht n.m. mountain goat 
buz dii adj. & n.m. chickenhcarted (per- 
son) ; coward . dastardly (person) (jjri.blz-di'li 
n f. cowardice ; dastardliness [PJ 
jiy,bozz3z' (col. bazat') n.m. draper ; cloth- 
merchant ULr! bazriza n.m. (slang) doth- 
mzrkct(fJtt bazrizi n'.f. (slang) drapery [A] 
dybbzur’g adj. aged venerable great 
noble n.m. old man (one’s) 
elder saint religious preceptor, (usu. 
pl.) ancestors gentleman (jC'Jjj'.buzir'g- 
ma'nish adj. magnanimous j \Jjjr bqz irg-var' 
n.m. saint (one’s) elder gentleman 

bizir'gi n.f. greatness grandeur 

eminence old age [P] 
f/iboz'm n.f. association meeting 

• company social gathering 
^birzari imp. strike slay behead 
"charge 1‘ kar'nd v.t. strike 
slay behead put to the sword charge [F 

'rrbas adj. enough , sufficient plenty 
* abundant adv. in short and so int. 
hah ; stop enough ; no more (jftjtbas' 
has int. no thank you, no more of it 


charge [P 


stop, stay halt ^J^M^ibas had' ho get l ph. 
stop, this is the limit ribas dtkh! liya ph. 
you have (or it has) been exposed ft bas' 
kat’na v.j. stop ; cease end ; close' 
finish az bas'-keh adv. whereas 
a lthough tit) i&'basa auqat' adv. many a 
time often ; generally • very frequently 
|f mostly ; generally [P] 

n.m. control power. authority 1 
sway ; influence ; contro\Qf(J? has' chal'na 
v.i. have power (over) avail (against) 

(/h (jibas'meh under control ; under one’s 
thumb ilttjjtbas' met a ns, Vfy£<j!bas' mefi 
par'nn v.t. fall into the clutches (of) ; come 
under the control (of) bas' men rakk'ns 

v.t. keep (someone) under control 
bos' meh kar'na v.t. overpower control 
subdue ; subjugate [E] . 
t/fbas n.f. omnibus \ii%(/.bas pa'karna v.t. 
catch the bus tfyjl >*&{/! bas men savar' ho'na 
v.t. get into the bus JEj 

/jt bis n.m. venom \pijfbis u'galna v.t. spit 
^ venom say spiteful things tyf/ibis' bo' ns 
v.i. create trouble ]/f<jibis' bha'ra adj. (usu. 

». form) venoptous malicious ; spiteful 
virulent if* bis' ki pur'ya , iffyi/bis' ki 

ga& malicious or spiteful person 

devil mischief-monger i 

*/l ^Jbisa'n n.m. (correct but little used spelling 
/of J’Lfti.u. it) 

IjL^bita’ra n.m. seed loaned out on condition 
*of double payment after crop [ - toll.] 
t j[^bisar , nav.T.(Ke underwit) 

^ Jbisat ' v.r. capacity ; capability chess- 

* board ybLtQl/IUsM bisat' k kya ph. what 

can he do ? ; he has no power bisat' 

S’lapia rtf. end (someone’s) power spell 
(someone’s) ruin be upset ; come to an end 

/ftjbufa n.m. (morejjoirectly but 
W rarely spelt as jt^pedlar ; 

S^basflatxx. bravery , courage 


lAjba-sa'n-e adv. like ; in the 
^ manner of[P~ <r -fcfb'like] 

Ct Jbcstf na v.t. from (into a State) build 

* (city) colonize (land or country) 
bring under plough settle (someone some- 
where) (of man) ge( married have sex 
relations (with wife) cause (something) to 

be sented [ - U-Zcaus.] 

J\rJbasatid' , bas ahdk' N.f. smell ; stink ; 


£^bas'l n.m. thing (only in) bast 

. n.f. things ; articles 

j£Z'j£**?bas't-o kushad' n.f. control ofaffair 
t CJj<di^Lf>ljlarl/a'b~e bas't o-kushsd 
n.m. PL. those at the helm of affairs [P^V 

bust sh’ , (jC^/ bos’ tafi n.m. garden 
orchard [P] 

bis' tar (col. bis' tar a) njl bedding fojZd 

' tt-ActfjCigy&bis tor (or bis'tara ) 

bi&ha'na (or laga'na or 'kar'na ) v.i. do the 


, 2^ bis' tar (col. bis' tar a) NJC bedding fojZd 

' (i-ActfjCigy&bis tor (or bis’tara ) 

bi&ha'na (or laga'na or kar'na) v.i. do the 
bedding bis' tar baf.d n.m. hold all 

(%$)to*b<J&bis'tar (or bis'tara) batidk’na (or 
gol' kar'na) v.i. roll the bedding (fig.) 

I qu^ ; leave for good [P] 

I jp^bas'tagi n.f. lack of gaiety constipa- 
I tion ; costiveness congelation ; congeal- 
I ment [foll. P~] 

I bas' tarn n.f. covering for cage case 

I ” for musical instruments fP~^*%bind) 

I %rfbas‘tah n.m satchel bundle xw jw 
I bufease adj. frozen ; con- 

I gealed tied ; bounduhs^bas'ta- / )^| 

I bardar' n.m. recordcanier ; servant 
I carrying (boss’s) papers [P ~ VKsc.f*tSnf\x y 
| /f^bas’H n.f. any peopled place ; /yXXhjf 
I * village ; town ; city CCtiffbas'a basa’na 
I v.i. colonize a place have a new settle- 
] ment (~ - ] 

| y^ba'-sdr (ped. £«-w')adv. passed; come 
1 ' * to a close ; spent readily ba'-sar 
I kar'na v.t. pass ; spend ba'-sar ho'na v.i, 

1 pass ; spend ; come to a dose^Sf^*^ ba-sa'r-t 
I t &ash'm adv. readily by all means 

I (,* ^Jbi'sar'na, bi'sarja’na v.t. ft I. for- 
I ■'* get be forgotten ; slip out of memory 
I IjLjbisar’na v.t. forget &$>*. bkooti bis’ri adj. 

I long-forgotten (J^bisra na v.t. put of mind 
l cause to forget 

I ^.Jbos't n.m. expansion ; detail (usM only 
I * xt^hJttytshar'h-o beas't n.m. detailed ex- 
I position [A] 

I \jfifebiskhap'ra n.m. at kind of some- 
I what large venomous lizard name of 

I a grass-like, drug ; polypody [~ 

1 Jktlfj bis'm-illa h adv. in the name of God int, 

1 f watch it ; mind it ; don’t fall down 
* welcome ; hail n.f . beginning ; com- 




opening (ceremony) 
first lesson on first admission to school Jj\ 

m-illa'h-ir-raftma'n-ir-ahlm' ph. (for- 
mula preceding all but one chapters of the 
Holy Quran ; In the name of th ( e most Merci- 
ful, most Bountiful God l "/Xiifib is'm-illah 
kar'na v.i. begin (at table) be the firjt to 
start eating commence 
bis'm-illah kt gttm'bad meti bank'na ph. be 
complacent ; be selfsatisfi^d act like a 
simpleton [A ~ w +(*' i+ £> i] 

^y^bismil n.m. & adj. victim ; sacrificial 
animal chagrined (lover) wounded 
(victim) l’SjK > 6is'mil kar'na v.t. immolate 
wound lover’s heart) [A - prec.J 
faJbas'na v.i. settle inhabit -dwell; 

' reside ; .abide live in husband’s home 
have sex relations with him (also 
met bos' na) be scented with 
£j^basaM' n.f. early spring festival of 
Hindus name of a musical modtfy&M 
basalt' phool'na v.i. (of mustard flowers) 
blossom in early spring grow pale ; have a 
yellowish colour 0 kkon men 
basalt’ phool'na ph . be' dazzled 
basal' ft adj. yellow 
| tjfJbisoor’ns v.i. sob pre- 

pare to weep put on a cry- 
ing face 

ilpjbaso'la n.m, axe rfrJbaso'li n.f. 

• brick-axe " ! " 1 

fj^bis'vah n.m. land measure 
(equivalent to one-twentieth of 
*bigah’\jlstj-fbis'va-dar n.m. share- 
holder in coparcenary village 
4 m ^j^(r'bis (or sau ) bis've adj. 
surely; certainly ^^bisval'si n.f. 
twentieth of ‘bisvah’ 

j^Jbisyar' adj. (lit.) much many 
very plenty ; abundant [P] 

LmJbast'ra n.m. roost; perch a night’s lodg- 
ing abode roosting(U**l )Lfy~ibase'ra 
kar'na (or le’na) v.i. roost base' re ks 

vaq't n.m. roosting time [ -U-i] 

Jp^basW adj. simple primary un- 
** /nixed expansive [A ~ ] 

kOi/l iZbisha’ral (col. bushs-) n.f. good news ; 

glad tidings divine inspiration 
ktgfl 'rat de'na v.t. convey good news ; give 
dad tidings [A] 

fjl Sfbashshasb' adj. hilarious ; cheerful ; in 
good spirits ^iPbagfl'shat N.F. cheerful- 


ness ; gaiety |A) 

Jifba'shar n . m . human being ; man (f^ba'shari 
adj. human bashanj'yat n.f. hu- 
man nature human weaknesses frailties 
oHlesh and blood [A] 

bush'rah (pcd. ba'sharah) n.m. face ; 
countenance visage physiognomy 

[A].. . . 

j*2fbtshnoo' ,y^jvish'noo n.m. Vishnu ; Preser- 
, ver (as one of Hindu Trinity [S] 

basJHr' adj. harbinger of glad tidings 
* (dail.) evangelist [A 

bSjldfbasa’rat n.r. sight ; eyesight vision 
mahroo'm-e has a rat, ft /t* t'-A e‘ 
basii' rat se maihroom' adj. blind [A—^^MJ 
jfitflbasa'ir n.m. (pl. of CZ^n.f. if) 

jjl) ba sar n.f. (pl. absar") sight vision 
eye s*?4-be~ba'sar adj. blind un- 
perceiving ; lacking foresight [A] 
tubas' rah n.m. name of an Iraqi port-town 
t fs*lbas'n (rare bis' ft) adj. of Basra 
^Ajhasir' adj. Omniscient (as an attribute 
** of God) wise prudent 
£ 44 / bast' rat n f. sight insight discern- 
' / ** ment prudence [A~prec.] 
£if\£)biza'‘at n.f. stock-in-trade mer- 
chandise capitah^t^fo'£t£'<a{ adj. 
poor ; penniless incapable of anything 


jjJbat n.f. duck goose swan<£j Oba't-e 
mai' n.f. (duck-shaped) goblet [A] 
jj’fbat 'ha n.m. a name for Mecca 

vadt-e bat' ha (ped. va'dt baths ) n.m.' the 
vale of Mecca [A] 

bat'takh n.f. duck duckling [P] 

n.m. bishop crusading 

General [A~G] 

(flbat'l n.m (pL.JllOlabtal) hero [A] 

button' n.m. refutation abolition fA 


bat'Hmoos n.m. Ptolmey (j^j^bat'Hmosl 
J*"' adj. "Ptolemaic (system) [A~G] 
ytybat'n n . m . {pl. tfjkJbutoon') belly ; abdo- 
men womb inside (of anything) 
mind bal’n sa adv. borne by ; born 
of djtybutoon' n.m. pl. bailies intend! 
parts wombs minds [A] 

4 i^ba t 's n.m. resurrection i^ibe“sat n.f. 

Annunciation (of the Holy Prophet) 



apostleship [A] 

adv. after; afterwards subsequent 
ly liter since pref. post (J^ l ^ba' , d 
az-stt' adv. afterwards after that— 

Wd azjghg' adj. post-war adv. after the war 
bat'd st adv. ever since./!— r$i£/<U*> 
ba“d az khars bi-t bisyar' ph. with great 
difficulty having had to eat the humble pie 
y.Cbt 'l)sjlj*>ba t 'd az ■ sal am va'zeff ho ph. 
(arch.) (formula used as opening lintof letter; 
after salutation be it known . >/ , )luMba"d 

az marg' va'-vai'la prov. crying over spilt milk 
tv* ba' 'd-ahmaut' adv after death 

‘post mortem’ £j*fba ( 'do-hoo adv after that 


n.m. distance ; remoteness; difference 
(i^^L^bo’jHil-mashrtqain' n.m. radical 
difference ( bo'd-il mashriqain' 
ho'na ph. (be)"poles asunder [A] 

^^bat’z adj. some a few certain [A] 

tyu^bagh'lch baja'na v.i. be overjoyed 
be happy over (someone's) downfall mock 
(someone) £PkfJd*!bag\\'ltn jhaftk'na v.i. 
feel ashamed ; hang one’s head in shame ; 
look from side to side in • discomfiture be 
non-plussed look blank or foolish 

sjjnlai'ka ba'gbal men dk&ndo'ra shaih'r men 
ph. much ado about nothing (fibagh 'll adj. 
of armpit side (room) ; ante (chamber) 
n.f beggar’s sack trick in wrestling 
bagh'Ji lak'y ah n.m. long, pillow for sides 
L^S&bagh'ti ghooft’ss, JZtfibagf'ti dUstiman 
n.m. enemy in disguise , hidden enemy ; 
friend turned foe fP] 

baghloi' n.m. simpleton dullard ; 
dunce ballot’ n.m. repect- 

^ble-I coking fool 

tfibaQ 'y n.f. transgression disobedience 

t9 W 

[fijbafa n.f. scurf ; dandruff 

j^jdba'id' adj. distant ; far remote 
batl'd az ‘ aq’l adj. improbable 

not rational ifOtJl^fibaH'd az qiyss' adj. 
inconceivable improbable (A~ J*! j 

baths’ oat n.f. revolt ; rebellion 

* mutiny disobedience defiance 
recalcitrance [A] 

t’pbbagi'latan adv. suddenly ; all of a sudden 

bd$h'Aah (ped. ^bUq'Aak) n.m. bundle 
y * small bundle tied in a piece of clo t 

ijjjbugh'da n.m. heavy chopping 
‘^knife ; cleaver 

j6^bu$h'z n.m. spite malice 
^ grudge* hatred ani- ^ , r ... 
mosity Jftfbug'z HUa'Iil un- 
reasonable hostility [A] 0 

iS^baf^al n.f. armpit sidey^.di/7 ba'ghal 

* ka Am' ph. favourite turned enemyt^Vj^V 
io'jh at gar m kar'ta v.t. embrace '(lover 

or behaved), condescend to have sexual 
relations ba'ghal-gaiid' n.f. 
stinking armpits I'riyJ&ba'ghal-glT 
kt'na v«t. hug embrace (for 
salutation) 1*1 tj^t/iba'^tal men 
dabs' it a V.T * conceal (something) 
under armpit (fig.) carry (some- 
thing) off deceitfully ba'gbaf meh U'na 

v. hug embrace be taller thin (someone) 

yP baqa n.f life existence conti- 
nuance permanence fij^Aejbaqa'-e davam 
N.F. everlasdngness immortality 
baqa’-e as'lah n.f. survival of the fittest [AJ 
Atybaqqal' n.m. grocer ^greengrocer 

* petty shopkeeper (A ~ ) 

^ baqa y a n.m. dues arrears remain- 

** „ der balance [Arsing. U)] 

Jk bUq'Aah n.m. (same as^N.M. if) 

9 #♦ 

j^a) ba'qar Id' n.f. sacrificial festival ; Mus- 
** * lim festival of Zilhij 10 in commemora- 

tion of Abraham’s sacrifice [~ A^cows-t-x^’ 

bkqrat n.m Hippocrates (A~G] 

buq'ah n.m. distinct patch (of land) ; pro- 
* minent spot noor' n.m. dazz- 

ling light luminous spot [A] 
i \&baq'l,J>>baq'lahK.f. (ped.) vegetable 
potherb g/^baqlal-Ql-liamga' n.f. purslane 

rfibaqi 1 ', tfdt&Zjan'nal-Ut-baqi*' n.m. the 
sacred Madina graveyard [A| 

jjQbaqiy'yah n.m. "t remainder arrears 
clues balance baqiy'yat-us-saif' ad] 

survivors of war, etc (A- \a) ] 
tybuka n.f. weeping wailing lamenta- 
* tion #)tfa'h ‘0 bCika' n.f lamentation 
moaning IA] 



iHo^baia'rat n.f. virginity ; maidenhood 
Cjj&JIJ i tzs'la-t baka'rat N m (woman’s) 
first sexual intercourse [A] 

$$)bika'oo adj. on sale • for sale sale- 

J able venal 

jCtJ bika' va! (or out) n.m. head cook , chef 
butler steward [A] 

( yjii.bakc ' ’oil (or bak&'vali ) coveted legen- 
dary flower legendary princess who 

is the heroine of a well-known romantic tale 

‘Gul Bakavali’ <jS^(/gul bakn'oh nm_ this 

lagendary flower 

(Zjty baks" in n.m. a kind of tree 
j ‘raelia sempe virens' 

bak -bak, -jhak t 

* * m jfc^?bak'-bak jkak-jkak 

N.r. chatter ; babble ; gabble prat- — C 

tie \ZfiXLSbak' -bak kar'na v.i. talk idly; prate 
babble ; gabble 

fr^bak'ba'ka adj. (dial.) vapid : insipid 

bak'tar N.m. armour cuirass-*->£^ 
bak'lar^batid adj. armoured (vehicle, or 
to\<Her)j^d^i bak' tar- posh adj. clad in armour 
n.m. cuirassier^^yy zi'reh bak' tar n.m. ( soldier’s) 
defence zquipmcnt()frClliCty£jJ(zi'reb bak' tar 
laga'na (or) bahdk'na v.Y.’ put on armour fP] 
J*/ blik'ta n.m. handful clawing 
*■» blik'ta bkar'na v.t. claw 

N.P. virginity . maidenhood [A^ 

l/W* mk 'las n.f. idle talk chatter 

prattle damn lie silly stuff 
incredible yarn loquacity . garrulity 
talkativeness bakva'si n.m idle talker 

chatterbox lier adj. talkative [ - 
bik'rm ] 

l*^bi'kkarna v.t. be sea tt •'red be dis- 

persed of hair) be dishevelled & 
hakhet'na v.t scatter sow disperse 

bakht'ra x m. dispute ; quarrel fix- 
awkward or difficult situation vexa- 
tious point difficulty trouble 

complication contention (usu. undesir- 

able means I’tyfyfbakke'ra chuk'ana v.t. settle 
a dispute . stop a quarrel tits bakke'ra dal’na * 
v.t. create a difficulty raise a dispute 
complicate matters bakke'rtya adj. 
quarrelsome contentious troublesome 

difficult (person) n.m brawler mis- 

/j bak’kl adj. talkative n.m chatterbox 
V prater braggart lier [ - tf'bak’na] 
jssbigar' n.m. 1*1(5 bigar'na v.t (see under' 
v.f. if) 

> kr bag'-tut adv. at full gallop . very fast 

gar n.m. (flour of) ric 

: v >cen 

5'ta n.m. rice-meal &>J J ba'gar lit ro ' ti 
n.f, rice-meal bread 

bi'garna v.i. go out of order be out 
of gear be damaged be impaired 

be disfigured become debauched or vicious 
lose modesty be enraged rebel ; revolt 
deteriorate be spoilt , be spoiled Cjjjf 
hi' gas baithiia v.i be displeased ; take offence 
unpleasantness estrange- 
ment discord quarrel enmity 
bad blood deterioration harm damage 
yifj&tf meh biga?' da/'nii v.t. cause un- 
pleasantness sow seeds of discord create 
bad-blood . create misunderstanding 1*5$ 
higar'na v.t. mar spoil bungle 
damage injure ruin disfigure 5 

s , bigar'na v.t. displease jj£> biga'rafn.u one 
who spoils a show etc. clumsy or ill-intention- 

< cj worker 

bi'gal n.m bugle [ - E corr.) 

Jjtfjbag '/a ‘N. m. crane , heron adj. very white 
bha'gat n.m, hypocrite l/> 
bago'ya n.m. (W. dial.) evil-s peaking 

lampoon [corr. of. P -ft)/] 

I / bak'ra n.m he-goat 
■** n.f. goat she-goat 

i$£ bak'ri 

n.f. goat sne-goat 
(JJ^ bik'n n.f. sale [ - C? bik'na] 

bak' $ (col. bat's a) n.m. box 


bi'kasna v.i. 

blossom wither 

baksoo" a n.m. buckle [ ~ E buckle 


'kal n.m. upturn (of stoic, 
shawl, etc.hiiU’Jt’tfj buk'kal 
laga'na (or mar na ) upturn (stoic, 

ejeO (Jf 

&bUk'm adj. dumb . mute (only in 
! Quranic ph. ) ^rjf’sum'mun buk'minn 
and dumb unaffected tA -SlNti. Jj 

talk ijily prate' prattle 


bak'na v.i. 

talk nil 

ybable . gabble</lSf bakvas' n.f. if 
UX bik'na v.i. be sold be disposed of b'lj* 
, bikva'no' v.t. cause to be sold ; get disposed 
of bikva"\ n.f. salesman's commission 

gftr ka - 

» w 

bagoo'ls ho' ns v.i. be enraged ; fly into a 



ns v. season with freed condi- 

ments ; season oagnar' n.m. season- 
ing fried condiments for seasoning 
tj%bag'tfa n.f. buggy light carriage 
.gig horsefly 

tyjf; bagte'ts n.m. young tiger name of a 
Rajput tribe 

n.m. strength ; vigour might 
power twist contortion convulsion 
wrinkle coil Vjfibal boo'ts n.m. 

strength might t’i'J'ia/’ parns v.i. have 
convulsive pain be curved be twisted 
bal'-dsr adj. twisted coiled curved 

crooked VjJfbal' dens v.t. twist en- 
twine coil curl tVj [bal' khans v.i. 
be twisted be .entwined be curled fret 
and fume £i &\£bal nikal'ns v.t. straighten 
(coil) set right punish (0^1) \^'Jbal 
ni'kalns (or ktel'ns) v.i. be uncoiled 
Straighten out be set right *4"Cfc bal' be int. 

(iron.) bravo how unreasonable 
d bU n.m. hole burrow (fig.) hideout 

M n.m. bill draft legislation ; Bill 
draft t\s$bil' banana v.i. draw a bill 0. 
I'Jtfjlfbil'jaii kar'ns v.t. issue a draft 
draw a bill dins (or ada 

kar’ns) v.t. pay the bill foot the bill 


fybil'l a n.m. 


fcbU'la NM. cat tomcat badge 

t I'M*' N.F. calamity misfortune dis- 
tress evil fiend undesirable consort 

awful or terrible thing trial adj. 
terrible : dreadful awful ; enormous 
Cabals' ap'nt sir It' ns , VjJ (Jstk bats’ mol' 
it'nS V.I. nvite trouble get involved in 
trouble » tali' bad' tar n.f. rubbish ^ 
worthless stuff unhygienic eatables 
bals ' t al'ns v.i be relieved of troublei-Ui^#/ 
mt'rl bats' js'ne ph. who cares ? it is 
no concern of mine (etc.) t > jib bats' .za'dah 
adj. in the grip of calamity ; struck with mis- 
fortune bids' st ph. who cares? rubais' 
ks adj. extreme intense; severe ex- 

cessivetT^W; bats-kash adj. afflicted in- 
dustrious lb, tali' -gar' dak adj. (person) 

offering himself as a sacrifice for others 'jfy 
balarnosh' adj. toper glutton (_>*../ J - it 

bals'-e be- darmsii n.f. great calamity 
unmanageable person bats’ 'eh tins v.t. 

express extreme affection and concern (for) 
offer oneself as sacrifice (for) ; pass one’s 
hands over another’s head in token of drawing 
all his calamities on oneself [A] 
fy m bi-la' n.m. without un- ijl bi-la' 

tkrah' adv. voluntarily ; without compul- 
sion l"b bi-la ts’am'mul adv. without 

hesitation ; unhesitatingly instanta- 

neously ; recklessly ; rashly tji&'b. bi-la' 
tahs'shs, Olf d~be tabs' shs adv. rashly 

recklessly headlong excessively 
bi-ls trad' did adv. without hesitation ; with- 
out ; rluctance • unhesitatingly tf^bbi-is’ 
tasan'no ‘ adj. & adv. uneihbelished 
spontaneous(ly) frank(ly) ^O^bi-ls’' lakal'luj 
adv. without hesitation ; unhesitatingly 
without formality C&' tavaq'quf adv. 

without delay ; without loss of time 
speedily 'jjj* bi-ls' shak\ bi-ls' raib' adv. 

without doubt or suspicion; doubtlessly ; un- 
doubtedly unquestionably ir/a' shar't 
adj. & adv. unconditionally ) absolute- 
ly) ^I'tybi-la' ns'thah adv. daily regularly 
constantly without intermission bi-la 

vsi tab (or ped. -vs’sitah) direct directly 
bi-ls 'vaj'h adv. without any rhyme or 
reason [A with 4- Jf not] 

jjfo bilsd' n.m. pl. towns ; cities, n.m. sing. 

, country [A ~ sing. Jt ] 

fj&,bals$' n.m. communication convey- 

, in 8 l A] , 

£/sfybais'ghat n.f. rhetoric eloquence 

^fybulsq' n.m. septum-ring 

* septum 

^ buls'ns v.t. eall summon 

* invite convene I'lkiO'Dfl 
ijlss ' buls'ns summon or convene 
a meeting I'll ft bills' Is'ns V.T * fetch 

I bila'va n.m. invitation Cfj\stb.buls'vs bkej'- 
* na v.t. send out invitation (to) 
bils'o n.m. wild cat tom-cat 

* bil'ls] 

^Ojbalb' n.m. bulb [E] 

{bil' bit n f. (or m.) (ped. PL- 0- 
bala’bil) nightingale J^lftbul'bul- 
etasji'm n.m. a kind of chequered 

' b ' it 




cloth [ ~ A] 

n.m. bubble 

UJUz balbala'nh v.i. (of camel) cry (or 
camel) be in heat 

LjJL^bi/bi/a'na v.i. sob blubber feel 
uneasy ; be restless complain from 

pain or grief bilbils' ith’na v.r. cry from 
torturous pain 

\^jJ^bi' latns v.i. get lost insist childishly 

IL-f bilta'tia v.t. ruin cause to get 

Qf^bihi n.f. consignment bill of lading 
receipt for railway consignment )Et. 
dubious; prob. E~corr. of B.L.T. pr. 
bre-tl-tte' abb. of Aill of fading by train) 
jJ*ba'lad > tjibal'dah n.m. city town 
’settlement region jlfc bildd',^ji>_ buldan' 
n.m. PL. cities : towns country *ji>, 
baldiy'yah n.f. municipality ; municipal 
committee urban area with local self- 
government baldiyyal' n.f. pl. munici- 
palities ; local bodies ‘filjSbaldiyya'n adj. local 
body ; municipal baldiyya'Ci ida'rak 

n.m. municipal body /* \£)Jl>J'baldiyyati niiam 
n.m. system of local self-government 
municipal system [A] 

J^/ibal'lamlair n.m. (iron. corr. of) volunteer 

balasan' n.m. balsam 

bilas na v.i. enjoy ; derive pleasure from 

bulagha' N.M. PL. eloquent persons [A ~ 

bal'gham n.m. one of the four humours 
f phlegm Jf{ bal'ghami adj. phlegmatic 
generating phlegm sluggish 
bat' gham mizaj' n.m. & adj. (of) sluggish 
temperament |A~G] 

Z&bitqis' n.f. the Sabaean queen converted 
ijrCT'bi Solomon 

nfLbi'lokne v.r. weep bitterly cry 
*"'• persistently be uneasy or restless 

demand by crying consistently wail 
bilfca'na v.t. Jet child wjeep bitterly 

bal’kik CR3NJ. rather on the contrary; 
on the othej hand . 

Uk bal’ kips. Lit tval’kiya n.m. silly boyJp^Jv 
be_ bal'kiyt ka'Iah % ph. 
(lovingly) begone you silly lad ! 

Sbal'tam n.m. lance ; spear sceptre 
' staff of authority jbsJ’.bal'lam bar dir' **,«*; 

lancer one carrying the staft’of authority 
befoie its owner ; sceptrccarrier 
J^ba'lam, 14 bal'ma n.m. lover paramour 
f husband (as beloved) [ - il jj ) 

bill and' adj. loud high lofty 

tall raised ; elevated exalted sub- 
lime jlji^y.bulah'd-avai' adj. loud-voiced 
Stentorian loud ^j-XJ^bulaiid'-payah adj. 

exalted high-ranking i^CrdXkbhlah'd- 

ahavg adj. loud high-sounding jtt/2K 
bul and' -pari'ai adj. sublime ambitious 

soaring high btilaftd'-parta$ N.F. 

high thinking soaring ambition high 
flight sublimity Jy/# bulahd hau'salah (col. 
haus' lah) adj. ambitious; aspiring 
magnanimous n m . high stepper J^j&.bulaiid 
haus' lags (ped . hau'saiagi) n.f. magnanimity 
ambition biilahd kar'na v.t. raise ; 

lift elevate exalt b bland' -maglabah t 

?jj&bulahd' -rut' bah adj. high-ranking 
bulahd' -rut' bah log n.m. pl. the eliie (of the 
the city, etc.) bulahd'- nagar ‘adj. 

ambitious noble-minded bulahd' -him' - 

mat adj. ambitious ; aspiring magnani- 
mous bulahd' -him' mali n.f. ambition 

of magnanimity 1 'fj* bulahd' ho'na v.i- 
ascend be above (something) bulah'di 

n.f. height elevation loftiness 
stature exaltation [P] 
tJfbal'vah n.m. riot tumult distur- 
bance fyf'balv&'i n.m. rioter ADJ. riotous 

1 . 7 * &) 

buha’na v.t. send for summon 

invite [~ l"ik — tfjIcAus.] 

‘j^billaur’ (ped. balloor' n.m; crystal glass 
adj. transparent bright (fjrfbiUau'n, 
UjjL billau'rih adj. crystal ; glass trans- 
parent bright [PJ 
^ baloot' (ped. ballooV) n.m. (also 
Jrpf&shah' baloot ') oak 

^chestnut tree acorn [A] IftMr ... 

££ buloogh', NM.Cftbaloo'ghat s.r.fmgj* 
maturity ; majority puberty 
coming of age [A] 

bi'looh bi'looh n.m. hue and cry (op. 
over some trouble esp. hunger) 
want ; scarcity 

l‘jf» bilo’na v.t. churn (jjhbilo’ni, n.f. churning 

adj. (dial.) brave n.m. hero [8} 

(£ll £ balik^rf adv. term of affection) offering- 
oneself as sacrifice to protect (child or be- 


fjbaTU n.v. prop long wooden post 
long thick bamboo (for rowing or steering 
hosts) jlA. bal'H-mar n.m. boatman jltybal ti- 
marah' n.m. name of a well-known Delhi 
street (originally known as Boatmen’s street) 
n.f. cat female cat bolt 
latch £y\}\ /jf.bil'h ulahg'na ph . (of cat) 
crass someone’s way (fig.) be upset 

io dihickk' roit ke khsb ph . 
wishful flunking tyj fa bil ti ke 
bfoxtgoi. chfatu ka toet'na PH. be a godsend (to 
someone) (fjfibil'U lo tan n.f. spikenard ; 
hyacinth (f. ~ ^ bit' la) 

bcdiyyat’ n.f. (pl. of A. n.f. if) 

jy^batid’ adj. & n.m. thick-skulled ; dunce ; 
duffer [A] 

jJ^baleA' n.m. blade : .razor blade [E] 

yA^bil’yard N.M, billiards [E] 

yiboH&‘ adj. (pl. UHfiiagha') 

eloquent (person or style) 


lyjljt balaik' adj. & n.m. 

" * black blackmarket 

marketeer balaik' mal n.m. blackmail^# 
balaik me'tar "n.m. black mailer [E] 

baleh'da n.M.(fj&balrfi<fi n.f. long 
** bamboo ; ridge pole (fig.) tall person 
J^Jf bale'lah n.f. ‘bdlariq myrobalan’ 

^Jmliy'yak n.f. (vl. C^Oibaliyyat') calamity 
** misfortune fiend [A~ ill ] 

* Abam n.f. shaft (of carriage for yoking 
’ horse) uproar '£*Abam'~diakh n.f. up- 
roar ; clamour t ‘\^/'fy^bam'chakh mafha'na 
v.t. clamour pP] v 

A bam.' N.F. bass ; deep tone jj &’ r-o-bam 
I n.f. base and soprano n.m. pl. ups and 
downs ; vicissitudes [P] 

Kd bam N.m. bomb (fA ibam-ba'ri n.f. bombing 
V/tfAfibam-ba' ti kar'na v.t. bomb (E] 

LA bam'ba n.m. hand-pump tap 

* fountain ; source (of river) ; waterhead 

pitl-box [ ~ E pump) 

tfban n.m. wood ; forest ; junglej/i^iaa bat' 
n.m. banishment ; ostracism ; exile t^rfbait 
bila'o n.m. wild caX^l^ban-ma'nas n.m. 
guerilla ; chimpanzee 
y/'bfin n.f. rcot [P] 

bin n.m. son [A abb. of caused between two- 
r names] 

(Jibing. bina adv. without ; except ; unless 
V/$\tfbin a'i mar 1 ns v.t. die a sudden 
death be ruined for no cause J.-tf'dbin ja’ne 
adv. unknowingly ; unwittingly flk-Aty/inJ. 
bin da' mofi ghulam'jt.M. one under heavy 

obligation devoted person one held in 
thrall hAdl’()s‘J2A <J. bin mafi'ge 

mo'H mi'lefi our msh'ge mi'Wna bhik' prov. for- 
tune has its vicissitudes (JU^l^iJ.bin bula'ya 
nuhmah[ ph. uninvited guest 
JL-lfd* bin bula'e khuda’ ke hah bhi na'hifij a te 
prov. to a wedding (or christening) go not 
without an invitation aujt 
if} (j^bin ro't mah bhi (bacfi'^te kofdoodk na'hth 
de'ti prov. a closed mouth catches no flics ; 
nothing venture, nothing gain , 

ba'na (rus.bban'na or lj%ban'ra) n.m. ( 1 
* bam, ban'rti(fP:ban'rl) groom ; bridegroom 
bina' n.f. (pl. jA.Iab'niyah) foundation 
basis root came motive origin 
edifice structure (J UXi bina' bar-an 

bina' bor-ifi adv. therefore owing to this 
because of it I'JV, bina' kar'na v. begin ; 
start ; commence u/j 0. bins' rakk'na v.t. 
lay the foundation (of) give rise to [A] 
lb L ba'na bana'ya adj. completed 
•** * finished manufatured readymade 

t 'j/lfaltflVtC' ba'na bana'ya khel' bigar'na 
v.t. upset the (or someone’s) apple-cart [~U* 

&b banal' n.f. p-l. daughters girl^r \5v. 

bans' t-un-na 1 ’ th n.f. constellations of the 
Greater and the Lesser Bear [A~ sinc.C*'] 

ba'na ika'na (f. yAjtba'ni ihn'ni) adj. 
foppish chic „ welladorned 
bans' dir n.m. bandar gaheh n.f. 

* piw ports . harbours (P — sing . jjlS) 

{fjb t ban a rat n.m. name of an Indian .city 
* well-known for its Hindu shrines 
banar'si tbag n.m. respectable looking swindler 
or ‘thug’l^yytlianar'ii kap'ra n.m. brocade 
I banar'si labg'ranM. a. kind of good 
quality mango sub'fr* bona' rat n.m 



'd-u-bast' n.m arrangement 
* management system (revenue) 
settlement bafi'd-o-bast-e istimra ri 
n.m. permanent settlement ^*7 a fid 
ro'zah bail' d-o-bast n.m. temporary settlement 


+ .bafidooq' n.f. gun rifle (old use) 
tA>"^musket l/fijsjjbandooq' bitar' n a v.t. load a 
gun 1‘ti'JiM.babdooq’ chala'na v.t. fire a 
gun fire shoot (at) bahdooq' 

djkatya’na v.t. put gun to the shoulder ; whip 
it ou.t baft' dooq’c fit N.M. .musketeer [T] 

fj£/baii'dah n.m. 1 slave , bondsman 
obedient person tjjbaii' dab ba'shar hai 

prov. to err is human jj/ tj* bail' da-par' var. 
j\) iXtban da-navat' adj. patron bene- 
factor (respectful or iron ; mode of address) 
boss cherisher of this slave of yours c 
bail' da-par' van' tfjtjv/baii'da-nava'zi n f. 
kindness munificence ti^jt^bart'da-e dargah' 

n m devoted servant most humble servant 
1 3 bail’ da-za dah n.m. one’s son (when 
introducing or referring him to one's superior 
\%%£ J ba1uth.'na v.t be tied stand commit- 
ted be arrested fall into a trap 
bahdfla’i n.f. remuneration for binding 4/% 
babdhan n.m. relationship tie 

baii'dkan har, jljiJ^baftdkanvar n.m. garland 
hung at someone’s door by gardener on cere- 
monial occasion l ^^vbaiidhva' na v.t. impli- 
cate accuse cause to be bound 

j}j.baii'dfU mat'ihi lakh' bora bar prov. unity 
is strength 

foC/biitdh'nct v.i. probe ; drive a hole in 
be probed; be strun gibpj^bifidk'jana 
v.i. (of pearl, etc.) be bored or strung 

be aptly used bifidh.' ga'ya so 

mo' d prov. whatever is done is well-done 

whatever word is used is aptly used 
[fat C'bundhan'ya n.m. mixture of parched 
** coriander-seed, etc. 

fjj/baii'di N.F. (rare) prisoner 1 ISA 

bah'di kha'nah n.m. prison ; gaoI [P~ rX{] 
./‘bitidl n.f. (dial.) zero; cypher 

^•saffron speck (or crystal spangle for fore- 

()ji/batidal n.m. bundle [E] 

bah'di n.f. quilted waistcoat 

\^/ban‘ra n.m. , (f^sbaitri n.f. (see under 0 
*n m *) 

^ 7 iSbansalodian n.f. bamboo-sugar ) 

V • 

trfban'sl n.f. pipe ; flute fishing rod 

t/banaf'shah N.F. & m. violet 

^^baitik (or babk) n.m. bank (for monetary 
transaction)^ /$bafika'ri n.f. banking 
batik’ bad labs n.m. bank balance [E] 
Ifj&'brt'ter’na v.i. make noise : be noisy 

Jj^baiiga'll n.f. Bengali (language) 

// Bengali (citizen) adj. of Bengal 

Jfi'bafig’lah n.m. bungalow a kind of 
// betel-leaf n.f. Bengali language 
jSbah'goo n.m. bah'gX n.f. humming top 

tMban'nsv. 1. be made be constructed, 

be built be manufatured be prepared 
be mended be cooked be achieved 

have affected manners pose i^j^ba'na 

raih'na v.i. be unaltered 4ast long 
prosper ; thrive remain in good state L'IJ< 
banva'ns v.t. cause to be made get built 
or constructed cause to prepared have 
repaired have mended Jl y'.ban'va’i n.f. 
remuneration for making, mending, etc. 
completion ; manufacture 1 

C* ban' ns v.t. weave knit OjdbZnva'ua v.t. 

get woven get knitted (of chair) 
have (it) caned Llsibunva’na v.t. cause to be 
knitted have woven get caused 
bunva i n.f. remuneration for caning 
(chair), weaving or knitting weaving, knit- 
ting or caning 

ysbinnaut ’ n.f. club-fight fencing with 
cudgels, etc. Xj>fes.bimaut' ka hath: n.m. 

I (& v.t.) use a trick ©f this game 
if^ba'noo n.m. pl. (same as^N.M. pl. if) [A] 

j binau'la n.m. cottonseed 

ban'ni n.f. (~ u n.m. if) 

'. fba'ni (rare) Jiba'noo) n.m. pl. children 
*(of) ; tribe (of) sons (of) f'sl^ba'rd a' dam 

n.m. mankind ; human beings f'lrffia'm 
is'ra'il n.m. Jews • childrcA of Israel ; Israelites 
fA ’-smb.fc/'ij 





[faban’ya n.m. petty-shopkeepcr petty- 
ntjnded person miser usurer [~- & ] 

jiJ'bQn'jad 1 n.f. foundation foundation* 

** stone groundwork bas is (2 IjjOi b any ad' 

dal' nil v.t. begin introduce set the 

fashion U/j jL* bunyad’ rakk'na v.t. found 
lay the foundation (of) lay the founda- 
tion-stone tfjL} bitty a' dl adj basic ; funda- 
mental bunyu'di jvmhooriy'yat n.f 

Bapic Democracy’; B.D. system [P] 
^i^bunyan' n.f. structure i/y^^libinya n-t 
** marsoos ' n.m. reinforced structure 
strong group 

n.f. (dial, m.) vest 

lV > » 

/jptbane'p, bane' did n.f. whirling torch , 
rod lighted at both ends and used as 
weapon, etc. 

boo (p)n.f. smell; odour stink 
scent' a' nav.i. stink; smell I'ljboo' 
pa! ltd v.i. (of dog) scent know ; guess’-dar’ adj. stinking adorous 
^ boo n.m. father possesser of endow- 
ed with having -er ^IJ'' tirab’ 
n.m. title of Hazrat Ali boo' ‘a'li st'na 

n.m. Avicenna ^UbuWajabl n.f. wonder 
marvel folly Grange thing Jjib^ 
n.m. prattler unmannerly person l J> 
bul-havas' ^n.m. lustful person ; slave of 
passions one false in love adj. lustful 

false avaricious (f^Hj.bQl-ha'vasi n.f. 
lust , pretension of love avarice 
boo-qa! Imooft adj. variegated marvellous 

boo-qalamoo'fa n.f. colourfolncss variety 


t£boo"a n.f sister paternal aunt 
(woman’s title of respect for) older female 

^tybavaslr' n.f. piles j^J.jrkhoo'td baoa'str 
** n.f. haemorrhoids [A] 

«*| j bpto&'na v.t. (rus.) cause to be sown 
* get covered 1/ buva’ 't (dial. jlJ.bauar’) n.f. 

seed-time sowing [ ~ l’j. bo »a) 
kfZtfUb/wa’Us n.m. pl. reasons ; causes [A~ 


^)^J t biva”i n.f. chilblain kibe 

r **' * 



one who has not suffered cannot understand 
thepuffering of others 

ujfjboo'bak n.m. simpleton aged tester , 

• »fool J ’ 

JJbo'bo N.F. elder sister old governess 

fyboo'la n.m. strength ; might ; power 
bal boo'ta n.m. strength ; might , power 
f\) t bolam' n.m. (old use) button [ -E. cor*.] 

jjfJ'bo'tal n.f. bottle liquor 
bottleful of ; as much as a 
bottle will contain \.'/d 
bo tal meh bkar'na v.t. bottle [E] 

Zjboo'tah n.m. (rare) crucible [E] 

J 2 'jbo'tah , tybo'ta n.m. youAg camel |P) 

. ** 

J\Sj t boo' Omar n m. heron [PJ t(r~^ 

L^jl'boot, kJsj'boobt n.m. green gram 

Ifyboot n.m. shoe bootie ladies’ 

sandal wtyjf/'j//' boot n.m. boot [=3 
Ijf'boo ta N.M. plant sapling floral 

pattern (on somethingjOHjjAoo'ta sa qad’ 
adj. small but well proportioned statu 
boote ka\h.'na v.i. t embroider work 
floral patterns jUJ^Jboo'te-dar adj. embroi- 

24 bo'iX n.f. joint slice bf meat for serv- 
ing at table l^jClfabo'ti itar’de'na v bite 
off (piece of flesh) L^J^'p bo’tl 
pkarakana v.i. be naughty; be fottof mischief 
Ojl(Ji-^'tiysn ura'na v.i. give a good 
hiding beat black and blue 

bo’tiyafi tor’na (or kat'na or noth’ na) v.i, 
press hard demand with constant taunt 
give corporal punishmcndlfe jsfoy’jbo'fiyafi 
kit'toh so nucbva'na ph. (threat to) bring 
torturous death 

Jjboo'* N.F. herb or root used as drug 
Indian hemp (~1 ^dim,] 

Jfjbojk n.m. load burden encum- 
brance debt obligation responsi- 
bility (^Zy/jjfJbojh. (sir' se) Ular'na v.t 
put down the load or burden discharge the 
obligation throw off the encumbrance 
pay off the debt relieve (someone) of rcs- 
ponsibili ty(V/(^^. bojh. (sir pi) udia'na v.i 
bear lift up the burden carry the load 
undertake the responsibility be under an 
obligation si/ par ko'na v.i. 

be under an obligation ('jkal adj. 

UV. boojb'na v.t. __ | guess I make out jfj. 

boojh. n.f. (rare) undemanding 



sa'majk'boojk, Jj^soojk'-beojt n.f. com* 
monsense understanding sagacity 
boajk bajkao'val n.f. solving the riddles 
boojh b jkak'kar mm. wiseacre ; sententious 
fool tyjy.btojh' par'na v.i. (rus.) appear; 

boo'&a adj (r. tff boo'dki) same as 
** budk'dia adj. ★) v ’ 

^ bdo'dtar n.m butcher beefvendor [E] 


"Mj. bauchhar' N f. driving rain ; wind 
v and rain heavy shower spray 
drift abundance volley (of questions, 

etc.) windfall I’^iL^baudthar’ par’na v.i. 
face heavy shower <$ kl bau(hhar' ho'na 

v.i. face severe (criticism) face vplley (of 
questions) have a windfall (of) K/51 ki 
bmtdsfrar’ kar'na v. squander ; spend lavishly 
give in abundance talk incessantly^^ 

baudtha'n n.f. sunshade f< ' 

yjbood n.f. existence v.i. was </ t*jJ. bood-<r 
bask n.f. residence existence (some 
one’s) society jjba'vad v.i is proves to be 


\}Jbo'da adj. {r.tfjjbodi) weak; feeble 

'timid ; faint-hearted foolish'da 
kar'na v.t. weaken enervate [P] 

DjJ. bod' Is n.m. simpleton name of a 

mendicant fraternity adj. simple ; gullibje 
bod’ti n.f. tomboy member of this fraternity 
adj. simple ; gullible 
Alj^'dam be dal’ (joc.) fool. 

V ’I owl — f)J.~ J 1 was] j$i Z-jj. 
oor n.f. chaff ; husk sawdust 
* boor ’ ke lad' 400 n.m. a kind of sweetmeat 
deceit ; specious thing false hope 
boor' ke la4'4oo 
kbZ'e to' pad&iti'e na kha”t to' padthta”* 
prov. attractive but unpalatable ; something 
whose fharm wears away soon 
I j j m boo'ra n.m. powdered ^ugar sawdust 

AjJ. bo ' TS n.m ..('ri n.f. gunny bag 

• sack 

iVjJ boors' ni n.f. roasted brinjal served in 
j, * curds [P] , 

>j) bor'd n.m. board Jfjj Jor'ding n.m. board- 
ing house [E] 

{JjJ.bau'n n.f parched barley'ri n.f. gunny bag 

{/jjbo'riya n.m. palm-leaf mat bjJ. 

** ik&bo'riya bodh’na N.M. (one’s) 
belongings (,’{£/ fevbJ'bo'riya bad'na 
Hjka'na v.i. quit make a 
move f y bo ' riya bis' tar U&a'na 
V.i. quit make a move [P] ^ 

\ 0 fyj, boo'rha n.m. old man adj. ('rki) 
old ; aged elderly i,l t la>'dea 
ba’ba n.m. old man yMlSl bjj.’boo'rka ba'la 
bara'bar prov. an old man is twice a child 
l&j rJpjJ. boo'rha diotdtla, {Pt)i('rk i 
fflo'rS led' lagam' ph. youthful blandishment* 
in old age llyibrjJ. boo'rha ho’na v-.u grow old or 

lJj)boo'r\ n.f. spike at end of staff point 
. 'of spear * 

9jJ m boo'zah’ n.m. beer Jejj boo'(a-gar adj. 

brewer s^—^'za-kha'nah n.m. 
brewery beer shop pub [P] 

Z/jjhootnah. Jsjjfioo&'nah n.m monkey {P] 

/j\^J,bos'tan,(J tabus' tab orchard name 

*of a Persian classic [P] 

^yj'bo'sah n.m. kiss tfj i bo^sa-ba'g n.P. 
fondling ; kissing ; dalliance t/J, bo* sur 
kissing touching (as^Tj [jtfefa'lak-bos n.m. 
ski-higlvC6</<5'.io'*-0 kindr' fondling; kisses 
and caresses ; kissing and hugging [P] _ 

bosl'dah *Di. decayed decaying 
” * rotten £j£*%bosi'da& n.f. decay 


\jjJbo$'mah r*M. rags ; tatters worth- 
less stuff adj. ugly [T] 

Qjbooq n.m. bugle ; clarion [A] 

CjjJj. baukk'lana v.i. be unnerved be 
j confused lose one’s presence of mind 
jjj>y t baukhla , hat n.f. nervousness con- 
fusion* jitters J^Mn'kAal n.m. & adj. 
nervous (person) 

Jjjfo'gi n f, bogie [E) 

(Jjbaul m. urine [A] 

(}jJbol N.m. words of a song utterance ; 

’speech ; words syllable fame J/.bJjS' 
nA'tka bol n.m. soft words ; sweet word^JjJL^ 
ml'jjka bol bol'na v.i. say sweet words l&ljs. 
bol' teih’na v.i. speak out exclaim lib Jd. 
bol' ba'la mm. success; prosperity b'jjliiJJ. 
b<d ba’la ho’na V.I. achieve fame thrive ; 
prosper WjVsa v.i. lose one’s 



patience JJfJj Ml'-tfcal’ n.f. talk conver- 
sation , dialogue dialect LrfJbJiboT-ebal' 
ho'na v.i. be on speaking terms ( - Oj.] 
tKy. baula‘nS,CCfUj.baula' ja'na v.i. lose 
one's wits : lose one’s presence or mind 
have the jitters 

Qj'bot’na v.i. speak say talk utter 
tell call pronounce 90 und 
bid chirp be reconciled rave 

(of peacock, etc.) scream OlgOj,bol'na fhal'na 
v.i. talk converse 

(Jj'bo'ti n.f-. dialect speech ; language 
chirping song taunt bid auction 
bo' it de’na v.i. bid at an auction 
bo'ti tho'ti n.f. taunts ; jeers l‘AJj,bo‘ti mar'na 
v.t. taunt ; jceTOjf(J(-^fy,bo'liyan bofrts. v. 
babble speak in (different) dialects or 
languages chirp ; song ^UUJ w bo' fiysh sin' ns 
v.i. hear taunts [ ~ prec.] 

i n.m. (lit.) owl land JP) 


t *J, bctu'na n.m. j/bau'id n.f. dwarf ; pygmy ; 
midget adj. dwarfish 

l ’J bo' ns V.t. sow cultivate plant 

(of stallion) cover $ Ij.buea'i n.f. (seetinder 
v.t. +) 

burhd n.f. raindrop drop bootid' 
boond adv. drop by drop (fjlljtybooh’da 
bab’di n.f. drizzle /(X)boobd' bhar adj. just a 
drop ; just a little l C&’deh ta'paknu 
v.i. drip ; trickle tjlT^juCJjiJ.bookd' 

boohd kar ke talab' bkor'ta haintov. small addi- 
tions regularly made become large accretions 
(fjlJ'booti di n.f. a kind of sweetmeat ; gram 
j drops [P ~ PREC. DIM.] 

(£jy,boofi'di n.f. the germ of a plant after the 
, flower is shed 

i/JM nas n.m. bonus jpljy^jl bo'nas va’uetar 
y n.m. bonus voucher [E] 

+ bauiiga n.m. gamilous fool adj. stupid 
awkward g J.bauti gi n.f. such 
wo mar nousensical talk - 
vyfj, boh' rah n.m. member of an Ismaili sect 
(old use) (member of) a class of 
village money-lenders 

[ffjboh'rii n.f. first sale for ready money in 
y the morning handsel ; hausel 
^jbo"iya n.m. small basket for spinning 
** cotton 

X^jbaoo’ siya t babt'siya n.m. confirm- 

"** ed catamote in advanced age one 
suffering from I piles (fig.) chatteibox 

'beh adj. (rare) well ; good bih’tar adj. 
better superior tfyfbeh' lari n.f. 

welfare betterment improvement 
good (J^fbthlarin' adj. best [P] 

V beh n.m. hole pricked in woman’s ear or 
nose for holding jewellery 
J U*'" bhs'bar n.m. a kind of plant yielding fibre 
* for bed VringS 

^IjfbkS’H n.f. (same m^IV’n.f. (() 

i^baha' n.m. (lit.) value price rate 
khooh-buha' nju. (see under gl/N.M. ifc) 
bha'ti n.f. sister-in-law ; brother’s wife 

bhap n.f. steam vapour exhala-. 

** tion Q&'ufld bhap' rn'kalns v.i. emission of 
steam or vapour 

£/\fifbhat' n.m. boiled rice dower given 
to bride by her maternal unci e uH/Jbdat- 
bhat' n.m. daily bread ; bread and butter 
k£t(afbhat n.m. (dial.) bard ; minstrel 

ihfbka't a n.m. ebb-tide tUjIj’javar' bhs'va n.m 
ebb and flow 

(fU.bka'jis.r. (dial.) vegetable dish 
guest’s share 

JfW, baha'dur adj. brave bold cour- 
ageous valiant honourable n.m. 
hero ; champion (fj>W.baha' dm n.f. 
bravery boldness courage valour [P] 
Ojyiif.bka'doh N.M. fifth month of Hindu 
calendar (corresponding to August- 
September) d/fi bhtfdoh to bha'ran n.f. 
heavy August rains (inundating -dried-up 
ponds) tflf/djj Ldbks'doh ka jka’la 

bha'doh ke dofig'r* n.m. PL. light August 

ji^bahar' n.f. spring verdure prime 
(of life) ; bloom (oi youth) beauty ele- 
gance flourishing state pleasure; enjoy- 
ment jW. bahar' par a' ns v.i. blossom, 

flourish tfjtJjW.babareh loot'na v.i. enjoy 
revel in lead a life of pleasure dOM. 
baha'ristan' N.M. Springfield tfji/bahrfri adj. 
vernal [P] 

jW.bhsr n.m. man-load of crop 

4 rfLfb 

/jyfbhsr'kas n.m. cart strap binding 
draught animal to carriage shafts [~P 
{/■{/j’ weight-pulling corr.] 
jy bka'rat n.m. ^(Hindu name for post-part i- 
J tion I nd id c/j&jU bka'rat oar' A n.m. (an- 



cicnt Hindu name for; India [S] 

Y.T. sweep dust tidy up 

l$ji*fboka ran n.f. weepings JjL.hoha too, (fjW, 
totd’rl (usu. bbhi’roo n.f. 

broom VJrjWutf' jha'roo boha’roo *a/n s v.t. 
sweep dust 

(Jj\jfb1ia'n adj heavy weighty fat 
large ; big voluminous great 
loud hard ; difficult cumbersome 
Sluggish (11) strong (12) costly (13) valuable 
(14) important (15) ominous fyftfjbfbka'H 
bkar'kam adj. grave fat plump heavy 
bbd'ri pal' A mt ehoom kar 
thkor' de'no v.f v withdraw from a difficult 
under taking iagrto v.i. 

appear to be heavy find difficult or tire- 
some IsttfjUhka'n ho'nd V.i. be heavy 
be fat be cumbersome ,, ominous be 

%Jbhar N.m. . fire-place for parching grain 
' oven furnace wages of sin 
bh t r' jkohk'na v.t. make a fire of faggot for 
parching grain be unable to equip oneself 
for a means of livelihood lUjL fbkdr' hka'na 
v.i. be a pimp live on the wages of sin 
run a brothel j bfM a\ men jhofik' na 

v.t. squander ; cast to the dogs 
l^bha'rd NJd. fare freight 

* bha'ra kar'no V.I. hile 

fareVl f'i-j kbits' re ka tattoo n.m. 
pony hireling drugaddict 
need of constant repairs 

bits' sha, bits' kha N.F. (rare) 

J vernacular language speech [SJ 
t JV i hihng' n.m. name of a musical mode [S] 

f[^bhsg' n.m. lot fate ; destiny ^ 

* fortune ; good luck ; honour 
bhdg' pkoot'na v.i. be unfortunate ; he' very 
unlucky i^^/Ubkdg' jag nd, &djtkbhag‘ 
khAl'na>$jy,bkag‘ lag'na v.i. be fortunate; 
be in luck become rich be honoured ; be 
exalted & >J^bhag' van' adj. lucky; for- 
tunate wealthy munificent 

g v.i. (see under UUv. '• ★) 

y[ff(bftagar n.f. stampede flight from 

* immediate danger defeat \~ffljbka gar 
tnfidi'na v.i. be a stampede [ -foll.J 
Cfitfbhag 'na v.i. run run away escape 

-* ft- jttfbkag' ja'na v.i. escape run 


settle the 
thing in 



flee abscond elope 
bhag' adv. hurriedly swiftly 
&' utk'na v.i. run away ; take to heels 
n.f. spike point (of arrow, or 
bayonet, etc.) blade (of spear, lance, 

etc.) search Jbfd'fdekk.'-bhal' H.r. search 
supervision reconnaissance 

dtkh-bha! kar'na v.t. look reconnoitre 
yl^bb-a'fa n.m. spear ; >ance 

Jlrfbfm'loo N.M. 

tv* a’na V.I. turn out to oe likeable 

* please ; be pleasing be agreeable (to) 
be acceptable (to) 

\Xdbaha‘na v.t. spill shed (blood) 
cause to flow set afloat or adrift 
squander spend lavishly Iw,/ 

rUpa'yah ps'rd. ki tor' A baha'na v.i. squander 
money spend lavishly 
\jj>{jfbk.ahp'na v.i. guess make out 

* know ; perceive surmise divine 

see through fy^b/bhatip' j&'na. ty-sUbkanp' 
U’na v.i. guess " 

V&bf&'L tfbkatit’ bkatu ka adj. diverse 

of various kinds assorted ill- 


^{dfbhatj n.f. discount in getting change 

bhan’ja n.m. sister’s son ; nephew Jjltt 

* , bftan’ji n.f. sister’s daughter ; nice 

if Lfbiutl'jt n.f. obstruction putting a 

spoke in another’s wheel ; marring some- 
one’s plans tale : bearing backbiting jjv 
jfbhalt’ji-khoT, jl'J'bdbhah'ji-mar adj. mar-plot; 
one who tries to put a spoke in another's 
wheel tel i/ybkah'ji mar'na v.t. tell Ules to 
mar (someone’s plans) put a spoke in some- 
one’s wheels 

>U bhditd n.m. buffoon 

street actor jester * mimic. 

^blab disreputable person? 
tjZZ a IS bkabd' bkog'tije n m. pu.I 

buffoons street actors riff- i*U 


\jb\rfbhah'<!a n.m. earthen vessel (fig. I 

* secret tfjtftiAr'^tfc’ybkan'da (ch aura' he 
mefi) phootna v.i. be found out (in public) 
lose one’s character (of secret) be divulged 

be publicly disgraced t'JjdtL/fe-bsjfaU.bhsh'da 
(&aura’hr men) phor'na v.t. divulge (some- 


•fee’s) secret disgrace publicly 

Mum, '-matt n.m. juggler ; magician 
ofakf bhdn'-maii ka kUn'bah ph. 
ill-assorted things ill-matched things or 
persorn unholy alliance •£■%}(} d" 

& *"t' Aa'Art ka ro'ra bksti- 
maR nt kiin'bah jo’ r a prov. ill-assorted group 

unholy alliance 

Jt/^.baka'iiah hm. excuse plea, pietext 
pretence feint ; nrtc evasionJT^lv. 
tMJia’na-joo adj . (person) seeking an excuse 
baha'na-joo"i N.f. (putting up) false 
excuses Vjt'j*jilfibaha'nah dkwf.d'va, C/^C-v. 
baha'nah kar'tia v.i. put up a lame 
excuse ; evade ; dodge come out with an 
excvseJL^U.baha-na-sae adj. (person) who 
puts, up lame excuses (fJIyiU'bahs'nZ-sa'gt h.f. 
^putting up) false excuses [P] 

n m. pl. animals ; quadrupeds 
i bruits f A -sing, ^r.l 

jyfbk-a'o n.m. rate market ^price 
* gesticulation (in dancing) 0* I l'/h bjlfc 
bka”o utarna (or gir’na or gkat'na) n.f. (all 
in price (of price) .fall (V> ji^bHa”o bats' na 
v.t. give the rate gesticulate (in dancing) 
(ljr^^L)l>Jgtb(bia'’o {barfs' na (or tee' ho'na) 
rise in pnee (of price) rise or soar V&jif 
bka"o Aaks'ns v.t. settle the rate(s) 

$Lr'baha”o N.M. flux flow gliding along 
direction of current [ - O;] 
bha’voj, J'ljtbka'bi n.f. brother’s wife ; 
p sister-in-law 

tyj baha”i n.m. (member of) a heretic sect of 
Islam which has tried to set itself as a 
separate religion [~ founder’s name A] 
Q[ffbha’'1 n.m. brother kinsman 
* friend companion ; comrade ally 
£)U( jlaC bha"i bia"i n. m. PL. friends 
allies comrades >£JUAia”i bafid n.m. pl. 

hindered ; kinsmen ; kith and kin ’ rela- 
tions brethren fraternity {fMj}\i(bhs' T 

bakdl, ljlrj)\j/bh.a''i &a'ra n.i*. friendship 
tty /. i 

bka^ti bhaTek n.f. calf’s cry 
' /J ^M.bka' , ek bhaf'eti kar’nZ v.i. 
(of house) be deserted (of place) be 

^jLrfbka'iak n.f. sudden burst (of flame) 

• * bhab'ka n.m. effusion (of stench) 
offensive vapour blast (from furnace) 
alembic stilt mug ; tankard C&bha'bokna 

v.i. burst into flame (of flame) bunt 
cajch fire fly into a rage 
. Lit bhab'kt n.f. threat ; menace tfijjJ&i * r 
^ * * bhab'ki n.f. (usu. pl.) bullying 
empty threat bkab'ki dt’na v . t . 

bully threaten Mutf* 

kijofi meti n'ns v.t. feel jittery before a budy 
sil'jfbhaboot' hm. cow-dung ; ashes l) MjAjf 
* * (Uhl C$bhaboot’ rama'na (or laga'na Or 
mal'na) become a (Hindu) saint by besmear- 
ing body with ashes [SJ 
jyY, beh-bood' n.f. welfare well-being 
good betterment benefit : utility 
U jjft beh-bood-t khala'iq n.f. public 
welfare public utility [P ~ ? ■+• 

|f jjfbhaboo'ka n.m. blaze flame adj. 

ablaze hot glowing furious 

lovely [~~6(] 

[•bffbhapa'ra n.m. steam vapour 

“ steam-bath Vj<jl*fbh.apa'Ta dt'na v.t. 
give a steam hath (to; 
flldtbkqpa'TS n.m. fraud ; deceit 

a'hot' (dial, bahul') adj. many 

much most copious excessive 

enough ; sufficient plentiful ; abundant 
adv. much very much largely ex- 
cessively enormously exceedingly 
intenesely b£l£*<ba'hot a&'&a adv. all 
right ; OK very well very good 
accepted ; agreed ; granted U*di£*fba'hot ihik' 
adv. all right quite true too true 
uf/yC^ba'Aot khoob' adv. well-said well- 
done all right ; okay ; OK bc^ba'hot sa 
adj. a great deal quite a lot much 
plentiful ; abundant ^jOtba' hot rat ga"e 

adv. quite late in the evening in the 
early hours of the morning 
i t %bhat’ta n.m. allowance emoluments 
in addition to sariary (arch.) travelling 
allowance ; T.A. 

£/fi/bohtat‘. (dial, bahiitaf) n.f. abun- 
dance ; plenty excess 
tf&lbohlan 1 n.m. slander ; calumny uper. 

sion false accusation imputation 
(.C&l L^n Oijltf&.boktan' iatidk'na (or dfutr’ni 
or laga'na) v.t. bring a false accusation 
against slander ; calumniate 
’Z/fbahat' tar adj. & n.m. seventy-two 
' ‘ bahat'tarvattxDj. seventy-second 
Z/'beKlat adj. (see under adj. +) 




(Zfltott’ns n.m. imp ; goblin ghost 
demon ugly person I'jtbVZbkat'na 
ba'na ho'na v.i. be so untidy or besmeared as 
to lode like a demon f&btotfrd n.f. femaje 
demon old hag ugly woman tf#f £&■ 
HiUt'ne H (had'dhi n.f. a kind ofboys* game 
ypfbM'a n.f. funeral feast i'lty&’.bjui'H kha’na 
vh. (also fig.) see (someone) dead 
l baih'le pa'm men hath, dho'na m. make 
hay while the sun shines 
^bkarcja^-u. brother’s son ; nephew 

• ** bhali'jl n.f. brother’s daughter ; niece 

baUite'ra, bahole'ra adj. many much 
** ADV. enough ; sufficient quite mffi- 
dent a great deal much ; most 
li^NA*. den ; lair pit hole 

hpvgl glowing plaster of fire-place 

pa' re voh so'na 

jis se too' teh kan’ prov. to hell with the treasure 
that brings harm . fc ( . 

n.m. cob ; corn-cob 

* bk&i'ta sa (sir) ura'na, ph. cut (head) off 
clean with one stroke (f f &£bh3t'te ki gulti 
n.f. ear of corn without grain 
[kjfbkat'pi. Jjfbkattah n.m. kiln 

V&tbhatka 'na v.i. mislead lead astray 
cause to wander deceive UWf 
khofok'na v.i. go astray lose one’s way 
miss the right path roam about 
Udf'ka (or bha'tokta phir'na) v.i. lose (one’s 
way room about (in search of) 
ijfya/bkaf katay'ya n.f. a kind of wild 
prickly plant 

ykkf bkit'td n.f. pap ; teat 

^^bka\ai"i n.f. fawning ; sycophancy [ ~iiU) 

N.u. furnace (washerman’s) 
■cauldron still name of an Indo- 
Pakistan class f&arfca'na v.T. 

boil clothes in cauldron light fire in 

Ujffttafjra'ra n.m. innkeeper cook 
** J working at an inn, etc. 
kka'nah N.M. (fig.) home with frequent 

brawls slum mean restaurant JjI*( 
tha&a'ri n.f. female innkeeper inn- 

keeper’s wife female cook at an inn 
gjffbah'jat (or baih-) h.f. joy ; happiness 
* * delight beauty ; grace [A] 

$bhnj> f'bhadt n.m. & adj. lout(ish) 

^ flat and dark 

^ftbha'jan n.m. (dial.) hymn [S] 

tm jfo{bk jahg, &Sfbh. joti'ga n m. king crow 

* adv (of person, etc.) jet (black) 

(,*/ /Cbhijva'na v.T. send cause to be 

* sent [ - caus.] 

j'ya N.F. fried vegetable dish 

— * 

bhich'na, 1'lff-bh.idk jn'na v.i. be 
V squeezed be compressed be sitting 
in a very tight place „ 

J^bhod n.f. disgrace thud VJ^Adbhad' 
se gir'na v.i. fall with a thud cttlbfc&pf 
ki b%ad ni’kalna (or Ur' no) v.i. (of someome) be 
disgraced Mtefbhad bhad n.f. footfall (of duck 
or fat person) 

\jjfb%ad' da, adj. (f . (fjtfbhad'di) ugly 
. ’awkwardness ; clumsiness 
p j tfbhada'ka n.m. dull heavy sound (of fall) ; 

* thud 

Jeiwbeh-da'nah, A^s/be'tii-da'nah n m. (see 

* under fa n.f. ^) 

\jjjfi bhad'ra n.m. shaving off top hair (in 
f Hindu mourning) [S] 
iJjjUf bhad' rak n.f. elegance ; grace 


jfjjpfbhadvar' n.f. land prepared for sugar- 

* cane cultivation 

y^baik'r,yfjlaz baih'r-e prep, (lit.) for ; on 
’account of ; for the sake of [P] 
yy'ba-har' prep, (lit.) in every to every 
Jke(ba-har' hal' adv. anyhow ; in any 
case ; at any rate jJ’sd ba-kar’ taur' , 
ba-haf soor’ral, cgfaba-har' kaif adv. by 
all means somehow or other at all 

events ; in any case ; at any rate ; anyhow>£> 
JWtar' aff. full all whole up to 

* as far as as much as a ; one (as 
ser' bhar a seer) I'^/dMur' pa'na v.i. be 
paid in full be fed up with /( bkar-pa"i 
n.f. receipt in full j/yfbkaT-poor' adj. full 
complete brimful dgt(l&arpti‘ adv. to 
one’s fill A/dbhbr mar' nTf. plenty ; abund- 
ance excess VjA/f f hi bknT-mat' kar'na 
v.T. do- or give in abundance A* 

bhar-mar' ho'na v.i. be in abundance be 
in full strength din, bhar adv. the whole 
day ; all the day long ^ tyt'um'r bhar adv. 
during the whole (of one’s) life ; all (one’s) 




lifetitn madoor' bkar adv. to the best 
■of one’s ability or power to the utmost 
\ dbkar'ra n.m. (also pl.) deceit incite- 
' ment ; instigation Oj \/fbhar'ra derm v.t. 

deceive incite instigate ft t bhUr're 
mefi a'na^f^U^d bhar'roti mefi ana v.i. be 

I ^fbkir'ra adv. jet (black) 

baih'ra adj. & n.m. (f. tf/Vbaih'fi) deaf 
(person) hard of hearing 
/'Ly^baikram' n.m. Mars a Persian name 
j/fjs.baihram' gor n.m. name of an an- 
cient Persian King fond of zebra-hunting 

'bkafa'na v.t. cause to be filled (of 

* bird) feed its young get (animal) cover- 
ed l)^fbhaTa'i n.f. filling stuffing 
watering getting covered remuneration 
for these [ ~ I^caus.] 

j^( yrfbharra’na v.i. be husky become 

* hoarse 

AA bk&r’bhu'ra adj. (f. bhur' bhuri) 

crisp • (of soil) somewhat sandy 
bhurbhurana v.t. sprinkle (salt, sugar, etc.) 

bkar bkar ahat n.f. crispness 
tlAA W utr bkaiid' adv. upset, topsy-turvy 

&d bka'rat n.m. copper, lead and zinc alloy 

t yi~ A) 

t jf bkar' t a n.m. mash ; fried vegetables mash- 

* ed in curds (bj/ljU bkur'ta nikal'na 
(or kar da' ns) v.t. make a mash of beat 
to a pulp give a good hiding 

72 d bhar'fi n.f. recruiting ; enrolment ; 
enlistment stuffing ; insertion of 

inferior stuff fdling completion L'sJ/f 
bkar'li kar'na v.t. recruit ; enlist ; enroljl/j/*' 
bkar'li kn mat' n.m. inferior stuff 
mixture [ ~ tyd] 

bhariMt adv. (dial.) polluted 
A" bbarish’t kar'na v.i. pollute [S] 
/jrfifbhur'kas n.m. husk; chaff chips; 

* splinters U&yyf biter' kas ni'kal'nav. t. be 
severely beaten & (mar mar kar) 

biter' kas nikal'na v.t. beat black and blue 
bha'ram n.m. credit ; trust prestige 

secret (£L/b 1‘lf^dbka'ram jdna (or 
kk&l'ra) v.i. be exposed lose one’s credit 
Wyfe bka'ram gafwa'na v.i. lose one’s pres- 
tige (*l ^dlkarma'na v.t. tempt deceive 

misl ea d 


^Jdbka'ran n f. heavy Bhadon shower fylij/f 
x * (tl^Ljbka’ran pai 'na (or ba'rasnn ) v.t. 
fall in heavy shower [ ~ fold.] 
tfdbkar'na v.t & i. fill load be filled 
(of wound) heal pay indemnity 
irrigate pollute be polluted besmear 
be besmeared pay realise suffer 
tolerate (of body) grow fat grow 
or make rich (of fare) be crotVded ilyt 
bkar’ ana v.i. (of wound) heal (of heart) 

be filled with pity ly v lyf bka’ra pu'ra adj. 
happy (home) Al/fbka 'ra gWar’ N.M. happy 
or well-equipped home Oy^bkar de'na v.t. 
fill besmear make good (loss) give 

presents or settle dower profusely 
bkar' na'zar dekk'na v.t. glance fully Iddpdf 
bkar' nitid' so'na v.i. have a sound sleepCJl^^jf 
bka'ri bar sat' n.f. heavy rains tyy.tfyf 
bka'rl java' ni n.f. prime of life; blooming 
youth iA L j bka'ri javatS mah'jia 

dhl’la ph. one lazy in youth 
bka'n god' khali ho' ns v.i. become issueless on 
child’s death I A Id bka'ra litk'ra adj. be- 
smeared bedraggled 

maj'lis (or maik’fil) mefi adv. publicly ; in every 
body’s presence L'jf bka'ra bai'tka ho'na 
v.i. be greatly enraged be on the point 
of weeping I’d bkar'na bhar'na v.i. pay 
debts incurred hy others support someone 
unwillingly V yd f^/bka'rt ko bkar'na v.t. 
bestow more on someone who is already rich 
baihroop n.m. disguise actor’s 
’* make-up mimicry baihroop' 

bkar'na v.i. disguise oneself mimic 
baihroop' piy a n.m. street histrion charac- 

ter actor expert in changing one’s guise ’• 
[yjdbkaro'sa, bharo'sah n.m. confi- 
dence ; faith trust reliability 
assurance hharo'sa kar'na v.i. trust 

rely on 

gy^baih'rah n.m. share ; portion lot 
destiny fortune j}‘>/*.baih' rarmahd' jj*d> 

baih'ra-var, ^/Ir/V.baih'rayab' adj. lucky ; 

fortunate prosperity baih' ra-mah'di' , 

Jl ty/.baih' ra ya'bl n.f. happiness pros- 

perity [P] 

iCd baih'ri n.f. female hawk ; falcon adj. (see 
^ under adj . *V) , 

Kfbkir n.f. wasp ; hornet ^*0# bhi’rotf ka 
' djjiat'ta n.m. hornets’ nest Uljfy AASjfe 



i&i'roft ke chhal'te meh hath.' dal'rta, A 

^-bki'roh he chkal'tt ko chher'na PH. 
stir up a hornet’s nest rfy/jsAtfr'so'ti bhi'ron 
kojaga'na ph. rouse a sleeping monster 
ijffA bkaras' n.f. grudge ; resentment 

rage ; animosity ; spleen 0 
dii ki bkaras' nikal'm v.i. vent one’s spleen 

{jfebkira'na v.t. bring into collision 

' * bring into clash embroil set up one 
against the other [~ 1 ^/caus.] 

bkor' bhar n.f. crackling (of fuel) 

Lybkar' bhar kar'na v.i. (of fuel) crackle 
burn fiercely 

Clfyfybfuir bharu'na v.t. play on or beat 
f'S' ‘tabla’ y 

bharbhoofija N.M. cfyfA 
• * bkarbkooh'jan n.f. one, 

whose trade is parch gram 
^fefbka'rak n.f. sheen lustre 

' " glitter blaze; refulgence 
flash ostentation rage ; 
fury shving (of horse) nervousness 
jitters jf/pf bha'rah-dsr' adj. refulgent 
gorgeous tawdry ) fau'q-Ul bka'rak 

adj. refulgent or gorgeous (dress) fyfebha'r- 
ki'la adj. (f. JL bhorki'tl) gorgeous ; 
splendid refulgent tawdry £~ foll.) 

Iff] tfjbharak'na v.t. flare up be enraged ; 

S' fly into passion startle (of horse) shy 
t ojA, bharka'na v.t. kindle inflame 
incite ; instigate scare startle 

ijfrfbhxr'rm v.i. collide clash fight 

' ' (of door) be shut (of opposed armies) 
fall upon 

j ffybftAr'oa (dial. Jryfbkar'mal} n.m. pimp ; 
pander ; procurer shameless man 

’nn v.t. betray (someone’s secret) 

d'ri de'tia v t. train pigeons 

.ttjfabkare'ri n.P. pile (of utensils) placed one 
"above the other 

rrflto n.m. husk bran chaff straw 
gram cliaff, etc, (for asses) I'Jydfbtous' 
kar'na v.t. stuff with chaff (fig.) fill with 


bhits meii chjftgt (or Aihgiri) dal’ Htjama'lo doer' 
kko'i f prov. mischief-monger washes his hands 
of the crime after instigating it j[yfbhliSakoo 
n.m. tasteless tobacco 

jAfbba sam n.f. ashes ; cinders I'J^rlfbka'sam 
1 kar’na v.t. reduce to ashes ; burn out 
destroy itfj-Jfbha'sam bona v.t. be 
reduced to ashes ; be burnt be destroyed 
writhe (ih rage) . 

tfjZ sbehisht' n.f. paradise ; heaven 

behisht' kg hava n.f. cool refreshing 
breez ejr^fbehishli adj. blessed celestial 
n.m. water-carrier 

dtfbhak n.f. blast ; sound of explosion 
roaring (offire) puffing (of steam-engines 
etc.)t '/^JfifAibkak bhak kar'na v.i. puff 
chugirisji^t^dfbhak se uf ja'na v.t. 
blast explode be cut clean, off fly off 
l jiiib^Llfjt^A^bWak' seitr'ja'neva'la mad' dab 
n.m. combustible material explosion 
(Jj^jdbhika'ri n.m. (e (Jj^bkika’ ran) beggar 
. . mendicant ( - 

llC/baihka'na v.t. seduce allure mis- 
lead ; lead astray cause to err tempt 

C\r*L&,baihka' le ja’na v.t. elope kid- 
nap carry off lure away baihka'va 
n.m. delusion trick misleading 
baihka've mefi a'na v.t. be deluded (by) 
be taken in (by) faU into the snare (of) 
be,tempted (by) [ ~ caus.] 

\jjjAbhik' sha n.f. (dial.) alms[S] 

jpJjf bhik' shoo n.m. Buddhist mendicant ; Bud- 
dhist priest [S ~ prec.] 

[Z/jfdf bkakos'na v.t. eat greedily devour 
&i m0 ^Qbhik' modi' ga beggar pauper 

j 'Jy.+ tfi) 

^Wbai'hokna, Of^M.bai'hak ja'na V.i. be 
* deluded go astray ; bepjislcjl talk 
in a state of intoxication ft baih'ki 

baih'kt batch kar'na v.i. talk as if drunk 
tajk nonsense , 

ijpbhok't a adj. (r.tfjfbkak’n) fool 

{f&dbhagtfna v.t. put to rout ; put to 
' flight ; defeat gallop (a horse) away - 
drive off cause to flee or escapciC^^^k 
bkoga' le ja'na v.t. elope kidnap to 

runaway with ; carry away drive off 
gj&bka’gat n.m. (dial.) devotee rogue 

( jjAbkag'tiya n.m. street-dancer 

(* K^b&S'gatna v.t. bear with patience suffer 
experience pay the penalty settle 


with be requited (for) appear (at a court- 
hearing) (iiu*bkugtari N.M. payment 

adjustment full settlement disposal (of 

customers, etc.) bh&gta'na v.t. dispose 
of pay adjust settle do ; execute 
^fabhae'dar' n.f. stampede ; sudden wild 
^ commotion ; flight due to panic 
Jj^flhagah'dar' n.h. fistula in rectum 

bhagopn' n.m. (dial.) God &j&bhag'eat\ 
bhag'vatit' adj. (dial.) Divine£(y$ 
Mag' vat gi'ta n.f. Divine Song (name of a 
Hindus scripture) [6] ^ 

1% jVf bhagau'ra, (dial. bhag'jgoo, 0$ 
bboge'la) adj. & n.m. (f. tfjjk bhagau'r I) 
rieserter runaway ; fugitive 
tfjUt bhigo'na, 0/J? bhigo’ tie'na v.t. w^t ^ 

* moisten soak drench 

bhigo' bhigo' ke mar'na v.t. put to great 
shame taunt with apparent suavity in- 
dulge mock praise [ ~ caus.] 

bha'la adj. (f. jjtf bha'R) nice excel- 

* lent good virtuous gentle ; noble 
humane ; courteous pleasing ; agreeable 

delectable adj. & n.m. good virtue 
favour bha'la diati'ga adj. in good 

health ; hale and hearty ; healthy 
bha'la sa nan! hoi ph. wheu d’ye call it C&jJjf. 
bha'la lag'na v.t. look agreeable be attrac- 
tive (fjilM bha'la ad'ml, l Jjsf bha'la ms'nus 

(or ma'nas ) n.m. gentleman nice person 
respectable person iMriiaf bha'la shah'na v.t. 
wish (someone) well tl/iU' bha'la kar'na v.r. 
do good do a favour [‘n bha'la ho'-na v.i. 

be good be well that bha'R kar'na 

v.i. (iron.) treat unfairly bha'li ho' ns 

v.i, (iron.) get a rough tdeal 2^-TJZ-bha'le a"e 
ph. (iron.) you turned up well on time £lj 
bha'le din pl. good old times better days 
/d £ £ bha'le ko conj. it was a happy 

coincidence it is well that ^jj^bhala"i n.f. 

good virtue welfare prosperity 

beneficence kindness ; gain ; benefit 
tffttfbhala"t kar'na v.t. do good show 

^Ij^bhula'na, is/H# bhila' de'na v.t. fojget ; 
* cause to forget 

baihla'na v. divert amuse ; enter- 
tain chew coax ; cajole IjJhii 
boihla'oa n.m. entertainment; amusement 
cajolery false hope batidfvt 

de'n a v.T. raise false hopes (in mind) 

Ijjjofbhal a vs n.m. guile; deception Is/ IjIU; 

* bhula'va de'na v.t. beguile ; deceive 
play a truck ; use a ruse 

bha'lak bha'lak adv. (weep) bitterly 

m bhXtlak'kar adj. very forgetful ; obli- 
vious thoughtless ; careless ; negligent 
remiss [ ~ Ojh] 

bhal'mansa'hat, bhalman'si n.f. 

* nobility civility ; politeness 
nice treatment [ ~ 

ty/'bai'halns, I'lrJ^bai’/ml js'ns v.i. be 
diverted be amused ; be entertained 
baihlol’ (ped. bahlool’) n.m. cynic 
joker simpleman (also I'liJjU'. 
baih’lol-e ds'ns) name of a cynical saint [A] 
baikHi, {ft baih'l n.f. light two wheeled ox 

/Sh/i baih’lah n.m. falconer’s leather glove 

/)\}fodbkula'vafi n.m, ‘semi-carpus anacurdium'; 

# nut used by washerman for marking 

JK ba-ham! adv. together bo-ham ’ 

{ pahufidta' naf v.t. procure provide 

supply convey bring about VffsC ba-ham' 

pahuftcji'na v.i be procured be provided 
supplied be acquired come to hand 
ba-hatii di‘ gar adj. mutual recipro- 
cal adv. together^ L^y. ba-ham! rasa’ hi 
supply provision [P ~ * ) 

baih'mon n.m. eleventh month of Persian 
calendar (corresponding to February) 

(tf'C bai'han (dial, ba'han, ba'hin ) n.f. sister 
female cousin VsCbaih'na n.f. (dial.) 
sister dear sister LCrfbaih'napa n.m. » sister- 
ly affection or kindness friendship between 
girls or women (I'A) ftflCsMhna’pa jor'na 
(or kar'na) v.t. (of girls)’ become (mutual) 

baih'na v.i. . flow float drift (of 
liquid) run (of sore) run (of solid) 
melt ; dissolve H^f^.boih ja'na v.i. (of 
liquid) run : run but (of solid) melt away 
l * (Jjf bhuna’ns, ClJJbhunva'na v.t. get ( ""all 
change for cause to be fried or parched 
$ C* bhUnz'H, / ’Jiyf bhMnva"t n.f. discount 
on giving change remuneration far parch- 

Ifofbkinna'na v.i. (of ears) have a ringing 
* sound (also O I (if Minna' Hfh'na) be 


annoyed react, sharply 

bhaftbi'ri n.f. a humming insect con- 
” stantly dancing on water 
hkafibi'ri ss daur'ta pkir'na v.i (of child) run 

llZtr&bkifibkina'rta v.l buzz hum 

bkin bhin,JZfCte?f bhinbkina' hat N.F. 
buzz hum buzzing humming 

bkaftbkor*na v.t. (of beast) gnaw , 

^ devour by gnawing mangle 
Jjjijf bkafidar' , IjlJtybkahda'ra n.m. free meals 
public mess at shrives; etc. alms- 
house meal store serving free meals belly 
bkafida’ra lag'na v.i. (of mess) be run 
0+ bkafida'jil kkil'na v.i. (of belly) be 
ripped open (fjLjfbh aid a rl n.m. steward 
keeper or persons in charge of free mess 
tf£g(bhiti' di n.p. lady's finger 

C&f bhi'iiak'na, l‘n j <j ^ybki 'nak' rah& ho’na 
y v.i. (of flies) buzz swarm around 
:~Mfbki'nak n.f. buzz hum rumour 
something in the air km mefi 

bhjknak par'na v.t. get wind -(of) [ ~ r rec. ) 
mJjjfkhafig n.f. hemp ; cannabis 
plant yielding it 
Muth'gar n.m. hemp-addict 
silly braggart rumour-monger 
irresponsible talker 

bkafi 'gar-kha nah n.m. hemp pub _ ; 

nojsv place with idlers lolling aroundil^V 
»¥<} bkaft' gar-kha’ ne ki gap ph. silly rumour 
Ifcjifbiuft'ga n.m. a kind of winged monsoon 
y, insect 

\yfaf bhotig’ra n.m. name of a Pakistani 
folk dance ; Pakistani jig a kind of 

fijf bkabgl n m. sweeper scavenger a 
” sikh caste bkafi gtyo ft ki top N.f. 

Kim's Gum 

,EV baihfi'gl n.p. thick bamboo _ _Je£- 
^ * stick with slings at ends for -vv~ 
carrying load on shoulder J\\ i 

\*jjfbh£n'na v.t. be roasted 

* (of rupee, etc.) be converted J) \\ 
into small change . ^ 

baurwa'na v.t. cause to be fried 
•(cause to) get small change (same as 
UHina'na v.t. •*) 

jjjfbhah'var n.m. whirlpool eddy , 
vortex (fig.) grief misfortune Jlfor* 

bhah’var jal n.m. woridv its temptations 
worldy ca.res(l^fL)l^(y*jj^bhafi'varmcfi pat'na 
(or pkafts'na) v.i.' be afflicted suffer from 

vicissitudes of fortune be caught up in an 

jjs-y baihno n i n.m. brother-in-law : sister’s 
husband [ ~ tf*.] 

( J^boh'nl n.f. (same as jfjboh'nx -fc) 


bahne'li n.f. adopted sister girl’s 
female friend Jk^baihne'la n.m. sister- 
ly affection ; friendship between girls [~ 
c ■/■] 

j^bci'koo n.f. daughter-in-law bride 
wife sttf&ba'ri ba'hoo n.f. senior wife 
elder son’s wife chko'u ba'hoo n.f. 

junior wife younger son’s wife 
ba'hoo be'tiyafi n.f. pl. respectable woman 
chaste homely women 

jjy^belwar' u.M. (also j^j’/kur' behuar') n.m. 
(rus.) business &i>J Jyf.behvav' ki bat’ pi., 
fair deal straight talk 
^ t jpf bkoopa'li n.f. name of a musical mode 

yy. bkoo'bkal n.f. hot ashes ; embers 

bkoo'pooh bkoo'pooh n.f. hoot (of 
V ' *•* car) [oNO.j 

gsyfbhoot n.m. (F.fftybkiil'rii) demon 

fiend ; ghost apparition , evil spirit 
goblin ugly figure (fig.) rageOffoij*'' 
bhoot' ular'na v.t. exorcize l‘y bkool' 
u*larna bhMt'&nrh'na (or 

savar' ho'na) v.t. (of evil spirit) possess 
be obsessed ; be possessed be distracted with 
rage be intoxicated act like a devil 
££J v bhooV paret' n.m. ghosts and fiends b’yC/A 
bkool' ho'na v.i. be very untidy look 
shabby act like a devil ( ^ 

bkool' ban kar (or ho kar) lipatnH v.t.” possess 
(someone like a devil) distress annoy 
bore, obsess (fjfbhDOt'm n.f. (same as 
bkUt'nt n.f. ^f) 

HM bkoj' pal'tar n.m. Indian papyrus leaf 
r bark of a birch-like tree for writing 

bko'jan n.m. (dial.) meals ; victuals , 

* food [S] 

bhmtckak'ka adv . (same as jgy? adj . ir) 

j/fbhor N.F. (rare) dawn . early morning : 
daybreak ; break of day 



W adj. (p.tfjj* bkoort) buff (paper, 
etc.) aubpra (hair) brownish 

ijftibaho'ra, baha're ka khans n.m. 

meals sent to groom’s house along with 
bridal procession 

XSjtfbhoo'ia n.m. chaff srra w (fp? bhoosi 
n.f. husk bran 

fo/fbhos'ra n.m. vagina bkos'rt n.f. 

y dim) vagina (derog,[ woman 
JyfHuok n.f. hunger appetite ir^ed; 

want desire keenness lust CvJjf 

thook' tag 1 ns v.i feel hungry l ‘Aj’isJj* 
faook' pyss' mar'na v.t. repress" one’s 
appetite mortify oneself Ijljfcbhook' mar' ns 

v.i. lose appetite be np longer hungry 
N.m lose of appetite V/jM bhook'kot mar’na 
v i. starve to death ijljfc bhoo'koh mar' ns v.i 
famish ; die of hunger be hard up 

bhotk' hartal n.f. hunger-strike tfjfbhoo'ka 
A0J. (v. Jrfbfaooki') huugry starving . 
famished desirous needy 

Qjjtbheg'ns v i. suffer endure 

{ )jtf bhool n.f forgetfulness ; oblivion 
oversight mistake , fault oversight 
lapse omission J 
bhool bhulayyan n.f. maze , 

labyrintlj baffling matters Jyf'j 
jyiff'tJfbkool' tfiook' le’m de’m ph. 
errors and omissions excepted ; e. 

& o.m. Cjjrjy? bhool ' shook mo' of 

ph . oversight overlooked bhool' ke 

bhina’hln, jWjferJ^bkoo'h se bhi na'fcft ph. 
never, under no circumstances . (not) even by 
mistake [ 

bho'la adj. (f Jjtf) . simple artless, 
guileless inexperienced innocent 
childlike Dbflbf bho'la bha'la adj. innocent , 
guileless bho' la-pan, ^yfbhol-pan n.m 

being childlike inexperience artless- 
ness childlike innocence guileless beauty 
JtW bhjo'li baleh n.f. pl. innocent 
prattle comments lacking shrewdness 

ifybho'li bho'li ba'tefi n.f. pl. innocent prattle 
Wj/fbhool na v.t. forget , become oblivious 
miss err stray be deluded . be 
deceived be misled go astray estray 
IrtQffbhoo'la burs adj. bhoo'b 

bts'rl) forgotten (matter, story callei, etc.) lijf 
bhoo’la bkat'ka adj. (k Jfj bhoo’ti 
bha t'kii striy traveller etc .t&s'Jy* bho'H 

soo'rat n.f. innocent looks 
(Jjtfbhoo'ml n.f. (dial.) land . place (usu. ut) 
ja'nam bhoo'nd n.f. birthplace 
native land [S] 

4 , Jjefbhauit n.f. eyebrow 

ka gi’lah afikh’ ke sam'ne prov. complain 
against someone before his friends Lj 
l‘tpjr)bha'veit tan'na (or ckarha'na) v.i. Chit 
the brow become angry 
^j£bka'van n.m. (dial.) house ; building [8] 

horn (of car, etc.) 


yytbhoiipoo n.m. 

•t hooter 

(J bhaUchal' N.M. earthquake 
X, tremor ; quake [ ~ OJ e f~ O'] 

bhaufi’chak'ka K>j4bhau'(hak'kd AJDv, 
*ighast ; astonished flabbergasted Clfijl&i* 
bhaufi'&ak'ka raihja'na v i. be struck aghast 
be flabbergasted 

3 fiA bhoii'doo n.m. simpleton . booby . noodle 

ifrjSbim 'dii adj. (f. (fj.'yfbh, i'di) awkward 
ugly ungainly deformed 
unlucky bhaii' da-pan n.m. ugliness 

I \Jyf bhauh'ra (or bhaufira) N.M. 

moth-like insect black 
beetle cellar (fi/sfbhmh'it, 

bkaho'ri n.f. female black beetle 

Datch of hair growing in a distinct circle 
bhmtfik'hav.i. bark talk foolishly 
y CdJj^bkatritka'na v.t, cause to bark, 
bhofikna v.t. thrust , drive 
chkura bhohk'na v.t. stab 
tyyt bhoon’na v.t. roast parch fry 
* bum torment Oljyyfbhoon dit'na v.t. 

bum torment Wyyf bhoon' kha'na v.t. 
roast and eat squander 
yrffbho"* (mode, of address) dear friend 
look ABB.JU') 

) (/, ba'hi n.f, day-book old type accounts 

book sown at end 2 | /'tf ba'hi kha'ta n.m. 
daybook and ledger accounts fojp/rf 
bo! ft par chaih&'na v.t. enter in day-boolt 
itfbe'to n.f. quince s>>ybtfh-d&'nak, *fc*t 
beh-da nah n.m quince-seed (used as drug) 
(PJ . 

slfLf'- btht-khshj adj well-wisher 

bt h-kha'hin.r. good wishes 
being a well-wisher (P ~ <f ) < 

(f.bta adv. also , too even as well 
as well as likewise moreover 

l&bha/ja n.m (usu. with pl. v.) brother 
elder brother (term of endearment) 
flear broth** (.node of address) dear friend 


Ibaiangk adj. terrible , dreadful ; 

** * frightful ; formidable dismal 

**,.oS bitit n.f. wall embankment 
*** vestige of dilapidated bouse 

\ jtfbbi'tar adv indoors inside within 


ifgbtuja N.M. brain grey matter (ani- 

*** mal’s) brain (used as food) Cl/' Iff? bhe 'j'a | 
kha'n&m. bother tire out with questions 
^fjfbkefrta v t. send despatch remit 

*** transmit gram ; bestow 
jjfb’ked N.M. secret mystery point 

t \ j^fbhtd ps'ng v.t. , discover a 
secret solve a mystery bhtd' de'na v.t. 

divulge a secret give a chic 1 /jibbed’ 
rgkk'na v.i. keep a secret lpj//dbhed khol'na 
v.t. divulge a secret betray a confidence 
tyf bhtd le'na v.t. find out a secret 
spy • pry into worm oneself into another’s 
confidence J^bhe'di n.m. jx-rson in the 
know Of a secret confidant 
ghat' kn bht'di fab'ka dba"e frov. betrayers 
turn victories into defeats 
W t bahli n.f. camp followers baggage of 
/** army lines near army camp where 
soldiers, families live H^f'.bahjr' bub'ga n.m. 

rabble of camp followers ‘impedimenta* 

of an army 

tjUbkai’tok n.m. one of the major modes of 
"'•* classical Indo*Pakistan music connected 
with early winter (j^bkair'a, J^bbkaira’vik 
n.f. name of an early morning musical mode 
lUV/l » N.F. crowd , throng ; press . multitude 
*** nufo ; concourse *(/ /f.bbir' bhar,/i#jZf. 
M|r bkarak'kn N.M. crowd ; rush c6 tybklr' 
leg' mu v.s. (of people) gather in large numbers 
{'£j *J' bkir laga'n* v.T. collect concourse ; 
gather people (round oneself) 

£gfMur n.f, sheep ewe blur' dal 

Asl N f. mob mentali- 
ty following a custom blindly craze /juf 
C^fbkr\’ kagoskl n.m. mutton ijgbhtra n.m. 

l^ffbehtia n.m. belcric myrobalan 

I //bbe'riya n.m. wolf bktriya 

5/ » (see under fjf,bkef) 

( t+bhes n.m. guise disguise garb 

**** feigned appearance assumed likeness 
O-tof^bfus' ba’dal'na V.i. disguise oneself 
change ihc guise 

n.f. alms chanty 
•• * bhik' ka tblk'ra n.m. beggar’s bowl 
bhV;' maiig'tia v.t. beg beg alms 
^J^bkig'na, llft^fbktg' ja na v.i. get wet 

** * become moist be drenched (of 
whiskers) grow (of nigbl) be advanced 
bki'gi billi Pii. wolf in sheep's clothing 
OS^J'.bki'gt billi bata'na ph. prcvcricatc 
shun ; work thus 

jUfbhit n.m. name of an aboriginal tribe of the 
4/ ** Indo-Pakistan sub contidcnt 
tffbkeTt N.F / get' H bke'ti n.f. lump 
*’ of raw sugar 

[Zgtbhai’na n.f. voc. (dial.) sister 

J> /j dfbiuM‘ N v. sacrifice bhrfi\' 

" choTkana v.t. sacrifice for 
bhefit charh'na v.i. be sacrificed for 
£/jf{bhU)ch ns v.i press squeeze is'f 

v ' hhimhna v.i. be pressed be squeezed 

n.f. (female) buffalo ; water 
buffalo l/ff bhaift'sp n.m. (male) buffalo 
water buffalo C\}f (£//•£ rfffbk.aibs' kt age bin 
bpja'na ph. caste (one’s) pearls before swine 
tfwfbkoitiga adj. & N.M. fpfff 
" bhaingi, squint-eyed (person). 

bhaiti' ga-pan n.m. squint 
J^bhi'n^Jff&fbkA’rit bki'ni ADJ. 
mild (scent) 

it bi affix, (somewhat respectful 

V * title for women used as pref. or suf. with 

I 4 b 

their names) Mrs. Miss n.f. lady JJV. 
ba'ri bi n.f. old woman grandmother 
senior woman in t)ic house n.f. 

young Miss little woman Jii,bi'bi n.f. 
lady respectable woman housewife , 

mistress of the Muse affix (respectable title 
for woman used as prff. or suf. with names) 
Mrs. Miss 

_ be voc. par, (familiarly or contemp 

* tuously used for men and male childrenj 
0 ; ohPRON. you 

fj^fcePREF, not without lacking 

* in ; un ; il- . dis* ; un- . -lesswi ^brab' 

adj. waterless lustreless dull lack- 
lustre A'b- o- gay ah' adj. barren 

desolate bt~aV*iQO adj shameless 
disreputable ignoble ignominious 


^)/t^be-ab-roo n l n . f . disgrace dis- 
honour n . f . discord lack 

■of unity want of harmony fyjLbe-a'sar adj. 
unaffective ineffectual inefficatious 
powerless having no voice lacking force 
not producing the desired effect >(>f 4- 
ehtiyat' adj, careless ; negligent ; reckless 
indiscreet ; imprudent intemperate 

not caring (or health J'^I^Lbe-eitijia'd n.f. 

carelessness negligence incautious* 
ness imprudence indiscretion intem- 
perance indifference to hygienic rules or 
dietary nguteitionsj&t^be-ikhtiyar' adj. 
helpless having no control powerless ; 
wielding no authority having no- choice 
faced with no alternative adv. involuntarily 
ifjl^'ltLbt’ikhtiya’ri n.f. helplessness 

powerlessness lack of choice adj. invo- 
luntary ^jU^bt-a'dab adj. disrespectful 

insubordinate rude impudent inso- 
lent unmannerly faidL-Pe-a'dabi n.f. dis- 
respectful rudeness impudence 

insubordination un mannerliness /i4- 

be-arom' adj. uncomfortable (ftil d~~be- 
sra'nd n . f . lack of comfort restlessness 
uneasiness < J^l^be-os'l adj . unfounded 
groundless baseless^ 1 ^. be-eUibar' adj. 
unreliable untrustworthy of no 

CKdiufJ&ld'be-e‘tiba'ri n.f. untrust- 
worthiness mistrust ; distrust dis- 
credit adj. immoderate 

intemperate J lJ>l*Lbe-e'tidali n.f. im- 
moderation intemperance; &'U r be-c‘tiqad’ 

adj. disbelieving lacking faith incre- 

duloustfiplZ^e-s'h'jadi disbelief lack 
of faith JliJl^rbt-iltifa'ti n.f, disregard; 
want of regard unconcern ; indifference 

inattention inconsiderateness 

be-imtiyaz' ADv. without discrirninationt/ifAii, 
be-intizB'rrd N/F. mismanagement bung- 
ling Cf‘\d r be-inUha' adj. extreme unli- 
mited ; endless * boundless infinite adv. 

extremely infinitely „;/>*» 4, be-ahda'zah adj, 
countless numberless adv. extremely 

infinitely CtW^rbe-insaj' adj. unjust , 
iniquitous unfair, j [i>iLbe-aulad' adj. child- 
less ; issueless (j be-imsn' dishonest ; 
lacking integrity unprincipled having 
no conscience faithless ; infidel l'/&UU r 
bt-ima’tS, kar'na v.l, act dishonestly cheat 
misappropriate embezzle . defalcate 

play false ; betray JU’.bt-baq' adj. clear 
(account) paid up or off having no 
arrears tj/jl $bt-batf kar’na clear pay 
uptrfjU bt-baq' ho'na v.i. be cleared ; paid 
settled be paid up or off jLfbe-ba'qi n.f. 
settlement (of account) repayment 
quittance’ adj. bold fearless 
daring J^.be-ba'kt n.f. boldness 

fearlessness temerity yjJbdL-be-ba'l-o par 
adj. helpless powerless having no 

resourcess unplumed unfledged i)A^ 

be-badai adj. incomparable match- 

less unique inimitable jl t 
bar'g-e bar' adj. (of tree) bare ; desiccated 
j-^^r be-bos' adj. helpless powerless 

weak having no authority (ff^be-ba'n 
n.f. helplessness powerlessness 
debility weakness ; Igij, be bUnjad 1 adj. 
unfounded groundless basseless 

be-baha adj. invaluable very precious 
of inestimable value ly^^be-baih'rah adj. 
unfortunate unsuccessful deprived 

(of) lacking jljfaL'be- pn'yak ADJ, un- 
fa thomed abysmal baseless ; unfounded 

be-par'dagi n.f. going about unveiled 

unveiling being open to view ex- 
•posure of residents to neighbours' view *^4" 
bt-par'dah adj. nnveiled going about un- 
veiled (of house) exposing its residents to 
neighbours’ view 0 ^ 4 - be-parva' adj. care- 
less ; heedless negligent inconsiderate 

unconcerned ; indifferent above want ; 

content be-parva'ya'nah adv. fit adj. 

indifferent(ly) ; unconcernedly) careless(ly) 
contented (Iy^J/jL/4, be-parva"l n.f care- 
lessness negligence indifference 

pir' adj. unskilful cruel merciless 4-/# Ae- 

tab' adj. impatient restless fidgety 
anxious ; keen PbOibe-taba'nah adj. fit adv. 
impatient(ly) restless(ly) anxious(ly) 

keen(ly)^Pt be-ta'bi n.f. impatience 
restlessness keenness; anxiety 
tasir' adj. (of drug, etc.) useless ; inefficacious 
J V’tir be-tal adj. outof tune 1) i^be-ta’am'mlU 
adv. pat unhesitatingly ; without hesita- 
tion without deliberation adj. promptl%&- 
be-tajfa’sha adv. excessively ; extremely 
rashly; recklessly headlong £A*L*be- 
tadbir’ adj. imprudent indiscreet re- 
sourceless be-tadbi'n n.f. imprudence 
indiscretion resource] essness be 
ta'al'luq adj unconnected ; unrelated iuv 

concerned ; indifferent (f^A'bt-ta.'al'lurfl n.f. 

being unconnected or unrelated in- 
Aifitnntyff^bt-taqsU' ad;.' innocent ; blame- 
less guiltless • not guilty innocent adv. 
without one's fault ; through no fault of his 
jA^^be-takal'lnf adj. frank informal 
unceremonious (of friends) fast ; close ; 
intimate adv. frankly ; openly intimate- 
ly > HJ^L-be-takal'lifa'nah adv. Sc adj. | 
frank(ly) intimate(Iy) J^2~-be-takal’lufi 
n.f. frankness informality J~ / 4'be-tamiz 
adj. uncivil unmannerly ; mannerless 
silly bt-Uwaj'jok adj, inattentive 
inadvertent be-tavaj'joki n.f. 

inattentiveness ; lack of attention inadver- 
tancc indifference l/&*L-betfuka'na adj. 

(of talk) meaningless (of person) seldom 
found at home uncertain ^U'^be-sabat’ adj. 

impermanent unstable transitory 

passing inconstant “(}^'4 J ' faba' li n.f. 
impermanence instability ransitoriness 
> 4* be-sa'mar adj. fortkfr v unfruitful ; 

infructuous vain ; unsuccessful 4-bt m 
t a' mart N.F. fruitlessness vanity ; futility 
failure ifd-be-ja' adj. . improper illtim- 
ed unreasonable out of place ; misplac- 
ed wrong I’tfif^be-ja ho'na v.i. be 
improper be ill-timed impropriety ^ 144 - 
he-jan' adj. lifeless dead inanimate 

listless fjT^'be-jur'm adj. innocent ; fault- 
less b^be-jor' adj. unmatched ; unsuit- 

able inharmonious discordant uiftbe- 
cfo'rah adj. (f. tfjtfbe-cka'n) (col .eg bichara 
m. ^/14 f. bickart) ' poor unfortunate 

miserable £,1^4 be-ckirazh’ adj. _ (of home) 
childless (rare) (of place) dark ; unhghted 
, jrjtfSJr be-chp 0 ' n-o-tJiir a adv. & adj. t un- 
esitatmg(ly) without demur unquestion- 
ably) be-ikairi adj. _ restless un- 

easy won-ied ; anxious (jjgjrbe-ckai m n.f. 
uneasiness restlessness" anxiety ; worry 
be-bal' ADJ. out of sorts ; out of con- 
dition indisposed weary ; tired miser- 
able on the verge of death J >4* be-ba'li 
n.f. miserable plight ^i/'^-be-bijab adj. 
unveiled immodest unreserved 
hf-bijab’nak adv. unveiled immodestly 
unreservedly ^^<4 be-biji'ln n.f. going 
about unveiled immodesty be-hadd' 
mfj. boundless ; endless adv. extremely 
xccssively infinitely be-ha'rakat adj. 

motionless still immobile £SjiLbt~ 
ffur'mal adj. disgraced molested with- 
out any sense of prestige (j^J^bt-Aar’mafl 
n.f. disgrace molestation (f^-be-Ai*' adj. 

unconscious senseless w CzZL-be-hisab' 
adj. excessive unlimited countless 
innumerable be-fau'talah ADJ. weak 

dispirited ; spiritless having no guts <4" 
ft*? be-ftau' salagV n<F. weakness lack of 

guts want of enterprise unenterprising ; 
unadventurous adj. shameless 

immodest impudent : bare-faced ; 

brazen-faced filf^be-haya’i n.f. shameless- 
ness immodesty impudences 

adj. without thorns beardless minion 
ij jiirJ' be-kha n-o-mah adj. homeless 
destitute driven from home be-kha' bar 

adj. unknowing ignorant stupid 

careless ; negligent uninformed ; not well- 

posted be- kha'ban n.f. ignorance 

stupidity Ut?J r be-khata adj. innocent guilt- 
less blameless (rare) infallible be- 
kha' tar adj. safe undaunted be- 
khsb' adj. sleepless restless • uneasy 
JJ/^be-khabi n.f. sleeplessness in- 
somnia restlessness jJ'4'be-khud' adj. 
transported ; enraptured ; in ecstasy intoxi- 
cated ; inebriate unconscious beside 

oneself (with) unegoistic ; selfless (fjjZbe - 
khii’di n.f. ecstasy ; rapture inebriety 
unconsciousness forgetfulness of ego ; 
selflessness jl/,be-dad' n.f. ^injustice ; ini- 
quity tyranny ; oppression /) Ufi be-d ad’ -gar 
J>, j (v. be-dad’-pe' shah adj. unjust ; ini- 
quitous tyrannous; tyrannical 
adj. spotless immaculate unblemish- 
ed innocent ^jJ,lf()l>4b~dal' ka boo' dam ph. 
(same as ( f b4' be ' dam '> 

be-di'ram adj. & adv. got^ without incurring 
any expense(^4'f;^b4' bah'da-e be-d ant' 
(or be-di'ram) devoted servant slave got 
freejj’itye-damsb adj. foolish short-sight- 
ed imprudent (f^igbe-da nishi n.f. folly 
imprudence Srl^.be-da'nah adj. seedless vd?.' 
be-dakh’l adj. evicted ; ejected (/*tbe-dak^U 
n.f. eviction ; ejectment jjM, Be-dard’ adj. 
cruel ; merciless ruthlessJ^fc-rfflnfc'naA 
adv, & adj. mercilessly) ; rutlilessly^4^- 
dar’dl n.f. mercilessness ; cruelty jhi^be- 
darmati adj. ( incurable bala'-e b* 

dar’malt n.f. unavoidable calamity 



dar'd-e be-darmafd n.m. incurable ailmentu^-H I 
he-darafig' adv. at once ; without delay 
unhesitatingly $J^tbe-dare%h f adj. unstinted 
ungrudging adv. ungrudgingly blind- 
ly rashly b b-das't-o-pa’ adj . 

crippled helpless resourceless power- 
less ftlj ^yjtLbe-dos't-o pa”i n.f. being 
crippled helplessness lack of resources 
powerlessness d-fcbe-dil’ adj. sad ; deject- 
ed dispirited disgruntled chagrined 
loving ; devoted n.m. devotee lover 
(jjS' -be-di'li "n.f. dejection dissatisfaction 
chagrin lack of hope devotion; love 
be-dam’ adj. breathless lifeless fatigu- 
ed ; dead tired C^be-dimagh' adj. irri- 
table impatient senseless indifferent 
J''gtji n.f. irritability indiffe- 
renceljjjrbe-dava adj. incurable (orJypiL) 
be-dhn'xak adv. rashly readily 
fearlessly without fear or hesitation bold; 

fearless : dauntless ; undaunted c^L-be-diri 
adj. faithless ; irreligious dishonest 
unreliable^* n.f. lack of faith; irre 
ligiousness dishonesty ftej^be-daul' adj. 
ugly ; ungainly shapeless ; unshapely 
disproportionate awkward L^Xtbe-dhab' adj. 

awkward ugly unmannerly tJjitLbe- 
zauq' adj. unappreciative , lacking taste 
(for fine arts) tasteless ; insipid ; without 
relish fti)4-be-zau'qt n.f. lack of taste , 
inappreciation tastelessness inspidity 

be-rak' adj. wrong, erring 

walking in sinful ways ; debauched ; dissolute 
not on the right path (fjj s 1<L be-r ah' -rati 
N f. debauchery not being on the right 
path Jfi/sLbe-rab't adj. irregular, contrary 

disjointed , unconnected incongruous 
delirious p Pj 4-be-rab' ti n.f being dis- 

jointed incongruity fj^be-raih'm adj. 
cruel merciless ; ruthless tyrannous ; 

tyrannical (frf be-taih'mi n.f. cruelty 

tyranny be-rok' tok adv. without let 

or hindrance ; unhindered ijtLbe-nya' adj. 
sincere ; candid guileless unpretentious 

not showy 3 ly^be-riya’i n.f sincerity; 
candour unpretentiousness lack of show 
be-ttsh' adj. beardless n m. minion >*-!/.£• 
be-re'shah adj. (ibreless . without fibre j 1%. 
be-zar adj. disgusted (with) .sick (of) ; 
fed up (with) chagrined (fjljfbe-za'ri n.f 
disgust chagrin^./^,/) s-^aian' adj. 
dumb j mute speechless quiet ; taciturn 

helpless n.m. brute ft[!d-be-zaba'rn n.f. 
dumbness muteness specchlessness 

taciturnity helplessness Jjd' be-za*' adj. 

poor ; destitute having no wherewithal ; 
moneylesstf;j*£-be-za'ri’ n.f, poverty 

want jSfy } be-za'n-o-jaTzati' adj. 

widower bachelor • unmarried jjjJf-be- 
zor' adj. weak powerlessii>C/>*-{f^Ar- 
ze'b-o zi’nat adj. inelegant unadorned 
‘^^be-sa^h'tahAD). artless natural 

spontaneous ; unpremeditated adv. art- 
lessly extempore ; impromptu unpreme* 
ditatedly be-sakh'tagi'^^d i/^be-sskh'ta- 

ban n.m. artlessncss unstudied or natural 
behaviour unpremeditated; spontaniety 
be-sabab’ adj. without rhyme or 
reason unfounded khan adj. 
quiet taciturn j/^^be-sU'ra adj. 

out of tune unmusical t / ^^be-sa’r-o-pa 

adj. absurd ; baseless without head or 
tail ; unreliable ; untrustworthy 
be-sa'r-o-saman’ adj. without means un- 
provided unequipped ; not fully-equipped ; 
lacking necessary equipment ft l Uj/SdLr be- 
sa'r-o-sama’m n.f. poverty lack of means 
hetylcssness^ydf' be-saH'qaA adj. im- 
polite ; unmannerly clumsy ; awkwaed 
unaccomplished unskilful unmethodical 
be-satl'qagl'H.r. lack of manners 
want of accomplishments unskilfulncss 

lack of method awkwardness ; clumsiness 
be-shar'm adj. shameless immo- 
dest immoral impudent gCrt^be-sbar' mi 
n.f. shamelessness immodesty immo- 
rality impudence b-AtPoor’ adj. 
unmannerly Stupid ignorant 

be-sho'oo'ri n.f. unmannerliness stupidity 
ignorance be-shak'k-o-ihub'h adv. 

certainly ; undoubtedly ; doubtlessly 
be-sh itnar' adj. innumerable ; numberless ; 
countless numerous^?'^ be-sab'r 

be-sab'ra) adj. impatient restless 
anxious (fafdr bcsab'fi n.f. impatience 
restlessness anxiety M&4rkt’za’bitah adj. ^ 

irregular unlawful unmethodical^*?!^ 
be za'bitagi (col, brzab'Jogt) n.f. irregu- 
larity unlawfulness <5^ adj. 
weak enervated powerless ftrlbJLbe- 

ta'qaR n.f. weakress powerleanes 
be-ta'h, be-ta'rah (col.) adv. excessively ; et- 
ceedinly inextrically adj. (of ‘ghazaP) not 
to the set pattern zJ^^be-imf adv . t ex- 



cessively ; exceedingly inextricallyij^ 
be'iz'zat adj disgraceful disgraced 
without any sense of honour J’/Zbe-'iz'zali n.f. 
disgrace be-'aq'l adj. unwise stupid 
-br'aq'li n f. folly stupidity O&tL- 
be~‘il'lai adj causeless be-' aib' adj. 

faultless unblemished J'/Zt^be-gharaz adj 
selfless disinterested unselfish ; hav- 
ing no axe to grind Mj/eL-be-ghataza'nah aDv 
& adj. unselfishly selflessly (J'/tUbe- 

gha'razi n f unselfishness selflessness 4- 

be %hil'l-o gkish adj pure un- 
adulterated plain ; straightforward 

be-gham' adj happy knowing no grief 

J^j/fiL-be-gbau'r-o fik'r adv unpremedi- 
tated(ly) thoughtlessly) jy^L-be-^naVrat 
adj. shameless immodest wanton n.m 
cuckold D^fiL-be ghai'rati n.f shamelessness 
immodesty wantonness cuckoldry fa'idah adj. useless ; in vain of 
no consequence Unprofitable silly , 
absurd ill-timed brfikr' (col. 
be-fik'ja) adj. free from care or anxiety 
thoughtless , unreflecting inconsiderate 
eontented (jji^be-fik'n n.f. freedom from 
care or anxiety contentedness unconcern 

thoughtlessness J^fd^be-faiz adj. & n.m. 

miserly ungenerous JJi'tL-bc-qa boo adj. 
wayward ncqjitrollcd ; uncontrollable 

out of one’s reachJJ tig-bc-qa'idagi n.f. irre- 
gularity disarrangement fy\£/be-qa''idah 

adj. irregular unlawful ungrammati- 

cal not properly arranged j^Ji-be-qad'r 
adj. worthless ; unimportant not in de- 
mand ungrateful ; thankless JjjttL-be-qad'n 
n.f. worthlessness disesteem ingrati- 
tude Jyit be- qarztr' adj. uneasy ; restless 

impatient anxious perturbed be- 

qara'ri n.f. restlessness impatience 
anxiety perturbation jj&^bt qUsuor' adj. 

faultless not guilty innocent 
be-qusoo’rt n.f. faultlessness innocence 
ifO'JL'bc-qiyas' adj. immense unlimited 
inconceivable J&be-kar’ adj. unemploy- 
ed ; jobless idle worthless ; unserviceable 
useless silly ; absurd unprofitable lt/j& 
he-kar' kar'na v.t. render . useless make 
unserviceable throw out of \ob(Jj\Jg>b-ka'ri 
n.f. unemployment idleness worth- 
lessness absurdity bt-karafi' adj. 

boundless . shoreless immense enormous 

y**f.bc'-kai adj helpless lonely forlorn 

destitute'nah adv. & adj. 
helplessly) alone be-kas\ n.f. help- 
lessness loneliness destitution 
ka'fan adj. unshrouded J^d-be-kal' adj rest- 

less uneasy disturbed (fA^be-ka'h n.f. 
restlessness , uneasiness ci^/j/^be-kam-o-kas’t 
adv. & adj. exact(ly) - accurate(ly) 
without any omission jC^tL-be-khaj' ke adv. 

unhesitatingly undauntedly doubtless- 

ly (jU>dLbrgumati adj. ^doubtless with- 
out the least suspicion t \£.be-gunah' adj. 
blameless guiltless sinless innocent 
&*^JL~brlibaz‘ adj. impertinent incon- 
siderate adj. tasteless insipid 

dull unpleasant j^tL-be-lut'fx n.f. 
tastelessness dullness insipidness un- 
pleasantness ('&4'bt-lagam' adj. unbridled 
wayward uncontrollable ^ lJ r be-ma'yok 

adj. poop ; indigent resourceless 
mean ; \ovt(f\*L-be-ma'’igi (or ped. be-ma'yagi 
n.f. poverty ; indigence resourcelessness 
meanness J%“- be-mis'l adj. incompar- 
able matchless ; unparalleled ; peerless ; 
unequalled unique USeLbe-moha'bs adv. 

undauntedly ; fearlessly unhesitatingly 
adj. fearless ; undaunted ^ JLbe-mahal' adj. 

improper ill-timed out of place 
be-muruv'vat adj. unkind ungrateful 
inhuman impolite lij/eL-be-muruv'vatl n.f. 

unkindness ingratitude uncivilityj/^ 
be maz'gi (ped. ma'zagi ) n.f. tastelessncss 
insipidity unpleasantness ^tibc-ma' zah adj. 

tasteless insipid unpleasant j^eLbt- 
ma''na (or be-ma‘'ni) adj. meaningless 
silly ; foolish absurd useless ; vain 
be-maqdoor' adj. powerless resourcelcss 
weak jjoor tfjiMfti- be-maqdoo'ri n.f. 

powerlessness proverty lack of resources 
t^y^be-min’nat adj. without incurring obliga- 
tion be-mausim adj. (col. m. 

be-maus'ma, f. be-maus'mi) unseason- 

able out of season gf eg-be-mau'qa 1 (pcd.j*y<f- 
be mau'qe'i) adj. improper ; inopportune 
ill-timed ; untimely out of place 
inapt be-mau'qa * mahal' adj. & adv. 

inopportune ill-timed yS. be-meh'r abj. 
unkind ; cruel unfaithful tf/rf'. be-meh' ri 
n.f. unkindness ; cruelty unfaithfulness 
bt-na'm-o nishafi’ adj: unknown 

unidentified insignificant issueless 
^wiped out adj. (of sale, etc.) in 

another’s name bt-nasiV adj. un- 



fortunate cursed be-nas'bi n.f. mis- 

fortune ; ill-luck be-na&r adj. incom- 
parable matchless ; unparalleled ; unequall- 
ed ; peerless unique >mXi^-be-na'mak adj. 

insipid unattractive saltless ir*Lbe- 

na'maki n.f. insipidity unattractiveness 

being yrithout salt f C'j be-nafi'g-o-nam, 

Lj ^'d-bc-nati g-o- namoos' adj, charac- 
terless notorious without sense of honour 
\jdi*bMuaa' adj. poor ; indigent ; destitute 
jjJ; -be-noor' adj. without light; dark (of 
eyes) blind jdeL-be-niyaz adj. without want 
independent ; free carefree unconcerned 
indifferent (fjdd-- be-niya \ji n.f. indiffer- 

ence independence^* J-^Lbe-nai'l-e maram ' 
adv. unsuccessful fjtL-be-vaj'h adj. cause- 
less without rhyme or reason tfjiJ>bevaz'n 
adj. not weighty ; insignificant worth- 
less (fj^be-va'tan adj. homeless away 
from homeland tfj^be-va' tarii n.f, homeless- 
ness be-vafa adj. faithless ungrate- 

ful treacherous ; perfidious "i} \)/i be-vafa” i 
n.f faithlessness ingratitude treachery 

perfidy be-vaqar' adj. undignified 
disreputable be-vaq'ri n.f. blow to 

jrresugc&j^be-vaq't adJ. & adv. / out of 

season untimely ill-timed 
bevaq't ki rsg'm ga'na, \^JiS($&>j*Lbe- 
vaq't ki shailwa”i baja'na ph. do (or say) some- 
thing at a time when nobody is prepared to 
appreciate if ; do ill-timed (things) Cj 'jjf; be- 
vuqoof adj. silly ; foolish ; stupid gulli- 
ble unwise ignorant be-vuqoof' 

banana (or simply 1‘Cj; banana) v.t. ridicule 
make a fool (of) ; make fun (of) J JS-be- 
vaqoo'fl n.f. foolishness ; stupidity want 
of understanding lack of wisdom igno- 
rance t 2 *SJL-be'kim'mat adj. unambitious : 
unaspiring unadventurous ; unenterprizing 
cowardly ; pusillanimous lazy ; slothful : 
indolent Cfd-be-hamta' adj. unique 
peerless incomparable be-hu'nar adj. 

unskilful unskilled unaccomplished 

^t^J^bt-hahgam' adj. untimely Cjfd^bc 

. hah' gam adj. unwieldly egregious 

be-hoo'dagi n.f. absurdity folly breach 
of etiquette frivolity obscenity»j>vIA«- 

hoo'dah adj. < absurd foolish unman- 
nerly obscene frivolous adv. foolishly 
idly /urC’brhoo' da-go adj. one. who 
talks nonsense foul-mouthed person 

be-hoo'd<rgo”l n.f. talking nonsense idle 
talkt/%2* be-hosK adj. unconscious sense- 

less in a fit careless ; inattentive 
be-ho'M unconsciousness senselessness 
carelessness [~ P] 

ba'ya (dial, bay'ya) n.m. weaver- 
** bird 

^)i\^bayaban' (til.tfty.baya'bafi) n.m. 

1 ’"desert; wilderness (jlC.jtfi 
ijar' bayaban' n.m.. wasteland 
baya'bah gard^fy^ t U bay a' bah naoard' n.m. 

wanderer one traversing deserts # tU 
bayaba'ni adj. desert ; of the desert wild 
n.m. wanderer [P ~ *— '+ ] 

fris.bayaj' n.m. (dial.) interest [S] 

(f'isbaya'si adj. & n.m. eighty-two 
** baya' Avail adj. eighty-second 
ifUbayaz' n.f. commonplace-book n.m. white- 

J neSS ^ i j 

iji/baya'lis adj. & n.m. forty-two (Jjfd. 

baya'lisvah adj. forty-second 

fly, bayarri (rarest J, boyam') n.m. earthen jar 

fA^bayan' (lit also -an) n.m. statement ; 

** declaration account ; description 
narration explanation (also dj?-/* ‘il'm-e 
bayan ') branch of rhetoric dealing with meta- 
phorical use of language bayan' ba'dalna 
v. go back upon one’s statement ; prevaricate 
bayan' de'na v.i. (in law-court) make a 
statement ; declare i/dj* bayan kar'na v.t. 
state relate ; narrate ; recount des- 
cribe l< bayaniy'yah adj. & n.m. narrative 

ITU baya'n a v. (of animals) bring forth young 

pt** biyah' (or by ah') n.m. marriage ; wedding ; 
*** wedlocklV/fL-' 4:>aA' ra&a'na v.t. celebrate 
a marriage (• /, C. biyah' kar'na v.t. & I. marry 
be married t'i/ #U biyah la'na v.t. bring home 
(the bride) ^."biya'ha, adj. (F.tfJ>»5'fo) 
married biyah' ta n.f. married woman adj. 

duly married (wife)(^U.6i>aA'na v.t. marry 
give away in marriage t.^d'. bin-biya’ha 
. adj. unmarried ; bachelor^ a/, bin biya'tA 
adj. unmarried (girl) ; virgin spinster 
J A Mbi n.f. lady title of respect (also 
’./as tfjyltn'bifi) Mrs. ; Miss 
0% bait' tl adj. unfortunate (woman) 

j[*PJ>epar N.M. ifjl£bepa'ri n.m. (same as 

y **N.M. ifl/Ajr.NM. it) 

tm^bait n.f. distich ; couplet n.m. house; 

abode cell ’t-ullah’ ' n.m. the 

Holy Ka’bah (as the House of Allah 
bai’ t-ul-har&m' n.m. the Holy Ka’bah (as the 
Sacred Hous e)cJp^l»C^.bai't-ul huz'n (or ha'zan) 
n.m. house in which Jacob bewailed 
Joseph’s separation cell of sorrow 
bait-Ul’khala' n.m. latrine ; lavatory ; privy 
C KTlC^.bait-ul-aRq' n.m. the Holy Ka'bah 
(as the most Ancient House) 

'ahkaboot' N.M. (rare) spider’s web (met.) 
something very huikj^L^.bai't-ut-gha'zal n.m. 
best verse (of ode, etc.) /‘Ltfbai't-ul-lah'm 
n.m. Bethlehem ; birthplace of Jesus 
bai't-Ul-mal' n.m. public exchequer ; treasury 
J r^itS*ibai't-Sl-ma‘moor' n.m. the Inhabited 
House ; prototype of the Holy Ka’bah in 
heaven (jtiPizgbai't-ul-muqad'-das (or bai'l-ul- 
maq’dis)(j£3lal~qvd's n.m. the Dome of the Rock 
ifjl&s.bait'-bazi n.f. verse-recitation contest , 
a contest in which each opposed team has to 
recite a couplet beginning with the last letter 
of the couplet recited by the adversaries [A] 

*1 ZtSbet n.m. cane [~P xcorr.] 

n.m. ghost ; goblin ; fiend 
'* baital’ paehejii'si n.m. title of a book com- 
prising twenty-five tale* narrated by a ghost 


I V.t. befall happen (of life) 
*•* pass ; elapse (of time) elapse become 

a thing of the past 

t£i/bit N.f. droppings (of a bird) 

♦♦ • 

Jtte’bait. n.m. bat [E] 

♦* * 

Ifybi’ta N.M. son boy (endearingly 
to eit)ier sex) my child CV> \£r. beta banana, 
bl^iftybe'ta god' le'tta v.i. adopt a son 

be'i a be'ti n.m. PL., (someone’s) children 
va’la (or va’le) n.m. groom’s 
father (Or relations) 

jfobai'tUk n.f. (unpretentious) drawing 
** rooth a kind of exercise in which one 
alternately squats and rises posture i^j 
haitkak de'na v.i. convene of spiritual assembly 
held to the accompaniment of dance and 
music (esp. as practised "by women) foll.] 
^Jpbaitk'na, L'U Jf. bait kja'na v.i. sit sit 

".'down perch subside (of heart) 

sink (of house, etc.) collapse (of boiled 
rice) become a hash settle down (at bottom 
!JsJL>Ja£baitk kar ni'kalna, v.i. (of moon) rise 
late^on the 15 th night of each lunar month 
Jlyf/baitb'vzfi adj. flat flat-bottomed 
low bai'tke bitha"t, £-ilef&bai' the 

bith'la'e, jf^bai'tke bai'tke adv. sud- 

denly ; all of a sudden abruptly unexpected- 
ly unjustly easily bai'tke raih’nit 

v.i. stay on reside permanently (of 
woman) stay at parents’ home 4)/^. bank' vail 

AD J . 

fjjbe't l N.F. daughter (endearingly) my 

** child be’ti de’na v.t. give away one’s 
daughter in mamage^bjtllbj^for't? va'la (or 
va'le) n.m. bride’s father (or relations) [F ~ (J>. ] 
£'• bij n.m. seed source ; origin VJ, 

** bij' bo’na, Oit&bij dal'na V.i. sow 
(fig.) enr; -1 ler ; sow die seed (of) (fig.) be 
the cause of jlj£bij'-dar, jtf'bijtla adj. seedy 
full of seeds j> jb ^bij’-mar kar'na v.t. 
destroy the whole family (of) annihilate 

f'.be'jo n.f. goal in children’s game called 
""jAb n f. * 

£*• bick n.m. middle centre mid , 
■'“midst interlude interval interstice 

distance difference adv. in ; into 
between ; among during ; (in the) mean- 
t\m<AL-S'££ bitfi bicka”o n.m, ediation 

settlement intervention (ty/b ) b’ffy&bitk' 
bi^is'’o kar'na (or kar de’na ) v.t. mediate; 
settle intervene i/ &bi(k' ka adj. inter- 
val central medium average Jr l if Si. 
bick' ki mg'H n.f.' middle finger £]*<&,' 

meh par’na v.t. intervene arbitrate ; 
mediate stand surety (for) /M‘ &ah HA 
adv. right, in the huddle ” keeping clear 
of the sides or edges centrally 
Ifibi'fh a n.m. (nurs.) bogey ] 

i/l fibejia'rah adj. (see under <d-) 

±Jtf / .bic£ak n.m. invoice 

[y.becjinav. t. sell; vend dispose of 

transfer by sale bt&ne ke 

la 'iq adj. saleable not worth retaining 
a /frbeeli' kks'na v.t. sell away and 
squander proceeds l)b*£;‘, beA'ne va'la n.m. 
seller ; vendor 

V bekh n.f. root origin foundation 

bekh'- ka' ni n.f extirpation 

extermination eradication annihila 
tion l ' beklt'-ka’ni kar'na v.t. up- 
root ; extirpate exterminate eradicate 
annihilate [P] 

X-'baid n.m. (dial.) same as J-jvaid n.m. ★ 


ll/bed n.m. cane willow Ci^bed'-baJ n.m 
** *(old use) cane-weaver basket maker 
t>y^J>(p^bed' ki lar'h kafip'na v.i. tremble 
with fear shiver in one’s shoes Vjljfibed' 
mar'na v.t. cane flog Os*f&'.be'd-e maj'nooh 
n.m. a species of willow t^&X>bed'-m7tshk n.m. 

musk willow its essence [P] 
tjS'bed n.m. (same ns)gjved n.m. 

beddr adj. awake ; wakeful watch- 
** ful ; vigilant alert >^jjUibedar'-bakh’t 
adj. lucky ; fortunate bedar'-ma$}'z adj. 

wise intelligent " shrewd i/jbs.beda'rl 
n.f. wakefulness vigilance alertness 
l Cfi^H'dha adj. & n.m. person under influence 
** of magic 

j^bir' Ji vir n.m. (dial.) hero brother 
•** adj ."brave 1‘jthir'ta n.m. (dial;) bravery; 
gallantry [S] 

ybair n.m. enmity ; animus ; animosity ; 

** hostility malice ; ill-will ; grudgel 

men bait' par' nn v.i. be bad blood between 
( l ’JhVvi^.bair bahdk’na (or kar'na or 
rakk'na )’v.t’ hate bear malice ; harbour 
a grudge against (Ul^tjU^Aatr (or 1 

nikal'nn) v.t. take revenge ; retaliate 
avenge fjy^pbai'ti n.m. , [F.yfrfbai ran) enemy 
adj. hostile malevolent 
Iy 0 >b(r n.m. jujube ; a kind of berry 
• • 

Y \y^bair a n.m. bear ; table servant ; boy (~ 

** * Anglo-Pakistani [E bearer CORR.] 

bai'rd n.m. tenon-like piece driven in wall 
** to hold door frame in place 
g,U bd'raj’ n.m. barrage IE] 

^jj^bairag’ n.m. (dial.) renunciation of world- 
*** ly pleasures; asceticism C \d*fjs.bairag' 
le'na v.i. renounce worldly plcasuresji<6<nra'£l 
n.m. (F. u /t / *baira'gan) (dial.) Hindu recluse 
ascetic cross-shaped stick 
/rV hit bn' h utl n.f. scarlet fly 

jP , 

/***>£• boms' (ait la') n.m. barTister-at-law 
*« j bai’raq n.m. pennon ; pennant ; flag 
on spear standard ; banner ; ensign [Pj 

bai'ran n.f. & adj. (see under jfbair km. 

<&** 'ran n.m. (dial.) brother f-S /.bit) 

yJM'berahg’ (or bai'rang) adj. (of letter, etc.) 

** jxjstage unpaid ; bearing (postage) n m. 
pl. ball bearing [E] 

^/jfytr^bai’ rormtar n.m. barometer [E] 

fjfobero'zah (coi.rjj/biro’zali) njh rosin 
■** gnh'dah biro'zah n.m. resin f P] 

^fabe'raoh Ji/.biroon prep. out outside 
*’ aDv. outside i^'lfj/iberoan' idt n m. 
suburbs (old use) overseas Jl r jgbcroorja t\ 
ADJ suburban rural outside n m (old 
use) rustic Jfs!beroo'm adj. external outer 

(£/*bai'rt n.m. (see under S.bair n.m -fc) 

& be'ri n.m. (see under f, ber n m. ft) 

l^be'ta n.m fleet large boat raft <1^ 
** V/A I % [kd) be' id par kar'na (or laga'na) 

v.t. bring success (to) relieve from 
remove difficulties (of) (rare) forty across 
i'y; jt l}uV)(ka) be’ra par' ho' aa v t achieve 
success'; gain one’s object tide ovci a diffi- 
culty (of boat, etc.) arrive at the destina- 

| fabn'ra n.m. prepared betel-leaf 
*’ folded in triangular shape ; fm 
triangular fold of betel-leaf l£; (K) IjKap 
l‘(Jft(Aa) bi'ra iiika'na v.i. pick 
or take up the gauntlcnt under- 
take (to do something) (rare) |J?. 

accent a folded betel-leaf 
(fjfobe'ri - n.f. (usu. pl.) shackles; fetters 
** irons chain irons for animals’ feet 
boat boat-like bamboo basket for watering 
fields, watering-basket ^O^'riyah pai'na 
v.i. be shackled'; be chained 

be put in irons OijjlJkberiydfi IS, 
4&lna v.t. shackle ; fetter put I fpw 
in irons &VjlJ<be'tiyaA kai'na v.t jCjf 
unfetter ; take off the chains ||T 

set free ; liberate 

(jfabl'ii n f a kind of inferior cigarette 
'* tobacco rolled in cheap leaves ; ‘bidi’ 
/*bez suf sifting diffusing dispersing 
*' tf/*be'z i suf. sifting diffusing dis- 

persing (P ~ (j*K: 1 

jl^bezar' adj. disgusted displaced 
** annoyed bored i’J j^.bezar’ kar'na 
v.t. disgust annoy bore lyrjl^.bezar' 

ho' ns v.i be disgusted be annoyed 

be bored i/j^beza’rt n.f. disgust dis- 
pleasure annoyance [P] 

(jr\b\s adj. & n m twenty J^Ms'vsfi adj. 

Iwenticth Jj^ibi'sofr, J*j>~£bi' siyofi adj. 

many ; many a ; scores of numerous (rf bi'si 
n.f score a collection of twenty 
bi'si gki’si N.F. (woman) looking old while 
yet in her twenties , teen-ager looking old too 

jX^baisakh' n.m. second month of Hindu 
's calendar (corresponding to April-May) 
L*£baisakhi n.f. (esp. Sikh) fair held 
on the first day of Baisakh (usu pl.) 

be-suloon n m name of a Persian moun- 
tain which lagendary lover Farhad had 
to dig out a milk-canal to win the hand of 
Shirin |P| 

ft/^be'ean n.m. gram-flour be'sani ro'tl 

n.f bread with condiments and gram- 

flour in it ; salt pan-cake 

bes'va n.f. prostitute, whore; harlot 
loose woman 

\y>, bis van adj., jrfbi' sob adj., 

** bi'siyoft adj., bi'si n.f. (see under 

A # DJ. & N.M. T*f) 

,'l^besh adj. more better superior 

*'** excellent high (priced, etc.) 
be'sh az besh’ (ped. Jljftbe'sh az pesh') adj. 

more than ever evermore great deal 

oft y'i/^besh baha' j^j/J^besb-qi'mat adj. 
costly ; expensive precious bed±tar adj. 

most major ; chief adv. mostly 
often be'shi n.f. increase; enhancement 
addition surplus excess 
2j> e'shah n.m. wood ; forest ; jungle 

" ‘wilderness [P] 

{ti/ jbaiz a* adj. white bright ; luminous 
** incandescent refulgent \jg£ya'd-t 
baiza’ n.m. the refulgent hand (as one of the 
miracles of Moses) [A - J'tt ] 

ibai'zah n.m. egg (usu. pl.) testicle 
baiz n.m. pl. (ped.) eggs J’jftbai'zavi 
adj. oval [A J 

jlS^bm'tar n.m. veterinary surgeon (old- 
** use) Carrier ^U^baita'ri n.f. veterinary 
science profession of a veterinary surgeon 


tf'bai* n.f. sale deal v/gbar kar'na 
"v.t. sell ; transfer by sale *si.'g : bai‘-na’mah 
n M sale-deed (£s's&bai' t -o shara' n.f. sale 
and purchase business transaction {A] 
^lft/bai‘n‘nah n.m. earnest money Oji U; bai'a'nah 
** de’na V.t. give earnest money : give 
money in advance agree to sell U^Uc'Aa/'a'- 
nah le'na v.t. reserve earnest money 
agree to sell [A ~ prec.] 

J£i*/bai'‘at n.f. ritual for accepting (to be- 
come) a disciple oath of allegiance (to 

a saint, etc.) homage ; fealty 

(kt) bai"at kar'ns (or ho’na) v.t take the 
oath of allegiance (to saint, etc ) ; become (his 
disciple i% l i2*'.bai'‘at le'na v.t. administer art 
oath of allegiance accept (someone) as a 
discjple // 

lm jfa'ba-yak‘ adv with onCt^C^Xyak' ba-yak' 
adv. suddenly ; all of a Sudden 
ba-yak' kirish'ma dii ksr' prov. kill two bir«Ts 
with one stone 

^sbi'ka adj. awry (usu. in) bi'ka 

** na ho'na PH. escape unhurt be out of 
harjn’s way 

bai'g n.m. bag [E] 

Xh n.m. (Mughal title of respect corres- 
ponding to) Lord ; master ; boss suf (part 
ofa Mughal Muslim name) [T] 4 . , 

J&ibegar' N.F. forced labour ; duress 
" begat pakarna v.t. cause to work under 
duress press (someone) into one’s service 
Utj&i begat' lain a v.i. work carelessly; 
work in a perfunctory manner not to have 
one’s heart in the vtoekiSJd/.bega' n n.m. im- 
pressed or forced labourer ; one working under 
duress one working carelessly or in a per- 
functory manner 

yl {/.begs'nah n.m. unrelated person 
" stranger unfriendly person adj. not 
related (one) outside a group unfriendly- 
callous strange ; queer y's&bega’na- 
khoo' adj. unfriendly^ callous hard- 
hearted ; adamant jbJblts.bcga'no-var adv & 
adj. like a stranger callous (ly) in an 
unfriendly manner indifferent(ly) tf’nfabega’nS 
vaz'‘ p dj. queerly dressed strange-manner- 
ed tf&bega'nagi n.f. not being related or 
aquainted strangeness shyness un- 
| friendliness 

fib*' gam (ped. bt'gbm) n.f. wife part of 
r female Muslim names (as title of respect 

lady^t^C^ be' gam sa'hibah (col^byK be' gam 
sab) n.f. mistress of the bouse lady-^U 
£;)lsafcb aur bigam (col. sab-) Mr,, & Mrs. 

master and mistress .of the house (f< be' garni 
n.m. & adj. a superior quality of (rice) 
a superior quality of (betel-leaf [T] 
jS, bi'gka n.m. land-measure equivalent to 
f 120 feet square or four kanals 
(Jibel n.m. spade mattock shovel 
**bel'&ah n.m. spade ho c jfjy bel'-dar 

n.m. assistant to gardener digger 
^labourer in a construction work [P] 

(Ji M n.f. creeping plant ; creeper 
** climber offsprings embroidery lace 

tip (given to singers, dancing girls etc.) • 
charity-tip a kind of crustaceous fruit Ifyjk 
btl' boo'ta n.m. shrubbery ; shrubs and creepers 
bel’ boo' ft n.m. embroidery floral 

designviL^M’ dttr adj. embroidered 
engraved with floral designs 
bel'-mak'dlu (hafh-'ns ph. (of something) suc- 
ceed ; thrive 

.m. ox ; bullock blockhead ; fool 
** iJjMty-bail-ga'rl n.f. bullockcuit 
j^bt'la n.m. a kind of jasmine shrubbery 

or forest along river bank; riparian shrubbery 
a fiddle-like musical instrument charity 
(esp. one given on wedding) Ik be' la bat'na 

v.i. (of -charity) be given Jll/JM be'la-bardar' 
n.m. person entrusted with the task of distri- 
buting charitable money ; charity ;-bursar ; 

yftbeltenKM. rolling-pin roller cane- 
*' crusher cylinder Uk. bel'na n.m. rolling- 
pin cane-crusher cylinder v.t. roll 
• (flour) into flat cake crush (cane) [~ foll.] 
fckbel'na v.t. roll crush (cane, etc.) 

(il^bailoon' n.m. balloon [E] 

/j^be'il n.m: guardian ; helper ; proteetpr 
** friend ; companion ; comrade 1 
allah' he’ll (or al-) ph. good-bye ; farewell ; 

adieu God lake care, (of) 
J^Um n . m . fear ; terror 

danger ; dread 

jiribimar adj. sick ; ill ; ailing unwell; 
indisposed n.m. patient sick person 

(fig.) unrequited loverp*'^jU'. Umar" -pur' si 
N.f. visit to a patient inquiry after 
(someone’s) health Vjy~*fj\gb%mar'-pQr'a 

kar'na v.t. visit a patient inquire after 
(someone’s) health ikjlf.bimar'-kha'nah n.m. 
(old use) hospital infirmaryjl Umar'- 
dar ; n.m. (ped.) (sick person’s) attendant ; 
nurse (fjbjk.bimar-da'ri n.f. (ped.) nursing 
k Umar 1 kl rat' pahar' bars' bar 
prov. hard times are prolonged times 
blms'ri n.f. disease sickness ; illness ; 
ailment indisposition Jj{fstrfbma'rl-e dil 
n.m. love (rare) heart trouble jP] x, t 
^Umah n.m. insurance : assurance 

Ztii'dagi ka Umah,Jy>'j££U'ma-e zih'dagi, 
jjL*7£bi'ma-e j an' (arch.) n.M'. life insurance ; 
life assurance ; policy on life jj* 7 

a'tash-za’ni (or ag') ka bi'mah n.m. fire insurance 
l‘y*£(f)(ka) bi'mah kar'na v.i. insure (some- 
one or something) (ka) bi'mah karu'na 

v.t. insure (something or oneself) ; get insured 
bi'mah kl qist (or bime-) n.f. premium 
insurance premium [ ~ P ] 

^y»bHi suf. seeing seer scope sight- 
** ed (jf; U’m suf. seeing [P~el*j see] 

N - F - dried gourd flute ; snake charmer’s 
** flute tfpjvila'yan bin n:f. bag-pipe 
bain bag-pipe (usu. pl.) wailing (over the 
**dead) ; lamentation 
bain pref. inter pref. between ifljDllfi 
bain-ul-aqva'na adj. international 
bain-ul-mil'li adj. intfa-Islamic^yt^ri bain' bain 
adj. middling adv. between ; betwixt j UstJlifc 
bain-ul jami’a'ti adj. inter-university 
bain-Us-sutoor' n.m. distance between^ two 
consecutive lines adv. between the lin esJlyfcA 
bain'-sooba’’i adj. inter-provincial JU^stbcun- 
kulliya'ti adj. inter-collegiate £W$.bain-ul- 
mam'lakatl (ped. jj 1 k* bain-ul-mama'li/a) 
adj. inter-dominion international [A] 
liftboy' yin adj. obvious ; evident clear , 

** lucid cogent (reason) apparent 
bay'yinah n.f. cogent argument obvious 
truth adj. cogent categorical evident; 
ofyvipus n.m. pl. cogent argu- 

ments categorical proofs obvious truths 
adj. cogent categorical obvious (A) 

£yUna' adj. having eye-sight ; not blind 
; ” discerning wise I'S Una' kar'na 
v.i. give eyesight (to) restore eyesight 
confer discernment (on)(^fl>.iJna' ho'na v.i. 
not to be blind ; have (one’s) eyesight intact 
ftfybina’'l n.f. sight ; eye sight; vision [P~ 




discernment [P 

brinjal egg- 

(Jl^bcna’mt n.f. & adj. dummy (sale); (sale of 
property) apparently in name of other 
than real buyer 

Lp^bifidfk' tta v.i. bore perforate say 
^ ** piercing words (to) 

J&bailul' nm. band (of outdoor music players) 

t £ ] 

\jj>f>aiii'da n.m. latch aoj. (f .(jXf.baih'di) 
*'^awry uncouth 

n.f. braided hair skein (of 
** thread, etc.) twist (of fibres) 
vj^b$fi'(!i}'a n.m. extra draught animal used 
as support 

Q^bi'nish n.f. eye-sight 
/j ~ to see] 
dPbairi'gan / n.m. brinj 

** plant iQ iZtka'li ka baingan 
ph. unreliable ; untrustworthy 
(person) ; trimming his sails accord- 
ing, to the prevailing wind fickle 

^jbbin'ns v.t. glean 

l^lfibaib' hat'tla adj. & n.m. left-handed 
J ** (person) [ ~J,U + ]'n n.f. nose guard of sword up- 
turned side of binding reinforcing strip 
of wood fixed to door-board, etc. »>,/(£/ bi'nl 
bUrl'dah adj. nose-clipt (person) 
jlyibtopar' (col. baipar') n.m. business ; 
V " trade (fjjjft be'opa’rt, (col. baipa'ti) 
n.m. dealer ; businessman, trader ; merchant 
£*jj*huvnni' N.M. PL.' houses N.M. & (PL.^t'^f- 
“ buy ola t' palace household expendi- 

ture [A'~ SING, atf,] 

i lyibajo'ra n.m. detailed account day- 

-book ; journal j\}£*-jStbayo’re-var adj. 
detailed adv. in detail 

[^p’yibiyoht'na v.t. cut off (cloth) according 
** to measurements Zfyibiyoht' n.m. cut- 
ting (of cloth) ; according to measurements 
cut slashing (of expenditure; 
gj/be'vah n.f. widows## k'ragaii N.P. PL. 
•'* widows Jj^bt'vagl n.f. widowhood [P] . 
jbyibayohar' n m. custom transaction 

** bayohar' kl bat' n.f. something fair 
(fyi bi'vl n.f . wife mistress of the house 

** lady chaste woman free woman 
Hazrat Fatimahf'ilfi^ii'rf ka fhdlam' 
n.m. henpecked (husband) ; uxorious person 

** sai b' nak (<* dijaz) 

*■*•>!&/}>) ka damh ( or kooh'da) 

n.m. sacred feast to commemorate Hazrat 

^^baihar n.m. uncultivated and uneven land 
** (usu. near river bank) 

WWi oo'dah adj. silly ; stupid ; foolish ; 
nonsensical ; absurd vain ; fruitless 
impolite, foul obscene ; sweetly 
immoral gjjtfbehoo'dah ba'lth n.f. pl. 
nonsense obscene talk, indecent language 
immoral pursuits^ behoo' da-go n.m. 
foul-mouthed fellow behoo' da-go” i yt.r. 

idle talk nonsense obscene talk Jat# 
behoo' dagi n.f. nonsense absurdity 

silly behaviour 
y^.bi ar n.f. beer [E] 


w'/m third letter of Urdu alphabet (equivalent 
to English p) (also called Ba’-e Fa'rist) (In 
jummal reckoning equivalent to ; hence) 2 
*t pd n m. fifth note of national gamut ; fa 

't suf. (denoting abstract quality) footed 
f continuing ; lasting [P] 

( pa n.m. foot leg root ; stem 
pa-atidaz', jUibiPd far’ sh-e pa-ahda^ n.m. 
doormat ba'-das'te 

di'gar* das't bardas'l-e di'gare ph. under 
duress not having free hand l pa ba- 

rikab'.^Y'jjtbpa dar rikab' adv. ready to 
move l pa-bazahjir , ji)/^,pd ba-joo'lah adj 

in chains ; 'fattered Ipa-bahd' n.f. & adj. in 
bound ; committed’ habituated res- 
trained detained, imprisoned checked 
controlled subservient VfjjPbpa-bahd' 
raih’na v.i. stick ; adhere, follow ; con- 
form stand committed I'/js^pa-bohd' kor'na 
v.t. check bind down * restrain 
pa-bohd' ho'na v.i. be bound down stand 
committed (f^lpa-bati di n.f. restraint ; res- 
triction detention check ; control sub- 
servience commitment pa-bos' adj. 
adoring worshipping flattering; licking 
(someone’s) feet n.m. (rare) worship (f pa-bo’ si 
n.f. salutation adoration worship 
sycophancy ; licking someone’s hoofst^f^|/«- 
bo'sl kar'na v.i. revere adore worship 
c tyt* posh' n.f. (arch.) shoe 


fjls jj 

r > •?? 

pa-posh' par mor'na v.t. spurn aj^ipa-piya'dah 
ADJ. on foot walking {ll pa-ta'bah, f jC>paita'vak 
n.m. inner sole yfypa-ja' mah n.m. trousers -iLH 
pa-kha’nah N.M. latrine ; lavatory ; privy 
stools; excrement of bowels '^typa-ztb' n.f. 
anklet*-^ l pa-shikas'tah adj. dead tired 

resourceless' sjr'lpa-sho'yah n.m. fomenta- 
tion of the feet laving of the feet ’Wpa lagh'z 
slip wrong step ‘faux pas’ Jllpa-mal', 
JiJ Ipa'rmal' adj. trampled down- 
trodden laid low ruined devastated 
JU pa-maTt, (Jill pa e-ma’ti N.F. trampling 
ruin devastation lja/l pa-mar’ di n.f. 

bravery ; valour ^llpa-ya b' adj. shallow ; 
fordable * ' . 

^^bpap n.m. (dial.) sin vice W^lpap' 
‘•'^katna PH. (of dispute! be settled (of 
( trouble) end djpa'pi n.m. (dial ) sinner [S] 
t i papa n.m."' papa ; pop ; father Pope 
'‘' f ()j£.llpapa-e rom' n.m. the Pope [E] 
tl pupa n.m. rusk 

by l pa par n.m. thin saltish cake dried 
V <!> layer (of mango-juice) adj. very thin 
dry ; parched Cbp.ylpa'par bel'na v.i. roll 
out these cakes (fig.) undergo much suffer- 
ing (fig ) turn to one thing after another in 
a bid to do something or earn one’s liveli- 

\j>\)pap'rs n.m. fruit of ‘butia frondesa’ used 
.*?■** a imgji/l^pap'rci khar n.f. its askes 
used as seasoning* 

pat n.m. leaf metal plate orna- 
*•* ment for upper part of ear , earplatc 
(doublet of ^.] 

^j(; ipatal' n.m. ‘(dial.) Hades ; hell ; (according 
*•* to Hindus) lowest region of world infested 
by fiends and serpents [S] 
bjpl pati'rm v.T. get dung cakes ready for 
V drying up mould (bricks) 
pat n.m. breadth (of river, 

V etc. ) milestone depth (of 
voice);)., dblpat'-dyr adj. (of voice) 
deep ; sonorous blpat'na v.t. 
fill up (pity, stream, etc.) roof 

cover plaster spread loose earth over 
shut pile ; overstock give in abundance 
paji adj. mean ; base silly 
pa'ji-pon n.m. meanness stupidity 

L pachh'na v.t. incise make an mci- 
*»* V s ion (for extracting blood from body or 

opium from poppy, ^IpacJA. n.m. incision 
( pad n.m. (vulg.) fart I'slpad'na v.f. fart , 
pass wind (fig. ) pass a silly remark 
^fig.) show the white weather 
Q'lylpadash' n.m. punishment retalia- 
*' tion penalty requital padash 
nut ph. as a penalty for [P] 

(fijl pad'rl n.m, clergyman minister of 
, *** the church [Pg.l 

U'jt pad' shah N.M.,£^i?jlpadsha'hat N.F.tfil/jl 
*' padsha'hi n.f. (same as;l/jiN.M.t£t?l^l 
N.F. (f<0>l n.f. (see under Assl n.m. if) 
IjLpad'na v.i. (see under jl) 


jt par n.m. opposite bank opposite shore 
' other side termination (of life) 
successful end adv. across over on the 
other side to the other side through 
beyond adj. past ; last ll/lt A par vtar’na v.t. 

ferry over take across Vji\jlpar' u'tarna 
v.t. cross get or move across get 
through gain one’s end die ; pass away 
par' kar'na v.i. ferry over get across 
finish transfix I'l&jlpar' laga'na V.t. 
ferry over bring supcess ; make successful 
kill squander C&jJ, par lag'na v.i. be 
ferried over succeed' finish be squander- 
ed ; go waste 

Par'ti n.f. partvjl^l par’ti-baz ADJ. & 
** n.m. factious (person) (one) guided 
by party spiriyJjltfjlpar'ti-ba'zl n.f. party 
spirit factiousness ’[E], 

jrj\j par'chali n m. (ped.) cloth piece of 
v *** cloth dress ; garment piece ; 
mcnl par' eha Jirosh' n.m. (ped.) draper 

j^jgjlpar' cka-firo shi n.f. (ped.) drapery 
pa'ras n.m. philosopher’s stone 

ifj L par's n.m. Persia ; Iran (fji n.m. & f. if 

w y 

pdfs a' adj. chaste abstemious ; 

*•* virtuous holy pious J isjlparsa”i 
n.f. chastity abstinence virtue piety 


(Ji/jl par’ sal ADV. last year [P~ 

par’ sal N.M. parcel Cfyfol par' sal 

' bhfj'na (or kar'na) v.t. send a parcel by 
post [E) 

^jlpar'si n.m. (f. same as occ par's an) 
** Parsi n.f. Persian language ; Persian [P] 




H/t psr'Hman n.f. Parliament j l4<- par lb 
* ma'nl ADJ. Parliamentary (WJtdL psrli- 
ma'm nizam’ n.m. Parliamentary system (of 
government) [ - E potL.j 
. 'J j l par'limaftt N.M. Parliament ifs-^yk 
, ** par' kmatitarl KD}. Parliamentary [E] 

tjl (or 1/l/aVa n.m, mercury ; quick silver 


9 j l pa’ rah n.m. piece scrap slice 

** fragment V/tjl tjLpa'rapa’rah kar'na v.t. 
tear to pieces [PJ 

JUjl/ pari'nah ADJ. outdated outmoded 
" ** %jj>y>daftar-t pntl'nah n.m, (fig.) out* 
moded stuff [P — 4} 
jt par n.f. scaffold scaffold- 

ing hole made by burglar 
'A par' batdh'na v,i. scaffold 
P j*5l'par' kkol'na v.t. dismantle 
the scaffolding 

tjl pars, N.M. (alsoWfl/a'rfca, col. i^pah'rs) 
** a species of deer hamlet boundary of 
field kat’na v.l. harrow (paddy- 

field, etc.) 

pazhatid' n.f. exegesis of Zoroastrian scrip- 
tures jijjijjfzhali’d-o-pazhatid' n.m. Zoroast- 
sian scriptures with their exegesis [P] 

Jr l pas adv. near ; close about along- 

*• side up to at hand nearby ; close 
by with tft/lpas’ a'rta v.l. come near , 
draw closer to come up to ; approach 
pas bitta'na V.T. seat close (to) accept 
as' apprentice (to) teach manners l ’ffalpas' 
baiik'na v.i. sit near be a constant 
companion of be apprenticed to learn 
manners from Db tflpas' baitk'ne val'a 
n.m. constant companion ; companion 
disciple (of) apprenticed (to^lj'ipas' pas 
adv. close by next to each other next- 
door to each other roundabout there- 
abouts (Jit/J^pas' paros' n.m. neigebour- 

hood ^vicinity C^f^i/l’pas' no pWtakna 

v.l. not to come near not to call (on) 
\jJ^j&iif \pa's‘ na pha’tak sak'na v.i. dare not 

approach jldCkt pas’ prep. , with ke 

pas' ho'na v!“t. hay 

Kfl p ss n.m. regard ; consideration de- 
U *** Terence watch three-hour period 

'i pas-ban” ti.M. watchman sentinel; 

guard protector ; guardian J ^pas-ba'm 
n.f. watch guard > protection , guar* 
diansihp><#i/ya'J-#i*a^t' N.M. out of regard; 
■hr consideration Mifj'U.bfpa’ s-t kha’lir PH. 

out of regard for jLslpas’dar’ adj. partial to 
n.m. partisan ( fj ^ pas-darl n.f. partiality 
favouritism favour regard; considera- 
tion i’/wl fka pas' kar'na v.t. show regard 
for be partial to favour take sides 
^with) [P] 

“'Ipas n.m, pass success in examination 

' adj. passed successful approved 

&lS*'{,fiBs de'na v.t. issue a pass V/i/fpas 
kar'na v.t. & t. get through (examination) 
declare successful (in examination) 
pas ho'na v.i. get through be approved; be 
passed ; pass master [E] 
l^l'pa'sa n.m. (same as pah's ah n.m. if) 

Pas' tafi,u)\Plbas'tafi adj. ancient ; old (PJ 

^tpa'sukh n.m. reply [PJ 

1 m t pas'na v.t. fondle animal’s teats urging 
V her to yield milk 

ba-sahe' n.m. make-weight; some 
thing placed in one scale to balance 
the other insignificant portion [P~ l 
(fk pa' si n.m. fowler name of a low 
** caste of Hindus crude net ; meshed 
^container for bundle of hay 

pash suF. f sprinkling shedding 
’’ scattering J^fpa'M suf. t sprinkling 

shedding scattering [P ~ 

M fyt, pash' pash adj. shattered broken 
** V ** to pieces shivered l /art' 

pash kar'na v.t. shatter break 'to pieces 
shiverljfjrl (J'Lpash 1 pash ho'na v.i. be 
broken to pieces shiver [P] 

pa'sha n.m. (Turkish title) lord gover- 
? nor boss general JT] 

♦*^ (. pash'nah heal [P] 

pak adj. pure undefiled spotless , 

** immaculate chaste holy ; sacred 
free innocent (am. for) Pakistani n.m. 
(ABB. for) Pakistan juipakpbai' adj. pure 
undefiled chasir^jUlpak-ba'zi n.f. 
chastity virtue p'ok-khaslat adj. 

ehaste well deposited J’jJipak-da'maryADj. 

virtuous modest chaste f pak- 
damans n.f. chartity; modesting virtue 
innocence tiipMuji pak- si' rat adj. virtuous 
angelic pak' saj adj. clear 

pure undefilcd,; unpolluted spotless , 

immaculate y’jj^ubpik'-soorol ad|. pretty; 
lovely i'/Ji pak kar'na v.t. clean 



vn dl (somewhere )*&•?&/$ pah'&li ‘oib 

t^ar'H H.m. deadly sins; the 'five prohibited 
Sins, viz. , lying, stealing, drinking, fornication 
and gambling {.Is.ijfjjjls'ij&.pahdi 'veh savs'roh 
meti {ho" ns) prov. (be a) self-imposed comrade 
of heroes j^Lpan'sftu adj. five hundred 
ULpaftda (u'su. (^ipsltde ji ) n.m. (dial.) 

Brahman title a 'earned man ; scholar ; 
village school master 
Jjblpandoo n.f. chalky soil 

• • • 

»« • 

l/l pahs n.m ; alluvium manure dung- 
^ hill Obc/Lpsfis dal' ns v.T. mapure 
t+d Ipatfsah, Of i part's a n.m. dicet^^.J 
* pah' sah pkebk'ns v.t. throw the dice;] 

I%1 Ol^lpaii'sah ul'ia pat'nS _ v t. 
loose be unlucky (in throw) 
psft'sah par'nS v.i. win be lucky (in 
throw) pansah pa' lain a n.m. turn of the 

tide v.i. (fig ) (of tide) turn 

O/l (or jipa'oh n.m. (same as 0>\pc) 

y * 

^ t pZi'nl n.m. water rain tears 
v sweat flood polish ; burnish ; lustre 
plating modesty chastity gust ; 
courage adj. watery very dilute thin 
or dense Vtftj> parti s'na v.i. rain suffer 
from cataract suffer from the whites (or) 
leucorrhoea have water be floody V'Jlftb 
ps'ni u'larnS v.t. & I. (of water-level) fall 
suffer from cataract V*JI>ftLpa'ni bstdk'ns 
v.t. build dam or dyke round iisftl ps’ni 
bath' ns (of water) flow l ps’ni bhar’ns v.T 
draw water be or become subservient to 
( r!/f^JjtC^ / ‘rnbhh' melt ps'ni bhar s'nS ,v.l. 

(of mouth) water be avid VjlrJ^'Jipa'rn 
band kar’iii v.t. put a stop to flow of water 
stop water-supply l ps’rii bahs'ns 

v.t. pour or spill water (of eyas) shed 
tears ; weep bitterly tft/ft l ft L pa'ni pa'ni kar'ns 
v.t. put (someone) to sfiame Ljfftlftjfpa'rit 
pa'ni ho'na v.i. be overwhelmed with 
shame be drenched Wftjr ps'ni par'ns v.i. 

rain (of wound, etc.) suppurate I'tyfftj’ 
pa'ni ptir ja'n* v.t. be in or regain good 

health ; be radiant with health (of achieve- 
ment, etc.) go to waste be undone 
ps’ni pker de’ns v.t. undo end ruin ; 
destroy guild ; plate give radiant health 

pa'. A pi pi' kar kos'ns 
(or kos'ru de'ns) PH.‘ h?ap curses upon 
pa'n} pi' ns v.i. drink water i'/fU'ftjpA'nl ta'ra 

ho'na ph. (of water-level in well) by very deep 
l' id ft!; pa'ni tor 'ns v.t. decrease or pilfer 
water-supply Ojrft t ps'ni (hurs'ns v.t. & i. 

(of wound) suppurate pilfer irrigation water 
pa'ni cfaarh'na v I. (of watcrlevel) rise 
'(of river) be in spate pa'ni chhnr'na 

v.t. discharge (water, etc'.) C l/> ft L pa'ni 
dikhs’ns v.t. take animal to the wa'tcring 
place cause it to drink pa'ni cho'a'na 
v.t. let water fall drop by drop 1st ft l, pa'ni 
de'ns v.t. water ; irrigate give water (to) 
VJerjftlpa’ni dkal'ns^ v.i. loose radiance 
lose shame ps’ni ss pal' Is adj. 

watery (of milk) adulterated 
ps’ni sir se oon’dia ho'na v.t. (usu fig.) be in 
deep waters l‘s t 'ftj' pa'ni samo'na v.i. mix hot 
water in cold one Jfk. tfftl pa’ni ks bul'bulah 
n m. bubble (fig.) unstable thing & l/ftb 

pa'ni kal'ns v.i. turn off the water ijruo an- 

other channel breast the waves i)/£ftl pa'ni 
ke mol’ ph. very cheap [‘/ft l ps’ni kar'ns v.i. 

stop flow be stagnant jjbJ ft!: ps'ni ki 
iks’dar n.f. sheet of water (p'jlpani lag' ns 
v.i. (of water of some place) agree with ; im- 
prove (someone’s) health t/*J Ipa'irt mar' ns 
v.i. (of water) seep (in wall, etc.)^ be a 
weak point (in) be put to shame 
ps'ra men s g' lagans v.i. sow seeds of dis- 
sension do a miracle ; work wonders 
pa'ni men bujks'ns v.t. temper (steel, etc.) 
iypl yftl pa'ni na msltg'ns v.t. die all of a 
sudden be killed with a single stroke 
ps'ni har'na v.i. (in quial-fight) lose (one etc.) 
round (in a total of ten) 
iJiPa "ip n.m. pipe [E] 

pjtf, ps'in'dah adj. durable ; lasting ever- 
v lasting^! pa" ih' da-bad' int. long live ; 

‘viva la’ [P] 

j t pa’o n.m. quarter seer fourth part ; 

* quarter ^ ps"o bhar t y~f'5l ps"o ser adj. 
quarter stcT^Jjj}j>pa"o ta’&,$l^VnSn' pa'*a 
N.M., l ftiJ(}Jda'bal ro'ti n.f. bread ; loaf of 
bread ftjl pa'uli n.f. quarter-rupee 
(arch.) lour anna bit 

oSkfok or )ips"on n.m. foot step 
foothold leg pedestal basis > root 
standing guts ; courage firmness 
pa"o1t it' tarns v.i. (of ankle, etc.) dislocat- 

ed (of foot) be sprained uJ§ijip3"on a'jisM 
v.i. step forward ; move ahead 
psP’aft Bjta'is dial' ns v.ifwalk at a swift pace 


ara’na v.t. meddle ; interferejj}. 
iy t pa” oh ukkar'ns v.t. lose ground lose 
footing be routed ; take to flight be push- 
ed bade be carried off one’s feet 
U tf}) pa” oh ba'hir nikal'na (or nikal'na) v.i. 
transgress limits bi' chains v I. 
slip lose firmness yield fall a prey to 
temptation bps' 'oh barks' ns v.i. step 
forward move faster transgress limits^jl 
h&kfpa'' 0 * bha'fl ho' ns v.i. be pregnant; 

be in the .family way be tired 
pa’on bidk' meh ha'tis \.i. be mediating be 
responsible pa" oh pa” oh dial' ns v.i. 

(of baby) walk without support 
pa” oh par pa” oh rakk'na v i. sit cross-legged 

lounge lead on easy life I'Jjjl/jil 
pa” oh par ps”oti gir'na,”on par ns, 
Cypa”oh pa'karna V.T. fall at the feet of 
; mpk>re ; entreat ; beseach 
ap'ne pa"oh par Sp' kulkari msr'ns ph. mar 
one’s own career , spoil one’s own chancescbl 
lji^ps”ofi passr'na v.i. stretch one’s legs 
be obstinate ; show stubbornness die 1 
pa” oh pa'karna v.t. (also) prevent from mov- 
ing ahead. l^jilps” oh pkat’na v.i. liave chil- 
blains Vk-f(j}lpa”oh pki'salna slip err 
yield fall a prey to temptation VJjgyfy 
pa” oh pkool'na v.t. be unnerved 
pa” on phoofik pkoohk kar rakk'na v.i. 
tread softly be cautious or circumspect (Jjl 
i^*] J *'jfapa”oh pkaila' kar so' raih'na v.i. 
sleep with the legs stretched out be perfect- 
ly happy and contend ^Utkpa'oh pit’ ns v.i. 
beat one’s heals pa U oh pi-chke hat' ns 

v.i. loose heart *’*beat retreat 
pa” oh ta'le mat' ns V.t. trample under footJg^r 
QftftfJcZ-P*’ 0 * ta'le se gamin' ni'kal js'ns v.i * 
stagger be stunned feel the ground 
slipping from under one’s feetdXljl $jjj>pa”oh 
tUfna (or jam' na) v.i. be serene not to be 
beside oneself .(1^1 f(Js^Pa”oh jama' ns (or 

gar'na) v.i. plant (one’s) feet firmly ; get a 
firm Iboting Wj(j}lpa”ohjkMnna'na v.i. be on 
pins and needles C^fypjjp^J)\.pa'oti chkal'ni 
k» js'ns v.i. (of feet) be blisteced be 
dead tired ; be fatigued bjij'pa’oh 

dab' ns (or fhap'pi kar' ns) v.t. press (someones) 
feet by way of message < CfjL) ljpijjj>ps'’oh 
dkar 'na (or rakk'na) v.i. set foot on enter; 
step in begin (enterprise, etc ) ; get 
V>J(j0'jj*jl)pa”oh dko' (or dko dko') kar pi' ns 

v.i. wash (someone’s) feet revere! 
pa” oh iagmags'ns v.i. f > feel shaby fall 
a prey to temptation l’^//Jt},pa”oh r a' gams v.i. 

make fruitless efforts have a very uneasy 
time implore 1 lfi/(jfLps”oh raih’ ja'na v.i. 
be exhausted ; be fatigued P a ''°k 

gamin' par na rakk'na v.i. fie overjoy- 
ed be very haughty ( C^lj sips” oh 

gamin' par na par'na (or tik’ns) v.V' be over- 

joyed Jtt haughty be very naughty 
fidget CfyjXjjyiJtbpa''oh sir par rakh! kar 
bkag'na ph. flee ; run away llgr'jjbpa”oh so' 
js'ns v.i. (of foot) be benumbed tyjrJjyfa'jjib 
pa”oh sau’ sau man kt ho Ja'na v.i. be very 
much fatigued pd” oh ' e lo'gi 

sir meh bu'jki ph . 'llareuD, be greatly up- 
set be greatly hurt (JrlJ^jj^pa”ohkiahg'h 
n.f. toe ^J^'lgjjjipa'^oh ka ‘ahgoo'tka . n.m. 
big toe ; great toe l#^&lb/u%pa”oh 
gor (or qa'bar ) meh latka”e baith'na v.^be very 
old ; have one foot in the grave U-djJjlpa”oh 
gkis'n a v.i. run useless errands Ifo 
pa’oh nun tkak'kar ho' ns v.i. be ever on the 
move &(/j^QjiJj^pa” oh meh maikh'dl lag na 
v.i. have the feet coated with hernia paste 
be unable to set foot on ground not be in 
position to move Ul/t Jjbpa”oh nikal'na v.i. 
be coming up transgress ; exceed limits 
step out of withdraw from Hfyj^tLjda'be 
pa'oh ana trend softly come unperceiv- 


( pa" i n.f. pie ; a small Pakistani coin no 
** longer current t 

Vrfl pshoo’ns N.M.JsjLpahoo'nl n.f. (usu. pl.) 

* song(s) sung at bride’s departure for her 
new home 

&r a 'hi n.m. temporary tenant adj. temporary 

^\ps”e n.m. (pl. of *1 n.m. it) 

i ^y / jps”e takh't n.m. (same a 

-»(/'(, ps 'e-js'mah n.m. (old spelling of sty 
''•'n.m. ★) 

jiJZlps’e-dsr adj. durable wearing well 
V permanent (fjl£j>pa”e-da'rl N.F. 
durability permanence firmness 
wear [P~Lf 

ZJll P*' e ' k °V ADJ- dancing j/^lpa'e-kobi 

'lit* * NF * dancc £ F ~ i -hsfei/l v 

pat mal (same as ^lU/A) 



Jr' t pa'ineha n.f. one of the legs of a pair 
*.*/•* trousers [ - P l ] 

//H pa’iii adj. &'adv. back- 
** V c„t r - 



seat or 

side ; back 

beneath ^J^^pa’ih-bafh n.m. 
backside garden kitchen 

garden [P] 

pa'itti n.f. foot of the bed 

/jit pa’yah n.f. end conclusion extreme 
***** extremity jktfUpayan-e kar' adv. at 

last ; at length ; ultimately [P] 

\ {pay at adj. (child) bom with 
»**• feet first n.f. jingled anklet • 

^ l pa'yah n.m. leg foot 

***** pedestal support base 

step rank ; status &j£lpa'ya-e ~ 
takh't,£jfypa't&takh’t capital 

headquarters of government f f&/sbptiya*t 
suboot ko pohuruji'na v t. Be proved ; be 
established beyond doubt [P] . y 
J^pab' lishar n.m. publisher rf^Zspub' likayshan 
n.f. publication [E] 

lu Jlj*j)ab' lik n.f public [E] 

♦ » 

I)* bapra nav.i. become crusty ^,pa'par n.m. 
V' plaster coming off the wall tj^pap'ra N.m. 
(T.tfJS'paprl) crust; scab a kind of 
sweetmeat L'k-^jf^pap'riyati jam ja'na v.i. 
(of lips) get parcheci jjpspap'riya adj. layered 
\jsAy£pap'rtya kat'tfu itt.M. white catechu 
^ b y papo'ta n.m. eyelid 

Qj papal' na v.t. munch , masticate 

I rypapi'ta N.M. papaw fruit 


{ySpapi'ha (dial. L^papafya) N.M.'* 

crested cuckoo with yellow eyes and 
patches of white on its black coat children’s 
whistle made of leaves or mango-stone _ *, 
gSpttti.M. bile gall ehlorophyllCii^. 
*** pit dal'na v 1. vomit bilious stuff 
paf'-jkar n.m autumn , fall 
/*r*vpat'-jkar ha'na v.i. lose leaves in 



p pi'ta n m. (dial.) 

(fig.) decay (from old age) ( •» b; + 
father sire 

y* pat' tar n.m. leaf sheet metal plated 
*^metal ; gilt (J '^pat’ll n.f. brace 
jjspat'tal n.f. (dial.) leaf trenchar 

& at'la, adj (f. J^.pat'li) thin lean 
v fine sharp watery straitened JUj% 
pat' la Hal' N.M. sad plight ; straitened circum- 
stances kjp^pat'la dub' la adj. lean deli- 
cate {‘Jtfjpat'la kar'na v.i. dilute shar- 
pen make slim ; reduce {IfjClfcpat'la tie 
ja'na V.I. slim become watery 
iOpnt'la n.m. puppet effigy statue 
~0l)P' ia <!’l ka put'la adj. clever , skilful 
foolish ; stupid ii£ l/jtrkhak' ka put'la 
n.m. human body human being 
^JZfpatloori n.f. slacks ; Western type of 
*•* trousers [ - E pantaloon j 
.input'll n.f. pupil (of the eye) puppet 
» v cute woman ; spruce little lady frog 
(of horse’s hoof) lJ/tff(Jx}$pUt’liyoii ka tama’sha 
n.m. puppet shQwl‘brf0fjtiput'liyafi phtf ja'na 
v.i. (of eyes) turn ar the ‘Approach of death . 
bepn the verge or point of death , a ^ p 
^Jyfpatahg' n.m. flying kite ; kitaLhiU^pata/ig' 
V ura'na v.i. flyj, a kite ; jl*J%paiatig'-baz 
n.m. lnitt‘flkr(£ji~j>patahg' -ba'& p'h. of kite- 
flying kat’ ja'na v.i. (of kite) 

1 I A—* J .4 — 1 

be annoyed 

j\J%, patuar' n.m. rudder helm 
•*jpa'tah n m. address where- 
's.* abouts clue sign , symptom 
t 'LZ'Z.patah bata'na, pa'tah rfW ( 

de'na ' v.t. give one’s _ Address ( I f 
give a clue direct I'ldJjP pa'tah taga'na 
v.t. locate ; trace , search out , out dis- 
cover get a clue l ^pa'tah lag'na, 
pa'tah ctal'na, \jP>patak mil'na v.i. know 
be known \LfX‘ £■ pa'te ki kaih'm 

: na v.i. 

expose (someone) tell the . truth (about 
(something) make a point mS'jk* 

pa'tah nahih PH. I do not know who knows 
i'yp'A. P atak ko'na v i. know be known 
J £. pa'te ki bat n.f. fact of the matter 
the truth the point 

£*pat'tah Ci.pat'ta n.m. leaf card (in game 
•; of cards) an ear - ornament %%.pat'U I pat' t ah 
n.m. every leaf LzJledf jJ%pat'tah tor' kar 
bhag'na v.i run away make oneself scarce 
{^ifZpat'tah kat'na v.i. sack destine 
death* tf^h^paftah kkar'ka ban'dah 

sar'ka ph. (used of a'cowardly person) flitting 
at the stirring of a leaf ^jfjjrpat'toti vali n.f. 
(W. dial.) radish / 

pit'tah HM. gaffbladder anger ; pasion 

».• guts l j{%pit'tah mar' ha v,i. work 




hard control one’s passion V/^pit'tah mar' ns 
v.i. be appeased Ijyjt Zpit'tah pa'ni ho'na v.i. 

have the blue funks be appeased have 
no aspirations 

£*pat'tksr n.m. stone anything hard 
* adj. hard heavy inflexible 
difficult callous cruel hailstonell^ir’. 
pat' thar ba'ras'na v.i. hail C^^y^pat’thar ‘ban 
ja'na v,i. pertrify become' as hard as 
stone grow callous I’jf'J lyf pat' thar pant 
ho'na v.i. (of stone! melt fof tyrant) give 
way to compassion l 'yy£pat thar par' ns v.t. 
& 1 , hail be cursed Ij^^J&xJfpat'thar 

( phehk ') mnr'hn v.i. (fig.) give efirt feply 
say (something) msblyUPX^J^igpat' ta'le 
se hath ni'halna v.i. get rid of trouble or tyrant 
$ dP/rfpat' thor tdle ka hath ph. straiten- 
ed circumstances pat' thar Ast 'ns v.i. be 

sharpened on whetstone OfjJ^iSyCpat'thar 
Afro,' & par rakh'na v.i. be patient ; ’suffer with- 
out grouse \!S%St pat' thar 4 ho'na v.t. & 1 . 
carirry stones work hard 

pat' thar se sir' mar' ns (or phor’ns) ' ph. try to 
drive something home to unreceptive person 
pat' thar ka (khapa n m. . ligho- 


lithograph yJ 
unchangeable ; u 

pat' thar hi lakir' 

. ..v > •• - ,wy«'i L 

pkeftkns otbarsa n, 
stone(s) at 
v.t. persuade 

adj. uncnangeaDie ; unalterable inexor- 
able (L’L'jl pot' thar tnsr'na (or 

' tirsa'npj v.t. pelt stones ; aim 
pat' thar ko mom' kar'na 
de cruel person to show mercy 
[*\j& / pathra'na v.i. (of eves) become glassy 
'* become blind be petri- 
fied Sjl/fapathra'o n.m. stoning ; j_ 

lapidation \lj . jU^pafhra"o kar'nafm 
v.i. pelt stones ; lapidate jg 
throw brickbats path'rt n.f.{ 

stone in the bladder ; calculus’ _ 

grit fr/fpathri'la adj. (f. pathrfti) 

stony * rocky gritty 
^ pother' n.m. place for moulding bricks 
v pathe'ra n.m. brick-moulder 
(}i,po'tl n.m. (dial.) husband pat'ni n.f. 

* (dial.) wife 

(jf^pat'R n.f. petal small leaf thin 

* metal plate hemp leaves share ; por- 
tion jIjifcpal'H-dar n.m. shareholder 
Ibtf'patja'na v.t. care (for) 


N.u. l ar gc saucepan ; small cauldron 
*•* jp^sfi'6 n.f. saucepan 
L^pot n.m. (of door) flap ; leaf ; 1 
^ Valve fold single width (ofll} 

cloth) screen a kind of coarse Il| 
cloth sound of falling or beat-xji 
ing.APJ-. pronej prostrate HI 
uj** flown ; overturned sov, put 5 promptly 


cudgel-play foil . 
cudgel L'tyL'pa'ta hils'ns 


iXO'JZspat batld’ kar'na, Cjg^ppt bher'na V, 
close the door; shut the door 0‘j*4ypat khol'ns 
v. open the door unveil 

\?pata, J^pa’tah N.M. 

V wooden scimitar 
t/'JLLi.N.M. pa'ta ba’zi n.f. clubbing; falsi 
fencing ji&^pa'te-baz,'ta-baz, 
patait n.m. cudgel player ; club-man 
1 (j \ pats' -pat adv. constant tapping sound 
*• • (of raindrops, falling fruits, beating, 

lpl£r pata'kha n.m. cracker ; squib frolic- 
*some beloved 

\j\£pita'ra nm. (wicker-work or palm-leaf) 
Sbasket^VL'/dta'rl n.f. betel-basket 
clothes basket basket (of juggler or snake 

fJ&J>atakh n.m. sharp report ; burst pat 

^JXZpatak' n.f. sound of falling fruit 


t. ★) 

(see under 

po'takhna v.t. (same as 

/VJi pa'ikhorU n.f. same as//“£ n.f. 

V* **?.T . *) 

patrol" nm. petrol [E] 

j&patra n.m. washerman's plank 

<* harrow plank fear' bathing* 

corpse low. wooden seat 
damage OjJI^-pat'ra kar dt 
v.t. , damage ruin Clertl^pat'ra ho ja'na 
v.i. be damaged be' ruinedl^jysj d ho' bi- 
pat' r a n.m. name of a wrestling trick' tjl 
dho'bi-pat’ra mar'na v.t. throw adversary 
supine over one’s shoulders 
(Jy-Spo^ri n.f. rail track path ; root 
v thigh 1‘ltT (fjspotri jams' na v.i. sit firmly 
on^horseback [ ~ prec.] 

pit'tos n.f. beating wailing (V-i 

* pit'tas par' ns be beaten wail v v 

san. jy san n.f. jute ; gold fibre 
Ppat'ks n.m. turban girdle mortar 

*layer (between rows of bricks) tPpat'ka 
baftdhna v. wear a turban pat 'a ' girdle 
(round the waist) gird up the loins ; resolve 
firmly prevenj > 

CJ&pa'takna, CJf.patakhna, ( ^,,^<-4 pa'tak 
*' (or pa’takh) de’na dash’against . throw 
doym violently cracky burst ^ jy*paikar&, 

(fKpatkhanl pat'kl J\.pat'khi > N.T. throw 
sharp blow ‘ fall LZ&(y%l)J-%pat'kaia 
(or pat'khata) de'ns v.t. dash against on the 
ground>with violence • throw down violently 
l' V (&%!>,)($ P a t' fa* (or pat'khaiti) kks'ta v.i. 
b&dasheti' against j (all down with a thpm n , 
destTictkm curse d-\$r 
fo'n ra. rain seize (it) ; my it 

come to naught 

Spa'tam AD j. closed [ ~ l>pat'na] J. pat' tan 
, n.m. ferry wharf 
pit’ns v i. be beaten ; get a beating n m. 

* toal'ct , wooden hammer used for pound- 

?R n M. one who often gets beaten 

pi tv an a v t. cause to be beaten 

f v r - roofed (of pits, etc.) be 

• filled (of roof ) be plastered (of land) 

be watered (of price) be settled (of 

account) be squared be in abundance 
patoana V.T. get filled or plastered get 

roofed ■ get (land) watered 

jgpot'toc n m. a kind of coarse woollen cloth 

| j^pat'oa n.m, braid maker 

aA patva'U n m. lowest revtnue pfficiai . 

* village registrar , patwari jlfpotvar' 
n f, patwari ’s job 

J^pat'tah, Lt.pai'ta N m collar (for dog) 

• girth (for nouse) lease lease deed 
(usu. pl ) locks (of bobbed hair) Iji'lCpatia 
Ular'na v.t, unite (dog, etc ) sock* \,'\*/ 
pat'ti tura'na v.t. break loose . break the* 
collar j\}&.pai\e da* n m. lessee ; leaseholder 
3<*»ee * ' 

puth. n.f animal’s hip joint (as food) 

I#? pvt'fka n.m. muscle tendon, 
v sinew young deciple »(esp. of 
wrestler) young person ZC^pat the 
n.m. pl. bobbed hair ' 

^ put' dm n.m. rump^ buttock withers 
r j * J put' ike par i iatk na 

rakk'ne de'ns ph. be restive ; be inaccessible 
(of one’s withers) be unwrbng 
fjLr 1 Pnthan’ n.m. (Pushtu speaking) people of 
former N.W.F.P. of Pakistan 
pit'tkoo n.m. stooge campfollower 
£ (old use) playmate (in children’s game) 
pithi N t washed pulse ground when still 
” *** wet 

[Jr* path-'ya n.f. young hen yying female 
♦•V buffalo young woman ( ~L<.] 

/P. pat'ti n.f. bandage strip ‘ 

(of cloth) side of the bed 
(writing) tablet calligraphy * W 

lesson parted hair row ; line B 

a kind of crisp sweetmeat h|j - 

coaxing ; cajoling reduction , , * 
trickcrv tutoring (of witness) l>> j-^at ti 
hafidk'na v.t dress ; bandage blindfold 
\^ } A pat'ti dins v.t. deceive ; cheat l Uy (ft. 
patti patita'na v.t. seduce counsel evil 
tutor (witness) irkflJifkpattiyakjomaPM v.T. 
ccrnb haw dowp to the temples ij^patti 
kar'na v.t. drew bandage i, 

pattl' n m. village headman 

^X>patil'ns v t. cheat ; diddle ; swindle 
** *j,heat sell at fantastically low price 
iy^ t paxilcoh n.m. cry of partridge 

y _ 

(g^putin N.F pudding putty [EJ 

l(j Puja 'ri n.m, (dial.) Hindu priest 
" * devotee lover fa.^pvjdran n.f (dia y 
Hindu priestess female devotee de- 

voted woman [ - l^yj 

pujna v.i. be worshipped j be adored (of 

y h ] 

pvch n.m. point of prestige parti- 

sanship defence pref. (abb. of five 
iy^'poch kar'na v.t. support take the side 
(of) £j'J$pach'& bar'na v.t. become a 
point of prestige cal ; for defence 
ij\yU/if>cia’rd n.m. thin coarting of clay, 
*•’ lime, etc. wiping with wet cloth 
whitewashing brush 

^path'chas' , patpas adj. & n.m. fifty 
t* * pad*' chat' i-ait, pacjias'vah aoj. fiftieth ( 
/A{^‘pacheha'si, pacha'st aoj. eighty fivetOJflf; 
^ V * pcchcha sinah adj. eighty-fifth 

P ac -p° na V.t. digest ; assimilate 
*»* * keep secret V | /,paejia"o n.m. digestion , 
assimilation maintenance of secrecy (about) 
{ [<? (igehchan'i’t. packarive adj. & n.m. 

*•* "ninety-live cjyjifpachehan'vtvin adj. 
ninety-fifth v ’ 

£yjf. f pichpicha'na v.i. be clammy be- 
■T* ‘ come damp be flaccid lg£picJt‘pi(ha 
adj. clammy damp : moist flaccid 
pack' pan adj. & n.m. fifty-five o'rPytP 0 ^ ' 
panvan adj. fifty-fifth 

ponvafi adj. hliy-tiitii 

V paeh'char n f. piece stulTed in crevice 
V’’ wedge obstacle [llOijlIjIyg* 

paeh'char ata'na (or toga na or ikohk na) v.t. 
insert a piece (in crevice) drive a wedge (in) 
X’ l /path' (par mar'na v.i. put up obstacles 
^j/'pach-ran ga adj. fiye-coloured 

multicoloured ( ~i fa j|.l 
l‘tf/. t puchkar'na v.t caress kiss from a 
v distance cajole appease call 
for fondling &'.puch'kd(£j\fcpu<hkan n.f. 
caress kiss from a distance 

(Jj$/..ptcbk a ri n.f. syringe squirt 
V V ‘douche injection inoculation 
enema I'jitfj&pickka'rt mar'na v. discharge 
liquid from a sypmge, quirt, etc. 
^iij/^pafk-halyH' auj, animalwilh whKe 
*»• 9 patchet oh hoove* and forahtad 

be definite Jr(. pukh' tagl n.f. ripeness 
maturity development strength ; firmness 


pidda n.m. brown robin 

• • 


■jjkpi'dar n.m. father 'JfyjJJri' dar-sokh' lah adj. 

** rogue ; scoundral ; blackguard J^jspi'dar 
kildh'i n.f. patricide jJ^\k/Sf*sJ>,pi'daram sultan' 
btod prov. brag ; boastful talk unsuccess- 
ful idler’s boast about his noble ancestry 
pidarz'nah adj. fatherly : paternal pidari 
adj. paternal patriarchal [P] 

( ffapid'H n.f. tomtit : titmouse 

fapa'dam adj. one thousand billion n.m. (dial.) 

' '* lotus 

y^pad'mant n.f. paragon of feminine beauty 
v and virtue exquisitely beautiful lady 

[S] t> 

JJkpad'dao bs/padau'ra n.m. one addicted 
** to farting coward ; dastardly person 

podidar' adj. apparent adv. insight [F] 

^tffyp&'ding n.f. pudding [E] 


jjt (or /X) pnzir' suf. able ; ible suscep- 
** *** tible to liable to endowed with 

admitting (of) taking (or £j Up pozira'l 
n.f. welcome reception ovaition 
acceptance ^/i(or^>0 pazi'rl suf. capacity 
for acceptance of ability ; ibility [P] 

1/ par prep. at on upon above 

** at the point of by for through 
after cowj. yet still ; but still how 
ever ; nevertheless but 
"typar n.m. feather pinion; wing^C*!''. 
** par' -af shaft' adj. fluttering the wings 
perturbed 'd&}/par-afsha'ttl nf. flutter OtyL/. 
par' bafidk’rta v.t. bind (bird’s) wings 

render unable to fly or act 0 ft^jy^par pur'ze 
niknl'ns v.i. come up L^J/, par tol'na v.i. 
get ready to fly plan to run away /z-0»jss.< 

K/^/jjpar' piir'zoft se durust’ ho'na v.i. be fully 
equipped \£jspar toot’ns. Of Spar' jal'nd ph. 
not to have access (to) become powerless 
1 &P aT ’ jkar'na, Caspar' gira’na v.t. moult; 
shed feathers j\j/par’-dar adj. winged 
par'-shikas Lah adj. disabled afflicted 

par' shikas'tagi n.f. disability afthc- 

tioa l!/tffs.P ar qaifich kar'na, Ojs,P ar ' Idna 
v.t. pinion disable J* IP's, par'' k a qo'lam 
n.m. quill-pen Cjbl/i^Pv' 'U kav'ta batin' 

de'na ph. make a mountain out^of a mole-hill 
L'l j I i/s_,par’ kati ura'na PH. Caspar lag' na Fl. 
be fledged come up become decorous 
1 par ' na msr'na v.i. not to be able to 

approach U^por’ niksl'fia, & ^jLjspar'-o bal’ 
nikal'na v. ' grow up be fledged grow 

new feathers 

S' pur AT>j. full of abounding in -in 

-ous -ful &’/ pur-peep’ adj. intricate 
winding ; serpentine abstruse 4^S,pur- 
takal’luf adj. (of feast sumptuous formal 
ceremonious ; standing on ceremony y _jfe^. 
pur-kha’tar adj. dagerous risky ; hazard! 
ous jjjS'Pur-dard' adj. painful doleful ; 

dolorous tragic pathetic Jyspur-soz’ adj’. 

pathetic tragic doleful ; dolerous 
>-pS pur-far eb’ adj. treacherous fraudu- 
lent 'djsfur-kinah adj. spiteful f]psj>ur-malnl 
adj. sad ’; sorrowful /jspur-noor' adj. l um i. 
nous refulgent holy ' 
jypa’ra n.m. rank ; file ; troops herd (of 
* animals) swarm (of birds) wing (of 
army )( CifL ) (>> 1 4 -Spa re bafidk’na (or jama'nn) 
v.t. draw up in battle array 
I ji!y!/pars'pegah'ds n.m. propa- 
***** *** ganda [E] 

Os}/ par at' n.f, flour-kneading basin 

[ft j/para’tha n.m. fried bread ; 


/.praspaik'lus n.m. prospectus fE] 
parar thana n.f. (dial.) prayer request 


w y[^'parsk'rll nf. one of the ancient 

* Sanskrit dialects 

. «/] j paragon dah adj . dispersed scatter- 

J *z ed disturbed ; distracted 

paragah'dagl n.f. dispersiom disturbance 
being dishevelled [P~ u>j/I/ v ] 

Jf/pural' (or para/) J iyjtura’ll (or para'll) 
*** n.m. paddy stems used as loose matting 

}/ par antes' arl not n.m. promissory* 
'** *** note ; lOU 

^ypurari n.m. part of Hindu scriptures [S] 

/A \Sjparm n.m. (dial ) soul fSJ 

bj/pitraPa adj. (f. JJ^purm) old 
*♦ ancient antiquated outdated out- 

moved worn out experienced . veteran 

J l’iS PQra' na gkag adj. crafty old-timer 
I* N.H. elderly penom 

-ancient people 

jtfjrjJjl/parclvtdaM ftthS n m. provident fund [E'j 

.. .. 

' aimary adj. primary [E] 

i * £ . 

pars" im minis' tar n.m. Prime Minister 

uW’ lE] 

JZ/yy para'ivat adj. private [E] 

1 1 J par s' y a adj. (f. Jb par s"l) not one’s 

** v own another’s n’.m. person not relat” 
ed one stranger IJy (£ l ap'ns para'ya, 
ap'ne para'e n.m. own’ and other people ^Al/, 
para'ya dhan, J Lily para'ya mal n.m. oilier 

person’s property (fig.') daughter(s) ; girls 

/I*, a /. a fb. X «-» e. a. ' . 

if/par'diam n.m. flag banner ensign 
(v ••tyjfcpl l'1/l) 1‘ijl /-/par'dam srs'na (or 
laihra' na or bulafid' karris) v.t. hoist a flag [P] 
pa' r a Ana v.i be coaxed ; be cajoled 

f v be satisfied be consoled appeased 
become familiar (with) 

t\/y pdrehoi n.f. scrutiny inquiry; 

V probe 

^ fry parehopn' n.m. grocery retail 

V v parctoo'niya n.m. grocer retailer’' 
par'ehah n.m. question-paper answer 

*•' *» book ; script scrap of paper slip ; 
chit periodical first information report 
(with police) ; F.I.R. t’JiJUj'Spar'diah Ask' 
kar'na v.i. record a first information report ; 
prepare an F.I.R. Uy gd.par'chak dens v.t. 

answer question paper . distribute ques- 
tion-paper report to the - police l>(?yj>ar'Aa-t 
saza' n.m. conviction slip y^jsypar'Aa-navis' 
n.m. repoter report writer ' spy 

ap'ni risk' kat'va’na prov. cut off one’s nose to 
spite one’s para"e bas melt ph. 

under another’s control 

/Jit/ par-bsl' n.f a depilatory eye-disease caus- 
v **»* ing crooked hair to grow again on eyelashes 
CZS/ par' bat n.m. (dial ) mountain ; hill [8] 

* V 

para’bhoo n.m. (dial.) God [S] 

* V 

j\j/ pat' pars/ ad v. year before last [~P jff] 

V V 

• H 

•* pat~po'ta n.m. paternal great-grandson J Js 
par'po'n n.f. great-grand-daughter [~ S 
remote ; another 4- 5^.] 

IL y par' tala n.m. sword-belt cress-belt 


//par' Um n.m. reflection short view 

v splendour influence l'!^Jd, t par'lau par' ns 
v.i. come under the influence of {P] 

I £ / par' lava n.m. (col. for JJ n.m. ir) 

, par'ja (ped. pra'ja) nf. (dial.) subjects 

* 1 rajs par'ja n.m. pl. the rulers and the 

ruled _____ 

_ .pir'A n.f. saucer, pir'A 
pays'll n.f. cup tuid saucer 
. , patfjiar' n.m. (dial.) preach- . 

ing propaganda propagation I'/jfy. 
par Aar' kar'na v.t. (dial.) preach pro- 
pagate publicise 

.» t par£a’na v.t. make (child, etc.) 
" if y* familiar with one appease (child) 
cajole ; coax console 
km j(y J pit'Aok nf. mild instigation 
v v support 

par Aa navi st n.f. reporting espionage 
\£/ par' Aba n.m. reel for winding thread ; reel 
V V 

parAha'vak n.m. influence 
^ ' possession or obsession by evil spirit 
(rare) shadow l‘^,jbb£/parAhafi'iah par' ns v. 
possession by evil spirit ’ 

par&hq’i'h n.f.^ shadow reflec- 
•* v '* tion l/1/(jyZ-(/''\j?/'parchha"ifi se bhl 
bhag'na PH. fly from the influence (of) 

par (fchat'ti n.f. subsidiary rooi 

^ thatch, etc. on leaky housetop 

. slip of paper ballot 

Y coupon [~ ^s v ] 

tf'ifr/ pUrkhash' n.f. quarrel conflict 

V tiff wrangle^f (J'isspUrkhash'-joo adj. 

quarrelsome [P] 

£ parakh'che n.m. pl. pieces ; bits l 

par a A' (tr ur's’na v. tear to pieces 

thrash ; give a good hiding 
, pat-ds'ds n.m. (paternal) gerat-grand 
!> )£. lather /A } J t par-ds' di N.f. (paternal grea 
grandmother [ ~ S remote ; another-)- IjIsJ 
•• J[Pd P^rfoWt N.F. care ; patronage 
1 accomplishment [P] 

*| , pardsz’ suf. -er ; -or initiator ont 
* who does or accomplishes something n.f. 
beginning adornment decoration jb/^ 
(Qllbl'/pardaz’ kar'na (or 4 al» 9 ) v.t. begin 

wdanj/j/porda'd nr. doing begin* 




ning adorning decoration -ing JP~ 


9 ty par'dah n.m. veil going about veil 

* women’s stay indoors privacy curtain 
sci'een cover secrecy drum (of ear) 
pretext (11) key (of musical instrument) 
musical note \!(y\»jspar'dak fi tka'na v.T. 
lift or raise the curta’in reveal ’ expose 
raise the veil discard the veil ; go about 
barefaced (£> pur' dak par' ns v.i. be cover- 
ed ; be concealed V-i'yjy sjr'aq'l par par'dah 
par'na ph. lose common sense l/Jay par' da-posti 
n.m. & ADJ. veiled woman' \ one who 
connives at the faults of others tf'jssJpar'da- 
po'shi n.f. keeping a secret connivance 
par'dah chkm'na v x. discard veil 
hang a curtain keep secret jljtsSpar'da- 
dar' n m. & adj veiled (woman) 6ne who 
does not let out a secret par' do-dart n.f 
being veiled - going about in a veil 
keeping secret; secrctiveness jj fjjpar'da dar 
N.M. & Anj. betrayer of secrets**' (one) 
who rends veils (Jji 0 }J par' da-da' rt n.f. 
betrayal of secrets rending the veil 
par'dah dal' ns v.T. -draw the curtain hang 

a curtain keep a secret connive at 
par'dah rakk'na v.T. hide things (from) 
conceal ; not to reveal ; not to give outlVjr-J/ 
par'dah raih ja'na ph. not to be exposed 
par'da-t ghdtb' n.m. the invisible hand of 
Heaven the inscrutable ways of nature sj-(. 

par'dah fash’ kar'na v.t. expose 
betray If par'dah kar'na v.i. go’ about 
in a veil stay indoors not to come before 
hide oneself par'dah kata' nS v.t. 

cause to stay indoor^ cause to go about in a 
veil L'iy^Jypar'dt bitks’ns v.t. cause growing 
up girl to take up the veil 

pardksri nm, (dial.) president 
* chief or leader (esp. of any evil groups) 
Pardes n.m. foreign soil ; alien country 
** * (jTjjparde'ii n.m. foreigner ; stranger 
ff far 4- country) 

tjjpur'zah n.m. part (of machine) (pl.) 
‘.'works (of clock, etc) scrap (of paper) 
bit piece Clji^-Jypur'ze ura’na v.t. 
hack to piece tear io bits i‘f»jy»)/pUr'z9 
pUr’zoh kar’na v.t. hack to pieces tear to 

bits V/!tjj vjp*r’za par’zah ho’na v. be 
hacked to v pieces be tom to bits (of 
machinery) have parts dispersed 

pur’zah n.m. (same for f.) cunning person 
resourceful person [P] 
try par's n.m. purse ; ladies’ handbag [EJ 

irfpur’s suf. one who inquires if~3pUrsl sup. 

V inquiring ; inquiry [p-o^j 

ldj> par ' sa n.m. condolence visit for this 

*•* purpose (sjLy, P*ir's a de'ns v.i. condole 

call at (someone) to condole 
(Jl//pursali' n.m & suf. ond who inquires JyjU 
hal pur’s ah (col. JU^L^pSrsS'n-e fal') 
inquiring after someone’s health ; solicitous 
about someone [P ~ e/vj „ 

Of/parasl' suf. worshipper devotee ify, 
*«' paras' ti suf. worship devotion [P] 

parastsr' n.f. worshipper devotee 

** » 3 (/!/ Id^ypa raslar'-zs dah n.m. son of a 
free father anda slave-girltfjiZ*^ paras ta' rl n.m. 

worship devotion service [P~prec.] 
(j) ^/Parisian' n.m, fairyland wonder- 

land [%■ P (f/ v + J P] 

paras' tish n.f. worship devotion 

(J excessive love or greed (for) * 
paras,' tish gah n.f. place of worship [P~t/*^] 
tj**y pur'sish n.f. inquiry questioning v 

*** chastisement 

bar soot' ks mkhar 1 n.m. puer- 
”* V peral fever 

(Jyi/par’soh adv. the day before yesterday 
*•' the day after tomorrow 
\j/j[yy parsiya'oshah n.m. name of a jnedici- 
** v nal herb ; ‘pteris lamulata’ ; maiden- 


jyyparkar' n.m. compasses j pair 
Vof compasses 
jvJ parte"' clever 

v parks’ ri n.f, cleverness [P-j^ 

(yy parks' lah N.M. spark parka' -la-e s’ task n.m. 

'•‘(usu.fig.) spark J its s' fat ks parka'lak 

adj. very clever naughty [P] _ 

fypa'rakk n.f. test scrutiny AJ^fjsnA 
*•* pa rakh n.f. scrutiny test 
pa'rakk'ns v.t. try test scrutinize 

JZypar’kt adv. last year 

V v 

tf.par'ganah n.m. (old adminstrative) subdivi- 
r^siom; tehsil Ji^Jjpar’ ganadar' n.m. chief 
•executive of ‘par’ganah’ 

Dypar'la {col. pal' la) adj (f (^par'll col. 
* pd'b) next qppsite distant of 




the other side adv. on the other side for 
beyond ; for away ; a long way off ; in the 
distance next door opposite 
par' It dar’je ka, l/^StL-j^par'le si' re ka adv. 

extremely excessively ; exceedingly 
thoroughly ; utterly adj. arrant egregious 
extreme tJ^PJypar'li ta'raf adv, on the 
other side next opposite > 

> parlok’ n.m. (dial.) the next worldb^dr/, 
*•* parlok' sidksr’na v.i. (dial.) die [S] 
liL y P arm3t ' ma n.m. (dhd-) (Hindu name for) 
V " • God (as the supreme spirit) 
tJZjtftpar'mit n.m. permit [E] 


par' mat n.m. (name of) a low-quality 

*»* rice parched rice, barley, maize, etc. 

j parmesh'var n.m. (dial.) (Hindu name 
t for) God (as chief god) [SI ^ 

J[j! parva'lah n.m. gargoyle 

*•* drain ; drain-pipe conduit; j N 
drain J i'/ t pama'li n.f. small drain; 
small drainpipe 

par-na'na n.m. maternal great-grandfather 

V fyjar-M’rt n.f. maternal great-grand- 
mother f ~ remote ; another +- ft* ] 

pariti\ar n.m. printer [E] 

jfyparahd’ n.f. fine quality printed silk 

V ' t 

PjJj/paritidah (rare lit .jt^Jtarihd) n.m. bird 

V CfZsj l fj&jJiarifi' dak par rta'klh mar sak'ta 
TO. none dare approach 

Lit, parih'sipal n.m. (or F.) Principal 
Principle [EJ 

(jlfypar'niyah n.m. a kind of fine painted 
Chinese silk dress made of it [P] 

(j i/parva' n.f. care concern ; solicitude 

* f worry ; anxiety ; fear inclination ; 
affection want ; desire 
jjj/PUr'va n.f. east wind (as foreboding 
Vrain) ; easterly breeze [«* 
j\j/parvciz'. n.f. flight suf. flying' soaring 
v tfjljj'parva'zi suf. flying soaring 

(FI * . 

,» h> . . partin' cftari'na v.i. (of child) 

'Jjf gfbw up thrive ; prosper (of 

hope) be realised .become perfect 
p scwwt doria'ita v.T. cause to grow up 
make prosperous make perfect cause to 
be achieved 

‘.jjperva'nah n.m. moth {%.) 

** T lover ; self-immolating love 

H tf $ s 

permit licence command war* 
rant tf'0bj parva'na-t tala' M n.m. search 
warrant (jjlf, ffj tj^parva'na-e rak-da’ri n . m . 

pass permit safe conduct ; past* 
port (fjOJ'ti/j'parvat'na-e girifla'fi n.m. warant 
of arrest 1/jpiJi jUirfj^parva’nak par fida ho'n a, 
parva’mh ho'na v.i. be an ardent lover 
cufb^parva'najat n.m. fl. passes permits 
Jbj> v parm'nagi n.f. (rare) permission [P] 
parva'ya n.m. piece of wood, brick, etc. 
Ufjf placed under bed to raise it 
7- j parota n.m. food gift to mens 

gift to menials at cere- 


JSZj+tjjf parautastakt n.m. Protestant [E] 

JiJ Par' vox suf. nourisher ; cherisher : protector 
*•* (j/jjpar'vafl suf. nourishing protect- 
ing bah' da par'var my lord (iron.) 

$ateori(fjl/»jZbafida'par'van n.f. patronage [P 

JliJPJ parvardigar ' n.m. providence ; chensner 

V (as epithet of God) [P - JjjjjQ 
0)JiJ parvar'dah n.m. domestic servant 

brought up in masters house from 
infancy slave adj. reared brought up 
nourished patronized [P 
tyjiJ 1 P ar oar i?h n.f. nourishment juste- 

V nance protection patronagq 
rearing ; fostering upbringing 

par' parish pa'nav.i. be, fraught up be 

fostered ; be nourished Isijrjss par 1 parish hn'rm 
v.i. bring up ; rear nourish ; foster 
support patronise [P ~ „ 

parofai'sar n.m. Professor parofdt- 
sari n.f. professorship [E] 


SpJ parogaram' n.m. programme [E] 


piro'na v.t. thread (needle) 
v ( thread Jhrough eye of needle) string 
(pearls, flowers, etc.) prepare (garland) 
its) V poronof' hm. promissory note ; IOU 

par o' hit n.m. (dial.) family priest [S] 

* V 

partUn" (lit. alsot/v/kjr'oi*) n.m. 

^ Pleiades ; Pleiads * a female Muslim 
name [P] 

%f/ pdrhtz' n.m. prevention forbearance 
** V abstinence temperance abstention 
keeping aloof evasion regimen 
frir'lSl^perhtz' sab st *thka Ws'kjtokhai mBv. 
prevention it better than cun '>/jftprb*! 

V J < 

kar'na v.t. abstain (from) ■ avoid keep 
aloof (from) be on guard (against) be 
under regimen (fjfyparhe'zi adj. (of food) etc. 
prescribed for one under regimen 
parhe'zi kha'na n.m. diet prescribed for one 
under regimen [P] 

ijjpa-'rt n.f. fairy ; peri graceful lady ; 

"•* exquisitely beautiful woman ; beauty PREF. 
fairy angelic ^,fsj>a'ri-pai 'kar, 
pa! rt-cheh'rah,jlZtfypa'ri-rUkh'sar 
too n.m. & adj. fairy-faced angelic 
(beau ty) very graceful ( woman) > lyjpa’ri-zad 

n.m. & adj. exquisitely beautiful '(woman) 
faiiy-born superhuman l 
pn’ri ka say ah ho' ns v.i. be possessed by a 
fairy J'jypa'ri-vash n.m. & adj. fairylike., 
very graceful (person) lovely (woman)^^, 
l‘j 1“ pan S hi' she men Utar'nn ph. coax, 
cajple or wheedle the beloved »./ i/i par'yoh 

ka ikhn'ra n.m. assembly of beauties [P] 

jz-t'N.M. (PL. Ofi/N.M. it) 


f pa're adv. away on the other side 
further off at a distance beyond 
yonder ^st^/pa're pa're, ty^spa'rt raih'na 
v.i. keep away not to keep alooflji^/^-s/, 
pa're pare raih'na v.i. not to mix with others ; 
not to be a sociable type 
\£Sjpaeit n.f. (dial.) love beloved 
** Vfari' tam n.m. (dial.) love beloved 


paret' n.m. evil spirit (usu. asjCy^bioot' 
£// pa'ret n.m. ghost and evil spirit ’* 
fj, j pari' dah affix, flown J>y pari' dagi affix. 
**V flying away ; flitting [P]' 

^ j pared {co\. paret') n.f. parade [E] 

•■r . 

JrJ/j ^ pare'zidaht n.m. President [E] 

l/ji pares' n.m. press the Press [E] 


.A, pireshan” (lit. alsoj iPjpire' shaft) adj. 
perplexed ; confused' disturbed 
troubled (in mind) dishevelled (hair) 
embarrassed distracted ; deranged miser- 
able dispersed loose (leaves] harassed 
(J ^0 &/J>ire'shafi-hal adj . embarrassed 

miserable Jr lf(J Inspire' shafi-kha'tir, 
pire'shsii~d>' f trouble in mind I'Jj&Spire’shan 
4 kar'na v.t. embarrass hare "confuse 
pdrple perturb dishevel (hair) scatter 
cast to ute winds $ JO fyjpire &an-go' *l n.f. 
confused talk J^JlJjpirt'^xn-m’zfa adj. & 

n.m. purposeless distracted 
pire' shafi-na’ zari n.f. lack of purpose dis- 

traction L'j^Oii^ypireshan’ ho'nn v. be per- 
plexed ; be confused -distressed feel 
embarrassed j lPy piresha'ni n.f. perplexity 
confusion / embarrassment perturba- 
tion misery scattering 
JJparem' N.M. (dial.) love t/jpare'mi n.m. 
[/•' lover [S] 

Cj/ .1 , pan' vi kauh'sal N.F. final British 
L/JOssC court of appeal [E] 

\j!pa’ra adj. prostrate I'll^pa’ra pa’na V.I. 

*• find (something) lying find (it on high- 
way, etc.) get for nothing fyppa'rz pgr’ 
adv. (beat) with incessant strokes C fjl J !/pa , ro 
raih'na v.i. remain unused be idly all 
along]- t'^.] 

typu'ra n.f/ large packet ; parcel ; package 

s pars'* o n.m. camping ground encamp- 

P £• ment camp halting-place : hall 
para'o dal'na v.i. encamp [~ 

par' tit n.m. share ; portion dividend 
( •* contribution revenue rate ] — 

\jipartal n.f. scrutiny cheeking ; check 
'* audit re-appraisal Jfy£lfjat&' 
portal' n.f. scrutiny portal’ iar'na v.t. 

scrutinize check audit reappraise 

V par'na v. lie down rest : repose 
l*-/. fall • drop dovm befall hang about (or 
around) concern ; worry Clf^par jans v.i. 
lie down ; fall flat ^^J^pa' re pa're adv. 
while lying down while in bed idly \Jg£d 

'se kya pa'ri hai ph. why should (he, 

etc.) ? 

> paros' n.m. neighbourhood vicinity 
(fjJparo'si n.m. neighbour tf'sZparo 
n.f. female nighbour 
***) fia’rhin n.f. mullet 


educated learned literate (JP frtyparlut 
hu”a jin ph. intractable person 
pc' tit na lik'kke nam mofam’mad fatal 
j>rov. brag of knowledge without education 

f*'* b f'&* '-** 

paov. educated but unfortunate t Igypenria'na 
v.t. make literate teach instruct 
teach (bird) to talk tutor (witness) 



mislead incite J la>}parba”i n.f. literacy 
education teaching tuition C^parh-afit' 
n.f. charm ; magical incantation Oyfyparkva na 
v.T. cause to be read have (something) 
read out get educated 

I b, pur'ya n.f. small packet does of 
vS. medicine ; powder [~ 
g j |> pazn'vah n.m. kiln [p 1 ) 

pizidi'k N.M. (rare) doctor [P] 


padmBr'dah adj. dejected blight* 
0-y cd pallid withered decayed 
bleak ifr/j 1 pazkrnvr'dagi h . f. dejection 

blight pallor being withered decay 
bleakness [P] 

pas conj. then therefore so 
' hence adv. after behind 
pas -and ad kar'na n.m. save by and by 
pas-pa' adj. driven back ; repulsed \!j pas- 
pa kar'na V.t. drive back rout;*repuIse 
pas-pa hb'na v.i. retreat be routed 
ctyjgp&'s-t piish't adv. behind one’s back 
in one’s absence 0 s-t push't dal'na 

v. postpone ; put off neglect ; ignore 
osj/jdpas-khur'dah n.m. food left over on 
the table crumbs tJ^pos-mafi' dah adj. 

backward remaining behind surplus 
survivag^^ It^pas-mafi dagan' n.m. PL.survivors 
J*fypas-man'zar n.m. background ifpas-o 
pesh' n.m. hesitation ; reluctance indeci- 
sion ; doubt shilly-shallying vacillation 
Jv*(J?.P as ~° P e — ^ ar ' na V.I. hesitate ; 
show reluctance shilly-shally vacillate 


i»| . pasar’na v.t. stretch spread 
>»£• extend display ]/{*>pasa'ra n.m. spread 
extension (mangoes, etc.) spread out 
.«. . pisa'na, 1‘ljflpisva'na V.T. cause to grind 

•j i pasfl'na v.t. pour off water in which 
»*i(rice, etc,) has been boi\e<l / jUj)asa'’o 
water in which something has been boiled 
A . pisa”i,tyjtfpisoa' , i n.f. remuneration for 
grinding [ ~ It-*] 

„ j past adj. low mean vile 
‘•A? inferior lowbrow J^C^pas't-khayal' 
adj. haying low ideas n.m. low idea^bti^. 
pas'l-fit'rat adj. base ; mean n.f. vile nature 
pfis't- qa'matjt£jrfpast qad' adj. of 
small site dwarfish, N.M. dwarf short 
stature^jw^'pes'* ker’tfd v.t, to yittj^p^pas'l-o 

grocery market 

bulaiid' n.m. ups and downs , vicissitudes 
pas t-him'mat adj. spiritless unambitious 
cowardly n.f. low spirits &fdX?pas' l-him matt 
n.f. low spirits cowardice ljp£~>pas't 
ho' ns v.i. be low be short statured be 

humiliated duck (f^pas'ti n.f. lowness 
inferiority humility lowland [P] 
piston' n.m. pap ; teat ; nipple ; breasts 

^jt^pistaul' n.m. pistol revolver (E] 

pis'tah n.m. pistachio nut pistai”i adj 
V pea-green (colour) [P] 

I J pi'sar n.m. son boy "^pi'sar-e nooff ' 
]/• PH. (Noah’s son as example of) vicious 
progeny of the virtuous [P] 

| • * pa'sarns v.i. (of child) insist unduly 
yr or behave obstinately be spread out 
be distended 

i> j pasdr hatta n.m. 

padli n.f. rib infantile tuberculosis 

'tipas'll pta'rakns, C^lJ^J^pas'li 
pha'rak utk'na ph. (quivering sensation in 

the ribs as) sign of absent friends impending 
visit know without physical communication 
be restless owing to beloved’s absence 
( pas'li ks t dard (or dukh or 

‘3 rizflh) n.m. pleurisy U^pas'liyafi tor'na 
V.t. give a good hiding * (cause to laugh) 
to excess 

[V| pis'n a v.i. be ground be pulverized 

v be crushed * be ruined [ 

SJ pasafid , (JlJijXfpasafidt dagi n.f. choice 
1 approval approbation liking 
disaetionlji^pasaiidi'dah adj. choice ; 
chosen favourite approved desirable 

pleasing ; delectable [P] 
j pasahdo n.m. slice of slashed meat 
such roasted slice as food [ ~ P prec.] 
a | pi'sanhari n.f. corngrinder ; 

-woman grinding corn. etc. 
for livelihood [ ~ U-£] 
yJ piss' oo n.m. flea 

.*. jpisva'na v.t. same as llJpiss'na v.t. 

* tysjpisvd’i N.F. 0 piss' ’t n.f. d 
|* j pasooj'na v.t. baste ta.cV£,jXpasooj' 
• 'v n.f. basting 

j'na v.i. show compassion (of 
T—* heart) melt with pity become over- 
saturated owing to humidity (of limb-ends) 



t/ pak'ka adj. (f. (JJak'kl) ripe , mellow 

^ (of meal) Baked of (meat, etc.) 
cooked ; dressed (of bricks) burnt (of 
building) firm ; strong (of road) metalled 
(of colour) fast experienced shrewd ; 
cunning instructed ; tutored fearless 
resolute authentic valid 
sound true settled ; finalized 
permanent U’ltf&pak'ka paks'ya mil'na PH. 
get without toil 'or trouble \tpJVpak'ka poo'rha 
adj. (f .(fjjpjpak'ki poo'rfn) settled , finalized 
Va n.m. suppurated boil 
person on the verge pak'ka pi'sa adj. 
(f •(fvj.pak'klptsi) shrewd well-tutored 
of bursting from anger or grievance \!s & pak'ka 
kar'na V.t. reinforce ensure confirm 
corroborate ; attest l^l^a^a ho'na v.i. 
be confirmed be made permanent be 
reinforced be established be settled ; be 
finalized [~ C£] 

^fivkar'na V.T. shout ; call, ; cry • bawl 
rjvi, exclaim complain Ppuka're. 

ga'le adv. \oni\y pukar' n.f. complaint 
call cry shout bawl 
•*/paka*na v.t. (of food) cook ; dress ; bake 
‘'’S (of bricks) burn "£} ^paka'’i, ty/pakva'i 
n.f, remuneration for cooking, etc. 
jffipik'ting n.f. picketing [E] 

/^pik'diar n.f. cinematograph film ; film 
/ 'v * picture [EL 

Jb/pa'karna, Cdi^pa'kar le'na v.t. seize 
catch hold of handle overtake 
detect (error) pick holes in arrest ; appre- 
hend catch ; capture jCpakar n.f. hold 
grasp grip; clutch pimishment j?. 
pakra'nn , iV# pakarvn'na, [>> \t%pdkra' dt'na 
V.T. cause to be areesttd make over ; 
handover; deliver jU'j^jxt'kar dha'kov n.f. 
round-up (of bad characters, etc.) ; arrests}^. 
pa'kar la'na v.t. arrest fetch 
l&p'aKna v.i. be cooked, dressed or baked 
* ripen ; mellow (of hair) grey {of 
boi), etc.) suppurate become an expert 
pakvan' n.m. cookies fried foodstuffs Pre- 
pared from gram-flour, etc! 
ootiehZ dukan' phi'ka pakvan' PRO v. great show 
without real worth {‘ijLpakva na V. T. cause to 
cook or be cooked ty^pakoa'i, tytfpaka in. f. 
remuneration for cooking 

pakau'ra n.m. fried saltish gramfloim paste: 
*** fried gram drop ; saltish pastry t/l (/'(£/£ 

be wet with sweet 

Pjj^pasx’mh n.m. sweat ; perspiratIontV^aj>j>-> 
*' v past nah pastnak ho'na v. be covered 
with sweat (owing to boil or heat) perspire 
profusely (owing to shame) 
post it* meh doob'na (or naha' ja'na) v.t” be 
drenched in sweat ; perspire profusely 
£*h )(?Bsh’t n.f. back backbone genera- 
^ tion ancestry descent support 
prop tiiifygjZfpUsh' t ba pudt't Ctfi/J&tfi&sh't dor 
push't adv. generation after . genera 
(Jf/i l) push' t par rath' na {or ho'na) v.i. back 
up ; support ; be at the back (of)J^£i^push't- 


panah', »^jC^fpush't-o panah. n.f. patron 
support refuge ; ally £&>2&pusVt dikhana 
v.i. flee set out on a journey 

de'na v.t. flee ; turn tail back oluo*,^v 
puMn-ban n.m. helper support j L*% 
puMi-ba'nj. n.f. help support * 

succor CCl'ypushn'm adj. hereditary [P] 
Oj\£jZ/fiishta'rah n.m. bundle load 

^ J^StbSsh'tak n.f. (horse’s) kick with hind 
* lpgs children’s game in which one 
bonds with palms resting on his knee and 
Others jump over his back is tX^push' tak de'na 
v.i. (of horse) kick with hind legs [ ~ P £&] 
2%pa,h'to (dial, pustito or r^pakh' to) n.f. 

* the language of the ‘Pathans’ 

P&pish'tak n.m. embankment ; ‘bund’ 
v dyke dam buttress prop back 
of a binding (fjZ^push'ta-batidi n.f. embank- 
ment [P~«5^] 
pashm n.f, 



around private parts 
mar'na v.i. (indecent) care not a 1 fig. 
bar pash'm-e qalah'dar ph. (indecent) I do not 
care a fig for it ZJrfptshrm' nah n.m, a kind of 
costly woollen cloth [P] 

• i Uj plshv a*’ n.f. dancing girls’ long gown 

with ample folds ; dancing dress 

J2J pasti&ah n.m. mosquito gnat [P] 

(Jf^pash »' (mers.) n.m. urine int. urinate 

pidhe'man’ ^J^r^pidiemati' adj. re- 

# ’’ morseful disgraced put to shame 

{} \rHpishema'rd n.f. remorse shame 

lumiiity [P] 

pit'ras n.m. Peter ‘non-deplume' 
*** of a great Urdu humorist [L] 


pakaura ri nak n.f. thick large nose <f*/pakau‘n 
n.f. (usu. pl.) such small bits served in curds 
(J^pakhMl’, Jfypakhal' N.F. water-hide 

pakh&'vaj n.m. a kind of drum ; timbrel 
* (fj&pakha'wji n.m. accompanist 

• v 


n.m. topaz 

pokk'va n.m. lap (of one’s mother) 

pakfu’ roo n m bird P u 

V pakht'roo n.m. pl. winged creatures 
t^Xpag n.m, (rare) foot (f^jppag-dah'di 
v n f path ; footpath by path; 

t tP Vga'na v t & t. (cause to ) end (game) 

9v P«R«h N.F. dawn ; morning [P] 


sbfpog'H n.f. turban black-transaction 
gratification lOMj>)Vili(f%Pog'Ti utar'na 
(or iiMal'nd) y.T. ’ disgrace in public 
scandalize Cailtf pag' it bahdk'na v.t. & 1 . 
wear a turban tie a turban round (some- 
one’s) h^ad in token of some qualification, etc. 

P a g‘?i bafidk'na v.t be honoured thus 
n.m. investiture admission to a degree 
CJ^J'^pag'ri ba'dalna v.t. interchange 
turbans (in token of intimacy) 
pag'ri pai'rofi par rakh-'na v.t. place*" one’s^ 
tuiban at another’s feet for apology J,j 
(1^* l*f pag’ri sahbkal'na (or tham'nd pii. try to 
maintain one’s honour pag'n va'la n.m. 

turbaned person (arch.) doctor 
l at pag'ri valla n.m. policeman 
\p)pag'la adj. & n.m. <r. iff. pag'h) silly 
'‘/person) ; fool mad 
fcl& pigjuil'na v.t. melt be smelted 
**Tuse dissolve softed be mollified 
^pighta'na v.t. melt smelt fuse 
ahssolve soften ^jjjrpigkfa'o n.m. melting 
{j pagya n.f. (dim.) small turban | - | 

*• V 

pal n.m. (old use) time measure about a 
‘•‘second moment pal' bhar mtti kbv 

in a moment ; in a jiffy ’jf/fjrpd' h (ml adv 
for a while ' v tf 

if pill n.m. bridge causeway ; causey 

T btib^PUl bafidk'nd v.t. bridge thow 
a bridge across ; build a bridge across ex- 
aggerate (in ipraise) pul-sir it' n.f. ex- 

tremely narrow bridge ; ’’’providing the only 

approach to paradise , paradise pathway 
HiP a'la n.m. ladle £ pa'li n.f. if 

pal' la n.m. pan, scale ; one side of 

*•* balance border (of cloth) ; side leaf, 
shutter or fold (of food) distance help ; 
support (arch.) three-maund weight 
load carried on head or back l"jf(fjidfrpal'la 
bha'ri ho'na v.t. have greater chances of 
success have stronger allies be heavier 
bal' la pak' ho'na v.t. be settled 
be rid’of pal' la pa'karna v.t. fall back oh 

(for support, help, etc.) I'l^iPpal'la chkura'na 
v.t. get rid of (of woman) get a divorce 
(from) pal'le baiidhlna v.t. not to 

forget , remember (derogatory) marry some- 
one (to) give away in marriage b'tr^pal'le 
pai'na v.t. be allotted (to) be married 
(to) I'fyljjL-pal'le kiichk na par'na v .! not to 
get the hang of ; fail to understand anything 

1‘yJd- pal'le ho'na v.t. be wealthy I'yriJjL- 
' v , ./■ , V v 

pal’le kuepk na ho' na, by* OJ <±- pal'le ta'kd na 

ho'na v.t. be poor ; be without means ; have 
no money jljJ^pd’le-dar' n.m. porter 
porter in grain market 
\fpil'la n.m. pup; puppy whelp fptf 
*•* hara’ ml pill a adj. bastard * - 

tifett. pa'la pal 4' y (i, ^ j> fpa’li pald'i adj, 
•* *•* ** (sec under t ' if) 

^ifypalat' n.m. plot [EJ 

, •• 

^ fjfpalas ' n.m. pliers (EJ 

y # * 

(fijipatas' n.m. hessian jute matting 

pains' n.m. (tree called) ‘butia frondesa 
*•* palas' pap'ra n.m its seeds (used 

as drug)’ 

pdas' na v.t smooth edges (of shoes, otr.) 

<m jb^pa1*s' tik n.m. plastic [E] 

. pila'na v.t. cause to drink give a 
drink suckle take animal to water 
add (molten metal to) soak in, saturate 
with run (weapon) through speak, (to 
someone) against 'J tyildi n.f. wet-nurse . 
foster-mother suckling wages l - Uicaus ) 
pula' V (pcd. pal do) n.m. rice cofiked in 
'‘meat. soup ; palau’ [P] 

.1 L P'lpHa ao|. (r. j^.pilpih) fiabby, 

flacyid weak , feeble soft {'^kpilpila na 

['dJpitpila na 


v.i. soften J>U> pilpila'hat n f. flabbiness 

* l, pulpulana v.t. chew without (using) teeth 
U 57 ilU' pul' pula adj flabby ; flaccid 
soft * V 

I jppal'ts n.m., CO'paltana v.t. (see under 

* v t - *> 

W> paTta n.m. reverse retreat turn 
stroke (of ill-luck) , vicissitude lucky 
stroke change retaliation ladle for 
turning pancakes, etc. OjLbpal’ta de'na v.t. 

Uim reverse hurl back upturn , tilt 
L'l/lbpal'ta fcha'na v. tilt turn over . 
turn upside down change (for the better or 
the worse) l’$> pahs’ na v.t. turn over 
convert return CjCbpal’ts de'na v.t 

yJ^pdl'tas s.f. poultice [E] 

Jfypd ’tan s.f. regiment [E ~ platoon) 

pa'latnh v.t. & t. return retreat 
^rebound suffer reverse turn over 
(of fortune) cause reverse 
l^b pairs n.m, pan ; scale ; one side of balance 
l-^lfjytypal'ra bh.a'ri ho' ns v.T: have the upper 
hand 'I'jjjJjjQpd'ta bars' bar ho'na(o( scales ) 
be even 

J^palas’tar n.m. plaster [E] 

/. pa’lak n.f., (pl. j&pal’kth) 
eyelash Jifm'bk pat'ya n.m. 
blink person '{^(^palak jha'paknS v.t. 
wink blink Iftggtqpa'lak jka’pakte ( met ) 
adv. in the twinkling of an eye ; in a moment 
in an instant , in a jiffy iP p lak 

se pa'lak nS lag'na v t. not to have a wink of 
sleep ;dtave a sleepless night 1 5 J Jb 

pal'kon si zamin' jhsr’na show great respect 
extend warm welcome serve with full 
devotion ( pal'kon se na'mak 
Stka'na (or tkun'na) v.t undertake arduous 

• tiJtpil'ka n.m. mottled pigeon 

assalut , attack 
be bruised 

P.pil'naS*J(jl pil'par'nS v.t. 

*'? rush 'press be trodden 
jostle ; push , press 

palna v.i be brought up be reared 
be nourished be bloated thrive ; 


prosper l If ibpa'la pala yd adj (f. J IkJ pa h 
pala"i) grown up carefully nurtured 

pilot' da n.m. parcel ; package pile 
Z bundle . 

^JCi> pa' long n.m. couch bedstead 

’ f pa latig-posh n,m. bedspread coverlet; 
cou nter pa ne y pa "laitg-tor ' n.m. idler 

one given to sleeping too long good-for- 
nothing (eHowjS’^jtypa'latig tin' chor n.m. 
Greater and Lesser Bear f'jfl Jji dP/p/jpp, 
pa'latig kc tat' mar kar kha'ra ho'na v.i. 
recover after serious illness have a safe 
deHver/^>/>a70#£ri n.f. cot 
jb pa? lot n.m. of cloth) border , hem jbA. 

** pal'loo-dar' aoJ. having an expensive border 
n.m. fringe-maker 

( *1 jb pilvs'na v.t. cause to be crushed 
** cause to serve (water, etc.) for drink 
\jf jb palo'tha ^ fej^palo'tki ks N.M & ADJ 
V (same asfr/teN.M. & adj. if) 

/V. pa'li n.f. ladle for measuring out liquids 
from canister, drum, etc XjjzJ'jjF pa'li pa'li 
.jor'na v.t. lay by gradually &ve little by 

pul'ya n.f. small bridge culvert 

.♦*, palt ta£j*Jali' l a n.m. wick ignited 
Wf wick for fireworks (arch.) match (of 
gun) C^pali’ta (hat ja'na v.t. flash in 

panU/C^ paii'ti de'na v.t. ignite (gun- 
powder, etc.) instigate 

tl &£pale' than n.m. dry flour used for faci- 

liating the rolling of bread 0 
pale'than nikal'na PH. give a good hiding 

pain jar am n.m. dais platform 

I **'* platform ticket [E] • 

Jjji pali'dar n.m pleader ; lawyer ; counsel 

** V lE] 

pamp n.m. pump [Ej 

V *• 

pamj'lat n.m. pamphlet (Ej 

jJ> t paled' adj. unclean defiled , pol- 
** * luted evil spirit, ctcdijJpali' di n.m. 
uncleanliness polluuon [P] 
l^ifpan, tbpana svr (denoting the abetnet^ 
quality) -ness *ity -hood 

^ pan pref. (abb. for [}£) water (abb. 

*fc>r&) five (abb. forc/l) betel-leaf 
!./ pm n.f pin hairpin [EJ 

W V 




\,jPu* n.m. (dial.) charity ; alms [S] 


l*j pa'na suf. (same a stfsvr. ■*) 

pa'na n.m. width ; breadth ; span [~P 1<J] 
tf * 

pan’ ns n.m. emerald upper (of shoe) 

* sheet (of metal) tinsel (gold or 
•silver) leaf sweetened tamarind water 

pinna n.m. lump of oil-cake, etc. any- 
thing' rolled into a ball ; roll real 
panana v.t. fondle (animal’s) udders in pre- 
paration for milking 

plx panah' n.f. protection refuge 
'' shelter asylum Up #l£panaA' rfr'na v.t. 
protect harbour give shelter# \ftO panah’ - 
goh n.f. shelter asylum refugegjyiti 
panah'-gS&n' (or -zin) y/^panah'-gir n.m. 
refugee iy# UpanaA' le'na v.t. seek protection 

r take shelter ; take cover take refuge 
lA ttypanah' matg’na v.t. avoid ; shun 
seek riddance (from) seek protection (of) 
take refuge (with) [P] 

/far pan bij'ti n.f. hydroelectricity ; hydel 
y v power 

^ *Jf pom'boh N.M. (lit.) cotton il^pam’ba-da'nak 

* V W.M. (ped . ) sxrt tonsced Jj j^pam' ba-doz N . k 
cotton c&rder (/jf^pam' boh-6a-gosh' , 
pom' bandar gosh i' adj. feigning deafness 
Ata.i^t^hpam'ba-da'hm adj. (lit.) quiet ; 
taciturn [P] 

..•pa'napna v.t. flourish ; thrive ; prosper 
(of plant) take root ; grow recover 
revive gain in strength fatten 
^rpafitk n.m. (dial.) fesp. Sikh) relgious 
border path fatjjjir’LXlek' pahtk do' kaj' 
pro v. kill two with one V stone j^pah'thi n.m. 
(dial.) follower of (a religious leader or 
order) [S] 

V patj adj. five (arch.) five-year-old 
(horse) (arch.) in cards or dice cinq ; 
cinque ; five t^&pafjab' n.m. the Punjab (a 
former province of West Pakistan as the land 
of five rivers) (J \gpatija‘bi n.m. inhabitant of 
the Panjab ; Punjabi n.f. Punjabi (language) 
adj. of or from the Punjab ^ Ifipatja'ti n.f. 
five-pronged rake lockingyoke (for a team 
of oxen) (j£pci>j'-tan, ijitffpahj' -tan pak' n.m. 
foe Holy Prophet, Hazrat AH, Hazrat 
Fatimah, Imam Hasan and Imam Hussain 
(as the ‘five holy persons’ esp. revered by 
Shi’ites) rJiQpatj-ro'zeh adj. of five days 

short-lived (as human life) sjjJ&&J*B*'bat-e 
patj-ro'zah n.f. short span of life short 
tenure of office, etc. J L'^jicyj-satlak adj. 
five-year (plan, etc.) quinquennial ; five- 
yearly JOfcparj shakh'ah n.m. metallic 
hand with fingers ivory hand to scratch the 
back with five pronged chandelier.--^/ 
part}- sham' bah n.m. Thursday j^ii^pahj-ga'nah 
namaz', P^jUnama'z-t^ pafij-ga'tmh n.f. five 
daily prayers < aibshar u i ph. 

same as *''£v%P aft j'S°'£ ah 

adj. pentangular five-cornered n.m. 

9 If* pariah’ adj. & n.m. (ped.) fifty 

• ^ > *> 
j&poft jar n.m. skeleton ribs 

^•**atijar pati'jar dkt!la ho'na v.i. be aching 
"all over the body; owing to severe jolt* 
pah' jar ho'na v.i. become very lean; be reduced 
to a skeleton 

| Jr* Pty'Ta, o^pihj'rak N.M. cage trap 

frZpabjum adj. & adv. fifth(ly) n.f. fifth 
* class (in school) fjlfn pakjQm&li adv. 
fifthly (P ~ £*] 

pitj'ra n.m. a bow used for cleaning and 
Cfc* beating cotton 

Ut pahjah n.m. open hand (of one 
<V hand; all fingers (of one foot) all toes 
toe claw grasp ; clasp- (in cards) 
five (of dice) cast of five impression of 
open hand rays ^^sQiflfpah'j a-e aftib' n.m. 
(lit.) rays of the sun ‘fpah'ja-e mar’ yam 
n.m. a kind of fragrant grass ty JZpah’jah 
pher'na v.t. twist (adversary’s) hand by inter- 
locking fingers (1‘liH.) yj^patijah kar'na (or 
lara'na) v.t. interlock fingers (with someone) 
in a bid to twist his hand j^^pahja-kash 
n.m. instrument for exercising fingers in 
interlocking one practised in interlocking 
fingers I'jlg pah'jah mar'na y.,T. pounce upon 

claw oh ke bal dtal'ta v.i. 
tiptoe; walk' on tiptoe (I# ft )£if£fPatfje 
jama'na (or gsr'na) v.t. sit fornjly > 
stabilize one’s position daw t 
pafi'je jkar' kar pi'fblu par 4 ja'na ph. 
harass press hard take to task severely ; 

I ^ patji'ra n.m. tinman 

"paftji'ri n.f. sweat fried flour 
V ** f this with a total of five iagredieu. 

•• » 


late *£tcm6onbjjpoor‘bij3 n.m. inhabitant of 

eastern U.P. 

jJ fjJ poo'nm poor * adj. 
V [- < 

full brimful 


peo’m-ma’M n.p. (dial.) night of full 
Af moon [S] 

»f. 'see under jJpcr n.f if) 

tyf* 9 'r| n.f. thin pan-cake 

\jJP°*’X9> (dial. \jtpoo”a) n.m' fried cookie 
•t * 

ijjpoz n.m. muzzle , mouth of boncMjjpoz'- 

V bahd N.M. muzzle 

V Jjfpoi N.M. posture before camera ; pose [E] 

r/Jjpo'zish n.f. apology S>t/'jJpo'zish-pazir’ 
*•* AO^j. forgiving [P] ** r * 

\Jf“jpoos n.m. tenth month Hindu calendar 

V (corresponding to January-February) 
£nSjpos'i n.m. crust ; shell skin rind 

V hark poppy poppy head used as 
drug(/wt<y pcs' t-kan N.M. skinner ; flayer 
,jrpost-kah' dah adj. full brine, hidden 
facts to light adv unreservedly Crif^post 
kh*t,(b'na v.t. flay ; sian(f*Opos’R n.m! 
poppyhead addict (fig.) indolent person 

xJjposSin n.f. fur coat 

•* leathern coat jji^JpOitin 
dot n.m. furrier maker of 
leathern garments [P 
/?fJZi*ypos't-a'jis .n.m.- post office 

V ,£v , /J>QSi-mas , tar n.m. post-master 
J posx-ma'.’tar jan'tal n.m Post- 
master General - post' -main n.m. 

postman [E] 

JjjrM/J post' -mar’ tam n.m ‘post marten 
f examination ; autopsy (E~LJ 

\*/Jpos na (usu. as \ZsjOipul na pes'na ) v t 

t * ..m • aAnv* nnnPieli f nc • />r 

•p bring up ; rear 
sup. wearing 


nourish , foster 
covering l*J 

Tjpoi&ak' N.F. clothes dress gar- 

Vments , attire livers accoutre- 
ment ; equipment fj^po'shish n.f clothes 
dress garments', raiment livery 
accoutrement upholstery (P~ t ?■*%} 
tjpjpo&'dah adj. secret hidden 

•* Vcealcd covered underhand 
ulterior f^JposH'dagi n.f secrecy 
cone ealment [p ~ &J>j] 

fyjljjpo* port .frjposj! t/ipo'is INf 



V donkey-drivers . etc f watch make 

room please [ ~ P] 

J>Jpu kkar n.m. pool name of a tenting 
l *• or cudgeling trick 

(JjP o1 n.m land measure' equivalent to fifty 
Y *** yards ; pole Pole ; Polish national [Ej 
Ajpol n.m. hollowness U^Ofy/j/’jk'dkol ka) 
V pol’ kkul'na ph. (of hollowness) be exposed 

[ ~ FOt-L. ] 

po'la adj. (f. (jjpoli) hollow empty 
V soft ; spongy 

D j poo’la N.M. bottle of grass or hay^ii 
** v/poo'h ta’le gizran kar'na ph be miser- 
ably off 

to N.F polo [E] 


Jfctypoli'tikal adj. political (E) 

pii'lis (or polls') n.f. poYiceJf<jfj polls 
** *• chau’kl n.f. police' post [E] * *" ' 

0jpaun, h'jpaum adj. (f -.Dpati'ni) three- 
V quarters n.m. quarter to one 
pa' van n.f. mild wind autumn wind 
winnowing wind 

f. capital princinal 
stork wealth wherewithal 
\Jj bautichii adj five-and-a half (times tablet 

n.f. tail 

** winnow 
if y poott'ji n 

*> *» stock v 

.v-T wipe clean this 
V patfhk kt adv. 

having wiped ' * having cleaned having 

^•Jpauhd n.m, pound ; £ pound ; lb [E] 
paunda n.m. thica variety ol sugarcane 

z V 

poti^a n.m. anj hollow lube phalange 
V J-'/pohgl n.f. flute juggler’s flute 

scrpant-cntchcr’s pipe 

jjjpoo'ni n.f cotton roll for spinning 

IjypPniya adj (of paper, cloth, etc ) of 
•* V sub-standard stze ■ . 

y J po'yah adj . amble canter Of-jpo yah 

*f£al'na v.i amble canter ( ■» P 

s£pa, pe conj. but ; yet ; still PROF, on at 


•pf\J\JphA--pha ktit'rA n.p. hag procums 
if V v tale-bearer mischievous woman 
jfapht'iak h u gate barrier 


j{^ pahar' n.m. mountain 
f range of mountains adj. (also 
pahar sa) huge difficult 

arduous burdensome tiring ; 

tiresome long and ^tedius 
terrible ( i>J*^pnhar‘ pot'na (or 
gir'na or toot par'n a) v.i. be overhelmed (with 
troubles) C/^i/jitpahar’ si rat ph. terribly long 
and tcdius night' (of separation, etc.) t'UjJU, 
pahar dha’na ph. subject (to tyranny), 
pahar’ se pik'kar It'na ph. be pitted ^against a 
strong adversary ; face heavy odds b/tU pahar 
kat'na v do the impossible (/Ijftlf pahar’ ka 
da'manUiAida'mott-e koh' n.m. foot of the 

mountaintfvW'paAa'rs n.f hill hill-lock 

mount name of a musical mode hill* 
man ; mountaineer adj. hilly moun- 
tainous Ijyjlgpaha'ri kao'va n.m. a jackdaw 

lilt/ pahar a n.m. multiplication table 

V paha'reyad kar'va v.i learn one’s tables 
lj[j/phar'n a V.I. tear rend rip 

V split cleave mangle L'l/jitf pkar’kkana 

vj. tear to pieces mangle gnaw 
^]fi(pA&g n.m. (dial.) Hindu .festival of 
t ‘Hoii’ coloured watej- thrown during it 
its revelry ' ti mefi pkag 

kful'na ph. (derog.) be happy despite poverty 
.,f\^pha'gun n.m. twelfth month of Hindu 
** calendar (corresponding to February 

^J[^ph2l N.F.,{jff/fb/ n.m. ploughshare 

^{fifpka'na, Mfa'nah wedge any Du 
*» driven into a crevice to fill it up 
[rfphafid’na v.i. leap jump spring 

v Jbfpkahd n.f. leap jump spring 

^jUjli^iJLdphatid laga'na (or mar'na) v.i. 

leap " 

(Jt^yphatidi n.f. bundle of sugar-cane 


tft^pkahs n.f. splinter CtsafZ/Vpkafis' (hub* 
Vja'rOi v.i. have a splinter driven (into) 


u\t,phahs'na'v. involve 

i catch 


catch entrap 

yjyphah 'st n.f. hanging till 

*** death capital punishment 

strangulation execution 
noose look fytf't'phafi'sl pa'na, 
&%'<f :i ypkatisi diarh'na, l$<r'la£. 
pkah'sl lag'na v.i mount the 






scaffold be hanged till death if* Lfpkafi'sl 
ddnh v.t. hang till death execute crJtrV. 
phafi'si kt tik’tiki n.f crossbar for hang- 
ing noose 

^jf^bhaiik n.f.’ (see under it id. v.t. it) 

pkah'kar, it^idpkank'ra adj. robust ; 
V lusty bold 

(pkafik’na v. chuck (powder, etc.) into 
. V the mouth from the palm of the hand 
ijfcitfpkatik n.f. flake slice piece 

mouthful (of) (fyphaftki n.f. mouthful (of) 
(rare) slice or flake (or fruit) 

I U Pha'’°Xa n.m. mattock shovel 

spade *1^1 pha"ora se daht' n.m. 
very long teeth (fjjypka'ori n.f. shovel 
dung-rake mendicant’s crutch gymnastic 
staff (for ‘dand’) 

L {rfpia 'ha , l Upka >a n.m. pledget 

V lint scented cotton flock 
c/j^pkaha rakk'na v.t. put a 
pledget on soothe console 
Ppjdpkab'd n.f. witty remark fun 
verbal carricature ura'na 

(or kaih'na ) v.i. make fun of come out 
with a verbal caricature tyr'ffiphob'ti soojk'na 
v.i. (of verbal caricature or funny resemblance 
strike [~foll.] , 

.•/,pka'bakna, CL'pha'pakm v.i. (of plants) 
grow, flourish (of seed) shoot faith 
fatten thrive t^&pha'bak, ^tpka'pak n.f. 

growth flouridling of plants, etc.) 

[pyf phab'na v.t. suit sit well on be 
* •’desirable tff$pkdban n.f. grace 
[rffphzp’pha n.m. (same as U££n.m. it) <f£ 
•t * pkup'phi n.f. (same as ^^n.f. see under 
1£>4 n.m. it)j'is\g*pkup'pka sas n.f. father- 
in-law’s sister ^'je^phap'pka susar n.m. her 

h at hkafikat n.f. noise noisy stub born- 
y^V^ness I't/jetf-rpkap'pkat machana v.i. 
nutke noise noisily insist ^Hs^f^pkap' (dur 
dal ale n.m. pl. specious sympathy 
j&jfpkap'pkas adj. very fat ; plump 

IJj^jfpkapkar'na v.i. (of snake or steamengine) 
V ** hiss 

D +fgpkapko'la n.m. blister puffed up 
"v * part isj*<Ljrffphaphj)'U^pkoot‘na v.i. 
(of blister) buret 'i'y Jd- ja'le dil kt 
phapko'le pkoi'na ph. take revenge for grudge 
rail at appease one’s wrath by castigat- 

(Jjlyrft 1 

ing with harsh or sarcastic -words 
(J jCjit^phaphooMl n.f. mould ; mildew & 

'** pkaphooftd'jtji v,i. become mouldy 
be mildewed 

\»f^phupfu' rci, ADJ. (f. (f^phupfu'ri) relat- 
►»*♦* ' ed through ; paternal aunt 
fyf pkat'ta n. m. board (obsolete, save 
** C'jJjli£paTa ,, e pbat’te meft pa"otide'na, 
trf ’e phat'u melt tsfig ara'na 

ph. meddle with unnecessarily ; put one’s 
finger in another’s pie"; poke one’s nose in 
other people’s affairs 

pkitketrim v.i.. reproach revile 

^ cry shame on - curse>^/>fcit'fcir.N.F. 
reproach curse ; malediction 

phit n.f. opprobrium ***£ phi'te mufih 
int. shame i'jtfidphitkar'na v.t. strike (with 
whipy beat (of hair) flap for drying 
phitkar’ v.f. sound (of whip) sound of 

beating (person, laundry, etc.) 

f • i/>j4 Phatka nakha'na ph. die on the 

[jjtfqfpkit'kari or phaf'kari n.f. alum 

, pkixkal adj. miscellaneous odd ; 
sundry retail 

i*jjbfphayik'na v.t. winnow sift 

*•* separate (usu. neg.) pay a flying 

•visit * come near y&fphatkan n.f. husk ; 
chaff siftings 

^J^f’phapna v.i. burst crack break up 

*»* disperse (of clouds) scatter (of 

milk) become sour wear off be torn 
become tattered be estranged have 

chilblains I'ljCjfpka 'ja pura’na n.m. cast-off 

clothes rags adj. warn off. tattered 

parna v.i. burst swell 

come out with grievances become excessively 
fat V^Jjdil phat'na p*. be estranged b 
kale'jak phat'na ph. be grievously shocked 
Vfy&sp'ka'ta pttf'na v.i. (of beauty, youth, 
etc.) be out of control^ se Apv. im- 
mediately ; without hesitation pha' u 

fa' loft adv. in miserable condition 
pha'te pha'te di'de n.m. pl. large eyes^rf^f 

^ h .& J.h .i I t i h n* *t rnih in' ri/L 

l'i, fjrffJ tff.afi'khefi pha'ti hi pha'ti raih ja net 
pH. "be stunned be astonished look 

phat'kt n.f. fowler’s net. ete. 

I (£ef phutn n.) tailor bird spot 
* badly prepared curds undissolved 

portion of soluble stuff stain 
.* .. paihctan'na v.t. recognise identify 
comprehend discriminate & If? 

paihepan’ n.f. acquaintance recognition 
discernment sign ; distinction 
[ffy/phs’dakna v.r. (of small birds or child- 
^ ren\ hop dance about in token of 
delight (fy’phud'ki n.f, a sparrow-like bird; 
hopper hop VAjyfyphudki'yah mcn'na v.i. 
hop around (with j’oy, etc.) 
ofpkur n.f. sound of small bird suddenly 
** taking wing ; whir ; whiz 
se urja'na v.i. take wing suddenly 
oPphir adv. & conj. then again 
-'*»* afterwards ; later ; later on some other 
time lifyphir' ana v.i. come again 
return come some other time ; come later 
to have visited' bhS' adv. yet ; 
still even then; notwithstanding ; neverthe- 
less ; nonetheless I’lfytfphir' jana v.i. back 
out (of one’s words) retract ; recant; revoke 
revolt go again have visited 
phir' se adv. again ; anew ; afresh 

paik'r n.m. (arch.) watch eighth 
» part of a day ; three-hour period 
paik'r din charhe adv. Jong after sunrise tir&fy 
paih'r rat' ga"e adv. late in the evening 
| paik'r a n.m. watch guard ; time ; 
'v season paih’ra birka'na v.t. place 
a guard over impose restrictions ; curl 
paih'ra de'na v.i. keep a watch (over) 
wait till late in the night [~prec.] 
i eP phar'ra n.m. thin sewed strip (of beam) 

tyoPphira'na v.t. turn ; to wheel ; cause 
/v to go rovmd take out fora stroll^ 
show round ; take round on sight seeing ji/f 
phira !, oo adj. (of goods sold) returnable 
(J pharphafPdi n.m. swindler adj. artful; 

/i tfphfr'ti n.f. agility ; alacrity alter- 
ness promptness ; readiness 
phur'li se adv. quickly; briskly jCj/jfcVJ j/f, 
'phar'ti kar'na (or dikhana) ^i:(*£'fyphdr' ft 
se ksm le'na v.i. be quick ; hurry up act 
briskly p'^phurttla adj. {v.Jrfyphurti'li) 
smart quick active alert nimble 

^Xdphit fd N.F. shuttle ; anything turning 
V/V on an axis whirligig small top ; 

top’s taper used as separate plaything 
L'ofphir'na v.u walkabout stroll ; take 

Vy a stroll turn ; whirl ; wheel return 



travel ; wander evacuate (bowels) 
back out (df one's words) ; retract ; recant 
change' be coated or besmeared with real 
I’ytfysir’ pkir’na ph. go mad pkir’na 

ph. become satiated IS/ff phir'ta adj. (rare) 
return (fare, etc.) Lfjt/Spkir'ia raih'na v.i. 
walk about wander go about in search 
\J if plate' rn n.m. flag ; standard ; banner 
•• V 

phitr/ri n.f. shudder shiver 
** ** scented flock of cotton (‘itfj/fpkare' ti 
ana v.i. shudder shiver have the hair 

standing on end tytfs/tphure'n le'na v.i. 
shudder shiver 

Ififpkar n.m. gambling den r'ya n.m 

** keeper of gambling den cheat 

ftfajpfpkarphara ns v.i. (of wings, flag, 
'"'v •* etc ) flutter move with convulsive 
motion be impatient phurpkara'hat 

n.e. flutter agitation impatience 
tykflfpha’rakna v.i. twitch throb; palpit- 

*** ate writhe flutter , display 
vibrate involuntarily appreciate greatly 
bc,nioved be dying for , pine ; languish 
^fyfphrirnk n.f. flutter throb , palpi? 
tatidiv, vibration involuntary restlessness 
pka'rak pka'rak kqr adv. with great 
difficulty ( Clfl) c£ l i$tfpha'i ak utk’na (or jana) 
be moved ; be ^greatly appreciated be 
afTected by love Ctyttpkar'kana v.t twitch 
cause to throb • flutter ; display . move 
effect ; be greatly appreciated y^/fjfpkar'kan 
ka adj. (of child) cherished 
(, brtphur'ya n.f small boil ; small sore 

jg pkjis n.f. low hiss whisper 

jf(jf</fphus' phis me’ re kan' meh 
ghus' ph. (said to child given to whispering in 
people’s ears) you whisperer 
jjfphis int (used to put unsuccessful child 
to) shame 

[^Jtf^pkQs'pkitsa adj. (p. plus' pkusl) 

• flabby , spongy insipid ; vapid 
weak ; feeble 

. b , pkisad’ili adj. (OPP. ) loser 
laggard late tail of (class, etc.) 
jg pku'sar. pku' sat, /^*J>khu'sar phii'sar 

fits '** n.f. whispering M , 

b fi,plasak‘ia n.m sprawling 

phasak'ia mat kar bank'na v.i. (usu. of 
women) sprawl 

be squeezed ; be press- 
become loose at seams. 

' pha'sakira v.i. 
ed slip 

pkisla'na v.t. cause to slip cause 
** to skid cause to slide cause to err 

[ ~ M^fphi'salna CAUS.j * 

I'jjn-df phusla'na -v.t. entice ; seduce 
* coax ; cajole ; wheedle amuse 
pkusla'va n.m. cajolery seduction: entice? 
ment Isj IjiLfpkusla'oa de’na v.t. cajole 
entice ; seduce 

phi'salna v.i. slip skid slide 
' err incline towards t^fplislan n.f. 
slippery ground error ; s\ip (Jjl^pkssitlpali 
adi. slippery 

pfutk' pkak n.f intermittent gush (of 
V *f air, etc.) 

Yffi phak'kar n.m. indecent talk mutual 

abuse ‘j J $6fphak'kar-baz n.m. indecent 
prater one indulging in obscene language 
/J ^fi pkak'rl n.f. disgrace L' '/ (J phak' rt 
v v kar'na v.i. disgrace slandar 
bring bad name (to someone) 

bhiik'na n.m. . bladder child's balloon 

** v.i. (also l^fplukk'na) ^ be blown up 
into a flame be yery hot (of body) be 
running high temperature 
phuk'nt n.f. blow-pipe 

‘idpphike'lt n.f. clubbing ; cudgelling (ap 
an art) lancing fencingC^'i*’/ 
phikt'li ka hath pkeitk'na n.f. use a fencing, 
lancing or cudgelling trick cfitdpkiket n.m. 
fencer club-fighter 

j. pai'hal n.f. initiative precedence 
(/l beginning ; commencement cotton 
flock cotton pad pai'hal kar'na V.i. 
take the initiative ; take the lead precede 
begin ; start ; commence 
.Ufpkal n.m. fruit yield ; produce ; 

harvest benefit ; profit reward 
result ; effect ; outcome child , progeny 
(of knife, etc.) blade ploughshare 
ii&LjCfJtfpkal’ a' ns (or lag'n a) v.i. bear fruit 
(UHj Clffiphal'pa'na (or mil'na) v.i. reap the 
reward i(of) Ci/fiphal kha’n^y.T. eat fruit 
get the reward of kka'na 

asan' na'hiii prov. profits do not come without 
toil vitffpkal'-dar adj. fruit bearing (tree) 
fruitful , profitable fjtfphal' la'na 

(or de na) v.t. bear fruit succeed reap 
the reward of bear child vSydffa 1 *> 


v.t. cause to arrive cause to send 
supply convey inflict bring ; cause 
Ijltypi'htoxbA ha" 3 adj. (f. pa'huti&i 
kB"t) God’s chosen ; saintly (person) 
secretly in league with adversary l‘ljffpakuii&- 
ca'na v.t. cause to arrive cause to be 
sent cause to be conveyed — 

Ifgpa'lm&a n.m. wrist 

^ pa'hWt&i n.f. bracelet 

noose snare grasp; 



ij&f pkah’da n.m. 

9 clutches ; stranglehold entanglement 
knot ( ) foltjfphafi’ da par’na (or lag' ns) 
v. be entangled ^ be strangled be noos- 
ed be knotted l‘&iXq£phatida laga'na v.t. 

entangle ensnare kno/l 
phaH'd t met a 'na (or par'na or phons'na) v.t. 
be trapped fall into a trap get into 
trouble ; get into hot water 
phohde men phafis'na v.t. entrap ensnare 
put into trouble 
ph&fid’na. n.m. tassel 


photo' na v.i. 

be arrested ; be held 
be ensnared be caught stick 
get involved ; be entangled get into hot 
water iUotphotoa'na, Cij-^fphotova'na v.t. 

cause to be held or arrested entrap ; 
ensnare cause to be ensnared or entrapped 
it 3 ?* n'sl n.f. pustule pimple 

\fitfphotika n.m. mouthful (of) (L'i 
^ pkoh'ka laga'na (or mar'na) v.i. make a 
moutjiful (of) 

lj £&p&ofikar'na v.i. (of snake) hiss j&jf 
j ^ pf&hkar' N.F. hiss ; hissing 
1*J Qe( phut'kna v.i. (same as Off v.i. if) 

V have 
l~ C^CAUS.] 

^ijpfphitkva'na v.i. (see under v.t if) 

I jfafphok'ga N.M. grasshopper 

. (iof phnn'gi n.f. sprout 

phu’nang n.f. top (of tree) 

ph&n'nl L# phony a n.f. (nurs.) child’s 
w V penis 

jljfgphe'ar’, jj;j*fphokar' n.f. drizzle 

9 fine Mrops of rair it/ j^pho'ar' par'na 
v.t. drizzle 

v.t. cause to be blown 
(something)- set ablaze 

phoot' ns v.i. burst 
^ broken ; be shattered 

| gfyd phoo'phs n.m. paternal uncle jfj* phoo'phi 
V ' n.f. paternal aunt 

phoot. tJSj^pkoojit N.F. vapid melon 

split be 

bud ; sprout ; 
shoot up (of boil) burst (of tears) flow 
(of luck) become adverse (of earthen- 
ware) break (of head or eye) be smashed 
^N.f. discord split ; scliism break- 
age toot' phoot n.f. breakage 

wear and tear phoot' par'na v.i. (of 

dissention) arise" (of split) occur 
phoot' dal' ns v.t. sow seeds of discord or 
dissention cause a split i~££k£'j£pkoot' 
pha'tak n.f. discord phoot' bail’d na v.i. 

(of boil) burst (of tears) fall &//J sjd&jd 
phoot phoot kar ro’na v.i. burst into tears 
if* phoo'ti kati'ri pas' no ho'na 
PH* be quite penniless ^’[^phoo'ts mufih n.m. 
tongue of ill-disposed person phoo t‘ 

kar ni’kalna v.i. erupt (of unjust acquis- 
tion) afflict acquirer with Icprosyyjvd l\Zur* JjS 
phoo'ti qismat (or tcqdlr') n.f. ill-luck ; 

phoo'rs n.m. boil abscess infiamma- 
9 tion iS^f^pho'ra phuh'si n.m. boils 
and eruptions 

Cfjgpho r'na v.t. break cause to burst 
9 shatter split ijjo(Ss{r phor'na v.i. 
break the head try unsuccessfully to 
convince (a fool or tyrant) ijjedljCLdbhaft'da 
phor'na v.t. (see under thLd n.m. £) 

phoos, ifjgphooiu n.m. hay thatch 
** v adj. decrepit (old man) ^jtfio^bSddho 
pkoofis n.m. decrepit old man 

phoos'ra, pkoohs'ra n.m. rag 

y 9 ravel (fig.) child ; brat 
lm Jyfphok n.m. residue left after extraction 
•'of juice (fig.) worthless stuff; dross 
pho'ka (f. (J/gpho'kj) adj. hollow light 
soft (soil) mere £yfpho'kat n.f. 
worthless stuff anything obtained gratis 
Jp.J^ydpho'kat men adv. gratis 
/ jjfphool' n.m. flower blossom 
9 (dial.) (fl.j charred bones (of cremated 
corpse) charred part of wick any light 
thing llj/fphool' a'na v.i. blossom have 
the first memei^lJjJphool'-pan . n.m. 
slender body good and evil ^(Jjffphool'- 
pat'ti n.f. riband knot rosette ; cockade. 
tt)dJP ko ° 1 ' 101 n “ V I - P* uc ^ flowers 



p%ooT jhar'n a v.i. (of decayed flowers) fall^> 
I'tfJSmulih se (fool' jhar'na ph. speak 
sofrlyor swiftly speak with a rhetorical 
flourish of style Vlt^Jjdpfool' parks' na v.t. 
place a wreath (on tomb, etc.) C^J/fpkool' 
epun'na v.t. pluck flowers glean char- 
red bones dZdjgpkool' sa adjJ delicate like a 
flower C/J^pkool' halt am a v.i. trim the wick 
CjjQjttpkoo)' khil'na v.t. bloom; blossom; 
flower 5 ' ki 

bki n a laga'na ph. not to beat at ail 
(fool' go'bhi n.f. cauliflower phoo'loh 

mth tul'na v. be very delicate lead life 
of luxury i)lj()j*fphool' va'la n.m. flower vender 

&° o1 ' oa lon ** Sair ‘ N,F ‘ 40111141 
festival near Delhi (introduced by later 

Moghuls) if/gJoJjftfoo'l 0 * ki dha'ri N - F - 
garlamled wand (used in post-marital cermony 

J} lf JuJjf(fo°' l °* *» &“ dar N /‘ lar 8* J° tcr ’ 

woven garland ; wreath ^oO^Jyffo 0 l°k ki 
sej N.F. bed writh a layer of flowers on it ; 
bed of roses phoo' lot ka goth' na n.f. 

elaborate wedding garlands 

yphool'na, ClrJjifphool' ja'nfi v.i. swell 

bloat 'fatten be inflated exult; 

be pleased flourish ; prosper ; thrive 
H jifpfioo’ la, ipphul'la n.m. white speck 
in 'the eye i\efp/*(phoota phxr'na v.t. 
be overjoyed ' be puffed up ^H^phoo'la 
(folia adj. grown-up developed pros- 
perous blooming t U'slijtf phoo f3 sama n 3 

v.t. be unable to contain oneself (for joy) 

{foot! n.f. hiss (of snake) sniff; snort 
(of cat, etc.) brag pride ; conceit ci/y 
I'Jjlj/jfooli' pkan' kar'na v.i. brag; boast; 
swagger take the airs li/jj^Jj<f.(fooii' ffooh 
kar'na v.t. sniff snort boast ; swagger 
take the airs 

^gf/foots n.m. (same as cTj?n.m. ★) 

, phoofik'na v.t. puff blow blast 
get on. squander breathe ; exhale 
charm Jfephootk' n.f. puff blow 
exhalation charm \y fk0 #jtphflohk de na v.t. 

bum down blow up squander 
whisper mislead incite ; instigate blow 
(bugle, etc.) QliJ^pkooitk' dal'na v.t. 
born down charm \P&j 

phoohk' phoohk' kar qa' dam rakh'na v.i. act 
cautiously be very scrupulous 

phoonk mar'na v. puff blow /.sojff 
(candle, etc } ; put out charm flfJrUjf 

phoohk' ni'kalja'ua v.t. breathe one’s, last 
J(*jd(foo'har aoj. slovenly (woman) ; sluttish; 

‘ v slatternly n.f. sloven ; slut slattern 
ffoo'har-pan n.m. slovenliness ; sluttishness : 
slattern ess 

jLytpkohar' fjljitjfo’ar’ n.f. drizzle 
• ffohar' par'na v.i. drizzle 
l lyd(foo”i n.f. mildew butter oil scum 
v drizzle^ fine drop Jy^ J Ji^(foo'’i 
(foo n i, (foo' ’ lyoh (foo"iyot adv. 

(of rain) in lip drops little by litde 
L yfpko'ja n.m. scented cotton flock 
'* (soaked) cotton nipple (for feeding infants. 
week person 

^/pa'hiy a, rfpolhiyah n.m. wheel 

Ifor^phepk'ra n.m. lung 
** V * b 

\jj dphai'ta n.m. (same as n.m. U^n.m. ★) 

***** K 
t4^pkai t'na v.t. (same as v^v.t. if) 

.* 7 . 

j&pfur n.m. wrong notion dubious 
•* * course thing of doubtful value ' 
crookedness stroke of ill (luck) dilemma 
catastrophe drastic change ; revolution 
loss (ofan amount) error (of judgment or 

discernment) curve ; bend ; turning 

circuitousness distance difference 

discrepehey (Pj^phcr' de'na. v.t. turn 
(something) “'return restore re- 
fund ; reimburse Vp'yjdpfo*' par'na v.t. be a 
discrepency (of) i ’ifcffjfor’la'na v.t. bring 
back Cf^pfor' le'na v.t. take back (of 
expected baby) delay delivery (Ctyljl' men a'na (or par'na ) v.i. be involved in 

difficulties follow a course of doubtful bene- 
fit harbour wrong notions be muled U*4. 
0 15 (fo>" mth dal'na v.t. mislead iace 
(someone) with a dilemma [~ fy] 

S^phe'ra n.m. visit ; call pilgrimage 
perambulation circumambulation 

(round bride or beggar) tfpkt'ra (fo'ri 
n.f. (frequent) interchange f~ fy] 
i^ffor' na v.t. return refund ; reimburse 
'C’l turn over ; to return reverse 
change shift besmear with (print, etc.) 
break ; break in (a horse) [~ f^jfcAUS.] 
{Jjtpke rt n.f. hawking pedlar’s 

phe'n laga'na v.t. & 1 . hawk ; peddlelf(^(. 
phe'ri va'la n.m. pedlar ; hawker (Cgk’ e ' r * 
phe'ri, (^i^he'ra (fo'ri n.f fraud 

shady deal e'ra (or he'ra) 

pht'ri kar’na v.i. deceive practise fraud 
(on) l%] 

fpke're n.m. pl. (dial.) marriage (according 
** to Hindu rites) ; circumambulation of 
groom and bride round bonfire to solemnize 
marriage (according to. Hindu rites) 

(IMlpie’re dal'na (or le'na) v.t. solemnize 
marriage according to Hindu ritual ( ~ 
jfafpta’ka, adj. (f. (fephi'ki) tasteless ; 
'•* insipid ; Vapid with little sugar (or salt) 
pale ; sallow dull faint ; light dull 
off colour ashamed ; feeling humiliated 

M&fiH'k* P° r'na v- 1 - fade ; become 
faint be ashamed 

£J^/phAi!'na v.i. expand spread grow 
" ' luxuriantly become public be scatter- 
ed be diffused Olfphaila'na v.t. expand 
spread distend stretch propagate ; 
publish ; diffuse increase ; multiply ex- 
.tend open out ji^phaila'o n.m. growth 
development * diversity expense ; ex- 
pansion extent breadth spread 
prolixity profuseness profundity 
expense &)Mphflilavat n.f. expense ; ex- 
pansion extent prolixity profuseness 

iyfpaheli n.f. enigma ; riddle ; puzzlelfG^ 
V"" pahe’li boojk’ns v.i. answer a riddle 
CtfJjOU^pahe'li ( OT Pahe'liyafi) bvjhva'na vj. 
riddle (someone) 

n.m foam scum 

phalli' ia, &fphaiht'na n.f. small turban 

(^jjpkaifit'na, CXf.phah'na v.t. beat (the 
•* v egg) beat thrash 
^l^phaifi' ti n.f. skein (of "thread) 

yfafphthk'na, C,jyphe1ik' de'nav i. throw 
*** fling hurl cast throw away 
spill waste squander ignore 
Ufifphx'nl n.f. thin bread-like concentric 
strings ; yermicilli bread 
^ pa"i n.f. suitcase picking (of cotton, 
*etc.) ({,/£pa' , i ko ja'na va. go out for 

£ pi n.m. (same as I^n.m. ir 

' pat n.m. foot footstep pursuit 
pa’r, "ZirjtAar pa'e adv. in the footstep 
of in pursuit of PREP, after d^lcpaya pat. 

Jg pal' ba pat Jg-jt^rpai dar pai' adv . 
one after another repeatedly inces* 

santly consecutively on end ; in a row 
l'f2^j>£ke dar pai' ho'na v.t. be after 
pursue vigorously importune [P] 

(ypi'ya, pi n.m. (woman’s) beloved ; 
*** sweetheart lover husband (joc.) 

acronoym for Pakistan International Airlines 

pays' dak n.m. (at chess) pawn foot- 
"** soldiers one who goes about on loot 
jay-walker (also ^l/fobpaya'da-e mafia' sil) 

bailiff l ejlspaya’ da-pa' adj. on foot wffc 
paya'da-rau' n.m. pavement ; side-walk ^^>1^, 
paya'da guzar n.f. zebra crossing [PJ 
jiypiyar' N.M. love affection friend- 
ship attachment kiss IfljJ^piyar a'na' 
v.t. feel a love for fyj^.piyar' de'na v.i. 
fondle ; caress pay regards (to) pay 
compliments (to) i'Jj^piyar' kar'na v.i. 
love fondle ; caress kiss b^piyara adj. 

(F.tfjl'piya'ri) dear Deloved favourite 

sweet charming delightful pleasing ; 

delectable n.m.. sweetheart friend 
relative dear one piy a rail pi ij n.f 

one with near and dear ones dead 
jU piyaz' N.rymion /jjt.piyaz' ka gaft’tha 

'** n.m. if Q jlf.piyaz' ki gapithi n.f. onion 
bulb ifjl^.piya'zi adj. pink [P] 
if & piyas' n.f. thirst strong desire ; 

** </ longing (for) Vbfj'jp.plyas' bujha'na 
v.i. slake or quench thirst satisfy dcsirc 
(for) ; satiate & J^piyas' lag'na v be or feel 
thirsty Lsfgpiya'sa adj. & n.m. (f. ifl^piyasi) 
thirsty (person) desirous (of) ; "thirsting 
(for) ; longing (for) ‘ ^HjlUJfPtya'sa 
mar'na (or mar' ra'ha ho'na) v.i. be dying of 
thirst be very thirsty Clfyi/^piyas' mar' 
jata .v.i. (of thirst) have its sense lost 
owing to extremity of need be no longer 


U payal, J is, pay a' li n.f. dry stalks of rice 
** ' or grain ; straw ; dried grass ; fruit 

paya'lah n.f. goblet bowl cup 

** * beggar’s bowl (of 
mendicants) third-day funeral 
rite (musket) firepan 
(fencers ’ ) assembly (fencers’) 

fcastfypayd 'lah ,\DJ. cupful 
of 1 'Ify&J It. pays' lali hh,ar' ja'na 
v.i. (of the cup of one’s life) 



be full; die fill the cup C*jy v pays'lah pi'ns 
v.i. drink drink the cup (of) become 
ihe disciple (of mendicant, etc.) tyjlspaya'tah 
de'ns v.t. offer (someone) a drink ^ (>) 

Jlj ham pays' lah(-o)^ham nivalah n.m. (usu. 
pl.) boon companion bosom friend J t-i 
pay all n.f. cup J^O’Y. pir'di pays' li n.f. cup 
and saucer 

pay ami n.m. message errand 
> '*'** communication^ b^paysm -bar, yJypayam'- 
bar n.m. messenger apostle ; prophet 
payam'barl n.f. apostleship; prophethood 
pay ami n.m. messenger 
jOjiya ’no n.m, piano [E] 


M.M. free w ayside stall °r tub for 
** ^ drinking water [ ~ 

i aS pip n.f. pus ; matter ; discharge ; puru- 
V** ' lence V!}t-*tspip' par’ ns v.i. fester 
become mattery suppurate 

pi' pi n.m. cask barrel canister 

J^J^mdpe’partr.iht n.m. peppermint [E] 

bepar-vet n.m. paperweight [E] 


/jp^pi'pal n.m. a sacred Hindu tree; peepul, 
•»*** ‘feans religio'sa a drug called long 
pepper vpi'pti peepul fruit DL^fpip'/a n.f. 
point of sword (jyb)^ylpp,pip'ls moot (or moor) 
n.m. long-pepper root 

-rr- 1 j 

love ; affection Ml' 

£t?plt n.f. lov 
** * ki rit nira'ii prov. strange are the ways of 
love pt-pitam n.m. woman’s sweetheart ; 
lover' beloved husband 
9i0“ pails' vah n.m. (cob) same as t*j> (see 
•* \ under ) 

I s&fpaiM'ra, i^f.. pait'rs n.m. wrestler’s 
** * preparatory poses pre-fight flourish 
(of cudgel, etc.) trick tactics ; strategy 
stand; stance Vy;l^.painira ba'dalns v.i. 
change one’s tactics change the stance 
change one’s stand 
i'tal n.m. brass 


pi' lam n.m. (see under •£) 

■Llx pet n.m. abdomen , bclley , stomach 

.♦ V , 

ovary ; womb ; uterous pregnancy 

interior of anything , bowels cavity 
capacity hunger mundane needs 
livelihood side ; team [‘ apharns 


j V.i. suffer from flatulence be puffed up 

’ with pride be pregnant 0>l bsPdh'ns 

v.r. not to eat stint oneself of food 

*r^&lSJ l . l ~Y.P e \ Wa’ hai prov. we are 
driven by" our physical needs l‘t/.J*-f,pet 
bajs'ns v.i. be overjoyed i tyj^pet' bark’ns 
v.i. became fat be gluttonous be 

greedy Cfafyjispet baths' ns v.t. become glut- 
tonous y * pti bhar adv. bellyful VytJZf,. 
pet bhar'ns V.t. & t. eat ; fill the stomach 
be satisfied OjlJ^pet' bo/' ns v.t. (of 
stomach) rumble I'yjsi Vjfapet bhs'n ho' ns 
V.i. suffer from indigestion ; have heaviness 
in the stomach Ll/Jfl Jsr/fjspet bha'n ki 
bs'tehkar'ns v.i. have a ricli person’s view- 
point \}ilJi+spet' pains v.t. maintain or 
suppqrt (family, etc.) live from hand to 
mouth Ql Jjy*(f\Zf'\ap'ns hi pet' psl'ns v.i. 
be .selfish pet par pat'thar bsndk'ns 

v.i. starve (oneself) lead a life of 
austerity 1'xdlJtps.petps'm hons v.i. have 
watery motions -tjM’ pa'kar kar 

bliss" ns v.i v be greatly shocked run 
nervously ^■•^fypet' jdt'ns v.i. be impatient 
with hunger &‘eZ-ja£.£y'pct pith.' se lag' ns 
be very lean be very hungry (fo 
pet thafi'ds raih'ns v.i. have the children alive 
It) yyjLS/ptt phool'ns v.i. suffer from flatu- 
lence have the belly swollen £ofdgad 
body) start rolling be pregnant WjfJ '*^pn 
phatns v.i. (of belly) burst be jealous 
laugh to excess (taps'll ho 

js'na v.i. be very hungry dWifjlfb&r&'ptY 
chains (or js'ri ho' ns) v.t. suffer from "diarr- 
hoes t t)S~?(.P e t L -dl a '$ adj. pregnant woman 
whose belly does not swell I't/j Jrfpet dikhs'ns 
v.t. beg for food; ^ undergo an examina- 
tion by midwife iL'i/biOb^pet' dstns (or - 
girs'ns) v.i. have an abortionff \f B j bjdfj 
pet raih'ns (or raihjs'ns) v.i. become pregnant 
-Vje£';'-y / 'tyrP t i sab ’ rafyte kaih prov. no 
food, no service ; no supper, nnsong ; money 

makes the mare go is^Ja^J^.pet' sab' 

kueth sikhs' lets hai prov. the belly teaches all 
arts ; stomach is the greatest schoolmaster 
^Jb^pet se adj. pregnant ; in the family way 
f pet se ho' ns v.i. be pregnant ; be in 

the family way Cl^ljJl^J^pefsepso t 
bs'har niksins v.i. transgress ; go beyond 
bounds show one’s claws k3 

bach'chah n.m. own child get unborn 
child Hk Jj, /SJ^spet ks pa'rn hil' ns v.i. have 


no jolts (in carriage, etc.) t^pct' kat ke 

adv. starving oneself ; at great personal de- 
privation if '/tippet' kat'na v.i. starve one- 

self ; pinch one’s belly deprive (someone) 
of livelihood ; kick in the stomach '(/f/ £*f.. 
pet ka kut'ts adj. greedy gluttcnous 
pet' ka hal'ka adj. unable to keep a 
secret 'l/tif'Zsptt' Ai ag’ n.f. maternal affec- 
tion ; hunger L'L£<Jtj**%pet' ki ag bujhs’na 
v.i. eat something Jkeep the wolf from 
the door (*0 hh* T '~ 

fh$n (or pofi' fhkanj n.f? (woman’s) last child 
I’jlZ^pe t' gir'na v.i. have a miscarriage; have 
an abortion Lji>JZ^pet J mar’na v.i. eat less 
J?.*~?vP e t' a ill' nah mufth 

men daft/"' adj. old and decrepit 
pet' men afiga're bkar'na v.t. amass wealth by 
unfair means nth bed' par 

par ja'na v.i. laugh excessively IjfO*. 
pet' men pa" oh ho'na v.i. be too clever j/t 
\ijiifj\sped meh da'rhi ho'na v.i. be a pre- 
cocious child men sabs' na 

sama'na v.i. be jittery; have the blue funks 

pet’ meh&oo'he daur'na v.i. be very hungry 
df.jZ&Zpet' niefi baitk'na v.t. warm oneself 
into another’s secret J Ijtk^pet' va 'It n.f. preg- 
nant jtf/pe'too n.u. glutton adj. gluttonous 
tfj^pe'ta n.m. span circumference 
nver cliannel curve in stretched thjng 

string (of kite while flying) j^&rXrke, pe'te 
meh adj. about so many years’ old 
. > pit'na v. thrash ; beat strike 
iVJydash punish tread thresh 
mourn ; lament curse jJfcJ>spit’ pit kar 
adv. with great difficulty after a severe 
beating by dashing & t/ pi' ta adj. cursed; 
cussed y t *Jfipit'tak pay r ya n.m, general 
mourning " melee, 

Jr * v AD J-- patent [E] 

Pi, pitk n.f. back backbone loins 
back pant support /j'frpi'ik par ka 

pitb! par ho’na v.i. be at the back (of) /*>_#> 

1 , /{iy o»*t 

pitkph/r'na v.i. turn one’s back on 
depart ; withdraw flee' Jr!, pith.' pi' dike 
adv. behind (someone’s) back ; in (someone’s) 
absence pi' Ah.' kathna v.i. 

backbite ; talk against (someone) behind his 
back iC6&ljtf£^piik'th.ofik'na (or tiok'tm) 
v.i. encourage"; embolden buck up 
pith, dikha'na v.i. depart turn tail 
charpa'i se lag ja'na 
v.i". become "very weak owing to illness Issjr !, 
Jnih.' de'na v.i. depart shrink from 
flee C&Jr*. pith! lag'na v.i. fall flat supinely 
have^a sore back be defeated :n wr< t- 
ling tl&fft.pith.' lagana v.i. be thrown 
down in wrestling na lag l na v.i. 

be impatient 

P e 'A.a n.m. ash goUrd ; sweet gourd 


fa&k'paith'na ,V.T. sit seep through 
" * yjf.j^gfiMs' paiih. kar adv. squeez- 
ing in JJ'.paith, n.f. influences weekly 
market fair 

pt'ti" n.f. belt box iron safe 
'** 1‘jClifype'a utar'na v.t. sack or suspend 
{constable, etc.) I’Jl ('tl utar'na v.t. (of 
constable be) sacked 

sift, pat-jamah n.m. (same as vbt pa-ja'mah 

‘***N.M. *) 

gj,*fpt'A n.f. water strained from boiled rice; 
" rice-water ; rice gruel 
peck n.m. screw tricks (in wrestling) 
** tactic ; strategem turn twist 
entanglement (of kites) turn of turban 
complication deceit ; fraud fa: peek' 
par’na v.i. become intricate occur as an 
obstacle (of kites) be entangled l fa?. 

peAl bafidk'na v.t. grapple in wrestling 
tie a turban kl-^f.fajpech! A ai'na v.i. resort to 
(new) strategem fajfa?peck' de’na v.t. 
screw twist deceive circumvent jUfav 

pedt'-dar adj. twisted coiled ; spiral 
winding complicated intricate ambiguous 
fafapeek' chhut'na v.i. (of kites) be dis- 
entangled fa'/js fa-peck' dar peck' ad v. coil 

within coil complicated ; intricate en- 
tangled complex Ogfafpesk' tkal'na v.i. 

play a trick OlSfafpeek' dal' ns v.i. put 

obstacles ; make matters complicated en- 
tangle kite’s string (with another) I '/fa* 
peH kar’n a v.i. seize in wrestling entangle 

derive ^^fapeA’ kash n.m. screw-driver 
l&hf/le'jfappe'tk o tab' kh.a'na v.i. fret and 
fume 'iM&peek' khul'na v.i. be disen- 
tangled be untwisted be unscrewed 
of (mystery) be unravelled Oj*fafapetb kh.ol'- 
na v.t unscrew untwist unravel 


solve CXft&prcli ktul'na v.t. play a trick 
(on) Cl$) jjyi v.t. entangle kite’s string (with 
that of .another) £*pe'ch-o-tab' n.m. 
annoyance ; vexation restlessness writh- 
^jUype&ak' n . m . 

bends and curves of path twists and turns I 
(of tresses) intricacy difficulty [ ~ P] 

jj£s£p*'dL l *h. n.f. dysentery ; gripes [P~(^») 

, pt'diak n.f. reef (of thread) 

V*** [~P]' 

tril f'vPt&PZn adj. hookah with Is J 
V ** long flexible pipe [ ~ P] / 

\^ ? pt tjfjka n.m. rear back ^ 

V " hind part absence < ®* 
pursuit following” support 

tVf (if 'j (fjULti-pi'c&a W-a'ri (or ? a'ri 
Ao'na v.t. have parental or other support 
have a large following be liable to face 
trouble later be pitted against a reinforced 
enemy I'l^ijfvpi’diha chkura'na v.t. get 

rid (of) sflake (someone) off escape 

(from) [s’jrf'&vpicbh-a cfAoot'na v.i. be 

rid (of) P ' * escape (from) 
ejkor'ns v.t. let alone cease give up 
kar'na v.i. pursue give the 
chase* shadow press ; importune of 
gune ase bet on or back (a horse) [rfi 

v.t. pursue pester importune (of 

gun) .recoil ( '^pfi^frpi'^dia na (hhor'na 
v.t. continue to shadow or harass or pursue 
or follow ; harass force one’s company on 
importune 4C* pi' dikhe adv. behind 
at the back ’ in the rear ; astern in the 
absence (of) after the death (of) for the 
sake (of) as a result (of) Cl pi' (hhht ana 
v.i. be late follow v "ensue ltpg£j r 

' . •/ 7 " 

pi’tjlhe par'na v.t. importune pester 
pursue doggedly run after; dance attendance 
(on) put heart and soul (in work) 
pi'&ke phir'na v.t. run after pursue v 
follow /return d£*pl'<hht pi'tbiu adv. 
behind shadowing backward ; back 
pi'chhf raih'na v.t & i. 
be sfiy r not to come in the limelight 
follow show respect to pi(kh/ dat’na 

v.i. outstrip ; leave behind ' lay by ; save 

ignore cause to follow ; set on ; urge 
(hone, etc.) after cause to harass ^4: 
pi' (Mu raih'na v.i. lag behind keep back 

lag' na v.t. pursue follow 

doggedly Of 1 (j^rpt'chhj lags' it' na v.t 

set on cause to shadow cause to harass- 
cause to importune Wjtdspi'&u ho Una 
v.t follow become! a disciple of 

fjL&f pt&i'dah adj. twisted, coiled 
♦*?'* complicated ; intricate difficult 

J’^t^'fpeehi'iah mo’a’malah n.m. difficult 

case intricate problem tricky question 
C> .■^’■pfdii'iogi n.f. complication; intricacy 
difficulty ; abstruseness [P—c^afJrJ 
(J&iPoi'khal' n.f. droppings (of bird) 

^[<i.paikha'nah n.m. (same as n.m. •*•) 

• */• 

i^Spai'da adj. bom created brought 
** * into being for existence gained 
produced manufactured (lit.) clear ; 
manifest obvious ; evident n.f. income 
produce gain jjfl^pai'da-a'var adj. 
gainful productive ./jlu^ghair poids-a'var 
adj. unproductive "unprofitable il/lv.. 
pai'da kor'na v. give birth to create 
bring into being (or existence) hatch 
produce manufacture find ; obtain ; pro-, 
cure earn gain pole (question) ; lead 
to (objection) pai'da ho'na v.i. be 

bom be created come into being (or 

existence) be produced be earned (of 
question, etc.) arise ; crop up (of idea, etc.) 
strike ; spring up jht^pai’davar (col. 
pai'davari) n.f. produce (of land) fruit 

out-turn income jjr > }vj>aida”lxh n.f. 
birth creation Genesis (as first part of 

the Torah) engendring ^lu.paida'iM adj 
inherent j innate natural' bom (blind, 

etc.) 'df(/^lupaida' , ida haq n.m. birth-right 
paid a' ’I n.f. manifestation [P] 
/l^/pai’dal adv. on foot adj. foot 

pai’dal fauj n.f. foot soldiers -. infantry 
(JjUpai’dal n.m. pedal [E] 

iy^ pir, (-fj pAt ka din n,m. Monday ( ~ P] 

r pir n.m. (pl. also Oi£' r P i ' ra *) spiritual 
guide saint (lit.) old man 
pl'r-e tas'ma-pz n.m. Sinbad’s lanky captor 
difficult to get rid of £? tytfplr bha”i n.m 
fellow-disciple (C£<h ,L ' i $J* r ' pa'kaxna (or 
bana na) v.i. adbpt spiritual (guide) oMjZ-. 
pir-za'doh n.m. saint’s sot ; saint’s progeny 
Ji i/fr fUr’-t zal' n.f (lit) old woman 
hag " J/lsPsLpir' {hou ba-yamz' prov live 

and learn <X*f } J’f f Pir-t-tari'qat N.M. spiritual 
guide &‘jJf.pi'r~e-fartoot' n.m. decrepit old 
man (Jij/^pi’r-t-kan'sti n.m. old man of 
Kanaan ; (the prophet) Jacob jy’f.pir'-mar'd 
n.m. old man jU^/tf'r-r-mughafi' n.m. 
tavern-keeper (fig.) spiritual guide £/lCer, 
pi'r-e na-ba'lifh n.m. old fool iffpi'tl N.F. 
flit.) <dd age (also (£*/({/' miti’di) 
spiritual guidance as profession V/tf 
pt'ri muri'di kar'nS v.i. become professional 
guide na-mi parotid 1 

miri’dsn mi pars’ nafid prov. sycophants turn 
their patrons’ head } [ft? pits' nah adj. old 
elderly growing old J^^l/^pira'na-sal 
ao j. old & IsJjJsipira-na-sa'll (£/S*l£pira'na* 
sor’rl n.f. old age [P] 

pair n.m. (usu. except in Luck, dial.) 

« ? foot footprint & & \fepair' ka nishari 
n.m. footprint L’y'Jjlet/^pair bha’rl ho' ns v.i. 
be pregnant (f pai'rok meh 

maihti'di lag' na' v.i. come** ouf with a lame 


I \yjpai’ra, CflJj/ZN.t*. paragraph [E] 

* If , pai’ra n.m. superstitious sign of (sorae- 
•* * one’s) arrival 

^ If, Pf?' ra9Vt ‘ decorating manifesting 
**' (fj/*pn:>a”l n.p. decoration mani- 

festation [P - effc) 

If pairas'tah adj. decorated ; adorned 
« ? trimmed pair as’ la n.f. 

decoration (ped.) trimming {P~prec.} 
J'^pairsk' N.m. swimmer ^ t/i pairs’ ki N.F. 

svrimmuigjlfrpaira'’oo adj. (of 
water) too deep to ford (of water) deep 
enough to swim able to swim '^\yipairs"i 
n.p. remuneration for swimming 
^Pcro’-i n.m. drum maker singer 

o/kf e'ramoot adv. around about £P] 

•* * 

i*filf Pairs' han, (^Tfpai'rahan, n.m. shirt 

i»^dresS(j^j^/*a'|h<t3 /ifli'ra hart n.m. 
plaintiff's dress mortal coil 

pairS'han ka’ghad ho' ns v.i. be a plaintiff 
be mortal [P] 

yl/ pairs' yahvM. manner; style be- 

'•Whaviour &!ii £l/lpoira'ja-e baysn’ n.m. 
style way of exposition [P] 

ijj pai'rodi n.f. parody [E] 

tfbai'rau' n.m. disciple follower 
•> * pat' -rau-knr’ n.m. follower pleader ; 

Htigant s agent in law-suit (fj/jfpai-rau-ks'ri 
n.f. pleading (of law-suit) (fjfpai'raol n.f. 

devotion following pleading (of law 

/J^y/Sairol' HMm [®1 

•* * p 

r /fJ Av . n.f. (dial.)- pamj^jj/para''i pir n.f. 
w^other person’s trouble" 

Pf ptr n.m. tree sapling U&s'Per loss' na 
***v.i. plant sapling(s) ^ 

yifPoir n.f. footprints track 

j^Pe'roo n.m. pelvis 

\J^J>i’rS n.m. dough ball a kina of sweet- 
** 'meat made of evaporated milk 
l pftb n.f. low old-fashioned chair ; 

••Mow stool generation (f’f.S'lf/tpi'tll} 
dor pH'fhl adv. - generation after generation ; for 
successive generations i^pir'ha n.m. low old- 
fashioned chair 

jj^>/paizar' n.f. shoe dZ'J hams’ ti paiisr' 

3 •♦**« int. my foot “who cares i‘jl J 

p&zar' par mama v.i. spurn condemn 

V l/jj£ f pakar' dikkans v.t. slight show 

no regard for [P ~ l ) 

^Jkpai'ssh n.m. hundredth (or formerly 
•* V sixty-fourth) part of a rupee; copper 
money wealth ( riches Vi h j)^>pai' sah irons 
v.i. squander spent lavishly embazzle; 
defalcate Cli^.pai'sah bans' ns v.t. earn ; 
make money pai'sah t hik'ri kar'ns 

v.i. spend lavishly Uljf^pai'se m'ls adj . 

rich ; wealthy moneyed pai'st 

ka kkel fh. matter of money privilege of 

naftfjjtPls' dal'na v.t. grind ; 
♦•^pulverize gnash (teeth) bruise 
crush ruin 

vowel point represented as c 
"*or U front fore past former 
state prep. before in front of pref. 

state prep. 
fore far 

ahead a'na v.i; 

happen ; occur ; come to pass behave; treat 
Ikjlj U/Jli/iPtsh az mar'g vssai’ls (or col. 
te'ia) prov. cry before one is hurt , call a sur- 
geon before one is wounded (Jjy£pe’* f az-ih’ 
adv . formerly before "that (i\J$po'sh- 
imsm' jbjtpedt’-bakd' n.u. apron har- 
ness belt pass over horses breast (fjjifpfsh-bafi’di 
n.f. foresighted </;</&*&> *»' ** A »J A wise 
prudent ; far-sighted ; circumspect jt(jipt*k- 




bt'ni n.f. foresight ; prudence M m»I l (J?,pe'sh-e p a 
vfts'dah adv. not far to seek easily struck 
(idea) self-evident (truth) quite ordinary 
trite s~iptdf-lar adv. formerly 
before sooner than ; prior to ; earlier than 
l ^fjrf.pfsh' ja'nCt v.i. (only nkg, & inter.) 
have effect ^ivjrf.pesh' -khid' mat n.m. servant 
Xl/f.pesjj-khe'mah (ped. khai'-) n.m. pre- 
lude (rare) tent, etc. sent in ad van cey/ii I (^Tv 
pesh-dalan n.m. vestibule iTXjft ptsh-das ti n.f. 
initiative transgression L'jiXXj^.pesh' -das' ti 
kar'ns V.T. take the initiative exceed the 
limits pesh'-rau' n.m. forerunner 

leader in football ; hockey, etc.) forward 
ah pesh'-rau n.m. left forward 
jy^>,da'yah pesh'-rau n.m. right forward 
vas'ti pesh'-rau n.m. centre forward pejj- 
ra'v ijs.f. preceding advance leader- 
ship i/^jjhd.-pfsh'-qab'z dagger (fj>(jfypesh-qa' daml 
(gob pesWqad'mi) n.f. attack forward 
step forward initiative I'/j^J^-pesh'-qa'dmi 
kar'ns v.t. attack push forward take, 
the initial) vejXfJripesh'-kar n.m. a minor 
court official ; reader producer (of film, etc.) 

a S ent ^/7Tv^ f — ' ! :a X na V T - present ; 
submit ; put up Jrjvpesh' -kpsh n.f. offer 
artistic presentation fA>tf£pesh-kghiri dah 


pesk-go’’l kar'ns v.t. predict prophecy 
foretell ^(Jypesh-laf'z n.m. foreword XjiX.’ 
pe'sh-e na'zar adj. & adv. in view in sight (jfX- 
Jf) ke pe'sh-e na'zar adv. owing to in view of 
j UXtpesh'-mhad n.m. presentation 
tender [P] 

peshetb' n.m. urine ; piss Vjpji^^t.peshab' 

' " * bahd ' ho' ns v.i. be unable to pass urine 
l‘j7tbf~'l>peshiib' khata' ho'nd v.t. have very 
great fear ; urinate (for fear)- VJXVjj.peshsb' 
kar'ns v.i. make water ; urinate ; pass urine 
spurn ti/ * ljXf'£* t peshub' tihi^na karjns v.t. 
hav| no regard for ; despise [P -d] 
tX&'pesha'm n.f. forehead ; brow fate 
•***' title top portion of printed paper 
left blank (I'J'l lVi)if(JsjLi>pesFia 'nt par bal' 
s’ ns (or Is' ns or par' ns) .v.i. frown ; _scowl 

J' til J f * V 

" — j — : * \ 

view with dislike l yvj C^pesha'ni ra'garna 
V.i. supplicate ; humbly implore 
./>.». *•**..!. ti,? ; ^m-~Spesh'tar adv. 

(fjifjtpeshqa'dami ^n.f. j \£&: t 

[A A.rl.'i./t.f. u r (l Phj> I. nn'^m 

impish bah' di 

*•' pesh’rau — 

ptshkar’ n.m. J^typesh'kash n.f. JJ&ptshgo 

N.F. (see under n.m. -fc) 

,&*P<ih'gi n.f. earnest money , ar. advance 
w..* earnest money adj. advance adv. in 
anticipation } \ JzHpesh'gi ada'igi n.f. 
advance payment (P - Jk. ] 
ljZ>pesh'va n.f. leader guide chief 
" * priest Cold use Mahratta minister’s 
title peshva'i n.f. leadership 

guidance reception ; going out to receive 
(someone) I'Jty/hf.peshya’i kar'na v.t. wel- 
come going out to receive 
/ j!>peshah n.m. profession ; calling ; trade suf. 
"'practising ;jX>pesha-var n.m. artisan, 

workman; tradesman oh'juman-t 

pe'sha-va'rah N.f. trade union [P] 

•*> pe'shi n.f. court hearing ; hearing • 
v- " date of hearing trial presence (fX?.. 
katb'cjii pe'shi u.r. preliminary hearing "[P~ 


n.f. •+( which see under <&*) 
9j\jt^paig)}a'rahttM. (lit.) taunt S’jj^paighs'ro- 
'* 'jo adj. (lit.) taunting [P] 
nj/paigham' n.m. message communka- 
*' v tion sf&paighm'-bar n.m. messenger 
envoy emissary ^jk~paigham -bar n.m. 
prophet apostle messenger of God 
paigham'-bari n.f. apostleship prophet- 
hooyl office of God’s messenger [P] 
lm ^Opaik n.m. messenger courier [P] 

try! sCpaik' kar'ns v.t. pack < J&pai'king n.f. 

/ '''''packing Jufipai'kU n.m. racket [E] 
^jC'pfk n.f. betel-leaf spittle tjtypik' dsn n.m. 
"^spittoon [P] 

jQSpaikar n.f. war battle fight 
" ' bar sar-e paiksr' adv. fighting 
piUed against [PJ 

yfj&paiksn' (lit. also jjfjpaikah') n.m. 

'*'** arrowhead blade (of any 
pointed missible) 

Xdpai'kar n.m. embodiment (of) body 

#IP] , 

irpil, jy/it n.m* (I* 1 -) elephant (col. 
'*** ili/f'/a) bishop (at chess) ipLyjil'bsh^U^/il'- 

6aftN*M. ‘mahout’; elephant-keeper ^.J^fnl'-pa 
N.F. elephantiasis *b(Xjril-pajah pillar ; "column 
(jVfpit'-lan adj. gigantic ; huge £/'Jr'piP-niii 
n.m. turkey fowl [P] 

ft/ Pi’ la adj. (f. (fcpi'ti) yellow pale 
••'•‘sallow jaundiced sj l^pll's-pan n.m. 



^ llowness paleness sallowness 
^J^pel'KS v.T. shove ; push ; crush (seed 
•* ' in oil mill, etc.) extract oil from oilseed 
do (the physical exercise called) ‘danr’ 

K pi' Ink a. v.. ‘salvadorajpcrsica’ its fruit 

•* name of a musical mode 
ji^Hpi'lah n.m. cocoon kir'm-pi'Iah n.m. 

** * chrysalis silkworm [P] 
l/Cypaima sCr. meter travelling traver- 

** sing "(j is), paints' i suf. measuring 
travelling travel. sing [P ~ ] 

ij/lffP' 11 m * n ' (lit also O^pai'maii) n.m. 

“ otomisc assurance LV> 1<J Lfpai man' 

bsndk'ns v.i. hold out a promise'” give 

word of honour (to) [PJ 

paima'nali n.m. measure cup (of 

.*>* wine ) 1*1 

fy {S paima’iih n.f., measurement 

survey *^jjPj J tsj>aims"ish bat'd-o bast' 
n p. revenue survey [P'~ 

pay cm bar n.m. (see under n.m, if) 

pa if * mak n.f, gold or silver lace gold 

.. Vor silver string 

<X* ,IN ' F ' buzz squeak Oj, (j£plfi bol’na 
m ' v.i. eat the humble pie [ono.] 

f4'na, W()pi' Wna v.T. drink quaff 
•• ** gulp ddWn smoke absorb sup- 
press one’s (wrath, etc.) smoke h'^Jpi' 

ja'rm v.T. drink quaff suppress (one’s 
wrath) refrain from retort, etc. pocket 
(insult, etc.) 

Afjj^^jlpai'n-isla'mizm n.m. pan-Islamism 
V *•* i^Cjj^liptpai'n-isla'mik adj. pah- 
Islamic [E] "* f 

yd paint alls adj. & n.m. forty-five 0^7. tdv 
U,t »’<* paints' lisvsh adj. forty-fifth 
yJ&paiti'tis adj. & n.m. thirty-five 
* paift firoaft (adj.) thirty-fifth 

n;f. weekly village market ; mart 
'»* Cfi^paiiith lags' ns v i. (of such market) 
be Ipdd 

n.f. strip with tmy bells for 
V. M * pigeons’ feet support for axle-tree 
^•}p&i*dk n.f. tail (of peacock) 

n.m. ijji Ppttidi n.f. bottom of 
** * vessel, etc; iCftftixsperi dt ks hoiks adj. 
unreliable ; untrustworthy 

n.f. fried sweet ball this as 
• ** * tonic or candle , . 

! j^pi’nis icol. i /ypi'nas),jrZ > fi'nas n.f. palan 
" quin ; litter 

JL-^pain'sath. adj. & n.m. sixty-five J , j at Zv 
painsatkiyh adj. sixty-fifth 
^Jy’pi'nah, kJ^Ji'nak n.f. drowsi- 
'* ness (caused by opium) yf-. 
pi'naki n.m. one drowsy from 

. j fcypiiig n.f. (dial, m.) mo- 

•* **tion of, swing (rare) > 

swing L>3-*6)pihg' bark'ns v.i. 

be swung with force grpw 

more intimate (i{#J)iipsCJ&pihg' ch arks' na 
(or barks' ns) v.T. take tfte swing high up 

(usu. pi.) develop intimacy (with) 

/'c^.pai ni n.f. penny m 

/■'baivas't apt. sticking pasted join- 
»•*•* cd; linked transfixed Jp-^y.pawas'tagi 
n.f. connection link adhesion 
attachment ^-^paivas'lsh adj. always ; 

ever contiguous in separable sticking ; 

pasted linked [P ~c/^v] 
jfypaivaW n.m. patch graft ; engraft 
*•*•* (usu. unmatched) connection 
paivafid' lags'ns v.T. patch graft & >'X.. 
paivafi'di adj. grafted.; ungrafted n.m, engraft- 
ed tree’s fruit J^/tJ^f.paivandi meotichht* 
n.f. pl. moustaches joining the beard 

[P -ifVA 

^pih n.f. tallow fP] 


yy J „pi'har n.m. (woman’s) father’s house 

JYlfpai'-ham adv, one after another; in a 
■ * series ; in a row 

yy-' pi’hoo, j^j^.pi'hoo pi'hoo n.f. crested 
*** cuckoo’s cry 

I ■ ~ ’ * 





te fourth letter of Urdu alphabet having 

no equivalent in English ; sound represent- 
ed as t (in jummal reckoning) 400 
ti pref. three [ cont.] 

[‘“la int. (nurs.) I am seeing you 
Y Eureka behold 

adv. & prep. to ; up to until ; a- 
as as long as con j. since while 

| in erder that ; to the end that ; so that 

5 Y Eu 


. ! far 


•Z+^jCta ba-ztsfc, ba-hayat' adv. till 

\£i £‘ta ba-kijjL adv. how long how far 
whtfhcr^T>Pfa ba-kai' adv. how much 
how^ many till when Xrl'tn diafid' adv. 

how long how many how much ?Jbf 
la #a/* adv. till now yet ; hitherto yjjl 
la titfdagi, j^jl'ta ilsi' adv. till death adj. 
life-long A" ta-keh conj. so that ; to the end 
that f'tCta' -ham cott}. yet; still neverthe- 
less nonetheless jsf C'ta-hBnooz' con’J. yet 
•till adv. till more [P] 

n.f. power endurance light 

* refulgence heat convulsion twist 
curl radiation suf. shining; luminous 
illuminating tab' la'na v.i. endure; 

suffer patiently L'llii^Ctab' na la'na y.i. . be 
unable to endure be powerless ^ixLUab-o- 
ta'qat, (Ji jif>l’ta'b-o-taoa1t’ n.f. endurance 
capacity strengdi J 1 L la' baft . adj . 

refulgent glittering splendid J A'iaba'm 
hj. refulgence ; brilliance splendour 
(f *f>Ctab' til'll. (cor Ft.J'^lltap lil'li) n.f. en- 
largement of the spleen ; splenic fever ; 
splenitis j l* C’tab'-dsr adj. luminous ; reful- 
gent warm curly h/CH'iai'nflA adj. 
brilliant refulgent [P~ ybx.l] 

a'bar-tor' adj. successive ; repeated 
adv. repeated ; one after another 
*! Jlta'bislsn n.m. summer J C^ltabista'm 
adj summer [PJ 

‘‘ta’blsh n.f. refulgence ; brilliance 

* splendour heat grief [P ~ ut//i ] 

fyiia'be 1 adj. subordinate obedient 

n.m. follower doublet used as 
adjunct adj. (col.) obedient 

n.m. (col.) loyal , servant (fJjtlC'ta'be'-da'ri 
n.f. loyally allegiance obedience 
(jA^'ta'be'-t moh’mal n.m. meaningless adjunct 

J’C'ta’bt'i n.m. (fl. ytfillabe'ln') successors to 
the Hojy Prophet's companions [A~ prkc.] 
fyCiabiVdah adj. bright ; luminous 
refulgent aft*’ tfagf n.f brightness 

rnitji taboof N.M. coffin 

* Wer [A] 

fever J* •rfftap' til'U. (col. for 
w (fifCiap’ til'U) n.f. (see unden^iN.F.^) 
lx l tap’na v.T. w arm oneself at or over (fire) 

mi iiiiom 

** *• 

jl l/a'ter' n.m. Tartary tfjl fials'rl n<m. & adj. 
Tartar [T] 

^x?**,** > 

(jh t in' la"l n n f. words used for 
beating time with dance, drum, etc. 
time signal dance or music measure [ono] 
J/l iaas’sur sj/. impression ZlAta? os' sura? 

n.m. pi/.' impressions r la'as'ur 

pax' da kar'na, C’.i'jl ta'as'sur de'ns v.t. give or 
create the impression CJyCia'at'ur le'na v.i, 
foriu the impression [A~y’/] 

% tasir' n.f. effect efficacy [A ~ j' 1 ] 

£,1 taj' n.m. crown ; diadem sovereign 
authority , the crown (cock’s) comb ; 
crest (Jf^itaj-po'shi n.f. coronation jhfC'taj'- 
d‘~‘ r , jJ?i"taj'-var n.m. sovereign ifjlifllaj-da'ri, 
(Jjf'.i“lai'-va‘ri n.f. sovereignty ; kingship 
y ta j'mahal' n.m. the Taj [A] 
yfta'jir n.m. merchant businessman 

trader [A ~ Ujl?} 

‘“fik'’ *-40a'jik suf. inhabitant of 
Tajkistari in Russia (arch.) trader 
(arch.) one born in Arabia but bred in a 
Persian or Turkish speaking country [T] 

takh't n.f. invasion ; inroad; inc.ursion 
attack , assault plunder ; ravage 
iakh’i-o la' raj' kar'na v.t. 
invade plunder ; ravage ransack 
devastate (PI 

s* ta'akh'khur n.m. being late dela y ; 

jOy la’kfSr’ n.f. delay procrastination 
st adv. late t^/fla'jWjfr' kar'na 
v.t. be late put off ; postpone pro- 
crastinate [A ~ jri] 

4-x)l tadib' n.f. chastisement ; admonition; 

* correction _ discipline teaching 
manners tadib' kar'na v.t chastise ; 

admonish discipline [A 
l/ir’lar n.m. telegram wire thread 

string steel wire warp chord 

elongated drop of sticky substance oily 
speck floating on liquid way , manner 
Oxlyl'/ar' bahdk'na v.t. repeat intenvp- 
tedly send out a spate (of) , overwhelm or 
deluge (with)3y.vl'Var bar'ql n.m. (arch.) 
ttlegramtfSsj’vnar' bafidi'na v.i. be deluged 
(with) jty'tar' tar adj. tattered tom to 
pieces Wtar’ tar kar'na v.t. tear to jneoes 
OjA''tar , 'toct'na v.i. (of series, etc.) be broken 
be interrupted Csy&jV'ia'r-t * onkaboot ' n.m. 
cobweb^r^i^ar'-kafft n.m. wiredeewer fjA 
tar'-ka'shl n.f. kind of embroidery done by 
pulling out woof w Redrawing ye ji'tat'-^ltr 


n.m. telegraph office sJjjita'r-o pod' N M, 
warp and woof . texture structure 
existence ty^iJsA tar'-o-pod' baJchtr'na [P] 
*yl*'lar adj. blactiL A’iff/fl&'ra-o-tar' adj. quite 
dark [P] 

t ta'ra n.m. star .apple (ot the eye) 
fc/ i bC ta'ra toot'tm v.i. (of star) shoot 
Cif f/ljOara ho^ ja'na v.i look tiny owing to 
great distanced I^J^-A'ta're nazar a 'naAsfi t 

la’re dikha’’i de'na n.f. be stunned with 
Wow be perplexed (%UAj’fd-j£'ta're tor'na 

(or utar'na) v.t. do the impossible be 
very tricky ; be too clever \irfd~jCta' tt cAkat'na 
v.i. (of sky) be or become clear (,* &td~jCta're 
dikha'na v.t. bring ouj (as a sixth-day 
ritual after delivery) CJdA “tart gin'na v.i. 
have no sleep ; pass a sleepless night 
dOm'-dar ta'ra n.m. comet 
gil" taraj' n.m. ravage ; plunder spolia- 
tion devastation ICtaraj' kar'na 
v.t ransack ; ravage , plunder despoil 
devastate Vjt&H’taraj’ ho'na v.i. be ravag- 
ed ; be ransacked fP] 

&A‘ Uu'pido n.m. torpido (E| 


J&l tafpdn n.m. turpentine diYtf/C'tar'pin 
m j ka tel' n.m. turpentine oil [E] 

^JjV ta'rik n.m. relinquisher abstainer 
one who foregoes confirmed 
bachelor adj. relipquishing 

tari'ki gDAa' ja'na v.i. (of darkness) spread all 

:* Ma ja m 

bachelor adj. relipquishing abstemious 
abstaining Uj t JjCta' rik-ud-duh'ya n m. 
hermit recluse adj. leading the life of a 
recluse /jCta'rikah n.f. spinster [ ~ A , Jy] 
JA ta'rak n.m. bead ; crown ; pate 
y helmet [P] 

J/A terkol, jQjkol'tar n.m. tar [ ~ E tar -f 
V M coa, l 

^jl tarlkh' n.f. datp history annals; 
chronic je data (of hearing) ; hearing 
(usd. verse) -anagram recording year of 
some occurrence ; chroihogram fyfrft/l'hrlkh' 
fhaihra'na v.t. fix date (of marriage'; etc.) 
VsPfc'A’tarlkW dtai'harna v.t. (of such date) 
be fixed l’(*%(Al'}arikh' darka'na v.i. date 
bj&jClarlkJi’ dina v.t. give the date of next 
hearing Ur £a tarlkh' kaih'na v.i. compose a 
chronogram Mari' kh-e muqar'raroh n.f. 

fixed date day of appointment V ))£A" 
tarjkh-t oUqoo 1 ' n.f. date of occurrence jIj£,A" 
tarlkh' -vat adv. datewise [A] . 

Jj0arik' adj. dark obscure jA'iarifj 

’ n.f. darkness 

obscure JA'l 


: JjUarito 


switch off or put out the lights (P) t 

A tar n.m. a kind of palm; toddy-palm tS 4 ^ 
ta'ri n.f. toddy 

l‘Jfl“tar'na v.t. stare mark out with evil 
intentions ogle make out Of 5 f tar' 
ja'na v i. make out guess ; conjecture 
understand ; perceive apprehend yftar n.f. 

stare eviUintentioncd look perception 
jl%' tar'-baz (dial. / jCla'roo , ljl"la'riya) adj. 
* q quick of apprehension 

ta'ri n.f. (see under jTn.m. 1c) 

OjCta'zah adj. (f. same ; col. F.(/ji"ta'&) 
latest recent new fresh not 
stale not gone bad fjCitKta'za ba-t'd'zah 
adj. fresh latest new ; brand new 
up-to-date not stale freshly blooming 
ptjlTta'za-dam adj. fresh ready un- 
tired l ta'za-dam ho'na v.i. be 
refreshed be in good spirits be untired 
v/,;rta'zak kar'na v.i revive or refresh 
(memory) change (hookah) water t'A 
ta za-ia rid N. ncw-comcr IjJtjC ta'zah ko'na 
v.r.iof memory, etc.) ; be revived; be refresh- 
ed ifWtii'zagi n.f. freshness [PJ 

N M - & adj. Arab (horse or dog) 
reputed for swiftness of its speed ( 
ta' to kut' la n.m. greyhound [P] 
r (jj\Ata'zi adj. (see under 

A jl taziya'nah N.M. whip ; scouragc t*&U" 
** ( L'j l };) taziya'nah laga'na [or mat' na) v. 

whip ; flog ; scouragc ; castigate 

ta'as'suf n.m. regret remorse 

grief ; affliction pity ; commiseration 

ta' as' siif kar' nn v.t. & i. regret 
grieve pity 

tf’tasis ' n.f. foundation ; establishment 
i/t/^itasis' kar 'na v.t, sc; up ; cstab- 
. lish ; found (Srfj'jfyaum-e lasts' n.m. foun- 
dation day [A~j/Vd] 

•9 f* 

Jl lash n.m. playing cards ; cards , 
(arch.) gold foil (arch.) ti|Mie 

ta'shah n.m. scm«-#phencal i ./ fftZ - 

drum [P] 

'Al”taf'tah n.m. taffeta adj. TtjW 
glossy cr.eam horse or \\ j\ sj 
pigeon [P~ cTt J jwM 




tab N;F. vine IP! 

stare at peep ogle 


ambush ; lie in wait for 

. /- tak'na V.T. 


tsk n.f. keep look-out aim wait- 
ing for opportunity ogle lak' jhaftk 

K. f. ogling peeping peeping about 

oJU'tsk' rakh'na V.T. have an eye on 
UfJ Ut tab' meh raih'nu v.T. be on the 
look out for He in wait fctt*$t/l‘7ak' lags' qd 
vit. stare ogle. ambush IV L J jl" 
lak' Jcar mar'na v.T. take (a good) aim at 
jJ'ftakid' n.f. stress ; emphasis urging 
pressure l[ f jj'ftakid' kar'na v.T. 
stress ; emphasize ; eiijoin press ; urge 
insist (on) enjoin 1 jj'ClakVdan adv. as a 
reminder strictly emphatically 
peremptorily tfjJCiaki’dl Adj. urgent 
emphatic peremptory [A] 

jfC ta’gs n.m. (same as tfhtjN.u. if) 

/ai n.m. lake pool 

IT la/ n.f. musical measure rhythmic 
beat (of hands) OiJC'tal’ de’na v.i. beat 
time in music l'J?Jl?(Jl!'tal' bc-tal’ ho'ns, 
l>jTl)&*Z'dC‘tal’se be-tal'ho'na v.i, be out 
of tune i y ( Ji'tsr mel n.f. accord agreement 
hamono n/jrfjC'tsT mel khans 
lUTla'/a n.m. lock f t6i)Oa7a lagans v.t. 

Jock put padlock on jf W'ta'la kuii’ji 
HOI. lock and key Jf J ki kufi'ji n.m. 

key (to lock) key (to) Jfta'li n.f. •* 
* taia-bah'di N.f. lock-out. 

' rtalcb' n.m. pond,; pool water 

reservoir [- (jf-f P<-'* ] 

, •'la'al'lqf n.m. (ped.) intimacy friend- 

t^vship | A~ ] 

la'al'lum n.m. gTief torment [A ] 

wc talmukhha'nah n.m. lotus seed (used as 
, a - *«8) 

/KjV tel n.m; admixture impact 

ylTla'fw n.m. palate uvula an eques- 
trian disease £l/ijl"la’loo utha'na v.t. raise 
(infant’*] uvula i^lJ&rjC’taloo se Zulus 

M Utgna v.i. talk incessantly ; chatter t ‘Jiijl!' 
tl'ko la’fakna v.i. (of uvula) fall 
^ {,** fa'ft N. F. clapping (col. ) key J U (" 

. /a'tiyaft n.f. pl. applause ; plandit 
Ul’Vitj f’ te’ti (or ta’lijafi) baja'na (or 
/*?'*) v.t. & I. clap applaud ; clap 

(l>lj OyjUCta liydh baj'ns (or pit’na) v.i. 
be applauded be ridiculed with clapping 
^ d C'tali ek’ hath! se na'liih baj'll » 
do'nofi ha than se baj’li 
hai prov. it makes two to make a quarrel 

(alt/' n.f. compilation consolation 
** winning ovcr\^J>£tJl"tali'f-e qal'b, 
tali' f-e quloob ‘ n.f. winning over 
ZadH'lali/' ■ kar'na v.t. compile [A — 

*tam, ^hl&m'mah adj. full; complete 

r 1 ' 

entire ; whole [A ~ £ u j 
r “‘"lam chini n.f. enamel ware 

chini n.f. enamel ware; enamel- 
•* ' led iron vessels 
WIT tarn' jham, cJl/L" 

* ' lam' j art n.m. airy 


ly ^'ta'am'mul n.m. hesitation hitch delay 
disinclination careful thought 

deliberation meditation C/cH ta'am’mul 
kar'na v.i.- hesitate delay consider 
deliberate meditate [A~ 

Jd’C 'tain' lot, lat n.m. tumbler 

any drinking vessel [~E corr.J 
tan n.f. (in music) keynote tune 
palanquin's steel bracing (\jl (j/Clj^Ctan 
(or ta'ueh) ura'na v.i. sing strike up 

tune(s) (tVt l ty}.) Iz^d^'lan bkar'na (orle'na 
or .mar'na) v.i. sing repeat (tune) f 
tan' tor'na v.t. wind up a tune end talk 
(with) finally come out with the basic point 
(at) i tan' -sen n.m. title of a famous 

singer great musician 
['IJ'ta'na n.m. wrap^t’L I’lls'na ba'na n.m. wrap 
and woof [ — 1>* C ] ^ 

Ij'tatiba n.m. copper 1'j^cllf'TuiH'iati'ba sa 

* asman' ho’ns v.t. (of sky) be clear and 
hot HjiA jCYtL'H'tafi'be ka tar’ no ho'na ph. be 
penniless ; be destitute 

£s(Jtarit n.f. gut catgut chord (of 
guitar, etc.) isdisC tatit sa adj. very lean 
yfl 'laft'll n.f. line or row (of) (dial.) 
weaver (fig.) children. 

lah’ta n.m. long line mobile crowd 
[/ l> flux ( Cu^JjL 1 tak'ta 

bahdh’na (or baiidh' ja'na or lag' ja'na) v.i. (of 
people) be a flux 
iLH'ialw'na v.t. maltreat 
be unkind to 

J fenace 

‘Vtatigah, l^Oah'ga n . m . 

tonga ; dog cart 





become a 

|*|.M t 

[j Hanna v.t. stretch extend expand 
poll tight (over) knit (the eyebrow) 
tighten be at full length brandish 

,/cH tan' kar adj. having stretched 
with full force 

ta'ne tasKne, ta'’ne..tidfnt n.m. 

pl. (col.) taunts [A-cCj^n.f. ★] 
tanii' n.f, feminine gender being a 
** female 

tavan' n.m, damages compensation 
indemnity mulet penalty 

repar a tion U j ,\) t j a van ' dt'na v.t. make 
amends pay a penaltylN^ljl’/arart' laga'na 
v.t. 4ine amerce {penalize 
jjfy^tsml' n.f. interpretation elucidation 
** reinterpretation interpret with 

ulterior motives V/fjtjCtadil’ kar'na v.t. 
interpret elucidate’ reinterpret 
pret with ulterior motives [A] 

Jk (,** ta’ah'hul n.m. marriage 

family man [A- Jj;(] 
i _ 0 S\f*ta"ib n.m. penitent one who is 
remorseful [A ~ 

jl^la’o n.m. heat rage ; passion 
twist curl l‘7jUa”o a'na v.i. fly into 
a passion ; be enraged / accept a challenge ; 
pick up the gauntlet jl“ta"o bi'garna v.i. 

loose the opportunity be spoiled in cook- 
ing£Ujl"ta”o bW'o adv. very- little C'ljL'yJtC 
ta’opat la'o a'na v.i. heat curl (mous- 
tache) Cl/j l“(a”o kks'ns, (f ( jtjtia' , o men a’na 
v.i. be enraged ; be angry fly into a 

f'jC'ta'o n.m. (dial.) uncle ; father's elder 
brother [~ U“] 

\)j> t**la”o/a adj. & n.m. hasty (person) 

ta'id’ N support corroboration 
” aid ; assistance seconding ; sponsoring 
being seconded ; being sponsored "Sts 
ta’id' -kar' dah adj. seconded by ; sponsored by 
V/j£V‘ta id' kar'na v.T. support cor-, 
roborate confirm second sponsor f'UCpt’" 
ta’i'd-t kalam' n.f. suppon of sutement 

[A->J , .. 

1 1** ta'ya n.m. uncle ; father's elder brother 
** ia*'i n.f. wife of father’s elder brother 
tab adv. then ; at that time ; afterwards 
* A tab’ Hi adv. & conj. yet ; still ; 
even then notwithstanding ; nevertheless ; 
nonetheless UlL ?tab' tak adv. & conj, till 
then up to that time }\stab’ to adv. & 

CONJ. then in that case ; in that instance 
l J^tab’ se adv. & conj. since then 
thereafter ; thence tfJ'lab’ hi, jC ta’bbi adv. 

at that very moment ; exactly then, for 
that very reason Jtf^tab’ hi to, J Jf la Ida to 
adv. for that very reason Roving to the very 
fact lab" hi se,^£-jf la'bki se adv, 
thence; thenceforth from that very moment 
^ytab n.f. (rare) (same as w-^n.f. if) 

ta'b-o-tsb' n.f. guts heat labour 


^Jj^laba'dul n.m. (ped.) exchange [A ~ -*>) 

Jj&’tabdd lah (pseudo-ped. taba'dUlah ) N.M. 

* transfer exchange L'/^vyrJjtftabsd'la-e 
khayalat' kar'na v.t. exchange views 
have a chat [~A Jtif] 

jtftabsr' n.m. family dynasty [A) 

ffj^'liba'rah adv. third time thric< 

* [~^-fP4] 

labs' rak adj. (of God) hallowed; glorified 
(j U* if tabs’ rak{a)-va-la‘als int. hojlow- 
cd and magnified (be His name) [A~ 

S'? libs’ si adj. three days’ stale 

tobaMr" n.f. medical sugar found 

** * between bamboo joints 
g [ftabah" adj. ruined destroyed 
wasted spoiled wretched I'/tO'tabah' 
kar'na v.t. waste squander ruin U 

tab uk' ho na v.i. be wasted be squandered 
be ruined J U? ^tabah'-hnl adj. ruined 
reduced to straits poverty striken miser- 
able if 0 tabs' hi n.f. ruin destruction 
perdition wreck misery ['T (fid' tabs' hi n'n a 

v.i. be ruined be wrecked l/i tabs' hi 

ka mars adj. wretched afflicted ruin- 
ed I'iJ if, 17 tabs' ht Is' ns v.t. ruin destroy 

m.. ' 

tabs' yUn n.m. difference [A ~ jtbaiii] 

# # M 

J \y tab-khs' lah n.m. eruptions on mouth 
comers (as aftermath) of fever fP~ 

tabakktut n.m. swagger [A] 

« *» 

ij tabkkttf N.F. evaporation vapo- 
risation heart bum low fevf- 

temperature (A 

(Jy^tabad'dul n.m. (lit.) change ; alteration 
(usu. in) J^i^lafhay'yar-o tabad’dul ph. 

changes reshuffling [A ~ J>] 
iJfjjtah&il' n.f, change ; alteration 
" modification (Xv tabdil' shu'dah adj. 

changed transferred ij$j ^J^iabdl'l-e a'b-o 

bans' n.f. change of climate l '/ tabdil 
. kar’ns v . t . transfer change; alter 
tabdiV hons. v.i, be transferred change ; 
alter l'/*Z+ > !'(}j£<tabdi'l~chai' , al kar'na v . t . 
disguise change the aspect metamorphose 

( j jSflabdi'ti n.f. transfer changing 
** alteration V/fij&tabdi'li kar'na v . t . 
transfer change" alter i'mjPj&tabdi'li ha'ns 
v.u be transferred be changed ; be 
altered [~A 

jX> tabzir 1 n.f. extravagance [A~ j-i] 

»• • 

yX* la’ bar n.m. hatchet axe t lj/i‘ta'bar-zan 

n . m . wood-cutter [P] 

\Ju tabar’ra n.m. curse malediction 
expression of disapproval abuse; abusive 
language ; fulmination ; invective! V/p) 
tabar'ra bhtj’r.a (or kar'na) v . t . express dis- 
approval curse fulminate inveigh 
ta'har'ra'’ l n.m. member of a seat expressing 
disapproval of (or fulminating) against first 
orthodox Caliphs [A ~ 

tu'bar'ruj n.m. (of woman) make a show 
of her make-up, etc. ; move about en- 
ticingly {A] 

^Vtabar'ruk r:,M. left over food or other 
giftfrom a saint or shine gift bene- 
diction l/yftabar’rukan adv. as a gift; as a 
present for receiving benediction &\fe'tabar'- 
riiktil' n.m. pl. such gifts relics [A ~oCi\ 
jb Jr tab' rid n.f. cooling dose taken after 
* ^.purgative (fig.) cooling down [A 

tabus' sum n.m. smile H/fr tubas' sum kar'na 
1 v.i. smile [A] 

tab'suah n.m. review criticism 

(a -a] 

^ lab' 1 n . m . follower ( ! /*.lg‘tab , ‘-e tablin' 
n.m. follower of the - successors to the 
Holy Prophet’s Companions (usu. as the third 
link in chain of tradition narrators) [A] 

tabllfh' n.f. preaching missionary 
*' work pro&lytism spread or propa- 
gation (of vitv/s)£Sluljgft'tabli'gb-o isha'‘at 
n.f. propagation (of faith, view, etc.) [A 

(rare X’tab) n . f . fcver(ytV<^ , ta/>' utsr'na 
** v . t . reduce temi>erature ; cure of fever 
i'jiXtap' u' tarns v.i. be cured of fever 

tap' dkarhnu v.t. have fever ^‘ta’p* di<f 
n.f. consumption ; pulmonary tuberculosis 
L/Ji-x' ta'p-e zard' n.f. yellow feveriUtxyi^ 
tap kn moof ja’na v.i. having after-fever erup- 
tion on comers of mouth VjXfta'p-* lar'zah 
n.f. malaria agu k ji/j? ta'p-e motf'riqah 
n.f. typhoid CfjXta'p-e nod bat n.f. (ped.) 
intermittent fever [P] 

^jiutapak. n.m. ardour ; warmth ; zeal 
’• cordiality regard ; esteem [P] 
tJV’tapah adj. agitated resdess ; uneasy 
•' hot[P] 

taps' na v . t . heat cause to glow 
y •* ^test (metal) [ ~ C^caus.] 

L? tipa” I n.f. trivet tripod teapoy ; 
v small table low stool (dial.) [^threc 

+P ] 

bp" tap’ par n.m. (dial ) matting mat seat 


^ tafias’ siva n.f. (dial.) prayer [S] 

. (ort/v*" ) la' pish n.f. heat au’our 

^ uneasiness grief [P] 

[X tap'na v.i. become hot glow burn 
V with grief 

> (or tapabfhah n.m. pistol re- 

♦»* * volver [P] 

tjjftapidah adj. glowing restless [P-cU-JJ 

M V 

Q'tat'ta adj. (rare) hot warm ; tepid 
*# *♦ 

totab'bo ‘ n.m. following toeing the 
. Ijpe following in (someone’s) footsteps 
& latab’bo' kar’na v.t. following toe 
the line fellow in (someone’s) footsteps 

tit' tar bit' tar adj. dispersed scatter- 
* ed ; lying here and there l‘j7jis'tit'tar 
bit' tar ho'na v.t. be dispersed be seat- 

^ytu'tUq n.m. (lit.) tent its curtains 
tn'tuq-e ni'tl n.m. the heavens ; sky 


I'jytatla'na v.i. lisp 

(p**tit'n, tsptfit'n n.f. 

butterfly sportive^^^^IrtjW Q /fa) 
beauty ; painted doll 
\Jj? titam'ba n.m. (W. dial) 

* „ fix dispute 

jj? talim'mah n.m. supplement appendix 
post-script [A-z^i 

i • / /j/y tat' too tiam'boo kar’na v.t. delay 
• • console 

I »* ft 

183 / 

j *L 

1 l‘*** 

\yy J tateh'r a n.m. (f /S tateh'ri n.f water- 

^Jttato/ya n.f. red and yellow wasp adj. 

** dever sharp pungent 
J*jJ2tas'tis n.f. Trinity ; triple godhead 
** of Pauline Christianity trine ; aspect 
of two planets 120 apart division into three 

^frtas'niyah n.m. dual form ; dual [A 

£ taj n.f. (bark of) bay-tree cinnamon 


tajs'zub n.m. attraction gravita- 

* * tion [A~ w^f] 

JVT tajjnr' n.m. merchants ; traders 

business community j&ldfima'lik-ul- 

tujjzr' n.m. business magnate* ; tycoon [A- 


tajaOiib n.m. pl. experiences ex- 

* * t periments [A - sing. 

£/j\^ tija'tat n.f. trade ; commerce 

* traffic business t/'/ci'jtf tijs’rat kar'na 
v.t, deal (in) trade ; traffic business 
tfojl/'jijarat-gah n.f. market business 
centre (tp? tija'rall adj. commercial 
mercantile business tjhr^jl/’tija'ratl ids' rah 
N.m. ^business firm commercial firm 
Jbj&'tj jytija rati khutool' par adv. on busi- 
ness lines s' rat-e kha'rijah n.f. foreign 
trade [A] 

toja'vUz n.m. transgression devi- 
* ation exceeding (one’s limits, etc.) 
l‘Jjjti?taja’vUz kar'na v.i. transgress 
deviate exceed (one’s limits) [A] 

taja'hZl . n.m. feigned ignorance 

indifference; apathy taja'hul-e 
‘arifa'nah n.m. feigned ignorance [A~czll%\ 
tajad'dad n.m. freshness novelty [A] 

V taj did’ n.f. renewal revival (A 

y C taj'ribah N.M. experience experiment 
*' * j taj'riba-kar- (or. -be) adj. ex- 
perienced skilful ; expert conversant 
(with) veteran Jjld^taj'riba-ka'ti n.f. 
experience practical knowledge ; know-how 
being conversant with l ^ taj-ribah kar'na 
v.t. experience experiment try 
tal'kh taj’ribah n.m. bitter experience 
taj' riba l' n.m. pl. experiences wide ex- 

perience experiments “(jly? tajriba'ti adj. 
experimental [A] 

j / lajar'mi n.m. celibacy unmarried 
'^Vstate (ped.) solitude [A] 

taj' fid' n.f. abstraction solitude 
separation restriction to single 
meaning (as figure of speech) tfjfitajrVA adj. 
abstract (art, idea, etc ) (fjyttyyftajrt'dl 
mUsqv'virl n.f. abstract art [A] .. 

V */> taj'ziyah n.m. _ . (rare (fjfi tajaz'zi N .P.) 
*''* analysis^^j!' fji^na/'siyya'tl iaj'ziyah n.m. 
psychological analysis jij? taj ziya'ti adj. 
analytical [A~SJf] 

tajas’s&s n.m. curiosity inquisitive* 

V * ness prying in piiry ; diligent’ ; 
search tajas'sSs kar'na v.T. explore 

be inquisition ; pry into show curiosity 

[A ■?</*<'] 

tajas'siim n.m. incarnation ; embodiment 

I y l A ~ •? 

A? tajal'h (pseudo ped. tajal'la) n.f. 

* * manifested on brilliance ; refulgence 
splendour i/fj? tajal'ii bakh’rft, ‘jytf tajaVll'- 
rez adj. refulgent splendid* making 
(onjself) manifest [A ~ ijf] 
jjj? tajlid' n.f. flaying binding (of book) 


, Lf tajam'mul n .m. magnificence pomp 
* and show decoration adornment 

(j taj' na v.t. renounce abandon 

tajrns' n.f. alliteration pun 
w' * equivocation use of similarly spejt 
cr sounded words (as a literary device) 

tajnl's-e tarn' n.f. (use of) heteronyms (jft/ff' 
lajms-e khat’tl n.f. (use of) pair of words 
writtenalike but with different vowel-points 
Ujj^taj'ni's-e za’id n.f. (use of) two words 
which are alike otherwise t but one of which 
has an extra letter^^t/^ taj'ni's-t qal'b n.f. 
(use of) pair of words spelt in exactly the 
opposite ways i~ytfjytajm's~emurak'kab n.f. 
(use of) pair of words one of which forms pert 
of another j*l,’(/*?tajnl's-e na'qis n.f. (use of) 
pair of words whpse initial letters only are 
different tajni's-e muz'davj N.F. (use 

of) pair of synonymous words one of which is 
simple and other compound [A 
J* / tajvid' n.f. phonetics declamation 
** J recitation of the Holy Quran [A ~ 
taj' viz' N.f. suggestion proposal 

•* motion plan ; Lcheme prescription 
(Of medicines) consideration Vf'j£t*jr&z 


on the back j 1 / tahrir' kar'na v.t. 

• •*', * ' 

write ; reduce to writing put in black and 
white give in writing compile compose 
record (rare) free (slave) 
ho'na v.i. be written be recorded ifjf 
tahri'ri adj. documentary in writing ; 
written [A] 

( tahns' n.f. temptation instigation 

tjP Jr tahriz' n.f. incitement [A] 

** 1 / 

lahnf n.f. distortion (of meaning) tam- 
** / pering (with text) [A 
lm J{ l £ taihnk' (or taih-) N.-f. movements 

agitation motion incitement 

urging encouragement tahrik ckala na 

v.t . launch a movement iy Zjdjf 1 tahrik'kar'ns 
v.T. urge move incite 
tahrik’ pesh kar'na v.i. put or, bring for- 
ward or move a motion tV tJfuC. / tahrik' pesh 
ho'na v.i. (of motion) be moved ? 

tahrik' manzoor' kar'na v.t. adopt a resolution ; 
accept a motion tahrik' numzoor’ 

ho’nav.i. (of motion) be carried [A ~ 

J Z tahrim n.f. glorification ; honour 
['*-* prohibition assumption of a 

pilgrim's garb tahri'mah adj. forbidding 
othe^things than prayer [A~t^p J \ 
rL^tahsin' (or taih-) n.f. appreciation 
approbation acclamation 

tahsin" kar’na v.t. praise approve” 
appreciate applaud acclaim [A~tf^] 
lahshiyah n.m. annotation 

tahsii n.f. administrative division 

in district its headquarters 
(revenue) collection acquisition attain- 
ment learn ing^ri-^Ta^tt ’l-e fa'sil n.f. 
superfluous attempt tahsii -dar n.m. 
Tehsildar ; revenue and administrative official 
incharge of tehsilj’/jrf^tahsil'-dan n.f. office 
of Tehsildar^/ n.f. pl. (old use) 
collections acquisitions education 
tahsii 1 kar'na v.t. acquire .Receive 
education collect (revenue)^/ Ijj) tarsi' l-e 

mal-guza'ri n.f. revenue collection of revenue 


tahaffuz n.m. safeguard preserva- 
tion conservation ZP ti^tahaffuzai 

n.m. pl. safeguards jCtl i^tafiaffuz-e asmar' 
n.m. fruit preservation tf i IJt&i ta^aj'/uze ars 
n.m. soil conservation j &&taha, j nr 

kar'na v.i. suggest propose move 
plan write out a prescription ; prescribe 
I’jf J/. tajviz" ho'na v.i. be proposed be 
moved be planned (of medicine) be 
prescribed '//.Jfzir-t tajvtz' adv. proposed 
.under consideration 

Jtuji pron. you th ec Ofaf tuj' he, f j. 

tiijk, ko , tuj'ko pron. (accusative) 

you ^ thee if)irJ , j//tujk' ko 

para't kva pa'ri ap'ni naber' too pr'ov. mind 
your own business ; do not poke your nose 
into the ,aflairs of others physician cure 
thyself jf tujhi pron. you alone ; thee alone 
ryf tajhlz n.f. taking out of funeral pro- 
*' cession jir. >jJf tajhi ' z-o tak'fin n.f. 
obsequies ; funeral rites and ceremonies 


t aha" if n.m. (pl. of 

tah't (or taih't) n.m. subjection sub- 
ordination charge ; control adv. 
subordinate (to) under control (of) below 


inferior (to) pref. infra 

undertf jl'sS'tah' t-us-sar a’ n.f. nether regions 
adv. deep down in earth Lp^tah't-ash-shu‘oor 
n.m. subconscious (mind) 

lalft-ul-lafz adj. (of translation) literal 
(of its printing) interlinear ’ (of verse) recita- 
tion (without singing) Ur^J^fS^iah't-ul-U^'z 
park.' na v.t. recite (without) singing! 
taih't men ana v.i. come under the control (of) 
j i? tamtam adj. (letter of alphabet) having 
dots underneath ; downdotted [A] 

tahaj' jut n.m. fossilization [A~yf ] 

^j/ldhad'dx n.f. challenge [A] 

^ryj/tahdis' n.f. narration ; recounting [A 
** U 

jijf tah'did n.f. restriction limitation 

" .. [A ~ 

tah'zir' n.f. 

** .. IA~v>1 

j & tahrir' n.f. 

**' of) writing 

document undertaking manumission 

line like stain jof antimony) (old use) 

. Euclid’s elements I tahri'ran adv. (rare) in 
writing ; written J^jjf^tahri'r-e uqlidis n.f. 
Euclid’s elements bain-iis-sutoor 

Mbit n.f. writing between the lines 
tahri'r-r zah'rl n.f. endorsement writing 

threatening cautioning 

(act of) writing (piece 
manuscript composition 


shikft'r-o ash jar' n.m. preservation of fauna 
and flora [A 

toh'fah n.m. , t gift : present rarity 
£*) taps" if, ^to'haf n.m. pl. gifts ; 
presjnts rarities curious [A] 
j*j&tahaq'quq n.m. ascertainment [A 

tahqlr' n.f. contempt ; scorn ; disdain 


ta/iqiq' (or taih-) n.f. research 
inquiry investigation ascertainment 
vjrification adv. verily ; truly indeed 
tahqt'qi^ adj. research verified 
authentic a &‘?tahqlqat' n.f. investigation 
inquiry research [A ~c£j?\ 
tahak'kum n.m. imperiousness 
| domination C&J? tahak'kum jat a' na v.t. 
act imperiowly(jl Jj&rtahakkum-pasat.d(a'nak) 
adj .Jl adv. imperious [A - 
tahkim' n.f. arbitration 
P* y 

. tahlif n.f. administration of oath 

taj^lll' n.f. analysis dissolving 
" legalization v/i^fiahW. kar'ns. v.t. 
dissolve assimilate analyse (T^tahlU-t 
naf'si n.f. psychological analysis IjfjJjS tahlil 
ho' ns v.i. be dissolved ta/fli'li adj, analytical 
&Lty?tahli 'll-o na/siyyai' n.f. psycho-ana- 
lysjs (A~th 

/ if taham'mul n.m. toleration ; forbearance 
** patience ; endurance Ijiy' taham'mul 
kar'ns v.t. forbear tolerate; bear endure 

, / tahmid' n.f. praise of God [A ~J?\ 

\ y tahvil' n.f. (Math.) reduction 
•• passage of heavenly body (from one sign 
of zodiac to another) trust ; charge 
custody Uv UtO'f tahnl' tnth dt na v.t. pluck 
in custody of HJ ^i}/takal' tneh fr'na v.t. 
take custody of take hold of lahvi'l-t 

tasar'ruf njs. (atch.) misappropriation ; em- 
bezzlement ; defalcation jlJ'j? tahnl' -dsr n.M. 
(old use) trustee treasurer [A —JlP’ ] 

tafyay'yir n.m. wonder astonishment 

amazement [A 

Js talfiy'yah n.m, {pL.&l/tahiyyst') salutation 


ytakha Ivf n.m. mutual opposition ; 

< [A] 

. .ytakna tvj w.iw. 

contention |A ~ 
•stakh't n.m 

throne wooden bed 
£#& yifkh’tbakh't n.m. (as blessing) 

throne and fortune wedlock and wealth 
t*l takh't par biths'ns v.t. be enthron- 
ed become a king L'tsf&ftakh' tchhor'na 
v.i. abdicate takkt-f ravSh' n ; m. 

mobile throne flying^edany/kfi^'" ( akh't-g^ 

sulaiman' n.m. flying sedan of Solomonlyi/**^ 
takh't se Star' na v.t. dethrone^^^ lakh'l-e 
ta'oos' n.m. the Peacock Throne^] (fey takh't 
ki rnt n.f. wedding night tlfe&lakWt-gah n.m. 
capital seat of government takh’l- 

nashifi ho'na v.i. ^ a.sfend the throne 
assume royal powers lakh' t-nashj'nl n.f 

accession to the throne coronation 
•^/l&S'takh't ya takh'tah prov do or die 
reign or ruin [P] 

••2 takh'tah n.m. plank ; a board sign. 
^ sign-board (ships) deck drawbridge 
(flower) bed £5 1 •£/ takh'tah v'latna v.t. 
overthrow (government) ruin , destroy^ 
Jj/J'takh'ta-e bar'qi n.m. switch-board 
takh'ta bafi’di n.f. arrangement of flowers 

bed wainscot takWta bafnk kar’ns 

v.t. arrange flower beds 
plank takh'ta pul n.m. draw- 
bridgcOjpX?takh'ta-e tsboot' n.m. 

bier hearse>L^y takh'tah 
siyah' n.m. blackboard 

takh'ta-e mash'q n.m. tablet 
victim jj-jFtakh'ta-e nar'd n.m. backgammon 
i'\fjfJf’taWtah ho ja>a v.t. (of 
body) become stiff takh’ti n.f. 

tablet small board [P] 

^•2 takh'rijah n.m. chronogram-writing ; 

♦' recording of date in chronogram form 


takhrib' n.f. destruction subver- 
sion^ (fLy’takhri'bi adj. destructive 
dVijt/jptakhri'bl karroos" iysh n.f. sabouge 


takhash'shQ‘ n.m. (lit.) humility [A 

takhsis' n.f. specialization 

peculiarity ; singularity [A ~t/&] 

" takh'fif' n.f. -retrenchment reduc- 
tion ; decrease alleviation ; mitiga- 
tion cut curtailment remission 

commutation £*Sc»?takhfif-t-qlmaL n.f. 
devaluation pricecut ; reduction in price 
v/jjjftakKJij kar'ns v.t. retrench 

decrease ..reduce curtail mitigate 

p-IleviatetVt^ 1 -®?^ takhfif.' nut ta'na v.t. re- 
trencjj (person) abolish (post) [A~t^*] 

. jpAS takhal'lus n m. (poet’s) pen-name , 
‘nom de plume’ (rare) deviation (in 
ode frpm introduction to theme) [ V] 

0& takhal 'la/ s m. being left behind 
» g°*ng back on one’s words (A ~£t&\ 
takh'liyah n.m. privacy private 

meeting [A ~ 

saturated to form part of cold drink 
tiikh'm-e bad', r’ly/tukh'm-t haram! adj. bastard 
yi lukfi'm tasir' soh'bat ka a'sar 

prov. heredityjmd environment go to make 
the man (Jlf/'ftukh’ m-e raihan' n.m. purslane 
/ 'Jj Y f tukh' m-re' zi n.f. sowing ; broadcasting 
O&Ct '/ tukh' m-t-katan' n.m. linseed [P] 
tikh'moh n.m. gastro-enteritis fA] 

- takhnir' n.f. fermentation; leavening 

ji f takhmiri n.m. estimate guess 
** zan'n-o takhmin' n.m. mere guess 
guess fork conjecture \'^ > takhmi'nan adj. 

about ; approximately^.^? takhrm'nah n.m. 
guess ; conjecture evaluation appraisal 

[A] •• 

L -l ) ^ takhvif' n.f. intimidation * 

" takhvi'f-e mujrima nah n.f. criminal 
intimidation [A 

Ly takhay'yul n.m. imagination; fancy 
hlea ; thought of imagery 
suspicion ^l^ftakhayyuiat' n.m. pl. idea ; 
thoughts flights of fancy [A~Jl>] 
tm Jjlj£‘tada'ruk n.m. amends remedy 

reparation precaution safeguards 
redress readiness I'/Lfjl/’tada'ruk kar'na 

v.t. remedy redress providfc,against 
safeguard be prepared for t yJj[i‘tada'- 
ruk ho'na v.t. be remedied be redressed 


tadab'bur n.m. statesmanship prudence 
deliberation JJi jjPfhau'r-o-tadab'bur 
n.m. careful thought [A} 
yfjt'tadbir' n.f. (pl. yiUtadabir') policy 

** device ; contrivance advice ; council 
arrangement course of action ; way out 
plan &r&%fc£tadhi'r-t sal'tanat n.f. (arch.) 
managementof st^te affairs ; politics 'dsfcM 
tadbt'r-e man'zil n.f. domestic economy js\i/(£ 

tadbi'r-e Ja rid v.t. plot vicious plan [A] 
jjjtadar'v n.m. cock pheasant [P] 

tadrij' n.f. gradation regular step 

** (rare) scale ^ti/ba-tadrij' adv. 

gradually ; by degrees ; step by step 
[T*j£ tadris' n.f. instruction teaching 

lectures (on ) tfjXtadrl'si adj. teach- 

ing^ instructional [A 

tad/in' n.f. buriai; interment [A ~ (Ji) 

yjftadqiq' n.f. close or minute study 
" going jnto minutia (rare) pulveriza- 

tion [A - 

MijStadnn' n.f. compilation editing 

" [A ~ d>y/] 

{yjr triday'yun n.m. religiousness prudery 


• *• , 

i — tazab zub n.m. vacillation waver- 

^ ing suspense 

Jv Jr tazkar' n.m. account narrative 

9yja taz'kirah n.m. mention memoir 
biography collection, of biographical 
nojes (on poets, etc.) [A ~ ji] 
yj/i tazkir' n.f. admonition helping 

to recall refreshing the memory 

in t g 

JVjh tazkar 





nojes (on poets, etc.) \A~ Ji] 
yJji tazkir' n.f. admonition helping 
to recall refreshing the memory 

/Pyt tazal'iul n.m. humiliation ; humiliating 
one seif [A~£Ji\ 

y tar adj. wet, moist ; damp saturated 

fresh refreshed green ; lush j juicy 
y*‘y tar’ ba-tar' adj. shaked drenched 
quite wet (of food) rich with much butter 
Oil in it tar-da' man adj. sinful • 

guilty immoral tar-da' mani n.f. 
sinfulness guilt immorality i /jin' kar'na 
v.t. soak saturate Jrjtar' luq'mah, Jlv 5 
tar' mal, Jlj /tar niva'lah N.M. morsel of rich 
food (fig-) good catch adj, easy work 
godsend tjVj/ta'r-o ta'zah adj. fresh and 
mellow (JJ ta'r\ n.f. moisture wetness 
ocean hydrosphere [P] 

^ tar suf. (indicating comparative degree) 
more ; greater ; -er (PJ 

tUrab' n.m. earth dust soil*.'!//! 

* a' boo turab' n.m. (Ke underyiN.M. ir)$W 

tum'H adj. earthen [A] 



tarji" n.f. repetition of formula ‘in'na 

lillah’ at news of someone’s death 
return of heavenly body to previous position 
(of singer or bird) lapse into earlier tune ; 
remodulation return J%tfZ/tarjV'-batid' n.m. 
stanzas with same refrain f A ~ (/AA 
\f2 tir'Ma adj. (f . (ft? tir'(hhi) slanting 
* awry ; oblique crosswise ; crossways 
askance tit' (hka dekh'rm / v.i ;> 

squint ; look 1, askance Ua£»z£<> 

tir'd&l na'zar (or nig&h') u dekk'na v.t. frown ; 
scowl ; glower (i (pjrjjptffi/tir'dtfiJ na’zar (or 
nigah!) n.f. ogle leer 

(fj? tar ah' hum n.m. mercy kindness 
' pity ; compassion 
na'zar-t tar ah' hath dal'na (or se dekh'rm) v.t. 
have pity (on) shpw mercy (to) be com- 
passionate (A ~ fA 

tarTchim’ n.f. (gram.) apocope 
I** curtailment [A3 

i)J lor ad' dud n.m. hesitation wavering; 

vacillation suspense anxiety ; worry 
delay {A ~ )j] 

Jt >J tar did' n.f. contradiction ; refutation; 

repudiation rebuttal venial 

tar did' kar'na v.t. contradict ; confute ; 
refute ; repudiate relent deny Vj/fjrsj 
tardtd’ ho'na v.i. be contradicted be 

rebutted be denied [A ~ »S] 

ta'rassnav. i. desire anxiously long 

for (f/ta'ras n.m. pity ; compassion 
tnercyfif l)Cff/ta’ras 3 na (or khs'tia ) v.i. ^ 
pity give way to compassion Or/L'lL'}' 
tarsa' tarsa' kar de'na v.t. tantalize dole 
out insufficient amounts l"U/ tar Sana v. 
tantalize cause to long for 
12 tarsa’ n.m. monk magus; fire- 
worshipper Christian suf. terrifying 

threatening ; menacing [P] 

^fjtdras n.m. fear terror cowardice 

timidity (jLt/iar'saft adj. fearful ; 

afraid timid uJCvta rasnnk adj. terrify- 
ing ; horrible (rare) terrified > 

£**2 tarisapi adj. & n.m. (same as adj. 
& n.m. ■*) 

tarisod' n.m. trident [S] 

ft/ tar soft, alar’ soft n.m. & adv. second 

day after tomorrow or before yesterday 
■^/tor'll/' n.f. despatch transmission 
remittance f/lf } sho''ba-c larsil' n.m. 
despatch section [A] “ 



'sh adj. sour acid cross ; craD- 
bed acrid ; surly Jjfstsrsh'roo adj. 
peevish cross ; crabbed surly; acrid 
tir sh-roa"i n.f. peevishness surliness 
£7 ?J 1 /tUr’sh-mizaj' adj. peevish cross ; 

— - turn^s 

late shah. n.m. acid (f'J'tur’shi n.f. 

sgirness acidity [P] 

^ J iarash’rhoh n.m. drizzle sprinkling 

tarash’ shoh kar'na v.t. sprinkle 

water over b'jfgjtarash'&hoh ho'na v.t. drizzle 

{^fyta'rashna be cut be clipped 

+0 If ♦» ** 

s^ylur'shak, if Jtur'shi n.f. - (see under (f/ 
JtDj. ★) 

jyfj taras'siid n.m. (lit.) ambush hope 
expectation [A ~ 

tarsi 1 ' n.f. setting (jewels) ; studding 
with (jewels) adornment ; bedecking 
setting out one phrase against another in cor- 
responding rhymes composing (lovely poem) 


targhib' n.f. inducement mcite- 
* ** ment persuasion temptation 
reduction OjuP/targhib' de'na v.t. induce 
incite " persuade tempt seduce ; 
(fyet targhi’b-o tahris' n.f. temptation 
(P/j^Jlarghi'b -o-lahriz' n.f. inducement 

taraq'rfl n.f. progress ; advancement 
improvement development pro- 
motion preferment „ proficiency in- 
crease ; enhancement bjfijtaraq'qi de'na v.t. 

develop promote give or allow incre- 
menf P Oil (}j inraq'qt pa'na (or mil'na 
or ha'sil kar'na) v.i. develop be promo- 
ted get increment \?J$Staraq'qi kar'na v.L 
advance : develop [A] V 

jpy lurqxm n.f. writing out figtircs [A 

^2 tur'k n.m. Turk (fig.) sweetheart ; 

beloved jffititrk-laz n.f. plunder 
spoilage depredation inroad ; incursion 


lar’k n.m. giving up quitting 
rclinguishiiig abdication desertion 
breaking (a habit) forsaking dropping 
(mission) desisting i'7 tar k kar na 
quit relinotiish ; forsake desist from 

leave out ; drop ; suit Jy'tar' k-e va'tan n.m. 
emigration I'/lfiJ/'tar'k-t va'tan kar’na V.i. 
emigrate go into exile [A] 

tnrki'rl n,f. vegetable , green (esculent) 
^ vegetables [P-^ 

jUJ turk'taz n.f. sec under * Jjtur'k n.m. -fc) 

-kash (ped. lir -) n.m. quiver 

J thr'kaman n.m. Turcoman 
j Turkoman [P] 

Sj tar' ham tar’ka n.m. estrange- 
A ment[A- J>7\ 

J y tar’kah n.m, legacy bequest estate 
(of deceased person inheritance 
tar kah bi-la vasiy'yat n.m. intestate property 
[A~ Jp-l 

J ytur'ki n.m. Turkish (language) (also 
turkiy'yah) Turkey bravery adj. 
Turkish tir'ki ba tiir'lcl javab' 

dt'na v.t. pay in the same coin ; give tit for 
tat LjffQ jstHr'ki tomam' ho’tta v.i. be all 
over (with) have courage spent up [T] 

(*!■.«/, S»ram analysis 
' composition mixture structure 
construction formation mode 
method ; plan I’l* uA/tarkU' bata'na n.f. sug- 
gest plan or way* as tarUb'batid' n.m. 
stanza ending with couplet tarklb' dt’na 

v.t. compose prepare (mixture) ; mix 
join form Ck te^JjUnkb' se thfll'na 
v.i. work methodically vfkgiJ/tarHb' kor’na 
v.t. analyte devise'; plan ; scheme 
kt,' tt tarkib' st adv. somehow or 
other by hook or by crook ypytark i to adj. 
component ; constituent composed 
'ana'sir-e larks' t$ n.m. pl. component parts; 
constituents elements going into the forma- 

,y*y tir'mira n.m. (floating) speck ocular 
speck or spectrum (caused by virtigo, 


j? tarmtm' n.f. amendment modifka-. 

J** tkm change improvements fj&Sj 

rmlm'-shU'dah adj. amended modified 
changed improved i*Xff/(^.(uidt) tarnum' 
kar'na v.t. amend modify change 
improve Vj?/fs(ify{mth) toma;n‘ ho' rid v.i. 
be amended be modified be changed 

> .. 

7.J turafij n.m. grape-fruit citron 
embroidered pattern like betel-leaf 
turavj'bin n.m. Persian manna ; lime juice 
cordial prepared in honey [P] 
imX'J taraiig n.f. caprice , whim fancy 
inebriation whizz tinkle 
rattle Jytaraft'gi adj. capricious whimsjeal 
tfjy tirafi'ga adj. tricoloured 

V « , 

r J tar an nQm n.m. singing modulation 
* taran'nhm se adv. singing (and hot 

just reciting [A] 

^ . *T . i :* .. _ . i . . 

be amended be modified 
be improved [A - 

v.t. become current come into vogue 
[A~ Q/bJ] 

y turai"i n.f. kind of cucumber (also 
tur'fil) trumpet J^^(j7tUrai"l ka pfurol* 
v.t. beedy eyes 
y ta'rl n.f. (see under j-f r) 

iy tir'ya n.f. (ped & dial, tri'ya) wonian 
(jJf, } t )Jf^Jtir‘ya dtaril'r (or cfialit ta" 
n.m. (usu. pl.’J women’s wiles or guiles; fein?,f. 
cunning^ lytir'ya'-hat n.f. female obstinacy 

(jly tir'yclq' n.m. antidote (usu. Jt/ 
** tiryakf opium (i^/tirya'ki n.m. opium 
eater adj . addict [A ~ P] 

tire’ pan adj. & n.m. fifty-three 
’ tire' panvan fifty-third ' 

\kjj tare' r a n.m. spurt (of usu. hot water) ; 
” get fomentation with spurt (of hot 
water) Isj I^Jiare'ra de'na v.t. foment with a 
spurt (of hot water) 

tarlz' n.f. gusset ; transverse piece in shirt, 
'* etc. [P] 

lire' sa ft, jr'j tiri'sath. adj. sixty-three 
„ jlt&j'tire'saik’vab adj. sixty-third 
fjjj hirin', 4 fytarih' suf. (denoting superlative 
" degrec)‘most ; greatest ; est [P] 

V tar n.f. sound of slapping, etc. ; whack 
Wtar' tar n.f. crack adv. quickly eJjtter' 
se adv. with a whack ^l^ta’ratar' adv with 
continuous whftcks 

taraq', JlAtarak n.m whack crack 
crash J ftihPiaraq' paraq, J^j'^Utralf 
parak' adv. insolently timidly 
arrogantly naught il y^J^taraq' se adv. 

witli a whack with a crash quickly 


flaraqa, l/ljttara'ka n.m. whack crack 
' crash snap smack sound of 
smoking hookah drought starvation 
tors' qa bit'na v.i. have to starve^ 
tora'qe ka (or kl) t (J)ifjy^‘tara'ke ka (or ki) 
adj. bitter (cold) scorching (heat) 

severe intense unbearable 

I’l^/tUra'na, L’b^turva'na v. break; break 

, M loose from change (money) [~ t'^VcAUs.] 
t> ^ to'rafma v.i. be uneasy ; be restless 
roll or toss about restlessly write ; 

wriggle flutte flounce be doing for 

thirst (after) ; be anxious or eager (for) 
suffer for unrequited lo vn^^ta'rap n.f. 
restlessness uneasiness great eagerness 
(lor) suffering in unrequited love passion 

(for) pain lossing flash fury 

tarpa'na v.T. make uneasy made restless 

cause to flutter cause to suffer from un- 
requited love tfitar' par b J k 7tar tar adv. 
(reply) quickly (reply) with audacity 
ta'rakfrna, iStTta'raqna v.i. crack 

split snap burst (ono.J 
Urt'ka,)j*j\jj}jvM' ka tar'ka n.m. dawn, 
day break A-i/‘tar'ke,jC&Cj}nooT' kt tarke 
adv. at dawn ; at daybreak ; in the early 
morning Ijflffiar'ka ho'na v.i. (of day) 

break be rained be beaten suffer from 

(tty to'ri n.f. beating deceit- loss 


tu'zuk (col. tutk) n.m. jximp and show 
diary memoirs {&'liSytitt!k~o thti- 
jtnf n.m. pomp and show [TJ 
/ ^iy’taz.'kijah n.m. purification ; catharsis 
** tK'kij/a* naf's n.m. purification of 

mind [A~ /;] 

tozal'iul n.m. earthquake com. 
motion trepidation (at death, etc.) 

IA~ #») 

fajy tamf n.f. marrying , taking a wife 
** „ coupling [A ~ 5')] 

Jf'J tae'sfr* n.f. bamboozling ; fraud decep- 
** tion/j?~(*b dam* ta&lr' n.m. fraudulent 
«f*p[A~*J] , m 

Uuyfn', taz'ln' N.r. make-up 
decoration ornament [A 
yrtif nmi.jjr'tii' Par ADV. par 

Wi nt. (same as underi/i 

wa»j. ♦) 

JiP tisalah adj. three-year-old triennial 


^J^Jtasa'moh n.m. pardon ; forgiveness ; 
indulgence connivance mistake 
tasamohat' n.m. pl. mistakes [A~*£* r lr / ] 

. \f ^Jtasa'hul n.m. carelessness negligence 
■ laziness ; tardiness b‘/<X&tasa’h9l 
kar'na v.i. show carelessness neglect 
be Jazy be tardy 

f*?* tasbil}' n.f. rosary chaplet glorifi- 
*** cation of God sanctification of God 
(by saying ‘Subhan Allah’) (%}.■>&$£? 
tasbil}' park'na (or pkir'na) v.t. tell ones t>eads 

fy taskhir' n.f. control subjugation 
** capture captivation control oyer 
some (evil) spirit spiritualism 'v‘J*AT 
taskhi' r-e-qUloob' n.f. winning over of 
people captivation of hearts [A] 

UJtasdr' n.f. writing ; scribbling [A~>k>l 

taskin' (lit. zteojirtas'kAli) n.f. conso- 
” lation, comfort ; soothing appease- 
ment ; pacification mitigatkm assuaging 
rest tranquillity tffyP' taskin' -bakh'A 
adj. ^soothing allaying consolatory 
taskin' de'na v.t. 1 soothe console; 
solace - t comfort; appease calm ; tran- 
quilllize fytjft&task'ln' ho'na v.i. be sooth- 
ed be consoled ; be sojaced be appeas- 
ed , be pacified [A - Jjr'\ , 
litas' la n.m. trough 

^yk^tasal’sil n.m. continuity aequence 
association (of ideas) [A~*l— 

Jtasal'lut n.m. sway ; domination [A] 


ij^tasai'li n.f. satisfaction consolation 
comfort ; solace assurance reas- 
surance tasai ti-bakh'sh adj. satis- 

factory consolatory , comforting assuring 
reassuring &>t rtasal'li dt'ra v.t. comfort ; 
console : solace assure ki tasai' ti kar'na 

v.t satisfy tasai' If. ho'na v.i. be com- 

forted be consoled be assured CrfcPw 
(ki) total'll ho'na v.i. be satisfied [A] 
jX^tastxm' n.f salutation greetings 
f " compliments acceptance , admission 
conceding granting entrusting 
surrender ^b^taslimat' n.f. pl. salutations 
int. good-morning (etc.) tastlmat' 

ba'ja la'na v.t. great pay one’s respeett 
make obeisance take leave (of) ; - bid 
adien b’/^tosllm' kar'na v.t. confer 

j-.dmit concede ; grant salute pav 
# . »». ■ . * 

homage surrender ^t(CT lasii'uro-rtzd n.f. 
surrender to another’s (particularly God’s) 
will taslim' ho’na v.i. be resigned ; be 

committed ; surrender [A ^ 

'itas'mah n.m. thong (shoe) lace 

tas'mah Is.' gu na rakk' ns v.t. sever all 
relations l ^Ptas'ma-pa adj. having lankv legs 


y-J tas'miyah n.m. christening ; naming 
" taking God’s name saving ‘bismillah’ 
[A f.i\ 

Ijlasannun n.m, following ‘Sunnah’ 
t*' profess being ‘Sunni’ tasan'nUn 

n.m. pl. the Sunnis [A ] 
l£i lasmm' n.m. name of a neavenly fountain 
f or stream [A] 

j^tas'soo n.m. one-and-s-half inch measure 

J, yStasnd' n.f. writing drafting 
** ^blackening [A 

^yJtas'viyah n.m. setting right adjustment 
*'■' putting in order ; arrangement [A~ 


Ly^tashW N.F. facilitation making easy 

tasks' boh n.m. • likeness resemblance 

* . M similitude [A 

tY&lasha' kul n.m. mutual resemblance [A~ 

» •* 

jt^tashbib' n.f. introductory^ part of ode ; 

' ^ ^amatory preface [A l? 1 
JL-) cashbih' n.f. simile comparison 

likening 0*Jptashbih' dc'nd v.t^ liken 
compare use # a simile [A-^-f-’j 
‘tashl n.m. (less usuaf spelling of 

(see under w^N-M-jir) 
iiZ**fashat'tul n.m. disunity 
J. « tashat'tut n.m. schism and disunity [A ~ 

^f-’tashakh' khUr N jj. identity identifi- 

*' r cation [A~ 

j&y taihkhls' n.f. diagnosis ascertain- 
V" ment ^valuation assessment ; 

appraisal (fXffyfy ta thkh ls' jari-b ir'Al n.f. 

annual revenue ’assessment li/j^^taskkhu' 
kar’ni v.t. jjiagnose evaluate assess; 
apgjaise 0^1/^ tashkhls -gah n.f. clinic {A~ 

tashad' dud n.m. violence third degree 
methods Ciyjj^tathad/diid hanrtna v.t. 
resort to violence [A ~ A*?} 

doubling a letter 

J/J^tashdid' n.'f. 

“ ^orthographical sign used for it [A 
fjjZ>tashctrro‘ n.m. acting on tenets of faith 


fjjPtashril/ n.f. anatomy explanation; 
»• exposition ; elucidation ; s commentary ; 
exegisisi^fv^rcf/irj^a/' n.f. pl. detailed 
comments i-, ,l -*i}J^ / i- , (ashrl'h~Ul-abdan' n.m. 
anatomy tff/J^tashrth' kar'na v.t. explain 
elucidate give details (/j^lashrik i 

anatomical detailed explanatory 
tashri'ht yad-dasht' n.f. explanatory memoran- 
dum [A~ bp) 

^fiJp/tashnf' n.f. exaltation (arch ) 
investiture -with robes jlJaip* 
tashrif arza'nl farms ’ na v.t. be pleased to 
takea seat honour with (one’s) presence 
£*;*££* tosh’ rtf' rakk'na v.i: ..take a scat 

be pleased to sit down Cb><if^taOa f /' In'na 
v.i. come ClfJ^cf^tadtrtf leja'm v.i. go ; go 
away , leave ; depart [A~4^] 

/P&tashaf'fi n.f. consolation satisfac- 
tion reassurance Vftf^taskaf’fl kar'na 

v.t. satisfy [A ~ {£>] 

^^jiUuhak'ksk n.m. doubt ; suspicion 
y ^.jcepticism [A - 

C^Cp^tashklk' n.f. raising doubts • causing 
*** suspicion making sceptical \k.~0*fit\ 
fp&tashak'kul n.m. taking shape morpho- 
logy [A-J^] 

. Liji.' lashtil n.f. formation setting up 

' organisation [A — 

tashan'nBj n.m. cramps convulsion 

spasm [A] 

^JiJtidi'nah (ped. ta&'-) adj. thirsty eager 
fld&tish'na-kam' adj. thirsty unsuc- 
cessful unlucky ; with unrequited love 
na-lab adj. thirsty with parch- 
ed lips unsuccessful un^icky eager 
with unrequited love (?• *r / tiA'na-laH‘ h.f. 
thirst having parched Upr eagerness 

failure to achieve object (ped.) 

task-) n.f. thirst ; desire ; longing ; temptation 

t^Uj* jAJ’l. 

ffitadntiS' n.f. reproach CCactV'M to*/* 0 
*’ n.f. taunts and reproach [A 
fjJgjitashrtsh' n.f. anxiety worry 
"»* disquietude [A] 

jjfltashah'kid' n.m. avowing faith by reciting 
the formula called ‘kalima-e shahadat' 



^ZJtashhir' n.f. public exposure (rare) 

" publication (rare) publicity 
tash'hir' kar'nz v.t. expose publicitylj^r^ 
tashhir' ho'ns v.i. bfc exposed publicly [A~ 

tashay'yo* n.m. profession of shite faith 
grouping [A ~ 

ryy^tasz'dUm n.f. collision clash ; 

conflict . [ A ~ SJt* ] 
jp/^jtasanlf n.f. (fl. ofo^*) 

** A# ** 

jtlJf taszrtr' n.f. (pl. of J^’k) 

*» " 

taslyjf n.f. correction ; rectification 
amendment proof-reading 
taskih' kar'nz v.t. correct ; rectify 

amend read proofs Lj} /rtasIfUf ho'nz 
v.t. be corrected ; be rectified- be 
amended (of proofs) be read [A~ ] 

QbJhasad'duq n.m. __ giving alms charity 
sacrifice tasad'dUq kar'fia v.t. 

sacrifice give charity HjjClJdtasad'dud 
kz’na v.t. . be^ sacrificed be given away 

in charity [A ~Au>\ „ 

^ijJ!g)tasdi u ah N.M.,^o>tasdl‘' n.f. annoy- 
** ance ; vexation trouble ; incon-^ 
yenience worry (rare) headache t Idld*** 
tasdi"ah uihz'nz v.t. take -trouble be 

put to inconverence worry (over) be 

vexed ; be annoyed [A] 

T4j$ tasdlq' n.f. verification certifies." 

*>• tion ; attestation affirmation 
authentication countersignature (logic) 

premise ; premiss t^iJU^tasdiq'-shudah' adj. 

verified ; certified attested ; authenticat- 
ed affirmed countesigned l'/i)jJ>tasdiq' 
kar'nz v.t. verify; certify 'attest 
confirm affirm authenticate counter- 
ngn sl'faJtasdiq'-nz’mak n.m. certificate 
testimonial I'jfJj^tasdiji' ho'nz y.x. be 
verified be certified *j£rs<j$<4tasdVqi dast'-khzt 
n.m. countersignature [A~ 

tasar'r&f n.m. possession use 

' expenditure disposal extravagarice 
change tampering with Urduization 
(etc. of foreign word) taking backj^iijy^ ' 
L*]l ap'ne tasar'r&f meh la’nz v.t. put to one’s 
own use tefyJtasat'ritf e bi'jz' n.m. misappro- 
priation ;"embezzlement ; defalcation 
tasarrVfat’ n.m. Pl. sum-total of expenses 
(unauthorized) changes tf^tarsar'rtifi n.f. 
aoj. (food) for servants (opp. -*'•£) 

S.jOhasriH n.f. clarification elucid- 

ation explanation V^tj/^tasriN kar’rOL 

v.t. clarify elucidate [A ~ 

. . *r tasrif n.f. conjugation declen- 

sion inflection conversion 
change from one state to another [A~tijy] 
Ju^tasghir' n.f. diminutive form 1 is’m-e 
” tasghir' n.m. diminutive (form of) noun 

l A a^ 

Jjp/ffitas'fiyah n.m. decision settlement 
** disposal reconciliation rapproche- 

ment purification : (of mind) purgation 
’purity fyah karz'nz v.t. cause to 

be ’reconciled (’Xjf*** tas'Jiyah kar'nz v.t. 
decide settle reconcile ; tasfyah' 

ho'nzv.i. be settled be decided [A - Li**] 
L ..L ^taslib N.F.- crucifixion [A-w^] 


fit# t as an' ns 1 n.m. hypocrisy 

^ [A~^] 


n.f. writing compilation 
** book literary (or other) workftf 4 ' 

v/lastiS' kar'nz v.t. write (book etc.) 
compile compose tasiAf ho'nz v.i. 

(of book) be written be composed*!^!?’ 
ftaqq-t' tasittf' n.m. copyright^fc^owil/df', 
CjglJJtaszriif' n.f. pl. books works 
writings [A] 

jy£)tasav'vBr n.m; idea conception 
~ fancy ; imagination contemplation 
reflection apprehension (logic) term Jjf** 

Mjtasav'vUr kar'na v.i. imagine ; fancy 

picture to oneself ; think ; believe con- 
sider [‘jfj/^tasao'vUr ho'nz v.i. be thought 
bejeonsidered ; be believed [A 
,*1 j0i taraa'ilUf n.m. mysticism Sufism 

.. [A~^J 

f^lasvlr' n.f. photograph; photo 
v picture painting portrait image 

likeness (fA ijj/dlasw' banja'nz v.i. be 
struck dumb ; be' Sumb founded ilfyyoUastUr'- 
khn'nah n.m. picture gallery &)/*> Ifk^tasvir’ 
ka doos'rarukh ph. the otl^r side of picture 
khen&na v.t. , take a snap 
draw a gicture paint a picture 

portray j>y*tfr"' i ak'si lasvir' n.f. (arch.) photo- 
graph ; photo [A~*Sfcy*] 

' - M - contradiction contrast 
^consistency [A~a>] 

J&tJtazhlk' n.f. ridicille derision 

mocking (Cl* * lS». lA ; V/Js* 



kv'na (or ktr&sha'nah ban’s' »a)v.T. ridicule 
expose to ridicule deride mock [A ~ 

* tozar'ro ' n.m. humility supplication 

U/* lamentation [AJ 

tfitazmin' n.f. citation of anchor poetJs„ 
ofST live or couplet on one’s verse 
farmin' kar'nay.T. site another line in one’s 

verse [A ~ 

W&rtaz’V n.f. 

tnr-A' rzz tat T N.F. waste spoil- 
Qf- ing i£>l}jl£??tazyi' l ~e auqat's.r. waste 
of time idling ; lounging [A l>] 

... .fteM Aity h.m. conformity concur- 
U. rcnce congmity [A~J>] y , - 
, - tata'vsl n.m. high-handednessJyj^^Ij'Uo 

(JD& das't-e tata’val daraz kar’na ph. show 
hig h-handedness (towards someone) 

~jjplatbiq‘ n.f likening comparison 
tatbiq dt’na v.t. make exactly 
alike** compare [- A 
<7 taihir’ n.f. purification purgation 

taza'lum n.m. complaint (against) 
f" injustice endurance (rare) cutting 
down (someone’s) rights : usurpation (mis- 
takenly) oppression VJj[t^&$yjdas’t-e tazal’lum 
dtii z' kor’na V.T. complain or pray against 
oppression (mistakenly) show high-handed- 
ness [A ~ Jdf) 

• - ta'a'rkz n.i*. — 7 

(jJ'r frontation contention [A~ ( y>] 

fa'a'rfi/ n.m. introduction prea 



lotion (at court or in society) preface 
VjUj ta'a'ruf kara'na v.t. introduce (some- 
one) toty^Jj v (^/a‘a'r«/ pai'da kar'ns v.t. 
gejrto know ‘(someone) [A ~ 
fj-la'a'qib n.m. chase pursuit ; 

* & ta'a'qitb kar'ns v.t. chose pursue 

I qub , 

itSta'a'la adj. most high , exalted ifyuta’al- 
allah' int. God be exalted how 
lovely [A~y*] 

(j). *ia‘a'vun n.m. co-operation 1 mutual 
*3 van kar'ns v.t. co- 
operate (with) 

^ 0 ^ta“ ab n.m. fatigue exertion [AJ 

_ « 

mfta’blr' N.F. interpretation (of dream) 
yl “' explanation putting up (new) construc- 
tion (on words) /^ta’bir'.go' n.m. interpre- 
ter of dreams [A -t^Lf'j 

7la l 'biyah n.m. concealment plastering 

* accoutrement make-up ; getting ready 
Jfta'aj'jub n.m. surprise astonish-- 

ment amazement admiration 
{par) ta'aj'jub kar’na \!yt^^//ko) ta’aj'jub 
ho'na v.i. be surprised wonder • admire 
be amazed [A - L 

ijf) ta'jil' n.f. haste ; hurry quickness;.. 
v- 'rility expedition despatch V/fU? 
te(,' na v.i. -hurry; expedite act 
with -.espatch adj. express (letter, 

telegram, ttc.) la' ji'li jaqsim' n.m. 
express delivery jjtJf&jj'jfijg'tajUl ks’r-e 
thfijatih ba'vad prov. fruit of haste is repen- 
tence [A~^ 

I „ta‘dad' n.f. number strength CCf'j.hM 
ta’dsd' bats' na v.t. give or tell the 
number ot[A~jjfi) 

2 -la’ ad' dad n.m. frequency being more 
^ than one being numerous ; targe 
number ta'ad’dud-e itdivaj * (or 
azvsj) n.m. polygamy simultaneously 
having more than one wife [A- jj#\ 

* "ta'ad'di n.f. cruelty oppression 

ty ranny (rare) transgression [A 
i/7tpiil'H.r. making balances equalisa- 
K. tion adjustment proper functioning 
correct performance ^ (fj '(JhJ ta'dl'l-t arksn 
n.f. (in prayers) correct performance of various 
postures [A~ (Jltf) 

•J7la‘a r'ruz n.m. opposition hindrance 

US getting in the way \7/\m) 
st ta’ar’ruz (na) kar’na v.t. (not) to stand in 
the way of [A 

u/JaT/a rii’ N.F. Arabicization [A] 

jd^ta’riz' n.f. hint 
U"S sly hit [A ~Jy\ 

• n.f. praise; 

veiled reference 

fjp!j ta ' ri f' N - F - praise ; admiration ; com- 

•ts mendation definition (polite form 

used for) name definition ; making (noun) 
definite use of definite article (before noun) 
V)#l ta'rif'^ kar’na praise admire^ 
kar'ttmihk' soakh'naOgbk 
“a'ri'fofi kt pH! b&tidk'na^y.T. lavish 
praise ; praise very highly kl ta'rlf’ 

ph. may I know your (or the other person’s) 
name [A~^»*] 

~-~ta'’ziyat n.f. condolence ztyat 

*Z!s kar’na v.t. condole J&ijta'tljat na’ma/t 
n.m, letter of condolence **' 

7 toyin’ n.f. Fixation determination 

./•fag h«f' n.m. mason’s lime-pit heap 
jU'of mud, masonry, etc.tfjy/agha'rt n.f. 

trough [P] 

jj./jfagha/tif N.m. indifference inadvert- 
te ance unmindfulness neglect - neglf 
gence/ [p^PO/tagha'/fif shi‘ar\ 
ktsh adj. indifferent unmindful "[A- 

w \.r , ta|h'4i>«A n.m. nutrition feeding 
nourishment [A ~ \j&] 

i sf toghaz'zut amatory poetry composi- 
tit ion of ode love element in poetry 

ecstasy of love [A - (J'fi] 

^Jtafhal'lub n.m. domination [A- 


i N.F. contradiction proving 

<4 to be wrong putting in the wrong [A - 


•jiaghay'ygr n.m. ^change alteration 
mutation ciiyf^lafbay'yur-o tabad'dil n.m. 
changes ^alterations upheaval 
mutations tafh ay'yur har'ns v.t. 
change alter entering mutations 
lsf»a/j*r ho’na v.i., be changed be 
Mitered ^l^iafhayya rat' n.m. change 
alterationT^U'j't^piiJlf'ajy'Sra't-r har sa'tah 
x.w. annual record *of rural mutations [A~ 

'^tafhtir'^N.F. change fat', 

r-e rafig' n.f. change of state 

[A ~ jy\ 

. *a! «Sf n m. vapour steam [P] 

# *rigfN.M. , curse _ (rare) spittle int. 
shame ; fie^/^,^#/' Aat a/ par ph. 
shame curse be on him (etc.) [~P^if] 

4 ttSl ta f a '!<h ar n.m. boast ; vaunt vain 


■^iftofasir' N.f\ pl. commentaries ; exegeti. 
• / *» cal works or wiitings (A ~ sinct^-*^] 

ml' n.f. pl! detail 

*• ..‘tiqf&'vit N.m. difference disparity 
diversity fA-*#] 

n.m. augury taking good 
^ otnen(A~J(J] 

tof'iah (rare) adj. parched n.m. (fig,) 

^ lover 

taftish' n.f. investigation inquiry 
w^** research jara'im n.f. 

research (A1 

criminal investigation {y^j(J%ivftqi q-o laftlih 
n.f. research [A} 

^Joltafah'hus n.m. search research |A1 

m Uta/ar'ruj n.m. recreation p| f&^tafar' ruj- 
Qy gsk n.f. place of recreation [AJ 
m •’itaf'tiqak n.m. dissension sabisrh 
division discord separation 
differences fjl^bjjji(^ta/'riqa atda't (or 
pardat') n.m. * one sowing seeds of dissension 
dhmpUonht , yj!^^j'}tjljjJ'tef'r!gd ahda'4 
(or parda'd) N.f. sowing of dissention 
disruption taf'riqah da'tna v.t. dis- 

rupt create dissension ; sow seeds of discord 


y tdfar'nxj n.m. (rare) Westernization [A~£ 
Vr Frank] .*• 

S£tafrik' n.f. (pi*.iZ\tfrtafrtfat') entertain- 
&/ ment amusement diversion fun 
jest stroll recess ; mid-morning break 
^{/^tafri'fan, Anv. by way of amusement 
jestingly , for tun gt£yJtofri'A-t tab'- 
n.f. cheerfulness ; hilarity amusement 
V/&}> ta f ,ih ' ^ ar na V T - refresh oneself 
take a stroll amuse oneself 
^j^tajris' n.f. Persianization [A ~ P] 

/ ..“ttafrit' n.f. minimizing lower extre- 
"j* mity [h~ bf\ 

n.f. subtraction differenti- 
Uy ation split-u P Ofyjtytof'iq' 'fal 'na v.i. 

create dissention “disrupt i,‘/jjf^Jtafr'q’ 
kar'na v.t. subtract differentiate [A~ 


.•tlafsir' n.f. exegesis of the Holy Quran ; 

Quranic exegesis exegetical writing 
commentary [A) a/ »j 

Sflafsil’ n.f. detail particulars 

\;f tafsil’ bay' an kar'na,lfy*fV~iqf'sir 
kat'na v. detail ; give details ; explain in full 
var adj, in detail ; detailed 
At l infni' Anv item wise in detail* 

yJ tofsilai' n.f: pl. details 

. *• / Jt, 

culars [A~ 4 ^] 

, 'jZ tafzial' n.m. comparison excellence 
1%; pre-eminence tafifi' mm. 
adjcctive.of comparative or superlative degree 
ba'Jiji.T. comparative degree 
(of adjectives) kutj n.f. super- 

lative degree (of adjectives) ^^•'fa/a'/-* 


ucf'ft n.f. positive degree (of adjectives) [A ~ 

-•ttfaq'qfii N.M. kindness ll/j^tafaq'qQd 
kar'a v.T. show kindness (to) lA~jj££] 
tqfaq'qoh n.m. discrimination 

knowledge beiog conversant with 
Muslim jurisprudence [A~ ] 

jfffi tafak'htr n.m. thoughtfulness re- 
Action cogitation meditation 

n.f. musket gun [P~ 

•gjtafaa'nbn n.m. diversion pastime, 
Cr amusement ; entertainment 
tafan'Wn-t-tab' 1 n.m. diversion of mind 
amusement [A~ £ ] 

« ytafae'vuq n.m. superiority pre> 

cedence (£«r) lafav'vuq 

faill ho'ia v.i. have precedence over 


toils' n.f. entrusting dele- 

gation (of righto etc.) giving 

(woman) away in marriage without dowry 
«*k 'z-t ikhtijsm’ N.M. Ft. 
delegation of powers (A j 

rfi-tqfok'ham n.f. understanding ; getting 
know [A~ £ ] 

'Jgttafhim' n.f. f teaching, instructions 
causing to understand 
Mf n.f, fl. explanation elucidation 
adds to understanding l A ~ ] 

L?-taqab{il n.m. . encounter com- 

pari son [K~ji ) 

Np ' ^ PI " 

l/j&taqarir’ n.f. (fl. ofyj^N.F. *) 

. • n.m, dun importunity 

***** demand urgency $/l) 
taqaza’-t-iin , (or.^'fiw’r) adv." demands or 
age, taolus '•< shaft d' n.m. 

. strong pressure ; great stress 
Utqaa‘-**vaq't n.m. call of times 
IsfS'eS iar'na v.T. urge press 
importune dun^tjs&agaea'i n.m. dun 

i~**Uya'l8r N.M. distillation. falling 
in drops drizzle [A~ gJaS\ _ 
n.m. intersection [A ~ £?} 

rjteJB'si n.f, "taccavi’ ; pecuniary 
'<•)*** advance to peasantry for capital ex- 

diversion pastime 

. * L 


diversion of mind 

penditure [A] 

j?“taqaiim l n.f. pl. „ calendars al- 
manacs [A ~ SING. (J*\ 
t'^ljtaqod'dus n.m. sanctity lioliness 

t m jX< u r / jj$ laf l a d'd\is-’nc‘ , &b' adj. holy,; 

’ sacred N.M. (as title) His Holiness [A ~ } 

I y£jtaqbil' n.f/ (lit.) kissing [A] 

"taqad'dum n.m. priority precedence 

(in time, order or rank) advance ; 
moving forward (A ~(j?] 

•Sj taqdir' n.f. luck fate fortune 
'{r destiny lot predestination ; 

luck^ „ divine decree (rare) estimate 

VbjiSja) taqdir' aztna'tta v.i. try one’s luck 
t 'V&Adtaqdir' bi'garna v.i. fall on 

evil days come under an evil star bj&jSd 
taqdir' phtrna (or pa’latna) v.i. Have 
change in circumstances L (.* Ut^j y&L,) 

£tfjS) taqdir' phoot'na (or pkooi janabr so*ja'aa) 
v.i. face hard time come^under an unlucky 
Star fall on evil days ^i^ZSTtaqdir' jag'na 
(or lar'na) v.i. have luck ;* have a stroke 

(good or bad) change of fortun 
taqdir ks lik'kha (or ba'da) n.m. 'lot ; fg tr 
divine decree writing on the wall fyft fJjSS 
taqdir' ka hi’ta n.m. unlucky bloke*; unfor- 
tunate person taqdir' ka 

A’ge tadtir' na'fttn shal'R prov. "there, is no 
cure for bad luck ; none can, withstand what 
is decreed by heaven [A ~ jj9\ 

i ~ taqdis' n.f. sanctity sanctification 
L/,'*** glorification [A-^/'jJ] 
j ~~taqdim' n.f. presentation prece- 

y*^ dence [ A ~ J 

taqar'rUb N.M. nearness ; proximity 

access; xppto&chil/^Utm^taqar'mb 
haul kar'na v.T. have accesr obtain 
proximity [A - 

m ~taqar'rur n.'m. appointment nomi- 

taqribat') 4 function ceremony 
festival occasiinl^^hffl'iai adv, about 
nearly approximately round about 
[A-u^J] .. 

j-rtaqrir‘ n.f. (VL.jgUttaqarir’) speech 
oration discourse address talk 


lecture (rare) comment taqrir' 

kar'na make or deliver a speech ; speak 
lecture address ; give an address give 
a discourse give a talk taqri'ri adj. 

verbal ; oral declamation (contest, etc.) 


.. - .taqriz n.f. (critical; appreciation 

JVf favourable review [A) 

•tflaq'sim n.f. division partition 
distribution apportionment. cir- 
' culation jf^^tagsim-e ksr' n.f. division 
of work tat l s i m ' kar'na v.t. di- 

vide distribute apportion, .partition 
share (between) laqsi'm-r-- 

mttrak'kab N.F. compound * division 
tnqsi'm-t muj’rad n.f. simple division t&fCT 
taq&'m-e mukam'mal n.f. division-jwithout 
remainder , exact divisionvtfCT^JfftfJim 
n&’mah n.m. partition deed taqsim' 

ho'na v.i. be divide be shared be 
partitioned be distributed be apoortion- 
ed f A ~ ) 

s "“jtaqsir' n.f. , mistake ; error omission 

shortcoming , defect fault sin 
crime ; guilt ; [A ~jj& ] 

V? taqtir ' n.f. distilatlion falling drop 
yg**by drop JjfJJ&taqfl’T Ul-hauf N.M. 
painful discarge of urine in drops [A ~ 
g£taqa‘' N.F. scanning size (of book, 

paper, etc.) [A~ ] 

J^taqUd' n.f. conformation ; conformity; 
being a conformist followipg in the 
footsteps (of) emulation I'Jj^taqkd' kar^ 
ni v.t. conform follow emulate (iyj** 

taqk'dl adj. conformist [A ~ 
ihflaqtU' N.F. minimising diminution . 

diminishing pjfjl&i** taqULe if a' dak 

n j\ diminishing utility iftj&taqhl-t ha'sil 
n.f. diminishing returns 
i ~Jjtdq va n.f. fear of God piety 
abstinence ; abstemiousness fijJJjilah'l-i 
taq'v a (or aik’.) n.m. pious persons God- 
fearing persons abstemious persons [A~ 


„ •utaq'mjat n.f. strength strengthe- 
ning support \jyCfy* *>taq'viyat dt'na 
v.t. strengthen backup 

/■„ *T taqvim’ n.f. (pl. ^CjQftaqavlm') al- 
y’r manae calendar JijkjfJyP taqvl'm-e 

pari'nah, N.F. past year’s*almanac (fig.) 
worthless things ; outdated or outmoded stuff 
taqvi'mf adj. calendar ^j^y^taqvi'nd sal 

n.m. calendar year [A] 
p/ ta'qi ADJ. pious 

devout abste* 

-"taqa/yid n.m. condition; proviso 
restriction {A — 

•”7 taqiy’yah n.m. permissibled subterfuge 

nr [A -ctyfi 

/ 'tak prep. till until to up to 

towards as far as ; so far as 
jCtuk n.f. (fig.) relevance ; sense ; justi- 
fication (rare) ryhme fff. ^^ tak'- 
batidl n.f. insipid versification 
tak’ nuk tuk' mils' na v.t. agree (with) ; play 
second fiddle (to) ^Tf^-bt-tuka n.m. un- 
reliable person outward or difficult adj. 

without rhyme or reason ; unjustified 
meaningless irrelevant n,F- 

bosh ; nonsense adj. nonsensical inrele- 
vam tf'l(f2~be-iuki hank'ni v.t. talk non- 

sense , 

j y*tik'k&, ^y"tik'kah n.m. bit or piece of 
flash grilled piece of flesh 
ka bo' ti kar'na v.t. tear to pieces hack 
mangle pull to pieces 

t/ftOk'ka n.m. grainless cob pointless 
missible mere conjecture . guessyj'jf 
'la'ga to tlr' na'hlfi to tuk'ki prov . 
a dart wide of the mark is no better than a 

■la J* taka'sUl n.m. laziness ; indolence . care- 
U i T lessness [A ~ A^] 

takalif ' n.f. (pl. of 4 j*<Jr*N.F. ★) 
“t/ftakan n.f. fatigue; tiredness 

taksn UlSr’na (or door‘s kar'na) v.t. & I. 
give or take some nsik^ff^iakan' duri'na, 
v.i. b tired be fatigued [doublet of 


Tyjakari n.f. shaking jerk Is^flytakan 
dt'na v.t. jerk [P] ^ 

gj! tckab'bur n.m. pride; conceit; haughtiness 
arrogance egotism insolence 
(rare) loftiness [A~ yf) 
fftekbir' n.f. praise of God repetition 
yT, die words ‘Allah-o Akbar’ takbir' 
ann ouncem ent of initiation of congregational 
prayers Jf* } ^JftakH'r-t oo'la n.f. initial 
‘takbir’ (f/^takbir' kaih’na v . t . announce 
initiation of congregational prayers repeat 
the words 4 Allah-o Akbar' \>%$) (p») takHT 
park'm v.t. (begin to) slaughter animai in 
I Muslim way [A ~ / ^") 




K > 

jL Qik' tik n.f. & i nt. (same as £ *£. 
fakh ' takh n.f. & int. -fr) 

&£taks1r' n.f. increase ; augmentation ; 
y£ multiplication f j( ff^'tqksi'r-e if a dak 
n.f. ' increasing utility J^f^^’taksi'r-e ha'sil 
n.f. increasing returns [A~ &ff\ 

, Astaksif' n.Fj, condensation density 


/ftakad'dUr n.h. turbidity disquietude 
JJT unpleasantness misunderstanding 

./£tak&b' n.f. contradiction falsifica- 
tion t, , jLsj£iakzik' kar'na V.T. falsify 
contradict [A~wjtf 

ifftakrar' n.m. tautology repetition 

argument altercation contention 
tokrar’ ko'na v.i. argue ; quarrel 
(tfl/ftakrar' kar’na v.t. quarrel ; argue 
repeat (fjjf'takra'ri ADJ. contentious 
querulous [A~ j\ 

J rthakrim' n.f. respect honour 

reverence fcfriS'iakrini' kar'na v.i. show 
respect t lakrim' ho'na v.i. be shown res- 
pect [A~ 7 */] 

fMfftak’rb adj. {r.tff'lak'ri) stout well- 

/ftakas'sur n.m. (math.) carrying figures 

(rare) beihg shattered [ A 
^fiakgir' n.f. (math.) carrying figures 
^ shattering [A ~ \ 

Itpt* takafful n.m. support ; maintenance i A ~ 

•jfftakfir' n.f. infidelity charge ex- 

j/TT communication \_K~Jfif] 
jtfrtakfln n.f. shrouding V/tfjf'takf in' kar'na 
v.T. shroud [A—^, y\ 
y> tuk’kal n.f. diamond sliaped paper kite 

.hAlak'la n.m. spindle (j tak'le kc sc 

r bd mkal'na v.t. bring '(someone) to his 
sense* ; put (someone) to rights l'/; 
sookh’ kar lak'la ho'na v.i. grow the very lean 
peak and pine 

# J^takal'luf n.m‘. formality ceremony 
inconvenience ; trouble ; pains 
lavish expenditure Jf^/u^takal’luf bar ia'raf 
AOV. ceremony aside ; frankly spealdng ; 
tube fraakfe/tj ^T S^y& iakari Uf ba'ratna (or 
Aar'xS) v.i. stand on ceremony tafcp 
pains he ceremonious ,Ja^,be-takul'lUf adj. 

unceremonious plain frank forth- 
right informal (of friend) free^j^J^** 

iakullofa f n.m.. pl. ceremonies formali- 
ties iSslfijfyfj ras'mi takallufaf n.m. fl. for-> 
malities specious cordiality* 

maj'lisi takallufaf n.m. pl. etiquette 

social ceremony [A] 

jytakal’lUm n.m. speech , speaking 
I conversation [A ~ f ] 

, yrtaklif n.f. trouble ; inconvenience 
difficulty ; hardship suffering 

torment ; affliction (rare) responsibility 
l*(g fy uika’na v.i. suffer be 

put to inconvenience undergo hardship 

Ci fjpJ &taklif' de'na v.t. trouble put to 
or cause inconvenience vex ; annoy 
taklif kar'na, v.i. take the trouble 
taklif-e ma'-la yutaq' n.f. unbearable 

trouble staggering or overwhelming responsi- 
bility [A] / 

iB’taffmilah n.m. appendix [A~ (JU] 

^tuk'mah Jim. button-hole loop ; eyelet 
sS tuk'mah n.m. cord knob 

and eyelet (as outmoded button and button- 

takmil' n.f. completion implementa- 
(/•* tion ; execution authentication 
consumatijon conclusion termination 
c *Cfy*f'takm' l-e tamos' sUk n.f. execution of 
bond (jpfyJf'l.akml'l-e rah'n (coh rth'n) N.F. 
termination of mortgage £/$gf‘iakn8l' kar'na 
C[£~f£k?(SvJ (ps'ya-c) takmil' ko puhMfka'na 
v.t* complete autlienticate execute ; 
implement ) (P&'y 3 -*) tokn&T ko 

pahufich'na, (yjj^lakmil’ ho'na v.i. be 
complete 'conclude terminate be 
executed ; be implemented [A ~^(/J 
."/’tak’na V.t. & i. look at gaze store 

at ogle expect &%>(($(&) rah’ tok’na 
v.t. wait for ; look out (for) &%lj,!{paraya 
hath, tak’na V.T. depend upon (someone) : be 
parasitical (,*( Pjftok'ki laga'na v.i. stare 

f niya adj. three-cornered ; triangular ( ~ 


jj'takt&ri n.f. creation bringing 
Genesis [A-^l/5 

jfitok'yah n.m. pillow bobter reliance 
•• support prop hermitage (, ’jlglQ 
(par) tak’jah kar'na v.t. depend (on); “rely 


la' g-n-po, g-n-taz' n.f. running 

about search endeavour gallop 
Mg-o-dau' n.f. running about endeavour 

t p L 

.*&tigad'dam n.m. clique of three ; cliques 
f ~ entanglement of (strings of) three 

fytsgarg' n.m. (lit.) hailstone [P] 

■y m 

tt&ig'm, adj. (f. g tig’nt) > threefold 
triple triplicate ; thricej/^^if^Tig'rri k& 
ndfft' naffcva'na Pit. dance r (somoene) to 
one's tune harass [ ~ + cA 

frtig'gt n.f. a three (in cards) [ - ut\ 


LtiV n.m. sesame-seed : sesamum pupil 
U of eye small particle ^ mole^/v'^tiT 
hard.' bar adj. very little cha'uali n.f. 

rice mixture adj. grizzled f til-chat' ts n.m. 

. -L .1— - 

JfiVtalatum n.m. storm dashing ; buffiet- 
| ’ ing (of billows) [A - ^ ] 

I, Ttata'fi n.f. making amends re- 
0- compensc ; compensation reparation 
vJljtf 'alafi kar'nu v.t. compensate 
make amends lyjjljr tala'fi ho'nS v.t. be re- 
compensed Lsb’iftiftcla'fi-t ma-f at' ph. letting 
bygones be bygones JA] 

• , J* tali' mU<ih Jslftalamiz’ n.m. (pl. Xf 

fz M M. *) 

Ifrtula'nu v.t. (see under O’ tQl'na v.i. ^r) 

jj^taia’'o n.m. pool pond lake 

L^Ziila'iat n.f. (of the Holy Quran) read- 
ing recitation [A] 

i SftrJhLi n.f. impersonation disguise 
C/- * deception counterfeiting (currency) 

j i.} f .• .. //Iiirnwv co vinrr 

(personation disguise 
counterfeiting (currency) 

cockroach lO'J’tll' ch/ita'na v.(. (as wedding | ^'tal'bijah n.m. (during ‘Haj’) saying ‘lab- 
rite) cause to^jecome hen-pecked l^i baik assurance of being at God’s 

t*j rStil’ dhar'ne ki ja'gah na ho'na v.i. (of place) 

. be overcrowded : be filled to capacity 
al’-bkQg'ga N.M. crushed jsesamum sweet- 
meat til'-shak'ri, 

til ADV. little by little ti'lofi 

meh id' na'Mt nrr. you can’t hope to have 
your way with so-and-so \J^til'va n.m. sweet 
sesamum rolls [P] >t 

C Ttal pref. low down fjtljftal-nag’ra 
U adj. & n.m. (W. dial.) sly person avoiding 
looking others in the face [ - ^C] 

,r Ml*, n.m. sole (of shoe) coating 
V* clump (of) shoes bottom ground flour 
l/jjfMla dt'na v.t. coat bottom of (saucepan) 
with fuller’s earth, etc. # „ 

£ til' la n.m. drawn gold gold lace^/Ufk 

^ til’la-sa'd N.F. gold-lace making 

,r ti'lla dan n.m. (dial.) alms equal to dis- 
tributor’s weight { ~ Cljf] 
ftjlL tala’ turn n.m. being mutually necessary 
( yj^tala'zUmah n.m.; (in speech, etc.) 
mechanical use of words relating to one idea 

Ttalash' n.f. search quest 1%/** 
^ talash' kar’na v.t. search for ; seek 
ma'dsh' n.f. search for em- 
ployment ; job-hunting n.f. search 

tf* baik ’ ; assurance of being at God’s 

beck and call 

i ±£tal'pat adj. topsy-turvy ruined 

U ' , V wasted lost [ ~(Jtal] „ 
if ^ lal'fhhat n.f. sediment [ — Jrtal) 

yta'lcjihna v.i. feel uneasy be test- 

is less loss (from pain, 
tal’tthoo mal'dkhao kar' na,^l(jy^jfa/^"’tat dijuoh 
mal'ftooti kar'na v.i. be fidgety 
•X'tal'kh adj. bitter pungent mtj. 

palatable - acrid ; acrimonious 

talkh-ab' /{& talkh-a'bah^tjM. bitter water 
wine bitternmiC^^trd'kh haql'qat n.f. 
unpalatable truth Z/tf£~talkh-kam adj. 

unpalatable truth talkh-kam adj. 

frustrated (person)^j(^/ talkk-ka'mi n.m. frust- 
ration fgtalkh-go, fig tat kh-nava' adj. 
person saying bitter things ; uttering unplat- 
able truths tal'kh-go"l, talkh- 

na ra'‘as n.f. utterance of unpalatable truths 

j£~tal'kh-miz&j ' ‘ adj. surly kTtit 

mi&ji n.f. surliness Ud'kfrodM’i. 

n.m. vicissitudes of life adj. sour and bitter 

&& Kjr - (fi«) 

various aspects of life y tat kit d.t. 
bitterness acidity pungency acrimony 

unpleasantness • bad blood [P) 

Jftalkhls' n.f. abridgment V. 
( J ** ka’rns v.t. abridge [A] 


• •rtalaz'ziiZ n.m. enjoyment; deriving pleasure 

-V[A ~^] 

JTtul'sl n.f. sweet basil 


t % uP talaflOf n.m. kindness favour gjjl 
^’ob k az ra'h-e tala' luf adv kindly ; gra- 
ciously talat'tuf karna v.T. do favour 

show kindness [A ~ ^gh>] 
t Zta'laf n.m. destruction , ruin loss 

waste VJ^d^ialaf kar'tja v.t. 
destroy ; ruin waste ; squander lose 
ta'laf ho'na v.i. be destroyed be 
ruined be wasted . be squandered [A] 
i* Zj^tala/'fnz n.m. pronunciation ^ 

ka lalaffuz ho' nav-.i. {of word) be pro- 
nounced [A 

fijltialqin' n.f. persuasion religious tn- 
struction (esp. at death-bed) pronounc- 
ing the creed to urge dying person to repeat it 


jfeta'lak adv {arch, or col. form of <_*v“ 
adv. ★) 

Jrti'lak n.m. (dial.) colour-mark placed by 
Hindus on brov/tf j[pj lm Xy~ti’lak-dhan 
n.m. one daily besmearing brow with ‘tilak’ 
($ l _Jy~ti'l a k lags' na v.t besmear (one’s 
brow) with ‘tilak’. - /•_ m 

dT talal'li (dial tul'tuli ) n.f. jet , spurt 

0 talal'li bshdk'ns v.T. direct a jet \JpjJ," im“ 
talal'li bahiknzt v.t. spurt out 

• £ talam'muz n.m. being or becoming a pupil 

studentship sha'raj-e 

talam'muz ho'na v.t. be a ptfpil of [A - 
<•. j L talmala ni v.t. be impatient be 
v res tless . feel uneasy fret 

talmala' hat J^'tal'maU «■*. uneasiness 
Jr et ting 

lalmlh’ n.f. (pl. talmihat') allusion 

O .J[A ~ ^ „ 

• l talmiz' n.m. (pl tala' mizak or JLs0> 

tahrmz') pupil student [A] 

.*/*to/’na v fry roast talvs'na v.t 
have (something) fried 
P'tS/'na v.t. {see underlay v.t. *) 

'C’tilanga n.m. (during British occupation 
#f the sub-continent) native soldier in 
Western uniform (owing to original batches’ 
training in Telingana) Telegu-speaking per- 

soi tilofigl’ n.f; Telegu 
fCial'v a, 0? tala' n.m. sole (of foot) 

* il/ fjb'tal'va khvja'na v.i. 

(of sole) itch have a foreboding of travel 
\Jj j\J>~tal'w na lag'i ta^v.i. be restless, be 
impatient gjl v °h se 3 S’ log' na v.i. 
be in a rage ' al ' wil se 

lag'na sir' men JO. kt ‘bvjk'na v.t be greatly 
hurtp^^jj,^ to i non se mal'na v.t. trample 
von se ankhet mal'na . v . t . 
evince humility be meel^jl t/b)l£\fz£tal've 

ehat'na (or saihla'na ) v.T. fawn on ' flatter 
coax cajole ; today l / 'y^j J ^£ r /tal've ckkal'n i 
ho'na v.i. have a tiresome journey have 
run about a lot have endeavoured much 
\Z$£Z’'£.ftal've se tag'nn v.i. follow meekly I'M!/ 
iLtalwar n.f. sword sabre scimitar 

talvar' chala'na v.t. strike with a sword 

put to the sword n. M i-fencing f^jj^talvar' 
ejiat'na v i. be fighting with swords n.m. 
sword-fight (ffitfjlf’talvar' ka dka’ni n.m. good 
swordsman \£y'j!jftalvar' soht'na , \jf 'alvar' 

kheiieh'na i v.i. draw the sword , unsheathe the 
sword talvar' ka gha‘‘o n.m. sword-cut; 

sword-wound i'/jtt ('isj/j^U/l/'lalvar' miyan' 
(or neyam') men kur'na v.i. sfieathe the sword 
ron kt clia'oii men ph well- 
guarded ; under shadow of swords 
nangr talvar’ li'ye- adv with a drawn sword 
bj/'tal' varya n.m. swordman 

j •jj / "nlvansalt l ‘J , tllauitda,\X/tilaufi'sa ADJ. (of 
* lamp) aslant (to bring oil nearer wick) 
Vtulav'vun n.m. fickleness capriciousness 
ar da/ ‘talav vun-e tab'' n.m. capri- 
ciousness fickle-mindedness gjy>{0/ialav ‘ vitn 
mizaj' adj. capricious whimsical 
fickle-minded (f'.i/fy/talao'eun mizaji n.f 
capriciousness fickle-mindedness [ A ~ ] 

£ til'll n.f. spleen milt this as food 

r ta'le adv. on the groundfloor down 
under , below beneath ke ta'le 
adv. at the bottom of at the foot of 
ta'le oo'par adv one upon the other 
Jg" ta'le oo'par ke adj. (of children) born 
, in luccession jjl j ta'le oo'par ^ki auUti’ 
n.f. children born in succession ta 'le pet' 
na v.i. sleep on the floor * 

| da ni N F - needle-pouch . housewife 

^ji/talai'ht, ^ttalat'tki n.f submontane 
0 *' region 

j^til'yar n.m, starling 

^ UWfcrstON. (nominative) you 

{fl?fems'siif n.m. similarity ; likeness ; re* 
V semblance [A ~ 

tiSj lamud ' di n.f. (lit.) passage (of time) 

V*** duration (tltf^/tomad'di-e ayyniri n.f. 

passage of time (A ~ 
vrtoma'rKt n m. valetudenarism 

C#* malingering 

^jj lftama'zat n.f. heat ; intense heat [A] 

, A| ‘’tama'3ha**\j~Uma' shah n.m. show 
•^^entertainment spectacle fun sport 

oddity film show business^ 
n.m. onlooker spectator igQ'Stamash'lAn n. 
rake ; libertine ; debauchee^jJ/iT/amasftAt'nJ 
n.f. licentiousness • debauchery U& ptflama- 
£ha de&h'na v.i. witness a show enjoy 

other’s misfortun tw\$\7tamadta Aor'na v.t. 

put on a show stage a play jeer ; 

jest ; make fun (of) (rare) see, view 
$\>itduM'sha kar'nc vala N.M. showman 
exhibitor actor one who makes sport 
funny pcnon&Lj^iftama'die hi bar n.f. 
funny thing t &tftcmash'~gah' n.f. show 
place theatre (A ~ J'O cork.] 

AjUmari adj. entire , whole total_ 

| ^ complete full n.m. end ; conclusioiy^i/ 
(or/*U) tamam' -tar adj. most all entire 

j&f&tanam' dfid fh. its all over ; its done 
withtt/fV tamam’ kar'na v.t. complete 
conclude 4a Asm tamam' kar'na v.t. 

kill ; murdeit/^l' /amam' ko'na v.i. be 
finished ; be concluded ; come to an end 
be completed; be ovcrtyftffWka kam tamam ' 
ko'na v.i. be dead^jt/jdj uma’m-o-kamal' adv. 

thoroughly wholly ; entirely fully ; 

completely totally iftftama'ntl n.f. 

completion conclusion n.m. a variety of 
brocade [A] 4 

J|^/ Utmba'koo n.m. tobacco [Sp, ~ s*MLg > 
‘..Hsid red Indian word] ^ 

^p /tam'mat adj. finis [A ~ 

~7umft n.m. utilization "JV 
C/ gain perf o r ma nce of minor 
pilgrimage along with the major one 

tom' soma na v.i. glow Audi 
l IT (of face) redden ; be enraged sparkle 

N.M. utilization 
pe rf or ma nce of minor 
along with the maji 

civilisation urbani* 

flash i ~f&tem'tama’haf n.f. glow 
reddening (pf lace) sparkling 
( tZjtomsal’ n.f. .stature portrait 

V . likeness [A ~J7) 
pAutmdT n.f. drama ; play allegory 
LT- parable apologue instance 
example resemblance simiIitude$5£/iS0* 
tamsil ’ peak kar’na v.t*. ^ put on a play 

adduce an example la'na v.t. 

adduce an example J^tamsi'lm adv. for 
instance ; for example allegorically ; as a 
parable [A -Jp*) 

Jftamjid' n.f. glorification (of God) 

• -tamad’din n.m. civilisation urbani* 
Uji zation 

jtamar’rud n.m. disobedience insolence 
■y transgression ; exceeding the limits 
haughtiness , concert (rare) tyranny [A] 

tamos' Mir n.m. joke ; jest fun ; 

Jt buffoonery [A] 

sUtamas'suk n.m. (monetary or legal) 
t-'w'* bond promissory note (rare) cling- 
ing (to) ; sticking fast [A] 

• jttamQah n.m. medal (arch.) royal 

^ charter (arch.) official stamp, etc. on 
merchandise " (arch.) poll tax [P] 

,ntam'kanat n.f. gravity power 

t*^Tpomp grandeur haughtiness [A] 
jyiam'kin n.f. dignity gravity [A ~ 
Cv^oublet of prec.] 

Utmal’lUq n.m. flattery [A] 

Jytajrdik' n.f. position settlement 
of property [A ~ 

I tu man-dor n.m. centurion chief 
(among certain Baluch tribes) [T+ 

100 soldien+Pjfo] 

tyttanum'na n.f. wish desire longing 
IZ/fcUt) tftaman'na (ta'kir) kar’na v.t. 
wish desire ; express a desire for 
_ j tarnm' vaj n.m. biHowing (of warn) 

, j tamoez (rare ta mmoot ') n.m. nameafm 
summer month intense heat [A] 

J jtanusv’val n.m. riches ; wealth weal* 

USjUamlA - Jt) 

IjU tumka'ra pron. your yours ( 

^.Jtamhti' n.f. introduction • preface 
•* preamble ; prolegomena prdimi- 



nary discourse preparation opening ; 
beginning tamkid' uthana n.f. in- 
troduce a subject broach or introduce a 
topic begin ; initiate {^{(Jj^tamhi'dell 
baftdh'na v.i. make vain suppositions 
make false promises try to introduce 
subtly make advances (jjgftamhi ’di adj. 

introductory, preliminary [A ~ js? ] 
s/ tum'bi^fedtumkif) PRON. you you ; 
V -yourself [ ~ p] 
ijfc t fUm'hek PRON. you ; to you [ - ^ ] 

n.f. manners etiquette 

A sense ..judgment direction 
distinction j\)fK tanuz'-dar adj. . „ well- 
mannered discreat judicious i rjfetamlz' 

kar’na v.X. be mannerly ».* distinguish^^* 
bad-iav&z' {pe&.ySJrbe-lannz’) adj. unmanner- 
ly (A~foix. CORR.l 

,1 tamyu? n.f. distinction qualifica- 
tion category J^li/harf-t tamflz' 
n.m. qualifying word adverb [A)_ 

sturdy tan' ba'dan^ pkoonk'na v.T. 

consume the body ^ tSiCfy& ian ' ba'dan melt 
ag' lag’rta v.i. fly into a*passion ; be enraged 
grow very jealous^y^/ tan'-par’var adj. 
selfish self-indulgent indolent^^torr 
far' varl n.f. selfishness self-indulgence 

indolence [^^ta'n-e Jtanha' adj. all 
alone all by one self tan'durust' adj. 
healthy hale and hearty t,y&fcflan-durust' 
kar’na v.t. cure fy*%&ian 'duriist' ho’na v.t. 
recover recoup hca!th^y^la»'rf8rBi’fi n.f. 

health recovery *fz^jl$%ft‘ridurUs'ti 

bazar ne'‘mat hat prov. health is better than 
wealth^Vtfc/) tarideti' n.f. devotion 
diligence^^W dhaftk’na v.i. have 
clothes go about in ordinary clothes -i/'fan'- 
zeb n.m. a^kind of muslin a kind of 
waistcoat<^W man n.m. body and soul 
Cff/Jtan' man' dkan’ n.m. body, soul and 
wealth all one’s resources man ' 

ikon' st ADV. with full devotion^jf£/W man] 
st ad v. with all one’s heart and soul 
tan' man' mar’na v.t. suppress one’s feelings 
work with devotion taa* man var'na 

v.i. be ready to lay down one’s ta'ne- 

M' n.m. strong bodyj^yUan-oo mold’ adj. 
sturdy [P] 

0 ** 

l^lan'na v.i. (same as (x’v.i. if ) 

struggle dispute con* 

tentiontJ^J'l/ tana’-zo' lilbaqa' n.m. struggle 
«..? .. .. / ■ ■ . 

Ttana'zo' n.m 

for existencc^l/'iana'^o'oA n.m. (col. quarrel ; 
dispute [A 

t m0 *£lana'sub n.m. proportion **tf/\stona' sub-t, 
* ^ a'za’ n.m. due proportion of the limbs 
1 ^‘tanajub-f murak’kab n.m. compound pro- 
pOrtiorduSl^iana'sUb-t mStfrad n.m. simple pro- 
portion L-^^^tana'sub-e mUn'qalib N.M. in- 
verse proportion [A -%5^] 
jf / t~tana'sukh n.m. metempsychosis ; trans- 

C/^migration of soul (rare) transformation 


Ai^tana'sul n.m. reproduction ; procreation 
tana'sal n.m. genitals 

penis [A-^] 

tana' fur n.f. putting together words 

^^hard to pronounce mutual aversion 

•X,~ tana qUz n.m. ..incompatibility dis- 
{J ^crepancy 

I ,~tana'oul n.m. eating .(rare) extending 
J tone’s hand to grip(^^t^jU>'iana'pfi/ 
kar'na {or farm' Ha) v.T. tAt£/jj^yl^na~ba'. 
zar tana'vul kar'na v.t. (humble request to 
guest to) eat whatever is made available by 
the host : partake of feastJA] 
iv’tam'fa (col. focdOuomban’) 

. n.m. loose trousers [P ~ ] 

'Mm' boo n.m. tent 

•• * 
f \tamboo‘ra,5y! 


j \tamboV n.m. cash. ^ wedding-gift 
OK (rare) betel-leaf ^(Jjrtambd’ par’na v.i. 
(of cash wetjding-giftsf be collected 
n.m. betel-leaf vendor 
m.t. woman vending 

betel-leaf seller 

\Ttanab'boh n.m. awakening 
* the warning [A- foll.) 

^pjtambih' n.f. warning reproof 
»* monition reprimand (pcd.) awaken- 
ing ; arousing tX^Uunbih' kar'na warn 
admonish reprimand vjfeff tombih' ho'na 
v.i. • realise be warned [A] 
i, / j *t IS*' pkan kar'na v.t. »y angry 
"sUhW things be haughty 

'rah n.m. 





-zjr — ; 

ka vaq'l N M right moment 
## • * ~ 

Jytantar J^y^lan'lat man' tar n.m (dial.) 

/ charm , enchantment 
• j 'jlitn'tUm n.m a kind of guitar 

^ *« 

*J ftiinkhah' n.m. pay ; assignment 

W salary wages pay lankha'-dar 

n.m. paid (servant) one of the salaried 
class [P 

ftuhd ADJ. fierce furious violent # - 

"^rough severe rapid swift ; fast S’X^ 
lUhd-khoo'^ ADJ. fierce ; furious irascible 

surlyjt&J'ffiftrf-rt^iiar' adj. fleet-footed 
ra.p\<l adj. foul-mouthed 

sharp-tongued^^/B*</'-»»i5/ adj. 
fieicc ; furious hot-heated irascible 

sui ly^c^l ka'd-e-lut,d' , tufid -bad ^ n.f 

tempest * storm strong wind(£>7u*V. 
fierceness ferocity fury violence 

swiftness sharpness severity force [P] 
jfc!‘ahdoor' n.m. (col forv^N.M. ■*•)- 

JrtAndail n.m. & adj pot-bellied (person) 

•• i ~>yi 

tjlanaz'zul N.m. decline ^decay de- 
motion : degradation!^!^'' tanaz'zil ho' na 
v.t. decline be demoted . be degraded 

L.ytanaV n.f. revelation (of the Holy 
0/ Qpran) [A ~ J/?3 
".Ctam&K n.f. purification purigation 
-/ keeping (someone) away from sins (A~ 

.J^jT tan sikh n.f. repeal abrogation 

£/* quashing cancellation ■ revocation 
annulment [A ] 

^ -aM tan&b' n.f. installation [A 

♦ ^ iansif ' n.m. bisection [A 

tan&n’ N.F. organisation , party 
j ** organisation ; setting in order discipline 
regimentation arrangement (rare) 
threading (pearls) (rare) versification [A -• 

I n.m easy life life of 

luxury prosperity [A ~cJ>} 
n.m disgust [A] 

<$m*f'fir n.m disgust 
aversion [A~^] 


j^tanaj'fos nji. breathing : respiration 
<J jV&tUlz't-t tandj'Jus n.m. respiratory 
organs^^ntja'm-e tana/ ‘/us n.m. respira- 
tory system^taruif'/isi adj. respiratory (A~ 


J^tangih' n.f. issue (in law-suit) point 
& of issue search ; inquiry c le a r ance 
of doubt decision ; determination ; settle- 
ment n.m. pl. issue (in law-suit) 
L^^Uanq-'-ta'lab adj. (point) at issue 
(point) to be determined ; decided or sett- 
I tedyf&tanqih' kar'na v.t., determine or settle 
issue in a „ law-suit 

kar'na.Q&'gf y 'lanqik nikal'rS) v.t. frame or 
draw up [A] 

I -Sftanqid' n f. criticism review criti- 
l-A'J' cal appreciation^ fault-finding 

animadversion t*l ha daf-e^/anqiA' 
band'm v.t. criticize slate [A~>#J] 

Jjftan'qls’ n.f, fault-finding advme 
»• criticism (rare) curtailment (A -*^•*1 
^dtan'qiyah n.m. purgation purge (A - 

~ ... i 

/f lunik adj. (lit.) slight having little 
tjjin weak short • lacking # large- 
ness c?&(£*tfin'nuA-.:ary‘ adj. mean^Jc^'lS'- 
nak-mizzj adj. short tempered ; peevish ; 
irritable [P] 

t/~tinka n.m. straw blade (of grass) 

^ dried stalk *&" 

aw &kap'par rakh’ du'na ph. put under graat^ 
obligation for a small favour {s&lSltf2dCf& r 
an'ka Utar'ne ka tfcan man'na ph. be oblidged 
for a small f&vour^jsg&Un’ka Ulna lor 
sak'na v.t. ^extremely lazy be very in- 
dolent^^jl/^fiVfa dak' to* mth IS** v.T. 

admit defeat : throw up the sponge ads 
for mercyCpv ^tin'ka *a rath'** V.I. be 
divested of everything (,*{£>£ h jS*M 
v.i. become thin and lean •. be emaciated 
tin'ke chun’na v.t. be intoxicated ; 
g-o mad ; become insane be intoxicated ; 
be dead drunk (,'lj^Wfc v.r. 

drive made make insane *»*'*» 

ka pohar' bana’n a p unmake mountains out of 
molehills Of It tin'ke ka soha'ra le'nB V.I. 

catch at stra^lvi ki-oi pohar' ph. 

just a shadow of lurking calamity even 
small timely more highly effective 
I { .&ti‘nakna v.t. flare up react sharply 
1 be uneasy flutter ruffle 


' fijtankir' n.f. being or making a common 
/; noun be unwary [A— 

//, tatig adj.. narrow tight strait 
fc^v' too small scanty contracted com- 
pressed straitened bored ; fed up 
poor ^distressed n.m. lap sack ; bag 
girth I’tlJ&tafig' ana v.i. be fed up (with) 

be utterly sick (of) ; have one’s patience 
exhausted jj^lattgrbal' adj. in straitened 
circumstances (f&plahg'ha'ti n.f. poverty 
want ^5 lu&tahg-das't adj. poor ; pennij 

less destitute stingy ; miserly 
tahg’-das’tl n.f. poverty ; want destitution 
tahg'-dil' adj. mean miserly ; niggardly 
narrow-minded (Jfa'tatig-di'li n.f. 
meanness niggardliness narrow-minded- 
ness {£2fctafig'-dahanja>i. small-mouthed (as 
sign of beauty) tjdL&tatg'-zar'f adj^ (less 
approved form oi£fjCj£) mean tyO&tatig' 
kar'na v.t. tease ; harass vex ; pester 
badger narrow down tighten con- 
tract ; compresses t&tafig’-vaq't n.m. ele- 
venth hour short notice Ijfi.^fc'tcifig' ho’na 
v.i. be penniless be badly off squeez- 
ed be in a difficuIty^^^Aa^L^Ia^' 
ho’tav.i. be penniless ; be in gtraitsai-(>''faii>F < - 
)ia’*e n.f. strait ; narrow place or passage fa 
tah’gl n.f. narrowness tightnests 
trouble ; difficulty hardship poverty ; 
want^^S'lajk'gt iUr'M n.f. want ; pover- 
ty trouble difficulty ; hardship^st/^^jp 
V/ffa tatigl tur'tjd se ba-sar' ho’na v.i. live 
from hand to mouth eke out (one’s) exist- 
e l lc %ji^Cr tab’ ft dt’na v.t. make life hard (for) 
£yitf tatig ho’na. v.i. lead a miserable life 
be in trouble be in property [P] 

|»*(or t?) ian'na v.i. be stretched be 

■ pulled tight stand erect or up-right 
sit straight react sharply defy stiffen 
(one's) attitude „ 
fitanoor* {col. jjr'tatidocr’ pcd. 
i* taimoor’) n.m. stove 
wen tanoor' jhottk'na v.i. 
beat an' oven light a stove 
eat ; (fig.) fill the belly [A] 
c, • jtanav’vo • n.m. variety 
Of [A- tJ] 

• tamo'mahd adj. well-built 
rchmt((^y tamo’ matull n.f. 


// taiwir' n.f. refulgence rays of ligl* 




jytanAn n.f. nunation ; doubled short 
C vowel at end of word read as the parti- 
ailar single vowel +(jl written with an extra 
^ | save when the final letter is ot ’ta'-e 
tarns" ,« 

ldnah\£ta‘na N.M. trunk ; stem stalk [P ~{J] 

. ,-tanha' adj. alone lonely solitary 
*T single adv- single- handed^ tanka' 'l 
n.f. loneliness solitude [P] 

.vi*to'nl n.f. ^clothes-line string share 
met! gatith.' de’na V.T. (dial), 
tie knot*" as memory aid betroth L>h lass' - 

ya n.m. drawers comprising strip of cloth held 
by string [ - 1>’C] 

V to (dial, tau) adj. then in that case 

* at that time therefore ; hence 
moreover in short n.f. (also faj to' to') cry 
to call dog (fj to' bhi conj. still ; yet ; 
even then nevertheless ; nonetheless 
J too PRON. 

"too' bhi ra'm melt bhi ra'nt kaun bhare gi 
pa'ni prov. all are generals, none a soldier 
to sa’hi ph. (if it is so) then l will see to it 
VfJVyJtoo tarnq' kar’na v.t. talk rudely or 
discourteously quarrel brawl jf&jtoo takar\ 

UZutjJtoo’ too maiti mailt n.f. rude talk 
brawl jjtao ' 'too maiti math ho'tta 

v.i. have aloud argument ; brawl 
. •Tta'va n.m. hot plate griddle ; crock 
w for hookah top copper plate at bottom 
of water-heater leaden base in well for 
cooling .water (slang) gramophone disc adj. 
jet black ; very dark (person) lj$lul'ta too a 
n.m. convex or inverted hot plate adj. jet 
black ; very dark person \^fjgo£-Jta've ka hafts'- 
na v.i. soot corruscation under hot plate (as 
good omen) 

flawab' n.m. (attribute of God as) 

Acceptor of Repentence penftant [A 

••tavti be' n.m. pl. adjuncts 

M*ttava'tur n.m. succession; continuity 

J\j being unbroken series (in tradition) 
having numerous chains of narrators [A] 

tava'rad n.m. sameness of theme in ver- 
iJ S ses of two or more poets [A ~j)jy] 

tavankh' n.f. (arch); history [A~ sino. 

n.m. balance counter* 
balancelj^terazSis-s iqtiiar' , n.m. 

i t"ta 





balance of power (A ~ tfjf] 

00f\lax>a'io' n.f. entertainment hospita- 
& * lity, (rare) humility (rare) politeness 
OttffeZgfjitQu&'zo' se kam ' Wni v.t. be polite 
show humility £jjff\)tava' zo' kafni T 

show hospitality ^^y toa'^o' 


ho'na v.t. be entertained [A~£p] 

~\, , \lava'juq nm. agreement concord 
U harmony [A~ ^j\/\ 
jfj tarn lid n.m. procreation [A-^j] 

I 9 * 

tau'am adj. twin [A] 

• "tuva'na adj. .strong robust 

* > powerful^j^iurana'*! n.f. 

# energy strength ; power [P ~ 

l*jiob'ra n.m. nose-bag (of horse) 

«• tau’bah n.m. repentence penitence 
adjuration ; renunciation ; giving up 
conversion ; reiteration of faith^y^y tau’baU 
m-nasooH N.F. true repentence lp~ M jtau'bah 
til'lah n.f. repentence hue and ‘cry /IrVJ? 
X’ftau'beh til'lah kar'na v.t. repent beg 
pardon raise a hue and cry ["jjfs/tau'bah 
tor'n 3 v.t. violate one’s faith perjure 

y) yjtaubah lav bah int. good gracious 
’ heaven forbid ; never again 
lam' bah tau'bah kar Jse kaih'na v.t. utter some 
unpalatable truth in all humility £ y^/jtm'bah 
tansoc'ks n.m. (cojrr. of 

tau’bS-shi'kan adj. perjurer ^fyjtauba-drt • 
kan i n.f. perjury (, ’l/yjtau'bak kar a' ns v.t. 
cause (someone) to repent make (someone) 
penitent l^Jtau'bah kar’na v.t. repent 
renounce (sin, etc. ) t \£/tau'ba gah' n.f. peni- 
tentiary [A] 

*£•.' "taublkh ' n.f. reproach ; opprobrium ; 
Ldf obloquy ^Jx/'JZaj’r-o-Umbikh' n.f. re- 
buke and reproach \A) 

•jtop s,r. gun ; cannon (fig,) corpu- 
l« nt person J&ftop'tkl n.m. gunner ; artil- 
lery man ; cannoneer ; bombardier 
C 12 ^ > £) top &ala’na (or dagh'na) v.t. fire 
guii or cannon cannonade^ljt^tjif 

fkol'na (or dafh'na) v.t. (of gun) be fired’ 
top-kha'nak n.m. arsenal jittery artil- 
lery llffi top’ -dam kar’ na£$£Z*g>y top it 

OTi'na, iij\Js£*~tjmp‘ kt mMh itri'na v.t 
blpw off with a ’cannon (A] 
m jtootf&pPshaih'toat (ped. shah-) nj*. mill- 
**f berry gtpjtoot'rl n.f. smaller mulberry [P] 

~**to'ta (usu. but wrongly spelt 0 *j4?n.m. 
v-f parrot brat ; infant with sweet prattle 
cock (of matchlock) CJ to t a pal'na v.t. 
keep a pampas a pet aggravate disease by 
" ash'm adj. treacherous 

'khrft phtr'na, cL) 
tyj, jfy ff lo'le ki lar'h di'dt ba'dolna v.t. 
■** •’ * ' prove 

withdraw the affections from 


tof>jl£,/^ijja( , [ha'tkoh ke to'te iir'na v. be 
taken aback be nonplussed ; be confounded 
fcjtot’la adj. (f. f) tot'li) lisping (child) 

•• a « *• 

0 to to' (also Jto') int. & n.f. cry to call dog 

£jtoo'tl n.f. (rare but same as^^N.F. ★) 

[))too'tiya n.m. blue vitriol collirium [PI 

• J U>o U hatidh'na Vjj$dfjf} : j£jto'te (or 
teo'ti/f) jor'na' v.t. "slander ; scanda- 
lize [conn, of A CJpjf] 

-JSjtausiq' n.f. confirmation verification 
4*7 " ratification ; corroboration 
taulq’ kar'na v.t. confirm verify 
ratify ; corroborate bear (someone) out [A ~ 


•ttavaj'joh n.m. attention care 

regard inclination ; tendency kind- 
ness ; favour consideratioo i^Upytavaj' jo- 
la' lab adj. worth noting ; requiring atten- 
tion calling for consideration 
hi tavaj'joh mabzool' katana PH. call, draw or 
invite (someone's) attention [A~^y\ 
j taujih ' n.f. excuse explanation 
tfT* notification causation ; tracing (some- 
thing) to its cause descriptive roll 

taujih' kar'na v.t. explain awav give as 
the reason (of) [A - 

A^tavah'hush n.m. shying unsociability 

Jltauhid' n.f unity of God monothc* 
ism ; belief in God’s unity oneness [A 

y _ 

» to'dah n.m. mound heapJli&jt pto'da-r 

khak' n.m. heap of dust (fig.) dead 

human body ; corpse [PJ 
M j "taurat'^/tauret' n.f, the Taurah . 

& tavar'ro ‘ n.f piety | A 

to rah n.m. (arch.) jhenghiz Khan’s 

constitution custom honour pride 

ostentation prudery blandishment 
sweetmeats on platters mutually exchanged by 
groom and bride’s ^families (JjCijjto'ia-bah'di 
n.f such exchange (ffteiJjto'rt pe'tl n.f. brag- 
ging womanjli^y tfre-dar' n.m. respectable^ 
families receiving gifts from royal feasts 
to're va'li n.f prudish woman [T] 

IjJto'fiya n.m. rapesecd 

0+ 0M 

ijy.jtauut' n.f (same as J/jj»N.F ~k) 

•• a 

— 1 

lau'nyak n.m concealment of real feel- 
ing this as literary device [A] 
to'ra N.m. shortage piece of string 
a kind of ornamental chain for neck 
(arch.) purse containing one thousand pounds, 
etc) (arch.) match (of musket) (j If/J 4 
to're-dar batidooq' n.f matchlock ; musket 
>** tor'na v.t break sunder pluck 

vJ* tear ; rend break into dis 
continue , stop win over (from opposite 
side) plough sever (ties) ^decrease 


on others live without earning own liveli 
hood^jT tor n.m. remedy counteraction 
counter-measure defence (against trick, 
jy^jJtor' phor n.f. destruction 
subversion C* jjJtor' it ra v.t. break 
spoil disrupt end destroy UbjJtor' 

dal'nZ v.T. break destroy pull down 
ijjjft or' kar'nS v.t. counteract retaliate 
Ciyjtor' Una v.t. pluck (flowers) gather 
fruit win over (members of opposite party, 
etc.) maro'rl n.f. (''»’ ' h*"-** 

and twists Ztftftor' jor tffrjor' 
tricks plottings 

'rtaoaz'zo' n.m. be scattered be dis- 
t/' persed [A] 

n.f. rent roll descriptive roll 
&JJ statement [A-»phec.] 

-tos n.m. toasted slice of bread [E ~ toast 

iff CORR-] ... 

, jUnas'sUt n.m. good offices ke 
tools' sit se PH. through ; through the good 
offices of [A ~ Js^)] 

“tacos' sal n.m. means mediation ^ 

good offices (uses of sacred bcings)^^ 
lavas' sol se PH. through [A ~ JU^J 
_,r tau'san n.m. steed . war-horse un* 
iyy broken horse gfyfitan'san-t tab" n.m. 

(vul.) bursts 
tor n.m. pl. 

nature ability [P] 

LSjtausV n.f. extension enlargement 
& f prolongation ~ ^ 

A J‘tosh n.m. energy (only i tan-a tosh' 
C'' n.m. physique robust body [P] 
j£"to'shak n.f. mattress^ %^(?)'to'diai~kka‘nah 
I n.m. quiet store or factory [P] 

j. *i toshah n.m. provisions for a journey, 

jJ — . . .V.JH , 

e'v provision _ supplies \\sJtosha-e 

a'khirat, a'qibal ka loshah n.m. pro- 

vision for . hereafter ; virtuous deeds 
to' sha-khsnah n.m. wardrobe ; clothing store 
tfVjyto'sha-dzn, d'Jj tosh' -Jan n.m. tiffin 
carrier cartridge box [P] 

* N '- F - praise eulogy com- 

i *“— mendation [A 

•' lau-zib' n.f. clarification explana- 

f tion elucidation (math.) corollary 
jjigfjtauzihat’ n.f. Pt. clarifications 
elucidations corollaries [A~^)y] 

‘itau'te'ah n.m. plot ; scheme slander 

preliminary remarks repetition of 
rhyme [A] . 

£‘‘tavagh'(hiel n.m. skill through long 
U y practice ; experience t*i 






'Jtaufir' n.f increase excess and 

y surplus (A~ Jpis] 

"jjtauflq' n.f. divine help or guidance 
i Tjr favourable turn of circumstances [A 
j>"tavaq' qo tr n.f. expectation hope 
trust ; relianc e£\f%\£jtavaq' q° l 8 ft' ja'nM 
V.I. (of hope) end^/t )b£>£jtavaq' qU rokk’na 
(or kar’nS) v.i. expect hope trust [A 

. t tavaq'quf n.m. delay heritation 

I stay respite suspension 

tavaq'quf kar'nS v.i. delay hesitate 

wait stay be suspended (A - 

Jjyjtauqir' n f. veneration honour [A- 

^tauqt" N.F. royal charter (A - £/>] 

j/»ltaaak'kul n.m. trust in God VffykkVjffl 
U* tavak'kul kar' ns (or par baitk'ni) V.I. trust 
in God Jfylffia'lal- tavak'kul (col. a lot- tavak'kul) 
ph. at random [A—* ZJlf}] 

Qjto'la, jjfto'lah n.m. 12 ‘masha* weight 

i ^•Ttavat'ta n.m. love affection , attach- 
I VJ ment$ $tavaUa"l*.H. Shi’ite who does not 
say tabar’ra [A - Aj oorr.J 

j^lavatlUd n.m. birth nativity CjfJJ 
tamd'lud he'n a v.i. be born 
.•.•jld'aav^lr. weigh estimate worth, etc. 
Vj(af)()jtol n.m. weight process of 

«• uto^bjat n.p. trusteeship govern or- 

L*%J ship supervision [A - jj] 

A Jttudid'^ N.F. reproduction generation 

Undid' n.p. birth control ! 
contraception family planning 
rnmtda-t Undid’ n.m. semen [A ~j)j] 

Jj tan'Uyak N.m. towel 

.h*fs'mri n.f. hollow gourd a 
VJ/* kind of firework projection 
on crocodile’s nose [ ~ CcJ ] 

.• **tovm'na v.T. card (cotton or wool) with 
V finger (before combing) 

fojitoo' ja'm v.i. animal abort- mis- 


I * jtot'ta n.m. hollow gourd bowl made 

Y* of it guitar made of it ; gourd-guitar 

trifM N.P. fresh gourd smalt gourd-guitar 
/fMrf n.p, pot-bellyc£s>Wda/, JtXJtotdail apj 
A f pot-bellied 

fi ffiUmtt’na feel very thirsty owing to 


(Seat' gar adj. well-to-do rich ; 

•r * wealthy opulent tffji tUcat’gari n.f. 

wealth : riches opulence 
-fawA'Aflm N.M. halucination fancy 
p/ superstition (A ~ffj] 

SHeutbiri NJ. insult disgrace con- 

tempt defamation : libelcjJhffftfj 

IskM'ih * adalat n.p. contempt of court K/(*rfy 
tmktf kar’m v.T. insult defame dis- 
mt* [A- tfj] 

NiP. a kind of embroidery 
M ink N.P. (usu. spelt as talk) except in 
^construct phrases layer ; stratum 
crease fold , surface bottom adj. 
under beneath below tffytaik-e ah' adv 
under watertt^i?f«'As Ufa rakh'ns v.i. keep 
(clothes, etc.) intact (SjtyZtaih-bazaln n . f . 
pound soit (for use of street area of self-built 
■tall, etc.) ; cess levied from shopless vendors 
? 4? ta.ik' he mh' adv. in layers fold on 
, fold piled one over another ha 

toil' kar'na v.t. fold ; pile one over another 
Wefta’ua v.T. put a layer (of )XfS 
latk-bakd' ,jtftaih'mad n . f . sheet use as gar- 
; for lower put of body ; leg-sheet 

taih pith n.m. strip of cloth worn under turban 
2 tribe Ugh' kar’na v.t. put to 
sword murder massacre (flfv taih jama'm 
v.t. place layer upon layer taih' ’ kfa f - 
nah N.M. basement cellar jby taih-dar' 

adj. plaited with a bottom or basest#,? 
taih'-e dil’ se adj. sincerely cordially 
from the bottom of one* s heart Z taik-di'gl 
n.f. pot scrapings OjJ? taih' dim v.t. add 
slightly tinge fjrfitf ka zik’r taih kar 

rakh'm ph. leave aside flJ’/S toi h kar'na v.t, 
fold (cloth, etc.) roll (bed, etc.) / 5 
OtfZtaih' ko pahuficK’nS v.t. find out # 
discover get to the bottom (of) ? 

taih-nashin' ho'na v.t. settle down as sediment 
ytaV'h-o btfla adj. upset ; topsy-tutvy 
upside down overthrown undone 
destroyed ; ruined jfJ* tai’ , H-o-bala kar'm 
v.t. upset overthrow ruin wiado 
destroy ; ruin [P] 

|». *T/Aa/>'na v.t. pat beat daub 
roll dung-cakes for drying up 
••thap n.f. thump beat (of dream) 
^Wtka'pa n.m. mark of palm daub on 
wall paw-mark n.f. pat its 

sound bat beater implement for beat- 

ing clay 

J, n.m. tray (rare) platter (rare) 
0*^ salver tftftka'la n.m. pit for planting 

sapling trench round tree trunk for water- 
ing base ; bottom buttocks J $ ska'll n.p. 

dish fiat dish (rare) platter (rue) 
salver<^%x#^#Aa'& aMa'h to sit' far 
gi’re ph. be a milling crowd ka 

bain’gan n.m. time-server ; turncoat cap- 
ricious person 

.» .**,Aam'n3 v.t. hold hold in hands 
puli up (horse) prop from falling 
down conceal (stolen goods) for another 
retain stop arrest progress, etc. (of) 
set on foot accept (earnest money, 
etc.) (12) hear support , maintain (1*) 
detain (15) recline (on) 

/ A n.m. ft adj. (holy prophet as resi- 

C/^dent of Hedjaz 

/jL'to'Aaft adj. thither ; there only in PM. 

la' hat adv. all over ; every- 

.t^dian n.m. piece of (cloth) ; (doth lace, 
C^etc. in) roll of standard measure , stall 
(for livestock, cap. horses) stable \J9c)& 
than ka far'ra ph. naughty at home but shy 


£*tk&tg v.r. hide-out (of thieves, etc.) 

track of thieve* {$j(;&thshi tags' nS 
v.T. trace thieves or stolen property 
n.m. one in league with thieves their 
chief detec'tive ^ 

*1 As’nah n.m. police station ( LCy Uf ths'nah 
<*** biAs'nS v.T. post ; police^ tflka’nt-dar 
n.m. / station house officer ; S. H. O. 
Police Sub-Inspector ; jUs&ljtfdho'ta As'- 

i^thsh n . f . bottom (of sea, etc.) end; 
*** limit; object llc&thah pains v.i. get 
to the bottom (of) * 

^\£tika' , l adj. one-third 

kjftksp'par h.h. slap cuff „boy 
buffet rebuff (i’jttj i^J^tkap'par 

tags' hS (or mar'na) v.T. slap rebuff 
<t %kj id&Aap 'par khs'ns (or par' na t v.t. 
be slapped be rebuffed 
l’{ / Jjt*a'pai*i v.t. pat lull to sleep 
*7 pacify encourage instrigate^^ 
Aap’kt N.r. pat JiXjfi-jGf thap'ak tka'-. 

pak kar salt's* v.t. pat to*nduce sleep 
dup'kl dims V.T encourage ; buck up 

\j 2 **p;nnvA. be daubed be imputed 

I up * ” • WV 11 

/**£ Aa/y'ra n.m. buffet (of bellow) 

or blast fof winrli 

•„ tah&V (or taih-) n.f. civilization 
etiquette manners politeness ; 

courtesy polish ; refinement instruction ; 

education discipline culture (rare) 

priming (rare) editing4)fl#j<£y<flA?J'A-* 
akhlaq' K.F. instruction in* manners 
moral edification Zi^xm^jjftah&b'-ysftah adj. 
cultured ; polished polite ; courteous [A] 
ith'rs adj. (f. icji uh'ri) triple ; three-fold 


.“f'jfthjirrs'na v.i. tremble : shudder 
shake; quiver quake Aar' tiara' ns 

v.i. __ vibrate shake shiver quake 
*fyj/$Aar'thara'hal,(jffifctkar'thtiTl n.f. 
vibration shivering quivering tremb- 
ling tremor awe fear 

\*f%Ai' rakna v.i. walk with dalliance 
/ belly-dance dance with sexy gestures 
./5 ta h' T l>(/y7tt>ta‘hi r i n.f. rice cooked in left 
over stew, etc. 

fk/f ika’rs n.m. (dial.) shopkeeper’s seat 

b** a - 

i.^ftkur'nsv.i. decrease result in shoct- 

or blast (of wind) 

~Jfltkaiiar adj. & n.m. seventy-three^) 

V* Uhat'tarvan adj. seventy-third 
C^gjjtkUtkar'ns v.i. pooh pooh, scorn 

exorcise emit sound of spitting for 
either purpore j&#tkutksr' n.f. sound of 
spitting ^(^/Aurta’rl n.f. (dial) harridan ; 
vixen jfj^tkutks'ripia ji.r. p u (dial.) 

slippers. fetters k\Zf Sf A*Aa'ns v.t. pout 
tkitks’ns ph. pout one’s lips 
•ptahaj"jUd n.m. supererogatory prayers in 
^ „early hours of morning [A] 
fP" togv'jl n.f. orthography spelling 
V (f"C fjS'huroof-e tahaj'jl n.m. alphabet ; 
letters of the alphabet [A- tf] 

Li&r^ Ask’ Auks' 'ns v.t. hate ; despise 
express dislike by emmitting spitting 
sound emit such sound for driving away 
evil [doublet of 

•J tahdid' (or taih-) n.f. holding a threat ; 

4 ■ threatening threat menace [A] 

*1 tah' diyak (or taih') n.m. presentation 
H- present [A ~ tf) 

• ,g • 

reproached by all Oy>tkur-di'ls adj. mean 

5 tax' has nai'has adj. ruined ; des- 

U U royed ; ransacked 
Aar nai'has kar'ns v.t. ruin ; destroy 
lai"has nai'has ho' ns v.i. be ruined; be destroy- 
ed .' ksfati'hati n.f. taunt* 
y •* “^disgrace 

v.i. tire ; be tired be fatigt* 
*^ed be exhausted fag away be led 
up Ifi? Aiks adj. tired : fatigued ex- 
hausted ; fagged ks oatf* 

sat s"t ko takts hoi prov^ to seek solace one 
turns homeward bail N>M 

sluggard vateran outliving his utility 
tha'ks mstx'dah adj. tired; worn-out,^ 
iha'kan^j^lhaks'vat.^laksn' n.f. tired- 

ness fag : fatigue ; exhaustion weeking 
Asks' ns v.t. tire ; fatigue weary ; fag 
harass j,- 

i gtfAJg’li.JZrAeg'Ii n.f. patch thig'- 

0 1* lagans V.T. put up a patch 

ssmsn' mth ikig'li lags' na v.i. be much too 
clever ; be \ ery mischievous 
Lethal n.m. land desert wltarfj^j^ 
*' tkoi be'ra n.m wharf trace {ot)ij* 


0^f}f.thol he'ra lag-'ns v.l. achiovo-aim 
lethal' btra ma’loom hen a v.! know {one's 
bearings thal' thafkor'na v i he flabby 

/*tah'lukah (col. tai'Halka) n.m. panic 
stir (rare) death ; perdition (ped.) 
mortal being i\£j&.tah'lukah madia na v.t. 

create a Stir * cause a panic [A~ Jfy] 
tJ/lahlil' n.m. declaration of God’s uni'y by 
pronouncing Ma ilaha iliallah, [A] 
jftham n.m. pillar • column post ; prop 
ft* plantain stem 

ttJfloh'mat n.f. imputation , aspersion 
calumny , Jf'J'is*'*' loh'mat kt ja'gah 
n.f. house or place of ill-repute 
flf) l ) loh’mat bahdkna (or dharjta or laga’na) 
v.t. “ slander , calumniate toh'maCi adj. 
slandering (person) n.m slanderer ; calumni- 
atorj A] 

^ytth’m-tan adj. stout; strongly built (person) 

*? taih'mad'N^./U. same as v ^v»'n.f./m. (see 
under Zir) 

^jdtkam'na __ v.t. stop , come to stop 
case i'l^thamana v.t. cause to hold 
give stop 

^l^than n.m. udder , teat , dug ; pap 

M^/tah'myat (or taiht') n.f. congratulation 
“ greetings good wishes [A] 

•\tkoo, yk thoo' thoo n.f. sound of spit- 
T *' ting hatred [ono] 
fitkoo'a n.m. heap of clav 

~tailwar’, j^yiu'ohat’ n.m. festival 
J Jr' festive occasion 

jh^ t ^ obra N M (joc or iron) mouth . snout 

*\ ihop na v.t. daub plaster impute 

f ilzam (etc.) ki'sike 
'sir' tHop'na v.t. by the blame at someone’s 

snout hollowness cavity 

iTJjAt )thz n.m. ADJ. hollow vain 

* nonsensical n.m. blunt or pointless 

.missile (blue) vitriol \£yd tho’tha 

th& na bajt gha'ita prov. empty vessels make 
much noise ; barking dogs seldom bite 

n.f. animal’s pointed mouth 
* (joc. or iron.) human face ; mouth 
jff lahav’ vvr n.m. rashness intrepidity 

^temerity (A) 
thoor’ N.F. (dli 

thoor' na v.t. 

^J^ thoor' n.f. (dial.) salinity 

beat devour 

sS thoor thar kar 
.b’ytho'ra ADJ. (?.{£<¥ Ao'ri) less a little 

'jSr a few meagre scanty \jyk\jtfk 
tho'ra tho'ra adv. little - by little tho'ra 

ha' hut adj. a little whatever is easily 
possible adv. more or less ; somewhat v/lJjP 
tho'ra kar'na v.t. decrease; reduce; lessen 
tho'ra ho'na v.i. be decrease ; be reduced • 
be in short supply dZ. ( j) > ^ J /ktho'n dine* st 
adv. of late /*ijx tho're se tho'ra adj. 
very little > the least ; the minimum possi- 

Jj* thook n.m. (see under t^v.T at i. *) 

fjjthok n.m. wholesale (JjftJj&tkok'-fing 
n.m. wholesaler 

.faihook'nax. T..& i. spit spit at . des- 
Uj* pise reproach thook n.m. spittle 
VoJjkthook' de'na v.t, cool down (one’s 
anger) renounce-in disgust 
kar diot! na v.t. withdraw one’s* gift go 

back on one’s word C&Jfitheok’ laga’na v.t. 
(vul.) humiliate defeat play a trick 

(jfdlhoo'li n.f. sweet porridge 
^rthoo'id n.f. prop 
jfjtftho’har n.m. cactus 

s£lhai”t n.f. pile (of loaves) heap of 
(j clothes) 

sjgs'gtha"* lha'i n.f. timing beat in mttttc 
(? or dance dance and music 
j/Jfthi'e'tar n.m. theatre; playhouse; show 
y^place [E] 

(arch.) Tor (with genitive) 

5ubi' adj. empty void vain 
v lebi'-dast' adj. poor ; indigent empty- 


handed '£,L)(y tthi'-dimafji' adj 
ignorant paih'loe-ub! kar’na 

v.t. dodge ; evade ; abstain (from) [P— J?] 

%thai'la n.m. briefcase haversack 
bag thai'la kar dt'ia v.t. beat 

mercilessly fifflhai'li n.f. purse pouch 
(jj&thyoo ri n.m. theory (El 



5>tahiy yah n.m. resolve ; determination 

arrangements (for) preparations 
iahiy'yah kar'nS v.t. resolve make pre- 
parations (for) [A] 

j^(rare j[f) layySr' adj. ready set to 
“ prepared (of fruit) ripe (of work) 
complete fat ; plump (of wrestler) in full 

vigour trained layySr' kar'ns v.t. 

make or get ready prepare (for) complete 
train fatten ripen I’rfj Ls tayyar' ho’ ns 
v.i. be ready be prepared (for) be 
complete be fattened be in full vigour 
ripcifj&layya'ri n.f. readiness prepara- 
tion final touches fatness ^ 

ffctaySg'nS renounce ; abandon jlflayag' 
n.m. renunciation Jlf taya'gi n.m. (dial.) 
ascetic ; recluse ; hermit [S] 

£%up'fbi n.f. basting ; tack adj. flimsy 
Cyf short-lived (marriage, etc.) 

*ba'tar n.m. partridge^t^ ban-li'laf n.m. 
/" sandgrouse (f/fti't'n) (fyjPlit’ri) n.f. 
female partridge (also Jftit'li) butterfly 
"i 1 a' (} int. cry to rally domestic fowl ; call 

tgtt'ja n.m. (dial.) funeral rites on third day 
* “after death [doublet of f-f. ] 

•• l/f£tej'-pst NM * leaf of lawas cassica(used 
‘“''vC? as spice) ■ \ <#& . 

5(tr n.m. arrow dart 
(rare) (also ib/idr'-maK) fourth 
month of Persian calendar Jf , — x 

tfr-altdaz', i^jgtir'-zan n.m. archer ; Bowman 
(fj Ufe a'r-atds'zl, ‘fcjgltr'-za'tA n.f. archery 
tir'-ba ha' daf adj. efficacious 

hitting** the nail on the head (L'fbfj 
ar' pkehk'na (or dials' na) V.t. shoot an arrow ; 
do something wonderful fyjj!/ (/£)(&) tars' zoo 
ko'n 3 v.t. (of arrow) transfix body and stay 
there CJ> U^fflr si lag'na v.y. cut to the quick 
r-efa'lak n.m. (planet) mercury 
Itr' kar’ns v.t. pilfer cause to end or 
disappear swiftly pass (life days, ctc.)^*//? 
S—f’tlr' kav've Hr* PH. take flight 1‘jfetir' 
mar'na v.t. shoot an arrow accomplish 
something extraordinary IP] 

^Stt'rs PRON. they thine 

fctairsk' n.m. & adj fig tabs' ki n.f. (see 
under v.i. ir) 

l» ••tair'ns Swim float <Jjg tairsk' n.m. 
^ WNxaaaer g^J^i 3 (^J^taitak' In doob'tihai 

proV. pride goeth before a fall even 
skilled people are likely to suffer through care- 
lessness Cj/j^tairs'ns, ty/lirs'ns v.t. cause to 
swim j set afloat 

52 It rath n.f. Hindu pilgrimage centre tyxig 

" Wrath, yst'rs n.f. (dial.) pilgrimage [S] 

te'rah adj. & n.m. thirteen (fjZ} fte'rah te'zi 
y* (i/fQjtU'rah te'zi n.m. first thirteen days of 
Safar regarded as inauspicious owing to the 
Holy Prophet’s illness Jlj^fter' havan adj. thir 

•* ti'rah adj. dark; gloomy gjfeti'ra-bflkh'i, 
/C jjJ°£ a ' ra r °Z J&JJtg 11 ’™ r oz-gar’ adj. un- 
lucky ; unfortunate (f? ti'ra-bakh' ti, (fj)Jag 
ti’ra-ro'zi n.f. ill-luck; misfortune Itragi 
N.f. darkness obscurity [P] 

•Jlez ADJ. swift sharp pointed 

/* keen pungent caustic strong violent 

clever (of price) up ; high ; soaring 
whetted jfyfetez-parvsz' adj. swift in flight 
(f-fjflez-das'il n.f. cleverness (j 0>A)fjy?ttz'-rau 
{or -raf 1st) adj. fast swift fleet-footed 

{(SMil)$yZtez'-ra'vi (or rafts' ri) n.f. speed; 
swiftness gfetez-tab’! adj. shrewd she- 
wish quarrelsome ^ y^tezfaih' m adj. intelli- 
gent sharp-witted (jrfetez-faih'tril n.f. 

quickness of apprehension ; intelligence ; 
acumen ; acuteness ; aptness 1‘jfe tez' kar’ns. 
v.t. sharpen what speed up make 
clever or skilled ftffelez-gam' adj. swift (fife 
tez-ga'm n.f. swi ftness tez-nigsh'^ ADJ. 
sharp-sighted sharp-witted tez' ho'na 

v.i. be speeded up be sharpened' be 
whetted become skilled or clever be 
enraged ; fly into passion^vV-jl' n.f. swift- 
ness speed sharpness acrimony 
violence [P] 

t.ltezab’ n.m. acid ‘aqua fortis’ [P ~ jg 


Cits adj. & n.m. thirty JtyUtU'vSIi adj. 
</* thirtieth tf)(X>£&{mahi'ne ke) tl'soh din „ 
ph, throughout**the month everydayjt^/J 
^1 ids' msr khan' n.m. lucky sluggard 

(iron.) brave guy 

•‘lai'ss n.m. such person adj. such ; like that 
»■* adv. in that manner ^ oi'st 

(or jai'se) ko lai'ss ph. tit of tat . 

I Ztis'rs adj. third 
/<• afikjiofi men thik’ra PROV. intruder (esp. 
loving couple’s affairs )^yg?,tls re adv. thirdly 
S» pe'shah n.m. axe : adze IP] 




Ip/egfc n.f. sword iJafgf tegh’ ba-kaf adj. & 
& adv. sword in hand bent upon killing 
{£>$ ~ ian N M - swordsman $J&Jtgh'za'td 
N.F. swordsmanship fencing [P] 

U^V*|ha n.m. short broad scimitar 
** \;J\gtt'ghah, bar'ns V T - c,ose ( doorwa y» 
arch, etc.) with bricks [P~prec.] 

layaq'qan n.m. certainty ascertain- 
ment [A~ J&] 

iCpti'kka adj. pointed sharp graceful 
curt { J^ J //t\kha : pan n.m. sharpness 
curtness grace 

L?t el n.m. oil charha'na v.T. anoint, 

bride and groom an wedding ritual 
J tel' dsl'ns (or lags na T. anoint rub 
oil tf’Jftnit' ti ka Jtd, n.m. kerosine oii ; 
gasolene j \&) te ^ ' dekko tel' ki 

dkar' de'kho PROV. see which way wind blows 
(fZte'li n.m. oilman oil crustjer (jyffi 
It' It lanbo'lt n.m. low classes i)j Yf? 
JZ-te'lt ka tel' j ale mash' l alchi ki jsn' (etc.) 
fa It ph. be over-sol icitous^ for something 
tel'n n.f. small oil pot^f he' lan n.f. wife of 
teli Lk? te'hy a adj. oily greasy (of 
colour) dark 

.4 ( |V ti'mar-dar n.m. person attending a 
J patient n.f. nurse tfjljjl£timar'-dan 

n.f. attending a patient nursing [P] 

^^tayam'mim n.m. dry ablutions [A] 


J* tayam'mun n.m. blessing benediction 
4/ ** auspiciousness 

JO tin adj. three 9/Z sitin' ter' ah dispersed 

scattered ti'n-te'rah kar'ns ptr. 

scatter cast to the winds disperse 
tin' -te' rah ho' ns ph. disperse &r Citin' -punch' " 
quarrel contention faintin' -pahch’ kar'ns 

ph. quarrel contend &S$if)(paT) tin har'f 

adj. curse (on) 

jr^lem'hs ADJ. & N.M. forty three /Ji 
U ^TJaMalisvah ADj.forty-tliird 
lj*£^tetitis adj. & n.m. 1 thirty-three 
*■' ** teh'tisvaft adj. thirty-third 

•y teti'doo n.m. a kind of tree whose leaves 
are used in ‘bidi’ manufacture ; tendu 
its leaf or flower 

,} 1 *y tetl 'du. , a leopard like animal legen- 
’ -'*'•* dary forcious sea animal small melon- 
like fruit for animals 

JZ te'var n.m. visage countenance ex- 
pression on face (glowering) look 

(^.b^O^jj^tt’var ba'dal'ns (or phtr’ns) v.i. 
change countenance glower ; scowl 

change attitude (to) ^ S ar .~ 

ns (or'ns) v.i... glower ■ ’scowl with 

hold affection (fjJ, Cte'ort n.f. frown 

scowl p o r i mett bal dal'naX\»Q^j/.. 
te'o'ri (harks' n a v.T. frown ; scowl knit the 
brow show displeasures 
* t Ji le' ota ns v.T. faint be giddy 
t stagger 

Jtf te’ohsr' n.m. (same as j\yf n.m. -if) 

i 0* * 

irf'tc'hs n.m. anger passion pride 


j^le"is adj. & n.m. twenty three (Jij'h te"- 
** ** i svaii adj. twenty-third 



(horse’s) tramp 
(person) with 


te (also called ta-e Hindi) fifth letter of 
Urdu alphabet (equivalent to English word 
represented as) (in jummal variant for £> 
and equivalent to) 200 

i* lap n.f. (horse’s) hoof 

V of hoof tap' -da r adj. 

disproportionately thick head 
tapering backwards 

^ ^ ta ps n.m. hen-coop bamboo frame 
-• for catching fish muslin-covered cradle- 
cover a kind of boat sugar-cane field 
i* ^ tap' ns v.i. leap over (wall etc.) (of 

*y* horse, etc.) paw beat time with feet 
try unsuccessfully feel-happy be impatient; 
be restless ; be fidgety wait impatiently 
search in vain to' ( i kar'ns v.t. 

search impatiently 'repair leaking roofs etc, 
(of house) 

Ilf tap' 00 N.M. 

island islet 

^j*tat n.m. Hessian sackcloth seat at 
V ^ shoes counter green gramli^ffaj'e'/atna v.i. 

(of business) close (or be closed) down be- 
come bankrupt ufbJzftSf'-baf n.m. shoe-Cm- 
broiderer fyif/ftat'-ba'fi n.m. shoe-embroidery ; 
embroidery of shoe uppers with gold, etc. thread 
L’jz'j l iXi" tat' bs’Jijoo'ta n.m. embroidered shoe 
jh fta rs tok adv. (weighing) exactly adj. 

iidji n.f. toffee [E] 





n.f. firewood shop 
.0" stack; rick bell for' 
animal's neck n.f. 

such small bell 

• .ftzYna v.t. shilly-shally ; dilly-dally ; put 

V* off dodge ; evade prevaricate put 
up lame excuses get rid of thus send away 
tipfjlftal’ motel' n.f. shilly-shallying ; dilly- 
dallying ; putting off dodging ; evasion 

Prevarication {^/(Jy^jl^taY matol' kar'nz v.l. 
delay shill-shally ; dilly-dally ; put off 
dodge evade Dtfta'lstftyfia'la bn' la n.m. 
shilly-shallying putting off evasion l,' 

ja'/a ba'la bata'na v.t. dodge ; evade make 
excuses put off ; delay 

• ^ > /.^ta'mak to’’iye mar’na v.i. fumble 

or grope (in the dark) hazard a 
follow mere conjecture 

J l ta'jw n.m. tyre [E] 

guess touow mere conjecture f . 

^ •f'tafrt n.f. skull ; crown ; pate i (*^r } ) L l h 

L^^takt khuja'na (or kkijla'na v.t. (vul.)., 
invite trouble scratch one’s head 
taA? gak’jiho’na v.i. (vul.) have a shoe beat- 
ing grow bald 

a, adj. strong ; stout 

n.f. inside gallery (used as store- 
A * room etc.) scaffolding 
b, flak' da N.m. (arch.) merchandize family 

bag and baggage : caravan tak'da 
CJtjCtflad'na v.i. pack up • be ready to leave 
Jctv* n.f. quarter ‘tola’ 

Uh *a'nik n -F. tonic [E] 

sAf}akk'na v.T. tadc sew ; stitch put on : 

^ * join to cobble solder annex 
add submit (petition; etc.) write down^’g* 
toltka n.m. stitch patch solder (rainwater) 
reservoirJJ^y^^^Jyl^Vfan'ka (or tak’ke u'dhorna 
v.i. open out at stitches (of character) be 
exposed^|^)(^u* ka (or tan' ke) udker'na v.t. 
unstich expose^f/^l^rfaft'ia bkar'na v.t. 
sew stitch LCr’jy&J&Vtali'ka.tooi'na (or 
kJpd'na) v.t. be unstitched open out a 
stiches be exposed I (Itffian'ka laga'na v.t. 
tack sew stitch solder fitfiak’ki n.f. 

square piece cut out of whole melon to exa- 
quality a kind of venereal ulcer 
chisel {y^ffatikl lag'na v.i. (of melon) 
be examined thus 

n-f. legLlJu^/fpbg' Btka'na v.i. 
twi** raise the leg W ara'na v.t. meddle; | il/^^tap’ tap gir' 

pop one’s nose in others’ affairs jyy^J^takg’ 
bara'bar adj. (of child) smalli Hg^*; f fiate’ 
ta'le st nikal’ naO^'H'^i^Ctaiig’ ki rah nikal'na 
v.t. (vul.) subdue persuade to yield 
t&iZ'tafig' ta'le se ni'kalna,tf‘ t \j${Jx\aitg ki rah' 
ni' l kalna v.i. submit yield 
tor'na v.t. dabble fin) render ineffective 
write shoddy (verse, etc.;) break tKe leg 4- $i > 

[pjtafig toot'na (of leg) be broken (of verse, 
etc.) be shoddy (,*(£( /&J^dl&C’ta1ig' se tang 
bahdk' kar bithanz v.t. not to allow to leave 
or move seat (someone) (beside one tfjfrlftatig' 
le'na v.t, (of dog) seize (someone’^ leg) to 
bite stop with force C&tJzCtati geh uthz’na 
v t. raise (ope’s, etc.) legs (vul.) copulate 
iyield OfejjifVtak'gtk raih' jana too tired 
to walk any further 

(2'lftaltg'na, i>i^lfiakg' de'na^^jftahg le 
hang up implicate 

t m */'\?ta"ip N.m. type kind 
** Ji/h ^ i b t a”ip ra"itar n.m. 
typewriter' ipist n.f. 

typist [E] * 

i ’ta‘ital n.m. title [E] 



C v ta"im (corr. faim) n.m. time }a" 
pees n.f. alarm clock ta’bal n. 

time-table ; schedule [Ek> 
yfta’un n.f. town jfyb l£a"un kame'ti n.f. 
(?) “ town committee haV n.m 

Town Hall [E] 

*£J \fta”l n.f. necktie [~E] 

i.\ ?l b jffta”ik ta’’ik fish' pk. flop bluff 
CTaU> that has been called ; mere brag 
tab n.m. tub [E] 

* j, 

(y ttb'ba n.m (rare) sand dune 
* Jr 

tm0 / > tap n.m. tonga shade ; tonga bonnet 


I > lap’ pa n.m. name of a (musical) mode 

range (of bullet, etc.) distance 
tack (dial.) post office small administra- 
tive sub-division ((/j 1 1 t a P'P s bkar'na 

(or dal'na or mar'na) v.i ~ tack advance 
unmethodically t s P‘ P 3 hha'na v.t. (of ball, 

bullet, etc.) rebound* M , 

C Lr^T taptapa’na v.i. , trickle patter 
tap n.f. patter (of raindrops) trickle (of tears) 
na v.t, . (of rain) patter 


(of tears) trickle 

tip' pas n.f. access connection b 

V* contrivance (old use) foundation^ 

( lj fifl tip’ pas lars'ns (or lags' na 
or jams'ns ) v.i. * seek access (to) contrive 
to profit from (arch.) lay foundation 
• /Pta'paknavA. drip trickle leak 

’'"v (of fruit) drop par' ns v.t. 

leak drip drop ^/tajt'ks n.m. continuous 
leaking (of roof, etc.) continuous dripping 
fall of mellow fruit mango ripening on 
tree \;%.$jtap'ks par’ ns v.i. be too evident 
■tap’ks iap ki n.f. trickling dropping* of 
ripe fruit one after another deaths one after 
the other \$ l^tap’ks lag' ns v t. become 
leaky (of ripe mangoes) drop continuously 
from tree I'^tapkans v.t. cause to drip ; 

cause to trickle cause to drop ftfstapka ’o 
n.m. dripping tap'ki n.f. coquetry ^jiplap'ki 
par'ns v.i. be conquetish • ’ 

tjijiptaypooit'jiya adj. petty trader < 
haying small capital 
ifta.t'tar n.m. large screen serving as door 

iJ&W'Toon took' n.m. (dove’s) coo adj. 
U^U-y all alone ; forlorn j, b 

N-F - ( usu - bald) pate 

Vs tat'ii gaft'ji hojs’ns v.i. have a good (shoe) 

i* j/^ titkar’ns (Ijl? titkhsr'ns) v.t. clack tongue 
to urge animal on ifjH&'titks’rl n.f. clack 
of tongue to urge animal on 
if tat' too n.m. (F.'tflp’tatvs'm) 
f pony ' h undersized horse (f. 
mare) f'lf^-LUbhs’re ks taftoo adj A?P^Y>s( 1| 
hired pony mercenary ; 4L \ y ~M 


•.bfjiatol'na v.T. grope search or examine 
by feeling : feel Jy^tatol’ n.f. groping 
feeling search sounding 

if tat' ti n.f. thatched screen matted 
if shutter light (wooden, etc.) framework 

•'jat'jl lags' ns v.i. fence 



.y^ap ' ri n.f. sandpiper raid’s play- 

Q/Z thing emitting sound $ 
ha! hilt utfi'ri se a smsn tka'me-gS prov. where* 
fore this brag 

da n.m. rake scoundrel ; 

V guard adj . mean worthless 
l/lftikh'khs ss adv. (of opened eyes) fully 

•5 •ftikh’tikh, i^ljftik' tik n.f. & int. call 
<i/Wto horse, bullock etc. to go on ; go, go 
Sftakh'nah, takhna n.m. ankle 

<iftid'da n.f, grasshopper ; cicala ; 

* cigala ; cicada 

n.f. locust dal N.M. 

locust swarm 

ftar n.f. croak (of frog) chatter Silly 

* talk fare held on day next to Eid ; post- 
Eid fare \j>tar'ra adj. garrulous naughty 
)/ tar' -tar n.f. chatter silly talk f 
tar' -tar kar'ns v.i. croak chatter ; talk 
rudely tftar’ra adj. chattering talkative; 
garrulous quarrelsome proud 

|* *lftarsm ', ^ jtaraim ' n.f. tram [E] 

.*( k tartans, v.t. chatter, murmur; talk 

tar sfts' port n.f. transport [E] 
tir'phis n.f. impudence sullenness 

Llpy tarkhs’na, [if/ tarks'ns v.i. work cate- 

' * lessly or perfunctorily prevaricate^*' 
tar’khal; fftarkho n.F. silly woman 
hag t 

^ ytarafik ’ n.m. sted trunk ; box [E] 

if wed' n.m, trade tated' mark n.m. 

'v^trade mark [E] ** 

fjjr/t are' dal n.f. treadle printing press [E] 

ijjJ/tare’zha rl n.f. treasury [E] 

{ _^ijtarai’fik n.f. traffic [E] 

jftarm f N«f. railway train vf^/tarert, kar’ns 
v.t. train ^JJwtn' ho' ns v.i. be trained 
yatbd' adj.** trained having a 
teacher’s diploma i^J&ftare'mng n.f. 

training [E] 

^flyisas n.f. tussore ; tusser : tussur 

Ajyi'sar ma'sar n.f. shillyshallying ; 
Sjr putting off prevarication hesita- 

j, h tas' se mas' na ho’ ns v.i 
not to be moved at all 

not to change 


fa'sakns v.i. move go away 

tu'sakr, ta v.i. sob cry 


^Jti’sve n.m. crocodile tears iLe^j^tis’ve 
•y bahs'na v.i. shed corcodile tears 
(jf'ti'fan n.m. tiffin [Anglo-Pakistani E] 

(obs.) adv. for a while; for a moment; 
a little while adj. a little Ur l/y 
ji >3 to Aya >«>a ph. a little rest'brings'no relief 
/fta'ks n.m. old coin worth 1/32 rupee 
(fig.) pelf />as' na ho'n a^ 

v.i. be penniless have no mone 
\a'keksa'da^i n.m. mean person 
ta'ke Jti auqst n.f. low status 
ta fa gac At 4a/ dial' ns v.i. lead a simple life 
J3 javsb' de'na v.t. refuse 


y^Hika’na v.t. lodge (someone) fix 
» (someone) up lay on beat ; give 
(slap, etc.)5(^*tAa”o n.m. stability ; firmness 
^ Ati'ka t n.m. ticket (postage) stamp 

judicial stamp label kat 

tigs' pah kar'ns v.i. affix stamps (to); stamp 
jtjiS’ti'kat-gkar n.m. booking office £E] 

/> /frtiA'tiA n.f. tick ; sound of 
clock, watch, etc. [E] 

6y\ik'tiki n.m. stare steadfast 
{j to gaze tripod which crimi- 

nals are tied for being flogged ( 

C&bj tik-tiki bstdk'ni (or lags' ns) v.i. stare,^ 

(at) regard with a fixed lookt^Jt^-J^^ 
tik'titi se bstidk'ns v.t. tie to the tripod for 

fbyik’kar n.f. butt collision antagon- 
f ism revalry encounter competition 
Vflrfki tak'kar ka adj. match tor^jr tak'kar 
tta'na v. stumble bump against collate 
with ^ vie (with) fti’J^ftak'kar lars'ns v.t. 
butt tak'kar lags’ na v.t. dash against 
collide with {yd ^tak'kar lag'na v.i. 
be injured in collision knock against 
Vjlrffyak'kar msr'ns v.i. but strive ; en- 
deavour say (one’s) prayers perfunctorily or 
too quickly y^jf/J/bara'bar ki tak'kar ka adj. 
equally piiatched ; equally good 
polar se tak'kar le'ni v.i. fight against heavy 
odds [ ~ FQLL.] 

.*j /fcfaAra'ira v.i. clash bring into colli- 
si on clang butt j^takra’a n.m. 


l« / /b /t> tU’kar tU'kar dtkk'ns v.t. look 

> wistfully look eagerly give 

(someone) a surprised look gaze despon- 
dently fa (i^iX^j/^'kar tu'kar 

(or tUk ' tuk) di’dam dam na kashi'dam. ph. look- 
ed wistfully without daring to speak 
b£*tik'kar n.m. thick hard cake 

^/btUk'ra n.m. 
tion bit 

piece portion frao 
bit slice- morsel li’ li- 
hood excerpt tuk'ar gads' n.m. beggar 
($» : uk’ra mafig'ns v.i. beg alms 

eftahd ka tuk'ra adj. exquisitely beautiful per- 
son ; a charming creature ^^(Ji/Auk'roii par 
par' ns v.t. be dependent (on) ^JlPZJjVtJik'r* 


tuA; re adv. disjointed piecemeal 
pieces t ‘/e£pdJstuk're tuk' re kar'ns v.i. 
cleave hack to pieces I’/t^tUk're kar'ns 
v.T; divide share cut into pieces 
tuk ri n.f. detachment group ; company 
flock (of pigeons) piece (of glass or 
mirror) tuk'kar n.m. hard overbaked bread 
Ji&taksal' n.f. mintyfl Ji/'iakssl' bs'har 
w adj. base ; furious ; counterfeit 
unidiomatic (words) unchaste language 
fcZtaksal' gftarA'na v.t. bear the mint stamp 
be judged for its worrh be perfect be 
rude ^{J^takss'li adj. of mint minted 
pure : chaste ^bj^l^takss'li zaban' n.f. 
idiomatic language chaste phraseology^ 
taksa'liyoh N m. mintmaster 
U/tik'li n.f. wafer small bread 
0 pendent for forehead 

'na v.i. rest tarry stay put 

~ im 

tak'na, \i&tatik'na v.i. be tacked (of 
file) have points sharpened 
tytak'vs n.m. chopper chopping-wheel 

Ac akor n.f. fomentation sound of 

drum takor' kar'ns v.i. foment 
\j^tako'ra n.m. beat of drum 

'Atokya'i, takbytf't n.f. low-class 

harlot [~ 

/ftik’ys Jfiik'yah n.f. tablet (of medicine) 
If cake (of soap) wafer small, bread 
^jj>^>ti7«7a'na v.i. have loose bowels 

'ptU'lakna v.i; 
(fig.) die 

move with feeble steps 


1 i tat n.f. tale talk , boast al'ldi 

T> mar'na v.r. boast ; brag 
f til' lam adj. nonsense silly 

gLtat'Mifcjftal' jam v.t. get out of the 
.way withdraw vanish flinch , 
shrink hom^tala na v.t. get rid 
of dodge ; evade prevaricate 
Kty tam-tam n.f. tandem [ ~ E 
\\ cork. ] 

‘rftimakh, Jlftimak' n.m. (dial.) female 
O'* vanity tawdriness[ ~ A£,Ijcorr.] 
y'.fy tamprt'cjtar n.m. temperature [E] 

. ^timtima'na V.t. (of light) (of star) 
twinkle (of life) flicker ; be at the last 
timtima’hm n.f. flicker , glimmer 


tfuut n.m. pride sense of dignity 

jj/t an n.m. ton [E] 


(Jr ttt'na, Jl/ta’rflk n.m. clitoris 

*j|<w tan' n.f. ring (of bell) chime (of 
U& clock) 

n.m. quarrel brawl : wrangle 
trouble U, fib* tali’ te-baz n.m. brawler 
,J ts^ adj. very little C\*j fe l^dt tars' na 


v.t. stan from scratch win by slow 



stump of arm stump of tree 

iJ’Aflfr'da adj. (f. handless 

having chopped hands _ b 
.Kitin’ da n . m . (usu. pl. a i^’tin'de) a wcll- 
known vegetable 
Jjtfiaitidar n.m. tender [El 

ijj&l&td'ra n.m. the Tundras [E] 

I b^yaitidvat n.f peg in wall of room with 
J ^ which to tie a sheet to serve as ceiling 
(,* t/J}anksr'ni v.t. pull (string) to test taut- 
■^“ness tap (crockery, etc.) to see if it is 

Cjffitaligar'na v.t. eat little by little 

/ fc*tatig'rl n.f. (leg )Clj , /(f}&taiig'n par at ana 

'*r > v.t. trip (adversary^ I ~ ^Ctaiig] 


..fctabgna v.t. be hung n.m. clothes-line [ ~ 




^cap OyTijy to'pt uehhal'na v.t. jump 
with joy 'disgrace (someone) publicity 
slander banttooq' n.f. match- 
lock top’ n.m" hat hood helmet 
thimbie^J^ran-cop' n.m. cap that can be 
drawn down to cover ears lj/ to' pa n.m. 
tack quilted cap 

to'iit n.m. (arch, or dial.) loss . damage 
\>J candle-enddvriyL'^t $to’ta at Ka'na (or 

saih'na) v.t. incur loss^^ L w'ta bh-ar'na 
(or de'na) v.t. indemniFy make repara- 
tions C%\?Jto'ta par'na v.i. incur loss 
y M tot' too n.m. a kind of small turtle-dove 
}J * ADJ. fool \s>}5jtt0t'r00 SB ADJ. lovely ; 
solitary ; forlorn foolish 
,yJ>ytot'ka n.m. ' charm . spell quack 
W na *AY%\g)yn-UJm-'.l n.f. & adj. 
(woman) resorting to spells . witch 
bhtoot’na v.i. break; be broken.- be smashed 
l d 3 be fractured be cut off . be separated 

dissociate rush ujson sa<!y forth 
(of body) be feverish fall dow n befall 
(of ablution) stand in need of renewal 
(of price) be slashed come down be pluck- 
ed (13) snap toot n.f. breach coolness 
(in friendshipJtij^^j) to»t ’-pkoot n.f. break- 
age wear and’ tear fracture I'b^jtoot 
js'na v.i. break ; be broken snap be 
smashed {toot) kar ba'rasna v.i 
rain cats and dogs toot' par'na v.t. 
rush (upon) fall avidly upon too' tii adj 

broken fy^ijytoota phoo'ta adj. in a state 

of bad repair damaged broken to pieces 
to'dl n.m. toady [E] 

t miyait ki to dl N.r. name ol 

V** a musical mode 

\jj) to'ra n.m. (in tip-cat) hit 


toor'namaln h.m tournament (El 

(jjJt o ri N - M - * ory I®! 

/ftok'ra n.m. basket (j/iyokri n.f small 
U Jr basket l') 0 ijJPy>k'ri dho'na v i engage in 
very low kind of labour 
,.(ftok'nd v.t. check prevent challenge 

*'■' object cavil tok n.f. check 
challenge cavilling influence of an evil 

eye tok'-tak n.f. objections 



jjjlol N.M. toll [E] 

Jjtacil' n.f. twill [E] 

foo’lah. If) tola n.m, band clique 
quarter of town inhabited by one trade ; a 
large pebble $ to’li n.f. band Clique 
small group 

j>L toom ' dikal'la n.m. petty ornament 

> trinkets „ 

..k. ta’na n.m. charm witchcraft fc/iy 
•Jr to'«a kar'wa v.T. cast evil o' tie* 

butt n.m. enchanter ; charmer $ {$ fon'hs't n.f. 
& adj. (woman) resorting to spells ; witch 

N.F. spout sugar-cane root left 
y 1 ' in earth for regrowth [fj^tf^tok'n-vala 
to' fa n.m. ewer 

sKjfooh'fl tf&tuA’di n.f. navel thicker 

■"■^end (of carrot, radish, etc.) 

v.T. (same as v.t. *) 


ns v.t. feel search 


i 3 sound be on the lookout (for) to A 
N.F. search spying watching secretly 
tracing (,*{$, £toA' logs’ ns v.t. watch 
secretly trace be on the look-out (for) 
kj^ffca'tar n.m. lattice such framework 
' for illuminations dove-cote 
i» . Kfkatk^ljithat n.m. (usu. pl.) splendour 
pomp and show dignity decora- 

tion elegance equipage bamboo frame 
lor thatching name of a fencing trick 
(pigeon’s) joyful flutterP^l thatk. bntdk'na 
v.t. prepare frame for thatch (of fencers 
stand at ready I i^i^L^L^sob tiat %! pa'ra 

raUtja'tiavj. (of dying person) quit all bclong- 

with great pomp 

i. /ljtia’'eft Aa'’rtN.F. reports of shot-gun 
Mu.v± tc fU'A ho’m 

v.i. (of shotguns) be fired i'J^?iirj*J&fka”et 
tha 'eft kar’na v.r. quarrel : brawl " clash 
lONO.] „ 

^fkafpeh, Lfdutp’pa n.m. pattern 
mould *die stamp impress (dis- 

tinctive) mark!*# {^ftiop'pa lagn'na v.t, 
stamp mark • 

> i’tiat n.m. throng ; crowd ijMf' 

ke that’ n.m. pl. milling crowd 

J* 4 ! l a £ e ho'na v.i. (of crop ’.) 

be ; gather 

( thot'tks n.m. laughter jest ridi- 

cnlcVjUs^tlmt'fha kar'na^v.i. jest 
ridicule deride^ logs’ m k 

(or mar'na) v.i. burst with laughter 
that ftu-baz adj. facetious n.m. jester k 

humorous person witty person 
tkof'ihrbaa N.F. jest J, fun ridicule ; 
derision wit tiaj'db mefi Ora'na 

ridicule ; deride make fun (of) 
i'fkar'na v.l benumbed shiver 

s . jyjitb (old) feel (very cold) be nipp- 
ed iJ^iAttkra’ua benumb chill nip 

.fig th.i'thakna,itf J jjL^fM'Aak kar mall' 
ja'na v.i. draw back in amazement 
shrink (from) come to sudden stop for 
fear, etc. 

^SfffutAol' n.f. ridicule , derision 
r jesting ; fun n.m. jester witty 

tft/ra n.m. brazier maker of 
]/^T hardware vessels seller of hardware 
vessels maize stalk 

jJ ^tiad'da n.m. main stick of kite (which is 
^crossed byJ^N.F. *) 

IjJZthud’Ja N.M. a kick ; kicking with the boot 


kesath! adv. 
and show elegently 

l J igfka'ra,lj(£tte'<la ADJ. Stout stand- 

/^tla'ter n.m. (dial.) Hindu diety 
>*idol chief landlord ; village chief 
bljjjfcfka’kir-dova'rah n.m. idol temple > 
ii n.f. idleness unemployment (ibr 
O^tka'ls adj. idle jobless * 

.. • 54a*i'na v.i. (doublet of Unused as 
•"j^lettcr’s adjunct) thurst 

jlas'aa v.t. resolve ; be intent uponjbfy^ 
fi (« d»t) met tfcui'aa v.l. set one’s 

heart on 

.b^t&Md’diH.F. (usu. pl.). unslit parched 
grain (same as ^*y*N.F. 

tkud’di pa’kar’tia v.t. 

jh»r n.f. chill 

flatter curry favour 

fcfkar’ra n.m. cheap wine a cheap kind 
of shoe main string of brassiere bad 
unbaked brick 

■k'lkoj adj. solid crammed heavy 

lazy obstinate ; mulish n.m. short 

weight or measure cracked (common vessel) 
JftiSis adj. duli-headed ; stupid (of 
t/ coin) not jingling heavy stolid 


clegance affected gait 

tkas'ia N.M. 

tha'sa fhos adv. (filled) to capacity 

sbtha'sak n.v.tfj)(jkas'ka n.m. low sound of 
fc *'v* , ^coughlng thas ak'na v.t. tap earthen- 

ware vessel to see if it is cracked 
|« ■fa tkus'na v.i. ^bc stuffed be filled with 
capacity (,’/ thSsva'rta v.t. get stuffed 
get filled (to capacity) 

(j? /k&ok' thak n.f. repeated hammer 
knock boring work quarrel 
tifT brawl 

1 10 Aik^na n.m. residence ; place; where- 
abouts address destination limit end 

decency ; suitability reasonableness 
trust ; reliance thika na dkoofnl'na v.i. 

look for residence hunt for job look for 
match (for marriageable young woman) 
tkikanakar'na v.i. find a room (for oneself) 
take asylum (in) Aika'ne chvka'na 

V4. pay off meanials, dues on death of one ol 
family (ftftf'Jj&tkika'ne ka ad' mi n.m. suitable 
person tfithika'ne ki bat n.f. reasonable 

point ^piika'ne lagz'na v.t. kill ; assas- 
sinate marry off dispose of squander ; 
waste spend in tight manner help achieve 
objective : cause to puccecdCP^&tkikane lag'na 
v.i. be killed be married off be disposed 
of be squandered, be spent m right manner 
(of endeavour, etc.) succeed C^aLbe-Aika'- 
ita adj. homeless unreliable inconsis- 
tent uncertain > 

Sf th&kra'na, l^thskra' de'na v.t. 

. spurn kick ; trample upon [ ~ ] 

*) lid fihokHTa'ta n.f. (dial.) village chief’s wife 

0^ [~s&] 

jkuk'na v.i. be beaten be defeated 
(of nail) be hammered (into) incur loss 
(of an amount) be gaoled [ ~ ] 

t ffgjbog n.m. thug ; cut throat robber 
footpad swindler (jfii m jQAag-ba'&. (rare 
bid'diya) .n.f. swindling; 
cheating thuggee Jr }ha’gi, fifoAaga'il 

N.f. swindling ; cheating ^ thuggee tfjk 
ibag'ns, Isf le'na, b'/J^tha'gi kar'na 

v.t. swindle ; "cheat rob tf&thagni n.f. 
woman swindler female thug 

j y? taih' l n.f. (dial.) drudgery ; service 

i* tai'hattia v.i. stroll , take a stroll walk 
•'^’llcfwly ij^rteahla'na v.t. takeout for 


stroll walk (horse) get rid of 

^dfihil'ya n.m. small pitcher 

id Jp AUtn'ri n.f. light classical song 

-'^to which it is set 

it/ri Au'mak'na v.i. strut amorously ; move^ 
coquetishly ; walk with dalliance 
tkSm'mak (rare tkMm'mak) n.f. coquetish strut or 
gait ’mak tkum’ak kar adv. 

with a coquetish gait Jlr tm ^&''ak dial n.f. 
graceful carriage coquetish gait 
'tftkVm'ki n.f. jerk given to string to keep 
kite flying thMm'ki de'na. (or 
lagz'na) v. give a jerk (to kite string [prec.] 

(^5 taih' na n.m. bough 

thanaka,^^ than' than’ n.f. 
* *** chime clang than' 

than gopal' 

n.m. bloekhead nought adj. worthless 
rt&than'na v.i. occur a clash (between) 
be pitted against be resolved be fixed 
(in mind) {la^jZmefi than' ja'na v.i. (of clash) 
occur between 

b^tfthut&h n.m. stump leafless branch 

*7 j, amputated hand 
j&e tfiafid n.f. cold 

-.old chill l&fhah'da ADJ. (f. 
thatidi) cool cold frozen 
cold-blooded ; level-headed extinguished 
pacified ; appeased patient ; enduring 
impotent frigid having a slump 
thak'4 a kar'na V.T. cool down k extinguish 

appease kill ; murder iy%l&fkan'da Par 
ja n3 v.i. be appeased become cold lose 
lustre be defeated^'^ jy \hah'dz ho'na (or 

ho ja'na) v.i. become cold die be extin- 
guished have a slump IV kole’ja 

.(fb'l&lthah'da satis n.m. sighjt^f^ 
tkah'dt gar'miyah n.f. pl. outward love 
unsuccessful coquetry 6~j&~j&Aan 'de thah'de 
adv. early in the day ; while it is yet cool Jjii 
lyd^i/fij^hjthah'di (or Aati'da satis bias' na) 

■ i Vim vi* o cic'h in Hrcnair t&JUi'de 

v.i. heave a sigh in despair Aon'de 

dit st adv. impassionately cool-headedly 
2&fkatida”i n.f. hemp beverage fresh 

cooling sherbet (of almonds and cucumber-seed) 
iSj&dutiidak n.f. coolness chHl com- 
fort satisfaction kale'je hi tkoft- 

dak n.f. satisfaction of ‘having revenge 
(also jfc£ifjy&'iatikhoii ki than' dak) loved child 


ilu'ke-dar n.m. contractor liquor vendor 

Jj dik'ra h.m. potsherd through (for 

dog’s food)'*^ ro’zi ka flak' ra n.m. 
means by which one lives ; means of livelihood 
iklk’ri n.f. small potsherd 
tkt'ke-dair n.m. (sec under n.m. ic) 

d&thJki n.f. bag load 

0* lags' ns v.t. fill tog with grain C^^ftke’kl 
lens v.i. unburden oneself (ake die load 
off oneself taken support > 

tike'/a n.m. .trolly car ,*1 

pulled or pushed by men 
.si^thel'nB v.t. push roll 

propel (rare.) nudge ^ 2 lill§§| 8 i^ 
i#£/ihifi'ga n.m. thumb smalf^^?' 

^~club (vul.) penis 
tAJft'ga baj'nsv.t (of quarrel) take 
place !,*(/) 1 t^fpak'ga dikka'na v.t. refuse 

^ propel 
J / ,*(ihifi'ga n.m 
“■~club (v 

turn down tease pay no regard to 
btW'yah<illsJto'’iyaft ADI. wee-bit 

1 1? W/yah> (JlsJ fo"iySb adj. wee-bit 
Uz, dwarfish iTm. a kind of small parrot 
> _ i's fee'-e ttM. travelling allowance , T.A. 

rfi ie] 

tl'-H n.f. tuberculosis T.B [E] 

ti'-par'fi (col. fi-p&'ti) tea party [E] 

*up n.m. tap cXl^tg^up' Tiksr'dar n.m. 
tap-recorder j^Pf*P (riksr'd) kar'ns 
v.t, tape-record [E] *” 

> tl/» n.f. shrill note best (of the verses) 
refrain cement streak along brick 
borders (in wall) ; grouting ^Igfip-tsp n.f. 

adornment outward show liL^tip' ks 
ADJ. choiccstor best (hemistic or couplet of . 
poem) I’jLsfip' kar’ns v.t. grout 
i£j(*yt*'i ak mak'j/ha difficulty embarrass- 
• ment broken cot 

A ' pH • ' O 

\j?JpyV’ x . c k ’Mh'jte difficulty embarrass- 
ment broken cot 

X K n.m. train ticket examiner; T.T.E. 
£ if Aar n.m. teacher (E) 

..yjlr'na, Ifi JjCzW kaT *‘«a v.t. spend 
(night, life, etc.) 

\j%*er'va n.m. water-pipe of hookah 

adj. (F.^Vrfe) crooked 
‘5Cbent awry uneven difficult, 
person ; difficult to tackle terk n.f. (same 

as n.m. +) &\\t>fcferk* idfh adj. 
beau ; fop ; coxcomb)^ btfu'rks m'rha adj. 

crooked zig zag irregular c4^5^f<'rk2 

pan n.m. terk. n.f. crookedness 
kar’na v.t. slant bend ; tip(/?( ffiJtt’rha 
ho'ns v.t. slant 

ufigli ke ba-ghair' ghi na'kili ni'kalts prov. 
crooked persons call for harsh treatment 
C& } £^u'rhi nftkk se dekk'ns V.t. cast angry 
looks look with evil intentions 
tt'rki kkir' n.f. difficult task 
Jtfis N.F. shooting pain (in book-bind- t 
ing) single stitch through all formes 
tis' uth'ns v.t. have shooting pain 1 ) 
mar'na v.t. (in book-binding) give single 

t Vsoo n.m. ‘butia froudesa’ flower 
L /kl ek NF - pron support (dial.) 

nmmien . t imiv 4 * LV a yt2- / *■— >n ^ 

refuse « promise : vow ctf tek'ns v.t. 

j /%tik'rs n.m. (sand) dune hillock 

talk's n.m. tax [E] 

^^b^X^aikst’-buk n.f. text-book [E] 
n.f. taxi [E] 

* •fitek'na v.t. rest (something on) 

**n.f. rest prop ^tt'kan n.f. prop 

J^ti'kak, $ ti'ks n.m. injection inocula- 

** tion vaccination stain blot a 

kind of ornament for forehead ^^‘ti'kah 
lagans v.t. inject inoculate vacci- 

nate (dial.) stain l"$££&'kalaiik' ks ti'ks 
lags' nSjV.i. be stigmatized 
^jfitaikni'kal adj. technical [E] 

ti ko'zi n.f. tea cosy[E] 

JSn'lah, ll^ti'ls n.m. knoll hillock 

jSu'lar,jSl£ft'lar mss’ far n.m. tailor [EJ 
&ye£tai'lifon n.m. telephone [E] 
li-garsm n.f. telegram [EJ 
^Ayy^faili-vt'zhan n.f. television [E] 


* taim n.m. time [~E CORK.] 





Stem t*. f. snuff (of candle, etc.) 

'IT () . 

St im n.f. team tlm -mrk n.m. team- 

>** " ork [El 

ylyim' tara N.r. outward show decora- 

f V* iion C E 1 

n.m. tin canister [EJ 

(J^teiit n.m. speck in eye cotton pod 

jrytaiht n.m. tent t taifts lags' na v.t. 

■" pitch a tent (E] . fc . t 

)*jstetit'oa n.m. wind-pipe throat 

tefit’va daba'na (or dabocfi'na) v.t. 
strangle , strangulate ; throttle force to do 
something ; constrain bring pressure to bear 

x hen ten (dial, tain' taiti) n.f. & 4 ‘nt. 
(parrot’s cry prate f efl ' l eil 

kar'na v.i. (of parrot) cry prate 
^jjPtai'nis n.f. tennis [E] 

taifik N.M. tank [E] 

•>*{#'«{ n.m. small hybrid species of hens 
(/•' adj. (hen) of this species tiny 

jr'KS n.m. (dial.) horoscope guess 

h xiyoob' n.f. fluorescent tube thin 
‘■S''-* pipe [E] 

i wwtwww t* 
i, « sixth letters of Urdu alphabet ; (it is 
a definite proof of the Arabic origin of 
word containing ; ) it (it is doubled .to replace 
tJ whenever Arabic definite article heads it) 

(in jummal reckoning) 500 
„ fits’ bit adj. (col. sa'but) whole ; un- 
broken uninjured ; unharmed un- 
damaged proved ; prove established 

firm stationary n.m. swa'bit star 

(opp. n.m. planet) (jj£/£sa'bit-qa'dam adj. 
steadfast firm constant persevering 

resolute unswerving (fcZftfsa'bit-qa'dami, 
I’/iZifajbit kar'na v.t. prove ; establish tjj'dJ'IT 
sa'bit tio'na v.i. be proved ; be established (A 

\j‘S3tqib adj. glittering glistening; shin- 
%m z' t ing brightly^ t if&sheftrf b~e sa'qib n.m. 

glittering meteor (A] 

Zjj'sa'lis n.m. arbitrator mediator 
C " K *' arbiter third person impartial per- 
son non-partisan^ a' l is bil-khair ’ n.m. 

impartial person bastard (child) 
sa'lis-e has'rl n.m. mutually acceptable arbi- 
tratorvi^/pa'/ir na'mah (col .yC^Csat'si na’mah 
n.m. arbitration award xi\?salxsah n.f. arbi- 
tress fftfsa’lisl (col. sal’ si) n.f. arbitration 
mediation'll C sa’lisan adv. thirdly ; in 

the third-place dejCsaloos n.m. (dial.) Trinity 

Asa’ min adj. eighth Celsa'mtnan adv. eighthly 

(Jj\?sa'navl Adj. (see under jlADj. if) 

* * 

. jf'ta'/ii adj. second . peer; equal 
^ match (f)Csa'naiA adj. secondary „ if)?!?* 
a‘7a sa'navx Higher Secondary jjS^jfia'navl 
ta'llmi bor'J n.m. Beard of Secondary Educa- 
tion 'la) sa’navi taHlm' n.f. 

(Higher) Secondary Education (jjjA&Atyt) 
(ala) s a' navi ntada'ris n.m. pl. (Higher) 
Secondary Schools {fsa'nijan adv. secondly; 
in the second place Slfiss'niyah n.m. second 
moment [A-c^] 

CZ>$sabat' n.m. permanence endurance 

'stability firmness constancy resolu- 
tion ; resolve (A — foll.] 

^ isabt n.m. affixing (signature or stamp) 
put or impress (seal) k/o^sdb't 'kar'na 
v.t. affix inscribe put impress 

enter ; put down ^ give permanence to , 
make lasting CrfiJZSsal't ho' ns v.t. ’re affix- 

ed be inscribed be put ; be impressed . 
be made lasting [A] 

tJ lysSboot’ n.m. proof testimony 

* evidence probate budi'hl sUbool’ 

boo’t-e ba’ din-nazar' N.m. obvious 

proof ; ‘prima facie* proof ^ tS'i'di 

suboot’ n.m. corroborative evidence 

tahri’ri suboot' n.m. documentary evidence (£* S', 
*« m " »■ 
&f.tanti'di suboot' n.m. rebutting evidence &/. 

lfy^sUboo't-e sarih', (col. sari'fi suboot') 

n.m. direct proof zifit'tS sUboot' n.m. 

collateral evidence suboot' n.m. 

circumstantial evidence &j}(9 W^'l s ^boot 

n.m. conclusive proof i^^QCJlisa'rn suboot 

n.m. verbal evidence &£j\,ba'r-t sUboot' N.M. 

onus of proof (A) 

22 ! 


•*j sakh'khaz n.m. seventh spt of abjad order of 
* letters [A~H] 

„ isar'mt n.f, riches : wealth affluence 
opulence jC? jfsar'oat-mand. adj. rich 
wealthy opulent affluent (fcfjSsar’vat - 
u uadi n.f. riches opulence , affluence 

[A] ^ 

VAsara' N.u. earth soil t-us- 

rara' n.f. nether regions very low 
position [A] 

j>y> s&ray'ya n.m. the Pleiades ; the Pliads tlfZ/ 
“s&ray'ya-jah adj. exalted O’ &Jlau'-je suray'ya 
n.u. very exalted status [A] 

.*/• ihstf'lah mis'ti n.f salep 
pulverized ‘orchis’ root [A] 

. j saghoor' n.m. pl. horderland , marches 
[A~sino ji ] ^ . . 

dJJ-saqnfal n.P. culture J\iisaqa 'fall (ped Q 
^saqa'Jt) adj. cultural JSffj&saqa'fali 
me'lah n.m. cultural dbov/Qtsjytf&saqa'faii 
sar-gar'-myM n.f. pl. culturaf activities [A] 
&} isaqa'lat n.f. heaviness tuj-gidity (of 
& word, etc.) bombast [A } 
<£/fif>siqa'hat n.f. trustworthiness reliabi- 
At * ity authoritotiveness serenity [A~ "2 $ ] 
’j^sufl n.m. (PL.Jttfasqal) gravity indi- 
gestion ; heaviness in stomach sluggishness 
of liver hardness (of hearing) load 

burden turgidity [A] 

AjJ saqalain' n.m. mankind and spirits 

the world and hereafter [A ~ prec.] 
jpsi’qah n.m. (BL.i^i^siqat') authoritative 
(person or statement) reliable trustworthy 


rffiaqiL’ (of word) difficult turgid bombastic 
{jZ (of food) rich indigestible _ (of 
stomach) heavy burdensome } . 

‘\,f‘sulasi adj. & N.m. triliteral (root) 
O'Sitia'si-e mujar'rad n.m. pure triliteral jpr 
suit' si mazidfih n.m. triliteral root with 

±j,suls adj. one-third n.m. name of a 
calligraphic style , offshoot of ‘na$kh’ 
with decorative flourishes in inscriptions 
jtfsimar' n.m. (fL. of^ *) 

^•{^sa'ma'niyah adj. (lit. ) eight [A] 



> sa'mar t/ jam' rah (ped. sa'marah ) n.m. (pl. 

alsoj$ simar’) fruit produce off- 
spring reward result ; outcome jjy* 
stltnttr wr adj. fruitful successful 

sa'mar-dar' adj. fruit-bearing (tree) fruit 
ful (endeavour) iZI/samarat' n.m. pl. fruits 

[A] A 

ysa'man n.m. price cost value^' 
™ samin' adj. valuable costly ; ex- 
pensive [A] 

tysana n.f. praise eulogy encomium 
( jljr\^‘sana'khafi ftfsatta garpftfsana’ -gis’ tar 
n.m. one who praise ; eulogist encomiast 
sana'-kha'm satta’-ga'rl, frA br 

sana' -gUs' lari n.f. praise praising 

i^jjsavab' n.m. reward (of virtue) (also 
fW^ljsaoab’ ka kam) virtuous deed [A] 
^y\ \^saaabit n.m. pl. stars (opp. planets) 

. [A ~ SING. o:C\ 

jsmr n.m. (a sign of Zodiac called Taurus 
(lit.) bull (also jJjif gba'r-e saur’) Saur 

Cave ; name of cave in which the Holy 
Prophet sojourned during his exodus to 
Medina [A] 

Jim seventh letter of Urdu alphabet 
^ (equivalent to English j) in jummal 
reckoning) 3 

. ja (rare or in construction^^/ a'*«) n.f. (lit.) 

. place space; room seat {f'.ifja 
ba'ja adv. everywhere here and “there ; 
hither and thither Iglfja be-ja' \f^Jj\fja'-obe-ja 
.at all times in or out of place right 
or wrong j^\fja-zurtxtr' l J t>^_\fja'~e. zuroor' 
n.m. latrine ; privy lavatory 
(oT-shih) adj. & n.m. f. successor deputy 
viceroy ; vice-gerent lieutenant^J ?, '^ja- 
nasM’rd n.f. succession vicegerency ; 

lieutenancy j (i Ipja-namaz' n.f. prayer-mat, 
prayer carpet (JpfcfeSZjs'-e e'tiraz' n.f. room 
objection, ja'-e pan ah' n.f. refuge ; asylum 

shelter [P] * 

ja'btr adj. despotic tyrannical 

/,Z strong n.m. despot tyrant [A-^] 

, jap n.m. (dial.) muttering of prayers 
Z counting (of beads) [-tgl] 

ItyJa'Pa N **• delivery , accouchement 
v • 

„ ,jat n.f. (dial.) caste high caste C>^ 
jat'-pat n.f (dial.) caste Hindu caste* 





★ ) 

system [~S] .. 

I 'jipj“ t TS ' l *- T -($^j 5t ' ri N - M - (same as l/£yat' 

* * n.T.Jyiyat'ri n.m.) fsee under 1/tN.F. i 


"« i_ j'a'fl n.f. (dial.) community; commu- 
v » nal group (dial.) caste Hindu com- 
munity [S] h 

n.m. (f.tflrjat'ni) name of an agri- 


culturist caste 

^[pjath. n.m. roller (of -oil or sugar mill) 

\p j s' jam n.m. printed linen carpet [T] 

i jsVoo n.m. magic wizardry ; sorcery; 
" . necromancy conjuring charm ; spell 
enchantment y} Ifjadbo bar hay' 

kar'ne-Vala kafir prov. magic is a ■ fact, its 
practice is however banned I'&jjbja'doo jaga'na 
v.t. test the effectiveness of magic.- charm 
'doo chal'na (or ho'na) v.i. be 
charmed be under a spell succeed in bring- 
ing round \rjadoo ks kkel' n.m. , conjur- 
ing trick conjuring 

kar'nu (or cfcala'na or daVna ) v.t. charm ; 
enchant test a spell Jjj^fjd' doo-gar n.m. 
magician a sorcerer conjurer 'tjJu^fja'doo- 
gar'm n.f. witch sorceress tfJjjlt'ja'doo- 
ga'rt n.f. magic wizardry ; sorcery ; necro- 
mancy charm ; enchantment [P] 

Ojifj* doh (ped. jad'dah) N.m. road centre 

* of road paved or metalled portion (of 

‘igjd'&b adj. attractive; alluring absor- 
• * . bent n.m. blotter; blotting-paper 
jd'zibah n.f. (power of) absorption (power 
of) gravitation [A ~ 

'jlfi'jor n.m. (pl. l yjf'jlran‘)(lit.) neighbour£A] 

f . jar adj. that gives ‘zer’ (') to words; that 
' • puts in genitive or dative case ; adj. 
drawing giving ‘kasrah’ thus JZOfhadf-t 
jar' Ofi’barf'-e jar n.m. preposition 
huroo'f-ejm'rah) [A ~ X ] 

ibj PjhridT'jat n.f. georgette [E] 

• • • 

J dribs' nah adj. offensive aggressive 
* jaxihiy' yat n.f. aggression 

jarihiy’yat pasahd' adj. agressive 
jarihiy'yat pasandi n.f. aggression aggres- 
sive policy [A] 

L _,»ibr jd T °b‘ n.f. (ped.) broom besom 

• • brush /}£,Hfjaroob'kash n.m. sweeper 

■ ^ ■ ■ 

scavenger (fvtyjaroob'-ka'sht n.f. sweeping 

, i ja'ri adj. current (of law) in force 
. prevalent continuing flowing 
rfjja'ri rakk'na v.t. continue carry on 
maintain ja'ri raih'na v.r. continue 
be in force remain in force ja'ri kar'ns v.t. 
issue start ; begin institute ; set on foot 
give currency enforce cause to flow 

ja'ri ho'na v.r. issue get going be 

current be in force be all the vogue 
flow [A] 

^j\g ja'riyo.h n.f. slave-girl ; maid [A] 

M * ^ 

>1 jars N.M. winter cold ague 

' * » jd'ra par’na v.i. be cold of winter 

come have ague cJt ijbja'ra lag'na v.i. feel 

y, ja'zim adj. rendering final letter quiescent 

\ J r 

jams' -mm. spy detective (fj/b 

L 7*s.jasoo'si n.f. spying; espionage 
detective’s work I'/lpy^jasoo'si kar'na v.t. 
act as a spy ; carry- on espionage work as 
detective [A ~ 
ijj/\yjd'kat jacket (TEj 

bj\pj'd.'kar n.m. conditional purchase 

X^jakkan n.m. wooden foundation of brick- 
~= svork in well 

rJl *j as ' m v>1 * get up from sleep .wake 

rouse be vigilant^^^/jt^ja^' 

utk'na (or par' no) v.i. wake up get up 
fiiom bed £lrjifjag' ja'na v.t. be up (from 
bed) (of many people) wake up tffsjag'tu 
ADJ. awake vigilant [fbQfjl'tz jag to. 
adj. alive * 

f^jagir' n.f. estate- fief; feud land 
'£’• revenue grant jagl'r-e davsm' n.f. 

estate perpetually rent-free jijjtfjagir'-dar n.m., 
estate owner feudatory grantee. 

jagir'da'ri n.f. fedudalism (l£)yl,jjJurjagir'-dara'nah 
nizam' n.m. feudal system ^yjk^jagfr'-sir n.f. 
such charitable grant [P ~ Cr] 

\\-ja'l n.m. net snare trawl trap 

* fraud ( l ; i^J \fj* 1 btdAa'na (or 

phailana) v.t. } spread a net trawl ; trawl a 
net set a trap pkehk’na, v.i. trawl 

Oi/J'fjal dal' na v.t. spread a net trawl 
lay a snare set a 

meb pkats'na for phobia’ na) v.t 
dupe met phabs'na v I 

trapped be duped 
.,i_ ja'la n.m cobweb gossamer 

” • web-eye [ ~ prec] 

J^J\pj aloof n.m. Goliath (A-rH] 



be en- 



,1 I ,J a ' n N ’ F 

V . ting grate lattice; trellis work lace 

caul integument (of foetus) thick coat- 
ing (of mango-stone)f,|'J|fja'fl par'na, v. hard- 
ening (of mango-stone) Cfjfylfja’li karh’na v.i. 

embroider stitch work lot n.m. 

bobbinet ( ~ prec. ] 

^J'^lpjiflinoos n Galen [A~G] 

‘l* fa jam n.m. jam (E) 

r (*\p n.m. (lit.) cup : bowl goblet ; wine 
1 ’ cup^flfja’m-e jam, (jl (jwfe ja m-e jahat- 

numa n.m. Jamshid’s wine-cup ; goblet of the 
mythical Persian king in which he could view 
the whole world any wonderful possesion 

tlrfeifl vjam eharha'na vt quaff the wine 
seh'hat pi'na v.t drink a toast 
drink to the health of [P] 
ji \p ja'rmd adj, unprogressive ; static 

* inorganic inanimate (of noun) concrete 
is'm-e ja'mid n.m. concrete noun [A 

jsmda’m N.F. muslin with patterns 
JUV' woven into it leather or wooden box 
cttisbja mo-dan n.m. such box wardrobe 

[P ~ sb+jb] 

pSig js’tne‘ adj. comprehensive principal 

** • (mosque) n.m. (ped). principal mosque 
ja'm'-e katnalai adj. & n.m. all-round 
(scholar) ; »J1- rounder mas'jid n.f, 

principal mosque of locality,^^'; a n.f, 

comprehensiveness [ A - gfl ] " * 

-pi ^ji’mt'ah n.m. university 

» society ( A ~ £?• ] 

ja'manN.f. rennet any 
I* • coagulator ‘jambolana’ 

'.dj. mauve (jfoja'mani adj. mauve 
jS'mah n.m* .(lit.) garment 

• frilled gown J'lly’lf jama-tala' tin 

searching the person ^fjpfja'ma-jjb adj . grace- 
ful ; (one) on whom every dress fits well tf-jslf 
jdima-ze'bi n.f. grace ; being one of whom every 
dress fits well 4 Jfja'me st ba'hor ho'na 

v i. be unable to restiain oneself with anger 

met pkoo'k na sama'na v.t. 

be overjoyed [P] 

/.J|W 5n aiso J afl ) N F life soul ; 

• spirit essence vigour ; energy sweet- 
heart , beloved ; love ; lady-love darling 

(tVt j>jL'itjlfjan ana (or a ja’na ) vi. be 
refreshed ; regain ‘strength recoup health 

tf^ltflfjab afrin' N m. Creator j Ofjat-bsz’ ADJ. 

intrepid daring , vemuresornetfjUtirjah-bazi 
N.F. spirit of sacrifice C l^(jl If jan, baftla'na v.l. 
save one’s skin '-'(Qfj(kam)^ se jan badland 

v.t shirk work 

jab' ba'eti lakhob pa r e (khan se bad'dhoo ghar' ko 
a’e) save life save a million iVft ^ J a * 

ba'haq (taslim') ho'na v t die; expire ; give up 
the ghost iffyifjan-bakh' shi (or jab-) n.f. 
sparing life ; forgiveness , pardon granting of 
life bar (na) ho'na v.i (not) to sur- 

viveiLyijtrskfjIfjab’ bo-lab' (ho'na) adj. (& v.i.) 
be dying ; be at the point of deathly 
bh-a'ri ho'na v i. grow weary of life V>f^lrjan' 
par ban'na v 1 . be in danger of one’s life 
jan par khel'na, v.i. jeopardize one’s** very 
existence lay down one’s life (j f’tflfjan’ par'na 
v.i. be revived become graceful being 
to thrive i'J'l;ju^^fcf.)(por\jan tasad’duq kor’na 
v.t sacrifice one’s’ life (for) I'tSjfjJfJIfjan' 
tor ’ kar lar’rm v.i. fight desperately ('tfy'jytyf&lf 
jan’ jo'kkob ka ksm n.m. hazardous task Oj^rtflr. 

O^iJ^jon jo'kkob mebdal'na v.l. hazard one’s 
life; jeopardize one’s existencei^^jan' (h&ra'na 
v t shirk shrink from O^fjlfjsn' 

cjrffura'na v.t. get rid of , escape Cf^^ifjan' 
dthfrakna v.t. be deeply devoted *(to) ; be 
ready to sacrifice one’s life (for) jjtlfjan'dar n.m. . 
animal adj. animate active vigorous 
doo'bhar ho’na v.i be heavy of 

(ped ) 

one’s life (sj(J l fjd n ‘ dt'na v.t. die par 

| jan' de'na v t. die for sacrifice one’s life 
for be deeply in love with j iJ> Ifjafi-sipar’ 
adj. devoted (of lover or servant) ready to 
lay down his life for mistress or master J^U-^V 
| jab-sipan n.f devotion readiness to lay 
down (one’s) liktf&lfjab-sitan’ adj. killing 
(work) cruel (person) $t£-Vjaft-«/a'jii n.f. j 
cruelty callousness etc.<J i f2*y / sokh’la-jah' (or- 
| jan') adj. afflicated tormented jyjlfjab-soz' adj. 
tormenting ; soul-racking se ja'na v.i. 

dieLjlrCfylfjan' se mar'na v.t. kill ; murder 
jan' se hath! dhe'na v.i. despair of 
(one’s) lifejji/wya* fiza' adj. animating 
invigoratihg ; bracmg refmhing^ji»fcya»- 

\Jka”i n.f. invigorating nature (jgjiUrjab'Jisbab' 




y a 

adj. devoted ready to lay down one's life 
very diligent n f devo- 

tion readiness to lay down one s life dili- 
gence ka jatjaf-. vaba'J-e jari 

n.m. problematick person (or thing) 
jan' ka sad qa mai prov save life save a million 
j&n ka la' goo ha'na v t. pursue one 
to death lyl^W jan-lr'oa adj fatal , mortal 
deadly lethal o^'lfjah-kah' adj. $ad ; 
pathetic heart-rending calling for diligence 

( fi&lfjSli-kahi n f sadness deligence 
l P a L ) an dt'na v t be deep 
in love ’with L‘ I jan ko a na v t 

take (someone) to task vexj£l\e>({)(<f'\ojah'-kani 
(kl l)a!lat) n.f agonies of death agony 
anguish l'jj/(Jlf((fi)j/[bariron kl) jari ko 
rona v. i wish (oneself) dead Cw^ffjari kka’na 
v.t. vex, annoy plague (Vjlbjil/tfbjari 
kkapa’na (or marina) v.i. work very hard ; work 
diligently vjari ki amari n,f indul- 
gence pardon ; forgiveness quarter 
Jj\jari ki aman' pa"ooti ph. crave your in- 
dulgence c£j/\s£jlfjan' ke bora' bar rakk'na 
v.t. regard (someone) no less dear than one’s 
life ^X^iari ke la'U por'na v.i. on the 
poirtof death despair of hfeJIJjlfjafi-gudaz’, 
J^ifjah-gusil' adj. killing baneful 

jari Isra'na v.t. jeopardize one’s life lay 
down Cd^jsn' It'na v.t. kill deprive 
(someone) of his life t fyfyftflfjari met jari 
be comforted be revived be no 


longer jittery feel no longer worried jl^ lf 
jah'-nisari adj. devoted (fjfclfjari nisar'l n.f. 
devotion (/yifja'n-e man ph. my darling 
ke jari adj. * lifeless ; dead inanimate weak 
enervated listless insipid [PI 
-. ja'na v.i. (past t. gay a irregularly form- 
»*f ed) go pass , set out depart dis- 
appear be lost be stolen be wasted 
be no more viJ^JeL^fjrine ( bhl ) do pc. never 
mind forget and forgive leave it off let 

(me, etc.) go no more of this silly stuff 1 
ca n’t stomach the lictsj2i£ja'ne de’na v.t. 
let go forgive ; pardon 

n.m. beloved , sweetheart [P~sino 

• | ja’nib N.F. (PL .t^rilfjosa’ nib) side ; direc- 
tion >-riffja'nU>-e, jrirdb adv to- 

words -ja’mb p*rov. (arch.) I adv (lit.) 

this side nib-dor adj. partial ^ biased 
n.m. supporter. panuamJjtiflfja'mb-da'n 

n.f. partiality tfftfjanatbairi n.m. both the parties 



jaruubaiii te adv from both sides 
mutually reciprocally [A] 

| ’£\p lahdt'na evaluate appraise assess 

1 • test ; try survey jy&jafick n.m. 
evaluation assessment appraisal test ; 

trial survey pa'rakh. n.f. scrutiny 

jstig'loo adj. wild ; undomesticated 
* j, • savage uncultured JP - j£f j 
J\e)Zfigk N.F. thigh 1 

J*\P J Ob' giyah (usu but less correct form of) 
l fiifjafi'gkiya) n.m. underwater drawers 

panfies wrestlers breeches [~^V loins] 

I N - F - P ra yw-carpet * 

1''*^ - prayer-mat [P~ (p +j0 ) 

jarina v.t. known be 
aware of think ; believe •* 
deem , hold conceive fancy own ; re- 
cognize understand ; apprehend perceive 
ohf. jan n.f knowledge awareness belief 

idea UV.l'lf ja'na boo’jha adj. well frequented 
not unknown C^Cfjrina paih&a'na adj. well- 
known C^c)^jari r parina v.t. appear^t^j^jlr 
jari boojk' kar (or ke) adv. on purpose*, 
purposely knowingly ; knowing full well 
intentionally jan paih&ari n.f. acquain- 
tance & ( yg'ljQl>jari kar ah-jari barina v.t. pre- 
tend ignorance ‘Ojj^jari le’na v. apprehend ; 
perceive^jjjriitflfjari na pthdiari ph. no acquain- 

li jari vat n.m. animal fool adj. 

- stupid ; foolish uncultured [P ~y/(P 4 - ;j] 
'4 r ja'M adj. vital mortal; sanguine 

0 . hearty , cordial n.m. beloved sweetheart 
darling dustman n.m. mortal 

enemy ; sanguine foe [P-^tj] 

jaoat'ri n.f. nutmeg bark ; mace 

I }rimd&h, £ljj\fjavida'ni j,y\pjavtd‘ (or 
O 39 . javid') ADJ. everlasting ; eternal ; per- 
petual IP] 

I jah n.f. status ; rank station in life 
® . dignity ; grandeur {)}jfjrifjah-ojalal' fjelf 
jrihro ha' sham n.m. rank and dignity 
grandeur ; magnificence splendour i^s^fclrja'h-o 
marisab N.u rank and position [P] 

L.ja'/fH, (pl. W.johala ;jLftokhalj adj. 

^•"• ignorant unlettered ; illiterate ; uncouth 
uncivilized . uncultured [A ~c 5 ^UrJ 
I ja' e-dad' (tare»fjffja-dad‘) w.f. .ptv 

7 perty estate real estate jflffyTabri'i 



ja’e-dad' n.f. ancestral property • inherited pro- 
pcrtyjlC<fJ'jj<ar“i ja'U-dad ^N.F. agricultural 
property ; landed property^* man- 

qoo'lah ja’t-dad’ ja’e-dad' ghair mare- 

qoo'lah n.f. immovable property j^^Jjy^matroo'- 
kah ja’e-dad' n.f. evacuee property j t? 
mutant za’ah ja'e-dad' N.F. disputed property 
jfj a‘e-d&d-e marhoo'nah n.f. mortgaged 
property y^^J^^muAta'rakah ja’e-dad' n.f. 
joint property (ji^^lfja’e-da'd-e ma’a'fi n.f. 
rent-free property^., 1^5^1 f ja’e-da'd-e mo’a'fl-e 
davsm' n.f. permanent land grant 
maqroo'qah ja’e-dad’' n.f. attached . property ; 
sequestered property jlA^r^’makseo'ba^t ja’e- 
dad' N.F. self-acquired property 
maJcfoo'lah ja’e-dad' n.f. hypotheticatcd property 
J^jrlhif ja’edad-manqoo'lah n.f. movable pro- 
perty jlX^Jj/materoo'si ja’e-dad' n.f. ancestral 
property ; inherited property [P~ fr] 

•j\pjet n it adj. permissible lawful ; legal 

• right ; proper just justified 
ja”k. rakk.'tta v.t. permit fallow justify ; 

legalise \^)jj}ytfja’’iz qarar' derm v.T. up- 
hold permit ; *ttowy\,l'na-ja”iz adj. not 
permissible wrong unjust unlawful -jyi' 

£Z-jj^na-ja'iz taw' se adv. wrongly un- 
justly unlawfully [A.- jlf.] 

^y^ja"izah n.m. checking review 
• examination survey exploration (of 
possibility) ty#lfja''izah le’na v.t. check 
review survey examine explore [A~ 

PREC.j ' 

. (tare / 4 a/) n.m. nutmeg 

U * [A~S] 

jab ADV. & CONJ. when at the time ; 
•■j ’* if 5 in case then « *fa^rjab' tak adv. & 

conj. till ; until as long as ; so long as 
while ; whilst till then « adv. & 

conj. since fff^jab' ka ’ Mi adv. & conj. 
whenever everytime that^f ja'bki adv. & 
CONJ. at that very time therefore ; hence 
Jfj^ja'bkl to adv. & conj. therefore; hence 
on that account ; for that very reason 
t-jebbar' adj. mighty n.m. Omnipotent (as an 
attributive of God) [P~foll.] 

~jab'r n.m. force ; might compulsion 
. oppression ; coercion constraint (ped.) 
joining (broken bone, etc.) reduction of frac- 
tions to integrals t ’jfojab'r kar'na v.t. 
oppress ; use force ; coerce compel ( constrain 
faJf/Zjab'T-o ta’ad'di n.m. oppression { 

coercion cruelty ; tyranny **li/ S/^.jab'r-o mfi- 
qa'balah n.m. algebra ^t/f.jab'rali, bil-jab'r by 

force ; forcibly violently ydfi/?. jab' raft va qah'rah 
adv. willy-nilly^' bil-jab'r n.m. rape 
t^.jsb'ri adj. "force under constraint 
involuntary compulsory ~{j/?lS/Zjab'r\ bkar'tl 
N.F. conscription [A] 

^ rjabroat' n.f. majesty magnificence 
>'** omnipotent heaven (sis sphere of 
God’s omnipotence) [A ~ y?.] , 

jibrit', J^yf.jib'ra'il, (J?y£ jibra'il' N.M. 

i''?'** Gabriel ; Archangel [A~H] 

.MYa n.m, jaw 

uyjab'bal n.m. (pl. (Ji^jibal’) hill moun- 
i'*' i&mQ bal-ut~ta riq n.m. Gibralter 
a'bal-e rah' mat Mercy ; name of a hill 
near Mecca [A] 

„iyjibil'lat n.m. instinct nature ; natural 
disposition Jfjibil'li adj. n.m. instinc- 
tive innal natural [A] 

jub'n n.m. cowardice ; dastardimess 

^jub'bak n.m. gown robe toga 5* 

* ' jub'ba-o-dastsr’ n.m. fl. 
gown and turban (fig.) religiousness 

jy jab'hah n.m. forehead ; brow 

jab'ha-ss adj. (one) humbling, one- 
self to bescach 'j C^jabha-sa'i n.f. beseech- 
ing humbly , fawing on humiliating (one- 
self) {A] 

,fC p;jabilt' (or in’) n.f. forehead; browjl^r^T 
C/«* jabi'n-e nayaz' n.m. (lowering of) forehead 
in humility 

i’jp jap'na v.t. (dial.) tell one’s leads 
*V * repeat God’s name tfufjap’ ]i n.f. (dial.) 
Sikh prayer book ram' nam 

jap'na para’ya mal' ap'na prov. saint abroad, 
devil at home 

,'i~jata'na, Llb^jat/a'na V.T. remind some- 

* • one after his failure admonish point 
out caution ; warn 

I V* jila'ns, UJZjitva'na v.t. cause to win or 
conquer [~ Iv^caus.] 

2 ? ja'tan, (ped .jat'n) n.m. (usu- pl.) effort ; 
{!/• endeavour exertion ; striving trick ; 
contrivance )jj/t bazar’ (or ba're) jafan 

kar'na pit, leave no stone unturned 
■ - jit'na, ’J* jit' ni adv. & conj. , as much , 
’*• as many as much as the more (etc.) 
...the jit'na Aka 'no Ut'na 4 i kir' 


kira prov. die more yoji sift (something) the 
worse you will find i tyfcl C*€\>?jit'na fhJw't a 
Ut'na kho'tg, iit'na oo'par ut'na nl'Ae 

prov. small or "dwarfish but naughty 
... iiH t'ijit'na gui ds' lege ut'na mt^ka ho'ga 

pkov. die deeper the well the warmer the Water 
y ) jit'ni cjiadar de'kkiye 
at' He pa"* phaila’ *tye prov. cut your coat accord- 
ing to your cloth jit'ne dam i it'ne gh am 

PMV. life is a series of sorrows 
jit’ni dau'laf Ut'ni must' bat pkov. the ^ more the 
wealth the greater the worry 
jit'ni deg ut'ni hi khur'dtan v*ap. spend less get 
less ; jit'ne mufik ut'ni ba ten prov. 

opinions are ever diverse everyone hazards 
a different guess 

.•» jat'n* v.i. (of animal) be yoked (of 
land be plougheditfj B/a”oo adj. arable ; 
culturablejlf'j«ta'’i n.f. tilling ; ploughing ; 
bringing under the plough tillage jutva'na 
v.i. cause toidll get (land) tilled cause 

to be yoked [~ £/jf£] 

m pjat'thah, &Tjat’tha (occ. ja'tha) n.m. 

/jf • party ; gang mob strength unity 

^lidTjat'tka bahdk’na V.I. unite 

glfr jutya’na v.t. give a shoe-beating [ ~ if.] 

jf*'(j^j a ' a sa l * AD J- (dial.) celibate [S] 

i+pjUt n.f. pair equal ; peer 

.> ja'ja n.f. (dial.) matted hair^U^Lfja'ja 
^ dha'rl n.m. (dial.) Hindu mendicant with 
matted -hair 

jUf'na V.T. set to (a task) earnestly 
vK toil grapple fight ; close with join 
be joined to copulate be matted 
'ii - Yjlfka'ui n.f. wife of husband’s elder brother 

^ > l"* 

Ap'jUs'soh n.m. body corporeal figure 
2*1 (dj** 'oo.'m-uljUs'soh adj. huge [A] 
g n.m. judge (fsja'ji n.f. eourts .[£] 

■ jajman' , ^•jajma'm n.f. superior; 

■ ' person entitled to menial’s services 
gja&Aa n.m. lying in woman [ -P^vcorr.] 

jatk'na v.i. 

suit fit well be tested ; 
. : tried be appraised be estimable 

nan' to* me k ja&'na v.i. be ap- 

proved by look presentable to 
sf.jeJfim' n.m. Hell [A] 

jp j&d n.m. (PL.jljtflajdad') grandfather ; 

• ancestor ; glory (of God) felicity tfjf 
jad'di adj. ancestral 9 jpjad'dah n.f. grandmother; 
granny [A] 

jid n.f. effort ; endeavour serious- 

• ness; earnestness ApJf jid' do- jah'd (or 

jok'd ) n.f. effort ; endeavour toil ; labour 

vjturtJf jid' d-o jah'd kar'na v.t. make an 
effort ; endeavour strive [A] 
jljp jv’da adj. separate distinct differ- 

• ent disparate discrete peculiar 

aside apart asunder ^tyju'daju'da adv. 

separately severally distinctly one by 

one ti/lJfju'da kar'na v.t. separate de- 
tach disunite disengage x \?ljfju'da-ga'nak 
adv. & adj. separately lyj fj? ju'da ho'ns V.i. be 
separated juda’e n.f. separation 
absence differences [P] 

jidal' n.m. contest dispute alter- 
cation fight ; affray j&JiiF jida'I-o 

qital' n.m. contest fighting contention 
affray fight [A ~Jjf] 

jada'vil' n.m. (pl. of Ja^n.f.-^) 


M jid'dat. n;m. 


innovation originality 
new point jid'dat 
pasafid adj. & n.m. (one) fond of new ways 
(of life, ecc.j (one) fond of new twins of 
speech jid'dat pasati'di n.f. such fondness 

j/jejadld' ★ [A] S' 

J ja’dal fight contention jLvji^^jan'g-o 
ja'dal n.m, fight encounter con- 
tention jada'li n.m. dialectician adj. dialec- 
tical^t ja'dali maddiy'yat n.f. dialectics 
jadaliy'yat n.f. dialectics [A] 
jfijp jadvar' n m. zedoary 

j jpjtd'val (PL.Jiitfjada’oil) n.f. (usu. 
U* • double) marginal line tabulated in- 
formation ; table ; schedule (rare) streamlet 
jad'val~bah'dt n.f. tabulation ]j 3 spjad'vali 
adj. marked with straight lines jlffjjjvjad'vail 
paima'nah n.m. schedule scale [A] " 

I ji'rf&ar adv. where whither wher- 
ever there /tf/ejfji’dhar ti'dkar adv. 
(arch.) everywhere wherever 
jl'dhar tab' U'dharsab' prov. he wlio has ’ God 
on his side has everything 
/gjpjBd'j (col* n.m. capricorn ^virkhat'-t-e 
V • jad'y n.m. tropic of Capricorn [A] 

jadld adj. new-; fresh modem [A~ 


/? • jiizam' n.m. leprosy Jfyjuzs'mi n.m. leper 
' • adj. leperous [A] 

^/jf/jaz'b n.m. attraction absorption 

*1 fjlsjfjaz’b kar’na v.t. attract absorb 
tmbibetyi*/ jrjaz'b ho'na v.i, be absorbed ; be 
soaked^>(^> l^jtjaz'b-t maqnati'si n.m. magne- 
tic attraction (Aj 

* jazabat' n.m. n, filjrjazaba'tt adj .CSljf 

jazaba- tiy'yal n.f. "(see under n.m. ★ ) 

. jaz'bah (ped. ja'zabah) (pl. Otyjazabn?) 

n.m. feeling strong desire ; passion 
emotion sentiment £\>jf jazba' It (ped. 
jazflba'ti) adj. emotional ; sentimental £Siji? 
jazbntiy'yat n.f. emotionalism [A~i^tr] 

• jazfr N.M. square root ; figure "multiplied 
***• by itself root (of any powerJfW^/ac'r-# 
sa'lim n.m. root of integer u^fjjfjaz’r-ut ka”b 
N.m. third root &SjJJrjoz'r-e murab'ba' n.m. 
fourth root jaz'r-e mUkas'sar n.m. root of 
fraction [A] 

2* jar n.m. dragging ; drawing genitive 
case ‘kasrah’ at end of word JZtfharf-e 
jar' JifCxP'har'fe jar n.m. preposition (J^/jar'r-i 
saqti n.m. mechanics [A] 

(ped. jurrab') n.m. sock stock- 
• ing hose [P] 

r''at N.F. courage ; boldness ; daring 
* valour ; bravery temerity audacity 
V / UZsl7jUr' , at kar'na v.t. dare have the 
courage have the audacity (to) tfSjdri adj. 

^•\jpjanis\m n.m. pl. bacteria [A~sino. 

f \*i arT *ft N,M - . sur 8 eon J'Sjarra'M n.f. 
U'S. surgery t$*j*SQ* * a' mal-e jarra'hi n.m; 
surgical operation ; operation [A~foll.J 
jira'fat n.f. wound sore [A] 

. i 

AD J* (of army) very large ; huge [AJ 
S I 

Jtijf )*ra”id #m. tl. newspapers ; dailies [A ~ 

N -M- crimes sins p-fL'fc'/V 
\ S. trlika'be jard'im n.m. committing of 
crimes crime incidence <*?/(]/ 7jara“im-e 
khafifah n.m. pl. petty offences / 
jara' l m n.m. pl. sdrious crimes ; felony 
rufiar'-t jara' f m n.f. crime.! incidence [sing 
^jfjUrsoo’mah n.m. (vL.(Clj?jaraslm') bacterium 
\ &l£J/:j'*rsoomijyat‘ adj. bacteriology 
(pbsS/TjBrsoo'ma-dan N.M. bacteriologist 
jursocmijya'H n.m. bacteriological [A] 

i^jar’A (col. jir'£) N.M. wound sore 
*■' * cross-examination criticism l'J'&J?jar‘l 
kar'na v.t. cross-examine 0"U^t l/Sjorh-o ta'diT 
n.f. critical examination [A] 
ij'gjdras n.m. bell.fA] 

^jUr'‘ah n.m. draught sip gulp 
^ drop JJ'^jar' l a-kttb hm. drinker 
toper [P] 

f ' jir'gah (rare jar'gak) HM. tribal jury; 
jirgah \;J )yS£fjrjir’gak ke sipUrd’ kar'na 
v.t. refer (case) to jirgah [P] 

.pjir'm N.M. (PL. ('Uflajram') body (esp. of 
inanimate object) Mfsjir'm-c fa’laki hm. 
heavenly body [AJ ^ 

. jUr'm n.m. (pl./ izjard‘im) crime; cri- 
f S* minal act offensive guilt trans- 
gression fault isba’t-e jur'm n.m. prov- 

ing of guilt &Cliriika'b-* jUr’m n.m. commit- 
ment of offence ffijlftiqba'l-e jur'm n.m. confes- 
sion of guilt|^-'JJ( iqda'm-e jUr'm n.m. attempt 
to commit offence be-jur’m adj. innocent ; 
frui\tness{'S& J ?suboo‘ t-e jUr'm n.m. proof of guilt 
e .kfsta’f-e vaz'e fit'ti N.M. 
unnatural offence jUr'm-e khafif hm. 

petty offence ; minor offence jUr'm! 

semun'kirhoja'nav.T. plead not guilty fj&f'S 
jur'm-e Outdid' n.m. grevious offence”/^^ 
jur'm-e ‘ azim ’ n.m. capital crime ^ j U* ■ / 

(J^£) jur'm qa'bil-e das'l ahda'zt ( pultrs '). n.m. 
cognizable offence qdbU-t zma'nat 

jUr'm n.m. bailable offence ( ■ Ur'm 

ka mur'tokib ho'na v.i. commit an "offence 
('JO’sa 'jibul-qat'l jUr'm n.m. offence punishable 
with dcadi&lsZjurmiyyat' n.m. criminology^ 
iZtUtfma'hir-e jurmijyat ' n.m. criminologist [A] 

. " jUrma'nah n.m. fine penalty tyjis. 
^rj'. jUrma'nah it’na v.t. pay a " fine 
pay a penalty \!/jt\tJ'.jUrma‘nak kar'na 
v.t. fine jUrma'nah mo‘af kar'na v.i. 

remit fine [ ~ prec. A] 

C jar’nal n.m. journal ; periodical jar’- 
C/S» nalizm n.m. journalism •^^jar’naiitf N.M. 
journalist [E] 

jUr’va n.f. (derog.) wife 

ja'ri adj. courageous ; bold valiant 
6Z brave interpid [A 
^^ju'riKM. rinderpest 

pjarayan’ n.m. (col. jiryan' Bright’s 

• disease glest flux circulation [A — 



^/jrjarW n.f. sixty-yard land-measure 
* *“ * chain for measuring that much (arch.) 
stick (,'Ji^'^'jarib kar'ns (or dal' ns) 

v.t. measure land by chain '~£Z'jatib'-kash 
n.m. land measure ^ / * •s'/jarib-' kashl n.f. 
measurement of land [A~P if/} 
g ^ jar}' daft adj. n.m. (pl. / l/^jars'id) periodi- 
- cal ; daily newspaper adj. lonely ; 
solitary alone ; unattended [A] 

Al, jar n.f. root stern basis origin 
r* root-cause )*Zjay_ (se) ukhar'na v.t. 
uproot extirpate L't&Zjar pa'karna v.t. 
take root be firmly rooted b?lff(j$)jZjar (or 
>' rek) kat'na v.t. strike at the root (of) 

destroy root and branch l^tHjarj'la adj. (r.J> ^ 
jaxi'K) having hardened roots 

J fejara'val n.f. warm clothes ; winter apparel; 
* * woollies [~ tfls] 

rfy. jar' ns v.t. frame stud ; set (jewels) 

• strike ; lay on (blow) stick on affix 
Cfyjara'naSWjarva'aa v.t. have (picture, 
etc.) framed have (jewels) studded cause 
to be set with jcwclsjl%jara' , oo adj. studded 
set with stonesJ<i#«ra'’» n.f. setting (of 
jewels) remuneration for it OZjar'ya n.m 
jeweller enameHcr paederast 
">yjur'nS v.t. join ; be joined unite 
be mended (of money) be saved be 
obtained ; come to hand$ ( >f jura"! n.f 
joining mending remuneration for it efijX 
jgr'wrt adj. twin (bfcfSr'tB* bad'ske n.m, 
pt. twins fijjrjwrva'tts v.t. cause to join ; 
to unite get (something) mended 
> ja'ri n.f. root of medical herb ‘’(Jjftft? 
j a > ri fco'ti N .F. medicinal herbs 
[ juz, yf.b'i’juz' ADV. except ; save ; except- 
ing ; with the exception of besides [P] 
v j&^&rjUfv N.M. {pl. I^ajzs') part ; por- 
t i ori ingredient folded forms (of book) 
ba'dan ho' a a v.i. be assimilated; 
he digested ifj%Xjuz-bah'di n.f. bind- 
ing (of bfek) with forms separated 
stitched j)/jrj1U-dan’ km. ' case for fijjgjp^ 
one’s copy of the HotyQuran P ort *|^ r 
folio satchel Uj£gja*tad' adj. 

n.m. (pl. JfiUZlW* ' zarbl) factor 
JCz-pagti adj. (of service) part-time Jrj'/tju'z-o 
kui , tfjiXjiU't**** 1 ADV. wholly ; entirely ; 
ja uil y from top to bottom adj. whole ; entire 
QjJj'Atfyulrn layatajai’za N.M. indivisible 

particle; atom ^JifjSXjuz'v-e layanfak' n.m. 
inseparable part jjXjuz"i, (fsXjB'zm* (col. 
jUz’oi) adj. partial Cstjtjuz'iyyat' n.f. details ; 
minor details [A] 

tyjaza n.f. reward ; requital ( blessing 
' compensation retribution JU/ Jfar jazs'- 
kallsh' int. (pl. ZnAyjaza'kUm Mah') God 
bless you [A] 

//X j°ZS”ir n.m. islands ; isles [A ~ sing, t/X"] 

yjrjtz'-biz adj. offended : displeased ; 

• * annoyed ; vexed . Vf,yyjiz' -biz ho’na v.t. 
take the offence ; be offended be displeased 
be annoyed ; be vexed 

/jfjaz'r n.m. ebb-tide ; the reflux of the sea 
J>jSJ?j a z'r-o mad', mad'd-o jaz'r n.m. 

ebb and flow of tide [A] 
c,yja‘za' n.f. impatience t/’/>tf%ja‘za'-o fa'za 
* n.f. crying ; bewailing mourning 


. y jaz'm n.m. diacritical mark making letter 

f quiescent determination ; resolve ; firm- 
ness (-/i (‘f 'az'm-bil-jaz'm n.m. firm resolve 
settled purpose [A] . 

9 yjazi'rah n.m. island ; isle byj-^jazi'ra- 
h nums' n.m. peninsula [A] 

jiz'yah n.m. poll tax ; capitation-tax levied 
•* * for exemption from military duty [A~/^] 
War n.m. (dial.) reputation (W. dial.) 
U m merit ; virtue hams’ re 

na’mak A* met jas nafdk' PH. our salt has ho virtue 
Otir solicitude evokes no response 

j^jis pron. who which whom 

l/* What that 4(J*jis' par adv. at which , 
whereupon ; whereat Jyfjis tis pron. (arch.) 

whoever whatever someone or the other 
H~\fdfy'£ti(Jj?jis' tan la'ge so tern ja'ne,Jt£y 
'(j'AjXf^.'fti/yj.fejiske na /Aa'fi boo a"i voh 
kysjs’ne pir pars"} prov. nobody can fully 
realize the other’s pain i/ffjfjis’ jis prov. 
whichever each of which £ f/fjis-ja’gah adv. 

where wherever jis' -dam adv. when 

while ; whilst as soon as ; no sooner than 
C’/jTjtf ta'rah (ped. jis' Utr'h) adv. as just as 
^ktfjis' ta’raf adv. wherever in the direc- 

tion that jJjrTjis' qad'r (or jis' qa'dar) adv. 
as much as to the extent that JfJTjisjks 
pron. (p. (fufjis hi) whose ; of whom ViTUy 
jis' ki'sl ka adv. of whomsoever f f jis' kVsi 

ko adv. (to) whomsoever \dj 
ne be' H di Us ne kya' rak'kha prov. let none 
malign the bride’s poverty-striken father for 

giving no dower C^i/fjis' vcq't adv. whenC^r I ^^.rja'd N.M.curl ; curly lock [A] 
tff.jis’ vaq'J bit adv. whenever 

is* ka km' fi si ko sa'je ( aur ' 
ka'rt to fkih'ga ba'je) prov. every man to his trade 
ka kka"e us’ ka ga"e prov. every 
man praises the bridge he passes over g-i fyfl 
jis' ko rak'kiu s5i”jah u’se 
mar sa'ke na ko ‘i prov. he whom God protects 
none call kill ke 

hath do"i 8 s' ka sab ko"i prov. everyone is a lifr'- 
friend to him who gives generously ' ' 

U^jis’ ki la'fkl Us' ki bkaihs prov. might is I 
right l/s&'fjZif 7“ ’ bsh’di men 

prja‘l*M. forgery fabrication j f>T ja’l- 
*"' * sat' n.m. forgerer jjUfja'lsa'H n.m. forgery 


ja ,r ti adj. forged counterfeit 

(y* spurious^ ja‘H dastavez.' N.F. forged 

document sik'kak base coin . 

counterfeit coin [A ~ prec.J 

■ja' Jari n.f. lattice ; trellis 

a kind of yellow flower [P] 
ja||ia'</ari' < fjilfjrjuga'dari adj 

seasoned huge 


kka'eb fl'ri met shjud’ kar’reh prov. ungrateful ifl^jS^ra'/iyaA n.m. geography 

person is foe to own benefactors /Jit'lf.QZ fiy&'i (ped.^I^/fighraTf) adj. geogra- 

..i.-' r— r* m 

ji'st pi’ya da' he vohi soha'gan prov. fancy passes 

&,s r ,jasn'rat n.p. presumption intrepidity-, 
J * temerity boldness audacity [A] 
i^ffjasa'niat n.f. bulk dimension [A~ 

| ".J'ias't n.f. leap ; bound il\fi};)l‘/(j**?jas't 
* bkar’n a (or lags' na) v.i leap ; bound [P — 


y [ ~ (AJ f'ias't n.m. zinc LfTjas'ti adj. zinc (of 
steel) made rust-proof with a thing coating 
■of z«>c y 

? -9 * tust ~ ioo' n.f. search quest 
/• • justvjoo' kar'na v.t. search tjf^fjtist&joo' 
ho'n a v.i. searched [P ~ if ~ ^^jus'ian] 

** _ „~jas'ta jas'tah adv. from here and 
**•<**• there ; desultorily 
j^yrjalsad n.m. (PL.jljrfajsad ) body {A] 

phical [A - G] 

n.f. oppression ; violence ; injury in- 
***justice J^&jafs'-peshah, f, isZjof i' 

jafa'-she'arjj/liTjafa-kar' jaf&'-kt* y for 

jafa'-gds'tar adj. cruel oppressive unjust 

jilting beloved^^{sJOo/a'-lra'»i n.f. cruelty ; 
oppression ; tyranny unrequited Jove ^ lit?; 
joja'-kash adj. hard-working ; diligent 
ja'fa ka'shi n.f. diligence liAizjafs' kafa' n.f. 
hardship hard times trials and tribulations 


adj. even (number) mated 
(with) ; coupled (with) n.m. pair of shoes 
ZjP'jGftah n.m. fold crease wrinkle _ 

crack threads running together spot adj. 

bent wrinkled C fyzleiZjttf'tepar'nS be 
threadbare have unwanted creases have 

(honour) blemished (jfijuf’tl n.f. pairing or 
mating (of animals) khans v.i. (of 

jism n.m. (pL.l'Uffe/ram,) bodyifcUV"^ 
f * jis'm-e jamrfdi ' 
jis'm-e kayos a 

naba'ti n.m. vegetable body 'J^Tjisma'm, ^rare. 

(f^jis'mi) adj. bodily physical ; corporal 

carporeal material carnal 

jisma'nt saga n.f. corporal punishmentiS^# 
jtsma'tA seh’hal n.f. physical fitness 
jisma'id var'gtsh n.f. physical exercise 
jismaniy'yat, C^Tjismiy'yot N.F. materiality [A] 

~-^jasim' adj. fat ; bulky ; corpulent [A 

( **. PREG.] 

{jTT jojfc'n n.m. festival festivity rejoicings 

jubilee (fU , cfcjash'n’e alma' si n.m. Diamond 
Jubilee C%Ubl)jfjj(f?jashn-e gar' rtt J ot tila'i) 
n.m. Golden Jubilee ( 3 Ph )l/f^t&‘jasKn~e 
si'niHi (or ntq'ra’i) n.m. Silver Jubilee I f }*& n.m. (dial.) epoch 

jash'n mans' na v.t. celebrate a festival [P) | L ^f ages of the world accc 

. . . ., animals) pair ; copulate [P] 

jamrfdl n.m. morganicjxjdy^ij^p*"^ ‘eZjaf'r n.m. occult science of numbers and 
I'ni n.m. animal bodyJA'yrfjrVm-e s' letters ; numerology curti-litcrology [AJ 

u_j.. ‘^jakarns v.i. bind ; fasten ; tie pinion 

stiffen ; become rigid bring under 
control join together Js^ ja kar-batid' adj. 

fight bound strung ; taut ja'kar 

ja'na v.t. be bound stiffen ; become rigid 
be joined together 

'fjag n.m. (dial.) world universe 
W T others people ; masses ; public 
jag-Wti n.f. things concerning < other people; 
tales or deeds of other people^ li>CArjag-hattsa"i 
n.f. public ridicule 
n.m. jug [E] 

of the various 
according to Hindus 

save little by little 

aov. forever and ever eter- ,‘t fp jagmags'no v.l. .glitter 

nauy always ‘-^fjug ' jug ji'yo int. ' burn ; brightly jag'mag, 

Kve forever l&S&&-jvga' jags' ksr rakk'ns t£\& I jag mag jagji\ag adj. & adv. shining ; 

V*jjQga kt rakk'na v.T. save little by little 
keep carefully 

AD J- (same as C^UfADj. ty «— t jag mags adj . illuminated glitter* 

cud Occclc 

jagtfhkar'ns (rua.Ct^jagal’na v.l. chew ^ - c„a.. — - 

the cud ; ruminate 

laundry ; bundle of washed 

C/ ' clothes 

L'S' jaga ' n V.T. waken rouse from sleep I 

' make conscious of test efficacy of 

(magic) light ; kindle [-cJWaus.] 

jag' mag jag' mg adj. & adv. shining ; glittering 
jag'mag (jag’ mag) kar'ns v.i. 
glisten glittle dazzle shine brightly 
jag' mags adj . illuminated glitter* 

\ •f^S'jug'noo n.f.. firefly ; glow-worm (also 
jug'ni ) thin diamond-cut locket (worn 
in string tied to neck) 

f'~ja'gak n.f. place room post 

vacancy occasion JfJf ja'gah ja'gah 
adv. everywhere ja'gah chhor'ns v.l. 

leave a blank leave a post or place make 
room for Ijyjf' ja'gah dens v.T. make room 
for fix up (in some job) provide (someone) 
a place 

1 ip jut n.m. trick fraud , deceit ; cheating 

C/* circumvention j\ £j*r •bag. n.m. cheat 

knave l/Ojf jil’-de'ns, Qjfftjul kjte/'ns v.T. 
cheat defraud dupe Vu r £tfjitl' meh 
s' ns v.i be tricked ; be cheated : be defraud- 

ed be deceived be duped 
KS? jut n.f. horse-cloth housing 

ftfoj*t*'** v.T. keep with care (only in) 

N.F. rim of well n.m. (dial.) 

universe j&ICjA ja'gat-ustad' , 
3 jJdA ja'gat-gv ' too n.m. renowned teacher 

skilled craftsman [S] 

..fcjZ'gat, cfcrzi’la ju’gat n.f. wit 
*■■■*• witticism joke pun jtrick coax- 
ing taudngjbJAfja' gat-bag, (fi jug'H, 

jugat'ys N.M. witty person quibblcr 
punster clever ; skilful cunning tfAcA 

jugal bs'gji N.F. witticism quibble pun 

O/jiAjU'gat bol'ns v.i. pun - quibble 
indulge in witticism^}; ju'gat tags' ns 
(or m*/a'na) v.T. coax intrigue entice 
^JjcJfjU'gat-rafig N.M. witty person quib- 
blcr punster 

j/riJ jag 1 jags n.m. brass tinsel thin oma* 

Ty mental brass plate 
Jff jitfjtg} n.f. sycophancy 

ji'gar n.m. liver (fig.) soul-heart 

* (fig ) courage (fig.) endurance I 
jig'rs n.m. (col.) courage endurance mA U * shs'nohne, tJlk- 
ji'gar-batd NM. son child glorious [A- JOf] 

ji'gar ckak' (or khoon) ho' ns v.l.' suffer a lot^i^ . jits' n,f. br: 
ji'gar-kharssh', })jAji' gar-dog adj. pathetic; **• lish bumisl 
heart-rending v/^/A ji'gar khoon' kar’na v.T. jljp? jils-dsr' adj . 

& 1. take great pains torment Zry'sT tening nickel p< 
ji'gar sokh'tsk adj. deep in love js^ ji'gar -sag' polish burnish 
adj. tormenting (fjy'Jt’ji'gar-io’gl n.f. suffer- polisher nick 

yr** n . f. horse-cloth housing 

ip jal n.m. (rare) water lAlJ^jal'-bshk n . f . 

U’ (arch.) dagger-play in water ; marine dag- 
ger-play d^J^jat-pan n.m. (rare.) light repast 
jal' pa'ri n.f. mermaid uAjtf jal'-larahg' 
n.m. trough bowls or glasses partly filled with 
water and beaten^ with sticks to produce music ; 
musical bowls {jrtfjal* that' n.m. marsh ; 
swamp : bog water and land I'rfuMjAjfcjal' 
that' ek' ho' ns v.i. rain abundantly tfjJJrjaT’ 
to’ri n.m. (Hindu euphemism forj fish (ftjrjat 
ma'nis n m. merman ( , 

Lpjal'la adv. git r.fied adj. glorious ^Istfjal'la 
U* shs'noboe, 'Jtk^fiyjjal'la jala’lokoo ph. God is 

. jits' n.f. brightness sheen ; lustre po- 
lish burnish nickel plating clearness 
jWf jils-dsr' adj. bright glittering : glis- 
tening nickel polish iff jits' de'na v.T. 
polish burnish purify jtftif jits' tot' n.m. 
polisher nickel plater burnisher [A] 

tfiA'ra n.m. $on child darling purgative lagna V.i. have motions 

ji'gar kadi n.f. hard labour suffering /?/& (owing to purgative or fear; C^Sfjulab' le'M 
ji'gar go' shah, A &Slakh’t-e ji'gar n.m. (fig.) v.i. take a purgative (A -P 

son child ’ darling tfJfjiVi (ped. ji'gari) , ^ jals'ps n.m. jealous spite [-1^] 
adj , intimate (friend) ’ hepatic [P] 

ifilPZ jala'rjil N M - p l anklets [A] 

it- jallad’ km. executioner adj. cruel , tyran- 
nous la'd-e fa'lak n.m. Mars^jUf 

j alla'di n.f. cruelty ; tyranny [A ~ Jf] 

&lj ^jala'dat n.f. tyranny endurance [A] 

* jalal n.m. majesty grandeur glory 

Qv% awe-inspiring qualities holy person’s 

wrath Jpfja/a'/i adj. majestic glorious 
awe-inspiring wrathful invoking God’s 
awe-inspiring attributes Cdbfjala'lat n.f. 
majesty dignity ^jfit-yyfjala'lat-nl ma'lik \ 
n.m. His Majesty [A] 

#•.!_ jila'na, Ujsbtjila,' de'na v.t. quicken 
*»• (the dead) revive give a new lease 
of life 

t*jj^ jala'na v.t. (see nnder. Of v.t. if) 

b jala-va'tan adj. exile ; banished person \ 
V/ct&jal* ‘-va'tan kar'nn v t. exile ; | 
banish fac/jDf jala'-va’Um ho'na v.t. be exiled; 
be banished^) Dfjala'-vat'nl (ped. va'tard) adj. 
exile : banishment (fijfjttla- 

vot'ni kl tih'dagt giuar'na (or basar' kar'rta) v.t. 

live in exile lead the life of an exile 

L jula'ia n.m. (Htfltrjula'to) (same as Ifc 

¥ •'» N.M. if) 

getting ; darvation 4 acquisition 

• * Zirjal'ibt man' fa st n.m. deriving bene- 
fit [A] ** 

, . jU'd n.f. skin binding (of bode) 
volume copy fajif/if jib d baftdk'na v.t. 
bind (a book) jL^jil'd-saz (nrch.A^iffjU'd~ 
bahd, Jjfc jil’d-gar) H u. book-binder Ipjrj il'd- 
M'd (or arch. (JjfJr jil'd-bah'dl, (fjfjjgjil'd 
ga'ri) n.f. bookbinding (fjfjil'dl adj. skin 
(/^Ifljil'di amrai' n.m. pl. skin diseases [A] 
ipjoi'd adv. soon quickly , swiftly 
at once j\j)fjd'd-baz adj. hasty rash 
impetuous jijljfjol'd-baga'nah adj. hasty 
precipitate ; expeditions adv. hurriedly ; 
hastily expeditiously rashly ; impetuously 
IfWJ'jaTd ba’d n.f. haste expedition 
joTdi n.f. hurry ; haste quickness , swift- 
ness celerity st adv. quickly ; 
swiftly at once speedily I'/fjJfjal'di karna 
v.t. hurry up ' make haste hasten 
expedite [A] 

kp jal’sok n.m. public meeting 

meeting gathering 
get together- (in prayer) final 
sitting jaVsah kar’na v.i. hold 

a meeting sah ho’na v.t. 

(of meeting) be held (A - <J*)f\ 

+lPja'laq n.m. masturbation ; self-abuse . self- 
V* relief lags' ns •v.t., masturbate 

»•(_ jal'na V I. bum be kindled be 
enraged feel jealous be inflamed 
with love, etc, (Jf ja'lan n.f. burning ; sensa- 
tion inflammation heart burn heart-burn- 
ing jealously sense of frustration il&IJfja!' 
ttfk'na v.i. (or fire) break out ja'ma v.t. 

be burnt ; be consumed be cut to the quick 
become jealous V/lXjol' mar'na v.i, be burnt 
to death lifja'la adj. (f. jail) burnt 
enraged Caf.lffja'la bhu'tta adj. scorched 
enraged J.J’otyjf’ja'l* pa’’oh ki bittl FH. 
uneasy roving' ■)*’** P° T noon 

f^ju'rakna v.i add insult to injury 
ja'li ka'tl sinana v.t. say filings bitter and sting- 
ing I'gfjala’na v.t. burn light ; kindle 
inflame make jealous cut to the quick 
(CflA jjda'. delta (or qal'na) v.t. bum down 
consume Ujfjalva'na v.t. cause to bum 
cause to be bymt 

-•tpjaloh'dkor, jjjffjthai da* n,m. dropsy [~S Jf. 

ja'laf n m. (n..fyfutjlaf') mean person (A] 

jilm retinue equipage bridle 
• kejilou null adv. in company (of) 
ahead (of) in front of jls£jilau'-kfu'n*k km. 

porch ; vestibule open space opposite 
palace gate jljJfjilau'-dar n.m. member of 
the royal retinue companion royal savant 


^ iol'aot n.f. public place crowd multi- 
*^yTtude i/p/f)ol'vat meft adv. in public 
jal'oat-o-kkatvat ,n.f. (one’s) public and pri- 
vate life jhjZjZ&Jfjalvat-o-khal'oat nth adv. 
in public and private [A] 

.ip jitloos' km- procession accession to 
l throne ; accession (rare) sitting [A] 
jpjal'oo/r n.m. manifestation splendid 
sight bridal display appearance (of 
sweetheart, etc.) lustre ; effulgence , fa 
jal'va gah n.f. place of manifestation place 
of display nuptial throne J fjfjal' co-gmr adj. 
manifest present ; in sight fa t fj/fjtfw-gar 
ho'na v.i. come make (oneself) manifest 
(fJl)fjal‘oa-ga'rl n.f. manifestation 

splendid appearance ^Jfjal'oo-t toot' n.m. 
manifestation of God to Moses at the Sinai 
Mountain [A] 

kp ja'ti adj. salient conspicuous 

if* evident (of type, etc.) bold (of hand- 

*L 232 

writing) plain and large fiJ^khafi.e ja'll n.m tion crowd ^,V.jama'vat n.f. freezing 

L f ft i andwrU,ng **$?-'* * congealment fitting f ~ ^caus.1 
& pl. bold letters or type Si&jal'li aa'lam nm J 

& *nv /Mikhuu 9 N ' /r'l r Jama » n.f. yawn g 

, * ** ft ft" (0r ! y ft ,ypc or b0ld Ciffiltjma’H U'm v.i. yawn ga 

. tCrs 0'J>V k r -‘je h n.m. invoking God’s name * ? , am ’ iam A nv Mial 1 oft. 

crowd t-'t&jama'vat n.f. 

& adv. (in) bold letters (or type) ; type or bold 
letters (jf^Jjzik'r-eja'li n.m. invoking God’s name 
loudly [A] 

n.f. fried coil kind of sweetmeat 

^A^jalW {a\sQ(jr}}ft kam-j alts') n.m. (pl. U*f 
ji'lasa') comrade ; companion [A -</#■] 
ADJ. (pl. Jfl ajil'lah) great iU-.s- 
. trious glorious ^ 'jgjalil-ul-gad’r aoj. 

illustrious glorious one of the elite of 
society [A ~ Jilj] 

J'jam, Jj&ljunuhed' (or stnd') n.m. name of 
I* mythical Persian king ,\fljom~joh' adj. 
glorious jike Jamshed [P) 

M | i ~ jamtnai n.m. minerals inorganic 
.natter (A -jU;] i 

J* m 3'd-al ukh'ra, S jama.' d-as 

(col. J j l}f(( itfjama' dijp-ul-av'val) n.m. fifth month 
of Hijn calendar [A ~ jtfij 

jamma'zak n.m. she-camel dromedary 

ft) [AJ 

a, i pjtma' n.m. sexual intercourse ; copulation ; 

* coition Aar na v.t. copulate 

(with w^man) (A ~ ^ j 

n.f. party bodv ; brgani- 
zauon association , society class 
congregation congregational prayers 
(jj& uaria"at-bak' di n.f. classification 
jama" at - 1 vHkala' n.f. bar association,/ 
jama"at-var adj. class-wise 'j wiama.'‘at 

se kara'mat hat Pltov. union is strength* jb/f 
jama"ah-dar n.m. (pcd. thrjic^*fN.M. -jfc-) 

/(1/ J ‘ yawn gape 

[jJ JUT. jama' hi le'na v.i. yawn gape 

7 ? jam' jam adv. (dial.) forever and ever 

f*' hi jam ph. (cuph) nothing 


* i*^ jim-khanah n.m. gymkhana [E game -4- 

'•'f * PM] 

jj? 7 jamshed' or jamshid' n.m. (same as (n.m. ■*) 


jam" (col. ja'maj n.f. addition plural 
' total ; sum-total receipts deposits 
collection ; accumulation state revenue 

(fjitfZjam" bah"di n.f. revenue ; settlement 

settlement record a'ma" ja'thaM.r. sav- 

i n &£/.f(j}£7‘j a ’n , ‘[- <1 -)!<ha r 'ih n.m. receipts and 
disbursements debit and credit cash 

account il/j^jam" kar’tta v.t. add up 

total amass collect bring together 
deposit (/jy^f.jam"-navis' n.m. (arch.) accountant 
VtfZf- jam" ho'n a v.t. be added total be 

collected ; be gathered together come together 
be deposited amass ■ 

tfr jam'^dar' (ped.j ljstftama"ah-dar') n.m. 
J " minor army ; official sweeper [P~ 

jum"oh (pei.ji'mo'ah) mm. Friday jd'j&f. 

jbm" a jum 'ah atk’ dtn (kt 
paidd’sh) PROV. (existence of) very few days 
CijpZju'mt'rat (ped .jb'm'a-rat') n.f. Thursday 

r jamHy'yal n.f. organisation league 
‘■2'v ’ gathering peace ; traosquillity 
satisfaction fi/l&gfjam'ty'yat-e aqvam' n.f. 
league of Nations Jr£iJjgfjam‘iy'yat-e f^a'tir n.f. 
peace of mind (A~ 

ma"ahrdar n.m. (pcd. tbrjic-*fN.M. -*•) I ‘^'Jjjamm-t ghaflr' n.m. milling crowd (~ A] 
(A- dfT j 

£\f* m ** " * weak^nd pocket money [P~ l&€j"* 9 gto*. JSZjam'ghat n M. crowd 

I ia'mnnl u m /Imvnailbni fAl 

ji^ jamil' n.m. beauty prettineas love- 
w ' liness elegence grace Alfjama'li adj. 

maiulesting divine mercy and beneficence 
mere hi love inspired n.m. a kind of musk- 

h i? | jamal’ go’ tah, (jfdlf.jamal' go' ta n.m. 
vy 0** a kind of purgative nut drug 
prepared from it 

• jama’na v.t. freeze congeal ; coagu- 
late curdle impress hit (blow, etc.) 

fix , affix jU?jama”o n.m. 

jjfjn'mal n.m. camel dromedary TAJ 
jj^jb’mal N.M. (PL. of n.m. Tfr) 

i ' UTjum'mal n.m. system of reckoning according 
y~ * to ‘abjad’ order in which every succeeding 
letter has been assigned an ascending values [A] 
ijfjUm'lah n.m. (pl. Jfji'mal) sentence 
clause kll the whole adj. entrn 
whole / *j>p u ' Jf.jum'la-t mo‘'tarizah mm. 
parenthetical clause or sentence (something 

con- 1 hy the way ; by the by witty interpola- 

gealmem coagulation cohesion consolida- |tj on dfil-jHm' lah adv. on the whole 

mitrjQm’lah adv. out of (these; of all (these 

1 A 3 

yfja’man n.f. (Persianized form of i-fN.r. if) 

V' . 

jam'na (ped. jdmSna) , (f.jwmn n.f. the 
Jamuna (a northern India river sacred to 
Hindus) (^fjt^tgoh'g-o ja'num n.m. pl. the 
Ganges and the Jamuna (fflf}fgatiga-jam't& 
of variegatedliue with gold fillings on silver 
fi.* ;W«a v.i. freeze congeal ; coagulate 
curdle stick be firmly established 
have a firm hold consolidate take a 
firm stand 

u$l %J* mn3s ji* k.h. gymnastics [E] 

jp jumood' n.m. inertness listlessness 

" ' inactivity state of suspended animation 
lack of vitality lack of progress 

jumood' (ki ha'lat) ta'rt ho'na V.i.* 

be inactive [A] 

jr jiimhoor' (col. jam'hocr') (pL v y?l£/Vwi3 / fer) 
-//* * masses people (Jjsf.jumhoo'rt adj. 
demoCTatic of the masses C^y^jumhoorij'yal n.f. 
democracy republic ; democratic State 
bunya dijumhooriy'yat n.f. Basic 
Democracy controlled democracy guided 
democracy [A] 

Jam**' adj. all whole 

IV Jwa*' n.m. wing ; pinion wing of 

** • army ziiljanah' n.k. (see imder 

j> pref. [A] 

’AWjoma'zah n.m. funeral 
* bier corpse funeral 
prayers foitjCr.jana'zah utka'na 

v. T. take out fhnera! procession 

( i»%*jCrjaita’zaA park’na v.t. say funeral pray* 
ers*; perform funeral rites tjOrjOnama'z-e jatia'- 
zah n.f. funeral prayers tj y tsligha'iba'naA 
(nama’z-e) jma’zah n.f. funeral prayers in absen- 
tia jana'zoh ni'kalna v.i. (of 

funeral procession) be taken out (of person) 
die (of plan, endeavour) come to naught [A] 
•• jana'na v.t. (of midwife) assist in delivery 

n.f. midwife [~ caus.] 

,1 iyjam'ban adj. shaking vibrating 

w. trempulous (jCfjumba'iti suf. initiating [P 

pfr'jum'Kth n.f. movement ; motion 
t/** gesture turn &>(j*^jitm'bish de'na v.t. 
move shake [P ~ 

jam' bah n.f. (rare)* side ; part (fjlZ&jam'ba- 
da’rt n.f. partiality (t/p^j^jonCbah (dart) 
kar’na v.t. show partiality ; be partial to [A] 
*p.jan'nat' n.f. (pl. OCg'jamtal') paradise ; 
* heaven (lit.) garden (fig.) blisss^c^ 
jan'nat-e nigah' n.f. something wonderful to 

look at delectable sight ffijan'nati adj. 
heavenly blessed n.m. blessed person [A] 
r. jan'ta n.m. (dial.) people ; masses ; public 

vz m 

Mp’jon'tar n.m. (dial.) charm still 
s' machine (also tfjp'jan'tan) perforated 
steel plate for drawing wire J^sy&jan'tar man' tar 
n.m. (dial.) charm magic observatory 


, jan’tart n.m. almanac perforated 

^"^ steel plate for drawing wire [8~ precJ; 

jon'tol-main n.m. gentleman 
(s" jan'tal mat'ru n.f. foppishnejs [E] 

to n.m* 

0. encumbrance difficult embrass- 
ment heavy work large family 
(L^Ljjakjai' men par'na (or ph&hs'nz) V.i. be 
beset with difficulties have too many encum- 
brances have very heavy work have to 
support a large family Jlffjatja’ff n.m. quarrel- 
some or troublesome person 
„ , juh'd-e bedas'lar n.m. otter’s dried tej- 
tics (used as drug) [P] 

jatrdr adj. 

</■ jan&V adj. (f. or n.J^jam'lah) 

U~‘ beautiful pretty comely sweet 
lovely elegant . graceful [A~ JlZ] 
win' n.m. (n.diCgjinnat' or lit. jyrjin'naK) 

(s' spirit ; ginius ; jinnee headstrong person 
one with extraordinary capacity for work 
Mlar'na v.t. exorcize Clmffijin'tkark'na 
be possessed fly into passion &\jrjinnat’ 
n.m. |»l. genii JOrjinna ' ft adj. supernatural 

of. genii difficult (word or style) bad (hand) 


I • ju’na N.M. (rare) (f. (fija'ni person adj. 
** begotten lyf] 

^iV/anat' n.m. Mr. the honourable n.f. 
• * (rare) britik (royal, etc.) court ifjt 
jan’ab-e aq'das int, your honour Ofjana’b^e 
a'ft int. respected sir ; your honour <— 
jam W adv. the respected ; the honourable tfimiOr 
jmoSht mom int. my dear sir [A] 

^ fojatm'bot n.f. pollution (resulting from 
coition) CsCfty^gfris'l-e jama'bat n.m. 

n.f. DOlh 


pwtooition bath |A] 
^Crjina’yat n.f. sin 

crime [A] 



rash ; impulsive zealous ; zealot 
^ jin'nah n.m. Ft. genii [A ~ sino. gff) 

jfcfcjin'hetf prov. whom whomsoever 

jan'ja n.f. darling [~PcJ(f] 

n.m. embryo ; foetus [A] 

A? jane" oo n v. (dial.) sacred thread worn by 
*•* Hindus 2 jane” oo fa hatk' jf.M. slaut- 

ing stroke (in fancing, etc.) 
pf jo prov. who what which that 
* conj. if ; in case gf. io' jo' prov. who- 
ever whatever whichevei yfi^.jo' 
d&jo" ku(hh prov. whatever whichever 
'&fzi 0 ' * 0 ”* prov. - whoever whatever 

(thing) whichever rfy'yfJCjo ho’ so ho' pm. 
come what may - no matter what the conse- 
quences jo ho'U SO gpi' koja'e 

PROV. whoever ventures a suggestion should 
conte l^^^/^U^^Tjo pkaV (bak 'kha nakih’ 
vo’fa srAxi& prov. forbidden fruit tastes sweet 
(kfl’rkegd so gi'rega prov. pride 
goeth before a fall oVjy'Z-dlS )° sa'hari 
Afca'V so ro'zah rak'kk e prov. he must suffer pain 
who has stood to gain i £'2z4.Ui2:/Zjo 
ga'rqjtt bait ba’raste Bahtti prov. barking dogs 
seldom bite fyjttjftzj 0 ba tidi men 

ho' go. vo'ls ntk'lega prov. nothing comes out of a 
sack but what is put in it 

~ jau n.m. barley garlic capsule 
** stitch one-third of an inch adj. (also 
jau' bjutr a little sma ll^/z jau-kob’ adj. 

powder thick grain I'J u^jfojau-kob kar’na v.T. 
powder to thick grain^/^jarirt' adj. hui\ey(jfyr&V 
m'n-e javiti n.m. brown bread poor liveli- 
hood [P] 

f. J m > jao've basil’ n.f. (lit.) space ; 

region beyond atmosphere 
\ y, joo (in const, joo’‘e),jL*g joo" e-bar n.m. 

brook ; stream Vfy/z£.jrjoo‘'-e sinr lana v.i. 
do a Herculean task ; accomplish the impossible 


* J 00 * w * ; seeker [P] 

l J® 0 ” 2 N -**- gambling ■ playing with dice 
'■** any game of chance with stake 
joo”a kkel’na v.i. gamble{^ff/o'a'7i n.m gamb- 
IcTifiJjrjifJjtjo'a'ri dkstda’ri n.m. (usu. pl.) . 
‘gambler walking in evil ways }^££ljoo''e-bae! 

n.m: gambler sto 4 ~£ joo " e - kha’nah 
n.m. gambling den 
*' yjoo"a n.m. yoke (,'jCl fjr.tT 
* ka joo' a utar'na v.i. unyoke 
be freed 

, - javab' n.m. answer ; reply 
- defence match; parallel 
dismissal ; discharge ; sack refusal 
jqvdlbe ba-savab’ n.m. proper ans wer^^ilf U 
( jjfjava'b-e ja'hilah b a shad khamo'tti prov. 
reticence is the safest reply to a fool (or uncul- 
tured person) (jf»~>\r,java'b-e da"va (col. javab' 
da"va) n.m. answer to plaint 'Lrtfjmab'-dth adj. 
answerable ; accountable n.m. respondent 
(fid' IPjauab'-de' ki liability ; responsibility 

defence (in law suit, etc.)\‘jtft&f?jaeab’ dr' hi 
kar'na v.i. defend (in law) be held res- 
ponsible explain ; account for 
javab’ de'hi se ba'ri kar'na v.T. no longer to hold 
responsible ; exonerate .,UC£/I?]anah' 
de’na (or de’ de’n a) v.t. & I. answe"r ; reply 
explain ; account for sack dismiss discharge 
reluse Jlf’^fijavab’ so' at’ n.m. questions 
and answers argument ; dialogue&&ljrjavab-e 
szf^tfijUsaf' ‘javab’ n.m. u^L>!frjavab' la' lob 
adj. reply paid (letter etc.) (matters) call- 
ing for an explanation I'Jl^LsIXjavab' tajab 
kar'na v.i. ask (or call) for an explanation 
javab'la'tobi n.f. explanation calling 
(someone’s) explanation L'J(ft i L'lf(fkl javab’ 

ta’lobt kar’na v.t. call (someone’s) explanation 
^f(^qal'‘i javab' n.m. definite reply 
categorical No CJ’^lj^javab' mil'na v.i. get a 
reply be asked ; be dismissed ; be discharged 
be refused (something) ^y^tjrjavsb' fut'm 
v.i. be sacked be refused Jijrjava’bl adj. 

post paid (letter, etc.) retaliatory 
counterpart n.m. chorus in elegiac recitation 
counterpart (arch.) respondent 

kn> javad' adj. generous : munificent n.m. 
b Bountiful (as one of God’s attributes) {A— 


jvovnd’ adj. munificent [A - jj?) 

Jj ly j avar ' N- F - corn, millet 

r M 

r M 

javar' n.m. fiood-ued&Jyljrjavar'-bha' ta n.m. 
ebb and flow of the tide 
javar' (col. jivar') n m. vicinity ; neighbour- 
hood ; area [~A{£(ff] 

pj\pi am ' re b N M - PL. Iimb3 a-zs'-c- 

& *• java'rt/f n.m pl. body limbs and 
organs [A] 

ri ~ N ' F ' d, 8 c8tive me dicine 
U • javs’riih-t jallnws n.m. digestive medipne 

named after Galen [Aj 

iSM >'»••«««. (see under £+) 

/£jlf'J aoa ' ri N * F * cross-string over bridge of 
stringed musical instrument 
•jffjrtMz' w.m. justification legality ■ 
lawfulness propriety [A] 

: i?* ja'va kiar' n.mV salt obtained from burnt 

■barky ; barky-salt 

it I o>) ava 'te V T - wheat adulterated with barky 

.Mill o' jo'a'la-mokhi n.p. (dial.) volcano [S~ 
V jff/T flame] 

ii^jama , lah A adj. spinning fast-revolving 
JIJ?J**Mho''la-e jaooa'lah n.m. spinning 
flame (fig.) blazing beauty (fig.) evasive 
sweetheart [X ~&Djr] 

i-jason' n.m. youth young man 
& * ordinary soldier ; jawan adj. (lit. also (Jl/f 

jaoaS) adult grown up young 4^; 
javah bakkt adj. fortunate ; having bright pros- 
pects JlS()tjrjma*‘-szU’ adj. youthful %}lj?javan' 
mat'd n.p. man of marriageable age ifjasah 
mat'd adj. brave ; bold ; courageous 
heroic generous ; magnanimous n.m. hero 
brave nun fine young fellow gallant 
t .jfynau-jasan ' adj. young n.m. young man ; 
youth ifj/lj?javairmar'dl n.p. bravery ; 

courage. gallantry generosity ; magnani- 

mity J)llf'j<aah'-mar'g, Jfffojrjava'na mar'g 
adj, dead in the priole of life cursed 
(owing to debauchery or high handedness) 
jaoan' moot N.F. uutimely death ; death in the 
prime of life ($0yjr} nau-khez' java n n.m. teen- 
ager'ni n.f. if [P] 

^jav&’mb m m. pl. vicinity , envirous 
. * part (of the country); area ^fjCfftalraf-o 

java'nib n.m. pm. vicinity ; neighbour 
parts ; quarter ; area sides [A ~ sing 
•» j^japa'nl n.p. youth , season of youth t 
w manhood adolescence puberty i 
titk'lijavarii n.f. flower of youth freshness of 
youth l '*y$' in cfcarh'na v.t. be adoles- 

cent attain puberty be full of youthful 
lust attain youthful vigour (jiyr^fjava'ril 
diva Hi PH youth is blind impulsive youth 

I* P 

^d&java'ni Jhal'navT. become old cross 
the threshold of youth lose youthful vigour 
tyxofcj o’sh e java'ni n.m. exuberance of 
youth ardour of youth 

Ap java'hir.'p.tfjavahirat' n.m. pl. jewelry; 
*t-** jewellery essences ; quintessences litf !#T 
java’ hit kha'nah n.m. jewelry v2.u\t J $/flj'jaoa'hir- 
nigar' adj. studded with. jewels ornament- 
ed /tfojjzar-o java' hit n.m. jewelry ; jewel- 
lery wealth [A - SINOyfiT^ , „„ 

p jvb'li (or job'll) jubilee JjnclJJi'j/'ijZjj 
Q * da'yamatid (or silver or golden) jubilee [E] 

. jo' ban n m. female beauty bloom of 

(female) youth well-developed breasts 
puberty \}f(ltf£jo'bati U'bkarna v.i. (of breasts) 
swell W^ffijo'ban par a'na v.i. reach the age 
of puberty bloom l‘%££j l Zjo'ban pkaf par’na 
v.i. (of woman’s youth bloom) (of 
breasts) swell CWfyjrjo'ban dkal'na v.i. (of 

woman’s (youth) begin to decay! 'h^'ban 
lut'na v.i. be ravished \}£}(JjU(£(£%jo'bankl baba- 
teh loot'na v 1. ravish “J LA^jrjo'ban k% ma'H n.f. 
woman in bloom of youtn 
.. ~j ot N - F - fight lustre wares in shop 
string which pans of scale are tied 
cultivation tilling cultivated land land rent 
paid by tiller strap fastening yoke, etc. to 
ox’s ncckCl^&fjotjaga'na v.i. kindle the light 

(°0 m * 

- ~j°°l n.m. shoe (.Cfiijb^C'Jfjoot' par'na (or 
lag'na have a shoe-beating be punish- 
ed have rebuff suffer the loss (of 
joot (bal’na v.i. fight it out to settle mutual 
differences ( ~ foll.] . ^ 

joo'ta n.m shoe pair of shoes llMllfl 
joo ta utha'na V.T. A t. serve devotedly 
defy pilfer shoes( joo'ta u'efchal- 
na (or dtal'na) v.i. have a boorish fight 
joo'ta ba'rasna v.i. have a shoe-beating be 

hailed with shoes fight with shoes liftffl’joot'a 
lag'na v.t. & 1 . (of shoes) pinch feel asha- 
med incur a loss l jllfc joo'ta mar'na v.t. 
give (someone) a shoe beating administer a 
sharp rebuff put to shame by kind treatment 
Df.joo'li n.f. if 

!j^fjo'tis±, J^&jyo'tish n.m. astrology ^7. 

* jot'shi, J^jftjyo'tisK n.m. astrologer [S] 
j.-_, jot'na v.t. till ; plough yoke force 
(someone) to do something 
**>» joo'ci n.f shoe pair of 

w * shoes sandals slippers 

oo'li par joo'ci { 

v.t. be an omen of impending travel S x uJj£)$5 r . pair comrade; companion tUOiTjor' 
I’jljoo'a (ki nok') par mar'na v.t. not 10 care bitha'na v.i. dovetail fit in a joint jljf. 

a damn spurn par jor' tor n.m. (usu. pl.) intrigue, conspiracy 

rakk' km n'fi de’n) t vu. feed humiliatingly "£f. contrivance ’’fajor 1 tor kar'na v. 
j .(sU/fl jjoo'ft ( orjoot ') pakar' n.f. quarrel intrigue ; consp 
at a iow level conttant tiffs L’//jlpij)f^joo'li all joints evei 
paizar' m ho' na v.t. have a quarrel at alow level de'na v. join 
(j^r^Uf'Joo'ti &kapa' , t N.F. money extracted by \,&jZ jor ' lag 
bride's sisters from groom by concealing ms shoes solder ad 
4>n wedding day j/^&Zjoo'tl-dtor n.m. shoe lifter jo'ra, n.m. 

adj. mean of bo consequence jf'fcZjoo’ti J * shoes ! 
kho'r(a) adj. given to having a shoe beating dowery n 
joo'tiyatt Utha'na v.t serve with devo- member of pa 
tion tiyah &a kha'te pktr'na v.i. n.m. costly (b 

loaf walkabout be jobless v.t. take off the 

joo'tiyati si'dki kar'na v.t. serve with devotion joo'ra n.m. 

{Jfrtfjoo'tiyah gahtk'na v.i. mend shoes ljUjifp: ^ hand-ki 
joo'tlya* k&a'na v.i. have shoe-beating £e nightingale, etc 
taunted be humiliated LjLjC'Zjoo’tiyaii mar'na as rest for pitch 
v.t. give a shoe-beating taunt humiliate h jor'na v.t 
L>fj( njp L , ^toe'tiwfi mtfi dal bo$'na have a * .affix 
domestic quarrel O fa] calculate 

^ jof n.m. pair (of oxen) under one yoke adj. match pail 
match ; equal [~ f/Tl by . save c 

>£ N,M> generosity ; munificence liberality invent (plot, et 
dpCS* ) rf} 00 ''*-? sekhaivat) n.f. generosity [A] accusations’ 
gjrjoo'joo' n.m. (dial.) bogey -J> jo'ri n.f. 

£ joojk'na v.i. fight , take up arms against 
V/J[Kjoojk! mar'na v.i. die fighting 
„ Jau'dotjH.v. sharp intellect keen apprehen- 
w> ** nonfc&yjrjm'dat-t tab '* n.f. quick- 
wittedness ingenuity 

.* —joo'di n.f. hilltop in Ararat range where 
v)"’ Noah's Arch came to rest in Deluge [A ~ H] 
-pair n.m. tyranny ; oppresion high 

intrigue ; conspire contrive k Jj£jor' jor n.m, 
all joints every joint of the body C^ijXjor' 
de'na v. join , connect link set unite 
i&jZ jor' laga'na v.i. fit in a joint patch 

solder add ; sum up calculate [ - t j£) 

jo'ra i. n.m. couple pair pair of 
shoes suit of clothes suits in bridal 
dowery match counterpart other 
member of pair; partner bha'ri jo’ra 

n.m. costly (bridal) suit jo'ra barks' na 

v.i. take off the suit [ — ] /S&ftHi : * r 

joo'ra n.m. back-knot (of hair) 

•*** hand-knot crest (of hoopoe V 
nightingale, etc.) hollow pad usedyfe^s 
as rest for pitcher ’ etc. ' 

[‘jfjor n 3 ■v.t. joint connect set (love) 

* * . affix annex unite add ; total 

calculate patch ; mend • solder 
match pair . mate ; lay aside (money) ; lay 
by . save collect harness yoke 
invent (plot, etc.) put (blame bring forth 

jVr* n.f. couple pair peer; equal 
match counterpart other member of 
pair , partner pair of shoes. double-value 
door pair of tambourines pair of cymbals 
pair of dumbics>b^JS/o'Ti-<far n.m. 
comrade ; companion colleague [~ fjjrJ 
n.f. ague ijlr] 

• -jmz n.m. nut ^(also $\si/’jZjau‘z-e 
l*' Isharasa'ra) walnut fijzjaaz bo" a, IJir. 

*** handedness ^^ si' tarn, jauz boys N.M. nutmeg [A] 

lUl'mo ja&r N.M. oppression and tyranny [A] ~ jauzs' n.m. the Gemini ; the Twins fas a 

. .pjo'roo n.f. v/ikfttfytrfjo'roo ka bksj’i n.m. sign of the Zodiac) [A] 

wife’s brother ; brother-in-law I jotb n.m. zeal 

'*t\'A\dV»jy.£>>JC\sa'* khuda"i tk t&'raf I k/f, excitement 

&/Ul%VyjjS.Oj''*Clsa'rt ktuda"l tk t&'raf I 
ja roe ka bha”l tk tot raj prov. one would listen to 
the wife’s brother rather than the whole world'rao khas'm n.m. fol. man and wife 
no ka ffculam (or jnSedseri) n m 
ben-pocked Husband uxorious husband 

CVdi-£)»— -<2 1 fysWjo'Toa naja'ta ol'lak m'yah 
st rra'ta ph. one living in single-blessedness 
^ jor n.m. join joint connecting link 
>'M.seam patch connection combina- 
tion addition total spelling match 

Jp/i aA n.m. zeal ardour enthusiasm 

excitement fervour J»ssion 

ebullition ; boiling effervescence **»■ 

berance ^fjo'^ah adj. 6l adv. t ebullient 

boiling • buhling up excited S’** 

v.i. boil flow over effervesce* swell 

with anger have zeal ; be fervid be en- 
thusiastic be excited J*’ o*tatf dak n.m. 
decoction WJ^Kjo** java'iA n.m. anion*, of 
youth © Syfajo'd** khoon' (or Moot I) n.m. 
plethora paternal affection ijikn/XJ 0 — 
v.t. dtuage instigate dr'ea v.t. 



boil cf-iJ'^josh'-zan adj. boiling in a fit of 
passion fervid <f*j?Jo'sJtish n.f. exuberance 
fervour enthusiasm j°?h' kka'na v.i. 
boil up effervesce over flow ; swell 
chafe fly into a rage be excited frenzid 
M (fa josh' <nar'na.v.i. boil chafe be 

frenzied ^of blood) have a sudden spurt of 
affection U)jjy*jp , jo'*h-o-khaT03h' n.m. excite- 
ment enthusiasm fervour [F—AJ 


jau'shanti.u . coat-of-mail armour 
cuirass armlet [P] 

joo‘ nm. hunger ; appetite j5l) l fc£joo' , -iil- 
V>J» ar'z n.f. love for territorial aggrandizement 
ft^t/f-j 00 ' ul-ba'qar, ^rfffioo'‘-Ul-kal'b n.f. glut- 

tony n.m. glutton 


^gjouftiM. cavity 

adj. gluttonous; voracious 


hollow interior 
spear wound in belly [A] 

•• pjauq (ptd. jooq) n.m. crowd (rare) 
O*' swarm (of birds) jauq' , jp, fa 

jmtq darjauq adv. in large numbers [P] 

w'/JT i m ~ kob ' AD i- see under t ~ ?J au ★! 

frj o'kham m.f. (same as n.f. *) 

/ jo'Uuh, (/zjo'kkam n.f. danger 

( jeopardy risk ; hazard suffering 
tribulation V&ljjfyjo'kkan itAa'na v.i. under- 

take hazardous work jeopardise life or limb 
under tribulations ^ffijj^ja'khoh ka kam' 
n.m. hazardous task dangerous undertaking 

otiutoAj *'- vx 

endanger : jeopardize cause to suffer 
jo' Huh - met par'na n.m. run a risk be 
endangered jeopardize life or limb under- 
go tribulations 

f jog n.m. (dial ) the Yoga. (dial.) asce- 
<JJT ticism (dial.) meditation lucky union 
lucky moment adj. suitable ; befitting l 
(CJl)jog' sadh'na (or U'na) v.i. (dial ) be- 
come an ascetic lead the life of an ascetic 
quit lay life JvjogM n.f. ^female Hindu 
ascetic sorceress witch (ffjog'a n.f. 
witcb Foreeress n.i*. Hindu ascetic 

sorcerer: magician CrfCgfifofa' & kls ’ ** "** 
raov. ascetics arc friend to none t/fjo’gija n.m. 

reddish name of a musical mode a 
kind of pigeon adj, reddish [S] ^ 

/£, jo'ga adj. (rare) fit; suitable I ap' j°'g* 

W fh. suitable for you 

jtf lah, {ex joo'lah) n.m. fetters ; shackles 
OM v irons ; chains / J0(or O P* ba-jolah 

or pa-ba-joo'lah adj. chained ; fettered ; shackled 


..tyjoulan (ped. jaoalan) n.m. coursing; 

* wandering springing t $$SZjau'lah-gZk' 
n.f. race-course parade ground (A) 

\ jaula'iA (ped. javala'm) n.f. strength of 
QVJ' body or mind ; acumen ; fleetness ; quick- 
ness ; swiftness (P— A prec ] 

L ii ~ jaulaha, \&qjulaha n.m. {r.^^jaula'ta 
1 ‘ tfpfjUb'b*) weaver 

jaulahe hi mas'kharl mati bai'han ke talk-’ 
prov. mean person ridicules own friends 

July (EJ 

Ijf'joon n.m. June (EJ 

■ n.f. (dial.) cycle of birth UfclXjoon’ 

ba'dalta v.i. undergo a change change 
from one cycle to another 

1 ipjoofi n.f. louse something very small 
^wSOV 90 * moot'ha adj. weak-looking but mis- 
chievous fyfJZjoo'thpor'nav. l. become lousy 
r ,-jooh adv. (arch.) like ; as ? such as 
V*' £fjoot{ toot' kor' ki adv. somehow ; 
somehow or other with much difficulty 
jooh'joot adv. as long as as far as jj 
jooti ka toot' adv. as it was unchanged (jr?. 
jooft f la adv. as soon as ; no sooner than 
the very moment immediately as 

rpjao’na n.m* improvized grass rope 

gmall rush bundle for dish-washing adj. 
(arch.) old 

jaun' poor ka qa'4 n.m. (fig.) fool 

jeon' ia adj. whoever whichever 

/Jotk n.f. leech ^J^^V.^/Cpat’tkor ko 
*^Kjetk' na'kiti lag’s prov. hard hearts never 
meltl '^^prjohk' laga'na v.t. apply leeches 
\PliiUDotk' ho ke li'patra v.t. not to 
get away (from) pester 
Qjrjoo'H n.f. string etc. of balance 

jau'har n.m. jewel ;,jem pearl 
essence ; quintessence substance 

merit ; worth skill sharpness intellect 
talent jau'har dar adj. (of sword) sharp 
ffzjw'har dikin' n& v.t. show one s mettle , 
display one’s sterling qualities ,^/tf.jau'har-e 
far'd N.M indivisible atom (fig.) unmatch- 
ed personality qa'bil n.m. talented 
person yjfajau'har kkul'na v.i. (of talent) 




be known shine /!?.& ah'l-e jauhar n.m. 
talented persons J/jf.j au' hart n.m. jeweller [A~P 


r^pjau'har n.m. (dial.) Rajput. custom of kill* 
Si* ing family before going out for (desperate 
fight) battle i 

^t^joh'r n.m. pond ; pool of dirty water 

^jrjoo'hl n.f. wild jessamine (or jasmine) 

0 jApjoin'dah, &jo'j>a, jifjo'yatl N. & adj. 

seeker searching 

yibindah prov. seek and thou shall find 
^jjyjaviti (see under f.jcuiif) 

u J^jehat' n.f. pl. directions [A ~ sing. 

I ^ jehad' n m. (religious) war supreme 

^effort [A-j#] 

I igjka'ba n.m. leathern oil container 
* ” leathern table-cloth straw plate 
tfjyTjka'rl n.f. long-necked ewer 

iiAjtlJp jha'barjhol'la n.m. ungainly person 
• h’tA'.^'M'jha'bar jhal'la s a adj . 
ugly loose lazy 

rjhat n.m. chandlier a kind of firework 
brake ; bramble (small) thorny tree 
volley (of abuses, etc.) l>> t jbZjkar bahdk'na 
v.i. utter a volley ot jtbuses *j l&f j &jhar jkoh- 
kar' n.m. (usu. Pl.) brambles ; (small thorny 
trees 0 / / * te^jka r ka kan'ta N.M. (fig.) whom it 
is difficult to get rid of l ho kar 
tipajna v.t. stick pesteringly to 

jha'ra n.m. charm ; incantation £ - 1‘jLf ] 

Oj[fii%a'ran n.m. (see under IvKv.t. if) 

V J 

'»a v.t. dust sweep brush 
clean knock off shake off beat 
(bushes) moult repeat spells or charms 
(over) exorcise jhar'na pkoohk'na 

v.t. exorcise repeat spells or charm; (over) 
r'~pkxwhk n.f. locus pocus exor- 
cising charm ; incantation 

poh& n.f. dusting tidying up ^ 

yV^jka'roe n.f. broom brusiu^U'^^’ 
•*,* jka'roo bokaroo n.m. broom dusting 
hyblrfJjWjha'reo boka'roo kar na v.t. sweep 

dun. L'UrffjjUfjka'rao pkir ja'»3 v.t. be made 
a clean sweep of have everything lost lose 
oucV-all ; be ruined (C'j^bjl^jj^jbi'roo 

•l~ jahaz.' (ped.jVAac') 
vessel aeroplane 

phtr’na (or pker’ de'ns) v.T. make a clean 
sweep of undo ; ruin yj\£ jka'roo de’na v.t. 

sweep jka'roo boharoo miina v.t. 

be swept be dusted cbfafjka'ran n.m. duster 

[ - PREC J 

jka *1 n.f. bush , shrub ; a thicket 

n.m. ship ; boat ; 
(rare) dowry/UrtfjW: 
jakaz ka jahaz" adj. huge iftfjL%johaz' ka 
kav "v3 n.m. (fig.) one who has to return again 
again to the same place for a living 
jahaz’ ko lat'gar kai'na v.t. anchor a ship^fjUl 
jaha'zi adj. naval nautical huge n.m. 
sailor iftfj^jaha zi kul'ia n.m. greyhound (A] 
jkag n.m. loam froth scum effer* 
* * vescense i'l J\£ jkag a'n a v.i. effervesce 

CllJbfjhag' la'na V.t. foam with rage 
i. johhal' n.m. ignoramuses fools [A-~ 
(Jufl SING.^] 

it# jkal n.f, box taste (of chillies, etc.) 
left in mouth pungency large 
basket soldering artificial cascade in 

.grjka'la n.m. short local shower eay* 
rings comprising pearl rings * 
jaha’/at n.f. ignorance imperfect 
knowlege illiteracy fooly [A] 
it/yjha'lar n.f. fringe {riUjIrJIaTjka'lar- 
***• dar adj. fringed frilled 
hlAjhal'ra n.m. well of solid masonry ; well 

season pickles , 
cool (in saltpetre solution, etc ) 
m n.m. large hoe used in 



fcigjkal'na v . t . 

^ * coo’ 

I * sinking wells 
aL^jha'mar n.m. 

' * spindles, etcydrff jh^tnar/if 

jkoo'tnar n.f. illusion ^ 

tipjoba*' N.M. (lit, a\soj\jrjah a A) world 
U ‘jahaz' a >a adj. world adorning 
jahah'-afrih' n.m. God (as creator of the world) ; 
creator c/t-XT jahah’-bah n. & adj. sovereign ; 
ruler world administrator ^[/[srjahan'~ban I n.f. 

sovereignty world administration (fiM". 
johan'-Ht n. & adj. traveller well travell- 
ed (person) eye a Vj 0 [/rjahal< -panah' n.m 
His (or Her) Majesty protector of the world 
int. Your Majesty jljlfjakah'-dar' n.m. 

I* sovereign rule of the world (foUWjahati -dan 

240 ' 

.L'jtf’W'oh, ^ 

mced/^f '*<** short view 
ihM’- I dikha’na v.t. °^ c for a, cj,^. 


r 0/1 
tor a, short 


N . sovereignty minion world-rule 
jahah'-di'dah widely travelled experienced 

seasoned veteran £ tffjaAaA'- 

tft'daA hijar' go'yad daro gh prov. travellers tell 

false tales jj^Urjatiafi'-soz adj. world-inflamtping *tjrjia"oo n.m. a riverin 
ifljlZjahzti-gar'd n.m. tourist traveller ^ * whose twigs baskets r 
globe-trotter ( fi / jUrjahah '- gar'di n.f. globe trot- n.m. pl. sk 

ting adj. world conquering n.m. ••• ^ tion (of face) ; dark 

world conqueror appellation of a Moghul face) ^ 
emperor Jehangir aha*' -girt n.f. world f J*\j[£yjha''ift jha^ifi n.f. quarrel ; argument 

conquest ; world domination adj. of a relating *** ** * 

M i, ‘ shortlived 


]ant firoir 
jpots (one 

to emperor Jehangir Ojltfjahati-nfimo adj. 
world mirror ‘fityjaham adj. pertaining to the 
world i)l£ I ah'jaha’id adj. with (non-Muslim 
names) the late [P] 

johah adv. where m which place 
U*'< while since tJ&\%jahah iak adv. as far 
as , so far as tak (is)' ka 

ta nl'lvq hai pH. as faf as this'h concerned Ur, 
ja’haii ja'hafi, hah ka'hifi adv. wherever; 

wheresocver^jjUfJff'^aft se adv. whence ; from 
where ka ta'hah adv. as it was 

in the very place , in the same place as 

n.f. coarse mat (used as door, 

• screen, etc.) mat or plank resting on 
beam, etc' to form ceiling 
/Mi***'** N - F king crow' loosewoman 

n.f pubic hair ; pubes j 

. fijr-fatijan, ^Jfjahjkan n.f. 

U‘^ m anklet with small bells 
JjWfcitfJi n.f. heat (of anger) 4 
impatience cymbals 
fjijrjfoti'sa N.M. wheedling 

trick cheating ; deception 
£ji- J b7’jta*'sa de'na v.t. wheedle 
trick cheat deceive ; defraud 
jhah'se mth a'na v.i. be wheedled be trick- 
ed be cheated deceived iJItfjkafi siya n.m 
cheat fraud 

.'A-jkatk'na y.i. peep . look out of win- 
** «*> tJow, etc. cast sly looks look fur- 
tively VUjftfjkatk a’na V.T. pay a short visit to 
* n f. peeping tjfojfclak' jh'ahk, 
tfU&lfiltith'ka jhot'ki n.f ‘peeping sly 
tools ogling jfyfjhan'ki n.f. (dial.) iso- 
lated s« cue of play tableau ; tableau vivant 
ibativah n.m pumice-stone ; pumice 

bte than oia adj (r-ifjjUfjhah' , an) tawny 

rr • 

jka“'iti jkap’pa n.m. 
coquetish blandishment 

Ih ma”ifi N.F. a children’s game ; 
round-and-round we go cawing like 
the noisy crow 

[ / JFjkab'ba n.m. tuft tassel 

\ygjUb'ra, adj. (r.tfyjfjUb’fi) shaggy (dog) 

rf jluip n.f. swiftness (only in following) 

V ■ jha'pa jhap, i^fi^f jkap' jhap adv. 
hurTiedly^.^fjkfl/1 se adj. in a jiffy Sf. 
jtapak st adv. sw'.ftly ; with a lightning speed 
rjkipa'Mr.l'L&jhifipanav cause to feel 
abashed [~ t^ffcAUS.] 

1 . *rjha' paps v.t/ pou.xe swoop leap; 

spring fly (at) attack suddenly 
snatch away Jlrtfha'pat n.f. L^fjkapat ja N.M. 
pounce swoop onrush ; onset leap ; 
bound L'A jh-apot'ta mar'na v.t. pounce 
swoop leap ; spring make a rush snatch 
away CdJ^fjha'pat le'na v.t. snatch away 
pounce * upon swoop (of speeding 
vehicle) crush fc/ttf J^fJ {or jkjpat'u) 
meh a'na v.i. be run down (by) ijygjioptt' 
n.f. onrush of speeding vehicle 
../g’jhet'pakna, C^jkapka'na, C^fU> t palak 
jhapakna v.T ‘ wink (eye) blink (eye 
doze off move eyelids coquetishly, fear- 
fully or bashfully ^ifjba'pak n.f. coquetish 
movement of eyelids modesty Jgjbap'h N.r 

drowsiness short vitw(i IjZfjIup'kl It'na 
v.i doze off 

^Jt'kat N.F. (pi .^brjtkat') direction 
*— **• side reason ; cause *r&rj\is' je'hat se, 

badthi je'hat conj. .ow'ing to ; because 
of for this reason je'hat n.f. & 
adj. (in) all the six directions 
i >» jfjhax, pot,eZ.J>fjh4t' se adv 

l quickly ; swiftly hastily , hurriedly 

instantaneously in a jiffy 



** jk&i&Tna v t eat a little (usu, out) of a 
large dish { ~ 

L&&jlUft' pita n.m. twilight ; gloaming 


jtw'takna v.i. jerk twitch shake 

pull violently J {&?iha\'ka n.m. jerk 
twitch shake quake •violent puli 
shock (dial.) non-Muslim way of slaughtering 

L%Tjk8('ia! adj. feigned ; pretended 

V* mock [ 

v.t. belie; give the lie to 


Pjh&uiil' n.f. leavings adj. promiscuous 

(woman) [~ ly£] 

ff jkajjatNM, earthen flask long neck* 

ed pitcher li^flkaj'ri N.f. small earthen 
flask ' 

' jki'juknz v.i. boggle start with ; 
. .figltt ; start or boggle ; shrink ; recoil 
hesitate ; demur have a stage-fright 
jhijak n.f. sltyness hesitation demur 


r )oh'd or jok’d n.f. strenuous effort 
endeavour exertion U^^jah'd lit-baqa' 
n.f. struggle for existence [A] 

-^jhUd'doo adj. cuckold 

of tumour • 1 

loud voice 

lacking sense 

nr jeh'r n.m 
■ * y^C^kU-jahU adv. loudly audibly 

J^jhir n . F. , l l/fikira 'ta n.m. sound mat 
tearing cloth [ono.] 

\j&j&jhir'jhna adj. flimsy (cloth) 

audible voice 


made in 

Tjhilr'jhQri n f. shiveringfit shiver; 
shake l# jh*r' jku'ri Una v.i. 
shiver shake 

adj. (of tree) with lopped 
* branches withered drooping 
. > j/tfjkur'mo) n.m. crowd; multitude (esp. 

women’s) cirrle hiding the race by 
throwing stole across itljlJs&jkSr'maf mar’na 
v.t. ^of women) circle round conceal body 
" with stole 

at’na v.i. trickle ooze 
n.m. cascade' sheet of 
water oozing through ..perforations 
in an inclined plane cullender ; 


jteniSi J^fjkaro'kah n.m. 
casement window 


itjfjkSr'ti n.f. (usu. pl.) wrinkle 
' * jhiirnyMi 'put'na v.i. be wrinkled be 

n.f. chink slit 

Kgjha-r n f. bolt (of lock) (also j^yla'r*) 
s" continuous downpour^^/fytfjkflr' bt'ri N.F. 
jujube ; wild berry 

'lap n.f. quarrel brawl skirmish 


jharq’ns v.t. shake ruddy 

’/‘s' gjvc (someone) good shaking {-(jJ’yT’j 
fjkgjhi'yakna v.t. scold ; chide snap at , 
browbeat ^^.jhir'ki n.f. scolding 
browbeating rebuff 

IJjpPikar'na v.t drop (oflcaves, hair, etc.) 
' * fall off (of feathers) be shed ; be moulted 
discharge semen ejaculate J’Jfjkar'jal 
adj. nonsensical 
^jf'fpP'jharoos n.m. cuckold 

dX jh i r},J>fjkaT N.F. continuous downpnqr 
'ri lag'na v.i. rain continuously 
L jL^jh-ak n.f. nonsense silly talk vain 
* endeavourCi*i^&/fc«i' mar'na v. t. talk 
nonsense make vain effort eat humble pte 
agree to adopt the rejected course 
jhak' jink cld^jhakan'dan n.f. dispute 
quarrel wrangle Ji'ft^Fjhak' jio'ri n.f. 

dalliance jfjhnk'ki adj. talkative nonsen- 

'na v.t. 
* fc^TcADS.] 
Pjpjfutk' kar n.m. 

* * hurricane 
jhakor' n.f. 

cause to cry 

harass [ - 

intermittent blasts 

waft (of wind etc.) 

bow incline 
stoop sliow 


.or^rjhuk'na v.i. bend 
**• dip submit ; yield 
respect to \ij'(*iy/i-&jhuk' kar sal am kar'na v.i. 

make obeisance salute respectfully (dial.) 
dip shock C^fjhuka'na v.t. bring (some- 

one) down on his knees cause to stoop hang 
down (head) in shame , etc. bend bow 
tncliney|fJf/ta/- V« n.m. inclination flexi- 
bility predilection 

jhahdla n m. wafi (of wind, etc.) 

j*J tfajka'garna v.t. quarrel have an argu- 

* ment with ; contend , argue dispute , 
wrangle brawl Hpfjhag'ra n.m. quarrel 

dispute argument ; contention squabble 



famak' ru n.m. 

coqurtish beauty 

ravishing charm 

\ flume lii , n.m. bother 

• trouble complication^ fuss ; ado 
confusion {^Uf^jk-ameliys, l^^f^ibati'jhafja adj. 
quarrelsome ; contentious " 

, \jf? ihuiihlana. l£l0efc\jhiifjhl&’ uik’aa 

v.r. fret and fume be irritated 
JfaZfjbuti jk’Ia kar adv. peevishly JZfjijg*’- 
jkifjhla’htt { n.f. irritation peevishness 
‘'jhafjhanansy.i. jingle ; tinkle 

• * rattle Jlfg^^jkanjkana' hat n.f. 

jingle jinkle rattle 

m n.m. rattle 

brawl wrangle IMtrpB.jfuig rautha ns. v.t. 
raise a quarrel dispute i'j1*jOCjhag'ra kar’na 
v.t. quarrel wrangle , brawl Jlb&fjhagrs 
i,io adj. quarrelsome ; contentions st.ii. 
disputer brawler 
Ufrjah'l n.m. ignorance stupidity 
y ‘ jah’l-e murak'kab n.m. false pretensions to 
knowledge gross ignorance [A] 

~ johala n.m. the ignoramuses fools 

»f. [A- S «, JlOi ■ 

H&jhall i'na v.t.' fly into passion fret and 

• fume (J^jhal n.f. passions heat^J^ 

( ift}) C^jkal bujka 'n& (or mitatts) v.t cool 
(someone’s) passions Jfcj? jhal'la n.m. large basket 
aoj. (f. tfZjkaiK) ‘sultry angry 
As" f n.f. ADJ. lustful woman 

jbSda'na v.t. rock in cracUe swing [ ~ 


i-.A&jkaljhal&'na v.i. glisten ; glitter 

ache throb feel pungency have 
■i burning sensation (owing to chillies etc.) 
jhaljkaln'kat n.f. glisten ; glitter pungency 

burning sensation 

VJ&, jlH*' lasns, CU^jkulsa'nn, Ctfj^fjkv'las de'na 

* v.t. bum scorch singe 

jhulai'nd iVi/Jfjhu’lasja ’ns v.i, be burnt 
be scorched be singed 

rrifTjlui'lakna v.i. shine flash twinkle 
appear ; be apparent J&jha' lak v.y . 
glimpse reflection refulgence J&jhaiki 
n.f. (usu, pi.) glimpse 

t r i jkilmilans v.i. twinkle flicker 

***• * glimmer undulate (as the flame of a. . 

candle or water) n.m. twinkle i _ J ,j(&iha'nak n.f. jingle (esp 

jhil'mil kar'na v. to sparkle ; to flash ; to twinkle | y Mets) [doublet of foll.] 
Jf tjr .)kW miU n.f. shutter ; Venetian blind 

'na v. r. move (fan) force flies, 

* etc. to keep away be soldered 

I j£Zjbun jhiini n.f. tingling : pins and needless 
P * (Jl&f*? jk&njhunjait n.f. pl. fetters 
jhatfji adj. (shell) broken at top 
jkah'ji kau'ri n.f. such shell (fig.) 
sou ; mite 

UdT jbatjkar'nz v.t. shake to rouse 

* shake rudely tfjjaf^jkajjko'ri n.f. 
such shaking 

jJ&jhMfid n.m. clump or cluster (of trees) 
* swarm (of birds) t^f^Sr^jhiUld kfjhQhd 
n.m. swarms (of birds) 

ifag'jhak'da n.m. flag banner standard 
l‘jfl&?jhah'4a gar'm v.i. vanquish; conquer 
fy s !&?jhjxtida laihra'm v.i. hoist a flag4&>&** 
Ifc&Sjhati'de par cbsrfui'na v. publicize 
scandalize (fUJfjhaii'di n.f. flag ; small flag 
jjpfe&jhatidM'U adj. baby with yet untonsured 


* ing 


of tinkling ank- 

cause lo move (fan) cause to 

Jhalvo'nii v.r. 
be soldered 
^jj^Tikiltth' gii n.m. worn-out bed 
* rush strings’ fabric taken 
out of bed intact adj. week 

^jkil'li n.f. pellicle; thin skin 
IT’ brane parchment 

’ jhamjkethi i'na v.i. glitter 




jham N.r. glitter of clothes, gold lace, 

c/jpjhim'ka n . m . earring with bell-shaped 
pendant sahe'lijoti kd 

jhum’ka n . m . the Pleiades ; the Pleiads 

ar' n.f. jingle tinkle 
scream (of peacock) 
n.m. leafless tree 


S'f'jahan’nam n.f. hell (f^jahannami adj. 

| * infernal hellish doomed cursed 

cussed [A] 

*• .dfihat n.f. narrow lane between two walls 
with their drains opening on to it 
if j&jkoof n.m. lie . falsehood untruth 
fabrication prevarication*'!*$*£#j£ 
jhaot btitdh’na v.t, slander ; calumniate VCtffl 
jkoo j’ bana'na v.t. invent a lie Qjyi??jkoo\ M'n a 
v.t. lie ; tell a lie jan'na v. dis* 

believe £<£i*fjhoo)' sacp n.m. fabrication 
garbled' version of facts • w <ft 

If gx ’na v.t. slander . calumniate mare- 




present jkoot ka put la adj embodi- 1 jhoom jkoem or jham) kar *ov. cnjoyingl* 

ment of falsehood brazenfaced liar in an eestacy 

jko'na adj. flimsy n m. flimsy cloth 
superior quality betelnui v.T. & t. work 

adj egregious lie ^SSjtfjk/nt’ moot adv. all | (mill) to grind begin whine ; lament 

kt pit' ok na'hik hole PROv. falsehood \‘g 
has no legs to stand upon jkooi' ki pot' v )& , 

lies ; for nothing at all in jest ; jestingly 
Cfj^Sfjtejkoo'tok na poo&h'na v.i not even to 
show outward cordiality^^.yfjAAc'fr mufth adv. 

with unwashed face (usu, neg.) out- 
wardly ; just in formal way (,5&jhoo'ta N.m. 
liar adj. untrue fabricated imitation 
(work) spurious ; base unwashed (dish, 
etc.) (of served food) no longer untouched 
(of henn$) badly daubed or fading of tinsel 
(and not of pure gold or silver) unwashed 
(face, mouth) £%&fjhoo'ta par'na v.i. be prov- 
ed false f* 1 Ijof jtoo'ta kam N.M. tinsel (etc.) 
cmbroidery^j^l^Afjftic'fa mas a I ah n.m. tinsel 
ere. used in embroidery, ka 

bsdihah' n.m, arch-liarjK^jAKWtt n.f. liar adj. 

false. untrue / fr^^' jioo'ti khahar n.f. a 
false report : a rumour (jj^jhoo'ti qa'sam 
n.f. perjury ' > . 

tfjrjko'ta.lsjf jhoh'ta n.m. (f. jy? jio'tt tfjf. 

* jkoh'ti) young (one of) buffalo 
{^^jkojkra adj. {r .(f/ft&jkojkri) vessel with 
Jr**' cracked sound 
j k’yfjkaur N.F. quarrel 

ij/fjakool adj. very silly n.m. ignoramus (A~ 


i^fjkal n.m. bagginess ; pucker . rumple 
QST‘ farrow : brood gilt ; platingll^^J^fjAo/' 
da/’nav.T. make baggy pucker rumple 
O&tfjfjkol' nikaina v . t . remove rumple 
remove crease brood , farrow 
^ypjhool n.f. housing 

Oko"! a n.m. knapsack ; haversack 

l)s‘ palsy blight adj. loose ; not tight 
{ baggy 

fibatil bau'le adv. at daybreak 

n r. cottage , 

U* j] 

mjhool'na v.t. swing away to and fro 
oscillate n.m. cradle Ifj&jh.oo'la n.m. a 
swing ; the swinging rope ; a cradle 
^yfjhn'lt n.f. bag ; sack pouch 

MjO'jkoo'mar n.m. forehead jewellery 
dance number with dancing girls in 


I • or jhoom'na v.i. swing rock rock and 
•O* roll sway to and fro stagger walk 
with a staggering step be in an ecstatic mood 
be enraptured, 

strike with (staff, etc.) 

Jp^jkotp'ra vM.tffcfjkoiipn 

>• fjhotita N M. motion (of swing) 

back (or top) knot- of hair (same 
as l&fjhio'ta n.m. it) &U?fj?jkooh' tam jhan'to 
n.m. & adv . pulling each other’s hair „ 
jkooh'jal n.f. vexation ragct^l 

jhoonjka! ufdr'na v.t. vent one’s spleen 
on) take revenge (from) 

'jhohk n.f. sleep, (etc. as effect of drug) 
lowering of scale l‘j 1 <— 'O'T jkohk mar'na 
v.t. force down one scale of balance by unfair 

lUfejkoh'ka n.m. gust (of wind) blast puff 

doze c C £s ?jkoh'ke ana v.i. (of wind) 
blow intermittently feel drowsy 

’jhohk'na,C,j^C-j?jkotk' dtna v.t. caste 
• (in oven)** feed (oven) with fuel set 
fire to throw (dust) waste over useless vrn- 
ture cause to perish in vain 

n.m. well which is choked or fallen 

in ' „ 

„ jahfr'-us‘saut\ Ovfjfojti’i+tjM* 

us-saul' n.m. loudspeaker 
j^’jahet' n.m. dowry ; bride’s portion (P- A 

jhifik'na v.i. 

Urr • whine n.m. complaint 

jhil n.f. lake pool (in music)- 
piano’ ; ‘pianissimo’ 

el'na v.i. suffer ; undergo bear ; 
Z. • endure (dial.) ford j^jkel'm n.f. 
support (tucked up in hair) for ear ornaments 
supporting jerk (in delivery) 

.^SMP'na, C+S-jhep'rm V.t feel abated 
Oe ashamed *^*^jh*tp, *tf£iktp* 
w F . shyness . bashfulness shame 


go n.m. prawn ; shrimp 




'jhih'gar n.m. cricket t&jfyJSf. 
"Mb' gar ciat'na (or lag’ua) V.i. 


(of clorh) be moth-eaten 
i be in an ecstatic mood J ,v*i *i r oat t 
be overjoyed^;^ I if 1 J ° ‘ ““ 



annex (trophy,, etc .jKfiStTjlf ho'na v.i. 
gain a victory attain success VblfAjlr&ltff. 
ji’tl mm' ns tut ha ri marina v.i. show intransi- 

burjetk n.m. brother-in-law ; husband’s 


-*• elder brother third month of Hindu 
calendar (corresponding to May- June) 
jrtka'rti n.f. sister-in-law ; wife of husband's 
elder brother 

ja n.m. (dial.) brother-in-law ; sister’s 
husband (fpjl'ji n.f. (dial.) siptgr teat; 

Tjjr* jaVjaiuah'R h.f. name of a musical 

W • mode 

(ped. jaijooit’) n.m. Oxus [P] 
jUFj&jii adj. good ; excellent [A] 

tf^jai'sa, (ff.ja 
5 * in the mann 

.jnstudZjai'se adv. like 
in the manner of such as according 
des vai'sa Idles prov. when 
in Rome do as the Roman; do 
jai'sa raj ah vai'sl par] a prov. as isthe king so 
is the msrtXj^ryjXj/L^ jai 'saka'roge vai'sa 
Uu'nge (JiXffJj J ai '« har'ni vai'si bkar'm 

PROV. as you sow so shall you reap (£? (^fjai'se 
tai'se adv. somehow or other by hook or by 
erookjf!f&Zj«i'st d?b> adv. as you please ; 
do what you will ^ it is all up to you 
jai'se ka lot's a adv. the self-same unaltered 
untouched Ijf/d^jai'se ko lai'ss prov. tit 
for tat; measure for measure 
jai'st no# txfi'st firixritr prov. like priest like 
pwrish (or people) ^ 
iFfjnish h.h. (Ft -cGjgJejwsfc') army 

detachment [A] 

ijP'jl'ghaA n.u. gold ornament worn over 
“* turban (fig.) feather (in cap) [T) 
fah n.m. carcass ; carcase (A] 

Lfifjrl, lrj£jel''kkafnah n.m. jail ; gaol ; prison 
*'** tyfyfjtr.hkej'na v.t. send to gaol jel' 
ja'na fpxAoAjgje'lar, J?'f*iljdaro'gha~t 

jel' n.m. jailor ; jail warden [E] \ 

.tfjfX n.p. rake 

”** d? 

*.F. jelly ; a sweet dish [E] 

'Jf join n.u. founder of follower of Hindu 
w"“* heresy worshipping twenty-four tiraths or 
saints as superior to Hindu pantheon adv. (usu. 
£V«tX)^ain o ult or its -follower Ljjffjairimat 
m.m. fjainisro»[$] 

I •jpji'na v.i. live ; exist be alive n.m. 

life existence l&ljljl’ ufh'na v.i. 
come to life ; quicken turn away one’s affec- 
tions be disgusted Ltrjiji' par'na v.i. ^come 
to life (of embryo) show signs of life££j«ta 
A DJ. ir-^TyV/i) alive ; living iflfl^ji'tajagf 
adj. ahve ; . living 

that has come alive real substantia) (£££? 
ji'te ji adv. in the life-time (of) fill 

mak'khs ni'galna v.i. invite trouble entangle 
oneself ji'ne kt la 'le par'na v.i. be in 
danger of life 

arjiyoo' n. & iNT. (arch.) (same as 
jiyoo' hat' tiya, \J>f£jiyoo'hatisa n.f. destruc- 
tion of life 

^l\j7’jlr>a”i n.f. rent-free land land assign- 
ed dependents, etc. as subsistence 

j — j - — 

yfajiyolish' n.f. same as^TN.F. ft) 

adj. & n.m. courageous ; bold (f.] 


tfj/t'jiyoo'ri n.f. jury [EJ 

. Jetf/jtiyocsh' n.m. pl. armies detachments 

^*[A ~ SING. (J^T] 

jumait'ri geometry [E~G] 

L-)y^ jl ' van N,M ‘ hfc ma’ran 

'*'*•* N.M.-life and death 

or fiit (also called ji’m-e fa'risi) eighth letter 

of Urdu alphabet (not used in classical Arabic 
(in jummal reckoning regarded as equivalent 
to g, ) three 

/ ha bilk n.m. whip adj. (lit.) skilful 
<-»v inactive agile ri>4rjf&a'bilk-das't adj. 
skilful; dextrous fi-rflf&ab'uk'-das'ti n.f. skill 
dexterity jlyiXUeha'buk-iaBar' n.m. expert 
rider jockey horse-breaker Vjf^Xt^diibUk 
mar'na v.t. whip fydab'uki n.f*. agility 
celerity ; alertness fP] 

«. i^dab'na v.t. crunch graw chew 
• f [doublet, of L‘l%] 
n.f. key 

. dap n.f. sound (of footsteps) 
^K'fad'moh ki dap N F, footfall 


pal n.f. bran; husk 

** V 

j'id'ehta'par n.f. hard soil 
#♦ •• 

• m 

^J^Jgtkaploos adj. & n.m. flatterer sycophant 
(f%%c]iaploo'sl n.f. flattery ; sycophancy 
fawning V ch a ploo' si kar'na v.t. flatter ; 
fawn (on) [P] 

ytfcAu' lur adj. (same as^irADj. if) 

i'»a v.t. lick: lap taste J't'ct St 

spicy-sweet mixture of fruit, gram, 
etc. , spicy-sweet dish ; fruit salad relish; 
taste craving habit^t^iijf&af par'na 

(or lagits) v.t. acquire a taste (for) crave 
(for) iC^j'jlIrJslfcllat' Ja’na (or lend) v.t. lick 
up ; lap consume 

?| n.f. churning vessel chum 

n.m. (dial.) younger brother of 
uncle (SJf cjia'ch* n.f. wife of 
father’s younger brother ; aunt (doublet of 
A# chador n.f. sheet coverlet veil 

J V waterfall J&JUJjfphno' lot ki ehn'dar n.f. 

wreath sheetlike wreath j> l?(fe.Jlo'he ki 
(ha'dar n.f. steel sheet 'C.l. sheet ; 
corrugated iron sheet t 'jCl/J^cMa'dar utai'na v.t. 

tear off the veil insult a woman thus in 
public C^jjljj^cfiadar orh'na v.t. put on a 
veil cover oneself with a sheet Vl^jAcha’dar 
bichhana v.i: ^ spread a sheet lay 

^ »*n.f. 


!«..• father ; 


the cloth cha'dar tan kar so'na 

enjoy a care-free sleep lead an easy 
life Ci/^ 3 ^fch d'iar charki 'nd v.t. place a wreath 
on (tomb' etc.) i 'J^OgkJjf^cha’dar dekk' 
ka^pa 'ft phasin' n& v.i. live within one’s means 
CHf/^chii’dar tjdi vd v.t. (dial.) marry(a widow) 
a' doe hni tfui'ri pair pas a' re 
bo hgt prov. living beyond one’s means 
ek'd 'dar hila'nd v.i. throw up the sponge [P] 1 
j^char adj. four (fjSjbcbar' adnS' n.m. 

* •• arbitrators a few persons public>fe/wO 
\jjf[ ah' khch char' ho' nd v.i. ^come face to face 
(with) see each other ^'fjjfchar a'i’ndh. (or 
a”?-) n.m. plate armour I’jr’tfrftffjijir cfc' & ab'roo 
ka saftt'ja ho'na n.m. shaving oH of head, 
eyebrows, moustaches and heard being clean- 
shaven casting orthodoxy 10 ihe winds 
eian'-iagh n.m. stole with embroidered corners 
^ij'fehdr-bd'lish n.m. (arch.) large cushion 
sofa; large cushioned .seat j£>j%char' bahd' 
n.m. limb joints ( l’/Jb I'D^^ch W patch ' la'na 
(or &i/'i»a) v.t dodge trump up excuses 

v* J ■? char- pa" i n.f. cot ; bed ; bedstead 
L\ctBr-pa‘'i par par’na v.i. fall ill ; go tubed 
V£rtm4jtrf*~‘$tyif(iiar-pa’'ise pith" lag Jd'na v.i. 

be bed-ridden (of patient) grow very week 
(through prolonged illness) have bed-sore 'Ajp £ 
cjtar-pa'yah n.m. quadruped ; asS-jib; ehsr pai'se 
n.m. pl. (also) some money char'-tar n.m. 
four ornaments or dresses (JCjUpchar'-tal n.m. 
a kind of tambourine note ^l/jl^char’-ja'mah 
n.m. treeless saddle cloth saddle Jr^jbchar' 
cpa'le n.m. four parties thrown to room and his 
relations by bride’s family lyjl^jf'char' chand' 
lag'na v.t. have increase in dignity (of 
beauty be enhanced char' (hash' m adj. 
untrustworthy ; faithless l re acherou s>t>Li 

char’ kha'nah n.m. & adj. chequered (cloth) ; 
check dirJ^char'-dahg n.m. the four quarters 
(of the globe) all over jZfaiJfti&char'- 

daiig-e 'a'lam meh adv. all over the world 
^A^ { har' din A* chafid'nl n.f. transitory glory 
passing phase (of something desirable) 

din ki ehahd'ni aur phir' 
afidhe’ri Tat hai prov, to every spring there is an 
autumn ( faljjjbchar-diea’ri n.f. enclosure 

boundary "wall (city) wall VjtfjlJjAr ch*r 
diua'rt kar’na v.t. put up an enclosure round 
IjfcjlJjkchar' ga'nac baifk'na v.i. sit 
cross-legged squat ^(jlrbjjlfchar (or 

cjsahar') sham'bak n.m. Wednesday 
char' {or fhahar') * Un’sat n.m. pl. the four ele- 
ments (mg. earth, air, fire and water) 
char’ kfux>ht’ n.m. the four q uarters Afj Uchar' 
go' shah adj. quadrangle bfj^char gv'na adj'. four- 
fold (Jjjlfcha'roft adj. all the hxwVJc^'^.iPfjr,^ 
\,’f Ijcha'roft sha'ne (hit kar’nh (or gir'na ) v i. 
fall at full length on the back sprawl su- 
pinely J^fjfj^cha'roti magh’z n.m. pl. the 
various cucumber and melon-seeds used together 
for medicinal purposes Aj^char’-yar n.m. the 
orthodox caliphs [P doublet of jltfl 

f. ,U^ dr i N M - char 8 e (Wi&G’j'gcharj dtna 
(or U na) v.i. assume (or give) charge (of 
something to someone) |E] 

I I* ,1* da? (•<>) na-ehar' adv. inevitably 
Jlgvlt J ^ whilly milly [P] 

'oj\ftf>a' r oh, bjgcha'ra N.M. fodder bait 
< Cfljii^cha'tah dal'na V.T. give fodder (to) 
Ctfsjl/rcba'rah laga'na v.t. bait (a hook) 
r ijcha'rah h.m. remedy ^ help expe- 
^'^dient resource cure ^iikrch a 'ra-jo"i 
(or n.f. seeking remedy 
qanoo’ni. cha'ra jo"i kar'na v.i. 

seek legal 

remedy file a suit^Uy^a 'n sa'&tfjtjb jjf- cAa /a nji. bride's first departure 
cja'ra-ja'ri n.f. preparing a remedy remt- groom’s house [doublet of prec.) 
dying ; curing [P] eha'lak' adj. clever astute 

~ A chaste' n.m. breakfast time, mid-momixtg UU}* n ing ; artful (fiZ&als'ki n.f. cl< 

dying ; curing [PJ 

A chasM' n.m. breakfast time . mid-momixtg 


•3'tehash’ni n.f. viscous state of a syrup 
0 if freshly prepared syrup taste ; relish 
admixture (of) sweet and sour in taste 
chash'm-dar adj. tasty sweet and sour 
s^j^&chaih' rii-gir n.m. chef ; head cook [PJ 
“~U&aq adj. alert (usu. as )j>r ( j)Q^Aaq{-o) 
V < chaubahd' adj. nimble alert healthy 

in good health smart [TJ 

/ •*, 4 a'^ao (vul, (hak'koo) n.m. /MK? 3 * 
knife pen-knife If' •/ J \) T 
ths'qoo ks phal n.m. blade of .knife 
^—^j/jlrch&'qoo ks das'iah n.m. handle of knife 

fP] * 

/f ch$k n.m. rent slit cut fissure 
adj. torn lacerated Jl^J^chak' 




ness astuteness craftiness ; cunning 
Vjtfllbchal&'ki kar’ns v.T. over-readi [PJ 
.|,i %slsn' n.m. challan ; registering a 
C/i f criminal case or forwarding it to magis- 
trate for trial invoice bank ‘challan’; remit- 

J^chalu’ ADJ. & n.m. forty l^UdatVis 
5 n.m. forty-year-old person Champion 
who has trounced forty persons in various bouts 
J^behalis’vatt adj. fortieth njt. funeral rites 
on fortieth day after the death (of someone) 
f\gr (ham n.m. hide skin leather ^/V r 

'qoo kd das'iah n.m. handle of knife I * * d&m v.i. stretch one’s 

fpj • I transient authority to the utmost ( ££} 

/. ch$k n.m. rent slit cut fissure * yfo&ahp n.f. chop fried (mutton, etc.) 
adj. torn lacerated ji'Jffchak’ v *r chop [ ~E corr.) 
chsk adv. tom (with grief) X/Jb 4 ’’kar'ns IjlU^akp n.f. part of gun connecting barrel 

v.t. tear rend g<V 

6 a* n.m. collar slit is)? gif e' bail- (hah adj 

mad afflicted sad [P] 

F <^ak n.m. potter’s wheel 
W? sugar-making vessel pulley 

nj*. chalk [C] 

/( dia'kar n.m. (derog.) servant under- 
servant nau'kar cha’kar n.m. pl. 

servants &tk'rl n.f. service menial 
employment servitude [P] 

/f_chak'soo n.m. name of an ophthalmic medi- 
^•jTcine used for its astringent effect 
jLjvlpchak'Ift n.f. chocolate [E] 

(i eha’ki n.f. name of trick in fencing, club- 

j, that N.F. gait ;■ carriage mouon 
0 5 movement; pace (of horse) (in chess, 
etc.) move trick stfategem tactic 
method device custom^J^^a/’ cha’hin 
n \t. character conduct (hal'na 

v.i play a ruse on deceive * (at chess, 
etc ) make a move adopt a method use a 

Btrttegem walk with the gait (of)Jla/j!f(hsl' 
4kal s.r. gait pace (of horse) manner; 
mode ; style I'ijiJgJki «&*/' mrU s’ ns v.i. 
fall into the trap (of) be cheatedJfdr^a/'-ia* 
ylfcba'lij’a adj. & xcm trickster tricky 
person {■*. (^jp) 

^ with stock ; lock (of gun) (arch.) arrow 
ibfcjldtshp charh&'na v.t. cock a gun 
. .V* halt' pa n.f. (in book-binding) leaf etc. 

Ytzl pasted with a folded forme dough 
jki^ dak'ta n.m. slap; cuff 

V chafl'ta lags' ns (or pseudo- peel rajid' katas) 
v.i. slap ; cuff 

•/ n.m. moon new moon lunar 

f month white spot on animal’s forehead 
target n.f. crown ; pate^f^>££^ 4 (#i^>£ 
duitid' pat (kooks ap'nt hi math par s' la hai prov. 
bid to malign a noble character is self-condem- 
natory tjfetr (baud' -ts'rs v.frVjijfehakd'-chart. na 
v 1 . (of new moon) appear (of moon) 
ris c&fjCbthafid'-rat n.f. night of the new moon; 
first night of lunar month Ip ss 

mkk'ra N.M. & adj. bright lovely (face)(*^£{r 
ehaUdkafuk'ra n.m. & adj very lovely (figure) 
[ptfj&ythrtd ko gat at' han lag ns v.t. (of 
moon) eclipse (g/V^jg gat" han (or 
garai'han) n.m. lunar eclipse (fjkJIr&AUd'-ms'rt 
n.f, target practice rifie range 
fhshd'ms'ri kar'ns v.i. practice firing at a target 
ks (hhUd' n.m. appearance of 
eleventh Hijri month’s moon (so called because 
the month has no festival falling in it) Cj ftJfe 
(ha V ho'na v.t. (of new moon) be sighted , 
appear Ctyjlr &?***' ks <j | and he jn'na v 1 . br 
seen very rarely . appear at long ml«rv.xl< 
ns « hs'ht kmn'ds 

a handsome fece needs no paints IJL^cbabd'na 
n.m. (rare & arch*) light ftjZ\f(baltd'nl n.f. 
moonlight moonbeams doth spread over a 
carpet a kind of Bower 
ekakd'm dia’tabm (or fbha’takna) v.i. (of moon- 
light) spread yXftjJf&ahd'td kbil'na v.i. (of 
moonlight) spread rat n.f. * noon ~ 

lit night 

./ 'i g|a*'/i n.f. silver wealth gain ; 

1 profit ashes<$j0^>j&<tft'<& ka vo’raq 
mm. silver leaf fyt/tfji kar ir'aa v.i. 
burn down to ashes M 

(or keja’na) v.i. make good money be 
burnt down to ashes 
^^^tkatu'lar MM. chancellor (E] 

, j . * (vulg. Jy^s&3*'ro0 Wi. ri<* 

< rice-dish one-eighth of ‘ratti* 

* |^«4aA km. well pit ba'lil 

9 f n.m. the Babylonian pit (where Haroot and 
Maroot were hung by the heels as penalty for 
their love for Venus) • the (Oriental) Tartarus 
ufjojfdta'h-* laqan^lfi'ftetha'h-e zanakKd&ti N.M. 
dimple of the chin ' J^^iIf.j/J^jf’Aah'^kan ra 
(bah' dor pfdt’ mov. he # *who mgs a well for others 
often falls into it (.J&ilr&a' hre mkkshab n.m. 

Muqanna’s welfwith artificial moon at its 
bottom marvel of magic^E&a'Al adj. well- 
irrigated (land) (P] 

f i .tAaA n.f. love fondness longing 
fl Y want ; need vtiih&facbahai k.t. want; 
need fondness love Jfr^cha'ho conj. (do 
what) you will either.. .or J - poll.] 
l^f.dtah'ea v.T. like love ask for 
y wartt ; need desire require pray ; 
request order aim e£^4ta' htye mix. v. 
should ; ought must have to adv. die 
rightj^-^fila'Ar con;, no matter wh»t ^»V 1 

\ cba'he cohj. either or & 

fba'hi jit'na adv. howsoever much ; however 
great S&J't&tihtjo adv. whoever what- 
ever whuttvtr^Asht'ta NM. (f.^inbahe'tl) 
sweetheart : beloved adj. favourite 

fiM'V n.m* eagerness keenness 

longing gusto Ao&la n.m. 

(usu. pl.) fondling dalliance eagerness 
n.m. herald door-keeper • 

janitor [T] 

/K . * l '« tj a"oofi (ba"ooit n.f. (same as 
n.f. if) 

<£a"r n.f. tea po'dii n.f. 

(*rcb-J (same « n.f. 

cJa'Vrfa'n* n.f. [P - Chinese] 

/ jflcba'ih (h&''ih (Jj^fJfbdi&'onh eha"o«1i 
V N F - fuss ‘. ado 

... diabana v.t. chew masticate gnaw 

v crunch champ bitet^Cr^tijl^J 
ckaba (baba’ ke bat’ kar’na v.i. ^ - mince one s 

words speak affectedly ab’ni had dt 

n.f. cartilage ; gristle f'l^^afoa'na V.T. cause to 
chew ; cause to masticate &an* 

fbabva'm v.t. set a very difficult task 
harass set hard row to hoe pqt (someone) in 
hot water 

dta'bar Aa’bar n.f. chatter silly 
><Vr^talk [ono.] 

(ba’bakna x. i. (of wound) throb be 
painful thus ^(/rAa'bak n.f. painful throb 
(of wound) * ' 

Aabil'la adj. childish (disposition) g£j££ 
Vfxebibit>a-pan n.m. childishness 
tf^cbabool'ra' Ijjg&abool'rak N.M. 

platform dais terrace 
t Utftek&bk'tta v.i. be pricked 

be pierced be thrust be 
goaded pinch ; be disagreeable 
' feel pinpricks (fffcbUbh’tt adj. 

& n.f. stinging ; pinprickstt^?*^ cbUbh'ti kaih’na 
v.i. say stinging things (ffc&ft’bium' n.f. 
prick ; pricking pinch ; pinching pinching 
pain ’ pinpricks Cjf^bubho’na v.t. prick 
pierce thrust (into) sting goad 
i* O'chaWna n.m. parched grain, etc. for munch- 
Vring , 

~p,ckap ADj.'left {side) £>4jgekap-rast twe. (as 
drill caution) left right •Z'b^gckafMi rast 
n.m. & adv. right and left ail directions 


*ytbUp n.f. silence quietness stillness 

•••i int. silence ; quiet mum is the word 
don’t talk nonsense ; shut up cb*p 

adv. silently quietly sneakingly with 
muffled sound adj. quite ; silent reticent 
i^i^tkip’ 4vp y (J^ibMp' g pNDj . reticent 
r ' ytttx\xe£{g^re$iip’ (hup&'tt, 

(btip’ke adv. secretly stealthily # sneak- 

ingly quietlyl^v^fcfeu/>’ raib'na,^^};^ 
chop' (or ebap’kt) sadh'na v.i. keep^muiA : 
keep quiet ; remain silent give no replytj/C^. 
ebup' kata' na v.t. silence pacify ; appease 

amuse (weeping child) ( [/Lockup' kajnn v.i. 

(of weeping child) be amus*d be appeased 
keep quiet stop talking^^J^ If (f A *P' 
kl dad khuda' de'tn hai prov. "patience Juuh a 
reward C0<~S&up’ lagan v.t. be struck dumb. 

lose power of speech ho' 113 v.t. 

keep mum : keep quiet be silent make no 

I P&ep'pa, tg&op'pah n.m. hand breadth 
y*very little space t %gthap'pa (hap' pa n.m. 
every inch of ground ; every nook and comer 
1‘Acf^^^Aap’pa (tap' pa (khan mar'na v.t. 
look all over the place ; search every nook and 

/t~-tkapana v.t. humiliate cause to feel 
shame cause to smart (caus - 
.*)! fAap&'G n.f thin cake of unleavened dough; 

. Ll&e!l*Pa'Mt n.f depredation assault by 
detachment [P] 

— pat n.m. slap cuff box re- 

r^bulT Cjggj&Ckt mufih par &a'paL pl. (esp.) 

rebuff} (Jp (ho' pat laga'na (or jar'na) 
vt. slap 'rebuff 

^(hap'ta ^dj. (f figckop'n) flat flatten- 
ed compressed n.m. flat-nosed person 
'potnd v t cling (to) stick (to) 

* adhere (to) be joined (to) embrace 
I'lgAipta'na v.t glue stick join 
fasten patch embrace 

AD J- flat flattened compress- 
or ed n.f flat-nosed woman female 
homosexuality 0^(j$skap'\\ktu\'na v.t & t. 
(of woman) practise homosexuality 
I* ly^tSk'Pfktpana v. be sticky be glia- 
"tf** tinoiis be adhesive Lgtchip'chipa 
adj. sticky glutinous adhesive 

skipehipa'hat n.f stickiness glutinoih&ess 

[ p.Sfr&opras N.F peons* breast-plate 
^ XT”’* °® Ce (fy^rAapra'si n.m. peon 


y.t & t. 

be glia- 

^artkopras n.f. peons* breast-plate 
><^j>eon’s office (fJgAapra'si n.m. peon 

l)*J(0sLup'ri ro’tl n. f buttered bread ; bes* 
meared bn*,d,} S) jjltf)%shup'i1 aur da' do raov 
you cannot eat your cake and have it too 
&j£jTtkapqMlatfi (col gj ap'qatish ) n.f had 
U X* blood row ; alteration struggle 

strife (old use), sword fight [T] 
im sC?diippalc &?&ip'pakhK.r goatsucker 

[ , Jj>'A.i pakna v.t. stick be pasted be 
“v^affixed adhere be compressed ; be 
flattened ; be flat £lj£chipka'na v.t. stick 
paste afiix cause to adhere compress 

'JUfckop kan n.f. a kind of 'angrakha now 
n/X ‘forming part of peon’s livery [PJ 

\gchap‘pal, ( hZchap'li n.f. .,e_ 
K-*sandJe slipper A 

iVyy chap'na v.i. 


feel .? (I 

iJt Pckap'n* n.f. lid (for pot or ^ 

pitcher) ■ knee-cap^/lM^'P - 

tg^rAc'par tha'pat n.f. sound of lapping n.f. mind memory 

UndCS,reable Sound made in eat |“g ^fidea adj. supine adv lying on 
jabbar adv. m an unmannerly fashion (ijjrte. . 

&a'par-khaf,'di hm. loose woman P" ***** VT & 

cha'Pet ghafioo kar kt ph. havine involv^d'ln P 0 ^ 55100 of (someone’s) mind be re 

(hfl'Ps! ghat'ioo kar kt ph. having involved in 
trouble Is Qijlig&a’par-qana'ti/a adi. & n.m. 
mean (person) sycophant 
{kCffkap'n n.m. blear-eyed one with 
constant discharge from eyes 
ijgAip'ra ADJ. & N.f. purified (sealing-wax) 

chfi par na v.t. besmear (bread with 
SX* butter (one’s bread) anoint lubricate 
oil ,| grease adj. buttered 
oiled greasy (usu. AMp ri) 

plausible cajoling said with r facile tongue 

(tap' ai bkar pan mrt doob' m „> T g^ 
shame ; fie ; die of shame 

chop’ poo n.m. . oar ; paddle l itigjf* 
Af’&app'oo &a\a'na v.t. row. KjU 
paddle ; oar • propel with oars Ifra 

ehapo'ta n M. slap Cuff 

i\ jfchapo'tt n.f tattered turban worn-out 
cap caved-in hat 

~ chap' pi n.f. massage , kneading (of limbs) 
(fx* CJttffhapp pi kar'na v.t. knead (some- 
one's limbs (fig.) coax ; cajole (fig.) serve 
(jfifhip'pi n.f. (same as g£rN.F •*) 

> jj&apti' n.f. slap bias* shock 

sudden loss 

“ ~fhit n.f. mind memory thought 

'd«a adj. supine adv lying on the back 
(hark'ita vt & 1 . take 
possession of (someone’s) mind be remember, 
ed by ride, etc. on the backof j%£f'(hi t '-(h or 
adj. heartcnticing n.m. darling beloved 

sweetheart l kar'na v.t (in wrestling 
defeat ; throw (someone 1 on his back oven 
come overpower discomfit ht na 

v.t. lie on one’s back 
C^di'ta n r pyre ; funeral pile 

N.M. tirnh fella parasol garden 


~pAit'rJ%Ait'ra n.m. (dial.) picture 
painting jj^f^ckit'ra-kur n.m. (dial.) 
artist painter [S] 

cka'lurjlr<ha'lur adj. & n.m'. clever 
/ trickster cunning n.f. 
cleverness ,, cunning 

f&rchttkab'r^rt&f?" (f. &~gchitkab'n ), 

:' la (p . Jtchil'li) ‘spotted speckled 
.jf chit' van n.f. ' countenance ; visage 

sight ; look ; glance aspect . appearance 
looks (irfytfSfchil'van cbarhd’na v.i. frown; 
scowl : glower ckit'van n.f. frown ; 

fcow! • $\ov/ct il'van par mail' (na) 

l&'na v.i. (not) to be* displeased (not) to 

show signs of displeasure 

j.*. v.t. tatter tear to pieces 

vjvslf debase . put to shame n.f. 
humiliation : abasement 
iS^chut'tbal n.m. (W. dial.) court fool , jester 
V" (fjjn^S^chul'thcil-ba'ii n.f. acting the 
fool joking . jesting < .. 

pTchil'ti n.f. spot stain scartts^; 
(j** cbit'ti /mba'na v.i. ^become spotted* 
ripen be fully baked adj. 
spotted ; speckled stained scarred 
^P£ch.ite’ra n.m. metalware engraver 

>_,cAit n.f. slip, scrap of paper note 
^^Vscribbled on a slip introductory (etc.) 
letter chit [Anglo-Pakistani - 0 s ?! 

Jr^ -cjat, J%2Schat' pat Xdv. quickly 
v instantly without delayl^Ji^J^Aaj' pat 
/ro'wd v.i. die instantaneously : die in no* time 

^diat mabg'nt pat bi/ah' ph. instanta- 
neous "implementation adv. in a jiffy . instanta- 
neously kar ja'm v.t. eat up 

devour : consume lick the platier clean 
t^chit'fa AOj. (T.tffchu'ti) white (only in) dj'b/ 
f go'ra cbit'ta adj . white fair 

pi ^ebatakh n.t. sound of cracking sound 

of beating spot spot caused by beat- 
chatakh patahh' *nv. pat saucily 
without* hesitation at once in quick 
succession n.f. ^sound of crack smack 
/ ‘i^chata'kha, tfbrchata'ka n.m. crack 

explosion smack force (of) abun- 
dance (of) 

..itf'chatan' n.f. rork rocky ground . a large 
block of stone ^ 

{,*( jg^ckati'm v.t. cause to lick 1-(>1 fcaus.] 

’ V 1 

1|>L <A<na**» n.f. mat . rush or palm mat 

i Jt 

fegchat'pata adj. (t. at’ pan) savoury 

V * tasty 

chat, chat n.f. re- 

•f *fpeated cracks (of finger’s) crack 
crackle A°t' bala'eh Ic’na v.t. 

overwhelm (child) with kisses 
f' t •y f^d.itkha'ra . (dial. (^iAat'As) N M. 

relish zest taste smack cluch 
Aaikhare bhar’ns (or le’na) v.i. 
cluck or smack tongue in craving or appreciation 
ma'tAk n.f. wanton gait 
coquetry b) and ishment 

cha’tak mo'tak se chal'na v.i. walk with a coque- 
tish gait ' 

ij^rchut'k&a n.m. joke humour wit. 

witticism pleasantry cheap but effi- 
cacious remedy mischief St 'ku I a 

chhor'na v.i. jest let off a squib 
,\JfrAa'pkhna,C#£fha'takna v.i. bloom 
L^**open out split crack . crackle 

speak rudely takh (or cha'tak ) 

jam v.i. crack sp lit v&Z&atkhs'ns, £y$z, 
chatka'na v.t. crackle crack snap 
(fingers) split . 

.•AT chaf’kham' a\'kam n.f. bolt (of. door 

fegr chut'ki n.f. pinch pinch 
lj -t (of) little bit snap (of 
fingers) twist the hammer of a 
gun C\^/i^(h*t\'ki baja'na v.i. snap 
the fingers J^S'^^chut'ki baj&'te 
mrh adv. at once ; in a moment ; in 
a trice ; in a jiffy yfi? bkaf AD J- a P>nch 
of ; a little bj &«'** bhnr'na (or le'ns ) 

v.t. pinch nip (usu. I ‘J (jV&cbUt' kiyah 
le’na ) make restless tf IjljtO ut'kijob mu, 
ura'na v.t. ridicule put (someone) off 
with a joke show no regard (for) 
n&chatki'la adj. (T.ffi&'chatki'lt) (of colour 
gaudy (of taste)* sharp! more than 
usual. unpleasantly excessive pJ^l^jrahgi'li, 
chatki'ia n.m. (euphemism for) parched gram 
Jj-chut'ia n.m. (also ftgeho'ti) hair plaited 
^fat hack ; pigtail tassel plaited into it 
•Jfchat'nl n.f sauce^ chutney any highly 
seasoned paste jTsftflt’it* bam' n'S, Oiajfg^f 

chafni kar dal ’ns v't.* eat up hurriedly ^ 
grind very fine beat black and blue blfXtS*’-. 
che\’nl ho jS'm v.i. (of dish) be finished too soon 

j ^pf&api'ns v.t. cause to lick [ -|>Vcaus.) 



/ j?&at°’ T3 N “- gourmet : epicure gour- 
JS* mand , glutton one given to eating 
every now and \ht.TnJ*u^c^a\oT' -pan n.m. 
epicureap tastes gluttony one wasting one’s 
money on eating delicacies every now and then 
N.M. skin spot (indicating diseased 

N.M- pay roll pay^ wages 
account book inventory U^vkact'ch 3 
ha n.m. unsavoury details account of 
misdeeds ka&'(ha (hitjha khn'lna 

v,r. expose (someone) 

n.f. letter > note chit bill; 

draft certifitate QlifftTdiit'tfH dal'ii a v.i. 
post a letter rasa* n.m. (hybrid 
compound) postman b^\ji^eh ifthiyafi babt'rm 
v.t. deliver letters ; deliver mail 

n.f. fine . damages ^(/^chat'ti 
Uutr'na v.i. indemnify pay damage 
lf*ckU *(i adj. (see under I^adj. if) 

chuj'ya N.m. hair plaited at 
*-*t back worn by the male Hindu 
i*i£,chutya'na, O^ehutel’na v.t. ^ 
*S^bite wound ; bruise 

j^_ chaf'jt bat'ie n.m. pl. balls, etc. used 
• < in juggler’s tricks CillZL^thot'tt bafte 

lara'na v.t. (of juggler) play conjuring tricks ; 
juggle f rk' As thni 'll ke chat’u 

baf'u PH. birds of the same feather ; chips of the 
old block 

yj3g<hatt'kan n.f. slap ; rap 

(hatfyal adj. treeless (tract) desolate 
(land) level (ground) 

n.f. same as/f/^N.F. (see under Jgt; 

Or n . f . *) " 

(fra' (ha n.m. father’s (younger)- brother 

cousin paternal uncle’s son (or daughter) 

r^Mcha'na, fyfichtichha'na fjL&hvchya’na 

V ».t. (of fruit) be bursting as though 
about to exude be oozy drip (of cheeks) 
be rosy ; flush 

NF - '**dt 

£jj £t<hath t'ns v.t. chew and suck (bones) 

,^A a 'd& n.f. wife of father’s younger brother; 
auntf ~ 

f~£’(h a (he'ra adj. related on the side of one’s 
paternal uncle [ ~ 

‘fjehakh N F - quarrel brawl fc&cha'kha 
y cho’kfa, ‘&'£,*(hakh‘ (hakh n.f. chatter 
quarrel dispute wrangling bxawll>^^| 

(me*) shakh' chal'na v.t. (of quarrel) take 
place (between) V€(hakhya n.m. prattler ; 

‘^^ chakht int. be off ; begone ; avaunt 

.•i e&fida’fffl v.i. (of female) have sexual inter- 
" course t/!f t (hudas' n.f. female’s desire 
for it : heat ; sexual urge [caus. ~ 

diad'dar n.m. (vulg. for j>\£ n.f. if) 
chadar'ya n.f. small coverlet small 
shawl [-P-'-’jf, DIM.) 

\j0rchad'da, litfechai'dhs n.m. groin (also 
pj, J/t(f^ c hM'4d gul-khai'rno) buffon ; fool 
(sJfLchad'dhi n.f. riding on ( someone’s ) 
back* jZifjf, ch ad'dhi charh'na (or 

tnr'tia) v.r." ride ’on 'the backl’U^^cArtiV* 
charha'na v.T. carry (someone) on the bark 
$sj° •Vjckad'dhi de'na v.t. carry thus be the 

minion to [prec.J 

pT'Char N.?.Oj%charra'ta n.m. sound made in 
. * tearing cloth 



charagh gulkar'na V.i. . put out a light 
extinguish a lamp charagh' pa ho'na v.i. 

be angry jjfZ) ^charagh' ta'le atidktra 
prov. darkness prevails’ at the lamp’s base CMfrUf 
charagh' jal'na, i’Jftf'jj&JZcharagh ’ rau’slian ho'na 
v.i. (of lamp) be lighted i'lif£/L?cjaragh' jal&'na 
v.t. light a lamp dispel darkness q)1 
charagh' -dan n.m. lamp-stand charagh' 

dikha'na v.t. show a light char a' gh t 

su'har(i) adj. approaching the end of 
L^fjf^chardgh' se phool' jhar'ns, (/'£,< JZ 
charagh' ka hans'na v.i. leaking of oil from lamp 
(as good omen) ^charagh ' me * bol’lt 

par'na v.t. (of might) approach i ng 
charagh' se charagh jal'ta* hai prov. one lamp 
serves to light others charagh' U 

kar dhookd'na . v.t. search for (something) 
thoroughly Offr ghi kt charagh' jal'na v. 

make great pomp and show be overjoyed 
'^'J^be charagh’ adj. dark ; unlit _jgr, • 
’deserted home laoking male 
issue Jifl^chara'gha* n.m. illumi-» 
nations tf'tZehnra'ghi n.f. offering^! 
for light. at shrine ( 
fhara'ghi de'na (or (hatha na) v.T. 
make such offering 




Mjgr charagah' n.f. meadow pasture- graz- 
K ing ground [P ~ cf] 

haraita' v.T graze • pasture make a 
** fool (of) 

£(~chfirana v.T. steal pilfer: filch 
* embezzle ; defalcate turn away (eyes 
from) OS’J'ta&kh Aural m v.T. turn away the 
eyes (from) ; dodge ; evade 

fi&iVaftd' b.f. smell of burning leather, hair, 
^ etc. ^ 

{/ljrctirh' , ta,XrlAAira"etah n.m. a species of 
s * gentian ; gentian 

i N - F • ( fee under (,j£ chir'na va. *) 

(^Ij^chara'l n.f. (see under I’jrdiar'na v.i. yfc) 

L ^~char'b adj. fat , greasy ; oily (of 

* ■*^food) rich facilcgftji. sj£charb-zaban' aoj. 
glib facile plausible (person )^jufAhar'b- 

Zoba'nl n.f. facile tongue , glibness 'plausi- 
bility [PI ^ 

p ckarbahk', dijrcharb 3*' adj. clever 

~ char'bah n.m. tracing copy dupli- 
^-^veafe copy for printing Ijfj^char'bah 
atar’ni v. make a tracing Copy prepare 
a duplicate |P] 

.)» char'll N.t. fat suet tallow jW/Z 

“* char' bandar adj. fat ; fatty greasy [P] 


i lj , JP(hsrparzt’na v.i. (of wound) smart 

fcjf tygcbnr’pan auj. pungent acrid 
~fl/ftkarptra'hat n.f. acridity 
- p<karil'r n.m. {usu. pl.) trick Sgk/tir'ya 
tkasil'r n.m. (usu. pl.) women's wiles [S] 
ar'di n.m. church (EJ 

i — char (ha n.m. publicize spread reports 
(about) \ijfi\tA char'da ho'na v.i. be 
talked about ■* J ' ‘ 
of the town 

Ifgrprcharchars'ns v.i. be hot ; be pungent 
«nart chatter ; prate 1*jg&ttr'Aara adj. 
If- tfjCAthar'dmrf) hot , /pungent 
charjkara'hat n.f. creaking (of shoes or bed) 
crackling pain 

* artkar'kh n.m. sky ; the heavens sphere 
wheel potter's wlteel lathe 
pulley wheel for^ pressing woollen shawls 
circular motiony^jj^iAar'Wi-e a khz Jr n.m. 
ethereal sphere yftfarchar'kh-t at'los n.m. hea- 
«•- crystallite sphere Jy^J^ar'kfbr berth' 

be discussed become the talk 
be publicized get a lot of 



n.m. high heaven ch<tr fa' nu 

turn on a lethe I'tf&ZdiaT'kh khi'nav.i. turn 
round whirl rotate rtvolvc tityfrfehar' kit 
kaiujo'la n.m. merry-go-round [P] 

I nr* y cfcar'rakh ch«ab n.f sound of spinning 
t<^b/^Vwheel [ono.] 

• (har'khah n.m. spinning wheel (rare) 
skeleton aoj. lean nin.down de- 
crepit kal'ita v.i. spin; draw thread 

from cotton on a spinning wheel ft J khak 

poo' a n.m. spinning wheel ana its conco- 
mitants woman’s responsibility ; feminine 

accomplishments CLr rfJ^Zchar'khph . ho ja'na 

v.i. grow old be enervated tf/jthoT'kki 
n.f. small spinning wheel gin reel 
a kind of fire-works ; catherine-wheel 
char’ kin fa»oos N.M. revplving lamp projecting 
pictures on shade [ ~ P C"A^ 

n.f. hemp extract ; cannabis 

; marijuana ; pot large leathern 

bucket ^^eftar'j* n.m. one addicted to hemp- 
extract smoking ; pot addict 
isr&ar'ta n.m. large leathern bucket; 

irrigation bucket bide skiiy^r 
char'sa bhsr adj. (of land) as little as can be 
irrigated with a bucket 
j'jr&ar'lfcah Nja. (dial.) roan fowl 

^^(harfJnUnah adj, squint-eyed mean 

fCjftir* n.m. (rare.) filth dir* (jfe 
• (hir'ldfi n.m. non-derplumc of an Urdu 
poet filthy |P) 

L/p&arka n.m. slight wound(ttf irfv’lMlfkar'ka 
** lagan* (or de'na) v.T. wound 
f/ffhar'kati n.m. one who feeds elephant 
low fellow [ ~ 

C'j£chi'rakna v.». have scanty stools 

Oj%(hu’rdbti v.i. (dcrog.) speak out 

char'm n.m. (ped.) leather skin hide 
¥ tfjgr&or'ni adj. leather : leathern (F) 

' ir' mar n.m. pounded ; pulverized 


\,Lpcb_irmira'tt v.i. smart ii^!£VA*nwra’i<7i n.f 
smart ; prickly sensation 

j.jpclm'ran n.m. (dial.) foor ^fjtJlj^JJ^cka'ren 
chhoo'Hd (or le'tti) v.T. (dial.) touch the feet 

(of)[SJ , . . .. 

«* — rfhir'na'v.i. be torn be deft be slit 
kJlt be sawed lVJ£<ktmu* v.T cause to 
be torn cause to be sawed ■^l^chira’T^ 
chirv&'i n.f. remuneration for awing 
I'S'dttr'n* ,v.t. gtaaa k*(*/(iewa’aa v.T- cause 

to graze 

0 Sharin' dah (rare.) MJ^ebaritd n.m. grazing 

^ animal, qu^rape<UV ( j^&Aflrin'rf(o) parind' 
n.m beasts and birds ; beasts of earth and birds 
of air (PJ 

fyjr&arva'ha n.m. shepherd herdsmen 
(fiij^Aarva'hln.y. shepherdess re- 

muneration for pasturage 
iJj JZs t«ro*V* n.f. pickle berry 

d 4 * a'rl n.k. unripe com cut for fodder 

>_,<£(> N.f. pet aversion (someone’s) 
mocking name nickname vexation 

banter OV’^Z^ir’ nikal'nq v.t. banter vex 

mock invents a mocking name (for) 

*j%&ur n.f. vulva maia'ni n.f. &. adj. 
(as swear-word) food. 
t >_r efti'ra n.m. cock-sparrow. 


third na v.t. vex mock oifend 

make grimaces 

Aar' Aar, jtfc&ar' bar n.f. silly talk ; 
prattle sputter sizzle crackle 

Ait n.f, sizzle sputter 

ifykhrSkir' &ixa An), peevish ; cross ; fretful ; 

irritable tl^i^^Air'-Arrd-pan n.m. pee- 
vishness , fretfulness* irritability 
rbpskir'n a v.i. be irritated be vexed; 

fret and fume j 

{tbpAaYkii'na v.T. raise lift cause to 

* ^ascend cause to mount put into 
include enter quaff {gulp fix affix! 

dye (with colour) string (bow) 
brace (drum) make an olfering increase 
( 16 ) augment VjfLpjg&arAa jd’nd v.t. gulp 
down/kri£s4<jrfta'’0 nj*. ascent rise (of 
river, prices etc.) increase inundation 

£tJ%jlliilar' Aarkzt'o N.m. ascent and discern ,j 
rise and fall ebb and flow Ijlert^charhavd \ 
N.M. offering , oblation ^W^Aarha'i n.f. 
ascent invasion ; inroad ; incursion 

I* *~skatk'ni v.t. get on the back of, mount 
ascend climb rise embark 
be offered (at shrine; etc.) be used as a cover- 
ing cover Cr^Aarh'ta. adj. (f. %Ui) 

rising soaring increasing y 
tterk'ti jam 'id N.f. bloom of youth ; prime of J 
youth CSbf^c&aifcrif n.m. paederast 
i^Air'ya N.F. f sparrow : hen-sparrow 
•» j/ V(dial.) bird y*jr^ihirya-gbar n.m. the 7.00 
Air’ja N.F. highly valued 

prize rich bag 

A 1 ydkdrail n.f. witch (dial.) ghost of 
•* ^ woman dying during pregnancy bag 
vixen shrew slut slattern 
jU^P'Ai'n-mar n.m. fowler ; birdcatcher [ - 

1*/ ^chusana V.T. cause to sip suckle 

.i~chas'pafi adj? affixed pasted stuck, 
(✓vV sticking applicable aptllQt^Aadpofi 
kar’tia v.t. affix paste ; apply use 
aptlyt>j*(jL-fckas'piifi ho'na V.i. be affixed be 
I >asted be applicable be to the point 

{P~ et jr^'vT 

A as F*' dagi n.f. adhesion 

•*^yAust adj. active agile smart alert 
“• brisk 4S*^£4flr/(oh ®4a/a^' adj. 
active and alert clever (f^Ads'lt n.f. alert- 
ness smartness nimbleness (P] 
jO? a’sak n.f. (see underl^’v.i. -fc) 

i/^chas'kd n.m. taste (for) , relish habit 
(of) fondness (forjL^g^'jiar’ta par’na 
v.i. acquire a taste (for) develop a fond- 
ness for 

i»/-,cha'sakna v.i. throb have mild pain 
uO,h n tnk n.f. throbbmtr nain mild 

1 wX^Aasak n.f. 
sensation (of pain) 
d>gfh1iski n.F. si 
•lagd'nd v.t. 
i» Q’chUsna v.i. b 

throbbing pain 

sip draught *» 

sip have a draught (of) 
be sucked be sipped 
grow lean [ - Oj£] 

00 s 'id n.f (child’s 

V- 1 - 

be enervated 

U^A* s m,(T^SisKoos id n.f (child s 

f soother [ ~ ty?] . 

-•J^tAisA'S n.m. name of Muslim^ 

C? f mystical school its follower appella- 
tion of its founder ^ 

pfAasHm n.f. eye (lit.) hope ; expecta- 
( “• tion Jiash'm-e bad door' int. 

God preserve you from evil eyes well-done 
wonderfulj^vifr^^.^f# ii'jt Aash'm ba-rah’ ho'na 
v.i. look forward keenly ttrjki^fAash'm-e bfntdr’ 
n.m. languid eye (as attribute of beauty) 
(lig.) beloved ; sweetheart AaddarPo’ dd 
n.f. connivancp ; overlooking forgiving , 
pardoning \l/(f^/^AaA' m P°'M kar’nd v.t. 
connjye (at) overlook excuse ; pardon 
(jjj(S£tjLash'm zddan n.f. wink ; blinking 
winking za'dan mrh adv, in an 

instant ; instantaneously ; ui a trice ; in a Jiflfy 
fi&^Aash’m nutri'i n.f. reproof; reprimand 
scolding threat rdua’ 1 

ktr'm v.t/ reprove ; reprimand scold 



llireaten fr'j^tfickask' m-o-charagh' {or-(jii-) n.m. 

scion (of a family) darling I a' koo-chash' m 
adj. gazelle-eyed ; (as attribute of beloved) 
beloved ; sweetheart IP] 

t J^rjhash' mak n.f. misunderstanding bad 

^ blood (between) flash wink [P-»- 


i&'chash'mah n.m. fountain ; spring 

^ ^ spectacles ; glasses goggles 

sar-dash'mah) source [P] 

l\CjP’& a $ ata ”* ^ co ' < n.f. (descended 

•'from) Jhengiz’s son [T] 

•j~c&U'ghad n.m. a small kind of owl ; screech- 
"®Vowl (fig.) fool , . 

-jS^Augh’/ N.M (usu. jSjf&V&'l-Utpr') 

bearer ; a backbiter ; tell-tale ; tale-bearer 
pebble placed in hookah bowl to prevent tobacco 
from falling dow n jJ'J%’dii%h’l-khp'r n.m. back- 
biter . tell-tale ; talc-bearer^^^£llaghV-/tAo'n 
n.f. back-biting ; tale-bearing hash'll n.f. 
back-biting ; tale-bearing Cuf/ffstPS!}' ft kka'na 
v.t. backbite [P] 

JtJPdo'ghah n.m. cloak ; gown 

.'ZtP’fhaf’ti n.f. flat ruler footrule 
O < ruler [E] 

(col. uXrfkik) n.f.' folding 
^“•bamboo, acreen ; hanging screen 
transpatent screen [T] 

n.m. flint [T] 

Jffrd&qah' dar n.m. beet ; sugar-beet: 

\ m0 &dik n.f (same as Tf'diq n.f. ft) 


fj dtk n.f. back-ache ; pain In the 
«, loins . 

yj^ftkik n.m. (same asb^N.M. ft) 

y d«k n.m. landed estate 

L ^ holding Hindu butcher 

n.f. delimitation of estate 
y/ (hak'kn (dial, tftkak’ks.) n.m. rectangu- 
tt^Tlar heap (of masonry, etc.) for counting or 
measuring mass of curdled stuff adj. curd- 
led congealed (V&i/frstlfyi&aA'ka batdk’na 
(or laga'na) v.t. make such a heap for measur- 
ing or counting > . 

&pk' fhak n.f. sound 
rapid cutj (witn sword) adj. fried in 
lot of butter da k lauh'dt n.m. 
pi. well-buttered morsels 
j.y^Afi'ka-dfttttd' n.f. glare 

{j 'zi.j'dika 'ra n.m. a kind of antelope ; ravine 
* deer two-stringed guitar ; small fiddle 
tfj&fhika'ri n.f. hunting knife 

tkaksh' suf. dripping (P - cU&] 


Pl/L sftflAa'na v.t. 
v ®VtDrice) in 

settle (dispute) pay 
(price) in full pay off (debt) ; repay 
adjust or clear (account) wangle J d^dska"! 
K.F. settlement ; adjustment ; wages for settle- ‘ 
ment : omission ; an unintentional error 
fjj&gdlrta'oak n.m. settle (price) lark [P] 

/gjj /f / Z&ak-phs'rl n.f. moving about in a 
circle roaming &(J^/£v/r£hak-phe- 
riyiiti liaa v.i. move about in a circle roam 

about a aimlessly 
l£jj?d.a'katna v.i. bise 

fatty tail of sheet round, 
round leather piece 



chak'tf n.f. 

(j "C metal plate 

chi'katna v.i. become greasy be 
clammy become untidy J^^tA'Aat adj. 
greasy untidy dirty chik'kat 

adj. greasy untidy 
A (jiak’kar n.m. circumference circuit 
arbet circle circular concise detour 
visit fix ; difficulty misfortune confusion 
giddiness . vertigo round about 
disc discuss wheel whirl fraud 
Hj-A-^hak'kar ana v.i. become giddy ; faint 
ClJf&akra'na v.i. be confused be perplex- 
ed * be bewildered lose one’s bearings 
dtak'kar dt'sa v.i: turn round and round 
lounge (a horse) defraud t>V^c4aA ktr 

kat'n a (or laga'na) visit again and again ; pay 
repealed visits move in a circle \^j£ckak'kar 
kha'na v.i. tum round and round whirl 
rotate revolve make a detour \S\JtJk 
chak'kar met ana v.i. be duped be non- 
plussed be involved in trouble be entang- 
led fhak'kar met tjal'na v.t confuse 

perplex lead astray involve in trouble 
jfj^ &a'kar aa’kar n.f. fraud ; hoax 

<sk &ak'r1 n.f. pulley [ ~ ^ ] 
n.f. comb-wood 

iufr>d ak ' ta > J%dak'lak n.m. brothel red- 
light area, depraved street ^(wooden) 
platter for rolling bread adj. (usu. &>(■><? 

dak'ia) wide ; broad circular stodgy 

fed/# ft n.f. piece of stone for grinding 

condiments pulley (of well) 

(jp tfaak'mah, Aak'ma n.m trick 
■ fraudulent temptation btj^&ck'mah dt’na 
v.t. cheat ; defraud play a trick (on) 
offer fraudulent temptation £ 

Ha'ua v.i. be cheated ; be deceived ; be 
duped fall a prey to fraudulent temptation 
i pekikan n.f. embroidered muffin 
stikaa-doz N.m. embroiderer (jjjffichikan-dozi 
n.f. embroidery (as a profession) 
t^rdk&'ncL, adj. (f. (jf*cjiik'r& ) oily • 
t greasy fatty sleek glossy ; polish', 
cd varnished facile unfaithful 
dlik’-na &gp'ra adj. well-gro :>med Jj*J%Aik’na 
gha'ra n.m. shameless person 
st (tik'rii dlQp'ri ba'tehkar'va v.r flatter 
coax ; cajole ; wheedletfj£-'9vA tk'ni sipa'rj, 
(filhfk'rirn.r. milksaturated betel-nut, 

&ik'ni mat'd n.f. clay ; c 1 ay e y soi 1 dty 0%’chiktta 
hat n.f. oiliness fat content sleekness 
gloss ;* polish ; varnish n.f. Oil 
grease fat butter oiliness 

|*/£ Avk'na v.i. , (of price, issue, disputed) 
be settled (of debt) be repayed aux. v. 
be over be a matter of the past finish 

jr r£ fkak'na-&oor adj. smashed , broken 
to pieces ; sfnashed to smithereens 
dead tired ; exhausted (with fatigue) 

(faak‘na-(bcor kar'na v.t. smash ; break to 
piec« exhaust (with fatigue) tyjJZCfyAak’na 
shpor h&n a v.i. be smashed; be broken ; to 
pieces be exhausted (with fatigue) ; be dead 

ijp ekakua n.m. (f . (jj*diak'n) ruddygoose ; 
** sheldrake 

jWj 7 Aukauta n.m. ( settlement on stipulated 
? terms bargain fixed rate [ - jjjf 

(hardship) cause to suffer . inflict punish- 
ment (for crime, etc.) Q\sy&% efcakiau' tijwft n.f. 
pl choice dishes ifyipj^Aakkau'liyaii kar'na v.i 
eat choice dishes jfc&ak'kH n.f. relish (for) 

'm n.f. (see under ij* n.m. it) 

c&ak'km.F. mill handmillfli^jl”^? 
*** cjiak'ki pis' ns (or dial, jho'na) v.t. work 
a mill ; grind (com, etc. (in a mill : undergo 

hardship do routine work undergo penal 
servitude i£itfifcAak’kt ka pat’ n,m. millstone 
~zJ&sfJ£c&ak'ki ki mashaq'qai n.f. grinding of 
millstone as part of penal servitude 
if/&'(kvk'ki puk’ki adv. (nurs) finishes / i'W. 

t v t 7 A ft 

' 9 i&'&akl'dah adj. dripped yNsJ 

fcfptktig'nag.T. peck Vti^Auga'na v.t. cause ro 
• peck J?thiig'gi adj. (of beard) thin ; seamy 
• Jpdtigoo'nnh adv. (lit.) how , in what 
manner of what kind ti ft chi poo' nasi 

manner of what kind (jy* chigoe’ nagi 
n.f. (lit.) nature details ; circumstances 
style ; manner [ ~ ) 

uf’iy tkol' bi'fhal n.f. disorder panic 
adj. out of order ; out of joint 
rickety out of place ; misfit 
iPsh.Ul n.f. itch sudden desere sexual 

w? urge ; heat ClM&cAitlcfiitlana v.i. itch 
it-chilla n.f. fried leavened bread em- 
*% broidered end of turban (same as n.m. 

*) ; . 

(same as yfN.M. 

M. red-legged i 

(fig.) Ipving woman ! 


Ailkn a] 

i •jJpthakat'raNj*. pomelo grapefruit 
If shaddock rlarUSSpA 

J^Aakor' n.m. red-legged ySjP’ fc 

partridge (fig.) Ipving woman 
Phoebe's lover 

chokh no, ha^tjrf f ka ma’gah (hakk’na v.t. 
taste relish experience (hardship) 
suffer; undergo punislunent (fa- mistake 
* tc >) hlj^Aokha'na, CUft/ffka ma'toh dutHfi'na 
V T. cause to taste cause to experience 

l>nipAulbv’lana V.I. be restless , fid jet 

Aul'bula adj. (F.J^Aslbuli) sportive ; 
gay coquettish fidgety active 
l%lk%Anl'bula-pan % Jsf;\)J'(hMlbula'hat n.f. 
sportiveness ; gaiety cognetry restlessness 
•ypAH'la A n.m. coat of mail armour [P] 

£tjjf,(kilckila'>ia v.t, (of sun) be very hot 
. ♦ ^ J jJJ^fAilAila'ii dhoop n.f. blazing sun ; 

torching heat 

9}yJg Ailf£ 0 ' wh H ‘ u - pine-nut {PJ 

A*' I™ 1 n.f. hookah bowl , fire bowl in 
P* hookah WffAi'lo* Aar'na v.i. fill 
hookah-bowl (with tobacco and live-coal) 
f IdfdftAil ' me ft bhar'na v.i. serve as a menial , 
(of debauchee) be reduced to penury : be- 
come one’s erstwhile concubine’s 
servant [ - P] 

j^Ai'IamAl n.f handwashing 
(fc basin wash stand wash 
basin (T) 


jr,ehil'man km. (arch, or lit.) fold- 
er *ing bamboo screen ; hanging 

I’ipchal'na v.i. go on foot walk go 
travel move sail flow blow 
be in demand be in force have influence 
proceed ; go ahead (j? int. be off ; 
begone ; avaunt ; away (with you) go away ; 
make yourself scarce bas'ns v.t. die ; 

expire ; pass away par'na v.t. start 

leave became a going concert Sfifctkal' 
phir n.f. gait way of moving jltfJZchal- 
dk<d”zo n.m., JZU£th a’la-&a'li last* gasps ; 

approach of death life’s transitoriness 
0ol' dt'ns v.r. leave ; start decamp (with) 
llfjfi&al' ja’na v.r. (of quarrel) arise ^ 
quarrel (of mind) become eccentric 
dtmafh (faal ja'na v.i. become insane ; go mad 
Jfi hal'dtal n.f. commotion disturbance 
Vti%ch<tia'na v.t. help (someone) walk 
drive ; propel cause help or force to move 
stir impel help walk fire (gun, etc.) 
enforce issue spread ; give currency (to) 
advance money (on interest) carry on 
run (business, shop, etc.) %&ald n oo adj. 
stop-gap or make shift (arrangement) 
temporary ; transitory shaky; unstable 
second rate Oc&d'ta, adj. (f .(f^e&al'ti) 
passable ; current thriving ; flourishing in 
great demand li/ f Gjfcbal' ta pur'&h n.m. (cr-F.) 

very clever person intriguer liaving 
winning ways dAkan' n.f. shop with 
thriving business ; 'one with brisk trade 
i&el'lM rokk'na v.t. keep (something) going 
thal'ta raih'na v.i. keep on walking or moving #^ 
K/c&af/a kar'na v.t. ^ send away kill 
cause to disappear pkir'tt 

na'tar a”e ph. JZ&a'lan n.m. character 
behaviour custom currency (of corn, etc.) 
I'lJ^Aalvana v.t. make (someone) walk 
help (someone) conduct 
rfdfsltf/a'na v.t. shriek scream exclaim 
< cry out; bawl cry ; complaints'll? 
AiUi'kat n.f. shriek ; scream >' 

hptkU'lah N.M. any forty-day period forty- 
day seclusion for mystic communion (usu. 
fu Aiili) forty-day post-delivery confinement 
l&prblt/jf&il'tah kar'na {oc khtfich' na) v.i. retire 
(for forty days) into mystic seclusion [P - 
fip&il'lah, fyAU'la n.m. string (of bow) 
^V(arch.) gold lace for turban border 
Ail'loh baidk’na v.i. (dial.) make a vow "(by 
tying thread to tomb) UUjj’JfAH'lah farin' m 

v.t. string (a bow) 

IpchiU'loo n.m. palm contracted to 
serve as bowl ; hollowed palm 
jfjZdiul'loo b%ar adj. handful of (a 
liquid) bkar 

pd'nl meft doob' mar' ns v.i. be put to 
great shame l^t(}r^-Jfchul'loo se pa'ni pi'm y.T. 
drink water out of one’s hand tyfiUiJf&ul'loo 
mrit vl'loo ho'na.v,. is be intoxicated with a mouth- 

'JjPcJialau', j>DZ&£la' , o n.m. boiled rice [P] 

chali'pa n.f. cross crucifix ; anything 
•crooked or bent [P] 

* l* c b. amar ' N - M - currier tanner shoe- 
J ** maker cobbler worker in leather 

(regarded by Hindus as low-caste person)^ 
chama'ri n.f. wife of chamar [ - 
.jpckam'pa, L^C (kah'pa n.f. shrub with 
5V small golden and fragrant flowers; champak 


champak . buds or flowers SY, 

(tom' pa kali n.f. champak bud 
chamnak necklace ; necklace 
shaped like champak buds (jrf* 
diampa"i adj. champakcoloured 
yellow golden 

(ham' pat ha'rrd v.t. to decamp (with) 

c « 


, < wr '-f 7 run away scamper disappear 
chim't a n.m. pair of tongs [~ poll.] 

embrace stick (to) ; 
be pasted ; be 
cause to adhere, 

forceps [ ~ p&xc.] 



1,0 c hi'matna v . t . 

£*7 cling (to) adhere 
offered lil^chimta'na v.t. 
fix or paste embrace 
KjT chim'ii n.f. pincers 

4r ? (kam'mach_ N.m. (col.) 

QP dessert spoon [ ~ 
frj&chamctich'fhar Zy&dhamApr' n . m . 
sticking like a leech" 

'S’'cheh n.m. spoon ladle (dial.) 
^ stooge (dial.) sycophant fham'Aak 

bhar adj. spoonful hardrgi ttam'thah adj. 

sponger n.f. teaspoon dessert 

0pm' kkam n.m. glamour lovely con- 
< tours 

6 kom'rakh n.f. leather sup- 
V port for spindle adj. lean ; 
gaunt ; haggard ' 

j ~Aam'ras n.f. wound caused by 
Us? pinching shoes [ - fold] 
tpf' ran. m. leather skin hide 

!* n.f. skin(i 


Udker'na (or kkeh^'na) v.t. beat (cverely ; give 
a good hiding skin ; flay 

A*'mak n.f. (see under 

|. ABmkar'na v.T. caress make a 
kissing sound to appease [ ~ |>J£] 

»•/£ fka’mokna v.i. shine ; glitter ; gluten 
V"*? be polished sparkle ; coruscate 
come up ; be lively fly into a passion (of 
business) flourish ; prosper Ctiffhantena v.T. 

polish burnish brighten cause to 
glitter cause to prosper or thrive make 
lively put (someone) on his mettle 
Aa'mak n.f. brilliance shean glitter r 
glisten ij&Aemka'ra n.m. glare j<J%&a'mak-diir 
adj. (col.)* brilliant shinning glittering ; 
glistening t—X) Aa’mak da'mak n.f. splcn. 
dour brilliance shean ; glitter ; glisten /** 
Aamakko n.f. wanton (f*%A om'ki n.f. 
spangle tinsel adj. bright 

shining glittering brilliant 

remuneration for it [ ] 

jyy&iim'bat n m. disc hoop apy thing 
circular cover for hookah bowl</*j^ 
Aambarlh adj. disc-like ; round [P] ^ .. 

^y^Aambttl n.f. jasmine ; jessamine ^jrpSr* 

[ m jgtham’pa n.f. same as ££ n.f. 

tfnaf n.f. plait crimping K &*> 

(>£ tkin'ts n.f. (dial), worry ; anxiety [ ~ 8) 

LfZ fban'&al adj wanton sportive ; 

(&inAina'na v.t. be nettled ; be stung 
* • fret and. fume Ain' Aina adj. 

peevish : fretful Ain'Aine n.m. pl. asca- 


adj. some a few many ; 
•^v many a adj. how many how much ; 

how often how long cfiahd' bar adv, 
on some occassions riijX^thabd ro'zah adj. 
short-lived ; ephemeral temporary ; transitory 
Jr/fhar'chabd adv. though ; although not- 
withstanding [P] 

f (haft' da (dial. Jji% A<th'dar, dar-ma) 

n.m. moon if &<tit dar-rn Ykfu n.m. moon 

flower adj. lovely 'like Phoebe (j/li+P&aii’da 
ma'mooh N m. (nurs.) moon ; uncle moon 
i\S~Aatidah adj. (lit.) so much as much 
as ; as many as not much however 
A a k' dat miz&ya’qah nahi%' ph. 
doesn’t matter ; it matters little ; don’t you 
worry kth conj. insomuch that 

in so far as (f/^A^kd'n n.f. (same as (fj*i 
n.f. it) 

L‘l If ^ <rt ^ ra ' n$ v -*’ Ask (someone) after pre- 
* tending own ignorance 
.j/pdian’daii n.m. sandalwood tree yield- 
ing it (rare) mooiulcbgArt'dm-bar n.m. 
spangled necklace 

w (komga'dar n.f. 

flying fox 

f Aa 'man n.m. flower garden flower 
bed V/tfjs^Aama'n bail' di kar'na v.t. lay 
out a garden jlj^ Aamanrtar, tf£>?Aa' manlstan 
n.m. garden (fig.) lovely place [P] 
t irjp fgamo'fa n M. strop adj. fool *Jj?Aamo'ti 
n.f. leather pad to protect leg from being 
bruished by shackles 

*»( f'Aummo ra'ni n.f. a kind of game like hop, 
drip and jump 

fV, elh'xa N.M. gram lo he kt Aa'tte n.m. 

fl. very difficult task difficulty *£^l/ 

1‘ijftjZ'fo'ht kt Aa'nt Aabv&'na v.t. set a very 
difficult task cause great trouble 
|. j . A*n’na mftn'na adj. (f. n<lA 

ruin' id) adj. (rnttt.) wee-bit 

^ ruin' id) adj. (non.) wee-bit 

ujpAnn'na V.T. glean pick; choose select; 

gather crimp or plait (cloth) 
jVdlMXr' n.m. poplar ; a tree with sparkling 
leaves resembling human hand fF] 
jfl r .*• rft*h»a»'(-#) Aim*' n.f. evasion 
C[+(*)U*Z subterfuge lt/jgj ( J&:AU'iab{' 0 ) A*- 
sift kar'na v.t. cavil (at) ; pick holes (in) 
dilly-dally evade procrastinate [F] 

>4 •p.Abtik'Ath adv. hence ; therefore so 
accordingly for example ; for instance 

✓j- dlt<«a'’« n.m. election selection, 

* . nomination Anna' vat v i crimp- 

ing gathering plating ftl!rAuna"i n.f. 
laying up (of bricks) building up (of wall) 

j • Aakd'va n.m. crown (of cap ; veil, etc.) 
J>4 V (rare) awning 

y Aok'dah n.m. subscription donation 
contribution irj l&Aaft'dah di’na v.t. 

subscribe to donate I'/t^Aak'deh kar’na 
v.t. raise a subscription 
IfXZfhVkdha adj. blear-eyed purblind 
iif^Anftdhjya'na v.i. be dcxzled 
,t ^Am'di n.f. rag fragment* 

Air di Ainii kar'na v.t. shred 
hin'di kl Ain'ii kar'na t. split hairs y 
{/ Aak'dt adj. tome a little a few 
a while for a short while adv 




sometime ; for sometime [P ~ 
ljj££a1rd'ja n.f. crown ; pate [ ~>U] 

M • 

n.m. miscreant wretch 
0’^* (dial.) low-caste adj. base-life 
tbatidal' chunk' ri n.f. miscreant group 
><, ifik'doo n.M. opium extract smoked earthen 
pipe ; smoking-opium ctaft'cjoo baz 

tt.u. opium-smoker C^y^thafi 800 fi’na v.t. 
smoke opium ^i^/ti^^afi'doo kha'nah n.m. opium- 
smoker’s den aJY^j^ f ^chah'Joo kha'ne kj gap 
n.f. brag 

Ig^tkafidol' n.m. crested lark (arch.) 

sedan children’s play-thing comprising 
earthen pots 
(ftbgAH'di N.F. com 

tf’tyd&ild'n, (hunar'jm, n.f. 
y (usu. coloured) scarf or stole 
y&r&a'nakna v.i. (of seed) burst out ot husk 

(L /C’S kahg n.m* harp ; lute claw kite 
*• with ^ cyjnba\s -nauai n.m. 

harpist(/jly"i—^'^Jlig' nava'H n.f. playing on a 

bar * , 

iP? dtatiga ADJ. (rare save in) tttfM bha'la 
“v dtah'ga ph. hale and hearty safe 
and sound 

auu wwiiu # ^ // 

id d'&tfiga'ri n.f. spark <Js''?/a 
v.t. throw a spark (into) (fig.) sow 


fi^ch.ingjhar'na v.t. (of elephant) 
ijlfiT* j{J5fchinghar' n.f. trumpeting 


(of ele- 
phant) . 

/ ckaft' gut (col. chub' gal), fj^Aak gal' claw 

talon grip grasp [P] 
prdiufi'gi n.f. octroi octroi post 

O f local duty (arch.) grain cess ; cess levied 
on grain trade and realized in kind 
(hub'gi mohar’rir n.m. octroi clerk 
fachafiger' n.f. straw tray (or basket) for 
bread (rare) flower pot 
. • fhub'na v.t. glean pick choose ; 
UnSt select crimp (cloth) lay bricks 

arrange ; pot in order 1‘ly^chunva'va v.t. 
cause to pick and choose 'cause to select 
cause to be put in order cause to be selected 
cause to crimp (Cloth) cause bricks to be 
layed cause to lay bricks b'va'i n.f. 

cost of laying bricks rate of payment for it 
•jp&ativaT n.m. fly whisk 


ijp (hMn'ya adj. small tiny J, 

Z;-: bal'takh n.f. duck J^OfAunya bt’gam 

(or-gim) n.f. opium UL^chun'ya ss adv. wee-bit 
ugchunifi' adv. thus ; like this ; in this man- 
L/~ v ner [P~ 

ehd ham'-cho adv. like [P~ .£] 

~ chau pref, four JbjZfhauba'i n.f. winu 
blowing from all sides } jLjrfh.auba’rah n.m. 
room on upper storey (usu. with four doors or 
windows) single-room (for tenant) Jz’g 
chaubath' ch.ah n.m. (corr. of chah-ba(h' (Jtah) 
cistern large tub pit yjtl£chau-ba%bta 
n.m. (arch.) gusset sleeveless jacket 
chau- bait' di n.f. full set of new shoes for horse 
chau- pa yah n.m. quadruped ; animal 

beast'pat (open) on all sides in a 
mess ruined inefficient ViJ££(hau'pat kar’tia 
v.t. make a mess of td<gfiA au 'P a i n.f. dice 
board dice (game) f^chaupaih'loc adj. 
four-sided ; quadrangular J *sC£.chauopa’hiya n.f. 
& adj. four-wheel (cart) J^y^ehau-pber' adv. 
ali around on all sides shau ta'rd n.m. 
four stringed guitar l) ta' la n.m. name 

of a musical mode played on tambourine 
chau' -tela n.f. four-folded bedsheet s;i/ 
ra'hah, [ b£chau-raha n.m. crossing ; crossroads; 
junction of four roadsx//j£cft<» u ror adj. rec- 
tilinear level tfJZ (haukan'na adj, watch- 

ful ; vigilant alert circumspectt/f(2(f£ 
ch_aukan na ho'ita V.I. be on the alert be 
vigilant j/f* chaukor' adj. n.f. quadrilateral 
four-sided figure u^(^('khat n.f. door 
sill ; sill door posts &jrch<*u'kkjita n.m. picture 
frame jjj£&au-gir’d adv. all around (Jyfjfc 
chau kkoob'ta adj. four-cornered MS' -guna 
adj. four-fold ; quadruple four-times ^Jjr r 
chau-go'<hah, ^£/fzchau-go'-shiyah adj. four- 
cornered tyjr'(hau-la‘ra adj. four stringed neck- 
lace) ^'l£.chau- m a'sah,i/t>£ > A au ' ma ' sa n.m. the 
four months of the rainy season jf'jrfhau-mikk 
(col. makh) n.m. four-wickcd lamp L> 
mukha, J^cjiau-mukhi adj four-faced ;* four- 
headed n.m. f. single handed fight against all 
bVl/% chau-mukhi lar'na v.i. fight single 
handed on all sides Jyj£chau-man' zilah adj 
chaumaih'lah adj. (arch.) four-storeyed L^> r 
fhau-me'kha n.m. cross on which criminate Hmbs 
are tied to four pegs ; a kind of pillory 1‘J\£?k 
chau-me'khu kar'nn v.t. pillory ; put on such 
CTOSS^J^ihau-hat'tah, L%£chau-hat’ta n.m. 
crossroads market place with four shopsj^jr. 
dtauh'ra four-fold 

jy chav'va n.m. set of four (at cards) four 


c r*Jr-. 


Jf n ctava'hs ADJ. & n.m. forty-four 

&avahs'va* adj. forty-fourth ? 

. cho'a'na v.t. drip ; cause to drip [ - i'7 

(hob n F. wood timber staff , mace 
pole (of tent) drumstick stick 
redness (of eye) owing to hurt jlhJgdLob'-dar n.m. 

herald ; mace-bearer usher (fjtfi/J^dtob'-ka'ri 
n.f. embroidery J geko'bt, (jigdto'bifi adj. 
wooden ; wood “ 

I g>clio'bs, \4JZ(ji.o , bka n.m. boiled rice with 

. -'vdoying butter oil and sugar (as wedding 
feast) iron peg post 
i pdkau'bt N.M. Hindu priest (esp. one learned 
“"V^in the four Vedas) 

^ dtaubls’ ADJ. & n.m. twenty-four 
ctaubis'vaft adj. twcntyfourth 
1 1 —(haupal' N-F- village pavilion ; 

C/^-^rural club 

. chuupan' n.m. (lit.) shep- 
C^sfherd cowherd JjfT; 

chaupa'ni n f. tending sheep in cattle 
shepherd’s profession 

diau’pat adj. (see under £chau if) 

fyo'chaupar n.f. (see under J£chau )f) 

V ** t , ' 

.. n’chool N.F. (vul.) vulva y , jZchoo'nj>a) adj. 
*^^2 & n.m. fool; foolish (person) L U'^chootiyapa 
U'J£(hoo'tiya-p an n.m. silliness ; ' ineptitude 
jjrf 1 Vf; chootiya shahid' man suffering from conse- 
quences of excessive indulgence in sexual act 

n.m. buttocks ; bum Cl/)j'£choo'tar 
yy^dikhana v.t. (vul.) take to one’s 'sheets ; 
show the clean pair of heels, run away shame 
facedly [Hj£y(j//'Zchoo'tarofi par kha’na v'.i. be 
spanked thus 

•*,~c hauth. adj. (old use) one fourth of pro- 

-i'-^vduced levied as tax court fee levied from 

winning party [ ~ foll.] . 

y^pchau'&i adj. (f. j ( $ l (hau'ihi) fourth 

(hautka'i adj. fourth (part) ; one-fourth 

l~ Jtf l 7 

of (kau'thi n.f. brides first visit to parents house 

after marriage/^^ji au'rti &a'la n.m. feast 

on the occasion ^(hau’thi khtl'im v.t. 

bandy On this occasion fruits, vegetables, etc. 

sent by groom’s people.; (of groom) throw fruit, 

etc. thus f ~ prec.1 
... *■ • 

MAS-tttauh'tls adj. & n.m. thirty-four Jlj- >3? 
V ~ '‘ilkmh&s'vak adj. thirty-fourth 
^ g|o| n.f. hurt bruise 
^Km stroke lose damage ; injury 


taunt rival ; peer ; equal misfortun<^ 
CU5j%ehot' ana v.i. be hurt ; hurt oneself 
chot' phait n.f. hurt ; blow injury VjJZ/Tt 
cfiot' kar'na v.t. taunt attack hurt 
tjiot’ kha'na v.i. be hurt hurt oneself 
suffer loss (of) CM J^J^chot lagna v.i. be hurt ; hurt 

ibchot'ta n.m . (F.fyjrchot'ti) pilferer; petty 
^ thief (ilyCjji^fJ''^ Aot'ti bil'tijale'biyoh 
ki rakhva'li prov. set a thief to catch a thief [ ~ 


[j’&fh.o' ta n.m. - top knot or back knot of hair 
* top-lock (worn by Hindu male) 
k cAo'ti n.f. peak summit ; top peak 
y^plaiteu hair ; pigtail pony tail riband 
foe holding pigtail ; pigtail braid top lock 
worn by Hindu made jl/^cjfo'tx-dar adj. with a 
pyramidical top ; (filled) to the top y^^chp'ti ka 
adj. class top excellent ; pre-eminent 
to excel ; to be unrivalled ka 

ad' mi ph. topmost man (in some field 
(ho'ti ke log n m. pl. important people ; vip’s 
the elite V’j'^dio'ti kar'na v.t. plait or braid 
the hair 

ilffpehfifh'la, l^fhofich'la N.M. (usu. PL.) 
‘V'V blandishment ; coquetry airs • affecta- 
tion fondling coquetish demands 
ch.o' ha"i adj. coquetish 
^J^choo'chi n.f. teat ; nipple ; dug ; breast' dak adj. & n.m. fourteeu(j^*;£d)flu'/ft ' 
0^y<tvak adj. fourteenth 

. ~dtod'na v.t. (vul.) have sexual intercourse 
lo)>Z.(with woman) ; fuck ; f — x 

(haiidh'rixM. village headman 
title for landlord title of Rajputs 
boss; chief >£•?!/*> J?(haudhra'yat n.f. head- 
man’s office chieftainship being a landlord 
heing a boss 

g?(h or n.m. burglar thief ; pilferer (fig) 
"^misgiving (fig.) fear ; lurking fear adj. 
clever ; sly Mzljf^ahor uch ak'ka n.m. bad 
character one without lawful means of liveli- 
hood jtJhJSskor' bazar' n.m. black market 
(rare) second-hand stuff market 'baza'ii 

n.f. black-marketing jfjO baza'riya n.m 
black marketteer badan n.m. stout 

body whose fatness is not visible 
t ha fig n.m. receiver of stolen goods Ufyjjrdtor’ 
par'na breaking into a house ; thieving ; stealing 
o/£j7;dior'- paih'ra n.m. the advanced guard of 
an army J%"jjl7.chor aur A a' tar (or -tor) n.m. 
crafty thief crafty person thief who is al*o 



,l »«- jutlgc jt&Zcker'-cka'Jcar n.m. thieves and 
• he like ; thief, etc. burglar \}jf chor'-kha'nah 
w,m. secret drawer tjPjPsj^gn'-darva zah n.m. 
hack door trap-door rfjjgckor'-zamiti n.f. 
bog J quagmire '*> 

ka*h * rirt'rt knr xnttk* r# ha* A# 

together chips of the old block 
A or kl da’rki mefi tin'ka PROV. a guilty conscience 
need* no abuser * e P°ir' ka'han 

fyj/(J! ! /’dZj%tkor' kt ghar’ meh mor' pax'na be 
outwitted cfccr'-mahal n.m. concubine’s 

apartments N.F keep concubine ; mistress 
cjtor'-mand'li N.p. band of thieves children’s 

game in which a pebble hidden in rubbish is to 
bo discovered m< * A? 1 ’ 

ho’na (or baiik'na) v.i. have a ’lurking fear 
(hor’ hat'ya n.m. pawn-shop owner shop-* 
keeper buying ware from thieves^jy^o’r* N.r. 

a* dy e °' adj. powdened'tpowder pulvcri/etl 
smashed 'intoxicated 



hausted (with fatigue) jJgjjZ(hoor' f^oor' ai>| 
smashed ; broken to pieces fa jjrjj^dioor' choor’ 
ho'm v.i. be smashed ; be broken to pieces ^L. 
fy)jZ(jt na'she me* £oor' (ho’na) v.i be dead 
drunk ; be steeped in liquor 
/.*«' dtoo'ra n.m. powder bruised (cereal) 
filings . anything crushed L’jLj%&.oo'ra 
kar'na v.t. powder crush break to bits 
>| ~ tkaur a' si adj. & n.m. eighty-four (jljtfjZ 
v JXf thaura'slvak adj. eighty-fourth 

i J %, ckauran’ot adj. & n.m. ninety-four 
nidi b&&ou r an'<>ivak adj. ninety-fourth 
lS'j%.& aur ‘ s * N,F * scr »P CT 

I > £§aer'ma n.m. (dial.) c 'imbled bread rolled 
' J r in sugar and butter oil 
^iryShPO ’ran n.m. digestive powder ; aromatic 

. — sfcso'rt n.f. crumbled bread rolled in sugar 
and butter oil ; mashed bread 
(ijSLA 1 *»• N.F, horse-hair fly-whisk (same as 

n.f. ★) 

tXjf'AP'rt n.f. stealth theft burglary 
H (fjJUfjfi&o'* Ao’ f l adv. stealth 
secretly ; clandestinely ks mal n.m. 

stolen goods C/tfjtrAo'rl kar'n a v.t. steal 

pilfer burgle gfi tf/ZAo'n laga'ns v.t. accuse 
(someone) of theft ( ~ jj£ 


ex tensive 

jk’-.fAau'ra adj. (f. J^chau'n) 

***• wide expansive 
chau'ra eJ ok' la adj. extensive , well-built 
abroad expansive Jlj0auran', IjJgdaurd'’] 
n.f. breadth width’ extension expense 

1 1>~ doo'r a n.m. set of bangles adj. 

W et drenched untidy < 

./*k_^oo'ri n.f. bangles pucker; 

crump\e jit }%A oo' ri-dar adj .^ 
crumpled sbL'j!i*j£choo'r'i-dar pa -jamah n.m. tight 
trousers crumpled at ends when worn 
A oo'riyah pai'hatma v.i. wear bangles 
become effeminiate lack manly, qualities 
(of widow) remarry oo’riyah ikoh'tft 

kar’na v.T. (of freshly ^widowed woman) break 
her bangles eh oo’riyah (cop 

ja"rh gi ph. (said tauntingly to woman shirking 
work) will your bangles break ? 

• choo'za/i n.m. chicken fledgeling 
young bird (vul.) young woman j tyl g 
cton'zn -bat n.f. woman with young paramour 
(hauh'satk jf^&au'sath adj. & n.m. - sixty- 
four (ji^^^auh'satkoah adj. sixty-fourth 
y/yfhau'saT n.m. dice 

faf'fhoos'va V.i. suck imbibe absorb 
^Or^fhoos'dl n.f. (same as n.f. *) 
^^^o'gheA n.m. same as J<r n.m. it) 

(hook n.f. oversight omission mit- 
‘■''-'tftake a kind of sour green 
bhooV tjiook' mo l af' ph. error and omission except* 
rd[~ 1 

r fhauk n.m. square crossing ; cross 
roads market 

^(tauk'ka n.m. (in cards) four aggregate 
four in cricket four runs four front 
teeth (dial.) Hindu dining room (in mul- 
tiplication tables) four times 
Jg'&o'kar n.m. husk ; bran 

.sbftr' n.f. spring . leap ; bound 
O (old use) (bur horsed vehicle V/fl$sSi 

thau'kan bhar’na v.t. leap ; bound ; spring<#<& 
Wyfstau ka\l bhaolna v.i. (fig.) be confound- 
ed be struck with terror 

j&au'kas adj. alert watchful ; vjgi- 
lent cautions; circumspect tyj*X,sh<M'kas 
rcih'na v.i. be on one’s guard (against be 
watchful . be vigilant be cautious j^gic^ptd- 
kosl n.f. alertness watchfulness ; vigilance 
carefulness ; cautiousness skau 'kasl 

kar'n a be on the alert keep watch oyer ; be 


l A 

vigilant be cautious 

^Ypchook'na v,i. overlook miss omit 
• make a mistake ( ,Jj£ chook n.f. +) 
u jf choukhat n.f. iii ehaukhMta n.m. (see 
under J^^iau pref. 

J '^chau'ki n.f. low wooden seat stool 

A* chair watch ; guard out post 
police post octroi post band (of singers) 
singing by this band a kind of ornament 
chau'ki-dar n.m. watchman guard (fjtMZ. 
(jiauki-da'ri N.F. watch and ward watch- 
man’s job watchman’s pay (fofL) Is * fa: 
(hauki de'ns (or bhar'ns) v.i. (of singers’ band, 
birds, etc.) sing 

f&»'ga N.M. food LU&fho'gS ba'dalns 
. '<(of bird) feed its young (of bird’s) bill 


,t4Ldiaugdri n.m. polo polo-stick ex- 
(^“^.pansive ground jL^fj^chaugan'-baz n.m. 
polo-player^,) fotfp'thaugsn'-gah n.m. polo-ground 
LP] ' 

j ^roo/ n.f. tenon dovetail; part of 
joiner’s work which fits into another 
end (of axle tree) dovetail (of door etc.) 
tenon (for mortise) L'lfjf(^fJl/^(too'leii dhl'lt 
ho ja'ns v.t. (of joints) become loose (of 
badly constitution) become weak 
./_ sh.o'la n.m. cloak (fig.) human body 
OADXt&o'la ba'dalns v.i. (of soul) 
transmigrate undergo metamorphoses , , 

„ (hauls ' ’* n.f. a species of 
OvX-. potherb V " 

oo'lha n.m. stove oven 
a hearth fire place 
j^efto'/iN.F. (women’s) small 
^.jacket body of gown etc. 

bodice small betel-case Vl/'ij l 

1/jfjfL—^- {meh) sho'ti da' man ks sath.' 
ho'ns v.t. be indissolubly linked twj 
(with) good terms ; be the sine ‘qua non’ (of) 
iy~cfioom'na v.t. kiss tJZ&oo'ma n.m. kiss^tj^ 
• &oo'ma tha'p n.f. fondling and caressing ; 
billing and cooing b'J^^dkoo'ms ^a'ti kar'na 
v.i. fondle ; caress ; bill and coo 
,,i ffdhav'vm adj. * n.m. fifty four (jljjTfhav'van- 
- ~van adj. fifty-fourth 

. ipchoofi n.f. complaint squeak creak 

^ * sound of farting (JJfrjZchoofi chooft n.f. 

chirp ; warbling squat creak 
t^oof! ns kar'na v.i. not to make the slightest 
noise complain in the least ; npt to grumble 

,p(hooti PRON. INTERROC. (rare) why i£f JJOK 
U ^d^oo'n-o chird' n.f. grumble complaint 
why and wherefore 
kar'na v.i, grumble dispute pP] 

r .Apck 0 °n n.m. lime fillings dust (of) 

C sXf 

t'e'doo'va v.i. leak ooze drop 
‘■''Vmensturate (of fruit) drop after ripening 
n.m. lime nativity song ga(h 

n.m. lime used as mortar (g/ i-ych'oo'ns lags' ns 
v.i. dupe ; deceive ; defraud defame 

discomfit /$^/{^,fchoo'ne ki bkat'H n.m. lime 

kiln 0.0 a 

i 2e r & au1l P N - F - g°ld nail driven in tooth 
V ? stubbornness passion ; fondness . 

' chaufi'lis adj. & n.m. thirty four^/lr-^'jg: 
U*'A(h<iuii't-svaii adj. thirty-fourth 
s' pfkohch n.f. beak ; bill (fig.) point 

©'■'•/(of) Jbf-'jj/chofdi' sambka'lo iNt. hold 
your tongue ' 

{J(^jr(h<Mf>' adj. active 

ti?»~choofi'da n.m. (of hair) top 
knot back knot 
L'JjJ^choofi'da dhoop meh *sifcd ns 
kar'na v.t. (of woman) not to be un- 
experienced Of/ ft /szJ jkfyhoafi'de 
par do' Is u'chhal'na v.’t. find the husband taking 
a second wife 

. jrrit aufl ' ri > /(jfrhau'ri, n.f. (usu. horse-hair) 
fly whisk * # . 

ch cub' sath adj. & n.m. sixty- four 
^ ^chdufi'idtkvafi adj. sixty-fourth 
U&O’ ch«utik'na v.T. start ; be startled to be 
'Vogle ; be roused bealarmedl^lw^ 
(hpufik Sth'ns, Cg^Z<h<uibk par' ns v. start; be 
startled be roused be alarmed C^j^dipvhkzt ns 
v.t. startle rouse alarm A>*p&autikail 
adj. shy ; nervous ** * 

4*‘0'choofi-ktk adv. as ; because ; since fP ~iir 

**+/) * 
tft~cb°ii‘ga, jtrj^^chofi'ge-bsz n.m. toady , 
"•Sycophant (alsojl^j^o^'/a) scroll-case 
hollow bamboo or cylindrical tin piece used as 

Qjfcdioo'm n.m. coarse-grained gram-flour 
coarse food 

P’cjiavan'm n.f. an old coin ; four- anna bit 

Ifthoo ha N.M.(F, {-ff£(hpo'hiys) mouse rat 
V ^kj’^jftoo'be-dan rat trap ^ 
dsh'tl n.f. bracelet with file’s like projections • 



aft da n.m. share money 

itjCU^dihsiid'na v.i. spew; vomit 
^yl/£tkha"ok n.f. shade 

$)l£fLka 'mii n.f. cantonment ; camp , 
'encampment thatching Cl>?^jU[chha' > oni 
dtks'iiS v.i. be encamped ' be " thatched 
Ulj^;L?chha'oni dal'na v.t. encamped set 
up a garrison town 

[/{j&chha'ya n.f. shadow illusion 

•• *» 

Jf thhab n.f. grace charm- gracefulness 
• '‘on wearing something "(fu^ehkob-taW ti 
n.f. woman’s breasts tbhabi’la adj. (f. 
tftak'li) comely graceful 
4tnbi’!a n.m. foppish 
pAt&chhab'bis adj. & n.m. twentv-si x O 
cfihbbis’vafi ADJ. twenty-sixth 
im jJ£^ckhJip ckiap n.f. (of) water splash- 

V ^ing (water) on face 

N’-F* (see under C^fehhap'ni v.i. 

(^M&dtbAp'ti n.f. wood splinter [ ~ corr.] 

ehhab' Par n.m. thatched roof patio 
hut ; cot ; cottage l^^(kbap'par cliha 
v.t. thatch a hut (J j /^ledyJZAh.ap' par piu,r' kar 
dt'na v.t bestow wealth in an i . unexpected 
manner ; enrich miraculously dihup’- 

par pbar kar mil'na ph. get wealth from unexpect- 
ed quarters ; enrich miraculously 

{ehsdn ha) chkap'par sir par rakh'nd v.t. 
do a great favour expect many thanks for 
small favour 

. ehka'per-khat n.f. canopy; canopied 

’ < bed [ + frec. +cZtef] 

splash (of water) splash 
i water small net for catch- 
ing pigeons a kind of ornament for forehead ; 
brow pendant 

j^dkkip kali, (dial chhup'kali) n.f. lizard 

# __ r chhnp' pan adj. & n.m. fjfty-six 

*t&hap' pamait adj. fifty-sixth 

hide , be 
go into hiding 
go underground disappear lurk go 
about in a veil observe purdah (from) (of 
*un) set , go down in lhe west chbapa adj. 

hidden ; concealed unknown undiscover- 
ed S^jt#chhu pa rus' tim n.m. unknowh genious 


~ L * 

i/^fhkap'ka n.m. 

ing face with ■ 
ing pige< 
brow pei 

i^'dtk'ip'na, (dial, chkip'na) v. 
hidden ; be concealed g< 



I'^ichbupana v.t. hide ; conceal give asy- 
lufh ’(to) ji^?chhup3'’o secrecy concealment 

[‘jjg’ chka)i'na V.i. be printed be publish- 
V '• ed lls^chhapu'na, (ij^fhhapvaua v.i . cause 
print 'jigchhapa'i, '(rare ’^lj^chhapva"i) 
f printing priming charges 

^i^ chbat n.f. roof ceiling house lop 

par (se) adv, .( from) on the 

house-top £%£^chhat‘ gi'ri n f. coiling cloth 

chhaVtg, J^#chhat'tah n.m. beehive; honey- 
comb hive' covered (portion, of) lane 
chhat'r n.m. large umbrella 
sunshade canopy 
asylum iji at'n n.f. umbrella 
parasol sun-shade canopy 
small (dome over) shrine 
bulbous perch (for pigeons) 

chbat J* na vt - aim (« un ! * x 

chhat'iis adj. & km. thirty-six 
* chbat'Jisvdn adj. thirty-sixth C^pfchhatli' s* 
adj. (f. g-y^chhatn'si) artful • crafty one 
with affected modesty ^[^^chtMltsSrpan n.m. 
craftiness ; cunning 

^ bj/^ chhut pref. (denoting smallness) small ; 
"petty Ly^chhut bhay'ya n.m. (derog.) 

, petty shopkeeper low-bom person 

]b~ cheat'd adj. (f. chka'il) sixth 

c fiha te chhai-ma he adv. occasionally ; now 
and then ; long intervals | ~ 

'Id hu’d adj. arrant (knave etc.) 

chhatdhk' n.f. sixteenth part of a seer ; 
"weight equivalent to about two ounces 
'» n.f. smallness ; littleness 

V inferiority pettiness i^fdlb tt'pan, 
ch hut' pand n.m. childhood infancy * 
tender age [ ~ 

I Mjhf dikutks'rd n.m. rescue ; escape 

deliverance freedom ; liberation ; 
release exemption exoneration exculpa- 

tion (ly^^lpljl'lJj&frcJihiitkd'rd pa'nd (or fya' si 7 
kar'tta) v.i. be rescued be freed be 
released be exempted be exonerated^ 
ijtb'ikd'rd dila'rta v.t. rescue free 
release exempt exonerate [ - £/)<£] 

__ chhitak'na v.i. (of moonlight, etc.) be 
* diffused ; (of moon) shine jf e]tdrti'iii 

cjibi’taknd v.i. (of moonlight) be diffused 

..bgchhatna (of clouds) disperse of 

well) be desilted (of body) become lean 
be sacked 

be pruned 
picked out 

be selected , be 


v.i. freed ; be liberate be 
acquitted ; be discharged ; be let off be 
abandoned escape ; slip (from) (of gun) (or 
bullet) be fired (of tram, etc.) be set in m >- 

tion (of colour) wash off ; come off be dis- 
carded be left out ; be omitted 
MdT ehluit I' n.f. sixth lunar day ; birth ritual 

fce ¥ performed on sixth day of delivery adj.. 
(lee under tS^ADj. ka doodk' 

fH <r 3' ns pkov. be in great trouble live to 

ne the former comforts 
bj? (frh&t'il n.f. holiday vacation 

(jV leave furlough release ; discharge 
dismissal death liberation acquittal 
tjf dfkaj'.ja n.m. balcony 

» * gallery eaves protective 
projection cow catcher 

ehhij'na v.i. (of warp and 
*• *’ woof) become loose 

fl^otchaihchaha'na v.i. chirp lygV Zehaih'&aha 

ft je&mohchalia R a v.i. De coqu 
bright red l^Aoh’ckoha adj 
tish* red ; reddened 

be coquetish be 

^chhichhr& n.m. (same as ★) 

' chhi'chkalna v.i. flypast with just a 
touch graze Jl&ffchhich'la adj. 

(of water) shallow (of vessel) not deep 
fijchWchkalH hu’i adj. cursory (glance, etc.) 

I *fiS?(fiilichlu>'ra, ’ (or chhco) childish; 
f puerile shallow but showy ^ 
Ahi&ha’ra-pan km. childishness ; puerility 

. A? (hka(hkooh'dar n.F. mole ; 
musk-rat ; kind of (fire- 
work) squib .. , 

i kSd'ds n.m. blame obligation 
^•S fpjmd’dn iitar'na v.t. do something- per- 
functorily just to escape- blame cpbUd'da 

rakk'ns v.t. blame 

f iM &&%adam' n.f. (arch.) one-fourth of a 
I' *pice (fig.) sou 
liitf&bxd’ra adj. (v.(jjj£ckhid'fi) sparse r not 
dense Og/l u£&hidrs kar &*l’ns v.i. 
stridefti^iw/ra'iia v.i. be sparse 
!• jJfcblud'na v.t. be pierced be wounded 

(j0 (kktl'rs NrF- dagger ; large knifoj(jljf> 
hto'ra fhotp'na (or bit oik’ ns) 




j&fcnr’ia n.m. small shot 
V pebble in tmy.bcll 


(beh'rah n.m. face ; countenance ; visage 
mask obverse facade VsMyf* 
epeh'rah u' tarns V.i. be downcast I'&e/^&th'reh 
tamtams' no, v.i. (of face) become ruddy ^,/^/C 
P ar mOr'dani ( cr pazhmOr'dafi 
tbbs’ns v.i. be downcast be run down^j. 

par Ur’na v.i. feel 

jittery ; have the blue funks ^'(2'£^^r«A'ra(-«) 
sfia'bl n.m. rupee adj. (coin oreiotc) with king’s 
effigy t/f t^&A'rah moh'rs , fJ^t/^-AA'rak^ 
bUsh'ran n.m. features physiognomy 

cheh'rah n.m. sketch ; pen portrait (P] 

{J n.f table-knife ; knifet^^ftii'* 

phir'nn v.i. be slaughtered be slain 
VtftdA&hn'rt I** r’na slay slaughter^C 
{flka'rl la' It dam’ It’ ns V. to be patient 
under difficult circumstances 
sekat'fis n.m. cut curved VA&^cbM'ri 
mar'na V.T. stab S'fAc dL&tfrl n.f. 

treacherous person ; false friend 
ijX&batt’ra adj. (of body) lean 
’’y ii ’£kare’rt ba’dan ka adj. lean ; lank 
bjfchhar n.f. thin long bamboo pole (of 
spear ; etc.) fishing rod spikenard 

/> £ (hha’ra adj. unmarried alone 
’sf"! single^<-^l^*/ti'4^7/^ dtha’rs chbiftt (o 
chkatafik) n.m. unmarried person gras 
widower •. 

{’ib/^Abura’na tbkUrta’ns v.t. cause to 
xv liberate cause to be set free rescue 
chhi’rakna v.t. sprinkle vfyftflfjsn’ & W- 
rakna v.i. be ready to lay down one’s life 
(for) rakvs’na v.t. cause to be sprinkled 

jtdpTchkirka'' 0 n.m. sprinkling (of place) wid» 

rp^cftkar'na v.t. husk (paddy) beat 
Vv (grain j to separate it from husk -n.m. paddv 
husking tifjgchhar vs'na v.t. get husked 
£bgdlhir‘n.a v.i. (of war, etc.) break out 
S? (of topic) be broached j (of talk, discus- 
sion, etc.) open (of music or instrument) 
begin to be played or sung 
itb&dfra'rt n.f. walking stick ; rod ; cane ; 
Ys* wand ; switch thorn used as pen 
(saint’s) ensign or banner adj, (see under 
tbhA'ra adj. H) 

ij^skkar'ys n.F. narrow passage 

•/jrfhjMk'ks N.M- (in cricket stroke) sixer 
(at^duce) throw of six (at cards) six 
racket P**'j* kar’ns v.t. 

deceive ; play tricks t&kak’kt stidfa'lM 

y.T. perplex 


(fcaik'kd n.m. pavement (of roof, courtyard 

jdZt ^ aihkar N F ‘ 

warble sing- 

v.i-. (fig. from a dice) tricked ; be at one’s wits 

I etc.) 


ing (of bird) 

,^/^^kak‘ra n.m. yan cart bullock 

'v"? cart (fi&f sfitiA'rl n.f. throw of six (in d ce) 

, •/— Aoi'hakna v.t. chirp warble 

iJT <h%al n.m. delusion fraud decep- 

J’ e tion ’&W our ma’js n.f. deception 

and delution S^-J^AkoV ho\'tt n.m. deception 
J.OfAkol' bal n.f. fraud pomp and show 
tawdriness U£tbWj 3 n.m. fraudulent 
person ; cheat 

^m>chohal n.f. fun pleasantry quips 
(/* and cranks (faohal kar'na v.i. make 
merry indulge in pleasantries 
-iffke'hal adj. forty frlZirf&e'hal cb tragi 
t/rf n.m. forty-pronged chandelier lSj»^ &thcl- 
qa’dami n.f. walk stroll A e 'kol 

qa’ dam kar'na v.i. take a stroll & ^j^ie'kd-kaf 
n.m. name of a verse prayer with eafii couplet 
beginning with the letter ‘fcaf 

n.m: slime puddle splinter 

ytf‘W.&aih'la mkal'na v.t. split up into 
ptot* tkaih'U H bkaits m. (fig.) lazy 
lout ' 

\UZ la n.m. ring equally wide all over ; 

* ring kutcha wall with baked brick lining 

on the outside jitj£ AhaHe-dar’ adj. ringed 

curled r 

n.f. leap ; spring jump 
bounds; l Lj C^^^Ahnlaitg' lags’ m 
tor mar' no) v 1. leap ; spring jump bound 
I « tl^&fMla'va n.m. will-o'-the-wisp ; ‘ignis 
***< fatnus’ 

| V eh** 1 pilo’na v.t. give a drink of water 

(to travellers, etc.) 

ij i^-^ai'Aa/ pai'hal n.f. hustle bustle 
C/tLs “i mirth at d merriment 

khil'ka n.m. skin peal shell 
< crust scale husk j bark : rind 

skin peel 
T over flow 

be spilt r/*{^S^Ako'lak/a (An ”a) adj. full to 
the brim ; brimful 7 

dtkaVaAwa v.i. spill (of urine) be 
* parsed involuntarily CdLt&Alwl'kana v.t. 
cause to spill 

UT Arh'lum adj. funeral rite performed fortieth 
r it day of death ; day mourning [P~ ffZ ] 

scab h'jCliO^cbkit'ka Utar’na v.t. 
husk ; baric Ctethha lakna v.i. 


» CM 

na v.t. cheat : deceive ; defraud 

'tta N.M. strain cr N-f. 

strainer 'id fto'na v.i, 

be full of holes ; be fully perforated ; be pieried 
be bruised 

i* i^thkil’na v.i. be scratched be bruised 
be scraped 

c bbrnn Akeiit n.f. tingle (of small 
bells) jingle of ornaments patter 
of rain adv. pattering with a jingle 
Aiam' &kam' ba'rasna v i. patter ' ' 
i Akom'Akoma n.f. joke strange 


Jpd&p* ^kor mt ADV - * n a tr * cc ! * n a 

..fethkan, [cJihZn) n f. sizzle a drop inkle of 
* of small bells jingle of coin^^J^fgllka/i' 
(than,^{^£^clih(in zfckana’hat n.f. tinkle of 
small bells' jingle of coins jC^shkohak' n.f. 
jingle of a drop j^V^Akons'ka n.m. tinkle of 
small bells coming of dancing girl (rare) 
jingle of coin 

li 'j&skkrmal' n.f. loose woman prostitute; 

(J v whore ; harlot (;faJl%Ak4*al'~pan n.m. 
lewdness prostitution whoredom ; . harlotry 
Akatta f, l n.f. sifting sorting 

{eg* - -* 

j&£&iotd n.m. fraud plagiarism 

remuneration for' sifting 




the little finger 


5i " 

thkztk'taba n.f. 

»• * , 

y* jg AkAn’ miin, c j i f-f* : ihku 'nan vtU'nan n.m. 

s&kan'nq v.i. be strained be. sifted 
'• be (riddled with bullets) J^Akoo’ra 
n.f. strainer (,"/ jl£&ka*-va na v.t. 
cause to sifted cause to strain Clsflfe kjwi 
Akanva'na v.t. force to wander [ - &!&.] 
i.' J'cJthin'na v.i. be snatched be wrested 
be deprived v.t. 

cause to be snatched cause to wrest cause 

to be deprived 

^g&hoo N.F. sound of sniffing puffing after 
"• incantation y^lyfckkoo”a-Akoq’»r sound 
of breath while beating clothes on slab 
A** 0 ’ man'tar n.m charm ; incantation 
H'ran Ak- no ho' ns v.i disappear suddenly , vanish 
(like a ghost) 


n.f. chintz spray of t water 
«• "" tiny drop of (usu. filthy) liquid Ltffctkift'ta 
n.m. sprinkling scattering splash 

light rain tiny ball of smoking opium 
f aud ; deception (&j bjVALzfftfBb' fa mar'na (or 
dt'na) v.t. sprinkle ; scatter ; broadcast 

f&bitk' mar'na v.i. 
" "" sneeze u^C^chbi'bk n.f. sneeze 
y^j^tkhitika n.m.’ muzzle (for animal) 
••^network for hanging pots in 
pT^efcfein'na, C^(j^(hhin' le'na v.t. snatch ; 

wrench deprive (someone) of grab 

usurp y^CgchWm jhap' ti, 
iha'pat n.f. mutual bid to grab scramble 

.^^(hbni'ni ^dial. fjthe'm) n.f. chisel 

ii^eti/yab n.m. tamarind stone tftjyz&i/yalt 
ri adj. (of eyes) 

.J T&'P N M - 
V*** juice 

very small ; tiny 
stickness , viscosity sticky 


i^i'par n . m . (usu. pl.) rheum in (inside 
corner of) eye 
^ . (jfitkip'pii*. f. slip (far pasting) on 

~ *>&**t (dial, girt) n.m. first 
<•' month of Hindu calendar 
(corresponding to March-April) 

$£ (faita n.m. leopard ; panther 

oxis , spotted 
large kind of spotted 
leopard ; panther adj. 

rjg&i'taJ n.m. 
v* 9 deer a la 
snake leops 
spotted ; speckle 
r^p&tt'na v.t. (dial.) 
awaken remem 


spotted ; speckled 


r awaken remember 

n.m. (usu. pl.) rag ; tatter 
Sr* frayed piece of cloth small worthless 
thing laga'na v,i. be in rags 

go about in tatters C^ c £^£«£&ItA.'rt lag'na v.i. 
be reduced to penury bo'na v.i. 

be tattered ; become wragged be tom to 
bits ; be tom or to pieces 

n.f. passion (for something) 

N.F. (same as^fw.F. *) 

j^cr&t'dtak n.f. small-pox iLJfc&t'&ak'-voo 
*^£* 7 adj. pock-marked ~~ 

tt N.r. cry scream shriek 
Q? screech mar'na v.i. cry out 

shriek scream screach 

i'dob, fhi'dah adj. sclcct- 

%^ed elect J) &i'dah (fai'dak) log 

n.m. pl. the elite [P ~ yt^pick] 

,.~,&ir'na v.t. sa\v“ cleave split 

yZ? rend tear slit perform a surgical 

operation incise sftchlr n.f. rent tear 

cut slit efechir' ana v.i. have a scratch or 
slit t&sgshlr' ptar n.f. dissection surgical 

operation kar'na v.t. per- 

form a surgical 'operation 
ir&i'rs n . m . incision cut slit 

particoloured turban C*j,Ljf£(h}' Ta bah'dk'na 
v.t & i. tic such a turban go about 
with such a turban ra dt'na v.t. make 

an incision 

I * che'ra n.m. slave servant 

>£•* n.f. slave girl maid-servant 
u Sp(jie”amain n.m. chairman 
UyZZ"Z mai'ni n.f. chairmanship [E] 

H ejit ra-dast' adj. high-handed op- 

**'* / -*5C> pressi ve . ; tyrannical 
dil'ra-das’ti n.f. highhandedness (PJ 
Z&r n.m. pine 

,~chiz n.f. thing commodity 
-^Z" 1 a kind of musical * mode 
ornament i&yffithiz'-basl n.f. goods ; chattels 
bag and baggage^g^i'.:* adv. somewhat ; 
a little ifgcbl'zi, n.f. (nun.) sweet; 

sweetmeat * \ 

&U'ta* n.f. enigma ; puzzle : riddle 

•qj f&if n.m. & adj. chief If'jos'tis 

n.m. Chief Justice koff N.r. 
Oief Court /L£' i r*€’&\f's ka'tij n.m. Chiefs 

^P^f^skt'kat n.f. mixture of oil and dust adj. 

** * oily ; greasy 
{ ' n.f. a bird of prey ; kite 
^rJjj^&lfJ^cklloh'da fbkar'fi ■ 
bat ph. it is extremely hot Iffijtfr 
dtil' jhapat'ta n.f. children’s 
game in whicH blind-folded boy tries 
to jounce upon playmates snatching 
Clinch}!' ki tar' if mabdja'na ph. hover about^ rest- 
lessly kt Sfuto'U mtb 

mas' kahab' provT prodigals have no wherewithal 
Uj^£t’la n.m. (£*dkt'ti n.f. disciple ; 

follower devotee pupil servant, etc. 
brought up in the house ££j*J£Z?£t'le £ab’u 
n.m. devotees disciples ; followers camp- 

/^£i'lok n.f. mark put across disliked word, 

gl^chai'lahj n.m. challenge J.ha'tim n.m. name 
dt'n a (or kar'na) v.t. challange f ^ chieftain of ‘Tai’ tri 

(jiai'latj qabooV kar'na v.i. accept challenge [E] 

• Mr chain n.m. comfort ease test ; repose 
Wj* peace; tranquillity chain' kar'na 
v.i. be at ease enjoy com forts 

ra'vl &airi likh-'ta hai ph. (formula at end of 
legendary tales) peace reigns henceforth 
^^ehoin n.m. chain [E] 

1 Mrckvk' n.f. wrinkle frown 

ba-jabih ho ha v.i. frown ; scowl ; 
glower knit the brow [P] 
r jfi'thlk' n.f. cry squeak chirp iS-.J** 
Vjchiti but ana V.T. make (someone) uy 

out reduce to straits hol'na v.i. 
utter a cry of helplessness IfJfeOjtchifi' cha'par 
kar'na v.i. wrangle l chin' kar'na _ v.i. 

chirp murmur . grumble chatter 

chib' manna v.i. admit defeat , 
i'jg, chi ns n.m. a kind of corn jojigehl'na gotid 
gum arabic fijlOZthi'na hadam’ n m. 
(dial ) ground nut 
J£Z<hih *' n.f. bruise 

chattifb n.f. small corn for birds / 

'.Jjfchaitck'la n m. fledgling 

skein of thread r> / ^S’ 

far ch«'gi po'te n.m. pu A 

snarrow’s fledeli tiers /PT Av ' 

skein ot thread 'vs? 

b. ’ i chrk'gi po'te n.m. pu A 
sparrow’s fledglings 

j£jgchefid n.f. fraud . c/9 

N.F. sugar Chinese language 

iJtygjchoilatj J,ha’tim n.m. name of a pre-Islamic Arab 
nge \ ^chieftain of ‘Tai* tribe and famous for /his 

t challenge [E] generosity generous person- v liberal person; 
e test ; repose munificent person ki qab’r 
•ft chain’ kar'na par lot' marna ph. (iron.) lie very generous 
irts . ha' jib n.m. doorkeeper . janitor 

ula at end of ^chamberlain Lord Chamberlain 


*. rfi-hajat (PL l r'\sl?hajat'} n.f. need ; want 
.. W requirement ; necessity poverty 

trown JjUj U“’ w ; s q prayer ; supplication call of nature 
rown , scow , ^jt/^^p^'jat.par-a'Tl^is^krha'jat-rava 'i n.f. 

. supply. of want fulfilment of wish or 

c irp .CU' desire \jj£j£p[fba‘ jot raj' 1 kar'na v.i. answer 

, '. S ,° r ? C / ? nC ’ Lf> the call of nature supply (someone’s) need 

; 1 m, na , //' I'fttc^Z^hajat ta’va kar’na v.t. grant (some; .. 

datf Lr'/r^vT onc ’ s ) %vish supply (someone’s) need 

chattcr”^!/^- qtW-ehajat n.f answering the call of nature 
U " ‘ Jffrha'jat-matd AD). poor ; indigent needy 
• n.f bed pan (Aj 

JlsZchlna goftd ha'jiz n m. obstacle barrier screen 

na hadam n m. .4 AD ) . hindering intervening fA] 

rT^baji (rar zffibaj ped .Q/l^lal-haj) N.M 
(✓•one who has performed I , the pilgrimage to 
birds Mecca; ‘haji’ pilgrim jif tf.Urha'j il-haramain’ 

*jy u n.m. pilgrim who has been to both Mecca and 

in 8 /M Medina [P~ A^^CORR.) 

| hadis adj. created (opp. eternal) 

PL * A. np.u ■ FrrcVi incinient 1A1 

•JPchi m N.F. sugar t-nmese language i - 

n.m. Chinese adj. Chinese jJr&birA parotid dah . U 

n F. (arch.) soft Chinese * ~ ^ « vtya-e had dah n.m. 

».». u*t> 

. - , *^new ; fresh incipient [A) _ 

P. ha'disah n.m. (PL. bhadisatcZ') *?hava Vis) 
accident adventurr misfortune 

calamity [A~PREf'.l 
- j AarfVoA adj. acute con traded 
had'dah n.m. acute angle, 

.Vi Aa'dtf adj. expert skilful £)i-sd?tablb-t 

n r. ant i^(jl>J^chyOOljtiya1i lag'na v.i. (of skin) 
-income sensitive owing to heat 
fc'JCthyooh'i* n.f. (see under ★) 



* ht n.f. ninth letter of Urdu alphabei (also 
C/ called As'-e Afit'tJ or ba-t moh'malah) (used 
onlv in words of Arabic derivation) (in 
jummal reckoning) eight 

(Sj MSZiq ADJ. expcil ■ 

QjbJ^’haki'm-e ha'nq n m. expert 

physician „ 

^(^Aar ADJ. (with pi.. FjUlar'raA) hot |A -^>1 

_ . ha’rij n.m. hindrance ; obstruction adj. 
^'hindering (A~ C/S'} % 

jLtbhd'sid ad|. jealous n m. jealous person 


^>\p hofsah n.f. (n.+rp haras') sense (A-cT ) 

A, Aa’flia int. God forbid adv. (rare) besides 
‘ jy'.^UrAa'd/a vc-kal la int. God forbid 
no ; never ; not at af1 / j£fl?bhaskak allah' int 
God preserve you from i i God forbid (A) 

>. ha'shiyah n.m. marginal note . note 

margin border ; hemj&J'Wa jhijah- 
bar-dar' N.M. fellow-traveller lackey memal 


4 ^ 


n.m. witness to 
marginal witness 

Aoirka'pa v T, add margi 
nal notes ;make addition . make comments 
embellish an account ha shiyah chkor'na 

v.t. leave a margin4j^Wa 'shiya-da r' adj. border- 
ed rha'shiyah ka gavah' n.m. witness 

the execution of a deed ; 

ha’ Aiy arnasHiri n.m. 
companion lackey (A] 

. N M - produce ; product crop 

V gain profit revenue ; tax ; duty 
collection result ; inference consequence 
J*l^lal-fa’sil conjT (see underjl-ft) 
ha sil-bazafi n.m. 'market cess sil-e 

tafilq’ n.m. (Math.) remainder.; balance 
ha sil-e jam” n.m. (Math.) total sil-e 

taq&m’ n.m. (Math.) quotient ^siJfcha'sU-t 
zor’b n.m. (multiplication) product L^J%ha'sil 
ker'na v.t. obtain ; get gain learn 
fUflyHr fra'sil e kalam' n.m. gist resume the 
points made ha' sil ho' pa v.». be had] be 
Obtained accrue come to hand V 

ha'sil na hnsool' ph, ungainful putsuit silly 
(talk etc.) 

y^ba'zir adj. present in attendance 
ready willing ; agreeable _ at hand 
(gram;) the second person ( ft/ir ba'zir-bash adj. 
regular in attendance ; attending regularly^j^ 
fra'zir-ba'ski n.f. regularity in attendance 4 r'ljpfc 
ia'tir-jevab' adj, ready-witted quick at 
repartee ()jf/£ba'zir-java'bi n.f. repartee 

readiness, in , reply Cfjsfcha’zir raih’na .v.i. be 
present khid'mat met fa'zir 

ndh'na v.i, wait za'min n.m. 

surety for (someone’s) personal appearance in- 
law-court one offering bail for (somcone)t^t^ 
ta’ztr zam'id N.f. such bailor surety 
Jjn‘ zir kor'na v.t. produce (someone) 
pgpsent : lay before summon make ready 



ha' Ztr (-a*) na'zir mak'kt adv. believing God to 
be Omnipresent and . Omniscient proving 

one’s ‘bona Bdes' fyy£fa'zir ho’na v.t. attend 

be present . be at hand be ready be at the 
•ccrice ofyifaJ'[hau'-ja'zir adj. absent ; away 
not present misting 4 ^ Aariraf n.f. invoca- 

tion of spirits exorcizing authority over 
spirits necromancy kar'na v.t. 
Invoke spirits exorcise jjl/^hazira'n n.m. 
necrOmancer exorciser (jJ^Wzirl (co!. 
h*'zxi) n.f. attendance presence 

present : lay before summon make rea< 
/V<kt/^ba’zir(-o-') na’&'r adj. (of God) oiimipr 
sent and omniscient fj»tkhad&' 

InVtr /.a.\ ai'wr tAu J , 

Western style breakfast offering of victuals 
sacred funeral dinner in commemoration of 
Imam Husain's martyrdom fyjjjf Irha'zirt dim 
v.i. attend tid'tfj&bha' ziri kha'nd v.i. have 
Western-style breakfast partake of this sacred 
meal CJg/rtrka'ziri lira v.t. call the roll ; call 
out the”* names &o'ta haz'rl (ped. 

ha'ziri) n.f. bed teac^Xr/iactrin' 
n.m. pl. audience int. gentlemen 
hazirl'ttrtjal'sah n.m. pl. audience this 

lz n.m. one who knows the Holy 
Quran by heart ; Koran -Conner preserver 
protector ; guardian : a governor (God as) 
protector ; preserver blind man pen-name 
of a Persian poet of the Timurid period cele- 
brated for his mystical-erotic poetry 
fa'fiz-e haqi'qi n m. (God as) true protector 


fiSlffe'fizak n.m. , ^ memory retentive 
memory \Jj[(jC&i%£f\fha'fizak ttz' (or kapd') 
ho’na v.t. have a good (or bad) memory (A - )&] 
Sir/ ho'kim n.m. ruler official ; officer 
[commander chief ; boss ha'kim-e a*' la, 

ha'kim-e ba'la N.M. higher authority 
the supreme authority ft IJfJla ha'kim-e diva' til 
n.m. officer of the civil court civi l authority 

g&Jlrlta'kimt zil” n.m. Deputy Commis- 
sioner Deputy Collector^Jlij/f^^ >ia 'kim 
‘alal-itlaq’ n.m. (God as) Omnipotent 
ha'kim-e fauj da'ri n.m. judge president over a 
criminal court ha'kim-e mut'taq n.m. 

despot one wielding absolute power (God 
as) Omnipotent ha'kim-e vaq't n.m. the ruler of 
the day ; the present ruler jl/Uhakima'iuk adj. 
authoritative adv. like an officer tf\*ka kind H.r. 
(col.) authority being an officer 

hakimiyyat n.f. sovereignty authority 
(f itS+Jifkakimiy yat-e a 'la n.f. ultimate 
authority true sovereignty (A J 
jtfhal *t Jit. condition ; state ' situation 

^circumstances details; particulars 
rapture ; ecstasy (gram.) present tense ; the 
present (C^ftftfjiabal a'na (or khel'm) v.t. be 
enraptured ; be thrown into txtta»4ha'-lah-keh 
adv. though ; although ; even though 
despite the fact that^/l^jU^a/' pQr'saa (col. 

Jhy\sSp6rsa'n-e hal') adj. those inquiring after 
solicitous pat'la ko'na v.i. be in a 

miserable condition (f '^ f i irbar -bar' A n.m. 
enquiring after (someorfe’s) health solicitude 
appearance (in court) roll-call muster-roll | Iw'm vj. have 

(one’s) condition aggravated go from bad to 
worse JflfeS’bu'ra )al n.m. bad condition 

evil days (Jjlr^bl'u ha' lob adv. Mien on 
evil days in tatters Jfgrfba-har' hal' adv. 
in any case ; at any rate however ; neverthe- 
less : nonetheless Jbilstabafi'-hal, (jkstabah'-hal 

l)lr2& < dnkas'Ui-hal adj. in bad circum- 
stances ; passing through hard times ; fallen on 
evil days ruined (person) J^jfr/chfisfc-Aa/' adj. 

well-to do rich ; wealthy prosperous 
dlf%*soo’rat-e fal' N.r. state of affiurs Jl/ 1 ^ 
fil-W adv. now ; at present at the 
moment fj^^^mUqtaza-i hal' n.m. exigency 
of the situation^ftjj?/(fAa7-0 qal' n.m. state ; 
condition real and apparent condition [A] 
yy *a7a conj. yet [P ~ A JW 

.~^ ...^ r balat' n.m. pl. details ; particulars 
” cond itions v 

; . y i3/at' n.m. pl. details ; particulars 
* conditions circumstances 
soo'ral-e halat' n.f. state of affairs ^ 
halat' ka taqa'ot n.m. exigency of the circum- 
stances [A~foll.] 

|a7«/ n.f. (tuvlHrfalat') state of 
^ affairs LjZ^^Jkha'lai gh air' ho' na v.i. 
be in the throes of death be in a miser- 
able condition not” n.f. the 

throes of death the last gasps £dl?tf / dburi 
ha' l fit n.f. miserable condition bad circum- 

stances aggravated state [A ~Jlr] 
tpia'mid n.m. one who praises God 
* panegyrist [A~ jP] 

^ ha' min adj. sour ; acid sharp ; 
L/'S pungent [A] 

L.ha'mil n.m. bearer (of Something) (fyJfJijflr 
is y ha' mil-t rUq'‘ah (Aa'ea) ph. the bearer of this 
note [A~ if] 

» t_ ha'milah n.f. pregnant (rare) bearer 
(of something) \;j'j>Uha'niilah kar'na v.t. 
make pregnant fyj’lrba'milah ho'n a v. conceive ; 
be or become pregnant ; be in the family way 

». l/a'nd n.m. supporter ally helper 
v* (rare) protector (uiu.tfi ha' mi) 
assurance yes%^(j ( fM/<ami (or ha' mi) bkor'na 
v.i. , say yes agree ; consent assure 
acknowledge (A] 

'iris NJf. (lit.) perjurer [A] 

y bending 
•ji &'kah, t 

skilled ; expert 



"j, ia”iitth,(J^ha”iz n.f. & aoj. menturating 

(woman) (A~ 

J^ha-'U adj. intervening hindering 
standing in the way disturbing ("Jj/'lp 
ha'Ul kar’na v.t. raise (wa li) between ’ U 

ho'na v.t. intervene come in the way 
interrupt disturb stand (as a wall) between 

xjrlfnb n.f love affection J^Jlt^hub' b-ul- 

* . m' tanx, l J > )\^ r h\iVb-t-iijBL tan n.f. patriotism 

^d^hub' b-e-nai' , ^t^hub' b-t rnf's N.M. 
egotism seXh&mt&J&t&'kub'brO-bugh'z n.m. 
love and hatred hub n.m. love 

charm [A] 

y^jyhab n.f. (PL.4-Of$s4oe6') pill (rare) 

* grain (rare) seed tJj^L-S’hab' b-ul-mulook' 
n.m. croton seed [A] 

^yyhabab' n.m. bubble L'J^yhaba'b asa' adj. 

* * like a bubble flimsy short-lived 
tyl^ifhabab’ Bjk'na v. to bubble [A] 

I * bob' baza int. (rare) buck up bravo ; 

Uj well done 

r ^fi f hab's n.m. imprisonment; confinement 
is * retention ; withholding inability to 
pass (urine, etc.) close or sultry weather ofy 4 ? 
hab's-Ul-baul n.m. strangury ir^'f^ab's-e bt' ja 
Njd. wrongful confinement f%f?hab's-e dam 
n.m. holding the breath suffocation fojjr? 
hab's-e d(*iam' n.m. life-term ; life imprisonment 
jp , £~l‘ Jjj?*}(\s'tJ A fhab's-t davami (ba-’tibci'r-t 
darya'~e shor) n.m. transportation for life^t-Jf 
habsiyyat' n.m. (esp.) verse composed during 
imprisonment ; gaol musings [AJ 
Ajfha'bashl n.m _ African (rare) Abyssi- 
0 * nian Negro ; nigger one of the black 
races tawny (pcnon)^/fha'baA f/ ^fk a 'ba3hak 
n.m. Abyssinia ; Ethiopia (A] 

Lp'fab'l n.f. tope cord &£i(J?hab't-ul 
is ' matin' n.f. strong roptjjJjJfhab'l-ul varid' 
n.f. jugular vein ; 

jfthjimb' n.m. pl. pills (rare) grains 
(rare) seeds (A ~ stNO.i-^Tiai] 
jThab’bah n.m. grain (fig.) little amount 
‘yS^fkab'bak bhar adv. a little [A doublet of 

"jr Habib' N.M. friend favourite 
V-* beloved iiSi^SfhaH'b-e khida' n.m. the 
Holy Ptophet (as the friend of God) 

r hal'ta pref. as far as to ; up to 
till effri} I (j^hafial-imkan' ,g'Jlfi?hat'tal-vas ‘ , 
jjjStljjFba t'tal-maqdoor' adv. to one’s utmost ; 
to the best of one’s ability ; as far as lies 
in one’s power / jjf hat'ta keh conj. till ; 
until to the extent of to that 


27 ! 

hat' ml adj. definite 
■ final sure : certain [A] 
^ kit'li n.m. & adj. Hittitc 

'arco'ri n.m. bridal chamber [A] 

^ haj'm n.m. volume ; thickness (of book) [A 


Z haj n.m. seasonal pilgrhnage to Mecca Hajj 
C / pilgrimage /ifljj-e as’ghar n.f. non- 

seasonal pilgrimage to Mecca ; ‘umra’ 
haj'j-e ak'bar n.m. seasonal pilgrimage to 
Mecca with ritual falling on Friday pilgri- 
mage performed after the conquest of Mecca 
fryil ami'r-al-hajiiM. pilgrim caravan chief 
leader of pilgrim congregation [A] 

(pi., wcf/to'jui) n.m. curtain 
« x veil modesty lack of familiarity; lack 
of intimacy Wf'r'lfhijsb' uthn’na v.i. lift 
the veil , breed familiarity create intimacy 
, deprive of sense of shame 
hijab’ utk'na (or jata raih'tm) v„i. (or veil) be 
removed become familiar. have intimacy 
lose sense of shame hi jab' -chash' mi 

N:F. ogling ; casting Sheep’s eye hijab'- 
kar'na v.i. veil (oneself) conceal one’s face 
(from) blush ; be abashed [A] 

hujjaj' n.m. pl. pilgrims [A ~ siNG.^Uor 

rr haj jam n.m. (see under u- 'JTn.f if) 

C*\f hija'mat (col. haj a mat) n.f. hair cut 

. t shave tonsure phlebotomy 

bV'iZsij/ hajs' mat banana v.T. shave cut the 

hair tonsure despoil defraud 
heja'mat ho'm v.i. have a shave or haircut 
be defrauded of money (fZfiajjam’ n.m. barber 
hairdresser phlcbotomist (fifhajjami n.f. 
barber’s trade phlcbotomisi’s trade [A] 
hu’jub N.M. (PL. ofs-'JfN.M ★) 

kujjat n. f (pl. rare * mjaj) argu- 
* ment . reason proof objection 
excuse ; pretext altercation dispute 
huj'jat kar'na v. reason ; argue object ; 
raise an objection cavil taunt l‘D£>%hiijjat 
la nd v.T. object adduce ah argument (jfi 
huj'jati adj. quarrelsome [A] 

Zifa jar n.m. (pl jtfhijsr', jlfiahjar') stone 

pebble rock ha'jar-e as' sad n.m. 

black stone of the Ka'aba |A] 

0 £ huj'rah n.m. chamber closet cell 
y * small room in mosque, etc for resi- 
dence |Aj 

hdj'loh (ped.jfha'jaloJt) n.m. bridal 

chamber canopied bed^j fs}**fhaj'la~t 

j^had 'n.f. (pl. jjJfhudood') limit ; boundary ; 

extremity margin extent (Islamic 
law) restrictive or penal ordinance penalty 
for transgressing it definition adv. to the 
utmost degree extremely at least (Jptj? 
had-d e aqai n.f. minimum^/^ had’d-e ak’sar 
n.f. .maximum! Pjbbjifhad' bafidh'na v.T. de- 
limit define iZisjjphad'-bas't n.m. delimita- 
tion (of lands) boundary scttlement^A? 
had' -bail'd 1 , n.f. delimitation boundary 
had'd-e bul pogh' n.f. majority ; age of 
puberty had'd-e buloogh' ko pahufich'ns 

v.i. attain majority had' se barh'ns v.i. 

transgress exceed one’s powers go 
beyond limits ubi^S'J^had jr ziyfi'dah adv, 
very much extremely {j^jlrhad'-slii'kani n.f 
encroachment transgression I’/yphad' kar'na 
v.T. & i. act in a strange manner do one’s 
utmost exceed limits push (something) to 
had' lagan a (or qa"itn 
kar'na) v.y. (Islamic law penalize for transgress- 
ing limits ky^jf had'd-t mutavas'sat n. medium 
had'd-e mahdood’ n.m. limited leasehold 
(Vf J0 had' ho’ ns v.i. exceed bounds be 
very surprising j?j\ az had,jf£. be had adv. extre- 
mely ; excessively [A] 

•• hid' dat U.r. pungency sharpness 
** acu teness virulence LA] 

'/* , _ huda n.f. (correct but ped. pronunciation 

V'f ottS^hu'di if) 

US^jgrhadasat n.f. freshness prime (of life) 
f_ haddad' n.m. ironmonger smith 

(J'jphada'iq n.m. pi., of n.m. if) 


O ha' das n.m. farting, or answering call of 
nature, etc. necessitating fresh ablutions [A] 
hUd oo s' n.m newness , freshness 

novelty (A] 

hudood' n.f (dial m.) limits 

boundaries . confines , limits definitions 
(Islamic law) restrictive or penal ordinances 
jUjIffalfudoo'd-t-ar'ha'ah n.f. (dial, m.) the 
four boundaries 5 *%}rhudoo'd-e shar'iy'yah n.f. 
(dial, m.) restrictive or penal ordinances of 
Islam penalties for transgressing these [K-M 



,s:.r. industry industrialization [A] 

* hir jab n u trade craft j^fjllah l-e 
' /nr /ah i'coI aih-j n m aitisans crafts- 
men workmen n-t hir'jah n m. 

(arch ) trade mark^A doublet of prec.J 
..(phajkal (ped ,^/hn rakat) n f motion , 
* movement action gesture posture 
(gram.) short vowel misdemeanour 

mischief travel rakat-e dav ri 

l or dauny yah) n.f rotation i£r(fha' rakal 
de ni v t move set in motion (gram.) 
put a vowel-pbint over vjc/fba rakat kar'na 
- i move , make a move do (something) 
improper do as mischiefu si/j'harakil' n.f. pl., 
motions ; movements actions (gram.) 
vowel-points C’tyyCstffliataka l-o uxkamt' n.f. 
((': •! m.) gestures postures movements[A] 
S p ha' ram n.m. the sanctuary of Mecca ; the 

I Ka’aba close . sanctuary ‘women’s 
apartment harem seraglio wife yf^/ta'ram- 

sara n j harem . seraglio i£*! / ?'f£S'ha' ramain-e 
sharifaw n.m. pl. the two as sanctuaries of 
Mecca and Medina [A] 

Af^/nr'mah tfkfhirmari n.m. dismay , dis- 

appointment . despondence dejection 
deprivation u-rtfjtyhir'mah-nasib' adj. & n.m. 

unfortunate dismayed (person) (A- 
« . hur mat n.f dignity , honour , esteem 
sanctity unlawfulness ii^i^^hur mat- 
tola Adj. venefable sacred prohibited 


( J'j^fdr'mol n.m wild rue [A] 

tj?>? far oof ' n.m. letters of (the alphabet) 

huroo'f-e-tahaj'ji IfflCflT’hUroo’ful- 
htja' n.m. pl. letters of the alphabet [A ~ sing. 

hUrnyyat (or hur'riyat ) n. f. freedom ; 

** liberty emancipation . enfranchisement 


j^fhafir' n.m. silk silk-cloth {^J^hann 
** adj. silk silken soft sleek fine [A) 

Ojtf hri' rah n.m. ,a kind of eaudle ; batter- 
*• eaudle 

dp harts' adj. greedy covetous 
gluttonous (rare) avid (A ~ 

'Jpf/artf n.m. & adj. opponent adver- 
sary rival equal ; peer colleague 
(one) able to stand (A) 


J phar'xm (n.m pi hurum) boundry 
J * the Ka'aba sanctuary house . resi- 
dence outer walls of the house (rare) 

wife | A) 

iPL.ft/'iaheah') n.m .party 
• group (rare) army , force b-r 

tkhtilaf n.m. the Opposition opposition party 
j^i^yhi^b-e iqtidat' n.m party in power 
Government party . Treasu/y Benches [A] 
j* p hat! m n.m vigilance carefulness . 

I - ' watchfulness j ifrljf’fhaz'm-o ihliyat' n.m 
vigilance and carefulness , cautiousness j A] 
.phaz'n, (or ha'zan) (or ha' tin) n.m. sorrow . 
y* grief affliction {jtJPhazxh adj. sorrowful 
sad grieved ; afflicted melancholy (A] 
n.f ('iyhavas') sense ; sensation 
C/ (^\j^his' s-e ba’pni n.f perce pt ion 
his's-e za’hiri n.f sensation ^Jjsfj^’his' s-t mush 
larak n.f (rare or ped.) common sense (A] 
h-^phisab n.m arithmetic (col.) mathe- 
matics account rate counting . 
reckoning calculation , computation^N^*- 
I’J’hisab' be-baq' kar'na v.T. pay off debts 
settle or clear an account ; be quits 
htsab p k kar'na v.t. settle or clear account 
end murder hi sab' pakho'tm v.i. 

be t jits (of accounts) be settled Or clear 
be honesi jau ;au 

ba khsh ish' sau sau prov. munificance apart 
account must be clear li/Sl^b^hisab jor’na v.t. 

add up ; total calculate ; compute 
his &b’ -dan n.m. mathematician accountant 

JsyjjJls'&lSTnsab-e dos'tah dar dil' prov. friend 
do not keep an account of presents exchanged 
mutually \s<L>ifhisab' de'na v.t. render an ac- 
count 1&-J iZhisab rakh'na v.t. keep account 

• ' #♦/ . j 

maintain an account w O^eL^hisab' kilab' n.m. 
accounts Vyi^L^hisab' kar'na v.i. calculate: 

compute settle an account •_/ IShisob ki 
bat pl. matter pertaining to an account 
reasonable stan dL'lfiupl^’^hsib' logout v.t. 
estimate calculate V^y^l^hiab' le'na v.t. take 
an account (from) (&J i) CtCijf^flS'husab' meh 
rakh'na (or le'na) v.i. ** consider take into 
account sab' -navis n.m. ledger writer 

(JJJhrjfylap'n* hisa'boh adv. according to me 
(etCi )4yhisa'bi adj. pertaining to accounts 
arithmetical reasonable -n.m. mathemati- 

cian one strict in matters of account fA) 
tj[~bassas' ADJ. .sensitive Emotions! 




f'iS’fasam n.f. sword {A] 

sat n.m. . lineage pedigree 
* nubility t m *^ > tj>»m+S'Aa'sab-(o) na'sab n.m. 
n m. lineage pedigree nobility [A] 
_yfhas'b n.m accordance t r ^ f 'has'b-e aDV. & 
i 1 • prep according to in conformity with 
>1 /jh~*S}ias'lb* it shad' , has' b-isl-hiik'ni, 

iSslfi^S'hasb-hida'jai adv. as desired ; as 
ordered in compliance with orders, instruc- 
tions, etc. b-e tal' adv. as demanded 

by the exigency of the situation a^jri—^has’b-e 
dil-khah' adv. after one’s own heart tfJs^has'b-t 
zatl' adv. the following ; as follows ; 
has'b-t z&'bitah, fyelf i^-^has b-e qa‘idah adv.’ in 
accordance with the procedure adj. procedural 
qanoori adv. legally ; according 
to law (Jjfk^fash-c ma'mool adv. as usual 
^ hasb-t man! qe\ ft^-^hasb-e mau'qah 

adv. as »he case may demand ; according to tire 
need of the occasion [A] . / 

fa! sad n.f. jealousy malice 

\!j) fa' sad rakb'na for kar'nzt) v.t. be 
jealous bear malice [A) 

d^d^’kias'rat n.f. regret wistfulness 

longing pining j/lsZy-^kas'rat-alood', 

fas'rat-aloo'dah, tjj£jr* jr has'rat za'dah 
adj. sad ; sorrowful ; full of sorrow grief- 
stricken : overwhelmed with grief wistful ; 
pining fas' rat tha n adj. (of looks) 

longing wistful pining [A] 

-jrk&s'n n.f. beauty pretfincss ; comefiness 

C/ handsomeness grace ; gracefulness 
elegance the beautiful a beau tyju%r r 

hus'n-e ittifaq' n.m. lucky chance good 
fortune ; stroke of luck bits' rt-e akltlsq' 

n.m. manners ; good manners etiquette 
politeness ; courtesy f\ tyitj*' hiis'n-e inti am! 
n.ti. good discipline ; good management 

managerial efficiency JitfZ hiss' n-e tadtnr' n.m. 

sound policy J£~gf*'hus'n-t la'lil' n.f. 
ascribing to a different cause busn-e sabth’ 

n.m. blondness blond, blonde L^^hus'n-e 
ta'lab h.m. nice way of asking J’yS’hvs'n-f tan’ 
n.m. good opinion favourable vkwjfy*' 

has n't 'a’ mat n.m. good deeds walking in 
the ways of God fas'n-e mat'la ‘ n.m. 

second couplet of the ode (J^c/'bus'n-t mui'laq 
n.m. (God as) the Absolute Heauty^^T^ur 'n-« 
muqay'yad n m . mortal beauty g~(y*'jhus'n-t 
matlh' n.m. the coloured beauty 

muqt'bala-e hus'n n.m. beauty contest ; beauty 
competition (AJ 

or ha son adj. good n.m. name of the second 
CJ' Shi’ite Imam ha'sanah adj. good k5'U r 
Iws anal' n.f. pi.. good actions ; vinuousdeedi 
virtues [A - SING. -s'] 

hasood ' adj. jealous grudging n m. 
jealous person [A~>^l 

^phasin' (ji^hasih adj. handsome , pretty ; 
w** beautiful comely graceful J^hast nah 
n.f. beautiful woman ; a beauty eJ^h&si'na-t 
‘atom n.f. Miss universe [A - 

fasatn’V n . m . name of the lecond Shi’iti 
w'** Imam martyred at Kerbala 
Ap'fash'r n.m. resurrection ; doomsday 
J wailing ; lamentation tumult hue and 
cry Vj'fcbjb/J^hasW t bar-pa' (or btrpa') kar'nn 
v.t. weep and wail aloud cause a tumult 
yau'm-ul-hash'r ttM. .the day of resurrec- 
tion ; the Doomsday ( ba'ghj n.m. 
(col.) traitor for following.the rabble (A] 

& hashamt’ n.m. pujjlf'oj^hasjiara't-ul-ar'z 
!/ n.m. pl. insects (esp. as seen creeping 
after rains) the scum of society too many 
and unprovided-for children (A] 

Jj£?’hasj<'fah n.m. ‘glans penis’; head of penis (AJ 


fa' sham n.m. pl. retinue . train (of ser. 
vants) equipage k ha' dam- o 

/fa' sham n.m. pl. equipage [A — sing. cJ') 

„ j Z2'hash'mat n.f. pomp dignity 
riches ; wealth [AJ , 

•p'hasjs’v n.m. padding stufring>/>jj 
* fasWv-o zava'd n.m. padding (A) 4 . 

A hashish" hm. dry hemp leaves ; diTa 
(✓** hasHlsJtijfin’ n.m. pl. Assassins : fanatic 
followers of the Middle Ages Shi’iic leader 
Hasan bin Sabah [AJ 

ksrhhar N.M. fort ; fortress ; oastje , 
d**" fortification rampart enclosure 

hisar’ bahdk'na v.t. set up an enclosure 
jl^r^ba’la-kisar' n.m. citadel [AJ 
^ has'r n.m. reliance counting ; reckon- 
z' ing taking (of something) into account [A] 
Ad&'fa'sas n.m. shares stock* parts 
portions (A>^1 

J&$s * n.m. fort ; fortress ; castle fortiA- 
& cation di&*4hs’n-t fatin' n.m. impreg- 

nable fortress name of a prayer book- [A] 

iwp’fauoal' n.m. acquisition achievement , 


jptfs'sah N .M. (pl. also J^hi'ses) part 
portion share lot J&hi s’ sa-dar, his'se- 

i tor n.m. partner shareholder^ U^’his'sa da'ri, 
his'se-da'ti n.f. partnership sharing 
his'sah-rasadl n.f. proprortionate share 
his'sah It'na v.t. participate ; take part in 
receive {one’*) share his'se ( bakhre ) 

kar'na v.i. apportion distribute share 
(something) between or among [A| 

\grhtlzar n.m. sojourn (as opposed to travel) 

' (rare ) settled (as opposed to nomadic) state 
iff. J£?haz!rat n.m. (pl. i^f^hazarat') title 
' preceding name of saint, etc. (rare) 
court _ mischicyous person scoundrel 
zil'l-e subha' m n.m. (the king 
as) the shadow of God ; His Majesty 
bare haz'rat n.m. arrant knave; consummate 
T&scaAc^J^haearat' n.m. pl. title preceding 
names of saints, poets, etc. gentlemen int 

'hizoor' int. sir Your Honour (etc.) 
^ j . >LM. presence (of superior) court 
(d£}y**£ke huzoot (met) before (a superior) 
j) {jjf^k&zoo' r- e p&tjnoor' n.m. his illustratious 
Honour (etc. ) jfly j^hazoo' r-e vs' la, 
bazoo r-e aq'das n.m. His # Honour (etc.) int. you; 
Your Honour (etc.) tfjj&h&zoo' ri n.f presence 
n.m. attendant [A] 

NM * < ^ e P t ^ 1 low-lying ground 

JsP'hatim' n.m. western wall near Ka'aba 
r* a year-old plant adj. broken [A] 

I* baz n.m. pleasure delight lot ; 
M portionCtf/j^ Bths' na v.i. enjoy 
derive pleaure DU^j^haz'z-e nafsa'ni n.m. 
sensual pleasure •^JjJlrhaz'z-o kar'h n.m. pleasure 
and pain [A] 

£\jP'hifi&z! n.m. (pl. oiH^hafz n.m. if) 

■ "Jr laTkifa n.f. safety ; security 
custody defend protection 

preservationl^^^/a’^at kar'na v. 



preserve [A doublet of foll.] 
btfz N.m. memorization ; learning by 
heart ; learning by rote defence 
protection preservation \i/)iJf'hifz kar'na v.t. 
commit to memory ; learn by heart ; learn by 
rotef^jjIyCj fc) LliPhif'z-t ma' taqad'dom ( kt ^ tour' 
par) n.m. (as) a precautionary measure 
W‘Z, mt mara'tib n.m. observing the etiquette 
paying due regard to the status of each 
kifz-e na'kar ph. (W. dial.) May escape influence 
of evil eye [A] 



tljp'kaflz' n.m. (God as) 
tector [A~j$r] 

•*~haq adj. & n.m. God truth right 
W equity ; justice lot ; share claim due 
remuneration 1‘jljtyhaq' ad a' kar'na v.t. 
give (someonebhis due do justice (to);do full 
justice (to) irisijyhaq'q-e asai"ish n.m. right of 
convenience jlfll^fhaq’ q-Sl-‘ibad' x. rights of hu 
man beings J&ijFAaq'q-uUak' n.m. rights of God 
'frlrJiffiaq' q-e-irja‘ -e na'lish n.m right of appeal 
L/If.Z Jbaq'ba-ja'riib adj. justified -f fifty haq 
'ba-haq-dar' rasld' prov. everyone gets his due *5?^ 
haq-paras't adj. & n.m. pious (person) true 
believer godly (person )if*5fthaq para'sli n.f. 

true faith godliness ut^fthaq'q e tasnf 
n.m. copyright jfijyhaq ta'n'la n.m. the Most 
High God ; the Great God ft'fthaq ta'lafi n.f. 
usurpation Vj(p ft haq ta'lafi kar'na v.t. 
usurp the rights (of) encroach (upon) VL^fft 
haq pahftfich’na v.i. have the right to VjZz'i Vft 
haq ss' bit kar'na v.i. prove one’s claim 
haqjala'na v.t. press one’s right or claim 
taqq joo"i n.f. search for truth pursuit of 
truth "(i^fu/^C^hoq'q-e hln haja'li nm. life 
interest iSSjbbf’Lf'haq'q e khud iradiy'yat n.m 
right of self- determination adj. 
deserv j (person) rightful having a right 
or cla (to) (Ljljjl'bCP haq daba'na (or msr'na) 
usurp (someone’s) right deprive (some- 


one) of his Ane(fij4~ijfthaq'q-e rn"t debt n.m. 
right to vote ftj ft haq'-ra' si n.f. redress 
relief justice VJ ftl ft h a <( ra'sl kar'na. v.t, 
do full justice to tf&fthaq'q-t sh fah n.m. right 
of pre-emption t/*&fthaq-shinas' adj. godly 
righteous pious giving everyone his due 
dutiful appreciative ftftftlfaq-Mna'sl n.f. 
godly righteousness justice ; doing even- 
hand d justice dutifulness appreciation 
'fthaq'q-t malika'nah N.M. (pl. 
hiqno’q-e malika'nah) proprietary righu ftftX 
ke haq men prep. for in the interests of 
Vslfltm^tftfaql na'mak ad a' kar'na v.i. do 
one’s duty creditably make a sacrifice for 
one’s master uirhaq'qa adv. truly ; verily 
By God'fl&haqqa'ni adj. godly VZffirhaqqantj'yat 
(col. haqqa'niyat) n.f. truth ; veracity 
godliness righteousness [A] 

CSi~ hiqa'ral n.f. contempt ; scorn ; disdain 
hatred vfy [frhiqn'ra t kat'na,*dfift£jt$r 
Orj hiqarat ki na’zar st dekfi’na v.t. despise . 
look down upon disdain [A] 


truths facts [A ~ SING. 

{j\fP r haqa''iq M.M. 


»*^huq’nah n.m. enema ; clyster Vjjj/P'hUq'noh 
^ kar'na V.t. clyster [A] 

*» f N ' M- rights , dues ; privileges 
duties remuneration Vfij I qooq' 
tda kar'na v.i. give (someone) his dues do 
(something; rdcc\y Q^huqooq' q-e zoujiy'yat 

n.m. fl. conjugal rights ipptfyjgbunya'di huqooq' 
n.m. pl. fundamental rights {A - sing. Or] 

•fohuq qah n.m. hookah ; hubble bubble 
(rare) casket (rare) fraud; trick jf>J2e^ 
fyuq'qa-baz N.M. trickster impostor jugg- 

ler (joc.) hookah-addict jty&'huq' qa-bardar' 
n.m. servant carrying master’s hookah 
huq’qah pa .$ bahd' kar'na v.t boycott ex- 
communicate \fJ»jC/&’kuq' qah ta'znh kar'na v.i. 
change water in ‘hookah’ bowl ; wash Oiookah’ 
pipes, etc. [A] 

«« haqqiy'yat n.f. ownership proprietary’ 
•• right far'd haqqiy'yat n.f proprietary 
statement [A ~cf] 

^ yhaqxr ’ adj. abject vile contemptible 
•• despicable mean ; base petty 
teqir'jsn'na V.T. despise ; look down upon 
disdain regard as petty [ 

* m '“fi'hacjtqat n.f. fact ; fact of the matter; 

»* reality condition ; state account 
truth vcracitrfj&A&'haqi'qal-pasafid' n.m. realist 
adj. Tcalistic pld^t^S^kaqi'qal pasaiida'nak adj. 
realistic adv. realistically (fjj&S&lpaql' qal~pasati di 
n.f. realism realistic &U\tVide*ze-&haqf qalan 

rtDj. in fact-, in truth; in reality really 
haqi'qt adj. real actual factual own 
sanguine ‘fclaftfS^’haqi'qi bha’i N.m. ^brother 
i'tfi bai'han n.f sister )aqi'qi 

rish'lah n.m. full blood [A] 

| hak n.m. erasure deletion cutting 

gem, etc. VjiXrhak kar’na v.t. erase 
deWte£J^/££ hak'k-o islah' n.f. deletion and 
cometian jfrbim^hak'k-o iza'fah n.m. deletion 
and nAAxtiwh ^'/jfJ^hak' k-o larn&tri n.f. dele- 
tion and amendment [A] 

A/phOkkan' n.m. officers authorities 
'■ commanders rulers [A ~ sing. r^\ 
iS<Z,tika’yal n.f. tale story ’fable 
** detail narrative report Tj^tfikayit’ 
n.f. Ft.. tales fables stories [A] 

6^ huk'm n.m. order ; command decree 

f* ordinance decision ; Verdict prccem 

jurisdiction authority prediction 
/fr/ n'i,. adv by or under orders Jfr^hVk'm-t 

im tins' % n.m. injunction ; prohibitory order 
I'l) huk'm ba-ja' la'na v.i. obey carry 
out the order (of) huk' m-bardar' adj. 

mandatory obedient (jjIjS, huk'm -bar da' ri 

n.f. mandate obedience huk’m 

ja’ri kar’na v.t. issue an huk m 

ja’rl ho’nav.i. (of order) be issued 
huk’m-e ha’kim mar’g-e mufajat’ prov. what 
cannot be cured must be endured huk’m 

that ana v.i rule , to govern ’ exercise 
authority control ; keep under the thumb 
huk'm de’na v.t. order ; issue an order 
pass an order g/ tfhuk'm-ra'rii n.m. sovereign , 
ruler tyJP’ hukm-ra’ tri n.f. power rule 
reign sway control huk’m suria'rm 

v.i. announce the judgement give the 
verdict , give the decision U irfytf/Ssoza’ ka 
huk'm suna’na v.t. convict zab’fi 

n.m. forfeiture orders ^I^Vuk'm-e zah'H n.m. 
endorsement (on petition/ etc.) huk’m 

‘ udoo’ti kar’na, {,‘J^'kuik'm kar'na v.t. &, i. 
infringe an order; violate impugn qa't' l i 
huk'm ^’iyJ'Takhiri huk'm fCM. finalorder 
categorical imperative D/f huk'm kar'na v.t 
order command decree /give the verdict 
huk'm laga'na v.i.’ predic t$'L'/&’hak 'm-t 
na'tiq n.m. peremptory order hlk’ m-na' mah 
n.m. decree written orders judgment 
(f huk' ml adj. (pf remedy) efficacious 
infallible sure , certain (A] 

fia'kam n.m. arbitrator , mediator 
| umpire ; referee [A] 
tu>'k3kama' n.m. philosophers sages 

physicians [A ~ sing. /<; ] 

^ Qr Ink' mot n.f. wisdom philosophy 

medical practice policy skill 
device trick raison d’etre science 

Ink' mat n.f. arts and science 

j t^J ^hik' mat-t 'a'matl n.m. policy tacties 
sfrategein device practical skjll ‘savoir- 

faire’ skill in managements*^ hik'mali adj. 
(col.) artful ; ingenious clever [A] 
w . / £fiWmat n.f. government sove- 
l—A'Jr reignty rule power control 
authority sway dominion \A%dSS* hUkoo'met 

jata'na v.i. assert one’s authority 

jQmhoo'-rl hukoomat n.f. democracy ; republic , 
government of the people ; government of ffij 
people for the people by the people 
shakh'st hbkoo'mal n.f. one man rule ,de£ 

potism dictatorship monarchy b'J&tr 
hukoo'mat kar'na v 1. govern reign rule 

exercise authority hold sway (over) [A 

jSb' hakim' n.m physician ; doctor .philoso- 
| •* pher sage : savant faki'm-e 

foria'nak n.m. philosopher sage baki'm-r. 

mut'laq n.m. (God as) the Supreme Sage 
ltlm' fakim' n.m. quack; charlatan hakims' nah 
adj. -philosophical physician-like sage- 
like hafa'mH N.rv medical practice 
philosophy [A- 

ipfal n.m. solution liquefaction dilu- 
tion untying ; loosening doing (a sum) 
C/y-'*’ hal' kar'na v.t. solve liquefy* 
dilute loosen Jgpj()^fal'l^o ‘aq'd n.m. control 
authority management ; administration 
^pjlarbab-c hal'l-a-'aq'd n.m. pl. the 
authorities had ho'na v.i. be solved 
be dissolved be diluted be resolved [A] 

| <(- fatal' adj legitimate lawful hav- 
ing religious sanction righteousness 
(of animal) slaughtered in the prescribed Islamic 
way falal- -khor n.m. sweeper ; 

scavenger one with lawful earnings one 
who earns by the sweat of one’s brow 
halal-kho'tWtt.T. • woman scavenger ; sweepress 
lawful -anting by the sweat of one’s brow 
halal kar'na v.i. slaughter (animal) in 
the prescribed way punish severely give a 
good hiding do real service in return for 
(money, etc.) make lawful [A ~ prec.) 
f! U&’hfallij' n.m. carder appellation of a 
^ martyred Muslim mystic of the Middle 
Ages [A] , 

i.i-fala'lah n.f. woman re-marrying first hus- 
band after being divorced by second one 
Ujjtfrfala'lah kar'na v.t. marry (divorced 
woman) temporarily with the intention of mak- 
ing her re-marriage to first husband lawful 

jZjtffAala'vat n.r. sweetness suavity (A| 

'jjrtil’lai n.f. lawfulness legality [A 

,i Jfi'faljan' n.m. Feast given by wijjie with 
• money collected from groom’s family 
Vsjjtf* hal j an.' kar'na v.i. throw such party 
C&fa ’laf n.f. oath^ip^ fa'lafan adv. on oath 
I'iidiZebfa'lafutha'na v.i. swear take an 
o-Ath^i/iSe^fa' laf-daro'ghi n.f. false swearing 
ycrjurylitfjjdhfalfif de'ns v.t. administer an 
oi\^i^l\j/t^fa'Jaf-na'mah n.m. affidavit 
declaration on oath [A] 

“Jffal'q n.m. throat jfiJ* fal’q meii pkabs’na 
v.i. nave a catch in the throat 
fal’q mcfi niva'lah phaks’na v.t. (of morsel) 
choke the throat (of dear friend, etc.) be 
remembered while eating something good 
hal’q£ adj. gutteral (sound, letter, etc. [A] 
(h^’hul'qocm n.m. throat [A] 

fal'qak n.m 
^ ward 



gathering ; assembly 

^ ward knocker buttonhole circuit 
loop link V*Xk&(>j£)i}:e gir'JY fal'aah 
bandit,' na v.i. form a circle (round) J'/^'fatqa. 
ka-gosh' n.m. devoted friend slave 
fal''shi N.r. slavery devotion [A) 
Lpkil'm h . m . toleration ; tolerance affa- 
r bility serenity suavity [A] 

fal'lah n . m . ( pl . hli'lal ) garment (in 

sJ& paradise) (A] 

iJjzfa/'m n.m. batter pudding jt.ZZjtfjrlF 
fat’ vs khur’dan ra roo" c bay ad prov. success 
calls for skill kaV va sa'majhna v.t. 

regard (something) as very easy^^^^lr 
faba"-e be-dood' n.m. fruit mellowing on tree 
anything soft and sleek effiminatc boy 
beardless youth matt ’di st 

kam (rakk'na) ph. be interested only in personal 
gain ty)*falva"l n.m. confectioner; sweetmeat- 
seller ( lf}>j if Jjb a) fal va ! ’i fa 

dukati' aur da'dajl kt (dial, ka) Ja' le hah prov. 
cocks make free with horse’s com -[same as A 

| iphulool' n.m. transmigration ; slighting 
V* of divine spirit (on someone) prnertra- 
tion [A ~ 4K ] 

1 m nS ffhal\{' n.m. ally sworn friend (A~ 

fallni n.m. cereals cooked in meat adj. 

[•* mild suave affable tolerant 
serene [A -fhil'm) 

t-fal'yah n.m. features figure descrip- 

tion of (someone’s) features fal'yah 

bigzr tta v.T. disfigure . offer a harsh treat 
ment [A] 

p hi mar’ n.m. (rL.yffamir, ^ fa' mar) ass. 

* jackass [A] 

faniaqat n.f. folly stupidity 
ineptitude [A] 

(Jl? hapnnal' n.m. porter [A - J? J 

fammsm' n.m. bagnio ; Turkish bath 

Pipfammsm n.m. Dagmo ; lurkisit twib 
I *' bath water-heater harqmm' kar'r.c 
v.t. take a hot bath flZfammam' 
luft'gi n.f. common property cheap filing 



placed out for common use fanimam' 

mm sab nat'ge prov. a general weakness ; an evil 
in which most people indulge IZhamma'ml n.m. 

bath keeper bath-attendant masseur 
masseuse IAJ 

v'fe 3 ' hama'mah n.f. dove pigeon [AJ 

.y^r Anna' ’ll n.f. pocket edition of the Holy 

^ Quran sword belt cross-belt a kind 
of necklace fans,' ’ il kar’na v.t. sling 

across the shoulders hang round the neck 
'too gale meh fama"l kar’na 
v.t throw one’s arms round (someone’s) neck 


^.i—hima'yat n.f. defence protection 
* — £’ r support patronage Vj'iS/Jfhxma'yal 

kar'na v.t. defend protect support back 
patronise (^jTfama'yati n.m. defender 
protector patron supporter partisan 
ally y tfy?jyhtma'yati ka tat'po n.m. (iron.) weak- 
ling relying on outside support [A] 
jpham'd n.f. praise (of God) v/yfkam'd kar'na 
v.t. praise (God) 

"J? hum q n.m. folly stupidity inepti- 

U tude [A doublet oft^/fr] 

ham l n.m. pregnancy burden ; 
load conveyance ; transportation 

isqat-e kam'l abortion ; miscar- j 

riage lytJ^y^fam'l sa’qu ho'na v.t. have an 
abortion lj{ se ho'na v. conceive ; be 
pregnant ‘be in the family way (jfjffam'l-o-naq'l 
n.m. transportation J&j (ffy/>zara”t , -e ham'l-o- 
naq'l n.m. pl. transportation means of transporta- 
tion ^conveyance [A] 

ifha'mal n.m. name of a sign of Zodiac ; Aries 
w fUblfi’j ka'mal n.m. Aries [A] 
jjy'lah n.m. attack , assault ^invasion 
charge ; onset ; onslaught jy la- 
s' oar n.m. invader assailant attacker 

VyjJjrkom’la-a'var ho'na v.t. attack : assail 
invade charge I'J'jfham'lah kar’na v.t. 
attack ; assault ; invade charge storm 
sally forth [A- J?] 

"JTkamiy'yai n.m. concern for what one is 
** honour bound to defend sense of honour 
[A doublet 

~fanAd' adj. (f. tjJ’hamt’ dah) laudable; praise- 
*T worthy *^7j]jf\akhla’ q-e fami'dah, 
auss'J-t ham'doh n.m. praiseworthy qualities ; 
laudable traits of character \K-j7 ) 

<V(h»a' (fed. hinna’) n.f. myrtle ; privet , 
henna pnvet powdered myrtle leaves 


(used as dye) if fans' -bah'dl n.f dying 
(hands and feet) with henna this as wedding 
custom ^ C^fana"! adj. henna coloured ; light- 
re&j£tf'QO r fana"l kaghat n.m. light-red paper[A] 
..•hannari adj. n.m. (God as) Merciful adj. 
merciful ; clement (A) 

UP ham' bati N.Mi & adj* fans' bitah) 

Hanbilite [A] 

hah' jar ah n.m.- gullet throat [A] 

(Jy h in'tal n.m. wild gourd [A] 

'njThanafi n.m. & adj. (pl ahnaf) Mana- 
t' fite [A ~ pjffl founder] 

L ’phanooi' n.m mummification embal- 
■ ' ming. (the dead body [A] 

• \grhanif’ n.m. follower of Abraham one 
breaking with all others to worship GodfA] 
in’ hao'oa n.f. Eve (JlfO Ifhav'va ta’diyafi n f. 
’ pl. Eve’s daughters hao'oa ki be ft 

n.f woman [A] 

; I n> hava'du n.m. accidents occurrences 
* misfortune/ CiZ/>lPhavs' dts-e toms' nah 

iPham'dis-e tifi'dagl n.f pl. vicissitudes 
of life (or fortune) [A~sino.^U] 

,/jfy hava'ri n.m. partisan companion 
apostle , one of Chnst’sJ apostles 
n.m. pl. (rare) stunted venomous adders [A] 

.i favss’ n.m. pl. xnses{ffyj^-\! ( j t Sffaoas- 
U 7 bakh'lah (hona) adj. ^(be) oyt of one’s 
senses be flurried VjrffVljjOffifl? h ava-s' 
i kika'ne (or qs"tm) ho'na v.i^have one’s senses 
about ; be all there Z$^J&if&havas' tfuka'nr 
lag’na v.t. come to one’s senses ^^ytyhavss's-e 
kham'sah n.m. pl. five senses (viz. sight, hearing, 
taste, smell and touch) f A 
i>i~haos'shi n.m. notes; marginal notes [A~ 

Jjjf'hava'sil n.m. a pelican-like bird [~ A] 

&ifff faoalst' n.f. lock-up [A — SING. jiy] 

jfjjl y faval'-dsr N.M. sergeant ; havildar 

favsl-dsr-me'jor n.m. sergeant major ; 
havildar-major [A ~ Jly] 

(l/y fava’lah n.m reference quotauon 
** “ care ; custody frame of reference H/jJlf 
fava'lah de'na v.t. give a reference quote or 
an authority \fJ^Jffava'le kar'na v.t. make 
over , hand over consign surrender [AJ 

fava'tl (ped. fava/ai) n.f. environs adv. 

Jir 1 


around JidJif hava'li month n.m. com- 
panions attendants neighbours [ ~ A] 
^ / |_,^aaa”y n.m.^pl. needs; necessities 

& " wants £j)/0 haxto!'xj zarooriyah n.m. pl. 
<*ll of nature [A ~ sing. 

"phool n.f. fish (sign of the zodiac) 

C " r Pisces [A] 

phoor n.f. hourie ; black-cyed heavenly 
J nymph an exquisite beauty J 1 hood ■ 
thama’il adj. exquisitely beautiful (beloved, etc. 
(A •-sing. Sjfhaura\ 

^.phau’salah n.m. guts courage ; spirit 
ambition gizzard X^fhau’ scla-mabd 

adj. courageous ambitious &£y hau' salt 
dtkk'rta v.i. know how puny-hearted (someone) 
is fiau'salah nikal'na v.i. gratify one’s 

desires to the full k ali-hausalah adj. 

ambitious magnanimous [A] . , ;> 

jp—hauz n.m. reservoir < jj- s* ■?.. ^ 

V* tank pond cistern 

space inside margin of book > li* 

.text LA] ' 

pjgr ftavan'naq n.m. fool ^ 

^ Stupid person ; silly guy dunce 
(J ? have'lt n.f. mansion ; spacious house 

.7 hay adj. .alive animate; living 

** immortaJ hay y-o qayyoom' n.m. immor- 

tal (A] 

Ip, haya' n.f. modesty shyness bash- 
•• fulness shame JjUr haja -dar adj. 

modest shy retiring bashful shame- 
faced If hay a '-dar ap’ni 

haya se dar' a be-haya sam'jks m~jk' se dar’ a prov. 
brazen-faced person ill construes manners and 
modesty Lzd~be'-haya adj. immodest shame- 
less "braze n- fa ced $ be-haya" i n.f. 

immodesty shamelessness &j(fat-fil&,behaya' i 
a kam' le’na v.i. brazen it out [A] 

•• i^fayst n.f. life existence 

haya't-e tdzah n.f. new base of lifei^^*br 
haya'tt musta'ar' n.f. frailty of life ; mortal 
life (A] 

n.m. vitamin &<-y'n£)?hayam alif 
bajim n.m. Vitamin A.B,C [A~ 


Z&'hais Auv. since where funs’ 

“v* adv from the point of view of 
min fiais-il majmoo 1 ' ph. on the hole by and 
large [A] 

tTjjrhaisiy yat n.f. status ; rank prestige 

standing wealth ability ; capacity 

&s-f&?hamy yat-t l adfl n.f. character 
prestige reputation iza'la-e 

haisiy'yal-e ‘Sr'/f n.f. libel ; defamation (A - 


. y had dar n.m. lion short-sta lured person 

appellation of the fourth Orthodox 
Caliph [A] 

if ^hairan' adj. perplexed at one’s wit’s 
end confused bewildered astonish- 
ed surprized l'/^£h,vran kar'ni v.t. per- 
plex ; amuse confuse astonish surprise 
(Jbj^Syj^lghaira'n-o sar gar’dah' ADJ. bewil- 
dered distracted bfclyZhairan ho'ni v.i. be 
perplexed ; be amazed be confused be 
astonished be surprised be bewildered [~ A 
CORR. of hayarsn ~ foll.] 

£j-,hairdt n.f wonder - astonishment 

amazement perplexity ; confusion 

surprise plfyZ’tai'rat-qfza’ adj. astonishing 
o)j£yZ had rat-za' dah adj. aghast amazed 

wonder struck had rat-za' dah raih ji'ni 

v . t . be struck with amazement IjtZjgfai'rat 
ho' na v.i. be amazed^r^aiVoti n.m. one struck 
with amazement [A] 

.jphay'yiz n.m. place bounds (of some- 
J" thing) [A] 

jjt -p’ hois' bail n.f. dilemma suspense 

(JZ’LT"' hesitation confusion l 

hois' bais mtft guzar'ni v.t. (of time) be wasted 
in confusion (A) 

JS^haiz n.f. menses ; mensiural course ; turns 
'T ZitfJ^haiz ka lad t ah n.m. sanitary 
towel sordid thing J*flJyva’lad-ul fiaiz' n.m. 

wicked person miscreant bastard [A] 
Jf* adtah, (or hi'tah) n.m. bounds (of) 

ivedhaita-c lafjrir mth Id’na v.T. put in black 
and white [A] 

^• Ji jF’haif in r. ah ; alas fie ; for shame 
n.m. shame *~*&sad half imt. for shame[A] 

Iprfn'lali n.m. (pl. (J^iijal') trick; ruse 
excuse means prevarication fraud 
jbj^hi'k-bal, jldlZhi'la-saz, la-gar ADJ. 

artful cunning ; shy Jljp’Jg'fa'lah gava'lah 
n.m. evasion prevarication pretense 

Vjte" hi'lah kar'na v.i. employ a ruse 
practise deceit put up a lame excuse adopt 
some means hma'U kar’na v.t. 

& i. dodge ; evade ” prevaricate 
kZfji'U riz'q baha’nt maud prov. livelihood has 
some means and death has some cause ()?hifal‘ 
n.m. pl tricks excuses means [A]. 


n.m. time duration ‘‘Ify#! ,j(ts) 

ki'n-t hayal' adv. during the life-time of •' 

lifelong : lifetime [A] 

t^haivdn (ped. kayamn') n . m . animal; 
W ** beast ; brute animals object ; living 
being blockhead ; dunce cruel person ; 
callous person ; beastly person C^cMhaiva’n-e 
mut'laq n.m. animal arrant fool [/i'cl'rZ 
haiva n-e na'liq n.m. man ; human being ; rational 
animal $ ^/Chtiiva'ni, (pcd. hayaoa'/ti) a n j , 
animal beastly ; brutish wvj i^haivdniy'yat n.f. 

beastliness brutality shamelessness ; 
indecency ; animal nature ; beastly nature jA~ 


6 ? 


A Me (called kJta'-e mo' 'jamah or kha'-e manqoo' 
tah) tenth letter of Urdu alphabet (equiva- 
lent to guttcral Scottish (ch) (in iummal 
reckoning) 600 

/i* khatam (occ. khatini) n.f. ting seal 
f stamp with subscription in letter, etc. 

e(*V * ^ lam un-nabiy'yin n.m. (appellation 
of the Holy Prophet) seal of prophets : last 
among prophets ; the final messenger of God 
(J&fiSkhd'tam.e sulaiman' n.f. Salomon's 
signet-ring controlling power 

jjfll khalim adj. final finishing ; ending ; 
I concluding n.m. one who brings (some- 
thing) tp a close (rare) ring ; are) seal 

lA Jrl. 

jt* khatimah n.m. end conclusion 
** finish epilogue consequence sequal 
<rj ’^Irkhatimah bil-khair' n.m. bappy 
ending ; happy conclusion death in circum- 
stances conducive to redemption VfUkhd'Limah 
ho’nd v.i. end ; come to an end ; come to 
close finish cease to be die ; pass away 

[A - PRED.J 

khcitoon' N.F. (p- ^Ifkhavatin') lady 
the first lady of (the state, etc 
khatoo'n-ejannal (appellation of Hazrat Fatimali) 
C)dy\(^j\^khatoo'n-e Pakistan n.f. the first lady 
of Pakistan [P ~ T] 

kita'dim n.m. (rufokhuddam' .(JPkha'dam) 
I ' servant attendant^U khd’idimah n.f. 
maid-servant lady’s attendant |A - £&) 

.£hhfl T N - M - thorn ; bramble thistle 
pike barb t spur (on cock’s leg) 
jealousy ; grudge &f‘jlrkhar’-push't N.M./ipj'dge- 
hog ; porcupin Cjl^lp'khsr-dar adj. (of wire) 
barbed thorny difficult jljjtfkhar'-zar n.m. 
thicket of thorns ClSjVkhsr. kha'na v.i. feci 
jealous harbour grudge j^fjifkka'r-o kfuu n.m. 
rubbish ; litter refuse [P] 
t.iL M a ’ ra » tilst m *dy sahg-e kha'ra n.m. 

^ marble granite any hard stane£»^(p 
kha'ra-shigaf adj. stone-splitting very 

strong and sharp 'j tP\£kha'rn-shigafi n.f. 
arduous task [P] 

,-,tLkha’rij adj. external outer out- 

** side extraneous rejected excluded 
expelled externed struck off irrelevant 

C^’jl&jli'khti'rij az baih's adj. irrelevant ; out 
of the question ; beside the point 
kha'rij az ‘ aq't adj. absurd ; meaningless 

foolish ; silly contrary to reason incredible 
unbelievable c*s~*g/lrkha'rij-e qis'mat n.m. quo- 
tient V/^j^ kha'rij kar'nd v.t, strike off the 
rolls ; expel exclude (of petition) be dis- 
missed I'jq frjlj kha'rij ho'na v.t. be struck off 
the rolls be expelled be excluded (of 
petition) be dismissed fj\? kharijah n.f. external 
affairs ; foreign affairs adj. outside ; outer ; 
external foreign , extaneous 
kha'rijah hik'mal-e ‘a'mali n.f. foreign policy 
umoor-e kha'rijah n.m. external affairs , 
foreign affairs mailf'kamat kha'rijah * , 

fttiyfjda/'lar e kha'rijah n.m. Foreign Depart- 
ment ; Foreign Office , Ministry of External 
Affairs vaH'r-e kha'rijah n.m. Minister of 

External Affairs ; Foreign Minister tfjlp kha'nji 
n.m. foreign ; external extraneous n.m. pl. 
g/j If khata'nj) (one of) a sect dissenting 
from Hazrat Ali ; Kharijite dissenter 

schismatic [A] 

FjLf bho'rish n.f. itch scabies mange 

oS^jifikharrshl' n.f. (rare) scabies 

mangy ff'jlrkha'risht, jJTj^kharish'tf adj. 
mangy scab [P ~ ] 

„ . »• . kha'riq-e 'a'dat N.M. (pi 

khava'riq-c ‘a'dat) marvel 

miracle supernatural event adj. super- 
natural surpassing reason and experience 


. • kha'zin n.m. treasurer cashier finan- 
>*^cial secretary [A~ pr/] 

khai'la'i n.m. liybtid pigeon noted for 
C' w swiftness of speed dove-pigeon adj. lawn 


p aru -=-fc^^i 

fawn coloured 

Si/fkbd str N M one incurring loss [A ~ 

(fall khashak . n.m. sweepings rubbish , 
litter d&ifirjfj? khas-o khashak' n.m. 
rubbish ; litter trash , insignificant things [P] 
l/fihiPi adj. special particular peculiar 
private personal specific select ; 
selected n.m. (■pL.ffjjrkhavas') persons of rank 
jfyffipkhas'-bar- d&r' n.m. arms carrier 
khas'dJz' n.f. specialty ^tfkhas- 
dan' n.m. betel dish with lid 
khas' kar adv. especially 
cularly , inpart icularftf^/VMaJ'fajo ‘am' n.m. 

general public the high and the low ; 

people belonging to all strata of society!^ 

kha'sa adj. good fair indifferent adv. 

quite^^'Mit agi n.f. slave girl living as 
master’s concubine good thing specialty 

n.m. attendant courtier **\pkhas'sah n.m. 

n-lfl/'kbwas') traits of character dis- 
tinctive qualities peculiarities dinner 

dainty food coarse flimsy lines Steed adj 

better adv especially particularly 
kfrasiy'yat n.f. fykhavas") quality 

peculiarity virtue (of medicine] [A| 
htZkha'tir n.f. heart . mind considera- 
' lion sake , behalf , account 
klm'ttr jam '* rakh'na v 1. rest assured be 
calm and collected set one s mind at case 
, 1 /JHf kfra' tit-khah adv. satisfactory , to one's 
entire satisfaction as one desires ifjbJ'lekha’ttr- 
da'ri n.f. reception welcome hospitality 
entertainment regard ; consideration {fjlyfe 
<;/ kha'tir-da'ri kar'na v.t. welcome; ex- 
tend hearty welcome (to) show hospitality (to] 
entertain l'j) m {jt )\r kha 'tir mefi na land v.t. 
pay no regard to care a hang fort 
kha'tir-nishah' rakh'na v.i. (dial.) rest assured 
iyyal-e kha'lir n.f. peace tran- 
quillity sati faction content (A] 

• Ll ‘kha t. if ADJ. pouncing falling like 

^^^lightning [Aj 
£\fkfn'tl n.m. wrongdoer [A~ (X ] 

,.*V kh*tf iin , n.m. emperor (as title of Mongol 
rulers) ])l 5 \ikhsqs'ni adj. attached to Emp- 
eror (P ~ Tj 

kjlak N.t dust earth territory, 
~ land nought , nothing ruin | ,'ljljU 
khak' ura'na n.f. roam about wander aim- 
lessly raise dust defame slander . calum 

mate tldt/l ekhak' fif * na v 1 (of dust) be 

raised khak'-afidiu nm dustbin 

kh&k'-ba-sar' adj. Sl adv in a miserable state 
ba-dar' khak' ba-sar ph up- 
rooted jobless ; without any means of liveli- 
hood hh.ak' phsnk'na v.t wander aim- 

lessly roam about t >‘ khak chhdn na v 1 
wander aimlessly search hard ^ \j/U khak - 
dafi n.m dustbin (fig.) world 

khak'-dhool n.f. dust nothing & if eft 
khak' dal'na v.t conceal an ugly affair 
not to wash dirty linen in public give up all 
thought of i-sj/Ukhak-rob' n.m sweeper A S* 
khsk-sar ' adj. lowly ; humble pron (out of 
courtesy) I n.m. (member of) brown shirt politi- 
cal party carrying spades ; Khaksar JjtJVkhak- 
sa’ri n.f. humility {i? L j\fkha'k-e shifa' n.f 
sacred tablet of Kerbela earth khak' ha 

put’ Is n.m human being , dust (j/ 
le dal'na v.t. pay frequent visits (to the house of) 
(I'lhU^k) khak' kar'na (or mdi miia'pa) 
v.t. ruin ; destroy bring to nought 
reduce to a ..miserable state cause death 
defame tfAftikhakam bn-da’han int. (when say- 
ing something obviously bad or profane) (Joe! 
forbid \ID> if JIt khak' meft mil'na v.t die 
perish be ruined be reduced to a reason- 
able state I'lf/ftJlpkhan' ho ja'na \t be 
ruined ; come to nought die . perish^? khaki 
n-m. & adj. * [PJ # ^ / 

*([• khakis' tar n.f. ashes calx 

khakis' tar ho' tin v.t. be reduced to ashes 
j khakis 't/iri adj ash coloured ; ashen n.m 
ashen colour [P] 

n.f bramble . blackberry seed [P] 
< khak'-na’e n.f isthmus [P~ 


kha'knh n.m. outline outline map 
sketch tracing rough plan draft 
outline lj fi Jit khs'kah Utar'un v.t. trace 
khakah 'kktfich'na v.t. make a rough plan of 
prepare a draft plan lj\e kha'kah ura na 
v.t. ridicule ; make fun (of) defame 
slander . calumniate [F! 

kha'kl adj. earthly earthy , terrestrial^ 
mundane buff brown , khaki Ia'JU 
kka'ki an' da n.m. wind egg (fig.) bastard 

tjJjifokha'ki i-ar'di n.i khyki (uniform) [P- 


salty egg dish salty 


im- j , khigi'nah v .« 
im- omelette [P] 



11 * 

* » khal n.m. mole (bn skin) a kind of 

Ce^pigeon (rare) maternal unde JlrJirkhSl' 
adj. rare here and there little 
sparse Jifj^Zkhal't-o khal’ , JlhJyJkhad'd-o-khat' 
n.m. pl. features [P] 

£J(^W?3/n.m. (rare) maternal uncle [A] 

Mji-kha'lis adj. pure unadulterated 
l* ^genuine. real ^Jllkha lira h adj. (col. 

khal'sa) (appellation for) Sikh (old use) 
Crown land rkhalse laga'va v.T. con-, 

fiscate ; declare ; forefeit ruin ■ waste 
khal'se lag'ns v.t. be forefeited ; be confiscat- 
ed be ruined , be wasted ; go to waste v.t. 
squander [A - 

£jlfirkkaliq n.m. (God as) Creator (A- (J * ) 

I I ‘kha'loo n u. husband of mother’s sister 

III kha'lah n.f. mother’s sister , maternal aunt, 

~ aunt ; aunty >/» 'fj\s kjra’lah ji ka gkar' 
ph. easy affair khalah chnfid'tA ka 

kiribah ph. family (or group) of foohtyfLjjjle^yJ^ 
kha’la-zad bha'l (or bailidn) n.m. (f.) cousin 

i.‘ kha'li adj. empty vacant ; unoccupied 
blank ; unfilled free ; exempt mere 
useless ; aim n.m. (col.) Islamic month Zul- 
qa‘dah If kha'll ka chahi' n.m Zul-qa 4 dah 
wfyi ktia'li kar'na v.t. empty vacate 
evacuate £lj[fkhn'li hath adj. empty-handed 
poor ; penniless kjya'li khoo'li adj. & 

adv. meie(]y) I'bjtfkhaltja'va v.t. fail to ,hit 
target Irkhatl de'na v.t. parry [A~ j^] 

ftlkham xoj. raw unripe unbaked 

I crude green ; unexperienced ; immature 
crude unperfect vain Jlfflrkham khays'll 
n.f. vain thought misgiving ^ 
kkam ko karri sikha' le r ta hai prov. ex- 
perience is the best teacher (f&kha'm n.f. 
error ; mistake flaw; defect inexperience 
immaturity [P~prec ] 

♦ khamosh' adi. silent reticent 

taciturn Jyi} khamo' sA? n.p. silence 
taciturnity reticence. [A] 

,’ika'mah n.m. pent '/^khamafarsa' n.m. 
^^one who indites fhhz'ma farsa”i n.m. 
inditing ; writing [P] 

/ir^ian N.m. chief ; prince ; lord title 
"'"used before or after Pathan names Jit) $ 
iilari -bird hail (ped kha n-r-khri na *) n.m. 
hief peer doyen of the nobility Prime 
' lit lister fP«T'| 

.)•/ • hkan'dah n.m. family household 
Ci* ^dynasty house lineage ^handa m 

adj. of noble descent ancestral heredi- 

tary pedigreed IP] 

• a mail n.m. butler 
(Jll ***? coo k v also htrin-e samaii') 
the Royal Steward ; Lord Chamber- 

lain [P - (Jlr+ (jUs] 

,**.*<• hhfin'qah n.m. convent 
monastry shrine [P] 
bha'nagi adj. & n.m. (see underlie n.m if) 

kha'niim (col. fcha'nam) N.F. wife title 

0lO if 



lady (rare) princess 
home household 

of wife) Mrs. 

.JtlkhanUmafi' n.m. 

(**' ^furniture , one’s belongings tkJQlyl* 

hha numaii-barbsd ' , <-*L?'(jOlh hh&'numah-kharab' 
adj. ruined unfortunate miserable 


ijll kfmnda'dah N.M. family household 
* dynasty lineage line (of saints, 
etc.) IP ~ FOLL . ] 

• ll hhrinah n.m. house dwelling; resi- 
** dence room ; chamber compartment 
shelf pigeon-hole drawer column 
($itfs\bhha.'na-&badijn.\ marriage setting 
up one’s housetfjlljvJtlj'Sha di hhana-abridi 
w.F. propitious marriage kha 7tQ-b(l~dosh' 

adj. nomadic homeless n.m. # nomad 
gipsy tramp homeless person^j -ill*hhrina- 
ba-do'shi n.f. travel wandering aimlessly 
roving namadic life jtil/.jl* kk.n'na-bar andaz’ 
n.m. spendthrift ; prodigal (fjlS. 1 \Jkhrina-bar- 
ba*di n.f. ruin end of family life 

bha'na-pd'rl n.f. filling in the column (of 

form, etc.) perfunctory work 
bha'na-pu'rl ke li'ye adv._. for filling up ’the 
form perfunctorily hllri na-taln’shi n.f 

house search kka »a-jaii'gi n.f. civil war 

kfarina-t kJiuda' N.M. the Holy Ka'aba 
mosque any temple hba'na-kharab' 

adj. ruined miserable *«. wreten ; miser- 
able person hhana-hbnrabi n.f. ruin; 

destruction misery {Jjb*l*hka'na-da'ri n.f. 
house-keeping household management ; 

domestic economy umoo'r-e 

khrina-da'r\ sr vn'qif ho'na v.t. be well-up in 
house-keeping jLljylh kkri wi-damad' n.m. man 
living with in-laws hiokhn' nc-doi' t adj. stay- 
at home (person) Jjy\jkhrina-fad‘ n.m. , child 


of {one's) slave devoted person jl s}Ubba'na- 
sat' adj. home-made rough 
shSma'n n.f. house-count census 
kfaa' na-natkln' (or-jJU) adj. retired {perron) 
(one) leading a life retirement idle £ 
bhi'nagi adj. domestic private n.f. (usu. 
khan'gl) loose women ; streetwalker ; unlicenced 
prostitute bba'nah n.m. master of 
the house kQ'lUb-iti'nah n.m. library 

bookstall [P] 

i\hhn'oar n.m. the east yjirhba'tarl adj. 
^ eastern n.m. one hailing firom East Persia 

[ p ] . 

jJ)£kha'viitd (ped. Ma 'vahd) N.M. husband [P] 

adj. frightened ; terrified 
fearful timid afraid [A] 

..’filhjhz ’in n.m. (one) guilty of embezzle- 
ment cheat treacherous [A] 

[thh^'yah n.m. testid tjtyiJIrltha’ya-bar'dar 
'tr n.m. sycophant^; toady [P] 

AiLhhflba'sal, ( J^bhub's) n.m. wickedness ; 

• depravity (rare) impurity J^&fhJtUb's-e 
mf's n m. malignity wickdness tiAbbabis ' 
adj. & n.m. it 

^tha'bar n.f. news ; piece of news infor- 
/• matron; word; intelligence advice tidings 
awareness rumour ; report (,‘1 Hj^Habar 
fira'na v.i. spread a rumour {/jj/fUta'bar Hr 'ns 
v.i. be rumoured be bruited 
bha'bar pakSMt&s' na V.r. send word (to) ; 
information (to) Cjfyfkta’bar poo&h'n a v.t. 
ask after kha'bar~dar adj. warned 
watchful cautions on guard careful ; 
vigilant acquainted ; aware alert 
hJia' bar-dnr kar’na v.t to warn ; forewarn 
put someone on (his) guard ; . alert caution 
lfjl*sfhb*'btr-da'n n.f. vigilance care , 
custody awareness fj^^khe'bar-dehUs'dah n.m". 

informer one who warns bku'bar 

it’na (or kar'ns) v.t. inform ; give informa- 
tion (to) acquaint {J^J/fUta'bar^rasttk' adj. 

ncw| ; information n.m. a messenger ; one who 
gives information *ibl(Jl/jfhia'bar~rasafi' Ha' rah 
n.m. news agency c/j/j’kba'bar rakk'na v.i. 
be wide awake be well informed to be 
acquainted L with ; be aware (of) keep in touch 
with VjffJ/fUia'bar gar'mj,ho'na v.i. be 
rumoured be bruited < f/tfhka'bar fi'n n.f. 

attention ; care looking after manage- 
ment espionage Ll/ff/tyhAo'bar-jt'rt kat as 



v.r. take care (of); look after \,$yf r hba’bar 
laga ns v.t. trace out fish for information 

\y*/f bha'bar tens v.i. look after manage 

•vsk after ; inquire after help . support 
come to the aid or rescue Hjf/f bka' bar ho' ns v.t. 

be informed be aware of ; ha’'c knowledge 
oiyfJ^bt-hhdbar adj. unaware ignorant ; 

uninformed careless regardless senseless 

i>J-hba'barl n.f. ignorance lack of 

information unawareness senseless (A) 
.p’bhab't km. fad craze silliness 
Ai insanity (J^kiiab'li n.m. & adj. faddist 
crazy insane (person) silly (person) [A] 

adj. wicked evil wretched 

** malignant (rare) foul : filthy ; 

impure [a~ ^r\ 

j'hbfiblr' n.m. & adj. Omniscient 
A~‘ informed ; well-posted [A - J 
•^rhbtul’ka n.m. pestle (for 
pounding hemp) club ; 


jp''m adj. ended ; finish-” 
j ed done terminated n.m. 

recitation of the whole of the Holy, Quran 
end conclusion seal bRat'm Bt- 

mSrsalin' n.m. (the Holy Prophet «s) God.’s last 
messenger or the seal of Prophei’s bbat'm 
kar'na v. end ; finish .conclude termi- 
nate ruin kill 'm ho'nn v.i. 

end ; come to an end ; be finished die ; pass 
away [A] 

jphhu'tan n.m. naiiK of a Central Asian area 
famous for musk (P - T] . . 

/jpbhat'nak n.f. circumcision^ Ly^bbat'nah 
kar'na v.t. circumcise l ’/l^bbat'nak ho'na 
v.i. be circumcized [A] 
ijrbJtutta n.m. testicle 

bJtaja'la N.M. & ADJ. foolish (person) 

^aja'lai n.m. (see under JTadj. it) 

♦t ^ hJfijas'lah adj % auspicious fortu- 

'■* * nate ‘^’'1- -jfkhiiias'ta abb' tar adj. for- 

tunate ; having one’s star in the ascendant [P] , 
ifhbtdjH adj. ashamed penitant k 
U* bba'jil kar'ns v.t. put (someone) to shame 
bbaja'lat n.f. sname »ense of shame 
repentance [A] 

A ltfwb <A ar n.m. mule 


il'tihad n.m. cheek Jlrjjrkhad'd-o khal' N.M. 
^ features [A] . # 

\j£ khsds' n.m. God sup. owner ; master £*%hr 
UlUda -paras' t adj. godly ; pious faith- 

ful if/Ubhuda'-tar's adj. God-fearing Jk~lrhr 
khuda' ja'ne 'conj. God knows who knows 
i khuda' (-e) to' ala n.m. the Most High 
God £~/Urkhuda’ ka're,^Jrhrkhuda' cha'ht 
adv. God willing int. may God Hilf^iokhada - 
ha'fiz int. good-bye ; farewell khuda' - 

kjiuda' kar' ke adv. with great difficulty t -}/ 

jZ’Jhrk f'r too ' ta thudd' khuda' kar ke prov. 
success has come after ali though with great 
difficulty hr khuda' khuda' kar ns. v.t. 

take the name of God fear God and refrain 
from telling lies, etc. jh hr khuda -dad' adj. God- 
given ^5 ~£xJjl&£jr}'&hrbhlida' de'ta hai to 
chhop'par pknr' kar ‘de'ta hai prov. a gift of God 
will make its way through stone walls Jj hr khuda' - 
ra adv. for God’s sake , for Heaven’s sake ikeitjir 
kjiada-rasi’dah adj. Godly pious ; virtuous 
Jfjfpsiyjitrkhuda (sala mat) rak'khe int. May 
protect you (etc.) , may vou (etc.) live long 
khuda sam'jhe int. May God punish 
him (etc.) curse on him (etc.) 
khuda se lau' Inga rid be devoted to God. be 
in the throes of death 

thud a sha kar-tt 0 ' rt ko sha'kar hi de'ta hai 
prov. he that eats good meal shall have a good 
merA^fl'JhjikhUdd'-shinds' ADJ. & N.M. Godly; 
pious (person) God-knowing person (f&hr 
khuda shins' si n’.f. Godliness ; piety know- 
ledge of GoAd-f^.ly&khuda' gha'rat .a're conj. 
to hell with ]/ * YljJkhitda' kq di'ya n.m. God’s 
rlrj/ ^Jr thud a' kar-khartah n.m. the 

world ; world affairs ^At^lurkhiids' ka gkar' n.m. 

the Holy Ka’aba mosque any temple 
(vfljfkk&da ka ftan! n.m. God’s name 
nothing J hr khuda ka nam' lo int. fear 

God and refrain from cruelty or telling lies etc. 
(jl /hr khuda' ko mdi! int. for God’s sake re- 
frain from doing it or thinking like that ‘life 
khuda kt pan a It int. God forbid 
(fy^Ukhuda kt cho’ri nahifi to bafide ki kya epori 
prov. why fear people when you need not fear 
God (j/fj/' Jr khuda ki den' n.f. God jl/'/hr 
khuda ki.sahiar' N.r. may God teach you sense 
hh hd a ki la'pii be-svaz' hai, /\J 
ki ls'ihl men avd nahifi' 
pf.Ov. the long arm of the Almighty makes no 
sound when it strikes jl/jkli'iida' ki mar' n.f. 

& INT. God’s curse (on t/)i£lifih ilia 
ke pas ' ( or ghar') jd'nd v.i. die 
khuda' ke gkar st pkit'na y.T survive after great 
difficulty s {/t/i/L J khuda ' gafi'je ko 
na'khun no dt prov. a great fortune in the hands 
of a fool is a great misfortune c/’l/ljLPS’ khuda 
lag'll kaili'm v.i. say .what is right and just 
speak the truth khuda' na-khis'tah int. 
God forbid hr khuda oas'tt ka bairh^jJ 
kkudi vas'te kidiish'mard pii. purposeless 
enmity tfffljhkuda’egali n.m. overlord 
khSda -e maja'zH n.m. husband l hr khvdd'ya 
int. O God dear ; dear dear fill# khuda' 
yad' and v.i. be impressed by a marvel be 
in a pitiable state tyjrkhuda't n.f. ie ■ [P] 

khuddam' n.m. pl. servants (A~ sing. ^(,7 ] 

Jyljf khuda'yafid n.m. lord master 
hr khudavaft'd-e ne'lmat int. & 
n.m. (as title or form of address) beneficent 
master ; lord of bounty hr khudavaft’di n.f. 

providence sovereignty [P~ Up] 
r*\»khuda''i’x.T. people masses world 
0 Godhead; divinity providence adj. , 
divine p/tpfida"i-khar n.m. & adj. 

wretched (person) shameless person vaga- 
bond tramp I hr khuda' ’l ka adj. arrant egre- 
gious l/^hrkhuda”i kar'na v.t. rule with 
absolute power claim to be divine [P~ hr] 

A • kkod'shah N.M. (PL-tSel^ir khadashat') 

fear . apprehension doubt ; misgiving 

danger alarm anxiety ; worry [A] 

• kha'dmn n.m. pl. servants^*— ’fjhrkhu'dam-o 
hai sham n.m. pl. equipage [A ~ sing. fj(r] 
•ye^kJtid'mat n.f. service use , function 

duty- job office presence 
attendance l'jcP4rkhid'mat kar'na v -. t. serve 
attend (on) j&Jkhid'mat gar' n.m servant 
attendant ; table servant ; a butler tfjifrjr 
khid'mat-ga'ri n.f. service attendance 

ity&fjr khid'mat-niizar' n.m. & adj. servant 

devoted khid' inal-guZa ri n.f. service 

ij*£*lr((/)(ki) khid'mat men adv. in the service 
before; in front of ('m.'iti n.m. 
servant attendant [A] 

£ • tkadaftg n.m. arrow white poplar 

(whose wood goes into the making of 

arrows) [Pj 

j’klmdiv' (rare. (fjJ kkitdai'vi) n.m. (as title of 
£r Egvptian rulers' under Ottoman Caliphatj) 
Prince (PJ 

\\ c, i* i •• khm' wa ra/a void m& 

JJi * Ij)* kadir prov be an 

eclectic accept the good points and reject the 
bad ones [A] 

fill/ti nTm. donkey ; ass (fig-) ass ; fool 
' PREf large rflrfjkiha'r-e dajjiii n.m. the 
ass of Antichrist profaw jr fihar-dima$h' 

adj. pig-headed stupid if'ltS’khar-dima'fhl 

N r. pig hcadedne.' stupidity ^ f—^jrkhar - 

mas'ti n.f. horse, lay’ll ZJiar va r' n.m. ass load 
U namoo'na-ea* hhar-vdftr 
ph. sample a little would let you judge the 
whole [P] 

L j\ykh<i r &b' adj. bad wretched miser 

• y able poor depraved corrupt 

obscene spoiled defiled ruined 
dilapidated deserted *~>lf£?'khas'ta ^hartb' 
adj. spoiled wretched ; miserable ruin- 
ed tired ; fatigued hjtorSh' kai'nit v.r 

spoil mar corrupt ; vitiate seduce ; 
lead astray ravish ruin populate 
desolate ; lay waste Ji/'kjtardbi n.i defeel 
flaw evil ; i|( ; badness ; depravity mis- 
chief misery. ruin destruction desolation 


M * i • i&arabat’ n.f. pub , tavern . bar : ale- 
* house brothel ; depravity street 
bkaroba’ti n.m. drunkard , toper debauchee; 
rake [A - sinc. foi.l. ) 

I p'kharabah n.m. ruins ; place lying in ruins 

iV itarra'tu km snoring Ud thru rate 
leva v i. snore |ono.] 

* I s e kk nr aj' n.m. trihute 4 rare) revenue 

homage v/b I tahstn 

(or ‘ utji'dat ) ada kafna v.T. pay 
honiagc (to) [A] l|] \ 

kkarud (ped. tharrad') n.m lathe ,y, 

(^*4 hand' (ji ark’ na v . i . ) 

be turned ; be cut oil the lathe 
(of words, etc.) become polished ^ I 
or refined become cultured learn maimers 
Cjljr khand'iid 110^4^/' khar ad' Jrar charin' n , a 
v. i . nwntfyj'kharu'di N.M. Iimiri IA1 
, , . £ kdturu'dt mura'dl N.‘t & \t»J 

ijr/ijys selfish (person I 

n.m. ox-driven lloiu- 

(P- /-t-Ul] 

n.m. f ast Persia 
Is** S tume of a Persian musical 
mode [P] 

.f&kbartsh' n.f. scratchl'V'^4A*r4j^a'n<J v.i 
have a scratch ; be scratch l'ThSkQ‘ , f' 
kkqrish' tak na a'»a v.t. escape unhurt [P~ 
Vi? 1 /), 

f'hhUrrifat' n.f. silly talk nonsense 
obscenity myth mythology 
O’C'iilrbharajat' bak'na V.t. talk nonsense 
use abusive language ; utter filthy language [A] 
^f^kbiram' (col. bharam') n.f. pace gait 
| f walking ; walk (^J^^rVkhSih kfriram ' a to 
(•ne) walking elegantly , with a graceful 
(Jltlf'lJlftT'khira'rnati khiraiiidh adv. .with 
graceful gait walking slowly [P~ 

tA'kk uraiit' adj. crafty wily; sly 

k** * experienced 

• j v kharboo ' .;«// tj''bazah, ol/J'khot' p ‘{ah 
dJdff n.m. melon ; muskmelon 
^-iJ%t*£jk]iarboo' ze ko dekh kar khurboo'zah rar* 
pakar'ta hai Pit. sickness is catching 
company makes the man 

p£kk«>'j N.M- (rare) expenditure gj'ftfi 
daih'l-o kharj n.m. income and expendi- 
ture [A] 

jfZ khUrjin' ttffjf’kkoorjin' , (cor.) gf kkit'ji 
Kr n.f. pack saddle &j'bhar'ch n.m. ex- 
penditure ; expense spending disbursement 

allowance iyi@S'h£ar'ch Utha'iiS v.t incur 
expenditure bear expenses of l&lfy/&Jiar'ch uth'- 
na v i. be S|)cnt Cbl/tfyfkkai ch akkrajai n .m 
expenditure ; expenses lavish expenditure 
ar'cji jzha'na-da'ri n.m. household 
expenses Oifyfkbar'ch de'na v t. advance 
(someone) money lor expenses give (some- 
one) an allowan ct ^ Q^khur' ch ho'na v.t. be 
spent VJcJfkk.**' ch kar'na v.r. & i. spend 
use ; put u> use £ffJJ&mntafar'ra(j faker' c Ji n.m. 
contingencies , contingent expenditure \&A' 
khur chnd v.t. spend use £/J'fybbilai 

kkar'di n.m. overhead expenditure addt- 
titinal cxixmses Z/f*?iZUb'-hh<tr'ch. (ped jaih'-) 
n.m. pocket money jjjb) rots' nah (or 

numar'rah) bhar'ch n.m. daily cx|>cn$es 

current expenditure ktpr' {fral} N.M., costs 

of law-suits costs; expenses iDjdpf hh<»' chah 
dila'nn v.t. (of law court) award costs 
ma^’jJiar'chah, xamti’ aiw. with 

costs hhar'(hi n.f. prostitute’s remuneration 
wages of sin VfS'&h<inh t t'ld ad |. prodigal (A~ 
PJttC. CORK, J _ 

r-ch<‘hti n.m crab [P f tjfr 


//khur'kk*r n.f. purr (of cat ono.) 


Uar' - khashah n.m. silly dispute ; 

causeless wrangle fear ; danger 

]>remonition ; doubt ; misgiving (PJ 
Z&hi'rad n.m. wisdom intellect intelli- 
** gence shrewdness ; sagacity jStSkhi'rad 
maitd' adj. wise intelligent shrewd ; 
sagacious ((j^iS'khi'rad-niaii'di n.f. wisdom 
intelligence sagaajty [PJ 
jjrkbur'd (commonly misspejt jjSkhur’d) adj. 
small little minute young pref. 
micro young v£jS&hUr'd-bin' n.f. micro- 
scope (£’)S'khur , d-bi'm adj. microscopic JI/jS 
khur'd-sal' adj. young ; of tcnde* age 
kllur'd-s&'li n.f. tender age [P] 
i y hiardad' n.m. third month of Persian 
calendar corresponding to June 
r'dal n.m. mustard-seed [PJ 

Z kiUr'doli n.m. small change pt OJar's 
small wares fragment pom, flaw 
weakness; weak point (jty t ,j'kkui'da-Jirosh' 
n.m. pedler ; hawker: huckster kliitr’da- 

gi'rl n.f. carping ; cavilling \ ! / ( /f 9 >Shhur'da- 
gi'rl kar'na y.T. carp at [P] ~ 

hhortvom N.M. (elephant’s) trunk [A] 

•jZhbfcrsahd' (usu. misspelt^/ adj, glad ; 
liappy ; delighted [P] 
j/'bkvr'fah n.m. parslain [P] 

' adat ( pl - 

* V* bfcma'riq-e * n'dat ) miracle 

supernatural event [A -Qf+&M 
•* Zkhifqah n.m. patched garment ihis as 
"saintly dress ; sartorial symbol of saintliness 
(in saintly hierarchy) vicegerency 
succession n.m. 

mendicant * saint -£s*^ 
kbir'qa-o-sajjt'dal n.m. patched 
garment and prayer mat symbols 
of saintliness [A) 

^tfjrkhar gah'n.M. large tent 


iffjrhhM'gotL *.“• rabbit 


r'ram adi. glad ; happy ; merry ; cheer 
\ fiil adj. happy 

and chc'crfu! (fskhur'raml n.f. happiness ; 
rhirth cheerfulness [Pj 
I vii* r'ma n.m. (fruit called) date date- 
^ like sweetmeat [PJ 



hare [P~ 

cowries ; cowry [P- 


9 yfkhar-moh'rah n.m 

S"+ 9/f ] 

) khurooj ' n.m. flux ejection 
ming revolt ; rebellion [A] 
jj'jjrkharosh' n.m. noise calmour ; tumult 

j^fbharid' n.f. purchase price ; cast 
** kharfd-o-farolh't. n.f. trade; 

commerce buyu. and selling busrnesr 

transaction 'bharid' kt bha''o (or md) 
adv. at cost price >> jPqi’mat-e kharid’ 

cost"pricc jlj,jrkiaridsr’' n.m.** 
buyer ; purchaser customer (fjJtSgharida ’ri 
n.f. buying purchase business turn- 
over custom ; demand faf'bharld'nii v.t. buy 
purchase ilCkS" kharid'-kar'dah adj. purchased 
n.m. purchase [PaltS] 

^Ikhari'tah n.m!* purse ; wallet . (rare) 
map ; chart ^Skhari'n n.f. case for 
needles, etc. ; housewife [A] 
jfj y’hharif n.m. . autumn ; fall autumnal 
~ crops tZdjy^fas't-t khorif' n.f. autumn 
crops adj. autumal [A] 

..•yhh a zafi, (col. khkifi] alitumn ; fall 
(fig.) decay lijjl^'bhazali'-dV'dahytgjjly' 
kJiatuh'-rasi'dah adj. decaying (i 
na ( i xhnA' adj. still young ever-blooming 
V'u l ?<p(t ,ar ) khazafi a’na v.i. lose beauty 
of beauty (wither) [PJ 
‘Jp biazandil n.m. (see under 2&it) 
y* 'A?} , . 

, l.ZbllUanah, (col. tbaza'nah.) n.m. (pl. 

kiaza’iti) treasure treasury maga- 
zine jank ; reservoir battery accumulator 
bar'qi khnartah electric cell 
V ‘accumulator t^ia>l^kii<a’na-t • a'mirah 
n.m. state exchequer government treasury 
JJ'S khazan'thl (col. bhizzn' &l) n.m. cashier 
treasurer financial secretary [A] 
oytba'zf N.F. potsherd pottery ; earthen- 
.ware cheap stuff" [ A} 
fZ/'kharS' nah n.m. treasury, treasure-house 
** store ; godown [A doublet ofjlj?) 

jSi&as n.f. sweet-scented grass' hay 
V rubbish (fyf'Uias-pogi adj. .thatched 
covered witn scented grass ffXfjThku’ Al 
pjf'jl n.m. screen of sweet Kerned gras* ; hay- 
screen dl/Vta/** [c/w'r-o-J^ai5aA' mm. rubbish 
sweepings [P] 

Oji^khasa'rah n.m. loss damage 

d'AsAtirfljM ast'n Ofha’ia (or bardi£t 
kar’na ) v.i. 'sustain or incur • Ion [PJ 


_^£rkllif'sal n.f. m»anwa niggardliness 

stinginess; parsimony Itf&S’bbit'iat 
kar’nn v.i. be stingy , be niggardly [A] 

~ 2,hhas‘lah adj. crisp bruised wound- 

ed tired . fatigued distressed 
afflicted inJi&l adj. afflicted dis- 
tressed n.u. miserable creature wretch 

tr^bk as'lagf n.f. crispiness wound sore 

sickness fatigue ; exhaustion [P] 

^P'hbWsar (ped. khUsUr) n.m. father-in-law [P] 

ijy^bb&snn' n.m loss [A doublet of 

iJ'kkus'rau n.m. Chosroes king 
' bhutrUoa'nah adj. & adv. imperial 
royal , regal kingly ; princely (f^'thas'rati 
adj. imperial royal ; regal kingly ; 
princely [pj 

0 *jrbkas'rah n.f. list of village fields in a 
/ village (correctly f^khas'rah) measles[P] 
^3 y^fdmotf n.m. lunar eclipse [A] 

• i 

r ^P'khasis adj. mean niggardly 

** ** stingy . parsimonious [A - £*r\ 
-ZZrhhijh't n.f. brick u\e (•* 

ao'val n.f foundation-stone 
adj. brick tiled [P] , 

bS?*?' kkathkkash’ n.m (aim 
^ * Ithashbhath' ka da’nah) poppy seed 

this » as unit of weight 
bkasbbhash' kt da' He ke bptelbar adv . very little 
^tjr^khoekiha'M Ukuti adj. close 

cropped (beard) {Pj 4 .. 

ktofh’ Uiathl adj. {see under (fir n.m. it) 

adj. dry dehydrated . 

withered cold . not coi 'ial 
bkisb'k-sa'ti n.f. drought ItjZmd^&hu&k kat'n a 
v.T. dry dehydratej^sj^ijart'* ho'na v.i. 

be dried be dehydrated be parched * 0 ^ 

kiUsh'koh n.m. boiled . riee 
bhush'kah kh/j 'o.(fH!idr' kt ra/A) ph. cherish no 
vain hopes ikutk'kl n.f. land flour for 
besmearing rolled dough dryness cynicism 
peevishness [PJ 

JZT khn^'m nji. anper. rage fury 
I bbash' m-&lood' , jffJ*)(hask' m-Zgll)' , 

bhash'm-giti, db* bhashm-rmk adj. angry en- 
raged , wratliful irate [P] 

ijAoe*' nji. humility fear (A) 

^^hkii^aeH n.f harshness severity 
f fierceness callousness cruelty 

hardness roughness [ A} 

„ Z&bliadi'yat N.F. fear dread 

bhash'yatriiU'hl n.f. fear of God [A] 

N.M. pl. (see under fcS^H.F. *) 

, e^t^jrkkasa'’is n.m. pl. peculiarities [A - sing 

m j^lihas'lat n.f. good quality ; quality, 
trait of character n.m, pl. 
qualities ; traits of character good qualities 
JWfrfltk'tish-lihisal’ adj. (one) having delect- 
able qualities [A] 

'(fdP'bkas'm n.m. enemy antagonist [A] 

r ' 'hhas'm n.m. husband tfjtrf&has'm-pi'li 
n.f. (dial.) widow jy**khas' mofi ja'li 

n.f. (dial.) one who has not had a good treat- 
ment at the hands of her husband ; disillusioned 
.wife ^ 

*^£ rkl&soos’ n.m being particular 

bil-li&uso&s' adv particularly ; especially 
kbusoo'san adv. particularly , especially 

'^ybkvsaeuy'yal (eol hilsoo'njnt) n.f 
peculiarity distinctive feature 

distinction n.f. pi ^ pecu- 
liarities distinritive features J^Tkhvseo ft 
adj. special peculiar particular 

secret personal private 

Hisoo’st n.f. special issue (of periodical fA] 
^sufT’kiusoo'mat n.f enmity strife 

contention bad blood (between) 

l A ~r^l 

jdts &kas' si (ped. bta'si) n.m eunuch gold- 
Is ing adj. castrated, (animal) non- 
protruding # gStrgoyle bkas'si jar'sa v.T 

castrate /< >^ii»s'yah n.m. testicle 
lain’ N M. pl. testics ; tes ticks [A] 

i*± biizib' n.m. hair dye hair tincture 
h'^ab’ kar’m V.T. dye (the hair) 
apply hair-dye (to) 

jfrhha'vr os kioz’r (col. kkW' (or Hi' tar) 
s' n.m. Khizr , name of a prophet immor- 
talize<{ by the fountain of life guide leadei 
*lj/*'kkaz'r-t rah' n.m. the guide {AJ 
iC?khozri‘ adj. green ptygumbad* Mm™ 
/ n.m the Holy Propliet’i mausoleum ; the 
Green Dome [A - 

kUZoo' n.m. humility shoo' ‘-a 

khueoo'' n.m. fear of God and humility [A] 

jjjrtJtal n.m. (pl. iykPkJutlool') letter ; epistle 

note writing handwriting script 

line streak beard sign of its growth 

JjljlJp khaf t-e aZa'dl n.m. manumission charter 
^ • 

I'lbrkhal'' s' ns v.t. (of lad) begin to grow 

beard Ijr-ffrkhafte istiva’ n.m Equator 
khaf bans' ns v,r. shave trim the beard 
t ‘Ijifarkhat hanra'ns v.t. get a shave get 
the beard trimmed (fjrJ&kha't-ejad'y n.m. tropic 
of capricorn tfb? khaf t-e ja'll n.m bold hand- 

writing ; bold hand bold scripiyUp/hrkhat't-e 
winn' n.m.£ tropic of cancer ij^fekhat t-e 
fhikas't, Z^'hP’khil't-e shikas'iah n.m. running 
hand jjf'j^’ihat t-e ‘amood’ n.m. perpendicular 
(line) (y^^fkkiat'-kash n.m. ruler t^fh^khat 
khcfidf'ns v. to draw a line (JjtJ^ynkhaf t-e- 
mutata'O n.m. parallel line S j£*hc*khaf l-e 
mUsladir' n.m. circular }h\c / ^ J ^"}J-khafl e 
musta/flm' n.m. stnght line j/^ff-khaf t-e mun'hani 
n.m. cuived line j£*&khafl-e nasta'llq' n.m. 
plain round Persian writing ; ‘Nastaliq’ £TV 
Mat t-e nas M n.m. usual form of Arabic script ; 
‘Naskh ' Jfoijrkhat' t-o khaf , JfrJjjkhad'd-o ktial' 
MM. features hSkhat’t-o-kitd'bat (col. 

£{[> It^khal kits' bat) n.f. correspondence [A] 
U^rkhatd n.f. error ; mistake fault 
miss ; failure slip ; oversight jtflbfkjuita- 
ks>' , J 0i^khata -vnr' adj. guilty n.m. mis- 
creant culprit f!‘J'\k?khats' kar'ns v.t. err ; 
commit error ; make a mistake miss hit 
wide of the mark \;J[&tf\/j\aussri /Mats' kar'ns 
v.t. confuse confound fj//{prkhats’ ho'na 
v.i. be missed ; be wide- of the mark tl&tyU'j/ 
aussn' kyats' ho' ns v.t. be confused be 
confounded [A] 

Mats' n . m . Cathay 

ii^khitsb' n.m. title speech; addicts 
• ^ lecture fyu/ltPkhitsb' de’na v.t. award 
title yLi&rkhitsb' kar'ns v.t. deliver a lecture 
address accost*?^ kbits' bat n.f. oratory; 
oration declamation rhetoric eloquence 

ityrhh at,at ' N - M - ^alligraphist^/U^aMa'/f n.f. 
* calligraphy (A - 

’\ijyhhatal ' i adj. pertaining to Cathay n.f. 
L/'~ (also /JUeLjl'rtan-e khsta'i) small crisp 




khit'bah n.m, sermon oration dis- 
* course prologue , introduction ; foreword 
k&d-d^'khut' bah park' a a v 1. give a sermon 

asm ka khaf bah park' ns v i. reiterate 
(ruler’s) name in sermon ty^khiitbah dens 
v.i. give a sermon address (a gathering) 
(A~* r '(fer] 

Lp'kha'lar n.m. risk ; hazard danger, peril 
/ jeopardy thought J'l’j^'kha’tar-nsk. 
JTW kha'tar adj risky ; hazardous 
rightful dangerous ; perilous [Aj 

Uykhafrah n.m. (p L.Ct^khatardl)) dangei 
$r peril risk ; hazard fJ J ftp 7 khaf rah mot 
le'ns v.i, run arisk jeopardize one’s life 
venture khaf re meh dal'ns v.t. 

endanger ; perilize risk jeopardize (A ~ 


.^y'khatoof n.m. (pl. of ■£) 

Jf'kh.afmi n.f. marsh-mallow re’shs-e 

C? khaf mi n.m. marsh-mallow fibre (.used as 

Jp’kkiftah n.m. {?L. yokin' tat) region [A] 

uy'khatib' n.m. orator ; public speaker 
preacher [A-^'J 

tAkhaiir' adj. much ; large Jfjizar-e khatlr' 
JST n.m. large sum [A] 

< r lMifa' n.f. concealment secrecy 

bhxfs”\ n.m. & adj. obscure (person) (A] 
Y \^ykha'fs adj. displeased offended 

angry ; enraged fjl&kha'fs kar'ns v.t. 
offend ; incense infuriate L‘/ t ^kha'fs ho'na 
v.i . be offended ; be incensed be infuriated 
tfkh a fcgi (col. kjtaf'gl) n.f. displeasure 
anger ; indignation 
frtirhhaffs* N.M. bat [AJ 

la'fagl n.f. (see under &1t) 

gjP 'khif'fat n.f. slight ; affront disgrace 
indignity ; humilitation lightness 
khif'fat-smei' adj. slighting disgraceful 
t ^ h W 'fot Sfhs'ns v.i. be slighted be 
disgraced tfyj^f/j{k°) khif'fat ho'na v.i. be 
slighted be disgraced C*>^hafif' if [A] 

n.m. underwear for coat of mail |P) 

“jP khtif' tali' adj. sleeping n.m 

, (rare) sleep night (prayers) [P] 
ty^kfwfaQan' n.m. palpitation melancholy 
hysteria [A] 



.vP'khitf'gi (ped. kha'fagl) n.f. (*et under Ur 

, . kh a 'f a abj. *) 

/i^hh a ‘/i adj. hidden ; concealed inn 

perceptible small (type, handwriting, 

cic.) not loud ; whispering j^/jvk'rt kha'fl 
s.m. low invocation of God’* name [A~ 
illifa' n.m.] 

,\pkhaflj‘ adj. light slight ordinary 

insignificant peity ; trivial minor ; 

little ; small mean disgraced 
ho'na v.i. be slighted be put to shame 
be disgraced **ifLfrza' rbl-t &&afif n.m. simple 
hurt ; minor injury [A] 

fah N.r. minor case ; small cause 
minor capacity adj. small minor ; 
little insignificant light JjJ&bf'ada'lal’e 
khufifah n.f. small cause court [A~prec.1 
^khufj/oh adj. secret hidden ; conceal- 
er ed disguised f/£fc&khvf{j>ah pulJs' n.f. 
Criminal Investigation* Department ; Q.iA 
Criminal Investigation Agency ; C.I.A. 
Federal Bureau of Investigation # F.B.l. 
Intelligence Department /(yak kar- 

rav a"I N.F. secrecy secret action private 

enquiry [A ~jj?khifa' n.m.] 

. il khal'z n.m. space Vacuum hollow- 
™ ness lacuna jVjlr kha’la mala' n.m. 
intimacy ; dose relations frequent intercourse 
adj. partly filled Jllrkhala' , l adj. space; per- 
taining to space jLp-fyjkhala'l jaha'i n.m. space- 
ship ; spacecraft^ dour n.m. space 
age f 0 ’($*kha!a‘ , t sa'far n.m. space travel [A] 
'^ifrkhatiab' n.m. mud ; mire [P] 

IfitalUtf n.m. & adj. (one) who wheedles[A] 

AtZkhalu' n.m. (lit.) liberation (lit.) 
••^redemption; deliverance adj. (col.) 
empty (vul.) discharged ; having ejaculated 
khalos' ho'na v.i. (vul.) ejaculated [A] 
.^gia/a'«A N.M. note ; notes (on) 
'•^•summary ; precM ; gist abstract ; 
abridgement inference -; moral conclusion 
moral (of fable) extract. essence 
quintessence t^M^khu/a'raA kar'na v.t. sum- 
marize make a precis of C&^D+bhUl&'sah 
likk'na v.T. write notes on [A] 

* • khala'si n.f. freedom release ex- 
emption redemption n.m. coolie ; 
eoolv minor trolly-driver tent-pitcher 
minor member of ship’s crew ; .sailor 
bfrala'sl pa'na V.T. be set free ; be liberated ; 

ifli/qj -bayanl n.f. misrepresentation ; misrepn 
sen tali* Atiflkskhilafe huk’m adv. contrary i 
orders jfJfojiirkhilafrdastoor' 

be released be exempted khala’si ho'na 

v.i. be released be allowed to go away 
| - A PREC.] 

• • fsJptnf' n.m, (rare) enmity ; opposition adj. . 

* opposed contrary &prkhila'ft, 
ka (bar) khilaf' prep. & adv. against 
contrary to opposite versus ; vs. <}}'.&»+ 
bhiluf'-bajtfnl n.f. misrepresentation ; misrepre- 


tabitah, ^{f'jfprkhila'f-e qajfdah adj. irregular ; 
contrary to the rules CjtfjfbrkhUaJ' sa' 
v.t. regard as one’s opponent think other- 
wise fjftffQrkhUaf-t j har" adj. contrary to 
religion ; against the tenets of faith lacking 
religious sanction illegal ; unlawful adv 
unlawfully against the tenets of faith 
khilaf -c- tab' 1 adj. disgusting against (some- 
one’*) will revolting (J^fDnkhUa'f-e aq'l adj. 

absurd contrary to eason J'lfcjlfrkhila'f-* 
qijas' adj. improbable inconceivable . 
incredible anomalous not analogous 

absurd 'yPrsCkt khilaf kaih'na v.t. say 
(something) against (someone) oppose 
khila'fe mar'll adj. involuntary adv. inyo- 
luntarily against the wishes (of 

khilaf -var'zi n.f. violation (oflaw etc.) 

VJtfjjjki khilaf’ -oar ti kar'na v.t. >*iolatc 
(law, etc.) oppose 

uk'm ) ki khilaf i-’ar'a kar'na v.t 

ahkam (or huk'm) ki khilaf 


exualityl^^ji^Ae khilaf ho'na v.t. oppose 
be opposed to (A] ... 

• fftila'fat n.f. Caliphatei/i <£t0*khita fat-c 
rashidah n.m. Orthodox Caliphate 
khalifah n.m, -dr [A] 

»• .•khaUag' n.m. (God as) the Creator ftojlkr 
O^kholla'q e 'a lam N.M. the Creator 
khalls'ql n.f. divinity being the Creator 

[A~tW . ✓ . 

. , khilal (col. khatal) N.M. tooth-pick 
(jb* khilal' kar’na v.t. pick one’s teeth [A] 

*khnla”iq n.f. pl.^ people crcatim , 
//^creatures ^fppfsftnaqboo'l-e kjula"iq adj. 
universally disliked [A] 

^kfwljin (ped. kha'laj in’) n.m. anxiety . 

worry grave misgivings [A] 

* •jjkhniyial' AM. anklet hemr-.ed with tiny 
jingling bells [A] 



khal'kkala adj. loose flauv 
9 ** • 

fZkhiil'd n.m. paradise ji^U^khul'd-a'shiydfi 
“T adj. the late with his abode in heayen 
Jf'jj? khil' d‘t barin' n.m, the heaven above [A) 
tyfkha'lish n.f. prick (of the conscience) 
i/ worry ; anxiety pain 
iilkhil'l n.f. (PL.ypr iqkhlat') humour ; one of 
the four humours, viz., blood, phlegm, 
choler, melancholy [A] 

Z khal't w.r. mixture; medley con- 
fusion JJ’yJ' khal't mal’t adj. intermixed 
jumbled in a slate of confusion 
khal't mal'l kar'na v.t. confuse jumble 
khal'tah n.m. long old-fashioned shirt 


Jrkhal" n.m. divorce obtained on wife’s 
t initiative [A] 

itekhai' n.m. taking off separation 
removal [A] 

„ iff khil' 'at n.m. dress ; robe of honour 

this as princely award or investiture 
l lsjlj(V*fiZd*khii‘at paihna'na (or de'na 
or 'ala' kar’na) invest (someone) with a robe 
of honour [A] 

kha'laf n.m heir successor, son 
descendants adj, dutiful ^fliZfi^kha ' laf-Sr- 
r asiid'OjM^tZa^ kha'laf ~Hssid' a n.m worthy son 
^oi dL'm kha’laf adj. undutiful 
I’iZ kjhulefd' n.m. pi. Caliphs .successors 
spiritual successors 

risk id in' n.m, pl. the Orthodox Caliphate 
the four Orthodox Caliphs (A~sing v J*1p] 
"‘Xpkhiil'q n.m manners nature** pojite-, 
w ness , civility , amiability ; affability C^l/^ 
khush-khul'q adj. afTable , amiable 
khUsh-khUl' ift n.f politeness ; courtesy 
good manners affability ; amiability 
kaj-khitl'q, £fybad-khul'q adj. ill-mannered 
uncivil ,. impolite , discourteous ff^^kaj- 
kkBl'qi, J^bad-khUl' <fi n.f ill manners 

incivility [AJ 

TJPfchd'q tt.r. {n..Zp*khal»”iq) people 
** mankind n.m. creation [A] 
d-iXklul'qat N.F. (PL Ififirk^ah 'iq) people 
crowd [A - pit ec. J 

N.F. creation birth 

nature b-tl-khi!' qa! adj. & 

n.m. freak ; monster prodigy strange 

(penan ^ fchil ql adj. inherent natural 


dpkha'ld n.m. disorder disturbance 
W derangement unsoundness defect , 

flaw interference interruption hindrance 
emmtyttfkjify'kha'lal a'na (or par 1 it a) v.t. 
be disturbed be disordered be upset be 
deranged jjflff* kha' lal-ahd az n.m. & adj. t 
interfering meddlesome intcmiptory/i»jr^ 
i’/! kjia'lal-alidat ho'na . v.t. interfere ; 
interrupt disturb sj'JP'kha' lal-pa&r' „adj. 
upset troubled 'disordered fyJhtha'M: 
dimagh' n.m,. derangement madness , 
lunacy QbJ^kha'lal dal'nn v.t. upset dis- 
turbs interfere [A] 

^ khiiluv ' n.m. emptiness ; vacuity free- 
dom from worry zth'n n.m. 

concentration [A] 

jH/t Zkhd'val n.f privacy closet private 

conference sexual i ntercourse MrSf* 

khal'vat-kha'rwh n . m ftfzjffduil'oal-gah! ,n.m. 
closet of retirement ds&J*kh a l ' va f * 
gu&h, Idtal'vat-nashift’ adj. & n.m. 

recluse hermit (one) sitting in solitude 
(onel leading a life of retirement 
se khal’vat kar'na v.t. have sexual intercourse 
with (woman) (A ~ 0*] 
ilkhuiood' n.m. eternity immortality 

JS7 remaining for ever (A] 

atZkhuloas' n.m. . sincerity candour 
IJJ warmth of affection purity C^^/Jfe* 
khuloo's-t niy'yat n.m. sincerity of intention 
adj. * [AJ 

. , 1 ‘kkal'ya sas n.p mother-in-law's sister 

(/U^J-A JV-H/U] 

d? khaltj' n.f gulf J^bay, chasm 

O'- yawning gulf (of) l‘jJlr£ ( £J’£ke ntd'han 
khalij' ha 'it ho'na v.t. have great differences 
have a yawning gulf between (A) 

\ ra adj. related through one’s 
yj maternal aunt khalt t a bka"1 
(or bai'han) n.m (f.) son of one’s maternal aunt; 
cousin (or daughter) [~AJleJ 
Ujfi'khali'n, (f^khatl'ti n.f. needle case 
housewife { ~ A Jj^corr. J 
khali'fah n.m. (PL.JilPk/iS'/a/a) Caliph 
spiritual successor (euphemism for) 

barber [A 

~jfkh«hq' adj courteous ; polite - civil 
suave amiable ; affable [A~ ^/r khOl'q] 
U^khalll' n.m. friend InlmjSHjjfkhali'lr 
uUth') n.m (Abraham’s appellation a j) 
God’s friend (A) 

: /khon n.f. nature .disposition habit 
* manners j/khoo' boo n.i. habit 
Characteristics behaviour t / r fkhoo' par' ns v.i. 
get into or form a habit become an addict 
khoo' efakor 'ns v.i. break or give up a 

habit yiyfkhoo dal'iia v.t. Sl i. # get into or 
fwm a habit ^habituate pazir', 

Jy khoo'-gar, khoo'-gi rif'tuh adj. accus- 
tomed habituated addicted amenable ; 

tractable ; decile [P] 

x,m. sleep dream vision 
(D }J^^khdb-aloo‘d(ah) adj. drowsy ; 
sleepy jj\^ljrkha'b-a'var adj. soporific 
hjpnotic (jyXJK^lykfisIra'vor go'liyaft N.F. pl. 
sleeping pills d&%t~'l/kha'b-e piri’shaft, 
klui'h-e tish J i ah n.f dreadful dream 
kha'h-e khargoxh\ n.f. deep sleep careless- 
ness lfkhs'b-e khargosh' men pare 

raih'na v.t.’ obvious of one’s interests come 
to grief owing to vanity or overweening pride 
Vof?)i~ / lykhdb' dekh’na v.i. dream a dream ; 
Iwve a dream have a vision khab’ 

dckh'nd v.t. entertain vain hopes of (ri 
khab" ki bat' eft (tar'/ia) n.m. pl. (v.i.) baseless 
things (building) castles in the air fl%ljrkhab'- 
gsh n f. bedroom donnitoryc/j/Lw/'Ma’A-e 
girdft n.m, sound sleep ; deep sleep 
giraft khabi n.f. (being in) deep sleep tJl/yy 
giraft- khab' adj. absorbed in deep sleep 
khah-o khuyal' n.m. delusion vision* 
fantasy ; phantasy Zylfkhabi’dah adj. sleep- 
ing ; asleep dormant inactive oblivious 
of one’s interests [A] 

Matin' n.f. (pl. of^>(pN.F. if) 

I • khd'jah n.m. (pl. J^l/khajagdn ) 

* (title of respect) master ; lord rich 
person tycoon ; business magnate 
kha'ja-ta*h n.m. slaves of the same master in 
relation to one another ; slave colleagues 
disciples of the same teacher, etc. in mutual 
relationship khd'jah kha'gir (see under i/jri/kht jo sam' n.m. eunuch 
emasculate person put in charge of a seraglio 
Jtl/' khd'jagi n.f. being rich being a 
master overlordship [PJ 

ipkhar adj. poor friendless miser- 
' able , wretched ignoble disgraced 
thrown on the streets suf. eating , accepting 
ifjlfkha'ri n.f. misery frtendlessness 
abjectnefs disgrace [Pj 

fyjfjrkhMa'rtj N.M. (PL. of^lpN.M. if) 

«* fjpkhava'rifx.M marvels miracles 

•*** supernatural happenings {A -sing. 

M . 

L ~ / S / ~hh as t affix wish ; desire JZ'j/’khat'tah 
adj. wished for desired [P 
J//»s • kjas’t-gar n.m. suitor candidate 
<r 0 )' aspirant petitioner (fj&>f/khajt'-ga'n 
n.f. being a suitor candidature desire 
aspiration petition [P] 

^•khavas' fi.r. slave girl n.m. pl. (ofcS^fc 
C/f' qualities, peculiarities virtues (of 

medicine) n.m. pl. (ofyfy , gentry the elite 
favourites khans' si N.m. service hind 

seat on elephant’s back (A). 

., •khan n.m. . tray khan-posh' n.m. 

C^, < tray < cover ^Ifrkhan'&ah n.m. hawkers tray 
(J^j/^if’khan'cha-firosh’ n.m. hawker ; pedler 
ip'/'IJ? khan' (pah lags' nd v.i. peddle eat- 
ables [Pj 

g •lA’khatidah adj . & n.m. (n..0$t/ khaft’ 
A " literate persons ojf^l'na-khaft'dah adj. & 
N.M. (pl. dftt# 'na-khaft' dagsn) illiterate persons 
J Jljrkhaftd'gi (ped. khaft'dagi ) n.f. literacy 
khaniftdah, (pl ./dljjUfkhanih'dagan') reader [P~ 

&!rj • 

rfim avamn' n.m. (pl. of^rN.M. it) 

iff/khah suf. desirous of wishing for 
0*" demanding conj. either ; whether*/^.. . t ijr 

khah khah conj. either or > ...... 

khah nd...ns conj. neither.. .nor fljrjn} kha'Jir 
khah adj. satisfactory adv. to one’s heart’s 
content enough satisfactorily iiytl/khah'- 
ma-bhah', (rare) , 1 ^ 1 / khah' na-khah', / 

khaki na kha'hi' adv. definitely ; positively ; 
at all events willy-nilly ; willing or not willing 
without rhyme or reason adj. baseless , 
unfounded unauthorized self-imposed 

self-styled jilj'kha'haft adj. desirous of 

seeking; looking (for) [P-^rH/ivish] 
y»^kh» har n.f. (pl. (^I^khd'harsn) sister 

L p J . 

Jy* khq'hish n.f. (pl. £>i2ltj’l<hahtshai') 
istl* wish request prayer demand 
desire will ({i/bj^fJfljrkhs'hish raki'ns (or 
(tariff a) v.t. wish desire expiess a desire 

{for) ji^tirkhd' ki sh-maftd adj. & n m, desirous 


A(£iC\ zz'Ma'to ”*-kJtd'M adv. same as 
(jt’jCW ■* (sec under^JjTsuF. -^r) 

’khoob adj. good well lovely ; 

. ' pretty ; beautiful pleasant amiable ; 
affable n.m. sweetheart beauty ; beautiful 
person •/ fkhoob'-roo iS^^jrkhoob'-soo' rat adj. 
comely ; lovely handsome ; pretty ; beautiful 
“d khoab-soo'rati ^tjfkhoob’-rotf'i n.f. come- 
liness ; loveliness ; prettiness ; beauty^jty 
khao'btih n.m. sweethearts beauties ; fair ones 
y^sfkhoob'-tar adj. better superior^A^/- 
khoob'-tarui' adj. best excellent fid’khao'bi 
n.f. quality excellence elegance virtue 
(of medicine) flj^ba-khoobi adv. well 
nicely^ easily" with a swing [PJ . 

/i l f'khoobarii' n.f. apricot [PJ Jtc% 

v * .cfs jflt 

,,r/ j^kfwob' kalah' n.m. black- 

berry seed [P] ^ - 

t If® oo’ta n.f. (sec under t-^^) f|Pin> 

‘kho’joh km. (one of) a caste of petty 
'V' traders (one of) a caste of Shi’ite busi- 
nessmen (rare) eunuch 

i, | khaukhidna v.t. be enraged (of 
v 5' monkey) emit bullying sound 

* khod n.m. helmet jJ’^jaharii khod n.f. steel 

A* helmet [PJ ^ 

* khud. n. (one’s) self pkef. self fjl&l (hvJ- 

" ira adj. & n.m. self-adorning (person) 
fyjTjf kh ud-ar a' i n.f. self-adornment fop 
dandy foppishness ba-khfid adv. 

voluntarily ; of one’s own-accord automati- 
a\\y cJZbjf'khud-bcL-dau'lal n.m. yourself int. 
you your majesty khud-bift' adj. 

vain ; proud : arrogant presumptuous s*.:lf- 
conceitcd n.m. introvert egotist gt'}? 

khud-bt'ni n.f. pride ; vanity arrogance ; 
self-conceit introversion egotism 
khUd-paras' l adj. selfish self-conceited 

narcissitc egoistical n.m. egoist (jfc'.j.ykhud- 

paras'ii n.f. selfishness self-conceit 
egoism narcissism khud-pas'aitd' adj. 

self-complacent ' vain ; proud self- 

conceited having a superiority complex 

egotistical n.m. egotist j\j^khud-dar' adj. 
self-respecting having self-restraint patient 
(fjljj/khud-dari self-respect selfrestraint 
patience £J^;fkhud-ra’t adj. wayward ; 
headstrong opinionated wilful ; self-willed 
d^jfkhiid-Ta't n.f. selfwill being head- 
strong waywardness^^'/az khitd-raf'taA adj. 


dead drunk senseless ; unconscious mad 
P«rii ai khid-raj ’ lagi n.f. drunkenness 
intoxication senselessness madness 
khud’-ro (col. -rau") adj. wild (plant; etc.) p;/ 
khud-sita adj. egotist khud-sitS."i n.f. 

self-praise egotism ^Sj/khud-sar' adj wilful 
wayward; headstrong stubborn arrogant 
khud-sa'ri n.f. wilfulness wayward- 
ness stubbornness arrogance Lffjfkh&i' 
gha'raz adj. selfish ulterior motives 
khud-gha'razi (col. ghar'zt) n.f. selfishness 
ulterior motives if^ljjfkhud-fariimosh' adj. 
unmindful of oneself selfless enraptured 
khud-faratrto'skl n.f. rapture; ecstasy 
being unmindful ofonself j^/khud-kar' adj; 
automatic self-propelled n.M. automation 
khud-ka'ri n.f. automation ftfi/khud-kam' adj. 
selfish (j jfjp’khud-kami n.f. selfishness 
khud-kasji't n.f. cultivation (managed) by land- 
lord himself adj. owner-cultivated- (field) »>/>/ 
khud-kar'dah adj. one’s own doing |self-invit- 
cd khid-kar'dah rd Hla'je na't 

prov. now face the music ; you (etc.) have dug 
your own grave K.F. suicide 

khud-ku'shi kar'na v i. commit suicide 
kliUd-kafil adj. self-sufficient self-support- 
ing . t - adj. . independent 

self-governing free to decide self-willed 
tf/tfj7khud-mukhta'ri n.f. independence 
self government freedom to decide self-will 
Ujfkhud-numa adj. ostentatious proud, 
vain : sclf-conccited bragging ; boastful'^ftjP' 
kfyud-Huma'i n.f. self-conceit ostentation 
pride ; vanity tfjfkhu'di n.f. self ; ego 
self-conciousness (arcli.) vanity ; pride^, 
be-kWdi n.f. rapture ecstasy ; transport 
madness senselessness selflessness IP] 
er khor. jlJ'khar suf. eating drinking 

accepting [P ~ &jf\ , 

• khur n.f. n.f 

food and drink [P ~ ^jp] 

({.& khoorak.' (ped. kh*t-),Jfrf’khu'ritfi n.f 
food diet . dose [P - 
, khur'd-bur'd n.f. embezzlement 
defalcation ; peculation making 
away with squandering i'/s/ijf' khUr 'd-bUr'd 
kar'itu-v.i. misappropriate ; embezzle ; defal- 
cate make, away with squander 
khur'd-bur'd ho'ita v.i. be misappropriated 
be embezzled be squander [P-.^yeat-)-^ 
take away] 



Ajjf'khBr'dam adj. edible ; eatable 

ashys"t khurd'ni n.f. pl. eatables; edible 


!dP* rsafid ' adj. pleased happy ; delighted 
tfjt'/fkk&rsati'dL.H.T.. joy ; happiness ; 
pleasure ; delight [P] . . 

% ZkhO'rish n.t. (lit.) (same as +) 

U& IP- 

kh 6 ' Md' N.M. sun [PI 

fchUrt adj. happy ; glad pleased 
V* gay ; merry ; cheerful good healthy ; 
wholesome fair ; beautiful pleasant 
sweet ly/khusha' iht. lucky how happy 
*fi/hh*d-i'mad n.f. flattery sycophancy 
toadying . coaxing; wheedling 
khiish-a'm/id kar'na v.i. flatter toady 

fawn on coax : cajole ; wheedle 
,kkQ*k~a'mad^(,v & adj. flatterer sycophant 
toady£*t (j m *ykkuih-amad((T > int. welcome 
ovation reception Cjj>Mj^rkhurh-smaded' 
kaih'ns v.i. welcome hold a reception in 
honour of vtjtfkftisji fi'na _,v.i. be liked 
Hun out to be pleasant jlil/^khish-Zosz' adj. 
melodious *, sweet-voiced (Sjb^^ktwA ■SO a a 
w.F. melodiousness iitd adj. 
pleasing agreeable holding bright pros- 
pects ; bright im/Jflrfkhush-usloob' adj. elegant 
snave J'jtf^/'jrkJptsh Qsloo’bi h.f. elegance ; 
grace nicety zn&vrtyjljirlj^ykhush-atvar' adj. 

mannerly well-bred tfl/Tfrfkhvshrilljsn' 
adj. melodious , sweet voiced^ J yTiy'fkhush- 
tlls'rH h.f. melodiousness ( uffJ'jrkhQA-altd&m ' 
adj. lovely ; pretty attractive having a 

charming figure i/ffijrkhiish-b&sh adj. merry 
cheerful .quite at case ; comfortable ; living 
comfortably y^jpkhush-boo' n.f. fragrance 
perfume scent ; scented odour aroma (usu. 
jljy^^khish-boo-dsr' adj. fragrant sweet- 
smelling perfumed scented aromatic 
(y^jfykhuA-baysri adj. (of speaker) 
eloquent convincing perspicuous facile 
faifj^fkhiish-bay&'m n.f. eloquence facile 
tongue felicity of phrase^^!' Usk-poA ’ , 
jfejfi'fkh&sh-po&ak' adj. * well-dressed 
foppish fj l^rkhOsh-bar adj. rich well- 
to-do prosperous happy we (^settled 
dtffkhush-JiaH n.f. prosperity (f/fjpkh9A- 
kfja'bari n.f.. good news ; happy news ; glad 
tidings fu^/^ f kh B &.~kt irsm adj. ^ having, a 
graceful gait : with elegant movements 
khish-khual' adj. mannerly well-bred^jy 

khu<h-khat' adj. & n.m. one writing in a beauti- 
ful hand ; (one) having a good.^hand writing 
written in a beautiful hand (f£f/khus±-khat’ti 
(or col. khusJ±-kha'H),tt.r. good hand writing 
calligraphy £7 j'/khish-khul'q ADJ. 
courteous ; civil , polite affable ; amiable 
^^-^rkhush-kfnil'qi n.f. civility ; polite-, 
ness ; courtesy affability ; amiability MCrr 
khush-khoorak' adj. (col. l/Jr/khush-kho' ri\ 
adj. fond of rich food J Ijfyfjrkhush-khoora'ki 
n.f. fondness forrich food Jl^f^/kjdish-khaySr 
adj. poet (or writer) with “freshness of ideas 
^^f/khush-khayal* n.f. freshness of ideas 
oflj^sjrkhtish-da'man n.f. mother-in-law 
kh flsfc dil' adj. happy cheerful well- 
disposed without spite J Z'f' khush-di'li n.f. 

happiness cheerfulness lack of spile 
Zlljjf/khusjt-zd'eqah adj. dainty palat- 
able tasteful ; pleasing to the taste 
khush-yaftar’ adj. with graceful movements 
(SjO’Jl/r khush-rafta Vi n.f. graceful movements 
L*vj£/fkhish-ratig'j,XD}. bright-coloured 

with lovely hours khish-ran' gi n.f. lovely 

hues (of)i(/l7khush-roo’ adj. pretty ; beautiful ; 
handsome , lovely charming $■>)£// khush-Too’'i 
, n.f. beauty : loveliness Cfj(yfikku<]t raih'na ' be 
happy live happily (jLj $fkh*sh-zabari adj. 
eloquent facile 'J^/ykhush-zaba'ni n.f. 
eloquence facile tongueJLtf/jrkhlsh- 
tali' qah adj. & n.m. with good managerial 
qualities ; good manager tyZ khUsh-sali' qagi 
n.f. good managerial qualities 
adj. lucky : fortunate with one’s star in 

the ascendant $Lf?khush-tab" adj. jocular . 
jocase cheerful having a good dis- 

position (/^C / '/khbrh-lab''i n.f. cheerfulness 
good disposition pleasantry sh - 

ii'nat adj. good-natured (^(J'j’khush-ti’mh 
n.f. good i na.t\ircJ* > (J'/ khush-fe‘'li n.f. plea 
santry f’(J'/kltd*h-Jik'r adj. freshness of jdeas 
(fji/’/M&th-Jik'ri n.f. freshness of ideas 
Mtush-faih’m (ped .fah'm). «;nsible optimisti 

cal vainly hopeful (^(J^ykhuih-faih'mi (pcd. 
/ah-) n.f. .good sense optimism vain 
hopes Crffjfkhiih’qis 'mat adj. lucky , fortu- 
nate Ji^^ykkiish-qis'matt n.f. luck; good 
fortune : stroke of good luck ^^J^ykhdirk- 
qu'mad se adv. luckily C/jtykh**/' kar'na, v.r^ 
please ; delight amuse gratify 
khuth-gap' piyait n.f. gossip pleasant (jiyi/f 
khUijrgbWan adj. & n.m. living in ease and 


comfort leading a comfortable life /ir^fkhZsf 
giloo’ ADJ. sweet-voiced . melodious 
gt/loo''i n.f melodiousness f^/khush-go adj 
& n.m. eloquent facile (}/^?khush-go"t n.f. 
eloquence facile tongue felicity of phrase 
jij&ykhush-guoar adj. pleasan* whole- 
some agreeable bracing tasteful 
khish-guva'rl n.f pleasantness tfbj'/khZsk- 
1 ibas' adj. well-dressed foppish (f'Vfcf/ 

khvshrliba'ft n.f. being well-dressed dandy- 
ism i**vf > (J'fkhash-nas1b' adj. lucky fortunate 
klmsh-nasl bi n.f. luck; good fortune 
Vx&btf^Wtebrnaft’bi ki bat ho'na v t be for- 
tunate that \j^> / irkh&sh-numa' adj. beautiful 
(thing) lovely or charming (sight! splendial 
(Jfr* !0 /khZsh-nnma"% n.f. beauty charm 
splendour jj ( r^/khUsh-naoa’ adj. melodious, 
sweet-voiced (poet) recitmg well good 
(poet) $ tjfj~/kkZshrWoa' ’I n.f. melodious- 
ness sweet recitation J/^/khushnood' adj 
happy pleased J>y£/kMshnoo'di n.f 
happiness pleasure jdy^ykhvsh-navis n.m. a 
calligraphist adj. (one) writing a good hand 
kkustj-natg' si n. f calligraphy 
khusb-o-khur'ram adj. happy_ .cheerful 
leading a comfortable life (/jf/^khZsH.vaq'ft 
n.f happiness i/j^/khusf ho'na v.t. 
rejoice enjoy be glad be pleased be 
happy ; be delighted frfkhu'sK n.f * [P] 

A, * ktjo'sbah n.m. bunch (of grapes, etc.) 
ear (of corn) spike (of plant) 
kho'sha-cffifi hm. gleaner dependent (some- 
one) for literary inspiration , writer taking his 
ideas from another (euphemism for) plagiarist 
inspired (by) dependent (on) (fgZfkho'sba- 
Ai'n i n.f. gleaning drawing inspiration 

(from) plagiarism dependence [PJ 

n.f. pleasure ; delight ; happi- 
O * ness ; gladness joy , mirth rejoicings 
festivity cheerfulness willingness yff/ 
kha'0 khz's#, ^J'/khu 'M se adv. 

happily i gladly joyously with pleasure 
willingly ; voluntarily cheerfully (Cisljv/j/ 
khU’sbi kar'na (or mana'na) v.i. be pleased 
be delighted, enjoy rejoice hold festi- 
vities (T khZ' ski met a'na v.i. be pleased 
be delighted khZsB re adv. will- 

ingly , voluntarily [P-j^j 

fekhaut n.m. plunged (rare save in) 

^ ghav r-o Mum? n.m. careful consideration 
deep thought meditation (AJ 


•ipkhauf n.m. fear dread, terror 
apprehension doubt , misgiving 
khauf dila'na v.t frighten ; terrify 
threaten , menace ajjffkhauf '•fa' dak adj. 
afraid . frightened _ terrified : terror-stricken 
imperilled VjtjJ>/khauf'-ze'doh kar’na 
frighten terrorize /khauf '-za'dah ho no . 
CJo/khauf kar'na, W&fkhwf' kha'na v.t 
fear be afraid be terrified tjij/khauf. 
itok' adj. terrifying frightful ; dreadful 
terrifying terrific great (calamity, etc.) 
horrid . horrible l p l 

^Jyrkhook N.M. pig ; hog ; swine ; boar {P] 

f/ khoo-gar adj. habituated , accustomed 
y / inured addict [P~ f+J] 
fZ khoo-gir' n.m. pack-saddle saddle 
JZ r lining pad . stuffing khoo-gu 

ki bhar'li n.f. stuffing (of saddle) padding 
(fig.) worthless stuff (P ^/perspiration) 

I Zkhol n.m. case cover sheathl'U&J/ 
if" khol cborha'na v.t. encase coyer 

^l/Jjrkholaft'jan (or khotb) n.m. galingale [A - 

t^khoon n.m. blood murder man 
(✓-^slaughter ; homicide slaughter killing 
VU/ khooft-nab , ^fffkhootena'bak n.m. tear* 
of blood blood O^l^/Mvotrna’ba.fidiat adj. 
shedding tears (etc.) of blood MtooH-na'ba- 

fsbfni n.f. shedding tears of blood killing 
(di^/khooh asfm adj. tyrannous ferocious 
Jiffy/ khoot asja mi' N.M. ferocity tyranny 
it)j jfy/khoot-alood (ah) adj. blood-stained JV y 
khoot-bdr' adj. shedding tears of blood (// 
khoot-baha n.m. ransom ; blood-money 
khoot baha'nu v.t. shed blood . kill ; murder^/ 
VfiXlkhpon' pn’ni ek' kat'n a v.t. .work very hard 
leave no stone unturned Ct^khoon' pt'na v.t. 
suck blood murder inflict great suffer- 
ing on vex ; harass ; pester \cSj(tf/ khoon' 
ihflok'na v.i. spit blood work oneself to 
death have a great shock J^Muidskat 
adj. bleeding, blood-dripping ^Ijfy/khooii' 
khara'bah n.m. bloody fight killing jl// 
khfiQt-kkar' adj. blood-thirsty murderous 
ferocious n.m. ferocious person beast 
of prey Jjljr/Mtoot-khd'ri n.f. being blood- 
thirsty ferocity jfifj/khoob'-rn' adj. bloody ; 
sanguinary JjJ/khook-rt'ti # n.f. bloodshed ; 
carnage ; massacre Vjfjt^'tffkhoon siftd' ho'na 
” * be callous be apathetic j/^/kkoo'nam 



4 ? 

khook, tffl’fkhoo'na khooh adj. much wounded 
besmeared with blood khoon' ka pya'ia 

adj. blood-thirsty n.m. bitter enemy 
khoon' ka daba"o n.m. blood pressure j 
CSlffij khoon’ ka daba"o ziya’dah (dr kam')i 
ho'na v.i. have high (or low) blood pressure fy? 
0 ji> khoon' ka dau’rah n.m. circulation of blood 
khoon' kar'na v.t. kill ; murder 
assassinate ruin -shatter, ( hopes) 

khoon’ ho'na v.t. be killed ; be murdered 
be assassinated be ruined (of hopes) be 
shattered ’Jfkhoo'h 1 n.m. murderer; assassin adj. 

blood (relation) bitter (foe) (jjj'kho'onifi 
adj. bloody blood stained pitiable [P] 

» khand n.f. wheat or barley when still green; 
green wheat stalks 

Jbj -khesjt n.m. (pl. cjUP/khe'shafi) close 
relation (someone’s) in-law ^kins-^ 
snan (pl.) family ; peopl 
kht'sk-o-aqribs’ (or aqa'rib) n.m. pl. kith relations; 
relation kith and kin ; kinsmen [P] 

. .Lkhaydbari {Alfikhayabah n.m. flower- 
wjf; bed garden walk , walk road [P] 

I ZhtV* r ' N M * cucumber [P] rfjkrkhiy&rairi 
n.m. .pl. the two varieties of cucumber 
tukh'm-e khiyarain' n.m. pl. seeds of 
cucumber varieties [A] 

. » khayyttt' n.m tailor , seamster (A ~ AfT 
>k^ thread) 
liZkhayal' n.m. (pv.Csjligkhayalat') thought 
UiT notion idea conception fancy ; imagi- 
nation vision coneeth care ; concern 

regard opinion ; consideration . image 

name of a musical mode khays'l-ara'i 

n.f. conceits (in poetry) ^y^Ji^khaya'l-e bn’ til 
n.m. wrong idea ; false notion misconcep- 
tionfrjLJljrkhayar bahdk’na v . t . form an 
idea imagine versify an idea 
khayal'-bah'di n.f use of poetical images 
train of thoughts (Lif^bj^Ji^khayal' par'na. 
(or par &ark'na) v i occur ; come to mind ; 
be recalled get the hang of ; get the point ; 

understand (rjyfj^khv & At**'”* v.t. give 
up the idea (of) ; relinquish all thought (of) 
rtfAlj'khaya'l’t kham' n.m. silly idea 
wrong notion CfjJyT khayal'-raki'na v.t. re- 
member , bear in mind fkhayal’ raih'na 
v.i. be kept in mind^c/ffj^khqyal'-o fa'sid n.m. 
wrong idea , false notion** U/Jlikhayal kar'na 
v.t k i. image ; to fancy think ; to consider 
care (for) ; show concern (for) ; be solicited 

(about) have regard (for) J'llrlfJlf'&haya'l-e 
la-ta"il n.m. absurd idea |,*K>tA/l f khayaF null 
na la'na v. pay no attention (to) have no 
regard (for) Cfj}(Jl?khayal' na raih’na v.t. 
forget all (about) ^fyji^khonl' na kar'na jv.t 
take no notice of ; pay no attention (t o)c5’/Hr 
khoyalat' N.m. ideas ; thoughts fancies ; 
imaginations rflg'khaya'li adj. imaginary 
visionary fanciful ; fantastical flbjl/khaya'/t 
pald'o nm. imaginary castles in the air ; vain 
speculation Ctf^jl^JU'khaya'li pula'o pak&'ns 
v.i. build castles in the air ; indulge in vain 
speculation [A] 
j*Lj?khiyam' n.m. (pl. of 

1*1 P'khayynm' n.m. tent-maker [A- ] 

~ji£khija'rwl n.f. embezzlement , defalca- 
■' tion breach of trust perfidy 
khiya'nat kar'na v.i. embezzle be guilty of 
breach of trust ^l^cyfJ'kfnya’nat-e mujrimanah 
n.f. criminal breach of trust (M 
£khair' n f. good , goodness virtue 
*** health , happiness safety welfare adv 

all right ; very well adj. good best pref. 
well j^Jj/^khair-abderh' adj. well-wisher 
khair-afide' shi n.f. well-wishing _ friendship 

solicitude jl^rkhair-bad' int. good-bye , 
farewell , adieu n.f. well-wishing farewell, 
adieu khair' bad' khaih'na v. t. bid fare- 
well , say good-bye khair'-khah adj. well 

wisher j&f’khair' kha'bar n.f news _ good 
news news about the health (of) (ftljfe khair - 
khaki n.f. well-wishing friendship 

solicitude lh-^khair' sail'd n.f. (ped. £,4*^ 
khair-o sal ah') (someone’s) welfare Vjfe khair' 
gu'zama v.i. escape unhurt ^survive an accidcm 
CP \/t khair’ mahg'na, L'lS;? khair' mana'na v.t 
& i. pray for the safety (of) pray for (some- 
one’s) welfare J^g’khxi'r-t mah'z adj. very 
pious N.F. categorical good khair maq'dam 

n.m. welcome ovation I'/^j^khait-maq'- 
darn kar'na v.t. welcome give a warm recep- 
tion (to) receive cordially CZSIttgkhai'r-o 

‘ nfiyat n.f. well-being health andprospenty 

^ / Jr khair' (to) hai' int. what is the 
matterwith you are you all right ? arc vou 
all there khairiy'yal n.f ★ [A] . 

„ < •kh*ir»t' n.f alms, chnrityy^sj^khatr'al- 
kha'nah n.m. alms-house ; poor-house (jlr? 
khairi’tt adj.' charitable v free 
Vjjairi't 1 fhyfa.kha'noh n.m. charitable dispensary. 


or hospital . free dispensary or hospital [A - 


^kft'rak adj. dazzled dazed im- 

Sv modest shameless proud ; vain (JyZ 
khlragi n.p, dazzle daze immodesty 
shamelessness pride ; vanity [P] 

^rkhl'roo n.m. a kind of bltfe flower [P] 

— » khatriy'jat m.f happiness health 

and happiness ; good health welfare 
safety ( - . ... 

.&kkiz it.? leap , bound , rising suf. rising 
7 - getting up leaping galloping caus- 

ing . giving rise to (Jjgkhe'zaii adj . rising 
UhtzVt adv. now rising ; now 
falling with great difficulty much fatigued 
willy nWYftfjgkhi zisk n.f. (sexual) erec- 
tion concupiscence (fj£khi & suf. rising 

rousing fP^/trise] 

khtsat’dah n.m. infusion (P) 

ip'khail n.m horses host ; multitude 
(/- horde [A] 

♦ khila n.m. & adj. silly (person j/f If khila- 
kT pan. n.m. silliness ¥ 

khai’mah (col. kht'mah) n.m. (pi- khijam) 
*** tent pavilion UzJ^khai'ma-doz' n.m. 

tent-maker tfjjf khai'ma'-zan adj. tent-pitcher 

encamping (army, etc.). khai ' ma-zan 

ho' na v.i. encamp e&fkha i'ma-gah n.f. 
camp encampment camping ground (A] 

illegal possession embezzle press conceal 

keep back; withhold refuse to return VlfiJjgi-fiJ 
dab' dfook' ja'na v.t. (of paper) be unturned at 
corner, etc. and Jail to receive impression (in 
prin ting) dab' dt'n 3 v.t. bur}- ; inter 
.**. da' la n.m. God one who gives away 
•''generously one liberal in alms-giving 
ftjjyCbda'ta got? bahh'ih. n . m . treasure- 

bestower (as appellation of Lahore saint) [ ~ ) 

7 1 . da' tan n.f. toothbrush twig used as 

O ’* such l 

i •J^da'hhil adj. admitted ; enrolled 
L/l* rCgist red filed inserted ; .included 
inner arriving ; entering $lrjT(jd&' hl&l- 
htarij n.m. registration cf transfer of property 

dal eleventh letter of Urdu alphabet (also 

* called da'be mh'nudah) (In jummal reckon- 
ing) 4 

1 dab N.M. manner ; customs ; ways 

# ^ condition ; state pump and show 
magnificence fear ; terror (usu. as 
ri'b dab) awe-inspiring authority (A] 

i. . dab'na v.t. press press down 
Vi " squeeze massage bury . inter 
insurp with hold ;keep back t^fjdab n.f. 
impression (in printing) ; single impression 
withholding pressure control ; authority 

(,*1^4 ^Ijdab' hifka'na v.t give full impression 

(in printing) exercise authority over ; bring 
under conupl (\Jd L CJjb)l^L/ljdab baifk’na (or 
ruflk'JWOf *•' Hd) v/r usurp , seize take 

daf'iar kar'na v.t. file put m cold storage 
fo?>()i*da"b&il daf'tar ha’ tea v.i. be filed 
be shelved (zjQfljda'kliii kar'na v.t admit; 
enrol to enter ; include ; insert deposit 
file place Hj^J^ljda'ihil h.o'nii v.i. be admit- 
ted ; be enrolled arrive enter be inser- 
ted; be included be deposited be registered; 
be filed da' bbilah n.m. admission ; admit- 
tance entrance (also da'^ilah) 

admission fee (a\sa Jr{ij/lumoo'r-t da' Shiloh) 
Home Affairs, Interior da' ^iti adj . 
internal ; inner , not extraneous of Home 
Affairs ; Interior pref. in- tjyljfb da^jili garah' 
n.m. in-group Cfrtfjda ’hkili mnu'za' n.m. sub- 
sidiary village [A- 

dad n.m. ringworm ; herpes 

f-lydad n.m. praise; appreciation, com- 

pliments justice ; equity appeal 
complaint revenge law tyjijdad' pa’na v.i. 

be praised obtain justice Vjtyjdad' (tah'rui 
v. seek redress ; demand justice wish for 
compliments n.m. plaintiff 
complainant (filjfibdad-kta'hi n.f. suit for 
redress petition for justice seeking redress 
(frjljdad’-dthi n.f. administration of justice 
l&jljdad’ iina v.t. praise ; pay compliments; 
give due appreciation do justice make 
reparation redress ^/^}ifdad'-Tas n.m. judge 
(f'jjljdad'-ra'si n.f. justice redress or 
grievances IZ/(fijljdid' ra' si kar'na v.t. redress 
the grievance (oVjUjjf^j^dad'-risJ ho'na v.i. (of 
someone) have justiccC 's&fufjbda'd-t sUaja'*r.l 
dim v.i. display great valour jL?jljdad' forya>!‘ 
n.f. cry for justice petition for seeking 




redress (‘Jjl b datT foryid' kar'na v.i. cry for 
justice "seek redress raise a hue and cry 
UfZJjbdad' ko pahutch'nd v.t. come to the 
aid (of) dispense justice redress the grie- 
vance oXXfbdad'-gar n.m. judge ; administrator 
.of justicc>_ ^bdad'-gus’lar ADJ. just N.M. judge 
(f^bbdad'-gus'tarl n.f. administration of justice 
Wjljdad' U'na v.i. be complimented (on) 
get praise (for) get an avation be appre- 
ciated Ckfljdad' mil'm v.i. be complimented 
gel an ovation j^Pyjbdad ha faryad' n.f. 
high-handedness injustice; tyranny jftjjb 
da'd-o dthish' n.f. charity; bounty liberality 
beneficence ; munificence j^y^jda'd-o shad’ 
n.f. monetary transaction settlement of 
accounts business deal [P ~ ^bbgive] 
i i da da N.m. paternal grandfather ; grand- 
' * father ; gaffer old man (dial.) preco- 
cious child (dial.) bad character ; hooligan ; 
miscreant ; tough (fjljda'di n.f, paternal 
grand-mother ; grandmother ; granny old 

jjfj da dar n.m. toad 

dad'ra n.m. name of a staccato musical 

mode with quick tempo 

. I da'das n.f. mother-in-law’s mother-in-law: 

* consort's paternal grandmother \j***$\j 
da'doara n.m. father-in-law’s father ; consort's 
paternal grandfather [ . 

ifdarti.r. gibbet; cross '&//> 

* * da>' bhehfh'na (or thorhana)’ v.t. r 
impale gibbet tfjliddr’-kash n.m. hangman ; 
executioner [PJ 

Y I* dar suf. having owner of holder 
^^-er n.f. holding ; keeping (used only in ph.) 
yfijb da t-o-grr' x.i. honga ma-t dar'-o gif' 
N.m. tumult melee indiscriminate 

arrests jlnjjjlfda'r(-d-) mn-dar' n M.drpendence: 
rclianc c l'fr!+, J b/'par da'r-o ma-dar' ho' ad v.i. 
(of something) depend (on the existence, etc.) 
(of something else) ; depend [P — y^jliave] 

I* I. dar n.m. house; dwelling; abode; 

habitation place ; centre ‘^fyfjljdd'r-ul- 
d'hhiral, gJtfljljdarjil^Uirali n.m. the next 
world da’ r-iil-ifa' mah n.m. (rare) board- 
ing house; hotel lodge; house admitting 
paying guests ^(lilibda'ful-aman' n.m. house 
i>l peace and safety friendly country j^jf Ijlj 
dd r-iil u'msrA n.m. House of Lords loJtjbda r-*l- 

hdqi' Hji. the eternal abode; the heavenly Home: 
the next world; Hereafter yjjb di'r-Ul-jaia" n.m. 

the next world ; the heavenly home place 
of reward place of retribution ^/jbda'r-pl- 
har'b N.M. enemy territory non-Muslim 
country &ffVljbda‘ r~W. hukoomat N.M. capital 

government headquarters da'r-ul-^hHafah 
n.m. scat of the Caliphate; Caliph's headquarters 
^jUda'r-as-sal' lanal N m. capital ; government 
headquarters l^!/l)da'r*ush-shifd' n.m. (ped.) 
hospital 'y^djjhda'r-XU-zar'b n.m. (rare) mini 
daT-ul-'uIoom' n.m. seat of learning college of 
orthodox Islamic learning Jfiibda'ml-'a'mnl n.m. 
the place of action ; this world&ll/ljdar-ul-fana 
n.m. the abode of mortaU^l^ij/bdd’r-il-mukafdi' 
n.m. this world the place of retribution 
Sfybdar-un-na'lm' n.m. the place of blessings 
paradise ; heaven [A] 
j. I « da'ra n.m. possessor Darius [P 
' have, possess] 
filibddrahi n.f. gun rigging 
Sj I dar' bast n.f. scaffolding frame for 

* creeper 

( ytjb ddr-cht'm n.f. cinramon (PJ 

i da too n.f. cure; remedy drug; 
medicine (col.) liquor Jjljfjjdaoa’ da'roo 
n.f. medicine (medical) treatment^jy^Jvb 
daroo'-e darmafi' (col. da ' too dar' man) n.f. 

(medical) treatment [P] 

• i daro'ghah n.m. inspector (official) jn 

^ * charge (of) (also (fijibddro'ghah j|) 
sub-inspector of police ; S.I. ; Station House 
Officer; S.W.O.<fyl£fy ) jbddro'gha-t abka'ri n.m. 
excise inspector daroghg-t pahs' n.m. 
sub-inspector of police; S.I. slr^jjtfibddro'ghrre 
top-Uia'nah n.m. (old use) official in charge of 
arti lery or arsenal keeper &$?f t j\fd2ro'gha-t 
j oh gal at' n.m. ranger ; forest ranger JZpjb 
daro'gha-tjtl N.m. superintendent of jail; warden 
(}li*!p}bdaro'gha-t sofa's n.m. sanitary inspector 
dare! ghah farm n.m. farm super- 
visor ij/!fs$ftdar»'gluih g haf n.m. ferry collector 
Csily^fjbddro’gha t mahsooidt' n.m. tax inspector 
( fjjljdaro'ghagl n.f. office of ‘darogha’ ; super- 
visor's job [P] 

a i^da'rl n.f. woman enslaved in battle 
* loose woman 

j f darnin' n.m. this the world and the here- 
to. after [A -jljdual] 

*\y dark {dial. jtjlfdaA) n.f. grinderJtfyfd^ft/l’ 
dark bhi gar'm no ho'nd v.t. have very little 
to eat taUbda iki (dial, fajlf da' rk a) n.m. (joc 4 


large beard corner-stones 

/f5b rfar '** (dial- fjlMi'rkl) ^ard 

V pet' melt ho'na v.i. (of 

child) be precociously^ da'rhl peshab' 

St mubdoa'na disgrace. ’ **^at the humble pie 
t^jtyVjtefjbdarkl&kar'ia (or mkk'na) v.i. 
grow a beard Ijtyfjbda'rki mookd'na v.i. shave 
off one’s beard 

^ das n.m. (dial.) servant^brfa'ri n.f. (dial.) 
(/ b maid servant female devotee [8] 
rfa'ra n.m. wall-plate 

,£,/ dAittin' ,(j)&ljdis'l8h n.f. legend ; 

-* romance late ; fable story f&tyb 
da\'t alt-go' x.M. story-teller professional 
(orally) relating legends or talcs ’'fiftf&bdzts'taii- 
go' 'l n.f storytelling profession of relating 

legends or tales [P| 

disk' l suf. keeping care (of)kS*jjjb 
^^I*jid-d3&t n.f memory note 

memorandum gjjfdafh'lah n.f. mistress ; con- 
cubine st’F. kept , maintained [P -gj^havej 
,t\ydi' l i ( J’lJ\ad-da"l) n.m. (pl. tfigpda'iyan' 
V JU> do* at') preacher one making a 

call (for some cause) one who invites 
ItfVIbJi * 1 * ' ** ( or ed-dS'l) ilal-khoir' 

n.m. one who makes a call for a noble cause ; 
one who invites towards virtue (A - 

d£ l tyah n.m. desire ; wish motive 

arrogant elaim vsv.^fjjfidam-da''ijak) guts 
[A - PREC.’ 

it dagh n.m. mark spot blemish 
U 'stigma scar .bum loss ; injury 

shock calamity C&l&bdagh Bfka’m a v.i. suffer 

a reverse of fortune Jtfctdagh-'bcl' n.f. spade 
(for laying mark out a road ; road demarcation 
OljJstt’f&to) dagh'-bel' dal' na v.t. begin ; 

start ; initiate lay the foundation (of)jjjfb 
dagh'-dar' adj. blemished sullied spotted 
stained burnt ; scarred soiled llX/l/ib 
dap}'-dar' kat'na v.t. sully ho'na 
v.i. be sullied £tj£l)dagb'-de'na \ .t. brand 

grieve die" and cause grief (to) igb'- 

kkana v.i. suffer the shock (of) be greatly 
grieved fljdkgh '-lagana v.i. sull y ; stigma- 
tize; blacken the name (of) grieve V&£jjdafb'- 
lag'na v.i. be sullied • be branded ; be 
stigmatised be grieved by the death (ofjjf’fl 
da'ghi adj. damaged ; soiled ; spoiled [P] 

.»* dugh'na v.t. brand fire (gun, etc.) 

\ /« da' ft* adj. driving away repelling 

C/ ' curative curing [A~&>] 

/ dakh n.f. grapes a species of small 
* ' sour grapes 

[1. - prec ; 2. ono.J 

I ||. dal n.f. name of the letter 

U 3 « a ,y ho’na v.t. go away; make oneself 


f | < dal n.f. split pulse vetch scale ; 
J ^ crust granulation yellow spot on 
fledglings beak concentrated rays 
dal ba'fn to' d n.f. fired pancake wit), a layer of 
pulse in hl^p^dal' bakdk'na v.i. (of wound) 
granulate l^J^bdal' Aap'poo ko'n a v.t. 
grapple withi each other (of kite strings) be- 
come entangled Uj^ljdal' dal'ja N.M. coarse 
fare ; poor food ** whatever is readily available 
for eating fyjJUdal' ro'ff n.f. humble food 
poor sustenance bare existence yfjbtifj 
(/U) dal' gal'tta v.i. (of someone’s cause) 
prosper make headway ) jf Jf f tdal' 

melt (Jtflfift*) ka'la ho'na v.i. smell a rat 
(Id) dal' no gal'tta v.i. fail to make headway 
(» a 'bb* to (math Is) dal' bki 
na'fhft jka'rt pn. he is as yet a fledgling 
t 1 | ^ dal adj. proof (of) indicative (oQ ; 
U * expressive (of) denoting ; signifying 
li/lcfli^par dal ko’na v.t. be proof (of) be 
indicative (of) denote ; signify Jr> 

g)l)l)dalan' n.m. varandah hall [P] 

dam n.m. net snare trap Cli<ji(tit£) 

I kt dam' nuk s'na v.i. come under the 
spell (of) be duped (by) be seduced (by) 
be ensnared (by) iHjifixSiko) dam' rntk la'na 
v.t. ensnare entrap dupe [P] 

dam' n m. price cost value money; 

( wherewithal a small coin now out of use; 
son jdam' bhar'na v.i. pay the penalty 
(of) indemnify IfLiffitdam pat' ja'na v.i. (of 
price) be settled I'&fDdam ctuka'na v.i. settle 
price or rate 0>j(*pdam' dt'na v. to pay the price 
kha're kar'na v.i. sell off (some- 
thing) and receive the money da' mo 

di'rame qa'damt sBkta'ne adv. all types of (help) 


I da'ma int. (f. tda’mal) may it last far 
f ever; may it be prejietuated £lli7 (Sida'ma 
iqbn'lohoo int. may his star continue to be in the 
ascendent Oj f d>fjda'mal dau'lalokoo int. may his 
sovereignty (or prosperity) perpetuate 
da'ma til lokoo int. may his protection last for me 

.. j- dalvar no*. God ; God of Justice ; the 

Just God just sovereign [P] 
fyfydskina, Cfljdaik'na,(jLljda’jaii adj. right 
(hand )a^\tda'hine adv. on the right 
hand side to the right 
yj» </a"lr adj; (of law-suit) filed ; instituted 
* circling ; whirling \?Jj>ljda'ir kar'na v.T. 
institute (a case) ; "file (a law-suit) fa'/bda”ir 
ho'na v.i. (of law-suit) be filed [A~ 

O/li ^ s ” ,ra * N - M - circle orbit large 
^ ^ tambourine [A~>*r] 

Jiy da'Um adj. eternal perpetual 
I permanent ; lasting continual cease- 
less yADV. always ever permanently 
U^'C))da' , im-uL-hab’s adj. imprisoned for life 
(JZJlfdtfda” im-ul-ma'rai adj. sickly n.m. vale- 
tudinarian da’imi adj. continual ; lasting 
permanent ; lasting continual perpetual 
^eternal [A 

^ f)da”in mm. debtor [A~^/!)dain] 

myfjdaood’ H.u. H&vid jjfjSj/mazanti r-c da'ood 
n.m. pl. psalms of David ; the psalms <&//j 
da’oo'dt adj. pertaining to David (use 
(fiilifgul-t da’oo'dt) chrysanthemum [A ~ H] 

. jljdah' , o n.m. (wrestling) trick 

grasp move (in game) throw (of 
dice) strategem ambush ; ambuscade 
turn ; chancefe^j jljda’oti par shark' ns v.i. 
be entraped be. overpowered by adversary 

Caj^(Jjbda''»ti paryakk'na v.T. stake ; put at 
stake ; hazhrdt'£(Jjljdd"ah par'na v.i have a 
good throw (of dice) C%ltfod*”oh fikehk'na v.i. 
throw the dice £Jjp)dd“oh pttk' n.m.. ( 
(wrestling) tricks C £l Zfoda"oh de'na v.f . give 

(someone) his turn trick; take in. da” oh 
kar'na v.i. trick ; deceive use (wrestling) 
trick{fk£jjl>da' , ofi kkel'na v.T. play a trick 
(upon) employ a strategem (against) 
da" oh lagans v.i. throw the dice put at 

•take lie in wait ambush ; ambuscade wait 
for one’s chance 0Jjbda"oh lag'na v. get a 
chance or opportunity Ok^’( J </« M oagilat' n.m. 
tticks ^ strategem ambush ; ambuscade 
tflgOjWa'oh mth a'na v.i. be taken in ; be 
deceived (by) be ambushed (by) 
flUWt i.F. (col. for ^bda'yah) midwife 
■ midwife CUt&'AlIj 

' da ’t tt pi fhJtApa'na V.I. try to conceal from 
one who is in the know of thingS(}ilfjjljdd''i 
kkM'i tt.r. governess baby-sitter ^J/lis 
da"i-gt'ri n.f. (col.) midwifery [or ~Pw(icora.J 

da' yah adj. (same as I^>adj. ^) 

jfi da’tn adv. j to^ the right; on the right 
3 hand sid eJ^l(J*bda"eh ba"eh adv. right 
and left 

I . da’ yah n.f. midwife child’s nurse ; 
1-3 dry-nurse ; governess ; baby-sitter wet 
nurse (fjsljda'ya-gan n.f. midwifery [F] 

L dub n.m. (rare) bear 

• dUb'b-e as'ghar n.m. the ^ i 

(constellation) Little Bear *. . * — 
y/li^'jdab’b-e ak’bar n.m. the f 
(constellation) Great Beat • . 

[A] ** ' 

^y dab' bn n.m. twig (for replantation) [ ~ Us ] 


j*i daba'tia v.T. press down squeeze 

. * curb crush ; subdue check ; restrain 
usury bury ; inter suppress hush up 
Ctjlfdabz' de'na v.t. bury ; inter suppress 
hush up press down Qjljdaba' le'na v.t. 
usurp seize encroach upon overawe 

control ; keep under the thumb overcome 
curb suppress [~tj>CAWS.J 

diba'ghat u.r. tanning currying 
'■^(leather) fjljdabbaQ N.M. tanner 
currier [A] 

Si daba'o n.m. pressure constraint 

2. influence awe pl/jLydaba"o dal'na v.i. 

press down influence ; bring pressure 

to bear upon(,'U , '/l >j daba'o man’na,(;fj*jfodaba'’/‘ 
mth a'na v.i. yield to the pressure of [~ 
jjjuy dab'dabah n.m. awe state majesty 

* * [P3 , 

i . , dub'dka, IJjdug'da n.m. dilemma 
"• demur suspense ; uncertainty hesita- 
tionLjffjfAjjff’l i'sl dUb'dke meh ho’na v.i. be on 
the horns of a dilemma dub'dka kar'na v i. 

doubt ; have misgivings hesitate 
y, du'bur n.f. anus posterior bottom; 
Y bum [A] 

dab' too gluts too n.m shy (person) 
nervous (person) cowardly) [~l>> 

..jli Jdabis'tan (or dabistah') n.m. *cb< 


i'l/* dabka'na V.t. reprove ; rebuke snub 
(arch.) hide.; conceal C&jda'bakna v.i. 
crouch shrink from fear squeez lie in 
a ambush uJ%/ZXrda'bak kar bditk'nav. i. crouch 
(IfimXtdabakja'navA. be overawetf crouch 
ik dub' la adj. (f. (fa dub’ It) lean 
• * an ^ thin gaunt weak {f>j 

da b'la pet' It adj. (r. &&>da b’h pat'll) lean 
lank thin ; gaunt weak c / v y.>djib'la pan 
n.f leanness thinness weakness 

» ddb'na v.i. be pressed down be 

* squeezed . be compressed be suppressed : 
be quelled restrained be defeated , be 
overcome ; bow down crouch yield be 
mortified be buried be hard-pressed 
‘ dob' ja’ no v.i yield be mortified be 

suppressed ; be quelled be buried (under 

debris, etc.) 1/ mar' ns v.i. be crushed to 

death ; be hard-pressed n/j jjjdab'boo dab' boo 
kat'n a v.i. create a hush-hush atmosphere 
l±/if(fcda'bl ag kUred'na v.t. try to stir up (old 
feud) again*£pLjjj oa'tA tflban' se a ov. in a 

low voice (say ’something) timorously 
ia’bt pa' 'an ADV. treaking softly ; sneakingly £.y 
dabaiF adj. mortified n.m. weakling sub- 
ordinate ' 

ft.^abatg’ adj. (r.J~3'dabaii'gi) stout 
v ^C*bulky fat and ugly n.m. bully 
courageous (person) 

... dabo&'na v.t. seize hold down 
'V?■ , pounce upon catch Ijyjfa dabo&'na, 
Ijpfjtfja daboet'n a v.t. pounce upon hold 

down Ci$Jt*dabo£ U'na v.t. seize clutch 
catch hold down 

dob'b Ih.f. balancing (at tip-cat) 

. . doin' n.m. (arch, or lit.) secretary 
writer \jfytodoW r-o fo'lok n.m (the planet) 
Mercury [A] 

d0 W ADJ. (of paper, etc.) thick 

^p doboit adj. & n.m. (see under V>» v.i. «fe) 

do'po} N.F. browbeating swift move- 
•f' ment tf'jdapal'na v.t. walk quickly 
browbeat i£>idopta'*i v.t. cause to move 

quickly * 

j^j dot snt. be off ; away , begone , avaunt 
Vj&dUtkVaa v.t. (same zsljfav.T. if) 

/• ditkaa’na h.m. rag on child’s forehead to 
prevent influence of evil eye 
. n.m. antichrist great deceiver 


Lp datf'l n.m. deception ; fraud *£>Jpdaj'l-o 
U»*fonb' n.m. fraud fraudulence (A] 
Jpj dij'lok (col. dqj-) n.m. Tigris [AJ 

,fy daja' N.M. dark of night dark night 
* fcJItAbad'r-Ud-dqja' n.m. full moon in 

the dark of night luminary (A) 

(jff^Jdakkan' n.m. smoke (rare) steam 

ftfodukka'tn adj steam (ship, etc.) jUrjlfr 
dukha'ni jahzu' n.u. steamer (/jjlordukha'dl kal 
n.f. steam engine [A] 

^ ddkh't n.f. (see under n.f gt) 

ddkh'lar n.f. daughter girl iSfidakk’t 

' n.f. (abb. of /&) daughter girlJbsS^ 
dakh't-t ra*',}j ) ?frdakl] l 'iar-eTat:’ n.f wine {PJ 
dokjh’l n.m. interference , possession 
W ) meddling . access , admission skill 
knowledge jlii^rdakh' l-atdziz! adj meddle- 
interfering ^jl/Jftdakh'l-ohda'a n.f inter- 
ference meddling- (fafjdakh'l-o be-ja' ‘/tfVjTi 
dakh'l-t na-j 3 "t{ nm. trespass unlawful 
possession interference meddling 
dojsh’l bil-jafi'r n.m. forcible possession j* Jp> 
do l& l pa' no v.i. have access gain admis- 
sion obtain possession &tfJtZ${y>dakkl dor 
ma'qoclat' n.m. meddling : uncalled for inter- 
ference l 'J&ifJ&ZJfcdakh'l dor ma'qoolst' kor'na 
v.t. meddle (with) poke one’s nose into 
others affairs dt’na v.t. interfere 

possession dakkfl-damaM mm. writ 

of possession, document giving right of occb- 
pancy dajgd-jib' ho'na v.t. enter get 
righti (over) obtain possession /VlJfidakh’l-ja'bi 
N.r. entry right (to) obtainmgpossessionfA) 
^ da^h'mah n.m. Zoroastrian graveyard (P) 


| aA1W'n.m. penetration shoving to 
entry (A - doublet of jfa J 
lA dakhW adj. having influence (with or 
CC over) occupying; possessing admitted 
interfering adopted (word) jy^rdakhlt' 
kdr n.m. occupancy tenant £y^%daktet'-ka’ri 
n.f. hcreditory occupancy (of agrarion land) 
fyffidaktor ho na v.t. A «. interfere 
(neddle "•&/ mt * (behOt) 

dak/of ho’na v.i*. have (great) influence (with or 
O'er) LA-^] 
jj dad n.m. beast of prey (P) 

|jj da' da n.f. governess 

. dudhar', £/*)) dsdhll' adj. milch (animal) 

animal giving much milk ( -*>»*)} . 

. dttd'dknx n.m. double gain 
JT'* dad'dhor log' na (or ho'na) v.i. have one’s 
cake and cat it too 

a .did’dhi n.f. teat : pap a herb with connivance dar'-gu tor knt 'nZ v.i. 

L milky sap forgive; pardon overlook connive (at) 

fadkyal' n.f. fathci's family (of someone) dar'rgi’ Zarna v.t. give up quit give 

1 ! up as lost hope L .j[/j^ke dar-maysn' adv. 

Z, dad'ya khis'r n.m. spouses paternal 
/ X** grand faiherg/l^ijj dad'ya sas spouses 
paternal grandmother [ ~ bb] 

*/) dar n.m. door gate preF. in into 
about JZij> dar-a^mad n.f. (pi.. 
dor-amadaf) impon>Li;>U> dar- a' mad bars' mad 

n.f. (pl. dar-zmada! l-o bar-nmdal') 

import and export tbrdar o' m' v.t. enter : 
force entry into penetrate ' succeed 
dar-aiyJdrJ adj. & n.m. slanderer backbiter 

lfoi*br dot Qfida ’& n.f. slander backbiting 

dar-bab" dar-ba rah prop, about adv. 
with regard to ^ y >dar-ban’ n.m. doorkeeper ; 
gatekeeper jointer j^yjdar' ba-dar' adv. lead- 
ing a miserable life from dooi to door ; from 
pillar to post ; driven from one place to another 

up as lost hope jjisj’^ke dar-mayan' adv. 
between among in the centre (of) 
amidst ; midst j in the midst of ybfidarmayn'nah 
adj. central middle middling so so 
fj) i/U. jidarmaya nah dar'jah (ped. -dara'jah.) n.m. 
inter." class (railway compartment, etc.)^^* 
darmayani adj. central middle midd- 
ling soso mean (of two qualities) jljJjs* 
da' r-o diva)' n.m. every nook and comer 
dar-ifi' eke xhak' ixt. undoubtedly too tnu- 
why not (P] 

f y dar n.m. rate llPyJ</<tr lags' na v.t. charge at 
^ the rate of 

f ^ dar suf. tearing piercing^.* </<t'ri suf. 

tearing piercing [Prd^l . 

• . dUr' int. be off fie upon youC*-^^,; »>. 
„ dir^dir (pkit' pkit) n.f. cries, of shame 

• * ' « \ • ■ -- 

dar' ba-dar' phir'na v.t. go from door lyloiJ^Zdfj^jyfdtr dir (pkif pkit) kar'na v.t. drive 

to door be driven from pillar to post lead 
a tramp’s life/^i JirjAyjdar' ba-dar' khak' ba-sar' 
ph. miserable leaving a miserable life 
du%r&cc<l jsjj da r-bah'di n.f. lock-out«/yyrfor- 
par’dak adv. . by undcrlrand means' secretly 
privatcly(» fea^ke dar-pai' ho’ nit v.t. be 
tfter^ pursue be in search of press 
^■e^^nfdar pa-t azar' ho'nS v.t. harass 
dar pa" e jan' ho'na v.t. be deadly enemy (of) 
be intend on killing (someone) Jr£,.j</tfr/>«/i’ 
adv. facing ; confronting placed before ; 
under consideration under trial before ; 
in front (of) placed be fore tyi/i/rdar pesh ho'na 

v.t. face ; confront happen ; occur be* 

fall_ be under trial be under consideration 

£>**/> dar haqi'qat adv. in fact ; as a matter 
of fact undoubtedly conj. the fact of the 

away ignominiouslylj^y.x/ur' dir ho'na v.:. be 
driven away ignominiously 
fj} diet (rare dir' rah) n.m. {pl. yyfdu'rar) pearl 
(J&jjj dur-ofspati' adj. eloquent VjftJ&frdir- 
ofshat ho'na v.i. speak eloquen tly ^ gji,) dvr- 
afsha'ni n.f. eloquence utteranee jlj&s* 

dir'r-r shak-car' (or di'r-e) N.M. large pearl of the 
fint wjiter ; pearl worthy of kings gj/ytdur'r-e 
maknoon' (or di'r-e) n m. hidden pearl pearl 
of the first water dur'r-e ns-s J'lah (or 
di'r-e) n.m. unbored pearl viigin 

omideration under trial before ; di'r-e na'jafjiw di'r-e) n.m. precious Najaf stone 
(of) placed be fore tyjjysdar pesh ho'na for beads dur'r-e yaffm' (or di'r-e)U£,) dur'r-e 
face ; confront happen ; occur be- yak-la' (or di'r-e, n.m. matchless pearl [A] ~ 

be under trial be under consideration dar a' n.f. bell caravan bell 

’ar kaqi'qat adv. in fact ; as a matter baii'g-e data n.f. ringing of caravan bell 

undoubtedly conj. the fact of the call for march (P 
is dZo^/jdarfihas’t n.f. application * f jy dir'raj km. partridge [A] 

I rPfl ll/vct lv«i sisirtrliX c*/ f/a'itTf \r air 

matter is iZvfj&jdarphas’l n.f. application 
petition request Cv&pifdarkhasU de'na v.i, 

apply ; submit an application petition ; 
file a peiiuon(jl/t,eJiK)ejofiC>'lyr f jdarkhas't- 
dehihdah' (or kSnih'dah or gizar') n.m. appli- 
cant «■ petitioner v/<ZS\fjidarkhast kar'nav.l. 
request implore apply jjryjjlar'-kk&r adj. 
fit for worth l&M/tdar'-khir-e et'tina adj» 

jls) darar' n.f; creak ; erack ; fissure : rent 

* I J daraz' adj. & affix, tall high 
long extended outstretched spread 
out sprawling iZ^jlfdaraz'-dast adj. high- 
handed ; oppressive • tyrannical (f^jftdaraz'- 
das'ti n.f. high-handedness ; oppression ; tyranny 

y ~ aUJ I) A,P| lll^ll a IUlIIUCUlK03 J Vp|IIV93»U.i ; Itltll.llt 

worthy of attention'; worth notice j£,> dar-kar' adj.' tali' 

ADJ. of life; useful wanted ( ly) ; needed (ly) of high stature Hjj^daraz' kar'na v.t.~ pttt- 
dar-kar' na ho'na v.i. be of (no) use to ; long ; lengthen stretch sprawl £fjjladaraz- 
be (not) wanted b\ jt/yi dar-knnar' adv. apart gosh n.m. (rare) hare adj. long-eared V/fsfadoraz' 

what to say of j^tdar'-gi'za. n.f. pardon I ho’na v.i. lie down take rest lie with 



logs tpnwKngjjtfJljzaiM .darat- adj. impudent; 
P* rt ; ($ jjjfjfizabah-da r a ci n.f. impudence; 

saurincss ; l y jdars '& nj. height tallness 
length extension stretching [P] 

jl jm ar “* n.m. drawers ; underwear 
panties drawers (of table, etc.) [E] 
datrak' adj. sagacacious keen-witted 

~2i dar alt'll n.f. sickle AX /ft 
£/ ^ halh/tura aur darah'ti N.M. 

PL. hammer and sickle n.m. J> 

these as symbol of Communism 

dan' him n.m. (pl. of dirham n.m. if) 

dara'jat n.f. understanding; knowledge 
higher criticism [A] 

| darb&r' n.m. (royal or saintly) court 
(royal or saintly) audience; lover 
shrine mausoleum prominent citizen’s 
gathering to meal bureaucrat (^j^ydarba r~t 
kkas n.m. private audience ‘meeting of 
ruler’s privy council (fj^ydarbax-dari n.f. 
attendance at royal court courtly manners 
sycophancy vJtfjlijkjdarbar'-dari kar'na v.t. 
dance attendance upon (\ fj^darba'r-e ‘am' n.m. 
General audience ; public* audience 
darbsr' kar'na (or laga'na) v.t. hold a court 
1 $jkj> darbur' lag'na v.t. (of court) be held 
(of people) gather at saints shrine, 
darbtfri n m. courtier one entitled to* a 
seat in bureaucrats’ gathering adj. courtly 
(of idiom or language) chaste • polished court 

»• . da’ rat n.f. name of a musical mode (as 
* opposed | to iSvfibilam 'pal n.f.) 
g,/J dur'j n.m. casket [AJ 

dar'j n.m. entry ; writing ; recording Vjfai 
O' dar'j kar'na v.t. Write ; enter ; record ; 
register insert include llffi'tftnam' dar'j 
kar'na v.t. enrol enlist admit 
dar’j ho'nU v.t. be entered in a book ; be 
record ; be registered ; be written be inserted 
be included [A] 

darjan n.f. dozen [E] 

^ dar’j ah (ped. da' rajah) n.m. (pl. &\f,3 
darajat') degree angle ; degree of a 
circle mark point suge class ; grade 
compartment plight rank; sUtus jpjkjp) 
dar'ja ba-dar'jah adv. gradually , by degrees 
step by step according to one’s status 

upgrade honour 
degrade dis- 

Up /J&Jdar'jah barha'na v.t. 

^y^jdarjah ghata' na v.t. 
grace [A] . 

darakk't n.m. tree l 'lP J ^3 darakh't ru 
^ v.i. plant a sapling [P] 

..^ darakh' shaft adj. shining ; luminous 
O OV resplendent brilliant /t ^jdarakhsha ni 
N.F. brilliance splendour (P ~ cl*r£] 

D. i, £ dara kksh . it .' dah adj. shining glitter- 

_t*i 's? j n g splendid JJkS^darakhshih’dagi 
n.f brightness ; refulgence splendour 

j • dar-khas't n.f (see under \j> n.m. & 

SUF. *) 

jj'y) dar’-khUr adj (see under y y if) 

dar'd n.m. pain , ache affliction 

grief pity commiseration } jT)yidar‘d- 

alooi' , •rfi/sfdar'd amei adj. painful 
grieved touching • pathetic dar'd 

amt’zt n f. pitiableness y^ 3 y>dar‘d-t sar' HJt. 
headache vexation J-^ydar’ d-t shi'kam N.m. 

colic pain stomach trouble Vjyji dar'd 
kar'na. v.t. pain ache feel compassion 
for t )J)j*dar‘d-t gur'dah n.m, kidney pain ; renal 
colic Xsjjj dar'd- maftd adj. sympathetic 
compassionate n.f. sympathy; 
compassion ^J^j^dar' d-nttk’ adj. sad 
touching ; pitiable heart-rending ^jy^ydar'd- 
na'ki n.f. sadness pitiableness byfy^y dar'd 

ho'na v. pain; ache IsM. bt-dar'd adj. hard- 
hearted callous pitiless; cn»cl(ft;*g be'~dar'di 
n.f. callousness cruelty adj. (col.) cruel 
(beloved) [P] 

. dat'd n.f. sediment ; dregs (\r£*s*4AT’d-t 
^ feh-e jam' n,f. lees (PJ 

dar'dara adj. coarsely ground 

dsr'* n.f. crack creak ; fissure 

dar'gl n.m. tailor ; seamster dress- 
Oy* maker (jjy)dar'zan n.f. seamstress ; 
sempstress dress-maker tailor’s wife [PJ 

dor's n.m. lesson lecture £o(J^ydar ’ t 
yd) dt'na v. teach instruct give a 
lesson or lecture gj^ydar' s-gah n m. educa- 
tional institution school college alma- 

ma ter & dor's le'na v.i. learn take a 

lesson (fyjdar'si adj. instructional educa- 
tional [A] 

^/da'ras (or da'rs) n.m. (dial.) look , view sight 
Uy<y Ci&fj^jda'ra* AUu'na v.t condescend 



m appear (before) [S] 

— j durust' adj. correct true right 
^ fit ; proper safe sound good ; well 
repaired rectified set right inperfect 
Order vXz^dVrusl' kar'na v.t. correct 
rectify set right put in order mend ; 

repair adjust ty£*£durdsj' ho’na v.i. be 
set right be corrected be mended be 

repaired be rectified be adjusted be put 

in order n;f. correction 

amendment reformation repair mend- 
ing rectitude adjustment accuracy [P] 

^ t> duriish'i adj. harsh stern fierce 
coarse ; rough ^^durush’ti n.f. 
hardiness severity sternness fierceness [P] 
dar'shtm n.m. (dial ) look ; sight ; view 
** (jffydar' sham adj. (of bill of exchange) 

payabje at sight worthseeing specious 

fharii hub'dl n.f. bill of exchange 
payable at sight [S] . . 

A diraf'sk n.m. flag ; ensign; banner fy>0(JyJ 
ijs) diraf'th-t kauiya'nl n.m. legendary ensign 
of Iran [P] 

f dar'k n.m. understanding comprehen- 
sion secret approach [A] 
jtfy) dar-kar' adj. (sec under n.m. & suf. ★) 

t# s dargak' n.f. shrine (saint’s) mauso- 
(pun, royal court ffi&darga'h-e mo‘al'la 
n.f. elevated court [P] 

dur'gat n.f. ill-treatment maltrcat- 
ment rough handling unfavourable 
response vf&Ci dur'gat kar'na v.t. maltreat 
ty&Z’dar'gat ho'na v.i. be maltreated [ -cf \ 
dar-gH'gar n,f. (see under n.m. & suf. -A”) 

('> d'iram n.m. (same as n.m. *fr) 

.. darmati (col. ^ idar'man ) n.m. cure ; re- 
' rwdy (JbiJL-tsfdar'd-t bt-darmah' n.m. 
incurable malady [P] 

•i dar-msti’dah adj. helpless distressed 
* J miserable J^lf/idar-mak'dagi n.f. 

helplessness distress misery [P~ 

I dar-ma'hah n.m. monthly payment ; 
(monthly) salary [P~ y)+ »l] 

[fOi dUr'matl n.m. &.adj. fool 

V . JUr'muf n.m. hand implement levelling 
macadamized nmkC$?^gfdUr'mlif diala'na 
v i level (road) with that implement. 


daman n.m. (same if) 

. dar-mayan' (lit. also dar-mayah') n.m. ib 
U- ^ darmaya'nah adj., darmaya 'id At 
(see under n.m. & suf. if) * 

. . darifidok , jfjidaritd n.m. (pl .$£/» 

datin' dagan) beast of prey adj. 
rapacious ; ravenous ferocious beastly 
inhuman fyfijjdariti dag\ n.f. rapacity 

beastliness ferocity (P~ > j, 

ft 4 dir alt g' n.m. delay hesitation u/L&> 
diraiig' kar'na v.i. delay hesitate 
dilly-dally [PJ 

gjlyyj darua'zoh n.m. door gate 

(CfefiA'jkiijll'fdarva'iah bald' kar'na (er 
tdur'na) v.i. close or shut the door bj* 
darva'zah khatkhfa'na v.i. knock at the door 
OAfjlWdarva'&h kkol'na v.i. open the door 
CflV-^y^i^darva'it kSmaf'ti U d&l'nu v.t.&i. 
pay frequent visits (to) m 

. da'r-o bas't adj. whole ; entire £*%>?** 
*-*'•*</* da'r-o bas’t hUqooq' ph. all right and 
title whatsoever 

. darood' n.m. blessing.; benediction 

salutation prayer 

darood' bkfj'n a (or parh'rm) v.i. invoke God’s 
blessings on the Holy Prophet [P] f s, 

Ljydarogh' n.m. lie; falsehood 

darogh' bar gar' dan-e rj'rt pm. I accept no 
responsibility for the report darogh ’-hal'fi 

n.f. perjury swearing falsely 
darogh’-kal’fi kar'na v.i. perjure swear 
falsely fijyjdarogt' -go n.m. Viarj&LjJififljJfyt 
darogh'-go ra hafizah na ba'shad prov! falsehood 
has no legs to stand upon fi^ss* darogh'-go"t n.f. 
lying ; falsehood [P] 

. , darooh' adv. in within n.m. in- 
Os* side heart conscience [P] 

JpJ darvuh' n.m. mendicant , dervish , 
LO'> ‘calender 1 saint student under- 
going a course of Islamic education *L£*£*> 
darvtsha'nah adj. dervishlike poor un- 

assuming saintly yrt^dant'fM n.f. poverty 
mendicancy saintliness disgust of l»y 


da'rah (or dar'rak ) n.m. pass ; mountain 
^ pass ; glen ; lane valley 
V/J dUr’rah (ped. dir'rah) njm. whip ; scourge 

r g^y dad rah n.m. (same as n.m. +) 



dir’kam, (*,) di'ram n.m. drachm 
t small silver eoin ; drachm ; drachme 
money j is >)(£/> dir' ham-o dinar' n.m. pl. money 

» da r' -ham adj. jumbled confused; 

P confounded upset fi/.fadar'-ham 

tar' -ham adj. topsy-turny jumbled 

confused ; confounded disarranged upset 
lying in a state of mess dar'-ham 

bar' -ham kar'na v.t. upset dar'-ham 

bar'-ham ho'na v.i. be upset lie in a state 
of a mess [P] 

* * da'fi n.f. cotton carpet ; ‘durrie’ bed 

, da'ti n.f. tame of an old Persian dialect 
name of the chaste Persian spoken in 
Tajikistan [P] 

I . darya' n.m. river (lit. & rare) sea ; 
m* waters by (Lj) darya' u'tama v.i. (of river) 
recede x/lyi darya' -bur' d adj. (of land) diluvial; 
washed away by the river n.f. diluvium 
inundated £lfjfj/ t ljidarya'-bUr'd ho ja'na v.i. 
(of land) be washed away by river Cafel/t darya'- 
tfaark'na v.i. (of river) be in spate ; inundate 
(jij»j>darya'-dil adj. large-hearted generous; 
liberal municificent magnanimous J^jdarya'- 
diti n.f. largeheartedness generosity ; 

liberality ; munificence magnanimity 

Jjfsidarya' koo'ze met bahd' kar ha 
v.i. say much in a few words attempt the 
impossible kar darya’ mehial' 

prov. accept no return for the good' you have 
done yP-£S~j£fop(J^»darya' mtfi raik-na ma'gar - 
maffak’ st bair prov. it is hard to reside in Rome 
and quarrel with the Pope darya' -e shor' 
n.m. sea ; ocean jy’£~i j }j£ , 0boo'r-e darya' -t 
tkor' adv. overseas n.m. transjxnrtation (for life) 
y Jj>jjdarya"i adj. aquatic ^marine 

riverain ; riverine ; riparian darya" i 

'ra N.M. hippopotamus ; hippo [P] 

n.f. discovery inquiry 
investigation detection discernment 

Kj&jt/^dar-yaf't kar'na v.t. discover find 
out inquire investigate detect to 
discern ascertain V{£Pj>sidar-yaf't ho’na v.i. 

be discovered be detected be ascertain- 
ed belbundontl~'^+ e f* r ^] 

V . darya' ’i n.f- starting pull given to kite 

V-S* a kind of silk cloth now out of fashion 8 ! 
adj. (see under n.m. it) 

^Jdoriboh n.m. betet-market 

& dari'eftak n.m. window casement [P] 

dariz' kj printed muslin 

ft .,) dart'dah adj. tom rent ufiUjidari'da- 

*• da'han adj. impudent ; pert; saucy 

[P~ 1 

\K.y iare ' r * NM - (dial.) forceful current 
v* . (of river) downpour 
it" 0 ;} darats' adJ. fallen in line alert 
** v/(fysdarai' si kar’na v.t.A i. line, 

dress level ground [~E dress] 

If daregh n.-m. regret grudge denial; 

refusal hesitation int. ah ; alas bt^fr 
dartgh' a'na v.i. rue; regret [^jj^sdareg h' rakk'na 
v.t. be grudging in with hold from; refuse 
hesitate bJg/jdarefj}' kar’na v.t. be grudg- 
ing in withhold from * sigh regret 

doing ; refuse [P] . 

•y . daryoo' zah n.m. beggary; beggingXv^ 
daryoo' za-gar n.m. beggar medicant 
nJ.u. j> daryoo' za-gar'i n.f, beggary ; beg- 
ging mcndican [P] 

\)r darta,^*fdar'bahNM. pigeon-house 
• (dove : )cote (hen-) coop 

tfljiyy dar bar a'na v.t., give the lie to 


dar ah' ga n.m. long step baste 

v'J) darahgelaga'na v.i. leap rove 

• . doz'd n.m. thief ; burglar robber ; 
highwayman ; footpad dOz'd-e kina' 
n.m. spot missed by henna in dying hands, etc. 
(S»j>dUz'di n.f. theft burglary robbery 
iujjjdOzdi'dah adj. stolen pilfered sly 
< ilPbjjitipJjduzdi'da-na’zar (or -nignh’) n.f. sly 
look side glance adj. looking askance at 
< fftissjfduzduda-rnga’hi n.f. sly looks look- 
ing askance [P] /fs. 

Vdas AD}.<en^bjJyirfdas' gazklzaban' n.f. 
* pert ness ; sauci ness 
utgliyah da shh tkiragh ph. accomplished (young 

dasallr' n.m. constitutions (of countries) 
(rare) modes ; methods [A ~ sing. J*\ 
Jj[/ydisa'var N.M. foreign country foreign 
marketf^sL tjdisa’vari foreign import- 
ed n.m a superior quality of ‘betel ^leafti^tfj^^ 
disa'van mat' n.m. imported stufT [-'tfrf] 
t'jj das'pana,&dyjdast‘panah’ n.m. pair of 
tongs |P»s«<^ + *1^1 

'"/ Aasi v.Mp watery motion animal’s 
^ fordegVjfcxWoj'taW adj. purgative ; 



t dost N.m. hand cubit power ^2*6 
das't a mot' trained (bird)jy'jc£r , jtfmur’$h-e 
das't-amoz^ n.m. (fig.) stooge decay ‘j)PS> 

m. f. it i'lC^idast a'na v.i. have a watery motion 

(fyjtZjdas't-oida'zi n.f. interference 
exercise of authority cognizance tfitfjfilzMfffi 

qabi’l-t.das't-Zhda'3 -e pulls' adj. ^cognizable 

(offence) \[/(fjjil~S)das1-a1id a' £i kar'na v.t. 
interfere exercise the authority das't 

ha-das' t adj. hand-to-hand (fight etc.) b'yteCS) 
das't ba-d»‘a’ ho'na v.i. pray das't-bUr’d n.f, 

usurpation exploitation extortion 
wicroachrnc das't-bUr'd se 

hafk'tm (or mahfooz raih'na ) v.i. escape being 
exploited by tyjbyf's dai't-bar-dar' ho’na v.i. 
quit; give up reliquieh retire abstain 
(from) wash one’s hand withdraw (from) 

. renounce (fjijfldas't-bar-da'rl n.f. with- 
draw) renunciation j^Cyzdas’t-bas’ldh adv. 
humbly respectfully with folded hands 
ItJjf'J &s tdas't bo' si khr'na, Cjfj^&Sjdas't-bcs' 
ho'na v.t. kiss the hands (of) ; to' salnte»li’»2>6 
das' t-ponah' n.m. (rame,as Csfy*) kudos' t-khat 

n. m. signature I'Jjigsdas'i-khat kar'na v.t. 

sign endorse J&^fdas't-kha'tl adj. signed 

endorsed J?*^jftcr-das' t-]iha'Tt mm. the 
undersigned Sodas' l-t khUd dahz’n-e khSd 

ph. help yourself (or yourselves) to itj^>C»tf| 
das’t-daraz' adj. indulging invidence 
oppressive violating Jjt,{zs$das'l-dara’& n.m, 
violence oppression violation (of honour 
etc.) Vjtfjl>£/ / )das't- data' til kar’na v.t. indulge 
in violence oppress violate (the chastity of) 
ij^y^sdast'-ras n.f. reach power 
das't-* shifa' n.m. kill in medicine t^iSf^das'l-e 
fjhaib' n.m. supernatural financial help to saints 
(usu. in form of money found under prayer-mat 
etc.) *^jSc*^das't-* qUd'rat n.f. providence 
nature’s work ability j&%das'l-kar n.m. 
handicraftsman artisan (jji&jdas't-ka'n n.f. 
handicraft needlework »4^fd as't-gah’ n.f. 
skill ; ability tf/cridas' t-gar 1 dab n.m. current 

loan ; loan for a very short ttTxn^^jdas' t-gir' 
nM. helper also^&J-^/ij'r-r das't-glr' 
appellation of the well known saint Hazrat 
Abdul Qadir Jilam (^jfc-fZas' i-gl’ti n.f. help 
das' #■«' gar adj. ** dependant (pit) in 
need; needy tyj\sJS&4das' t-o girt' bah ho'na v.t 
be engaged in combat 

• dasta’nah 

adj. available Ijfi-'l^rfiir't tab ho'na v.i. be 
■* • • •• * . . ** 

available (with) be procured (i\fsdas’t-ya'bi 
n.f. availability procurement^t^'rfar't-j’a'rt 
n.f help ; support [P] 

das tar' n.f. turban (fjujjP'sdastar'-boh’di 
convocation function for 
honouring (learned man, student, etc.) by tying 
turban round his head giving academic 
robes (to student) on qualify final examination 
such function for formalizing succession 
dasta'r-t fo&'lat n.f. turban of honour 
a diploma at Convocation) [P] 

n.m. glove gauntlet 

. das't-avez' n.f. document deed 
Jk tv bond certificate note 
das' /-aw' z-t intiqal' n.f. transfer deed 

mutation certificate [iJbtf/jP'sdas' t ave'z-t bat 
bU-oafa n.f. deed of conditional sale Cfp'jiP’s 
das't-aoe'z-* zema’nat n.f. bail-bond 
das't-aoe'z-e Iada , 'o a n.f. deed of renunciation 
'■£jP , > ( fTja t 'b das’t-avez' n.f. forged document 
(P ~ hand +e$7hang] 

. •*, dds'tarkhan' n.m. 

table cloth piece 
of doth spread on ground for tn/P'* 

serving dishes on meals thus 
served dishes das' tarkhan bi&pa'na 

v.t. lay die table vtoSyifftsdastarljhan baiha'na 
v.t. clear the table [yty^^pp'fka dos’torkla* 
khD'la ho'na v.i. keep open house ; be liberal in 
entertaining (P] 

/ das' Ink n.m. knock (at the door) Cs%.Js» 
das'tak de'na v.t. knock at the door 
dos'taki n.f. note-book . falconer’s glove 
handle (of trunk, etc.) 

JT* _ y dastoor ' (or dUstoor') N . M. ( Fi-yZbSj dasztttr') 
* ) constitution custom ; manner; mode 

fashion procedure usage practice 
rule; regulation code; manual^i^J^-^aj/oe’r-a 
as a' si n . m . constitution rules and regula- 
tions if'ijS^tidstoo'r-ul * a'mal rules of 
procedure ‘modus operandi’ rules and 
regulations code ; manual j [sj p~fdastoor' -sUz 
adj . constituent (assembly) jL*,j^i^/dfmqj'Hs-« 
dastoor’-saz n.f. Constituent Assembly 
das loo' rt adj. constitutional customary n.f. 

(broker’s or servants) commission was 
perquisites [A ~ PJ 

r» _ y das'tah n;m. handle kheat of twenty 

-d four hilt quire (of paper) (arrow) 
bouquet or nosegay (of flowers] detachment 
(of army) squadron (of aircraft) (police) 



posseor contingent pestle das' I -e gul, 

£-^jfgul das’-tah n.m. bunch of flowers 
nosegay <bouquct [PI 

^ das' ft adj : by hand manual hand- 

le * prepelled stand n.f. portable torch 
portable pen-case handled vessel name of 
wrestling trick physical exercise with hands 
pressed each against the other handkerchief 
[F~ ii^hand] 

disam'bar n.m. December [E] 


9 dawihrah, J/fydasaih'ra n.m. Hindu 
festival of tenth Ranvar’ at which 
Ceylonese ruler Ravana’s effigies are burnt in 
public [S] 

// dastsa-ka’ri n.f. intrigue fraud 

W , l P ~ A i 

dash' t n.m. desert arid plain 
+ \ wood ; forest jungle dash't-paima,' 
dash't-gar'd, {jJjZSy dash' t-navar' d n.m.„ 
wanderer traveller fljfi^dash'l-paima'’ijflfci?'j 
dash't-gar'di (S5)£%dasht-naiar' cti n.f. wander- 
ing travelling across the desert ; desert-travel 
y^jdash'tt adj. wild savage forest ; of 
the forest [P] 

jt* dush'man n.m. |nemy; foe adversary; 
Cf * antagonist k{j^Zd ush'mau ger-'e pa int, 
(on wearing new pairs of shoes) may your foes 
be tramplled by your foes p t^ J^sdusW. 

man so"e na so'ne de prov. an enemy is a con- 
stent j s' niidUsh’ man n.m. deadly 

enemy ; mortal foe (/ytfjdi'li diish' manm.M. an 
enemy at heart ; a hidden enemy (j^jdush'mani 
n.f. enmity^ hostility malice ; hatred ; 
rancour C^fjfidush'marii pax’na v.i. (of enmity) 
be bred (between) 0 rffc Sjd Ush’mani $al'na v.r. 
sow seeds of enmity [P] 

dushnam' n.f. abuse ; invective swear 
I word tyftefdushnam' ilrag' adj. foul- 
mouthed (fjlpfi'ydush'tiam-iiragj, n.f. burling 
abuses of swearing at resort to abusive langu-' 

dash'nak n . m . dagger [PJ 

. iyt* dUxjmr' adj. difficult hard 
* arduous ^gJjljhdOshvar’ ,to yth' hai ph. 
the difficulty is; the trouble is (fjlj'jdushva'ti n.f. 

difficulty hardship [P] 
r. da' a' n.f. (pl. ad' l iyah) prayer 

invocation wish blessing ; benediction 
compliments regard’s \y^Jndo l a-t khair’ n.f. 
blessing ; benediction bless U> iff do' a dt’na v.i. 
give a \Atismgfo\f)do‘a' salam salutations 

regards ; compliments i^^ksdo'a' salam' kaih'na 
v.i. send one’s compliments (tol&Ufy do'a' 
mafig’na v.i* pray ; invoke blessing fifjdo‘a'-go 
n.m. well-wisher one who prays for^kj 
do'a'iy’yah adj. benedictory comprising 
prayer aiy'yah kalimat' N.M. pl. bene- 

dictory words bad do' a imprecation 
curse ; anathema [A] 

,/ i.da'a'vl n.m. pl. law-suits demands 

^ claims [A ~ sing. &f>] 

** da" vat n.f. treat ; feast banquet 

“ repast entertainment invitation 
convocation call da"vat-e jafig n.f. 

proclamation of ' war jjtfC/ ft da" vat-t shirag’ n.f. 
homely repast fc£>/ida' , vat-e sul'h n.f. call for 
peace 1 l/£sf)ia"vat kar'.na v.t. invite give 
a feast ; throw a party^j^ da"vat-e vali’mah 
n.f. post-marital feast at groom’s house [AJ 
e, da"va n.m. law-suit charge ; accusa- 
O'* tion pretension claim demand 
assertion reiteration {JfA/(j[frda‘'va-t bt-dakhlli 
n.m. action for dispossession ; ejectment suit 
(J*jlk$/bda‘'ua bi-la dalil,’ n.m. unsupported 

claim Kk'fyjyda 1 'vs jama’na v.t. assert one’s claim 
l‘/%}k$f)da"va kha'rij kar'na v.t. dismiss a 
suit jUfjda‘'ve-dar' (arch. jlj(jffida"oa-dar') n.m. 

claimant plaintiff pretender (to some 

offic t)j&iffjda i 'va-e sh f‘ah n.m. pre-emption 
claim yf lfPda"va-e , maih'r (ped. mah'r) N.M. 
claim to dower i£?\zj{fpda i 'vZ't vira'sat n.m, 
claim to inheritance (ff'jl&be-ja da"va n.m. 
baseless assertion ; unfounded claim 
Za"id- : Ul-rni‘ad da’va n.m. time-barred claim [AJ 
i • da'g ha n.m. fraud ; deception ; deceit 
» * delusion treachery betrayal treason 

desertion Jilffda'gha-bag’ adj. deceitful ; 
fraudulent betraying treacherous betrayer 
traitor imposter (f jl If* da' gha-ba'zl n.f. 
trickery deceitfulness ; fraud treachery 
betrayal imposture da gha de'na (or 

kar'na) v.t. deceive ; defraud to cheat act 
treacherously betray [PJ 
ClkJSJ daghdagha'na v.t. glitter flush 
daghdagha'hat N.F. glitter 
flush m 

• * Jagh'dagha (col. tfjsdag'daga) n>m. fear; 

dread ; danger ; apprehension tumult 
n.f. . a kind of small candle 

, da'gha! n.m. hypocrisy ruining the 
^ party- from inside aih'l-e da'ghal N.M. 

pl. false adherents to cause {A] 


L?) dagh'na v.i. (of gun) be fired 

l&daghi'la adj. rotten spotted [ - £, y| 

daf n.m. ‘dap ; a small tambourine il/<zu 
da/' baja'na v.i. play on the small tam- 
bourine ; play on the ‘daP^ti* dafli n.m. ‘daf’ 

/lii dnfa'tir N - M ; PL- offices departments 

f^lpydi/a 0 ft. M. defence JV) dif a ‘i adj. defence 

(A <v Q/3 ] i 

daf an', tfl/jtf’da'fa daf an', %'jjjjdoor daf an', 
ji)tj\)>dafari door’ adv. & int, (dial.) be olT 
fyyllfJ daf an' ho'na v.i._(dial.) be off make 
(oneself) scarce (~A#>corr.] 

{ylfjrfafa'in n.f. pl. buried treasures [A ~ sing. 

daf Car. n.m. (pl. yfo daf atir) office 

/ ' department establishment volume 
tome long letter register record 
daf Cart adj, official beaurocratic n.m. 
book binder stationery keeper; official in 
charge Of stationery daftarl hukoo'mal 

N.F. bureaucracy daf 'lari karrava ”» n.f. 

leal-tape ; action in line with official procedure 
pS daf It n.m. straw board boards for 
v * using the two sides of book’s binding 
£ daf" n.m. „ warding off prevention 
C/ repulsion iaf’-Ul-vaq’ ti n.f. beguil- 

ing the time ^ iff 3 da' fa dafm\ADV. & int. (sec 
under clfri adv. & inf. •£) daf' 1 kar'na v.t. 

avert repel ward off prevent dis- 
pel turn back rout send away 
daf" ho'na v.t. turn back be driven away 
be roured be recalled [A] 

\ daf 'ah n.f. section ; clause ; article 
turn time ; moment detachment^-* 
daf a' lan adv. suddenly ; all -of a Sudden jlJdj 
daf‘a-dar' (col. daft-dar) n.m. cavalry N.C.O. 
‘Darfadar’ ka"i daf" ah, kit'nt daf ah 

adv. repeatedly on several occasions [A] 
^fiydaf iy'yah n.m. remedy prevention 
*• repulsion end adj. curative 
preventive [A ~ tfj) 

dafn adj. buried ; interred n.m. (rare) 
” ' burial; interment {Jufjdafn kar’na v.t. 
bury ',ij[(j?jdafn ho’na v.i. be buried ; be inter- 
nd'CCffda/na'na v.t. bury ; inter [A] 

*p. dafi'nah n.m. (pl. ^\fjdafa"in) buried 
^ treasure ; treasure-trove 

? dig n.f. pulmonary ; tuberculosis ; con- 
sumption ; hectic fever adj. vexed 
pestered teased ; termented diq' k<t 

mariz' N.M. tuberculous ; tubercular patient 
l‘/(j>diq' kar'na v.t. tease ; torment to vex . 
annoy t'jf diq' ho'na v.t. be vexel ; be 

annoyed ; be irritated be teased ; be termented 
-J&daqn-rq n.m. pt. ^minutes points 

subtleties [A «* sing. *£A 
fl diq' qat n.f. difficulty j trouble 

intricacy ; abstruseness minute point ; 
delicate point nicety ; subtlety 

diq'qal mefi par'na v. to get into trouble*; to be 
involved in difficulty Jp£$)diq'qal-t aa'zar n.f. 

minuteness perspicacity [A] 

,yj ’tV daqysnoo'ii adj, outmoded : obsolete 

[ ~ A G Diogenes] 

**yJ . daqiq' adj. subtle minute delicate 

U., fine obstruse [A~prec.J 

daqiqah n.m. (pl. ~J[»jdaqa"iq) minute 
particle triffling matter delicate 

question nicety darff qah fito’- 

guzash't na kar'nn v. r. leave no stone unturned 
(jjJfj datfi'qa-ras adj. quick-witted; intelligent 

subtle ; shrewd (fjJhfijdatjd qa.-ra' si n.p. 
subtlety shrewdness ;‘*quick-wittcdness [A - 


t-iaS tokan’ (ped. dnkkm') n.f. {PL.(/.fodakakin) 
^ * shop.(l%s</j£le,fytfd&ksn' barha'na (or baftd 
kar'na) v.t. close the shop I'lfftflfiditkan chat Zina 
v.i. run a. shop l^^yidukan' chal'na v.i. have a 
good sale ; have thriving business ; have good 
custom Jlifadukari-dar' (or du'kan-) n.m. shop- 
keeper (fjtflfjdukan'-dTi'rt (or kan~) shopkeep- 
ing business ll/y^dakan' kar'na v.i. run a 
shop ; open a shop Oyf^tfidUkan' khol'.na v.t. 
run a shop open (one’s) shop | i#tf\/}dukan ’ 
lagayia. v. open (one’s) shop [A] 

/Chf» duk'ji n.f. two-horse carnage same 

as.^>N.F. jfr 

/L diikh, n.'m. suffering ; affliction misery 
^ distress trouble V&tfjdukh- utha’na 
v.i. bear pain be afflicted undergo 
suffering UOfjddkh- bata'ua v.i. sympathise 
(with) share (someone’s) sorrow 
dukk bhar'na (or bhog'na) v.i. . suffer misfortune 
labour i> }ji)dukh de'na v.t tomment 

bring suffering dukk TQkh. n.m. pains 

and pleasures ups and downs of life , vicissi- 
tude of fortune Ijk If^jdlikh' ko tna. n adj. 
miserable ; wretched afflicted unfortunate 

unlyeky I’lfj dukhan*. v.t. hurl grieve 
Ob) dukk’ na v.i. pain ache smart 
diikh'ra n.m. suffering ; affliction grievance 


(or dukh're) ro'tia v.l. vent 
one’s grievance fs); tell one’s tale af wee dukld 
adj. & N-M- (f. t^tdukh-'ya) adj. & n.m. 

ijybodukhya’rof at>i. & n.m. (f. tfjlJjAD]. & 
K-F. afflicted; in distress or pain sorrowful ; 

l‘f/1 dikhana v.T. show exhibit dis- 
* . ' play evince (j{/jdikha»a, Jbjtfjdikhrfvat 
n.f. show ostentation £ i^j dikhal'i n.f. 
(rare) sight to '^Sidikha"! de'tw v.l. appear 
be seen be sighted be able to see&yj(/r 
dik&a'l na de'na v.t. not to be seen not to 
be sighted be unable to see .be blind Cl)£} 
dikhla'fia v.r. cause to show jjMjdikkfa'vd n.m. 
(same as bbbN.M. ic) 

tkX* dukk'ya n.m. . misfortunes ; calamities ; 

troubles Ijjfipjdiikk’vn ro'na v. relate 
foneis) tale of woes [ ~ J>] . / 

I'llJj difala'na v.t. (see under (IsG V.T. yfc) 

f da kan n.m. the Deccan south {/i 
a * da karri adj. southern of the Deccan 
N.F.JDld Urdu [ ~foll.} > 

„ dak' khan n.m. south dafi’khaiit adj. 
’ southern dak’khha n.f. southern Wind- 
south wind 

dak'll (fty ditk'rl n ,f. two (at cards) { ~ja] 

iuga'nah n m. same n.m. (see under 


) dug' da N-F (same as n.m. #) 


tfjfjdag'doga n m. (corr j^pjN.M. Jf) 

(fjf) dugdUgi n.f. throat fyfjtfifjjdUg'diigi 
meh dam ho'na v.t. be on “the verge of 


f* di'gar adj. other another second 
S) time adj. again (jJJ)dl’gar-gnofi adj, 
altered ; changed deteriorated miserable 
(of condition) likely to end in death [P] 
dag’lah, (fj dag' la N.M. loose quilted coat 

double twofold [ -j> + 

• Hi ADJ 

J ill n.m. heart courage mind 
* wish r sotil conscience generosity ; 
liberality magnanimity / y /Jj dil-ara adj. 
heart adomer beloved n.m. sweetheart 
dil-aram' ADJ. beloved heart soother n.m. 
sweetheart Jjljjdil-aefir’ adj. heartbreaking 
tormenting vexing cruet tf/jlJjdil-JtZa.'rl 

n.f. heart-breaking torent vexations 
cruel fffjjfJ’dU-T'Zur'dgt n.f. heart break- 
ing ^sorrow 3 >jj'i))dil-aziir'dah (adj. & n.m. PI. 

< jtfijj'drdil-aZur' dagc.ii ) sad broken hearted 

ana v.t. fall in love (with) <ft/- 
Svez' adj . attractive ; captivating, pleasing IfjjtJ) 
dil-ave'zi n.f. attractiveness ; attraction ; allure- 
ment Ctfjidil a'takna v.l. fallen in love (with) 
be captivated (by) L'lfj.dil-Si’sa n.m. consola- 

tion encouragement Isfcdila'ta delta v.t. 

console encourage ljTt£b<J J dil U&a} ho'na, 
(£fjjdil ueKatnd' V.I. be disgusted (with) 
grow weary (of) L&Jjdil' u'mahdna v.l. Ibel like 
crying jjftjdil a'var adj. & n.m. (i 'L. Jljf0»dila' ■ 
varati) bra ye courageous valiant bold; 

intrepid (fijlfjdil-a’vart n.f. bravery courage 

valour boldness ipterpidityt^^JcJb 

dil hagj}' bagh' ho'na v.l. be highly pleased 
dll bt\hdh!na v.t. encourage ' boik'na v.t. 

be dispirited be disgusted /Jtdil'-bfiT N.M. 
heart-rav islter beloved ; sweetheart adj. 

’heart-ravishing lovely (fyJidil'-ba'rl n.f. 
loveliness being a beloved HJUjj dil ,bu'r<* 

kar'na v.i. be displeased be disperited 
take (something) ill ; take offence hf t l/Jj dil bu'f A 
ho'na v.i, be displeased take offence ; take 

untbrage be dispirited feel sick ; feel like 

\6rni{mgtyz5t%(j *di!-bar-diidi tali h<f na v.r. be 
disgusted (with) be fed up with ; have one * 
heart in* pne’s boots Clatyjidil barha'na v.t. en- 
courage J^lidil-bas'tgl n.f. attachment 
love affection adj. affectionate j^’dil battd' 
n.m. son j^jjlj/farzand-e dit-bafid' n.m. affection- 
ate son $ar fi'iifi v.l. be on the verge 

of weeping; feel like crying Cb/fjJ’dil' bha'Tjana 
v.i. feci satrateef be sick of £l}*Jjdil' 
baihla'na v.t. amuse divert entertain 
WfjjdW bai'halnu v.i, be amused be 
'‘diverted fcjgjjdil baith'ja'na v.i. (of heart) 
sink have (one’s) heart in one’s month ji-ii 
dil fiasand' adj. after (one’s) heart ^jd^paOi 
adj. agreeable pleasant tfjfXjidil-pagf’it n.f- 

agrceableness l+*^f(Jjdil phat'fla v.i. be grieved, 
be shocked VA<)>dil phir'na v.i. be disgustl 
cd feel sick (of) Cjfjidil pUhs'na v.t. fall 
in love (with) be captivated by dil 
l>'na v.t. disgust effect a change of 
heart O^jdil la'tapnrtv.i. be dying (for) 
be* «inxious (for )u&>dil~t(ritg adj. nig- 
gardly ; miserly ; close-fisted sad distressed 
disgusted ffidil-tah'gi n.f. miserliness 
distrust disgust \!jj\)jdil tox'na v.T. ' break 

'someone’s) heart ; dishearten discourage 
disappoint mortify tf/Jjdil toct'na v.l. be 
heartbroken thuk'na v.t. be inclined 

(to) Ilf (Jj dil ja'la adj. & n.m. afflicted (lover) 
bold ; courageous lover dil-jam‘‘i n.f. 
peace of mind ease of mind self-confi- 
dence satisfaction ; consolation i^j^dit- 
jam''i se adv. with confidence reassured 
with all (one's) heart k’J'(f?sdil-jam' t i kar'na v.t. 

ss’fcfy console Cftjydil jam'na v.l. (of 
one’s heart) be set upon get used (to) fijfs 
NiF> bid to please consolation 
kar'na v.t. console try to 

please l/‘L%(J)dil ctLiira’na . steal .the heart 
abstain (from enterprise) show the white 

feather evade ; avoid ; shirk steal the 
heart (of) i^^dil-^ias'p ad ). interesting 
pleasant; entertaining delightful charming 
dil-ckas' pi n.f. interest entertainment 
Cj{(jir£dil-(kas'pi lens v.l. take or evince 
interest (in) (y^iJ'jdil-kharash’ adj. heart-rending 
tf&dil-khsit'' adj. desirable dil 

kh&h adv. as desired after one’s heart 
Vjjj'd 3 dil kftush' kar'na v.t. & i. please I 
gladden the heart (of) enjoy (oneself) *jiJj 
dil-ds'duh n.m. lover Abj. loving adv. en- 1 
amoured (of) in love (with) j (Jy dil-dar' n.m. 
beloved ; sweetheart adj. charming ; captivating 
< fjU>dil - dart n.f. solace friendship I 
kindness cncouragemen t Mt/fy IJ) dil-dari kar'na 

v.t, console encourage show kindness 
CLfjJj dil dukhana v.t. hurt (someone’s) feelings 
j J JydH-doz" adj. heartrending piercing 
dil-do'ft n.f. heart-rending misery Cfyjy 
dil-dai'haha v.t. be frightened ; have (one’s) 
heart in one's mouth (Jtj}y dil' -debt n.f. solace 
encouragement ty'tfljjdii-dthi kar’na v.t. 
solace console comfort IsjJjdj}' dens v.t. lose 
one’s heart (to) ; fall in love (with) tfyyjy dil 
doob'nav.i. (of heart) sink feel enervated 
be grieved (by recollection of some misfor- 
tune) ijjdil-ruba' n.m. beloved ; sweetheart 
a kind of guitar adj. alluring ; fascinating ; 
bewitching ; ravishing dil-ruba"i n.f. 

allurement ; charm djjydil rUk'na v.i. 
be disgusted hot to feel a liking (for)£djJj 
dil rakh'na v.t. console encourage tjJJydil'- 
adah adj. sad Ui**(J } dil sambkal'na v.l. control 
one’s feelings 2?y^y dil sokh'tah adj. suffering 
grieved ; afflicted JzgPjdil-sokh'tagi n.f. 
sorrow ; grief jj^y dil-svz' ai>j. pathetic ; 
touching heart-burning Jjr^ydil-so'zi n.f. 

heart burning sorrow; grief dil' se adv. 
heart and soul se it' tarns v.i. be 
banished (from one’s) heart y&J chi-shad' adj. 
happy glad cheerful >^))dil-shikas' tah adj. 

broken-hearted ; comfortless l y l ^fidil'-shi'kan adj. 

heartbreaking grievous j^idil-shi'karA n.f 
heart-break i^f/ijdil-fareb' adj. charming , 
fascinating alluring ; enticing lovely ; 

beautiful ifrfiydil-fare' b\ n.f. charm ; allure- 
ment fascination dil -f gar' adj. mourn- 
ful grief-stricken Cl&fgl/Jjdil ka b&khar' 

nikal'na v.i. vent one’s rage or feelings bl/tt/D* 
dil’ ka'ra kar'na v.i. harden the heart 
muster (one’s) courage dil' -k/lsh' ADJ. 
attractive ; charming alluring ; fascinating 
winning (ways) dil'-kushs' adj. pleasing; 
delightful ; J^ydil’-ka'shi n.m. charm ; attrac- 
tion fascination I'^thet^jy/'d 3 diV ko dil' se rs)t 

ho' ns v.i. reciprocate (love, etc.) dil' ko 

qarar' ho'na v.i. (of heart) be at ease $ /jyfiZb) 
(bat) dil' ko lag' na v.i. (of matter) be convincing; 
appeal to the heart falj&tjsdil kkat'ta ho' net v.i. 
feel disgusted dil khat'ta mi'tka ho' no K 

v.i. feel a longing for ( 'Jefjydit khil’na v.i. feel 
happy Ckfjjdil khal'na v.i. no longer have any 
reservation fatfjyjl) 3 dii’ ki dil' met raih'na v.i. 
no* to be able give expression to one’s feelings 
iJljJitfiJjdil ki lag' (or la'gt) n.f. loveVy*j&)t 
dil ke pkopho'lt pkor'na v.i. rip up old sores j!*W 
dil-gudaz' adj. touching; moving ; pathetic o»fyi 
dil gur'dah n.m. courage ; guts yPy dil-gir' adj. 
sad ; melancholy ; mournful tl^ydil-gi' fi n.f. 
sorrow Cl&O’dil laga'nav.r. be amused (with) 
fall in love (with) &?(Jjdil lag' ns v.i. be 
amused (with) fall in love (with) J’Jrdil-la'gf 
n.f. amusement jest ybj’Jjdil-h'fi baz" 
adj. & n.m. jocose (person) I'/^Jjdil-la'gi kar'na 
v.i. jest \2d)diUle'va v.t. captivate throw 
a feeler (to) VA <()>dil mir’na v.t. curb one’s 
passions 1‘kyjydil mar’ ja’ns v.i. (of passions) 
be curled for ever itfej/j'yflydU masos’ kar raih 
ja'na v.i. bear patiently ; suffer in silence 
dil mil'na v.i. have mutual love find (some- 
one) congenial 0}e/d>dil moh' leva v.t. charm ; 
captivate (-/iLsJydil mai'la kar'na v.i. be grieved 
l‘t<j£(J*dit' met a'na v.i. be thought k/ljfjfdi? met 
it' lama v.i. find a response in the heart ; effect 
dil’ met ja’gah kar’na vt. win the heart 
of &j$filydit' met ekUt'kiyat le'na v.i. rouse in- 
terest in the heart UfjSlfJldil' met (tor' bedfk’na 
v.i. have misgivings (aboui)t%i ) £j.t<ft / mat fataa 

’♦sT. suggest put it in someone's heart 
fyfjlfdsdil' met rakh-'na v.t. keep something 
secret” bear malice about l> l, js 'ldjtf ) » 

dil met kat’fa S3 kha'takna v.i. rankle in the heart 
C^o^JjdiT met kkil ’na v.i. charm ; captivate 
lii(.ef(jiJjdil metl gi'rth par'm v.t. have had 
blood between (i*y<j£{Jjdil met gai' jd’nd v.i. 
charm li/pll^J^'jtJjdil met ghat' (or rah') kar'na 
v.t, & j. charm become intimate 
dil-nashih’ adj. impressive dil-nestnfi kar’na 

v.t. impress upon the mind^jT^ j dil-navaz' adj. 
kind.(iji/bdil-nava'el n.f. kindness j Ifjrfjdit' vdli 
adj. generous ; brave tS-ybfyjdi'l-o jan u Apv. 

willingly heartily^^jtf/j di'loh met far’q 
ana v.i, be no longer mutuafly friendlyl<j££«?j:Jk 
dil hoik' met le'na v.i. win the heart (of) 
dil hat' ja’n'a v.t. no longer like fyrf)dil' hi Id' tin 
v.t. move ; affect tyjidil hil’na v.t. be moved ; 
be affected rfjjtfjjdir hi dil met adv. in 
ones heart of hearts secretly JjtJzi^iek' dii' 
ha kar adv. with one heart like one man 
unitedly tfidi'li adj. hearty cordial[PJ 
jjy dal n.m. army crowd thickness 
** dal' ba'dal n.m. thick clouds (of) 

.1 dulir' n.m. fondling; caress (usu. as) 

■J"* payar' duldr 1 n.m. fondling WjdUla’ra', 
dQla'ri adj. darling apple of (one’s) eye 
Isllf&brtl j dala'ra N.m. darling son (fjlljfrlfraj 
dvla'ri n.f. darling daughter 
i , dilasa N.M. solace consolation 
l’*' 1 *' ^-encouragement dt’na v.t. 
solace console encourage tit 
Jilt dal’ Ink n.m. masseur [A~ rj}i) 

i.r dal' l al N.m. broker comission agent 

U* 3 pimp ; pander J]}j dalla'lah n.f. pro- 
curess ^ bdalla’li n.f. brokerage being 

broker being a pimp procuring [A~foll.) 
dolalat n.f. pointing out guidance 
indication evidence ipj'^llidala'lat 
kar'na v.t. point out denote ; indicate 
guide be evidence (of) (A ~ J$] 

••.j dil a'na v.t. to cause to give ; to cause to 
I'^pay ; to assign ; to cause to yield ; to 
put in.possession assign cause to pay 

cause to give [ ~ 

4»la”i n.f. light quilt 

sSi)ijl)}dal<t"i la'mdt n.m. Dalai Lama [Tib.) 

J ut data" il n.m. arguments reasons 
"'proofs [A ~ sino. 1 

Uj dal' ha n.m. trained bird decoy 

/j 3 dUUl’li n.f. (same as $>> do-lai’ti n.f. *> 

dalid'dar n.m. penury misfortune 
ominousness \;J'jy)jjb>dalid'dar door kar'na 
v. r. end penury or misfortune (of) 

. j i dat'dul n.m. (rare) hedgehog name 
Sji) of the Holy Prophet’s mule received as 
gift from Byzantiric governor of Egypt and given 
away to Hazrat Ali 

Jj j dal' dal n.f. marsh ; swamp ; bog; quagmire 
JJj dal'dali adj. marshy ; swampy ; boggy 
ifjJJ) dal'dati zamtii’ n.f. marsh swamp 

j dal'q n.f patched garment sackcloth 
as mendicant’s dress q-posh adj. 

clothed in rags ; ragged n.m. mendicant [P] 
rtf. dul’akna, dulakhma v.t. cross 

(someone) in speech take exception 
(to) ; object dul’kl n.f. trotyl; Clftfj dUl'Ift 
ja’na (or gja/'n a) v.i. trot 
|*j dal’tm v.t. split (pulse) grind coarsely 
^ 3 CtJjdalva’na v.t. cause (pulse) to be 
split cause to be ground coarsily ^ljtddta‘'i 
n.f. remuneration for coarse grinding 

dd'v n.m. (rare) bucket Aquarius [AJ 

i*/ i , dilua'na v.t. cause to. be paid or given 

J dal’ han n.f. bride newly wedded 

Is * women [ ~ ifjj n.m. if ] 

dil'i adj. (sec under Jj dil n.m. if) 

i j . dal'ya n.m. , half-ground cereal por- 
~ 3 ridge fah' fnqir' ‘al’ya 

pakd'i thi k£lr~ho' gaya Jal'ya prov. misfortunes 
do no come singly 

J daler' adj. daring courageous 

S* 3 brave valiant intrepid dalera'tah 
adj. hold ADV. boldly ; bravely ;• intrepidly 
Isjfij) I P l/l) dalerdnah iqdam' kar’na v.t. take a 
bold Step (Itfj dde'ri n.m. daring ; courage 
bravery ; valour boldness [P] 

U datil’ N.F. (PL. Jf]l}dal9' , it) argument- 
US reason proof (lit.) guid 
zor’-d&t datil’ n.f. cogent reason jAfftybo’di ddil' 
n.f. flimsy argument alufidali'l-e rah nr. guide 
1 tJlj%iy?daUl' pesh' kar'na v.t. argued 
adduce argument give reasons (of) bring 
forward proof Ip^jdalil' la'na v. argue 
adduce argument" l>j{(jyi($)4P a r ( or *•) ^dil' 
hdna v.J. be a proof (of) [A - 

'jU daltl’ n.f. soldier’s penalty parade with 
full kit on daW dt'na v.t. penalize 


* /j dam n.m. blood J/jda'mait plethoric [A] 

y Jam n.m. breath gasp puff ; pull 
( ' air leakage life vitality moment 
edge (of sword, etc.) trick ; fraud ; coax- 
ing ; wheedling existence; sake blowing 
over (someone) after incantation j'iljda' ms-dam' 
adv. continuously; unceasingly bJlfjdam' s' lain a 
v.t. be suffocated be on the last gasp jifi 
dam-bat' adj. artful ; fraudulent , treacherous 
n.m. deceiver ; tricky person jY.fidam! ba-khad' 
adj. dubile- founded struck dumb aghast 

ba-khud raih ja'na (or ho'na) 
v.i. be dumbfounded be pertified^fSrfam' 
ba-dam adv. every moment continuously ; 
unceasingly Cl*s.(jdam barks' ns v.i. practice 
holding one’s breath l‘Jj>fidam bafid' kar'ns V.T. 
& 1 . silence (someone) hold one’s breath 
I'/fvlJ; fjdam bafid' ho'na v.i. be suffocated, be 
choked be unable to speak i"j/ffjdam bharans 
v.t. (of wrestling instructor) give practice 
(to trainees) exercise ^.fidam bhar n.m. & 

adv. a little while f/{(>dam’ bhar ko adv. for a 
moment ; for a while rjl/ffidam' bhar mefi adv, 
in a moment tyffjdum bh ar'ns v.t. take sides 
(with) land ; sing praises (of) profess love 
(for) be fatigu d with exercise, etc. CJrfi 
dam-pakh’t n.m. stew cooking in pressure 
cooker Ci dam phool'na v.i. gasp ; pant 
be out of breath be exhausted \}Jj(jdom tor'na 
v.i. breathe one’s last ; die l ‘fjfidam toot' nil v.i. 
be out of breath l JUffidam jh ait's a n.m. trick ; 
fraud ItlZfidam ehbrs'na v.i. feign collapse or 
death faiZ^dam charh'ns v.i. pant; gasp£j^5 
dam chhoi'tia v.i. die show the white feather 
throw up the sponge khusb'k 

ho'na v.i, be afraid tylirfidam khafi ho'na v.i. 

be choked find it Itard to breathe 
dam' kham n.m. guts stamina strength 
vigour X jrji?(j£ke dam' kham dtkh'na v.t. sec 
what guts '(the adversary) has {/ftjfidam dil-s'ss 
n.m. solace soothing encouragement 
vain hopes make-believe Ojfidam de'na v.t. 
& i. die be ready to lay down one’s life 
(for) deceive : inveigle stew cook in 

steam tftidam ruk’ns v.i. be choked ; be 
suffocated find it difficult to breath 
dam ssdh'na v.t. (of ascetic, etc.) hold (his) 
breath keep mum qvzx 0}j()dam' -za' dan n.m. 

boasting speaking AS} dam-sat' n.m. al»j. 
intimate concordant ; harmonious sup- 
porting assenting n.m. companion frieiid 
supporting singer yes-manU £jf^3danv 
sookh’na v.i. have no courage left be afraid 
(of) & frda 'm-e da'm-e shamshir ' n.m. 

edge of a sword fczfjda m-e ‘i'ra. n.m. quicken- 
ing or animating influence ty^Afjjdam' ghanVmat 
ho'na v.i. (of someone's existence) lessingtjf^j 
dam fans’ ho’na v.i. be afraid of (expense, etc.) 
fj(t dam' qa’dam n.m. presence existence 
\i/() dam kar'nS v.t. blow over (someone) after 
incantation (^(idam'-ka'slfi adj. asthma Cl/ffs 
darn' khans v.i. be duped keep quite 
pester , badger cooked over light fire O&ffi 
dam' kkefth'na v.i. suspend breath keep 
main smoke; puff Ctf (5 dam' logs' ns v.t, 
smoke ; have a puff or pull at (j£{jY@dam ke 
dam' mefi adv. in a moment ; in a jiffy biffidam’ 

' fit'na v.i. be choked find it difficult to 
breath b>(jdam' U'na v.t. take breath halt 
rest oneself Ljt (5 dam’ mar' ns v.i. speak 
object boast claim Vi^fidam' mefi a' ns v.i. 
be duped (byHj "(tjffSdam' mtfi dam' s' ns v.i. 
fed reassured be relieved come to kidfjt'p 
dam nsk' mtfi s' ns, l'tfi(Jifi'nak’ meh dam a'na v.i. 

be harassed be driven to straits Otffidam 
ni'kahs v.t. & l. die grudge (doing some- 
thing) be dying in love (for) tyt yfidam’ na 
warns v.i. be unable to protest fyffjdam' ho' ns 
v.i. be cooked in steam jtftfidam-e va'-pajtii n.m. 
the last gasp [P] " 

r \dum n.f. tail end 

* dum (tait'var kar'na v.i. lift **" . 
the tail moveabout with a 
raised tail lk£(jdum cfthal'la n.m. 

tail of paper-kite hanger- 
on Stooge l)C"j!tjdam'-dar la’ra 
adj. vfbfJSLjf'odum dabs' kar 
Ihdg’ns v.i.* turn tail flee ; 

runaway sneak away l’Xf } 

d.m'gai'a n.m. root of tail 

ump O Sjtfidum mefi ghfts’na v.t. fawn (on) 
I’liffidUm hits' ns v.t. wag the tail to be 
faithful ffj dum'chi n.f. tail piece of har- 
ness [P] 

ji,j dantSr' NjM, death ruin (A] 

n.m. comet 


dimsgh' n.m. brain gray-matlcr 

mind pride vanity wisdom ; in id- 
led! menial faculty (rare) nose ; organ of 
sme ?£, •>* di msgh asmSn' (or '3rsh) par 


(f tj 

fto'na v.i. be excessively proud ; suffer from 
overweening pride (£& £ l , dimagh ' pireshm' 

kar'n a v.i. vex paster bother con- 
fuse l> \trfc bdimsffi ' (hat' ns v.t. bore with prattle 
h ig£Sjdimagh'-<£at N.m. & adj. talkative 
(person) . prettier bore l l fc%frl.jdimagh' dial 
js'ns v.i. - become crazy cJfjfrLjdimagt}’ rakk'na 
v .i. have a good brain be proud Ufojyfol* 
dimagh'-so'Zl kar'ns v.t. & i. cudgel one’s 
brains work hard try hard to drive some- 
thing home to a dance Vfjtifciidimag}' khs'li 
kar'ns v.i. beat brain to no purpose jl>£, bdimagh' 
dai adj. proud; arrogant ; vain tifyljdimagh' 
kar'ns v.i. be vain ; be proud dimagh' 

me* kha'lal ho'na v.i. be insane be # mentally 
deranged . be deranged in mindlijifrhdimagh' 
ho' ita v.i. be proud ; be vain fcLfkhar'-dimag h 
adj. & n.m. blockhead rau'shan-dimagh' 

'all dimsffy' adj. high-minded 

noble having an open mind intelligent 
(/■ !>; dima'ght adj. mental H&fjfbdimB' ght pire - 
piresha'm n.f. mental worry Skhar-dima's 
gtij n.f. blockheadedncss ; being a duller 
rau' shan-dim t'gbi 'kli-dima'ghi intelli- 

gence nobility open-mindedness (P] 

. dams’ mah n.m. kettle-drum (fig.) 
V"-* pomp and glory 

dam* adj. fierce ; truculent [PJ 

t"lt^ dams' ns v.t. bend (sword) J 

• I . damsvafid', ,/ko'h-t dams oafid' n.m. 

^ (peak of) the Demavand (a mountain of 
the Alburz range in' Persia) where the mythical 
tyrant Zahhak was later imprisoned 

dum'chi n.f, (see under fjdum. n.f. jfc) 

dam'damah n.m. parapet ; mound 
sand-bag shelter raised 
battery beat of drum boom of cannon 
/ dam'rak n.f. leather piece holding 
spindle washer 
> dam'ri n.f. eighth part of old paisa , 
small coin, now long out of use sots 
dam'ri ke tin' tin' ho'na v.i. to 
sell dirt cheap ; to be reduced to abject poverty 
go very cheap J fiJjX tty J fa dam'ri ki 
g&r'yi ta'ka sir muhda'i i*ROv it is easier to 
build a new house then to patch anti old one 
‘what an unfair deal : how unfair 

darn'll ki fah'Ji ga"i ma’gar 
kut'te ki zstpathcha'ni gti"i pkov. little loss result 
•ng in much gain 

dam i i ki ha fid' fa le'te hat * to ihotk bajs’ kar 1/te 
hat * prov, even ordinary take of work needs un* 
tclligence [~[Jj dim.] 

dam' -kata n.f. pump (arch.) fire 
" ^ engine crane jack sling catapult 
ly^jda'makna v.i. glitter; gluten t^Xjda'mak 
N.f. glitter ; glisten 

ify dum'mal n.m. (same as (jfj n.m. jf) 

^ y diman' n ; f. litter ; rubbish dung heep 

(/Jij^hhazra-'ud-diman grass grow- 
ing on dunghill (of person) mean though out- 
wardly pretty [A] 
iy* dam'na v.i. (of sword) bend 

^fyda’mavi adj. (sec m&nfjdam n.m. if) 

^y da' mah n.m. asthma ( 

if y da' nit n.f. small ‘hookah’ f~P^] 

.j* dam'dah adj 
— * dawned 

sprouting bjosoming 
(of wind) blown tyS»dam‘ dog. 
n.f. blossoming forth blowing [P—cUyjJ 
• din n.m. day day-time festival 
^(pu) age ; period of life (pl.) circum- 
stances (pl.) lot ; fate ( M&din Z 'ns v.t. the 

time of be the season (for) (of one’s day’s) 

be numbered menstruate I'stifjVtfidin bha'rt 
ho' ns v.i. fall on evil days . be in straitened cir- 
cumstanccs ft tidin' bhar adv. the whole day , 
all the day long vf^jJ^jdin' poo're kar'ns v.i. 

pass one’s days as best as one can eke out 
one’s existence tyf’tfydin' pkir'na v.i. (of one’s 
circumstances) take a favourable lurnUmfyjdin' 
darb'ns v.t. (of sun) rise (of day) %rcak . 
dawn &£%tf>din' cpa'rbt adv late in the day 
Mtetdiri ehbnp'rm v.i. (of sun) set j din' 
chi' - - - '* * 


taraq'q I kar'ns v.i. prosper , 

4gJj\ xjsdin delis' rr adv. in broad daylightC^cl? 
din' <jhal’na v.r. be late in the JZfojdin' dha' It 

adv. in the afiemoon din 'id' rzt 

shab-baral’ prov. rejoicing by day and night 
palmy days jj2^\fjj<£0j?Aj?&din 
'aish kt ghoT'yor. me h guzar js'te hath prov . 
pleasant hours fly fast llftfjjdin katna v.i. 
pass one’s days willy-nilly have a hard time 
&tj>din katna v.i. (of days) pass 

1 / / fin ko din' aur lit ko rat' na 
jin' ns (or fa'majba) V.i. work hard day and 
night ZCfjjtfjfjvoh din (lad) ga"e PH. these are 

prn^yjam cojHip na v.i. 

i hu'pt adv. at dusk ; aftersunset , at 'sundown 
doo ' rt m ehau'-gbH 
raq gl kar'ns v.i. prosper by leaps and bounds 


things of the past Cfitftdiu' tag'na v.i. take 
time (of mean person) get rich boast 
brag O^iyjdin' m'kolna v i dawn (of sun) 
riittfitybart din n.m. (dial.) 
longer day (pf^d^ba're din n.m. pl. longer days 
j^)don N.F. thud* i^sdan' st adv. with a thud 
(jfiVjda'ni dan N.r. consecutive firing or 
volley of guns 

danamr' N.M. pi. ofjCjh.M. ■*) 

'ydana’yat n.f. meanness ; baseness [A] 

Jlsjduntba'lab n.m. tail stern outer corner 

• ^ (of eye) dumba'la-d ar adj. tailed [P] 

L* dub'bal , J’jdUm'mal n.m. boil . abscess ; 


j y dum'bah N m. fat-tailed ram (P) 

*♦ * 

li^y dab'ti'li adj. one with large teeth 

a •dat'd a* N.M. tooth I'J^jT^U'jdabda n-t \l 
U^'Uz' kar na v i be very greedyjU^icja'an dan 
Sai N.m. derttist (Jj^^j!>dabdab-sati n.f. den- 
tistry ^ly’f^^jUjdandan-ihi'kan javab n.m crush- 
ing reply (PJ 

• | • dabdahah n.m. tooth (of saw) cog (of 
** wheel) dentb'ji^-Ujdaiida'ne par'nd v.t. 
become dented [ - P prec. ] 

.*•• • dandan&'na v.i. be in high spirits 

enjoy full powers move about without 
let or hindrance 

\^TydUn'ka n.m. (see under >/>*) 

da fig adj . astonished, wonderstruck llfttstf} 
dabg raih ji’na v.i. be astonished 
fojdafi'ga n.m. tumult . riot disturbance 
J breach of the peace melee row ; 
wrangle Wifi's dab' ga kar'na v.i. run a riot 
commit a breach of the peace wrangle 
iabga’i n.m. one who breaks thcpeach[A~ O,/] 

(£• dab' gal n.m. arena ; amphi- 
(J* theatre I'yjfijdab got tar n a 
v.i. have a wrestling bout 

wrestle ^ — — _I 

Vik'ni’ adj. mean ; base . </' 

Civile ignoble; ignominious dunya-e 

s a * m adj. mean ; oase . 
Civile ignoble ; ignominious j> 
da'ni . n.f. the vile world (A 
■ • dun'ya n.f. world people 

¥ * wnrlrllv'ffrwlc n»»If Ant 

| • dun'ya n.f. world people mundane 

it ^ life worldly'goods pdf adj. (rare) 

lower nether dun'ya ankhob 

meb abdktr' ko'n&v.i. be rudely shocked 
suffer great loss have no hope Jcft for tne 
future dun'ya ba-Qnvnid' fa"m ph 

people live by hope alone i^sdiin'ya-dar adj. 
worldly n.m man of the world (fj I Jtffdiim'ya-dbn 
n.f. worldliness concern for matters of the 
world show of politeness married life 
one's family )L'U’j ^im.ya-.s a* adj. crafts 
showy \J) ijTffjsjdun'jia At hava ’ lag' na v i. come 
under corrupting influences 
dun'ya ke pat’dc st Uth ja'na v.i. die dis- 
appear become extincts Lj Vjdun‘ya-o 
mu' fi-ha n.f. the world and all that is in it (fjjfj 
duny&'vi,yj£*dun'yaoi adj. world; worldly 
(A~m. ft,i] ^ 

do adj. two pref. two double w/js 
)) do-ab'ah n.m. area bordered lying by two 
rivers /& \»do a lash oh adj. doubled-stillcd wine 
liquour l U^ljido ab'soo baha'na v.i. weep a 
little express some sorrow overfly* do-os' pah 
n.f. two horsed (carriage) filjjdo-ba'rah adv. 
again twice jAjjdoo-ba-doo' adv. confronting 
face to face ‘vis-a-vis’ 4 isj da-pa' yah adj. two- 
legged n.m. man Wpedliffdupat'ta, 
dupatxah n.m. stole L~/JJ do-par ta do par'toh 
adj. two-ply . (wood) (fi/tjjdo'pal'ri n.f. light 
folding eapy¥»j dn-pat'har n.f. noon: midday 
ba 'd do-paihar , j£f J /^J>do-pdi'hir dka'le 
adj. ‘post meridian’ ; p.m. jlfjfqab'l at 

do-pai’har adj. antimeridia a m . i do-paya ' tab 
n.m. onioned stew lb mist' la do-paya' tab 
n.m. appellation of one of the Great Moghul 
Akbar’s courtier famous for repartee etc. 
do-(jiat’ti inner gallery ; improvised garret under- 
flat roof Uyjdo-li adj. bent * doubled 
sagging do-la ra n.m. two-stringed guitar jO-i 
do-U'hi n.f. two-folded coverlet Jyttdo-iook' (or 
iok') adj. decisive court (reply) flat 
(refusal) Hrf^l^Jyvdo took' javab' de'na v t. 
flatly refuse give a curt reply irfjdo-ji'ya n p 
& adj. pregnant (woman) \!y; £S-tfjydo-j\ stha'na 
v.i be in the family way jl^ys do -ehir adj 
& n.m. a few (persons) jlfj/dvdiar' adv. fare to 
face bfjbjj dtichar' ho'na'v. t. reply come across 
xpjdo chabd' adj. twofold doubt cfyd/jJ-fff 
do' done ko /rhjr'na v.i. beg from door to 
door for a crust of bread tfy/IS^JJfdo 'din ka 
mehman' adj. short lived transient ; transi- 
tory , 'ephemeral (Jjlfftjjdo dka'ri adj. double- 
edged (sword rahah n.m. bifurcation 
(of road, etc.) converging or parting of the 
ways fftA^feljjjdo ra'ha-e umms d-d-blm 
meeting- place of hope and fwjjjjdo-ris'khah 
adj. facing both ways same on both sides 
double faced j'^ido-tukid adj. "double-faced 


0 hi 

(policy) n.f. duplicity tjr'j s> do-rati gz adj. two- 

co! cured piebald double-dealer ; hypocrite 
(one) with two different aspects of life jfjji 
ddrnt'gi adj. having two colours with two 
divers aspects of life n.f. duplicity; double- 
dealing ; hypocrisy two divers aspects of life 
tjijjtdn-ro'iah adj. short-lived ; transient ; 
transitory ephemeral v jjfido-ro'yah adj. 
two-sided adv. on both sides right 
and left do-fa' noo baith'na V I. 

sit on the hams ; sit with folded legs 
J^Vdo-sat adv. transfi xed^l/jjdo-sakhi 
do-sa'hi n.m. & adj. (land) yielding 
two crops in a year 1/jjdH-sara n.f. the 
world and the hereafter^i^j//u-raV«A adj. 
biennial - two-year-old JjSjjdo-soo'fi n.f. 
cloth with' double thread warp and weft ; coarse 
li'"'i'C (/&)do-sc'ri n.f. two-seer weigh jOjsdo 
sh&'kheh n.m. rake two-fork pronged candle 
stick Jl/jJ do-shs' lah n.m. (usu. embroidered) 
shawl ; double-folded shawl *$jdu sham’ bah n.m. 
Monday Jj^jdo-la' rajah (col. tar Jab) .adj. 
two sided mutual reciprocal J^jjdo 1 a' malt 
n.f. dyarchy Jfyjdo-ghat'lah (ped. -gha'fatah) 
n.m two odes in same metre and rhyme^^^ 
do-fos'li adj. & n.f. (land) yielding two crops a j 
year l‘/j>do kar'na v.t. bisect cut into i 
tw otf&sdt ga'rS, {Jj'idvgi’ra n.m. double barrell- 
ed gun stf'jtdo-ga mah n.m. slow paced horse adv. 
slowly ^ifrjdo-gB'nah, } $ d3-ga' nab , £#diiga'na 
n.m. prayers with two genuflexions supere- 
ogatory prayers duet (dial.) copulation 
adj. double Islfa do-ga'nah add' kar'na v.t. 
say supererogatory prayers, (as thanks giving, 
etc-) do goo'nah adj. double tfifjdo-lat'ti 
n.m. (same as ^dilat'd N.F.*)r£,,<fo la'ra n.m. 
(ityi>dn-/a'rl n.f. double-stringed necklace 
fl tnSUa''oh'tneh mBr'ghj haram pkov. too 
many cooks spoil the broth J^jjdo-man'fita adj. 
(arch. j/)iio math' la) double-storeyed ; two 
storeyed double decker ^ do moot' hi (or 
dumoo"i n.f. serpent with a fat tail; two-mouthed 
serpent do' met Its’ rd afkhot 

met ihlk ra prov. intruders are always unwelcome 
du-na' li Adj. double barellcd {g\m)JJjjdo'not 
ADJ. both, 7 both of ; both the the two : the 
two of the twain 0’&\)i»do'not vaq't mil'na 
v.i. be twilight fa'll do' not 

ha'tbet se baj'l f hai prov. it takes two to quarrel 
0JJ duoan'ni n.f. (old coin worth) one-eighth of 
rupee • two-anna bit ^fjdd-ntm' adj. cut into 

two; sundered Jjjjjdo-va'raql n.f. booklet; 
brochure ^1; jJdo/ia'jan n.f. %l)> dohajoo n.m. 
remarried widow(er)^-£v du-hal'tar n.m. slap or 
stroke with both hands together \ijkJ%i) d U-bal'tar 
mat* ns v.t. slap thus express grief by beat- 

ing one’s breast thus \JffiJ do-hat' tka adj. 
dn-hat’thi) two-handled 
j) dau sof, running [P ~c^jJ 

. . doo"a N.M. (at dice) deuce (in weigh- 
33 ing) two (rare) two (at cards) [ ~ js] 
l**dav a' N.F. (PL . £))\ad'viyah) medicine 
cure; remedy tfk£k)&J)>dava pi'na (or 
kha'ttah) v.i. take a medicine Z\Jb*dava'-kha'ttah 
n.m. dispensary apothecary's shop ; the 

druggist’s pharmacy )j\> Ijj dava da too, 
dava' dar’man n.f. medical treatment cure ; 
remedy I'j'ijbb* dava' da'roo kar'na v.t. 
treat (patient), arrange medical treatment (for) 
j&ljidava'-saz n.m# dispenser ; compounder 

chemist ; druggist pharmacist 0j[/ljjdava- 
sa'Ji n.f. pharmacy pharmaceutical 
jfyljJ dava'-Jirosh' n.m. druggist ; chemist 
Java' kar'na v.t. give or undergo medical 
treatment cure heel find some remedy 
(for) O j fl»» dava ko na mil'na ph. not at all 
to be available 

j t . davab' n.m. pl. beasts of earth ; quad- 
• 33 rupeds (A - sing. J 
j./ davsl' n.f. inkpot; ink C'bjJ’qaa'lm davat 
3 n.f. pen and ink ’ 

da'm'da'vi n.f. bustle [P] 

i , davvar' adj. revolving rotating 
'circling moving. [ A ~jlsj] 

I Is 9 d av ti.'ra,jbjdavar’ n.m. (dial.) gate 
3 93 place [S] 

I I daval' hm. leather srtap lower strap 
0 3 of brassiere 

j | y} dtval' n.m. one likely to make payment 
^ davai'dah adj. & n.m. (rare) twelve jbj 
b)J' 33 datXtz'dahim adj. twelfth [P] 
i)(jj diva Is n.m. same asJJjdiva'tah n.m. if) 

( daoam n.m. permanence perpetuity 

eternity adv. always perpetually 


eternally perennially ( jjjJlJf'alad-davam ' adv. 
always ; permanently^ </«»8 mi adj. lasting 

permanent constant continual conti- 
nuous , incessant perennial perpetual 

eternal (A] 

ll t% davah' adj. running current adv 

U * 3 running (rare) [~.Vc!o)>] 

nava'ij n.m. Pi.. circles 
fields [A ~ sing, p/b] 


doob n.f. thickly grown soft grass 


A» doo'bhar AUJ 

burdensome irksome 


dooj n.f. (dial.) second day of lunar 
evening of new moon’s appear* 

ance [ ~ ))] 

d°°'js adj. (dial.) 

second secondary 
sewn ; stitched fixed 

V . dokh'lah suf. 


. doodsM . smoke (fig.) sigh Jp,jpdoo'd-e 

dit n.m. sigh dood'-kash n.m. chim- 

ney [P] 

Qf,y))dood'mali n.m. house -, family ; dynasty 
dood ' man-e ‘a.'ti (or ‘a'liyah) 
n.m. noble family great dynasty [P] 

doodh n.m. milk milky juice (of plant) 
doodh' barha’na (or chhura'- 
na) v.t wean (baby) ((/{ L doodh' bha'i 
(or bai'han) n.m. (f.) foster-brother (or sister) 
l‘f/dj>3V doodh bh-ar' ana v.i. feel affection (for) 
doodh. pila'na V.T. suckle ^j>3J3doodh- 

pM'i n.f. wet nurse ; foster-mother^l^^jjJ 
doodh-pi'ta bach'thoh n.m._ infant inexperienc- 

ed person ; green bom fijj>jjJ<ioodh. doh'nn v.t 
milk f 'd'fc)»33)tfe>333 doodh' ka doodh’ pa'ni ka 
pa'ni kar'im ph. separate chalk from chccsc 
despense justice expose falsehood 
doodh.' ka rish’tah n.m. foster-rela \jfj 

J^daod'hofi nah&"o poo' top phalo int. (to woman) 
may God bless you jvith progany.and health to 
rear ifhsjjdoodbar, '(}jjjdoe'dhal adj. (same a sje>33 
adj. 'A ) jjj dorrdh ija adj . milky milk-white 

unripe ; raw %l 0 ,jjdoo'dhija pat' lhar n.m 
pumice a kind of soft milkwhite stone 

» door adj. distant remote adv. at a dis 
tance; for away int. be off to hell with it 
pref. far fore • unrelated un- ; in 
jtf)bj->door'az k$r‘ adj. irrelevant con- 
cemed$L> jyJ door- ‘Jra'dah aDj. distant remote ; 
for off separate l £%\j33door-and<sb' adj. 
far sighted provident sagacious ; prudent 
cautious fj^!tj33door andeshl n.f. farsighted' 
ness pnidence cautiousness ^33 door’ -bad 

ttrr. God forbid May God ’protect you 
( fCjUdoot bash int. be off . make yourself scarce 
jjrijfdoor' bat a int. (dial.) may God protect you 
$4j,ydoor' bfiagbi* v -i ■ runaway avoid; 
shun abhor abstain (from) (jf!j33 


door' -bin' n.m. telescope ; binoculars #8 A 
ti£jJ3 door-biti' adj. farsighted ©HOT 

prudent able to see in the distance 
{£.333 door'-bi'ni n.f. foresight 
prudence^j; door' -par int. (dial.) God forbid 
may God keep you safe l 2%L4lj3door' lak 
pahutcfina v.i. go far contact the higher 
authorities be a far reaching affair }l y jjjjdoor' 
daraz' adj. distant door’ -das' l adj. far-flung 
J )3j»door' door adj. at a great distance 
maintaining respectable distance Cfjjtzdoor' 
raih'na v.i. keep at an arm’s length stay 
away from remain aloof l j^ t '^j}3door' ka 
mazmoon' n.m. far-fetched idea nice idea 
conceit \dj33 door ka adj. distant C/jjtdoor kar na 
turn out remove dismiss avert 
dispel C it£j33door' kf bat’ n.f. deep thought 
far-off matter (L’J ((fj/b^^door Id scojh'mt 
(or kauri- la' na) v.t. (of someone) hit upon a 
novel idea cf £33 door' Id kaih'na v.i. speak with 
foresight(£jLf / l)2-t*U 3*3 £j> 3 door' ke dhol 
soha'ne- (or soh<?'one) prov. distant drums are 
gratifying ^jfj33door' ho' 11 a v.i. get away 
make oneself scarce be removed be dispell- 
ed ^jjdoo’ri n.f distance . remoteness 

absen ce separa tion [P] 
ti \daur n.m. age ; period , time , era 
** cycle course orbit circuit circu- 
lar motion revolution rotation circula- 
tion vicissitude round of wine-cup 

reasoning in a circle mutual recitation of 

the Holy Quran Jf jj 33 daur‘ dau'rah hm. sway 
reign ; rule rage , craze V}j 33 daur kar' no 
v 1 (of two persons) recite the Holy Quran to 
each other [A] „ 

,| dau'rah adj. time dbi/f/gar'tfi&e dau'rah 
v" pH. vicissitudes of fortune [ ~ A prec.) 

dauran' (ped. davaran') n.m. circulation 
duration , pendency daur&'n-t 

khoon' n.m- circulation of blood /0'j3>daura'n-t 
sar' n.m. dizziness . giddiness vertigo 
headache ts' dauran (meh) ph. meanwhile 
in the meantime fjfeflui^ke dauran' (men) adv 
in the course of ; during [A - aw] 
g gdou'rah n.m. tour turn sway ; reign 
fit l'%e,33 dau'rah par'ni v.i. have a fit 
\;/tji3 dau'rah kar'na v.t. & I, go (Ml a tour 
review (A) 

jf ’ dau'ri n f. trough irrigating basket 

l - A.-'j* dour) 

(JjjPdoorirt T (see under 33 door adv 


. daut' n.f . 

I • race running scramble 
(for) effort ^Jjtdaur' dkoop' n.f. 
effort erjdeavour running about hue 
and cry \<‘J^ 3 jj))daur' dkoop kar'na v.t. run 
hither and thither (for) toil hard (for) 
make hue and cry (about) leave no stone un- 
turned l - poll] 

daut na v.i. run to gallop circu- 

late permeate make an effort (for) 
daura'na v.t. cause to run cause to gallop 
drive fast , despatch hurriedly give wings 
(to) cause to circulate cause to try hard 
send in pursuit 

sewing ; stitching piercing 
fixing makcrtfjjjdo'zi n.f.^ _ sewing 
piercing fixing making [P^j] 
jr • do' zokh n.m. (dial, f.) hell stomach 
misery ’JWfajdo'zakh ka kto’dah n.m. 
arrant sinner damned persontf^j'u do'zakh 
bhar'na V.t. eat fill the iUxtwh'fojdo'iakkl 
adj. hellish ; infernal ; damned n.m. con- 
demned sinner damned creature greedy 

person glutton [P] 

dot' l n.m. male friend, friend lover 
beloved ; sweetheart'fetJ dosta'nah n.m. 
friendship adj. friendly adv. amicably 
cordially^j^/lj^JIi \* ) jC'Jfdosta'nah la'aUuqat' (or 
mara'sim) n.m. pl. friendly contacts friend- 
ly relations (J^Tjfdosta' ne mrh adv. as a 
friend in a friendly manner|,V.<— ✓>*<(<«'/ 
bana'na v.t. .make friends be on 

friendly terms (with) develop inti- 

macy (with) (fj&tjdoU'-da'riH.F, love 
friendliness goodiwhishesd^u^tjdos't rakh!na 
v.t. hold dear (/jtfCSjfdost'-mima' du.xh’man 
n.m. hidden enemy '; enemy in disguise ; a snake 
in the grass jljcSjjdosl' -naval' adj v & n.m. 
friendly person friends’ friend {fjjdos'ti n.f. 
amity , friendship intimacy attachment 
l>/d(>tf(fjjdos'ti ka dam bhar'na v.i. assert 
friendship claim privileges of friendship [P~ 
cling to] 

I doos'ra, adj. (F.(£^>c0rtAr?) second 
other next following match , equal 
duplicate outside (pei*q®), step (mother 

etc) n.m. (f.) outsider re adv. second 
ly ; in the second place on the other hand 
again • furthermore • moreover 
ft*) doth n.m. shoulder last night past 
i/Oy/li tdosh ba doth' adv. shoulder to shoul 
der f mah'v-e gham-cdosh' n.m. 

ruing the past meditating on that has been 


and is no more 'tSttJlJoaba'I-e doth' n.m. cursed 
responsibility ^gjjdorti’na adj. last night’s; of last 
night [PJ 

/jjj dosh,Jjjdos n.m. (dial.) blamedj^kjl ‘>tj» 
doth de'na (or laga’rta) v.t. blame • accuse ; 
lay blame at the door (of) (SJ 

* 2 . , doshi'zah N.F. virgin spinster 

doshi'zagi n.f virginity maiden- 
hood [P] 

‘{/JjdoghN. f. (dial. M.) curds buttermilk 

Jj Ifjjdogh'l#, adj. (r.fiidoghTt) cross-breed ; 

of mixed breed mongrel hybrid 

mullatto off*spring of parents of different 
races (}^fi>dogh'li nas'l n.f. cross breed 
. I du'val (or rare di'val) n.m. pc. (see under 
^ n.f. *) 

jii . doolab n.m. persian wheel pulley 

„j dau'lal n.f. wealth ; riches money 
State Power kingdom empire 
(rare) government Ziirjidau'lal-kha'nah n.m. your 
hous ejfc&ttdau' lat-e mushta'rakah n.f. Com- 
monwealth the British Commonwealth >> 
dau'lat-mahd n.m. wealthy person adj. rich , 
wealthy ; opulent tfj^jtdau' lat-mati <ft n.v. 
riches ; wealth wealthness opulence 
adj. State ; of State imperial govern- 
ment ; governmental dJ&ba-dau'tat Aoy. by 
favour (of) through the good offices (of) 
through by means of owing (to) ; because 
{<*)&&#»• dau'lal n.m. gateway to 
(superior’s) house at dPjtJ nau-daulal n.m. 

upstart ; one who has become rich overnight [A] 
*d do-lat'n, (fid dial'll n.f. animal’s kick with 

* hind legs ; kick (UdfltftjbffJ^jjJijJfadolat'ti 
(or dolat'liyati) mar'na (or jhar'na)™. (of animal) 

kick show disapproval intermittently 
rj doo'lA a n.m. bridegroom; grooncULt»doo'lka 

bka"i n.m. sister's husband ; brother-in- 

* . dd'v&m adj. second (jftfduv'vMmlii adj. 
f” second adv. secondly [P) 

j doon. N.F. boast; bragj Vjtfjfdocn kllt'na 
•'"'v.t. boast ; brag 
, dooh adj. low , mean base : vile 
ignoble lacking djfQ udooh-htm' mat adj 

mean no gut s eo-xtl -him' mail n.f. 

meanness petty mindedness lack of 

courage [P] 

dot m n.f. scorching beat great thirst 

tfJjjdmn' lag' at v.t. feel very thirsty, 




i 4 . Jau'nZk KiH. leaves folded to form a cup ; 

i :« doo ni, ADJ. (F. 'fe/doo'rii) cijd2g'n& ( F . 
^tdug'ni) twice as much; twofold 

Ujj^fjdoon dooh n.f. beat (of drum) 

\#» daufig'ta n.m. heavy short-lived shower 
iVcT^I^ daufig’ta ba’ras ja'na v.i. (of 
heavy shower) fall for a while and 

(or vah' tah ke daufig’te ba'rasrm 
v.i. be profusely applauded be praised 
fjjjjdo'noh adj. (see under jjadj . & n.m. it) 

m £))davarint n.f. (see under jjadj. & n. it) 

| tjydo'ha n.m. couplet of Hindi poetry 

fyjjdoha’H n.f. (same as fyjdUha'i n.f. it) 

Ufjjdoh’na v.i. milk (jfi>doh'rii n.f. milk pail 

dU"i (or doo'\) n.f. being two 
^ quality polytheism lack of intimacy 
not being own [~ jj) 

9 }dth n.m. (vL^Ztsjdtfi at', dehat') village 

w deh-hot'di n.f. detailed revenue state- 
ment of village’s f^tjdrh khu'da n.m. landlord 
dtth adj. ten jpbjdah'-chafid adj. tenfold ; ten 
Crimes yf^^iijdah'-dun'ya sat’tar a'khirat, 
aj* Lsjyjejdah'-dar dutt'jta sad’ dat a'khirat 
prov. charity here well get you manifold reward 

i[m%dha’ba n.m. thatched roof thatched 

• house 

Jr» . dha'par n.m. (usu. pl.) eruptions on 
skin .. 

dehat' .irtidehat' n.m. (pl.) jb delta' ti Jib 
” deha'ii n.m. & adj. (see under n.m. it) 
^ I dkat. (yvK.^ifjdiatt) n.f. "metal 

miner d ore ; gun metal bronze 
(vUL,) aluminium (vul.) semen 

| dha n.m. sixth note of national gamut, so] 
n.f. wet nurse 

i diar n.f. edge (of knife, ete.) sharp- 
*'*iiess strain (of milk, etc.) current 
flow line streak; adj. sharp- 

edg eiyljbjdkar mar'na v.i. urinatel^Uo</Aar 
nikal'na v.T. milk , cause strain (of milk) to 
come out whet 

I l/tt * dka'ra n.m. water course , current ; 
stream source (of river) 

dhar'na v.t. & i. 

pour (water) 
without expressing 


d&r adj ■ striped 

N F - 

foment with hot jet ; 
rear adopt think 



j\#)dha r . n.f. group ; bevy crowd loud 
cryjlpffilffifdka) ki dhar n.f. a whole army 
(rft) mar' kar ro'ns v.i. cry 


dahar'na v.i. (of lion or tiger) roar 
(fig.) thundeTjifjdakar' n.f. roar (of lion 

or tiger) 

tf5^)dtha'\i n.f. (rare) daily wages 

( jj\j?)dha'\i n.m. notorious thief or dacOit 



dkak' n.f. prestige 

O^dkak’ bahdk'na (or bi.ha'na) v t. establish 
the fame (of) make (someone’s) name a terror 
tyjJJfdiak batdb'na v.i. come to be knows 
as a terror achieve fame 
I A daha'ku n.m. ten tens ; fear ; shock ; 
“ terror [ ~Jb\ . 

d^ f dka'ga,fOaga n.m. thread IjpLfdia’ga 
v ^ piro'na,^fhrfdha'ga dat'na v.t. thread 
(a needle) put stiches (in quilt) 

dahah'tffadahan' n.m. mouth orifice 
opening [PJ ^ 

dkan n.m. paddy Mtrjdhan pan' adj. sleak 
slender^^i/ifeg'nii adj. light -green 
dhafid ltyj^i/dhan'dal n.f unfair means 
row ; wrangle j^jC^Jdkafid'li-bat adj. 
& m.m. cheat wrangler vfyjfojdkaftd'li 

kar'na v.t. use unfair means ; cheat pilay 
false wrangle IJjPj (fidham'kl dhavtis 
aur dhaiid'li n.f threats, bullying and cheating 
(as recipes for progress in rotten society) 

d hafts n.f. tang pungent odour 

^^cough caused by It tjtlmdhafts'na v.i. (of 
horse) cough 

• i daha'nah n.m. mouth mouth (of river) 
y & * opening orifice mouth cover 
bit (of bridle) jP-^bJ 
jjlfisjdha'nl adj. (see underbuy n.m. +) 

. | dha'in N.M. attack , assault raid 
J ^ inroad , inctmidn(ijl^lj[;0/ljl^jdia'va 

bol’na (or kar'na or mar'na) v.t attack . 
assault raid 

/ daha"i n f tens ten ; the tenth part; 
0 ihe tens [ ~ (ft] 

ftljdoha”i/ l fli,dehi fis.r, cry for help 

cry for mercy complaint l*}£ltdoha''i 


de'ha v i cry for mercy 

dkab'bah,ffi)dh.ab'ba n.m. 

Stain hint dan ■ hi 


m dkap n.f. sound ; clock ; n 
■j * thump thud({f 
slap ' 

ip dkap' pa n.m. slap thump 
•: "loss Iffyyfydkaul' dkap' pa n.m. 
fight . brawl 

complain against or do over again revise (lesson) 

m jdh3r'pad,i£fi’jdhur'pat n.f. chief highbrow 
spot speck £/ mode of classical music dkvr' pad 

:h stigma ptfla>j alap'na v.i. sing in this mode 
$U>jdhab'ba lagans M.dh-ar'tt N.r. (dial.) soil; land earth 
stain \Jf{f>dhab’bd l/Jfjdiar'n ks pkool n.m. mushroom 

stigmatized be ib/J^dhar'li ma'ta n.f. (dial.) mother earth [S] 
Of;?} da' bar da' bar jal'nS v.i. bum furiously 

sound ; clock ; noise slap 

thu.d(f^0jdhap' jama'nn v.t. fa ^dkar'm {or dka' ram) n.m. (dial-.) Hindu 

j>P dkar m (or dha' ram) n.m. (dial.) Hindu 
Y* faith religion kifj>dharmzt'ma n.m. (dial.) 
Hindu saint(t,(Xi^4ft; dkar'm bigar'nZ (or 
idmish't kar'na ) v.T. (dial.) defile and outcaste 
dhar'm pat’iA n.f, (dail.) (man’s) duly 

dkatNY bad habit addiction married spouse Jls(fid1ur'm-salah,JLyi>j dkar'm* 

'-* P >dkafja n m. addict fond (of) , habi- rha'lah n.f. (dial.) Hindu community centre 
tuated (to) Hindu poor house Hindu charitable rest 

int. be off adj. dead drunk adv. deep- housc^f^^ic r m-shas tar n.m. (dial.) code 
jy of Hindu religious law Hindu scriptures [8J 

i- dkaite n.f. dodging , evasion ; putting ,.i a% ^ka' ran n.f. (dial.) navel ovary 
(something) off driving out ; turning ' c °l* c P 1 ' 1 ’ < P 4 *™ * n *** navc l 
(someone) cmtJkif^Cfi^dhal'la bata'na (or dt'tm) f •p.dkarna v.T. place; lay; put down 
v.r put (something) off turn (someone) setup lay (blame) at the door (of) 



V" set up lay (blame) at the door (of) 
grasp take possession of n.m. dun , 
dunning sit down strike ^-i/l^fdha'ra kya' hat 
ph. there is nothing in it tyyrjdka'ra ho’v a v.T. 

be placed lie unused £irejfidka'rn raihja'na 
v.i. lie unused go to’ waste be totally 
ignored ti£j/ , jdhar‘rakh.'na v.T. set apart 
\z£f. /'(A i j d kar'na de (or mar’) kar baif'na 
vJi. duii ; sit doggedly at the door of debtor 
stage a sit down strike 

gracefulness i\ Mydkarva'na v.t. cause to placed cause 

% dfiaj'ji.N.F. shred strip (of cloth) l ^ to be paid have arrested 

mg; tatter (VJU^Mo&dkaj'jiycfi v.t a good h,d- 

7 * z ~ LL W ing spoil pull to pieces _ 

dkaf dhat ba’n ba’rl int, (for 
***** urging elephant) on 
-fA dh&tkar'na v.t. drive (dogs, etc.) out 
i/J revile : reprove 

\jy&y dkotoo'ra n.m. stramonium 

Py dkaj n.f. appearance ; shape ; form 
O'" 7 air ; mien grace £>£saj ' diaj n.f. air 

ura'na (or bafdur'na or It'na) v.t. - tear into , B 

pieces expose ; pull to pieces {Jjj^dhpj'jiyafi ^im.) 

lag'na v.i. be in tatten 

j0,< j b k ^ 

dkorh ka lot na v.i. be leFked be 

pull to pieces 
axis [f. ofj^usedas 

n.m. jolt jerk shock tt/Sit)"'*' 

•*%*dka(&'ka lag'na v.i. be jerked be ** ,, ., 1 * 

jolted be shocked : have a shock [ono.J f^y ^epted ai 

^.dah'r nm. (PL.^jrffiW) time age dkar n.m. trur 

dahriy'yal N.f dakriy yah N.M. (see 

*Qnd tvfiic) 

dkarel' n.f. conclusive junior wife 

s( J vmt\A‘jyfydcikrifyatn.r. atheism tfiateria 
lism ^/pidahriy'yah n.m. atheist materialist 


■ dkit'ra n.m. axle axle-tree axis 
/* dhU'ra dhUr' adv. right through, from 
one end tb another to the end 


tjf dek'ra adj. double ; twofold twice 
Yl 7 sagged ; sagging Clr/ifadoh’ ra hoja'na V.I. 
sag be benti]^><fe*ra'na v.t. repeat say 

L p dkarel n.f. conclusive junior wile 
U/> fully accepted at member of family 
pdkax n.m. trunk ; torso body J 
s*dhar raih ja'na v.i. be paralysed ; be palsied 

Jfp dha‘\a n.m. party ; faction clique 
\r* balancing weight y/( dka'ra kar'na 
balance (scale) balance (receptacle, etc.) in 
scate(££|a5VAa'«* bati'dl n.f. splitting up 
into opposed parties party spirit factions 
feelings yPjfpjdha'ra dkar adv. rapidly in 
rapid succession '’Pji^Padha'fB dkar bik'us v.i 

(of something) jell like hot cakes have a buying 

sport (of gun. 
loud report of 
with a crash 

thud fjptdharam se adv 

j/j ■*— dhara'ka n. m . thud 
'etc.) along shower 
fartingrfS^^/isr*'*# it adv 

dharan n.f. 

I }/' 3 with a thud 

v.i. (of heart) beat, palpi- 
y^tate feeluneasyt(/5(rt^r'^a h.m. fear 
doubt , iv&pcm [ Jf}dkin' kan n.f. palpita- 


.ibm dbaral'la n.m. bravery boldness ; guts 
intrepidity<s£.^^5rfSviraf7f se adv. 
fearlessly ; intrepidity openly without fear 
or favour 

k> dha‘ ri h.f. five seers five-seer weight 
layer (of lipstick, etc.)L(ft£/%Jfrmis’si 
<ri dha'rl jama' as paint (the Ups) (JJ^dkar’yan 
sdv. in abundance 

jp dhis'ss m m. heavy woollen shawl ; twofold 
^ shawl 

j 'J^P^ dha'sakna v.i. sag (of wall) collapse 

dhasna,\!^dkati'sana v.t. sink (into) 
be thrust (into) elbow one’s way (into 
crowd, etc.) go deep into sa%g^)dka'_san m.f. 

marshy ground bog : quagmire slough 
LLsJPjdhasara, Cl^jdhaiisa'na v.t. cause to sink 
de'hith h.f. (usu. ^S(J^jUda'd-o dehish) 

U ( 'bounty munificence charity (P ~ 


; ^tyjdaih' shat (ped. dah'-) M.F fear: 

f ' terror : dread awe scare alarm 
threat ; menace horror^ia^J 

daih' shet-afigcz' adj. alarming scaring 
terrifying awe-inspiring horrid ; horrible 
dah' shad- za' dah adj. scared alarmed 

panicky, panic-striken terrified ; terror- 
striken dah' that kha'na v.i. be panicky 

be, alarmed be terrified be terror struck 

J\>ffdaih' shal-mk adj. dreadful horrid ; 

horrible alarming terrifying [AJ 
ii|* dehqari n.m. villager ; boor ; rustic 
'*'* r l* peasant , tiller of the soil (rare) land- 
lord n.m. villager peasant 

adj. rustic boorish*^£/y dehqamy'yat n.f. 
rustic manners [P~«deh] ' 

/ dhnk n.f shock thud young one 
of louse tV/v dluk se rath' ji'na v.i. 
stand aghast be paralysed through fear 
<j(») dhek ' dhak' ker'm v i (of heart) 
beat , palpitate 

2 ihnk'ka n.m. shove , push ; jostle 
shock loss . damage, stroke (of ill- 
! uck ) dhak'ka pel, &>( > dkak'ktm dhak' ka 

n.f. jostling L [}&}dhak' ka de'na v.t. jostle 
push elbow shove turn out bring 
misfortune (on) ^{J^^fdhak'ke kha'na v.i. be 
kicked from door to door be forced to wander 
about aimlessly suffer reverses of fortune 
be pushed be shoved be jostled l$frjdhak- 
k& lag iia v.t. be jostled suffer a shock 
sustain loss suffer reverses of fortune 
i.Ji-dai'hakna v i. glow bum be ablaze 
be consumed (with grief rage, et c.Hfe^j 
daihka'na v.i. light orkindle (fire) 

{ (L dhuk'duki, Jjfcdhig’d gl m.f palpha- 
W^r^tion anxiety : worry outer pan ol 
throat towards end of neck fcj'jiffp&tdhak’- 
dhu'ki meft dam' ht'n a v.i. be on the last gasp 
i>(fkdp*dh2'kar pu'kar n.f. palpitation; agitation, 

i , t6p dhakel'nn (dial. OJffdkakel'na) v.t 
“jostle push shove IbJ^jdhakel' de 

(dial, dha'-) v.t. jostle push 
jJfadhBfdSgf n.f. (same as r ★) 

jkJ&jdhag'ra n.m. paramour 


tabor (JeZJfcba- 
with the beat of 

^ bak'g-e do'hal adv 
drum openly (P) 

daih'la n.m. (at cards) ten (<-(/>) 

M,jdai’halna, (lfJ t jdai'hal Jana v.i. be 
_ scared shiver in one** shoes shocked 

IrDffdaihla'na, be C>fiil»daMa' dens v.t. scare 
frighten ** ^ 

flM dhul'na v.i. be washed , be laundered 3^’ 
'r*'*dhula"i n.f. washing laundry 
remuneration for laundering ClJttjdfiuhia'itd v.t 
get (someone) launder cause (something) 
to be washed Cj/U’U^dhfUya mil'ya kar'na v.t 
hush up (dispute) 

,j>j dek'ti (Persianized and commoner form of 
Jjdil'lf) n.f. Dehli (jJjjdth'taiH n.m. one 
from Delhi adj. of Delhi 
•J>y dehliJ? M.f. threshold porch , portico 

if\^i>dehtu! ka kut'ta n.m. hanger-on 
parasite At mat'fi It 

dal'na v.t. sits 

do'lrum, fjfida' hurriih adj. tenth [P~»J| 



Jf'^ dham n.f. thud se adv. with 
I a thud (come) unexpectedly ; all of a 

tffrjruk* 'ma diau'kari n.f. roistering [ono.J 

dka'ma diwn' n.f. & adv. (with) 
j j sound of jumpings about [ono.] 

, dham&'ka n.h. sound of explosion 




report (of gun) 
thump [ono.] 

l^dkaml' N.F. mendicants’ 

(s group dance their jumping 
into fire (ll/jy Clufyl/'idkamai khel'na 
(or kar'na) v.i. play thus 
dkama’liya n.m. one who plays thus 
/to dha'mak n.f. footfall thud 

j; ' pulsation shooting pain (in head) 
Cfi dkam'ki n.f. threat threatening 

O snub bluff C>t(f^)dhamki de'rm v t. 
threaten snub bluff (jZjfidkam'ki nun 
\nv. just with a threat dkam'ki men ana 
v.i. be coerced by threats be frightened 
be scared be bluffed C^dka'makna v.i, 
throb shoot with pain make a thud (^5 t 
i' dha'makna v.i. come unexpectedly be 
unwelcome arrival Of^jdhamka'na v.i. threaten; 
hold out a threat snub 

adkSin n.f. keynote tune assiduity 

Hr perseverance fad craze Weft 
diiin ka pek'kd adj. persevering dhun' 

met ma'gan adj. obsessed with the idea 
absorbed in the thought 

vf> dkan n.m. (dial.) riches ; wealth , fortune 
cStif/jdkan dau'lal n.f. riches ; wealth ; 
fortune [S] 

da'han, fj^jdahah' n.m. mouth [PJ 

y* doh'n n m. (rare) oil iS+fj dohniy'yal n.f. oil 

tyyd&na adj. (same as ADJ. 

* ^/C»J>dkn na'.iiri n.f. name of a musical mode 

J ^JPjdkun’iia V.T. comb ; card cotton 
X bcat rack tyyS urdkitn'nd v.i. rue 
rack one’s brains fret and fume 0*jdkun'ja 
n.m. carder 

•p.dkatid n.f. fog 

sightedness dim 

dkufid’la adj. foggy 
(jdjjT) dh und'la-pn n n . m . 

i\n\\ms*,$jC0)dhu' hdalka 
earlv hours of the morning 

mist ; haze dim- 
; lack of charity JjU>J 
misty ; hazy dim 
dimness fogginess 
n.m. twilight 

i/p dkah'da n.m. means of livelihood 
avocation . business work occupa- 

j}*pdkutidl& dkufi'dalks n.m. (see 


/jpjdha'nak n.f. narrow gold lace (dial.) 

/ rainbow > 

t^yj&dh&iiak'na v. t, card; combjr** dhuliak'nl 
'n.t. carding bow 

( dhan-van adj. (dial.) rich ; wealthy 
*** [S-jjf *}dhan) 

•jp dha'rii adj. (dial.) rich expert (at 
is* something) [ 

dhan'yd n.m coriander seed quality 
L jUPp a hit n' yd n.m. (see under (>*!> v.t. -dr) 

[^>y ihan 

— rice 

yP) dhau n.m. steel rim for wheel ; tyre 

I dku'’“ii n.m. smohejifjfJlyrj dhit" dh-dhat 
^ J adj. smoky dark torrential (rain) 
fiery; impassioned (speech, etc .)tyjPjdku' afi'sa 
n.m. soot adj. sootyhlrUjlJj dku'afi'sa id' na v.i. 
be covered with soot 

^jyfPydho'ban n.f. (see under n.m. -fc) 

6f> dho'bl N.y. washerman ; laundcrerc^f Jj ’> 
* (l/pli)di o' bi-pat (or pat'ra) n.m. "wash- 

board wrestling trick (in which one throws 
adversary right over ones shoulders) 
dho'bi ghat n.f. washing wharf wash-house 
tfJjtfj&jCfyfyPidko'bikakul'la na gkar ka 
na ghat' ka prov.‘ dog who running after two 
bones would catch neither yjPjdko'ban n.f. 
laundress wagtail 

dhoop n.f. sun; shining; sunshine 
' incense b‘}y?jPjdkoop par'nd v.i. be 

sunny ; have the sun 'shining ( on ) < 
dkoop chark’na (or nikal'na ) v.i. be broad day- 
light (of sun) rise high Jjl#pg'j*>dkMp' (bjkaofi 
n.f. sunshine and shade shot silk sun- 
proof (gaberdin c)\u)t-'j*jdhJ>op' de'na v.t. air ; 
put in the sun^C^^f^yF; dhbop' kka'ha (or de'na) 
v.i. bask in the sun^^lj yydhoop' gka'lt n.f. 
sundial dkoop' men adv. in the sun 

[ dhoop ' men bat! (or sir or Rootl'd a) 
sifed’ fio'na v.i. be green despite ageClftp^ 
dhoop' ni'kalna v.i. (of sun) shine 
‘ yP 3 dho'tar n.f. flintsy linen 

’ijp dho'a n.f. waiste piece (passing between 
O'* legs and fastened behind) sheet used as 
cover for lower part of body 




\ j yPy dkoit rgitM dusting powder 

dko'ka h.m. deception imposture 

delusion make-believe betrayal 

treachery Kaxtoro-w tjjb^dho' ki-ba ft n.f. 

fraud ; impost ureli^K^f^ke'^u dt'nS v.T. de- 
fraud betray the confidence (of) ft/ 
dha'ka kha'na, dha‘ kt met ana v.i be 

taken in be defrauded take a false step 
make a mistake jf‘££j%dht>'ke ki tat'tl n.f. 
false screen smoke screen ( of ) dhe' k$- 
baz' h.m, & adj. (coll.) iiraudulent (person 
dho'ke-ba'zi n.f. fraud l 'Jjtjf^Zjdho'ktmdi rakfcng 
v.i. feed with false hopes l*j(j\£5d1v>'ke nub 
raih'na v.i. be in the dark 


dhuol n.f. dust Oj I J>r > dhaoi 8ra«a v t. 

raise dust slandertj^l-*jrfAW ur na v.t. 
(of dust) be raised be defamed be ruin- 
edbitfU^dkool jhar’na v.t. dust , beat . 

i « dhaul n.m. slap thume^jt t 
( JJr^dhoul jat'nb (or tags' na or mar' no) slap 
thump Lf/J^dhaul Hup' pa h.m. slapping 

.. _ ihan'la adj. mifkwhite snowwhite 
1)^3 (hair) 

rfAoom n.f. fame pomp; parade^^i 
yir^dhoom' dham' dnonrri dhorak'ka n.f J 
pomp and show parade splendid display 
dhtnmak dkay'ya n.f. noise uproar 

dkoom' mafha na v.t & l make an uproar 
publicize make famous(0f)};(jFj5^> dhaom' 
macfina for ho'na) v.i become ^famous or 

^j^yHutun n.m. half maund (weight) 

^yPydlu'na v.t wash eleansc rinse 
(j)j 0 jd%.o't>en n.f water in which something 
has been washed 

' dkaublal’ adj. skilful quick brave 


jP .m dhatrii' dhout n.f (sound of) constant 
(/5Ctr>coughing [oho.] 

Jt jm dkeoti dhooh n.f (sound of) constant 
(J^U 3 * gunshots (oho.) . 

J) diftubs n.f. bluff bullyingdUflilrt/^J 
U *** dkauiis' de’na for jams' na) v.t. bluff 

bully l"u/</ J 3 9 3 dhnuts' meh a 'na v.i. be bluffed 
be bullied LJ>>*jdh 0 ub’siya n.m. bully 
yj 0 jdhdvti’~a>H. m. large drum 

L-A-dkaubk'na v.i. blow air into (somc- 
\rjr, ^ thing) with the bellows dhauv.k' ni 
n.f bellows ; pair of bellows 
% „ dhoo'ti n.f fumigation incense 
ij*) smoke &t‘lJj*dkot'ii H'ma , V.T. . burn 
incense fumigate *mok*ftVyC^d^>rf]Wrf 
tama'na (or lagana) v.i (dial.) bum incense 

like a Hindu ascetic (of Hindu) become an 
asce tic dhoo'm le ns v.i. inhale smoke or 
undergo fumigation 

iS<> da'himM. (dial, k.) curds , yogurt 

tijg % dhysn n.m. attention comemplahori 
w .. (dial.) meditation|J(Jy(^</AjriM bats' fia 
v.i. divide attention . distract ({$l)\sfoi£dkyan 
dSna (or lagana) v.i. (dial.) contemplate 
meditate (sCtfbjdhjsn' rakh’na v.i. bear in 
mind keep in view attend (to) look 
(after) I’JfJ^dhysn' kar'na v.i. pay attention 
(to) take notice (of) l‘iUi^!54lyaii' met n* 
la'rta v. ignore ; disregard ; pay no attention 
(to) , pay no heed (to) 

jy dhi'raj n.f. composure forttude 
perseverance firmnes 

dhi'raj rakh-'ns (or se kam le'na) v.i. be com- 
posed show fortitude be firm perseverance 
're dhi’rt adv. slowly softly 
C noiselessly : without noise 

gradually ; step by step gently 
tim.dlv'la n.m. (old coin) half-pice (equivalent 
to 132nd of a rupee) (ffidhe'Il n.f. half- 
rupee , 50-paisa coin 

Ljp. dhl'ma, ADJ. (f.(/5dhi'nd) not severe 
mild soft (sound) calm subdued 
mitigated temperate dim slow 
lacking vehemence It^f^dkl'ma por'ita v.i. be 
calm become less severe lose vehemence 
be mitigated bfjl&dhi'ma dhi ma adj. gentle 
mild adv. gently mildly 
$J&jdhjt'ga adj. stout fat 

jffiUpdhin'ga mOsh'H M.F. ‘ fisticuffs melee 

i di'ya n.m. lamp earthen lamp without 
« any glass to cover flame Vjfclydi'ya bet' ft 
kor'na v.t. light a \ampil*%i*di'ya borha'na v.i 
put out a lamp n.f. match; 

match-stick match-box ^(J^^f^di'ya '-se/a"! 

ki dib'ya ‘ w.f. match-box 
. daya n.f. (dial.) mercy benevolence 
S'* favour J 13 daya' lot n.m. (dial.) merci- 
ful charitable' is) 

• diysr n.m. country region territory; 
soil ; land at.M. pl. (rare) hrases ^c&3 
diyj ' r-e gh air' n.m. alien soil foreign land [A - 
sins^If housej 

^lydiys'leQ+n}. -(dial.) generous*! - U*] 

. diya’ti n.f. honesty . probity ; in- 
tegrity faith fidelity j Its b* diya' nal-d4> 


mjj. honest .faithful conscientious 
diyai nsl-da ri ti.i'. honesty ; probity ; integrity 
fidelity faithfulness [A ~ 
ili'bn n.m. tissue brocade |P] 

, ++ 

n.m. preface; foreword; iiitro- 
V*** duction I*) 

l -Sy dip nm. (dial.) lamp [SI 

/ di'pak n.m. name of a major mode of 
classical Indo-Pakistan music pertaining 
to summer (dial.) lamp [SJ 

dt'yal n.f, blood monev [A~ Ijl] 


daijoor' n.f. long^dark night adj. daft ; 
... pitch-dark %^?dia'b-e daijoor' n.f. very 
dark night [P] *" A 

did n.f. seeing watch i ng jSf'j} j. j did' 

m shUrifd' ph. strange preposterous 
no information jl^ydldar' n.m. sight ^ view 
interview or meeting (with beloved)Jfj^ 
djdar'-buz n.m. & adj. ogling (person) yjijki 
didaioo adj. (col.) pretty ; handsome ; comely 
(jj.) di'dani adj. Worth > seeing di'dah adv. 
having seen suf. seen di'dah danis' tak Zffjjy 
dt'da-o d unis' tah adv. "knowingly delibe- 
rately [P~ fcbyto see] 

>U»> didur* n.m. (see under 6 {^v.t.) 

di'dah n.m. eye#j2o di' da-re' & n.f. hard 
work work calling for great effort 
minute work folftfjbfydl' da-re' zl ka hum n.m, 
minute tope of work Cl^j^^ijdi'dvfi ku paint 
ikal'na v.t. become impudent lose modesty 
be shameless tjijf£2?dl'df phdr'na v.t. ogle 
gaze stare \$Sp££<H'ylt ph/itnu ad|. 
harnefaced impudent [I fai£fdi'dt matka'na 

v.r.ogle make eyes at; to wanton with the 
xlfti 0\4k£?di' dt tiikal’na v.t. glare 
Shakjl-di'dah adj. impudent shamefaced 


J) Sait n.m. monastry temple [A) 


j derHt f. delay tardiness passage of 
*4te&0jd*’r a'yad duru' si a'yad prov. 
better late than" never better because late ! 

\jj dtr'-pa adj. lasting durable tjfojdtr' 
Uk adv. for a long time till late (in the 
evening, etc.) uS,/fdn' it adv. since long 
lat tl'IrD-^dft’ srb'aa v.i. be late ; come latel*#/> 
dir' laga'nd V.T, delay be late waist 
time take a iotof time (oyerjor in) tySidtr' 
ho'na v i. be Utt^/jdfrl n.f. (col.) delay 

tardiness [P] 

m . deri’nah, adj. old ; ancient veteran 
seasoned stale [P] 

• diroz’ n.m. yesterday the past 
diro’zah adj. yesterday’s past 
stale [P] . 

<r|) des. (dial. iji> dish) n.m. country ; land 

ba ~ des ' ^ or des ' des ^ 
ptiirna v.i. " wander from country to country 
travel ahovXp^j^jdts-nika la n.m. exile , 
banishment ; ostracism extradition 
des'-niku'lu de'ns v.t. exile ; banish Q’pftj^da- 
niku'la mil'na v.i. be exiled ; be banished 
be extradited (f&de'si adj. indigenous 
home-made native real (stuff) verna 

cular n.m. native 

t.Jj dekh'na v.i. see look at behold 
observe inspect search weigh well 
take care feel (pulse) fjujjdekh’ bhal n.f. 
looking after ; care che<Jc-up scrutiny 

recpnnaissance pyil/j de' kha bhs'fa adj. tried 
Jybfjde'kka'de'khi adv. emulating in imitation 
( l/b&de'kka kar'nu v.j. keep looking be 

waiting \f t (J?>de k ha hu"n aDj. tried known 
seen ^tp^idekh'le dekh’te adv. in the pre- 
sence of ^before one’s very eyes through 
looking continuously or for long Cl?tja2£-dekk'te 
raih ja'rid v.i. gaze in vain stand gazing 

in wonder or dismay 2^/dekh! It raih'nu v.i. 
look after keep an eye (on) keep a watch 
goon looking £>ta(&tfdikh.'na bhul'na v.t. 
try examine inspect reconnoitre 

dekhine meh ana v.i. appear ; come into slgflt 
be visible be found Cbjfidtkk p&’na v.t. 
get a chance to see ascertain dekh'na v.i. 
(col.) be seen appear come in sight 

be found b£ able, to see not 

to be blind 

S'drgfi.r. big pot cauldron SjfvgB 
wrought \TOTL,^?jdeg’diah jHlW 

N.M. large saucepan £} dig' At N.F. 
saucepan fydrg'-d&n n.m. (rare) 

.fireplace [P| s, 

f dl'gat adj. (also Jsdi'gar) 
other another again n.m. 
afjemoon prayers | P] „ 

£ y digl adj. wrought (iron) ( 

/ di'mak N.F. white-ant ; termite 
dt'/nak-khur'dah adj. eaten by termite 
di'mak lag' na v.i. beeaten by termite [P] ’ 
fj ) Jin n.m. (fl. djbjfadysn') religion ; faith 
tls(JJdlh'-j>anah' adj. defender of the faith 

<h n-t haq m.m. Islam (as the true faith) 
Jin'-rfar adj. & n.m. religious (person) the 
faithful piously din'-da'ri n.f. religious- 
ness piety kt lara"i n f. religious 
mefi mila'na v.t. convert ; pro- 
selytize tf i di'ni adj. religious [A] 

dain'sM. debt liability [A] 

tyj 9 den n.f. (see under l/av.T. if) 

de lta v.t. give pay grant 
" offer yield produce 

allot lay (egg)Cp^rde de'na v.i. 
away make over (to) den n.f. 

bestowal giving ctftflleri den n.m. 

monetary transactions traffic (in) 

and take 

j&9 dinar' n . m . dinar [A - L] 

1 iy dev' (col. de'o’) n.m. 

•* (lit.) devil Jsjjdev-pai ' 

kar adj . 









r . dev' n.m. (dial.) deity , God Cjjdeyo’ta (or 
V Persianized dev' la) n.m. (dial.) deity God 
jjt/j dev‘-ba'nl n.f (dial.) Sanskrit (as the 
language of Gods’) J IMjdeu -ma'la n.f. mythology 
lifkij dev-rtag' ri n.f. Sanskrit script Jjfde'vl n.f. 

(dial.) goddess noble~tady pious woman 
Cixji tjde'vi dev'la n.m. pl. (dial.) gods and 
goddesses pantheon / . > 

NF - wa ^ ivar' 

•* utha'na (or bans' na or eh tin ns or khehch'na) 
v.t. raise build or rear yJ’^jljJdtvar' bUh' ghar 
ph. adjacent house c(-ejlJ*<tiva r-e chin' n.f. _ 
the great wall of China bighaviervJ^Jiyj 
dtoa'r-e qaih'qahah n.f. the great wall of China 
i as inducing its scalers to laugh) hearty, laugh 
J$<jlfd?jZjiJjdmr' ke bhi k&ri ham, Wtffffjljh 
divafy ham “gosh' da' rad prov. walls have ears 
(£ Jjijsdivar'-gi'rl n,f. bracket wall-lamp 
arras adj. wall (lamps, etc.) [P] 

1 1 i dins' lah, Jljtfdivs'lak n.m. bankruptcy ; in- 
~ » solvency Qtf’JIJjdlva lah ttikal ns v.t. 
declare one’s insolvency \ bring to verge of 
financial collapse ^jfyljUdivaiah niksl'na n.f. 
become insolvent collapses financially be 
absolutely lacking diva liyah n.m. 

bankrupt ; insolvent iackinf^ diva' Hj/ah- 
pan m.m. bankruptcy ; insolvency lack (of) 
1; divsli n.f. (Hindu) festival of illumina- 
(J ** tions (celehrating Ramas\ resumption of 
power) (S ) \ 

i, divan’ n.m. collected odes 'of single 
poet with all pieces alphabetically arrang- 
ed according last letter of couplets divan , 
courts ; cushioned platform (arch.) royal 
court (arch.) Prime Minister (arch.) 
secretary, revenue or financial secretary; minister 
(arch.) tribunal (arch.) revenue depart- 
ment ; secretariatt/VclV^ii^ ' 1 **’ n.m. 
Cabinet; Privy Council Privy Council Chamber 
styl divan -kha’nah n.m. drawingroom 
lounge hall prival hall of audience ; court 
fcciyjdiva' n-e ‘ am ‘ n.m. public hall of audience 
[A -PI 

• it diva' nah n.m. madman; lunatic 
** v frenzied lover adj. mad ; insane ; lunauc 
frenzied (lover) fanatical crezy 

jl*fijj£j&jy>dwanah ba-kar~e khesh’ hushtySi ' 
prov. even a madman is save enough to look 
after own i n terests ^dioa ' rus-pan n.m. JIJj 
diva nap. n.f. insanity ; madness , lunacy 
frenzy craze, fanatacism jfljbdtoa'ni n.f .mad 
woman adj. mad (woman) fP) 

M 9 diva n n.f civil court (see under 
mjt) adj. civil (court, l^w, pro- 
cedure, etc.) (see under Wrk) fFl 
Ijjdev'ta n.m. (sec under r yj n.m.) 

> j dioat n.m. lamp-stand 
candle stick [ - Lj ] 

i , dayyoos' n.m. cuckold Jjbdayyoc'si N.r. 

cuckoldry [A] 

JlyJ} deodar' n.m. cedar 

2 de'oar n.m. husband’s younger brother ; 
brother-in-law tfjjf deyora'm n.f. wife of 
husband’s younger brother ; sister-in-law 
jjy ^ deyo'la n.m. large \axnp deyo' U n.f, 

** small lamp [ ~ lj | 

&t> d yoon ' n.m. pl. debts [A-sino. dain) 

(fjjde'vi n.f. (sec under r Jj n.m. -fc) 

oydeh n.m. village (gide'hl adj. rural; rustic 
£*lf>dehat’,£>\>dchai' n.m. village n.m. pl. 
villages'!*^* bgrfrAaf-e khaTuah n.m, pl. villages 
comprising Crown lands ; State villages 
deha'ti, “fit fdeha'ti adj. rural rustic; bonish 
n.m. rustic ; boor [P doublet ofw*A) 

<S> dnihim n.m. crown [Pl 







^ twelfth letter of 

(equivalent to English d ) 


Urdu alphabet 
(in jummal 

pond , pool (dish.) wash- 

reckoning (equivalent to 3 dal) four 

N M ‘ unripe cocoanut sword- 
« belt a kind of grass twined to form bed- 

,, * di'bar n.m. 
stand ; basin 

bak n.m. (dial.) fresh water from well 


n.f. . arch arched doorway 

vault stopper cork (A/at lagans 

v 1. close (doorway, arch, etc.) with brick- 
wor ^ , arch vault cork ; put a stopper 

fon) lag'tii v.i. be arched be 

vaulted (of arch, etc.) be closed with brick- 
work be corked ; have a stopper put on 
tpdar h.t. swarm ; flock branch 

if/* 1 ’ 






(usu. variant oCjipjdohar' , 
cry (dial. {orsylj n.f. *) 
ro'nn v.i weep bit- 

y l<tai / IUUU try 

d drjuit mar' kar 


\f>J Ijdd'rhd n.m. (dial. forU>*/j n.m. if) 
— K ^ ^ 

ljJ')4* n - .f. (dial. iorffjbr* 


l^Mdik n.f. post , mail 
ImJ 'J relays of men or horses 
communications series of 

(arth.) postal 
for continual 

,-7, ^ -y-~- w. , spasms of adj. 

post ; postal (tPljl'tyJljdak' biihd'na (or laga’n'a) 
v.'r. send out postal relays communicate 
rapidly and for long i U&rfj’dak' baiih'na v.i, (of 
communications) take place rapidly and for 
l° n g Jr?iji*dak’-bafig'lak n.f. dak bunglow ; rest 
house ($JgiJljdak'~&au'ki n.f. (arch.) postal relay 
yi^jffdak'-khslnahytiM- post office 
postal departments*!^/// dak' ga'ri n.f. mail 
train mail van tf^i/dak lag'na v.i. (of 
communications) take place rapidly and for long 


courier " 

da'koo n.m. dacoit ; robber ; >brigand ; 
* bandit ; highwayman ; 
biiih'ri (or samufi'dari) dakou n.m. pirate /’^de.’krJt 
‘v'ljdaki n.m. dacoity banditry ; robbery high- 

wav |/«uvv » J OJIVI 1UI 

have frequent spasms (of vomiting or hie 
-Sifda'kijah, l/i/js’kiya n.m. postma 

<• P 


way robbery ; brigandage i'/^jJaka par' ns v.i. 

be attacked by dacoits be robbed 

da' kd ddl'nn v.t. commit a dacoity rob 
& V'lfda'ka-ta'ni n.t dacoity ; robbery ; high- 
way ; banditry ; brigandage 

JS da'kiyah n.m. (see under Ob n f if ) 


ffj'dal n.f. branch , bough twig ; spray 

0 irrigat ion basket l£ /J>. fdal' ka pak'ka adj. 
ripened on the branch iffijlfd al' kd too' fa adj. 

plucked from the branch frcshw^J/JJ/j^V 

too dal' dal' maik pat' pal' prov over-reaching; 

1 can outwit you at your game you can't get 
me 1 know how to harass you 

/j> da'lar n M. dollar adj. dollar ^(/da'/on 
adj. dollar U S. financial *5^/^/// 
da lari siya'sat n.f. U.S. financial strategy ; 
dollar diplomacy [E] 

dal' ns v.t. pour lay wear ; put 
7 on sow ; broadcast ; scatter vomit 
throw down post take (woman) as mistress 
^jjbdaf de'na v.t. lay down throw away ; 
cast away quit; abandon 
ti^da'li n.f. branch; bough bribe 
0 ' present of fruits, etc. spread on tray and 
partially covered with flowers 
i+ ydam'clia n.m. field watchman’s elevated 
!s platform 

. K.Pdakt'na v.t. chide 
** v reprove 
dapat n.f. 


scold > rebuke 

browbeat ^tdakt , dsiZjjdaht 
chiding ; scolding rebuke 

^•i-^dafid n.m. 


oar staff (S^Jddk'dl n.m. 

,bttl>daii' da n.m. boundry line dak’ dr 

’ mil'na v 1. (of two or twain) meet ; be- 



come adjacent to each 
merge into one another 

n.f. sedan-chair n.m. (see undej’bit) 


t^dHidibg n.f. hilltop (dial.)j'ump 


* 1 ^dafi'oak dol adj. unsteady un- 

settled homeless ££jj(j!dbdak’vak dol 
tramp be unsettled 
spite jealousy malice 


pkir'na v.i. 

0 (j d ah n.f. 

/•Pi^di' itaik' tar n.m. director (/JJylfda'traik'tari 
Syn.t. directory (E] 

(jj\)4*''in n.f. diary [E] 

dayol n.m. dial [E] 

y^ljda’jamatd jooVlt n.f. Diamond Jubilee 

•*. >1 .‘ l : 


t'l'poo n.m. depot ration depot (Ej 

y depoote' span n.m. deputation |E] 

ft I 1 da 'in n.f. witch*. hag malicious 
woman bki das' 

glia r (hkor' kar kha'ti hai 

da'insmait n.m. dynamite |E| 

y* b d<t’’inamo, daiitmo n.m. dynamo [E] 

n.f. leather going into oil-pot 

• 3 manufacture fastening end of waist- 
piecc (also used as purse) 

^ } dib’ba N.m. (same as n.m. ,,.?★) 

_J l j duba'oo AD|. (see under tfjjv.i. *fc) 

\ljjy dtbditba'na, (Cif}r)l‘tl£jdub'duba a'na (or 
. Jana ) v.j. (of eyes) be filled with tears 
SJ ) dab'rs n.m. pool 

£ dab'ka N.M. also dab ke ka pa' ni ph. 

• ' freshly drawn water from well 

b.j l da' bal roHl n.f. bread; Western-style 
(j^U, leavened loaf 

. . > dUbo'na v.t. drown sink dip , im- 
"V* merse inundiate- waste ruin 
disgrace ; humiliate jbfdiba’oo adj. out of 
man’s depth ; drowning quite deep 

N - F * dip plunge C&(fj *dub’ki 
lags' na v.t. dive 

kfdib'bah n.m. box packet carton 

* ''Jalso Jlib^jdib'ba atfal') infantile pleurisy 

sS*) iib'yah n.f. small box packet carton 


, da' pat' n.f. £{/f<ja.pia’na v.t. (see under 

< Ui/v.i. it) * 

i.£ & da' pat' n a v.t. rebuke chide brow- 

■ beat (of horse) gallop ; canter ijgfda'pat 
a f. rebuke menace challenge threat 
(usu. with ct/lfdabt) C&Jdapfa'na v.t. gallop (a 

dip'll n.m. Deputy kalak’tar 

(col t£a dipt} kalat'tarf n.m. Deputy 
Collector s^SfrfjdiJf kamish'na r n.m. Deputy 
Commissioner d sap'rafitafidafit n.m. 

Deputy Superintendent Deputy Superin- 
tendent of .Police ; D.S.P. [E] 

I J i ^ diplo'ind n.m. diploma Ijhdiplo' ma-yaf lah 
■V adj.- diplomaed ; diplomad ; diploma- 
holder (E) 

dat'na, tff&jdap ja'na v.t. take a form 

J stand ; put up a bold front be pitted 

jjfdar n.m. fear dread awe scare 

danger i JjUadar’pok adj. coward 
dastardly timid \Jjs darna v. be afraid of 
fear be frightened be terrified be scarred 
I'lsidara'na v.t. frighten terrify lf[,jdarh”- 
onu adj. frightful terrifying dreadful 

horrid horrible 

draf's main n.m. draftsman [E] 

//j/3 dara'mah, L^jdara'ma n.m. drama (Ej 

f,t£y, dara’ing room n.m. drawing room 
s b 

dara'ivar n.m. driver [E] 

(Jypdaril' n.f. drill [E] 

LP £da\k’yal n.m. & adj. (derog.) bearded 
V~. (person) [-(fjifi 

dispaifi'sari n.f. dispensai7 [E] 

y (pjk dis'tik N.M. district d is' ti k bar'd 

* n.m. , District Board dis'tik 

kaunsal n.f. District Council dgZ&p'adu'tik 
majis'taret n.m. District Magistrate [E] „ 

yi dis'mis adv. dismiss adj. dismissed ij » 
U~ * dtis'misal n.f. dismissal [E} 

\p^ydds'na v.t. (of snake) bite 

, ’f * daf n.m. tabor ; small drum 

' ' rr> 

u daf'li n.f. tambourine Jijtytyijfjfjflfyap'm 
id P ap’tii daf'li ap'na ap'na rag' prov. each one 
striking a different note ifdafa'lt Jyjjdafaicfii 
n.m. drumbeater [~A^i corr.) 

& i. not to belch eat voraciously (fig.) 
embezzle (fig. I keep one’s counsel ijtfo’dakar'na 
v.t. & i. belch embezzle ^ 
bjfb dikte tar n.m. dictator (£/&ijikte'tari n.p 
^. dictatorship [E] 

l‘l jy dak tana v.i. low bellow 
(jjs^pdiksjt ‘nar't n.f. dictionary (Ej 


YL * 


robber , bandit. 

dokoi'na , dhttkoi nn 

"S' ' * down greedily 

^ffdakait’ n m dacoit , iow ut i , i/nnuit . 
y ^ A 

♦* brigand , highwayman footpad j 

dakai’ll n.f. dacoity ; robbery highway , rob- 
bery banditry , brigandage [doublet of /b ] 

J f/ jp dog n.m. stride step pace fyfjfdog 
2 bhm'na v.t. step out stride take 
dong) steps 

I'lfj digs na v.t. cause to stagger [ ~ Oi caus.] 


n.f dntm , juggler’s 1 " 



y da gat n f 


5“' ‘s r pain tTJlCav — — 

ni da gat pat thal'na 

tread a beaten path 

dtg'rl n.f decree degree 

tsltqra'riyyah dig' n n.f declaratory decree 
( l ijA Pgrt puns (or haul karna) v.i 
get or obtain a decree obtain a decree (from 
court) Vjtfjlfijjjdtgti jdtl kat- nn v.T. enforce 
or execute a decree jl } (jj*dig rl-dftr n.m. decree- 
holder adj . jhdgmcnt ditm v t 

lecree , adjudge admit to the degree (of) 
tali adv. degree-holder ; 
diploma’d (fjjd&tuiba' It dig'ri n.f. judgment by 
cognovit jf*jA? ok -tar'a/ah dig'ri n.f. ex parte 

t & dagmagnna \v.i stagger real 

^ lottor d?)dag mag adv staggering 
sealing *~f%fjdagmags‘hat n.f stagger reel 
dig' ns v.i stagger 

\ - f beat o( drum for some an- 

nouncement such announcement 
t^dc' la n.m. lump clod Jjda'Ii \ r 
lump piece clod betel-nut loal. 
lump or culic (of sugar) $5iflj/*rrtis'fl ki da'li n.f 
sugar loaf 

jydala' n n.m. heap of rubbish 

v> da'lakno v.i. glitter U^jda'tak glutei 

• t 

\Jy dal na v.i. (coll.) be put 


^f^^ulva'nu v_t. cause to be 
put cause to be shoved in 

- lillj CAUS.) 

n.f (see under J? n.m. ir) 

J^dat'lah, Jjfilma'i dal’lah n.f (fig.) seductiv 
/ >* aS 

0 3 dftl'ya n.f. basket wicker-work tray 

iflm'too n.m. hour glass-like drum 

stem of plant 

Uf* iah ik-al n.m. stalk 
3 chaff ; straw petiole 
kbjjdaftd n.m. damages ; compensation 
s* ' mdemnitj penalty (less usu. variant 
V/S tufdafid bfiar’na v.i. pay the damages : 



indemnify gjtjtfdafid' par' nit v.i. be penalized 
have to* indemnify be held responsible 
lor damages U ijJ;>4atu£ ial’na v.t. panalize 
charge damages hold responsible lor 


.P^daft'd.a n.m. rod stick 
staff cliib flag-pol 
dafi'dd do'[{ kar'nd v.t.. lift some 0 
one up by his arms and legs 

ddb’q le baja'te phir'na v.i. loaf 
about without earning one’s livelihood 
& b,*4afi4aul n.f. ^( dial.) prostration 
idol. kar'na v.i. 
prostrate oneself (before idol) [S] 

/ ^daii'di n,f beam (of scales) lever 
'sJ* 3 path stem petioJcA(£4>§aft V? dot 

n.m. weighmanl Ijl tfjl/dafi'di mnr'na v.t give 
short weight 

Jjdi'nar n.m. dinner (E) 

p\ ^da/iy' n.m. crossbar-like gymnastic exercise 
s performed on the ground pel'na 

v.i perform this exercise 
/itilank n.m. sting (of wasp or .scorpion) 

1,5 (fig.) malicious step SAiji^ijf/daiik toga', 
ior mrir'na) v.t. Sting _ (fig.) damage 
pdafi'ka n.m. kettle-drum (fig ) fame 
* (lig.) notorietyCl/l^dflfc'Art baja'na v.t. &i 
beat a drum make a name (for) rule , 
reign C£jf'‘tdafi’ ki baj’tta v.i. (of drum) be 
beaten be famous cfJsflf£.jdaii' kt ki chof' 
kmh fla v i. proclaim bv'beat of drum 
declare assert boldly ^ 

Jfjdnb'gar n.m (usn in yn.jPjpfadkor daft ga> 



Lr 1 * dultg'ya n.f. ^mall mug Idim. - Ifjj) 



I hr) 



dhd'ira v.t. raze ; demolish ; pull down 
knock down subject to (tyranny, etc.) 
l\jt)£sVqiya mat Oka na V.t. & I. let loose a 
reign of tyranny . do some enormity 
ivl ^dkarp'iui, (£'ie>>0kafik'na v.t. . hide ; con - 
•i "^ceal cover ; put lid, etc. over 
% I *JhAfich,j?[p)Jhanih.ah n.m. skeleton 

skinny person draft plan outline 

ftlarj dhahk'na v.t. (same asUJp/v.T. it) 

A p Ok an gar n.m. bank of stream 

'* i**<!ha"ijipj’larha’i adj. two-and-a-half 
(fig.) short lived ; ephameral sudden ; 
swift Ljfjiffi/oka ’i (kUl'loo la'hoo pitta v.t. 
murder (someone) to appease one’s anger gpJUv 
din kt had {ha hat ph. ephemeral 
glory vT(f(jj*Jla»dka'i gka'ri kl alia v.t (as 
imprecation) come to sudden death 

m f dkab n.m. fashion ; style ; mode manner 

(ones) liking use profit benefit 
control (iiplj'A^^ p )dkab' par chnrhs'na ior 
lagans) v.t. mould (someone) after one’s heart 
par cjtark'na v.t. come under 
the control (of) be wheedled bykA^jOkab' ha 
adj . reasonable useful timely 
dhobi I a adj. well proportioned body n.m. per- 
son with such body t^P&bdhab dhab adj. watery 
and tasteless (stew) 
lfsf)dk>b‘ ri n.f. nut 

iJ^^dkob'bas^Upfrdhaboos adj. fat and ungainly 
H^ffdkabl'la adj. comely ; well propor- 
tioned > 

jq bdkaP n.f. tambourine t^^jdhap dkap 1.1. 
•? ^drum-beat 

& dhap'poo adj. n.m. tall and fat (person) 

^dkita’i n.f. shamelessness impudence 
audacity [~ 

dkatW gar J^&Z^f'dkatiflg’ rs n.m. > 

dkatiiig'ri n.f. stout (person) ; well-built 

JP* dka' char adj. old and emaciated n.m. 
s’!* fuss skeleton [ 
ijpjdhad'do n.f. hag 

dah'daks adj. blooming ; blossoming 
bright red or yellow btfjjdahdaha'na v.t. 
bloom flourish 
yj>)<jaih'r n.m. pool pit 

*j^/P)dhiir’ >a n.m. path : wav )mc 


ns v.t. hide; conceal cover n.m. 
lid ; cover 

dkakos'ls n.m. babble silly talk 
f decejnion ; fraud 
b dhakos'na v.t. & i. cat greegdily 

^ gulp down _ t 

dhalati' n.m. slope ; declivity l~0&>] 

. ^dkala'na, lijjfjdhalva'na have moulded ; get 
•'***'' {orgedjJOJpfdhala n.f. forging re- 
muneration for it 

"A^dku’a"! N.F. carriage ; transportation 
* . charges for it ; carriage 
t.Up^dha lak' na v.t. roll down drip slip 
"^■^dow n&Pidkat'ka n.m. watering of eyes 
i&P) dhalka'na v.t. roll down^ cause to 
spill cause to slip down ctf! dkit -mil 
yaqin' adj. wavering ; vacillating credulous 
i •tjJ’dkal'na v.i. be cast ; be moulded be 
forged >(of youth beauty, etc.) pass away 
decline iM*fejdin' dhaVns v. of day decline) 
J£*titfdin' dka'le adv. towards the evening 

phir'ti chks'on adj. changeable- 
ness' of worldly things ; vicissitudes of life Or 

Ji^^dhxiIvSn yjlffijdhs'loo adj. sloping; slant- 
*S**'mg • > 

Jkalva'tia v.t. (same as ^lM’J ) v.t )f 

l*( J&i dkuha'ns v.t. to cause to carry cause 
v'Jr‘ to be transported cause to be carried 
on shoulders or back f ~ O^oausJ k 
i, Jr, Mdkund'na v.t. be searched IwnJdkundvatia 
v. r. cause to be searched 
| i>, bdkaMo'rs n.m. proclamation by beat of 

drum l/jovjdka'hdo ' ra pit na be pro- 
claimed thus l&zJiji>jdhaiulo’ra pit ns v.t. pro- 
claim thus give wide currency to 
ifl/i* larks ba'ghdl men dhaiidnrs diaih'r nub 
prov. much ado about nothing (fjtjdPJdh ahdtt r ' cht 
n.m. town crier one who proclaims by 
beat of drum * > f 

iJ> bdhund'js n.f. search ry^J^’jdkdnd' ta par'ns 
be much sought for be searched 

everywhere [ - (.>>*£] 

% bJkattg n m., x manner ; made device; 
method Ja/’na v.t, begin 
,* _ ^Jhaiana v.t. cause, to be pulled down ; be 
demolished [ ~ l te/cAvs."* ^ 

J^tdhor n.m. cattle (usy. a%) Jd/jjPjdkur' dan ga. 
* n.m. pi., rattie 

\j 20)Ohe' 'a AAdkn'Okd n.m gram weevil 

NM - * ar 8 c drum, tomtom 
• 4kol' ka pot n.m. hollowness Toeing 
exposed oSjj/dfUkov kn pol kkul'na v.i. be 
exposed <~tfj*jdfioilak n.f. small drum ; tomtom 
1 jJ* dko'li n.f. bundle of two hundred (betel*- 
U* ' leaves) 

I'Jdko' v.t bear carry transport 


& b > dkauft’cJid adj. & n.m. four-and-a-half j 

i •ijjJ’dhQopd'nii, t>i¥>)dhoo1i4' le'na v.t 

search for ; look for seek track out 
track down Jjfotjijpfihoofid' dkaoftd' kar adv 
after some search 

f‘J , 4kotig n.m. hoax feint imposture 
** fraud false excuse {k&rfdkohg racha'na 
V.T. & I. put up a hox leign jPj*/dkoti'gija 
adj. impostor trickster 
^pbdhai' y i n.f. hanging on ; stay as an unwant- 
C? ^ed guest l$>tf*!>'’i b de'na stay thus ; hang 
onOfjdh,ai'na, pcty'da (or ja'na) 

v.i. collapse ’ fall down 

adj. shameless ; shamefaced , 

, •* \ brazen-faced lacking sense of honour 

jf^dhtta'i N;F, ir 

ju&}4hid n.f. discharge from eye corner 

jJ* ‘ n.m. heap stack ; accumulation 
adj. much abundant; ample 
4krt kar'tis v.t. heap up accumulate 
kell ; murder I'lfrfyjpfdhzr' ho ja'na v.i 
collapse be slain ; be killed , be murdered 
become a heap (^Pjdke'ri n.f. small heap 
loi > “ 

up dkil n.f. loosening slackness relaxa- 
lionU£^fj*d&j/' dena v.t. & i. give a long 
rope relax loosen release more of kite’s 
string VjjmjdhH' kar'rta v.i. delay dawdle 
JJLf/dAl'/a, adj. (f. loose noi 

light slack inattentive couragcless J/ Ikf/ 

^IpdhJ'la par ja'na v to become loose ; io skulk 
Jhi'td-pan n.m. looseness slackness 
Vjjk^jdhi'li (ana Pit. n.f. slut , loose woman 
I ~ PCi/ woman ) 

^p^dht'la n.m. eled eyeball &D? > )dht'l& 
** Una v.i. use' clod for toilet 

U&b .L/O> ir dkeh‘chooil dh-rft' ckoo* ibl 

N.F bray (of ass) 

£*B>J > dkeilk’li n.f 
1 ** ^ somesclf 



pfyp^dhtngor, tb&S&Mgrd ad * ’’ 
/C>tk N.M. stout person louttfj^jilki 

/sdj. & n.f. well build (girl, etc ) >. » 

b dipar%maht n.m. department 
y,. dipart'mafital adj. departmental (EJ 
4*t& N - F - evil eye A baft' Hi n.f 
** charm, etc. to oflset influence of evil eye 
- jK de'rah n.m. (temporary) dwelling male 
*• apanmmiit,"J}jUlfi/fde'rah dal'na [or kar'ni) 
v.i. encamp pitch a tent hang on 
/tfy 5 de''ari n.f da.\ry(jlf(fj'jdc‘’an fat’m (E' 

'C |« It 

< , p 

/j4iza"in n.m. design (E) 

jj^)4tfaifts' n.m. defence [EJ 

jpjtjderh adj. & n.m. one-and-awhalf-^jfe^^' 
** op'ni derk ' iftt' hi mas'jid alag baitb'nd 

v.t. withdraw from the majority and form a small 
party of one’s own ; be too opinionate to side 
with ethers ; withdraw from the society of other 
through overweaning pride k 

L*dil n.m. bulk state re cor nJ&J'jdil' 

U., daul’ n.m. bulk stature , 

> fy^dai'liga n.m. delegate J^~idai' Ifgishan 
4 - ^V^n.m. delegation [E] 
imJ&jdtog N.F. boasting | vaunting ; pride 

mar' nd (or hdftk'na) v t. brag; 


.84 pdoo't inf duty [E], 

1 ^pfjjdeyo'rka adj one-and-a-half ; half, again 
** fjitfjJ) deyo'rkd dar'jah (ped. < fa' rajah) 
n.m. inter class (compartment, etc.) 
iP*A ’deyo'rhi n.f. entrance threshold 

V y — porch ; portico 

fjjfdtyook' n.m. duke (E) 

•• ■ 

jf*d\"ar adj. & n.m. dear (EJ 


it ♦ H 

?• * S 

I 9 j 

jftasr x&votr. 

* (el thirteenth letter of Urdu alphabet (also 

* ealled (dl-t mo''jantah (equivalent to English 
th sofi) (in juntmai reckoning) 700 

£/• (at n.f. naval') personality „ 

t M entity existence self person body 
caste pref. partaining to possessor of 
possessed of l-ut-jaftb n.m. pleurisy 

t tJ'&IJza t-ul-n'yah/A^&jta' t-*i->ad > n.m. pneu- 
inoma^ti^ djzdt' bd hn aDJ.~ oincasic 



Zai' ba'hir kar'na declare an outcaste : cxcom- 



rnunicatc^l^a/' pal' n.f. 
s y stcm y^>l}ZH'hesharf'N.u. (iion.) arrant or 
consummate knave ,meh ba(tak 

Inga' n a v.t. bring bad name (to) gil' 

mtfi bat ink lag'nav.i. get. a bad nam c'flljza'li 

hdisiy'yat n.f. personal status^^J&a/f Uya'qal 
N.F. intrinisic value real" merit 
Zati mo'amalst' n.m. pl. personal affairs [A] 
((•Zakir n.m. (pl .tfjij zakir in') professional 
■* ^reciter of Shi’ite varses adj. (one) who re- 
members ‘ (SjSsza'kirx n.f. profession of reciting 
such elegies [ A ~ J)~\ 

(JhjyZ&'hil n.m. & adj. careless [A] 

—(i , Za"iqah N.M. taste 

*ji’Za iqa/i n.u. taste relish sense of 

^ ■ , taste'^St(/«a'’«jij-</ar' adj. tasty- 

savoury [A 

y‘\zib'h n.m. slaughtered animal, etc. ; victim 

C/ 7 [A -POLL.] 

Z<b'A n.m. sacrifice slaughter according 
L/* to Islamic tenets l‘f£Szab'h kar’na v.t. 
kill sacrifice slaughter (according to Islamic 
tenets) Vjjfcizab'fr ho'na v.i. be killed be 
slaughtered be sacrified £’jgabtk' n.m. 
victim sacrificial animal j&lfeJzabi'h ulish' n.m. 
appellation of Ishmael zabi'hah n.m. animal 
slaughtered for food according to Islamic 
tenets [A] 

jjj'Zalwh'la N.m .(fjfszatvan'li n.f. scii 
^ noble family [ ~ A^jj] 
j'lpjzakha"tr n.m, (see under fygjir) 

scion of a 


L'zakfo'roh n.m. stock store ni 
treasure U/jjrjzakhi'rah kar'na v.i 
stock storey GJzakha' ’ir n.m. pl. stock, 
stores hoards [A] 

I •zara' adj. (dial^J^a'rl) a little while; little 
while int. please would you J/jJ/Jza'ra za'- 
ra adj. little by little ; bit by bit every bit 
the whole of ^vlyii/fza'ra zg'ra kar'-kc adv. 
little by little bit by bit by degrees \/}ii 
za'ra sa adj. a little trivial 
za'ra ss mUtih' ni'kal n'na v.i. grow very weak 
l/Jj'l/S za'ra ki Za'ra adv. just for a. while {~ A 

^ imzarrat' n.m. particles specks mole- 
"•v^cules atoms [A ~ SING. 0,3] 




yard [A] 
Zara"*' n.m. 





agencies media [Arsing. 

•zarrah n.m. (pl .£>Jznrrat') "particle 

V 3 speck mote molecule atom [A] 
za'ri adj; (dial, for l/Jif) 

i y*/.\zarny‘yal n.f. zi/rnyyai') offspring, 

'■^■'progeny [A] 

> • zati'ah n.m. (Pt.^/,1 zara"e‘) means 
medium agency source interven- 
tion influence help recourse isJi/vJ&s) 
Zari"ah pai'da kar'na v.i. find means ’’Save 
recourse lo jJ/L ba- zati' ‘ ah. zari'‘c (se) 

adv. by means of with the help of by 
virtue of through the intervention of by 
having recourse to [A] 

,.9‘za'qari N F. chin ,(fila(h.a'k-e za'qan N.M. dimple 
of chin [A] * 

i Jtzaka' n.m. sagacity acumen perspica- 
*^city discernment ‘ftf'jzaka'vat n.f. 

acumen shrewdness ; sagacity perspicacity 
( y%2jtfjzaka'val-c bis' n.f. super-sensitiveness of 
sexual organs (as disease) £y£j$viKaval-t lab" 
n.f. penetration of mind 
/• zik’r n.m. mention remembrance 
•'■^account fame statement narration 
reference repeated invocation of God’s name 
I'f/Szik'r kar’na v.t. mention state ; ex- 
press relate narrate repeatedly invoke 
God’s name j/XjiZik'r mazkoor' n.m, men- 
tion talk reference ; allusion iyjszik'r 
ho'na v.i. be mentioned (of a group) be 
invoking God’s name [A] 
jfyza'kar N.M. penis [A] 

j'ZZkoor’ n.m. pl. men males ;■ male 
JJ* sex <3(‘/ jj/jzukoo’r-o inai' n.m. pl. men 
and women males and females both the 

sexes the two sexes 

J ^za’ki adj. acute ingenius shrewd 

* fiery ; flaring [A~C>jj(}] 
j J zul n.m. gentleness mercy doci- 
V* lity [A] 

w ,zil'lat,£Jj)izala'lat Q>zil n.f. dishonour; dis- 
i ^ grace indignity insult; affront ignominy 

baseness ; meannessyjt Irf&lt^Jziriat Ufha'na 
(or pa'na) v.t. suffer disgrace (at the hands of) 
O',,; y> v.t. disgrace; dishonour 

abase ; debase (A] 

U.zaftl' adj. means ; base contemptible 
dishonoured ; disgraced zatil' kar'na 

v.t. base ; debase dishonour ; disgrace 

put to shame ij^tj^jzali'l-un-nof's adj. mean . rfj?})ZPO ma‘nayatri ) adj. wit} 
abject tjfjKT-zgfi/' ho’ns v.i. be dishonoured , n.f. double entendre Ot Jr*£j 
be disgraced be brought low suffer igno- pun double entendre [A 

miny be put to shame [A - 

[Izam n.f. censure obloquy , opprobrium 
' . ./•! 1 ..... ..... 

•* • zauq n.m. 
Q» pleasure' 

i') adj. with double meaning 
Ire Jr*jJ zoo-ma ‘ nl bat ' n.f 
entendre [AJ 

taste relish liking 
literary or artistic taste 

*3 paih'loo nik'kchs-v.i. be oppro- fervour^d"^ s zau q-e sa§m n.m. right type of 
•ious *ffjzami'mah n.f. ( PL -^ iz<Mta'im) some- | (literary, etc.) tast e^fjJyjzou‘q-o shpuq' n.m 
ling earning opprobrium adj. opprobrious fervour [A] 

brious ^ jzami'mah n.f. i zama’im) some- 

thing earning opprobrium adj. opprobrious 
iama''im opprobrious acts or traits' of 
character [A] 

• Zim’ma n.m. (pl. ) charge responsi- 
bility duty trust onus or burden (of 

proof) obligation jbsizi'm'ma-dar' adj. 

responsible answerable n.m. assignee 
trustee (fjl^/J^im'ma-d a' ri n f. responsiblity 

charge obligation duty trust zim’ma 
Wns v.i. take responsibility (for) take' 
charge take care (of) stand surety (for; [A] 
>« zim'ml, sjilfjil ah 'l-uz-zim'mah n.m. non- 
w Muslim sitizens of Islamic State (as people 
held in trust [A ~ prec. ] 

za'nab n.m. (pl .•^jjzftnoob') sin Crime 
i^izanab n.f, (pl. L r[-j l azndb') tail [A] 

,i zoo,(fjzi pref. (pl .(f/jzaoi' or yjjZavoo'), pref. 
having ; possessing with -cr ptfyjlj} 

/ * ■jar’i' pref. having , possessing endow- 
** ed with with -erfalfayzavi-l-arham' 
n.m uterine relations jljfifl((y)Z<u>i-l iqtidar' n.m 
those in authoriry adj. powerful [A] 

^L> zahab' n.m. going departure 
• mail' -o zahab’ n.m. comines and eoir 

yzahab' n.m. going departure y 
3 maji'-o zahab' n.m. comings and goings [A] 

ziha'nat n.f (see under^N.M. -dr) 
zahab n.m. gold [A] 

• ( 

zeh'n (rare zah'n , col. zaih'n) n.m mind 
O ' 1 mental faculty memory under- 

standing ability acumen ty£tf[yzthn khil- 
nd v.i. (of mental faculties) come into play 
be no longer a blockhead zeh'n te 

rti'kal ja'na v.i. slip out of the mind be 
forgotten l‘l zeh'n lard'nd v.t. think , exercise 
one’s mental facultiesl’^gjJjkeA'n lar'na v.i. (of 

. „ . .. . %y iiivuum Xviys. 1 '* »*• kii iiu r.i> iwi 

~ ,aZ a r* 3 / N M c l ua n a something) strike the mind {; 7 ifyff zeh'n met a'na 

Cfigur e^yzoo.azy n.m. common multiple y j ^ 5n mind ^ 

(J\C9\**l))Z0O-az af-e aqal n.m. (Math.) least v h'n nub bai h'na v.i. be instilled into the mind 

common multiple (L.C.M.) (Jll/l/jzSl-jalal' adj. 
glorious ; splendid C/l?ijjzHl-jaria.hi' NsM. the 
winged horse (as the name of Imam Husain’s 
horse) the horse taken out in procession during 
Muharram to commemorate the Imam’s martyr- 
dom jf’jJzul-tnj'jah n.m. last month of the Hijri 
ytzT^tj f jzoo-zftn'qah n f. quadrilateral with only 
two sides para\'ev&i ^jzil-faqar' n.f spined 
sword (as nameof Hazrat Ali’s sword given him 
by the Holy Prophet as one of thfc spoils of the 
Battle of B*&T) i j£pljjzvl--qarnain' n.m. (arch, 
use) lord of the two horns i.t. East and West (as 
epithet of Alexander) the sovereign with a 
double horned crown (as epithet of Cyprus the 
Great) j&ttyjzll-qa' 'dah n.m. eleventh month of 

Hijri yezr^jyiljyzun-noorain n.m. the possessor I sensible / J ! j(fyzl-rut’bah,jf'/e(fjH*nar'l<ib<rk adj. 

? I «nnL an n» n Uinrk ttotlM ^ a a tt* fl.rArtV 

Zeh'n mefi bai h'nd v.i. be instilled into the mind 
^J^^jzeh'n-ttaMn kar'na v.T. instil : 
impress on the mind drive (something) home 
t° zeh’n-nashin' ho'na v.i. be instilled *2# 
zehniy'yot n.p. mentality jjfyzohin adj. intelligent 

[A] ' 

i • zfihool n.m. forgetfulness bad memory 

m prov (same as jjzoo prop. ★) 

0 3 zj-ikhtiyor adj . in authority , wedding 
authority authorized iHu^yS-istt'dad' adj. 
capable . acatejfZflJSH^stidar' adj. in 
authority ; wielding authority having com- 
petent powers ^lizil-^ij' kj*. (col. for jftji 
N.M. ★ )£> \rt$) O’ltayai' . ADJ. living , intimate 
n.m. living*" being adj. wise , 

sensible iti Tl-rUt’hah. */*j*it! Zl^nwr' ttbak ADI. 

of two lights (as the appellation) of Hazrat ofrank enjoying -a high status 

it . , ... adj. living beings jjPtfjd-dw'oor' adj. sensible 

Usman s who married two of the Holy Prophets . • ° e 

... , &f'tf>n i iz‘zat adj. respectable honour- 

daughters in succession ^zoo-fdnoon n.m. ^ venerable ^(fia-qo-d n.m. <col for 
man of many parts trickster fraudulent M +) #-hcsh' , adj. wise 

person (ffjjjzil-mi'nan adj. & n.m. the Bountiful jcuible wide-awake^jy^l>jh<2»r zi-rooA' adj 
(as an epithet of God) j^jizoo ma'n I (or ped. »a) j ft n.m. inanimate (object) [Aj 




‘ tail n.m, 

Cr revenue sub-division: *zair 

• zayabi’tas n.m. diabetes zaya bl 

i/Z~ tas ka mam' n.m. dibetic [A] 

(of garment) ; skirt minor 
what follows; 

under-mentioned details jltfrj zaildar' n.m. 
honorary or part-time official in change of a 
‘zail’ ; '‘Lai\dax'(JJi)\0jzail ka (or kt) adj. the 
following ; the undermentioned tjjtjfjzail meht 
adv. as follows ; as below ; as under 
has‘b-e zail adv. as follows ; as below ; as under; 
following (jfJJ-^mUfas'sala-e zail’ adv. as perj 
detail ; as” below ; as under zai'li adj. 
subsidiary minor J^tfjzai'li san u ot n.f. sub- 
sidiary industry [A] 

. re (or in construction ra'} fourteenth letter 
^ of Urdu alphabet (equivalent to English r) 
(also called ra’-e moh'malah or ra-e ghair manqoo'- 
tah (in jummal reckoning) 200 

f.ra^N.F. treacle; molasses golden 

UJfj rs'bitah n.m. (pl .hfJjjrava'bii) con- 
• J nexion ; relation liaison contact 
touch communication bond familiarity 
knowledge pai’dah kar’ns 

v 1 . get into contact ^(with) VjJjtJl) ra’bitah tor’na 
v.i. snap (with) \&j/f{fJ^ljra'bitah ,(qa"im) 
takh!na v.i. maintain contacts v/xthMUr^taf' sar-t 
ra’bitah n.m. liaison officer [A~J i>j] 

1 1 ra'be“ adj. fourth%/ii ra'be'an adv. fourth- 
(y’J ly**>lrabe'ah adj. (f.) fourth 
J fj ra'fii n.f. (same as^J/N.F. *) 

„ . rat' N.F. a ft'khrt 

^') met kaf »3 (or kaf'na) v.i. have a sleepless 
night ; have a restless night tytfjIS&fjrat' bka'ri 
ho'p a v.i. have a long and wearisome night 
u£( fjrat' mg'na v.i, be late in the night 

(of night) grow cooler tkfi'rl 

our sa»g' bahUt' prov. art is long and time is 
fleeting tfifjrat’ din adv. day and night 
^gjltfrai' ka pt)’ bka'ri hai prov. night’s time is 
pregnant with possibilities C'lif&ltai' kl rat ' 
ADV. just for a night # ki ra'm n.m. 

a kind or lily emitting fragrance at night ; 
champak (fig.) prostitute rat' ga”t adv 
late in the evening Wtoh rat' adv. within 

one night plj£!> rat' va'la n.m. (dial.) owl 
moon w tjtf’jTa'dfH rat v.f. midnight 'fjf/j'. 
ba’rl rat’ the dead of the night i J2fjJf€pid)b.'li rat 
n.f. early hours of the moming 4 j>( / ^2’^fli'A7» rat 
n.f. late evening (hours) 

~ / rati'A, (col. ra'tab) n.m. (arch.) rations 
d daily allowance for food D.A. stipend 
feed [A] 

raj n.m. brick-layer ; mason (dial.) 
reign (dial.) dominion ; principality 
adj. (dial.) large pref. kingly If'&'jraj'-ba'ha 
n.m. (same as | n.m. *)«££$(/ raj' pa) n.m. 
(dial.) dominion ra j'poot n.m. (one of) 

a martial Indo-Pakistan tribe litgfrli raj pko'ra 
n.m. carbunclejt/^i raj' dar'bar n.m. (dial.) 
royal court Ubfo&'jraj' dula'rl n.f. (dial.) princess 
adj. darling^U^firsj'-rfka'm n.f. (dial.) capital 
(jb&'jraj'-Ta'ni n.f. (dial.) queen lo^'jraj- 
sabha n.f. (dial ) king’s council (Vpjjiy&'j raj’ 
kar’na (or rare raj na) v.t, reign .be in 
authority live a comfortable life j Wjraj- 
kumar' n.m. Hindu prince ($jt£<jraj'-kuma'ri 
n.f. Hindu princess tfj'bruj’-kail n.m (dial.) 
poet laureate ($/^jraj'-gad‘di n.f. (dial ) throne 
lS/&jraj‘-gVrl n.f. masomy ; bricklaying^^,!; 
raj'-mae'door (ped. -mSz-) n.m. bricklayers 
raj'-ni'n n.f. (dial.) political science dip- 

lomacy tjifjb raj'-va'ra n,m. {same as 
iJ^&jraj' hat n.p. sovereign’s stub bomness^^i 
raj'-han's n.m , goose 

l i raja, jrUrajah n.m. sovereign Rajah 
'frJ prince (euphem.) barber prec.J 
Z. I , ra'jfh adj. better ; superior stronger 
\J U (idea, etc.) inclined. [A ~ ell£] 
pl . ra'je* adj. returning concerning 

tZ\ J ra'jl ADJ. & n.m. hopeful (person) [A ~ to) 

(/*&*•*. *) 

ra'jbjws n.m. (same 


„ n.f. comfort ; ease joy ; 

‘--'Vpleasure relief rest ; repose 
ra’hat-afza' adj. comforting delightful; 
delectable c'lf^Tra'^U jah' adj. comforting 
n.m. be love ; sweet heart one’s children 
one’s family 

I Lrf T9 ^l<di n.m. caravan riding animal 
^ carriage [A ~ 45^5] 

# ra'him adj. merciful ; compassionate 

/U[ A~Sj) 

1 j ra'dha n.f. (HmdU myth.)_Krishna’s chief 
beloved nau ' m * 


lei ho' ga na ra'dk S na'chegi prov. put impossible 

ft. raf N F. quarrel fuss li^jhrar ma&a'na 
^ ^ v.i. create a fussf^f/ra'wa n.m. fussy 

• f. r H n.m. (lit. PL. Ijljraz’hn) secret 
' * confidence mystery (,*( Zjliraz bata'na v.t. 

& i. repose one’s confidence (in) betray 
someone’s confidence disclose a secret jljjlj 

raz'-dar adj. faithful ; trusted ; trusty ; con- 
fident n',m. confident confidant (fjljjiraz’- 

datii n.f. secrecy confidence keeping a 
secrettfljjlj raz-dan (or dafi) adj. friend 
confident confidant ; one in the know of 
secKtS 4 y ,j' (} )j;jjljra'z-e daroo'n-e par'dah n.m. in- 
side story (of) ra'z-e sarbas'tahffiijjfjra'z-e 

n*ka'rn, 2 i(Pjljra'z-t tuhof'toh n.m. close secret ; 
closely guarded secret Vjffijyj'lSjf/razfasti (or 
tfstiti) kar’na v.i. disclose a secret betray 
someone’s confidence Ojfjljraz' khoitia v.i. dis- 
close a secret C'lttfjljraz ki bat' n.f. secret 
CQnfidencejLijjljra'z-o niyaz' n.m. loving 
prattle ; tete-a-tete secret-talk humble 
prayer (to God) [P] 

,‘s‘ih rat *k n.m. cherisher-, sustainer , as an 
•'"'^-attribute of God) fA ~ ] 

'vTj rai, (ped. etc. ra”s) n.m. head head 
U * (of cattle) cape top ; peak ; summit 
angle ; edge of angle iSplfpa' 's-Ul-jady hm. 
winter $o\sucegff}/' , jras''-Us~sartan' n.m. summer 
solstice J(Jlf‘Jtra'’s-iil-mai n.m. capital 
stock-in-trade [Aj 

■Vrar n.f. suitability adaptability 
Is i* (arch.) street drama circular dance in 
honour of Krishna ; Hindu religious ballet adv. 

suitable agreeable profitable ti^Jras' 
s'fi a v.i. be^ agreeable be suitable be 

^profitable l^^J'l/ras-dka'ri n.m. actor in Hindu 
religious ballet boy-actor doing woman’s, 

-rai'f adj. right . (opp. left) straight 
true ; -right -adv. ^to the right ;ton=the 
right side jU / ljrasi-baz adj. honest ; upright 

righteous truthful (fJlPj/rasi-ba'zi n.f. 
honesty ; uprightness ; integrity plain deal- 
ing ; fair play 'truthfulness j(jfcZfjrast-gUfiar' , 
frffira st' -go adj. truthful iilO&lf'rasi gufta'ri, 
^/ t ^ J (jrast-go"i n.f. truthfulness (fiy-Qrast'- 
nio'a'molagl n.f. fair deal yJ'lo&s'f/ras't mo'a'malah 
adj fair in dealing (f^jras'ti n.f. -fr 
t* f Sras'tah n.m. way path road 
" " JJ manner ; mode way out l'C> J&it ras'tah 


banana v.i. show the way (to) guide 
send away ; dismiss ras'tah dtkh'na v.t. 

wait (for) 

.gtifj ras'ti n.'f. truth , veracity rectitud' 
w honesty ; uprightness truthfulness 


‘a* . ra'sikh ADJ. established; well-establish- 
ed ed firm constant thorough 

[ a ~ i/A . 

ra’shid adj. (pl. (/ju/ljrashidin'y follower 
of right path , following the right path 
orthodox [A ~ j&j] 

ra'shan n.m. ra'tion^J'y^'i ra' shan-batidi n.f 
U * rationmgJffyZffra'shan-dt'poo n.m. ^ration 
depot ra shan-Mdah adj. rationed 

ra'shan kard n m, ration-card [E] 
i/j rashi n.m. one who gives bribe 
W * (wrong but col.) one who accepts bribe 
corrupt [A ~ CepJ] 



'Iffl ra'a ADJ. pleased agreeable (to) 

C/ contented satisfied consenting 
resigned to the will ra' H ba-riza 

ho'na v.i. be resigned to the will of God 
ra'zi kh-Vshl adj. well and happy adv. happily 
ra'd kor'na v.t. appease conciliate; 

satisfy reconcile bring round 
ra'ii-na'mah n.m. compromise deed of 
compromise ra'zi ho'na v.i. agree (to) 

assent (to) accede (to) acquiesce (in) 

be willing (to) be satisfied 
ra'o-na'mah kar le'm v.i. compromise ; have 
a compromise compound (a case) [A ~ Uj/] 
pl ra'‘i n.m. shepherd pastor ruler 

fei , ragh n.m. meadow valley sub- 
C/'' montane -region [P] 

ejj ra'gbib adj. inclined (to) willing 
(to) having a leaving (towards) 
ra'ghtb k/ir'na v.t. make (someone) agree to 
cause to be inclined (to) [A ~ &ff\ 

(ped. ra"fot) n.f. pity , com- 
' m0r * passion tenderness [A] 

1 101 raf# n.m. {K.jrtijrava'Jiz) dissenter 
kr * (one of) a Shi’ ite dissenting sect 
J/ ra'ft 1 n.m. & adj. (one) who elevates; 
^ e le va tor [A ~ C^A 

Tti'qib N.M. one who watches (over) 

t, ru'qim n.m. writer I ; writer (of this 
J M letter, qitn-Ul huroof n.m. 




I ; the writer „ (of this letter, etc.) 
undersigned [A~ ^j] 

^J '^rakib n.m. (pl. i^Kj rukkab') a rider 
• v(rare) camel-rider adj. mounted-riding [A] 
C tr\j ra'ktj n.m. rocket [E] 

f^<,rak!shas-, c/iftj ra (frhas 



demon [S] . 

ft. rakk n.m, ashes ObJjplj (/lifj(jala kar) rakk 
^ kar dal'na v.t. reduce to ashes rakk 
he'na y. 1 . be. reduced to ashes 

rs khi n.f. string tied round someone's 

wrist by a Hindu women on a festival of 
that name to set up brotherly relations with 
him \joJi\ ra'kki babdk'na v.l. tie such 

string [S] 


rag n.m musical mode tune ; air 

song one of the six (or more) modes of 
classica 1 Indo-Pakistan usic (viz. bkai'ron, mal'- 
kaus, in rig, megh, aurtdol' & di'pak) (iron.) 
quarrel ; row Igpljlj rag alap'na v.l. sing 
harp on tlie *( samc ) tune i beat (one’s own) 
drumj ’juJljrag' bid'dija n.f. music; science of 
musi c Jtjrag’ rafig n.m. dance and song ; 

music and merriment festivals ; merrymaking 
carefree life b'tfiJljrag' ga'na v.l. sing a song ; 
to tell one’s own storyj to -sing I'J) rag' la'na 
v.t. kick up a row ^lujljrag' mala n.m. princi- 
ples of music guide book comprising these 
travellers tale ; old wives tale ; yarn J, l j 
rag'ni n.f. musical mode ; minor : one of the 
thirty-six ramifications of the major modes of 
classical Indo-Pakistan music Jtjra'gi n.m. 
expert in classical music (dial.) singer 
jt rat n.f. saliva pitch i£j!,(t»>j(m'2hk 

U st) ral’ \a'pakna v.t, (of mouth) water 
evince keen desire for slubber 

ram adj. tame domesticated sub- 

J missive tractable obedient vS^jram! 
kar ' na v.t. subdue bring round tame ; 
domesticate l fv ram' ho'ma v.l. be tamed 
f m. ram n.m. Hindu god Rama ram 
f'J doha"i n.f. & int. (dial.) God forbid (f jf\J 
ram' ram n.m. form of Hindu salutation 
tyJUtyram' ram jap' na para' Jo mal ap'na prov. 
hypocrisy ram kaha'nl n.m. Rama’s 

legend ; the Ramayan traveller’s tale^JW 'fatf'l 

ob‘ ni ram kaha'rfi ph. one s tale of woe ipJfij 
ram-ltla n.f. Hindu religious play based on the 
legend of Rama (/)fjjram' niumi n.m. Rama’s 
birthday celebrations 

..fill ramayan n.f. Hindu epic based on the 
legend of Rama in Valmik’s Sanskrit or 
Tulsi IDas’s Hindi [~prec.] 
ljS\jramish n f. harmony; melody •; music 
J&b ramish'gar n.m. musicianM&j^ii 
ramish-o rafig n.f. music and festivity [P] 

‘ /^)\j ran, (j!j rah suf. driver wielder 

r [ p ~ 

(ylj Tan n.f. thigh/^L LfJy^^ljran' pat'ri jama'na 
v.l. ride like a horseman la It ana 

v.t. be subdued VjJZfjjjrari ta'le kar’na v.t. 
control ; subdue rids ; mount 
. ra'wa n.m. Rajput’s (princely) 
v title king ; petty ruler 

ran pi, J Ur a 'pi n.f. cobbler’s 

OlI 1 TSit 'dah AD J- cursed driven out ; 

J expelled rejected; spurned tJtiTafi'da-e 
dargah' n.m. accursed by heaven spurned 
driven out (P ~ 9 jib) , 

b.i ratid N.F. widow fat raid' ka said n.m. 
* y, spoilt child . 

jpf.rabg n.f. pewter tin rang’ 
(or rafig) bkar'ja n.m. tinman 
rafi'gkar n.m. (one of) a clan of Rajputs 

"i / , ra ni n.f (dial.) queen ; petty ; princess 
0 * consort )){/ rd' ni khab ka sa'la ph 

(dcrog.) self-conceited person 
fQ I j ra'm suf. , driving wielding [P~C^'LiJ 

J j j rami n.m. warrior chieftain 
* hereditary astrologer 

ra id n.m. narrator name of a West 
Pakistan river *Z-oh%ifld!jhi*b ra tii & ain ' 
{hi chain) Hkkla hai ph. peace reigned there- 
after what a wonderful life the brave new 
world [A ~ ££!}] 

i rah, t j rah n.t. way path passage 
® y means of access method ; manner 
mode; fashion 11/ t!f rah' bata'na v.t. show 
the way guide deceive prevaricate 
rah' ‘bar , rah' -bar (or raih'-) n.m> guide 

leader mentor (fr/ifjrah'-ba'n. (£/£j rah'-ba'rf 

(or raih'-) n.f. guidance leadership 
rah' par ana v.l. _ mend one’s ways be 
brought rounQjt tr t ) brah' par la'na (or laga'- 
na) v.l. bring (someone) round reform 

bring on the right ra'h(-o-ras m) 

pai'da kar'na v.T. form an acquaintance with 
establish relations {vihh^cJjijipipjidh ‘ tak'na 
(or drkh’na) v.t. wait expect look for- 


33 ? 

ward to a meeting (with) Oftlrah chal'ts n.m. 1 
passer-by way-farerL^^(£jj^iraA' ^al'tofi 
ha pal'lah pakar'na v.f. pick up a row with every, 
one Vj^gfljrah' & hor’na v.i. clear the road 
get out of the way tffel/rah'-khar'cji n.m. 
travel expenses travelling allowance j If g U 
rah'-dar n.m. road patrol ; toll collector 
(fjlftl rah'-da'ri^jlifjTah-da'ri (or rath'-) N.F. 
transit duties ; toll (fj Lfjjjfyparva'na-e rah'-da'ri 
n.f. passport ( l'i)/jl)£l/, f lj'rak' dikha'na (or 
dikhla'na) v.t. show the way cause (some- 
one) to wait (for) Ofjgljrah' dekk'n a v.i. wait 

(for) expect C^gljrah' dt'na v.t. admit 
make room (for )^l/ f jirah dal'na v.t. establish 
a custom put on tfjf right path c %j' t ljra'h-e 
rss't n.f. straight path good conduct^ 
rah'-rau, ^/Jjrah-rau' n.m. wayfarer traveller 
l ~Z / jt!)rah tit n.f. customs'll/ rah'-zan, rah'-zan 
(or raih'-) n.m. robber ; brigand ; bandit 
footpad fy/fiirah’-za'm,}} yfj rah'-za’rti n.f. high- 
way robberyljjl^.^.gtjrah' se bt-rah' ho'na V.I. 
go astray liffyfjfgijrah hko’t I kar'na v.i. longer in 
the way^lj raA' gir n.m. way farer travel- 
ler tah’-gu' zor, j£j rah'-gU'zar n.f. (dial m.) 

way path V& f ji(jtfap'ni rah lag'na v.i. 
pursue one’s own course ; not to poke one’s nose 
into other people’s affair Oftiirak' le'na v.i. 
start ; set out go one’s way (jtgljrah' met 
adv. on the way (to) in the path (of) 
for the sake (of) Cl^gljrah' nikal'na v.t. open 
a new road hit upon a device find a way 
out tyjr*k-numa, \ffj rah'-riuma' ,tJyfjrah'-numoofi' 
n.m. leader guide Qtyjrah'-nUma'i tylffj 

rah'-nUma"\ N.F. leadership guidance Jjjgj 

rah'-navar' d n.m. way farer tfjj efjr ah' -navar'dl (fjjij 
rah’-navar'di n.f. travel ; wayfaring jljiiirah-var' 
n.m. ambling horse steed fjfZljrah'-o-ras'm 
■tyjjttlTah-o-rab't n.f. friendly relations ; inter- 
course Ijftiirdh ho'na v.i. be in love (with) 
be on friendly terms (with) (f t lj ra'hin.M. 

"rtf' ra'hib n.m. monk [A] 


Wj rah' na v.i, roughen (mill-stone, etc.) 

-1 ra'hoo n.m. (Hindu myth.) demon sup- 

- pcscd to cause eclipse by seizing the sun or 
the moon (dial.) name of a star [S] 

.ff. ra'hi n.m. traveller wayfarer 
Vl* passer-by [P ~ g.lj] 

ra'hin n.m. pledger 
1 pawner [A ~ 

mortgager ; 

*// ra'cldh, U!/ra”efa n.m. salt dish made with 
pumpkin and Curds 

.ra’itar n.m. name of a British news agency , 
£1. Reuter [E] 

2( .ra'ij adj. cuiTent in vogue fashion- 
s'-' able customary in force cfjlfcb ra ' ’ y-tJ /- 
vaq’t adj. current in vogue in force 
Vy&jra'tj kar'na v.t. introduce give 
currency to set the fashion [A- fab A 
Jf\jra'‘thah n.f. sweet smell (A} 


0&. i 

\jra”efal,tfjra'fal n.f. rifle jE] 
ra’'egah adj. vain useless ; fruitless 

, bootless adv. in vain . waste |P| 

(jb ra”ilil n.f. royalty [E] 

$ljra''o n.m. (dial.) prince : chief : warrior 

. >Ji ra ’ oH n.f. small pyramidical 
I > 

ra‘ fifW te'bal kanfaraks 
n.f. round-rtable con- 
ference ; all-party talks between 
members on an equal status [E] 

''j f. ra" i n.f. a kind of mustard ; 

V mustard seed rs’t Uur adj. very 
little as much as a mustard seed^i^^J^^yJJ/ 
ra'’f ka pahar' (or par'bat ) bana'na ph. make 
a mountain out of a mole-hill 
' </. ra’’« n.m. (dial.) king ; petty a 
^ Hindu title pref, large J^i!^ra"e btl n.f. 
species of jessamine ^f^ra"e ja'man n.f. targe 

t ft ,ra"t n.f. (pLj/lara') opinion view 

advice judgment verdict tP£»ra'V 

za'rd n.f. criticism ti/i}'Jd-' l Jra"-e za'rd kar'na 
v.t, express one’s opinion criticism 
ra"t ‘am'mah n.f. public opinion 
ra't le’na (or pooehh'na) v.i. invite the opinion 
(of) £~j\Jp)izha ’r-e ra'e n.f. expression (of) [A] 
£/\j ra'yal N.F. flag ; banner ; standard (A] 

L^Jrab n . m . (pL.^larbab') God god; 
deity preserver cherisher ; sustaincr 
master ; lord rahb-il- 'alamtn' n.m. 
God (as Lord of the universe)^ rabba'td, 
rabbi adj. of God divine 

rub n.m. extract, rub' b-Us-soas extract 

of liquorice [A] 
ritba' suf. robbing 

* sof robbing 

ravishing yljriba''i 
ravishing [P -(Jijfii 


* .. 

I .ribs' (more correctly ) n.m. interest 
r usury [A] 

, rabsb n.m. a kind of stringed musical instru- 
. ment $jrabaH n.m. musician fiddler 

nexus ; relation ; connexion 

intimacy know- 


-I .r/4af' n.m. camp ; contonment inn 
^"ligament [A] 

itl j^ a “* N F - col. ruba'- 

y .«><»<') quatrain [A~ 

r ebbs' nt adj. (see under‘s rai n.m. if) 

lk.ra'bar t Jjra‘bdr n.m. rubber; eraser 
V decisive of three games in a set [E] 
y>, .rebar n.f. hardiships of travel n.m. same as 
VJU H-M.) * 

n.f. sweet condensed cream 

. rab't n.m. 

. coherance relevance 
ledge; familaritylb^it tjrab't bark an a v.t. develop 
intimacy ks* lif li)!jrab' t (- 0 -) n.m. intimacy 

organization coherence hJj^brrab't adj. 
incoherent . unrelated ; irrelevant dis- 
jointed J^jJLbe~rab' d n.f, incoherent irre- 
levant disjointed 
J^jr9b“ adj. quarter ; one- fourth 

Jmaskoen' n.m. inhabited quarter of earth [A - 


kS/tfJjrkbovbiy'yni adj. provitlence[ w<) 

^y'rabib’ n.m. man’s s(cp-son.*$/ rain' bah n.f. 
'*•' (TL.i^ , j'jrabs"b) man's step-daughter 
-X j n.f. spring harvest f)>B>C/irabi''-vl- 

' av'val n.m. third month of Hijri” calendar 
'^QlgJrabi' ‘kiss' m n.m. fourth month of Hijri 
calendar [A] k 

sJZ/jra'pat n.f. (police slang for n.f. ★) 

) • 


Ujya’patnd v. slip slides glide ^ra'pat 
•ys.r. slipperiness (same as'j'jf/ n.f. -fcj 
. rapts’nn v.t. cause to slip, slide of glide 
^ rUpafti n.f. (derog.) rupee [dim. of_^>y] 

Taper' tach n.m. rapportage [E] 

C * 

Li-f, riport,Jyjrapat n.f. report ^Jjrtpor'tar 
N.M. ftess reporter [E] . ^ 

ril n.f. season weather(/£f Uiwy 
r#< be’ Jain a (or pa' la} ns or phir'ni ) v.t. (of 
weather or season) change 
.. r«i prcf. night & 4 »ro/-ja'£d n.m. night 
spent in prayer, vigils festive night; 
rat-je'ii *a/*§ v.t. keep the vjgib 

J[iJrain'loo n.m. yam 

^jjjiul'beh n.m rank ; Status . designation 
* distinction, eminence Jfjfkam-nil’bak adj. 
of low naikJjSjfkam-r at' bah leg n.m. pl. the 
small fry 

•\9 *»J*. rat' q-o-Jat' q n.m. centred raanage- 
U*U J ment [A] < 

'jya'an (ped rat'n) n.m. (dial.) gem ; jewel 
& ptaxX^yjratnavali n.f. (dial.) pearl- 
neeklacet^gy(tr«'<(7/t jot n.f. a kind of drug used 
as a colouring condiment jji^jra' tan- mala n.f. 
(dial.) pearl-necklace ^jjnau'-m’lan n.m. pl. 
nine different gems in a necklace company 
of nine wise men Moghul Emperor Akbar’s 
nine famous courtiers 

fcjrii'n s v.i. be filed ; be smoothed with file f- 

- * 

tl»\£j ratns'vali n.f. (dial.) (see under^N.M. ■*) 

\Jj rat’vs n.m, boring insect ; borer 

l »j. ratawh'dka n.m. night-blindness; nycta- 
****** lopia yptjj ralauii'dhys n.m. night-blind 
person ; nyctalopic [ ~ w(/ +^1] ' J 
rath n.f. (dial. M.) four-wheeled 
carriage (arch.) chariot fcfljJTj 
talk’ -bin! n.m. carter tharioteer 
7 t rat'd n.f. ‘arbus prccatorius’ its seed used 
as weight equivalent to eight barley-corns; 
‘ratu^jjjj rat'd bkar adj. weighing as much 
as a ‘ratti’ a little; wecrbit rat'd ra li 
adv. to a farthing adj. each and every (word) 
i.J’ rat'na v.r. mug up repeat persistently 
reiterate*^ rat n.f. persistent ; repeti- 
tion reiterationlivl^fciyrflt' lags' akh.'ns v.i. 
repeat ‘ad nauseum’-; 

< raja n.m. hopeTfpj rajs' iy’yat N.F opti- 
" mism hopefulness rajs' lytl-pasanj' 

n.m. optimist adj. optimistic adj. optimistic 

raja iy'yat-pasabda'nah ADJ. optimistic adv- 
optimistieally (fjv-gizsbjrqja' iy'yal~pmaKdi n f. 
optimism bi’tn-o rajs N.M. hopes and 

feels [A] 

I /t rajs pit js adj. not hungry 

!&. satisfied ; not greedy 

rijsl' n.m. men (also JU^IrlffasmS ’-ur 
rijst') biographical literature of Hadith 
narrators i T Jfi)'fjrijs'l-ul-$aib‘ invisible beings 
supposed to orbit round world whom it is regard- 
ed inauspicious for travellers to foe* f A - sing. 





"CleJ raja'iy'yal n.f. (see under .^n.f. -A) 


^ rajab n.m. Rajab : seventh month of Hijri 
• ** calendar <— ra’j ab-ut muraj’jab n.m. 
the sacred month of Rajab (so called because of 
Holy Prophet Accciision in it) fAJ 
f.)\£j T \iban' n.m. tendency inclination 
^ leanings [A] 

raj at. n.f. (Arab) martial song rajaz ; 
'• metre used for it : martial metre l >^3 rajaz 
pa\%!nzt v.i. recite a martial song (Jljryfj ra'jaz- 
khafi 1 n.m. martial minstrel tr'JZi rajaz-kha'ni 
n.f. recitation of martial song ’ incitement 
to war [A] 

•pzj rij'z n.m. profanity blasphemy un- 
- holiness [A] ^ 

registar & , -6&£Zrajis[uir 

holiness [A] 

J^rrgjis'tar n.m 

/• J paints’' ish n.m. ; survey register 
rajis’lar ftarsW n.m. despatch register j (Xj£/*!r5 
rajis'ptr js'edsd' n.m. property register f 
raj is' tar jars" im n.m. crime register^y^tj,^^ 
raj is "tar rasid' (or vusoo'ti) n.m. stock** register 
(f*^Z2rajis'iai mohas'sali n.m. daily collection 
register jjifj ragis'tarsr n.m. registrar, tf/fj 
rajis'tan n.f. registry registration I'/tfs# 
rajis’iari kar’ns v.t. & i. register send by 
registered post rajis'tari kar'na v.t. get 
registered [E] 

raj' ‘at n.f.- return retracing 
• retraction retrogression resurrection 
remarriage one’s conditionally divorced wife 
ji~siztfFraj' c al pasafid' n.m. one opposed to 
progressive dishard ; conservative adj. 

conservative retrogressive not progressive 

'Jji-^bfjraj' ‘at-pasaftda nah adj. retrogressive 
not 'progressive rqj' c al-pasan'di n.f. 
conservation not being progressive 
raj'‘al-e qoh'qari (ped-ra) n.f. retracing one’s 
steps retrogression [A doublet of£yj] 

raj'm n.m. stoning to death * driving 

awayc^t/# raj'm bil ghatp' n.m. hazard- 

ing a guess w 

raj' inapt n.f. regiment [E] 

Igjiaj'ns v.i. (dial.) be satiated 

raj' iii n.f. (dial.) night IS] 

\j\fj rajrara n.m. principality . Raja’s territory 

* r~*V] 

e, p. rU j»o t ' n.m. return inclination : bent 
U J . J appeal reference recourse re 
marriage with own condition.’. II v divorced wife 

l'/w r~joo° kar’ns v. refer to ; have course 
(to) (in or to) remarriage with own con- 
ditionally divorced wife [A] 

ruiooliy'yal n.f. virility [A~ tjfj ] 

•* • 


rijha'na v.t. seduce please ravish 



^ rajim' adj. rejected spurned [A ~ ^5] 

rack’ ns V. t. 

(of wedding, etc.) be held ; 
(of henna) become red 


be celebrated 
scent be connected raqja'na V.T. 


celebrate (marriage, etc.) henna add (per- 
fume, etc.) scent with *“>£',/ racks’ vat n'p. cele- 

bration dye ; paint colouring - Renting 
CfJjprcA’ta pa&ts tasty ; savoury 
a'dj.' (of henna) leaving good cojour 

rah' l (col. raib'l) n.f. folding Stand for the 
Holy Quran ; lectern 
..Jp, rek'lat n.f. death ; demise departure 
(rare) travels (rare) travelogue 
rek'lai kar'ns v.t. die ; pass away [A] 

reh'm n.m. (ped. rahim') womb ; uterus 
| ( fjjussila'-e reijm n.m. uterine relation- 

ship tenderness towards one’s relations [A] 
ra'ham N.sf. uftcookcd rice spudding 

raikm (ped. rah' at) N.M. mercy pity ; 
| compassion kindness , tenderness 
raik'm-dil adj. merciful: kind hearted fjjfjraihim- 
di'lis.r. tenderness compassion mercy 

(ti/i; lyfi raih'm kar'ns (or kks ns) v.t. show 

mercy (to) take pity (on) [A) 

laihmsn' n.m. God ADJ. most merciful ; 
C'*' Beneficent (as attribute of God) (JUfr 
raihma'ni adj. divine [A — fii ] 
m pe rah' mat (col. raih'-) n.f. blessing; grace 
bounty ; divinefavour mercy 
compassion (A- J' n.m. pure wine [A] 

rahW n.m. departure .A~ ^5] 

g. rahim' adj. (pi., [fj rohania’) 

(as attribute of God' 






~ rakh n.m. 
w-* facade 

mercifulness grace 

face ; countenance cheek 
direction : side (in .chess) 

castle rook attention favour^f ty 

rukh' ba'dalnd (or pher'its) v.r. & i. turn in 
ano liter direction change the course of 

ignore . little heed (fo) be offended ; tale 



offence ; take umbrage ^ OtJdi- rukh' dt' kat 
bit' na kar'na v.i. talk attentively v/& Z,jrukh' 
*«) kar'na v.t. (never) to go (to) (not) to 
turn the faca (towards) [PJ 

rukham' n.m. marble [A] 

—■y , rakjg't h.m. clothes ; garments goods 
and chatties jM^Srakhl-e sa'far n.f. bag 
8 a f ia!far baftdh'm v.i. get 
ready to go pack up ; quit ; depart [P] 

Mkhsar', tJ lZjTukhsar’rah n.m. the cheek , 
face ; countenance ; complexion ; as 
peel [P] 

•**^r rafcfc'j* n.m. name of Rustam’s horse 
U J steed <J& rakh' shaft adj. dazzling 
resplendent refii Igent l3p rakhsha'nt . 
ra khsk tii'dapl n f. brightness refulgence ^ 
r akhsh indah adj. > right resplendent 
refulgent C'j •j&ro khsh if,' da-o-tabili'dah adj. 
refulgent resplendent [P ~ 4 *^ ] 

sat n.f. leave permission 
indulgence (rare) discharge ; dismissal 
sending out (daughter, etc.) as bride 
iUifa'ql rvkh'sal n.f. casual leave J l^fS^rukh'- 
u:t istekqaffl n.f. privilege leave ^'/‘aiC^rukh- 
s&t bi-la' ianMflh' n.f. leave without pay 
lib'bi rukh' sat n.f. medical leave » 
ma l moo'ti rukh' sat N.F. extraordinary leave 
rukh' sat delta v.i. permit give (someone) 
leave (rare) dismiss ; sack I’J&^rukh'stU 
kar'na v.T. bid farewell (to) permit 
discharge ; dismiss : sack send out (daughter) 
as bride (p'ij^rUkh' sol maligna v.T. apply 

for leave crave (someone’s) indulgence ty&dj 
fUkh'sot ho'na v. take leave (of) depart 
(of girl) set out as bride jC^mkhsata'nah n.m. 
parting present from patron, etc. gratuity 
ttikh'saft adj. on leave n.f. sending 
out (daughter, etc.) as bride departure [A] 

• • rakh'nah n.m, crack fissure obstacle 
obstruction hindrance defect ; 
fault rakh'na-akdag' adj. obstrusive n.m. 
obstructionist ( Jjljl^ra^h'm-akda'gi n.f. 
rakh'nah a. na v.T. obstruct-, hinder rakh'- 

nak nikal'na v.T. catp ; cavil ; pick holes 
in) IP] 

*rai n.m. refutation rebuttal turn- 
9J ing down vJjjrad' kar'na v.t. refute 
turn down rod’d-o ba'dal n.f. change ; 
alteration £ jj rad' d-a-qad' ft, jf j u rad d^tbked 

n.f. expostulation Vyfjj rad' ha rm v.t. be rejects 
• ed [A] 

1 jrida' { pl. ar diyah) sheet 9 tole 

robe [A] 

rad’dah, Ijj rad' da w.m. layer 
(of bricks) in a wall 
Abrad'd a jama'rta (or rakh’na or 
lagan a) v.t. .laydown a layer of 

a . rad'di (ped. ra'di) refuse waste 
^ J worthless n.f. waste pzperptbtf’j rad'dl dan' 
n.m. waste-paper basket ; W. P. B. > ff'tfjj rad' di 
ks'ghag n.m. waste paper I'/tjjJtad’di kar'na v.t. 
reject waste [A] 

♦ i radlf n.f. word(s) repeated towards end 
J of each couplet throughout a poem 01 
stanza; post-rhyme word J’u&ij rad f -var adv. 
alphabetically ; according to the last letter of the 
post-rhyme word 

••Jl* ra ka'leU n.f. meanness : baseness Jjjragtl' 
*** adj . & n.m. mean ; base ; mean "fellow ; 
vile person Jljjraga'lah n.m. (col.) mean 
fellow [A] 

j , rag n.f. vine JjL^tdukh’t-e rag’, Jj/T>dukh’- 
. tar-e rag' n.f. wine m 
ob raggaq' n.m. providence sustainer (as 

of God) JIJj raggaqi n.f. 
sustainer (as attribute of God) 

daily bread subsistence [A] 

[A - FOLL.] 

J j/*'* ™- 

a*rag'm n.m. battle viax^fh mg' m-gah 

\‘ 3J n.f. battle-field tfjj .og'mt adj. relating 
to war warlike truculant n.m. warlike 
personal/ ragmiy'yah adj. & n.m. epic [PJ 
y ras n.m. juice sugarcane juice 

essence relish taste sweetness . 
lusciousness melody love ras' -bkara 
adj. juicy luscious sweet 

tS/tirfras-bka'rl n.f. raspberry 
adj. juicy luscious sweet 

0/ifj rat' ta'pakna v.i. be luscious 
(of juice) trickle be sweet 
ha nob met ras' gftol'na v.i. be cry melodious : 
melodious rasi'la ADJ. yt) 

ras svf. arriving ; reaching dispen- 

sing ; administering (fj rasi suf. arriving ; 
reaching dispensation; administration [P - ^ ) 
rasa adj. penetrating (mind) effective 
rasat n.f. ft SUF. * [P~ PREC.) 
[^rjras'sa n.m. (same as n.m. it) 

£JiSj rtsaleU n.f. apostleship ; prophethood ; 

risa'lat-panah ! , usplejrisa'lat ma'ab' 


adj. & n.m. the Holy Prophet (as focus of divine 

il..risa'laji n.m. (pl. (jflsj rasa'il magazine , 
tract ; pamphlet . brochure booklet 
(rare) letter cavalry troop of horse , Uy 
risai-dar n.m. cavalry officer . squadron leader 
(h!/ll4risal'-dari n.f command of squadron 
[A doublet of pfec.] 

J t. rased at n.m. rice pudding prepared in 
* ' cane juice [ ~ </>] 

.1 r as ah’ buf. bearer delivery Jl// 

* Jr** ras am suf. bearing ; delivering [P~ 

|i(.. rase" it n.m. magazines pamphlets 

U J [A 

,nsa"i n.f access approach 

1/ * penetration (of mind) effectiveness 

rasa’ yon n.m. (dial.) alchemy met- 
C'Jy talk drug [SI 

raspah'4rrht n.m respondent [E] 

l*v i rSi,a ^^’i yif' rustakhed n.m 
doomsday resurrection [PJ 
^ rustagdri n.f liberation deliver- 


ance ; salvation [P rus'lan] 

r tils' tam n.m. name of a legendary 
* Persian hero ; Persian Hercules hero 
brave man (f^frus'tami n.f bravery , valour 

^ raslah n.m (same as Sslj ras'tah n.m ■*) 

r _?m^ m a s'lah adj. blossoming ; blossomed (P ~0^/J 
, r as' tan ) 

j ra' sad n.f. supplies . provisions rations 

itffju/j ra' sad pahuitcjtana v.t. sending the 
supplies 'Jlsj la's ad-rasa' ni n.f supplies 

provisioning (fMl ra'sadi \p; proportionate 
(SjSj&his'sa-a-ra'sadi n.m proportionate share 

[ p ~e**0] 

[ S aras' -ktpour n.m. a poisonous mercury 


L/ ras'l-o rasa'll (cork, oi 

ru' siil-o rasa 'it) n.m/ pl. com- 
munications (ped.) exchange of envoys and 
epistles sila-e ras'l-o rasd'il n.m 

communications system [A ~ CAi/j | 


rH' SHI N.M. PL. prophets 

envoys n.m pl (A - sing. 


* raim n.f. (pl. riisoom') 

' * — established usage 


rite cus- 

mode • manner formality ceremony 
(rare) marking writing ras'm par & al’na 

v.i. observe a custom ras'm-el-kjhat n.m. 

alphabet writing , or hography 4il rasm 
<jal'na v.i. introduce a custom set up a practice 
ras'm-o-rtuaj' n m. custom and usage 
ways and manners [f'jras'man adv by way 
of formality (/v ras'mi adj. customary 
formal superficial [A] 

I j* ras'masa adj. (f. ras'masi ) wet 

thick (soup) 

j ra' san n.f. rope , cord j} 0 f'jrdsan-baz n.m. 
(✓ * rope-dancer juggler^) ra tan- 

ba'a n.f. rope trick [P} 

i*. . ris'tta v.i. leak ooze drip trickle 

I’ll’j, ras'na bas'na v.t. have a happy homc- 

\y*J rust a' adj. notorious scandalized 

fc/lri nssoa kar'ne v.t scandalize 
disgrace tyly'j nisoa' ho'ne v.t. become noto- 
rious be scandalized be d isg receded 
rUsoa-t garni nah (or ‘ alam ) adj. very notorious 
infamous everywhere rUs»a"i n f noto- 
riety infamy opprobrium disgrace |P) 

•• -yi. rasaut n f. ‘amomum an thorhizum' ex- 
tract , name of a bitter drug 
1 j rusookh' n.m. access influence 

* flavour (rare) firmness sar-o- 

rUsookh’ n.m influence tyC,fjsta' tar rusookh’ hona 
v.i be an influential person 

I o/l Taso ° l N-M ‘ ( PL - fc ¥ J ** **0 pophet 

' messenge rasuot-r ah' ram foi 

-pak' or -karlm") n.m.' the Holy Prophet |A- 

rasau It n.f tumour 



-matilics n.f. five , duty ru soo'm-t 
F sump dutycMi»(5^ rusoo'm-t ‘odi'lat 

- . rusoom n.f Pl. 

satk&r n 

n.f court -fee IA - sine, /j 1 
s* . rasd'i N.f (dial.) kitchen meals 

ras sah U J ras Sa M.M. rope ras it N F 
rope cord swing Iptfj ras'si haf'na v.i. 
twist or twine a rope ras'd j at 

gi'l par bal' na’hifi ga’ya~ pkov ‘ ’ habits take 

long to depart ’ his arroganrr survives his 
financial ruin tyls n **) r * J ** dor if 

ho nix v.i. (of evil-doer) get a long ropel 
ras' si cthi'li (kkor'na V.I . g"* » *<>"I ro F l 10 ) 

let the reins drops ra> **■ * a 

banana v.i, exaggerate ; draw the long bow | 
spread a panic 

\^ m ^’ras'ya adj. fond addict l- 

■ rasid ' n.f. receipt acknowledgement] 
arrival vftjjifjSj rasid' ja’ri kar’na v.l, 
issue receipt tja rasid' dtna v.t. give receipt 
issue acknowledgement Jaij^sfrasid' naq'di. 
jifju^rasid-e naq'd n.f. cash memo $Jg~ jrasi'dagi 
n.f. arrival maturity ripeness ; mellow- 
ness suf. personal knowledge ; intimacy 
rasi'dah suf, arrived received ripe ; 
mellow advanced (in years) intimate (with | 
God) [P] 

< i. ^yrasila apt. juicy - luscious sweet | 

risi'var n.m. receiver (EJ 

•^J^J rish' tah n.m. relationship ; kinship 
■'connexion affinity (lit.) thread; 
stringjt^^ rish'le-dor (ped. -la-) n.m. relation; 
relative kinsman kith and kin jljsZ/Vf'a&z' 
ri&te-dar' n.m. pi., kith and kin ; kinsfolk ; rc- 
lations^/bA^ifft'/f-rfa'ri (ped. -to-) n.f. re- 
lationship kinship [P] . 

— rashhnt' n.m. PL. drops fc/\fjrasWha l-t 
qa'lam n.m. pi., (met.) writings (of) 
risfc'rf n.m. rectitude discemment*^ c r'| 
sin'n-t rant'd n.m. majority ; maturity 
sin n-t ritsh'd ko pahuttt'nd v.i. attain 
majority [PJ 

. jfe , rash' I: n.m. envyityijXl/ljCj rash'k kar'na 
(or hn'na) v.i. be envious ; envy [A] 

*• // risfc’iwl n.f. bribe i)l<£al gratifica- 
tion (0&lj$lji/c/*4TlMMt-khor 

(or -khar or sitab’) n.m. & adj. (one) who takes 
bribes; corrupt (person)^ risk' vat 
kho'ri (or kha'n or sita'ni) n.r. acceptance of 
bribe or illegal gratification ^*10^ l> ; dspyrnsfC uai 
dt'na (or khila'na) v.t. bribe ; offer illegal grati 
fication (il/ljiJ£>r'jns : h'uat le'na (or kha'na) v.i, 
take bribe : accept illegal gratification ■ 

. ri'M n.m. Hindu saint (jf'if'J ri'ik.i 
W * n.m. pm. saints and ascetics [S] 

. . d^s rashid' apj . pious ; righteous rightly-] 
»• '* guided ; orthodox (A - 

f*j rt'aya n.m. (abb. for^i/^PH. *) 

♦ • . nia n.f. leave ; permission pleasure 
approval good office wish ; desire 
(J/fl kirifa-jn'i n.f. seeking the good offices 
(of) asking ( someone) about his wish bid 

to fulfil the wish (of) jtfbj ri&'-kar n.m. volunteer 
^j/C*jriia' -kata nah adv. voluntarily jstij riza- 
matd adj. willing agreeable (to)ifj>ijjriza- 
mah'dl N.F. ^ willipgn'ess consent approval 
condescension<^>li/n>a'-o ragh'bat n.p. free 
consent and pleasure ; willingness and inclina- 
tion^x^df jbijrizs' -o-ragh' bat se, JZvjLirjtba-riza'-o 
ragh'bat adv. willingly with pleasure 
of own accord [A] 

riza 'al n.f. suckling ; foster ; affinity; 
fosterage tester JOjriia ‘i adj. foster 
Jli bka’i foster-brother i 

bai'han n.f. foster-sister [AJ 

/. . I raia'x N.F. quilt coverlet; counter - 

• rizvan' n m. (name of angel who is) 
Izf’Jr* Paradise janitor God’s oleasurc 

good offices condescension [A doublet of v>j] 

’a ri’zatri n.m. (f. rizaviy'yah) descendent 

of Imam Musa Riza [A] 
rulab n.m. pi., ripe dates [A] 

rat'b adj. moist ; damp verdant 
supple nf[^>LJliral'b-ul-lisan' adj. facile 
tfiiifjbrat'h-o yabis n.m. padding, worthless 
stuff [A] 

rat' l n.m. (arch.) weight equivalent to 
about one pound wineglass ral'Ut 

garati n.m. large measure of wine [A] 

,ru too'bat n.f. moisture damp 


humidity sap (A] 

. . ra'n'ya n.f. subjects populace 
public tenants [A ~ sing. 
t Wj j rt'a'yat n.f. regard , favour partia- 

lity bias indulgence kindness 

remission rebate grace privilege 
rt'a'yat kar'na v.l. show favour be particle 

to remit allow a rebate re'ayal ho'ni 

v.i. be shown special or undue favour be 
remitted be allowed a rebate J'Jfjre'a'yalt 
adj. grace (marks, etc.) complimentary 
privilege reduced (rare, etc.) [A] 

^ ro''b n.m. awe comriianding person- 
^ ality fear terror bullying ; bluff 

pomp and show 
ham (or jama'na or 
dal' rid or gahib'na), inspire with awe over- 
awe frighten terrify bluff ; bully 
ro'’b.dar adj. awesome ; awe-inspiring 
commanding domineering (personality) 
stentorian (voice) meb and V.i 

be overawed (by) be bluffed (by) 

display of rank or dignity 
(t£ fi Olji ilgbi&tfro "b bi hi 


ro‘’b(-o) dab’ m.m. awe display of tank and 
dignity commanding personality [A] 
rat'd n.m. thunder [A] 

Agf ra l 'shah n.m. shaking pa.ltyfii}jjb&) ra''sha~ 
**** dar (or -za' dak) adj. palsied; suffering from 
the.shaking palsy [A] 

<Vj ra ‘na' adj. graceful exquisitely 
J beautiful cute two coloured- and 
bright (eye, flower, etc.) f&rdta!'\ n.f. 
grace exquisite ; beauty cuteness colour* 
fulness Jyr#IS)ra‘na”i-* khajal’ n.f. ex- 
quisite ideas flights of fancy [A] 

«*/>■ ro'oo’nal n.f. arrogance ; haughtiness 
" * pride ; vanity ; conceit [A] 

i«a. raHy'yal n.f. (pl. Lltj rat d yd) subjects 

^ 4 - people populace public tenants 
J»itZ*fJra'iy'yat paT , var,j i jcJ'j ra'iy'yat-naoad adj. 

protector of subjects benevolent 
ra ‘ iy'yat-par 'vari,(fjt ')£/% ra ‘ iy'yat-naoa' & N.F. 
protection of subjects benevolence [A] 

~jprragh'bat n.f. inclination wish ; 

esteeni ; predilection desire 
keenness ragh’bat za'hir kar'tat v.L. 

show inclination for [A] 
fj ragh’m . n.m. touching die ground (only In 
| ph.) 'al-ar-rafh'm adv. in spite 
of ; despite contrary to the wishes (of) [A] 

, raj adj. rough n.m. rough work ; rough 

m7i* rija'qot n.f. companion ; comradeship 
^ ” friendship ^loyalty association 

society ; company vjchlijrija'qafkar’ta v.T. 
accompany ; keep' (someone) company be 
friendly (with) qyt rija’qot add 

kar’na v.i. be loyal [A- 

jlj rajah' m.m . , rofa'hiyat n.f. long and 
comfortable rafqk-* ‘an’ 

(or 'am' mob) (ka kam‘) n.m. public welfare [A] 

raft v.t. went affix, going tfPjtjjdmad-o- 
raft n.f. coming and going traffic 
continued* movement of people ingress 
and egress gbzfirft adv settled; 

forgiven and forgotten matter of the past; 
dead had gone raftani adj. mortal 
likely to go [P~ 

j** rajtar' n.f. speed pace conduct ; 

disport rajtdr-o-gojtar' n.f. man*- 

nets conduct behaviour demeanour 
disport (P~ 

rdf tab adj. deceased gone ; departed 

lost taftafi rtf tab adv. step 

by step ; by degrees gradually in due 
course j&ij raftagab n.m. the departed ones ; the 
dead and gone [P - ] 

•a • . raf'raf n.m. Holy Prophet’s conveyance 
“/ v during ascension from Jerusalem upwards 
Jine printed silk carpet large pillow (A) 
pa?, raf'z n.m. schism dissentient*^ 
refi 6 n.m. ★ [A] 

Jj . raj" n.m. nominative case vowel 
point indicative of it removal eragiefr 
tion lifting ; elevation exallation 
raf'-daj" (cOl. raja * dot jot) n.m. settlement 
rof'-t spar n.m. settlement of dispute era- 
dication of evil I’/^Jraja' kar'tat v.t. set at 
rest eradicate (evil, etc.) remove (cause for 
complaint) tr*gjraj"-t yadain' n.m. lifting of 
hands with post-preliminary ‘takbirs’ [A] 

rij"at n.f. height; altitude eminence 
nobility exaltation [A) 

(V. r jaqa n.m. companions ; comrades 

^7 friends (A ~ sing. t?j) 

iwr. n.f. fine muslin fine woollen 

i rajoo (ped. r Joo') n.m. dam daring 
* stitching (• f wound) VJfj ra'Joo kar'na 
v.T. dam _fjj rajoo-gar n.m. darner tfjij ra'Joo 
ga’ri n.f. darning (as profession) (P] 

|*s S . rafoo-tiak'kar bo ja’na v.i. sneak 
*■7^ ' ^ away ; slink away 
: rtf dob n.m. pad on which baker puts 
broad in oven ; baker’s pad 
, riff adj. high ; sublime ; exalted ; ele- 
^ vated roji'^ash dian' (rare 
raji'‘-9d-darqjal' , raji"~iilqad’r, 

rajf 'Sl-mar' tabat adj. of high status dignt- 

fied ; exalted [ykj 

**I rajiq' n.m. (pl. (lit r jaqd) comrade; 
companion confederate raji'q~e 

jUr'm n.m. accomplice otiitfs raji'q-t “rah' n.m. 
fellow traveller j£jrafi'jqab n.f. partner (in 
life) ; vttfc&}lfjit#iirajt’qa-e fayat' (or 
zih'dagt or zts't) n.m. "(one’s) wife ; spouse [A) 
raqdbat n.m. rivalry ; in love anta- 
* -gonism tAj raqtb’ n.m. •fc [A] 

A- raqqts’ n.m. pendulum dancer 
UV J raqqdsah n.f. dancing girl prosti- 
tute ; whore ; strumpet (A ~ ) 

j raq’bah n.m. area (fblfjraq’ba-t ara'z I n.m. 
A * ' arm of land land Ctfjjraq'bah Kikoi- 
na v.t. find out the area (of) [A] 

1* ra'qabah n.m. (pl.w| firiqab) neck 

slave [A] 

"jZ.rtqqal n.w ^tenderness weeping 
thinness tiq'qat-dnuz (or -ah^et' i 
ADJ. touching N.F. kindness , 

tenderness of heart ^ raqiq’ adj. ★ {A] 
ij&j f aq's n.m. dance Jfj^jraq's-e bis' mil n.m. 
^ writhing of slaughtered (animals, etcJ 
raq's-o ssrod' n.m, dance and mus;t 
concomitants of gay world [A] 

^ rSq'dt’ n.m, pl. (see under n.m. jfr) 

*? rQq‘ l ah n.m. letter ; epistle note 
invitation prospective groom’s parti- 

culars sent over as marriage proposal in form 
of note to girl’s family patch £*& rQq'st’ n.m. 

letters ; epistles collection of (someone’s) 
epistles [A] .. 

J . raq'tn n.m. (pl. r* Tuqonm') numeral I 
C ' figure item sum total amount 
writing stole [A] 

ra'qam jpt'j ra'qam- tar dz n m. writer (of) 
fyjy£tj ra qam-laraz' ho'na v t write 
ra'qam kar'itd v.t. write ; indite put down 
ra’qam-var adv. item by item l jffJ ra'qam 
lio'ns v.t. be written [A] 

"S raqlb' n.m. rival one who keeps guard 
• ••'^(over) as attribute of God [A) .. .. 

*• * raqiq' ADJ. (of fluid) thing not dense ‘^ st 
raqi' q-ul-qal'h adj. kind hearted [A-£?j] 
jf^jraqVmah n.m. letter [A ~ Jj rcq m] 

»• l 

t/rikdb' (col. rakdb’) siirrup (rare) 
1 T^*^dish jlob^rikdb’-ddr n.m. footman 

accompanying rider ; rider's ailcndant chef; 
expert cook 

yiS raka'bi n.f. small dish plate 
0?' raka’bi maz'hab n : m . parasite ; one who 
joins every feast uninvited ba-rikab' adj. 

& adv. ready to start (old man) expecting 
death any moment ham rikab' adv. in 
attendance riding in company with ; accom- 
panying [A] 

raka'kal n.f. indecency (of words, etc.) 


* <y raka'bi n.f. 
0f J raka'bi maz', 

~ VIA) 

rakan' s.r manner 

SiS ruk&'o N.M. ,Jsjtfruka'vat N.F. 

(see under tX»v <. ★ ) 
r ah' slid n.m. rickshaw IE) 

..j'rah 'al xsF. (pl .^bJjrak'dt') 

qiic scr of standing,, genuflexion and pro- 

stration in prayers [A doublet of fr/j ] 
fj ruk'n n.m. member essential loot 
C' metre one of the fundamentals of faith 
(rare) pillar [A] 

rUk'na v.t. stop stay I at or with) 
refrain (from) ; desist from stammer ; 
falter (in speech) come to a stop ; cease to 
flow cease to have inspiration hesitate ftfj 
ruka'o HM.Jsjl/j rUkd vat N.F. 
obstacle obstruction delay 
/JtjJj riik' riik' kar adv. faiter- 

l> / riikoo" n.m. bow ; bowing 
* in prayer ; (Muslim form 
off genuflexion (A) 

Xj rukk n.m. (same as jfi J n.m. •fc) 

£ * raXA, i akkd ’o n.m. (see under n/t Jf) 

"ill&J ritkha'i n.f. curtness indifference 


,xT rakk'sha n.f. (dial.) protectiono^fi^j 
rakk' sjid-bah' (than n.f. a Hindu festival 
also called ‘rakhi />J* [SI 
j.jf^ rakk'na v.t. put 1 (place keep 
passes hold keep back reserve 
bury . inter mortgage . pledge ; pawn 
save , lay by rakh'hn (rare, ra'kha) past 
participle kept placed employed 
mortgaged l^jU^n^'kkd rakkaya adj. kept 
back laid by . saved b'jjf/fj rakk' cjiho r'na v.t. 

keep back laid by ; saved iUjjtfj rakk 
rakko"o n.m. formalities ceremonial be- 
haviour . ceremony l 'Jjfjrakk lend v.t. 
accept ; take engage keep back 
rakh'iat' n m. guard . used only in prov. </. f. : 
J , y^cfo^dL ot ' ii bit'll jate'biyon ki rakkval' ph. 

thief guarding a treasure seta wolf to 
watch the fold Vij»j r'akkva'la n.m. watchman 
keeper guard rakkxa li n.f. care 

custody watch L'/j'jtC rakkv&'ti kar'na v.t. 
keep watch over safeguard C\j*J rakkvano 
v.t. cause to put cause to keep give in 
charge arrange burial ; perform funeral rites 

// raklk' adj. indecent (words, remarks, 
attack, etc.) [A~«s4i] / 

rakin' adj. strong ; stable ] resolute 
CL J rUk'n-r rakin' PH. strong pillar : pro- 

minent member force of Strength (A - </■> 1 
rag n.f vein artery vein (of 
J plant, etc.) strain controls t/tjj 
ras' * 'lama v.t. be appeased have a 



W fcj 


rapture Itgdjrag' paf'ffca n.m. pl. veins and 
sinews live of descent CSty*Sjrag' pka'rakna 
v.i. have a premonition have an itch to 
fdo some mischief or say something witty)>(»jC 
rag'-dar adj. veined tfjJjrag'-zan n.m. phle- 
botomist surgeon J^yJjro'g-o pai' n.m. 
veins and muscles every ve; n t }J-S‘ 
ra'g-o pai' (or rt'sha) mth sira'yat”kar na t n.f. 
affect the whole body Jj ra'g-o rr'shah n m. 
every vein, ; veins and fibres ; nature ; constitu- 
tion (Jlfjjra'g-e jap, Sj»^?h.nh'-rag, Jj^dmh'- 
rag n.m. jugular vein JP] * 

pf. ra'gar n.m. tyj rag'ra n.m. (see under tvJ 

'r# v - T ; ) * 

i t>j . ra'garna v.t. rub chafe scour 
1 * grate grind reprove ; chastise 

excruciate ra'gar n.f. friction attrition 
abrasion ra'gar khans v.i. be rub- 
bed be grazed /*£ rag'ra n.m. rubbing 

harsh treatment dispute rag'ra jkag'ra 

n.m. dispute argument altercation 


^ raged' na v.t. inflict a crushing defeat 
(in wrestling or fighting) handle ad- 
versary harshly manhandle chastise 

use roughly 

,\i . rula'na v.t. cause to weep tease 
vex excruciate ( ~ Ijj caus] 
j*j . ral'na v.i. get mix up (with) get 
lost (in crowd, etc.) raT mil' kar 

adv. together jfrjJj ra'la mi' fa adj. mixed 
adultrated get lost in crowd i‘pj rala'na v t. 

mix up shuffle adulterate 

Oj rul’na v.i. be rolled be tidied up 
be taken from top [ — Ozj ] 
rfj ram n.m. flight scramble stampede 

I scare v/fi ram' kar'na take to one’s 
heels fly away ratal dagi n.f. flight 
scare [P ~ 

(i r animal' n.m. geomancer fortune- 

U UJ teller [A ~Jj] 
ijlJ r Amman' n.m. pomegranate [A] 

rama'r.a v.t., 0"j ram'ia adj (see under 
* ***> 

rim' jkim n.'f. pattering sound (of rain) 
f * ' rim' jhim' ba'rasna v.i. rain with 

a pattering sound 

j rn'mr.d n.m. redness of eyes [A] 

. ram' l n.f. hint symbol secret^ 
secret (of) controlling power (ofJt/cJ^v 

ram g-shinas' adj. one who takes a hint 
conversant with in and outs (of) [A] 

,/y ramazun' (col. ramzan') ninth month of 
Hijri calendar ; fasting month ; Ramazan 
JjUlJ&H ramqza'n-ul-muba'rak n.m. the blessed 
Ramadan (so called because of being the month 
of fasting and the one in which the revelation 
of the Holy Quran began)' [A] 
y. ra'maq n.f. the last gasp a little 
U* tincture (of) ; spark (of) [A] 

U ram'l n.m. divination ; geomancy 
U * (rare) sand [A] 

L ra'mal (also Jrj^bak'r-e ra'mal) n.f. a kind 
of verse metre [A] ' 

ram' na v.i. tramp wander; be 
•^' absorbed (in) n.m. (also Z'jram'riaK) 
game preserve park t"l> rama'na v.t. cause 
to wander adopt entice wheedle 
blandish [yj ramta adj. roaming ; wandering 
Jr&j ram’ia jo'gi n.m. wandering Hindu 
ascetic tramp jPyfram'ta faqlr’ n.m. wander- 

ing mendicant 

jjfj rUmooz' n.m. pl. (see under. y»j n.f. 4*) 

ra'mah n.m. herd ; flock [P] 

s# ramidagl n.f. (see under (*J n m. if) 

ramim' adj. decayed [A] 

f i . ran n.m. battle ; war ; combat ; conflict . 
rJ wood ; waste ; desert HP^j^yi^gkamsan' 
ka ran par' na v.i. (of battle) ensue ; breakout 
* ’ j, ran n.m. (or dial, f.) (in cricket) rvmCl>el J 
ran bana’na v.i. make a run [A] 

/ . raPj n.m. grief ; .distress anguish' 
Q/* agony (rare) toil rap 'j-o gharn n.m. 

distress sufferings ( O ' rakj ufka'na 

(or saih'na ) v.i. undergo sufferings aggrieve 

ra&j dt'na v.i. bring sufferings to 
vex offend v/'&J rapj kar'na v.i. 
grieve be vexed ; fret and fume take 
offence (at) take umbrage (at) rah'j 

mol'Je'na v.i. court trouble 

rap'jish n.f. unpleasantness between 
(persons) strained relations 
rap'jisk ho'na v.i. have unpleasantness have 
strained relations , 

A rap'jnk n.m. (arch.) touchhole ; match 
(of gtln) priming powder Ci/t^yCrj ran'jel 
Ur fna v.t. flash* in the j>an Cl^CfjraP’jak pila'na 
v.t. prime iY£\fJ&jrap‘iak rhjt' ja'na v.t. (of 



musket) fail to go off rah'jak-dan' n.m. 

priming pan [P] 

jjf. rahjoor' ad). grieved ; distressed ill ; 

■''*» afflicted (Jj£j ratjop'ri n.f. illness; 

affliction grief ; anguish [P ~ £,J ] 
mL k. rahji' dah adj. sad ; grieved dis- 

pleased ; offended chagrined 
rahji' da-khatir adj. afflicted in mind ; grieved ; 
displeased c/ijjfj rakji'dah kar'tia v.t. dis- 
please grieve 'falJjraHji 'dah ho’m v.i. be 

grieved be displeased rahji' dagi n.f. 

sadness displeasure [P ~ gj] 
j£j rifid n.m. (pl. rare jj rinood') libertine 
boozer sceptic ; free-thinker trick- 

ster adj. licentious (person) bold 
nhdanah adj. licentious ; bold dissolute 

adv. like a reprobate boldly VJ<2yri/rrf'- 
mash'rab adj. licentious bold (fju rih'di 
n.f. licentionsness boozing boldness 
r ree thinking trickery [P) 
j»j rahd n.m. holes in rampart through which 
to fire outside 

| rahd'na v.t. (see under n.m. *) 

* ah' dah h.m. (carpenter’s) 

plane J>>iuV rail dah p/ur'na, 
i'jlj rahd'na vTt. plane [P] 

rhhdk'na v.t. (of throat) be choked 


rtlhd n.m. 

^ tree ruhd ' main 


be crushed 

branchless trunk of 
adj. branchless 
dean shaven (etc.) ^ 

i I >. ruhda'pd n.m. widowhood, Iji/jCJ rahjsa'la 
n.m. (dial.) widow’s weeds IjjTJ rahd'na 
n ,m . widower jjfj rahd n.f. it 
.>. rah’di n.f. prostitute; whore; harlot 
(rare) [woman j rah' 41 -bat n.m. 
whoremonger rake 4i-ba V N.F. 

licentiousness whoremongering [doublet of 
i*l>N.F. *J 

fimrabg n.m. colour ; hue pigment 
paint dye (irt cards) suit merri- 
ment ; revelry sort manner ; mode con- 
dition pomp and show tfj£d%jrahg'&me z* N.f. 

colouring painting colouring (of facts); 

misrepresentation ; tainting V/yy/li m &rahg-ame'& 
kar'm v.t. & i. colour paint taint ; 
misrepresent (iUj'lijCiULdzrahg ar'na (or a tar jam 
v.t. fade ; lose colour become pale 
have the- blue funks t^j^jrah'ga tahg adj. 
variegated colourtul^)(^/ 4 ^^wl| g-aftha ng N.F. 
colouring sprinkling colour 

6'kharna v.i. lose splendour (of colour , 
pomp, etc.) vanish (of effect) be no longer 
strong li^'t ,_Xu rahg bahdh'na V.I. create much 
effect ba’dalna v.i. change colour 

be changed be fickle ; be capricious 
rahg' ba-rang’, adj. variegated of various 
types colourful fr/dij rahg bi'garhz v. i. 
lose colour ; fade suffer a change for the 
wore etyftJzjrahg' bkar'ni v.t. colour ; paint 

frl^faratz-bti'M n.f. sprinkling of colour 

rahg par ana become * prorferous become 
effective rahg' pa'karni v.i be coloured 
adopt (someone’s) ways fresh up 
£^(h>i)rahg pki’ka (or mail da) par ja'ni v.i. 
lose colour lose lustre be no longer effec- 

tive U’jLgt^&rahg' pai'da kar'na v.i. adopt (some- 
one’s) ways UgiMrafigjama'itt v.i. make effec- 
tive PL.X rahg jam' na v.i. be effective C^^/tohg 
eparkana v.t. paint dye teach (own) 
ways intoxicat aOifL&rang tpark'na v.i. 

be painted be dyed adopt (someone’s) 

ways be intoxicated,/*^ rahg'-dar adj. 

coloured painted lawdry Ctfj^&rahg dikh&'n* 
v.t. St i. display bring into play 
produce a result iSfikJ^jrahg' dekk'nd v.i. ex- 
amine the state (of) see the result (of) see 
or suffer through the vjcissitudes (of) witness 
the splendour (of) rahg ’ dkafig 

style ; fashion manners appearance (JuJtj 
rahg' ras n.f. gay life dance, and music 
]$J&rahg' rahgi'la adj. coloured rahg 

ral'yah n.f. revels ; revelry gaiety lik*. 
of luxury OsiJlijtJ&rahg ral'yah man&’na v.i. 
lead a gay life" live in luxury rahg\ roep 

n.m. complexion form ; character 
rahg’ rau'ghan n.m. / colour lustre rahg- 

rtt' n.m. a dyer (jjf^jrahg re'zi n.f. dying^J J J 4 _^i 
rahg zar'd h n 'na v.i, grow pale have .the 
blue funks jlZjrahg' -saz n.m. painterl/$-<& 
rahg faq ho'na v.i. have the blue funks ty^jrahg 
kat'na v.t. bleach ctrCbnhg'-kat n.m. bleaching 
powder $Lj£jrQhg hat 'na v.i. be bleached 
(of colour) be washed off I tjl*£irahg kar na v.T. 
paint iO^)0^i^jrahg kkU'n 3 (or kkilnit) v.i. 
(of colour) grow !evelierU^_^> rahg tout na v.i. 
(dial.) sprinkle colour (esp. during Hindu festival 
HoliHV. J&rahg la'na v. bloom fresh up 

bring about a change produce a result 

succeed cause troubl ej^i^irahg’-ma (ml n.m. 

festive palace banquet Hal 
rang mrh bkahg' dal’ni v.t. spoil a sport 
rahg f mm bkahg' par'na v.t. (of sport,gaiety, etc.) 


^J^fj r oi’dn adj. moving. flowing fleeting 
going on viable current adv, (read) 
fluently : without spelling out lir/jl tjravafi' 
parh'nd v.t. read fluently without spelling out 
raoafi kar'nd v.t. get going set 
r 't>lit ho'ns v.i. be current be a 
going concern be in progress (Jljfji/sa'l-e 
n.m. current year um'r-e Ttw 3 .fl 

n.m. fleeting life jtjj rava'ni n.f. flux 
fluency working ki rava'ni 

N .i . readiness of mind felicity of phrase 
or fancy [P~ c /5go] 

/ j f rSt’3*' n.f. soul (J^j^roo’h-o-rvvan' n.f. 

J soul the soul (of) [P] 

- roo n Zh n.m. down small hair (of 
U body) nap \>j roo"afi roo”aft 

do 1 a' dels hai pts. I pray for you from the core* 
of my he2LTt%lf{jt} t jljjroo' , cift roo'^ah kahp'nn v.t. 
be jittery; tremble all over jljtfjjroo” efi-dar' adj. 

downy with raised nap 
# l rauanah (dial, ravZ'na) adv. proceeding 
despatched tl/pldj rava nah kar'na v.t. 
despatch send I'/fZljjravd'nah ho'rta v.i. set 
out ; depart$»v raUan'gi n.f. (ped. rava'nagi) 
departure despatch # It j rava'ni n.f. (seconder 

ADJ. it) [P~ </V] 

&lljj rita'jHIt NJ. PL. (sec under *) 


rum'yal h.f. (pl.^U \jj riuny&l') narration 
narrative traditiori legend 

statevent ; version [A] 
fi ' , jjj to' bah n.f . fox (jjbotfrobah-ba'zt, 
j robi'hi N.F. cunning [P] 

robkzr' n.f. (see under ^ too n.m. ■*) 

\J[)j too'bal n.m. rouble [R] 

j t jrotH> N.M. (dial.) beauty elegance 

'. form disguise ; guise CU‘s'5r«o/r ba’dalna 
v.t. change {ormbj^i^roop bigar'na v.t. 
mar deface; disfigure reap 

bans' na (or dhzr'na) v.t, personate C'Jgf&j roop 
dlkhS'ni v.t. show one’s lovely face j&'Cghroop 
nfigar’ n.m. beauty and make-up ogO/Jsfpai'hal- 
roop n.m- chrysalis (of insect) 

. rupaih'ltt adj. (r.JfjJ rupaih'll) silver; sii- 
* very [ 8 ~ ^silver] 

.» rlipa’yah n.m. rupee money wealth; 
.^•'riches C&j'yJtvpatyah Utkc'na v.t. spend 
(so much) money \Jd^jrilpa yah uth’no v.t. (of 
,o much) be spend ( it 'fipa'jtoh bhuni'na 
or t««'iw)v.i. get a change i'/ijs&sjjtupa'yah 
-lik'rt kar'ns v.i spend lavishly waste 


money [8- ^silver] 

rof n.m.* (see under fr; it) 

root n.m. route ‘-if ^ 3 j root’ parrmt n.f 
route permit [E| r 

jooth'na v.i. cool down (towards friend, 
■''etc.) owing to be misunderstanding dis- 
pleased not to be on speaking terms (with 
friend, etc.) 

J’s .ro't* n.f. loaf ; bread meals board 
0 livelihood ; means of livelihood l 
to' fi paka na \ bake bread ro'fi de'na V.t. 
support Cjgtfjjro’ti chM'parna V.t butter the 
bread ffflpjro'u kap'ra n.m. maintenance 

maintenance allowance ijjQfJtjro'tiyah tor'na, 
Ck^jdlrotiyofi par pgl’n a v. be a hanger on tftJ/jJ 
' tjlro'tiyofi ka tna'ra adj. starved J) I3 ()*J ro'ti vs 'la 
n.m. baker Jijjrot n.m. thick large loaf 
p}. rooty n.f. (pl.^j jiaroah') soul essence 

quintessence the reality (behind) 
heart life spirit fiz/jToo'tyqfta'tfz/j rooty - 

flta' adj. exhilarating ^pf^/jroo' tyuUamxft , 
roo'tyul-qud's n.m. Gabrial the 

Holy GhostjS/^-i roo'h Ullah’ n.m. Jesus (as the 
Holy Ghost) d&Z/tjrooh' bka'takna v.i. (of soul) 
be uneasy ; having frequent recourse to the 
world owing to some uneaniness 

rooty par oat! kar'ns (or ni’kalna) v.t. 'die , 
pass away ; give up the ghost be frightened 
to death ; have the blue funks tyo 

rSoaty n.f. heart and soul !i 

rooty oai'se jiritk'tf prov, like priest like people 
jlr*! rooha' nt ADJ. tpiriUial&lsbpj roohaniy'yat n r 
spirituality adj. (fare spiritual [A| 

' rod n.m. river stream (rare) 
guitar like musical instrument 
jbjfj ™d bar' N.f. gulf ; strait 
area abounding in srreams (PJ 
/ roodad’,jlojjroo'’tdid, 

Jr)}J roo"tdad n.f. account 

report proceedings ttatt^^frlyjs roods' d-t 
jal'sah n.f. proceedings of a meeting isybo* 
roods’ de muqad’damah n.f. proceedings of a case 
tfZjySjU roodad'-naoU' n.m. (arch.) reporter [P ~ 
djfjyjtake place ~yj + 

ro'dah n.m. gut string of musical 


instrument (P) 

jjj rod w.f. road [E] 

^ stone Or brick ^ 

to' fa taka' na v t put obstacles in the 

. ro'ra n.m. brickbat small piece of 
rtr tiriflt old resident (of 





(ka) ro'rs hona v.i, be a part -and pared of 
!$*» ro'ri n.f.. broken stones- or bricks 
• < toz n.m. day daytime a dv. daily 
JyVper day always day in and day out 
<Jpl : jjroz-afzoon' adj. ever-increasing adv. in- 
creasing day by dayjj/ jjJroz' ba-roz' ADV. 
day by day constantly pfjjjro'z-e jazz' n.m. 
day of Judgement ; doomsday •flP'Jyjro'z-ehisab’ 
N.M. day of reckon [ngJPjjj ro’z-t fiash'r n.m. Day 
«f Resurrection roz’ foz adv. every day 
a 1 ways [fjJjjJjJTo’z-e rau'shan meh adv. in broad 
daylighuJU^irog-e siyah' n.m, calamity 
roz-e qiya'mat n.m. Doomsday j/j 1 )j roz mar' rah 
n.m. spoken language adj. customary usual adv. 
daily ; everyday^' jjj roz-nam'^oh n.m. diary 
day book (of accounts) £\;}jjtoz'nm'- 
cha-havis' v.i. literary diarist police clerk 
(fij JiCjjJ roz-nam'dia navi' si n.f. diary writing 
sVjjjroz-na'mah N.M. newspaper ; daihyjyyl? 
shabarta-roz, jjj ro'z-o-shab' adv. round the 
< • iockv l)jj roza'nah ADV. daily jtfjjjroz-gar’ n.m. 
livelihood employment world age 
time Isygjtfjfjroz'-gur dthoot'vz v.i. be sacked 
be out of job; bo tm«hiploycd(l>J',» WjvJv 
roz-gar' lag’na (or mil'mi) V.i. get a job , . be fix 
up vj)jrr>zah n.m. fast leht(ltyplrjli//U&l0jjJ 
rn'zah if tar kar'na (or k&ol'na) v.i. break one’s 

# S L-M 

fast bJojjJro'zah tor'na v. break one’s fast before 
tim fjjrgjjj ro’za-khor n.m. & adj. (one) who 
does not fast jlj jfijj ro'zah-dar n.m. & adj. fasting 
(person) cXjajjJ ro'zah rakk'nz V.i. fast CWiJjj 
ro'zaji kha’na v.i. not to fast n.f. 
daily bread livelihood. wages pay ; 

salary job t>Jpjro'zi-kek,(J^j(jijjj ro'zH-rasah' 

n.m. providence ; God (as the Giver of daily 
bread )>sJjj rozi'nak n.m. stipend daily 

allowance daily wages j rozi'na dar n.m. 

stipendiary one granted a daily allow- 
ance [P] 

ni’gaf n.m. (see under jfJvjt. it) 

. rau'zan \.m. inlet. for fresh air ; venti- 
lator hole (.in wall) [P] 

• ro’zah n . m . Jjjjro’n n.f.^zJfjrozXnah h . m . 
( s « under jyyHM. it) 

( or roos 'ia) n.m. village oVlSjj ‘is- 
za'iah n.m. villager ; rustic^} lPi>roua'’l 
n.m. villager ; rustic ffijjAs tala' nt-e rosta”* n.m. 
greetings or meeting with a motive [P) 

jhj ro ° s 'It adj, /of land) not quite (ertil 



•*, ra visa n 

( J)* manner 

(P - S°] 

•*/ rau'shan adj. bright 
Is ^lighted manifest evid 
i^ii/fjrau' shan-datl n.m 
skylight *'■ * 




made . 

nt ; obvi.Vu 
ventilator (are', 
skylight rau' shan-dimdgh ' adj . broa-a 

intelligent rau' shan-zam r' 

(or dll) adj. godly pure of heart 
toshn a'’i,(ped. raushna'i) n.f. ink^ (rare) 



light*-Coraa' shanak n.f. torch-bearerjTr ^ rausW 
(ped. raushani) n.f. light pbffijroush’ni dal' 
v.t. throw light (on) rau’ sham-e lab >' n.f. 

intelligence sagacity ; shrewdness { 
raush'ni k’nsv.i. light light (a lamp) 
iWuminatel'y'ifjjraush'ni ho'na v.i. be illumin- 
ated dawn [P] 

. rau'zah n.m. (pl. ^Ijriyaz') mausoleum 
shrine (rare) garden (a Isoi **&}> 
rau'zat-ush-shukada) name of a Slu’ite book 
recited at mourning assemblies U&slrau'zo 
khanu.u. reciter of this book reciter of 
elegies [j l/^SJ rau' rji-kha ni n.f. recitation oi 
elegies, etc. rau'za-e riz'van n.m. para- 

dise [PI 

rau'ghan n.m. .paint polish oil 
( yiJ allow (jji>^jrau'ghan-e balsati n.m. 
balsom-l/jgfij rau’ ghan-e zar'd N.m. (arch.) butter 
oil ; clarified butter ; ghee t^ijfjrau' %han~t siyah 
n.m- (arch.) mustard oi\0 , j\} cfrjrau' ghan-c qaz' 
mal'na v.t. pull (someone’s) legO^jjJyrua'ghan-c 
naj't n.m. (rare) kerosene oil ; petroleum jfjJ 
raugha'rii adj. (of bread) with butter mixed 
in dough ; cake-like oily [P] — 

ro'kar. n.m. (slang) cash, ready money 
J ) ^ {$J t kfjiro' kar bik'ri n.f. cash sale^ifrj 
ro'kar ba'hi n.f. cash book 

( roo’kan n.f. extra quantity or additional 
article given in the bargain to please the 
customer ; extra quantity ; additional attraction 
.•/ rok'tia v.t. stop withhold detain 

Ujj restrain prohibit hinder check 

impede interrupt block avert 
prevent bar challenge stay 
rok n.m. bar. barrier snag obstacle 
obstruction hindrance restraint limita- 
tion restriction interruption prevention 

prohibition check stay 
port brake rok' ‘.ham n.f. 


restraint stay prevention remedy 

eradication stoppage iJ/OiJ rok'-iok n.f. 

let or hindrance obstruction prohibition 




opposition JjJjjJ~bt-rok'-tok, (col. JjJjjIk, 
hi-la'-rok' -tok adv without let or hindrance 

roo ^t (dial, rokh.) n.m. tree 

. roo'khs ADj. (F. roa'khi) without 
stew, etc. plain dry unbuttcred 
unseasoned poor indifferent curt 
uncivil i^elpj&roo'kha jamb' curt reply 
roo'kka sa ADJ. curt indifferent uncivil 
insipid KgUsjroo'kha phi'ka ivo'kka 

soo'kha adj. plain curt blunt n m. poor 
meal ; plain food d(/jjroo'kka-pan,^^jj rukia"i 
n.f. coldness : indifference incivility 
curtness / f 

/ . tog n.m. illness: disease ( IsHj l JlJjjrog' 
pa''ra (or lags' le'na) v.i. be maso- 
i his tic hug trouble nurse some illness 0J-> 
ro'gi n.m. sick man adj. sick Qjj^sa'da-ro'gi 
n.m. invalid 

, rau'la n.m. noise riot ; disturbance 

hue and cry £\/forau'la maefia'na v.i. 
make a noise create a disturbance raise 
a h»e and cry 

rol'na v.T. roll gather up thus ' 

make much money 


rom n.m. small hair of body down 

I V . rom, foro'ma n.m. Rome ^ faro man n.m. 
f * Roman n.f. Roman script Urdu 
written in Roman script i*dy/Q$jro'man kai'tktlik 
adj. & n.m. Roman Catholic (E] 

. room n.m. Asia Minor Byzantine 

Empire Ottoman Caliphate (arch.) 
Turkey tfjjroo'mi adj. & n.m, Roman 
Turk Turkish [A~E Rome] 

.1 ) roomin' n.m.. Romance fojj'rooma'ni adj. 
w*' romantic L Z?l>jroomaniy'yat (or rooms' ntyai) 
n.f. R omant icism ci roomamy jal- pas <tiid‘ 

n.m. & .adj. Romantic (fj^izstfroomini/yat- 
pa sail’d* n.f. romanticism [E] 

I * . tops v.t. & t. weep cry mourn 
, gr.ieve Vj jjro dt'ai v.i. burst into tears 

\vlj*»\>)£sijro pit' (or dho' or ro‘) kar ~ adv. 
with great difhcult after weeping 'rtstyiro'nt 
too' rat n.m. (person with) sad countenance 

kill-joy Cg£i ro'na pit’nd, Ijsj&ro'na dho'na v. 

cry. weep bitterly mourn n.m. fuss 
ro'na ro'na v.i. relate (one's) tale of woe «j 
roni sural adj. of a sad countenance . about to 
weep \P[i>rohak's& (dial. leljjro'o'ia&ljjro'M'sa) 
adj. {v. i^ltjrohab'si dial tfbj ‘^tjj feeling 
lik* trying 


* J rauhd n.f. patrol round | ~E round 

CORR. ] 

Ujj rauhd'na v.t. trample tread under foot 
Ipjijjrauii'dan trample bTi/yuM ratin' dan men 
arts v.r. be trampled 

«,* jfairiii'dah n.m. (pl .tf/foravin'dagan) one 
who goes [P - gJSS/ go] 

-A .rau'naq n.f fkiurishing state being 

*** crowded (of market) being busy 
being in full swing freshness bloom 
splendour pomp and showtfij yitfjjrau'naq 
afroi' ho'na v.i. (euph.) grace the occasion 
arrive sit rau'naq-vala, ^Jjj^pur-rau’naq 

adj. busy well-attended full of activity 
flourishing blooming fresh- splendid 
successful [P] 

. raitg'.ia n.m. small hair 

* of body fine wool 

te kka're ho'na v.i 
(of hair) stand on end (front fear 
or cold) ; feel jittrey 

ravan naf ’- tV raoan'na n.m. errand boy 
pass octroi permit [P~ XwCORR.) 
IdftJJ rohaftsa adj. (f. ff^^sjrohsit’si) ( see under 

fv ★; 

&*f}J roo'hat n.f. freshness 

n.f. a kind of fish 
corners of eyelids 

j/lj roo"edad,j!/s$roo’tdad' N.F. 
, ( sarae as N - F ★) 

'I . j roo”l n.f. cotton cotton wool 
** roo"t tom'na v.t. comb cotton with the 
hand jtjfojroo"i-dar' adj stuffed with cotton 
( f oo"i dkunak'nA (or dhitn'ns) v.i. 
card cotton too”i ka ga'la n m. cotton 

flake something while and soft 
roo"i ka not meh ikons' na v.i. turn a deaf ear (to) 
roo"e n.m. (construct form of jj too n.m.-A) 

J *' ro’i'dagi n.m. vegetation plant 
m ^ growth [P -fi^Xjgrow ] 

ro'ya (or ro"') n.m dream vision 

•* J J roya'-e sa'diqah n.m. true dream 
la' blr-itr-ro"ya n.f. interpretation of 
dreams [A ~ foll.] 

ro'yat (or re"-) n.m. f 
sighting ob- 
servation ro'yat- e-htlal' 

n.m. sighting of new moon 

ramy'yat n.f consideration 
thought |A doublet of tou. ) 

MjJ isoiy'yah N.M. 


behaviour {A} 

pj rah n.f. (same as eJ n.f. it)y^ J rah'-bar n.m. 

l^jrah'-zan h.h. rch'-gu'zar N.F. Irfj 
rah'-nSms' n.m. (Jjfj rah' -rrQ moon' N .M. jjJ/jrah'- 
nauar'd n.m. jljrjfah-var' n.m (sec under tb 
n.f. it) 

I rahu adj. released liberated freed 
^ disengaged \if\j rrha' kar'n a v.t. 
release free set at liberty ; liberate dis- 
engage Hjf^jreha' ho'na v.l. be re (based be 

set at liberty be liberated be disengaged 
"l}\jrrha'’i n.f. it) 

ra'ha sa'ha adj. (see under Vfj v.l. it) 

rot, ° na V T - have (millstone, etc.) roughen- 

4^1 reha‘'Uh n.f. ^ residence stay 
\J fJ abode Vjfaoffitjre/ia" ish ikhti'yar kar'na 
v.l. take up abode C^lp^/reha'ish rakh'na v.l, 
stay [pseudo* P - LfJ ] 

I reha' i n.f, release liberation dis- 
l/I' charge acquittal Ci‘^iJri’hs”i frC'rs v.i. 

be released be set free ; be set al liberty 
be discharged ; be acquitted (V/lkt’k) l/S&U 
reha ’i dena (or ’eta kar'tfS) v.t. release ; set 
free P it reha] 

„ ». rahba'myat n.f. monkey ; monastic life as 
an institution (A] 

reh'ban' n.m. pl. (see under n.m. 

hat n.m. Persian wheel (rare) conti 
tVnuity(usu inJU^si^ru'/M} lags im v.i. pay 
frequent visits (fijraih'li n.f. small Persian 
wheel routine instalment ’oih'fl 

ba futk' no v.t. set up a routine settle instal- 

ment Vtftfjraih' fi { ha!o' no v.i. tell on instal- 

t rP raih'stt.r (same as(/ir«r n.f. it) 


rai'hakla N.M. a kind of small cannon 


n.m. mortagee’s repledging of property (A) 

taih’n saih'n tiM. (see under tsvv.l. ★ 

rrA’« (ped. rah'ri) n.m, mortgage; pledge (j , !r tip 
teh'n-e ora'll n.m. land mortage (f&itfj 
reh'n-e intifa'i NM. a profitable mortgage 
rek'n ba-qab'zah, J^bi^reh'n^ bil-qab'z ' n.m, 
mortgage with possession *+flbtfjreh'n bi-la' 
qab'zah n.m. mortgage without possession 
jlydftnh'n-dir n.m. mortgagetVjt f(&jcfireh'n (se) 
(Jjhitra'rta v.t. redeem v/jftfjTth'n rakk'na v.l. 
mortgage pledge reh’n-na' mah n.m. mort- 

gage deed c{dU>'f<>k’k-e reh'n, iJfjak' k-ir-tth’n 
n.m. redemption mortgage dai reh'n 

raih'na v.i. live reside dwell stay 

remain last fare adv. continue 

(to do or doing) ; go on (doing) (for em- 
phasis) dlo^jraih'tr adv. in the presence of 
during his life-time under his very nose 
rraih'le raih'le adv. through continued 

stay through unchecked deteriorationcyrb'>(jj5 
raih'li duties tak adv. for ever ; ever and anon 
iirtj raih' ja'rt a v.i. stay behind be left 
undone be omitted miss be fatigued ; 
be tired be exhausted become useless 

grow too old and weak ( raih ratA kar 
(or ke) adv. repeatedly time arid again 
raih'ne de'na v.i. leave aside ; leave alone 
let remain permit to stay raih'n saik'n 

n.m. mode of life {home sbak ra'he 

mm' all ah' hi ph. vanity of vanties ail is vanity 
| a rahvar' ,jtyjmh'oar n.m. (see underpliN.r. 

^Ijtahin n.m. (rare) mortgaged pref." under 
** t ratin' n-t min' not adj. under obligation 
(to) ; obliged (to) indebted (to) [A - c£») 
ro’atS' N.M. (PL. ~ SING. <//*) 

•, ra’oof (occ. spelt as^^xjADj. very kind n.m. 
the Merciful (as attribute of God) (A - 

,\,ra' i n.f, churning staff LjtqjJjra' i chain' nn 
v.i. chum 

t j/‘ra’is' n.m. (PL M/jra’asa’) rich person 
landlord magnate chief ; head (of 
department) [A] 

^ J_ rt n.m. second note of national gamut ; int 
oh hallo dear dear what you 


i riya n.m. hyprocrisy pretence dis- 

ZT simulation showv Up riya -kar' n.m. & adj. 

hypocrite pretender dissembler decit- 
ful (person) ZljtfUriyd'-kara'nah ADJ. & adv. 
hypocritical (by) tfjV'Lj riya'-kdri n.f. hypo- 
cricy pretence dissimulation show 
riya”i adj. hypocritical [A] 

W riyah' n.m. PL. ( ~ sing. £*/N. r it) 

riya' sal n.f. State princely State 
being a big landlord being very riel 
ways of the rich tffyfcv'tf'tL.&'ljriya' sat be 
sty a sat na'hih chal'ti prov. policy (or penaliza- 
tion) is the mainstay of the ship of State 



‘n. riyae' n.m. (pl. ci^ferau' Zfihy, gardens 

^'ir (sing.) 'in- music) practice (esp. as a 
profcssional)«5^;#^£.iaCN.F. physical e Per- 

cies austerity*' drtil mystic exercise 
riya'zat kar'na v.i. perform mystic exercise 
riya'zati adj. devoting much attention to 
mystic exercises [A] 

"f. riy&‘& n.m. mathematics science of 
C? .."'numbers, etc. including . music cfb(f*b J 
riya'zi-dan n.m. mathematician |A] 

. raib n.m. (rare) doubt u^jiila-raih' adv. 
doubtless ; certainly [A] 

^j£j,jtipab'lik n.f. republic [£] 

* ril n.f. custom rile observance 

fashion manners habit rds'ni 
N.r. manners and customs 

ntf n.f. Cii re'ia,Z£j re'tah n.m. sand 
‘■'V' iPjret'Ia Adj. (F.jf'jrel'li) sandy t ’>j 
ret' mi v.t. rasp ; file ^ re' it n.f. file 
sandy beach sand stretch (usu. 
along river) 

J&i ret n.m. rate fE1 »j 

*• ■ 

>i'.ika n.m. soap-wort ; soapnut-; soappod 

!• j^'rijh.'na v.i. have a desire to possess 

fall (for) incline (to) . find oneself 
in love (with) 

fichh n.m. bear 

‘s'" rih n.f. (pl .frljtiyah') air 
C/J wind flatulence fart. t <&■ 
fj>,rlh‘ kd dat'd n.m. gout; rheu- 
matism if-J rt' hi adj. windy of wind 


> nrft, tfjufjfrjTiTk k’thadtSi n.f. 

P/Jbamx. backbone (of) 

, n>Z sup. shedding pouring vraVL-i 
scattering n.f. chirp a kind of 
land rtz' kar'nil V.i. chirp together 

blandish n.f. cold catarrh 

scattering flowing in small quanti- 
ties Ijifyjre'zish ho'na v.i. run at the nose 
ij/i-JJ rez-gafi n.p. change; small coins |P~ 

Si'. . , ... , 

•> j .re z<ir n.m. ra.J,orjSJ(y~ sej u re tar n.m. 

riya/i n.f. flatulence n.f. pl. winds [A]- 

raikari n.m. sweet basif W£jf7tiikh'm-r 
C'\S raihdn n.m. its seed used as drug ; ‘ocimum 
pelosum’ seed 

fcU, rtkh n.f. fissure part of gums within 

-Zg' rfkh'lah n.m. (arch.) Urdu (arch.) 
‘pucca wall or house (arch.) plaster Af>|. 
scattered fallen apart^j&z nkh'la-go n.m. 

tekh' td-go'yitti) Urdu nkh‘ti 

n.f. (arch.) women’s idiom in Urdu verse 
composed in it [P] 

*' yan S ‘™ & Al>l R <1 ,ni,ian ^ 

**,, xp red'-kards n.m. Red Cross 


eb rr'diyam n.m. radium IE] 

&J ,J - 

** t> re'diyb n.m. radio aOJ. radio 
rediya'i adj. radio [E] 

afety razor [E] 

. re'zah n.m. crumb bit piece scrap 
0^>'Apj. slttiful minute.^^^J re'zfi-fhi'ni 
N.f. picking up of crumbs plagiarize 
draw inspiration (from) t yj re za re'zah adj. 
in piece broken to pieces battered 

J. ris N.F. emulation Ll/l/^jris' kar'na v.i. 
W~ J emulate vie iwith) 

t res n.f. race res' ka gho'ra n.m. race 

res' ka maidan Ujfifj res kor's 
n.m. race course I®] . 

j jLJraisioraittf (^jjfcirais'toran n.m. restaU- 
ram j E) 

^j^J^ris'wah m.F. rope cord thread [FJ 

** V * 

rtsh n.f. beard n.m. (joe.) long- 
CC^hcarded (persoh) rish'k’h/iiid n.m. 

ridicule laughtef for ridicuJi [Pj 
lUre'sham n.m. silk^fCjresli'ntt of ted. rt sham) 
ft* <^(arch. rtshamih) adj. silk ; silken |P] 
4. re' shah (or n-) n.m. fibre string (of 
mango, etc.) vein (of leaf, etc.) 
re' shah khat'mi ho'nd v.i. (vul.) fall for 

be pleased jkigOre'sha-dar adj. fibrous 

stringy jf - he-re’s ah ADJ. fibre less 
stri ngless Tf sha-dava 'nl n.f. inirigiin 

mischief-making [Pl 

. . rai'nn' (pcd. ray a' an' n.m. beginning (of) 


. rif n.f. sub- montane region (esp. ot North 
Africa) [A| 

* - rijar'm n.f. reformy'fjOry at'- 

mar n.m. reformer^* |jb» if dr' - 
me. n.m. pl. reforms [E] 

> >*y ri/ryre' refrigerator 
SsZ/Z'* fridge [E] 

• 40 

> i y rikar'd ».•». record 
9J rikar'd lor' ns v.t. break the 
record ; better the record [E] 
^J^rai'kat n.m. racket [EJ 


kba'K.r. (dial.) lines onpaliu 

f ttg n.f. (lit.) sandt'tik^C rt'g-r rovati N.Fv 
dufting sands Jtfrj reg’mzl n.m. sandpaper 
(?{l£jTr'g-tiia'hi n.f. skink dried skink 
(used as drug) jtj£ireg'-zar*M. desert- ; sandy 
tract re'gisISn N.M. desert lage sandy 

L-rel m.f. -railway train 
V£ railwayjJ^fc reV-ga'ri H.f. rai^ ^aBsS^p— 
way train Jl£jreV-tnt n i N.M. 

(dial:) railwayman ; railway 
employee Juni'tft n.m. rail- 
way < railroad railway department [E] 
kyd K.t. real spool bobbin- [Ej 

rtl'n a v.i. (of crowd) ruch push for- 

V* ward sally forth Jfcj re7a m.m. push (of 
crowd) rush sally sortie torrent 

flood (of pnfie) (jjit Jo rel’ pel n . f . crowd 

large numbers plenty’ (of) ; abundance (of) 
j^/fXsr w.r. pus ; matter [P] 

N.r. ream [E] 

(•» n ; ( 

rimti’knM. nrtwkV/Zr^Jjbj rimar'k 
pas'- kar »3 pass a remark quip [E] 
X| . rimafuf' n.m. remand VjjtUjriniahd’ lent 
v.i, (of police) get (accused) remanded to 
police custody) [E] 

j . rain n.f. (dial, j night .Jgfrfj rain' bast'ra 
Ifjl. night's halt night lodge rti'irf 
ADJ. pet (bird) chirping at night [S] 
ih rntfk N.f. snot ; snivel 

.. j, re *' re * (or rt*' r»A) m.p. (child’s) whining 
rf * kar'na v.i, whine 

, . rikdh'na v.i. cook (used only with t't^as) 

CeuyCtJ {taka' na rihdh’na .T. & i. do the 
cooking ’ 

reindeer j EJ 

rtjtk'na v. . (of ass) bray 
rlig'ia v.i. creep ; crawl 

J> . re' Mr m.m flock of (goats) 

re'vari (or rryo'ri) n.f. sweet 
cracker ri ** M* r ’ 

a'na V.t. land (oneself) in trouble : i|(| 

be involved in difficulties ^ 

• , re'vaftd n.m, rhubarb 
•^-tr re'mhd-e &w n.m. the Chinese 
rhubarb . 

* , rai'veniyoo n,m. revenue ^yjj rai'veniyo* 
aj'sar n.m. Revenue Assistant* (EJ 1 
yyj ric/yoo' n.m.. review periodica] [El 

riynh' n.m. lung [AJ 
i, uh n.f. -Fuller’s earth 

r > § 


•*re fifteenth letter of Urdu alphabet (also 
■^called Ta’-e hth'di) never used as an initial 
sound in any word in Urdu or any other known 
language of the world (in jummal reckoning) 
(equivalent to) 200 

\ J | 


•j* sixteenth letter of Urdu alphabet (also 
J called ta me jamah or atf'-* manqoo'tah ) 
equivalent to English z) (in jummal reckon- 
ing) seven 

fza suf. born of ; offspring of ; scion of 
^giving birth its giving rise to (P~ &j0’] 

~ hzaj n.m copper sulphate; vitrioUSsxij 
& * ga’j-e sijed' n.m. alum [PJ ** 

I , • gad n.m. provisions victuals ei/jlia'd-e 
J ■* raA'.yk'VJ s#V-r sa'/or N.M. provisions for 
journey [A 

f / •&d n.m. birth suf. born of; offspring of 
{Jtjdi .ad-boom n.m. birthplace native 

land tjlJz&'dah suf. born of ) son of ifjfcg’it 
suf. born of daughter of [P ~ &fj\ 

N U - Czar f E ~ R~ L] 

y ,**ar adj. afflicted aggrieves wound- 

J’Jcd adv. (weeping) bitterly suf. place 
abounding in (something) Ajjfjair’ 
za’r-o-qatar' adv . (weep) bitterly 


Ml j tubin' ’dafli N.F. command of the language 
y } j\,j zubait -darac' (col. -ban-) adj. impud- 
ent abuswe^j^rfpyezuban'-dara Zi N.F. irT1 
pudencc use of abusive language ; abusing 
K/(fjl*ctp ZUbsn'-darBZi kar'na (col. -ban-) v.i. 
be impudent ' abuse; swear at Cuban dt na 
v.t. promise ; give one’s word Z&baii - 

ca'd-e khola'iq adj. talk or the town open 
secret scandal zubah’-zad ho’na v.i. 

be the talk of the town be an open secret 
j Cuban' sambhal' kar v.i. carefully 
not irresponsibly zubari sambkal'na v.i. 
hold one’s tongue not to talk irresponsibly 

O’&z-^tjcuban' se nikal'na v t. speak utter 
pronounce P^^jljzuban' se ni'kalna v.i. 
escape one’s lips be blurted out ./£ 

•uban' se khah'daq par ph. brag lip service 

Cz’tflj Cuban si'na v.t. & I. be tongue-tied 

keep silent tf^fljzuba'n-e sham " N.F. flame 
Ij Cuban' qaitichi si ehal'na v.i. talk 
fast be talkative IjjbfKybj cuban’ ka pho'ra n.m 
foul-mouthed (person) l^fytjzuban' kat'na v.t. 
interrupt (someone’s) speech zuban ka 

chas’ka n.m. sweet tooth childish fondness 
for tasty things waste of money on tasty foods 
IfCVyi/j zuban’ ka mi'tka n.m. honey-tongued ; 
soft-spoken Cuban' kat'na v.i. be penalized 

for speaking out zuban' kar'na v.t.^ pro- 
mise ; give one’s word of honour 
Cuban' ko lagam' de'na v.t & i. hold one’s 
tongue retrain from talking irresponsibly 
jzuban' ko lagam’ no ho'na v.i. talk 
irresponsibly Oj*(])\‘jzuban‘' khulvana v.i. force 
to do some plain speaking Oj^jljcuban' khot'na 
v.i. speak out give tit for tat 
Cuban’ (gud’di st) khtftcb’na v t. penalize by ex- 
tirpating the tongue zuban’ kt chat - 

khare le’na V.I. smack the lips relish 
enjoy J someone’s command of idiomatic language 
Ciiban’ gkts’ja na v.i. (iron.) be fatigued 
with speaking ft tUban' loT ho’na v.i. be 

tongue tied Zibari larkbara’na v.i. falter; 

speak in a faltering voice Cuban’ tmla’na 
v.i. give rejoinder Cuban’ muth met 

rakk'n a v.i. be able to speak V%£-lfl£yljzubari 
mthkak’u par'tia v.i. be very thirsty (of 
tongue) be furred Cltfyfauban' nika/'na v.t & i 
pull out (someone’s) tongue be impudent 
I’jlf jp cljv Z&ban ni'kol par'n a v.i. be very thirsty 
tActi'&ton har'na v.i. promise give one’s 
word of honour lUf^tJcuban' hila'na v.i say 

at least a few words speak open one * 
mouth K ha {hi 

par charks’'t, Caban hi sir. kita 'e prov thr 

tongue talks at the cost of the head < one s 
speech determines one’s weed 
shi’rifi mu/’k-gi’ri prov. soft words have victor's 
rewaid J^^j^ubafioh (or zobci ruih) N.M. tongue* 
of flame gsjlj cuban na- e sham’’ N.M. flame of 
candle ‘^tjcuba'ni (or cabani) adj. verbal ; 
oral traditional adv by word of mouth ; 
verbally cuba'm untehan' n.m. oral 

examination ; "oral test ‘viva vocc'g.j’jf jt; 

Cuban i jam” khar'ch n.m ; mere words ; all talk 
and no substance t^L^j^Jzuba'ni hi sab' n.m. 
mental arithmetic [P] 

. cub'dah n.m. cream : butter cream 
(of) ; best (of) {J^i^Jcub'dat-ul-hukama’ 
n.m. choicest practitioner of indigenous medi- 
cal system this as a diploma [A] 

• za'bar n.m. the vowel point ‘zabar’ 
point pref. hjgh top victoriou> 
CS } /j za'bar -das' t adj. strong powerful . 
v igorous oppressive; tyrannical n.m. superior 
strong man tyrant^u'^f f IPlir''jj(jca'bar-das'l 
ka thiii'ga sir' par prov. everyone feels the strong 
man’s i\wxmhdJ.s^j) t £dk&s')/j7A'bar-das't ma re 
out rone na dc prov. the tyrant won’t even let 
you cry ca bar-das’ ti n.f. tyranny ; op- 

pression violence adv. forcefully ^^ijpea bar- 
das’ ti se adv. . forcefully violently high- 
handedly I'j'J^/Jza’ bar-das’ ti kar’na v.l. show 
h>gh-handedness [A] 

' * zabar’j ad n.m. topaz . jasper ; beryl 

chrysolite ; olivine [A] 

j .i zi-bas adv. (same as i/jl) (see under >1 
PREF. ■*) [P] 

, • caboor’ n.f (pt.^jcu’bur) Psalms of 
David ; Psalms [A]' 

• caboon adj. weak 
ou evil disgraced 
fyjjj zaboo’hi n.f. weakness 
evil disgrace ; bad condition 
b. zatal’ n.f 


helpless bar! 
bad (condition) 
ruin |P] 
quibDle adj 

L « 4«tui i>.» iiuiwviiffv tfutwuiv. m/j 

J * nonsense . silly jljrj’catal’-bac adj. (one) 
.ho talks nonsense q uibbler f LPfl j bUjC’-idfal ’ 

.^r’ns Zap b rt7i\ t tnllr tlnnCrntiF* 

mar na (or kahk’na) v.t. talk nonsense 
quibble (fj cauil'li n.m. & ad|. (otic) who tells 
false and idle stones ; idle talkei 

Z*jaj’ n.m. glass glass splinter 
glassware (Aj 

<? " cajjaj «,«. manufacturer of or dealer ir 

it glassware (A - prec.) 

glass flask 





zaj r N r scolding reproof 
zaj'r-n taubikh' n.m scolding re- 

proof (A) 

* Z>d adj: (at chess) mate driven 10 

the straits , driven to the wall l'jQ,jzid 
kar'ns v.t. (at chess) mate harass drive 

to the straits I’/j&jzid' ho’its v.t. (at che,ss) 
be mated he harassed be vexed 

■ • zad'dah h.f. woman with a recent de- 
livery; lying-in woman ^ fej zad'da-kha’- 
nah n.m. maternity home ; maternity centre 

zad'dagi h.f. maternity %'j zach'cha-o bad'- 
dab n.m. pl. mother and baby (Jitf&zad'da- 
gi'rijHM n.f. songs sung before lying-in wo- 
man (PJ 

*.zthsf n.m. (pl £>b\rJzthafst') metrical 
‘“'^variation [A] 

zo’bal n.m. Saturn [A] 

** 'fcZ-aN mat (or zaih'-) n.f. 

ccnvenience hardship l’&l£*?jzah‘mat 

trouble ; in- 


uths’ns v.t. take the trouble (of) undergo 
hardship tyctfjzalf'mat he' ns v.i. be put to 
inconvenience have to undergo hardship [A] 

.* • za khkh sr ' adj. (of sea) raging ; tumul- 

tous overflowing full to the 
brim [A] 

zakh'm n.m. wound^. gash ; sore 
\ * loss harm ; .damage zakh'm s' ns v.t. 
be wounded bj/r/ffj zakh'm bhar'.js'ns v.t. (of 
wound) heal up /- l<j/A)fjzskh'm (or 

zakh’mqti ) par na'mak dhi'rakns v.t. touch (some- 
one) on a sore place zakh'm pak'na v.t. 
suppurate zakh'm dr' ns v.t. injure 

cause grievous loss (fjtffjzakh'm-e ksn,r%\fjoka'$ 
Zakh'm n.m. mortal wound fatal blow Vjfj 
zakh'm kar'ns v.t. injure ; wound l* l f^jzakh'm 
kks'ns v.t. sustain an injury : be wounded 
zakh'm ha’rs ho’ ns ,v.i. (of wound, 
memory of lou) recrudesce (fjzakh'mi n m. 
wounded person casualty adj. injured 
wounded hurt. VjffJzakh'rr& kar'ns v.t. in- 

jure : wound Vj[(f2zakh'm i ho' ns v.i. be wound- 


• . zafch'mab n m. plectrum JjJ’jzakh'ma-var 
n.m. musician [P) 

* zad n.f. range target attack 
blow ; hit : stroke loss effect suff. 
beating tyj^jigaa par ho' ns v.i. be within range 
(of) fy/jzad' par'na v.i. suffer a loss be 
adversely affected (by) J^fjjk I zad' me* adv. 



within range of *ff)t'jza d-o-kob' N.f. beating 
thrashing manhandling l za d-o-kob' 
kar’ns v.t. manhandle adj. wornout weak 
wretched [P -^rjbeat] 

• zar n.m gold money wealth; riches 
J* pollen ifijJza r-e as' l, jjtfas'l zar n.m. 
principal ; basic amount on which interest is 
leviable J&jjza'r-afshsh' (j&j zar' -ft shat adj. 
golden polliniferous Csi[i'jza'r-t sms' not n.m. 
deposit money VjJzar-bsf n m. (coi.tibffjjga'ri 
haf) gold-lace worker tissue-weaver j 
Zar-bs'fi n.f. {co\.’i}iJjjza'rl-bs‘fi gold-lace 
_l t, tissue-weaving C^jjzar-baf't n.m. bro- 
l)jfj>(J'jjzar' bal na zar' bal ph. neither pelf 
nor power ,iU<Jc<j'r-e bai s'nah n.m earnest money 
(f~£jJZa'r-t pesh'gt (ped. -pe'sha-) n.m. advance 
money>^>v zar’-khartd' adj. self-purchased^./* 
zar-kfuz’ adj. fertile (gjpjzar-khe'zi n.f. fertility 
j Ijjj zar'-dsr' adj. rich ; wealthy ; opulent^b/ 
zar-ds'rl n.f. opulence jjs jj zar-doz’ n.m. gold 
embroiderer (fJjjjj zar-do'zi n.f. gold embroidery 
l ajjza 'r-e za trim, zar' -t zams'nat n.f. 

surety money zar'-kash adj. excessively fond 
of money-making n.m. brocade (f^jjzar’ ka'shi 
n.f. excessive fondness for money making n.m. 
brocade- work j C/jJ zar-kansr' adj. gilt-edged*^.* 
zar-kob' n.m. gold hesier^/jjzar-ko'bi n.f. gold- 
beating Jjj zar' -gar n.f. 'goldsmith (fj/izar'-gari 
n.f. goldsmith’s trade $jiza'r-t gal n.m. pollen 
(j\&jjza'r-e lagan' n.m. land revenue MfjsZfi’r-t 
mubs'dalah n.m. exchange discount ^Uo^jza’r-r 
mils' labah n.m. claims dues debts 
demands J > jU'/jza' r-e mo's'vazah n.m. compensa- 
tion ; indemnity Q^fJza’r-e mans' Ja' n.m. profits;, 
net income jil/jza'r-t naq'd n.m. cash ; ready 
money j &/j zar-nigsr’ adj. gilt ; guilded 
zar-nigs'rt n.f. gilding; gold plating (f/jza'n n.f. 

gold lace tissue; brocade (fkJJza'r-e jsf'tarii 

n.f. outstanding amounts (s) gfj} zar 'rib adj. gold; 
golden j/'tSm'U&'i zar tth, t/U^zar’rUt margh 
adj. (fig”) suDf&Jjgfyjzar'rlk mau'qt' (or uml 
but wrongly • mau’qa ) n.m. golden opportunity 
zari'nah (wrong col. F. of tJjj) adj. golden [P] 
^4, • zirs’at n.m. agricultural tillage 
cultivation J-£gjj)Jzirs"at-pe'shah n.m. 
agricultunst cultivator ; peasant 
ifjj zar 'i agricultural [A] 

£ljJ N ' M * gira ^ f W 

^ Zarrs'qi N. r hypocrisy {A -J/J J 


\ tar tush' t (or zara~) N.M. 

2oro&sltrJ~*siwrlUrti’n tf~fjjzar-ditfi' ti 
n.h. & Zoroastrian [P] 

• zar’d adj. ye How pale : wan doll 

discoloured j/b/jJtar’d-a'loo n.m. apricot 
(tyjT&Vfajjzat'd par'nz (or ho ja'tia) V.I. be 
discoloured be enfeebled ; become weak 
turn pale: grow ^pallid <~'g)jjzat'dtbob n.f. 
(arch.) turmeric zar'd xahg’ n.m. yellow 
colour adj. pale ; wan weak terror- 
stricken jjjjjzar'd-roo' adj. pale ; wan 
weak terror-tricken jfcjjzar'dak n.f. (lit.) 

camjt ejjJZar'dah n.m. yellow dish of sweet 
rice chewing tobacco tffjj zar dl n.m. 
yellowness paleness yolk pollen 

lar'dl cfihana v.i. look pale [PI 
,, • zar'* n.m. (rare) agricultural tilling 

sowing J"jJzar' l i n.m. agricultural : 
agrarian^/^vVar"! <j7af' N.m. Pt. agricultural 
-implements 'f&bfjjjzar' ’f islahdt' n.m. pl. aparian 
reformst-'JpJ^&J^r'*! inqilab’ n.m. agricultural 
revolut ion £&ffijjzar ,r \ na'l'shtil n.f. agricul- 
tural economy agronomy {A) 
fa zaf’ghal adj. worthless. 

•• «• • iar’qbar'q adj. splendid glitter- 

ed 0" ing gaudy tawdry [A j 
W; » Zarrnkh' n.f. arsenic sulphurate ; a poiso- 
nous drug (A ~ P] 

a jtf'rth (col. zi'rah) h.f. chain armou irJZftJj 
9JJ (i'reh-bak'iar n.m. armou rj%fejJzi'reh-po.d$ 
m m. & adj. (one) clad in armour [P] 

Zir n.f. persistent repetition obsession 
(tyijWJzir' lag'na (or ho’na) v.i. insist 
repeat persistently have an obsession 
SyVth't adj. ^ ugly hideous repulsive; 
revolting jhs^’zish' t-khoo adj. of re- 
pulsive ill-disposed harsh malicious 
lifiZ+'hiish' t-khoQ ‘ ’I n.f. ' repulsive habits 
harshneu malicei*s^isV/-r 0 o' adj. ugly; 
ungainly repulsive to sight ; hideous^^’ 
Osh'broo'' I N.F. Ugliness hideousness ‘if'J 
vsh’it suv— ugliness repulyveness evil 
malice [P] 

*< i^zd’/aran' N.F. saffron j l j (! )&jza‘'fa, aiKar' 
iJ^»K^iy’JZa'faran’ ka khtf n.m. saffron 
field ^ (fig.) place where one instinctively laughs 
ara'tA adj, saffron-coloured yellow 
n.m. yellow colour [A) 

P, zo l 'm (or Zo‘‘m) n.m. over-weening pride; 
f J vanity ; conceit over confidence pre- 
sumption conjecture [A) 

&»za‘lm’ n.m. prominent personality 
/% J leader chief t t’Jzo'ama' n.m. pl. 

prominent personalities leaders chief (A) 

Jlfj COa * ^ 

£ za'ghan n.f, (lit.) kite (the’biid) |P) 

zaqahd' n.f. leap : bound ijfJ>jzaqa*d' 
^ J bhar'na v.i. leap; bound S/'/i zaqetd’ 
n.f. a leap-back wards retrogression (PJ 

, . • zifaj' n.m. bride’s personal presenta- 
LfvJ tion of'hcrself-to groom consummation 
of marriage MZgSdm'b-t Zijaf n.f. night of the 
consummation of marriage [A] 

zafir' n.f. warning signal |A| 

L). zafil' n.f. whistle agnal for pigeons, (given 
by with fingers in mouth)(lvHjU^Kie«/il/' 
boja'na (or de'na) v.i. signal thus [ - A Face. 

zaqqoom' n.m. cactus (A] 

/ zak n.f. discomfiture reverse U * -fJj 
zak’ ufka’na v.i, suffer a reverse be 
discomfited (IL&b&i/j zak' dt’na (or pohBt&a'mi 
v.t.. discomfit defeat ; put to rout up- 
set the applecart lof) disgrace 

taka' N.f. 'picxy&jtfizaka'vat N.F. pro- 
v J~ bity piety [A) 
fa; Zikam' n.m. cold ; catarrh [A] 

-#Yj(orw|6) zflkat’ n.f. religious (ax as a 
** " J basic imfunction of Islam [A ~ K/J 
l. za'ki n.m. (pl. *Jfj\ azkiya') pu>us person 
OJ adj. pure ; pious' ; virtuous jfj iak\j'-jak 
n.f. pious woman adj. pious [A ~ J£] 
i .1 ♦ zalal' adj. (of water) dear and sweet , 
(JvJ wholesome ; limped n.m. (aboj4s«-'Ja'*-r 
zulal') clear and sweet water [A] 

/ / • zal'zdah n.m. (vL.fJjtlJzala'zif) earth 
/Jj'J quake; earth tremor; quake U~J'Mz*rzai*~ 
pdtha' n.m. seismometer seismograph 
seismoscope [A) , .. 

* <• zSt'f n.f. (fl. iJJjzqrf-ha) lock ; tress 
1-^rJ curl ; ringlet Pirt’Aa* 

n.f. dishevelled locks ; flowing hair^ fattlzATJ-* 
lah-dar ’ n.f. ringlets j curls ; glossy locks^njsb* 
zul'f-e daraz' n.f. long locks rjrfxfluA'zUi’f-t 
'am' barik- (or mo 1 am' bar) n.f. perfumed locks , 
tresses scented with ambergris [PJ 
ai • zul’fi n.m. (arch.) door-fastening chain, 
O ^ sword knot [ - P prec] 




Jj lal'lah n.m. leavings of food crumbs 
(jl’/ltj Vfjjzal' la-riba (or -bar-dar') n.m. & adj. 
(one) who rats crumbs from (someone’s) table 
plagiarist stooge (of) one indebted (to) 
fyjJjzal'la-rUba n l n.f. eating crumbs from 
the table (of) being indebted (to) [A] 

• Zfimam' n.f. (pi yj\azim'mah) rein 

[ bridle jZPSiJzama'm-e iqlidar' n.f. reins of 
power [A] 

, zamnri n.m, (p V. I az’minah) timefcllrfc' J 
CJ»J zama' n-o-makari (or -makat') n.m. time and 
space (A] 

, i • zama'nah n.m. (pl. az'minah) age; period; 
tfmJ epoch ; era time; times world 
zama'nah dekk’na v.i. have experience see 
the way of the world lj$UPjkljzama’nah de'kka 
hi' ‘a' adj. very experienced (person) vete- 

ran jlskljzama'na-saz adj. & n.m. time server 
turn-coat unprincipled ( person) (jj <y‘ 
zama’na-sa'z} n.f. turning with the tide ; trim- 
ming one’s sails according to. the prevailing 
trind . trimming ty(jtfjM$t/klj&i)bhala't-e 
tarns' nah mo'a'Jiq (or sot gar’) ho'na v.i. have 
favourable circumstances 

• tamir’rad (rare, tamUr'md) n.m. emerald 
$r* rj>/j tamBr’ra^it adj. emerald ; of 
emerald colour studded with emeralds [P j 

• zMm'rah N.M. (n.y*J zB ’mar) group 

y* class ; category concourse' [A] . . v 

jf ’zam'tom n.m. sacred well in Mecca 

a’b-e zm'tflm n.m. zamzam water tfyj 
zom'zpnA n.f. small sealed container for zamzam 
vater [A] 

• zam’zmoh n.m. singing chanting 
^yj song chant jb^y/jtflm’ zama-pardaz'n.H. 

singer ; songster ; songstress chanter adj. 
& adv. singing chanting ’Cy}jb£y/jzam'- 

zama-pataz' ho'na v.i. sing chant [A] 

»»**>• Zauris’ tan n.m. winter [P] 

* • zd man n.m. (pl. JtJl az'minah) time 
C/ ' age [A] 

. zamharir' n.m. intense cold (also 
^/tJ ku'ra-t zamharir') atmospheric region ; 
intense cold [A] 

earnin' n.f. earth land ground, 
soil floor ; a region ; country 
cornin' asman’ ka far'q ph. work) of difference ; 
radicals difference tyjL-ii£($W(£Jzannri asman' 
kt qullabe mila'n a v.i. 'highly exaggerate 
zumb'-fos' ho'na v.i. kiss’ the ground; make a 
profound bow; (of building collapse wr(£/ Zar^. ;n 

baitk'na v.i. (of ground) have * fault sag 

pa" oh (or pai rot) 
la'lt se ni'kal ja’na V.i. jitter; feel jittery, be 
in a blue funk tamin' par 
pa 'oh na rakk’na (or na tik'na) v.i. be greatly 
elated strut about proudly or joyfully 
zamin pa'karna v.i. not to get up after fall 
j)lf V j>)i£tfjzamin.' pha'U aur sama' ja' l oot PH. I. 
am (or was) feeling much humiliated 
Zanut! pama"i n.f. land survey 
(par) na v.i. (of horse, etc.) 'increasingly 
gain skilly lecfj'zamt n-t kha'lisah n.m. Crown 
land jiCMjzamit'-dar n.m. landlord ; owner of 
large tracts of agrarian property yjjjpjzamik'- 
dar'ni n.f. landlord’s wife (£Jju£j zamih'-da'ri n.f 
estate being a landlord jjjfjrj’Jzanat'-doz! 
n.f. underground subterranean<i/>J;Jli£ t }£,’ 
zamin' dikk'na (or'na ) v.T. humiliate 
throw (adversary) down zonin' dekk'na 

v.i. eat the humble pie 
zamin' sakh't hai asman'' door int. alas, I find my- 
self helpless jjj%fe£Jzami‘n-e $bair-mazroo'‘ah n.f 
uncommandcd f land fyfcfjzamin' ka gaz n.m. 
traveller kha ga"i ya asman’ 

int. it is strange how it has' disappeared , where 
gone zamin' k I poo^k'na asman' ki 

kaih'navj. "talk irrelevantly dodge or fail 
to understand the question^yj^/' zarm'n-e 
marhoo'nah n.f mortgaged landyjjflgjzflnA' n* 
mazroo'‘ah n.f. cultivated land ; land under the 

ploughCl^cC^^i^-- ar m st zanan ' mefl 

jana ^.Msilrna're shar'm ke zamin' met 

gar' ja'na v.i. feerashamed ; be greatly humiljat- 
ed tbjftfjjojfcpaivati d-e zamit' ho' ja'na v.i. 
die * come” to dust be buried (of building; 

lie in ruins < fZjzaml'm adj. earthly; terrestrial 
ground [P] 

. » zan n.f. (pl. (jl'jza'nat) woman wife 

is * suf. beater striker doer player 

J z<m-e madkhoo'lah n.f. concubine>/^ 
zan-mtrid' n.m. & adj hen-pecked (husband) 
>5 rfc)jzfl'n-e monkoo'hah N.F. lawful wife^fjgan 
bach'ejiah^jjjza'n-o-farzatd' n.m. /one’s) 
family the entire family^J^ \,’jzana'-dio"i n.f 
marital relations adj. marital [P] 

zina’ n.m. adultery fornication 
v J extra-marital sexual relation* 
bil-jabr' n.m. rape ; ravishment ; violation 
zma'-kar' n.m. adulterer fornicator 
adultress fomicatres (fjtfi’jzina'-ka'ri n.f. 
adultery fornication illicit intercourse , 
1 extra-marital relations [A) 



• loot n.m. falsehood ; untruth dis- 
* * * simulation hypocrisy [A] 

* iot n.m. vigour power strength 


violence coercion stress 
authority adj, (arch.) strange ; 

wondrous^y^»>' r 'a&ia'na v.t. try ^om’s 
strength ; hive a trial of strength (withM VU/j 
lo’r-azma”i n.f. trial of strength I'ffcjfjjjio'r- 
aima”l kar'n a v.t. have a trial of strength (with) 
jyjjjio'r-a'var adj. strong ; powerful vigorous 
(SjiXtj&'r-tMrl (or -s-) n.f. power ; force 
to’r-e be! zoo n.m. power ^ij>j/j(^)(ap'ne) lo'r-t 
ba'loo se adv. by the (one) strength of arms 
by dint of hard work iitjjjzo'r pa'karna v.i. 
grow powerful CjfjjJio'r e^al'tis v.t. have in- 
fluence over jijjtjior-dar' adj. strong ; powerful; 
v igorous I ^tjijzflt' de'na v.t. stress press 
C^j/jjzordal'na v.t. force; bring pressure to 
bear (upon) se adv. loudly force- 

fully with force jyjjjzor' shot n.f. force i$jjj 
iot' laga'na v.i. to do one’s best to use 

influence l‘jl jjj iot' mat'nu v.i. endeavour ; 
try hard to strive; to toil foi/jAjba'ra lor' mar'na 
v.i. try one’s level bcstl/p/OMi* 0 ' rofi par ho'na 
v.i. be in full force (of river) be in spatc[ FJ 
!m * zau'raq n.m. small boat [A] 

. * ioof int. fi ej&fojjzoof' laf kar’na v.t, 


* * loofah n.m. hyssop [P] 

/9s J 

• Ith N.F. bow-string navel ojx udar'd-t 

"9 zch' n.m. pangs of birth 
I • ithar' n.m. private parts j)j£/moo'-e lehnr' 
n.m. pl. pubic hair 

i • zohhad' n.m. pi.u. pious persons 
'v* ascetics mystics [A~ siNg Jf!j\ 

• zoh’d n.m. asceticism abstinence ; 

continence mysticism [A] 
laih'r n.m. poison, venom baneful 
s[j thingjor influence >~'l/fjzaihr-ab' n.m. dilute 
poison ejjhpzaihr-aloo'd(ah) adj. poisoned 
baneful bJfjy/Jzaih'r u'galna v.i. spit venom 
taih'r-bad' n.m. quinsy j&fij zaih'rkhohd n.m. 
sardonic laughter forced laugh fypjiaih'r-dar 

adj. .poisonous venomous baneful 
taih'r-t qa'til, $i)tyZoih'r-e halahil n.m. deadly 
poison « 6 * zaih'r kki'na V.i. take poison 
commit or attempt sound tV 
laih'r ke (se) gkocobj" pi' no (or pi’ bar railt ja'na) 
v.i. have to put up with have to bear patiently 

zaih'r log na v.i. be hateful to Vj/^Jzmh'r 
mar' kat'na v.i. swallow reluctantly •yf/pjtmk'r- 
nwh'rahjn.u. bezoar (used as antidote to venom) 
l nirt bi'jha hi” a tlr’ n.m. poiso- 
nous arrow j^Jidhri' la adj. (f. loikfi'h) 
poisonous f venomous baneful spiteful 
malicious (P] 

• lahra adj. bright ; luminous .white 
blonde n.f. appellation of Hazrat 

Fatimah [A ~ n.yp'j ~ 

• zoh'rah hm. gall-bladder courage ; 
pXuzkFfeJto/pjzohirah ab ho'na v.i. feel jit- 
tery ; be terrified j IjSjfJioh'ra-gudai! adj. terrify- 
ing t/fj zoh’rah n f. Venus Aphrodite 

zoh ' ra-jathk' , dZtffJ zoh'ra-vash adj. exquisitely 
beautiful ; handsome (A] 

• zoh'rah n.m. freshness beauty sweet- 
Z/J * ness of voice ; melodiousness 

zaihri'la adj. (f» ijfrfj laihri'ti) (see under 

« ze’ht int. excellent ; wonderful C^Sjsit'h* 
qis’mat, i^sfif-Jzeh'e nasib' int. lucky 
N - M - ( rare ) social status A] 

~ , zija’dali (col. -y ad'll) n.f. increase 

excess high-handedness trans- 
gression of limits I’Jjjjfziya'dati kar'na v.i. 
show high-handedness exceed limits A 

i • liya'dah adj. more much excesuve 
additional adv. more much 

excessively in addition A t>J.&ADV.(lit, 
(same as ojI/ms], it Ojtj) nya'dal n.f. addition 
— .ziya'rat n.f. pilgrimage visit (to 
^Sjlj superior, etc.) privilege of seeing 

(someone) shi’ite shrine visit to it Vj&jlj 

ziya'rat kar'na v.i. perform aqjilgrimage 
visit (a superior, etc •flt'Crjljziya 'ral-gah n.m. 
pilgrim centre shrine tytZ'AJzija rat ho'na v.i. 
have the privilege of seeing someone [A] 

. • ziyafi' N M. loss detriment jVJbj 
lijaii'-kar' n.m. one incurring a loss loss- 
sustainer ; adj. loss-sustaining (fjVjjpzijnfi'-kd'rl 
n.f. sustaining a loss damaging tradesfPj] 

* zeb n.f. elegance ^adornment svf 
adorning looking Ian' kar'na 

v.t. wear ; put on, downCyw^jcei' de'na v.t. 
suit adorn* set off behave become 
be proper ej!lJ\ebi ti'dah -adj. becoming 

lovely bea.uUtu\ J/S-j if bih' dagi n.F.^ ^ ^love- 

liness : beauty grase propriety C/Khiyitb* 
H'nat n.f. adornment elegance j/Jze'ba 


PQj, graceful pretty , lovely : beautiful 
proper bc€oming(p-V/£«ia.'*isf! u.F. eleganee 
beauty adornment decoration JfUJ 
Ztba'im adj. daeorative ornament JU/ 
erba''% h.f. elegance beauty adornment 


\y*~j triV** n.m. zebra [E] 

&J** N.M. mercury [A] 

«a«Uwt' m.m. olive [A]. 

N.F. nonsense baseless storylOIJjCt 
efj' Bra'na v.l. talk nonsense 

• zaid km. common Arabic name used as 
a fictitious name jfj^jJzaid’ ‘am'r bak’r 
m.m. Tom, Dick and Harry {A] 

. • ztr m.m. vowel point ( ") transliterated as 
i adv. below pref. under Vjjljjze'r-c bar' 
kar'na v.T. put (someone) under obligation 
make (some-one) loot the bill over burden 
put (someone) in financial difficult) Ljfjl to 
lt'r-t bur' ho' hi v,i. be overburdened be in 

debt come under obligation^ \s\i\j} \t r-t ba'r-e 
thsan' ho’na n.f. come under obligation 
Zfr-ba'ii n.f. overburdening expenses 
indebtedness obligation j^/jzer'-bohd n.m. 
martingale fth^Szer'-pa'i M.F. (arch.) slippers 
j/jjzt'i-t tajdlt adj. under consideration*^ 
Ze’r-e lahqiqat' adj. under enquiry ijt^Jzt'r-f 
la/tuh' aDJ. under investigation sif/jztr-j&’mah 
N.M. drawers ; underwear^JVj zt'r-t him' sat 
adj. under custody * n.m. & adj. 
subordinate week or powerless (person) 

Ztr' kar'na V.T, overpower subdue defeat 
vanquishw^/*Vr-r lab ad\. numbling 
in undertones furtively CfL*tyzt'r-t lab kaih'na 
v.l. mumble mutter talk in undertones 
Wjts+JjjZt'r.1 lab mltikira'na v.i. smile furtively 
(jtyj Zt'r-rmash'q n.m. pad < to support paper iu 
writing adj.. understudy na'zar adj. 
adv. under reference under survenilanec 
under observation t/r/Jee’r-s nagih adj. &. 
aov. subjugated under control under 
the influence /of) jjjjjzt'r-a-za'bar adj. topsy- 
•ujvy # upside down disintegrated ruined 
’* ‘ ' '*zt'r-o-Zti’ bur kar'm v.T. 

turn topsy- 
turvy overturn disintegrate ruintj %sj»A 
Zi'r-o-za'bar ho'na v.i, be upset topsy-turvv 
t* ruined [P] 

yTOr M.p, treble ; sharpest note of a musical 
instrument lowest note ((jJJzi'r-o turn m.m. 

treble and bass low and high notes ups 
and down (of) [P] 

n'rak adj. wise, intelligent Shrewd 
perspicacious tfsj&'raki n.f. wisdom 
intelligence shrewdness perspicacity [P] 
.• zi rah n.m. cuminseed carrawav seed 
pollen ilstjj&rah sijah n.m. carraway 
xe&j&'tjj&rah si/ed' n.m. cuminseed 11] 

Jjj te'rth ADJ. (sec under Jjzf* adv. it) 


n.m. life existence dgibtfrzjlt’i 

Apv. the whole life ever ; alwa/t 
[P-O^l A . 

j*&n n.f. saddle t/^c fjzln ‘po£ 

Cv; n.m. saddlecloth housing 
jlsQjfj &n-saz n.m. saddler IP] 

,’zain n.m. grace elegance^ 

G/g beauty adornment 
zaia' khati n.m. name of a bogey [A] 
v^fli'nat n.f. grace elegance beauty 
adornment i^C^izi'nat pa'na v.i, be 
adorned be graced by! CvC^JJdTnat dt'na v.t. 

adorn grace [A«-prec.) 

• ’zi'/iuA n.m. staircase ; stair* ladder 
'll* step of ladder, etc. [PJ 
j^Jzin'bar adv. ('same asjl</Anv if) 

J • u'uur n.m. ornament dccoration^yjjl^ 

JSJjara’oo zt'oar n.m. gold (or silver) ornaments 
studded with jewels nm jj u t 

ungram ) pj,. jewellery • ornaments {PJ 

upaas ftoaos 

- g 

g A § 

» t rj 




seventeenth letter of Urdu alphabet (also 
called za-efti'risi of «'-» 'a'jtutd ) ; (equivalent 
to English zh) used basically in words of Persian 
extraction (in jummal reckoning held equiva- 
lent to j ) 7 

Z Azhozh’ n.m. nonsense obscenity 
(rare) Vjlfthazh'-kha adj, & n.m. (one) 
talking nonsense (one) talking obscenity 
idle-talken %tjl7ihazh-kh&"l n.f. idle talk 

obscene talk (PJ • 

| ll'’{ba'lah n.m. haiUCibJIjfha'Iarba'ri , 

* n.f. hailstorm l’jf(fjlJljzh*'M*'rl 
ho'na v.i. hail [P] j fa ffjapBb: 

• V .jXharf At)), deep penetrate wit 

ingt&GMZh«r‘f.nigsh' adj. A 


n.m. perspicacious if^'ifjJzhar'J'Mga'b n.f. 
denth of vision penetrating perspicacity fP] 
,^zhatd,jjtatd n.f. Old Persian (also 
(C'tljjzhato' d-avis'ta) Zoroastrian scriptures 
with their official exegesis sXiZhatiah, jt/zharui 
n.m. rags adj. old; wornout mumoth : 
hug tOjtjCjzhaA'da-pH' n.m. huge elephant 

appellation of a mystic Jxfzhat'dags n.f. old- 
ness ; being worn out [PJ / 4 

N.M. (same if) 

t»zholi'dah (or zhoo '-) adj. dishevelled 
unkempt mathed entangled con- 
fused miserable tfbtjJjJzholi'da-bayan' n.m. & 
adj. confused (speaker)^ UidjSzAoli'da-buj’ani 
n.f. confused talkJbSJjfzholi' da-hal adj. wretch- 
ed ; miserable in a bad way f uJjJzholida-moo 
adj. & n.m. with dishevelled unkempt or matted 
ha ir JjJjXzhol i'dagi n.f distress ; perplexity ; 
entanglement [P] . . 

adj. fierce ; ferocious ; truculenttlj^r'' 
** sjit'r-f zhiyaH' n.m. truculent tiger [PJ 

S J/j, 

U letti 

letter of Urdu alphabet (equivalent to Eng- 
lish s) also written as (/ (in jummal reckon- 
ing) 60 

4 Jo (pl &-st ; f. sing. & pl. si) adv. 
somewhat a little suf. -ish ; somewhat 
•ever ; any adj. (also ie/ka' so) like look- 
ing like resembling n.m. (in musical scale) 
first note of national gamut ; gamma 

> 1 1 sabat' n.f. upper storey 
* pavilion rare gallery connect- 





sng houses on opposite sides of I 
street, eto. suspension gallery [A] 

,i saber n.m. elk imitation 

Jy leather 

Mi* sa'biq adj. former prior foregoing; 

preceding ^l^jUsabiq-iU-zik'r adj. above- 
mentioned ; aforesaid (J~£flss&'biq mefi adv. 
in the past previously heretofore lormer- 

tyW'l'Si'liqan adv. easlier above 
fc merly ; previously Hl^sa'biqah h.u. (pl. tyy 
saoa'biq rare) contact dealing adj. past 

previous transaction prefix .earlier : preced- 
ingl’j'Zil/sa'biqah <par'n& v.i, come into con- 

tact (with) > have to deal (with)' have deal- 
ings (witfy&fiZH/sabiqafs d&l'u* v .t. (deprec.) 
put in touch (yith)y* l Usabiqin' n.m. earlier 
people ; earlier generations : people tin ages 
gone by the pious those rewarded most b' 
God[A~wSn , 

^j^sa'boo da'noh n.m. (same as if 

sat' adj. scvcnC/sJlL'sa’ta roo'han n.m. grouj 
Ld attack by wolves mischievous clique 
against someone Z\ssat' r p&tich. N.F. Wrangle 

fraud reluctance 'sat' pah# kar'no 
v.t & i. wrangle y defraud hesitate / 
patch najanna v.i. be straight 
forward be simple 

par' dot met chkupa' kar rakh'ns, v.t. *" keep with 
good care keep closely guard G2$2\ss&l' push't 
n.f. seven generations family with a long 
tradition (of evil, etc .y^tZ^CUsat' pash l' se >^dv 
for ages l sat’ dhar ho kar ni'katna 
v.t. (of food) pass through stools without being 
fully digested/l^tXS'Ura/' samut'dar par' adv. 
overseas abroad ilP&L'sal' singar' n.m. pl. 

make-up (old use) full make-up of Muslim 
ladies (comprising henna, wellj^^ffjj^Wi^U' 
sal' sohe’Uyot ka jhum'ka n.m. Pleiades Oj/k>Zt\s 
tfUftfsat' ma’ma'oh ka bbat'ja n.m. darling of the 
whole famil yUjd^sat'oat adj. seventh 
^sat'git n.m. wine cup : goblet [P] 

f a 

(colloquially called chho'te sin) eighteenth S/ a * a, ° n * (wh , h) l °: 

■ofUrd,, a lnh a >v.t I^t .1 P ^Uget her >^*e iaii ADV with ; along with 

jj(iL\lek' saih' adv. together* chhooi'oa 
v.t. be separated (from)l^jd^L>sath. / (hkor'na v.t. 
desert£>i?L<'.ra& de'na v.t. ’ co-operate (with) 
side (with) stand by the side of p^L/jath' raih’na 

v.i. live togethertja? Uifb'ja/i.' xaA v.t. 

walk side by side' walk beside follow lose 
at heels IMjklssatb ka kkt’ta n.m. childhood’s 
playmate V / ^ g £^l>sath' la’gt pbJr'na v.,. 
follow (someone) about. walk afongJkSSt-' 
sath' va'ta n.m. companion ; comrade- 
partner neighbour adj. adjoining ; adja- 
cent ; neighbouring next door fjL>satk* 
ho U'na v.i. join join the company (of) 
(f t jd U sath' hi conj. along with it ; together with 
it adv. close by simultaneously ; at the 
same time there and rher*y rf L<ra'/kfl» n.f. 
(usu. lady’s) female companion^Usa'Al n.m. 
supporter ally comrade ; companion 
I fnjljzit'dagu ka sa'tki (<&ia\$\*&/£ji'van 
Sadi) n.m. spouse husband wife 
(* r fa n.m. transaction in bill of exchange 
\y return two marital deals one-in exchange 



for the other ; matrimonial barter tejcdd^lssa'ie 
mil de'rM V.t. (agree to) marry a girls of one’s 
family into a family whose girl has been married 
into one’s family 
^j^axan N.F. satin [E] 

b , , , Satk *nj. & N.M. sixty iSrissa'.tka n.m. sex- 
J» agenarian &t&Usa'tka pa'tka n.m, & adj. 
stout sexagenarian’’tM^fl*'raji'i>aft adJ, sixtieth 
[yt y «j N M - teak {A] 

, sa'jid n.m. & adj. (PL.y^rt/rajtrfsB’, F.4f ^ 
sajtdah f. PL.tSj^l/sajidsi') prostrating in 
prayer adorer ’prostrating in adoration 

sS'jan n.m. (dial, ijf? sajan'va r. ^ saj'ni 
'dial. 0? sajariya) beloved ; sweetheart 
l sn 'i ks N - M - partnership association 
** f Usz'jke ka kdm ^n.m. something 
done in association (with) !✓ 

sa’jhjt ki fiahd'ya ft aura' Hi mefi pkoot'tl hai 
prov. partnership always ends in fiasco 
sajke melt adv. jointly in partnership 
(with) in association (with)^fbr3'jft» N.M. 
partner shareholder associate 
sajil ban'na (or ho'tta) v.t become a partner \ 
enter into partnership (with) v 

"'fTss'diaq n.f. (correctly but less usu for 
H^n.f. *) 

gj^ sa'hat n.m. expanse {A) 

. sa'/tir n.m. (Pi. sa'harah) magician 
''^'wizard sorcener charmer rpl'iakirah 

n.f. enchantress exquisitely beautiful 
woman ; cavishing beauty witch££/'L , ra'#r* 
n.f. magic sorcery necromancy 
enchantment [A~ seb!r\ 

Jpi st>'M n.m. {PL.^s'savn'/iil} sliorc ; sea- 
*^shore ; coast sea-bdard beach (A] 
i *‘j 9' sakh't n.f. structure manufacture 
* +S make prep, [sskn'l-e) made miyOjzMs 
sakh’t-e Pakistan pl. made in Pakistan 
sakWtah adi. made- faked ; trumped up 

Zrjt/Zrissakh’tah pardnkh’tah n.m. & adj. 
trumped up ; faked ; made up patronized 
(by) trig. be-takhUah adj. extempore ; im- 
promptu unpremeditated adv. sponta- 
neously extempore ; impromptu (P 
^ **j i sadaf N.M. holy prophet’s descendents 
through his daughter Hazrat Fatimah [A 
“SING, — iStfls] 

j . sh'dis adj.- sixth XejX/sa'disan adv. sixthly 


I sa'dah adj. simple 

cd artless blank 

plain unadorn- 
bcardless (face, 
etc.) simpleminded l^psUs a' da-pan n,m. (same 

as Jjl/N.F. i() 

• sa'da-dil adj. artless . guileless 
( ’JXp simple ; stupid^, ^sa'da-di'h n.f. 
’artlessness simplemindedness^ifftjUsa' da-kzir' 

n.m. goldsmith sUversmithj^>Uta'rf<i-teu/l' 
ai>j. & n.m. simpleton jf J d)[/ td’ du-lauhi n.f. 
simple-mindedness ; stupidity£i>Uf3''/i n.f. stupid 
woman adj. uuadorned uncmbellished JjU 

Sadagln.T. simplicity plainness artless- 
ness simplemindedness stupidity childlike 
behaviour rankness [P] 

.jSadk'm v.t. hold (breath) regulate 
exercise ; train ; practised bsadk N.M. 
(dial.) ascetic simp kjfyls/a'dkoo n.m. Hindu 
ascetic [S] 

ad), (see undcrwb'AOj. «fc) 

. sar suf. abounding in like having ., 
^^suffering from head [PJ 
*| ^sa'ra suf.. pure undefiled 

r . Sara (PL.dt~Ura're F.tfjl'Sa'ri) adj. entue, 
ijiS whole ; comp.ete adv. entirely m entirety r 
com plrtely bslj^j (V^iiUsaVa dint 

ja'la de'kkiye to a'dka dijiyf bail t' prov: better 
lose half than lose all 


.sar’ban n,m. camel-driver [PJ 

sar’jant N.m. sergeant [E] 



j. sa’ras n.m. crane ; a kind of heron 
^ tfjfyS'S J'jl'sa'ras ki si ja'ri n>.- 
(fig.) constant companions 
Qj^sa'riq n.m. thief pilferer (A ~ JyS) 

if. saraftg n.m. name of a musical mode 
peacock its cry 
6 | sarah'gt n.f. a kind of fiddle 
Cf^or violin I&jI/ sarah’ giya n.m. 
fiddler ; violinist preq.] 
i/ . sa'ri adj. percolating 
^'^penetrating pervading* 

sa'ri ADJ. 

penetrating flowing [A ~ 

^j^sa'ri nj. (same aatfjissa'rhi n.f. -#r' 




n.m. leap year (in solar calendar with an 
extraday to February every fourth year) 
(arch.) leap lunar year (with an extra month 
every third year) fjfrus&i-gi'rak n.f. birthday ; 
birth anniversary (col. -tah)(£lf(Jl/sa l-e mah&'- 
jani n.m. (dial.) commercial year>*0 Isszl-n&'mah 
n.m. annual issue (of periodical) yearbook 
almanac jflfUsal’^var adj. yearly ; annual 
adv. yearly ; aruiually^l^'l/U'rar-Aa-.ia/ N.M. 
adv. a long time years on end several 
years ^r/H/Usa/'-Aa sal ie m. for many 
year now for a long like ; since 
tadn’si (or ta'ti’nH) sal n.m. academic yearjt^jfl 
taqm'nA sal n.m. calendar year JUJlma’/i sal 
n.m. financial year [P] 

^ sal n.f. a kind of timber 

sal n.f. (see under UW.t. <Aj 

.1 sa'la n.m. wife’s brother; brother-in-law 
(as mild swear-word) mean fellow Ai>j. 
(f. J Lira'll vul.) mean >g*od-for-nothing 
... salat' n.m. commander chief 
leader spills sala'r-t jahg' (col. salat' 

jahg') n.m. Field-Marshal this as honorofic 
title (joc.) wife’s brothcrjil?jffl/sala'r~e qa'filok, 
J&lsjfb* fa 'fila-safar' n.m. caravan leader fjjiHs 
sala'r-t qastm' n.m. national leader [PJ 
yjfb sa ^ a naf> AD J- ^ see wnder JUn.u. if) 

/. sa'lik n.m. (n.^tflssalikan') . mystic 
initiate devotee' traveller &uG\s 
sa'lik-t rah' n.m. mystic initia'te {A- fjj*] 

i t. salim adj. whole complete perfect 

I gfsain’h-o-sa'lim adj. safe and 

sound Jlssa'limpk n.m. atom molecule 
^Ul^sa/nna'A adj. atomic JUUsalima'fl bam 
n.m. atom bomb^^fd^sa/iiRa'tl tUvana"i n.f. 
atomic energy [A] 

, ra'/M n.m. curry stew salt dish 

. ra/'sa, tyjl'sal' dt’na, C^Wa/' 4al’n a 
v.t. cut a mortise in sal n.f. mortice ; 

taloos' N.F. hypocrisy fraud4/Wȣr 
' khtr’qo-e salooi' n. cloak put to defraud 
others ; subterfuge [P] 

i Ja ^ N - p ' "rife’s sister ; sister-in-law 
U ^ (as mild swear-word) mean women adj. 
(vul.) mean good-for-nothing 

sanan' n.m. necessaries good and 

wares tools implements 
arrangements : preparations custom 
weajth equipment material provisions 

a'khirai n.m. good deads ; pre- 
parations for hereafter —tjyll/sama'ii-c jakg' n.m. 
war material vS&U'iYj(ka) szman kar'na v.t. 
arrange make preparation (for) Vjfjj&'tfika) 
sama'n ho'na v.t. take place be arranged 
tfllsj ^ysa'r-o soman' n.m. arrangements (for) 

preparations (for) provisions (for)^tbo^iu 
be'-sa'r-o saman' adj. unprovided helpless 
(}Usj / *'-sa'r-o sama «t n.f. helplessness [PJ 
« i .I, sam’raj n.m. (dial.) imperialism^^ 
tSfy- sdmra jl adj. (dial) imperialist [8] 

* \j sa’min n.m. Samaritan who made a 
y/'* golden calf for worship by Israelites 
magician [AJ 

-ft ■ sa'm‘ n.m. (PL.&*Vsamt%n’) listener 
prompter (in prayers).*^ raWoA' 
n.m. audition ; hearing sense of hearing^ (/*«''(«' 
sa'ms’a-nobaz' ad j. melodious (flt/^Usanu'd- 

nrna'0 n.f. melodiousness 
.* | sam’na n.f. front facade meeting 
encounter confrontation ll/jyU 
sam’na kar’na v.t. encounter confrontjfOb 
sam’na ho’na v.i. come across meet stand 
face to face (with) oZl/sam’nt adv. before 

in front (of) in presence (of) oppositet^b 
ssm’ne a’na v.t. face appear before 
oppose challenge ijf4£l/sam'ru ho’na v.t. 
lace stand face to face (with) appear before 
oppose challenge 

*a'<wi adj. cxsdted [A- jf J 

* ,i son n.f. whetstone ; grindstone! <*£y Issan ' 
darha'na v.t. whet ; sharpen IZffcfUsan' 
dark'na v.t. be whetted ; be sharpened V/id^ 
san' dhar'na v.T. whet ; sharpen ... . 

i .. son n.m. (col. for only as)£fiifctl/ji»' 
gman' n.m. trace rig* idea ; 
expectation<yl£fc/U tas' *a gUman' ADV. un- 
awares all of a sudden [~ A^fl?) * 

satp' n.m. serpent ; tnakcClfjfog'i/satp' 
J00 t,gk ja'na v.i. be struck dumb when it is 
imperative to speak satp' 

Ua nut' u /a'ffti Ml m toc'tt fh. achieve die object 
without sustaining any I 0 SS 44 ZiSdJ^^%^ sa *P 
ka *a'f a ras’sl se dar'ln, hen froy. a burnt child 
dreads the fire Uj&£k*^‘L / sat‘p > ka ba&&ak 
satpo'lipa frov. eiuflny’s progeny is no less 


dangerous hai safip 

ni'kal ab latir' pi'%akar pRbv. it is no use crying 
over spilt milk (^L'sab'pan n.f. female snake 
sapo’lijs, Uy^sabpo'lijra N.M. young snake 
\yj*s ape'ra, l^g'sahpe'ra n.m. snake-charmer 
pjij ssft t> ^C>sabfk m.f. union confederacy 
sahfk laga' tailor mil alia) v.i 
plot together ; conspire with l^'Le s afttk'na,l^iaf^ 
safrtk U'tta v.t, cause (someone) to agree with 
one sabf (dial.&i£'U{s31ttb' gahth) n.f. 

N.M. lash sprig used as such 

J'l. sa1 Jk n.f. dusk evening 

sabjh.’ save’ re (or rare, saver') ad v. "night 
and day ; all the time ; ever ; always # 

£ /. sa»& n.f. (dial.) truth (only 
& ^ sab gj' ko ah A' na'hun prov. truth ultimate- 
ly prevails (doublet of g ) 

I s' i J 8 *'«ft 3 n.m. mould matrice (dial.) 
*5j* ovary (dial.) truthful person) Obsf^fjyC' 
sab' At men dhal'na v.t. mould 0*/(j*J~t / safi~che 
nub dhal'na v.i. (fig.) (of human figure) ' be very- 

**ir sak'A°9, (correctly but less usu. t£l» sa'- 
n.p. dowry sent by husband'll parents 
to bride’s house the day before marriage (~T] 
}fisa'neJfah (n.&lfUssnefat') accidents 


•i sah'dah n.m. leg-band (for cows, etc.) 

h. I sZkd n.m. boll stallion s 

^ ^ lewd youth ratid' 

ka Jaiti n.m. lewd youth brought ff " 

up as cherished orphan frjti'sabd'ni A 
n.f. dromedary (/^pJU.raW'nf- 
racar' n.m, camel-rider ifrlssah'dija 
n.m. young-male camel lace- ni 

making wheel \ ill 

sab' da n.m. sand lizard , 4 J 

^ ^ J-fk4i-5.'b'sa6'& *a /</ n.m. 
sand-lizard fat (used as aphrodisiac, a ;|| 

j ra«r n.f. (dial, m.) breath Mk 1 1 

(/*■*'' sigh Cj/ij’l/sabs u'kharna | 
v.i. be out of breath pant for* 

be on the last gasp (ft (Iambi) softs Aar’ na 

v.i 'heave a (deep) sigh (&*%!; jOjrfy l* safts' 
puol'n a (or &arh‘na) v.i. pant * be out of 
breathiV^r'b'jafo' toot' ns v.i. be out of 
breath brealh in unsuccessful bid to hold 
breath 07^1/ sabs' rvk ! na v.i. be stifled; be 

suffocated be.choktdC^jc/Usabs’ rok'na v.l hold 
Oj.e s breath C^^Osahs' le'na v.l. breathe 
inhale have a rest 

J. safi'sa n.m. care; worry b’JzCH'sah'sa 
IrlS charh'na v.t. have a worry 
V sab’ si n.m. name of a nomadic people 

v (declared criminal by the British) ; 

J\y sahki n.f. (us. Pt.) fried macaroni 

>.», , san’rta v.t. knead stain smear , 
^ soil 

6V satf’ofa adj. alert 

(i J ss * £) ^ 3 (dial- tjjlSsati’ora) adj. (f. 

^ sabv'll dial. tfjJUsab ‘ori) sallow 
nut-brown charming lovely; comely 
saitv’la silo’ no adj. (f. jj~*tf)lssahv li silo'ni) 
charming lovely ; comely 
* * i sa'nl n.f, forage ; mixture of straw, grain 
C? ^ and oil cake used as such 
. » sa'van n.m. fifth mpnth of Hindu calendar 
C'-' ^(corresponding to July) l*Jl sa' van 
ka an’dka ADJ. one blinded with sdf-intenjst 
Ojibfos^Ssavan bhn'don n.m. the two months 
ol the rainy season a kind of fireworks 
counterparts of a s’et ^^fj^l'sa'van ktjka'ri 
n.f. incessant downpour (of the rainy season) 
*rG?y(!/t)(fty;/£ji l £0jl'savan ke ab'dhe ko ha'ra 
hi {ha'ra) soojhHa futi prov. to a jaundiced eye 
everything is yellow dCs&jjlfs^/ysl/sa'van ha' re 
na bha dob soo'kfu prov. always in the same 
condition indifferent fal'sa'vatti n.f. autumn 

I I sa'ha n.m. (dial.) opportune moment for 
• ^ marriaigeiC&fljl£lL'sa'ha fha’makna (or 
kkul'na) v.i. (dial.) (of wedding opportunity) 


/ | sa'hookar n . m . money-lender Hindu 
Jvjrft'' banker rich man ejVj'lssahooka’rah 
n.m, money-lending money-market ifjtfjfis 
sahooka'ri n.f. money-lending banking 

l w i , sahool’, Ay/sa’hul n.f. plumb-line 
SS N-F ‘ ^ same as 

. ✓. sa’eban’ N.M. housetop shed (esp. one 
^with roof of corrugated iron sheets) 


s, sa"ir adj. moving wandering 
* current prevelant contingoht whole 

bix) ^ 

alF fa 'll khar’tb N M. contingent ex- 
penses [A ) 

i’ , ji . ia 'in bord n m. signboard . sign [E] 

• * sa"its n.f. sciencefa-li^', titvfik adj. 
scientific [E] 

l< js"j n.f earnest money 
ja' i suf. rubbing 

.’J’ sa’is' n.m. horse-keeper; groom 
CA* sadist n.f. stabje-keeping; groom's work 
‘ il’m dary^'o hai prov each 

knows the intricacies 01 his own trade each 
one regards his own field as the best ( - At/^U 



ia'il n.m. petitioner applicant 
beggar (A ~ JlX] 

n.m. mendicant beggar 

^^(dial .) master (dial.) master 
jAj jf. sa'et sa'eti n.f. rustle (of wind) 

I | so yah n.m. shadow shade appari- 
< 5 1 tion , spectre obsession • protection 

influence V^glrsa'yah par'na v.i. be obses- 
sed (by) came under (someone's) influence (of) 
be under the shadow (of ) jtjsl*>sa'ya-dar adj. 
shady Ulji^Usa'yah dal'na v.t. cast a shadow 
(over) show favour (to) give protection (to) 
0*feUsa'yah dJiat’na v.l. be dasky be the 
aflernoo inCty;b)Vy’A'sa'yah ho'na (or ho ja'us) 
v.i. be possessed ; be obsessed (by) [PJ 
f ^ sa'yah n.m. dress ; woman's gown [Pop ] 

sab adj. ail whole entire total 
every ek' hi 

thai'li ke (hat’ ft baj'te haiti prov. they are chips 
of the same block •—^'jf^i^ysab' se bka'li (hup' 
prov. silence is geldt~*<#L*/sab' ka sab adv. 
altogether the whole completely entirely 
hyssop' (or sa'bhi) ka^h n.m. everything 
adv. entire complete 
|| sab n.f. ^.filthy language abuse ; 

< swear-yvordpf»«_x'itf$'ft-» dtal’m n.f. (use 
of) abusive language ; swearing [A] 

. saba (ped. sa’ba) N.M. Sheba a part of 

S. Arabia [A) 

^ sabbvi’bah n. f . (ped .) forefinger [A] 


f iak-sfispaik'tar n.m sub-inspector [E] 

.sabab' n.m. (pi .. ^tsiishab') cause 
reason ; ground means motivt _ 
ba-subab' adv by means of on account of 
owing to [A] 

.sab't n.m, sabbath; Lord's day (ped.) 
Saturday [A] 

. . subban' adj. holy adv. be glorified ; 

ytT'dlsct\ Jsl^i^sub’ ha' n-al lah' int . God 
be praised C* J jttfj'&\f?subhari te'ri qud'ral ph. 
(as ’* jrds supposedly heards in parrots cry) 
inscrutable are the ways of ; providence ; 
wonderful are the ways of God [A] 

,v sub' hah n.f. rosary sub' ha-gar da' ni 

n.f. telling one’s beads [A - prec.] 
sa'bad n.f. baskset Jf^ssa’bad-e gul basket 
of flowers sat sa'bad top 

flower in the basket choicest thing [P] 

. j sab' i adj. green fresh t/k/Zsah'z 
ba$h n.m. sab'z bagh dikh&'na 

v.i. raise false hopes seduce temptJ^X 
sab'z-posh adj. dressed in green green 
\i\ened sab' z qa dam adj. inauspicious 

oil-omened . ominous unlucky ^X" sab zah 
n.m. verdure bloom insipient beard 
iron-grey horse a kind of ear-ring a kind 
of green gtmjliityf^sab' za~aghaz‘ adj. one with 
insipient beard yl> a/? sa'bza-.Zat n.m. lawn 
meadow ; pasture ihtd tyf 1 sab' zah laihlaha’ia v. . 

have verdure all over (of green plants) 
move with windyl ^i^sab'za-e bega'nah n.m. weed 


sab il n.f. verdure greens , potherbs 
y/Z hemp preparation^/tj^^Xiai'cl pi no 
(or ura'na) v.i. drink hemp p repara tionJiy^X 
sab'zi fitosh' n.m. green-grocer ( ^5>^ / XraA a mahdi 
n.f. vegetable market [~P prec.) 

, .jiA’/ N.M. (PL .'Pyidsbat') (esp natemal) 
grandchild ' Jewish tribe the Tribe 
sibtain' n.m. grandsons of the Holy Prophei 
(viz Imam Hasan and Imam Husain) 

sab" sab' ’ah adj. seven sab'- 

soyya'rah n.m pl. the seven planets 
sab 1 ' ah mo‘al'laqah n.m. the seven Golden Odes of 
ancient Arabia [A] 

•• jysa'baq n.m. (pl .fjyiasbaq') lesson 

academic lecture (.& baq park 
(or (ena) v.i. study have a' lesson learn 

a (good) lesson (iley:i)fyufsa 'baq de'na (or 
parka na ) v.t. instruct ; lecture teach j 
lesson . give a lesson [A) 


saparia‘ % i k.m. dancing girl’s accompanist 

.."fSapisten’ (or sapis’tah) n.m. a kind of glu- 
tinous berry used as drug [P] 

£^sip'na (or sap' ms) n.m. (dial.) dream (IB) 

(same as 'fjf K.u. ★) 

^^sipapd n.m. wild rule (FJ 

*» j ^sapool’ (pcd. ru-) dutiful son 

worthy scion (of) [S - £/£ ] 


\Ju> sopSH^Uj's^liya n.m. see under's^ 

^ N.M If)" ■ 

.tipak' (contr. of n.f.*) 

C safer' n.m. Comma tvder-in-Chief ; * C-in C 
< ltb^'si‘pak*safe'ii n.f. command (of troops) (Jj&z' 
si'Pah-ga'ri n.f. soldiering tactics (P] 

j sipek‘r N.M. sky ; firmament; celestial 
y't sphere sdhj'jjgar 'disk-* sipth'r n.f. vicissi- 
tudes of fortune [P] 

jj^siptd' At>j. (same asa><%Dj. if) 


^ysipe'dah n.m. dawn eucalyptus tree 
white paint powder f*,jj£sipe' da-e 
sahar' N.M. break of dpy&jg*sifM’th N.M.’same as 
-ifH.r. (sec undcr^oi<ADj. *) [P~ &L Ig-S 
PREC.) " 

itt/ia^t'ra i^dfiappt'ra see under 


/p/sapi'kar km. speaker Speaker (of 
Legislature) [E] 

• *, ,jsat pref. seven 
<m0 *' kx>\. hybrid 



tnixt'd, n.m. salma- 
gundi mcdlcyJiC+r'sat-poo'a n.f. mother of 
seven sons adj. ’(woman) having seven sons 
fortunate (woman ) (f^&ssat khas'mt s.v. & 
adj. (wife) of seven successive husbands 
lascivious ( woman) V/^*sat-ko 'na adj. hepta- 
gonal luh ^ sat - khsip’da adj. seven storeyed \ j)CS 
sat-la'ra n.m. & adj. seven-stringed (necklace) 
t’UZsSsat-ma'sa, O^sat-oatisa n.m. & adj. 
prematurely bom (baby) make-up articles 
sent to expectant mother by her parents during 
seventh month of pregnancy t-na 'ja. 

sat - na'ja N.M, mixture of seven different cereals 

medley ( ~«5 Ucontr.) 

n.m. essence stamina spirit of 1 
defincti tlikor ( or Aar')! 
de'na v,j. lose heart 

SdT KM . (dial.) truth adj. (dial.) true [Sj 

•• ri/ar' n.m. three-stringed guitar 
A sitar' bajana (or ehher'na ) v.i. play on a 
guitar jljjlP'sitar'-navs?.' n.m. guitarist fP~^ 

A" 1 

.*• sattar' n.m. coverer of human failings (? 
d** attribute of God) ‘■^>jf >i jC^satta'T-al-‘ujnob 
n.m. God (as Coverer of human fellings) (A 


sita'rah n.m. star spangle^^is^ 
sita'rah auj par ho'na v.i. have one’s star m 
the ascendant kfl sit a rah e&fhha (or 

ntk') ho'na V.I. have "lucky sta rsl"^> tj & sit a 'nth 
bulaftd' ho'na v.i. have one’s star in the ascendant 
tfe-PJjikt qismat ka) sita'rah eha'makua 
v.i. have one’s star in the ascendant haw 
a sudden stroke of luckt/* fojC'sita'rah-xhinas' N.u. 
astrologer X$ii C*sita ' ra-shina si n.f. < astrology 
sita.ra-t stib'h N.M. Venus ; the Morning 
Star stia 'rah gar'dixh nut ho'na v.r. 
be in bad luck ; suffer front the vicissitudes of 
fortune (ftyj&sita'ra-e qAt'bi, ’A'ifPqiit'ti ta'rah 
n.f. the Pole-starJ/sf yjj&sita'rfih bf/a'ra adj. ie. 
(f^LlSJ&sita'roh bha'rl ) starry ; star-spangled 
* J+^lfi&lZ'sita'roti ka jhftr'mat n.m. galaxy 
‘j&iil* toot' nr va'U sita'rah , n.m. shooting star 
•J&jlj.j dum'-aar sita'rah dumb a 'la-dar 

sitaraki/UsIf'tflPto'U' ka sita’rah N.M. star govurn 
ing (one’s) fortune (PJ 

rf'ip / sata'ji (or saUa'si) adj. & n.m. eighty-seven 
^ Ji/tr'Osa ta' stoat) ADJ. eighty-seventh 

... .firs*' 8 uf. . taking seising snatchi ng 
P'S usurping fr&'sila’nt $vr taking jcizT 
ing ; seizure (P ~ch+&] 

yo s ' lm ' (or sit ah or is’ tap) suf. place ; station 

i*i"SQta'na v.t. annoy ; vex harass 
hackle tease trouble 
\£jsalarivt (or saltan' oe) adj. ninety-seven 
suitin' vaah adj. ninety;*cventb 
i rysata'nan (or sana’mu,) adj. & n.m. fifty- 
seventh (JljaCr salld'vanna* adj. fifty, 

n.f. praise 

jr^saUa'is ADJ. twehty-seven 
'isvaft adj. twenty-seventh 

£/salat’tar adj. & n.m. seventy-seven 4 
y salat’ taroah adj. seventy-seventh 

^f Sal'r n.m. (PL.j&iastar') covering veil 
/ concealment ; hiding not exposing 
&ufy*'sat'r-a • eu'tat n;m. not exposing the 



> > . »• 'tar po'tar h.f. routine duties 
»««« engagement* 

riuf'% l ^J'|U|«r7i*i n.m. sterling (E) 
istik' N.r. stick [E] 

y^satik' n.f. small hubble-bubble deli- 
cate womap 

!•(£'** takai$\r tm Jysm’tak jtt’ns v.i. slink away ; 
sneak away ^ 

*. satal’la N.M.-slovenly person j y'satailo n.f. 
slpt ; slattern 

Y^sitot'yjX^tism' n.m. store stores (EJ 

jr ’ . 

^I^j/tte'its n.f. (see under^T'N.M. *■) 

sttk'id N.p. (usu. in Ft.) abuses cordially 
47 . bandied between in-laws at weddingttt^*-' 

CiJ sifk’nijtof! de’tfl I v.r. hurl abuses thus 
i JjLe? sitkt>'r& n.m. sweet gingered meal used 
^ as candie 

^ ^aretkya'wa v.i. dote : be in dotage [-jflf] 

sif'fi h.f. senses ; wisdom ( tiU 1> 

47 sij'ji tihol ja'ns (or gSw' Ac ja'»a) be 
confounded be unnerved* 
gAS sdvtj' n.m. (same as g~iit) 

~ .*-j ut*' than n.m. (same as c r’?"'N.M. ★> 

. « tejhrari, (fs^ffisiesh'narl n.f. sta- 
tionary (Ej 

jSri&mar^s^iisti'mar n.m. steamer; steam- 
ship [E] - 

.ssajjad' koi., tJ \f*se}jv‘dah n.m. (see under 
Tut'*) ‘ 

v.t. cause to swell I. If** muhh ' s~js'no 
*» v.t. pull a long face grow angry 
**ysajanZ v.t. arrange adorn decorate 

Jsjf saja'vat n.m. decoration adorn- 
ment gracefulness arrangement 

dlwj n.f. grace elegance decora- 
tion ( - CAUS.J 

^<y VflA (ped- n> y daA) n.m. (pl. 
tZlfsajdaf) prostration 
prostration on knees and forehead 
adoration (or God) yr'a^r' 
saj'da-e sah'v n.m. (see under 

enj dah kat'na v.t. adore (God) prostrate 
oneself ttfyfsaj'da-gih n.m. prayer mat 
mosque ; temple place of adoration jfsajj&d' 

n.m. adorer**^ sajja'dah n.m. prayer-mat e/Zvlf 
scjjt da-nasjpn' (or wasMft') n.m. Shrine 

Superior successor to saint ^*»yfsqija dah 
aasbl'ni N.r. succession to saint [A] 

_^ny'‘ n.m. rhymed prose donbh 
Cr entendre about someone’s name in verse i*| 
f'si'jil adj. nice ; fine well-arranged 
4/’ orderly tidy 

sijiV n.m. scroll (A) 

ffsij n n.m. prison (A) 

fsa'jan^/lssa'jan (dial. Ijfsqian'is) n.m 
4J>' * lover beloved ; sweetheart friend 
saj'ni (dial. L&'sa'jan'yTl) n.f. beloved : sweet- 
heart mistress 

v.i. fit well adorn oneself 
t* look pretty (.V'wya'/ta '/.T.tZjfsqjadil n.m 
saj'dhaj n.f (see under lijf v.t. if) l ‘f 
sajim'na v.t. cause (someone) to adorn get 
arranged well get tidied up lif saji'ld adj. 
lovely ; handsome graceful elegant 

l.f'sSjka'na v.r. point out hint at 

drive (something) home (to) cause to 
understand make (someone) see she poire ir> 
(something) 7 jha'i tie' ua v.i. be visible 
( ~tif>'CAOS.i 

siijood’ n.m. prostration [A] 


impure carbonate of soda 
snji'la adj. (see under or*) 

£>> sofh n.m. truth ; vcracitv adj. true ; vert- 
Qt table adv. truly actually indeed 
in earnest ££ tacly sa(ft adv. truly soft' 

mUn'nH v.i. believe to be true trust in the 
accuracy (of) £ £ sacf much adv, truly 
really in fact I NT indeed really 

sa(fi'(/ia, adj. (f. (ft tti£'£i) true , 
real genuine sincere faithful A 
bona fide (transaction) full (weight) un- 

allowed untouched by ha.nd (of meals) 
not left over % f socket a' "t n.f. truth 
verity genuineness purity 

, jt^sahab n.m. cloud *tp'saha"ba/i n.m. nebula 
tT** rfjf'safa'bi adj. nebulous fA] 

seh'r n.m. magic black art : necro- 
mancy ; socery bewitching charm 
enchantment y|le f" sth'r-bajan' (or •bajAn’) adj . 
convincing speaker Jiff seh'r-t Quiz/' m.m. 
fine-speech bewitching talk charm of beauty 

se $ T i i n * v ->- come under the 

speUtof) be charmed (by)t tefft-r i t'mril 
n.m. influence leading astrayl Al 




sakh't adj. 

rrnrl nM 

ta'har ttjt. (PL. jf* sbhoor', j&'faihar') 
dawn daybreak morning Jf^sa'har- 
khez adv. early riser (>fsa'har-dam, fjfy tt'har- 
goh' adv. in die early hours of the morning (f}rf 
sa'har-ga'hl adj. early morning (prayers, etc.) 

isa'fan adj. early morning n.f. (ped. jf* 
sahoor') pre-dawn meals during fasting month 

sdhari kha"t so ro'zah rak'khe 

prov. he who claims right must also perform 
duty [A] 

~ l^sakhn'vat, sakha N.F. generosity 
munificence ; liberality [A] 

hard rigid ; stiff 
cruel obdurate harsh strict , severe 

difficult austere strong ; vigorous 

vehement extreme : drastic ^radical adv. 
very extremely severely intensely 
violently«£ft£a?rakAj't bat n.f. (usu. in pl.) 
cruel words pinching word oflr&fsakh't-jan' 
(or -jab) adj. tough ; diehard ns^sakh't-ja’ni 
h.f. toughness t^sakh't-dil adj. hard-hearted; 
adamant ds cjf" sakh't-di'ti n.f. hard-heartedness 
c))tZ*f'sakh' t din n.m. pl. hard Umesc£j&fsakh't- 
tamiii n. m. pebbly soil verse in difficult 
metre and rhyme Cd^cCJiS^sakh't earnin' nub 
kaik'na v.i. versify thusCf&~&fsakh’t sus't 
kaih’na v,t. chide ; scold ; reproach^/L^y^ akh't- 
gtfADj. strict cruel ; oppressive n.m. hard 
taskmaster fJi^sakh’t-gi'ri n.f. strictness 
cruelty V/fc/tsP' feWt-girt kar'na v.i. be strict 

show cruelty fif'sakh’ti n.f. hardness 
rigidity stuff ness obstinacy harshness ; 

strictness ; severity . cruelty oppression 
difficulty poverty distress misfortune 

austerity strength vigorousness ; 

vehemence fore? ; violence sakh'ti 

kar'na v.T. treat harshly ; be severe use 

force ; use violence Ljfjf'sakh'U ho'na v.i., 
be shown severity be subjected to vie nee m 
ta ^ ,M <a **° **'&£■«. sVkhitn) I.M. 

[J speech talk words language 
poetry matter ; affair su khan-par dai 

adj. & N.M. _ eloquent elegant poet gar- 
rulous&UgJ*" sQkhan-parda'zi n.f. eloquence 
gUTulity^u ^ tW khan-par' ear adj, & nj<. 
bigoted or opinionated (person) (person) 
fulfflling his promisejCu^'c/' sVkhan-par'vari n.f. 

bigotry being true to one’s wordf/fif 
sU'khan fifclft adj. & n.m. back-biter ; "tale- 
bearer critic (^J^sU'khan-^i'm n.f. tale* 

bearing ; back biting cavilling suMpan-dab 

(or -dan') apj. & n.m, eloquent elegent 
poet shrewd intelligent critic tyjuf' su khan- 
da ni n.f. eloquence elegance as a poet 
shrewdness critical acumen C'tjf'sv'kkan dt'na 
v.i. pledge one’s word sU'khan-ra'is n.f. 

eloquence garrulity^Vy^ sU' khan-sat' adj. 
& n.m. eloquent (person) facile ; glib ; 
(one) with a facile tongue •sU'khan-Sa'zi 
n.f. eloquence glibness fygp'sukhan-sabj\ 
fC'ff'su!. khan-shinas ' adj. & n.m. shrewd 
intelligent critic poet C-s£l\krJJ)f ( /C? c ?' 

su'khan-shinas na-’i' diL'-bars khatf ib-jast ph. the 
trouble is you do not see the point ru'khan 

sab'jl', (f Chef's ukhan-shina si adj. shrewdness 

critical acumen elegance as poet#/%/^ 

sukhan-ths'ti . n.f eloquence skill in 
versification sukhan-faih' m adj. & n.m. 

shrewd perspicacious intelligent critic t 
sukhan-faih' mi n.f. shrewdness perspicacity 

critical acumen su'Jdtan- 

fa.ih.m-t 'a'lam-e ba'la ma'loom'shud prov. poe- 

tical elegance has poor reward (to a lit. pre- 
tender) I have seen your depths sU 'kh an-go 

adj. & n.m. poet eloquent (person) 'df(if 
su' khan- go '' t n.f elegance as poet elo- 
quence su' khan-nash' nau adj. heedless jp* 

tU’khan-var n.m. & adj. eloquent elegant 
poet su'khan-M'ri n.f. eloquence 
elegance as poet kam'-sukhan adj. & n.m. 
reserved (person) ; reticent (person) {P] 
w sa'khl n.m. & ADJ, generous, liberal ; 
{J bountiful or munificent ( persan)hf(}s*Z- ( f 
i—'ljra2-&j£sa'khl se soom’ bha' tur't dr jauab' 
prov. the niggard who gives a curt refusal » 
preferable to the benevolent who procrastinates 
(A — wylF^J 

^^S sakhlf adj. nonsense stupid [A] 

sad n.m. wall barrier obstruction 
*** <mm>lju>>sad'd-t bah' n.m. end control 
remedy d-t bab' kar'na v.T. end 

control remedy tb^sad'd-e rah' n.m. 

obstruction stumbling block i^tb-^sad'd-t rah' 
ho’na v.i. impede ; obstruct stand in the 
way (of) (jiij^sadf-* ra’maq n.m. just enough 
to subsist (fJj&fsad'd-i sikab'darl n.m. the Great 
Wall of China (AJ 

i sa'da adv. always; ever ; perpetually 

Ut > <f J Zjl'ZJ~SlU'*«'da tk ’ rjlkh na' r o 
tkd'fl na'hiti prov. times incessantly change Jlriw 
ih[dd-bahor' adj. evergreen <J>s!*ssa ’ da-bar' t n.m. 
(dial.) poor house free mes s V 



stgda ra'ht n3m‘ all ah' ka ph. all perish save Cod 
soda sok&'gan n.f. whore ; prostitute 
mendicant dressing himself as woman int. 
may you never become a widow kO l - ^ 
sa'da na'o ka'fhaz kt baih'ti aahlti prov. 
flimsy things soon fall apart falsehood will 
not one day 

* sirdar' shan adj. (dial.) handsome; comely 

sid’rah n.m. berry; plum trtdf*l£/-‘*' sid’ral- 
ul-muntahti' n.m. the heavenly tree beyond 
which even the Holy. Ghost cannot advance 

sudk, sUdk’ budh n.m. common- 

****' sense intelligence care attention 
consciousness presence of mind cfjtrMtadh.' 
rakk'aa v.t. bear in mind &£>jSsudk' le’na v.t. 
look after take care (of)*jsJ*.be sadk' adj, 
senseless ; unconscious careless 
Jfi ^tidkar'na v.i. go ; depart set out 
J l^*^die ; pass away 
1*1 .tUdkar’na v.t. better ; improve 

MjvPAS correct ; act as a corrective (to) set 
right ; mend (mzttm)V / trj*'sudkar'na v.t. be 
improved be corrected ; be set right 
\\a>LS S *^ a n * V ’ T * tame (animal) train 
''’^•'(animals for performance) discipline 
sidk’ na v.t. be tamed (of animal) be 

trained for performance be disciplined 

sidkm^na v.t. cause to be tamed 

£ sod'dt n.m. pl. banners taken out in pro- 
'^'ccssion during Muharram i^eL-assad'de 
ni'kclns v.i. (of Muharram banners) be taken 
out in procession 

UbsidauT (ped. sadaul') adj. well-shaped ; 
v' 4 ** gracefttl (body) { - <Jjr dauH 
f y sar n.m. sir ; Sir [E] 





tar N.p.'hand (at cards) 

a kind 

f y sar (dial.) pool ; pond 

/ of grass with stout stalks 
pT . tar n.m. (ped. or in P. construction) 

head top pinnacle tip point 
end beginning commencement chicfl 
main ; major ; principal jXyfsar-a'mad n.m. 
& adj. chief, salient most prominent 
d*x*njfjjjj0l / Ssar-a’nuut-eroi'gar' adj. & n.m. 
the most prominent person of the times IV 
tar-a-pa n.m. organwue description of human 
figure (usu. as verse encomium) adj. entire 
incarnate a ov. all over the body entirely; 
wholly; hilly y'JSsar-a-sar’ adv. wholly; entirely; 


completely sar-asi'mah adj. perplexed 
confounded JCTiysar-an'magi _ n.f. per- 
plexity confusion WDf lysa’r-e ijlat ' adv . ^ 

in court in public openly • publicly fyl/t 
sar-afraz’ adj. exalted etevstted success- 
ful sar-afgati dah adj. hanging down 

one’s head in shame downcast brought low 
f'&’jysar-atjam' end result ; consequence 
arrangement (Csjt.; hj^^sar-otj am’ kar'na (o> 
wrongly de'na),C^Jt/'iMjam' de'n a’ v.t. accom- 
plish bring 'to *a successful onnc'usion 
sar-e aftgush't n.m. finger tip ‘Ayf sar-baz adj. 
reckless ; ready to lay down intrepid ready 
to lay down one’s life n.m. (rare) soldier Jft/S 
sar-e bazar' .adv. publicly ; in public : openly 
fL /S sar-e bam' adv. on top of the house 
from housetops e^ySsar ba-rah' n.m. chief head 
(of )j!d / » , /ysar ba-ra'h-e kar' n.m. (col.) agent, 

representative manager k'/tfS/S tor ba-rah) 
kar’na v.i. be at the head manage con- 
duct sar-bas’ lah adj. hidden (secret) ; 

closed ; shut y^/sar ba-sar' adv. wholly : 
entirely from end to end ; from top to bottom 
J&S tar-bilahd' adj. exalted eminent 
sar-bulah'di n.f. exaltation eminence 
k/y^^^yysar-balat’di ha' sit kar'na V.i. achieve 
eminence /d. /Star ba-moh'r adj. sealed 
paras't n.m. guardian patron J^sy'sar-paras'Tr 
n.f. guardianship patronage gjl£^r<ir-r 
pis tab n.m. nipple teat: dug (J’-y’clbljara'n-e sar-, 
pul n.m. pl. wayside companions faithless friend* 
sar-paf & n.m. (arch.) president (joc. 

chief O'JySsar-posh' n.m. lid ; cover S^/^tar 
peck' N turban ornament worn on it 
sar-lab' ho'na v.i. disobey (orders of) (J.lyS tar 
la' hi n.f. refraction k‘/j}y’sar-ta'bl kar’na v.t 
disobey (orders of) l by' sar-ta-pa ’adv. wholly 
entirely ; totally * from top to toe from top 
to bottom sar-taj' n.m. husband 
(rare.) chief (rare,) crown(l 
taslim' kham’ kar'na (or ho'na) v. obey ; submit 
sar' mah n.f. fountain head yeS sar- 
had’ n.m. border : frontier bopuds: limits r 
bourne former North-West Frontier Provider 
of West Pakistan ±sys sar'-khal n.m. leaar 
(of house) receipt (to tenant) deed of agree- 
ment j'^SsaT-khush' adj. tipsy ; inebriate 
sar-khu’shi n.f. intoxication (kT/S tar^chaif n.m 
chief : leader head of family (old use, 
troop commander yb/S tardar n.m. chief 
leader commander ruler Junior com 
missioned officer ; J.O.C. j/ljyS Mrdar'm s . ? . 



chief's consort (fjbysarda'ri n.f. supremacy 
rule leadership command J.C.O’s 
rank t^ysar-t das’ I adv. at present right 
now m-daftar n.m. Section Officer 

office superintendent C0(fi^mysor' dtar’ la 
ba& laga’na v.i. bum one’s boats t’y'sor-e rah' 
adv. on the road by the way^J/^'nir-e 
ra'ht n.m. periodical's humorous column ; by the 
way ; by the by adv. by the way in pas- 
sing zZ'ysar-rish'tah (col. zj^ssarish'tah) depart- 
ment jtjS^ssor-rish' ta-dar (col. sarish'-) n.m. 
(magistrate's) reader IjfrJ/Ssar'-zad ho'na v.i, (of 
crime, mistake, etc.) be committed cC'ysar- 
zamtn n.f. country land : region; territory 
fjysar-ctmi'n-e be- a' in' n.f. lawless 
state of lawlessness fry’sar'-za'nisjt 
n.f. snubbing rebuke reproof ; re- 
primand iSjtjy' sar-zo'ri n.f. waywardness; 
restiveness headstrongness yy sat-sabz! adj. 

verdant fresh flourishing ; prosperous ; 
thriving (fygfSsar-sab' n.f. verdure fresh- 
ness ; flourishing state ; prosperity jUj/sar-xhar' 
aOj. dead-drunk ; inebriate (f; lysar-sha'ri 
n.f. intoxication f&ysa'r-e sham' n.f. early 
evrningpss-^Y'l^/jo'r-r sham' (Ai se) adv. (from) 
early in the evening l/'J^ysar qa'lam kar'na v.t. 
behead ljf t Jy'soT qa 'lam ho'na v.i. be beheaded 
MjyS sar-kar'dah adj. prominent Jj^fsar-kqr' dagi 
n.f. prominence; eminence vjy'sax' kar'na v.t. 

conquer subdue fire (gun, etc.) jr^s 
tar'-kash adj. headstrong refractory 
wayward ; restive rebellions J-^'sar’-ka'M 
N.f. headstrongness refraction way- 
wardness ; restiveness rebellion t'/lSySsar'- 

ka'shi kar'na v.t. rebel ; revolt be head- 
strong be restive d/y'sar'-ko'bl n.f. 
punishment nipping in the bed Q’/ysar'- 
gartk' adj. displeased ; angry sar' -gars' td 

n.f. irritation; anger ; displeasure JU^y'sar’- 
gardah' adj. straying ... wandering (in search 
of) perplexed 'Jtjjf/'sar'-gmda'rit n.f. per- 
plexity amazement confusion wandering 

(in search of) fjy sair-gax'm adj. active 
earnest eager ; zealous : ardent diligent 

JJySsar-gar'nA n.f. activity earnestness 

eagerness ; zeal ; ardour diligences/,^' 
tar-garth' n.m. ringleader chief* Zf'jfcssar 
gUgash't n.f. ' account ; narrative details 
sar-gash 'tah adj. & n.m. bewiklered 
perplexed at (one's) wit's end sar-gash' - 

tag l n.f, perplexity bewilderment 
‘a'lam-t sar-gash'tagi met adv. bewildered ; in a 

state of bewilderment (f'Jysar-go'shi n.f whit- 
per v/ ( jJ'jysar-go‘Aiyai! korna v.i. whisper 
speaks in whispers sar-mas't adj. dead- 
drunk ; inebriate (f*yS sar-mas' il n.f. intoxica- 
tion ; being dead drunk fjF/Ssar-mo&'q n.f 
original line written by teacher for giving pupils 
practice in calligraphy (fyysar-maghi'ziN r. 
deep thought vain bid to drive something 
home (to) jy so! r-t moo' n.m. & adv a hair’s 
breadth ^ly sar-na' mah n.m. superscription 
address (on letter) (jfiy sar-nigooh' adj. 
vanguished (of flag) flying at half-mast with 
head hanging down in shame jz%jysar-natiish'/ 
n.f. destiny ; fate (Jjjysar-var'aq n.m. title (of 
book) tf\,tsjy/sar-o saman! v.i. be a pre- 
paration^) arrangements necessaries 
sar-o-saman' ho'na v.i. be a preparation (for) 
/ tfy sa'r-o-kar' n.m. concern connection . 
relation V&jVf/Ssa'r-o-kar' rakk’na v.t. be con- 
cerned with Ljty'sar' ho'na v.i. be conquer- 
ed ; be vanquished be subdued ; be sub- 
jugated fall (to) (of gun) be fired pester 
(someone) with dun impertunei><^v' v ^f 
ek' sar hazar' sauda' prov. individual facing a 
thousand troubles [P] 

. sir\ sar n.m. head top pinnacle^ 
y*' highest part tip point 
sir' ah'khoh par int . certainly; means; whh 
pleasure adv. cordially respectfully OjJy 
I'lefcSisir' sh'btoti par Htis'na v.t. receive; 
cordially extend a warm welcome (to) C ’f'&irjs 
sir' utks' ke chains v.i. strut about ; con- 
ceitedly have nothing to fear or feel ashamed 
of \!\ehysir' uths'na v.t. rebei(^s(!tijtt^ l y’sir’ 
ura'na (or Sra' de'ns) v.t. behead Ij^sty sir' 
oofi'cha kar’ns v.t. & 1. hold one’s head high 
exalt Ijf^y^sir' bhi'ri ho'na v.t. have a 
headache feel giddy Kgysir' bt,k na v.i. 
jeopardize one’s life ( rfsdtjsh/fsir' pa" oh 
par jakh'na (or dkor'na ) v.i. fall at the feet of 
pa' 'ok par rakh! kar bhag’ns 
v.i. fleetyidji/Sstr’ pa' 'ok na ho'na v.i. be 
baseless be unable to make head or tail (of) 
fySsit pa'fakhra (or pa'fakna) v.i^try in 
vain Ay sir' pm adv. close at hand bfxl^/'tir' 
par (a') ban’na adv. be in trouble ^yXiJysxt' 
par a' re (hal'na v.i. be in grept brouble^J^^' 
sir’ par an’ktuk na ho’na v.i. be stupid^SRb(je^' 
sir' por-o'jal (or qaga’)lhtl’na v.i. (of death) 

a pproacl court (deaih)^ tfiy'sh ' par Stfc a' 
let ta v.i. make much noise ; to cause a tumult 
Hjfcfisysir' par (a') part’d v.t. find oneself in 

trouble be entrusted to i>y ■C/'in' pat bol'na sjti'kat'na v.i, (of head) become sticky 
v.t. (of apparition) speak through possessed tfi<n' n.f. (dial.) teasing aDv (dial.) against 
person l pat jin' c^oti na (or one’s wijl t\f>/str dtkka’ na v.t. get lice picked 
soar' ho'na) v.i. be possessed fly into a from (one’s) head dikhna v.i. have a 

passion CtaZfgySsir' par dkorka'na v.t. spoil by mild headache^Jatj^str’ dhard mi. patronU**^ 
over indulgence Cm^/ysn' per ^ert'na v.t. rtr dhax'na v.i. repine .lament grieve 
be spoilt by kindness behave rudely over one’s trouble enjoy grow ecstatic 
p<n ch tap' per rakh'na v.i. over Vj*rysir dta'na v.i. have a shampoo*u?*4^' 
put under debt of gratitude VJi. si r dc dt mat' no. v.i. fry to kill oneself in 

sir 1 pm khtk' date a v.i. mourn ; lamant desperation le-j^ur' de'nav.T. die (for the sake 
L ' jfJ 1 *' & rJ-:S sir' per khoon’ saw ho ne v.i. of) jeopardize one’s \tStpar)fjt/'4tt'-d$9t' adj. 
be mad- with murder Cd^rA^sit' par khoon' (of water) just deeper than man’s ttawwefyjn^' 
Una v.i. murder (Vliij : )di£/'iir par rakk'na (or sir siftd' ho'na v.t. grow grey ; grow old 1/VjS 
urta'na) v t. treat with great respectiitc/vb^^y fy* sir seh'ra ho'na V.t. be the cause of success 
Of * si 1 par saoat' raih'na (or Ao'ita) v.t. & £o~ry'str saihla'na v.t. pat one’s head in 

boom large before pester with V /I shame sawn on OtyoSySsir se bat a' taVna v.i. 

«r -por kta ra .ho'na v.i. be close at hand (of some difficulty) end unexpcciedlyWl^jf^Sy^ 
Ujf lari tvC' par gkar' (or tamit'JuAa sir se bejh uiar'na (of responsibility) end*d£^a^/' 
Hi "tv .1 make much noise make a fuss sn s* pa" at tak adv. from top to bottom ; 
about K^^k'y^sir' par halt pter na vi. entirely iifjJ '^k^yfstr' se pa'nt gil'zar ja'na v.t. 

fondle console patronize tfyrljrfjjrisy' behead over ears (in trouble, etc. ) l>>’_S c /*£sjx' 

sir par hath' rakh'na (or dtor'na) v.t. foster sir s* ka'Jan bahdh'na v.i. engage in a desperate 
patronize take under one's protection^ki^^' endeavour \sl(Ji\yilfj-Al&'mySsit‘ se tin'ka 
ur pa re ka soudi PH. something that cannot ne ptar'neka ehsan man na v.i. be thankful for minor 
helped t po'krtr kar rath’ ja'na v.i. be or favour Cufa p^sur' se khrl'na v.i, of possev 

downcast Cgsur' phot' *a v.i. have a splitting sed person) shake one s head under the influence 
headache (of head be smashed injure one’s of evil spirit die (for) do a brave deed 
head Jjj/fynr phuim'oal w i. quarrel) fighr KjJ'sir' se gu'zarna v.i. despair of one’s life— 
wrangle mutual differences tfjgy-sir l>f sir sikg' ho'na v i (iron.) have a distinctive 
ohoot'no v.i injure one’s head (of 'head) feature be easy to recognize 
be smashed j/fysir -phi ra adj . mad ka'la muthba'la ph. be stHI young (^✓frr’ ka'\a 
^fysir' phir na v.i. go mad be adj. beheaded Vjysir" kar'na v.t. & t. (of 
crazy Vsjrfytir ptoi'na v.t. & i. strike women) do her hair entrust (to) CU^Ssir' 
one j head^ (against) smash (someone’s) head kha'na v.t. bother make much ftoikcCljiZs 

%/*}*' fitna (or pit Ir'na) v.t. sir khapa'n a v.t. & t. rack one's brain bother 

mourn ; lament give up as lost vent one’s (someone) V ifysirkh ja'na v.i. be non-pluss- 

rage on oneself tit' pair na ho'na v.i. ed invite trouble try to think s— 

be unable to make hear or tail (of \ Vyty sir' C/psir' kh ja'nt kl far' sat no- hg’na v.i. be very 
Star’ *3 v.t. disobey (God’s orden)fjysir' lor' busy ; have one’s hand full ^jCssir’ ke bal adv 

no), extreme (effort )(V^t Sty'siP tbam Wna v.i. headlong; with head foremost head overhead 

rue; repine lament ( cJ~Zkj(sjifSsir thnp'na voluntarily debasing oneself ^J^/fsir' 
(or chepek'nn) v.t, fay blame at (other person’s) gah'ja kar'na v.t. beat severely on the head 
door shift one t responsibility (to) sir' gookdh'na vi. plait one’s hairC^y^ir’ 

sir jor' ko> botthno v.t. (of people join their head gkoom'na v. to suffer from vertigo ; to be of un* 

together jk^eSjU^Sstr' jh&r math' pah a* adv. sound mind C^yur' tag'na v.i. be blamed V£igy 
savagely lamenting uutidilv with’ un- ttr' (par) Wna v.t. take (something) upon oneself 

kempt hair Ut£ys» jhuka na v.t. bow i’jiy str' mar'na v.i. make a strenuous- effort 

subtnitl^gXnr 4fmta adj. rude audacious take great pains mUtdva'ti 

spoiled by over-indulgence Oj'Jjfrysir' kl o' It por'na pros, misfortune befalling the very 
chart but b»i na v.i, (of apparition) speak first venture ViSnpSstr' mOhda'na v.t. get one’s 
through possessed (person) become self- head tonsured be duped become a mendi 

apparent iyl ynj^sit (hurt kar mar'na v.i. cant SjdjpSsn' umhd'na v.t. tonsure (some- 

eomtisH suicide as a protest against cfJysir' one’s) head cheat defraud; dupe in 



mai'ta ho'na v.i. be rtiensturating^^x'iir' na 
pair ph. baseless : unfounded awkward 
VijSysir napira'na, I'SifZ y^sir ni'^s kar'na 
v.i. bang down one’s head in dDamttyf 
nr $atiu'ti par li'ye fhir'na v.i. be ready to lay 
down one’s life 

ySrw.M. tune note music ; melody 
./"start of game (at cards) VlP/Ssur mila'na v.t. 
& I. sing in tunc tune attune y\St\ 

Poft'tha tQr n.m. major key ; alto //iJbt-slir, jy^ 
h+Ju'ra adj. out of, tune discordant un- 
musifal^lf^t/Aj'ma sur n.m. tenor ; contralto 
j/S sur n.m. low tone ; bass 
Ssxr (ri^jjylasrsr') secret mystery 

* sacrament [A1 

i jSt'rs n.m. tip point end begin- 
/ ning top ^.tsysi’re st adv. at all 
‘ab initio’ : from the beginning ( ~ y sir^ 
y sara N.f. (same asXy'N.F. •*) 

fi sur. singing singer fijysara"* n.f. 

/ singing 

jf ySarab' n.m. mirage (fig.) illusion [A] 

f.tarap' n.m. (dial.) curse [S] 


^ySVa'pa n.m. (see .under y sar -A) 

>. J,rarrs'ta n.m. sound of strong wind 
Wraj' n.m. lamp [A] 

n.m. (dial.) funeral obsequies (S] 

^j^sara' sar' adv. (see undeiyWar n.m. yt) 

' sar-asimagi N.r .^yfy sar-asi'mah adj. 
£y"** i - ' (see under Jysar -^) 

♦ . rSragh' N - M - trace track sign 
C/S' suragh' -rasali’ n.m. detective 
suragh' -rasa ni n.f. detective’s job tracing ; 
tracking search detection (liX'yilS&fc/y 
suragh' lagana (or dhioofid'na) v.t. v detect’ 
track trace out .search out seek ; discover 


get a clue (to) ygASsuragh' le'na v.t. 

''suragh' mil'na (or pa'na) v. get a 
. - •- - " 

a clue (to) get an inkling (of) tfySsura'ghi 
n.m. who tracks detective [P] 
i’ljsarak'tia v.t. approve commend 
yjr praise 

<jynra"i (also )/sma) n.f, inn ; caravan- 
S* serai temporary abode (fig:) 

world [P] 

^.f.sira'yat n.f. penetration seeping 

running through bS&}/sira’yot kar'na v.t. 

penetrate [A] 


gallop (fifiJ)i>!(V*^'sar'pat 
op (QH 

dama'na (or Sra'ita) v.t. gallop (one's 

L* A t . V r/rr'tlA# Jmjv' 

horse) I'Jjj J^ysar'pa^ daur'na v.i. 
run at full speed 
„ .sur'i n.f. consciousness, care ;■ attCn- 
tion (to)(Vp^jljl’^C^ysUr , i na ho’na (or 
■ryfi’na) ■ be unconscious be utterly unmind- 
ful of 

/» ~ jsar'jari n.f. suigcry c^Ssa/jan n.m. 

surgeon [E] 

i j&r'kh adj. red n.m. ‘arbus prccatorius’ seed 
used as weigJhXji^sOr'Ui-bid'' n.m. crisy- 
pclas adj. successful trium- 

phant honoured fulfilling mission 
sur'fdrroo’ ho'na v.i. succeed ^^y'rar'kh-roo'’* 
n.f. success triumph honour ; fulfilling 
a mission y/s^ysSr'kh-o-sifed' adj. red and 

white. in perfect health blooming with 
youthful vigour tjfjj/'jBr'kA ho'na v.i. be red 
flush with anger JysQr'khah. {Jysur'kha 
n.m. roan of bay horse red pigeon (joc.) 
communist ; red ^-<i3r'kh» n.f. brick-dust 
rouge newspaper heading gyjt'shali- 
fiir'khi n.f. banner headline (US* & kl f\X&y 
sur'kfAjama'na {prqa’m kar'na) v.t. give a 
heading (to) Jr lj[ytur'kM ma"il adj, red- 
dish IP] 

.« .surkhab' n.m. ruddy goose S-iS-jI/C?\sy 
iurkhab’ ka (or fee) par' lag'na v.i. 
be exalted win a distinction [P ~prec.] 

.sar'd adj. cool” cold chilled dead 

y" listless indifferent ; apathetic dull 

market lifeless <Sfysard-ab'Jlysard-a'bah n.m. 
(arch.) cold cellar cold both cold 
sXoTiLgetfSfJSsar'd-baZa'ri adj. slump ; dullness 
of market ‘Srsysar'djohg n.f. cold war OZy 
s ’.r' d-kha nah n.m. cold storage vSpSsar’d kar'na 
v.t. cool chill refrigerate gj/jy/sar'd- 
migai’ adj. unambitious cold ; apatite tic ; 
indifferent y y sar' d-meh' r adj. cold; apathetic; 
indifferent y y/tar' d-wch' ft n.f. coldness, 

apathy ; indifTerence{Cb’jfljlrjfysar’d ho'na (or 
hoja'na) v.i, become cold chilled be- 

come apathetic or indifferent die 
dil-sar’d ho ja'na v.i. become apathetic 
be disgusted [P] 

j sar'dah, by’tvr'di n.m. musk , 
utelon^jy'sardai’i n.m. & adj. 
light green colour 
.. .sat' A n.f. 

Oy* (slang) cold ; catardi \k?ify/sar'di 


par' nd v. i. get told be chilly (of tempe- 
ra lure) fall C^fJ^sar'di lag'na v.i. feel cold 
shiver with colfl (slang) suffer 
from cold [P] 

Jv" sar’dal n.m. door lintel 

n.m. delirium ; lrelizy 
j». ..suisuratta V.i. shiver with cold 


stirsara'na (of lice, etc.) creep (of 
l leaves, etc.) rustle (of sound) trill 

produce low trilling soundw£j^«<f<?r.t0ra'/Mt n.f. 
rustle hiss 

. , . far' fan adj. cursory by the way 
yfir careless ; displaying lack of attention 
skipping superficial { 

* jfj s At' suit n. f. veewil corn-vecwil 

titillation by creeping of small insects; 
creeping sensation 

sar'soh n.f. a species of mustard 
mustard-seed OC^Or^sar sob ks tel ' n.m. 
mustard-seed oil sar'soh ki kkal'li n.f. 

mustard-seed oil caike O sax' sop 
ah'khop met pkouim v.i. be enraptured be 
very happy be jaundiced liljjfotjSsaT' sot 
phaol'na v.i. (of mustard) bloosom 

par jama na v.i. accomplish 


sar-fhar ' adj. (see underjs'sar if) 

^ £ sin sh'i n.f. nature ; disposition ; tempera- 
nient suf. tempered; disposed Z^/sirish' lah 
adj. & pref. kneaded mixed [P ~ 

/:• jSiristik n.m. tear [P] 

.jf .sarlan' n.m. cancer Cancer (as a 

(J»7 sign of Zodiac) (rare) ctabcfVpsbr 
kkgl'l-e sarlan' n.m. Tropic of Cancer (A] 

sat" at n.f. swiftness haste ; speed 

'‘'y' lack of retentive power [A] 
/^ysar'ghanah n.m.’ ringleader [P-y-'J 

• .sitr'fah n.m. cough (P) 

•• sarqak (or ped. sa'riqah) N.M. plagiarism 
(Jr theft ; larceny 

jZtP.sar-quf'li n.f. advance partial payment 
of tent [PJ 

I y/jsarkar' n. f. government authority 

jf/l>JfpLsjsfySMrka r ' darbar ' (jjark’rm v.t. sue 
go to a court of law jJjt^Ssarkn'ii adj. official 
government State (fjl,>(f;t£/sarka'ri dor * 

tail adj. official belonging to the govern- 

ment party ((‘•'Ik b)J^I(fJ^bsarka!H aiki-kar (or 
mHla'fim n.m. government servant IP1 
T-v' .Mrfajr' n.f. (title of respect) . . 
Jy*' sir madam miss 
J.sar'kas n.m. circus (E) 

U' sar'kal n m. circle J^snr - I 

(jFf knlar n.m. circular ; iastruc* * 

lions circulated JE] 

t / s a! rakna v.t. slide glide out of the 

. t /.sa!rakna v.t. 

} Jr way Cj^Ssarka'na V.T. 

remove cause to slide 
^.^.sarkah'da n.m. reed 

'a/ rif L-aU U U t/ta 

push aside 

sir kah n.m. vinegar (PJ 

/ jiir'ki n.f. rced-screcn (used as 
y/ 0 ' roofing, etc.) / ^^'J/ / sirk\ ks fbkappar n.f 
make-shift roof made with it „ 

.sar'g n.m. (f'lJ^/sTtrgba'sH (see uinUt Ujy* 

sargasjt'lagl v.r.,Z*£^'’sargastilah adj. 

(see under y^sm n.m.) 

gam n.f. gamut nation scale of 

l sar" gam N.F. 
Cs music 
jT/sur'g)lP N.m. c 

*• rVmX kl K U i 

Jysur'glli N.m. rowdung (PJ 

* sar'ma n.m. winter ^^sami's adj. winter 
clothing, headquarters, etc.) (PJ 
. sarma’yah n.m. capital stock-in-trade 
y»/r funds means 
n.m. & adj. capitalist rich (person)*^.*^ 
sarma yardard' nab ADJ. & adv. capitalistic | 
sarmayq-da'ri n.f. capitalism (fjl^^sarma ya- 
kart n.f. investment jtf / *^Ssarma‘ya-kar adj. 
one who invests ; enterpreneur C£)^l/Ssama‘ya 
laga ns v.t. invest capital make an invest- 
ment [P] 

.sax' mad' n.m. & adj. eternal , everlasting 
-Jc perpetualj^^'iar'madl ADJ. eternal ; perpe- 
tual [A] 

a asUr'mah n-.m. antimony collyrium 
j/fsySsUt'mar&lo6i\ gs/tpSsar'ma-aluo'dab, 
sHmaglh' adj. (eyes) stained with anti- 
mony or collyrium ftij^Ssihr'me da’nl n.f. anti- 
mony (or collyrium) containertU^^/’jSr'ma 
dha'IaknZ v.i. (of antimony stains) spread (owing 
to tears, etc.) Ct t^ssilr'ma laga’na v.t, stain 
(eyes) with antimony (or collyrium) 

Sur'ma he j&'na v.t. be reduced to very fine power 
antimony-coloured ; greyish ; ash- 
coloured fPl 


, su’ rati g n.f. subterranean passage : 
mine (explosive) mine passage in 

w*1l made by burglar n.m. roan or bay horse 
aoj. pretty coloured tyJs^ty'sU.'ratig ter a »a v.l. 
explode a minel sU'ratig lag&tu, y.i. 
break into a house mine ^y /, su’rafigyg n.m. 
miner ; one who lays down mines 

, / w'e n.m. cypress ^j^ysar'o h atad' 

/ N.n. tail cypttn^iftysar’v-ahdm’ if} ,! 
an;, with a cypress-like graceful body Vy 
<4$%p / ’ taT ’ he <k'Va'gh<i*N,M.,a kind of >,■ 
cypres* fjljj^'sar'O’e w*f ADJ. a kind 
of oypness sweet heart with a graceful 
VuUflt/Wrt seki n.m. branched cypress 
tall and graceful nytctheart^/j^/nir'ii. 
la fnat'jfjjSstu'tyqad' adj. tall and 'graceful (PJ 
P' fped- stiroop') n. i. (dial.) beauty • 
V/ comeliness ^Qjdev'ta-saroop’ adj. (dial ) 
beautiful like a deity (8] - 
l*T j, sarau'ia h m beteVnut 
/ cracker Attt-crackn 

v sarod' (or sUrod') n.m. music 
melodv song anthem 
kynxtyr't^jiiui ’s-osurod' N.m. dance and 

music gay life [P] 

t yfrirocr' n m. joy % delight pleasure : 

exhilaration slight mioxicriUaaCP^yjy 
\uroor' i'ne lag'n a v.r. begin to grow rapturous 

begin to feel effect of drink [A] 
jar’vm n.m. sovereign lord master 

Chief ’jar'oar-t ka'xnit' n.m. (the 
Holy Prophet) (as t& chief of Cod’s Creation) 
(Sj^Ssar' van n.f. sovereignty , sway over* 

lordship a female name [P] 
f) jsafvis n.f. service ^(Jj^sar'ms-brik n.f. 
V/ service-book [E] 

, surosh' n.m. . angel voice (from 
heaven %*Jftfjys1tri dh-t ghaib' n.m. voice 
of prophecy [P] 

gj^/ sar van H U naroe of * f°lh song 
i stfo'h i n.f: a kind of dagger 

. strkri'aa, sarka'na n.m.^ head of the 
» */' bed head part (of) ^{ysirhn’ne adv. 
at the head of the bed n.m. (pl. of k'iy'it) 


• - n.f. head (ot slaughtered animal) as 

food Z-ltf/Sti'rl pa”t n.m. pl. head 
and feet (of slaughtered animal) as (bod their 

ii'rt (ped. sri) m.m. (same (fj* n.m. ir) 

ft . .ti'ti ragiot sri'-) n.m. one of the major 
I J'JjLg/ 0r modes of cfausical of > Indo- Pakistan 
musk connected with midwinter [8) 

~ ^ rina[dl n.f. Syriac.; Syriac language 

adj. Syriac (A) 

' , y -w/' n.m^ throne (rare) baH 
'j bysan'r-a ra '( sal'tamt ) ko'na 
v.i. ascend the throne e^Ja^yy'sa ri'r-t tuJ'toM. 
n.m. throne (A) 

f, J tmf n.m. (dial.) body [S] 

rflri'/a, ADJ. (f. J/SsuH'ti) melodious 
musical ** 
rfirin' n.f. buttocks (P) 


iart —' NM> 8 ,uc IP) 

t , sarV' adj. fast ; quick swift nimble 
Ep<r ^Ol$ySiarl u iit-tasir’ aoj. (of drug 
prayer, etc.) quick to produce desired effect 
sPi^jSsati ' l -Ul-fah’m (col. -fdik'm ) aDj. quick- 
witted perspicacious abj. 

easy to digest [A] ' 



^ sir n.f. madness craze (JpSnran 
y 0 ' n.f. A adj. mad woman crazy 
(woman) (f^Ssi'n adj. mad crazy 

obLt^if^irl souda"i n.m: & adj. mad man 
crazy (person) 

p. sa'ra adj.* ilfssortin* v.r., j\*Ssmrakd 
I/' n.f. (see under Pj/v.i. ♦) 
j j sa’ra sat’ Adv. (of whip, blows, etc.) con- 
[/yr tinuously raining y 

i,u,sarop’pa n.m. huge sip iH^ysarmp’ pg 
laga’na v.t. take a very large sip 
finish off at a draught 

*/J sar'safaJrySstt'sajk -adj. A N.M. sixty* 
seven 0 tJSrysar? safaris jffi^SutT'mrfkea* 
AJ»(. sixty-seven 

> > v sir 'sat n.f. sound of hookah’ 

^ /.sa'xak n.f. road l 1* d/Ssa'rak kata' njsy.t. 
J/' build a road ^p'J^'sm'yak kaj'aa " v.l, 
build a road (through) 

su'takua v.,. gulp down with a splash 

. , rur'it n.f. Urge sip sudden slacken- 
" ing of kite string 

^^ ii'ran n.f. & adj. (see under yS sit 

jur'sa v.i. . foe putrefy decompose 
AOJ. (». tfySSri'fl) rotten 

putrefied decomposed f/Stfga’la sdr& adj. 
(f^fySffga'h sa'ft) rotten putrefied 
decomposed L'ljssara'na v.t. cause to rot 
causes to 'decompose Jf^sarakd' n.f. stench of 
rotting thing J^Ssar'yal adj. peevish 

-ftr * N ‘“* * AOJ" (see under jS sir n.f. «fe) 

mPj sa'rf adj., Jt£s sor'yal adj. (see under 
Vjr v.i. *) 

I • v n.f. punishment penalty 

|/* r retribution ; requital chastisement Cj> l/S 
saa' pa'ra V.I. be punished^ IjSsaza dt’na v.t. 
0 punish penalize chastise ^ifjSsaza'-yab’ 
VltySsaza’-yaf lak adj. & n.m. punished or 
penalized (person) tje t-^jysazz'-yab' ho'na v.i. 
oe punished 

, .saza'oar’ adj. worthy (Of) deserving; 
Jljy* meriting fjjr jijjyssaza var’ ho’na v.i. 
deserve ; merit (PJ 

i lijsad'-oal n.m. (arch.) rent-collector 
l)fy* tax-collector gtbSiaza'vaR n.f. (arch.) 
tax-collection tax-collector’s job [T] 

.sBs't adj. slow tardy slothful 
dull ; sluggish inactive lazy ; idle ; 
indolent feeble (rare) loose ; lax (rare) 
infirm ; yna^US^c^iis’t^t-Uiqad’ adj. in- 
credulous setpticabO>.C^sis’ t-binyad' adj. 

infirjn unstable shakyH^uS^Sf^paiiBa*' 
n.m. 4 adj. fickle ; capriciousy&*^*?fis'/-r<i/iar' 
ADJ. slow beggardt^^fgs't for’na v.i. , 
slow down make lazy make sluggish 
VfjXjTts'l ho'na v.i. be lazy be somewhat 
unwell (jr^sis 'ti n.f. laziness ; idleness ; 
indolence slowness v/^stis’H kor'na 

(or si kam’ le'na) n.m. delay ; procrastinate 
be tardy be lazy [PJ 

.* _sos'ta adj. (f. J~^sas'tl) cheap in- 
•*"'*’expemiv« worthless lsyf£~*sas'ta t&kaof- 
M v.i. be rid (rare) sell at a cheap rate ; 
be sold for a pittance 

tos'ta n"t bar ' bar maihh’ga ro"e tk bag’ ntov. . 
expensive things may be difficult to buy but 
cheap rtuff is a permanent unis - i i ce ... £*&%(&** 
Mur if tatg’ bar bar ' gffta' 
for itkk’te hoik ram. cheapness makes worth 
suspicious look a gift horse in the mouth 
• . » sasta'na v.i. rest have a respite 
w ***** repose lie down a while 

^ sis' or (dial. so’sMr) n.m. father-in-law J--*'*’ 
Z - ^ sBs'ra (dial. sa'sSra) n.m. (rare) father 
in-law (mild abuse) the devilish person 4 ^--^ 
sVsrab' (dial. sasUraV) n.f. in-laws’ family 

in-laws' house 0 /jjr^^usral' ka fot'ta m m one 
who sponges on his in-laws uy^sisra’lija adj. 
of in-laws tSf**sus’r%) (dial. sa’sUH) n.f. 
(rare) mother- in- law (mild abuse) the devilish 

person [ ~ c/Usas n.f. fk] 

1* J ^ suskar’na v.t. St 1. sibilate do so 
"jib** 0 * to help sleeping child nuke water 
(of snake) hiss urge (dog) to fly (at someone) 
tSjl£*-*sAska‘Tt n.f. sole sound emitted for 
letting dog fly at someone bus to urge sleep- 
ing child to urinate 

sfsakna v.i. sob be at the last gasp 
\J*** m *’ lead a miserable UIe££'tiC**si'sak 
si'sak for adv. with great difficulty in 
much trouble very miserably tf**n'slA n.f. 
sob fyf(J^~ii'skhah bhar'na v.i. sob 
^p^Ssi'dtan J^/^^si'ihan-kor’t n.f. Session 
V Court £ , c r~'n’sAa* jaj n.m. . Sessions 

Judge [E] 

kr> sat'h n.f. surface plane sat’h* 

mftr'tafa* n.f. plateau sat’k-o 

mus’lavi’ n.m. level ground flat plane 
sat' fa adj. superficial trivial sat' fa 

bat' n.f. (usu. pl.) triviality superficial 
comment [A] 

iyisat'r (col, sa’lar) n.f. (pl. jyb* sUtoor') 

/ line ruling lineament row rank 

JtS sat’r-bati i\ n.f. ruling [A] 

„ Lptfa'vot n.f. majesty (tare)assaalt?(£ 
^r^jbSthaha'na sat' oat n.f. royal majesty [A} 

^j^rfllwr' n.f. (pl. oT^n.f. *) 

^ sa’&'dat n.f. good fortune felicity 
toSym* auspiciousness X-*) U*sa'a' dai-mahd adj. 
dutiful fortunate obedient <fX?j [**sa?a 'iot- 

mah'di n.f. dutifulness obedience good 
fortune [A] 

-j^i / se‘a>i n.f. backbiting (A] 

. sat'd adj. auspicious fortunate n.m. 
J** felicity good fortune yfij»*sa”d-* 

ak’bar MM. Jujiitcr d~j*Ssat doin' n.m. pl. Jupiter 
and Venus jr^fj^sat'd-a nah's n.m. pl. theaus- 
pious and the OfmitMusc^v^^ggira'n-is-sa’dain' 
N.M. conjunction of Jupiter and Venus 
meeting of two auspicious persons jm'sa'U. adj. 
&. n.m. fortunate felicitous auspicious [A] 

sa"y (col. sa’*i) n.f. effort attempt ; 
is endeavour enterprise (rare) running 
v/<r sat’y for’na v.t. try attempt 
deavour strive so‘'y-eJa-ha'sil n.f. 

vain attempt ; futile endemvourifc-'j <f*sa ‘ » 

r* saqmoo'mjS n m. scammony ; dried 

! C JT juice of ‘convolvulus skammonia, 

^,-y saqanqooi ‘ h m. skink (A) 

m suqool' N.M. fall; capitulation defeat 
falling off [A] 

saqim' adj. & n.m. (sec under n.m. ^fr) 

saksr'ni v.T. accept (bill of exchange) 
undertake responsibility j&saksr' 
n.f: acceptance (of bill of exchange) 

N.M. good times times of 
economic prosperity times of cheap- 

n.m. pl. residents ; inhabitants 
n,m. rudder ; helm [A ~ sing. (/is] 

> /iAi«ta”Sf n.m. scout<-$j&'sakd''uting n.m. 

tTAnfinn fRI 

****rj. scouting [E] 
^j£/sa‘kot n.t. strength 
of resistance 

stamina power 

sikat’tar n.m. (col.) secretary (jy^sikat’tari 
n.f. secretary's office [~E coRR.] 

"Cy sa k'tah n.m, a kind of swoon hardly 
distinguishable from death ; deathswoon 
consternation unmetrical L’lczPsak'tah 

par' ns v.t. have unmetrical caesura ; be un- 
metrical sak'lah ho' ns v.t. fall into death- 

swoon^vUtS^wt'^A ts’rlho’na v.i. be struck 
with consternation flo V'Z&sqk'te ks ‘s' lam n.m. 
consternation [A~ 

sitk'r n.m. intoxication liquor ; 
•“T alcoholic drink [A] | 

. j'fSakarat' n.f. agony (of death) 
strong fit (of fainting) oycsiP'sakara'fre 
maul' n.f. last gasps agony of death 


. . */. sa'kar-ds'da n.m. paternal great grand- 
father’s father 

sU'karns v.i. shrink contract 
tighten up _ shrival dwindle feel 
chilly l%iZ6'SUk'ra (hu'a) (*■)& jZ^uik'rl 
(hu'i) adj. shrink shrivelled contracted 
thin ; lean 

tnk’ng aux. v. can be able to 

sik'ns v.i be toasted [ - C&] 

tikatjahin' n.f. 0 freshly prepared lime 
juice cordial 0 acid syrup (PJ 
*ih«h'dar,'£6'iiskat‘dat n.m. Alexander 
•Ar (SjX** stkefi dart adj. pertaining to Alex- 
ander N.f. 0 tripping Up ©stumbling (af horse) 

V iSi/jX^sikafi’dari kha’na v.t. tripup (of 
horse) trimble [P ~ G] 

t /jsa'kanah n.m. pl. residents; inhabitants 
n.m. (col.) (usu. sak'nah) resident of [A- 

SING, jj/is 1 
^ /Csukoot' N.M. 
silence ( 

reticence quietness ; 
peace calm ; tranquillity 

/.sako'rah n.m. earthen cup 

^ / sakor'ns v.T. (same as l '%r v.T. if) 

y sakool \ J/Sliskool' N.M. school 
Qj> sakool' mtis'tar n.m. schoolmaster [E] 

sukoon' n.m. state of rest respite 
Cry motionlessness peace calm ; tran- 
quil ity allevation ; end of restlessness [A] 
m • /, sukoo'nat n.f. residence dwelling 
sukoo'nal-paar' ho' ns V.t. 
reside ; take* up residence (at or with) [A] 

/ sik'kah n.m. coin coining die lead 
nr idt.Jy sik'kah btihs'na v.t. establish 
(one’s) prestige overawe brjng (a people 
or country) under one’s rule L’U sik'kah bans' ns 
v.t, coin money mint coins CfrJr sik'kah jams' ns 
v.i. establish (one’s) prestige &y ^ sik'ka-zan 
n.m. coiner; mint master r£'J*^ja l 'li sik'kah nm. 
base, spurious or counterfeit coin 
rs"ij‘ul-vaq't sik'kah n.m. airrent coin [A] 

/. sikh, n.m. Sikh n.f, , Sikh 

woman [ ~ 

/, sikh n.m. comfort ease easy cir- 
0 cumstances solace relief happiness 
affluence leisure peace of mind 
tranquillity J]- nf'sikh-psl' n.f. (arch.) sedan 
chair il^’sukk' pa ns v.i. know comfort 
get relief sukh-ta’ Is n.m. inner soul tf-ejp' 

sUkh-'-t&atn n.m. easy circumstances life of 
ease leisure and pleasure n^J'J^iikk kf thkd' 
N.F. sound sleep carefree sleep 

sikh' ki mhd' so' ns v.i. have a carefree sleep 
si’khl adj. & n.m. (one) living in easy cir- 
cumstances (one) enjoying good relations 
fyj&sU'khi raih'ns v.i. live in easy circum- 
stances enjoy good relations adv. in 
peace in comfort comfortably 

.•.Cysukhs'ns v.t. dry up dehydrate 
evaporate [~ Uif^CAUS.] 

.* sikha'ns, CyJ'sikhJs'ns V.T. teach 
vWr instruct tutor (witness) $uJ'sikV* n i 
n.f. training teaching instruction ; for 
schooling instructional charges { - CaffCAUt.) 
.jjr* s s'khi n.f. (arch.) woman's female friend , 


suker' n& v.t. shrink shrivel con* 

iract gather up tighten [ ~t*i^cAi’S.J 
f sa % W Mt (lit.) dogAi/i-t’rflf-f ba&'n n.m. 
^^stray dog bash'- bira'dar-r 

k hir'd ma-ba‘sh frov better be. a dog than a 
younger brother [P] 

s#. sa'ga, adj. (f. (pw'jl) born of th« same 
parents full uterine sinrrre 

l^sigar' n.m. cigar (j’JljJfcngir'’ 

Jw* kadi (or nosh'), sm. & adj. (one) 

%jhp puffs at or smokes a cigar (f~j& 

(f'j b ) sigar’-katH (or no'shl) puffing at 
or molting a cigar [E] 

n.f. betrothal VJ^tagaTl kar'rta 
{jrr v.t. betroth affiance ljrJ&saga''l 
ha'na v.t. be betrothed ; be affianced 

n.f. name of a musical mode timed 
for forenoon [8] 

n.f. (arch.) perfunie ; fragrance [ - 

^t/si'gpor adj. accomplished (girl) well- 

versed in housekeeping blJbPsagkra'pa, 
si'tfurt-p&n n.m. accomplishment export* 

ness in housekeeping 

JKil n.f. slab this used for grinding 4e*~Zr 
W G£ny f a‘iu par sit rakk'na v.t. endure patiently 
f Ldsil N.r. consumption ; pulmonary tubervulosis 

* 1*1 

salajtt' n.f. st ora x 

f It/**^* H '*’ * * «'(riltiA).weap©n;imple- 

{/•^tnent of wArXr^^sUak-baitd adj. armed 
^th{ / .y , tU$A'-kh3'>iah, ^J^tas'le^A kha'nah mr. 
anwnal ; armoury ^s^l^ula^dar n.m*. armourer 
i*y? n.m. iron bar . spit 

„ . sala'sat n.f. plain words simple 
^■'‘j^style ; simplicity of 

Mi'jit N.r. PL. chains (A- sino. J~*\ 

As solatia n.m. ft.. sovereigns monarch*: 
C/2#^ kings fmprrors lA~siNq.nUH 
.tsiam n.m. salutation 
f 1*^ grmtng wislies regards 
compliments good (esc.) peace 
blessings; benediction ton* 
eluding act of prayers tvr. fan well 
(to) (.belter be rid 
fktr'ts v.t. finish (one s) pr.i 
psffim' N.M. dtsronne talk . innvci ration tyfi* 

c/i jsalam dent (or l kaih'ntt) v.n wish • send 
one's complijncms (to) (of officer) send for 
(assistant) tala' mo 'atai'kUm (or -mo-) (col. 

for sals’ min • alai'kim ) n.m. good morning (etc.) 
M.. peace be with you tjfissatari ksrr’a a v.t. 

salute wish ; greet quit . get rid otOfo* 
rat am' te'na v'.i. return salutatinn (of) tyf'IP'satam 
ho'na v.t; be better rid of ^fllsratam' hot int. 

1 am better rid of you (etc.) (iron.) what a 
wonderful person (A) 

_ m . sola' mat adj, A adv. safe surviving 
(flcsUssala'inat-ra'a- n.f. good con- 
duct moderate wky of life CS^stf^salft# 
sala'mat adj. & adv. safe and sound $%'sali‘matt- 
n.f. safety security well-being health 
good health fir tf'tf'gr'sata' mall ka jam pi ’tm 

v.t. drink to the health (of) ; drink a health ; 
toast [A] 

n.f. guard of honour presents- 
Cation of arms salute of guns present 
made to bride, etc. present madfe to landlord 
for lease (m construction work) slope ( ~ A 

*• i» ,ri/a”t n.f. seam stitching stitch- 
D^ing charges needlework ( ~ CJK* tj'] 
<,j.»/s"lNt 'knitting needle appliance 
l)*^ for the staining eyes with col lyrtum ; stain- 
inf needle l>* t efilk y (j£ ( jj*iJ'(atikk*i m*4) nfri 
/Arr' is' na v.t. blind (the eyes) 

4 m .sjSita'na v.t. cause to tew gel siitrhnl 

"V * |«- UtfCAUS.) 

I*. sHla'na v.t. putto sleep lull to sleep 
kill ; murder { - Cr*c a«'*.| 

• jsal'b n.m. sci/un uking away 
divesting ; taking awaj negation 
(logic) negative argument Ct/l^sal'b kar It'na 
v.t. divest (someone) of power, etc. (A) 
l^ri'fejdus.r. (ssnrf as^x.r. f) 

^ j.\u(jha'ita. v.i. solve (problem) settle 
(,'(^7 (dispute, etc.) unrevel disentangle 
teach manners make cultured sl^sUtjha''o 
n.m..' unravelling disentanglement sola* 
tion (of problem ) settlement (of- dispute) 
manners culture OC'rW lajkaa v.l. Want 
manners become cultured be unravelled 
be disentangled (of problem) be solved 
(of dispute) be settled 

Xisi tahHM. weapon pf war .armow 
1/ sF%£*i’lak.pv\h' , adj. nr- 

niourcd n.m. soldier (A) 
yssartb *. m. last day of lunar m onth (A) 

UjJSftt'Us-iit-bMtl' n.m. morbid copiousness of 

W' urine fAJ 

tj^lSsahabW n.f name or a heavenly spring or 
Um* stream f A.1 

Um* stream [A] 

.* sal sal&'na v.t. &. i . have a creeping 
sensation tingle itch titiHation 
sal sola' hat n.f. creeping sensation 

tingle itch titiHation 
it / si'lsilah n.m. (pl. iJ—^si'lsila-ha') series 
link succession arrangement 
class ; category connexion saintly line 
(PL. J^U^sala'sU) chains fr^fJ^si'Isila-juttiba'iii 
N-f. setting the ball rolling cutting Ule ice 
O&^si 'Isilah mkal'tla v.l. begin be the 

means of j 'Isila-var adj. consecutive 
serial ; serially arranged serialized link- 
cd together (A) 

n.m. (pl. talaftn') sovereign; 
monarch ; ruler emperor (rare) 

authority Hb^sulta'Tiah n.f. queen empress 

Jik ysUltahi adj. princely royal , regal 
n.f sovereignty empire dominion 
authority jjtftl&'sUlla'ni-e jumhear' n.f. 

people's government sovereignty of the 
|>coples tt/^^sulta W guiat’ n u, down wit- 
ness , approver n.f. realm 
dominion kingdom empire (A) 

,■*«'/«/ n.m. ancient people 

predecessors ancestors , adj. old ; 
ancient former ; poet ; preceding [A] 
n.m. (adjunct for ^sau’da n.m. 

^ •! f , 1/saH’f-gaurmiitf n.f. selfgovem- 
inent local selfgovemment [E] 
ul’fah, &*siirfa n.m. hemp e xtract (smoked 
as drug) tobacco enough for one smoke in 
'hookah* & pt’na v. i smoke hemp ex- 

»wt' ifJJ^siil’fahku'ud V. i. be destroyed 

come to uought 

n.f. silk (EJ 

* X , »//'/. N.f. (rare) thread (fola-sil’ki n.m. & 
A ,,| . wirete s» (A j' 

.g^/rM'/ugsru v.i. burn without smoke or 
(lame kindle l&'sAfgu'na v.t. light 
la fire) kindle stir (trouble) 

J^sa'tum N.vt. advance payme.nt 
| sa'lani n.f. sale agreement by advance pav- 

meut IA| 

Lystd’muh N.m. tiny tmlnnidciy spniig tj&J* 
e yatmuh sties' i ah *:M. tiny springs and 
spangles embroidery with it 

iL^sal'nia n,f. a female name this as a 
4? token name for beloved in verse, etc. 

jal'»5 v.i. be pierced be bored [ ~uU) 

•. n/'na.I'VfcKd ja‘na v t be sewn be 
•T stitched f ij^siha'na v.t cause to sew 
get stitched £j!»Ksifoa'’s n.f. remuneration for 
sewing ; stitching charges ( ~ t*^] 

^j^uAo’uni n.m. veterinary surgeon 

J» j.ji/'wt n.f. crease foldt^fait^r (7 'tit 
^jpa\na\.\. not to be smooth crease 
dal'na v.l. cause to crease 
/IjSUlook’ n.m. behaviour treatment 
Oj kindness civility good terms good 
turn mystic initiation i>/ uS-*Jj*sulook‘ si 
raih'na v.t. have cordial relations be at 
peace with be on good terms vJ’Jjp' sisluok' 
kar'na v.t treat kindly do good turn 
(to) (A) 

>y. , . sa'lola id * m. celluloid [El 


salo ns adj. salted dark complex ioned 
Djr but attractive charming (beauty) n.m. 
savoury salt dish Qj'sato'ui adj. seasoned 
coniplexioned but attractive n f brunette 
. sdl’ita n. m quail (only in) ^ ^ : ^ man tt-<- 
ijT Ml’id n.m. manna and quail heavenly 
gift easily obtaired food [AJ 
Joe' sal'haj, sa'luj n.f. brother-in-law's wife 
P sister-in-law [ ~ j 

L/sil’lt n.f. hone grain and chaff tin 
y threshing floor before winnowing 
^/sali’par n.m. slipper [E* 


, issuin’ n.f. slate [EJ 

jL/uihi ' adj. easy to understand plain 
4/3- (words) simple (style) 

•ri^isali’ifah n.m. house-keeping drill obser- 
'•« vance of rules of etiquette good manners 
dexterity nice arrangement -good taste 
j^Jn^sali’qa-die ‘dr', X'Joi'sali'qa-malid (rare 
jijjSf'sali'ftrdar’) adj. good house-keeper 
well mannered skilful cultured Jj&fM 

salt' qa-skrd’ri qa- ali’ ga- 
ll a' it N. f. (same as it) 

<;Am' adj. perfect healthy . right 

| •* - Adj. right-minded 

affable dahl jottta n.m. old type 

embroidered slim: with painted foe [A - 
If* sum n.m. poison : venom ; bane>t b^um'm^il- 
j fir’ n m. arsenic ^ffsammi/yat n.f. poison 

38 + 


poisonous nature banefulness [A] 


st darns’ t ph. not out 

WHjuvauusvw 1*^1 

rj^san n.m. tunc of music fjCjfsam'-tal' time of 
| music ‘7!*Z-i)C( f sam'-Utl’ 

of gear 

sum n.m. hoof 


^ sa'ma h.m. (same as Jit's. u. ir) 

soma' h.m. (pL.&blt'smaoat’) sky ; the 
heavens , firmament (fjif’sama'vi adj. 
celestial heavenly (fjlf'&lifafa't.e sama'iA n.f. 
«*l. calamities acts of God [AJ 
r ys sanaj n.m. (dial r.) society ('sama'jt adj. 

social JjfUif’.lr' sama'jl bura’iyaitN.r. social 
evils [S] 

jSamn'jat n.f, adulation not 
•* sama'jat n.f. imploration and adulation 
sama'jat kar'na v.x. 

(entreat and) adulate [A] 
y^^.sama'hal n.f. generosity [A] 

i. samadb'. sama'dbi n.f tomb 

Jp } » where (someone's) ashes are buried 1 
tomb of a Hindu saint buried alive at own 
request f$] 

m ^jsama'din n.f. (dial.) mystif eonicmpla- 
02" tion (same az* 3 lf'it)C& ( plr'sawa: dki 
taga'na v.t. (dial.) (of Hindu ascetic) be absorb- 
ed in contemplation [S] 

&- tjSama'’ n.m. music listening in to 
W* music , audition ^JCfjtaj'd-e smith 1 ' . n.m. 
ecstacy caused by music n.f 

sense of hearing ; audition listening hear- 
ing (of a case) date, of hearing ty&f'k'sriina’'m 
kar‘ tin v.i, hear a case ; try a suit J'i^saoia^t 
ao|. (grain.) irregular (formation) tradi- 
tional based pn hearsay 

£l^>amaq h.m. porphyry (A) 

O sa'ma. (dial c£ I a’mt NM. 

L / * weather conditions; weather atmos- 
phere ecstatic Sta*« tfJiJtt'saman bandbua 

v.t. create • delteCuble atmosphere 


,.j, soma na. ClrOsoma ja‘ *& v.i. beaccomo- 
v * dated (id) disappear (in) become a 
pari (of) possess ; obsess die %{Ssamit" 
n.f. accommodation (for) access (to} 
samavat" n . m . ( pc . of if h.m . - ★> 

, , , namatar’ n.m. samovar F - 111 


smavi AD J- l*** “nder if n.m. if) 

i ) ^ 

.. -ysam't (coll. - sim’/', 
i*** sarri t-Ur-ras' n.f. Zenith (A) 

sama"l n.f. (see under iVv.i <A) 


„ Ssammat, Cftombal n f. (dial.) Hindu era 




v.i. draw close together 
contract gather rejoin eoiiceturats 

(of work) end ; get finished 
*>> sa’majh n.f. commonsensc under 
Jf* standing comprehension discernment 
(one’s) lights diseretion St S’ ’ sa’majk . a'n,t 
v.i. grow to years of direction become 
sensible drjtjfT'sa'mjh boojb’ n.f. common- 
sense understanding sa'majb pm 

pat'thar pat'na v i. be an arrant fool be too 
stubborn to realize the exigency of the situation 
t*U Ssa majh ja'na vu. understand mend 
one’s ways jIjS ia'mqjt~d&r' adj sensible 

intelligent y^/^sa'majb kafitr’ n.m. folly 
stupidity perverse understanding 
sa'majb. ke adv sensibly ; intelligently OS' 
sa'majb le'na v.i. understand well l‘l 'j^S'sa'majb 
men &'va v.i. (of someone) understand be- 
come clear (to) vSsa'majhna v.i. understand 

comprehend think ; consider deem 

believe , suppose take a less an from others or 
something (UFf^s-sr samajb'na ) take a revenge 

from ; teach (someone) a lesson SH srn’jbe i.vr. 

do you see the point or game ? have you 
learnt a lesson now itSsamjba'na v.i. make 
(something) clear (to) advise explain 

teach ; instruct drive home (to) convince 
account for ; satisfy warn admonish 
tutor (witness) V 0\lla£~samjha na b~jkatia v.T. 

advise admonish appeas IjS'samjhau'ta, 
ZjS' samjbau'tah n.m. compromise under- 
standing (between) pact alliance 
m ■iam'dbx n.m. father-in-law (of someone’s) 
0S* child ^ijpjfsamdkijanak n.m. family or 

house of parents-in-law (of someone’s child) 
cfjfinm'dhnn n.f. mother-in-law (of someone’s 

tam rati n.f. (dial.) meditation 
as a genre of Hindu literature [Sj 
tdm’ran n.f. (dial.) rosary [SJ 


sim sim n.m. (rare) sesame ; sesamum 
charm word f*'( J xrkhil' sim' sim ph. 
open sesame {A} 


f sam!' nm* hearing 

kharash’ ADJ. boring n.U. bore sani’-- j> 

cMjrirfZ?, saw. - 

ljiars'shi n.f. jarmtg on the car boring 
(flOjSf mm" nava'zi n.f. conveying sweet sounds 
sa' mak n.f. (sign of Zodiac) Pfsccs 

(pl. L fir'iasmak'\ fish [A] 

I v sa'mnn n.m. corpulence [A] 

& ^ . 

y jg* so.' man w.f. Jassaminc jll u /'sa'man-ah&d', 

y sa'man-zar n.m. Jassamine garden 

sa'manbar adj. & n.m. (sweetheart) with a 
lovely figure [P] 

fjf'sa’man n.m. SuinmoflflJ 

t ySamafid' n.m. steed ; courser thorough- 
bred horse jffiVj&'samait'd-t naz’ ko 

tazija'nah ko'na PH. be an occasion* for further 

j^ssamah' dar n-M. salamander 

. ,*/ samuh'dar (dial, samafidar) n.m. sea 
ocean fJ^jj^samufi' dar-phal n.m. a medi- 
cine samiii' darjhag n.m. cuttle-bone; 

cuttle-fish bone jlfiC^samuii'dar-kkar n. m. arsenic 
tamo' (fra adv. (gulp down) the whole of 

^^jSamahk' n.f. wheat pith starch 

£* samoor' (ped. sammoor") n.m. sableskin 
sable ; marten (A) 

wmo'sa, ! a mo's ah., (arch, ^yfsambo'sak) 

s n.m. saltish triangular pie hemmed 
triangular piece of cloth 

samoom' n.p. simoom fA~ t* 

t,yS tamo'na v.t. (used as meti samo'ni z) 

\»JT mix hot water with cold water make 
(water) luke warm moderate mix adulte- 

^jp' samel', (or samait) adv. along with ; to- 
** gether with including ; inclusive of 
g ^ sammiy'jat n.f. (see under ^ sain if) 

samet'na. v.t. rollup wrap up 
gather finish (work) amass (wealth) 
jfLi/tf’Jbf'samet' samst kar adv. having 
gathered having amassed [ -lid/') 

|/' a " < also er&pat'-san) n.m. jute 

n.m. year jljtfsan'-var adj. & adv 
year-wise [ - A^corr.] 

..f snri NF whiz rustic crack (of whip) 
Vr \an' u ADV. with a whiz t* a „ • 
stji hojuna v.i be struck dmnbt Vf y> ^ 

»c ni kal /< 3 //« v i. pass quickly (ono.J 

' n.m. (pu (pip's iriln ) age (rare) tooth 
W fr£(jp'sin'n-e buloo$\', l £fyjj'sin n-c beloo'ghal 
n.m. maturity ; puberty s\ri n-e tamiz'ij^p' 

sin'n-e sho'oor' n.m. years of discretion ; maturity 
sin-rasi’dah. adj. advanced in years ; elder 
ly ; ^sin (n)-o-sal' n.m. age ; years sj'fkam- 
sin adj. 'young • juvenile raw ; inexperi- 
enced [A] 

jSiiri adj. & adv. numb ; benumbed 
w struck • dumb I'lfjfcT'sun' ho ja’va v.t. be 

^t^sana k.f. senna ; ‘cassia senn’ 

sana' tan dhar'm adj. (dial.) eternal 
w religion (as name of orthodox Hindu 
faith) [S] 

sanna'ta N.m. pindrop silence awesome 
vw stillness howling wilderness consterna- 
tion shock ; stunning blow howling (of 
storm) violent gust ; blast (of wind)e^.-g , ,0' 
ty/sannate se ba'rasna v.i. rain cats and dogs 
L jfl£dH>sannate mefi a (or raih') ja'na v 
be struck with consteration 
, , sunar' n.m. goldsmith this as a caste 
J A.*£-i5-u 3 j>\ d d5S(fj l> sunar' k i kutkali aur 

dar'zi be bafid' pro vj excuses put up for delay 
^j^sina'ran n . f . goldsmith’s wife any 
woman of this caste 

• .sin an' U&sinati n.f. {pv.^iasin'nafr) spear- 
C^head [A] 

.*< » suna'na v.t. tell relate imorm. 
vl*' read out (to) say or repeat (lesson) 
announce ; proclaim cause (someone) to hear 
rail at carpet speak sternly (to) 
give a curtain lecture ek’ ki das' 

suna'na pH. give tit for tatj/l>rfln<i'’eni n.f. news 
of (someone’s) deathl’lx#/U<rSn3'’<Mti sHna'na V.T, 
give news of (someone’s) death (to) 
iL/sum'bul n.m. hyacinth ; spikenard ; valerian 
4/» khata’i n.m. angelica 
if^i^sum'bul-e hiil'df n.m. hyacinth : spikenard; 
valerian [P] 

i l^sum'bulak n.m. (sign of the Zodiac) Virgo 
ear of com) [A] 

Jy sambo’ sah. (same fk) 

• sHm'hak n-m. spike iron bar 

l^sam'bhal n.m. (same as n.m. ★) 


, , sat' bhalnax,i. steady; befirm rt- 

cover from a fall recover no Ipnger 
go aslu.yOlu^'iati'bharna v.t. suopon 


1 t-**' 

holdup control keep- safe 

J’) adv carefully ; cautiously iil*t'satbka'la n.m. 

support apparent recovery from illness on 
eve of death lsj iHjf^safibhala le'na v.i. recover 
thus recoup 0*^ i2-\afcakbka'le na safi'bhalna 
V.I. be out of control ; be in a miserable condi- 

, ( ’IjSatpo'liyZt^.u. (same as UjS'n.M. see under 


. satit n.h. (dial.) saint ; Hindu ascetic [E] 

» sHn'nat h . f . {yi.^su’nan) tradition (s) 

practice of the Holy Prophet religious 
rite ordained by the Holy Prophet 
practice # (of).; way (of) circcumcision 
(fjlj. I sUrinut-e ibrahl'ml n.f. Abrahams 
practice (Jyb^S'sin'nat-e rosool jJj^iS^sun-nat-c 
na'batil n.f. the Holy Prophet’s practice 
■ih'l-us siinnah, ‘dJ'lrj h I ah'l-us sun'nat-e 
ual-jama'ah, £S'i)' l lqih’l-e sMn'nat n.m. pl . (col. 
sing .) orthodox Muslim (s) (as people following 
of the Holy Prophet’s practice and commanding 
a majority) ilA^siin'nat kara'ns v.i. get circum- 
cised ijtzj^suri nat kar'na v . t . circumcise 
^ ^ not par *a mal' kar'nii v i. act according 
to the Holy Prophet’s practice [A] 

^+jysan' tarah, tj&'safig' tarah n.m.' tangerine 

.san'tan n.m. sentinel ; sentry [E] 

^ saititaT' M.ii. centre dp'saiiit'ral adj. central 
ttrVr' sa >bt’raljei n.m. f. central jail [El 

' ruiz,/.' „ „ ; r . 


vr t A i 

m.f. ermine its fur ; ermine 

• 4 j *-»rify'a/' m.f ; hem borde 

lace fringet^ol^rh jaf , 

border broad 
siijaf laga’na v.t. 

tack lace on (to) 

'sat jog' n.m. good chance matri- 
monial match suitable connexion 

union meeting ; association Vj'ujh'sasjog' 
kar'na v . t . join or unite (with) ClP JjPF'saijog' 
mils' na v.t. unite (friends, etc.) Jf'satjo'gt n.m. 
non-celibate Hindu ascetic IA] 

.tpr'sanjh.'ls adj.. & mt. the third of four 
brothers gf? >anjk'li adj. & x.f. the third 
ol four sisters 

*ssatji'dah adj. cultured serious weighty 
grave • solemn fijg'saiji'dagl „.f, 
solemnity seriousness gravity [P] 

< tLs riftfija'’! n.f. act of irrigating re- 
Jf muneration for it [ ~ 
sa'nad h . f . (pl Sfriasnad') degree ; diploma 
certificate testimonial credential 

proof reason authority grant deed 
(fj iyjlf'jSsa'nad-e kar-guza’ri n.f. certificate of 
meritorious services tfLvUtssa’nad-e mo'a'fi m.f. 
rent free grant sa’nad-yaj ' tak ADJ. quali- 
fied certified accerdited [A] 

.( . sindan' jh^sifidaii'H.T. anvil [P] 

s <*fid'-bad n.f. Sinbad the sailor (A~PJ 

svt'dar adj. (dial.) beautiful ^A^ruft'rfarta 
JJr n.f. beauty tf-'js'siHi'dari n.f. pretty wo- 
man [S] 

^^sut'dusM.ts. broeade [A] 

, sat, d' la n.m. a kind of masonic plaster 

ij^saitd'la pher’na (or kar'na) v.t. 
plaster (wall, etc.) 

t.sifidoor n.m. (same as/*ACN.M. ★) 

sitidk n.m. Sind Indus adj. 

n.m. of Sind n.f. Sindhi language 
. . sat'dhiya n.f. (dial.) evening Hindis 

U 2 ^ vaspers 

. . safide'sa, {/jd/sdhdts' ,*^;£*'satide , sak n.m. 
t^-A^(dial.) message k 
jp m saftds adj. stout L&'i&safi'da mis tat' da, 
LtS Jb£-*Jbs saif mnstahd' adj. well-developed ; 
fat ; plump ; stout 

satidas' n.m. upper-storey latrine with 
t/JA^excrenient falling on ground-floor ex- 
crement sink 

[ yi^‘, sa bda'sf N.F.. pincers (for holding ho* 

sih'diket nj. syndicate [E] 

. . sansar' n.m. (dial.) world [S] 

. . • jHiuan' adj. uninhabited desolate 
ky "^dreary and quiet howling (wilderness) 

I ^saiti'sar n.m ceasor >^^ y sait’sar-ship n.f. 

censorship [Ej 

saiu' kr it adj. Sanskrit n.f. the sacred 

and classical language of the Hindus 
Qj&'sats'Jtrili n.f. (dial.) culture : civiliza- 
tion (S) 

... * i,s ant ana v a v.i. feel a tingling sensation 

v when is about to faint ; tingle collapse 
siriMhcr *i^L^sansarta'hat n.f tingle tingling 
sensation rustle simmer bin (f^san'sam 
n.f. stir ^sensation tingle ; tingling sensa- 
tion I'tkJdjr^san'sam phaila'ta v.t. create a stir; • 
cause a sensation J^Jr*san’sani-Jcheg adj. (col.) 



n.f. pincers 

.'j^urisan I N.F. (see under 
0 v.t. *) 

ij sa'nak N.F. eccentricity craze a naki 
“^adj. crazy eccentric (rare) tipsy 
si'nakna v.t blow (one’s nose) 

sa'naktti v.i. (of breeze) begin to blow 

sgnak’ko n.f woman in the habit of caves- 
■* dropping 

jCy strhkk n.m conch-shell adj. one trillion 

il£jr safikk baja'na v.i. blow a shell 
• safi'kktm n.f (dial.) tall sexy blonde 

saft'khiya n.f. arsenic 

, 4/ satig n.m. stone ^ ah' g amadyOy 
sakh't a'mad ph. calamitous ^ndecd fc( l^iw& / 
sah'g-e Utah ' n.M. doorsill iJctJii—^rsah'g-e ahnn- 
rflia' n.m. magnet>*7i r £'.jtfrt'£-f as'uud n.m. the 
Holy Black Stone (of K.a'ab&)lfjl£'saitg-ba'i'i 
n.f. pelting with stones; brick-batting 
sah'g-t buny ad' n.f. foundation-stone Cp 
rtth'g-e bunyad' rakk'na v.i. lay the foundation- 
s l on t (of) >^*£*&satlg' -pusht' n-m. turtle ; turtoise 
l-'Jjl&'safig-tartish’ n.m. sculptor lapidary 
{jf IJm* sahg-tora’ shi n.f. sculpture stone 
cutting ^f^S’safi'g-f jira'hat n.m v soap-stone 
l ul*t~(Z'Sa1i'g-e kha'ra n.m. flint so fig' -khar' 
n.m a falcon-like bird of prey ^ijL-mtg-da nali 
n.f. gizzard satig'-dil adj. callous ; hard 
hearted cruel ; merciless (jj£i*safig*di'li n.f. 

callousness; hard-heartedness cruclty/i/i_^(> 
ia/t'p-c rah' n.f. snag ; hindrance , obstruct ion 
9?J*'saiig-Tt‘zah n.m. pebble ji+J^satg-sar' adj. 
stoned to death VPjLp^saftg-sar’ kar'na v.t. 
stone to death ; lapidate j\JP saftg-saz n.m- one 
who corrections on the lithographic stone l/CV\ 
sah'g-r sut'kh n.m. red stone , granite 
sah'g~t sur'mah n.m. antimony tflPZ*£'safi'g-f 
sulatmi'rA n.m. onyx sah’ g-e samaq n.m. 

porphyry £ &*sahg-lakh' adj rocky (land) 
t’Jtm&'salt'g-t g&r'dah n.m. kidney stone 
sah'g-e lar'zah n.m- tremulous %\onc frjtjfcssatig-e 
lauh' n.m tomb stone ^V^usah’g-e masanah n.m. 
calculus /yiJ&iahg-e mar’ mar n.m. marble 
rafig-e mil' n.m. mile stone (fig.) landmark 
(jr^L^sahg-t maqnatis n.m loadstone 
toh'g-t rtrtan n m. road sign landmark 
n*>f iw'rt n.m. blackstonet-^w^ 

sah'g-e y a’ shab n.m. jasper sahgin' n.f. bayo- 

net adj. of stone ; stone heavy (punish- 
ment) heinous (crime) hard (p^tangini 
n.f. - heaviness heinousnrss hardness 
solidity [P] 

* if saiig adv. the company (of) n.m. coro- 
pany (also ) (dial.) party JP'J'. 
jan’ sahgh n.m. (name of a strongly anti-Muslim) 
Hindu people’s party (of India )J*Jptah’gai m f 
company accompanists f /^J^tph got 
kar'na v.i. bear (someone) company go 
along with sah'gi (rare (f^'sah'gaft) n m 
friend companion J* U t ^ sail gt sa tin n.m. 
rompamon(s) comrade(s) j£^tthgar , 
stfigkar' n . m . make-up , loilei decoration 
sihgar'-ddn n.m. loilei , dressing case 
1 tJ'j&'srhgar' kar’na v.t. do one's make-up j&fc' 
sthgar -mez n.f. dressing rat' -jingo,' 

n.m. Pi- (see under li'U'ADj. & n.m 
fo'lah sthgar' n . m . pi ., sixteen 
appliances of Hindu woman’s 
toilet ^ 

fc. sati' gat n.f (see under*-(> 

t^ADV. i() 

^ fty sahg'tarah n-m- (same 

as op* n.m. ★) % 

•* Jly sah'gati. n-m- (see under "* 

4T '«-&*> 

Kp sift' garni v.i. be adorned 

. d/ safigraih'ni, Jip'sahgri'ni 
N.F. chronic dvsenirv 
soft' gam, salt' gh am n.m 




(of rivers) (dial, (junction (of planets) 

meeting ; union [ - <-*»') 

ingk n.m. (sign of Zodiac) Leo 
as appendage to Sikh or rare, 
male names) 

> gssilr&ia'Ta n.m. 
tjtdr water chestnut 
water plant yielding this 
and water lily anything 
triangular name of a species of fish 
sitigha'san n.m (dial.) throne 

sitfigha'na v.t. cause tft smell 


(, minister olifactonly ( 'caul] 

• ft, sahgva'na v.t get (things) properly 
lljr arranged get sorted take pot*, 
seston of 

strftg i n.m (sec under <!a> auv. ft) 

jfj^sanglt’ kl.m. dance to the accompani. 
ment of song and music this as *rj 


concert > 

jfefSafigtri adj., (flT* sahgi'ni n.f. (see under 

(zftz N.M. ★) 

r, su'nan n.f. pi., (sing, w^.s Un'nal n.f. if) 


* • ■ s'an'na V.T. & I. hear listen (to) 
listen in attend (to) be carpeted ; be 
taken to task ; face the music learn ; come 
to know hear pupil repeat lesson ; give oral 
test (to pupil) on earlier lesson provide relief 
or redress (to) listen to (someone's) word of 

advice fj’tf'siiri gin n.f. inkling Ihjij'stin' gin 
pd'na v.i, get on inkling (of) sa'im adj. & 
N.M. (f. (f'^su'ni) (something) heard 
su'ni an-sii'ni kar de'na v.i. turn a deaf car to 
J su'ni suna'i \.f. hearsay 

ek ‘ kaih’na na das’ suidnn v.i. not to provoke into 
harsh rejoinder 

t. Jy sati vat' na v.i do one's make-up 

adorn oneself be adorned be set 
right be streamlined 1> ban nd saii'var'na 
v.t. do one's make-up adorn onesclfabV 
sanvdr’ n.f. (dial.) curse; chastisement 
lit'jke khudii ki sah'i’ar' int. May God chastise 
vou Vjly'safi’veir'na v.t. adorn , decorates 
embellish arrange adjust set right 
streamline chastise 

• san n.m. year era jJ'jy san'n-e 

^ bik’rami n.m. Hindu era (beginning 
^ikramajit's accession in 52 B C.) , Bik'rami 
era f/^ysan'n-e juloos' n.m. year of (someone's) 
accession to throne tfjyfd-'sann-e Usavt n.m. 
Christian era : A.C . (fjfifssan-e hij’ri n.m. 
Hijri era ; the Muslim lunar era beginning the 
Holy Prophet’s exodus to Medina in 622 A.C. [A] 
• f sunaik’rs, adj. (f. (j/r'sunaitiri) golden 
JA gilded ; gilt 
V sS’ni adj. & n.m. (see under 

*y sUn'm n.m. orthodox Muslim adj. ortho- 
W dox (Muslim) s un'n\ 

na shVah joji’ met a’ya kdya "prov. neither a 
Catholic nor a Protestant, he is an eclectic to 
)us own advantage 

• sdnyas' (ped, santi'yas ) n.m. (dial.) Hindu 
•d asceticism (fO^sanyasi n.m. (dial.) 
Hindu ascetic (S] 

•p/ satft'djar n.m, (dial.) Saturn (also 
fj* jlj^dt*sani'(har-vaT') Saturday [S] 

sine' niii (or si'nama) n.m. cinema ; picture- 

house (£] 

dy finin' n.m. pi. year eras ; epochs 
[A -sing. ->' ] ^ 

too adj. evil; vicious y^X? ulama'-r soo 
/ n.m. pl. vicious savants ; scholars with an 
axe to grind^x^t* , I idZsoo'-e itlifaq' se adv. un- 
tonunately ^J£.ysoo-e a' dab n.m. impudence &&£■ 
sad -e' n.m. unwarranted suspicion 
soo'-e haz'm n.m. indigestion [A] 

, soo n.f. direction side yiysoo ba-sod 
' adv. all round ; on every side ; in all 
directions ^ysod't adv. towards ; in the direr* 
tion of [P] 

j sau adj. hundred adv. howevermuch 
^ /*' l>i> x J^l'<~X\ L £<j¥y'sau nak'lofi mefi 

ek nak vd'ld nak’koo prov. fools would 
ridicule a wise individual in their com- 
pany ; evil companions bring much woeijiy 
sa'vah adj. hund red th tS ,£ ( jj\y'saie balofi ki 
ek' bal’ ph. very reasonable poinj (or proposition) 
sau bis've adj. surely ; certainly ; in all 
probability ^Ztflrysau jan' se adv. with all one's 
heart din ctor' ke ek' din 

sddk' ha proV.'* the thief is ultimately caught 
Id lt£ (Jtyysad sau bal' kka'na v.i. fret and fume 
l fjld<~dl ( £j{yy sau ' sunar' ki ek lohar' ki prov 
mighty person’s is something to be afraid of 
tf/yysau' sau kos’ adv. far and wide out 
of the reach (of )0£X\jjlj}*ysau stya'ne aur ek 
mad ph. wise man til ways agreeffy^/j^iffysau 
‘ ilaj ' ek pathez! prov. prevention is* better than 
cure £jy<£-y sau ke savd'e adj. a hundred and 
twenty-five per centi&<_/ft o'^diysau ma're au r 
ek na gi'ne ph. beating harshly 

. so conj. so ; hence ; therefore adv. 

' accordingly thereupon prov. that ; 
he (or she or it) thy ; they 
. sa'va adj. one-and-a quarter quarter 
•y again Ijfc iij(0Ssa'va gaz ki zaban' Jio'na 
v.i. be foul-mouthed be TudeClfLsliU^y 
sa'va nai'ze par etftdb' dja'na PH. be very hot 

(of doomsday) arrive biysava'ya adj. (r.^iy 
sava'i) quarter again 

sit a adj. & adv. more (£~)lfiCke siva'(e') 
XT prep. except ; save besides with- 
out conj. in addition to [AJ 

. su'd n.m. large needle; packing needle 

^ (~f. 

. . sd'a n.m. fennel 


*y. savdbiq n.m- PL- precedents the 
preceding ones (rare) prefixes adj. 
(with pl. n.) earlier ancient (A ~ siNC^t*'] 




j sava'hil n.m. pl shores ; coasts (A- 
(J 1/ SING. J*V] 

i_, savad' n.m. blackness blackspot (on 

VT heart) outskirts (of town) environs 
(of a place) intelligence skill aptitude 
knowledge , lysava 'd-e a'"zam n.m. the 
majority (of) jty*b~be~sauad’ adj. ignorant 
unintelligent be-savad'i n.f. ignorance 

kam-savad' adj. not well-educated iSs^C 
kam-sava'di n.f. lack of deep knowledge [A] 

I j savar' (cal. jlyt Osyas’) adj. (one) rid- 

J's ing anywhere mounted on (horse- 

back) in train, bus, car, etc.) N.m. one riding 
anywhere trooper ; cavalry man horseman 
Izfjlysavar ho'na v.t. ride mount get 

(into) travel (by) Vj’cCjpiy’j^panch’vefi 
sava'roft meh ho'na Pit. be a braggart be a fool 
among knights (fjlysapa'rl n.f. (col. (fjtyiasoa'ri) 
conveyance one travelling by a conveyance 
riding 1 ‘fifjly'sara’ri kar'na v.t. ride 
practise [P] 

, so'al’ (col. sasnl') question issue 

problem query arithmetical sum 

request purpose tjIrijL/^l/C'jyso' a l az 
as' matt java' b at rls'man ph. inapt reply 
saval' pax da ho'na v.i. (of question) arise 
saxal' javab' n.m. question and answer 1 iy jjr^ 
so' a' lan java’ ban adv. in question-and-answer 
form lCA~>ljr(j!y'saoal' javab' kar'na v.i. dis- 
cuss remonstrate I saval' ha!' kar'na 

v.i. do a sum solve a problem l i/'jlysavaV 
kar'na v.t. question ask a question ask; 
request : beg JP) a' l-e dr' gar java'b-t 

dtgar, saval' ku^th. javab' kucjth ph. 

inapt reply* evasive reply Jlysava'li nm- 
beggar [A] 

sava'mi (or so' a’ mi) n.m. (dial.) hus- 
band lord head of Hindu religious 
order [S] 

sava'neh n.m. biography (life) story 
pl. incidents accidents Cttg&y 
sava'nth-e hayai\ n.m. pl. life history (of) n.f. 
biography J&' £{y sava' nefy-nigar' n.m. biographer 
iS^ Zlysavunfk ‘ura'rl n.f. biography [A ~ 

SING. Jf\J\ 

. Sdiig (pcd. so'atig') n.m; (same as^ 

‘•'Vtru.M. ★) 

* * . siva’nah n.m. village or field boundary : 

Vv bourne 

I j j sam'ya adj. (f. jurats' ’f) (see under Iy 
'sa’va adj. dr) 

^ SOOp N-M. SOUp (EJ 


jSop N.M soap fE] 

*5^ - / / 

„ . saut (rare tfysaulati), ( oy saufc), tfy 

sau’kan h.f. co-wife sedond (etc.) 
wife \Zhy‘S Cty 1 saul' par taut' aur jala'pa 
prov. a third co-wife is worse than the seecnd 
for the first one L'Llflf(g2ZCll l/C/ysau l ' ka Iona 
jl’itjikajala'na prov. husband’s remarriage is 
most heart-rending to the first wife ejlfysautya'- 
dah, t \)l?y , sau' liya'dah\ Ifytauta'pa n.m. heart- 
burning caused by co-wife 

soot n.m. yam walk on foot plum ? - 
-sy line one small rule one-sixteenth of 
‘tas'soo’ na kapas ' 

j aula he (or ko’k) se lat’ikam layika prov~ un- 
justified dispute "(jy'soo'ti adj. cotton l//(}y 
soo'tt kap'ra n.m. cotton cloth ; cotton 
yj so'ta n.m., tS-ysot N.f. spring foun- 
tainhead \sjtf&>yso'tt phoot'na v.i. well 
(of fountain heads) appear 



„ soot'na v.t. (same as b*‘yv.T. jt) 


* soo'ti adj. (see under <ZZsy soot n.m. dr) 

. •» saute' la (rare. ifJysauke'la), Jcy saute' li 

(rare. J^ysauke’li) adj. step (mother, 
etc,) half (brother, etc.) c^jif ?y saute' la bap 
N.f. stepfather $ Uet&y saute' la bhal'i n.m. step- 
brother ^yysautt’lf bai'han n m: step-sister 
ijl, yy saute' H mail n.f. stepmother 
u roof n.m, suit [E] 

wzy . 

. sooj'na v.i. be swollen ; be infiamed l ?yj* 
yy mufih sooj'na look sulky tfysoo jan n.f 
swelling inflammation 

. soojk'na v.i. be seen ; be visible 
yfy be endowed with sense of sight be 
perceive strike (someone) ; come to (some- 
one’s) mind jrysoojh. n.f. understanding 
perception JTjyysoojh.' boojk n.f. common- 
sense understanding intelligence 
/ytj soo'ji n.f. granulated wheat flour ; butter 
of wheat ; .fines ; wheat fine 
rofft n.f. (see under Ijyv. i. ■*) 


savich' n.m. switch [E] 


** sodh'na v.i. think reflect mediate 
fey believe consider ponder con- 
ceive imagine opine ; be of opinion (that) 
muse &ysO(k n.f. thought ; reflection ; 
attention ; regard ; anxiety ; consideration ; 
meditation ; reverie ; imagination ; idea ; notice 
jiy$,yso(ji' -bitjiar' nm. consideration 




taw worry ui&r'sotfi 
buried In thought be 

thought; thinking 
mth raih'na v.i. 

«• j soo&na v.T. lave (private parts after 

~ *. sokht NvF. burning ; incineration 

(rare) revoke (at cards) JPjSsobk'tegl 
n.f. bunting ; incmeration (j&’yso'kh'tan t adj. 
deserving to be burnt fit for burning ; fire 
(wood) zjysoMj'Uik adj. burnt scorched 
consumed (with love, grief, etc.)Jlf^>' 
sokh'ta-jan, Jjjrysokh'kt-dll' adj. love-sick 
grieved [FJ 

y sood n.m. interest usury gain ; 
" profit benefit ; advantage t£ysood' 
baf’fa n.m. profit and loss Vj^jysood' par de'na 
v.i. lend (money) at interest** Of /^y sood' par It' ns 
v.i. borrow (money) at interest j foy sood' -khor 
jfaysood’-kkur, n.m. & adj. usurer ; usurious 
(person) lfjf’jyso<)d-khori > tf J lfjysood’-kha'n n.f. 
usury jy’sijysood' dar sood n.m. compound 
interest I'&jysood' kha'na v.i. take interest 
be a usurer L'f&yr'jrwtf' laga'na v.i. charge 
interest calculate interest y^js^soo' d-e mUrak’- 

'■ob n.m. compound interest J/^jysoo'd-e m f rad 
n.m, simple interest ^y sood'-mah'd adj. 
gainful profitable beneficial advant- 
ageous useful ; of use (fjyjysood'-mah'di n.f. 
V usefulness ; use advantage benefit 
profi t ) {/jX'sood ' musa.‘vi-l-as'l n.m. interest 
equal to principal ■>>’*4' btrsood' adj. useless 

fruitless ; vain adv. in vain tfjysoo'dl adj. in- 
terest bearing [P] 

madness ; insanity ; lunacy 
strong passion ambition 
frenzy craze ; melancholy; black bile 0*1 Ur" 
fawda' U'Ahalnn v.i. go mad CUj bysauda' ho 
ja'nn v.i. go mad ; a fit of madness be 
crazy (after) be passionately in love (with) 
have one's heart set (upon) (fsbysaudat* adj. 
melancholic falyifsbysaudavl migaj' adj. melan- 
cholic temperament Jljysauda"i adj & n.m. 
mad ; insane ; lunatic (one passionately in 
love (with) [A] 

i sau'da n.m. bargain goods' ; wares 
(Ct^j-JK/kyMu'da kar’na (or patina) v.i. 
buy strike a bargain settle the rate 
l^ijLjfbysou'da ho' n. (or po^'na) v.i. be 
bought (of b argain) be struck (of rate) be 
settled Cjf } by sau'da n& ho'na v.i. (of rate) not to 
be settled ibJjtjl'jtJ'ljysou ‘da khatfd’na (or. le’na) 
v.i. bay ; make a purchase do shopping 

, jtauda" n . m . 
b* love 


\Jr s' sau'da kharid’nt jfnj v.i. go for a 
shoppingiio^ bssau'da sul'f n.m. goods ; things 
bought f\) s' sauda'-gar n.m* merchant iSf\>y 
savda'gari n.f. commerce trade rfl tfjf>y 
sauda'gari mfil n.m. merchandise [P] 

> t j saudn'dt adj., fay saudti'% n.m. (see 
under by sauda’ n.m.' ★) 

* . spo'di adj. (see under >y n.m. ★) 


t,j saude'M adj. (dial.) national in- 
L^yy digenous [S] 

Jr. so' 4a n.m. (bi)earbonate of soda j>b)iy 
\y* so’da-va‘tar n.m. aerated 'ttoXtxffyso'iiyam 
n.m. sodium [F] 

y soor n.m. (dial.) hero y.jysoor’ Hr n,m. 

(pl.) (dial.) hcrofes) [S] 

. yt sWar n.m. swine ; pig ; hog ; boar 
(as swear-word) swine ytfjy's% , 'ar ka 
badt’chah n.m. _ pig young (as swear- 
word) swine su" ar ka gosh’t n.m. 

pork ; bacon; ham something forbidden Jyp 
sU”arni n.f. sow 

~ I jsavarnj' n.m- (dial.) self-government; 
( i/js home-rule [S] 

■7 f , sm> rakh' n.m. hole burrow orifice 
(d ds petfora.uonslj£ f l / ysoorallk’-dar adj. 

having hole(s) perforated [P] 

J — J j soo'rat n.f. 9 jysoo'rah n.m. chapter (of 
the Holy Quran)[A] 

■7 y soo'roj n. m . sun (ft £,jy soo'roj ban’ si n.m. 
(yds of solar descent (as name of a Rajput 
cten)fi(tyU^}\sjjg'ysoo'roj doob'na (or thfcip'na 
or ghuroob' ho'na) v.i. (of sun) set ; god own 
tff&y soo'roj girah'n. (rare cr^/ysoo'raj gai'han ) 
h'|<. solar eclipse (y&jysoo'raj mU'khX v.m. sun- 
flower ni’kalna (or tuloo" 
ho'na) v. i. (of sun) rise 

ft soor ' m ^ ss m.ii. (dial.) (euphemism for 

U pJs a) blind man^ 

f u/ M arg *°S C * 'Jy’ sUr '& N - M * (dial.) 
bJJs paradise (fl J^yso'arg'-bashU, ((ftfy 
sUrg'-ba M) (dial.) the late ; deceased [S] 
i , toor'ma adj. brave ; valiant ; bold 

I oy 

n> j soo'rotjan n.m. meadow-saffron [PJ 


' too' rah n.m- (same as Ct^yn-Y. ir'kj'phoJS' 
ojy soo'ra-t ikhlas ' n.f. the chapter entitled 
lkhlas>h‘i/j<W ra-e fa’tehah n.f. the Opening 
Chapter (y*~!vysoo'ra-e yasln’ n.m. the Chapter 
entitled Ya-sin’ generally recited at people's 
deathbed [A] 

•j sot n.m. passion depth of feeling 
ss hurt-burning grief elegiac stanza 

svf. burning inflamming rending J'yjy 
soz'-khah n m. dirge-chanter $ 'f-jysoz’ -kh&' rii 
m.k. dirge-chanting in commemoration of Kar- 
bala martyrs jljjjyso'z-o-gudaz? n.m. depth 
of feeling ardour iJoysozak' n.m. gonor- 
rhoea U'jyso'zah adj. & suf. burning ; 

laying mortar £5 j i oJ^i^ysoo' kfu dhn'nofi pa' fit 
par'na v.i. have Revived hopesVjlf Jsi/^Cy'soo'kh* 
ghat' Vtor'na v.i. disappoint dismiss (some- 
one) without acceding to his request ; send away 
i~>ljtyysoo'kha jacab' n.m. flat refusal $\£y 
soo'kh. a lag'll a v.i. have rickets 

kindling (jr'jyso'zisk inflammation burning f'jSOg N.M. mourning tfSywg kar'jm 
sensation ardour J^Ssoz-nak' adj, heart- Or ( or mana'na) v.i. mou'm grieve 

sensation ardour ,J^ysoz-nak' adj, heart- 
rending ojjysozih'dah n.m. & adj. burning 
consuming faysa'Q suf. burning con- 
suming [P 

,,y , io'zan n.f. needle ; sewing needle tyjjy 
so' gan ka'n jR.T, tambour work ^jysoz'ni 
(ped. so'zani) n.f. (arch.) quilted coverlet 
tamboured coverlet [P] 

t-Jr (o r mana'na) v.i. mourn grieve j*Jy 
sog-v ar* adj. mourning aggrieved ; afflict- 

ed ; sorrowful {fjjy/og-isan n.f. mourning 
grief; affliction (Jyso'gan adj. & n.f. afflict- 
ed Jyso’g I adj. & n.m. afflicted 

saugah'd. n.m. oath saugah'd d/nn 
Jrr v.T. administer an oath (to) lr*U (jfy 
saugah'd kha'na v.t. say on oath take an 
oath ; swear [PJ 

fs JMJN.M. (rare) liquorice tWh-Vs- 0a > s ^' ca j r l J . ... . 

{Jr soos n.m. liquorice extract [A] 1» J . , I ^ ciy d &V*' sl notjaf n.m. civil 

, sosa"itt N.F. society [El a <\W {J^ jnd&qyjysi'val sar'jan n.m. civil surgeon 

’ mMf l </y/ J (Jr'si'val sar'vis n.f, civil service 

^ N F - society [E] 

soosmar 1 n.m. porpoise [P] 

j, ro'jtm n.f. iris [jryso'sani 
(S' ' n.m; bluish colour adj. iris- 
coloured ; bluish [P] 

.>0 tiw'ri n.f. coarse Griped 
.4?-^ silk cloth (P~ f/>>] 

i/yyjTsi'val sar'vis n.f, civil service ^y^y'si'val 
soot' n.m- civil suit ti/j/fjysi'val kag\ n.f. civil 
court t’J.f'.si W na-f arms' ni n.f. civil disobe- 

dience jhtjy'si’val var’ n.f. Civil war |E] 
/IO S0 °? N-M ' thorn; a spike ; a dart 
colic acute pain pin pricks sting 
C •fi&Jy'sool' ckubh'na, vfyfjysool' r* /a/na v.i. 
cut ta the quick 

t J> y so’ Mist n.m. & adj. socialist j J j so'lah adj, & n.m. sixteen J&'Jy'io’Uxtt 
~ so'shalizm n.m. socialism [E] j sitgar 1 (see under jI^n-m. if) Jiffy 

saugHat’. n.f. present (brought from 
^ a far-off land) ; rare gift rarity 


smSW N.m. notch of arroiv fPJ 
s 0 o f tsl ^ i N M - so P hist [A~G] 

fooq v.m. street (rare)' market ZjSy 

{Jr tooqpm’nah adj. vulgar (words, manners, 
<*c.Y,jr>i?rsooqya'na-pan n.m. vulgarity (A] 
f^Jsauk, Jysau'kan n.f. (same as CPjfsaul 
N.F. *) 

p/ j sookk'na y.i. dry evaporate 
v^r shrivel wither be parched be I 
emaciated pine away become thin or lean 

\*y soo'kha adj. (f. jfy soo’khi) dry 
juiceless parched withered shrivelled 
thin ; lean ^without anything extra mere 
flat ; utter n.m. dry land ‘terra firma’ 
dry tobacco rickets J lysoo'kka tat kha'na 

v.t. dismiss (someone) without asccding to his 
request ; send away t/r l£ d'Jjiysoakh kar kah'fa 
ko'n a v(i. become gamXjJdif/ysov'khi al'/an n.f. 
very lean woman ' l )Cr ( fc'soo'khi dana'l n.f. dry 
paving ; paving the floor with brick without 

so'lkavati ADj.*sixteenth 

/ £ O i00 ^ N ‘ F ’ cross gibbet (fig.) 
{jr continued torture fytjy ton'll de’na. v.t. 

execute crutify £fJftjfj>’jfg(jyroo'll par bh& 
niftd a j&'li hai v.i. sleep can “overtake one even 
on the cross Vjfj'tfgJs'soo'li par jan‘ htfna v.i. 
suffer continuous torture live in constant fear 
of one’s life ClJ%‘(d)Js'soo'l1 par fharha'na v.t. 
execute crucify torture 
^yt soom n.m. miser ; niggard [~ A fV'couR.j 

Jwil/n ADJ. third h-M- (coL S'y to' jam) 
\r third-day .funeral rites (PJ 
Jyyr som-var' adj. Monday [SJ 

| j, saufi n.f. oath (arch, except in) <jy&l at li 
>Jr saU ft imt. by God / 

.A-S soon n.f. reticence numbness ^\fy 
{Jr soon' kheheh'na V.I. keep mum 
soo'na adj. (f, ftysoo'ril) deserted 
"r soo’na pet ra ho'na v.i. lie deserted l*Jf Jfyj* 
soo'na kar ja'na v.t. desert (a place); depart 
leaving a place ; deserted (pi tfjfafty soo'na 
ghat bhi'ron ka raj' prov. fools assume power 
where there is a scarcity of statesmen 



I* j iv na v«i. sleep repose take a 
siesta cohabit (with) lie dead 
a'badi nifid' so'na v.r. die.Cl&’idliLy'so'te ' fit'ne 
Jttga'na v.l. fan dying embers Vofj>£tfA.jSsn’te 
jag'te mufih' dekh'na v.i. ever anticipate 
i • y so 'na n.m. gold riches; wealth 
(thing) of real and unalterable value 
(of person) gem ; qewel L<flLd7ll'y so'na Uchhal'le 
ja'na v.i. (of conditions in a country) be very 
peaceful so'na ja' ne ka'se s'dami 

js'ne base prov. title is known only after first 
hand experience so'na sugahd' adj. 

good quality of good descent -=f - "y 
so'na choo'\ mat'ti ho' in hai v.l. be always un- 
lucky <d~y so' nc pyr sohagah adj. adding to 

beauty or elegance Jr*(jijj£zZ.2rS'so'ne se ghar- 
vixri maihfi' gi .prov. the incidental charges are 
much more than the basic ones tf‘A~yso’ne ka 
adj. golden ; gold exquisite 'ji ifjsso'ne 
ka paid n.m. gdding j/ttfl-y’s o’ne ka pal'ra n.m. 
gold plate l^t^jLyso'ne ki chirya n.f. i golden- 
bird wealthy ’person JtjtfjL.y'so'ne ka nival ah 

n..m. nice food given to one’s child (jjjttfiLs 1 

at' nt ka 

va'ntq n.m. gold leaf 

(• * , sauip'iui v.r. entrust delivered 
L >>/ jpkhuda ko saufip'na leave to 
God the affair of entrust to God 
i*» , suofil'na, &jSsooi'rta v.t. draw (sword) 
message by rubbing' down strip 
(vegetable etc.) of leaves starch (kite-string) 
i >» son t a u.M* staff; club jil ££-[!>Ssoit'ta se 


hath-' n.m. pl. (of woman) have no bangles 
in her hands 

J'J, sohtk n.f.. dry ginger cherished trifle 
At nos It' net v.i. bear ; 


. . , son' -dir'ya n.f. see under r (jS n.m. if 


" *» soil' dh a adj. (f. tfjdy' son dhs) (usu .!»->>' 
vPJoJs !?>>'' soft' dha soft’ dha (f. JjCy'(Jjdysoh' dhi 
sotidhi) Sweet smelling (like freshly moistened 

1‘ . j sautdh'fo v.t.- mix into a dough 

**^7 mix rub (cloth) in cowdung, etc., 
before washing 

iv soofii n*. M* (elephant’s) trunk 
h. . •eeotidi n.f. weevil 


J sooft' spoil n.f. sound of breath ; 
(J ^Oy sniff sizzle V^jy'O^soon sooti kai'nn 

v (. sniff ; snuff sizzle 

. sauhf n.f. anise 
fennel oftfcdyst 

seed ; , aniseed . sweet 
satthf ka 'n'raq n.m. anise 




k, so'vi'et n.m. & adj. Soviet 

soongfi'ns v.l. smell get the scent 
(of) n.m. hound one who tracks 
> 'oongk'nt n.f. (rare) snuff 


so'vi'et roos' n.m. Soviet Russia; U.S.S R 

soo’ha adj. crimson adv. deep (red) n.m 
name of a musical mode 
.t j sohan' n.m. file; rasp fajj^lsSsohan-e 
rook' adj. & n.m, vexatious (person or 
affair ) tyls £jJctb* / soha n-e rooh' ba'tia ho'tia v.t. 
be a constant source of vexation [P] 

j so'han adj. (dial.) beautiful n.m. (dial.) 
Cel* sweetheart pj* cfa'sri han hal'va n.m. kind 
of crisp sweetmeat ; wheat toffee 
VV( so' haul n.f. Cfy so' liana' aq). (dial.) nick-. 
0 1* name of a musical mode 

. soo"i n.f. needle pin indicator 
( y 7 hand (of clock, etc.) tongue (of 

scales) pointer on compass V>-i.'jy'soo , 'i piro'iia 
v.l. thread a needle llejf Jlbf. ^^y’soo , 'i ka bha'U 
ho' ja'na v.l. be grossly exaggerated^'^ tf \}y’soo' 't 
ka kSm’ n.m- needlework Jl‘ ka im’kah 
n.m eye of a needle (O j 
soo"i ke nake se ooiit' guz&r’na (or nikiil’na) v.t. 
make a camel pass through the eye of a needle ; 

achieve the impossible 

.J sao '' i S ais N - 


f. fuel gas from Sui in 
Baluchistan ; Sui gas 
soya (p.t. of vy v.i. if) 

f . so'ya n.m. (usu. pl. as »'V) fennel; 
V7 a kind of potherb 

sn'ya-bin' n.m. Soya bcan(s) 

sivay'yah n.f. vermicelli 
L/%7 macaroni sweet vermi- 
celli dish with milk 

. . siivai'da n.m. black spot (on heart) adj. 


save ra n.m. 

dawn daybreak 

( j */> sa 

early morning savc'ra ho'na v.l. 

be daybreak ^-^ysaoe'n: adv. at dawn 
early : early enough too early 4—/s’l f >za'ra 
save re adv. a bit earlier 

/ . so'em'bar n.m. ancient Hindu custom of 

yZj; public selection of husband from among 
assembled suitors Ckejy/.S’so'em'har locpa'na v.t. 
assemb'e suitors for such selection (S) 

, sih ADJ. three pref. (se-)yi ^ se-pai' har n.m. 
~ afternoon adv in the afternoon se- 
tkahd 1 adj. triple , treble threefold 
se-Aar'fi adj. trilitoral Ojo^se-da'rah n.m. & adj. 
three-doored (portico) J^^se-Sa'lah adj. tri- 
annual ; three-yearly se-sham' bah n.m. 

Tuesday J^i^se-fas'lah adj. yielding three crops 
a year; triple-cropped se-kar'rar adj . (col.) 
three times as much adv. (col. ) the third time 
-‘V *** se-go' shah (col. se-goshiyah) adj. three 

cornered (£ ( b ** se-ma h\ adj. quarterly Jyt^se- 
man'zilah adj. three-storeyed n.m. (dial.) second 
floor [P] 

(V soha' n-M- name of a far-off star in the 
constellation of the Greater Bear 
l LfS what'na v.T. bear support (the 

weight of) brook tolerate endure 
sahaf n.f. patience; enduiance IjLy'saha'ra 
n.m. supporter earning member (of 

family) support help; aid prop Ly' 
Sahara toot' na v.i. lose all hope lose sup- 
port of Up U Lusaka ra de'ns v.i. support 
help ; aid (,*>>* * h LSsaha ra dhoond'na v.i. 
seek ; support be on the lookout for some 
aid OHiir'saha’ra le'na v.i. depend (on) 
seek the help (of) be helped by 

ft, sokag" n.m. wifehood as married 
woman's auspicious state marriage 
song(t 3 (. (T^/t ) ty l <JC l ssohag ' u'tarna (or u'jarvd or 
l&t'na) v.i. widowed tf^ulr'sohag'-bha'ri adj. 
(dial.) beloved wife l^jC^sohng'-pii'ra n.m. cos- 
metics bag presented to bride by groom’s family- 
on eve of wedding JW'sohag-ral' n.m. nup- 
tials siihag' sej’ n.f nuptial bed 

O^jt£(sohag‘ gko'riyah n.f pl. songs sung on 
eve wedding ; nuptial songs y/l ’Sjha'gait n.f. 
-woman whose husband is alive favourite wife 
yr W'>vj{ booth! -soha gait n.f. woman enjoying 
happy marital state till late in lifetl&^jyfl^y. 
ws i‘ soha! gamut he hath! lagva'na v.t. get the 
blessings of seven happy wifes (as a premarital 


if .soha'gah . ^Xr'soha'ga n.m. boric acid ; 


seham' n.m. (pl. of ^ n.m. ■£) 

slowly gradully carefully in a low yoicc; 
soft ; softly 

. j seh'ra n.m. groom’s adorn 
'/* ment groom’s chaplet .f§£ppi« 
encomium to on this occasion 
credit CPjCl fv" seh'ra bahdk'na v.T. ' i j 
& 1. garland the groom (of groom) ‘ ‘ 'I | 

garland himself ; be garlanded put ©IjLai&sJ 
on the floral chaplet seh' ra-gaohdh’ na 

v.i. string flowers into a garland (>7 //v^y"’ 
ke sir seh'ra ho' na v.i, get the credit for; (of 
credit) redound (to) Ji^^/^seh're sohsg' n.m. 
PL. marital melodies ; nuptial songs 

sah’l (col. saih’l) adj. easy; simpl 
( J sah' l-afiga' ri n.f. easygoing attitude 

carelessness wh'l banana (or kar'na) 

facilitate simplify ^T(}^sak'l-e mumtane' 
n.m. inimitably easy style 
yy sa'hul n.f. (same as JyjUn.T. if) 

.. , , saihla'na v.i. stroke rub gently 

titillate ClUYySsir saih'la'nd v.i. (fig. J 
invite punishment 

xy*'' sah'm n.m. (pl. seham'.) arrow 
j share ; lot [A] 

Jy saih'm n.m fear ; terror CST* saihm’na, 
f saih’m ja'na v.i. be afraid 

be alarmed \r^W^saih'ma saih'ma adv. (f 
saih'mi saih'mi) afraid 
jV" saih'na v.i. bear ; endure ; suffer 
saih'la saih'ta adj, bearable 
j sah'v n.f. omission oversight 
!> sah v-e qulam n.m. slip of the pen 
oversight tSsCSyfsah'v-e kita'bat n.m. clerical 
error slip of the pan saj' da-e sah' v n.m. 

compensatory prostration (in prayers for some 
missed obligation of it) /yv''' sah' van Adv. 
through oversight inadvertently by mis- 
take ; mistakenly {A] 

sohoo'iat n.f facility ease 

^ schV adj. proposed (cypress) adj. (used in 
ph. (P* )/S$ar'v -6 sehV) (see under 

N-M. ★) 

sa'hi adv. (used prcdicativel y) all 
Ls right let it be so who cares well 
granted however ; though this if no- 
thing more at least 

soha'na, IV W'soha'ona adj (f. J ir^soha'nl, granted however ; though this if n 
l (JjLs sofia-'oni) pleasant delectable thing more at least 

r sai'haj adj. easy ; simple adv. (also (y'fy’ sohail' n.m. Canopus ; the dog star [A] 

sai'haj sai'haj ) slow lv eautiouslv ** 

carefully sai'haj * uhh a n.m. natural ^ wom an'a friend of own 50 

snavc disposition . 

a 0 n.m. natural 
sai'haj se adv. 

saheit n.f. woman’s friend of own 
girl’s girl friend 



-y*' sahim' n.m partner equal , peer 

(V < A ~ 

rf ADj'. thirty [P] 

ri adv. (see under Is adv. 3f) 

s’ /J n.F. hiss hissing sound de- 

y y noting effect of sting, pongency or 

se prep. from with by than 
(see under U ts-rfmsfi se adv. through 
out o{^f^j l /lis vaj'h se conj. therefore 
because of C/ct^se kaih'na ask ; tell speak to 
p \\ sa yyati n.m. traveller itinerant 
t-'ir globe-trotter c^iysiya'liat, (fLysayys'k* 
h.f. travel globe troting journey 

t >A j f^styadat n.f. leadership hegemoney 
suprencey seniority being a 
Sayyid ^ ; descent from the Holy Prophet [A] 
Aj s U' ar> n.m. jackal jlyJi'j rafi'ge siyar' n.m. 
•* (iron used as honorific) swindler 
criminal posing as pious person 
«.f y sa yy^ ra h n.m. planet adj. (usu. jl^ sayynr') 
J ZT wandering [A ~ ] 

n.f. politics strategy 

*• diplomacy management adminis- 
tration chastisemen t ^ i^ysiya sat-dan' n.m. 
& adj. statesman politician (derof.) 
diplomat, diplomatic siya sat-da m n.f. 

statesmanship siya sat mu' dun n.m. 

civics (old use) political science (fiy siya’si 
AD J- " political diplomatic CS’lftf'lssiya'si 
jama ‘at political party J^d^ysiya'si g ftugoo' 
n.f. diplomatic (way of) talk ^yysiyasiy'yat" 
n.f. political scinice nm'hir-e siyasiyyal' 

n.m. political scientist [A] 

1 1> ^ “ su ’ O'd-'d •r' siyn' q-o-sibsq 1 ) n.m. 

context siyn' q-o-sibaq' mefi 

conj. in this context (AJ 

sayyal' n -m. & adj. fluid [A ~ ] 


,i say' yah n.m. woman’s sweetheart 
CJJ , lover husband friend 
d — dj) <-^l say' yah bka"e kot'val ab dar‘ ha he ka 
prov. a friend in court makes the process 

ri/ yatia adj, grownup; mature wise 

JT hrewd , sazacious - clever • thrifty 
N m. exorciser Jf ^sr^yttCj'^li'qa' zi ji 
ke ghar ke cboo'he bhi sys'ne prov even the servant 
of a wise man u not a fools l/Vl—' 

syu'na kav'va gooh khata hai prov person who 
are too clever have to eat the humble pie ; some 
persons overreach themselves u/.tysya na-pan, 
d^ysyan-pan n.m. ssym'-pat h.f. saga- 
city shrewdness cleverness maturity 

t siyah' (contr. siy ah') adj. black 

9 TT dark ominous sombre 
siyah' (or siyah')-ba tin adj. malicious (person) 
(^{’(^'Ijt^siyah' (or siyah'yba' tins n.f. malice; 
maliciousness hypocrisy siyah (or 

siyah')-bakh' t adj. unlucky; unfortunate^^'twU' 
siyah' (or siyah'ybakh' ti n.f. misfortune 
djj^siyah' (or siyah')-posh adj. dressed in black 
(as sign of mourning) n.m man in black n.f. 
one in widow’s weeds^f^^jefysiyah' (or siyah')-- 
chash'm adj. b!ack-eyed(tj (^^eLesiyah' (or 
siyah’y/am adj. park complexioned black 
jet black dark jd('rT y l!if'siyah' (or siyah')- 
kar' adj. sinful lewd ; dcbanched 
wicked n m. sinner^ »\f siyah' (or siyah’y 
ka'ri n.f. lewdness ; debanchery sinfulness 
wickedness <j'f»y , siydh'-gosk n.m. lynx 

siyah! j(or siyah’ )-mast' adj. dead drunk 
lUsiyah-o-sifed' n.m. full powers 

everything good or bad V/f siy a' h-o- 

sifed' ka malikho'na v.i. evield full powers 
be in cont rol siyah! ka'ro chaht sifed' 

ph. do whatever you like the discretion 
lies with you you are invested with full powers 
siya'hah n.m. (arch.) account book, 

register V J sfe' siya hah kar'na v.t. (arch.) enter 
into a register Vyj^dsiyahah ho' na v.i. be Enter- 
ed .thus tjJ-fd' siy a ha-navis' n.m. accountant (f,y 
siya'hi n.f. ink blackness ignominy 
lamp black [P] 

tyseb n.m. apple £)[&■> '-fZ'st’b-e 
&' nakh-daft n.m.' (fig-) small 
lovely chin [P] 

lS sip, (S^si'pi n-f. oyster 

shell 1*7 'jy>d , ^ip'sip’ sa mufih ni’kal ana 
v!i. grow very weak 

sit n.f. exudation (esp. from limb ends) 

r\s si'ts n.m. Hindu deity Rama’s consort ; 

Sita phal n.m a kind of sweet 

pumpkin [S] 

sit' fa n f (dial.) /smallpox [S] 

■bjy setk n-M. business magnate capitalist 
(title of respect for) tycoon 
/At*'' si’tha adj. insipid ; vapid 
** dr tir’Z'sith-a-pan n.m. 
dity tastelessness 

insipidity ; vapi* 



fyiS sl'tl km. whistle i^lift'sl'iibaja'na v.t. 
C? " blow ft whistle ; whistle baj'na 

v.i, whistle 

g* s<j n.f. bed ; couch 
& (C&lj iif.gjy fot&fal'na (or 
lags’na) v.i. mftke the bed 
j jy* phoo'loit fa stj n.f. 

tforal wreatfi for bed (fig-) bed of roses 
kstftoh ki stj n.f. bed of thorns 
, se'Aoott (ped. taifioon') n.m. Jexartes 

(Ar~{ a-T] 

sifich’na (or v.t. irrigate 

7?" water (a plant) feed {with one's blood) 
d ; t*ftrft<J*’I n-F. irrigation remuneration 

{or ii 

*£* 'Ikh n.t. spit skewer CyjLfysikh'-pCi 
C/ ftoVav.i. (of horse) rear fly into a 
pa u i on be incensed t par lagans 

v.i. put (meat) on a spit ; roast iiPfsikh'iia 
aoj. (of grilled meat) prepared on spit {P} 
t j 'a/yirf n.m. descendant of the Holy 
•T Prophet ; Sycd (rare) lord say'yid- 
taidah n-m- one bom of a Syed. ; descendant of 
iftr Holy Prophet satda'm n.f. descendant 
of the Holy Prophet (A - 

Mil' n.f. direction bring straight 
•• VswljDjLf tidh’ batik'll* v.i. take aim 
gam A direct line J*»*^(fki Sldh.’ met adv. in 
thr direction of ki sidh! meh adv. 

Straight on 

t JUfka, At> J’ 'i-dkfy upright 

crcci straight direct straight for- 
ward simple right correct si" dka- 

pan n.m- simplicity being strajghtJn^ 
sl'dha sa’dah AU}. simple homely on- 
pretentions unnAbe\lhhcd(Cl^iJl^^si f dka 
kar’ita (or Hans' ad) v.t. straighten poise 

(jpin. etc.) to take aim correct chastise 

hath' n.m. right hand 
no a* n.m. be sci right Cgtlif^ndfiirrih’ 
(hoV as v.t. take the right pathf^^rsVAl lar’h 
adv. unhesitatingly properIy’e£.^ri'dii.e 
aov. direct straight on Zft&^sVdke hmk 
adv. to the right si "dke muhti bat 

na kdr’ifa v.i. be too proud be curt ) 

• CjuS rf,< * - N - M * («>ll. J^pshi'di-} n.m. (title for) 
b 7 ~ Negro (~A^corr.] 

^ sa ‘ T N F - Valk ; stroll ; perambulation 
S~ excursion picnic sight seeing 
amusement ; recreation travel tour 
delectable experience qg/^sai? bin' x.r. P a no- 


rama lU^sair' sops' ta n m. walk or travel for 
amusement Ve^^satr dekh'ns v.i. see a lot of 
fun ; enjoy sair’ kar’na v.i. take a walk, 
stroll ; to take the air , perambulate travel 
see a place round (a place) go out 
sight-seeing enjoy tfyf'sair'-gah n.f. beauty 
spot i recreation centre amusement park 
garden wa lk &/*{>}/*' sail' (-Q-) tofrih' n.f 

recreation j&tyj/Z'sair' (-o~)shikSr t n.m. shooting 
and hunting ; shikar {A] 
t , ter adj. satiated satisfied content 
/" filled ; saturated fed up JP] 
f j <fr n . m . weight equivalent to about 2 lb , 
SZ str’ l;o sa'vs ser’ ph. tit for 

tat ; one better 

4;i hab’Ji meh sa’vs ser pars our u’bal ga'ys prov. 
the upstart has his head’ turned V&y fios/f sSroh 
In’ hon bark’ na v.i. grow very happy 
si’yar n.f. (pl. of d^'.'g.r «£) 

ji j sersb' adj. well-watered satisfied 
• J/*' fresh •; blooming sersb' kar'nt 

v.t. irtiffate saturate Cjj sersb ho'm 
v.i. be irrigated be saturated be happy 
be fresh (jjyf'serabi n.f. irrigation 
saturation content fryi? ser'-chash'm aij. 
satisfied; content not greedy (/‘^'ser-fhadme 
n.f. satisfaction, content lack of g' - - ed ; 
not being greed (j^by^ser'-hs'sU adj. com- 
prehensive detailed productive iSyfse’vi 
n.f. satiety being fed up [P] 
r. j si’ rat n.f. (pl . yyS sl'yar) biography. 

the Holy Prophet’s life or biography 
^ charagtgr 

~^ '-ser'va n.'m. head (or foot) piece of bed 

.Pi’y si'rhl n.f. ladder staircase step 
OyZ> if^rfsi rfA Si'rhi chark'na v.i. 
climb step by step ; make gradual progress 
... v/ sez'dah adj. thirteen sez’-dahrm adj. 
thirteenth [P] ^ ^ 

sis n.m. (dial.) head iJl'fjZ'sis'-nsg 
U— sjrtsh'-nag n.m. king cobra (Hindy 
mv'.h.) serpe in-god COurtsis' niva'mtv u (dial.) 
bow yield ; submit [S] 
j^ysi'sah n.m. lead pi/a’l 

divar ph. leaden wall r fully united , 

standing like one man 
» .yte/ n.m. safe adj. safe [EJ 

*a > -' sa *f N ‘ M ' ^ PL- ^J^^dyoof, CMs^UisyaJ', 
os ’y B f) word JpiJtr'.,aif-W'Pt~ulook' n.m. 
name of a legandan piincec f^ t ~*^oif-‘aban' 


(or olbah') adj. & n.m. (pious person) whose 
pronouncements' prove to be true {A] 
b.fy sakiht,'saikarid n.m- & adj. second 
sai'kahdri adj. secondary 
saikand'ri-bcr'd n.m. Board of Intermediate and 
Secondary Education [E] 

• ^ sai'Jah n.m book-binder's knife ; guillotine 

l‘SJ? sai'fdi kar'na v.t. cut book edges 
smooth [ ~ A cjh?) 

/ OM / sai'fi adj. & n.f. imprecation prayer 
** meant to harm someone rosary IfaeJ; A J^j 
taifijah park’ ns v.t. say imprecatory prayers- 
satk’retari n.m. secretary {EJ 

saUik'ra, ij-^saik'rn n.m. hundred 
hundred(s) adv. percent ; per hundred 
sdihk’tofi adj. hundreds 

i* sikh.’ ns v.i. learn study acquire 
knowledge get instructions from 
be an understudy sikk n.f. (dial.) in- 
struction advice C^jJ^sikk de’ns v r (dial.) 
advise ; tender or offer advice to bf^psikk’ le’n g 
v.t. learn acquire proficiency in 

segaun’ n.m. mixture of sand and clay 

sll n.f. moisture; damp humidity 
{J* respect bashfulness It* sVls adj. (f. 

’ft) moist damp cool CiftX'tii 
js’ns v.t. become damp 

sil n.m. seal if/'d adj. sealed (E] 

sail n.m. (same as wjv'n.m. •¥) 

i(v re* /a n.m. a kind of rice a kind of 
•* mantle a kind of silk turban 
L satiate , sail n.m. flood , spate 

* *• inundation Jltss sails' H adj. in- 
undated (land ; (land) depehdeni (for crops) on 
inundation inundation ye JJA*-' sails' hi naih’f 
n.f inundation canal (A c£" 4-P **'1 J 

iiiysodan' n.m. (r?re) flow (also 
** •* saild’n-ii-iahim') n.f. leucorrhoca 
sail am n.m. & adj wanderer tramp 
hedonist one of the gay world [A] 
.(kfLSsulakk'rl n.f. a species of steatite , soap- 

^ «'ft n.f slap ; cuff (fig. ) rebuff fP) 

T rdft n-f necklace of black thread silk or 
4/ ** hair worn by mendicants 
X sim n.f. silver (rare) card; wire c/fC 
p* rtm'-(os, i! p i /^si'miri-lan adj fair , blonde 

si'm-o-zar’ n.m. riches ; wealth uT- 
si'miri adj. silver ; silvery white 
fair ; blonde [P] 

f sent n.f. broad bean ; flat 
(** bean (dial.) water logging 
aur tkoor’ n.f. (dial.) 
water-logging and salinity^J^C 
sem'-za'dah adj. (dial.) water- 
logged (land or area) I ** 

j V sima n.m. face ; countenance ; 

" visage suf. visaged [P] 

iv s'imsb’ n.m. mercury ; quicksilver 
• **• simab'-vash adj. restless sima’bi adj. 
tinctable rest [P~ 

t -s slmur’gh n.m. phoenix ; a legendary bird 
U/*- [P~ f + b,\ 

sVmaftt n-F- cement (E) 

!*•*' slmija n.m. occult art supposedly en- 
•• ** abling practitioner to fause an migration 
of souls illusion magic jL~C'simiya’'i adj. 
illusory [P] 

ijsin n.f. scene [E] 


simal, 0“^ sam’ bkal n.m. plant with fruit 
(J- yielding a kind of down ; ’semal’ 

si’ rmH adj . (seo under fC '"’. sim n.f. if) 


sai’minnr n m seminar (EJ 

j Vy sins, sains n=m. Sinai O^jj^too’r-f sains 
** n.m. Mount Sinai [A] 

sins v.t. hatch (eggs) ; sit on (eggs) 

r jV/ se'ns n.f. (dial.) army ; force fcCsfse’na- 
— pa'tl n-m- (dial.) Commander-in-Chief; 
C-in-C [S] 

si' ns v.t. sew stitch 

siriat' n.f. sdnate ( ~EJ 

** , 
soitits'lis adj. & n.m. forty-seven 

k*'** saints' lisvsft adj. forty-seventh 

i*«^» serif ns, saint' ns v.i. save; put by 

* keep carefully i serif serif kar 

rakk'ns v.i. save ; put by 

~£l> saintis ' adj & n.m. thirty-seven 

U— ** saintis’ vsri adj. thirty-seventh 

saint n m. scent fE) 

Jk^/ ^sairiat n.f Senate J^fsm'ne^ar n.m 

J’jy-seridoor' n.M- vermillion , minium , cm- 
1 ** nab&r (jjicy'sefidso' ri adj. \errrul!ion’t^;>>' 

Kndw’riya ADJ. & n.m. a species of mango -/red- 
spotted mango 

JP *sS hole made in wall by burglar 

house-breaking i&jajA'sciidh,' lagan a 
V.t. break into a house n.m; house-breaking 
.0 ‘iS stii'dhS v.t. date-liquor ; date-palm juice 
U s e( j a j so poli c drink 
s F^k n.f. stick ; small thin stick 
»• small piece of straw, etc. toothpick 
seftk' na .v.i. warm (oneself before fire) 
C&filir ^ ’khrt sehk'na v.t .enjoying look- 
ing at pretty woman or women i^&^seiik n.m. 
warmth induced (by fire) 

\Jys si ”2 N-M* horn 

*'» ka)a kar bachh.’ roh mefi sha'mil ho'na v.i. 
try to look young in old age lj luS^sifig’ mar'na 
v. butt gore 0^' Arsing' ni’kalna v.i. 

(of animals) grow get horns attain majority 
go mad {wxh)(j^(J^l^^trfjlrja'hafi’ sing 
• sania'eti ni’kal js'ttH PH. . go 
(one’s) way shift for oneself at* 
not to be subject to discipline I fffi JiffO 
l^-ifsifig'ra n.m. (musical) V /) i? 

horn powder-horn sifi’gi 1 , j 
n.F. cupping horn 

slii'gi (or sth'giyah) lags’ na v.i. ol 


•y/si'nah n.m. breast chest bosom 
(%•) heart (jUs}jj&lA'si'na afgar' (or Ji gar') 
±Jlr~£'si'na-£hak adj. & n.m afflicted (person 
na ubkar' kar chal'na v.i. strut 
Ap* 'si'na-bafid n,-m. bodice .stays ; brassier* (or 
A&'A'si'na ba-si'nah adv. secret 
unwritten whishered adv. secretly 
(transmitted) in strict confidence 
n.f. stethoscope&J^ji'rto-.wns', i/A^si'na-ko'bi 
n.f. beating the breast jjj^Asl'na-znr' adj. 
headstrong ; wayward proud of one’s strength 
cruel ; oppressive ; tyrannical 
go'ri n.f. waywardness strength cruelty; 
oppression na-ii' par adj. defending ; 
shielding L’\jy^Asi'na-si'par ho ja'na v.i. 
defend ; shield take a firm stand iSjy^H'na- 
su# n.f. anguish ; torment (fjfcf'si'na-ka’tn 
n.f. great elf. " very hard work si' ne 

se laga'na v.t. embrace (lovingly or patronisingly) 
Mite* y'-ni ka Bb&ar’ n.m. smelling of .breasts 
(as sign of puberty) contour(s) of female 
figure (P) 

N.F. tray salver 


•^y’si'niyar adj. 'senior sintyar' u N.F. 

seniority [EJ 

styo' n.m. thick fried macaroni seyo' 

” scifi'khsn n.f. pi . fried macaroni (thick or 

IjkUsdv a n.f. (dial.) service jtjlr^se'na-dir' h-M- 
(dial.) attendant at Sikh shrine se' n kar'nfi 

v.r. (dial.) serve st'v'ak (dial. ) n m . atten- 
dant [S] 

n.f. dogrose 

•y sityoof n.m. (pl. of t^Zsaif h.v. if) 
^jS^st’vak N.m. (see under IJjfi n . f. ic) 

I jjiiWs.F. seam suture urinary 

C^duct l*-') A 

Je ’ ring n . f . ** Ci-AjZ'.rfiiiiig-b'itik «.M- say- 
ings bank ^j(dl<-d>^’/^u'oiiig~haink' aiks," 
Ujit n.m. Savings Bank account [E] 

^^'(or-tr*') s< b n.f. porcupine 

s, sayye’ah n . f . evil ; evil deed adj . evil 
*• sayye'at' n.f. pl. evils [A] 





"f'-'ten (colloquially called ba'r» sin) nine- 
tcenth letter of Urdu alphabet (equivalent to 
English sA) (in jummal recoking) 300 
fyo&shin' qaj' sc durus'l ho'na v.i. have a 
faultless pronunciation be cultured 
.kshab n.m. (pl. fj&shubban') youth 
t T^ rhaikh-o shab ' n.m*. the old and the young 
“y-i t^sjyabasji Int. bravo; well done ; ex- 
*■' . "cellent buck up n-m* praise 
appreciation paiUvf/'il^shabqsh' dt'na v.i. 
praise buck up pat(ft(>vA2l»a‘«ta n.f. (col.) 
(same as^tlSiNT. *) 

pt^shakh n.f. branch bough sprig • spray 
scion (of plant) branch (of establish- 
ment piece (of) objection ; cavil (dial.) 
a kind of wheat sweet rolled like a sprig ; sprig- 
sweet (rare)homy)£,ljsha l<h-( a'hao n.m. 
horn of deer bow crescent 
bara’l-t ‘ashiqaft bar shakkpc a'hoo prov. the 
unfortunate are always tantalized by nature 
vain hopes jjJ’C'^nkh'-dar adj. branched 
bifurcating homed Z> b&sh&hh' dor shaftfi 



adj. intricate. with one point leading to 
another (iJpPj&V'shakh-t zafardri n.m. One 
with too high an opinion of oneself strange 
matter i/sha'kh-i loo'ba x-M. a branch 
of the heavenly tree blessed sign C$£,l*sftakh' 
Idga'tid v.x. plant sapling (of) set someone 
extra work i&i'grsfca 'kh-e nabst' n.f. crystalliz- 
ing sticlf very sweet thing • lovely maiden 
Olr ijlsshakh nikdl'nd v.t. cavil find ( an * 

other) cause for quarrel jlr’C/shakh-sat bower 

garden place abounding in trcei adj. 
(rare) having many branches ^ij'lsshakfosq'naii 
n.M. cavil s-:.picion calumny dilem- 
ma new point shakes d' nah 

pal' da (or khara) kar'na sba khah adj. pronged 

l p l 

. U shad adj. happy , glad joyful , cheer; 
ful pleased ; delighted 

$ shad' ba'yad zis'lan na-shad' fa'yad 
Zis'tan prov. one has the put up with all spirts of 
cbnditionsjijli.dia'rf/i?;, (Jljls.sjiad’mdn adj 
happy . delighted {fols shad' -kam' au|. 

successful happy delighted b’fjlS$had'- 
kar'na v.t. delight , gladden shad k arm 

n.f. elation with success fil>\2shad-ma'rii n.f. 
happiness rejoicing [P] 

. .Ushadab' ADJ. well-watered green , 
verdant lush (of face) radiant with 

health Jt>£’sA3ifa'6« n.f. verdure fertility 
. being well-irrigated (of face), radiating 
with health^tf'sfia'i/* n.f. if [P~ tls-h *><] 

/{ (3— 3 </i K F marriage wedding 

pleasure; delight rejoicing ; festivity 
lV| sha'di rachana v.t. & I. celebrate marriage 
sha'di kar'na v.t. marry sha di- 

mar' g n.f. death from sudden joy f if 

la sha'di mar'g ho ja'na v.J. (of someone) die thus 
) tj)\s sha'di-o-gham n.m. ti*. g ha’m-o 

sha'di n.m. joy and grief sha'di gh a' mi n.f. 

(col.) joy and grief (on) festive occasions 
or (at) funeral gatherings fajUsha'di ho' im v.i. 
be married,! IjC'shadiya'nah n.m. festive music 
(usu. FL.) festive song(s )if^^JjOshadiya'ne 
baja'na v.i. play festive music rejoice [P] 
adj, rare adv. rarely seldom 

few and far httweenjMijSC'sIm'z-o ns' dir adj. 
adv. rare(ly) .[A] 

exegesist commentator 

road; highway(’u6zl?sRa'«‘-e ‘am n.m. thorough- 
fare [ - a**?] 

i **'tar (ped. shas'tr) n.m. (dial.) Hindu 
\s ^ code of law having religious sanctioned 
shos'tari (ped. shzstrf) n.m one skilled in Hindu 
law [SJ 

jshashah n.m. urine ; piss 

i 1 . 1 ^‘shd'tir n.m. (rare) chess-player adj. cun- 
ning ; sly clever shrewd smart 
J>Ojl yar-e sha'lir n.m. shrewd friend > 

J?\i ji ya'r-e sha'lir hooh' na bar-fkha'tir pl. I am 
a shrewd friend not a bore [A] 
p,.U*ha''ir n.m. (pl. IfSsho'ara’) poet bard 
minstrel UfO sha‘irn'nah adj. poetical 
fantastic rhapsodical? 

U l? 

annotator expositor [A ~ 
in ' n-m. the Holy Prophet as 
law giver law-giver legislator 

?sha‘trat' ped pl .ft*? 

[ssha'iri n.f. poetyj art of 

sha'nah n.f. (pl. < 
shava'ir) poetess tffQsha 
poetry verse , poetic composition exaggera- 
tion ; hyperbole rhapsody fantasy fancy 
highfalutin’ language [A ~ A 
shagbil adj. busy ; occupied (A- < r\ 

I shaft' n.m. i n tercessor^f^vj^ & 

C/"* (ro‘ z-t) mah'shnr n-M the Holv Prophet (as 
his followers* intorccss or with God on the Dav 
of Reckoning )&>{? N-M- Shaafiite follower 

of Imam Sh'fPis school of Islam jurisdiction w 
» i * sha'fah n.m. suppositorv pessary 
cotton wool soaked in liquid medicine and 
applied to wound dressing lint [P] 

Z.Ushzijt abj. healing sanative curative 
{js/ efficacious (fig.) convincing (reply) n.m. 
healer mkt'laq n-m. God (as the 

Healer) ; the Absolute Healer (A— ti^] 

~.Ushaq adj. hard : trying disliked un- 
savoury ; unpalatablc^ji^Jlr 1 ^ [par) *hnq 
gp'zarna v.i. be very trying (fop) be dis- 
agreeable (tokil! rthaq'qnh adj. VCty hard (work); 
tiying % nnh-t 'jiaq'qah ji.f. verv hard 
wfy-k iburning the midnight oil (A ■» ) 

^jp^sjiaqnol' n.m. plumb-line {A~TJ/1'] 

/U^haklr adj. thankful or grateful (to God) 
s** content (with one’s lot) l~ JP>£kkh) 
(rtska'ki adj. complaining querulous 
w *^disconted (with one’s lot. etc. ) n.m. com. 
plainapt murmerer aggrieved (party) {A - 


sltftgir'd n.m. pupil student ; scholar 
disciple apprentice (rare) servant 
(Ijflj l> ihagtr' d hau'na (or ho'na) v.t. become 

Student or apprentice (<J))J**jf\*sJiaQrd'-pe:hti shamiya' nah tc> m. awning pavilion 

n.m. pt. servants ; retainers OzAsdiagir'di •* canopy [P] 

n.f. studentship pupilage apprentice- 
ship [P] 

j.ijjAa/ n.m. shawl ; stol cdfUtsshal'-baf n.m- 
U ** sha w 1 -weaver ; shawl-maker j yCsshal-ba'fi 
n.m. shawl-weaver’s trade shawl-making 
jjrd&shal'-doz n.m. shawl^mbroidererc&^/Ujfcfi/- 
do'zi n.f. shawl-embroidery [P] 
j skali'mar (col. jlll&sha'lamur') n.m. Shali- 
*• mar Gardens ; either of the two gardens 
of that name built under the Moghuls 
^Zsham n.f. evening^j.j/f'ti.sfca'/n-e a'vadh n.f. 

I ^lovely evening scene of Lucknow in 
pre-British days ; the Lucknow evening (opp. 
t see under n.m. it)ulsf(\5s±a'm-r 
ghari'bafi n.f. hapless traveller’s evening 
the evening finalizing Muharram Jnourningc'iJfftj 
sham kalyan' n.m. name of a musical mode set 
for evening ^f'j^lysha m-o-sa' har n.m. morn- 
ing and evening all the time (pl.) days 
and nights (of) [PJ 

^/*.Z*ham n.f. ferrule (of stick, etc.) [~P A* sum 

•j^isAsm n.m. Syria adj. & n .m. *) 

1 f&shyam' n.m. tawny (as appellation 
I ^ Of Hindu apostle Krishna) [S] 
iVj sha'ma, l&shya'ma n.f. native cuckoo [S~ 


£ t AUsha’mat n.f. misfortune ; ill-luck evil 
*^days punishment Ji/dv \2shzimal-e a'mal' 
n.f. punishment for evil deeds misfortune 
tfiZS&sha'mat ana v.i. face bad-luck fall 
upon evil days * ska mat ka ma'ra adj. & 

n-m. unfortunate (person) miserable 
(person) [PJ 

/ fci sh&'mil adj. prep, (used alone or with mth 
* l '^ , or ped. ko or ke) comprising includ- 
ing included (in) mingled or blended 
(with) ; going along (with) JlrJ sha'mil-e hal' 
adj. connected with accompanied by adv. 

accompanying given ^ granted 
shmilat ,*><~>lkl*'sha , mila't-e dth n.f. village com- 
mon dlk&sltamila'tl adj. joint co-parce- 

spam’ truth n.m. sense of smell ; olfaction. [A~ 

pprenticc- . I^shan n.f. dignity splendour (rare) 
state ; condition (rare) circumstances (of) 
-baf n.m- i^d^rhan'chodta n m- one trying to emulate 
sshal-ba'fi another jliljsJian-dat' adj. splendid stately 

rvl-making dignified I'l&fj&shan’ dikkana v.t. make 

fJjjJlsshal- a display (of) show off Cd&^&shan' ghata'na 
v.t. be derogatory (to) ishan’ mth 

•m. Shali- bat'tah lag'na, ’than' ghat'na v.i. be lowered 
> gardens in dignity J,yi)l?sha'n-t nUzool' n-M. circum- 
stances of revelation (of Quranic verse) (joc.) 
vadh n.f. ca use or account of arrival L ^/jy>j ( ylS'than-a- 
now in shau'kat n .f. pomp and show glory 
ing (opp. splendour [AJ , ,. 

'iysha'm-r adj. (dial.) calm peaceful 

. cnin „ shah' It n.f. (dial.) peace tranquillity 

mngeUfc calm [S] 

mode” set . i^sha nah n.m. shoulder comb Oy£*\2 
morn- **** sha'nah pha'takna v. i. have a good omen of 
pl ) days someon . e arriving sha'nah kar'na v i. comb 
I'll; O-ljsha’nt hila'nn v.t. shake (someone) by 
__ p f 5Um the shoulder to rouse him from sleep [PJ 

• A shah, ^ shah n-n. king ; monarch king 

,v (at chess) title of Syed or Muslim mendi- 

' cant pref. chief large royal Afc P 

ppellation shaha' nahxDj. royal ; regal splendid jUr* 
shah' bat', ‘’If&sJ ah' bsz gowshak falcon jyiJh 

koo fS~ ?hah-ba'la n.m. best man ; groom’s young atten- 
dant shah'-balloot' (col. -baloat') n.m. oak 

ck evil — fl, /hir' (P e{ i shahtlr’, arch. shah-llr') 

at-e a'mal' N-M ‘. beam jj&tpsha'h-e ■kha'var n.m. (rare) sun 
nisfortune l h - ah '-P ar > a & shah-par n.m. * principal 

It fall father * n bird’s wing shah-tar ah, 

i adj & shah' tar ah n.m. fumitory ^Z^Maihloot' 

miserable shah-toot n.m. mulberry ^^,,1 j shah' -kha'n Urn n.m. 

(iron.) proud woman shah-da' rah n.m. gate- 

way (to) fjr fJjjt&shah' dau'lah ka dpoa'ha n.m. 
with mth (dial.) small-headed imbecile (known) after 
includ- shah Daulah of Gujrat W. Pakistan in whose 
sanctuary they found asylum a }/f\jjshah'rah' N.f. 
thoroughfare highway iJj shah' -rag 

£ shah' -rag n.f jugular vein tjlyfishah- 
tadah , ejljfC'shah’-za'dah n.m. prince 
shah-za'di, ifjjyf&shah'-za'di n.f. princess Jjlyr’ 
sjtah-z'd'dagi shah-zd'dagl v.y: state of 

being a prince ; princehood shah-stamr', 

yU-' shah' -savar' n.m. horseman jockey 
shah'-kar, jksp'sjtahkar' n.m. masterpiece 

sha' mi adj. & n.m. Syrian <^>U'^C’sha'ml I fft&skoh gam' n.f. (animal’s) nice gait c/l*>VP 
w kabab' n.m. fried mince cake; mince pie I sha'h-t mar'dah.i iirsJ'sha'h-e mar ' daft n.m. •master- 

sha'h-e mar'dah, jir/^sha'h-e mar’dah n.m. -master- 
chevalier (as appellation of Hazrat Ali) 

shah-nashifi, shah'-nashtff n.m. balcony 

dais royal seat jlj£& shah-var' jtyr' shah- 
vat' adj. worthy of a sovereign royal » li*-* - ' . 
skahin-shak' , sha’hin-shah' n.m. shahinshah ; 

emperor tffs sha'kt \dj. royal ; regal n.f. 
sovereignty dominion reign name of a 
small coin [P] 

shahid n.m. (pl. jflj? shavahid) witness 
■** ^ deponent sweetheart [A] 

«* Vj sh s' hi ft (or -hiri) n.m. falcon this 
•"V as Iqbal’s symbol for Muslim youth [P] 
Ci^jshrf'ibah k m. (pl. ^J‘ty , shava"ib) 

• doubt ; suspicion trace (of) (rare) 
adulteration [A ~ ] 

— is’ tah adj. polite ; courteous 

cultured ; well-bred proper ; suitable 
decent sha'istagi n.f- courtesy ; 

politeness good manners affability pro- 
priety decency [P~ cZ’O] 

V adj. published propagated 
(S ^broadcast patent (fast) (;/£C'sha’e‘ 

knr'na v:t. publish ; bring out propagate 
t 'jftfC'sha'e' ho'na v.i. be published ; be 
brought out be propagated [A] 

—Ai~sha'tq m>]. fond (of) ardent; zealous 

IkI > sha’U-gdh n.m. name of an ancient 
royal' Persian treasure wealth de- 
pec tive rhyme adj. royal ; regal [P] 

r»lLl5— 3 ’y Sn AD J’ f 11 (f° r ) ; suitable (for) 

worthy (of) ; worth [P] 

.m sha'yad adv. perhaps possibly 
probably [P~ 

*T,shab n.f. night jjj> & shaba 1 na-rot adj. 
unceasing round-the-clock adv. 
night and day all the time round the clock 
*—*Sshab‘bai? n.m. (arch.) puppet showman 
s-J^shab-bd!# n.f. puppet show 
shtib-ba'sh >' n.m. night lodger hf cr't'-J'shab-bash’ 
ho’ tin v.r. stay for the night (with or at) ^ 

shab-ba’sH n.f. . staying for the night co- 

habiting (with) yg. imS shab-ba-khair' int. good- 
night &jU,im2'shab't ban' 'at (col. .5'shab'- 
barat') n.f. fifteenth night of Sha’ban (bringing 
salvation and fulfilment of wishes to those who 
pray for these {hab'-barat' hi a’tash- 

bagi N f. fire work display on his festival 
skab’bo m.m. a kind of lily^ein.cting fragrance at 
night ; champak>k? shab-bedar' adj. & n.m. 
(one) waking all night in worship shab- 

btdu’ri n.f. waking all night in worship 

vigil ^fL-Z'shab-tab' n.f. (usd. 
kir'mak-e shab-tiu 1 ''^ glow- worm ; firefly adj. in- 
candescent J.r i—^shab-tabi n.f. incandesceno 
(i^jjl't^shab-e tar'(ik’) n.f dark night : moon 
jess night£ ^•-■^'shab-chiragh' n.m. (also 

gau'har-e shab-ehiragh') n.m. a kind of jewel 
carbuncle /J'/^shab-kha'bi ka hbas' n.m. 
night clothes ; the pyjamas (j'ft shab-khoon' n . m . 
night attack ; sniping lj l (y/Z'shsb khoon' mar' ua 
v.t, snipe tfjg ^>shab-kht! it S’.f. rising at niglu 
(for prayer) jj?,) u^shab-e daijoor' n.m. very 
dark night y^J^shab-dez' n.m. dark horse 
shab-deg' k . f meat and turnip stew cooked .all 
night L-Z’shab-rafig' adj. dark-coloureds 
shab-e zifaf' n.f. (see under I 
shab ziii'da-dar adj. & n.m. (one) waking all 
night (for worship) - 4 * 00 tjj<-f?s]±ah zin'da-du'rt 
N f. waking all night thus shabis' tah n m 

bed chamber harem ; seraglio^ i~*Sshu'h-t 
qad'r (col. shab'qad'r ) n.f. night during which 
the Holy Quran’s revelation began (occurring 
the last ten nights of Ramazan usu. regarded 
as 27th) j/ shab-kor ’ adj. night blind 
shab-ko'ri n.f. night bliiidness ijJ~ y shab~goo1i' 
adj. jet black darksome j/ >y=^sh5b~gir' adj, 
of early hours of morning t^?sha'b~e moh\ 
••fO; Li~*'sha'b-e- mahtnb' n.f. moonlit night 
sha'b-e yalda n.f. longest and darkest night of 
the year shabi'nah adj. left over from 
the previous night overnight n.m. Ramazan 
night (or three nights towards the end of that 
month) in which the whole of the Holy Quran is 
recited in prayers such recital Jjst^Jysha'b-o 
TOZy ro'z-o shab' adv. night and day , 

always ; all the time n.m. pl. nights and days 
(of) ; all the time (of) [P] 

. u shabab' n.m. youth ; prime of life [A] 


^J^shiib'ban N.m. (PL. ofw-^NM. ir) 

*A shUban' N.M. shepherd , pastor [P) 


♦ shaba’ hat n.f likeness , similarity 
t—* 1 ? resemblance figure tZfLfijJ&sjtak'lfi 
shaba! hat n.f. features [AJ 

U. shab'd n.m. (dial.) word Hindu hymn 


A shab’bar n.m. appellation of Imam Hasan 
yZ [A - Syriac) A 

it** A shabistan' n.m. (see under *-*■"' n.m. 4>) 

shab’nam n.f. djw a. kind of fine 

linen ; lawn (f^^shab' gam* adj. dewy 
N.m canopy for bed (P] 


' v dji'A'A N. M . , likeness similitude 

image (of) vaj’h-e shib'h N.F. point, 

of similitude [A] 

shUb'h (col. skU'bo) n.m* doubt ; suspi- 

• cion uncertainty. vJ'jjs-Z' shub'h door, 
kar'ta l* t? ^ shib'h mitz'na v.t. dispel a doubt 

dtUb'h ^zcdhir) kar’na v t. suspect 
1/ **£- sftfift'A ho’na v.i. be a doubt (about) 
have a suspicion [A] 

rtfiftk' adj. (dial.) suspicious [A] 

jp shabby' n.m. an appellation of Imam 
JZr Husain (A~ Syriac] 4 

• <3 aoj. (see under n.f. ★) 

^ shablk' n.f. picture ; portrait .mage 
figure adj. like ; resembling (A ~ z' ] 
skip 1 pa n.m. relation L‘ it 1 jp" dip' pa lara’na 
Lp v.t. concoct relatipnship (with) 

S..J.I ha’pa-diep n.f. splash adv. rapidly 
‘^'irloNO.] . . . 

* A ' Mp'pa . dtap’parah n.m. bat 

shop' par a-fhash’m adj. day-blind 

+* C^l 

sAi'ia n.m. winter [A} 

fjskitab' adv. soon swiftly frf.f. 

>m T'***' quick haste ; quickness shita'bi-H.r. 

swiftness haste despatch adv. (also 
C? shita'M re) ’ soon swiftly i 

^ A - shu’tur, pH Ssjt’tur n.m. camel dis? 
y**' shW tUr-b&n n.m. camel driver,/ l/^-y-'' 
shA'tir-e be-mohar' (fig.) adj. & n.m. way- 
ward ; refractoiy incorrigible (person) out 
, of control Hr y" shi'tUr-kha’nah. n.m. camel shed 
sbit’lur-gham'zah. n m. uncalled for 
coquetry fraud ; deceit shu'tur-ki'nah 

n m. unending malice adj. & n.m. very malicious 
(person) shu Hr-gbr'bah n.m. unmatch- 
ed pair change of pronoun with reference 

some noun s*if'<Si'-«iSr'gh n.m. ostrich 

lil'yH xhu' tir-nal n.f, (arch.) a kind of small gun 
carried on camel’s back [P] 

shu! trl n.f. large kettle-drum (for 

carrying on camel back) camel colour 
adj. camel coloured camel hair camel 
skin (PJ 

JjJ®' slid I’m n.f. villifying swearing at 
| S' st^Ssab'b e-xbat’m n.f. (see under **** 

★ [A] 

<■ <JIv shi ija’’ adj ^ brave bold ; coura 
r geous £S\p , sktgrf , at N.f. braverv; va- 
lour (A] * ~ 

JS sha’jar n.m...(pl. jtf' 1 ad' jar') tree 

y* plant c/? Mjartik (col shnj'rah) N.M- 
(pl. iHsiy f' shajarnl') (rare) tree genealogi- 
cal tabic ; family tree ' list of a saintly line 
agrarian field-map [A] . i. . 

shaVm n.f. fat shahlm’ 'adj. fat 

/* lahi' m-o-shahim adj. plump ; fat [A] 

I A, sheh'nak n.m. metropolitan police chief 
fL'ds/jJi'lst ut’ra sheh’nak mafdak nsm 
proVj a fallen angel is dubbed a devil [P] 

A - 5 shakh’s n.m. (pl. ashkhas’) 

person individual body ; human 
body shakft’si adj. ^ personal private 

individual shakh’si kukoo’mal n.f. 

one-man rube ^individual’s rule absolute 
monarchy shakhsi/jqt n.f. personality 

(rare) prestige i£*£**~ shakhsiy’ yat bigh-ar’na 

v.t. talk tall be vain [A] 

shad n.m. stress ; emphasis inten- 

sification (gram.) doubling (of letter) 

yjAj^shad’d-o mad n.f. force ; invigour in- 
tensity severity stress ; emphasis jU? 
shaddad' n.m. name of an Adermite ruler. claim- 
ing divinity ; Shaddad [A] 

At* ±add'id n.m. pl. hardships ; tribulations 
^VfA ~ SING. ~ >>'' ] 

•,shU<T bud N.F. sight knowledge (of) 
JtkS nodding acquaintance (with language), 

e*tc.) ]P # + J. ~ jJ. was] 

• sjnd'ial n.f. intensity vehemence 

Imrdjkr severity rigours (of) If ^ shid' dat ka 
adj. severe [A] 

* » shu'dani adj. destined inexorable 

(ijH n.f. inexorable matter JjHl'na-shu'daai 
adj. & n.f. undesirable 

shudh ADj^dial^purifieck^cvelopment)^ 

JPJ^shad'dfil n.f Hindu proselyjism (esp. as 
an early 20th century political-movement [S] 
i i. shu' da'shu' dah adv. gradually in 
course of time 

St shadid’ adj. intense severe 
rigorous violent acute (pain) 
heinous (crime) [A~w5->?} . 

• ~ shat' rah n.m. (pl. sha^arat’) editorial 

note ; leaderette [A] 

Stj shar n.m. evil ; wickedness turmoil 
unrest Cl& ly'’ *bar' fijta'sa v.i. create 
unrest ; cause a breach of the peace raise 
malicious objection [A] 

V t/ ( or !A) !h. aTi * (°r ^ ,ra ') 

0/ Ift- j bai’-o-sjepr* n.f. (see under ££ 





i Ay sharob' n.f. liquor wine (rare.) 
bevcrag shard b-e do-dtashah 
n.m. double-distilled wine. strong drink 
shgrab'-khdnah n.m. public house ; pub ; 
bur ; tavern jyf'isjjy shard b-e tafioor’ n.f. 
nonalcoholic beverage ; non-intoxicating drink 
(as heavenly beverage) J.iy'' shard bi n.m. 
drunkard boozer [A] 

ji Ay shardbor' (col. j) jjS dtpr-bor’) adj. drip- 
ping ; drenched; wet through 
pass' ns m eh shardbor ph. perspiring dipping with 


|^| ^ diarrdf a n.m. spurt beating sound 

*/ (of rain, etc.) [ono.] 

i A y sharsdk’ n.m. pl. (dial.) food given 
their priests by Hindus for the dead 
this as festival [S] 

. • sharar', t j\Jy shard rah n.m. spark [P] 

„ . A, shard rat n.f. naughtiness mis- 
chief wickedness ; villainy 
shard rail adj. naughty villainous n.m. 
mischievous child varmint v'-y'' sharir' 

A *>J. * [AJ 

— I . Jy shard fat n.f. virtue ; virtuous charac- 

ter good manners politeness ; 
courtesy; civility nobility Crdjs shartf' 

ADJ. ★[A] " 

V, shard kat n.f. partnership fAjy' 
shard kalkar' na v.i. enter into partner- 
ship si’ shard kat-namak n.m. dead of 
partnership n.f. <—4^ adj. & n.m. *) 

Jjfjvy shard'll n.m. (pl. of n.f. ★) 

shar'in n.f. (pl. of n.f. ^) 

A, tk&r’k n.m. drinking ak’l-o-shur’b 
n.m. eating and drinking [A] 

»y -V •har'bat n.m. svrup shad bat pild'i 

m.f. money given to barber of bride’s 
family) for offering drink to groom at marriage ; 
drink-reward ton ke piydlt 
fat nikad pafkdnS V.T. give away a girl in marri- 
age with little expenditure ^ y' shadbati adj. & 
n.m. light orange reddish n.m. this colour 
a kind of fine muslin kind of small sweat 

berry (A ~phEC.) 

m A/ shar’A (col. sharah) n.f. explanation 

commentary exegesis rate charge 
ratio details exposition tfjs £, jf’shar’h- 
hsrh'H n.f. fixation of rates rate schedule 
sad’r n.m. conviction ; inner 

light lack of reservations Pf'shar k-e 

sad'r ke satk adv. with an open mind with- 
out reservations Vj'Z/f'shar'k kar'na v.i. ex- 
plain write a commentary (on) ; write an 
exegesis (of) I'Srf'C'S'l hadfy muqar'ror kar'na 
v.i. fix the rate of [A] 

A, sha'rar n.m. spark jl sjr'sha' r ax-bar, O&J/ 
sha’rar-fishah' adj. fiery sore (heart) 
sparkling ; scintillating ; coruscating [P] 
ig,/shar’t n.f. (pl. idtp' shard' it rare>jy' 
P/ shuroo?) term condition stipula- 
tion proviso provision rider bet ; 
stake ; . wager t^P'sfcar'f bandh'na 
(or bad’na or lagdnd) v.i. bet ; lay a wager 
shartiyyah ADJ. sure guaranteed ; warrant- 
ed adj. certainly ; undoubtedly definitely 
(gran ) conditional (clause) ba-shadts- 

kth adv. if provided in case bi-la- 
shar'l adj. unconditional 
mur'doft st shar't bshdk ke so'na V.i. 
f' fy*h ar ” ( c °h sha'ra') n.m. divine law 
hSj religious dogma Islamic law (as such) 
% s' {pad 'an adv. legally ; in point of law ; 
according to the law ; juridically according 
to Islamic .lawlii/v Up’shad'an-o-'&dfqn adv. 
according religious and customary law 
shad 1 meh kyd shar'm pfi. why be ashamed of 
a divinely sanctioned act why be ashamed of 
an inquiry on a point of religious law {fj* 
shan't adj. lawful religious dogma- 
tic [A] 

..A, sha’raf n.m. honour rank dignity 
*~^S glory nobility eminence ex- 
ce\lenceCjf(yUCsp'sha’raf hdsil ho' ns v.i. be 
honoured (by 'jfyj^.Cfs'sha'raf le jdna v.t. excel 
‘-slC3p‘ sha! raf-yab' adj. honoured ; exalted 
Vjr ^/LCfp’sha'raf-yab'- ho’na v.i. be honoured 
sha’raf -yd bi n.f. honour audience 
i» p shdraf-ydbi ba khsn 'na v.t. grant audi- 
ence [A] 

sburafd n.m. (pl. or «J£P”n.m & adj. ★) 
•* !». ihar'q n.m. east Xjh t^P’ihadqan ([had ban 

0 / adv. adj. laterally East West 
rJfLs/^fjpshar' q se gh ar'b tak adv. _ from 
East to West throughout the world J^'d'ar'qi 
adj. Eastern oriental [A] 

shir'k n.m. polytheism paganism 
~S tjf Js'shidk-e ja'll n.m- idolatry (f* Jp' 
shir'k-e Mia'fi n.m. infidelity [A) 

'A, drier aka' n-M. (pl. ‘of 

—J s Jl lr 'kat n.f. (ped. sha'rikat ) participa- 

t‘d tion (rare) firm ; company 
N.F. if vt^ADj. & n.m. kf.) [A] 

shar'm n.f. shame bashful ness 

[y* modesty disgrace ; indignity hon- 

our ; prestige sense of honour (jjy Iff/ shar' ma 
shar'ml adv. out of shame driven by a 
sense of prestige t!)> (J? shar'm dila'na v.t 
put to shame disgrace challenge (some- 
one's) sense of honour CJj ("s / sj>ar'm rakk'na' 
v.t. protect (someone) from being put to shame 
lift; fjy shar' m raih jam v.i. have one's prestige 
or honour undamaged shar'm kar'na v.i. 

feel ashamed jlsj? shar' m-sar adj. ashamed 
repentant sorry (for) Vj} jt-fs.shar'm-sar 

ho'na v.i. regret; be sorry (for )(fjl^5’shar'm-sa'ri 
n .f. shame disgrace sorrow ; regret 
repentance l shar'm se pani pa'm ho'na 
v.i. feel much ashamed o tsysjuirjm gab' n.f. 
private parts (of one’s body) 
adj. ashamed bashful modest blush- 
ing c/fcrp' shar' m-nak' adj. shameful dis- 

graceful discreditable LfV shar' m-o-naya 
n.f. modesty (*^2— be-shar’m adj. shameless 
devoid of a sense of shame {^fp'^-be- 
spar'm be-$ai'rat Int. (as a swear-word) devoid 
of all sense of shame oXsJy sharmih' dah adj. 
ashamed regretting ; sorry (for) repentant 
simpering (1 ns’l,j^p'sharmiij da-e ehsan' (or 
-sah') ADJ. under obligation (to) 
sharmih'da-t ma"rti (or -na) adj. meaningful 
Vjf ojysp’sjiarmiii'dah ho’na v.i. fed ashamed ; 
be ashamed be sorry (for) : regret 
sharnntidagi n.f. shame disgrace bash- 
fulness regret, sorrow VlflJ'Xf?' sharmit’dagi 
utha'na v. i. suffer shame be disgrace L 1> 
sharmana v i feel ashamed be bashful 
fight shy (of) shar mi' la (F. Jlfp'sjtarmi'li) 

adj. modest bashful shy [F] ^ 

/ iy spur' on n.m. (col.) stew ; broth ( -P 


Srn. shuroot' N.M. (PL. of J^N.F. ^) 


. j i tJjU'roo' n.m. start , beginning; commence- 
W/*' ment ojfr 100 ' st a'khir tak 
adv. from beginning to end ‘ TOO ‘ 

kar'na v.t. begin , start , commence^ set 
up institute take the ie&dljf £jy/shu'roo‘ 
ho'na v i be begun get going ^{fif’shuroo'ai' 
n F (col.) beginning ; start (A] 
f iy shi'ti (ped shri), tfyS si' ri adj. (dial ) 
(Indian title equivalent to) Mr. (fijs 

sjti'rlmati adj. (Indian title equivalent to) 
Mrs. Madam [S] 

.1 A , shiryan' n.f. (pi . Sp- shar a In') artery [A] 

» sharir' adj. mischievous naughty 
wicked evil bad n.m. mischief 
monger ; mischief maker [A 
— shari’ 'at n.f. (pl. g shara'i*) Islamic 
jurisprudence divine law (A — t/'] 

. , iy span/' adj. (pl. (j fsshUrafa) virtuous 

gentle polite ; courteous noble 
honourable n.m. gentleman (ped.) 
syed , descendent of the Holy Prophet (rare.) 
chieftain , chief shar fa nidh Anj. gentle- 
manly (conduct, etc.) shari' f-Qrt-ruf's 

adj. noble n.m. a noble soul 
khan'dan n.m. good family n 0 <->^ sharif'-fa’dak 
(n.m- .scion of a gentlemanly family) adj. of 
good family [A -cPjS] 

* i Z.shanfah n.m. custard apple 

y*. shank' n.m. (pl lfjy shuraka') partici 
pant accomplice comrade associ 
ate confederate partner peer adv 
included I'S—Xjy shank' kar'na v.t. - join 
include make a partner Ky; ^atkk' ho' n, 

v.t join participate (A ~ c/'lpr ’ ) 

„ yshas't (col. shis' I) n.f. atm (rare, 
pinch (ped.) fishmg-hookT$AA«4«.i<-* Sr 
sjhas't bafidh'na (or lagana) v t take aim (at) (PJ 
** 3 shus'tah adj., ^cultured chaste (langu- 
age, etc.) n.f good 

manners chastity of language [P] 

^j^shUsJi n m lung [P] 

sjhash adj. six pref hexa , six 
(✓ shash-paik' loo ad|. hexagonal jr^shnsh- 
Je'hat n m the six d\rocUonsf^JXfi/^shaih~j/’ hut 
men adv. all over everywhere 
dafig' adj. all over the world jj£*^shashjda) adj 
astonished perplexed stunned agape, 
six-doored n.m. (arch.) dice 
shasjjdar ho'na (or rath' ja'na) v.i. be astonish- 
ed be left wondering be agape^'lr**' 
shash-ma'ftt adj. half-yearly ;.biennijri n f half 
year , six-month period (P* * (f^ska' tbvp&j' 
n.m. perplexity confusion hesitation 
S^sha'shum adj sixth [P] 

„ • "thas'l adj sixty [P] 

./. A shasbkar’m v.t. urge (hound) on to 
yj quarry jl&’^'Zhiihkar' , 


n.f. sound emitted for urging thus 

shat n.JI. river bank t ^ fl J^'shat't-ill~‘a'rab 
n.m. Tigris and Euphrates alter their con- 
flux [AJ 

n.m. pert ; saucy {A ~ foll.J 

, -y /A shathryyat' n.m. & f. blasphemous 
writings irreverent criticism of 
Islamic dogma profane talk by insane mystics 
(A] . • . 1 J 

y j-*/ sha tratj n.f chess shitir 

yy n.m. chess-player (fj&'shatratfji n.m. 

chequered carpet . loaf made of assorted 
cereals’ flour Ct iJZ/*'&atrat'jl-baf n.m. carpet 

weaver [A ~ 8] 

|_^ n.m. (pl. yU^j*«‘a'’ir) sign 
habit ; custom manner (rare) under- 
garment ra£k. in the habit (of) accustom- 
ed (to) (fjU&'stofitf l sup. being in the habit 
(°0 [A] A 

^yZ,*o'a“ n.m* (pl. mdte tu a/i) ray ; beam 

^ sM'sCff w-M- pl. signs (of God) 
(pilgrimage) rites [A~sipo. ^>or 

,1 s.H^cq)>tk month of Hijri year 


Ssf+cfba i t h n.m. sleight of hand ;jug- 
Wj gUng-; conjuring deceit ; fraud 
Mto*'k«da-J otf juggler ; conjurer adj. frau- 
dulent ; deceitful n.f. 

sleisAt of hand duping deceitfulness [A] 

—\+»''bak n.m. (pl. iZf^^^ba-jkf) 

■"s department branch * ramification 

field (of knowledge, etc.) [A] 

n-n* (pl. oryb^fesR'ar') 


3 jh“r n.m. (pl. -i(*2/asfr‘ar') couplet 
/ verse poetry j lfyf£'d±t‘'r-kk&’*i n.f. 

recitation of poetry fondness for poetry 
■ ,/ A N<*'r kaih'na v.i. compose verses ; versify 
n.f. versification fond- 
ness for poetry l/batfan! n.m. (pl. of 
njs. <Ar) £s*>P'she' r iy yat n.f. poetical beauty 

poetic element [A] 

s^s"rie‘aA n.m. flash [A] 

iA d»*'W Ml. flame, blaze t/I^Ue£sfto ( 'hi- 

, jl Ao"\a- 

\ . $& *oj. flaming blazing raining fire and 
brimstone firebrand lah bkaboo'- 

If h'sj v.t. fly into a passion ; flush with anger 
JtJTJ**' At" las jmoa'lah n.m pirouetting 

flame (fig.) beloved ; sweatheart 7 
sho" la-kh»»' adj. fiery-tempered t/ J J^'Ao"lah- 
rufeh, ^jJ^Ao°la-roo' n.m. &adJ. blazing beauty 
& jj> sho l ‘la-zart adj. blazing flashing 
ftjjj&s ho''la-za'r& n.f. blaze ; blazing 
sho‘'la-Jishatt' adj. flame-scattering; fire- 

- spitting fiery ft&jjjsho , 'la-fisha , i& n.f 
f blaze ; blazing fire-spitting [A] 

:s -V sho'oor' n-m. consciousness ego 
J)r intellect wisdom adj 

r conscious j^lz2 f tatft-Urt-sho'oor' n.m. - sub- 
conscious mind ; the sub-conscious iSjJ^&rtah! t- 
d Ush-shoWrl n-m. sub-conscious jy^V fa xho‘onr.' 

* n.m. the unconscious mind sub-conscious 
mind ; the sub-conscious ld(fjy^'illib^o , oo'rt 
adj. sub-conscious (A] i 

M ' M . j ac *‘ a U^<AV>«-Csa'g-« rur'rf 
" U ^ bira'dar-e shaghaT PROv. the two are 

1 equally bad |P] m a 

tj>sha'gf\ab n.m. tumult (usu. as) 

^ sJtor-o-sha'ghab n.m. noise and tumult [A1 

n.m. interest in [A] 

] n-m. deep love [A] 

r thSgh'i (or shagh'f) n.m. (pl Jli^lashghal'i 

occupation business vocation 
avocation engagement [A] 

" i • shifa n.f. cure healing recovery 

- shifa-kha'nak n.m. (pl .CpWS 

shifa'-kha'najat') hospital [A] 

, *•£, Zshafa' l at n.f. intercession r»\2 Aa'ft' n.m 
4 - / V* [AJ 

• adj. transparent pellucid 

clear [AJ 

) ~,£*shafttfloo n.m. peach [P] 

•rAaf'tal n.f. (dial.) slut 

• LT 

y .As* f'ah n.m. pre-emption 
y sh'f'ah n.m. right of pre-emption (A) 

l„ ‘lipsba'faq n.f. evening twilight , redness in 

2 {J the horizon at evening t a '/ a i 

phool'na v.i. (of redness) appear in the hori- 
zon [AJ 

** ' W 1 (P*^. Aa'faqat) n.f. affection 

Csvour kindness J^n-m. it [AJ 
Aqf n.m. intercessor n.m & 

Qt adj. ★ [A-kSPfcJ] v 

adj. affectionate kind n-m. 
{Jf~ kind friend [A~»2 Sa^J 
—A jtoif «-M. rent; cleavage split ; fissure/Jt/ 
^ shaq' q.iil-qa mar n.m lunar fissure ; split 


the moor (as a miracle of the FToly Prophet) 
i.jf Jr" shag' ho' ns v.i be rent , be split [A] 

N F ,tcm |A] 


« diiqaq' n.m enmity rift schism 

• shaqs'aat n.f. misfortune wretched- 
lA^ness villainy callousness [A] 

»j»4 shqqs"iq n.m (also pl.) tulip [A] 

J u-' 

.4 shfiq qah n.m edict letter from a 
superior flag , piece of cloth hoisted on 
Shi'ite mourning flag [A] 
pS sha qi x.m. & adj. (PL LaSlashqiya) 
te __ unfortunate wretched j miserable 

villamous ; vicious callous ^^ij^shaqiy'y-ul- 
gal b adj. callous (A— £>)\2s] 

^•frsshaqiq' M M (PL. ii^iasJnqqS') brother [A] 

m *%sjuup’qah n.m temple , side of head 
/•Aj; ( properly daf‘d-e shaqi'qah) 

shak n.m. (pl. sJjC* shUkook') doubt 
suspicion uncertain incredulity 
shak’ par' ns v.i. suspect, have a doubt 
ska*’ dal' ns v.t make suspicious cast a 
doubt Aqk' rap' kar'ns v.t. dispel 

a doubt remove a doubt I’jTLX? shak' kar'ns v.i. 
doubt , suspect ^^'jtAaA'ifcl adj. suspicious 
sceptical shhk 1 ki-mitiij' adj. incredulous 

suspicious sceptical [A] 

, j/j* *A/fa ra n M 

r water taxi 

light pleasure boat 

„ shikar' h.m. game , hunting , shikar 

chase prey quarry shikar’ ~ba1td 

a.M saddle straps near horses tail for trying 
game in jjLj& shikar" -poor n.m (fig.) Gotham 
\Zjr\fjjt PC? shikar" -poor ks ejoc'/iya n.m. wise 
man of Gotham iljfjtC? shikar' knr ns V - T - 
hunt , prey upon catch shoot (game) 
ensnare bag make (someone) one’s victim; 
capture shikar" khrl’na v.t. go on a 

ya hags' i prov false excuses put up at critical 
juncture ifytfs shikar' -gsh M . f. game preserve 

hunting ground Cjfjfc shikar' ho' ns v.i. fall 

a prey (tot become a victim (of) be en- 
snared (by) (fjtC'shiks'r t n.m. shikaree ; 

sportsman ; hunter follower angler adj. of 
the cl^asc ; hunting Of'(fj(C*'shika'it kui'ia n-m- 
hound a species of large lean dogs kept 
lor hunting [P] 

„ shika'yol H.r complaint plaint 
accusation grievance illness 
vfg J <Ct&shika yat raf" kar’ns v.i redress a grie- 
vance JA] 

jjJoS shak' It n.f (dial.) strength [S] 

shik'r n-m. thanks gratitude thanks 
jf giving v/jP shik'r kar'na (or ba-ja' 

la'na ) v t. & i. thank return thanks resi 
content jij^z^'shuk' r-guw' adj. thankful , 
grateful : obliged VjfjiyJJshik'r-gitiar’ ho'na v.i 
if jij^J^Sshkk'r- gilts' ri n.f. thankfulness; grati- 
tude ; thanksgiving pj^'shukra' nah n.m. thanks- 
giving , gratitude J^^^'^Pshukra'nt kt naf'l 
n.m- PL. thanksgiving ; prayers shikriy jah 

(or shuk'ri'yah) n.m thanks int. thank you , 
’k you [A] 

/Asha'kar n.f sugar tjiyC'sha'kar-pa'raA n.m 
sugar-coated vermicelli sha'kar-ta'ri 

n.f. (arch.) while sugar jif'jP' sha'kar-khahd n-m. 

smile joyful smile ij/’jC? sha' kar-kko' t ah 
n.m. one having a sweet tooth j^Ci''sha'kai- 
rah'ji n f tiff usu. temporary estrangement 
between friends . estrangement 
£fC^3 khuda •tha'kar-kho’re ko sha'kar hi de'ta hat 
prov. he that eats good meal shall have a good 
meal Vpfp* £Z-jZ? sh/i' kar sr muhh bhar’na v.t re ; 
ward (someone) for conveying good news 
sjia'kar-ret adj. sweet tongued mellifluous 
sha'kar-qafi Vi (pcd. P* J*' tha’kar-qahd) 

n.f. sweet potato sha’ kar-lsb adj. having 

sweet speech n m- (fig ) sweetheart (fjP'sho'kan 
n.m. a kind of small sweet berry t/’i^'jha'karin 
adj. sugary sugar ; of sugar fJL.jC? thakonn 
n.f saccharin [P] 

shik’ ram n-m. phaeton 

shik'rah n.m. hawk : falcon 
OS ” 

(ysjrikos't n-f. defeat rout . failure 
breakage dilapidation drprrcia* 
t ion ’ t : khur'ddk Apj. defeated, 
routed defeatist ' l-khar'dah^ 

Ithmy'yai n . f . defeatist mental tty 
shikas't-kh*r dagi n.f defeatism 
shikas ' l-o-rtkh' t hi dilapidation &*&^khai'-H 
shskas't n m- running hand (as a form of Urdu 
script) z—^shikoi'lah adj broken snap- 
ped ruined ; lying in ruins dilapidated 
in a state of ill repair n.m- running hand 


this as a form of Urdu script (J t Z-^'shikas'la- 
bat shikas' la-par' adj. wretched f 

miserable afflicted helpless t ^X'ihikas' ta-pa 
adj. helpless unable to move 
shikts'la pa's n ; f. inability to move help- 
lessness sjiikos'ta haV adj. miserable ; 

wretched down-trodden broken down adv. 
in straitened circumstances (j Lr shikas' ta-ha' !i 
M.r. being broken down ‘ wretchedness ; 
misery shikas'ta-khalir adj. depres- 
sed grieved Jj shikas' ta-dil' adj. broken 

hearted shikas’ ta-di'li n.f. state, of .being 

broken hearted ^Cs&’shikas' tagi n.f.. breaking 
being broken breakage fracture 
dilapidation dejection ruin [P ~ 
l/jj tiok'l (col. sha'kal) n.i\ (pl. Jtfyiashkai) 
Ls shape form figure image 
diagram condition ; state fashion ; style 
means kind adj. like shak’t bigdr'na 

v.t. mar disfigure shakl-bana'na v.t. 

& r. draw a diagram .make a likeness (of) 
give shape (to) jXjJ ^ shak'l to dekko j n t. 
look fool. (etc. ) posing as sage (etc.) 
*ujs;cifo/h^ ak 7 chure'lon ki no.'/ par' job ka 
prov. ugly witch strutting about as beauty 
CJpjPihak 7 niksl'na v. i. find (some) way out ; 
give (oneself or something), a form 
shak’l-o shamaii n.f. appearance and character 
dP’rfham-shak'l adj. similar (to) looking like 
looking alike [A] 

Xs shi'kam n.m. stomach ; belly u 

y shi'kam- par’ -oar adj. & n.m. glutton <Sjjf(P 

shikam-par’ vans n.m. gluttony shi'kam ser 1 
adj. & adv. _ satiated well-to-do ; well-off 
shi’kam-ser' ho kar khana v.t. eat?, 
to one’s fill (Jy-f sjn' kam-st' r\ m .k. satiaty 
shi'kami adj. of or relating to the belly 
private ; secret inherent dependent ; sub- 
ordinate j\j yij^^'shi'kami kiraja-dar’ n.m. sub- 
tenant (P) 

shikan n.f- crease wrinkle fold 
Cr sup. breaking C*/.^f~~'shi'kan par'na v.i. 
be creased L mu' the (or ab'roo 

me*) shikan par’na v .1. frown ; show signs of 
displeasure £1 i*(yshi' knit dal'nn v.t. crease 
fold par (or ab'roo 

nth) shikan dal'na v.t. show sign of dis- 
pleasure [P] 

» Cfshikatijoh n.m. clamp book-binder's 
press stocks . torture. straitened 
circumstances shikan je mth khinefna 

v.j. put on ’the stocks torture ; put in 


straitened circumstances [PJ . 

^ shukoofl n-M. (pl. of m. ★) 

shakoor ’ n.m- thankful person 

ing thanks (A ~ X^'shiik'r] 

(p shUkok’ (col. shikoh') n.m. pomp 
QJT' grandeur splendour state ; majesty 
epjOO sha n-o-shUkoh’ n.m. pomp and show 
grandeur [P] 

/pshik’wh n.m. complaint ; plaint 
OJ lamentation o/^^ij^java'b-e shik'oah m.m. 
answer to the complaint eJ'^ r rij£y l p'shik'oa-o- 
javfb-e shik'vah n.m' complaint and answer 

i Q shak'va n-m- complaint ; plaint 

(jJr\ lamentation [A - doublet of prec.] 
sham adj. (see under N.M. it) 

~shikeb[ n.f- patience enduranc 

'} yS* sab' r-o-sjdkeb' n.m. patieiu^ 

and endurance ' L^j hikt'ba adj. patient 
shikfba'i n.m. patience endurance [P] 
PPshakii adj. handsome ; comely 


ifp-'S a f' H M * 

rrpvirp ri 

split (in pen or nib) 

crevice crack cleft rent slit 
fissure chasm i\f5o€*s]iigaf' pat ja'na v.i. 
have a s\\t(C0V)C;jCfi^'shigaf‘ de'na (or laguna) 
v.t. split (a pen) cleave (P] 

s Jt‘g ar ’f AD J- strange curious (P) 

M »fpshig~f'tah n-m. blooming happy 

/rfP' shiguf la-khji' tir, &l}AZ*&shigQf'la- 

mizaj' n-m. & adj. cheerful humorous 
(person) jjXj&shigdf'ta-roo' adj. &^n.m. (one) 
with a cheerful countenance shigftflagl 

n.f. blooming cheerfulness happy 
countenance streat of humour sJtigUf’ tan 

n.m- blossoming shigoo’fah n.m. bud 

blossom (f>g ) fib ; squib <CjXh)£fj£j jP 
shigoo’fah ptiooina (or khil’na) v.i. blossom 
bud spread' Vjjtf’jjPshigoo'fah dthar’na v. fib 
let off a squib (,*// J J*? shigoo'fah la'na v.i. bud 

blossom sprout [P] 

shigoo'fah n.m. (see under adj. -jfr) 


ft* shugoon' n-m- omen ; augury Vo. 
(*)jr shugoon' le'na v.t. practise augury 
consider 'as an omen l/!clP'shQgoori ho’na v.i. 
be an omen of 

shUgoorJ he life ap’m nak' kstva'ni prov. 
one’s nose to spite one’s face [P] 




j & 

iy rial adj. (usu. of hands or feet) bcnumb- 
{j ed palsied crippled greatly 
fanned [P] . x 

shal'jam, f shal'gham n.M. turnip (fi 
r* n shal'jaml ADJ. large (eyes) 

•* , A sjtalaq k m. box VJo&^s" Mrb-t s±alaq 
kar'na v.t. box 

/A shal'lak n f. volley of guns volley 
^^Aria/tflg' k.u. shilling [E] 

gishalatig' n.F. leap ; bound thalahg' 

bhar'tts v.i. leap [PJ s, A 
^jj^sjiilafi'gz m.m. tack V/fJtiZ stilah'gi bhar'na 
v.t. & i. tack ; baste 
shalvar' h-F. a kind of loose cover for 
* * lower limbs ; trousers ; breeches ; panta- 
loon [P] 

^j'jZ'Shalok, fjjf^iashlok' m m. (dial.) hymn [S] 

/A shalooka n-M. half-sleeved waistcoat with 
P Jr pockets 

it* shal'lak, Jp sho'lah k.m. rice cooked in 
mince, potherb and pulse [PJ 
•• ty shali'lah n.m- canvas sack tent, etc. 
/ *»* stuffed in such sack 

••j* shamatat n F. rejoicing at (another’s) 
C/ , \r distress (AJ 

.A shumar' n.M. counting ; enumeration 
estimation account . (usu. 
nam'bar shumar') number vfj (?” shumar' kar'na 
v.t. county compute reckon consider 
ft/; l j l" fl/t/lP' shumar' met a'na (or hti’na) v.i. be 
worth consideration ejlr shuma'rah k.m. issue 
(.of periodical) number tfjliP' shuma'ri suf. 
counting ; enumeration census (Sjlf'f*/ mar'- 
dum-shuma'rl n.F. census; population. census 
Of j (S' shjumanyyal’ m-F- statistics Jf./U'' shuma- 
riyya'ti adj. statistical [P] . 

j ip Mmol’ m.m. north SJJ shimaT -roo’ytjh 
w adj. opening on the jiorth 
shimal'-maxh’riq n.M. north-east shimal '- 

mash'riqi ADJ. north-eastern north-easterly^ 
t-SfS'dtS’ shimal' -ma$' rib h.m. north-west Jpljf 
shimal' majjk'ribi adj. north-western north; 
westerly J* yhimi'd adj. northern fjf JU 5 
rhimatl htatf, JLPjO bo'd-t shimal' h.F. north 
wind ; Boreas (A] 

f shamaf l or shi-) n.f- north wind : Boreas 

0 ^ [A) 

Jp shama'mah m m- fragrance (A] 

if dh sbama”U «.«■ h. nature , disposition 
(J I T qualities ; excellences [A] 

p shi' mar jj-M. name of one of Yazid’s 
S generals who killed Imam Husain 
(hence as abusive term) inhuman (AJ . 

jp sham’s n m- (pi . j'/'shdmoos’) sun OfOr** 
C' sham' s-ulama' n-M. sun of the savants (as 

title conferred on .Muslim religious scholars of 
British India) sham'sa n.M. thread circlet 
in rosary gold tjisc ? n tomb, etc. (f** sham' si 
adj. solar Jls(f^~sham'st sal' adj. solar year (A] 
lip shamshad' n-m- box-tree qad' (d)-t 

shamshad' n-m tall and graceful stature 
like that^of pyx [PJ 

i. sham shoo kar'na v.t. separate gravel, 

etc. from cereal soaked in water 
i** shamshir' (or shamsher') n-f. scimitar; 
SZT sword Jf shamshir'-baz adj. sword- 
man, master of fence if)b / p^Aamdnr'-baf& K-F- 
sword-play ; fencing shamriiir'-taa n-m. 

swordsman ‘JJyJ^shomshU'-ta’a N.F. sword- 
play ; fencing [P jr J 

JJf sham" (col. sha’ma') n-f -i candle 

(extend sepse) lamp Aam"-da*’ m-m- 
candlestick JJ £? sham"- roo' adj. lovely 
sham" som'ne a’na v.i. (in a poetical symposium) 
be one’s turn to recite (jls gf'shQm"-saft bright 

like the candle sham"-t mUt’dah 

(or kush’iah) n.f. extinguished lamp [Pj • 

A, sham'lah n.m. loose end of turban 
0* sham'lah barmiqda'r-t ‘if* Fnov. style of 
dress bespeaks the man x 
/ p shumool' n-m. shUmooliy’yat parti- 

cipation inclusion (A— 
p sham'mah n-m- (rare) white of fragrance 

a little sham'mah Usat adj. 

little (A] 

Jr* shamlm n-F fragrance fragrant 

r— breeze (AJ 

• A shina'kht (ped. shanakh't) N-F. te- 
cognition identification acquain- 

tance knowledge being conversant (with 
letters of the alphabet) identify-A^^C^ 
shinakjx t-pared' n.f. identificatiori paradet£^l> 
shinakh'i kar'na v.i recognise identify 
know be able to decipher (letters of alphabet) 


A shmas' (ped. shatiis') PREF- knowing 
acquainted with understanding 
able to read (something) Ce' shim (I (p^ ^ 
shana m) PRF.F knowing acquaintance wtth 

understanding abiliiy to read ‘something) 



..A shina'sa' (pcd. shana'sa) n.m acquaintance 
Ls& shtnasa"i (ped. shana'sa) N.t arqu- 
intance . knowledge [P ~ 

A shitta'var n.m. swimmer shiita oars 

n-f. swimming [P] 

sham' bah n.m. Saturday P-^zyok-sham' bah 
/ *i n.u. Sunday p&}> do-^am'bah nm Mon- 
day st-sham' bah n.m. Tuesday 

chahad -sham’ bah n.m. Wednesday p^g-pahj- 

skam'bah n-M- Th trsday [P) 

fikshahg adj amorously playful jusu. as 
>-J> , ^p (see upder z,p ad|. if) 

• fit — a 1 , &’ ra f' shafj’rqf n.m. cinnabar; 

vcrmillion ‘dJPshahgraji adj. Vermil- 
lion {?] 

• A shimta (ped. shunuva') adj. & n-M. hearer; 

lJ> listener ip’shurwa'i (ped. shunuoa'"i} 
n.f. giving a hearing^ response to (some- 
one's) call, etc. shurwa"i ho’na v.i ob- 

tain a hearing ; be attended to ; have a response 
(to) [P-cfcy^J , .i 

•A ihunid' n.m. act of hearing^ J jp shunt da ni 
a; adj. worth hearing ejp ijhura' dah adj. 
heard n.m... rumour that which is heard 
‘’j^sjifksjPd’jPshunl' dah kai' bacad' manah'd-e di'dah 
prov. seeing is believing reports are i no 
substitute for first-hand knowledge (P - 
-Jj? shaiu'\ (pl. dhanl'^ah) adj. bad , 

(j? evil abaminable jPffijlaf's'l-t spans ' 'ah 
n.m. pl. evil deeds [AJ 
^ shau n.m. husband fP~ ^jcP'cont] 

A shiv N.M. (Hindu deity) Shiva JP shiva - 
' /ah, ])ly shiva' la N.M. Shiva's temple 
any Hindu temple ; temple (S) 
i . A. shavoal' n.m. tenth month of Hijri year 
t) (heralding ‘Id-uI-Fitr’) [AJ 
. A shtva/a, J\p Shiva’ /ah n.m. (see under P 
$ s fi,tv n-M- 

dP shaoa’hid h m- (pl. of jfl?n.u it) 

A shob n.m. washing; wash ink stick- 
ing on to nibl^w Pshob’ padna v.i. (of 
clothes) be washed [P] 

• A shokh adj. sprightly wanton 

naughty saucy , pen bold daring 
bright (colour) fast (colour) shokft' - 

cjtash’m adj. insolent . impudent wanton- 
eyed iffcPshokh’-chash-ml H . f. insolence ; 
impudence wantonness & t s , £,psbpkh' -mifaj’ 
adj. gay naughty i*j£2jgysho'kh-o-shaiig 
adj. gay and amorously playful (jy'shokhi 

n M. humour playfulness wantonnrss 
coquetry sauc inrss mischief . naughti- 
ness [P] 

A shoo' dor (ped shood'r) untouchable 
fourth and servile caste among the 
Hindus [S] 

A shot nm. noise uproar ; tumult 
J* clamour outcry ; agitation fame ; 
renown salimity , soil salimity adj. salt , 
brackish pref evil ; ill <£pjp shod -bakhl' 'Dj 
unlucky ' ti’ b A shod urh'na v.i. (of noise; be . 
(of uproar) be raised c£jjP shot' • famin' , jy’rfj 
zami'n-t shod n.f. saline soil unculturable 
land f Ip/P shor' shara' ba n.m. noise dis- 
turbance (Cl/iyvPiP s J/ or ' kar'na (or mocha na) 
v i make a noise disturb hoot kick 
up a row agitate ( against h clamour ffor) 

^/jjP sho'r o-shad . jJf'sho ' r-o-sha' ghab h . m . 

uproar clamour tumult bustle 
sjio'r-o-shain x.m. outcry wailing 
sho' r-o-ghul , £ jr s jp sho’t-o-ghau’gha N. m. noise 
disturbance (p^psho'nbh n.f. tumult 
commotion agitation disruption breach 
of the peace jjpi/jpshn' ush-pasafid' n.m dis- 
ruptionist^f^t/'yj-'sfco'nsA pasafi'ds n.f disrup- 
tion tjp she' rah n.m. nitre ; saltpetre adj. & 
prf.k. mad ^IJpff^jPsho're ki If fab' N m nitric 
acid «J iPojpsho’ru-pash'l adj. unruly ; refractory 
n m. disruption^ sho' fa-push' It n.f dis- 

ruption,//.; ojpsho'' n.m saline soil, tm- 
culturable land sSSjpshouy yal, n.f. salinity 
brackishness cj,jp short' dah adj. & n.m- 
disturbed mad lunatic wretched or miser- 
able (person) y/yj-jp short' da-sar adj. mad 
I refractory desperately in love if/Sfjyjy' short' da 
sa'ri, ( short dags n.f. madness re- 
fractoriness passionate love (P) 

I A shoo' ra n F. Privy Council con- 
IjJs . sU ltativf body council consulta- 
tion ; deliberation [A - ojy'} 

I A Shod ba, fjp shot’ bah (cot. tjp'shudoa) 
n.m. stew broth [P| 

A shod bn> adj. (same as yjfJp'ADj. ★) 

* A A shdnsh N.F ojp shdrafl N M. Cfjy'shony- 

yot N.F (£ajP short dags N.f. 
shori’dah adj. see under jp n.M. it) 
i, A sho'sbah N.M. flourish (of penile.) 

P r mischief (rare) par tic! e rho shah 

chhodna v.i. start mischief ; stir trouble Pp U 
naya sho’shah n M mischievous hint or act [P] 


« M 

paa'/ar h m chauffer (El 

„ 4 jfttnif n.m desire tunging passion 
" fondness eagerness avidity 
interest pleasure £ tjr l jy' shauq third’ na (dial. 
ehim'na) v.i. have a desire for *£. ^y’iA-/)(ba're) 
sjhauq ' se > adv. with (great) pleasure certainly 
J •} j shautpo - gauq ' n.m. shavqiri adj. 

fond (of) eager (for) lustful n-m- one lead, 
mg a gay life, rake shauqiy'yah adv. 
lovingly just for fun [A] 

shau’kat n.f power might pomp 
grandeur magnificence splendour 
state dignity c/y j ^12 sha' n-o-*hau kat n.f. 

“state and dignity power and might 
splendour grandeur [A] 

. A shoom adj. & n.m. miser ; niggardly 
(person) unlucky Thoo' mi n.f* 

miserliness ; niggardliness ; stinginess mis. 
fortune J ; ) shoo'rm-e bakWt (or taqdir 

or tale') n.f. illuck ; misfortune (P) 

,A A. shooft' shah' n.f. vanity 

i A shoo' -ham (or -ha ran) n.m. shoe horn [E] 

'My* . . 

A shau’har n.m. husband y^yjljj la' n-o shau'- 
/r* har n.m. pl. man and wife [P] 

£» shah N.M. (CONTR. of o& jj-M. A) 

i A shihab' n.m. (pl. t-^sr'sbo hub) 
1 »r spark live coal 




shiha’b-e sitqib n.m. meteor 

flame [A] 

^ I A pahs’ dot n.f. martyrdom witness ; 

evidence xcsiimonyi^^ytfcssbir' shaha' dat 
(ka mar’labah) pans v.i. be 'martyred bj 
shaha’dat de’na v.i. give testimony or evidence 
bear witness (to) testify jy<f shahid n.m. 
A I paha' dat la uhg'/i C’jM&tfaiigup' t-r 
shaha’dat n.f- fore-finger ( jLjifeyljfshaha' dat-gah 
(or -gak) n.f. place of martyrdon [A] 

^ I i pahs’ mat n.f. prowess bravery 
heroism [A] 

. i A shahs' nah n.m. name of a musical mode 
** marital song bridal dress time 
for wedding procession lovely weather 


A sbaih’d (ped. pok'd , col. shai'had) n.m 
A/r honey ff^y’paik'd ki mak’khi n.m. 
bee U* tfj jjf> shaih' d lags’ kar (hit 'na v I. (iron) 
keep (trifle) as souvenir jA] 

| A shoh'haz n.m. (falcon (also see under *1?) 


shah' pat n.m. principal feather in bird’s 
yZ* wring (also see under o\y A) 

»• <A shah'tarah n.m fumitory (also see under 
, aP 4 ) [P] (see under c k? if) 

M shaihtoot' n m. mulberrv (also see under 

'7£ a) ip] 

•\yshaihllr' n.M. beam (also sec undei 

sr o*+) [P] 

A shoh'da n.m. rake ; debauchee rascal, 
’yCT scoundrel tramp ; loafer . (dial i 

buffoon jjsp b- luch'cha shoh'da N.M. tfjlvi'poti' da 
P au ,iifcjJf y shoh’d-pan n.m. debauchery ras- 

jjjjjp P°kada‘ n.m. (pl. of jy? n m- A) 

Jr, shah’r n.m. (pl. jyr' shohoor’ y'S ask'kur ) 
S'* month [A] _ ^ 

A, shaik’r (col. shai’kar) n.m* city ‘7'yjy‘paih’T- 
S* ashob ’ n.m- poem describing a ruined 

city social satire ja shaih' r ba-dar' adj. 
banished shaih’r ba-dar’ kar’na v.T. 

banish iVyir shaihr' bass' nd v.i. found a cit\ 

set up a new colony o^iyy paih'r-panoh’ n.f. 
city walk fortifications of a town jsfy* y pai'har 
khab'ra n.m. one who could tell you all the 
scandals of the town (jUjJy' shaih' r-s khamo - 
shsfi N.M. graveyard ; cemetery b pai'har 
■da’ ri, n. f. (col.) citizenship jjyp' shaih'r- gar' d, 
iZ^yr" shaih' r-gash' t, lAy' shaih' r-paima n.m. 
(arch.) city patrol (arch.) tramp adj. moving 
all over the town ; chy-w\de(t‘j,JZ/ji L iiyf' shaih' r 
mth ooh't bad'-nam' prov. notorious person 
a bad wound heals but a bad name kills Ayr* 
shaih' r-yar' n.m. king ; sovereign (fjLy'paik'r- 
ja'rt n.f. sovereignty tfyj shaih’ ri adj. urbar. 
n.m. townsman citizen national of i. 
Slate sSCy? shaih' riy'y at n.f. civics citi- 
zenship nationality [P] 

Jr, sjtoh' rat n.f. fame; reputation 
known celebrity report (of )L'J'i / Xz£sy’ 
poh'ral pai'da kar'tia v.i. become famous 
build up a reputation [A] 

Af shonrah n.m- fame ; reputation re 
•0/r nown ; calabrity report publicity , 

propaganda (j\> \ e/Y* shoh' ra-e afaq adj famous; 
renowned ; of world fame [A doublet ol prlc.J 
* . A pah a ns adj. bridal bright red 

jy |~P ,V) 

? \ pah' tag n.f. jugular vein (also see 
under ^(An.m. A) 

C 3 shaih’ t\ adj. 4 n.m- iddsyf’ shaikriy'yrU n f 
(see under y? shaih’r n.m A) 



. | shaihza'dah (ped. shah'-) n.m. prince 
° if^S? shaihzadi (ped. shah') n.f- prin- 

cess Jxlyt' shaihza'dagi (ped.- shah'-) n.f, stare of 
being prince; princehood fa iso under 5 li n.m. # ) 


•Zi shahsavar' n.m. horseman 

' see under 


(also see undci 0 P ★) [P] 
shah'kar N. jj. masterpiece (also 

J6sr ,(j n.m, [p] 

A shah' la adj. dark (narcissus) dark 

jVr grey (eyes) (eyes) betraying signs of 

intoxication n.f. blonde Hy' {J^ y nar'gis-e shah' la 
n.f. dark narcissus (fig.) lovely ineb- 
riated eyes IAJ 

A, shahna"i n.f. flageolet ; flute [P~ ti> 

. . A shahanshah' n.m. emperor (also see under 

o&S .£★)[?] 

•J shahvar’ adj. worthy of a sovereign 
j's' royal (also see under tie n.m. -ft) [P] 

A);, shah nashifi’ n.f. balcony dais 
royal seat (also sec under A( L ).[P] 

* A shahnani adj. (see under dsyS n.f. ★) 

J W 

^ it shah 1 vat (col. shaih’vat). n.f. lust; lechery ; 1 
lasciviousness j-fusest sb±ah' vat-ahgez' adj. 
lascivious aphsodisiac shah' vat 

paras’ t adj & n.m. lustful (person) ; lascivious 
(person); rake; debauchee shah' vat- 

paras' tt n.f. lustfulness ; lasciviousness 
shah'vanl adj. carnal [A] 

A, shohood' n.m. omnipresence of God (as a 
mystical experience) [A~ sZjli] 

A shaih n.f. incitement undue support 
J> .shaih de’na v.t. incite give 
undue support (to) 

i shahid’ .N m. (pl. Ij^'sJiohada') martyr 
Vj'sJf' shahid’ kdr'na v.t. martyr [is; as? 
shahid' ho'na v.l. be martyred ; become a martyr 
i'jr Ji la 'h°o la S d ' kar shahi'don 

met) sha’mil ho'na PROV. claim a reward without 
making a sacrifice (f^shahi'di adj. (dial.) 
martyr ; comprising (would-be) martyrs (of 
water-melon) red through and through 
[A - &>l?) 

A shahir' adj. famous ; well-known , renown- 
Sf; ed [A — 

yjr sho'oon' n m. pl. conditions affairs 

(A ~ S1NO. 

A sha t i (pl. LZiathra') n.f. wng 
^-•'object matter ; affair something cx- 

traordinary sha'-e-lali/‘ n f shrewdness 


A shajatin' n.m. (pl of *) 



^ shjzm' adj. (same as f’ls adj. & n.m. it) old age senility 1 grey- 
ness of hair IP 'L fshai' b-o-shab' n.m. pl 

youth and age [A] 

shaildt (col. shekh) n.m. (pl. Z/Jf shuyookh') 
4/ Azad tribal chief ; sheik venerable 
old man saint one’s saintly guide (as 
title for convert to Islam) venerable name of 
a Muslim business community title of one of 
its members (member of) a respectable Muslim 
family (courtesy title for) weaver s.c. 
shaikh' ji n.m. .courtesy title for shaikh’ 
(iron.) prude shekhani or {shai-) n.f. 
woman belonging to a shaikh family wife of 
a shaikh shekhookhiy'yat n.f. old age 

if: '&rsheMt skU’ti n.m. name of a legendary 
fool idle schemer ; one building castles in the 
air visionary J s_hekh e. hafidnl ' n.m. (sat.) 
glutton sjSjVff, shekh dofido n.f* traveller’s smalt 
effigy with sack on bag for causing rain to cease 
l^ftf . shekh’ra n.m. derogatory title for a ! shaikh’ 
tss'g'f shekh sad' do n.m. legendary .evil spirit 
supposed to possess woman or bless them with 
children [A] A 

‘eb she'khi n.f. Jioast ; brag j\ she'khi- 
baz’, utf^she'hJp-kh 0 ' rS *•**• boaster ; 
braggart Cj & she'khi bagkafna (or mdr'- 

na ) v.i boast ; to brag khi kir - 

kiri kar'na, O^'fr^she'khi nikal^na v.t. have 
one’s pride humbled L’jJ” (fyCfff^she' hhi''kir J JnTr 
ho'na, l&'gr'she'khi ni'kalna v.i. (ofhlufl) 
be called (of one’s pride) be humbled 
. A sjiaida adj. Joving doting (on) n.m. 

lover 'jljj' ihdido't n./. lover (PJ 
. A slit'di (cJZ'sTdt n.m. (title for) Negro (P) 

(Stf* “ . 

A xher n.m* tiger (fig.) lion -heart, adj. 
brave lion-haart adj. brave 

I,on hearted J i \ / f thdr-afgan ADJ. & » b ™ ve 
(person) b&'bw (col. a 

she, n.m. lion Sy? she, 1 -bach' hah n.m. (arch.) 
" brave person tiger (or lion) cub a kind 
of small musket O} i 
bak’ rt ek' g%M pi'tti pi'te hath PROV. perfect 
peace prevails (under) high and low get equal 

justice. the reign of ii iyf f 

of God (as appellation *p£ Hazrat S\x)e/!! 


she' re qalin' n.m., a carpet lion ; a figure head ; a 
braggart J?. tfy? tier' ka ba&ckah n.m. tiger (or 
lion) cub t f / z'sbtr’ kl kha’lah n.f. (euphe- 
mism for) cat sher’-mard n.m. lion-heart ; 
brave man adj. brave; valorous lion-hearted 
IS?//?' sher'-mar'di n.f. bravery ; valour Vjfyp' 
tCirjfl ) sher'ho'na (or hoja'na) v.i. get encour- 
agement dyiP sher'm n.f. tigress, lioness 
'IP? sherd! nah adj. & adv. like a lion 
brave(ly) [P] 

»j, shir n.m. milk shtr'-paima n m. 

yiC lactometer shir'-kkar' n.m. infant; 

babe suckling Mr' gar'm adj. luke- 
warm shl'r-e madar Aty. lawful ; permis- 

sible n.m. mother’s milk JlyP' shir'-ml n.m. 
bread made from leaven kneaded in milk : milk- 
bread ; bun shfr-o-sha' kar adj. hand in 

glove shi'r-o sha'kar ho' na v.i. be 

intimate friends be hand in glove (with) [P] 
0 ji3~ irn ' zaA n.m. stiching (in book bind- 
J S~. ing) organisation (fig.) 

Mra'zah bd khama v.i. be disorganised ; be in a 
mess shirt za-bah'di n.f. stitching (in 
bookbinding) (fig.) organisation ; control 

shira'zf n.m. a kind of pigeon (inhabitant) 
or’Shiraz (in Iran) [P] 

shedra n.f. (see under n.m. sher 44) 

?$*' rafl n.m. syrup treacle ; molasses 
°/Z golden syrup (fruit) juice sap [PJ 
jjy sM’rih adj. sweet mellow mel- 
lifluous gentle ; suave n.m. name of 
Khusro Parvez of Persia’s queen passionately 
loved by a quarryman-artist Farhad b<iXzp 
shir'ifi-ada adj. 

shir' Or bay an' (or zaban' or kaldm' or ’moqaV) adj. 

eloquent soft-spoken fP-J^shlri'm n. f . 
sweetmeat sweets sweetness malliflu- 


Zj&shisham n. f. a kind of tree prized for 
f* ** t its hards wood ; ‘shishum’ its wood 
^j&Msh n.m. (same as(/i^N,M. if) 

^4^d$sh pref. (see under JU^n.m if) 

a*. M'shak n.m. glass looking glass 
glass pane bottle ; flask JirP^shi'sha-baz 
n.m. acrobat dancing with flasks balanced 
on head juggler fraudulent personCCJ-J^ 
M'sha-ba'ft n.f. feats of such acrobats 
jugglery fraud tM' sha-b a sh a adj. fragile 

s S**" M'sha-ga r n.m. glazier fraudulent 


person ISJppp srn' sha-ga' ri n.f. glazier’s trade 

fraud M’shak dikha'na v.t. show 

a looking glass (to). let (some one) see his. 
misdeeds she men ular'na v.t. tamp 

a spirit (ftPshi'shi n.f. bottle u phial <J~^ 
shish pref. glass glassy fj^f/^MsW-mahqX 
(col. shish’ -mad haal) n.m, glass house 

mirror hall [P] 

p shailan’ n.m. (p'L.trffyPshayatin) satan 
\* devil ; demon (fig.jmischievous person 
(fig.) evil genius (fig.) imp 

j shailan' se ziyadah (or za’de ) mashhoor' 
adj. notorious shaitan' sir 

par cjiarh'na (or savar' ho' it a) v.i. be possessed 
by the devil became devilish ^h'i'jy^p'shaitan' 
ki ant' adj. & n.f. tedious (matter) very 
long (object) long and intricate 
shaitan ki kha'lah n.f. mischievous woman ^thfP 
lytfjy'J^shaitan' ke kan baih're int. God forbid 
may none hear it 

shaitan' ne. kan' meti phoohk'^di'ya hai PH. has been 
beguiled by the devil b£'shaita'm adj. devilishj 
diabolical n.f. mischief ; wickedness 
shaita’m had k at (ped. -ffa! rad) n.f. mischief a 
wickedness diabolical 
shaita'm (or shaitad ka)Jash!kRr n.m. imps 
impish crowd vas^vasah n.m. 
atheistic doubt evil trend d^shai' tanat n.f. 

wickedness devilishness unchief 

mailce [A] 

dpM"ah n.m. sect regarding Hazrat Ah 
■»T as direct lawful successor to the Holy 
Prophet rejecting the other orthodox caliphs 
follower of this secj ; Shi'ite ; Shiah (rare) 
group ; coterie <Jdfshi,"‘i n.m. ,& ADJ. (PL. 
M'Hyyan') Shi’ite [A~ fP&tp] 

— •A shef tah adj. . enamoured infatuated 
with love i^d'shtf tagi n.f. love 
fondness madness [P~ 1 

pshek'Spi'yar n.m. Shakespeare the 

greatest playwright (of) [E] 

r* shiyam' n.m. pl. 


n n.m, naihe jf the 

habits manners [A ~ 

_ _ A 

'** Mm' <]aj' h durSst’ ko'na v.t. have a good 
pronunciation not to boor [A] 

she va adj eloquent &btjjpshe’v8-bayan' (or 
-ytift) eloquent (J,y',!j£'she'vu-baya'ta n.f. 
eloqueaec [P] _ ^ 

^y^shuvoejeh' n.m. (of pl. n.m if ) 

. /pshuydB 1 ' n.m. (giving or gaining) cur- 

(j'P, rency (to aamethirtg) spiead issue (of 



periodical [A &] 

. £ tie' van n.m. lamentation ■ plaint 
C)jZ clrtfjJL'na'la-o she' van n.m. crying and 
lamentation [P] 

Zf&t'vah n.m. manner peculiar habit 
OJft> coquetry ; blandishment [A] 

*sad, (col. swad) twentieth letter of Urdu 
i/ alphabet (also called sa'd-e moh'malah) ; 
(equivalent ' to s in English) ; (used only in 
words of Arabic extraction) (according to 
jummal recoking) 90 

*sad (abb. of sahrik') O.K. ; okay (abb of 

’ sallallahu ‘alai-he va-sallam) (written after 
the Holy Prophet’s name) peace be on him [A] 
jt sa'bir adj. patient enduring for- 
• "^bearing [A 

'b'&ntffjjssahooti n.m. soap 

n.m. Sabaean [A] 

sa'klb (col. sab) n.m. (pl. ^l/fasbab^lurle 
^fyfsakiban') courtesy title put at end of 
name) Mr. (f. /€? mem, mem' sa'hibah ) 

Englishman * (F.^l+sa'ftibah) Westernized 
Oriental Anglophile courtesy title append- 
ed to masculine or feminine names master 
(rare) companion adj. having ; possessing 
possessed of endowed withjl^L^Uia'AiA-r 

ightiyar' adj. Sl n.m. (one) vested with 
authority powerful (person) authority 
Jl^'^Usa'kib-e akhlaq' adj. polite ; well be- 
havcd(jUt^i^J3 lib~e iqbal' adj. lucky ; fortu- 
na.te t ^j%£,£rUsa'hib-e ta'j-o-takh't n.m sovereign 
^XL^Usa'hib-e ladinr' n.m. A adj. actful 
(person) prudent person diplomatist^Vi^U 
sahib-e tamU.' adj. i ntel ligeno jjkifu^fsa'^ib-e 
ja'idad' n.m. landlord man qf propert adj. 

propertied (person, class, etc. )(Jfa r S’L*sa'bib(-e) 
jamal' adj. pretty ; beautiful ; handsome ; lovely 
J^L^Usa'Aib-e hal n •M & adj. mystic(al) 
dC tfjbsa'ftib-t ha'l-o-qaV ADJ. scholarly mystic 
ffUsa’tib^e) kha'nah n.m. master of the 
house hostel J,i^U(or Jj^U) {sa'Aib(-e) diV 
ADJ. & n.m. God-fearing (person) mystic 
dsi Si' hib{-e) zauq’ adj . & n . m . cultured 
person a man) of tastc tJ J^fUsa'Aib^a'dak 
N.M. Son (of \ respectable person young 

gentleman^tt^Uja'^iA sola' mat n.f. nod- 
ding acquaintance exchange of greatings 
being on speaking terms v/ith)£&r{ssa'fiib-e 
saii'qah adj. dulled in manageined ; wellr- 
organzingc^t^Leia'AiAfw) ‘ad&'lat n.m. just or 
equitable person Jq^rUsa hib-e ‘aq'l n.m. & adj. 

wise intelligent shrewd t/'l/^rlesa'kib-t 

far ash’ adj. bed ridden (^jf^Usa' hib-qirah' adj. & 
n.m. fortunate (person) ; one born -with Venus 
and Mercury in one sign of Zodiac^L^Usa'hib-e 
qa'lam N.M. writer; penman <Jb£su>sa'Aib-e kftab ' 
h m. prophet having a book revealed to him‘r*£» 
Cf / sa ' lnb-e kara'mal adj. & n.m. (saint) able to do 
marvels ijtC r ^'U’ia'Ai6(-i) kamal' adj. perfect ; 
accomplished having consumate abilit 
saftib^-e) rmzar adj. & n.m. intelligent pers- 
picacious mystic(al)Ptfl > ’ , aJ5i^a7i' n.m. pl. 
gentlemen (arch.) Englishmen^U>ja'AtAaA n.f. 

• lady ; a woman of rank adj. having possess- 
ing possessed of endowed (with) 
be gum sa'hibah (col. be’ gam sab) n.m. 

lady mistress of the house sa'hib 

(col. mem' sa'b) n.m. English woman any 
Western woman sa'hib aur mem 

ss.'hibi-^’Lut-J'luSfmini sab Sab ' n.m. Pi.. 
Westejm(ized) coupic^jfL/ra'AfAil n.f. Westerni- 
sation (arch.) being a master [A] 

I sad n.m. name of letter tf O.K. ; okayjjj>l» 
sad ' kar'na v.T. okay [A] 
i i . sa'dir adj. issued passed arrived 

W*”* proceeding (from) ; emanating (from)t(ziU* 
sa'dir kat'na v.t. issue (order) pass (order) 
enact (law) L'jfjsL* sa'dir ho'na v.i. be issu- 
ed be passed be enacted (of crime, etc ) 
be committed ; be perpetrated emante (from) 
be received (from)[A ~ j)**\ 

*2 | sa'diq adj. true sincere just 
{^•''faithful veracious act fJdjUsadiq 
a 'tta v.t. & i. apply ; be applicable (to) 
be apt suit come true d^d jl*sa' diq-uh 
qauV adj. true to one’s word n.m. a man of his 
word [A 

•» t .ra'rt/ n.M. {vi.j#l*sarifiri) consumer 

«• . sa'iqah n.f. lightning ; thunderbolt [A] 

. I saf adj. clean clear pellucid 

*■'*•*' bright (sky) smooth legible plain 

distinct simple plain precise 

open frank innocent pure 

entire adj. cleanly c (parly entirely 

5 W l £>lfsaf' inkar' kar'na v.i. ’‘refuse pointblank 
dslijlssaf' bat n.f. fact of the matter frank 

rtalk something said without reserve (jftOU 
saf -ba’ tin adj. with a clear conscience ihrJZtJfOb* 
saf' tbkoo}' j ana v.t. escape unpunished 

be let off without punishment JijUsaf'-dil’ adj . 

frank ; candid open hearted guileless 

£*\£'T*sZj shaffaf adj. transparent pellucid 

•-JOl *saf saf adv. plainly openly 
flatly without rcxrvcCC'jtUOUsaf' saf 

suna'na V.i, give (someone) a piece of one’s 
mind ; do some plain peaking lifaUdfUsaf saf 
kaih'na v.i. say openly say plainly blurt 
out speak without reserve !l/c»l*saf' kar'na 
v.t. clean wash cleans? wipe 
tidy up clarify make a fair copy (of) 
purify effect a catharsis purge comb 

out-Clnj/'csl^saf karja'na v.t. make a clean 
sweep (of) eat everything up finish off' 
"IrJ^'oUsaf ni'kalja'na v.i. get off scot- 
free make off with all speed steer clear (of) . 

IjfCsUsaf ho'.na v.i. be clean be tidy 
be tidied up (of sky) be clear ; be cloudless 
(of copy) be made fair (of 
account) be settled ; be cleared • 
safah n.m. small turban ; cloth 
wrapped round head^Ura/fc n.f. 
duster dish clouc piece of cioth 
for straining adj. (rare) clean ^ 
clear pure j U safari n.f. ★ [ ~ A J l*~. li^l 

2 isaleb (PL. y^suldha) adj. (f. /{*s a lehah 
■p-L.^^Usalehat') pious virtuous 
righteous orthodo x i^Usalihiy'yat n.f. 

piety virtue nghteousness<5(^U , m7e/ist' 
n.m. pl. chaste women [A- frit*] 

sa’mit adj. silent quiet reticent 
^CfjtsA>>sa'kit^hsa'mit ADJ. mum 
tongue-tied stunned- [A] 
y . saw ‘ pl.'fr&sunna'') n.m. the Creator 
C/*^(as an attribute) of God maker 
sa'w'-e,haqt‘qi God ; the real Creator OjSffy 
sa'nt'H qUd'rpl n.m. (God hs) the Author of 

x f t sa'ib adj. right well aimed sound 
• l^(in judgment) adj. 

judicious ; sound judgement [A ~ 
yf. sa”im n.m. & adj. fasting ; one who fasts 
)^ i 4‘ / ijftUsa' , im-ad-dah’T n.m. & adj. -(person) 
fasting alj days of this life (A 
< - saba n.f. zephyr morning breeze 

j spring breeze easterly breeze [A] 
p^subi lh' n.f. morning dawn ; day- 

• break C / L* /l J' , al-aj-sabai' adv. early in 

the morning at dawn [ ~ doublet of ] 

.. i saba' fiat n.f. fair complexion being 

4 **^V*^ a blonde [~prec.J 
^tPsub'k (col. su'bah dial, suboh) n.f. morning 
C/ daybreak ; dawn tjjO& sub' h-e bans' rat 
n.f. ravishing morning scene at Benaras with 
beautiful semi-nude female devotees bathing in 
the Ganges jyfffyub'brkhez' ADJ. rising early 
in the morning n.m. early riser if^jffsUb'h- 
khe'za n.m. (col.) (euphemism for) burglar loot- 
ing people in the early hours of the morning (iff 
sub'b-dam adv. early in the morning at 
dawn ; at daybreak Vj'f&ffsvb'h sham’ kar'na 
v.t. put off time and again prevaricate 
JjUg'sub'b-e sa'diq n.f. dawn fff&sub'h sub'h 
adv. early in the - morning IjCifgfsJib'h ka ta'ra 
n.m. Morning Star ; Venus ub'h-e ka'~jb 
n.f. evanescant light beforejdaybreak ( 

*fr~!f ri / > b fa bfao'la 

sham' ko gkor aja'e to a'st bhoo'la na kaih'na 
fha'hiyc prov. it is not lost that comes at last 
the Prodigal deserves no reproach • after his 
return Vj'g'sub'h kar'na v.i, keep awake rill 
in the morning pass the night & 
s Ub'b kis' ka muhh de'kka tfia pl. what an inaus- 
picious person you come across this morning 
IrS J ff sub' b-o-masm' n.f. pl. morning and 
evenings adv. all the time at the two ends 
of the day [A] 

jpsab'r n.m. patience endurance 
y« suffering forbearance ; self-restraint 

submission to the will of God ; resignation to 
one’s fate (helpless person’s) curs ebjl/^sab'r- 
Sima' adj. trying jj kf^sab'r-azma’'i N.f. 
being such as to try one’s patience difficult 
\jfys*sab'r a 'na v.t. & i. endure patiently 
get over one’s grief (CJ l)l'jjfc*sab'r ba\ot'nn 
(or le'na) v.i. reap the reward of one’s mis- 
deeds be under the curse (of helpless persons) 
Cjty^sab'r par'na v.i. be under curse (of a help- 
less "person) ka phot mi' fas PROv. 

patience has its reward ^Jj>fasaVr kar'na v.i* 
be patient keep patience exercise self- 
restraint resign oneself to one’s fate (A) 

+ ^sib'ghah n.m. colour baptism 
^*7 sib' ghat-illah' n.m. true faith colour 
given by God Himself 

~jJ0sabooh', ifjfsaboo'hl n.f. morning draught of 
* liquor hrkash .N.M& adj. 

drunkard ; boozer (one) in the habit of taking 
a morning draught of wine [A ~ 




* jsscboo'ri n.f. patience enduranced 
OjJ» forbearance (fjsfl'na~saboo'i\ n.f. im- 
patience restlessness [A~ 

-Jsabi' n.m. (pL.^lf'sibjan 1 ) infant boy** 1 ? 
P * s ably' yah n.f. female infant girl [A] 
f£*sabi}f' adj. blend ; fair-CQmplexioned^S> 

C? * sabi’kah adj. & n.f. blonde 
,*sahabah n.m. pl. Companions of the Holy 
Prophet ; Muslims who had the felicity to 
see the Holy Prophet during his life-time (usu. 
as) ba-e hiram’ n.m. pl. Venerable 

Companions of the Holy Prophet (Jj/^saha'bi 
n.m. one of the Companions of the Holy Prophet 

i^psehtfh-e sit'tak n.f. the six famous 
sunni (collections of the Holy Prophet’s 
traditions made by Bukhari, Muslim, Tirmidhi, 
Abu Dawood. (Nasa’i and Ibn Majjah 

sahafat n.m. journalism ^1/jUlaiad' 
^^y-safrafat n.f. a free Press £>te*tfjsy,pabaii di- e 
s aba fat n.f. Press curbs 'J4f*sahaf t n.m. 
journalist adj. journalist’s Press ; journa- 
listic 4? tf , (fjtf'kar r -kun sab' ft n.m. working journa- 
list '(fjtjfj&'saha'ft a^a'dl n.f. freedom of the 
Press [A 

n.m. (PL. of -***) 


*0Sok’bat n.f. meeting company 
(euphemism for) sexual intercourse 
(P'S, Lj -soft' bat utha'na (or baret'na) v.i. (arch.) 
enjoy the company (of cultured of saintly 
person bat-da’ rl n.f- (arch.) keep- 
ing company (with) VJcZ+f^oh'bat kar'nd v.t. 
cohabit. ; have sexual intercourse (with a woman) 
tyf/ctJ^solfbat gar'm ho'm v.i. (of meeting) 
warm upCfjjCtf^so/i'bat na raih'na v.i. (of 
joyous company come to an end soh'batt 
n.m. friend companion ii f> C*f*sok'bat- 

yaf'tah adj. having enjoyed the company of [A] 
^ *6sth hat n.f. health ; soundness of body 
correction correctness accuracy 
validity ajta' adj. salubrious 

health giving ftSspIc^eft'kal-afza' maqam' n.m. 
health resort jsv£f*seh'hat-bakh'sh adj. health 

ful health-giving ; salubrious bracing 
curative {'&(jr&f*seh’hat-baiib'sh maqam' n.m. 
health resort ,/XC^sih' hal-na mah n.m. corrigen- 
dum [A] 

i N.M. {PL-tfjIf'saha'ri, sahd'ra ) desert 

O' sahra'gar'd j/j^sahsa' -mvar'd n.m 

& AUJ. (one) wandering about in the desert 
traveller tramp (fjJjf'saJjtra-gar'di, 

sahra-navar' di.n.v . .wandering about ilt the 

desert rahra’nashifi n.m. & adj, (one) 

living the desert bedonin J^’Jf'sahra'- 
nashi'm n.f. desert life leading a bedonin’s 
Yifejff^—jfsahra-e a'‘zam n.m. the Sahara 2-1 f 
0>)(J sahftf ~t la'q-o-daq' n.m. lonely wilderness 
sahra"l adj. of the desert wild 
uncivilized n.m. Bedouin desert-dwel 
ler [A] 

so'hqf N.M. (pL. of^^HiM. 

O^sth'n (or saih'n ; ped. safy'n) n.m. courtyard 
Cf y d?o saihn-e &a'man n.m. lawn (A! 
/fjsaih'nak n.f. trough 
devotional dish prepared in a 
trough and distributed in the name 
of Hazrat Fatimah Cli^L^saihnak 
khilam v.t. prepare and distribute 
such devotional dish [A — prec.J 

sahlh' adj. right correct accurate 

bring sure ; certain proper ; 

appropriate genuine ; authentic (usu. as 
^Isgyfsahih' sa'lim, O’lf^^fsahiht sala'mal) 
safe and sound q)*(J < ( ffsaht 'h-ul m ba 'dan ADJ. able- 
bodied (}*ftg*?sahi'h-ul-aq'l adj. of ' sound 
mind sahi' h-tjtn-na' sab adj. legitimate 

of a* noble family ijJ'gZfsaklb’ kar'na v.t. 
correct (dial.) sign l# ho'na v.i. be 
correct (A~c^t _ 

snkijah. n.m. (pl. Cei^saJ^'if, t^afso’fef) 
revealed book magazine ; periodi- 
cal t}lr J f*Pf ! *siihifa-e asma'n t n.m. a revealed 

book (iron.) supposedly authoritative state- 
ment, etc .(fji*iZ>f*so'hqf-e sarha’vi n.m. pl. 
revealed books 

sad adj. & n.m. hundred 

Jd^ctniCtyfj&sad a' farin' int. well 
donrdfut l-e) sad-bar'g n.m. 

marigold ad-ha adj hundreds 
(of) a great many jj#>(oxjl*£ 
fi’-sad adv. per cent sa'dl n.f. 

century ((^fi’-sa'di adv. per cent ; per hund- 
red [P3 * . 

| soda' n.f. voice sound callj^f>» 
JJ^soda ba •sahra' n.m. cry in the wilderness • 
sada-bati’di n.f. recording (of voice ) !Mfada 
dt'na v.i. call shout out beg 

sad a' kar'na (or loga'na) v.i. beg alms beg 
from door to door £,(f e ]*L i j* e sada -t eQtijaj’ n.f. 
protest kfr£-!i**sada'-e thtijaj’ balatid' 

L -'-- protest raise one’s voice ^in protest 
biz' -gash' t t U*(£jJg*™'bad H 


Cifyi4-U*sada'-e' b&z’- 



sad a' n.m. echo retaliatory remark li!>W 

sada"e bar na-khast' pl. no respons [P] 

t soda’ rat n.f. chairmanship presi- 

^^>4^dentship presidency A V</^/£ur'.n-< 

sada'rat n.f. the Chair chairmanship 
soda’ raff jatj. Presidential (‘Z J <J'}(tb>£jL*sada rati 
ni&’m-t ( h&kao'mat ) n.m. Presidential system of 
Government [P ~ jm \. 

I suda,' 1 n.m. headache ; .vertigo [A] 



sada'qat n.f. truth sincerity 
friendship fidelity^jAvVWa Vdf-ske'ar' 
adj. true [A doublet of ju»l 
. sad'r n.m. (rUjjj*»sudoor') President 
s/J* chairman ; the Chair (arch.) district j 
headquarters (arch.) seat of Government 
cantonment business centre in cantonment 
area chest facade adj. chief main 
major head (office) ^fs**sad'r-c a'zam 
n.m. (arch.) Premier ; Prime Minister 
sad'r-us-sudoor' n.m. (arch.) Chief Justice jfyyjs 
sad'r bazar' n.m. cantonment business area ; 
Saddar td^JJMPsad'r divan n.m. (arch.) Finance 
Minister t rfy^sad'r-e-maj'lis. dSi^sad' r-nashih’ 
n.m. president ; chairman J^/Hufsad’ r-nashi' n-t 
mah'fil n.m. President ( chairman ifjj'jjufisad' r- 
tnudar’ris n.m. headmaster (arch.! Wind- 
pal (of academy) (*&yjtPsad'r maqam n.m. 
headquarter (of) Headquarters ; H.O 
capital (of a couniry ) djji^tsada rat n.f. •jctfjju* 
\'adr'i adj. relating to chest secretly trans- 
mitted secret unwrite n-.f. waistcoat [A] 

^ •^ ^sa'daf n.f. oyster shell |A| 

**. sid'q n.m. truth verity ; 

veracity sincerity honesty 
AfJifjj^sid’q-e dil seu£<sSJU*sid'q-r 
niy'yat se adv. sincerely ; honest- 
ly (A] 

^ sad'qah (ped. sa'daqah) n.m. (PL.Ctiu*sadaqal 4 ) 
propitiatory, offerings such alms or 

Sacrifice charity (&y iJJijtfJuarad'qah ittar'na 
or di'n<t\ v.i. give charity (for ending mis- 
(prtune)JtyVrttd' qa sil'la n.m. (col.J propitiatory 
i-’jy.tnd' f adv. sacrificed for averting ill-luck 
(from someone) llp£-j*sad'qe jana v.i. become a 
sacrifice for (someone's) welfare Vt/d-t^snd'qe 
kar'na v.T. sacrifice for (someone's) curse 
someone welfare (JJj d-**sad ' qt va'ri adv. sacri- 
ficed for averting ill-luck (from someone) r A] 
a snd’mah n.m. (pl .&\j*sa'domat col. sadmst') 
shock blow hust reverse 

sad'mah Uthd'rta v.i. meet with misfortune 
sad'mah pahuft^ta'na v.t. give (someone) 
a shock injure the feelings (of) hurt* 
sad'ma-e jah-kah' n.m. fatal blow grievous 
injury Vj'jyp»sad’mah gu' zarna v.t. (of calamity) 
befall sad'mah ho' ha v.i. be shocked 

sudoor' n.m. issuing emanation (pl. 
J#-V^ofx<*‘’N.F. •fc)jji*sa‘dir adj. & adv. *[AJ 
^^^sa'di n.f. (sec underioADj. & n.m ■£) 

**i sadiq' n.m. friend J^siddiq' adj. ever- 
truthful n.m. faithful witness of the truth 
(as appellation of Hazrat Abu Rdkr)^t>nddt'qah 
adj. ever-truthful n.m. this as appellation of 
Hazrat Aeshah [A ~ JV] 

, *»j jr sara' hat n.f. clarity specific mention; 

l/^ specification elucidation I'JcS/* sara hat 
kar'na v.t. clarify specify eltiridatet>J> 
sara'hatafi adv. clearly expressly expli- 
citly ^yssarthi adj. (A) 

surah N.M. unadulterated stuff 


— . sUra'hi \.f. long necked 

flask ; goblet small triangu- 
lar piece of cloth jljtf’Jr'sura'ht-dar 
adj. gobletshapcd • long and lovely 
(neck) [P] 

, ijfiVrVti N.F. path ; wav 

Sira' l-e mustaqtm n.f. the right 
bn} -sir at' n.m. narrow passage leading to p«r» 
disc [A] 

• i ' sarraf n.m. bullion dealer jeweller 

(arch.) ba nker j^ssarrafali OM. 
bullion market jewellery mart (arch.) 

money-market jcllcwer’s trade j lyPsarra'fi 

n.f. jeweller's trade '(arch.) bullion trade 
(arch.) banking fA ~ £>/*] 

sar'sar, y^>i ) ha'd-t sar’sar s ■ f boistrovs 
j/y' cold wind|AJ 

n.f. falling sickness , epilepsy 

CX knocking down. [AJ 

• tai'j n.m expense ; expenditure use 

consumption (gram.) ethnology 
accidence (rare) conjugation turning 

away diversion tar' f kar’na v.t. spend 
use consume jrs £j^4Sar'f-o-nah'i' N.F. acci- 
dence a;ul syntax grammar Ly^^psar'/ ho’va v. 

be spent be disturbed be used be 

consumed Jy'sar ft adj. pertaining to »cci 
dence etymological S.M. etymologist 

grammarian jyPsar'fah n.m. espouse 
economy profit interest benefit 



saf'foo n.m. (coL) without any cards I 
saf'foo kar de'ia v.t. win all cards from | ~ A 

,» , saf'vat ADJ. select ; choicest [A] 

*• • J d f 00 f l n- f - ( Pl - of^ir) 

f jaf 'fah n.m. platform platform in the 

-^^Holy Prophet’s Mosque which served as the 
first Islamia university (rare) sofa 
ashdb-t saf'/ah n.m. pl. Fellows of this uni- 
versity who were Companions of the Holy 
Prophet [A] 

\tfisa'fi n.m. & (pl> l asfiya'\ pure 

C/ righteous elect saint jiljr. sqfiy'y-Ullah’ 

n.m God’s elect (as appellation of Adam) (A ~ 

•pS afir' n.f. . chirping whistling [A] 

Lfisal’le (or 4i) int. may G,od bless 
U sallalla'hi ‘alai'hi va sal' lam (abb. a< 
may God bless the Holy Prophet and send his 
peace to him 

tala’ n.f. invitation call ; challenge of 
*^a foe ; cry of a salesman^fc^-ii^ia/a'-r ‘am' 
n.f. open invitation [A] 

,» v said bat n.f. hardness (fig.) firm* 
*-^ness [A-^J 

-frjsalalf n.f. opinion advice ; counsel 
C / welfare prosperity goodness (of state) 
rectitude Oj^i^salah' de'na v.t. advise ; 
counseUI^JUN.M. (salsh'-knr) adviser ; counsel- 
lor n-F. {salah'-e kar') exigency of situation 
right course ll/&t)*satah' kar'n a v.t. consult 
Cf&lUsalah' le'n a v.t. consult ; take advice^'g/W' 
salajt' mash'varah n.m. mutual consultation 
deliberations £4fc>stddhiy' y at n.f. suitability 
ability capacity (A doublet of 
. jUl'b n.m. SjOslab') spine ; back- 

fc-^bone loins (fig.) offspring iff sul'bl 
adj. descended from (male progenitor) 
(some n>ale progenitor’s) own (offspring) [A] 
A*0sHl'h n.f. peace treaty truce 
concord rapprochement patch*up 
lf<{s*sul'b-shi'kan\ n.f. breach of the peace 
sul h kar' ns, v.t. be reconciled make 
a truce make peace with kUl’ adj. 

& n.m. peace-loving (person) sul’k-n&'mah 
n.m. piece ; treaty compromise deed [A] 
^J^sitla^d n.m. {pl. of 6<*k) 

r ial" art abb for undertK 


*U*sdat' n.f. ritual prayet 


the Holy Prophet [A] 
i . salavat' n.f. (pl. of 


^ ^ . N.F* {sal aval') (pl. of »'*•£) n.f. {salvat) 
£'JT(usu. pl.) curse(s) 

si’lah n.m. reward ; prize remunera- 
tion gift ; present (gram.) relative 
pronoun fj^sVla-e rahim ’ *4* s?la-t ra'/pnit 

n.m. kindness towards - one’s (esp. uterine) 
relations maintenance of ties with them |A 
doublet ofji] 

i*saftb' n.f. cross crucifix the Gross 
I (as symbol of Christianity) 
sati'b-o hilal' n.m. the Cross and the Crescent 
tfftfsali'bl adj. pertaining to the Cross 
Christian jafig' n.f. Crusade : 

Christian fanatic war on Muslims (j/ffTit '£*sali'bl 
jah'gefi N.F. pl. the Crusades [A] 

sum adj. deaf ^(^sUm'mun adj. dear 
( and dumb unresponsive [A ~ sing. f*t) 
a samad' adj. eternal ; perpetual 
-*• suhlime (one) who can go without food 
or drin’ in battle n.m. the sublime the 
Eternal as attribute of God) ^sOmaddiA adj . 

divir godly 4>jt*Samaiiy yat n.f. subli- 

mity (A) 

samsam' n. f. sharp sword 


•ff sam'g h n.m. gum gh-e ‘a’rabi n.m. 

gum Arabic [A] 

jf^sarr&m' adj. pure sincere n.m. 
rl* best part (of) (fig.) core ; bottom Vjrt 
saml'm-t qal'b se adv. from the core of my 
heart [A) 

sanadld' n.m. pl. brave chiefs noblfe- 
men celerities ff^s&sanadi’d t a' jam 

n.m. pl. Persian celebrities >->l>^t/3ra'Hb 
sanadld' n.f. Tt. relics of celebrities [A ~ sing 

. sama tr adj. n.m. skilful artist skilled 
U ^workman artisan (fi>sann*'i,g*sVnf ».r. 

craftsmanship skill . creative jxmder 
sHima" n.m. (pl. of 

-WJfilV' N.M. (PL. of N.F. ★) 

I ,J<*h'dalrVM. sandal ; sandalwood jX^sah'dak 
vsa^adj. sandalwood light brown {Aip' •- 


^^san‘ l at n . f . 

*l9,J aft<too< l' (P‘d. suiidooq') k.m. 

(pi . ifjO*sanadiq') trunk 

box chest cabinet coffin 

coffer . case 2jj>sa1idooq' ( h ah 

W M -> (^>X^safidooq'cbi x.f. small 
box ; casket [A] 

^A0sun ‘ n.f. (same as{/t^)(see under^>l^N.M. ■£) 

industry manufacture 
handicraft craftmanship miracle 
figure of speech £** /> ^an , 'al-gar n.m. artisan 
craftsman (f^C*^ > san , 'a’.-ga'ri n.f. mechani 
cal skill manufacture (f^san' 'all adj. 

industrial artistic^?C>jana'V‘ n.f. pl. ^ 

figures of speech crafts (rarcj^^O 
ja/ia'V b.ida"*' n.m. figures of speech ; rhetorical 
devices fA] 

• Ja*** 1 / n.f. (pL.Ht^/aiAa/') sex gender 
category J}t>'»&sin'f-e na'zuk n . f . fair 
?ex (fusin' Ji adj . pertaining to sex ; (change, 
etc.) of sex [A] 

j^fsq’nam n.m. (pl .fc^msmm') idol mis- 
f tress beloved ; sweetheart (arch.) a 
kind of word-building game in which each parti- 
cipant has to name a plue beginning with a 
particular letter in turn nam-kha' nah, 

'Sfsa' itamrka'dah n.m. idol temple (fig.) 
place with a vevy of beauties [A] 
f * / £S<ma»i , bar n.m. any cone-bearing tree 
fir pine [P] 

savab' N.M. correctness rectitude>> , >* 
*iy* sftvab'-did N/F. advisability expediency 
opinion discretion^lfe^U^/ y^^iap'ni 
savab'-did ke muta'biq ph. according to one’s dis- 
cretion [A] 

N.M.direction [A) 

<, sooba”t adj. ,oiS/'soobajat' n.m. pl. (see 
tfj'/'under^*) ■" 

^jto'bafr n.m. (tL.a\^/*soo'bajat‘) province 
soo'ba'-dar (col. soo'be-dar) n.m. governor 
a Junior Commissioned Officer(of army); 
iUba.hdarifjbfS'soo'ba-da'ri (col. -be-) n.f. 
govemihip subahdar's rank (fls'sooba"! adj. 
provincial [ ~ A] 

.stmt n.f. (pl.^B 

* star n.m. (also Jiy^soor' e israj 'll') horn 
JJt (to be blown on doomsday) clarion ; 
O'*™!** IA) - 

^jSW H,r, (pl. 

(pL.‘7J<P/<m'at') sound voice 

u> s00 ' rat n . f . ( pl . js*&'var) 
form ; shape 


appearance lace 
ountcnance aspect state ; condition 
plight ; circumstance (gram.) mood 
manner means way out plan 
soo' rat-ash' na adj. slight acquaintance ; known 
by sight )t£t/s*soo'nl- 2 shnci''l n.f. slight ac- 
quaintance Oju£jjS"soo’rat ba'dalna v.i. change 
transform metamorphose tJg&jS'soo'rai 
bigir'na v.t. mar ; deform , disfigure (CnS/j/ 0 
soo'ral banana v.t. & i. give shape (to) 
plan find a way out put up a (false, etc.) 
appearance L'j?S^£vi*'soo'rat-pazfr' ho' nil v.i. 
happen ; occur ; come to pass come into 
existence take shape jnfcjCtsS'soo'ral to de'kho 
int. (iron.) how brave look up your face 
in the mirror what a man Jlr&y'soo'rat-t hal' 
n.f. State of affairs Ct£>£>jS p soo'raldikha'na v.t. 

turn up appear ; make one’s ^appearance 
tyijjS 0 soo' rat kar'na v.t. plan devise (some) 

way J%J*soo’ rat-gar n.m. artist sculptor 
tSfOjjpsoo'rat-ga’n n.f. artist’s work paint- 
ing sculpture^rfipar' n.f. (pl. 
sU'vafi adj. outward ; eternal bodily 
physical extrinsic (fs*2(f/S*su'vari-o-ma i 'nai4 

adj. extrinsic and intrinsic (qualities) [A] 
w jm/ n.m. (rare) wool (old use) a kind 
Jr of thick silk cotton waste piece of it 
placed in inkpot [A] 

*4 _j 4 S00 'ft n.m, (pl. LpjJsoofiya') mystic^ IfS* 
(}jr soojiya’nah adj. mystic ; mystical (of 
dress) simple (of colour) dall [A ~ *JS*ot 
~J* sau’lat n.f. commanding personality 
awe (rare) assaulting lug lion, etc.) 
i£iJy*j/*s*sdab' daba-o-sau lat n.m. awe obe- 
dience commanded (by) (A) 
p.saum n.m. (PL.SL*siyam') fast fast- 
ing [A] 

> . sau'ma'ah n.m. (pL.tft?*sava'mc‘) church 
hermitage ; monastery [A] 

, ~ sohba n.f. claret wipe liquof (AJ 


p^fisahll' n.f. neigh neighingt^fc*^ 
i/ sahl'l-t fa'ras n.f. neighing of a horse (AJ 
sayyad' n.m. (see Under n.m. 

» siyam’ n.m. (pl. of/i^A) 

siya'nat n.f defence support 
preservation t / < is J ^<«ja'(M/-r naf's n.f. self 
preservation [A] 


game prey 

jkikar (fig.) 

who kills 


paid n . w . ( pl . )#fsHyeod') 

quarry hunting chase 

lover eftijffsai'd-afgan n.m. 
game hunter ; shilkaree Qijj^fsai'd-e zaboofi' 
n.m. weak quarry injured quarry 
Said'-gah n.f. hunting ground ; park; t** sayyad' 
N.M; hunter fowler shikaree (fig-) 
beloved ; sweetheart Jfbi^sayya'd-e a'jal jt.M. 
death [A] 

. ugh afi n . m . grammatical form showing 
tense (of verb) or case (of noun) along with 
number, gender and person ; grammatical 
pattern declined or inflected form department 
branch side (of judiciary) (rare) fixed- 
time matrimony jlyz^?*si'gha-( diva’ni n . m . the 
Civil sidccO(yrX-jU*»righfl-£ fauj-dari n . m . the 
Criminal side VbX^fstghah gardan’ na v.i. (arch.) 
conjugate [A] 

. saif n.f. (rare) summer [A] 

t?_4sai'qal n.f. burnish nickel plating 
metal polish l‘J(Jfh*sai' qal kar'na v.t. bur- 
nisher [A] 

saihoon' n.m. Zion dzx? saihoo'ni adj. &N.M. 
v'-'v, Zionist ^'y^fsaihoaniy'yat n.f. Zionism [A] 


“ffZad (col. zuisd) n.m. twenty-first letter or 
W Urdu alphabet (also called za'd-e mo'jamak 
or z'ad-e manqoo'tah ) ; (used in w.ords of purely 
Arabic extraction) (according to jummal 
reckoning) 300 

, ‘/a bit adj. (see under 

... . za'bitali n.m. {pL.±>l/*zai>a'bit) 
^l^law^ rule 

code (of 

law) rule regulation law by 
law control ; discipline l Cjkfliza bilab ba'ratna 
v.i. act according to_ law the rules 
follow the procedure ta'ci'ri n.m. 
Penal Code f*"Jt>C»za'bita-e ta'llm’ n.m Educa- 
tion Code (} ^jjdiiza 'bila-e dh 'J n.m. Civil 
Procedur Code tSjlfJM^za'bita-f Jauj-da'ri n . m . 
Criminal Procedure Code ^tjjjYff^dnza'bit-t ki 
kar-raoa'i n.f. procedural measures 
zabite ki kar-rav&"l kar’na v.i. take procedural 
measures act according to rules styCtl 4a*< a'- 
hilah adj. regular formal according to 
be-za’bitah aoj. irregular un- 

usual ; out of the way J»>UjjlinkhUa'f-e za'biteh 
adj. irregular contrary to rules unlaw* 
ful ; illegal ^Crza'bitagi^.r. regularity (used 
only in neg. form as) Jfc’Cr^be-Za'bilagi n.f. 
irregularity ; contravention of rules and regula- 
tions Jt)tj*jj0ljqava‘id-o-zai>a'bil n.m. pl. rules 
and regulations [A] 

. Za'min n.m. surety ; security .. sponsor 
(fykJ (za'min bah'na or ho’na) v.i. 
stand surety (for) za’min dar za'min 
n.m. a collateral security de'na v.t. 
give security •/C>za'min le'ns v.t. ask' for 
security (f'V.ja'mini n.f. surety ; security 

bail guarantee pledge (j^Jfiyfijzit'nim 
manzoor' kar'na v.i. admit as bail 
Zamini n.e. security for good conduct [A~£fls*] 
£.»Za'e' adj. wasted lost misapplied 
squandered destroyed fruitless 
;SglsZa''e l kar’na v.i\ waste lose mis- 

apply squander ljsgl*ga''e i ho'na v.t. be 
wasted ; go waste ; go to waste be vain ; 
prove fruitless be lost be squandered [A] 
JfZab't n.m. discipline ; order control 
> check restraint (rare) confiscation 

seizure; proscription ; distraint l'j±y*zab't kar'na 
v.t. confiscate proscribe forfeit 
sieze distrain ho'na v.i. be confis- 
cated be proscribed . be forfeited be 

seized be distrained (pf*2ab'ti n.f. confis- 
cation proscription forfeiture seizure 

distraint ^ V iffzab' ti ka Auk' m n.m. confis- 
cation order fjyj^ijfi'zab'ti ke la"iq,{^f^Hla' , ig-e 
zab'ti n.f. liable to seizure contrabandist^ 
Za'bit n.m. & adj. disciplinarian strict 
exercising self-restraint [A] 
ijfi zoha' n.f. breakfast time superero- 
(j gatory prayers at breakfast time [A] 

^ •tZakhamat n.f. bulk ^ . volume 

thickness (of book, etc.) zakhim ' adj. 

bulky voluminous thick [A] 

• zid n.f. stubbornness persisant ; solici- 
■'^tation importunity opposition con- 
trariety adj. opposite (of) ; contrary (to) 
zid' b<Hidk’na,l'f/jJ*zid' far ana, l/o+zid' kar'na 
v.i. show stubbornness importune; per- 
sistently insist (upon )L’s;**zid' ho'na v.i. 
be opposed to ; be antagonistic to be posses- 
sed of a spirit of opposition (to )(fjutzid'di adj. 

stubborn obdurate contrary wilful ; 
wayword unmanageable ; intractable^^ 
ziddain' n.f. pl the two opposites the two 
contraries (gjujffiijlima'-e ziddain’ n.m combi- 

nation of two contraries [A] 

i • zarrab'v.u. mint master coiner 

K.h. reciprocal injury quarrel 

^/j^i^mas’jid-e zirar ! n . f . name of a Medina 
mosque built by hypocrite?. which was later 
demolished under the Holy Prophet’s orders 

« zar’b n.f. {pL.wi-ecaraisl' col. zarbal) 
multiplfcation blow hurt ; injury 
stamping- (of. coin) emphatic recital of 
God's name’ so as to cause a -minor concussion 
of one’s' he&TtC)*~y*zar’b ana v.i. suffer injury 
.be injured hurt oneself (in a part of body) 
t yj'-'JftaT'b-ut-mo'sal n.f. proverb say- 

ing ; saw ; aphorism I’j^fJ^ii^yizar’b-TU-ma'sal 
ho'na v.i. become proverbial C^ru^zar'b de' ns 
v.T. multiplyf^w^iar'i-c rhadid’ n.f. grievous 
hurt ; grievous injury C&± r '/>zar'b lags' n a v.T. 
beat strike give a blow stamp (a coin) 
recite (God’s name) emphatically 
zar'b-e murak'kab n.f. compound multiplica- 
tion compound injury jjezar'b-t mu frad 
n.f. simple multiplication simple injury 
zar'b-e moh'lik n.f. fatal injury 
f.s'sij-e zar'b n.m. (multiplication) product'^ j,b 
da’r-uz-zar'b n.f. (arch.; mint [A] 
j'Za'rar n.m. harm damage loss 
/ detriment disadvantage baneful effect 

hurt injury l UU/*Za'rar utha'na v.i. 
incur a loss suffer t;yh?p#za'rar pahuficha'nz 
v.r. harm damage* hurt injure 0^^ 

za'rar-rasati adj. harmful injurious 

baneful damaging $\s j j / *>za' rar-rasa'nl n.f. 

causing injury damaging doing harm 

(to) [A] 

.zaroor' adv. rarely ; certainly defi- 
nitely perforce' absolutely without 
fail* of course adj. (lit.) same as^» 

«• mZaroo’rat n.f, need want neces- 
‘■’^J'^sity exigfcncy occasion (for) 
desire (of) l <Sjlf)i2j}Szaroo'rat ijad' As msk' 
kai prov. necessity is the mother of invention 
b/^Cvipzaroo'rat par' ns v.i. have the need of 
have occasion for jC^j^zaroo'rat-mth'd adj. 
needy poor indigent f&jtc? 

1# w ~ m V.*fizaroo’raf ke rnq't ga'dhe ko bi I 
bap bata' U’ie hoik prov. many kiss the child 
ft* nurse’s sake %i/*zan»'nctm adv. out of 
necessity (pcd.). necessarily ; of necessity 
ttw'ri adj. necessarily ; of necessary ex» 

injure tjjsj* 

pedient indispensable ; unavoidable obli- 
gatory essential requisite needful 
urgent essential zaroo’ riyyal' n.f. pl. 
necessities necessaries' requisites Sxj&bjj/* 

Zaroo' riyta t-e ziii'dagi n.f. necessities of life ; 
necessities [A] i 

^ ,_zafiti n.f. sarcaphogus m\ 

W^/^tomb likeness of imam jj]|'|| 
Husain’s tomb [A] r\ 

♦4*"/ n.m. (pl P^taz'af) y 

‘■^double equal [A] ** 

*Zo‘'J n.m. weakness feebleness 
<-0*infirmity fainting fitihJ^jo'y a'rta faint swoonjt<jo^o‘/-e bah' n.m. 
loss of virility sexual ■ weakness 
basa'rat n.m. weakness of eyesight ; weak eyesight 
it*0*^ec‘y-e me"dah n.m. dyspepsia [A] JjS 
. * ea‘t/ N.M. (pl. n^zo-afa’) old 4 fp i 

man adj. old ’ weak 

feeble frail infiiWtCftlb*^ |j ill 
za'i’ f-ul-eHiqad’ adj. credulous Ifl I 
0^^fza'\f;ul-bunyan' adj. of frail 
foundation adj. 

weak-minded imbecile tyog’*za i ifho'na v.i. 
be advanced in years ; be_ old ho' 

ja'na v.r. grow old j**za l i'fah n.f. old wo- 
man (ff* za‘i'fi n.f. old age weakness • 
infirmity [A] 

t*J^zafh'tah (ped. cugh'tah) n.m. difficulty 
worry (caused by someone’s dodging 
tactics) pull ; jerk [A] 

/ * zalal' n.M.&fijzala'lal n.f. (rare)t^ea( n.m. 

U deviation from the right path going 
astray walking ungodly ways [A] 

(col. zi’la 1 ) n.m. (pl. frUiazlci") dis- 
0/ trict side (of rectilinear figure) rib 
stretched double-cnteiidre-stretched metaphor 2?*. 
OJ.zil'* bol'na v.i. used stretched -metaphor*>.C^ 
zil" jit gat n.f. stretch metaphor wit vW* 

ziV'-dar’ n.m. a minor office of Canal Depart- 
ment a minor revenue official [A] . 

Jfrzam n.m. merger (same as. zam ’ 

| mah n.m. vowel-point [A] 

. • zimad' n.(*».-. embrocation paste ; 
plaster t>j zimad’ kar’na v.T. apply paste 
(to a part of body) [A] 

, . •zamn'nat n.f. stjrcty security bail 
guarantee (K/ifi*L)l>>£'H 0 zdma'Mt de'na 
(or da'kfnl kar’na) v.i. give bail furnish 
security tff^,£/&zama’ not ke qa'bil adj. bailable 
ISJjjF'tStP zma'nat manzoor' kgr'na v.t. 


liicm a iiiijjui 

j&zam n.m. 

| mah n.m. vov 
. ! zimad' N.i» 


grant bail admit to bai ^zama nat- 
nn'mah n.m. security bond suVety deed fr & 
zama'naft adj. security n.m. (col.), (same asOi? 
N X. ★) [A] 

” ir N - F - ( pL< of >= ★) 

J&zim'n n.m. inside ; inner part (usu. 

1/ zim'n meh adv in the course (of) in 
(this) connection C**zim'nan adv. incidental- 
ly by the way ; by the by by implication 
pr zim'ni adj. incidental implicit 
collateral or corroborative (evidence) N.f. (police 
investigation report [A] 

\zam\r' n.f. (pl. zama''ir) conscience 

(gram.) personal pronoun 
Q C*ll)Zomi'r^ef a' ‘ill (or maf'ob'li or tza'Ji) n.f. 
personal .pronoun in nominative (or accusative 
or possessive) case [A] 

Jfzam'mah n.m. supplement (of news- 

paper) ; its special small issue for some 
important piece of news appendix 
•zau n.f. light \ustrC(J&S P zau-fishafi' adj 
Jr shining ; lustrous shedding light [A] 
jl %j*zau-fisha'rii adj. shedding of light [A] 
j^l^zooz'bit n.m. (pl. o {Jb>Uif) 

‘ »ziy a' n.f. light brilliance 
Zl (S^lJ’ziya'-pash' adj. shinning; lustrous 
shedding light tjj ( L&ziya '-ba’ri, if'ltJziya'-paxhi 
n.f. shedding of light (A] 

m. waste loss U*a'V adj 

& adv - ★ [A] 

• . ziyafat n.f. feast banquet treat 

.... “O '•*- 

fr|it4ya‘'».M. waste loss r> C>za"e' adj 
C /~ T & adv. ir [A] 

* . ziyafat n.f. feast banquet treat 

C^l^entertainment .t^Js&ziya’Jate tab ’• n.f. 
entertainment (by jokes," etcjli/cSU^ziyafat 
kar’na v.t. feast banquet treat enter- 
tain [A ~ CeJ] 
ju^zai’gbam n.m. lion [A] 

. *i a! / N M - (**■&*! * zyaf) guest (A] 

•• JeW N F - difficultyjLjj-tjtrj/^^i, /an' ziq' me ft 
(✓** a ns (orho'ns) v.i. be fed up (with) 
be vexed q-vn-nqf s n.m. asthma [A] 

^JSfZay'yiq adj. narrow [A] 

> to”e n.f, twenty-second letter of Urdu 
alphabet called ta in Arabic (also known as 

ts -e moh'malah or ta'-# ghair-manqoe'taA) 
(according to jummat reckoning) 9 

,i tab adj. be purified be fragrant (used 
* *^in) ^z^^taba sars'hu may his grave become 
fragrant alia' hi sarahi ph. may 

God purify his grave [A) 

n.m. printer [A~^t>] 

tJi-t.,l»baq-an~na l /l-v. bin-na' i-e 
exactly alike the other [A-'^fWj 
Y iita'n? n.m. (rare) Morning Star night 
(^•^traveller {j/Ut>l£ja'bal-ut-ts'riq n.m. Gibralter 
Spanish promontory name after its Muslim con* 
queror, Tariq [A] 

v ..ts'rum n.m. wooden bulbous pavilion 

(fig.) firmament [A] 

. .tja'ri adj. spreading occurring ; over- 
(V ^taking 1‘jftfjlhts'ri ho'ns v.t. spread 
overshadow overtake 

H -M- b**' 11 (of river) [A — P] 

t a'sah (col. J’tta'shah) n.m. kettledrum 

„ ,c> ta r, at (pl .‘^l/IMts'at') n.f. obedience 
“'w^submission devotion act of devo- 

tion [A] 

ft, ls"m n.m. adj. & n.m. (one) who taunts 
, (rare) one who snacks with a spear (A~ 

n.m. bubonic plague [A] 

*• N - M - ( pt * S^i/tovsghu') devil 

^ idol (arch) name of Arab deities 
‘Lat’ and ‘Uzza’ falsehood [A] 

V lt ra'gh» adj. rebellious refractory [A~ 

-.Ja'q n.m. recess in wall niche 

Qv? arch odd number Adj. 

odd (number) arched clever 

skilled expert (in) tyty&ta' q-t ab'no 

n.m. arch of the brow j/fijOtaq bkar'tta 
v.i. make a votive offering (at shrine mosque) by 
lightning a lamp there jtf't n.m. 

odd or even game of guessing this /f; r/£l> 
l >>jtsq' kar’na (or kar de'ns) v.T. make (some- 
one) an expert (in) (Mfjrifljffjlietaq' ho'ns (or 
hojs’ns) v.i, become an expert v.i. be an ex- 
pert (in) be proficient (in) 
nis'yafi par yakh'na v.t. put (something) 

forget ignore altogether „ 

tsq'fhah n.m. small recess in wall J •/a’yi 
*^^adj. squint-eyed wild-eyed [A) 



Strength might- power 
endurance energy capa- 
city ; ability vitality virility potency 

Jljf&frta i/at-azma'i N.r. trial of strength & Ur 
fyoMa qat taq fio'na V.i. have no strength left 
sjiU’td'qiitviV' ADJ. Strong powerful might 
x *\* , uzZ'U'oV'<zSU> taqal-e mrh'man 
sa-dash't kha'ila ba-metl'mah gunisMl PROv. 
(person who) leaves the house to get rid of the 
guest [A] 

j, italib. (pl. ‘^'DJ’ tuUab') n.m. seeker 
^candidate lover suitor lib-e 

khuda n.m. & aoj. one who seeks God^u-^Ut 
talih-e dun'ya n.m. & aoj. man of the world 
worldly minded worldly personvi/v-^tfr 
t'alib-e dido!' n.m. one who longs for the sight 
(of) a lovers suitor jj^Utla'ltb-e tar n.m. lover 
of wealth ti’lib-e ‘il'm (col. la lib * il'm (pcd. 

(^1 >-d\& talib-ul-'il'm) n.m. (Ft.. ta'Iabah col.U^ 
tulaba ) student (arch.) rraditionist^f^O 
talib-e ‘il'mi Hr. studentship v--' J tt^ l _, J U»va7iA-n 
rvilhob' n.m. pl. lover and beloved ,JU> tahbah 
(ped. [^^IJrta/iba-e 'il'm} (pL.^Ulltlalibat') N.r. 
girl student [A] 


ta'leh adj. bad evil [A] 

la It' n.m. luck ; fortune lot destiny 
rising star ; controlling star- ad|. 
rising ascending aim is' adj. 

adventurer soldier of fortune fijltflbtaf-e' 
nma'i n.f. trying one’s luck being a 
soldier of fortune (J'&ffia'le'-shindi' n.m. 
astrologer fortune teller,<^lfr/a7*'m«jt 'd,*# Ur 
iu'h'-uar aoj. lucky-; fortunate rich ; 
v;CA.\\\\ytf^ , £Ptale'maridi,l£ J )£>llttale,'-vdn N F. 

good fortune being wealthy [A - £>J*] 

N M ' ^ au * [A ~ Heb. ] 

. , tim'mdt' n.m. pl. vainful talk of 
* ’■^mystics ; tall talk [A] 
x/iitame' adj. greedy ; covetous 
U IA~ {/] 

. laws' n.m. peacock a 
C/H^kind of large guitar ; peacock- 
guitar ifljjiJfUtla 'oo' i-o-rabab' n.m. 

(fig.) song and music gay life 

.n'hir aoj. pure ; chaste [A~^Lf] 

At>« n.f. (same as ^n.f if) 

y ( ( ( / 

«' la,' it n.m. (PI.. js£tuyoor‘) bird &Jjdtta'ir-t 

j L" 

soul life dOr'ytjrta’ir-t qUd’i 
the Holy Ghost (as heavenly 

tool).' N.M. 
n.m. Gabriel 
bird) (AJ 

♦ UL. t*”if N -M- circumambulator name of 

a town near Mecca [A] 

• 'll \I°h N M - troupe (rare) group band 
jtili’la'ifiih nachana v.t. arrange an 
entertainment by a troup (of dancers or street- 
actors) [A] < .. 

< ida’t AD j. (of the tribe) of T&iutftrfa'tim *a”» 
C/'*'n . m . a pre- Islamic Arab chieftain renown- 
ed for generosity generous person (iron.) 
miser *-★) 

Lfib N.F. science of medicine indigenous 
system of medicine jfyjuJ'tib'b-t joona'ni n .f 
indigenous system of medicine ; Unani (f^tib'bi 
adj. medical pertaining indigenous system 
of medicine •f^tabib' n.m. physician one 
practicing indigenous system of medicine (AJ 
^ . // ibabal n.f. practice of indigenous 
^■*1 ^medicine medical pr&ctitce [A - doublet 

of PREC.J 

1 . ilabbakh' n.m. cook [A] 


^J^^^abasHr' N.r. hamboo-sugar (A) 

Uabba'’ aoj. very intelligent quick- 
C/b*\vitted perspicacious tf’V’lMd" i n.f. 
keen intelligence quick comprehension 
perspicacity [A ~ {£ ] 

C^ aia ' 'at n.f. printing [A] 

•*. .tabsq' n.m. large dish 
t/Vbasin-l'L / Jj>//tAfl^' ia mUfrb ph. 
wide mouth CS tflJ'taba' qi kul'la n.m. 

(fig.) sponger [AJ 

tabs' 't' N.F. (pl. ofuif^lr) 

xJp tab" n.f. (pl. temperament 

Qd disposition nature print or impression 
(of bootyft>g(’tab"-ai/na 'i n.f. trial of skill 
versification (on particular theme or pattern) 
ilyJ f tnb'‘-zad' aoj. original (composition) 
tat/‘-e taia n.f. perspicacity ability to 
versify well l'j'tftab' l -kar'na ; .v.t.' printl^-^ 
tab 1 horsa v.t, be printed J+tab"* ADJ. 
natural by nature (col. for<£(rsee under 
ub^H.r. A) 

~Uta'baq n.m. layer ; stratum tray 
(/• lid ; cover ’$) Qfta’ baq-Za' m n.f. female- 
homosexuality (Aj 

tabaqat' n.m. (pl. of 



~itah'qah (ped. ta'haqah) n.m. (pi .Siiblahnqal' ) 
'**• class (of people or soriety category 
layer stratum Uf^tSPtab'qah u'latja'nu v i. 
be upset be topsy turvy ^jt^S^ta' haqa-bait' dl 
n.f. classification categorizationi/5llj>l«^ 
tabaqa t-ul-ar' z geological strata (also^*"'^ 

d}ffliZ&' i il'tn-f tabaqa' t-ul-ar' z) geology^lllO^ 
tabaqa' t-ul-ar' zi adj. geological survey 
i/lf tabaqa t-ul-ar' zi ja'izah n.m. geological survey 
tabaqa ti ad j. class^r**"^.-^ ^tabaqa’ tt 
jato-g' (or kashmakash') n.f class war (or strug- 
gle [A) * 

ijptab'l (col tabai) n m. dru m<— 

CJ* tab'l-r jafig’ n.m war-cry \\. 

ta'halfjfl one who plays on tabla JLJ> O-, 

lah'lah n.m tambourines (usu. ^ 

played in a set of two) casket 
jlj JJ* tab'la-navzu' n.m. (dignified w< J 

name for tf*) fA) 

Jflib'bt adj . w*^*>aAiA' n.m. (see under i—k’\ r 

V- if) 

ytabt'at n.f. {PL.£0'taha , 'e‘) tenqieru- 

ment ; disposition habits I ah" til 

i'ns v.t. fall in love (with) be attached 
(to) have a liking (for) ^l^C^’labr'al 

u'lajhna v t. be puzzled l'fJ£^? J *tabi''tii ba-haV 
ho' im v.t. recover from illness , recover 
takV'at bi' garni v.t be upset obi' ‘at 

Mhar" ja’no v.t. be satiated feel nausea fie 
fed up (with)l^ftJi*^(oAj' 'at bat' halm v.i. be 
amused be diverted I'yjfy-^^’tnhi' at hr: a’’ 
ho'na v.t. & i be disgusted (with) 
tabi’'at tftai'har'na v.t. find so lace ; be com- 
forted , recover get over the shock jj}/^ 
Ob’ljLi^)tabl'*at par zor' delta (or tfal'na) v.t 
exert one’s mind ' al-t ta'nivah n.f 

second nature habit ^i}f‘^^tabi'‘nt_ * alii ’ 
ho'na v.i. fall ill be indisposed 
tobx'at lag'na v.t. & i. be attached (to) 
lake interest (in) get used (to) feel at 

home (in) C* >d>*^tahi'‘at na legna v.i. & i. 

have no attachment (with) be disinclined 
(towards) feel uncomfortable . not 10 led at 
home (inJtW^'S^/flA*’ ‘at lara'na v i grapple 
mtntaWy (wilh)ijliS>*^labi'al lar'na v.i. hit 
upon fall in love (with) grapple mentally 
(with) (f?!^tabi'‘i adj. !f. or pi. .Jf^tahi'i/yah) 
natural physical innate . intrinsic 

labi'i (or IttbVty’valt] n.m. pl. 
physical stienceswl^’fdfo'MTcif' n.m physics 
detain 'tyy&'tt adj pertaining to physics n.m 
physicist [A- ££*] 

•tflapi' dah adj. tfStlfis , unwjy 

C/*£ agitated distressed (P - dL^J 

!• fata pt\h n f restless uneasiness ( ji 
Ux tress [P ~d+£\ 

*jjfiaf>aii'chali, JflPtanidtiihah n.m. pistol 
revolver (slang) mistress |T) 

J^dl' n spleen (AJ 

, tarrat ' aD|. cute facile Jpt»>ytt({-e-) 
V/ tartar' adj. cute clever and sharp* 
tongued tS^/larran n.f. cuteness facile 
tongue [ A] 

. u tar a rah n.m. leap . bound run at full 
Jy spieed \/?£~Jplara're bhar'na v t run at 
full speed leap , bound ; frisk 
. i/nde' n.m. embroidery cloth print, 
JrP print printed cloth . print suf em- 
broiderer adorner (fj'/lna'zi sur adorn- 
ing embroidery making 

.Mra'val n.f freshness verdure (A) 

M'rnh n.f. joy mirth ; merriment 
^tVTiilaritv y? la rab-afigez^ adj. jovful 
mirthful mirth exciting (fjF I • r >yta'rab-ai>ge n 
n.f mirthfulness yjuarabty'yafl n.m. cornedv 
adj comii (Aj 

- Ljar'k (col la rah) N.r. manner; mode 
L/j way kind grace ; beautv enteness 
disregard , overlooking foundation (me 
of verse set versification pattern Apv in the 
manner (of) Id j<£,yta'rah ura-'na v.t. copy 
imitate emulate Z<) i> .t’F la ' ,a k ba-la’ raff adv. 

in various manners jIjrjHa' rah-dar adj. pretty, 
handsome graceful ; elegant stylish 
t ute ^Itojota rah-da n n.f. culeness \>i£,Jpto'rah 
dr na v.i dodge disregard turn a deal 
ear (to) set a verse pattern Qb&jPta' rail dal' no 
v.t. lay the foundation (of) plan out 
devise ^t/pZ/J > l aia h tarah ka adj. of various 
types (A] 

• U'ar'z n.f. (or m. style way . fashion 

mode i'ljljflnr'z ura'na v.t. copy a fashion 
■Sy/'J/’iur'z-r lah'ru n.f. (or m.) style ; of writing 
(P'j/ ta’’z~e ‘a'mol n.m. course of action 
conduct fltf jj? tar' i-r kalam' n.m. manner of 
speech mode of address phraseology j AJ 

• ila'ruf n.f. (pl tjdplatraf) direction 

#dJe quarter corner prep towards, 
in the direction of jliyta'raf-dar n.m sup- 

porter partisan adj. panial prejudiced 
if j^ytaroj-da n n.f. support partiality 
partisanship ta'raf-da'ri kar'na v.t. 


>" til' lab n.m. gold thread 
/ ^n*. ,sWaft ' NM - («*• of V<HO 

•• itafaq' n.f- divorce (i^iJ^iJUbtalaq’ p.ans 
i}v&(pT lt'na\ v.i. be divorced get a di- 
vorce VjJlfrtalaq' de'na v.t. divorce yf JjAfrfa/s 
na'mah deed of divorce Z>};ollbtala q-ya f'tah adj. 
divorced (woman) totals' qan n.f. (sat.) divor- 
ced woman [A] 

.itJdla qat n.m. eloquence fluency 
'fiUcSUbtala qat-e lisa’nt N.F facile 
tongue [A] 

adj. (see under tils' ir) 

lUla'lab n.f. demand process summons 

seek solicitation pay ; salary 

craving desire kl^if^ta’lab bajhs'na v.t. 
satisfy one’s craving kar'na v!r. 

demand call for send for summon 
seek j&bt a'lab-gar n.m. ■ seeker (one) 
desirous (of) suitor adj. seeking de- 

sirous sl'i^&ta'lab-na' mah n.m. (arch.) summons 
~*&talaba'nah n.m. process serving fees 
la'tabi n.f summons audience , sending 
for tjf la'tabi ho' na v.t. be given audience {A] 

ijL tulaba, ta'labah n.m. (pl. (see 

. uhder i_^>t£N.M.-fr) 

a'tabi n.f (see under *> 

— , jrtSmturaq ' n.m. pomp and show 
0'J^ (rare) fanfare [P] 

b ta’md* n.f. greed ; avarice ; covetousness 
Q/ avidity allurement temptation 
fCrgfta'ma'-e kham' n.f. vain hope l >>&tama'' 
de’na v.t. tempt berc allure 

ma l ra se har'f as't-o har se teH' 
prov. greed is alurred • greedy person is 
never satisfied Vj'^ta'ma' kar'na v.i. covet 
be tempted ; be lured [A] 

.•.tanab' n.m. (PL.iJi>tu’nub*fLhatnab') 
^v^tent-rope fastening card [AJ 
. »i tannatf adj. coquetish playful 

Jv* facetious N.m. (rare) satirist jCk £Sbu't-e 
tannai' n.m. coquetish belovcdtfJCt’tanna'o n.f 
coquetish playfulness facetiousness 
being a satirist (A ~ ytb ] 

t^ tu'nUb n.f. (pl. oft-O*) 


•utumboor' N.m. tambour- 

tambourin tambourine 

six-stringed guitai , lutes tjjf 
tamboo'rah n.m long six-stringed gui- 
tar ; lutC [A] 

y&lan'z. n.m. taunt , jeer sarcasm wit ; 
witticism satire I'J'jJr tan' z kar'na v.t. taunt ; 

jeer lan'zan aov. tauntingly , jeeringly 
sarcastically ironically [A] 

* iZhtari tanah n.m. show of authority 

awesome dignity [A1 

jy> utavasin n.m. pl. spirit of a prophet’s 
teaching [A ~ sing.,/'] 

. . itavaf, tauf n.m. arcumambulation 
Ci'V (of the Holy Ka‘aba. as a religious rite) 
frequent visits (to) or calls (at) fS'oljl'tavaj-t 
ha'ram n.m. circumambulation of the Holy 
Ka‘aba (jClr^-Zc^tavaf-e koo’--e ja'naft n.m 
frequent visits to the beloved’s area [A] 

. it tjava'lat N.f length prolong 


Siitava"if n.f. prostitute , whefe strumpet 
ilO'Jr singstress dancing girl n.m. pl. (rare) 
bands (J^it)ljbtava"if-Ul-mulooki n.f. politi- 
cal disorder disorderly decentralization of a 
State anarchy [A — sing.>» ih] 

I. utoo'ba n.m. name of a heavenly tree 
Of yielding very delicious fruit joy ; happi- 
ness good news [A] 

utaur n.m. (jljblatvar') manner, mode 
fashion ; style ; way conduct practice 

state condition ^j^jjbtaur' tariq,^jJ>jjb 
taur'tari'qah n.m. (usu pl.) ways and man- 

ipta labi N.F (f 


Mis' m n.m. magic spell talisman 

wonder wonderland tilis'm 

oaftdh. na v . 1 . cast a spell perform a mira- 

cle Work wonders ^It-^ilismat' n.m. , talis- 
man ^wonderland spell magic 
lilts' mi, til tsma'ti adj. magic magi- 

cal [A] 

•• L^ a ^‘ at N * F> f‘ lce > aspect ; visage , counte- 
^•^riance ^^imah'-tal'‘al adj. having a 
lovely face [A~ foll.] 

c. . ,tuloo‘' n.m. rising, ( of sun or other heaven- 
s/r ly bodv)^,^’ tQloo " ho'ns v.t. (of sun, 
etc.) rise 

i k lamma *■’ adj. very greedy covetous , 
* avaricious [A-fif] 

Sf btamafi'ctah N.M. slap buffet 
t ilrjtjtamafichah tnar'na (or jar’na or 

Iqga’na) v.i. slap (someone in the face, etc.) 

„ • . Ljamaniy'yat , (or tamamyat) (ped. 

tamani'nat) n.f. peace (of mind) tran- 
quillity reassurance i^’Sf&tamaniy'yat-e qal'b 
n.f. peace of mind confidence [A~ tjOfi] 


ners etiquette behaviour conduct 

taur' bc-taur' hona v.i. (of condition) be 
critical^** ba-laur', ba-taur' adv. as 
by way of [A] 

U tnor n.m. (rare) hill ; mount extended 
to (denote) Sinai ; Mount Sinai jS tf 
ko'h-e toor' n.m. Mount Sinai Cfjjh too' r-e sai’na 
(or -sl’na) n.m. (see.under sai'na+L) (A) 
f,j.toosti. m. (arch.). a kind of soft woolen 

U ' fabric name of a Persian city ; Tus tfj’ 
tno'sl n.m. (arch.) pale purple colour a 
native of Tus [P] 

it u to'ta n.m. (usu. but less favoured spelling 

Wy ofl'yN.M.*) 

Uu too'ti , too'ti n.m. parakeet; paroquet 
0S parrot eloquent person (fig.) 
fame ; renown too'ti bol'na v.i. 

(of someone) have his fame spread far and wide 
wield great influence or authority 
too' the shak' [k)ar-maqal, loo' the she'va 

bnyati' n.m. eloquent person forceful 
orator [P] 

i u too'tiya n.m. copper sulphate , blue vit- 
• X riol[P] 

y utau' n.m. voluntary obedience 
W* tau' l an-o karhan adv. willy-nilly ; willingly 
or unwillingly [A] 

^^tauf n.m. (same asub^N.M.-fr) 

ll* l* t00 f‘ in ’n.m. storm wind storm 
C'vy hurricane tempest typhoon 
rainstorm flood indulge inundation 
onrush (of) host or sea (of troubles) 
commotion ; upheaval , calamity great 
injustice calumny ; slander f 7^1 Stoofari ana 
v.i. of storm) blow be a hue and cry 
(over)M«r{^tf>fr/0<>/3rt'- uths'nn v.t. cause a 
commotion make a great noise be rowdy 
calumniate ; slandertjctfi^/l^l y^lij^loof an' 
lor -pa' (or kha'ra) kar'na v.t. agitate 
furiously cause an upheaval rowd 
cause, serious repercussions 
too fan' baiidk'na (or jor'na) v.t. slander ; 
calumniate scandalize accuse falsely fyiitb 
foof&n' ho'na v.i. be very quarrelsome or 
rowdy be - intractable £/j dlij'tcofa'n-e nooh 
n.m. Noah’s Deluge -, the Deluge 'JtijPtoofa'rii 
adj. stormy tempestuous slanderous ; 
calumniating whirlwind ; swift 
toofa'rn davrah n.m. whirlwind tour [A] 

*lu tau <] n.m. collar ; (for animals chain) 
Uy a kind of necklace ; neckbrace • iron 

collar for slave’s neck symbol of servility 
tfd*tjSlau'(p-e ghfi/a'mi n.m. collar of slavery 
servility ; throldom l '-»*jD*<jjhtau' q-e ghiila'ini 
pai'hanna v.i. become the slave (of) 
dote (on) 

tool' n.m. length prolixity^)L^/ool-2(- 
ba'lad (col. jpf^tool' ba'lad) n.m. longitude 
JklJf’loo'l-c amal’ n.m. distant hopes corra- 
tousness^Uf^t^-Ji^^W pa'karns (or kkeb^fna 
v.i. be prolonged become 'complicated 
tool' dena v.t. lengthen elongate 

spin a long yarn make matters complicated 
JSjStool’, tavW adj. very long diffuse 
prolix ff^fjk’too' l-e su khan, ftSJJ ton' l-e kalam' 
n.m. verbosity circumlocution tSJJ'tvv’- 
vila ‘um'rUhoo ph. may he have a long life QS 
too'la adj. long (only in) $>>> ya'd-e tno'la n.m. 
see under n.m. j^if) lijh .too'lan adv. lengthwise 
toolarii adj. lengthy prolbt qM’ 

tavll' adj. if 

I J? tMMZr n.m. roll of papers ; scroll 
J"' heap pack ot lies U »J\Ajhtoomar' 
bafidh'na v.i. fabricate lies (against) ex- 
aggerate [P] 

^ tavll' adj. (see under Jjh adj. if) 

, L tave'lah n.m. stable ; stall 

bah'dar k i bala' tave'le ke sar' prov. 
the innocent fool suffering for the guilty knave 
justice misplaced [~A JfStave'lah] 
iu ta'ha n.m. one of a set of code letters 
^ in the Holy Quran (this interpreted as) 
an appellation of the Holy Prophet the name of 
a chapter of the Holy Quran [A J» + »] 

„ . u taha'rat n.f. cleanliness; ablution purity; 

"V sanctity [A] 

W tohr' n.m. purification (after menses) 

S' [A doublet of prec.) 

S tahoor’ adj. pure purifying [A] 

u tai n.m. travessing ; covering (a dis- 
tance) folding settling deciding 

adj. traversed ; travelled folded settled 
decided iXs£~tax shu’dah adj. settled 
decided closed (affair) tai' kar'na v.t. 

traverse cover ; travel fold settle 

decide tjf tai' ho'na v.i. be traversed ; be 
covered ; be travelled be folded be settled 
be decided [A] 

I u tay'yar adj. flying (usu. jkf tayyar') 
adj. ★) 

i u tajfja ran n.m. aeroplane aircraft 

* iL tayya'ri n.f. (usu. lfJ&) see under 
^ « <a^ar adj. if) 

Ltib n.f. perfume willingness; pleasure 
-£« 'be kha'tir n.f. willingness 
(with) pleasure Jet* ba-ti'b-e kha'tir adv. 
willingly gladly with pleasure [A] 

iptay'yib adj. good pure chaste 
, « adj. (f. & pl.) good pure chaste 

, ( 

tfyfV zahir-bit, &v / f\>zd,htr paras t n.m. « adj. 

(one) looking at superficial things , one who 
takes (one) having superficial values (one) 
influenced by outward show jbyflif ta'hir-dar 
adj. showy plausible ; hypocritical n.m. 
hypocrite one pretending friendship 
Zahir-dari n.f. show ceremony plausi- 

bility pretence of friendship l>/ tjj Za'hir- 
da’ri ba'ratna v.t. pretend or make a show (oi 
on ’s friendship) ^£(fijfyflirz5'hirku(hh bf'tin 

n.f. chaste woman n.m. name of Madina I kuefch v.i, (of someone) be a hypocrite I’Jyfti 

ka'lima-e tay'yibah n.m. (sec under y N.M.)i£» 
tayyibat' N.y. (pl. joys chaste women 
tayyibin' n.m. pl. pious men [A] 

M tai'bah n.m. a name of Medina [A] 

'V* , 

u tair, la" it n.m. (pl./jz luyoor') bird [A] 


Ajjftaish' n.m. levity ; fojly ; anger rage 
iy** fit of passion 'si«jif(S*tai.rh’ {met) a'na v.i. 
be enraged VD'c/^taish'dilana v.i. enrage; in- 
cense [A] 

I 'ff tailasan’ n.m. (pl. [J> tayali'sah) 
academic robe ; gown (arch.) mantle 
worn- over turban tfUftailasani n-m. graduate 
(of a university) [A] 

, -^j bti'nat n.f. nature disposition 

** bad-t% nat adj. malicious ill-disposed 
nek-d’nat adj. good-natured [A] 

. J? luyoor' n.m. (pl of if) 


. • Zo"e n.f. twenty-third letter of Urdu 
y alphabet (pronounced za in Arabic) (also 
called za-e mo 1 ' jamah or za'-e manqoo'tah) 
(according to jumrnal reckoning) 900 

Zalim avj. cruel unjust tyranica.l 
f ** n.m. cruel person unjust person 
oppressor tyrant ^—jl/j(fljJ'^(Pza'lim ki 

toss'* daraz' bat prov. Nemesis is slow, even 
though sure, to overtake & Zalina' nah adj. 

cruel unjust - oppressive tyranical 
adv. cruelty .unjustly oppressively 
tyranically [A 

zahtr adj. (pl zava'hir) obvious; 

■Si evident clear plain manifest 
visible apparent explicit n.m. the out 
side outward condition apparent meaning 


za'hir kar’na v.t reveal ; disclose pretend; 
make a show of za' hir' met adv. 

apparently seemingly on the face of it 
Za hir-o-ba tin n.m. the inside and out- 
side (of someone) Vyfy'iSza'hir ho'na v.i. 
appear be seen come into sight come 

to light be revealed ; be disclosed become 

manifest j/flb’ za'hir a, (ped. ''t/fif za'hir an) adv, 
outwardly zS'kiri adj. apparent out- 
ward external not real [A ~ jjf ] 

1 / rj-tara'/al n.f. wit irony jest; 

y humour ; pleasantry jocundity 
(rare) sagacity , wisdom 5$ Sj? zarafalan adv. 
facetiously ; by way of jesP cy/zarf n.m. & 
adj. witty (person) ^ jocund (person) 
(rare) wise (man) zartfa'nah adj. witty 

ironic -jocose jocular ; jocund [A] 

(1 zar'f n.m. (pl. 0>JP ziraaf') vessel 
capacity ability (good or bad) 

qualities of heast (gram.) adverb (of time or 
place) d VoS zar'f -e zaman' n.m. adverb (of 
place) d&o/zar'f-e makan' n.m. adverb (of 
pla cz)Ci/(>y r kJ* T &tabg' (ox Jii' nuk)-zar'f adj. 
pretty minded labg . (or tu nak)- 

zarfi n.f. petty-mindedness Cff'Jb ‘a’li-zarf 
adj. large-hearted; magnanimous 'Jjz^b'a'li- 
zarfi n.f. large heartedness ; magnanimity [Aj 

• it! zarif, ylil/ zarifa'nah adj. (see under 

b-fi>y n.;*. 

• ll za'far n.f. victory triumph con- 

A* quest %,S za'far -mauj adj. conquering 
(army) za'far-yab adj. victorious (person) 

j>* zil Nja. (pl. jD^iazlal') shadow 
is protection projection Jui l(P zil'tuiUak 

I J* zil'l-e ilahi n.m. (sovereign as) the 
shadow of God J^c/zWl-e khayal'^ljyt- 
khaya'l-uz'tii n.m. shadbw-play [A] 
fjy ztii'in n.m. cruelty oppression 
( tyranny harm ; wrong; injury in- 
justice hardship (CfajbffiiVjy zul'm kar'na (or 


tor'na or dha'na) v.t. oppress tyrannise 
do wrong ho'na (or toot'na) 

v.i. be oppressed be tyrannized suffer 

injustice be subjected to hardships [A] 

^ U tiul’mal n.f. (pi.. cH Pz*limal' or col. 
zulmat') darkness region of dark- 
ness tZ'iPf.balf'r-e zulumat' n.m. (arch.) Atlantic 
Ocean ^ ^zulUms’ti aoj. dark [A] 

. m ilm zalootn' adj. oppressive tyrannical 

l Jr highly unjust ^J^zaloo'm-o jahool' 

adj. unjust and ignprant [A~ prec.] 

Jr zan n.m. (pl. zunoon') presump- 

L/ tion conjecture surmise supposi- 

tion suspicion J'zan'n-e g ha lib n.m. 
strong presumption ^ lari n-e fasid n.m. 

wrong presumption I’J'^’zan kar’na v.t. 
suppose surmise suspect conjecture 

(j^jiJ’zarin-o takh'mn’ n.m. more conjecture ; 
guesswork ^ft-^tfus’n-e zan n.m. gracious pre- 
sumption ^^.y’soo'' , -e zan n.m. wrong suspicion 
zan'ni adj. conjectural unreal ; un- 
substantial IA] 

j jL* zehSr' n.m. devoice effective elevation of 
one’s wife to the supposed status of one’s 
mother or sister (A] 

\p zah'r n . f . back zah'ri adj. obverse 

adv. on the reverse written on the 
back of a document adv. on the reverse [A] 

£ zoh'r n.m. early afternoon ; time immedi- 
S* ately following midday 

f? zohoor' n.m. manifestation becoming 
JJ’ visible appearance rise ; arising 
occurance ; coming to pass l‘f L £jj£zohoor' meh 
s'ns v.t. occur ; come to pass ; come into 
being rise ; arise be manifest I'D j*;/# 
zohoor' meh la'na v.t. bring into being make 
manifest [A] 

JS zahir' n.m. supporter ally 
SZ? zaM'rah n.f. (rare) summer midday 

£■ ‘ain twenty-fourth letter of Urdu alphabet 
Sj (also called ‘ain-i moh'malah or ‘ain-e ghair'- 
manqco’tah) (used in words of pure Arabic 
extraction) (according to Jummal' reckon- 
ing) 70 

| ‘a bid n.m. (f. a'bidah ) worshipper 

adorer devotee . votary adj. 

godly pious devout (A 

‘3j N.M. ivory [AJ 

» wi ‘s'jiz adj. helpless powerless un- 

^ able ; incapable fiustrated meek ; 

humble a'na (or Afl'na) .v.i. 
be helpless fall short (of) be frustrated 
‘ajiza'nak adv. helpless humble ; 

meek adv. helplessly humbly ; meekly 
If'JTit ‘s’jizi n.f. helplessness humbleness; 
submissiveness humility lutieaty ; sup* 

.plication inability ; incapacity vfj'JZb ‘a'jizi 
kar'na v.t. show humility (to) make a 
humble entreaty entreat ; beseech ; implore 

fA ~ / ] 

Lp i . ‘ajil adj. hasty short-lived vllfU 
•'* ‘ajila'nah adj. hasty speedy 


^ ‘ad, {*jbl*‘a'd-e i'ram n.m. Adermites [A] 

* ‘ad n.m. (Math.) factoT^lsk'ad'd-e a‘’zam 
n.m. (Math.) highest common factor 
H.C.F . Jj^j[f’‘ad'd-e mush'tarak n.m. (Math.) 
common factor A ijt] 

^ . ‘a dot n.f (pl. 4-JbU‘adat') habit 
^ (rare) custom (rare) practice 

‘a’ dot par'na v.i. become a habit form the 

habit (of) get into the habit (of) get or be 

used (to) Otfc^jb'ddai dal'na v.t. & i. form 
a habit make or get used (to) adopt the 
practice (of) set a craze (for) vJlCrjir ‘a’ dot 
kar'na v.i. (arch.) get used to ‘a’ da tan adv. 

habitually by habit (frb'a'di adj. 
habitual used (to) accustomed (to) 
addicted (to) ‘a l di kar'na v.t. habitu- 
ate make used (to) accustom 

muj'rim n.m. habitual offender t 'jT(fjl* l a'di ho'na 
v.t. be addicted (to) be or get used (to) 
be accustomed (to) form the habit (of) 
[A ~ PREC.] 

J | * ‘adit adj. just upright equitable 

a dila’nah adj. just equitable 

based on justice adv. justly equitably 

[A~ Jjf] 

^ adj. (see under OjUn.f. if) 

. ‘ar n.f. shame disgrace modesty 
‘ar ana v.i. feel ashamed find 
(something) disgraceful VJ'A far kar'na v.t. & i. 
shun as below one’s dignity L’^U ‘ar' ho'na 
v.i. & i. feel ashamed ; have a feeling of 
shame regard (something) as disgraceful or 

below one’s dignity [A] 
u? 'a'riz n.m. cheek (rare) cloud adj. 

happening occurring befalling 
'a'riz-e si'iriin n.m. bright cheek 
‘a'riz-t giil-goob' n.m. rosy cheek Vyfzfj if ‘ii'riz 
ho'na v.i. befall (someone) happen (to; 

'(t'nzeh n.m. (pl. JfylJ' ‘ava'riz) sick- 
ness ; disease disorder ; trouble complaint 
L’j£ (j'D ‘ arizah lahiq ho'tia v.i. catch a 

sickness fall a prey (to) ‘ a'rizi adj. 

temporary transitory ephemeral acciden- 
tal casual (A - ] 

•,,/p ‘arif N.M. (pl. If f ‘ura fa ' , F jjif 
‘ii'rifah r. (pl. w( jjit'a rifat') mystic 
one having an intimate knowledge of God 
adj. knowing wise pious devout 

*\) 1 aTif a nah adj. wise devout adv. 
wisely devoutly (A~ yiif] 

a n AD J- ffee (from) void (of) [Aj 

•** .1 ‘ a'rijal n.f. something got on loan ; 
•• borrowed article something loaned 
out adj. borrowed loaned C 'jis'a'riyalan 
vov. on loan &! CjJv'a'riyatan le’na v.t. borrow 
for tise (£-' If ‘anyali adj. borrowed 

lent [A] 

‘ azim {( ) adj. ‘en route’ (to) , bound 
(for) resolved (on) determined 
(A~ ff] 

- ,r AU J‘ tent h [A ~ ■ | 

‘ashiq N.M. (PL. Q &'' usbshaq ) lover 

U suitor paramour fr.jsj'lt'd's/nq- 
mizaj' adj. amorous gay ‘a'shtq- 

miz'aji n.f. being amorous ' leading a. gay 
life i'j fir'lf 'ashiq ho'na v.i fall in love (with) 
fall (for)/J 'asjiiqanah adj. loving 
amorous like that of a lover It ‘ash lq 

ma'shooq' n.m. (as pl.) lover and beloved , 
devoted couple embroidered button and 
button ljole gems of mount colours (set in a 
r * n g)t ‘a'shiql n.f love amour gal- 
lantry courtship [A ~ jr*' | 

(a ‘ishoo ra (usu. but wrongly spelt as 5j^U 
* ‘ ashootah ) sacred n m. day of the tenth 

of Muharram doubly sanctified by Imam 
Husain’s martyrdom [A - 
f ‘e'sim adj. safe virtuous chaste 
f saviour 'a'simah n.m capital (of 

state, etc.) adj chaste (woman) (A 

‘a Si adj. & n.m (f ‘a ayah) sinful 

** (person) 

^ Zhl 'atifat n.f. affection kindness 

"^favour saya-e ‘ a'lif&t 

meh U'na v.t. take (someone) under one’s pro- 
tection [A] , 

.. t-'a'fiyol n.m. safety peace 

khai’r-o-‘a fiyal n.f. health and safety 
(of) welfare (of),/; r l f^^lfj/f'khai'r-n-'a'fiyai 
ki kha'bar ph. good tidings (about) [A] 

‘aq adj. (rare) undutiful (extended 
Cr ^ sense) disinherited . disowned i'/ii}l*'aq‘ 
kar’na v.t. disinherit cut off from inheritance 

[A~ oJS) 

** 3f ‘ a r ! ,hal N .f. Hereafter future life 

'f' consequence adv. at last after 
all JrU*L2Sk'‘ a qibat-ahdesjt' adj. provident 
prudent far-seeing &\x.retx!'\~>*)*ZJ\* i a'qibai- 
abdesha'nah adj. wise if^iJZ>^if‘aqibat-ande'sJn 
n.f. foresight prudence provision for 
the future ti/L'irl)bjl%££tp'a'qibatbigar'na (or 
kharab kar'na) v.i. mar one’s future state of 
bliss invite damnation by (one’s) sinfut con- 
duct aqibat ke bo’riyt snmet’na v.i 

live a very long life (usu. full of greed for world- 
ly things 'aqibat na-abdesh' (col. 

(f?i IfL'na-'aqihal-ajidesh') adj. indiscreet 

imprudent Of.* 1 If ‘aqibat na abde'shi, (col 
'a qiba! otdr'shi) n.f. indiscre- 
tion imprudence [A| 

'a'qarqarha n.m pcllitory [A| 

(JV ‘a'qil adj. & n.m. (pl. i&"'uqala) (f. 

U ' a'qilah ) wise (person) sensible 

(being) intelligent (person) 'aqila'nah 

adj wise prudent |A~ Or] 

‘a'lam n.m (pl. S’ ’ava'lnn) world 
J universe state , condition grace 

universe state , condition 

time' creatures people 'public u 'a'lam 

ara adj world-adornmg^/Vri'him-f and# n m 
spirites egile spiritual world 
‘a'lum-r asbab' n.m. the world ; the world of 
cause and effect jjyi^lt'e'lam-ajroz' adj. world- 
illuminating JJt ‘a'/am-e ba'Ia n.m. heaven- 

ly world heavenly people 
bar'zakh n.m. period or state between death 
resurrection t\>,fl*'e'lam-panafr n.m. (sovereign 
asl asylum of the world t r'Cil*'e'lam-teb adj. 
world-illuminating 'd'lam-r khaydi n.m. 

fancy pensive mood Itj 'a'lam-r to' ye 

nm dreamworld state of dreammg^^U 


‘ a’lam t si'fii n.m.' earth world 
‘a’lam-e saghir' n.m. microcosm ’Siam 

‘a’lam Adv. very much iSjP^b'a'lam-c ‘ul'vt n.m. 
heaven alam-e ghaib' n.m. the invisible 

world extra-sensary world ‘j l>^u‘a'lam-afani 
n.m. world the mortal world > ^c / f'^‘ a 7<m-e 

kabtr' n.m. macrocosm ‘ a lam-git ' adj. 

worldwide universal world-tonquering n.m. 
world conqueror (as appellation of a Moghul 
ruler ^ufD^b'alam-e Ishoot' n.m. world (or state) 
of creature’s, oneness with God J&(*b‘a'lam-e 
misal' n.m. (Platonic) world of ideas 
‘ alam-e mas'tl n.m. state of intoxication 
heat period lasciviousness alam-e 

malakoool' n.m. .angalic world ; the world of 
angels 'a'lam-e nasoot' n.m. world; the 

mortal world tfb ‘ a’laini adj . international 
world world wide global uni- 
versal [A] 

‘Slim n.m. (pl. U' ulama f. >1* ‘ a’limah ) 

| learned man sage savant 

Muslim theoligeari adj. learned knowing 
' lim-ul-g^aib' n.m. God (one knowing 
the invisible as well) w U b ‘a'lima'nah adj. 
learned (disconise, etc.) sage-like [A ~ ^ Him) 
dlf 3 ' am * AD ^‘ ^ SeC un ^ cr f U ‘a lam n.m if) 

lie, AD J- (r./Jb a'Hyak) high lofty 
0 elevated ; exalted eminent noble 
grand ; magnificant>/L/J^‘o7i-<flter' adj. of 
noble descent*!? Ju ‘s’li-jak adj. highly placed ; 
high-ranking int.. (pl. ^isf.b ‘ati-ja’ha) your 
honour your excellency ‘r'Cftt* 1 a' li-janiib'- 
adj. esteemed high-ranking int. your 
honour your excellency ‘a 1 li-khandan’ 

adj. of noble birth n.m. noble family ; well to- 
do family ^bjJ^ali-dimsgh’ adj. intelligent 
(one) with high notions proud ; vainc^l? 
‘d'fl-sft an adj. grand splendid magnifi- 
cent C^Jb'Sti-zar'f adj. magnanimous tif/JU 
‘a'li-zar'Ji n.f.^ magnanimity C>jB>^b'a'l% jit'rat 
adj. noble £*ydlt‘a'li-mar'tabat adj. noble 
high ranking ^fj^a'li-him’mat adj. 
ambitious daring ll-him' m'ati n.f. 

daring ; courage ambition ; ambitious- 
ness [A] 

‘am adj. common ordinary general 
[ ** all customary usual widely 
known mass ‘am-fah'm adj. intelligible 
to the common man ; simple and easy (■**.> 
kfca's-o ‘ am (or ped. %hass-) high and low vU 
•am' mob adj, public of the masses (/'O&b 

‘am'mai-un-nas' n.m. pl common people ^1# 
‘a mi n.m. commoner adj. common (man) 

1 a'miyanah adj. vulgar f r [/ , ‘avam n.m. pl "if 

fA~ f V] 

‘am n.m. (pl. i'\/ia < vam) (rare) year [A] 

, a'mirak adj. replete well-in-habited 
(fig.) royal s/by&khiza'na-e ‘a'mirah 
n.m. royal exchequer [A] 

Li. 'a mil n.m. labourer worker agent 
spiritualist revenue collector ; ruler 

!*- Si 

fie , ‘° mma h adj. ( S * ‘ a'ml n.m. & adj. 

** ‘amiySnah adj. (see under adj. if)" 

•'7 •a ’id adj. incumbent devolving 
•A* 'a'id ho’na y.i. (of duty) devolve 

(upon) incumbent (on) 

S i * a'ilah n.m (pl.. <JbP' , iyal) family $ 1/ 

‘a’ili adj. family^y^k ‘a'tVl qavanin n.m.- 
n.m. PL. family laws ; special laws governing 
marriage, divorce, etc. [A] 
ip ‘aba’ n.f. cloak [A] 


‘*bdd' n.m. (pl. of j/ , ‘i() 


*• * p’iba'dat 'N.f, worship prayers 

church service devotion l"/OjlS‘iba'Ji;t 
kar’na v.T. worship ; jb'Hba dal-gah n f. 
place of worship temple mosque church 
\j£,)V f, tba' dat guzar' adj. worshipping n.m. 
worshipper wtAty^lJc/^iba'dat-guzan x.v. 
worship devotion [A ~ jjk] 

* ,p‘iba'rat n.f. passage (of writing) 

diction phraseology expression 
consist '$<jl£' / ilf"ibarat-ara'i n.f. ornamenta- 
tion of Style (usu. overmuch) ; attention to 
style [A] 

. . ‘abbas’ n.m. (rare)Hion name of one 
\J y of the Holy Prophet’s uncle’s who was 
the progenitor of the Abbasids (f’&'abba'si, 
lf lf’^fgu'1-e ‘abba si n.m. a species of red flower 
Marvel of Peru [A] 

* p'ibas adj. useless i unavailing ; of no 

a vail vain bootless ADv. uselessly 
vain to no purpose [A] 

A 'fl«N.M,(PL, W) slave (fig.) 
-At devotee JjLf'abdullah n.m. God’s slave 
(fig.) Muslim^b 'ibadul'lah N.M. 
slaves of God people masses Muslims *■&»'?' 
I iboodi/yat n.f. servitude (fig.) devotion 

being God slave [A] 

l^ 0 f'‘ibra'ni, (rare £/? ‘ib'ri) adj. Hebrew [A] 

M &'ib'rat n.f. example ; lesson warn- 
ing; zAmonxtxonjAfCyA'ib'rat-aligez' sai- 
exemplary ; serving as a warning ; admonitory 
Jy?i>~yf' , ib'rat-a1)ge' & n.f. serving as a warning 
/%i£$f ‘ib'rat pazir’ adj. taking a warning tS/jffi 
‘ib'rat pazt'ri n.f. taking a warning 
‘ib'rat pa' karris v.i. be warned ; take a warning 
(from) CbiCyf ‘ib'rat dila’ns v.t. teach a lesson 
(to) ; make an example oftytJ^S'ib'rat ho'rm 
v.t. & t. be warned prove a warning 

(to) (A] 

* •££r‘ab'qari n.m. paragon of beauty adj. the 

best [A] 

A- ‘iiboor‘ n.m. crossing (river, etc.) 
passing transportation perfect know- 
ledge (o{)jj2'£—ls>jjf’ , uboo'r-e daryc'-e shot n.m. 
transportation beyond the seas (as form of life 
imprisonment Vj'(J*\*jjf'"uboor' hs'sil kar'na v.t. 
be (come) fully conversant with I'J'jj? ‘uboor' 
kar’na v.t. cross ; go across pass [A] 

. £,‘aboos’ adj. testy , jJ&\sjf'‘aboo’son qam- 
C' lari’ r a adj. (joc.) strict and testy [A] 
‘ob’har n.m. yellow narc issus [A) 

J jp ‘ubaid’ n.m. small slave (A - J-? ] 

•• * 

e,'a\nr’ (corr. ^ / abir’) n. m. tale powder 
mixed powder of rose, sandal saffron and 
cut mica (esp. for sprinkling during Holi) [A] 

, ji** fr'itsb* n.m. displeasure reproof 

• ^ rtprixnsnd^ji-^'itab’-za'dah adj. (some- 
one) who has incurred another’s displeasure 

kar’na v.t. reprimand ^rj.) !)«-'{/' 
‘itab’ (na'zil) ho'na v.i. be reprimanded 
incur displeasure (of) (A) 
g^y'it'ral n.f. progeny (A] 

•*&' Usman' n.m. young ruddy goose 
Cfl* young dragon name of the Orthodox 
Caliph name of the founder of Ottoman Cali- 
phate 1 isms' ni adj. Ottoman n.m. des- 

candent of the third Orthodox Caliph [A] 

* *atiq' adj. (f. or pl. JjJ* ‘ ad'qah ) 

U* ancient antique J>p*jt7 ara -< ’atlqah 
n.m. ancient monuments relics of the part 
archeological finds [A] 

‘aja'ib n.m. pl. (double PL.«S'f'(^ 
. ajs'ibst’) curios curiosities 
wonders ; wonderful things marvels 
'aj&”ib-khs'nah,j7 t ^>[$'‘aj&"ib-$ n.m. museum 

‘aja ri ib-o-$ara' , ib n.m. pl curios 
and rarities wonders [A ~ sing. 

g’a'jab n.m. wonder surprise adj. 

™ • stranve wonderful marvellous 



' , > strange wonderful marvellous 

rage [A] 

y‘ij'b n.m. pride; vanity; conceit 
arrogance hauteur tsSft^'aj'b-o-nakh'vat 
n.m. hauteur and self-pampered ness [A] 

, £ ‘aj’z (col. c: ij'z) n.m. helplessness 
powerlessness humility submission 

‘aj’z-o-inkisar’ n.m. humility and low- 
liness [A1 

^,j£' , uj’lat (ped .iijalat) n.f haste hurry 
J^C^'ujlat meii adv in haste 

hurriedly fA] 

£ 'a’jam n.m. non-Arab peoples as dumb 
f’ tongue-tied or harbarwr races) Persia 
‘a’jami (ped. a‘’jami) n.m. (pl. A 
‘ a.’ jam , a'a’jum) Persian non-Arab 

dumb ; mute [A] 

£ ‘ ajoo’bah n.m. (col. for *£fo‘joo’bah if) 

* £ ‘ajooz’ (or usu. but wrong ‘ajoo’zah , 
J A • n.f. old woman hag[A~ ■£] 
fy ‘ajib’ adj. strange wonderful 

admirable surprising ; astonishing 
marvellous •-sj'j^A i aji'b-o-%harlb‘ adj. strange 
marvellous curious *^'lf‘ajs"ib n.m. pl.^ 

—Jl 1 ads’ lat n.f. court of law ; lawcourt ; 
>m * r court tribunal judge equity ; 
justice Jpf &!i'ads'lat-e khafi’/ah n.f. Small 
Causes Court jfebada’lat-e ‘s’liyah n.f. High 
Court ; Chief Court U* ads’ lat- 1 'ul’ys n.f. 

Supreme Court vf zS'j* ‘ads’ lat kar’na v.t. & 1. 

sat as court give judicial verdict (rare) 
do justice ifocJb'adalat lags’ ns v.t. hold the 
court 'ads’lat lag’ ns v.t. (of court, be 

held)o"> jbfjdlvs’nt 'ads’lat, ‘ads’ lat-* 

divam n.f. civil court ^(fjlf^/vruj-ds ri 'ads'- 
lal,(Jj[/f)^'j* ‘ada'lat-e J'auj-da'rl n.f. criminal 
court 8*'* ‘ads’ lad adj. judicial court 
'&',jjtf& > '*'sda’lanksr-r<oi*''l n.f. judicial 
proceedings court proceedings 

' ads’ tati mass" H n.m, p.l (arch.) maxims of 
equity (A - J>» ) 

„ , ‘ads’ vat n.f. enmity hostility 

animosity malice feud c/jAjIm 
‘ ads’ vat rakh'ns v.i. bear malice (towards) 
be mimical (to) 1 'j^slt'ads’vai mksl’ns vt 
gratify (one's) malice |A — >j*\ 



t 'M'dat n.f. probationary period (of 
three months for divorced woman or of 
four months ten days for widow) (rare) 
number (of) (tc/fj VJtfjjzPje ‘ id' dal poo'rt kar'na (or 
gazar’ ns) v.i. complete the probationary period 
‘id'dat men banh'na v.i. wait (before 
remarriage, etc.) for probationary period [A] 
‘a’dad n.m. (pl. ^ ta’dad') number 

numeral figure number of packages, 
etc. with traveller total of jummal reckoning 
(of word, etc.) ‘a’dad-e sahih’ n.m. in- 

teger ; whole number ‘a’dad-e vas'fl n.m. 
cardinal number ‘a'dad-e tbrti'bl n.m. 

ordinal number (fjje‘a'dadl adj. numeral 

numerical C^J^jt-'a'dadi fauqiy'yat n.f. numeri- 
cal superiority (fjjihzi^si'fat-e ‘a'dadt n.f. 
numeral adjective [A] 

I it ‘ a d'l n.m. justice ; equity division 
into -halves./ Jj&'ad'l-par'var adj, just 
‘ad'l-par'v ■ n.f. justice 'ad' l karna 
v.t. do justice {S/^eJjt'ad'l-gus' lari n.f. adminis- 
tration of justice IjfJjt'ad'l ho' ns v.i. (of justice) 
be administered [A] 

'a'dam n.m. nothingness non-existence 
Hereafter default^ (ped.) lack (of) 
pref. (col.) non-existence J'ft.j/fltf'aVam ada’igi 
N.f non-payment ‘a'dam(e) istita“al n.f 

inability ; incapacity insolvency poverty 
'a'dam{-e) ifidiraj’ n.m. non-entry{p^^t» 

‘ a'dam pai'ravt n.f. non-appearance (in court) ; 
default of prosecution ‘a'dam (-t) td‘a'vUn 

n.m. non-co-operation ‘a'dam (-e) ta'mil 

n.f. non-compliance non-service ; non- 
execution jj2>fji’ i a'dam-e tashad'dud n.m. non- 
violence ‘a'dam-e tavaj'joh , (if ‘a'dam 

twxgjohA n.f. lack of attention ‘ a'dam(-e ) 

suboat’ n.m. lack want or absence of proot jljrfjfi 
'a' darnel) jauaz n.m. unlawfulness ; illegality 

a' i 

want of leisure LzJ*ik(j*‘a'dam(-e) mUda'khalat 
n.f. non-intervention ‘a'dam maujoo'dagt 

n.f. absence non-existence J&ufj*‘a'dam 
anqifiy'yal n.f. want of information tM(jt 
‘a‘dam(-o~) o^jood’ n.m. existence and non- 
existence ‘adam[-o-) vOjood bara’bar 

ho’n a v.i. (of someone) be a non-entity be 

of no significance^*! adj. null 

and void annulled quashed I'fpiAlfkal 
‘a'dam bar' na v.t. quash annul rescind 
kal- a'dam ho' na v.i. be quashed be 

annulled become extinct (-* mul'k-t ‘a'dam 
n.m. next world Hereafter [A] 
i ‘ad'n n.f. Paradise Eden (rare) 
perpetuity [A] 

.jj jj ‘a'dan n.m. Aden (A) 

‘adoo’ n.m. (pl. a'da' enemy ; foe 
'ddtmn' n.m. transgression cruelty [A] 

( lc 'adool' non-compliance aberra- 

0^^* tion if ‘udoo't-e huk'm, (col.Jbs^ 
kuk'm ‘ udao'li ) n.m. disobedience insub- 
ordination !}uk'm ‘vdoo'li kar'na v.t. 

disobey ; refuse to obey ; refuse to comply 
with orders be refractory be guilty of in- 
subordination [A ~ Jj*} 

J ' - ‘adll’ n,m. equivalent equal ; peer ; 

_* of the some status (as) [A~tM 
ft ‘adim’ adj. extinct lacking 
w ‘adi'm-ul-fui'sat ADJ; having no leisure 
very busy with ones hands full jo 
* adi' m-ul-misal ' adj. unparalleled incom- 

parable peerless adV m-Sn-nazW adj. 
unprecedented [A ~ J 

I . ‘azab’ n.m. ' punishment torment ; 
-^torture i misfortune trouble trouble- 
some person Ij'w-'ljp ' a zab' ban'na v.t. prove to be 
a nuisance ( for). t,'l> w lie 'azab' bana'na v.t. make 
a nuisance (for )\^><-p>ljt'azab' ddna v.t. punish 
torture ; torment Cdjzi^ljt'azab' mol’ Wna 
v.i. invite trouble land oneself in trouble 
ijifj 0/b ) ‘azab’ mefi phahs’na (or giriftar’ 
ho’na) v.i. be involved in difficulties (A] 
l t* ‘tzar’ n.m. cheek jVv^gUl-'azar' adj. & 
^ ** n.m. rosy-cheeked (sweetheart) [A] 

./>. 'az’b adj. sweet ; mellifluous 
* ‘az’ bill-bay an adj. sweet-tongued : elo- 

quent (A) 

• *2 z’t n.m. excuse pretext plea 

apology (legal) objection counter- 
claim ; cross demand l£/j*'at!r-e be-ja r n.m. 
improper plea ,tjt/J*‘tlz'r-khah adj. apologising 
N.M. apologist I'jjttyjjs'uz'r-khak ho'n a v.t. raise 
an objection ‘uz'r-kha'hi n.f. excuse 
apology Vj'jliy-jJt’ ‘uz’r-kha'hl kar'na v.i. 
apologize put up an excuse jbjj*‘uz'r-dai 
n.m. objector ^f,/ bjjt 'dz'r-da'rt n.f. legal state- 
ment of objections cross demand; counter- 
claim 'jj lf/> ‘Uz‘r-e qanoo'm n.m. legal objection 
WsCjjt't&r ke qa’bil adj. excusable 
objcctionabl e ‘uz’r-e lofig’ n.m. lame excuse 


iH(na) qa'bil < sam"at Uz’r adj. (un)- 
tenable plea [A] 

|,V ‘az'ra n.f. virgin (sign of Zodiac) 
Virgo [A] 

•, f e, Hraq' n . m . Iraq name of a musical 
- £ mode Jl/Hra'qt adj. Iraqi [A], 

fit r, ‘ara’ , iz n.f. pl. petitions j$J a ty*ara , 'iz- 
X n avis' n .11 . petition-writer (A ~ sing. 

t -j -fa'rab n.m. Arab Arabia (cor- 
• / rectly .only) Arabs bila'd-e 'a'ratr 

*&iZ4t'ja&'rat-‘a'rabx.u. Arabia J f ‘a'rabi n.f. 
adj. Arab ; Arabian [A] 

^.p'ar'badah n.m. quarrelsomeness /«*/ 

•/ 'ar'bada-joo adj. quarrelsome touchy 

testy [A] 

J ^a'rabi n.f. & adj. (see under wf'N.M.^A) 

w . ‘Sr'r n.m. death anniversary (of saint) 

. ‘ar'sh N.m. the empyrean (as throne 
of God) (fig.) throne high seat 

l//.<j/ l ar'sh-t betrih', ar'sh-e mo'al'la n.m. 

the empyrean throne of God Ot^-ii/^'ar'sh 
par jhool'na v.i. be exalted be very high 

be very lofty (y^y. Of ‘ar'sh par (harka’na v.i. 

exalt ; elevate the .highest states lavish 
indue praises .(on) l'jf'£ / b-/j/‘ar'sh par dimagf}' 
ho’na,‘Cjf^dy'pb dimagh’ ‘ar'sh par ho'na v.i. be 
very proud ^CO/^-iJ/'ar'sJx sefar'sh iak adv. 
everywhere all over the universe^^iitX^^ 
‘ar'sh he ta're tor'na v.i. work wonders **/ ‘ arshah 
n.m. deck (of ship) [A] 

^, ‘ar' sak n.m. period ; time ; space of 
time . interval duration place 
field space scope (of) ^^‘ar'sa-t hayW 
n.m. span of life l ‘ar'sah lagans v.i.^ delay 
take a long time; take long (overJ^C^^-*^ 
‘ax'sa-e hayat' tahg' kar'na v.T. give hell (to) 
make things difficult ({ar) L js^&lx*f‘ar'sa-e 
hayat'tafig' ho'na v.i. find things difficult (for 
orvt)y^*f’ , or'sa-e maJf'shar n.m. resurrection 
plain ‘ ar'se tak adv. long ; for a 

long time tZ-z^/L/fek ‘ar'se se adv. since long 
</*+/(/> is ar'se'meti adv. during this time 
in the meantime ; meanwhile [A] 

I?*, ‘or'z n.f. (n./’t/'fa'raz') request; en- 
Uy treaty petition representation 
(arch.) repart review (of parade) width;, 
breadth J lsj\j*/‘ar’z irsal ' n.f. (arch.) report 
return mvnmJkO/'ar'z-be'gi n.m. (arch.) 
officer presenting representations to the sovereign 

(Jbj*/ ‘ar't-e hal' n.m. submission state* 
ment of facts C?L*/ ‘ art-dish' t n . f. memorial 
memorandum petition Wij/'ar'z-kinih'dah 
n.m. petitioner j , jjrtjy' i ar'z-rna‘r<>oz' n.f. ^ 
petition entreaty purport of request 
‘ar'zan adj. breadthwise (f*/'ar-& n.f. . appli- 
cation petition representation 0*(// ‘ca-Q 
de'na v.T. submit a petition apply 
‘or’&da’v 3 n.m. petition of plaint \}aP<//‘ar'& 
likh'na v.i. write an application draft a 
petition { ji)(//‘ar'&-naDis’ n.m. petition- 
writer notary ; notary public [A] 

N ' F * ( PL -X^/ a ‘ r ^O honour [A] 

'a' rat n.m. (n. i sfffa“rat) attribute (A] 


• ‘Ur’zak n.m. butt ; target [A) 

. f,‘ar'f n.m. alias (rare) common law 
law of the land adj. known (by the name 
of) ; commonly called ; alias ‘iir'fen adv. 
(rare) according to common law J /"‘Ur'/i adj. 

well-known formal [A] 

|j ^,‘Srafa' n.m. (pl. of Jfjteis) 

.. i*^'arafat' n.m. vaste expanse twelve miles 
^7 from Mecca, where major Haj rito is 
performed &[>j'c)l>smatda'n-e ‘ arafaf n.m. t£; 
Arafat expanse [A] 

.i *pirfoif n.m. intimate knowledge of God 
Vzs highest form of mystical experience 
discernment (A) 

* fSar'fah n.m. major- Haj day ; day before 
X/ sacrificial Eid day preceding either 
Eid [A] 

^ jt'Ur’fi adj. (see under Us^N.M, 

<* -‘a'raq n.m. (pl. Jj/*Urocq‘) distilled 
Of Concoction ; water (of) perspiration ; 

sweat CbTo/'a’raqa ja'na v.i. sweat ; perspire 
cpJUO/ ‘a’ roq-aloo’d(ah) adj. sweaty; per- 
spiring n.f. hard weak 

doing something by the sweat of rate's brow 
Vj'lf% J tj/ t a'raq-re'& kar’na v.i. work hard 0/ 
‘raq a'raq ho ja'na v.i. perspire through 
^iOiD.e(liXsi/ij\jr^(y/' t a'raq k&ehtk'aa (or kashld' 
kar'na) v!*t.” distil ‘■^U?<jf , ‘a'raq-t gilab' n.m. 
rose-water y^o/ 'a’raq-gir' n.m. saddle cloth; 
sweat-cloth [A] 

‘TfidV'f n.m. (pi-.&ti/Hrqat^jf'uroaq’) vein 
W WO/ Hr'q-un-nasa' n.m. sciatica [A] 

7 * ft*™]' N - M - rise success elevation 
exaltation height 



'Urooj' n.m. height (of) highest point (of) 
acme [A] 

^ -Vw' n.f. bride J'tj’ ‘aroo'si adj. bri- 
/dal. nuptial n.f. marriage j wedding 
taqn’b-t * aroo’si n.f. wedding ceremony 
(ftfjSWla-e ‘aroo'si n.m. bridal apart- 

ment (rare) nuptial bed [A] 

^,'aroog' n.m. prosody (rare) second 

~ V quarter of couplet J’j/'fUl’m-e urooz', 
/f/l/ ‘iim~ul'‘ urooz n.m. science of prosody 
&r ‘ uroo'zi adj. prosodic [A] 

Cr'urooq* n . f . ( pl . of ofa'raq n m . -jz orj/ 
V / ‘ irq n . f . *) 

. it pPrysti adj. nude ; nacked bare 

detoid (of) divested obscene / 
(i/ji) jzto-nigar' (or nans ' ) n.m. & adj. 
obscene (writer) (fj^'JJz/'ur'yan-niga'ri 

(or Houi'si) n.f. obscene writing obscenity 
in writing i)l/‘firya'n» n.f. nudity naked- 
ness obscenity [A] 

\e).‘ariz' adj. wide ; broad vasi'‘-o- 

'*'S 'ariz adj. wide and expansive [A ~ ] 

J^yari'tohrt.m. (pl .J a>, f'‘ara"iz) (polite 
•v word for) letter (rare) petition [A ~/f’] 
•t/'tl n.m. glory ' az'za int. glorified (be) 

s glorious (be) c/// ‘az'za va jai'la int. 
glorified and exalted be the name of (God) [A] 

N.F. mourning condolence /y// 
/ ‘azi'-dar’ n.m. mourner (esp. of Imam 
Hussain) tfjbtf ‘aza'-da’ri n.f. mourning (esp. 
of Imam Hussain) 

‘atHtfl' n.m. Satan [A] 

^‘aza"im N.M. (pi., of c/^'aZi'mat or/'/' 


y.^uz’za n.f. the most honoured women (as 
O/ the name of a pre- Islamic Arab idol) [A *» 

** n.f. respect honour dignity 

esteem reputation izzatOUu/ 
‘it'zet Btar’na v.T. insult disgrace; dishonour 
abute TVpdfijtcJf'iz' tat bigar'na v.t. & 1 . 

disgrace (someone or on.zve\{) jbizJfiz' zat-dar, 
the*/' ‘iz'zaUca'la adj. respectable^^ *£// ‘ iz'zat- 
iara'nah adj. respectable n.f. 
respectability bjiSrp'iz'zat-de’na v. exalt 
confer honour or dignity (upon) dign 
‘iz'zat rakk'na v.t. & i. presen e (one’s or 
someone’s) honour or good name achieve or 
give success (in endcavoUr)Cv fc i^'‘«c>af raih'na 
v*t. dc i. preserve (one’s or someone’s) honour 

or good name achieve or give success (in en- 
deavour) 1’j{ fiHfty'iz'zat ka la’ goo ho'na, 

‘iz'zat ke fn’cthz par' ns v.t. be bent 

upon ruining-the honour or reputation (of) 
try to give a bad name (to) sully (someone’s) 
name kill a character kar'na v. 

honour dignify pay respect (to) 

‘iz'zat Ic'na v.t. insult disgrace ; dishonour 

put to shame destroy the reputation (of) 

abuse rapet f Xp}t/t^>'f , ‘iz' zat^meh far'q 

ana v.i. (of one’s name) be sullied^lC/i'Y^f 
ma'ab' adj. honourable ; hon’ble 
(Sj/kjS'iz'zat meti bat'tah lag'na (or far'q a'na) 
v.i. have one’s reputation, character or name 
svUicd*~fc£J>e-‘iz'zat AD). disgraced ; dis- 
honoured disreputable defamed noto- 
rious tf/d^-be ‘iz'zati n.f. disgrace in- 
sult [A] 

S •ffitm'Xl n.m. name of the angel of death ; 
SJV Izra”il(A~H] 

l~,‘az'l n.m. dismissal removal (from 

U/ office) (rqre) exterior ejection a method 
of birth control ‘az'l-<mas'b n.m. dis- 

missal and appointment [A] 

/• ‘fie'/af n.f. retirement solitude 

go'sha-e ‘ uz'lat n.m. solitary corner JjJCt’f 
‘Uz'lat-gQzUi’ n.m. recluse adj. (one) leading a 
life of retirement [A ~ (J/J 
f,C,‘az'm n.m. (.Pi-fr/'aza'im) resolve de- 
I / termination aim ; purpose ; intention 
(/k {'/‘az'm bil-jaz'm, /f*-f‘az'm-e musam'- 
mam n.m. firm resolve [A] 

\Paziz' adj. dear (rare) mighty n.m. 
4>s (pl. ,/j a'iz'zah) relative friend 

(arch.) potentate the omnipotent (as an 
attribute of God)(U£l;t>V>/‘a*iY jan'na (or 
rakb'na ) v.t. hold dear [A - lS-/] 

*t>.‘a&'mat n.f.(pl. ‘aza"im) resolve ; 

determination intention design " 

aim ambitious plan ba ‘aiH'matjS^Lsl* 

sa'Jiib-r ‘ aa'mat adj. ambitious (one) with 
lofty aims [A] 

osa'kir n.tu. (PL. of 


^ jfUs'mt N.f. difficulty distress , hard- 

ship : poverty y^'‘us'r n.m. hard times y/ 
’asir' adj. difficult poor [A] 

/j,‘as'kar n.m. ‘asa'kir) army , armed 

force {$J/‘as’kiu\ Adj. army ; military n.m- 
(rare) soldier (AJ 


sas n.m. nightwatr.h metropolitan 
police chief (A) 
eh* a'u il n.m. honey (A| 

^j^asir' adj. isee under 

ushshaq' N.M. PL. 

name of a 


Persian musical mode [A ~ sing. 
jAi‘ij/ 13 ' n.f. night nrayers (rare) first 
| watch of night jC y Cf'isha ki namaz' n.f. 
night prayers ^l^'isha iy'ynh n.m. supper : din- 
ner [A] 

n.f. (dial.) Lord's 
ment of Lord's supper 
A r,‘u.]h‘bah n.m. sarsaparilla [A] 

Zm& ashii' n.m. supper rabba m 



ash' r ,ytr‘ asharah adj. & n.m. ten yZ^'ush'r 
/ adj. one-tenth n.m. tithe r ~ e 

‘asltti' n.m. very minute part (of) 1 # 

‘itj/i r-t ‘arlrir’ bhi nd ho’ ha v.i. be no match 

(for) not to be even a minute part (of)^^" 

‘ ash' rah adj. ten n.m. ten-day opening period 
(of Muharram as period of mourning over 
Imam Husain’s martyrdom ‘ a™ ra-c 

mil bash' sharah n.m. pl. the blessed ten , the ten 
companions of the Holy Prophet blessed with 
salvation even during their lifetime 
•(i.vfi’ra-e mohar’ram n.m. Muharram mourning 
period (A | 

„ ** pish’rat n.f. gaiety happy social life 

pleasure?! (C^'ish'Tat-ka'dali n.m. house 
of pleasure Cj&i/a'ai'.sh-a-'irh' rat n.f. gaiety 
"debauchery [A! 

'ash' int. (expressive of approving 
Ls astonishment) (used only in) 

'ash 'ash' kar'iin v.i. admire greatly [ono.] 

n.m. love passion j bj^'ishq 

Jr baz' n.m. gallant \ovrr jljljr'ish'q- 
baZa'nah adj. a m orous ish'q-ba'zi NS. 
love-making amour gallantry (jlgtir'i sh'q- 
ptthal i' n.m. American jasmine ivy 
‘ish'q-t haqi'qt N.M. divine love , spiritual love 
(f }lf (j^ish' f* maja'zi n.m. mundane love, car- 
nal love Jk^tshqiyjujh adj, love, of Invc 
amatory erotic [A] 

Ogle coquetry blan- 
atb'ca-gar adj. coquetish 
n.m, coquette amoroush. playful ogler 
. iS/ty* ‘esh'ifrga/l' n. r. coquetrv blandish- 
ment 1 A! 

ashir adj. onc-tt:n!h i/ c'y*‘*’‘wVi'r-r 

ah), (see Mnder^^AP). A; N M. 
t 1/ n.m. stick ; staff ; dub 
sceptre mzee jbs.f*?' as u- 

bar-ddr' n.m. mace- bearer 
‘asa'-rpi'ri n.m. old man's stafl' 

(fig.) old man's sonyTl/^l 
'as a-e sha hi n.m. roval sceptre 

'asa’-f kahtri y ijyj/jxi&'asa'-t moo' suet 
n.m. miraculous rod of shoes [A] 

uStiTah n.m. extract juice [A 


r,\l' sab N.M. (PL.k-d, •coil's dll') 

sinew tendon ligament 
1 Osaka' v.i (col. fii^'asbd'li) adj. 

inittoc , 


restless , uneasy 'asabah (pi., 'a' sub 

double. pl. ^Lafa'sab') n.m. muscle . sinew 

tendon ligament nerve distant relations 

on paternal side dentitle inheritance in cer- 
tain cases) one's people whom one is honour- 
bound to support and defend the cliit- 

‘ asabiy'yat n.m. bigotry ; prejudice 

or defence of one's people [A] 
sfr'os' r n.m. time age epoch 
s' late afternoon prayers extract 
'as r-e ha zir n.m. modern world 


VtVi N.M, 

dishrncnt JtjT 


day world ; modern age v J ' ' as' r ki namaz' 
n.f. late afternoon praxcrx ham 'as 1 n.m. 
& adj. contemporary yj / ^f''asr.\'nah n.m. tea 
party garden party afternoon tea if 
* as'ri adj. modern (Aj 

J^p'usfoor' n.m. (pl yi Issh’nsajir) sparrow [A] 

1 e,'is’mal n.f. chsslityiJz>jSjO t **i.s'mai-o- 
\ut/^ 'ij'fal n.f. chastity ha-'n'mat adj. 
chaste (woman) iS^yf^jan'Iiar-e 'is mat n.m. 
quality of chastity [A] 

U /his’ yah n.m. sin disobedience iA~ 

* Ja'zalah n.m. (pi *"(j Jo? ' az.alaV ) muscle 

tissue (A] 

* £,' uz’v n.m. (pl. Uaf ’ ja ' za ) limb organ 

(rare) member (of)^O ’s+f , ‘uin-* 

tana'sul n.m. penisc mu' at’ till 
derelict organ ineffectual |>erson 
stitution [A] 

ala x.t. gift , present endow- 

confer bes- 
hu tla 



or in* 

^^menr bounty favour 
grant l'/US 'nta km' Hu v 1 
low grant - accord . give V/’Hof' ‘ala 
v.i. be conferred be bestowed 

granted be accorded be 
'aUi’-e h> ba-hqa -c ta prov. 

1 have die honour ra 

given Ik*" 

vein are anoditv 
return the «i‘t to 

you [A] 

/ attar' N.M. 

I lmtr airar N - M - chemist , druggist , apothc- 
^***xary perfumer tSjibf’‘att,a'rt jj.f. drug- 
gist’s business perfumer’s trade [A ~ Jo?] 
Sutarid n.m. (planet)., mercury pen- 
X/lfS^man calligraphist /ijjO^’uitsnd raqam 
N.M. calligraphist [A] 

5 Zfata'i N.M. quark charla- 
pU^tanfA- US) 

Lr/tVV n.m. scent ; perfume ; ‘can-de-cologne’ 
otto : atta r yy.jsf ‘it’ r-bez' adj. scent- 
bearing perfume-spreading (S//-P*' l it'r-he'z% 
H.r. spread of fray c> bj^'U'r-ddn n.m. perfume 
box r ka pho'ja n.m. cotton flock of 

scent 4 1‘j^sL ) O^/^'it'r kkefich 'ns (or kashid' 
kar'ns ) v.t, extract essence (of) (O'b 
laga'na (or mal'na) v.t. & i. apply perfume • 
scent VI mth bass’ na v.i. seem [A] 
^yptal'sah N.m. sneeze [A] 

}.L£>'n’ta$h n.f. thirst a'lash int thirst ; 

I am thirsty &cW‘al'sbaii' adj. thirsty [A] 

* N M - co-ordinating two words 

phrases or clauses with a conjunction 
turning ; diverting kindness , favour t >i»^P> r 
h&r'j-e ‘at'/ conjunction [A] 

tAaii'yah n.m. (pl. t lt> ‘ataya) gilt , prc- 
sent grant assignment endowment 

' 1 

N.M. (Pl<.fU>f“izam') bones f A] 

\m • ‘izam adj. (pi,, of azim) (see under 

[Ur N.F. ★) 

i^azmat (ped .-‘azamat) jif'izam n.m. 
I**'-* greatness magnificence grandeur 

'iiz'ma adj. greatest of great magni- 
tude ffj** l azim’ adj. (pl^U ^‘izam') great 
grand magnficenteli^Cr 'azt'm-ush-shsn' adj. 
grand magnificent [A] 
frif'fat v.F.^li^hj/a/' n.m chastity 
^■"'‘^continence [A]-. 

—slf * N - M< (^t^jtif'afarit') giant . ogre , 
*7i^r demon [AJ 

, i. • cS a f'°] n.m. bow vow , cry of dog 


••/afv t*.u. pardon; forgiveness vfyi? ‘q / '» 
kar'ns v.t. pardon j 't-t-iiat- 

n.f pardoning and over-looking [A] 

„ * ‘itfwnat N.F. stink bad smell [A] 


‘ U’fiya 'an'hu, 'ajat'lahu * an'IrU 

•y pf* ph may God grant hint remission of 
sins (A — I 

^jy' a fif a h N F - & adj. chaste (woman) [Ay^ 

*• 'uqsb' n.m. eagle fAj 

n.m. punishment [A] 

I s.-jaqa" id N.M. (PL. of cJ^NM ■*) 


n.m. (rare) coming after adj. slow 
UtJ^Cke 1 aq'b men adv. behind 
after at the back of [A] 

ii ' qba N.F. the next world ; hereafter [A ~ 

-c.’aq'd n.m, (pl. ‘ Qqood ' marriage ; matn- 

-* 07 mony ; wedding (rare) knot ; bond ; tie 
'aq'd kar'ns v.t. & i. marry '■ wed ~*V ab? 
‘ aq'd-na'mah n.m. marriage contract &&'AO?‘aq'd-i 
nikah' n.m. bond of marriage VjpA&f' i aq'd ho'ntu 
v.i. be married [A] 

^ n.m. ( PL - jp^'uqood') necklace 
garland (A) 

0 ^ iq liah hl-M ' problem. difficulty ; 

trouble mystery .enigma perplexity 
i'/lX i A&duq'dah hal kar'ns v.t. solve a pressing 
problem 'uq'dah hal ho’ns v.i. (of 

problem) be solved 'it//' d a- k U.slja ' adj. & 

n.m. (one) who removes (anothers) difficulties 
'Uq da- kasha' ’t n.f. removal of difficul- 
ties ; solution of problem O^fJZfkQqdah kit si' n a 
V.i. (of mystery) come to light [A] 

n.m. (P\..<-^j(af"aqarib) scorpion 
•yP 7 (sign of Zodiac) Scorpion [A) 

Zfkaq'l N.M’ (pi.. J^'uqool') wisdom 
L J sense conimonsense understanding 
reason intelligence intellect >\)Jr'aq‘l-t 
imam n.f. reason human intellect 

‘aq'l bariys bhaifn int how silly of 
you why don’t you use commonsense 
V‘y.^l/aq'1 par par'dah (or pat'thar) par'na v.i 
do something foolish take a wrong decision 
aq’l (gkai') char'ne ja'rts v.J dis- 
play stupidlvff'^t^ljtl^^'a^'/ (hakra'ns (or 
chak'kar meft ana ) v.i. be confused be at 

one's wits end d'i fif**' otfl-t hawa'm (ped 
(-hayavo!-) n f animal instinct dath 

n.f wisdom tooth dJ'VS’tJr'aq'l khar cjl kar'ns 
v.t use one’s sense J^paq'l da fig ho'us 

v.t. be aslonhbzdCl/jjf^j&jJr aqi [ke gho'rr ) 
d aurs' ns v.t. think guess reason use 

one’s sense kkj(y^‘aq'l dt'na v. i advise 
‘aq'l-e salim' N.F. sound min h 
ba’hxr adj. inconceivable , bgyond conibre 



hension unreasonable nonsense^VUil^t^ 
ijJx / 'aq'l ka ah'dha gakfh' ka poo'ra ph. 
foolish rich man greedy simpleton 
‘aq'l ka poo'ra adj. (iron.) silly (person)^ 

‘aq'l ka dustman n.m. fool ; a blockhead fV' Jn 
H/j^‘aq'1 kam' ncfhlk har’d ph. I (etc.) fail to 
understand ftf^'aq’l-a kUl' N.M. prime in- 
tellect Gabriel in this capacity very in- 
telligent person Ay (Jr‘‘aq’l hi mar' ph. cursed 
(in) intellect he pl&lu 
dah'da (or lath) li’jt fhir'na'v. I. be too silly £&* 
Uli/V‘aq'1 he na'khUn le'na v.i. not to be silly 
CfafjiJr^aq'lma'rlja'na v.i. lose one’s wits 
fTfcC Jr’ , oq'l met a'na v.i. understand^t/it^ 
t'f ‘aq’l mekffUoor’ a'na v.i. lose (one’s) 
head go mad ^be demented jfi^'Uqala’ 
adj. A Njf. (pl. of {/(fir) 'aq'lan adv. 

by inference ; by guess through intellect 
through ordinary senses x/of' , aq'l-mafid adj. 
wise sensible sane intelligent shrewd 
sagacious %jj>(fxJ* f '‘aq'l-mahd Id door’ bala 
prov. wisdom will soon get you out of trouble 
Ji'aq'ti adj. rational intellectual 
reasonable ; credible [A] 

^ppiqoo'batv.T. persecution [A] 

‘aql'dat w.f. , great respect (for saint, 
>j^etc.) devotion firm belief (in some- 
one) Ap>?‘aqi'dat-mafid n.m. & adj. devoted 
(perron) ; devotee IfXSJg^aql'dat-mafi'dl n.f. 
devotion (to) belief (in) [A doublet of poll.] 
0 *~f}aqi'dah n.m. faith belief creed 
AA* tenet article of faith doctrine 
dogma [A] 

M •*ipftq' n.m. cornelian [A] 


qah n.m. party thrown on seventh 

Jay after new birth in family tonsuring 
of baby on this occasion £■ bafh'che ka 
•aqVqah har’na v.i. throw out a party on seventh 
day of the birth of one’s child [A] 

Of '‘aqW n.m. wise oar sensible (man) ( J^*aj*'- 

lah n.f. wise women chaste lady 
[A- 1 

'fr'aftm' adj. barren (woman) 

„i/&akka*' tt.u.vUf'ahka’si n.f. (see under 

‘ah's n m. reflection photograph 
(/ image shadow converse opposi- 
tion ; contrariety antonym adj bar ‘ ah’ i 
adv. on. the ether hand ; on the contrary ; con- 

trary (to) <r* ‘ak’si adj. (printed) from 
photo-blocks photographic illustrated 

‘ak’sl uunir' n.f., photograph *.*«. 

photographer cTz'ahka’sl n.f photography 
portrayal v/lf&ifkl ‘ohha’rt hor'na v.t. 
portray [A] 

tic *«fa, f *■*»' N M - hft*gfe* of * u,u * 

V* glory |AJ 

? - ‘atfa'ff adj. half (brother or sister) step- 
47 ^(brother or sister) from the mother’s 
side (A] 

- lu’ilaj' njc. cure treatment ; medical 
(✓^treatment remedy D*‘ilaj'-btt-eid' 
n.m. allopathy rf&ifrUo-iloj-bil mis' l homoeo- 
pathy vS&lP'ilaj hor'na v.t. curse treat ; 
treat medically remedy la ‘ ilaj ' adj. 
incurable irremediable [A] 

‘ ila'qah (ped. ‘ala’qah) n.m. area re- 

-^^gion ; circle ; division ; jurisdiction 
estate territory relation ; connection 
interest concern MJl)*'ila'qa~bakd Km. gold 
lace worker [A] 

< .‘ala'lat n.f. illness ; ailment malady 
^^jf'alti’ADj. ★lA] 
jf..‘allam' AO}. Omniscient (as an attribute of- 
f V* God) •rif'if'ilt'aUa'm-Bl'ghajoob' adj. know- 
ing the unknown (as an epithet of God) 
‘aQa’mah adj. very learned person ; savant , 
Allama fA ~ J? ] 

£f‘alamaVK.r. (pl. iZWalamat’) symbol 
~ sign mark emblem symptom 
f'l j+liZSlP'ala'maf-e istifham' n.f. mark (or sign) 
of interrogation [A] 

•iu‘alaniyyah (or ’alainiyah) adv. openly 
publicly [A- clllof] 

Upila.'vah adv. in addition 
°*^‘ila'vah az-lrt (or bar-ift) conj. beside*#*^ 
ke'Hla'vah adv. besides ; in addition (to) [A) 
-f.i^ala"iq n.m. pl. (worldly) worries 
4/ ^connections*; relations [A~ sino. >up.J 
n ipil’l<il n.f. (pl .Jovial) cause pre- 
tence ground (of accusation, etc.) 
defect ; fault disease ; moXaAytSjJ^aA'iTlaUe 
sU'vari n.f. formal cause sP‘il'lat-t gha"l 
n.f. ultimate final cause JAtS^'U'loiro 
mzufdi N.F. material cause ‘il'lot-o- 

n.m. cause and. effect Ci^csA‘iriat logo' le'na 
ma'lool' v.i. become an addict (to) become 
slave of a bad habit 3* ‘U'lad adj. having a 
bad habit n.m. addict [A] 

^j ja'laf n.m. alfalfa ; luceme (A) 


yt'i'lal n.f. («.. of 

‘j/'m n.m. (pl. ‘uloom') knowledge 
[ learing (arch.) science {of) ‘il'm-e 
akhlaq' n.m. ethics (arch.) branch of 
knowledge dealing with ethics, domestic econo- 
my and political science 'm-e o' dab n.m. 

literature •Vm-ul-yaqin' n.m. convincing 

knowledge (of)fcS^?j ^il'm-e bala'ghat n.m. figure 
of speech c/U f ‘il'm-e bayan’ n.m. metaphor 
and simile ; rules of metaphorical language 
f ‘il'm-e din n.m. divinity acquaint- 
ance with religious precepts il'm-e gh nib' 

n.m. foreknowledge knowledge of the in- 
visible j * il'm-e qayn’Jah n.m. physiognomy 1 

''m-e kalam' n.m. scholastic philosophy 
i-yff ‘il'm-e ki'miya n.m. chemistry jj f 'il'm-e 
ladin'n i n.m. inspired knowledge try (** ' i" m-e 
mubd'hasah n.m. dialectics ‘il'm-e mUsal'las 

n.m. trigonometry ‘if m-e ma‘a'n i n.m. 

science il'm-e n joom’. ‘il'm-e hai’at 

n.m. astronomy U'm-o-faz’l n.m. learn- 

ing and excellency ft ‘il'm-e hahda'sah (col. 
-hind'sah n.m. geometry ‘ulama’ n.m. (pl. of 
l \f ‘a'limit) & ‘il'mi adj. scholarly in- 
ilectually scientific iS>f‘ilmiy'yat n.f. 
learning ; scholarship pedantry ftj* ‘uloom' 
n.m. fields or branches of knowledge 
sciences ftJ* ‘uloo'm-e-jadl'dah n.m. pl. 
modern knowledge ; ^modern science ; modem 
fields of iearing *Sj‘(’J* t uloo , m-e sharqiy'yah, 
ft* 3 ^mash'riqi ‘uloom' n.m. pl. Oriental 

learing ^$f/ , ‘iloo’m-e qadi'mah n.m. pl. an- 
cient sciences , old fields of learing fyft* 
'tiLoo'm-e-murat'vajah n.m. current branches of 
learning ft*‘2loo'm-o-fBnoon' n.m. pl. arts 
and sciences (A] 

if a'lam n.m. (pL./'JJ*la‘lam') proper noun 
ft standard ; banner a' lam-bandar' 
n.m. supporter or protagonist (of cause, etc.) 

standard-bearer t fj^'a'lam toot ns v.i. lx 
cursed J l jf‘a’lam-dar n.m. standard-bearer Vft 
* a'lam kar'na v.t. draw (sword, etc. ) k 
ho' Mi v.i. be notorious [A] 

i* ‘ulSv’ UM. height sublimity (A] 


. iful'n adj . celestial (of incantations) 
V-J^with a religious sanction (A~ f Ma] 
^jt‘a'law Kt>i (see under poll.) 

U> ‘ali n.m. Ali ; name of fourth Ortho- 
^ do* Caliph the Sublime (as attribute of 
Cod) adj. (rare) high sublime tSJ* ‘a'taui 
n.m. one descended from Hazrat Ali [A] 

Ilf ‘ala’ pref. on ; upon ; at (never used 
O sane in ph.) i)lJiD>if‘alal-iUisal' adv. (arch.) 
continuously ; consecutively (JlPV'o'alal-ilfaq' 
adj. & adv. (ped.) abso\ute(ly)'JfpiJf‘atat-tavak'- 
kul adv. on trust without apparent surety 
‘alal'-top’ , ^(fialal'-tap’ aov. (col.) 
thoughtlessly ^l^'f'alal hisab’ n.m. suspense 
account tiiu^l^f'elal-hisab’ de'na v.t. advance 
(money to) C a/al-Aisab’ lens. v.i. take on 
advances ft^if'alal-khusoos’ adv. especially 
particularly ftyf'alad-davam ad 
permanently for ever fjlf ‘alar-ragh’m adv. 

against in the teeth of Z/ly’tf'alas-sabak' 
adv. early in the morning ft** tf'alal-umoom ' 
adv. generally usually in general 

4 , f&iqf'ala' ha t-al-qiyds' ph. and so on 
‘ala' qadr-t mars' lib (ph.) each according to his 

status its 

0 iSfi ' als fl ‘dah (also spelt adj. seperate 
Jv distinct adv. part asunder 

distinct disconnected separately 
‘ala'hidah rakk'n ^ u v.t. set apart separate 

keep a Way jjf‘ulahidagi (or -ha-) n.f. 
separation dismissal [A) ■ / ■ 

/^.‘alaik adj. on you (one person) ff 
t -^Z‘alai kum adv. on you (all) ‘alai'kuma 
adv. on you (two) ‘alaik' salaik' n.f. 
nodding z.cqua.'mxzocc^^^f'ataik' salaik' ho'na 
v.t. exchange greetings have nodding 
acquaintance (with) (A - (f •+• */ } 

, ‘alai’hi adv. on him Lf‘atai'ha adv. on 
her iZS^'alai'h-ir-tah'mah int. (with 
names of dead saints, etc.) mercy on him 
‘ alaih-is-salom ' int. (with name of prophets) 
peace be upon him ftf ‘ alai'him adv. on- them 
ler* ‘alai'himd. adv. on the two of them 

[A~ . ' tV asrur 

l if adj. ntghest (woman, ctc.) 4 ^ *T 

Z ‘ul'ys-hacrat ph. Her Highness ; Her 
Fxcellency ; Her Majesty [A ~ m. tT< ] 
jjf'akl ADJ. ill ; sick ; indisposed [A- K^* ] 

Jfatlm' adj. wise (one) who knows 
everything n.m. All-knowing ; Omniscient 
(as attribute of God) [A- ‘il m] 

c> > am ’ n.m. uncle ; father’s brothers Ijf 
ft * am-zad ' adj. & n.m. (son or daughter) of 
one’s uncle , cousin /*<^bih't-e 'am' n.m. cousin; 


esp. beloved female cousin [A] 

n.m. (pl. jS lu'mvd) pillar [A] 

'itna'ral n.f. (pl. ‘imarat') build- 

ing structure (rare) construc- 
tion [A*] 

iC if' ' avtsri N ' F - canopied seat on back of 
elephant or camel 

/ I Lt <amms ^ N M - PL - revenue collectors 
■' governors workers agents 
'Omma'l-t hukoo’mat n.m. pl. government officials 
{A -SING, 

j^^'ima'mak n.m. turban [A] 

'ama”id n.m. (pl. of -t-S-ff) 

jfr * ant'd (col. 'a' mad) adj. deliberate ; in- 
^ tentional n.m. (rare) intension; resolve *ijf 
'am'dan (col. ‘ a'madan ) adv. proposely ; deliber- 
ately ; intentionally [A] 

t 'am dak adj. nice ; fine excellent 
grand class ; posh j*.m. pillar ; 
prop ; stay trusted person ; trustee 4 XfitfyJf 
'Sm'dat-Ul-mul’k n.m. national trustee (pf 
‘Um’dagl n.f. nicety ; fineness excel- 
lence f A) 

S' ‘firw '‘Amur (col. 'U mar) n.f. age 
Hfe life-time jfyS'Um’r (or ‘umar’) 
ADV. life-long ever L ‘ i' mar pat'tah 

llkka'na' v.i. get a deed for immortality 
'Um'r-e kha’zir, & 'Um' r-e nook' n.f. a very 
long life jljjJ'um'rtdarazf int. may you live 
long adj. long-lived ^J^O^'um'r-rau'dah (or 
*Q'mar-) adj. one advanced in years 
*um'r-e tab'‘i (or lah'‘i) n.f. normal span of life 
j>)lslC-f‘iim'r kat'na (or tir' kar'na) v.i, pass 
thd life (VyiyZ 'Sm’r kat'na (or tir' ho' n a) 
v.i, (of life) pass [A] 

& * u'mar n.m. Umar ; name of second Ortho- 
/ dox Caliph 

. ‘am'r n.m. Amr ; a fictitious name (used 
J)y* for drill in grammatical patterns) j 

* am’r-e 'ayyar' ki zambii' ph. something 
that can contain a lot 

t, ‘ umrati ’ n.m. society ; population j lS 
WyS ‘vmra’ni adj. sociological t^LrjS'umranij- 
yaf n.f. sociology [A) 

a, 'u’m’rah n.m. off-seasonal pilgrimage to 
4/A Mecca [A] 

•• *> 'u'miq n.m. ^pl (jjtla'maq ') depth 

4/ profoundity adj. deep 

intense profound [A] 

if* 'a'mal n.m. (pl. (Jifla'maC) action 
is deed practice work operation 
process administration : jurisdiction time 
(of) spell ; charm ; incantation effect 
sway ruleC^t^- park'na v.i. mutter 
a spell or charm ; to practice a spell Cjf !/$ ^ 
* a'mal-paira’ ho' na v.i. act ( upon ) g ‘Smal-t 
jarrahs n.m. suigery ; surgical operation 
'a'mal-da'rX n.f. # reign government sway 
authority a' mol dakh'l n.m. say sway ; 

authority>/y>^ Vma/ dar-a'mad n.f. imple- 
mentation acting (upon) bl/jtX/jf'a'mal dar- 

a'mad kar’na v. act (upon) enforce ; imple- 
ment 1‘jfS a' mol dar-a'mad ho' na v.i. be 
acted (upon) be enforced ; be implemented 
‘a'mdl kar'na v 1 . act (upon) C/!(j^'a'nul 
ho’nfi v.i. be implemented 'ik? ‘ amalan adv. 
practically ; for all practical purposes [A] 
if > ‘a'malah (col. ‘am’lah) n.m. staff ; establish- 
^ mont jS 'am'lah fe'-lah n.m. (col.)' office 
establishment ; members of staff J^'a'mali adj. 
practical L fif'd' matt ja'mah ptifma’na v.t. 

implement [A] 

Jr ‘ umood ’ n.m. perpendicular pillar 
tS ’f'Umoo'di adj. perpendicular [A] 

. c, * umoom ' n.m. commonness generality 
) y "i J 'u moo' man, f*jfb bil-'umoom ‘ adv. 
usually ; commonly ' generally al^fjS'u moomiy '- 
yat n.f. generalization [A~ f't* ] 

£- ‘amid' n.m. (pl. XlS 'ama'id) pillar 
SXl important personality dignitary izZ^Slt 

'amq'd-t sal'tanat n.m. dignitaries of the 
state [A] 

.. c- 'arriiq' ADJ- (see under dr) 

J? * airilm ’ adj. comprehensive alt- 
embracing [A - J 
‘ana n.f. trouble ; distress [A] 

(ped. ‘unnab') N u. jujube 
* ^ 'iina’H (ped. 'utmabd) adj. dark red [A] 
'had' n.m- enmity ; hostility [A] 

d.i> ‘ana'dil N.F. PL. ( -SING. 

^^,'anflsxt N.M. PL. ( — SING. 

t£fr‘if)an n.f. bridle ; 

'X hukoo'mat n.f. reins of government IA] 


•.•'mafuai n.f. impotence [A] 

iSr\. r 


* Spin*' yat n.f. Jpc. tS-iWiia yal') favour: 

''kindness gift ; syscat attention [A] 
‘i'nah n.m. grapes [A) 

.p 'am bar n.m. ambergris u^j^'am'bar-e 
ash'hab n.m. black ambergris </^ f '*am , barlh 
at> j. smeltings of ambgrgris ; sweet -smelling 

jet black [A] 

. *ind pref. at ^oft ; upon near 
during in time i-ab-istifsar’ 

adv. on inquiry dZ/yjafylP ''yfH-mrtfltoiral adv. 

in case Of need When required 
iri d-at-ia'lab adv. on demahdjMXf'iri' d-ailoh’ 
adv. before God ; in the eye’s of God tStHuiUP 
'in' d-al-mulaqai' adv. when we meet ; at our 
meeting (Js'U l JS‘in'i-al-vilsoot adv. on receipt 
on arrival £/} d-al-vuqoo'" adv. in 

that event at its occurrence f ^ ‘ indiy'yah n.m. 
view ; opinion intention plan ; design 
‘indifyah fa’ ns (or h’na or 
tna'loom'-kar'na ) v.t. ascertain the view (of) [A] 

/ •p'andallb' N.p. (dial. M.) (PL^ljl^ ‘am'dil) 
nightingale [A] 

.pwdtfyah n.m. (see under ■& if) 

^ • 

•p'Bn'sar (or ‘flnrOr) Nja. (pl. y^t^’anaslr) 

element part factor (S/^'UrfsaTi 

adj. elemental (A] 

••e,Unf%vm' n.m: bloom, flower or prime 

M *p'H’tvdq n.f. (ra.. Zif-ta'tauf) neck [A} 


M'p'.anqi n.m. phoenix (fig.) Tara 
a'vis’ adj. rare ; curious hard to- 
find i'^^'anqi’ ho'tta v.l be rare not to 
be available vanish [A~ prec.) > 

„ /6,'ankaboot’ n.f. spider 

‘ankaboof n.m. spider’s web some- 

thing flimsy {A) 

1 1 Sitin' N-M. (pl. (gj&’ , anaoht') title 

C'-' heading headline rnapner ; mode 
something serving as an indication [A) 

‘anln’ adj. & n.m. impotent (person) (A] 

, p ‘ova riz n.m.. pl. disease attributes 
(//’/ things happfening (tb) [A ~ sing.^I* 

, 4 avatif n.m. pl. affection ; 

tJflHri [A ~ SING, 

"t . p'avi’qib _n.m. pl. consequences (A- 


. a ‘« raw' n.m. pl. public masses 
f '/ common people , commonalty lower 

strata of society ifCMf’lf’-avam-Htn-Ms' (ped. 

‘ avsfrim -) N.M. common run of mankind 

lower strata of society [A ~ sing. ] 
L.p'/wa'mil n.m. pl. agents factors 
U'y (gram.) governing words JA~sing. if If] 

.* S' p’oqj Ub’n-ii 'ooq', (col . vfy dJ" ‘auj ' bin. 

'S'naq) n.m. name of a very tall 
legendary figure (joc.) very tall persop jA] 
p *i ood Nja. aloeswood harp; \xds(S£f>f 

‘oo'd-e hift'di n.f. aloeswood Xr'zf'ood'-soz 
n.m. censer [A] 

p 4 and N.M. return ralapst ; man of 
abilities, experience and prudence 
‘<md’ kar s’na v.l return relapse [A] 

aural n.f. woman female wife 
nakedness ; norditv parts of body 
that should go covered £/l>£/j?‘av!tat zaf n.f. 
woman female sex weaker. vessel [A] 

% p 'i’vaz n.m. exchange substitution 
L'' ' recompense reward adv. in turn 
(for) instead mo'a’vazak 

n.m. (col.) ’mz mo’s! vazak 

gi'lah nad&'rad prov. tit for tat let us call 
quits J&f'ivza’nah (ped. ‘ivaza'nnh) n.m. ex- 
change ; compensation (ped. 'i'eazi) 

adj. officiating n.m. substitute de'na 

v.t. supply a wbstitute & kar' ns v.l. 

officiate [A] 

. £, ‘ aun n.m, (pl. ePS'ta'vzn') helper (A) 

< yr 

4 aWd (or 'aihad ; ped. ’«*'</) nju. vow 
jby oath promise covenant ; agree- 
ment testament reign era ;• epoch ; age 

time; reason df batidhtna v I. 

vow (to) promise (to) itf/juf' 'nh’d tor'na v. 

break (one’s) promise back out of one’s 
comment) LZSjfhS'aih'd’C bSkoo’mat N.M. reign 
(of) c?^£<St£ke ‘aih'd-e hUkoo'mat mth ph. 
during the .reign of ; while (someone) sat on the 
throne J&*f''aih'd~*K'kan adj. not true jo 
one’s word faithless; false ; treacherous 
• aih'd-sbi kari n.f. breach of contract breach 
of faith infidelity V/^'cuh'd kafra v.i. 
promise ; give ode’s word yow 4 oih’d - 

na'mah n.m. treaty agreement covenant 

testamentv^iujjfiJra'na ‘aih'd-namah n m. 
Old Testament na'ya ‘ath'd-na'mak New 

Testament ‘ah’ d-o-paiman’ (or pax'mii) 

n.m. pledges and assurances secret under- 
standing alliances agreement (A) 

p ‘oh’dah n.m, post; rank, duty ; 
bJ** obligation ; resposibility lyysjjf'oh'dah 

bars' ho'na v i achieve the object come 
out successful do (one’s) duty discharge 
the responsibility (of) $1/ 'oh'dah bar- a”l W.r. 

accomplishment performance success 

discharge of responsibility * oh'da-dar (col. 

-de-) n.m. officer official non-commis- 

sioned officer in army ; N.C.O. officer-holder 
office-bearer [A] 

. ^ (, 1 iya'dal n.f. visiting (of the sick) 

•• inquiring (after ailing person) {A] 

•it 'iyaz' n.m. seeking protection Jziilf'iya'zan 
billah.’ int. God forbid ; may God protect 
< al-'iyaz' int. God forbid [A] 

'iyar' n.m. touchstone jUkJlf ka'mil ’iyar 

J Z adj . pure (gold, etc.) j kam-'iyar adj . 
hasp fAl " • 

base [A] " ' 

- . . 'ayyar' n.m. impostor swindler 
knave adj. crafty artful sly ; 

cunning gjlf- ‘ayya'ri n.f. cunning slyness 
craftiness artfulness swindling im- 
posture knavery [A] 

'ayyash' adj. rakish ; voluptuous 
Uz? leading a gay life-^XP ‘ayya’shf n.f. 
voluptuousness luxury [A ] 

1 1 p, ‘iyal’ n.m. family children jWlf 

UzT * iyal-d&r ’ n.m. & adj. family man ; (one) 
shouldering the responsibility of maintaining a 

family (fjbJlf'ayal'.-Ja’ri n.f. family worldly 
affairs [A -sing. J?\f\ 

lj£, 'iyah' adj. obvious; evident clear 
(■'i; manifest apparent visible^i^fjJji* 
'iyafi' ra die bayah' PROV. self evident needs no 
exposition Ul/jlfiyati' kar'na v.t. make clear 
lay bare make manifest IjfiJlf'iyah' ho'na 
v.i. be clear become evident be mani- 
fest appear (Pj 

, n.m. (pi.. i^jS'iyoob') sin 

blemish vice fault . defect 
imperfaction cjt •^aib'Jkh, c-S'aib'-chln' adj. 
fault-finding; critical n.m. caviller fault-finder 
t-^'aib'-iti'jA, (£%£*£'‘aib'-chi'ni n.f. cavil 
fault-findingt^r^art'-^wV adj. & n.m. (one) 
conniving at others faults forgiving 

‘ aib’-po'M N.f, conniving overlooking/ ^.* 

atb'-joo' n.m. fault-finder caviller ; carper 

malignant critic adj. fault-finding 
carping ; cavilling picking holes {in)j£^p 
'aib'-joo' , i n.f. fault-finding cavil * 
malignant criticism picking holes (in 
'aib'-dar adj. defective faulty damaged 

soiled sullied / t^lrib'-go n.m. 

slanderer cal umn i ater 3 / ^‘aib'-go’ 'i n.f, 

slander; calumny slandering I'jjSc-tf ‘art 

laga'ni v.t. defame malign cast asper- 
sious on slander stigmatize CttflsS’aib' 
nikal'na v.t. find fault with pick holes (in) 
d*°h 'rib rtar' I ph. all the deadly 
sins (fit T ai'bi adj. vicious ; sinful faulty 

sins (fit ri'bt adj. vicious ; sinful fatilty 
defective [Aj 

. s, "Id n.f. (pl. jifayad') Eld festival 
- JP'jJT'id-U-fil'r n.f. Eid-ul-Fitr ; festi- 
vities marking the end of Ramzan , Lesser 
Bairam d-ul-oz'la, MSyjP 't'd-e az'ha 

(col. f’UP'ld-Ui-zoha) n.f. Eid-ul-Azha ; 
Greater Bairam saerificial festival ; festival 
marking the completion of Haj rites festival 
commemorating Abraham ’s sacrifice of his son 

pi'chju tar’ ph, untimely festivity 
'belated arrangements [A] 

‘i’sa n.m. Jesus £ZLfc' i'ta msi'h n.m. 
t? ** Jesus Christ 'isa’H n.m. & adj. 
Christian (frit 'I’saui adj. Christian (fsrfy' 
san'n-e *i i’sadl n.m. Christian' era ; anno Chris ti’ • 
A C ; -anno domini’ ; A'.D. [A ~ Hj 

‘rish N.M. gay life ; a life of pleasure 
^ ** and enjoyment luxury ft 
Ura'na (or kar’na) v.i. enjoy .opeself live in 
luxury lead a gay life*/ ( /**c£?‘«ii*' munap’- 
% has kar'na v.t. mar the pleasure (of) fit 

« sh o- tshral n.f. J H>t(jHt ‘ ai'sh-o nasbaf n.m. 

luxury gaiety and happy social life [A] 
jit 'rin adv. exactly precisely L posi- 
U ~ lively n.m. (pl. ulj£'.yoori) spring ; foun- 
tain tf.F. (Pl.&jila'yUn) eyc djfat'ai'n-ul-yaqin’ 
n.m. positive knowledge ctftff'ain’ pain adj. 

almost alike squint-eyed dtjt ‘airi main 

adv. exactly exactly alike be-'ai’m-hi 

(col. ba) adv. exactly ; precisely * aim adi. 

eye-(witoess) [A] 

‘In adj. & n.m. pl. large-eyed 
tt N.M. pl. larged-eyed houries [A - prec.} 

. ffi ’ri’ nak n.f. glasses , spectacles 
- goggles [P-A^l 

'Byjoeb' n.m. (pl. of *-£★) 

' a J°o* « **• (PL. Of it) 

a . . *OatKX»OCJ« 

f. pain n.f. twenty-fourth letter of Uidu 

alphabet ; (also called pai'n-e ma"jcmah or 
n ~ e ntanqoo'tah) (according to Jummal 
reckoning) 1,000 


l/lc t!} a W ar adj. (dial.) Stocky; 

*• stuggy 

xia & ' iiyah n.m. Mjlf^'jqdv'uat-e gha’ziyak 

** n.f. the faculty assimiliating food; assimil- 
ating faculty [A - Ijf ] 

jti L b * r cave ; cavern pit lair ; 

den jlfAya'r-e ghat' (col. yar' gh or) n.m. 
intimate friend(s) [A) 

«• , • gha'rat n.f. devastation ; destruction 
plunder ; pilage ravage raid 
waste; ruin ijf(Jj?*Z/logha’ rat ghol' ho'na v.i. go 
to waste llAz/jti gha'rat kar'na v.t. plunder 
pillage ravage waste ; ruin ^j\fgharai-gar 
n.m. raider plunderer he who lays 
waste tfj-'jljgha' rat-gd’ri n.f. destruction 
plunder ; pL’ 'age (Clfj’)Vjr£>j\ifj\a'rat ho'na (or 
jam) v.i. be destroyed be ruined be 
cursed ; be damned [A] 

• i* gha'iah n.m. powder ; performed powder - ; 
** face-powder Jbjd%ojtigha'za-ogtilgoo'nah n.m. 
powder and rouge [P] 

ghs’ti n.m. Muslim soldier hero 
0^ ** conqueror (col.) rake magician 
ytjfo gha'fi mard hero (col.) horse 

[A~ I-/) 

A . ghashiyak n.m. saddle-cloth - 

5 f shiya-bar-dar' n.m. obedient servant 
lackey ; flunkey [A] 

• gha’sib n.m. usuper plunderer 


t>J* g ha'fil adj. inattentive ; unmindful 
(J thoughtful negligent ; remiss (A] 

J it a lib ADJ. overpowering domine- 
» ering predominant larger prob- 

able having the upper hand victorious 
<0?J'jfiC J lfii b “'lib ana (or ho’na) v.t. win; 

overcom'e beat ; gain the upper hand 
ghalibdn adv. probably ; in all probability 

[A~ >] 

/ill adj. extremist ; fanatic ; fanati- 

** cal (rare) dear ; expensive [P] 

ghali’ehah N.M. carpet [P] 


. * gha’liyah n.m. perfume made _ from com- 
phor. ambergris, etc. gha hya-moo 

(or -mo) adj. with perfumed tresses (A] 

AD J‘ a ^ struse (point) [A] 

✓ . gha"ib adj. absent invisible con- 
cealed vanished n.m. (gram.) third 
person ghullah ho'na v.i. I'jisii 

gha"ib kar'na v.t. make away with remove 
stealthily (jf t - sC gha'ib ho'na v.i. vanish 
disappear gha'iba'nak adv. ‘in absentia* 
without actually coming across (A ~ <—X] 
&' a '' W . AD J - deep ; penetrating (vision) 

f ha”i adj. (see under fold.) 

gha’yat n.f. (pl. Csti* ghayst') and 
•* purpose adj. extreme excessive adv. 
extremelv excessively tfe^j&tigha'yat darje 
ka adj. extreme utmost gha't adj. 
final ultimate jCmP'il’lat-e gha’t n.f. ulti- 
mate cause (A] 

, v ghtbar' n.m. dust cloud of dust 
Jjr ill-feeling estrangement (also 

khat't-e ghubat') style of Urdu writing in minute 
characters (e }J J\jO'ghubar'-alood'(ah) adj. dusty 
dustcovered foggy not clear put f’ghjbar’ 
ana grow suspicious about lUflyObghabsr' utk'na 
v.i. (of a cloud of dust) ris tjujs&khubar-e kha'lir 
n.m. mental agony heart-burning fit of 
sp\cenOlj'jif' ghiibar niksl'na v.t. take one’s 

revenge vent one’s spleen Cd'h&'ghubsr" nikal- 
na v.i. (of heart burning) end (of anger) 
subside [A] 

, i ghiiba'rah n.m. balloon 

oM - 

— I Lgjjdba’vat n.f. (see under (jf adj. •& 

J j j f'gbab’ghab n.m. double chin 
• g bab’ghab n.m. dimple in the chin [A] 

Jf> gha’ban n.m. misappropriation ; embezzle- 
ment ; defalcation Vj'tyf gha’ban kar’na 
v.t. misappropriate ; embezzle ; defalcate [A] 

V ghabi adj. stupid; thick-skulled n.m. dunce 
(S m iS'jO'ghaba'val n.f. stupidity [A] 

V,g hap n.f. (same as yX n.f. •fr) 

ghap'pa n.m. same as ^ N -M • ★) 

J, Vghflt N.M. 
**** croud 

sound made in gulping down 

ghat rabood' adv. & adj. jumbled 
misconstrued (of sense) con- 
fused f ^P ironically or foolishly misconstrued 

Zgha’td-ghat’ , yt^i^ghat' ghat adv at a 
‘■''‘^^gulp JgS&'ghat' be ghat' n.m. pl. crowd 
(of) (ono.] 

, l.kZ.ghit'tar ghoon n.f. cooing [ono.J 



£ ghacfa n.f. sound of walking in mud 
S/' sound of sword, etc. moving in flesh 

| tr ghach'eka (dial. O'ghap'pa) n.m. fraud ; 
it deceit ghacfe'fha de'na V.T. gull; dupe 
CCjrfighach'dialia'na v.i. be gulled ; be duped 

* \had'r n.m. prefidy ; treachery mutiny 

(as name given to 1857 Freedom Fight 
by British rulers) 

j • ghaddar' n.m. & adj. perfidious ; treach* 
erous (person) tfjtMghadda'ri n.f. treachery; 
perfidy [A~foll.) 

• ghudood' n.m. gland tji ghad'dah n.m. {pl. 

ghu'dad) gland 

- • ghadir' n.f. pool small lak e/M>jJf 

JJ" 'd-e ghadir' n.f. (see under n.f. ~ir) 

, •* ghiza' n.f. (pl. I agh'zijyaA) food. . 

diet nourishment aliment 
fhiza'-e saqil n.f. rich foodile^^ghtca'-e latif' 
n.f. light food ghiza ’i adj. nutritious 
alimental dietery lZjsIJ* ghiza' iy’y at n.f. 
nourishment nutritive value ; food value [A] 

I gharra adj. lustrous ; refulgent 
/ illustrious [A] 

. • ghlrab' n.m. crow ■ raven fAj 

* 1 / 

/•gharabat n.f. uncommonness ; un- 
''ty familiarity *--£/'adj. if [A] 

, • ghararah n.m. gargle long parted 
OJ’y skirt (arch.) large sack (j tj Ifgh arcT ra- 

dar pajamah n.m. (old name for tjl/'N-.M. if) 
i». V ghiirra'no v.i. growl (Jt/'gbiir'rafi adj. 
* y growling [ ~ P] 

fi%,ghara”ib n.m^ pl. strange things 

, / rarities '-^jf^f^ajs' , ib-o-ghara' , ib n.m. 
pl. (see under «-«''(/' n.m. pl. dk) A ~ sing 
~ ] 

S£,%harb' n.m. west Jfghar'bi adj. & N.m. 
,*y western ; occidental i^'fjijJ^sbar' q~o ghar'b 
n.m. pl. the East and the West [A] 

ghirba/' n.f. sieve riddle [A] 

ghuraba n.m. (pl. t^y-ADj. & n.m. *) 

„ * gh Ur’bal n.f. poverty penury 

“'y being away from home being an alien 
being in foreign land ^jiszfghur'bat-za'dah 
adj. poverty-stricken impoverished 
doomed to stay away from home [A] 

^ ghar'K adj. (sec under wJp n.m. if) 

gha'raz n.f. selfishness interest 

US motive aim ; object purpose; inten- 

tion design wish end use concern; 
business necessity target CONJ. in short 
^fjy'gha'raz-s^h'na adj. selfish 
gha'raz bdi'oli ho' a hai, gha'raz bun 

bala hai prov . necssity makes man madjl/ll^y' 
i /gha'raz ks ba'ola (or dioa'noh) n.m. 
slave to one's passions extremely selfish person 
Adifrgha'raZ kayar' n.m. one who has an axe to 
grind jirff'gha'rat-mand ' adj. needy in- 

terested selfish&Sjtfgha'raz-mafi'dl n . f . 
self-aggrandizement need 0 &(/’/' gha'raz 

nikal'na v.i. have one’s end served 
gha'raz nik'U ahkk bad'li prov. selfish person is 
never tnie to anyone J^ial-gha'raz conj. in 
short gha'raz adj. disinterested.*!''^' 
be-gharaza nah adj. & adv. disinterested 
be-gha'razi n.f. altruistic attitude ; altruism [A] 
ghar’gharah n.m. gargle [A] 

' ghitr'~fish n.f. bullying growl 

U / [ono.] 

I z/ g^Ur'fah n.m. (pl. if'ghtir fat') win- 

s dow attic [A] 

*1 V, gh ar'q n.m. drowning sinking 

Vy immersion absorption adj. drowned 
sunk immersed absorbed It'/of’Qar' q 

kar’na v.i. drown submerge ruin b’jfi)/ 
gh ar'q ho'na v.i. be drowned be submerged 

be ruined •^'bf'gharq-ab' adj. drowned n.m. 
(also ^if /ghar-qabah) whirlpool deep 
water [A] 

• ghjroob' n.m. sunset setting (of 

sun, moon, etc.) [A] 

V,g hiroor' n.m. pride; haughtiness 

vanity ; vainglory _ haughtiness ; 
‘hauteur’ boast brag /*&>}' gh iroor’ ka sir' 

m'(ta prov. pride goeth before a fall b'Jjjf- 
gbvroor' kar'na v.i. be proud boast ; 
brag [A] 

V ghar’rah n.m. pride vanity haughti- 

•/ ness ; ‘hauteur’ [A] 

V, ghUr'rah n.m. appearance of crescent 
V first of a lunar month white spot on 
horses forehead off-day going about with- 
out meals ;'inforced fasting [A] 

. Vgharfi' n.m. stranger foreigner 

traveller poor person miserable 
person adj. poor destitute indigent 

penurious wretched miserable (^Jlt-sjPgharfb- 
ill va'tan n.m. alien one away from home 
fkji^f'ghari'b^til-Da'tati n.f. being a foreignet 
being away from home ^j/.i^yf'gharlb - par' va’ 



adj. & N.M. gracious (person) gfewt%V 

par’ vari n.f. graciousness s&i-sjfgharlb'-kha'ndli 
n.m. humble above (as euphemism for ‘my 
howc')jl t Jtt T sf’.gbari'b-ud~diyar’ ^ji g hari'b- 

Ul-ut'tan adj. & n.m. foreigner ; alien (one) 
away from home ty^/Qarib' gh /Vais' n.m. 
poor people; paupers ’ tfUjiffjjrjisffhatlb' ti 
jo’roo sob' to bha'bi prov? the weakest the 
poor are taken lightly jtu-^/'gharii'-mar n.f. 
oppression of the poor ; troubling^ the poor 
t^t^/.&;£^jj£z/'$harlb' nt ro'ze rak'kke din 
ba’re s”e prov. the weal always suffers 
the very first attempt causing misery 
gharib'-nav&z' adj;. & n.m. gracious hospit? 
able courteous to strangers kind to the 
poor ( fjfyus/’gharlb'-nana'zi n.f. graciousness 

courtesy to strangers kindness to the poor 
yicJ^ghariba'naA adj, poor bumble adv. 

like (or befitting) a poor person humble ; 
in a humble way like a foreigner gharf'bi 

n.f. poverty ; penury indigence humi- 

lity misery being a traveller tlf(f^pghart’ In 
d’nn v.i. be reduced to poverty have a 
hard time ; fall on evil days [A~ difj'] 

V ghari'zi adj. natural invat ztSsJ&jl?' 

harn’rat-e ehari'd n.f; natural heat of 
body [AJ 

-j * ghartq' n.m, drowning person adJ. 

Uy drowned sunk immersed sub- 
merged overwhelmed ts^^f’ghari’qe rob' mat 

(or raih-) adj. whelmed with divine mercy 
rL^C^^j-^khiida' gh ari'q-e rah’ mat ka're ph. 

May God overwhelm (him) with mercy (he) 
who is dead [A~ of"] 
j gh arm’ n.m. noise [PI 

ghara/>’, ‘s'^f jjorafi' n.f. sound of f« 
^g'y or plunge into the water<£-w/^ghara^' 
adv. in a jiffy [ono.] 

ghats' n.m. fighting ‘jehad* [A~ 
doublet of *j^} 

gh aza'lah n.f. gazelle ; fawn (rare) 
sun delicate beloved [A] > . 

i f.2> fla'zal n.f. ode amatory verse 0*id'? 
Uy gha’zfll park’na v.i. read or recite a verse 
Oi jSjp gba’zal-khah, yjypgha’zalsarn adj . recit- 
ing verse n.m. poet Jj t'dfgha' zal-kha' m, 
gha’zat-sara”i n.f. reading or reciting an ode 
~ poet c/tl^g ha’zal koih'Mt v.i. compose an 
ode [A] 

* ghaz'vak n.m. (PL.iS'lrffhazassf) war 
b) y against infidels, in which the Holy Pro- 
phet himself participated (as against ^/sariy’yah 




in which he did not [A] 

ghajjal' n.m. (see under J^n.m. ★) 

LjP gh2r7 n.m. bath ablution laving 
V u}-*gh 2s’l~e afta'ti n.m sun bath^tjj^" 

gh&s’l-kha’nah n.m. bath room ; bath^^J^ 
ghls'l-e self' hat n.m. bathing after recovery • con- 
valescence bath CtfJ^ghus'l-e may’ jit N.M. wash- 
ing the dead body ; corpse-laving Ji^ghassa!' 
N.M. (f. jCf'ghassa'lah) undertaker whose work 
is restricted to washing the dead corpse; laver [AJ 
g hash n.m. swoon- fainting fit 

a'na(or pans or kar'na or kha'na 
or ,h'na, v.i. faint ; swoon tf^ghaVtt n.f. (col.), 
swoon ; fainting tjjstfj^gha'shi ka dau'rah n.m. 
fainting fit [A] 

Urgbas'b n.m. usurpation taking by 
force ti/Zs^ghas'b kar’na v.t. take by 
force usurp * t I^«_^gh<*r'i jr fl-HaA'i n.m. usurpa- 
tion and pillage. [A] 

V,ghSJr'jai n.m. anger • rage ; passion 
(rare) suffocation (with ) griefaVijjfriJf’ 
ghfiiVa/r utdr'na (or nikal’na) v.i. vent” one’s 

spleen retaliate^U^-^gh is'sah pi’ tut (or 
mar'na) v.i. suppress one's anger p'Hj^bf’ghUs'salt 
dita'na V.T. enrage irritate offend ; give 
offence ; incense Vj**?gb*s'sah kar'na v.i. be 
angry be enraged; fly into a passion 
ghu s'sah nak’ far-ho’ ns v.i. be very irritable 
wear one’s heart. upon one’s sleeve be easily 
offended Cbr/fi/fePgPiU'st men bhar' ja’na v.i. 
fly Into a passion Jt^gh Jsi'la, Jz&’gpUSail' adj. 

touchy; testy irritable ; irascible wrath- 
ful [A] 

J+$hn’zbb n.m. (God’s) wrath anger ; 
W*^rage calamity adj. exquisite, 
extraordinary s&ange unexpected '’ML** 

gha' zab-dlgod' (ah) adj. furius indignant ; 
wrathful a'zab poofna v.t. be visited 

by wrath (of God) be overtaken bv calamity 
azab-tofna v.i. be cruel door 
say something strange K'ijat r ^'gha'zab-khii'daka 
in*. how strange "to hell with t 
gha’zab-dha'na v.t. be cruel be guilty oC 
impropiety look exquisitely beautiful d' 
gtia'zab ka adj. & adv. extreme(ly) ex r 

quisite(ly) d/<-*&$}a’zab kar’na v.i.' be cruel 
do something strange or unexpected 
gho’zalbTi&k adj. furious wrathful indignant; 
in.tcl‘^k^’gbo’zab~ho’na^ v.t. be very bad (f* c 
gha*'i!,*ADj. & n.m. (f. pK’ban) (col.) 

touchy ; testy irritable ; irascible [A] v. 


.^rf&uzroof' n.m. cartilage ; glistle 
ghazan'/ar n.m. lion [A] 

adj. thick (clotb) 

ghqffar' adj. very forgiving (as an attribute 
Jit? o"fGod) [A~foll.] 

. j *^rgh8/raa' n.m. remission of sins; absolu- 
y^lr tion deliverance salvation [A] 

ghu'fira la'hoo' (or -lah) < JJhJ^'gha'far-alla'h3i 
la-hoo (or -lah') int. may be have salva- 
tion JA ~ PREC.] 

ghafoor' adj. forgiving (as an attribute of 

\f'ghaffr' adj- milling (crowd) jam'm-e 
yj; ghafir' n.m. milling crowd [A ~ prec.] 
i^ghaflat n.f. negligence remissness 
thoughtlessness carelessness [A] . 

it> ghil n.m. rancour malice 
U be ghil'l-o-ghish’ adj. & adv. unreserved- 
ly) unadulterated [A] 

£ ghul n.m. noise clamour tumult 
U iJC^J^ghu/' ghapa'ra n.m. . disturbance 
clamour" tumult (Cbfjj bl/fl f ghUl K kar’na (or 
madia' na) v.i. make a noise shout raise 

a tumult hoot [A] 

■ * ghiia'zat n.f. filth night-soil 

litter (rare) roughness (rare) 
hardness [A] 

(pl. tj^gha/'/) N.F. cover 
(pillow) . sheath tak’je^ ka 

ghilaf n.m. -pillow-case ; pillow-slip 
ghila'fl ankk n.f. large pretty with conspire us 
eyelid [A] 

n.m. slave knave (at cards) 

( ** (rare) boy (vSi)C&flfr ghalam’ bana’na 
(orkar'na) v.t. enslave ; enthral captivate 
ghalam'-gar'dish n.f. servants walk cotti- 
dor round the house for household servants 
fj>ibe-dam’ fhfi/am' n.m. very fond (of) 
very obedient (to) f'dtj.fjJ zar’- kharid' ghulam' 
n.m. very obedient person self-purchased 
slave (flPghVla'nh n.f. slavery ' servitude 
(>.> (/) ghg/a'ml melt de'na v.t. marry (someone) 
to the daughter (of) [A] 
iigh al'bah (ped. gh a'labah) n.m mastery 

overcoming excess prevalence over- 
whelming CjpJ^ghal'bah pa’ na v.t. obtain 
mastery (over) ; get the better (of) gain the 
upper hand [A] 

, •gha' lot adj. incorrect i wrong mi*- 

taken, erroneous inaccurate fallacious 

N.M,. (rare) mistake ( , UflJd f gj}a'lat-Ul* , ani' 
common linguistic error (as being idiomatic) 
flyfU d* ghalat-ul ‘avsm' n.m. vulgarism jUlbt* 
gha' lat-afidaz' adj. deceptive Jglances of be- 
loved) chance (looks) ( jtjj gha'lat 

ihaihrz'na (or qaraT de'na ) v.t. prove to be 
wrong expose the hollowness of show the 
fallacy of gha' lot sa'lat adj. wrong 
right or wrong ^"jiktgha'lat-faik'm n.f. mis- 
understanding ; misconception ; misapprehen- 
sion jV%j2gha'lal~kar' n.m. & adj. wrongdofcr 
(Jj tfrf*gpa'lat-ka'ri n.f. - wrongdoing 
(sexual) excess (usu. pl.) masturbation /Jd* 
gha'lal-go adj. & n.m. liar (one) spreading 
false reports ^/jtf*gha'lat-go''l n.f. fajsehood 
lie sb'yigha'lal-na'mah n.m. errate J*** gha' lah 
(col. ghal'ti) n.f. Pi.J,ilelaghlat') mistake: 
error inaccuracy oversight a slip (of the 
pen, etc.) miscalculation fault of omission 
fallacy wrong step l;/ ^gha'lah kar'nn 
v.t. make a mistake take a wrong step' 
Cjifgf! a' lah ho'na v.t. be wrong (of mis- 

take) be made (of wrong step) be taken [A] 
d.|p|K ft, *ADj. rolling wallowing 

'^cJ^WJjghal'tafi{-°) pf'dak adj. (fig.) con- 
fused ; confounded absorbed in thought. [P] 
kiA gha' lah (col. ghal'ti) n.f. (see under pj* 
O adj. ) 

.o.’ghil'zat n.f. density thickness [A] 


.•ftghul'ghulah n.m.. tumult uproar 
V*** clamour ll/ijji&ghul'ghulah bar-pa' kar'na 
v.t. raise a hue and cry Ijf IsJ&’ghul'ghukh 
bar-pa '■ ho'na V.r. (of tumult) be dr be raised [P] 
J/* gh il'ldk, ^jjfgul'lak, <j(jfgo'lak n.f. till 
cash-box safe f-A jii] 

,/ tpghiiman' n m. lovely young male servants 
in paradise [A ~ sing, fgif] 
ghvlBs' n.f. excessive exaggeration 

7 hyperbole Udftf'tz^gh’AlVm' se kam' le'na v.i. 
highly exaggerate 

, * ghat' lah n.m. com grain ; cereal 

■A^(same »S4^‘n.f. 4k) 
l^jjgbal’lah bhar’na v.t. store up grain Jj/J* 


ghal'la-firosh’ ttM. (rare) grain merchant 

ghil’ lah, jJ*g\}Ule' lah rm. pellet [P] 

•ghaljan' n.m. ebullition (A) 

Jjj, ghahz’ adj. dirty 
coarse ; broad ; obscene 
thick [A~«s>a3 






4 .^jlt 

l^tghiilel' n.f. pellet, bow; catapult o~- 
gh'ueTcAt s.u. pellet-bow' shooter [Pj 
f'gh am (pl. {'yghimootn) n.m. sorrow; 

| grief sadness woe mourning bere- 
avement concern ; worry jij^gham-khiir' n.m. 
& adj. sympathising (friend) ; comforter 
afflicted (person) (f jtjpghani-kha'ri n.f. sym- 1 

pathy ; commiseration affliction 

gham-k/ia'ri.kar'tia v.t. commiserate ^ sympathise 
(with) vjjr gham'-za'dah , s^^gham-di' dah, ctfjf 
gham-rusi'dah ..adj. afflicted grieved ; 

aggrieved tf> y" gham-za'dagi n.f. affliction 

sorrow gharn ghalal kar'nn v.t. divert 

one'.s mind to get over grief comfort solace 
aJ S^ ghatri -kddtih n.m. house of . grief un- \ 

fortunate person’s residence v/'^ghatri kar'm 
v.t. & i. grieve lament I'i/S’gham' kkatiii 
v.t. & i. suffer endure grief feel sym- 
pathy (for) jlMgbnnrgusat’ adj. sympathising 
-(friend) ; comforter ifjf^Xf’gham-gfisa'ri n.f! sym- 
pathy ; commiseration cg&gham-gin^,. (or gham- 
gth) adj. sad griefstriken 
n.f. sorrow sadness tjtfgham-nak’ adj. sad; 
sorrowful woeful ; patheticj/blf gham-na'ki 

n.f. -sorrowfulness pathos J I 

a'lam n.m. sorrow ; affliction ^ gha'mi n.f. 
sorrow.-, (rare) grief , mourning fj?ghamiti adj. 
dejected [A] 

* * ghammaz’ n.m. backbiter an informer ; 
JlX tale-bearer (rare) winking ifjlf’ghamma'zi 

n.f. backbiting tale-bearing (rare) wink- 
mg [ A ~ 

* gh arn'zah n.m. ogling ; amorous glance ; 
O^X glad eye ClJs tjt gham’zak dikka'nn v.t. 
ogle i j¥j2sha'tur-gham'zah n.m. (see under?-'' 
N.M.*) y. 

^ gha mi n.f. (see under, n.m. *) 

. • gh in*' n.m. singing ; vocal- music (also 

ghonaj) riches ; wealth, [A] 

n.m, (t»t. oft^y N.F. )if 

n.m. bud adj. rosebud dfiJf 
gha *t'(fia-da'han adj. having with a rose-bud 
mouth n.m. sweetheart ; beloved [P] 

^ g haf>j (or ghl itj) n.m. coquetry [P] 

t>.\gh~in'.dah,)j/gitA'dj N.M. hooligan ; hood 
lum ; bad character ; ‘goonda’ rowdy 
tough ; rough (fj/uiPgkiinda-gar'dt n.f hooli- 
ganism ; ‘goondaism’ 

•...♦2,ghungh8na’n5 v.i. speak through the nose ; 

speak with nasal overtoneslUiPghun'ghBna 

adj. & n.m. (f. tfj^ghun’ghuid) (one) speaking 
through the nose [oxo.] 

f.&ghunw'dQgi n.f. drowsiness ghunoo’dagi 

v** a‘na v.i. feel drowsy doze off [P 
. ^ghin'nak adj. nasal n.m. sound produced 
through nose two' n-e ghun'nnb. n.m. 

nasal n (joe.) nonentity 

^ gha'n\ n.m. (pl. Ot i aghntya') rich {A ~ (z>~j 
Ifghmim' n.m. enemy ; foe [A] 

I . 

jfigbai&'mat n.f. (pl, f Cfgbana'im) 

***** plunder ; prize boon ; blessing {A] 

0 'gha was' n.m. diver pearl diver if*/ 

Ujj ghavvasi n.f. diving pearl diving [A] 

**/• V ghava 'tniz n.f. pl. abstruse points 
k/ f* subtleties (of) (A~siNG.-^"lf 

• V.gfiauj n.m. one who redresses another’s 

grievance ; one who comes to another's 
rescue (one of) an upper category of mystics 
J^&'/ghau' s-e a' zam,)?in&?ghau's-ul a“zam n.m 
appellation of famous Sunnite saint Abdul Qadir 
Jilani [A] 

V ghaut n.u, consideration, deliberation 
JJ (rare) depth ££-// ghaut’ se,jJ^ ba'-ghaur' 
adv. attentively c&refuUy t _s&i‘/'ghaur' - 
la' lab adj. worth consideration adv. ‘under con- 
sideration Vjfeghaur' kar'nn v.t. & t. consider 
reflect deliberate dZ^fj^)//ghau'r~o~pardakht 
n.f. attention (to) maintenance (of)t/33u^' r-o-khauz' n.m. deliberation considera- 

tion fyj'j'ghaw' ho' Ml v.i. be considered 
be under consideration IA] 

Ji>f gho'tah (ped. ghau’lah) .n.m. plunge; dip 
dive j/j,'fgho'ta-khor, tfjjf/gho' ta-zan' n.m. 
diver ‘frogman tfj&tygfco'ta-kho'Tl,. ‘(J/Jrjtg^o'ta 
za/rii n.f. diving(usu. as a profession) jstkf'gho'tah 
de’nn v.i. plunge ; dip C(jf£Pgh°'tati khz'na v.i. 

plunge ; dip ; dive miss ; leave out ; for- 
get (ft (, bj £ $ytgha‘l -A lag&'na (or mar' net) v.t. 
plunge ; dip ; dive be absorbed in thought 
fail to turn up [A) 

• 1, ghau'gha n.m., noise uproar ; clamour; 
Ifijr tumult lift jp'sho‘r-o-ghau' gha n.m. noise 
and clamour $ li/fhoagha' ’i N.M. & adj. turbulent 
(person) (P) 

/ *g hoi n;m. swarm band ; crowd ; throng; 
£/Jfinob ; gang J/’f/^J/'ghol' (ke) ghol n.m. 
crowds ; whole crowds . 

t'ghool, (pL.cJjJtS’gh:lan'}Jll'J/'ghoo'l-e bdyabani 
Qj n.m. will-o’-the-wisp ; jack-o’-lantern ; 'ignis 

fatuus’ (A) 




.(£ i i?! 100 *' N.f. infant’s cry I'j'fJtiJj' 
0 U* ghooh' ghsh kar'na v.i. (of infant) cry ; 
utter sound [ono.] 

»'ghiysb‘ n.m. absence .disappearance 
•o-htuzoor' n.m. absence and 

presence [A] 


yas' n.f.. plaint seeking redress n.m. 

one who redresses {A ~ <£*/] 

\ghaib n.m. the hidden the invisible 
adj. hidden ; concealed invisible 

ghaib'-dan' (or- daft) adj. & n.m. (one) knowing 
hidden things ; a prophet ; a seer ; diviner ; the 
omniscient being 'J^^rtaib'-ddni n.f. knowledge 
of hidden things enaib' n.m. the 

invisible world c^ighai' bat n.f. absence 
ki ghai'baf meh adv, . in the absence (of) be- 
hind (someone’s) back tf^ghai'bi adj. unseen 
invisible heavenly [A] 

„ jlghi'bai n.f. backbiting v/ispfffri'bot kar'na 
v.t. backbite [AJ 

ghai'bi adj. (see under n.m. •£) 

Vghair n.m. outsider 
/z. stranger adj. 

unrelated person 
strange different adv. (of 

condition) serious ; grave prei>. not ; un- ; in- 
>t’ i s£'ghair-abad' adj. uninhabited deserted 
uncommanded (land ghair-ikhtiyd ri 
adj. involuntary unintentional 
ghair' -tar'biyal-ysftah adj. unskilled un- 
trained jlptfrf'ghair'-ja'nib-dsr' adj. & n.m. 
neutral ifjtjslr/t' ghair' -ja' nib-ds' ri n.f. neutrality 
si^fghair'-hs' zir adj. absent ghair' -ha ^ri 

n.f. absence ghair/sa' majhna v.t. not to 

regard as one’s own ghair' shakh’s n.m. 

stranger ; a third person $>&/?ghair'-muta'as'sar 
adj. unaffected ; unimpressed p/S/f g/air' - 
mvtaraq'qabah adj. unexpected (blessing) 
ghair' -mi tana' sib adj. disproportionate 
{hair 1 -ml tons’ hi adj. unending ; limitless ; un- 
limited jjjtfydj'ghair'-mahdood' adj. unlimited 
boundless endless jrjjjs^'ghair'-mazrao ' 1 ah 

adj. uncultivated J-* 4 ^Sghair-rriUsta , 'malah (rare 
()d LC ~Z£'ghair'-musta‘'mal) adj. unused new 
ghair’ -mashroot' adj. unconditional 
ghair' -mass'/ i adj. non-combatant 

non-belligerent (of atea) lying outside war zone 
'-fjbb/df'ghair-matloob' adj. unwanted ; undesir- 
able sPy^gbair' -mo' 1 tabor 1 adj. untrustworthy 

unreliable incredible Jj^J’ghair-ma'moo'li 

adj. unusual : extraordinary 
ma’ moo'll iaur' par adv. unusually g/^O-^air- 
mo'ay'yan adj. ihdefinit t!r/f ghaif-mikam'mal 

adj. incomplete imperfect tPy/ft hair'- 
mul'ki adj. foreign exotic ulypghair- 
mim'kin adj. impossible uncultivable ; un- 
culturable ghair’ -mitri kin-Ml-visooV 

adj. irrecoverable ghair' -mUna sib adj. 

unsuitable unbecoming undesirable im- 
proper JJ*Z?’ghair-manqoo'lah adj. immovable 
)i / If ghair-manqoo' lah js'tdad' n.f. im- 
movable property ; real estate air - 

mankoo'hah adj. unmarried living (as some- 
one’s wife) out of wedlock •^fii^/^hair' -va'jib. adj. 

improper not due C^ghairiji'yat n.f. 
not being one’s own strangeness [A] 

„ 'ghai'rat n.f. sense of honour shame 
bashfulness modesty envy one 
exciting the envy of(»ll sfljc£%P'ghai'rat-e eha 
man (or -hoot' or -msh') n m. & adj. one exciting 
envy of garden or ‘houri* or ‘moon’) Ckytzxp//’ 
ghai'rat se mar' ja’ns, Vy /d^ghai’ rat khs 

ke doob mar' ns v.t. be put to great shame Ckfc/f 
ghai'rat khs'ns v.i. experience shame get 
ready to retaliate j/d^kg^ai' rat-mahd adj. & n.m. 
(one) with a keen sense of honour modest 
envious ip^JLbe-ghai'rat adj. shameless 
brazen-faced 'dJ/''ra.ti N.F. shameless- 
ness [A] 

, ^j/’^ghairiy' yat n.f. (see tinder^ n.m. & adj. 

,*ghaiz n.m. anger ; rage ; ire <-**fjJ>/'ghai'z-o- 
gha'zab n.m. ire and fury {A] _ 
ghain n.f. name of the letter t> (ghain) 

(£*•• ghain ho' ns v.i. be dead drunk ; be tipsy [A] 
ji jfgbiii' P*h X’f- brawl cry of child’s 
C/yC/** wailing [ono.] 

* • ghayoor’ adj. high-minded with a 
jjfc keen sense of honour n.m. Honour guarding 
(as an attribute of God) [A~ 

i ft twenty-sixth letter of Urdu alphabet 
(pronounced fa in Arabic) ; (equivalent to 
English /) (according to jummal reckoning) 

2^ i* fs'trh n.m. conqueror adj. conquering 
(j * (rare) opening [A ~ f? ] 

•f/tfs'lehah n.f. (dial, m.) opening chaptei 
of the Holy Quran this recited as 
prayers for the dead £*>*/ /\>/s ' te/iah park! ns v.t. 

pray thus for the dead despond (of) Oyjti 
fS'teffah dens v.t. make offerings to God with 

;i i 




such prayers for dead mm' 

gu'e mardood' fa iehah na darood' prov. be dies 
unmourned the devil is dead [A ~ 
y/j/a'hV AD] , unsound (used only in) Lrlf fa" 
* fa trr-ul-aq'l adj. crark ; of unsound mind 


^.•fajif adj. & n.m. (pl. jtf fiijjar') sinful 

(person) rake ; libertine ; debauchee 
fa] it ah N.f. & adj. sinful (woman) un- 
chaste or loose (woman) [A jj£ ] 

i • faje'ah adj. (of event). tragic pain- 
* fid ; grievous [A~ j 
f, fa hi ft adj. obscene ; indecent ; smutty 
egregious (mistak t)~r\dfd'knhah n.f. 
loose woman prostitute ; harlot adj. urn- 
haste (woman) immodest [A ~ \ 

„*,• fakh’lah n.f. dove ringed turtle-dove 
2-fU 5 Jlr c)» s voti din ga"e 

jab khalil' khan fakh'tah urn'ya kar'le the prov. 

gone is the goose that lay the golden. eggs 
ilie days of prosperity are at as end fftSfakhta'i 
adj. fawn ; ashen (colour) [P] 

. Lt‘ f a' klnrah adj. (m • Slifakhir) adj. 

S m “ splendid •, elegant (rarel bragging |A~ 

/) - 

.( I* fartin' n.m. Faran : name of a hill near 
Mecca [A] 

• -/,• farts n:m. (pl. ( fjlJ fasa’ris) horseman 
CO(?' ca valier [A~ s)\ 

f . /• fu'ris n.m. Iran; Persia (fjli f a'risi (co!. 
k/ far' si) n.f. the Persian language ; persian 
adj. Persian ; Iranian L'juftfjlifar'si bagkar'na 
(arch.) v.t. try to impress people with one’s 
linguistic knowledge boast of one’s culture 

F j.> Ja'righ adj. free ; not busy at leisure 
& ^ unoccupied discharged ; dismissed 
(rare) empty fU^uf a'riqh-ul-bal' adj. & adv. 
at case free from ca~c in easy circumstances 
having no (or no more any) responsibilities to 
discharge rfU'f/li farigh-ul-ball n.f. freedom 

from care and worries easy circumstances 
f d'righ-ul-tahsil' adj. graduate ; having 
graduated (from) fdr'kkati, (ped./a'ngh- 
khat'ti) n.f. written acquittance deed of 

divorce Ua/dFtjl/ f a f ’ khati likh'rtd (or 

</f'na) v.t. divorce write a deed of acquit- 
tance tf/tflrfa'n$ kar ' m y T .’ s P* re dis * 
charge make carefree fy£flifarigb ho'na v.i. 

be discharge be free be spared be 
carefree [A - £{/ 1 , 

riq n.m. distinctive feature [A~0/] 

UpMfar'qalit n . m . Paraclete (as an appellation 
( ** . of the Holy Prophet) (A -» G] 


fa'rdm.ffir'm n.m. farm [E 1 

J> |J fa ram, farm n.m. form lyffjdfa'mn bias' ua 
if* v.i. fill up a form fE] 

fat moo' I a n.m. formala [E] 

e"f a ran adj. foreign J’lcvtifaran fis n.m. 
**** foreign office &iS7.\ ijJb' fd’ran aiksd-e f n.f. 
foreign txchangeiSf&jbf a'ran sar'vis n.f. foregin 
service [E] 

1 ‘fa'rooq ADJ. & n.m. (one) distinguishing 
U'* between right and wrong (as appellation 
of second Orthodox caliph, Hazrat Umar f~ 

of 3 

.• fa'sikh adj. that puts an end (to) ; break- 
& w in%jv\ifd'sid adj. (f. & pi., qfsltfi'sidah) 
vitiated depraved perverse corrupt 
sinister evil (ideas) [A~ rL*] 


Lfasiq n.m. & adj. (pl.^jL Sfissdq) 

ful (person) ; sinner transgressor rake 
fa 'sid-o-f d'jir n.m. & adj. sinful and 
debauched (person ) f^lifjsitj.'ih n.f. & adj. 
sinful (woman) lewd, unchaste loose or 
wanton (woman) [A~ ] 

*/ ash aDj. revealed ; divulged (of mis- 

* take) obvious (of mistake) serious ; gross 
egregious V/if\)ftUh’ kar’na v.t. let out, disclose, 
reveal or divulge (a secret)(z' t /u fash’ ho’ ns v.i, 
be divulged [A] 

Ltfimfaiil adj. separating; dividing tfirAfhad'J-e 
U ^ fa'sil n.f. dividing line (between) [A ~J^] 
i i*fu'silah n.m. distance adj. dividing 
**** fa sile par adv. at a disfance (of) dis- 
tant far-off asilethjai' kar’na v.i. 

traverse (some) distance [A— J***] 
t^faril n.m. (pi., l&fuzala) scholar 
if l? accomplished person balance ; remain- 
der Honours (in) name of oriental titles exam. 

ADJ. surplus remaining accomplished 

talented scholarly f a ’rjl-t ajal' n.m. 
great scholar Jt> t fyfa'z.H~bd'qi n.f, (arch.) 
balance Olf'J^if'tffti'zil-bd'qi nikdina v.i. (arch.) 
strike the balance&V - (jfi fd'zd ho'na v.i, ex- 
ceed ; be MiS’ti fa' ziUbo qi-navis' n.m. (arch.) 
accountant more than be scholarly be 
accomplished [A 

L .fdii’mah adj. weaned (baby) n.f. name 
/>r* of Holy Prophet’s youngest daughter ; 
fatimah (ftifalimi adj. descendant of Hazrat 
Fatimah Fatimid (dynasty) (A] 




. n.m. (gram.) subject; nominative 

active agent; doer ; maker ; performer 
sodomut ; pederast ju ( f'\>fa r ‘il-e haql'qi n.m. 
God (as the real performer) fa l il-e rnukh- 

tar' n.m. free agent dyfyj*!} fa‘il-o-maf‘oai n.m. 
(gram.) subject and object sodomist and his 
minion J* 6 fa 1 ' ill adj. active efficient; 

effective operative •nominative«^lr^l>/' < j'‘»7* 
halal,(f\icJ\rh&‘lat-e fa'‘ili n.f. nominative case 
£jf\)-fii‘ili/yat n.f. being in the nominative 
case subjectivity agency (A ~ ] 

**i*/«V^ adj. (one) having lost (something^ 

•».• fa'qah n.m. starvation fasting (rare) 

poverty ; penury t>jA$fa'qa-z.a’dah adj. star- 
ved 5itf a 'qa-za'dagi n.f starvation v/5V t fa'qah 

kar'na v.t. go without food ; fast ; have to fast ; 
starve VsXSlifa'qah gi’zama v.i. Starve n.m. 
have to go without food fa'qa-kash adj. & 
n.m. starved or famished (person) (f^ttifd'qa-ka'shi 
n.f. starvation f rfqa-mas't adj. cheerful even 

in adversity n.m. starveling affecting airs of afflu- 
ence fa qa-mas'tt n.f. cheerfulness in ad- 

versity a'qoh mar'na v.i, starve; be 

famished be penurious IjtlfoJ^fd’qoh ka ma'ra 
n.m. & adj. starveling ; famished (person) ; 
starved (for so many days [A] 
j .•/«/' n.f. prediction omen augury 

C/” presage with the help j of some occult, etc. 
book (P&'t CikCi^i)Cifn)\S fai dekh'na {or khol'na 
or U'na or nikal'na) v.i. foretell. take ait 
omen from CljdJtifal’ kfiMlva'na v.t. get predic- 
tion thus /(Jb'falygo n.m. soothsayer one 
foretelling thus {jh/jlifd'l-t gosh' n.f. omen taken 
from words overheard sCIff f al-na' truth n.m. book 
of omens JS&'rl fal’,^J6fal-e bad' n.f. ill 
omen JliUfneV fal\ dfjjfal-e nek’ n.t. good 
omen [A] 

•Ut*fal’loo adj. extra spare surplus 
Jr& additional adv. in addition 

N M ‘ hemiplegia palsy paralysis 
Q/ tjj &Hfalij-ia'dah adj. palsied ;* paralysed 
J'iyi^falij-Za'dagi palsy ; paralysis l'X£tifalij 
gir'na v.i. Bfc pained ; be paralysed ; be stricken 
with paiSl^fis [A] 

fal'sah n.m. a kind of small, purple edible 
berry al'sa’i Aoj. purple (colour) [P] 

/ j • faloo'dah n.m. sieved flummery cold 
0}*'" drink prepared from it ; flummery drink 

alez' yJ^paUz' N.F. melon field [P] 

fam SUF. 

complexioned coloured (P) 

anoos' n.f. chandelier lampshade 
*** Jlrt/jH f a noo's-t kha yal' n.m. lantern pro- 
jecting on its shade shadows of pictures revolving 
round its flame ; shadow-play lantern (A] 

'nab n.m. wedge 

fa'ni adj. mortal transitdry (world) 

/ >ja"idah n.m. advantage benefit 
profit gain use; utility efficacy 
Cure ViSHtXVf a"idah Ufha'nd v.i. gain profit 

benefit ; reap benefit use ; utilize take 
advantage (of) ■‘fftif a'ida-mahd adj. useful 

advantageous beneficial profitable ; gainful 
efficacious (A] 

XjilfayarvM. fire firing g Klyltfa yar ih'jm 
fire engine fd’yar banged' n.m. fire 

brigade <X/lffa'yarifig n.f. firing [£} 

Llj Tfa"iz adj. fixed up ; holding (a job) 

^ ''(rare) successful fl^l’ftyfit'iz-ul-maTam' adj. 
successful in achieving the object [A~ }}] 
"iiiffiq AD J- surpassing excellent (*) tftf 
tf&la"iq(-o-) fa'iq adj. surpassingly efficient 

t fa'll n.m. file kar’-na v.t. file [K] 

. * fa’ be-ha • adv, all right (then) [A then-f 

W? Vw> t h+ l »*] 

.*•. (or fata n.m. youth young ; man 
chivalrous person [A] 

\fifattaP n.m. (see under ~C n.f. it) 

u A ■ 

•• fat' tali adj. seductive (eye) [A~ >» ] 
i. fata'va, (rare fata'vl) n.m. (pi., of 


•*\ jat'h(co\. fa'tah) n.t. {tv.&ifjtf Itookat' rare. 
£/ fdloob') victory conquest (rare) 

opening. £$ g fat'b pd'na v.i. conquer obtain 

a victory. be victorious ^fo^.h ba 
dank a (or naqqa'rah) baja'na v.t. declare 
victory with fanfare, beat of victorious drum 
JXfat'h-mobd^c/t fat'b-kar’n* v.t. conquor 
subdue w ■(jtfal'p.yaN At)j. j victorious 
triumphant "($yf?fat'ly-mFtkdi, ^yffat'Pya'bdn.F. 

victory trumph success Jr* fat 1 hah m.m. 
vowel point frCifattak' N.m. opener (God 
as) one who awards victory t,yf Stoop N.F. 
extra income (pl. of £ ★) [A] 
fitrak' n.m. saddle-straps (P] 

Jat'q n.m hernia ; rupture [A’ 
fjofi’tan n.m. (pl. of 

^ • 

/J Sfit'mh n.m. (n.f^ji’tan) mischief 
^ revolt temptation trial ; tribulation 
m kind of scent very naughty person adj . 
naughty ; mischievous difLA IjUUtf&fit'nah 
u thana (or bar pi! kar'na) v.T. ' ** create distur- 
bance raise a hue and cry 'j&iffrfit'na-afigez', 
}b4&ftt'na-pardaz' ADJ. & N.M. mischievous 
(person) mischief-mong (£)flfSJfit'na-aiige'zi, 
<fjbsjit'*a-pardi el n.f. mischief- making iyjyfjf 
fU'na-t kk&H'dah n.m. dormant trouble v&r&Xy 
so'te fit'rujaga’ka v.T. stir up trouble tf&fit'ni 
n.f. (col.) mischief-maker [A] , 

■r •Xfittool)' &\f/fitoohat' n.m. (pl. of £ n.f. 

V? *) 

p m \faloo’'i (ped. fatoo'lfi) n.f. (arch.) (usu. 
0^ sleevelet) waistcoat 
~Zfitoor' nji. defect derangement 
JJT unsoundness disorder disturbance^^ 

£ /futoor' bar-pa' kar’na v.T. create distur- 
bance raise a hue and cry (j&jy futoo 're ‘aq'l, 
X/ ka futoor' n.m. unsoundness of mind 

jUloo' riya, £ Jp futoo' rl n.m. & ADJ. (col.) 
mischievous person factious person [A] 
t.-ifal'va n.m. __ legal opinion judicial 

\jJT verdict ft}* fat' va dt'ns V.i. give a 

legal opinion give a verdict ftjftfals'va (rare. 

fata' vi) n.m. pl. legal opinions verdicts ; 
case-law (A] * 

jjj fad’tak n.m. wick jy’J/ffati'la-soz n.m, 

*!T metallic bowl for wicks ; lamp [A~*p 

jfp fij N.M. foot J^fHf '-bad n.m. football [E] 

.•fit adj. fit tight-fitting^" ho'na 

i£r 'y.l. fit be suitable ifjpfit kar 'tia v.T. 

prepare or adjust so as to fit [E] 

> v ‘ 'tar N.m. fitter [E ~ PREC.] 

n.f. phaeton [E] 

n -m- (^l- ocrb'-A) 

N ' F - daybreak dawn morning eCf 
S’ &jfoj'r ke vaq't adv. in the morning f 
Jaj'r hifaj'r ADV. early in the morning' " so 
early [A] ‘ ~ 

/fijopr N.M. debauchery wickedness 
bcrjb’q-o-fujcor' n.m. sinfulness and debau- 
.chcry r [Al 

» 1 fohi'sjt n.m. obscenity grossgess ; in- 
[JT decency foul language d/gf f°V*h bak'na 
v.i. abuse ; . use foul • language (fjtf j?foK sk- 
kata'rril, (}/^rfoh'sh-go"i n.f. foul language , 
obscenity ^j^fob’sh-navis' n.f. writer of obscene 
stuff (f&fafifia'shi n.f. obscene writing 
obscenity [AJ 

t* "i fahva’ N.M. drift or tenor (of speech), 
Of import style ("tf £Lf fahva! -e kalam' n.m. 
tenor of speech [A] 

• » fakh'r n.m. just pride boast glory , 
S ostentation , pride ; something to be proud 
of ; pride (of) tflj&j'fakh'r-e khandan n.m. & 
adj. pride of one's family fakh'r sa'majhm 
v.T. take pride in I'/yX fakh'r kar'na v.i. 
boast (of) ; be proud (of) pride oneself on or 
upon £ ‘Jt fakhriy'yah adv. proudly , with just 

pride boastfully [A] 

I • fids' adj, devoted (to) dying (for) 

^ sacrificed (rare) ransomed v/ii fida' kar'na 

v.i. devote (something to) sacrifice (one's 
life for) i> fida' ho'na v. love passionately 
be devoted (to) be a sacrifice (for) ; lay 
down one’s life (for) $( afida'i n.m. (person) 
hazarding his life (for) pledged devotee 
lover (arch.) Assassin*)] fyfida'iyan n.m. pl 
pledged devotees jfjifida’iy'yln n.m. pl. (arch.) 
Assassins [A] > . 

( • fa' dak (usu. Jji&Lba' gh-e fa' dak) n.m. name 
OP of a Khyber orchard m Arabia (A] 

,y* fid'tri (ped. ft dam) n.m. devoted servant 
(jjG (as formula opening subscription to appli- 
cation) Yours obediently ; the humble applicant 


•fid' yah n.m. ransom (A ~ Iji] 


l^/ar n.f. splendour pomp [P] 

f^far n.m. flight [A] 

fj) far n.f. fur (E] 

g'jp first' n.m. Euphrates [A] 

Jr •farts' ts n.m. sound of swift movement or 
vjr flight fyf^LJ/farra'te bkar'na v.i. run fast ; 
move at a swift pace ift^/farra'p ka adj. quick ; 

• . * fatskh adj. large , spacious ; expansive 
\Sf wide ; broad ^fp'/farakh' -chasf m adj. 
satisfied ; conxtntzd jsf&Jfarakh -hau' salah adj. 
hearted ; magnanimous $*S’&/fatakh-kau‘ salagi 
large-heartedness ; magnanimity (f^jpfarakh' 

45 i 


das'ti n.f. wealth ; easy circumstances 
farakh'-dil adj. generous broad-minded 
ifjf l/farakh'-di'li n.f. generosity broad 
mindedness Jlffara'khi n.f largeness 
roominess sopaciousness easy circumstances 


. **firar' n.m. flight ; running away Ijf'y 1/ firar' 
J'S ho'na v.i. flee ; run away abscond 

ra'h-e firar' ikhliyar' kar'na v.i. 
flee make oneself scarce^ a Vi adj. 
escaped absconding runaway ; fugitive 
n.f. (col.) (same as jJ/n.m. 'iz)( , Atfjl/fira'ri 
muj'rim n.m. absconder escaped convict [A] 

* j I/arae' n.m. top height suf. exalted 

bolding high rfjl/fara'zl suf. exaltation 


.. • j * fira'sat n.f. sagacity shrewdness dis- 

. )/ cernment perspicacity intuition (A) 

i^.'farasb' n.m. beddingtj'2 t^L^sahib(-e) fir ash 
/ adj. bed-ridden n.m. ill [A doubiet ofif}\ 
‘Zil/arrash' n.m. (arch.) carpet spreader 

i/ / (arch.) tent-pitcher ZLrf'Sf far rash" - 

khanah n.m. servant’s room (f'JSJarrashi adj. 
(arch.) (of fan) pulled by a servant tjttf'j, } 
farrashl pafi'kha n.m. ceiling fan large 

hand fan (A - (Vj) 

^A^nfarish’-bin n.f. French beans [E] 

^)*/aragh' n.n. leisure 

\Jy worries [A] 

*Jp.*faraghal N.F. leisure respite easy 

circumstances (icj&fara ghat pn'na v.t. 
be free (from) have leisure Offe^S^/fara 'fiat 
ye batik' na v.t. sit at case be free from 
worries tyizPjffara'fifiat ho'na v.i. have leisure 
be free [A] 

**. !yba^' n.m. separation e^Jtjjfifirctq'-za dah adj. 
(✓X separated from one’s sweetheart (A ~ Jj/) 
n.m. frock (EJ 

A, . • far&mosh' adj . forgotten neglected 

fj /]/ ignored Miff}} far amosh'-kar n.m. & 

adj. forgetful person (one) ignoring others 
rf'ftyfaramo'M n.f. forgetfulness oblivion 


^faran&n' n.m. (pl. of c 

freedom from 

t sz\> 

u _ •fraM'yi n f French n.m Frenchman 
•• / adj. French [F Francaise] 

1 i * fir o' Bah adj. ample abundani 
(J 7/ plenty copious^^/i'aca'ei n f 
plenty abundance |PJ 

s' “far a' ham adj. collected , gathered , 

fly obtained L’fffy fara'ham kar'na v.i 
obtain supply manage (ft 1/ fara'hami n.f 

collecting ; gathering obtaining (P - // 
before^ together] 

‘fara'iz n.m. pl. duties obligations 
Uy inheritance shares (aJsocTjy^ 
'il'm-bl-farti'iz) inheritance \&w(ff(j^'/fara"iz-t 
mansabl n.m. official duties jJpjJJ^huqoo' q-o- 
fara"iz n.m. pl. rights and duties tS‘ >, /fara"izi 
n.m. name of anti-British Bengali Muslim move- 
ment of early days [A ~ fdy ] 

‘far' bah adj. fat ; corpulent , plump^*b»j> 
fy far' ba-afid am' adj. fat , corpulent; plump jty 
far'bahi n.f. fatness ; corpulence flesh [P] 
~J[\fartt>ot' adj. very old ; decrepit £*J r-e 
fartoot' n.m. decrepit old man [P] 

- ',/dr'j k.f. (rare) ease (col. fur'j) vagina 


/* Iforjsm' n.m. end . consequenc 
f ffy far jam' adj. something with happy conse- 
quence [P] 

_ • fa rah n.f. cheerfulness joy . happi- 
Wy nessOl'/farhah' adj. glad ; happy 
cheerful/!^; jbCyha dati-o-farhah adj. happy and 
cheerful [A] 

i -jp far' hat n.m. pleasure delight cheer* 
f fulness ; amusement ; recreation ; diversion 
V^Sfar'bat-afza’ adj. pleasant delight- 
ful enu:rtainingf&'&?far'hat-atjam' adj. 
with a cheerful ending jfcir/far'hal bakh'dt adj 
pleasant refreshing [A ~ £/] 

Z ‘.ftir'rukh adj. auspicious [P~ j+G'} 

0 / 

• • farkhaii'dah (ped. farkhUh' dah) adj. auspi- 
•&/ cious cZ^oXrJfarkhafi'da-baUtt' adj. Iticky . 
fortunate [P] 

\fnr'd n.m (Pl .jl/lafrad') individual 
'/ coupler n.f. sheet , list , roll ; register 
outer fold of quiet adj. one single 
incomparable />/ far' dan far' dan ADV. one 

by one individual y^fffat'd-t botyar n y. 

human being Suiyfar'd-e baqtyai' n.f. (arch ) 
balance sheet .tti/fai’i-t jur'm N.M. charge-sheet 
far’d-e jUr'm ‘a"td kat'no v.T. charge 
sheet j am ' baii'di n.f. rent roll (of 

\ajid)j)jpfor'd far d adv separate (A) 

I \ far' da n.m tomorrow doomsday 

yfarda-e qiyamal n.m day of rrsut- 
Tcritonjiifyfarda o-di n.m yesterday and 
tomorrow future and past fP) 


1^ 1 0 ** AOV - (•** under^N.H. *) 

^ *jjktims ' n.m. (n.. (j^/Jjaradts ) paradise 
.. \l/tr) firdau's-e geth' n.m. & adj. enrap- 
turing sound ([X&7i) A&ifjiijirda-AS' -maka'ni (or 

A»J. ‘he late (A) 

» jriJbWooA adj. & n.m.£ (n,.cflFIJ//>^a’* 
nags*} wise (person) (Jtjjfarzs'nagl n.f. 
wisdom (P) 

n.m. son (rare) child; offspring 
Jarzat’d-e raApd' n.m. dutiful son 
wi^l ‘Xjjfarzah'd-* ns-kha'laj n.m. undutifui son 
(iijjf Jarzat’di n.f. filial relations StJ/'S 
fargat'dl met lens v.t. accept as son-in-law [P] 
^jtj^jat'tik n.f. (at chess) queen [P] 

P* fa'tas n.m. (w.iSt^afras' l J']}faTooi') 

U/ horse marc (at chess) knight [A] 
i 1 far si' SUF. chafing rubbing wear- 
y ing away Jlsjfarsa'’i suf. rubbing 
wearing away 

t«+Jinsta‘dah n.m. 9l ad], (one) sent (by) 
envoy (of) ; messenger (of) [¥~c)>C>/ 
t adj. first^i t Jrpjars ' j-ei' n.f. first 
QfcjjjtSffars t ' dm 'zan n.f. first division 
</j &»'/Jau't War', n.m. first class [E] 

V i]ur'sakh,sJ>/JaTsatg' n.m. league 

C/S para sang [P] 

.IJafisaa'dah adj. outmoded trite 

tXfs T '•i<mrout ( f}ypfarso°'dagi n.f. being 
worn-out . being outmoded triteness 

depreciation (of machinery raj a t-e 

Jarsoodagl n.m. pl. depreciation charges [P~ 
td)y}\ i 

<*,*far’ib (PL.iSj/Juroosh) n.m. floor pave- 
kJ/ nient carpet ; mat bedd i ng ^ 

Jar'rg bif^kd'na (or kar'na) v . i . carpei^i; O/l j/ 
Jar' A bans' ns (or lagans) v.t. pave (J>i ) U* /} 
ban' ns (or lag' ns) y. t. paved jryjjfar'sh 
Jutoosk' n.m carpettingtf^/ar'jhi adj. pedestal 
(htmp, fitn, etc.) \ovr flf'^far M salam' 
n.m. low bow [A] u 

*g.*Jhish tah n.m. (vh.d&$JiTish lagan) angel 
C/^iZgJirish'ta-khas’lat 'C^'^firishla-si' rat, 
C\i*£rjjirish' la-si' fat adj. angelic virtuous 

C / l i i’ ,e * kha’bar na ho’na ph. 
(of someone) be totally unaware 
Jnith'tot ke par' jal'na ph. (of place, etc.) he inac- 
cessible %lf>ag£firish' te dikt/'i dt'ns VI 

frim'te na' tars' ns ph. find one’s death approach- 
ing fP] 

^ .*/Sr'raf n.f. leisure opare time 

upponunityl>^»/iir'fa/ ps'ns v.i. find 

• f*jjdr(i-'mdi adj. & n.m.^ (pt,.tllKl>^/ar«’- 
nags t) wise (person) fans’ nagl n.f. 

wisdom (P) 

.••\fareatd' n.m. son (rare) child; offspring 

Y i H' 

i/S pat 


the opportunity (to) have time (for) have 
\e\%\irt(l^)i>V>f/jur'sat miina (or ho'na) v.i. 
have a respite have some leisure get an 
opportunity (to) fA] 

%*/ar'^ n.m. duty obligation responsi- 
Jy bility supposition li/V^/ar'.; ads' kar'na 
v.i. do (one’s) duty Jfj^far' z-e ‘ ain ' n.m. strict 
obligation adj. obligatory v/J*tfar'z kar'na v. 

suppose speak hypothetically assume 
presume ; take for granted make (something) 
obligatory (for) far' z ka'ro ph. suppose 

hypothetically. speakingxU^i/ar'^-e kifa’yah n.m. 
general Obligation whose performance by an 
adequate number absolves all ; adequate obliga 
tion J\f cfyba-far'z-e mokal' adv. if worst come 
to worst l/Jfy jar'z ho’ ns v.i. be^obligatory (for)" 
j^ibil-far'z adv. supposing Ofjar'zan adv 
( arch.) granting supposing J*j>far'zi adj. 

assumed fictitious supposed # hypo- 
thetical insubstantial unreal ( t'(//>far'zi 

asm n.m. pseudonym ; assumed name ; fictitious 
name [A] 

, Ifar’t n.f. abundance ; excess : cepth*^K^> 
V far't-e sMauq" n.f. great longing depth 
of passion &/j/far't-e mahab'bal n.f.- great 
affection excessive love [A) 

d \S aT " N * F - (pl. £,J/furoo‘‘) bough 
Cy branch ramification ; subsidiary develop- 
ment t'/jirfas'l-o-far" n.f. root and branch [A] 
•fir'aun- (pv.S'lyfara’inak) n.m. pharoah 
Of/ arrogant person ^lUZ-^f/fi/aun-e be- 
ssmari n m. one proud despite povert 
fi/auni/yat n.f. overweennig pride [A~Egyp.] 
^jfpfar’gbul n.m. quilted cloak [P] 

• ’Jar' Jar adj. fluently CJf/far'Jar parfns v.i. 
SS read fluently 

• • far'tari n.f. (esp. unmarried) women’s cam 
0/S (parliculary by the addition of J'a. fop or fi 
to every syllable of ordinary speech; 

*1 1 jar' q n.m. difference distinction dis- 

Us tance intervening space change 

estrangement deterioration parting of the 
hair brow forehead ClflO/far'q a ja'na v.i. 
undergo a change deteriorate be estranged 
(^^^.jvftj'pjar'q aai (or par' nit) v.i. show a 
differenre (of) undergo change be estrang- 
ed t '/jj/far q kar'na v.i. differentiate 

show partially O&O/far'q nikal'na v.t. show 
a difference remove a difference 
di'lot met far'q a'na FH be estranged (A] 

00 0 ' «a • ] 

^ fi'raq n.m. (PL. of J/it) 

.f Ijutrqan' n.m. the Holy Quran (as' dis- 
(✓'v tinguishing truth from falsehood (rare) 
such distinction [A ~ Qy\ 

J\* ftir’qat^ N.F. separation > »jC^/f6r’qat-za'dah, 
*"^r-tjlifeSpfUr'qat ks mar a adj. (of lover) 
afflicted with separation (A] 

A— I farqad'an tcffifarqodnin' N.M. name of two 
brilliant stars near the pole-stars [A] 
jir'qah h.m. (pl. 0) fi'raq) secufjf'fyfir’qa- 
bah'di n.f. organization into various sects 
c^iyfir' qa-parast' n.m. sectarian com- 
‘munalist adj. sectarian communalistic 
fir' qa-parasfa'nah adj. sectarian 
communal fr/i) fir'qa-parasli n.f. sectaria- 

nism communalism [A] 

Z.'farlsfig' n.f. furlong [Ej 

jyar'lo N,F ' furlough [E] 

>. \far'm n.m. & adj. firm (EJ 


r • farms suf. (one) who says, does or orders 
!#/^ something '(fVyfarma’t suf. saying, doing or 
ordering something (P ~ eb /}] 

^^far'ma.yy far'mah n.m. forme (E] 

. • farman n.m. edict command 
(f/y charter J^lyfar'maft-bar-ddr' adj. obe- 
dient dutiful Jjl^lyfar’msft-bar-da'ri n.f. 
obedience Sjcjly far' mail pa$r' adj. obedience 
tSS . ^ (Jlyfar’mafi-pazi'ri n.f. obedience 
far'msfi-rava n.m. sovereign foyty far' Mafi- 
rava’i n.f. sovereignty ; suzerainty [P . ~ 
mi \farma'na v.i. (of superior) say v.t. order ; 

* y command [~Pcbj£jl 
A j. * farms’ ‘ish n.f. request or order (far 
U 'y something) a kind of buttered pen- 
gake v/ifj’fifpi.yfama'ish poo’ri kar’na v.i. 
supply (someone’s) order present (something) 
requested (by someone) b’/iy^farma ;, ish kar'na 
v.t. place an order (with) make', request 
(for a present from) {jrkj>fatma"ii M adj. 
request ; requested as ordered strong ; 
vigorous farms" isht par' ns (or kka’naf 

v.i. have a good hiding get a sound shoe 
beating farms" is± >1 qaih'qahqh n.m. 

horse laugh loud laugh iP~'2ba$£] /. 

fi^lfarafit' n.f. front opposed (to)v(U^«^ 
{m * r / farahx ho’ ja’ ns v.i. become inimicai to (EJ 
s^ifaraft'iiyar. n.m. fiontkrffi^iyfarah'pya r 
md KM. Frontier Mai) (EJ 

% * far ai itch ADJ French ^-j/^ffaraitick lost 
n.m. egg-soaked toast ; French toast (E] 
jf’faravg ^Cy far ait' gist an n.m. the West 
fc "y' Western countries (fiy farab'gi n.m. & 
adj. Weternized (person) European ( - £ 

*i \fir'm t (fyifm'ni N.F. hasty pudding asjtij/ 
w/ fir' m Jaloo' dah tk' hka"o na'faM 
ho'ta prov. everything has a value of its own [P] 
y^f ami! char n.m. furniture (E) 

• fir o' adj. put out ; extinguished adv. low 
2/ below down tfifi}firo'~tari adj. humble ; 
lowly tfjfyfiro'-la'ni n.f. humility ; lowliness 
firo' kar'na v.t. extinguished curb; quell 

firo' -hash ho' ns v.i. stay put up (at 

or with) iZ^I^Jyfiro'-guzarhC n.f. omission 
sin of omission Vjizs , $/firo -guzssht' kar'na 
•v.i. be guilty "'bf an omission Wy firo' -man dah 
adj . weak helpless weary , tired ; 
fatigued Jj. by firo'-malfdagi n.f. weakness 

helplessness weariness : fatigue *fi*/firo'-ms\ yah 
ADJ. mean; object poor J^iyjiro'-mzfysgl 
n.f. meanness poverty \!y t iy firo' ho'»& v.i. 

be put out ; be extinguished be curled ; be 
quelled [A] i 

^Pjj sfar'vai adv. at a gallop 

L ^Zfirokf}'t n.f. sale; disposal vXzfyfirokh't 
“'•V kar'na v.t. sell ; dispose of firokh’ t 
sh'idah adj. sold ; disposed of* sSy>j£?khari'd-o- 
firokh’t n.f. (see under (P ~ 

1 fitod! adv. (rare.) down ; beneath prep. 
'alighting soujouming ,if»yfirod'-gah 

n.f. camping ground rest house [p] 
jy *fgr'varditi n.m. first month of Persian 
calendar (P) 

^yar’vati n.m. February [E] 

• yf2roz',j*/(afroi' sur. illuminating UVy 
J *s fUro'zsh adj. lit ; lighted refulgent 

sj iJfyfurozih'dah, jt.M. one who illuminates [P~ 

!y * firosh' selling seller ; vendor 
U yfirodnn'dah adj. seller ; vendor (fy/fin'M 
SUF. selling [P 

fy\furoo'‘ n.m. pl. off-shoots j branches 
C/y ramification subsidiary developments 
minor points (rare) distant relatives practi- 
cal tenets J's/furoo' l i adj. minor subsidiary 
extra ; additional (A-o simo. fay) 

tr . ? f&rojfif n.m. rise to fame or power 
honour popularity prosperity 
'glory ; splendour (K/^rtjCi^fgrogh' pa’na (or 
ka'sil kar'na) V.i. thrive; prosper fame or 
power become popular achieve, glory [P] 
fi ifarhaft/f n.f. dictionary glossary ; 
vocabulary ; meanings and explanations 
wisdom [P] 

| \ faryad' n.f. crying out for assistance 
iv complaint plaint petition UjjlJ 

I’lfiza, \"J\ a S&' SUF - increasing; reinforcing 

V [P 

&\fa'za l cry lor helps . bewailing (rare) 
L/f fear [A] 

Q » Ifizooh' jjyj I af'zooh adj. more increase 
jl az adj. more than (P 

I \ fasad' n.m. disturbance ; trouble out- 
^ break rebellion dissension mischief 
brawl ; melee tumult disorder ; upset- 

" . , * . . . . . , • I » * V * , ‘*“* fc '** w *'* wi , 

complaint plamt petition ifjA/ I ting fasad' bar-fa' kar'na v.t. create 

faryad' -r as n.m. & adj. (one) who redresses 
grievances (rfjlyfaryad'-ra'.i n.f. redress 
faryad' kar'na v.i. cry out for assistance 
complain sue ; file a suit (against) farya'di 
n.m. plaintiff complaining 

• forth' (ped.^S/fireb') n.m. fraud 
Cgj^ cheating ; deceit ; deception, seduction 
suf. captivating deluding Jf^jf are' b-amez 
adj. cunning ; decxitM^j/i^yfartb'-khiir'dah 
adj.' gulled ; duped defrauded ; swindled 
bcgui\edtf‘» T S/fartb'-de’hi n.f. .swindling 
cheating ; defrauding . beguiling 
(ko) fareh' dt'na, Uj\ (£&-)(se) jareb'korna 
v ; T. .- cheat ; deceive defraud dupe 
swindle l(/(ka) fareb kha'nS, 

( ke ) fartb’ nub a'na v.i. be cheated (by) 
be deceived (by) be beguiled (by) ; 
lie deluded (by) be seduced (by) t££yfartbift'dah 
n.m. deceiver (f&fare'bi n.m. cheat fraud 
fraudulent [P] 

/ \ farid' ADJ. singular ; peerless •S/fan'dak 
«/ adj. matchless n.m. matchless pearl [A ~j}] 

& fari'zah n.m. ( n..(/ > j/fara"iz ) obligation 
duty obligatory prayer Vyljl^Jfari'zah 
add’ kar'na v.i. do one’s duty offer obli- 
gatory prayer perform (Haj. etc.) obligation 
A~ J/} 

„ • , ♦ faref’tah adj. infatuated (with) fasci- 

nated (by) n.m. lover l'Jzi>jfaref'lah' kar'na 
v.t. infatuate fascinate I'j^ZJ^pfaref'tah 
ho'na v.i. infatuated (with) ; fall in love 
(with) be fascinated (by) J&jfaref'tagi n.f. 
infatuation (P 

**, l/ari?' n.m. party to a lawsuit section 
Us (of class). division Jjlijy fari'q-e av'val 

N.m. first party ; principal party plaintiff 
W'D^fari'q-esa’rii n.m. opposite party 
dc{ci\&aniyjz}fanqain' n.m. both parties 
dir two parties to a lawsuit ; plaintiff and 
defendant {A ~ (jj>] 

J a farm' n.m. frame ^^./faretn-sjni'dah adj. 

| "s framed ; mounted on a frame v/(i/fonm' 
kar'na v.t. frame t '| P J* tfj f rrem ' mefl laga'nav.T. 
frame [E] 

disturbance fasad' utkd'nd (or 
kar'na or madfia'na ) v.t. raise a tumult 
create trouble t?J>Ofasadki jar n.f.‘ bone 

of contention one lying at the root of all 
trouble mischief-mongeq£>U»/a,ra'rfi adj. 
mischievous tumultous factious-N.M. mis- 
chief-monger tumultous (person) [A] 

<f \foah' , jl>i afsafi' fisah n.m. 
JU* whetstone [PJ 

. . *. fasa'nah n.m. (same asxU*/N.M. 1r) 

'Jy fas'kh n.m. cancellation (of programme) 
£/ giving up (of idea) annulment (of 
marriage, etc.) breaking off l'S£?fas'kh 
kar'na v.t. cancel annul give up 
break off [A] ,, % 

y IfisUr'dah sDj.Jf^fisur'dagi n.f. (sec under 

' ADJ. *) s 

'hkJ f asta " f H M - fox-isfTTtfiSfasta'ijyat n.f. 
fascism [E~It] 

••Xfis'q, Jjr^fasooq' n.m. disobedience sin- 
U> fulness debauchery 
n.m. sinfulness and impiety [A] 
zf \fusooh\(jy%afsoeti' n.m. spell incarita- 
tion sorcery ; black art ; magicJt/^jt^j(/«jooft'- 
saz,jjy>fusoofi'-gar n.m. ravisher ; enchanter 
magician ; sorcerer ; charming ; ravishing 
ljfyjZ?fusoo1t-sa 'zi,(fJljr > ftisoofi'-gari n.f. en- 
chantment [P] 

•^jish int. bo$h ; trash [otto.] 

iXlfashar' n.m. pressure squeezing 

fasha' r-tid-dam' , jjl&fasha'r-e khoon' n.m, 
blood pressure [P] 

A ifishnn’ SUF. diffusing strewing. spit- 

U*’ ting (fire) shedding tears 'j&jisha'ni 
suf. diffusing strewing spreading 
shedding [P~ ^>1?] 

Zifashur'dak n.m. Juice. (of) ADJ. pressed 
squeezed aff^faskir'da-t atgoar’ n.m. 
wine . \ 

(jV?”. fas a' bat n.f. eloquence £r fasti' a»j. 



•'J faq adj. (of colour from face) lost Clfjf 

ratig' Jaq' hoja’na'vA. turn pale do so 
owing to guilty conscience 
&£- faqa'hal n.f juridical 'acumen [A -doublet 

A t .‘fuqdan' (or Jiqdari) N.M. lack (of) , want 

Cltf^(of) loss (of) [A] 
m »\faq'r n.m. poverty*; penury ; indigence 

A mendicancy; mendicity piety 5$ ^faq'r-o- 
fa’qah n.m. poverty and hunger straitened 
circumstances i^fi>fuqara\ n.m. (pl. of ■*) [A] 
(T&Jiq'rah n.m. (pl .Ctftfiqarat’) sentence ; 

•period (rare) passage; paragraph witticism 
witty remark deception ; glib talk vertebra 
Jiq’ra-baz' adj. & n.m. trickster witty 
(person) ftq'ra-ba'zi N.F. decep- 

ghar n a v.i. indulge in witticisms pass witty 
remarks l'l(j£(Jjft(£{ke) fiq'roh mdt ana v.i. be 
duped by [A] 

n.m. end ; finis adv. just ; only ; 
merely [A] 

yjfifq'k (col. fi'qah ) Islamic law (rare) 

understand ing^Jyfusool'l-e fiq'k n.m. pl. Islamic 
jurisprudence J&jaqlh' n.m. (pl. & fuqaha) 
Muslim jurist [A] 

t*lfaqtd' adj. missing lost absent 
Aj J&luifaqi'a '■v.l-mis d/' adj. unparallelled ; 
unprccedent [A ~ yfiut] 

~\J'aqir’ n.m. (pl. \J»fuqara’) beggar 
./JT mendicant calendar dervish fakir 
saint poor man pauper poor ; penniless 
indigent: penurious lifPfaqiranah beggarly 
poor unpretentions adv. like a beggar ifjjd 
fiqlr’ni v.t, beggar-maid beggar woman 
(J^faqi’ri n.f. poverty ; penury ; indigence 
mendicity begging (as a trade) . saintli- 
ness adj. poor beggarly [A ~ /*] 
^j^faqih’ n.m. (see under ^n.f. 4c) 

*• . 

/Cfak n.m. dropping or omission (of vowel- 
Udl point) redemption^U'iL^/aA'i-e igafat 
n.m. omission (of sign of genitive) 1^4^/flM-fir- 
raih'n.d^t^fak’k-e raib'n n.m. redemption of 
mortgage [A] 

CZf l /»fUkahai' n.f. titbits jokes (A -sing. 

/•fik'r n.m. (dial. F. pl. j\ O'lafkar') worry ; 

S* anxiety thought ; thinking idea 
imagination t JJfJ* ’r kar'na v.i. be worried 
be anxious (about) : be concerned (over) 

think (upon) provide (for or against) do 
some .inking bring one’s imagination into 
play for composing (verse) jt/Jijik' r-mahd' adj. 

worried anxious thoughtful ifXsjZ'fik'f* 
mah'di n.f. worry anxiety thoughtful, 
ness ma'a'sf} N.F^concemed for earn* 

ing one’s livelihood l '■* j 0?J*fik' r mefi raih'nti, v.T. 
& 1 . be worried be thinking of be 
after [A] 

tfcfigar' adj. sore : wounded ; lacerated suf. 
wounded ; lacerated l p ] 

n.f. success victory prosperity 
w/ jsf'jC'V* fala'fro-behbood ' n.f. welfare and 
prosperity [A] 

_U^/a//aA' n.m. cultivator ; tiller ; peasant 
U fellah Jala hat n.f. cultivation [A] 

^J^f ala khan n.m. sling ; catapult [P] 

n.m. philosopher [E) 

* . •jala'sifah N.M. (PL. of<^"*V) 

^^£/?/ar'/t n.f. philosophy [E] 

/•Jalakat h.f. adversity misfortune 
Cslrmistiy ejjjztyfalakat-za'dah adj. un- 
lucky ; unfortunate miserable ; wretched adv. 
in adverse circumstances 

lalain n.f. flannel [E] 

•fulah' n.m. so-and-so adj. such (person or 
thing) jj)i failin' n.m. (as swear word) male 
or female sexual organ ('jtf/fi/a'na adj. & n.m. 
(f. yUJ/B/a'n» so-andso such (person) [A] 
fil'tar n.m. filter [E] 

4 /l/ifie'.N.F. metal^fib/ffojat' n.f. pl. metals 
'iSWfilizZa ti. adj. metallic (currency) [A] 
Jfifal’s, n.m. (pl. f/pfuloos’) pice scale 
\J (of fish) [A] 

• iLfal'sqfah n.m. philosophy wisdom 
/^^‘raison d'etr e'tf^faTsdft n.m. (pl.-a-ID 

Jala'sifah) philosopher wise man 
falsafiya' nah adj. philosophical [A~G] 
n.f. pepper [A] 

/•fa'lak n.m. (pl. Jyilajlak') sky ; the 

L^ir heaven ; firmament sphere (of moon, 
etc.) fate fa' lak-ul-o flak' n.m. the 

empyrean /jim/pfa'lak-bos' adj. sky-high 

tfa'lak-bos ' ‘ ima'rdt ’ n.f. very tall structure 
sky-scrape l# iyf- /*/!»' (ke, fa'lak ko tool- 
bar na ho' ria v be totally unaware of <r fa'laki 

adj. heavenly celestial [A] 

& fil'm n.m. (dial, f.) film JPfil'ffi adj film (E 

' ^,j^fuloos' u u. money (pl, of [A] 

.. ^ falx' tab n.m wick fuse or match (of 

(gun) jail' la-d & adj. matchlock (gun) 
(C&tyOjJjifati' lah de’na for dxkha'na) v.t. ignite 
f~A ^corr.) - 

"i fam n.m. mouth opening orifice Wf 
| Ja'm-e me" dah n.f. orifice of stomach [A) 

1/an n.m. ^J^/Snoon') art skill art (of) 

( y craft jjfunoo'n-e lati'fah n.m. pl. fine 
arts j&fan'kar' n.m artist ^^ffan-karnnah ad|. 
artistic (Jj&fan-ka'ri n.f art tffan'ni adj. 
teachical [AJ 

i ••Jana n.f. death mortality destruction 
le 3 squandering y'/.Cifana -pazir' adj. 
mortal perishable (ffyjjjar.a'-pazi'ri mor- 
tality being perishable JZn.fttfjana fil'lah adj. 
contemplation at one with God dead 
Jana' kar’tla v.t. annihilaief'b^^/ans’ ho 
ja'na v.i die perish JA] 

Y . • firmin' n.m finance^PO/nar/'jfca/ adj. finan- 
ce l>cial [EJ 

..•Jjtf’jan' n f tea-cup ; cup [A] 


jgfahd N il trick deceit [P] 

.*2 •Ifuti'diiq n.f, filbert ; hazel-nut (fig.) 
■~*'stained finger or toe (of one’s sweet- 
heart) [AJ 

^pjafid n m fund [E] 

^jyfi'nai nf (same as ★) 

£funoon n.m. pl fan'm adj. (see undercAfc) 

^‘jf'ljava'hish n.m. pl. immodesties 
C/7^' obvious sins [A ~SING.^'(>1 
llfo'ad' N.M. (PL. e£jiof’idah) heart (AJ. 

»* . . > • 
. *favva'rah n.m. fountain jet »j\) 

OJ'J favva'rah chhoot'na v.i. sp>out (of 

fountain) play [A ~ ] 

^jjfavakeh n.m pl fruits [A -sing, J 

j^^XIav a"id n.m. (pl. of tjiiit) 

fauls.T. . loss (of) omission adj. 
G# dead lost CtyCsjfaul ho ja'na die : 

pass away be lost ft jfou'tr adj. (arch.) dead: 
deceased fara'r^ adj. (arch.) dead 
or absconded killed or missing £tsjfauti'dn0 

n.f. pcd.) death [ AJ’w,Ci!f/jfo'iograf n.m (photograph] 
j \Jjj fo'w-garn jar n.m photographer^ji^ 
fo'to-gara'fi n.f. photography [E] 

-•fauj n.f. (pl. pjiafvaj'} army crowd 
CA* (of) host (of) fauj' bkar'ti kar'n a 

v.t. levy axmyjlufj fauj'-dar n.m. (arch.) district 
military commandant tfjljfJfauj-da'n adj. crimi- 
nal (side, etc.) n.f. criminal criminal case 
tfjU?)C t }0 t ada'lal-e fauj-dari N.F. criminal court 
ftrf&jfauj'ka'shi n.f. invasion ; inroad ; incursion 
\;/ ( £ , £ > }fmj'-ka!i]n kar'na v.t. march an army 
(against) attack ; -invade &){$/. bah' r\ fauj n.f. 
army &J( J IJ’jijft&'Jazd't (or hava" i) fauj n.f. 
air force (f/fauji adj military n.m. soldier [A] 

1 faur n.m. hurry ; haste ; celerity ; agility 
^ (only as) 'jjjfau'ran or. jji> { $jil-jaur' adv. 
at once ; immediately ; instantly without 
delay directly ; straightaway fA] 

•^jfauz n.f. success victory [AJ 

, * /o'/oA n.m (pl.) scrotum testicle (arch ) 
purse (arch.) treasure *(rj>/ fo'fa-kha’nah 
n.m. treasure; treasury jbJ>)fo'ta-dar' n m 
( arch.) cashier ; treasurer revenue collector 
(fjPJrjJo'ta-da'ri n f (arch.) treasureship 
revenue collector’s office [*) „ . 

’Zlfauq adv. & prep above J^Jjfau' q-ul-ha shar 
U* n.m. superman fau’ q-Ul-bha' rak adj. 

glitteri ng tawd ry C/j {/J(j)fau ' q~uU' a da i 

adj. supernatural unusual ; extraordinary 
J)Lma-fauq' pref. above fttijfauqa'ni adj. 
upper ; superier supra-dotted (letter of the 
alphabet) cJjfauqiy'yaL n.f. supremacy 

heremonv superiority pre-eminence 
excellence Vtbc^Jfauqi/yat chah'rta v.t. strive 
to exbell * want to have supremacy 
fauqiy'yat le ja'na v.i. excel supercade [A] 

.•faulad' (rare.sjfjj'poladj n.m steel 
)»* faula'di adj 'steel strong or iron 

(man) [P] 

^Jjfooh' nf. hiss (of snake) [ono.) 

•• 1 ( rafe peC ^* hfjf*) 1 ***) N F. list 

^■'VT catalogue table (of contentslyj^ifc^j 
fehris' t-e-maza' nun n.f. contents ; table of con- 
tents [AJ 

faih'm (ped. fah'm) n.m. understanding 
( perception, comprehension sense 

intelligence f°ji ' m-o-da'meh N.f intelli- 

gence and wisdom Sf* fnhim' n.m. & adj intellj* 
gent (person) [AJ 

twq bow-lengths quite close fA] 

\)f"qa'biz n.m. possessor occupant posses- 
U“ *sing holding seizing asungent [A 

Lfqa'bil adj. able capable qualified 
UP competent worthy deserving worth 
-able ffljtyitqa' bil-e ad a'' igi adj payable^lc!^ 
qa'bil-e e‘libar' adj. trustworthy credible ; 
believeable^^/p^li^a'iii-c eHiraz adj. objection- 
able J&tJlIf qa'bil-e inliqal' adj. transferable 
*? nutable (b'jt}i\stf\Sqa'bil banana (or kar'na) 
v.t. * make competent enable Q/iffiqabil-e 
pazira'i adj. admissible qa'bil-e ta‘rif 

adj. praiseworthy 'bil-e das't- 

ahda'zi-e ( pulls ' ) adj. corignizable (offence) jytf.b 
qa'bil-e saza adj. punishable CSrfJJtqa' bil-e 
zamanat adj. bailable qa'bil-e ghaut' adj. 
worthy-considering Cfi/Jffqa' bil-e farokh’t adj 
salable JU tfjltqa' bil-e mo'a'ff adj. pardonable 
*j Wfjiy qa 'bil-e, mo l a.'hh.azah adj. falling under 
judicial notice; Culpable <Js*jJfJI>qa bil-e vusool' 
adj. recoverable I'j-jfqa'bil ho'ns v.t. be 
competent be capable (of) ; be able (to) 
be fit {forf&Sbqabitiy'yat n.f. ability capa- 
bility qualification competence capacity 
accomplishment fitness worth [A] 

. I f'qa'bilah n.f. midwife adj. capable (woman) 

rqa'boo N.m. control hold 
sPqa'boo pa'na (or chal'na) v.t. control 
bring under control keep (someone) under 
someone’s thumb CJj(jijJsqaboo mefi rakk'na v.t. 

restrain keep under one’s control f 
iCibjqa'boo men kar'na (or le'ns) v.t. bring 
under one’s control subdue restrain $J\> 
qaboo'cht n.m. good-for nothing fellow mean 
person (arch. ) door-keeper ; jointer [T] 
Lfqatii n.m. murderer assassin homicide 
U" adj. deadly ; fatal" ; mortal (A- J^*] 

j gqadir AS>Jt having a command (of) 
capable (of) able (to) skilful (in); 

skilled (at) k\m. ^Almlghiy yjl^qa'dir-aiidaz' 
ad. sure shot (J^j^qa'dir-e mat'laq nj*. omnipo- 
tent (as an attribute of God) (A ~ C/jm) 

t^qaroo'rah n.m. urine urinal (for 
medical examination) (arch.) bottle 

CkijiJ&qaroD'rdh mil'na v.t. be in harmony 
(with) be of the same temperament be 
thick (with) [A] 

.a I’qd'ri s.m. (pr ..t/qgna) roaifer of iheHoly 
Quran (fUjjfjffqan'in') reader A - *5pf] 

* I** qaz n.f, goose rau'ghan-e qSz' inal i 

* ^ v.t, coax ; cajole ; wheedle [T) 

^jj^qa'ziq n . m . Cossack (T 1 

yd^qa'sint N.M, 

( ^official [A] 
"jTqash n.f. slk 

distributor allotting 

"qdsh n.f. slice piece (of) I'ftf'bqa sheh 

7 kar’na v.t. 

cut into pieces [T] 

.** qa'sid n.m. messenger courier 
>^wenvoy [A~>u&] 

.-qa'sir adj. failing (in) deficient (in) 
SV unable (to) ; incapable (of) fa's ifqa' sir 
ho'rm v.i. be deficient ^in) be unable (to) ; 
be incapable (of) [A ~ jyaf ] 
jfqa'zi n.m. (pi.. ‘il&quzat') judge; justice 
(j v magistrate supplier ; purveyor 
qa zil-k&jat' n.m. (God as Purveyor of all 
needs (joc.) money ; ptUHJaai^ltqa zil-qizfit' 
n.m. Chief Justice (A~ 
tfrfcqa'fibam adv. entirely (A} 

Legate' adj. cutting definite decisive 

v rebutting incontrovertible ; irrefut- 
able conclusive C/li'tjidbdrha'n-e gate' n.f. _ 
incontrovertible argument rebuttal [A - 
B ."qa‘idah n.m. rule regulation maxim 

formula system established 
order base (of geometrical figure) (rare) 
foundation plinth primer O^’t Wqa'Hdah 
bafidh-'na v.t. establish a rule ft; >/t\i'qa' i idah 
bana'na v.t. frame a rule [A] 

.fra/ n.m. name of letter Caucasus 
4 "^(usu.t*| fe/ko’h-e qaf, col. koh' qaf) Caucasus 
as legendary abode of fairies Cftfqaf [se] 

tii qaf n m. the whole world adv. all over the 
world [A~T] 

j * Cqafilah n.m. caravan jpisjslfqaftla-safar', 
^ Dili's ala r-e qafilah n.m. leader of the 
caravan [A] 

• rqafiyah n.m. (pi., jljqava’fi) rhyme 
f(j iS,L)q#’fiyah-batidl (or paima”i ) n.f. 
rhyming’ writing doggerel verse 
l'J< % If, qa /iya-bafi'di (or -pama”i) kar'jia v.i." 
versify compose doggeitti verse tyL&jlfqa'Siyah 
tan' g kar'na V.T. . reduce to straits drive to 
the vrallj{L~6" < bliqa'fiyeh tabg' ho'na v.i. be 
hard pressed be driven to th'e wall L‘ &’**!*' 
qa’Jiyah mila'na v.t. find a rhyme (for) 

-fqaq adj. lean ; gaunt n.m. dried meat [A3 

faqa'qvm n.m. ermine (A) 



^^qa'qulah n.m. large cardamom [P'1 

ifqal n,m theoretical knowledge lacking inii- 
C/ w ma cy of experience (J\sj£qi't-o-qal' n.f. 
alteration quibbling [AJ 

,T*qa'lab n.m. mould frame (shoe- 
maker’s) last centering (of structure) 
body 0*<J\>qalab badal'ns v.i, be metamor- 
phosed i'J'JloiJloqa lab khali kat’ns v.t die ; give 
up the ghost jsn' do qa'lab ph. 

hand in glove (with) [A] 
it’ya'&n n.m. carpet; woollen 
(£• w carpet jftifqali’diah, ^JighsW- 
chah n.m. (arch.) small carpet [A] 
gyqa'mat n.f. stature £s\)x>'qad'(d)-o- 
(j* qa'mat n.m. build and stature _ 

Ot/jj/idariz qa'mat,£>s&l(JfJ>tainl-il-qa,'mat >°J- 

tall [A] 

-qamoos' n.m. dictionary (arch.) ocean 

£f „qa'nit adj. & hm. (pl .(^floqsnitin' ; F.J'b 
qanitah F. P L.OMtqanitat') obedient to God 

{ Iqa ' nc * adj. content ; contented [ A ~ iSlS ] 


• T’qanoori n.m. law act 

{/X ^ordinance (arch.) dulcimer name of 

Avicenna’s treatipe; ‘canon’ W<JJ\>q&noon' banana 
v.t. legislate C%/£))lfqanoon' par (hal'ria v.i. act 
according to the law gj (fqanoon' chah N.M.^name 
of medical treatise ; '‘Canon’s Digest ' lidt/fy'jlt 
qanoon' ^ihafit'na v.t. (iron pettifogc/UtHylTjanoon'- 
din' n.m. lawyer jurist flz^Jliqanoori -d&' nl 
n.f. legal acumen juridical knowledge 
£) I J> tfjd'qanoo'n-e diva' diva' ni qanoon ' 
n.m? civil Uwifjiw) (jjlfqanoc'n-e fauj-da'ri, (SjjfJ 
(jjlo fauj-da'ri qanoon' n.m. criminal law 
qanoon" -go (col. qa'noob-go) n.m. petty revenue 
official of second last rank ; Qanoongo *V J ti' 
qanoo'nan adv. by law ; according to law 
under the rules if)\tqamo'nt adj. legal 
statuary lawful legitimate [pjlfqanoo'niya 
n.m. (iron.) pettifogger litigous person [A] 
fqahir \o]. subduing »rf\jiqa'hirahyM. Cairo 
^ adj. (f. or pl.) subduing [A~ yf] 
sfqa'id n.m.. leader (arch.) (rare) com: 
■Aw rnander y]jo\j‘qa"id-e a‘zam the Great Leader 
(as the title of the founder of Pakistan, the late 
Muhammad All Jinnah) ; the Quaid-e-Azam 
)qs”id-e mil'ldt n.m. the Nation’s leader (as 
the title of the Quaid-i- Azam’s chief lieutenant, 
the late I.iaqat Ali Khan) ; the Quaid-i-Millat 

lf~qa"il adj. convinced (one) conceding 
w&point n.m. speaker another (of a saying) 
I'/j'lfqa’il kar'na, ma‘qool' kar'na 

v.t. convince bring (someone) round to 
one’s viewpoint confute (someone) Ixfj'tT 
qa"il ho' na v.i. _bc convinced acknowledge 
admit [A~ (J)] 

%-qa"im adj. firm constant unwaver- 
j wing standing established n.m. draw (at 
chess) im-biz Z3t' adj, independent 

not depending on others for its existence,/!/^' 
qa'im-bil-ghair' adj. dependent . depending" on 
others for its existence Cpj^\gqa' , im raih'na v.i. 
stick (to) stand firm ' keep one’s footing 
qa'im kar'na v.t. set up; establish 
£ irf^qa’im-mizaj adj. resolute unwaver- 
ing maqdm ' ADJ. officiating ^n.m. 

viceroy vicegerent successor jff'&'flfqa'ifa- 
maqam' ho'na v.t. officiate tffrflfqa'im-maqa'mi, 
n.f. officiating period of officiating 
qa’im ho'na v.i. be set up ; be established 
be firm stand (on) stand firmly 2\>qa"imah 
n.m. perpendicular right angle adj. right 
(angle) n.f. firmness durability 

existencti/ly)iJjf(f&ba-qa''imi-e ho'sh-o havas' 
adj.. while in one’s senses deliberately 
thoughtfully [A- flJ>] 

g **qaba’ n.f. tunic ; jacket quilted coat 
adj. tom ; tattered [A] 

^-.<~qaba'hat n.f. harm; wrong defect 
^‘^•VfdJildFlXqoba'fat lazirri ana v.i. (of harm 
lie [A~ȣ] ' 

-qaba'lah N.M. title deed sale-deed of 
/Jwreal estate such certificate (tyl) Cijd%y> qaba'- 
lah likhsa'na (or le'na) v.t. & i. become’ pro- 
perty owner get a title deed come into 
possession (of a property ^ q aba' la- navis ' 

n.m. deed writer [~A~ Jf] 

2' t'lqabal'h n.m. pl. evils bad habits _ 
sj » ignoble traits of character [A ~ sing. 
i N.m. pl. tribes (f Jqabajili adj. 

Uz tribal n.m. tribesman - tribal. jWjyqaba'ih 
'ila'qah n.m. tribal area ('itijjftiqabaZli nizam' 
n.m. tribal system [A ~ sing. / jCf~ fg ] 

qab"eJi n.m. (pl. £,C*baba"eh ) . evil bad 
& habit deformity ugliness 

hUs'n-o qab'h n.m. good and bad points (of) 
beauty and ugliness beauty and the 
beast [A] 

*5 qab'r n.f. (pl.-V <?3Wr') 
yf grave tomb 

(IjyflJL'O J qab'rbam'na 
(or kkod'na) v.i, dig a grave 

l-“> S c ? from a very serious 
illness me * P a '' oil la } ka ”i 

baitk'na v.r. have one foot b the grave 
qabris’tnn n m. graveyard 5 burial ground ; 
cemetry (A) 

•j£qab'z n.m. constipation ; costiveness 
(/♦ seizure (of soul) qab-z-Hb-oUsool n.m. 

acquittance roll vjjofqab'z kar'na v.T. consti- 
pate v/jftfjnoh' qab'z kar'na v.i. seize the 
soul (of) : causc-death (to) (A] 

,j2qab'zah n.m. possession holding 
occupancy handle hilt hinge l 
qab'zah Uiha'na v.t. dispossess Hj'ji^J^qab'zdh^ 
ba-haT- kar'na n.m. reinstate 
qab'zch pa’nn (or Wm or ba'sil kar'na) v.t. obtab 
legal possession (of) tfj'ljifaifqab'z&h jama'na 
(or kar'na) v.t. take possession (of) grab 
&Zj qab'zah rakk'ns v.t. keep in possession 
hold fast Hit \&m?qab'za-e mUkhalifanak n.m. 
adverse possession (, ’JlffiJ.d&iqab'z* par hatk 
tlal'tia v.t. be ready to draw the sword £/cC£ ~- 
qab'ze men kar'na v.t get hold of have a 
firm grasp (of) A '->?] 

. 0 qab’l adv. previous (to); before qab'l 

v V nv_ Kpfnp^ i /I// AidVl - Pi O/K sjab l IS 

he (keh) adv. before (this) ma qab'l adj. 
preceding/^ ma qab'l-* b'khtr adj. second last , 
last but one ; penultimate [A] 

.Zqib’lah n.m. ‘qiblah’ ; direction b which 
Muslims turn b prayer the Holy Ka’aba 
venerable person title of respect for elder ; 
t\c.t2lfbjfqtb'la-e bajaf N.M. the centre of (one’s) 
hopes, jjjfqib'la-roo adj. facing the Holy Ka’aba 
Alfj/qib'la-e 'a' lam int. (fig.) your (of his) 
majesty U^JJ^qib'Ure kaunain' n.f.- (fig.) father 
ttfjjqib'la-gah' n.m. (fig.) father superior 
L/ M qtb'la-nSma' n.m. compass ; mariner's com- 
pass s*jJjj3qib'{a-o-ka‘'bah adj. & n.m. vener- 
able (person int. respected sir [A] 
jjpqibm' N.F. (PL. of yf N.F. if) 

i~qaba»l' n.m. acceptance consent; con^ 
currence (public) recognition 
qabool'-soo'rat ' adj. good lookbg handsome ; 
comely f*bJj>qaboo'le- * am ' n.m. sbdZ^j/jqabooliy 
yaUe ‘am'mah n.f. . popularity public recog- 
nition >t/(Jjfqabeol' kar'na v,T. accept Oj dqabool'na 
v.t. (col.) accept confess ^fj^qaboof ho'na 
v.t. be acceptable be accepted ^Jpqaboa'll 
n.f. rice boiled with whole gram £+#qabooli/jat 
N.f. acceptance (public) recognition 

(old use) written agreement [A) ♦ 

- qub'bah n.m dome cupola % 

>f (fig. (tomb (rare) alcove[Al A '/M 

Jfqabik' adj. (f. ^fqabi'hah PL. U / 

& '£, Oqaba'ik) ugly de- 
formed' vile ; base {A- g ] - 

ijfqabil' N.M. kind ; sort type ; category < 

UJ is'i qebil' ka PH. of the same sort : similar 

iZqaH'lah n.m (pl. jLfqaba’’il) tribe 

efoqitaV n.m. Jliqatta'lah n f- (see under ^ 

‘ffqat'l n.m. murder . assassination killing 
(J slaughter execution^lr^^a/V-F ‘ am * 
n.m. massacre jfirqat'J-e ‘sm'd n.m wilful 
murder , homicide vyij^qat'l kar’na v t. kill 
murder ; slay o^y qat'l-gah n.f place of execu- 
tion FjffJ^qai'l ho'na v.i. be killed ; be murdered 
jijfqital' n.m. fight battle jC>gatta'lah n.f 
ravishing beauty Jp* qat'il' adj killed : murdered 
n.m. victim [A] 

~~qat'lah n.m. cutlet slice piece J~A 


^ qah'bah n.f prostitute whore (A] 

*Y qaifi't (ped qab'l) n.m. famine 
drought leek (of) . dearth of ; scarcity 
(of) qah! t-ur-rijal' n.m. dearth of the righi 
t’ki? qaih't par'na v.i.. (of area) (of famine) 
be (of erea) be struck with famine be in 
short supply be very AcaxvjJsr qaUf't-za'dah 
adj . famine-stricken J lv j £ qaift' t-sa'^i n.f 
famine drought crop-failure^A) 

**qad n.m. stature height AlffqacTd-e a'drnn 
adj. of man’s stature , as tall as a man jjljS 
qad’-a'var adj. tall , of a commanding 
stature O&lSqad niknl' na v.i. (of child, etc ) 
grow ta.\hZs\£ }J $qad'd o-qa'mat n.m. personal 
appearance stature build (of person) (A) 
y^jj n’qada'mat n.f. oldness ancientness 
/-^antiquity priority ^SpSqada'mat-parai’i 
adj. conservative traditionalist #*^/ 
qads' mat-par os' ti conservatism traditiop- 

qad a' mat-pasatd' adj. conservative 
diehard old fashioned tf^&lSqada'mat 
pasatiii n.f. conservatism being told 
fashioned [A) 

* •‘qa'd'ah n.m. large cup ' bowl wine cup 
(rare) empty glass j/f/qa 'datt-kosh, 
qa'dah-khpr, Jfcfqa' dak-nosh n.m. & adj drunkard 
h$tr&iQ*P' ne qa'dah ki khair' masa’na v.l 


0 * 


be motivated by self-interest£y£>-i rad' d-e qa'dah 
n.m. refusal to drink (A] 

~ ••qad'h n.f. ( 'fz,# qad' fa kar'na v.t. cavil at 
criticize CJfjJ-’rad'd-o-qad' 6 n.m. heated 
argument [A] 

** qad'r (rare qa'dar) n.f. (pl .zbSiaqdar') res- 

pect ; honour worth value brilliance 
[dr sta.r) (1 )ijyjtqad'r-dsn' (or qa'dar-) adj. & n.m. 

patron one knowing the worth (of) 
true judge one giving due appreciation 
qad'r-da'nt n.f. patronage true due 
regard (to) qad ' r-sjiinas adj. & n.m. 

(one) knowing the worth (of) (one) showing 
due regard (to) true judgetf'C'jj&qad'r-shina'si 
n.f. appreciation patronge tfjjjst*. Vjjfjjj 
Itel'l qad'r kho de'ts hat har roz ka a' na ja'na 
prov. too much familiarity breeds contempt 
Jj&jifqad'r-e mush'tarak n.f. common value 
qad' r-o-mari zilat • f. respect; honour 
jji be-qad’r adj. deb; itdlSjJsJ^be-qad’ri, (fjjs l<" 
r a-qad’ri n.f lack of appreciation ^J>c/^besh-qad’ri 
n.f. appreciation (of money ),jyJl kam- qad’r adj. 

depreciated (money) not greatly respected 
idjjifkam-qad'ri n.f. depreciation (of money) 
being unbonoured [A] 

j - qa'dar (rare, qad'r) n.f. lot divine 

M decree quantity J WijJqa'dar-afidaz’ n m. 

aan ijSifiis' 

*c/*kis' qa' 
of PREC.] 

■ **7 -qad'r at n.f. nature universe divine 

■MS power , omnipotence ability or power 
(to do) command (of language, etc.) K*jCsjSi 
gad' rat rakh'na (or ho' ns) v.t. be able 
<>to) wield power (over) have command (of 
JjJ> qud’raH adj. natural asbab’ 

n.m. natural causes of God Jlsjfa'qud' rail 

vasa’'il n.f. natural resources [A] 

.jZqad’re *dv. a little somewhat r A- 

-q M's, (or qu'dUs) n.m. sanctity ; holiness 

‘Jerusalem Gdbrit\(f l jjqud'si adj. (f. 
or pl. gSjjqid'siyah, (ped. qudsiy'yah ) holy 

heavenly ; celestial n.m. (Pc.fjy/^qud'siyan) 
angle holy penoniyjH^qudsi-ul asl adj. 
heaven-born ; celestia l^j^nufoos-e qudsiy'yah 
n.m. pl. sacred persons [A] 

y—qad'ghan n.f. _ ban ; prohibition ; forbid- 
tJ^ding (rare) urging (.C&iJv/JZqad'Qan 
har' ns (or laga'na) v.t , forbid ; pre^ibit 

(rare) urge JT) 

marksman^// «’ qa'dar adv. so much this 
\'dar conj. how much (A doublet 



•^qa'dam n.m. (pl. ^Jsiaqdatn) foot foot-_ 
>i?step ; step pace step ; measure 
L 'M qa’dam utha' kar chal'na v t. walk fasttVl^T 
qa’dam utba'na v l. make a move take a 
step go ahead (with) U»" 1 (j>qa dam uxfl'na v.i 
walk moveC^ifirqa'dam u'kharna v i. 

(of army) retreat be no longer able to take a 
firm stand qa'dam barha na (or 

age rakh'na) step forward overstep the 
limits OffjtJpo qa'dam ba-qa'dam chal'na v.i. 
walk along side follow in (someone’s) foot- 
steps jy^Sqa'dam-hos adj. doing obeisance 
showing respect ^c/d^Sqa' dam-bos ho'na v.i. show 
respect (f'JfjJqa'dam-bo'si n.f, obeisance 
respect ; homage I'J'tf'Jpiqa' dam-bo' si kar' na v.t. 
show qa'dam bha'ri ho'na v.i. be 

ominous qa'dam phoofik phonitk 

kar rakhna v.t. move very cautiously Lkgf# qa'dam 
ch°°m' na,l'j&fjS qa'dam cjikoo'na , [ ‘/{Ss qa'dant 

ko hath.' laga' na v . t . show great respect frost- 

rate oneself (before) (l‘jt fjSqci' dam'raii jah 
farma'na (or kar'na) take the trouble ofcommg 
(*(* qa'dam qa'dam adv. ambling slowly 
qa'dam qa'dam par adv. at every step 
iVJftyClf qa'dam qa'dam ja'na (or chal'na) v.i. 
amble move slowlyl^t^^tT^fia) qa'dam 
durmiyari ho'na 1 of someone) have to do with 
i£jl)tyojqa'dam dhar'na (or rakh'na ) enter 
step on meddle (with) typS qa'dam le'na v 
acknowledge the superiority (of) ; show res- 
pect (to) ; keep pac eVjL^fqa' dam mar'na v t. 

move a pace endeavour O&fio qa'dam 
nikal'na vj. train (horse) l&S^jyjtqad'taoii se 
lag'na v.i. live under the tutelage of {tvyfsab'z- 
qa'dam adj. inauspicious (A] 
j~qi'dapi n.m. antiquity ; oldness (AJ 
\& •*. 

. qUdama' n.m. pl. the ancients (A - sino. //*' 

— qa'dapifhah n.m. 


seat on 

4 * native commode ; footrest in latrine ( - P 
— A] 

j »* qlddoos 4 adj. Holy (as attribute of God) 

, -quioom' n.m. arrival approach si'fJ'Lv 
ftjlqUdoo'm-e mai'manat-liuoom' ph. (polite 
word for) coming auspicious arrival (of) [A - 

r J l 

- qud'vah (or q/uf- or quf -) v.i. model 
exemplar (A) 

j-qadir' adj. powerful (as an attribute of God) 


J ”qadim\ (col. ifjiqadiml) adj. old; 

ancient former bygone antiquated 
outmoded [ ~ A 

j I 1 ? qarabadin n.f. pharmacopoeia ; materia 
C^y'/medica [A] 

„ —qara'bat n.f. relationship; kinship 

qarabat'-dar n.m. relation; relative; 
kinship (f jl£.l/qar a' bat-da' rl n.f. relationship; 
kinship tf'.ljiqara' bati n.m. relation ; relative adj. 
related (to) ; akin (to) (A~<u^] 

Ijqars'bah n.m. flagon decanter [A] 


^^j^qarabin' n.f. carbine [TJ 

jf*y ar5r N,u - test tranquillity consis- 
•Valency stability firmness agreement 
Vljlfqarar' a i'na v.i. be noJonger restless 

be set at rest l^jlfqarat' ps’ns v. i. be resolved 

be agreed upon be decided be setted 
be established be set at rest (of sperm) 
settle in ovary; Ijjljqarar'-dad n.f. resolutions^ 
Vjf (j-£lfq ar ar'-dad pesh ho'r i v.i. (of resolution) 
be moved Cf bsj/qarar-dsd mus'tarad ho’na 
v.i. of resolution) berejccted^’t’vOv^arar'darf-c 
maqs’sid n.f. objectives resolution I'jfjjkfyljjjp 
qarar' -dad manzoor' ho’na v.i. (of resolution) be 
passed ; be_ carried qarar' de’nz v.t. fix 

settle tjjpqarar-e va'qe‘1 adv. truly 
•positively fully rightly J A] 

^f^qdra' zuh.HM. paring [AJ 

J^ra’qar n.m. grumbling (of bowels) [ - A] 

^fcqtir’an n.m. 

0 'S Scriptures , the Holy Quran 
(rare) reader , reading-text i&Jjy 
qur'zn utka'na,ljC£i{Ji}'qur'un' par 
hath rakk'na^v .1. swear by the Holy 

Bo°k*>^#Vsr’a« sharif, 

J ~d?)<lu T 'J«n-e karlm' (or -majid’) n.m. the Holy 
Quran b'Jlj^JJyqBr' an tiah' da kar’na v.t. bury 
or sink tattered leaves of the Holy Quran Ip 
LV W'zn' dar'miyan' ho'na v.i. say while swear- 
ing by the Holy Quran ( fc TX^kj 
qur'an' ka ja'mah pai'han'na (or pai'hari kar a'na) 
v.t swear by the Holy Book i^tXsqut'an' ka 
hadyah n.m. (euph .Jfoij price of a copy of the 
Holy Quran/ (f&Jy qUr'an’ ki mar n.f. & int 
curse by the Holy Book qUr'an had' yah 

kar'na v.t. (euph. foi) sell a copy of the Holy 
Quran (to) [A ~ 

.i^qiran' n.m. conjunction (of planets) v 
Cy* performance of Haj and out-of-season pilgri- 
mage in same trip qiran-us-sa' doin' _ n.m. 

conjunction of two suspicious planets, viz., 
Jupiter and Venus meeting of two big persona- 
lities [A] 

/ .~qara'vBl n.m. picket scout ; advanced 
O^Jr guard (of army) gun man (fig,)- 
avant-guard [A] 

.. r qua' at (preferably to be written as C/lJ 
(col. but incorrect £>'i/qir''at) n.f. reci- 
tation of the Holy Quran (col.) its musical 
recitation recension n.m. ic [A] 

-’CqSr’rat n.f. coldness (used only 
v q&r’ rat-ul-'ain' n.f. comfort for eyes 
(fig.) cherished child [A] 

3i> qaTd ' in N,M ‘ PL * cire umstantial evidence 
conjectures; presumptions [A - sing. Jctj] 
•*?Sr'i n.m. nearness proximity p ro - 
•X pinquity (fig.) trust ; confidence j/jr; *-y 
qur'b-o-javar’ n.m. vicinity environs 
ytfCika} qUr’b ha sit kar'na v.t. gain the ‘confi- 
dence (of) tyJ*lr*r!S<V}(ka) qitr'b ha'sil ho'na v.i. 
be very close to [A] 

,.\i) qiTban ' N M> offer i n S ,NT - may I be a sacri- 
U>/ fice for you etc. )*Vi/qurban'-gah (or Ifaft-gah') 
n.f. alter CLrJfyqurban' ja'tta v.t. express 
love (for) lay down one’s life (for) iXctk/ 
qBrban’ kar'na v.t. sacrifice (something forJtV^i* 
qurban' ho'na v.i. be ^sacrificed (for) ‘ lay 
^''3* ® n .c’ s Hie. (for) $ t/fqurba m n.f. sacrifice 
^ t J.y qurba'm ka bak'ra n.m. scapegoat 
qvrba'ni kar'na v.t. -sacrifice (animal) ; offer 

>ry!Z TOr'bat (ped. qu' rubai) n.f. nearness 
• ' relationship intercourse [A ~ t-£f] 

n.f. kinship ^^(tfszavi-l'-qur'ba n.m. 
Cj/relations [A~ w/J* 

•* qar'hah n.m. sore ; ulcer (A) 

S} ‘ 

~/lq*'ras±i (col. qar'shi or (ft/qurai'M) 

[ys n.m. (descendant of) a member of the 
Prophet’s tribe Quraish [AJ 
Jlqar s n.m. (p L.^Jiqj'ras, j* ‘Lraqras ) tablet 

w/ (rare) disc [A] 

•Jlqar'z,^*yqar'zah n.m. debt ; loan ; credit 
Uyi&ijC&lif’Sqar'zuika’na (or le'na) v.t. &i. 
borrow ; take a loan L'JljlJ^qar'z add kar'na, 
C^iXJ'qar z cJiuka'na v.t. & o. pay off or repay 
a debt ^(gyqar'z'e ha'sanah n.m. loan without 
interest tlP"/ ^ir'z-khah n.m. lender vivditor 
J-tjjyqar'z-j*’ n.m. borrower debtor ; one 


j jjw'iK.F. (p L.J,dlaqsat') instalment 

(rare) justice Ct>jlh2qist'< baijdh’ns v.i. settle 
payment by instalments tfJsbJqis‘t‘-bafi'diH.T. 
settling payment by instalment 
qis’t de’na (or ada kar'na) v.t. & i. pay the in- 
stalment gist 1 kar'na v.t. agree to pay by 
instalmentsjljJ^qis't-par adj. & adv. by instal- 
ments [A] 

N,F ' balance S^if&Sqista's-e 
mUstaqim' n.m. reliable balance [A] - 
jfiqa'sam n.m. (pl.^L 'jfaqsm') oath Vjjff’qa'sam 
J lor'ns v.t. & o. perjure oneself violate^ 
an _oath abjure ; renounce an dathdjfijjjs* 

<tf-&j£4i r -qa'sam to kh.a'ne hi ke liye ha'li hai prov. 
promises, like piece crusts are made to be broken 
q&' s an\ de’na v.t. administer an oath 
(lo) put (someone) under an oath JJ Cihf* 
Cyjfrqa'sam dila'na (or khila'na) V.T. make (some- 
one) swear L'L^^/"*qa'sam kkanu v.t. & 0. 
swear ; take an oat^l^-ty OJ^qa'sam le'na (or 
le lend) v.t. administer an oath „( to) put 
(someone) under an oath (/t k^qas’ms qas'mi 
n.f. swearing on both sides Zr* qasami/yah (col. 
qasmiyyah) adv. on oath [A]" 

-Sqis'm n.f. kind ; sort ; type division 
j class ; category grade species nature 
part ; portion jlyf* qis’m-var adj. classified 
categorized graded adv. according to grade 
or quality [A} - 

_Jjqis'mdt n.f. luck ; fortune fate ; des- 
tiny lot ; portion apportioning 
(Math.) divsion (administrative) division 
(departmental) section £ VU£^qis’mat-szma''l 
n.f. trying one’s luck l'Sfafes*qis'mat-amn"i 
kar’na v.i, try one’s luck 
qis'mat a' lot (or pa' lot or ' pkir') ja’na 
qis'mat pAoot'na come Under an unlucky star 
fall o n evil days 

qismal pkir'na (or kkul'na or jag' Utk'na or 
cka mak Utfi'na) v.i. be in qis'mat se 

adv. luckily ; fortunately by chance ; for- 
tuitously sgtfcSqis'mat ka pier' n.m. ill- 
luck ; misfortune adversit ytftvtzP qis'mat ka 
dha «? AD J- & N M. lucky or fortunate (person 

bless one’s stars lar ’nu v.i. have a 

mn of luckl)!{^J^qis' mat va'la aoj. & n.m. 
fortunate (person) lucky guy 
£~-qts'mal har ja'gah par an’ mil'n hai prov. for- 
tune will make its way through stonewalls 
X/?kha rij-e qis'mat n.m. quotient [k~^ > ) 
^qas'var n.m. lion [A] 

“Iqissis' n.m. Christian 'priest deacon [A] 

\JZ „ 

ttj A qasiy'yrul-qal' b adj. & n.m. hardhearted 
\{y or callous (person) [A 
J^qasim' n.m. distributor portion 
handsome person [A 

L»q/&''N.M. (pi.. jJ 2 qushaor') crust shell 

(pi.. jjZquxhccr') crust shell 
busk skin J&qash'r v.t. peel 
break the shell (of) [A] 

»*>jyqash'qah n.m. mark forehead made by Hindus 
U h*£r > '& f qtisWqah khrbch'na v.i. paint this 
mark [P] 

{jjgqushoori n.m. zimy frfoJ^qVshoo'n-e-qa'hirah 
* n.m. conquering army [TJ 
L^Jlqassab' n.m. butcher beefvendorvk^ 
' r -bak'r qassab' n.m, mutton vendor goat 
or sheep slaughterer [A] 

{^qass'bah n.m. lady’s scarf (A) 

j —.qisas’ n.m. capital punishment like 
retaliation for physical injury retalia- 
tion law c£(fla?qisas' le'na v.t. punish with 
like retaliation kill for murder award 
capital punishment (to) [A] 

n.m. (pl. ofi^.M. if) 

JZlort'X d Oqasa"i N.m. (f. tSiSqasa"in) 
(JM / butcher meat- vendor 

qasa"i ke kkoohte se baiidk’na v.i. have one’s 
life jeopardized be married to a cruel husband 

[~ AV^Xcorr.] 

J^Jqasba'li adj. (see under ^ n.m if) 

~qas'hah n.m. (Pl.^t^qasbat') town Jt^qasbu'tt 
urdian mofussil’ n.m. townsman [A] 

ui iui iuuaie (person 

(iron) unlucky (person ) t/faPqis’mai ka 
li(k)m a n.m. one’s lot destiny hJtJ’ fe.J * 

qis'mat ka li(k)Ua fioo'ra ho'na 'v.C (of des- 
tiny) be fulfilled fyfcS* qis'mat ka he'ta kdu & 
n.m. unlucky or unfortunate (person) . ill-starred 
(person qis'mat kar'na v.t. (arch.) appor- 
non l'>A)i6gfes , qis'mat ko jkef,k'na(or 

ro na or kos na) v.t. & o course one’s fate 

♦*y 7 <w d n.m. aim ; object resolve ; inten- 
tion attempt design I'JjuSqas'd kar'na 
v.t. aim resolve intend design 
attempt set as one’s goal undertake 4 
journey (to) proceed (to) "(jjqas’dem Au v. 
purposely ; deliberately ; intentionally volun- 

! N.M (PL. JS* qusopr') palace f A] 

n.m curtailment (i namaz' me A 
/* qas r n.m. curtailment of obligatory prayers 



during journey ['J^qas'r kar nn v.t curtail 
(prayers) [A doublet 

’yqi'sos n.m. (pl. oC-^n.m. it) 

• . * tqisoor' n.m. Pi. palaces (A~sing v ^»>3 

> #• 

Jyujoor' .n.m. failure omission 
qjtsoor' kar'na v.i. commit a fault fail 
j^jy^qisoor-dir' adj. blameworthy adv. at fault 
•Zqis'sah n.m. (pl. fj^qi'sas) tale story 

***' fiction narration matter affair 
V/iJl Zqis'sah pak' kar'na v..T« & o. settle a 

dispute kill destbry get rid (of) l 0 
Vjf iis'sah pak’ ho’na %i, be killed be des- 
troyed be got rid of c/fd’^qis'jah tamnm' 
kar'nay.T. conclude a story kill : destory 
Vj€**qis's ah jho'na v.t. air one’s grievances ^ 
CV^qis’sah (kuka'na v.t. settle a dispute &!/>*> 
qp'sah-khafi n.m. storyteller ; ‘Jljr*J?qis'sa- 
kkatu n.f. story-telling £/~*>qis'sah kotah' adv. 
in short ; briefly t’ /tC/0 qis'sah kotah.' kar'na 
V.t. cut the long story short ftlji*>qis'sah kaha’nl 
n.m, fiction qis'sah mjikh'tasar adv. in 

short int. to cut the. long story short [A] 
p ■ 'ZqSH'dah n.m (PL.jfl 4 >qasa' , td) encomium 
°^ e : 8 enre °f poetry couched u$u. in 
high-flown language 16 to 90 couplets with even 
lines rhyming together ; it usu. comprises four 
parts, viz,, tashbih' or amatory prelude, gurez' or 
change of mood, eulogy or other .main subject 
and bhatimah or conclusion ‘^/'ax^qan’da-kM'nl 
n.f. sycophancy flattery [A ~ 

I • n.f. death fate fatality 

V*' administration of justice judicature 
order : decree lapse (of time of prayer) C*gCa> 
qaza’ park’ ha v.t. say one’s prayers late 
‘tftfqaza’Jihl ka’bhi tal'ti hai prov. death is inevit- 
able ItL&qata' ra adv. by chance l‘J Ck&yLi* 
fytfjfjqoza' sir par khil’na (or kha'ri ho'na) v.i. (of 
death) be impending; loom large Ijltfl&qaza’ ka 
ma'ra adj. & n.m. (one) driven by fate V/t&qazs' 
kar’na v.i. say one’s prayers late pass away 
JjtjVJgaza’-v-qad'r n.f. divine decree fate 
jjS slid, jiSfj/karkSna' ire qaza-o qaJ’r n.m. the 
stgents. implementing the divine decree; fate 
Ijjf li£qeztt' htt'na v.t. (of prayer) be late 
(of its time) lapse ila'hn se 

mar'n a v.i. predestination ; die a natural death 
OUlftL&qaza 1 -* ha'jat-N.p. answering the call of 
nature if^-Ufqaza'-e kar adv. by chance ; for- 
tuitously lSj'jL\£qaza'-e ‘ itm'ri n.f. type of 
supererogatory prayers mub'ram 

n.f. inexorable fate inevitable death 
qaza’-e na-gaha'm n.f. sudden death [A] 

* .SiquZat' ti.M. PL. judge f qa zi-l qizat 
n.m. Chief Justice [A — sing. 

I t qo^o’ya N.M. (PL. of^vi>N.M. it) 


' n.m. penis (rare) sword (rare) 

slender branch [A] 

^jqazifyah n.m. (p L.kV&qaza'ya) quarrel 

dispute^ case matter aflair (logic) 
syllogism L'J^&qaziy yah kar'na v.t & o. kick 
up a row qaziy'yah mol le'na v.t. 

meddle with or poke one’s nose into other's affairs 
get unnecessarily involved in some trouble [A] 
£yqat n.m. cut at pen point 1$ 0 
gat lega'na v.t. trirn, or mend pen- 
pointcOj Cqat'-zan,yfjSqat-gir' n.m. 
piece of bone, etc. on which pen- 
point is trimmed [A] 

| j ~qatat’ n.f. queue line 

U^row; rank range l^,‘^0qatar' bahdh’na 

v.t. & t. queue up stand in aline put 
in a line set in a row make a bee-live for 


L)V% tt *‘~ftt~ tar *q' N - M> p L. highway- 
man footpading [A — 

i /i * qatta'mah n.f. whore ; strumpet ; loose 

\tr\J2S woman [A] 

jZqSfb n.m. (PL.f0/aqtab') 
polestar pole highest 

cadre’ in spiritual piyotJjJi^J^qiit'b-e 
junoo’bl n.m. South Pole 

Antarctic^* sama'vi n.m. 

Celestial Pole () fr , ^0qitt'b-e shima'li 
n.m. North Pole* Arctic %Jdqut'b-mima n.m. 
manner's compass (f^qut'bi !-adj. Polar 
qQfbl ta'ra n.m. Polestar tjrrqutbairi n.m. pl. 
North and South Pole [A] 

| ^qut'r n.m. diameter [A] 

iZqatrah n.m.^ (pl. £ p0qatarat') drop 

y* minimi*/ t^qot'rah a'* a v.i. suffer -from 
Brights disease it^c^qal'rah qat/rah .adv drop 
by drop • by drops kj))J*f?tJ g *»yqat'tah qat'rah 
ba-kam * shasad' darya' prov. light gains made a 
heavy purse £A] 

A &qa(‘ n.m. cut style ; fashion crossing 

G/ covering (distance) interception in- 
-terseclion severance sundering snapping 
segment '^ > ^ > qat' i ~e,ta i al'luq n.m. separation; 
severance of relations ; snapping of ties 
(Cdj't)aat' , -e ta l li<iq kar'na (or kar' le'na ) v.t. 




break off all connections (with)j sever relations 
(with) ; snap, ties (with) 1'/$? qat’‘ kar’ns v.t. 

cut (cloth) cut (someone) short ; cut in 
traverse (distance) _snap (ties) ; put an end (to 
love, etc.) qati'-t kslam ’ kar'ns v.t. 

cut in ; interrupt j££*qal"-t no* ear n.m. 
(ignoring) tuming_ (one’s eyes) from adv. 
irrespective (of) is se qat’ , -e na’ear ph. 

inrespect of the fact (that) despite 
qai ,l -€ na’zat kar'nn v.i. ignore something 
qai'‘*o-birtd'{ n.m. cutting change 
emendation 1‘jfgjPqat' '■ ho' ns v.i. be cut be 
deducted be cut short be severed be 
traversed vae'fy-jqat" n.f. style ; fashion 
qat'‘an any. positively ; definitely 
entirely absolutely plot (of \zaA)j^qat"i 
adj. absolute categorical imperative 

decisive,,; conclusive final ; ultimate ..bind- 
ing gaz n.m. tailor’s tape qat"\ 

taur par adv. _ absolutely categorically 

finally (A- #) 

(dial. qat n ah) n.m. (pl J i yl?qtt i at') 
*** stanza this as independent genre of 
poetry piece ; fragment section plot (of 
land) jCi^dJqit' l a-bahd n.m. more than one 
oouplete read together to form complete sen- 
tence [A~^] 

mqitn&r' n.m. name of dog accompanying 
yZ the Seven Sleepers in the Catacomb 
(fig.) anything small [Aj_ 

n.f. cotton adj. cotton [A] 

p Kqa , 'dah n.m. final sitting in prayers ; sitting 
"^up in crouching position ; genuflexion (A] 
j n.m, short sitting in prayers 

s sitting down flexion [A - ,t*J] 

*2fa"r n.m. depth cavity bottom 
' abyss gulf being concave ljj^qa''r-e 
darya' n.m. depth of (a river) tzAy*qa , ’r-e mezal' 
lot n.m. depth of disgrace i‘V.> 

mazal'lat meh giru'ni v.t. land (someone) into 
abysmal 'ignominy [A] 
n.f. nape (A) 

•3 (rare d*> qa'fas n.m. cage (fig.) 
{J world [P] 

flpqUf'l n.m. lock^efU^S/'Z-r ab’jad n.m. keyless 
(✓ lock worked by special arrangement of letters 
(or figures) on it kjjJ^quf'l tor’na v.i. break 
open .a, lock burgle tyi/’jfyVqif'lJk.oo'ta ho' ns 
v.i. (of lock) be defective C&J&quf'J laga'na 
v.t. & o lock lock up 

Inga na (or par'tia) v.i. be locked have 
locks (in) jJqif'li n.f. (ped. forj^K F. if) 
^y^qSq'nus n.m. phoenix [A ~G) 

1 Tqul n.m. one of the final chapters of the 

U Holy Quran beginning with this word 
third day funeral rites ; ‘soyem’ end ; close 
a‘oo'zi, L jf’Upqul a'oo'ziyd N.M. 
one living on alms (deprecatory term for) 
minor Muslim priest ; Mulla I'lfj'fiqbi hoja'nn 
v.i. come to a dose ; be all over with [A ~ (Jj ) 
fqallab' n.m. one who makes fake coins ; 
V**' counterfeiter swindler quits' bi n.f. 

swindling counterfeiting [A— c-^] 
tS'i {ca\. (i'tU/ka'la-baZi) n.f. somer- 

wL/vi^sault; somerset VbC(j}l!»qa'la-ba z% kha'ns 
v.i. turn a somersault 

fqullabah n.m. (rare) fishing hook 
^ hasp WtL-yzJidJtifi'zamin asmari ke qdlla'bt 
mila'na ph. try one’s utmost ; leave no stone 
unturned exaggerate very much (in praise of) 

O ,1 ’Iqila'dah n.m. (pl. j,y>qala'id) collar 
necklace cross-belt [A] 

.’f'.^qallastt' . ijTqnUahct AI)J- & N.m. poor, 
*'** , penurious or poverty-stricken (person) 
wretched (person) (rare) trickster ; rogue (P) 
£,Jj fails' ' n.m. (pl. of ,*& n.m. if) 

^^qula‘ n.m. soreness of mouth 

^^qala'qina n.m. (slang) jeers 

.*• fqa'laqafid n.f. (dial, m.) (indigenous toffee ; 

^taffy . 

'qulahch. (col. £,lPkHlafi{i) N.F. (of horse, etc. 
caper t)pf£lMquIaf!(k' bhar'na (or lags' - 
ns) v.i. cut a caper [Tj 
JJ qal'b n.m. (pl. *«- jSquloob ') K^art soul 

mind centre centre or main body 
(of army) inversion adj. inverse counter- 
feit jHfJqat' b-saz' n.m. (rare) counterfeiter C/L>~ 
qal'b kar'na v.t. turn ; invert £*'" t \.i m J?qal‘%-e 
ma'hiyal n.m. basic chance ihetamorphocis 

qal'bi adj. hearty cordial fA] 

Squl'bah n.m. (lit.) plough pf b^qUlba^SH (lit.) 
'** n.m. cultivator ^b^qal'ba-ra’iA n.f. (lit.) 
ploughing ; cultivation JP] 

^fiqil'lat n.f. shortage ; scarcity paucity 

dearth want ; deficiency [A] 


{ J^gqaltaban ' n.m cuckold[Tj 

N.M. clysma (name of an Egyptian 

city) (fig.) sea f 'J* (gbuhai'ra-'e qulzHm n.m 
Red Sea [A] 

3 JfqaU' qam'‘ n.m. rooting out ; extirpa- 
te L/ tion ..destruction ending putting an 
end (to) [A £+&) .. - 

> ‘*qil' , ah (ped. qal’ l ah) n.m. (pl. & qila '“•'*** 
qil’‘a-jat') fort castle qil‘ a-dar' 

n.m. garrison commander J* / ‘**}- a-t mo'al'la 
n.m. (esp.) the Red Fort of Delhi as the seat 
of Moghul emperors Moghul couTt&l'Jzliqil’e ki 
zBban' v.i. chaste Urdu ; Emperor’s Urdu 
King’s English [A] 

jfqal " I n.f. tin tinning ; plating 

t? qai'i kar’na v.T.'tin vessels, etc.) 

\,\f)qaU'll kkul’na (or kkul ja'na) v.i. be ex- , 
posed be shown in one’s true colours 

kkol'na (or kfnol de'na) v.t. expose 
(someone) qal't-gar n.m. tinman one 
who tins vessels (fj^qal"i ga'ri n.f. „ tin- 
man’s job job oftLnning pots [A~ £p] 
oJL fqul'fi (ped. ^quf'li) n.f. icecream 
O container or mould for it small ‘hookah’ 
movable joint in ‘hookah’ pipes hasp 
metal .cup with adjustable -lid tiffin-carrier 
Gftf* qul'fi jam'na [A~ (J** corr .] 

‘•jXqa'laq n.m. sorrow anxiety ; disquietude 
U f)* qa'laq raih’na v.t. feel sad (about) 

be disturbed (at) (VjfljVjptf qa'laq guzarna 
(or ho'na ) v.i. regret feel sorrow be per- 
turbed be concerned (over) [A] 

'ri n.f. (same as£fl$*N.F. •£) 

jgltqul'qul n.f. gurgling (of wine-bottle, etc.) 

t jqa'lam {pl. I aqlam') n.m. pen pen- 

r holder fountain-pen reed-pen hand- 
writing authority n.f. graft cutting 
crystal matric hair on temple ; whisker; upper 
part Of beard j\aStfqa'lam utha kar adj. (write) 
off hand C&tJ? qa'lam uthz'na v.t. write (on a 
topic) fya' lam-bar-dash' tah adj. & adv. off- 

hand )writing) I’U- ^qa'lam bana'na v.t. & o. 
mend a pen (usu, pl.) set the whiskers a 
matrix xpqa'lam-bahd adj. & adv. reduced to 
writing in black and white \jJxP qoHam-bahd 
kar'na v.t. write ; reduced to writing ; put in 
black and white jot down ; take down ; down 
qa'lam pak' n.m. pen-wiper qa'lam 

pher'na v.t ;> strike off qa'lamr tar ash n.m. pen- 

knife G) i ) qa'lam tor' dr'na ph. write ex- 

quisitely as a calligraphist produce a work of 
great literary merit J^qa'lam-dan n.m, _ port- 
folio inkstand writing case tyjjtfLf qa' lam- 
da n-e vizarat n.m. ministerial portfolio qa'lam 
rati n.f. domininion territory qa'lam- 
zan kar'na v.t. delate strike off qa'lam-za'dah 
ADJ. struck off j&qa'lam-kar' n.m_ artist painter 
engraver ; figured calico (fj\jlPqa' lam-ka'ri n.f. 
painting engraving i ‘Jp* qa'lam kar'na „v.t. 
cut (someone’s head) off prune i&fqa'lani" 
laga'na V.T. & o. graft plant cuttings. 
qa'lam ho'na v.i. be cut off ; be severed ^/moo'- 
qa'lam n.m. brush ; paint brush ^Xyak-_qa' lam 
adv. altogether totally ; entirely 
ba-yak' jum'bash-e qa'lam adv. with one stroke of 
pen ijP qa'lami adj. hand-wrjtten grafted 
crystal ■ crystallized Jp ^ qa'lami nqs'khah 
N.m. manuscript hand-written book fl^qa'lmi 
am n.m. grafted mangoes qo Uar. sho'rah 

n.m. crystallised saltpetre [A] 

qalma'qint n.f. Amazon* ;t> narem guard [A] 

J »S^ afl '^ aT N - M - calender cleanshaven and 
tousured vagabond professing to mysticism 
person not tied down by religious or worldly 
conventions dauntless person free-thinker 
livestime monkey-dancer sljCPqalafi-dara'nah 
adj. bold ; dauntless ; undaunted free 
thinkirigl^^qalat' dari n.f* uncoventional 
mysticism dauntless spirit a kind- of tent TP1 
■ jSqqlaob' n.m. pl, hearts souls minds 
* ' [A ~ SING, ] 

Uji Zqaloopal'rah n.f. Cleopatra 

.~qul'lah n.m. peak : top ; summit qul'la-e 
P koh n.m. hilltop , peak [AJ . 

Xqu'li n.m. coolie porter U* 

(5 (arch.) slave [T] 
i jpiul'ya n.f. chapter of the Holy 
« Quran entitled infidels (and 
opening with the words qilya'...) 1 * * 
\;/{G iP(fki qul'ya tarnam' kar'na v.T. end 
(someone’s) prestige -(etc.) A $} 

C) £qolyan' N;M. hookah jfyy*qal'yan'-kash adj. 

& n.m. smoker 


Uiqalll' adj. fex little small short 

U- [A- cP) 

gqal'yah n.m. stew stewed meat 
‘C* mince [A] 

A qum int rise P(pb^qum' bi-izn-ii 
j (formula of Jesus for quickening tl 

■illah int 
the dead*) 

rise by the grace of God [A ~ f ] 
t'Zqimar' n.m. gambling jXjCi qimdr'-bdz. n.m. 
^ gambler (fjlj^qiniar'-ba'zi n.f. gambling 
qimgr'-kha'nah n.m. gambling den [A] 
.^■'i^qumish' n.m. (pl. ^taq'mishah) house- 
hold goods quality cloth [A] 

Pl *quma sh n.m. manners (f[?}&>vaz -o- 
y Jf qumash' n.m. style and manners [T] 

A qam'chl n.f. whip ; horse-whip (rare) 
{£* switch [T] 

«* qa'mar n.m. (pl. j\ji aqmar') moon tfyi qa'mari 
/ adJ. lunar y^^qa'man mahi'nah n.m. lunar 
month ; month [A] 

.y**J?am'ri n.f. (pl .(fj\jqama'ri) ringdove; 

turtle-dove [A] - * 

£2 qam “ n.m. pulverize £/ ’> $ qal' ‘ -o-qam ' ‘ n.m 
jste. under $ n m. it) 

*V2 qim'qUmah n.m. (electric) bulb larnp- 
shade ; globe [A) 

qamis’ (col. n.f. (pl fj^qu'mus) 
U** shirt qamis' paihan'na v.t. put on 

one’s shirt [A] 

qons »' n.f tent-wall (A) 

^l^qanadW n.f. (pl. of J^it) 

^ .V?® la'ot N.F. content , contentment [A] 

,~qafid' n.m. sugar sugar candy [A~P] 

L .Iqihdil' n.f. candle chandelier lamp 


„ ,*qinoot' n.f obedience to God (usu. 

■ > ’ £fjdo'a'‘e qunoot') prayer-words repeat- 

ed while standing [A] 

i.jyqiinoot’ n.f despair , despondency 

qunoo'ti n.m. pessimist adj. pessimistic.- ,Jrps 
qunootiyyat n.f. pessimism [A] 

qOvi S' n.m. pl. capacities powers 
potentialities 'Jtf£ljquva'‘-e jismq'ni n.m. 
pl. physical potentialities {fc£lfquva'-e zeh'ni 
n.m pl. mental powers ($?£ljquva-e tab'‘\ n.m. 
pl. natural faculties ; faculties supposedly ema- 
nating from liver, viz.Ja'zibah, md'sikah, mo'al'li- 
dah, na'miyah, hd'zimah ^l^ijquva-e nafsa'm 
n.m. PL._ten internal and external mental facul- 
ties, viz., ba'sirah, za'iqah, sa'me l ah, sham'mah, 
fs'mtsah, hafzah , his's-e mushier ak, mutakhy'yilah, 
mutafak'kirah, vahimah 

. ~qava'‘id n.f grammar n m. drill 
parade n.m. pl. rules rules and regu- 
lations /)£ij*M,\jqava'id sar'f-o nah’v n.m. pl. 
rules of accidence and syntax C&jtijqava'id 

sikhana v.t. drill teach grammar IA sinC. 

Vl>3 ... 

'^,’lqavafi N.M (pl- of n .m it) 


. j .•fqava'id-datinM. grammarian one 
(✓ conversant witn rules [A — SING, tjfi 

1 ,‘fqavval' n.m. chorister ; member of band 
( J y singing light music stressing words 
qaim'li n.f. choral song of this type indi- 
gence chorus mystic chorus [A ~ j) ] 
f 'Zqivcim' n.m. (thick)- syrup stay A~ 


S*qavanin' N.M. (pl. of £)j\sie) 


^*qoot' n.f. (PL.Cstfiaqvai') food suste- 
■“"v nance t-e la yamooV n.f just 

enough food to keep body and soul together ; 

bare sustenance [AJ 

_ / / •* _ « 

^ “Iquv vat n.f (pl. (/Jqitva ) strength vigour 

force power capacity potentiality 
virtue ; influence ; efTect facuky^l 
quv'vat-e ba'sirah n.f. sense of sight ; eyesight 
vision il&Jquv'val-e bah' n.f. potency U £>J 
quv'vat pa'na v.t. be strengthened be rein- 
forced quv'vat-e ja'zibah n.f. power of 

absorption ; power of attraction \f£*)quv'val-i 
hd'Jizah n.f memory J’oCs'jqiivvat-e da'fe'ah n.f 
power of ^expulsion is quv'vat de’na v.t 
strengthen^Hj&j'qui/vat-e Za'iqah n.f. sense of 
xasXe^Ls&j quv’vat-e sd'me^ah N.f. sense of hear- 
ings quv’vat-e sham'mah n.f. sense of smell 
ss+f&Jquv'val-e gha'zabiy'yah n.m. passion , 
fury ~stiOJqiiv'val-e lamisah n.f. sense of touch 
J^L ^/quv'vat-e masi'kah n.f. power of reten- 
tion jJ^c^Jquv'val-e mulakhay'yilah n.f. fancy; 
faculty of imagination fjM&jquv'val-e mld'rikalt 
n.f. intellect; faculty of perception or apprehen- 
sion oJ&C*} quv'vaUe mutafak'kirah n.f. faculty 
of thought q}/<£'Jquv'vat-c mumay'yizah n.f. 
faculty of discrimination ^1‘i^jquv'vat-s na'miyah 
n.f. faculty of growth &) quv'vat-e ha'zimah 

n.f. digestive power ; assimiiiation iJ/^yquv'vate 
mo‘al'lidah n.f. generative faculty [A] 

"Zqoi n.m. arms j^yq or' chi soldier ar- 

mourer v \}jJ q'or'-khanah n.m. armoury; 
arsenal [P] 

•* qor’mah n.m, seasoned spicy stew [T] 


J?qaus n.f. bow arc (of circle) (sign 
(✓/of Zodiac) Sagittarious tfS<Sjqau's-e qizah’ m 
(or qau's-o) nf (see under ) n.m. it )(f f J 
qau'si adj. .rched bow-shaped [A] 


i*qau'l n.m. promise ; word say- 

U* ing utterance assertion ; affirmation 
name of a musical mode ( i'/jjj 
qau'l tor'nZL (or se phir'na) v.t. & o. go 
back on one’s word (L’jZylsjJfgaul de'na (or 
har’nn) v.t. give word ; to promise ; give 
(someone) one’s word of honour 

qau'l{-o-) fe‘'l n.m. precept and practice 
word and deed fjyqau'l-e fai'sal n.m. last 

word decisive pronouncement-^ J ](J/qau'l {-»-) 
qarar' n.m. mutual agreement compect ; 
covenant Vjjl9 (ijJjqau’l{-H)-) qarar' kar'na v.t. 
& o. give .one’s word to \jj,¥()jqaul ka poors. 
adj. true to one’s word tyjqaulan adv. by 
word of mouth verbally Jjt>ba~qau 'l adv 
according to as reported by [A] 

^'jqaolavj (or qaulatj’) n.m. colic [A~G] 

m“T qaum n.m. nation ; people rare group ; 
j -'group of persons j) qatt'mi adj. national 
Iqau'mi asaimb'li N.F. National Assembly 
GZSrtSjqau'ml hukoo'mal n.f. national govern- 
ment milkiy'yat n.f. state owner- 

ship cCiSJftfjqau'ml milkiy’yat melt le'na v.t._ 
nationalize zUyqatimiya' na v.t. nationalizes!-^ 
qaumiy'yat n.f. nationality [A] 

'Iqau'mah. n.m. standing up in prayers after 
J* making the bow [A — f'lJ] _ 

L&Tqaufi'sal n.m. consul ; envoy sv^jqaun' sal- 
*■"' ' kha'nah n.m. consulate 
i I Jfl'si adj. strong vigorous mighty 
0 * powerful z^itfjqa'viy’y-ul-jvs’sah adj. 
able-bodied robust Jft’tfjqa'vl-hai'kal adj. 
robust gigantic [A ~ &/] 

^qahhar' adj. (see under ^ n.m. 

•2 qaih'r (ped. qah'r) n.m. anger ; in digna- 

/r tion rage ; wrath ; fury calamity curse 

injustice cruelty (rare) overpowering 
(ft (jtqaih'r-e ilahi n.m. divine wrath iVj'ljiijjj/f 
qaih'r ior'na (or kar'na) v.t. & I. crack down 
upon mete out harsh treatment do some- 

thing undesirable act in an irresponsible 
mamicr qaih'r toot 'na v.i. be cursed 

(of calamity descend) t}i/ie)lfJl£r J j;>/fqaih'r-e 
darvesh' bar ja'n-e darvesh" PROW a poor man’s 
rage hurts none but himself Ify? qaih'r t ka 
adj. exquisite ravishing 

qaih' r-e-ghal' bah n.m. overpowering and con- 
trol tyytqattir ho'na v.t. be calamitous 
be very' undersirablc /P qah'ran adv. by force 
perforce ^Ly^qaih'r-man n.m. tyrant 

hero jCf qahhar' n.m. vanquisher controller 
this as attribute of God {Aj 
t ~\qaih'qart (ped .lS/&qaK qar&) aoj. retro- 
grade , retrogress! vctf/P^di^raj’at-t qaih ' 
qari n.f. retrogression (A) 

qaih! qahah n.m. laugh , langhter ; burst ot 
laughter (VjllJ Jfi^qaih' qahah lagans (or 
mar'na v.i. laugh loudly . burst into laughter 
roar with laughter 

Kqah’vah n.m. coffee tea without milk 
Of*' qah'va-kha' nah n.m coffee house ts 9 
t fjjqah’va-firosh ’ n.m tea-vendor coffee- 
house keeper [A] ^ 

*Z qai n.f. vomit ; puke ViJ^qai ana v.i. feel- 
“"sick ; feel nausea be disgusted^ (with the 
sight of)jj<j.qai'-a'var adj. emitict ’Jd-qai kar'na, 
Vjfd-r/ko qai' ho'na v.i. vomit ; puke; spew [A] 
fiqiya’dat n.f. leadership 
« qiya'dat n.f. right of leadership "[A] 
f/Slqiyas' n.m. analogy guess ; supposi- 

U. if tion conjecture presumption 

(gram.) regular formation (rare) syllogism 

/fl£Z-t/C>qiyas' se ba'hir adj. & adv. incredible 
inconceivable vJl/Uqiyas' kar'na v.t. think 

esti mate qiyas' lagn'na v.t. guess 
conjecture C ’it/’J’Ctqiyds' meh ana v.i be 

credible be conceivable L/Uqiya'san adv. 
presuming by conjecture by analogy^p 

qiya'si adj. conjectural imaginary 
analogous (gram.) of regular formation [A] 

9 ^Zqayasirah n.m. (pl. ofy^N.M. if) 

/ •* 

• «. qiya'fah n.m. conjecture features ; 

appearance cfif'Jfdqiya'fa-shinas' n.m. phy- 
siognomistif' £}yiSqiya f i-shina' si n.m. physiog- 
nomy [A] 

/ftqiyam' n.m. stay ; residence standing 
I hr up establishment existence stability 
permanence S%(&qiyam'-pazir' adj. resident 
adv. staying Ujfspzftfqiyam'-pa&r' ho'na, 
qiyam' kar’na v.j.*" Teside stay (at or with) [A] 
*• qiya'mal n.f. Doomsday Day of 
Resurrection cruelty calamity 
scene of trouble or distress exquisiteness adj 
excessive ; excessively great exquisite adv. 
extremely exquisitely int. wonderful -. 
exquisite tifcstjqiya'mat a’na v.i. (of Dooms- 
day come (of calamity) be t 

9 j t •** 

l* J) qiya'mat Slia'na (or tor’na or bar-pi’ kar’na 
v.i; raise a tumult be very cruel bring 
down calamity qiya'mafkhez' adj. 




:alamitous ravishing mat-khe' zl 

m.)‘. calamitousncssVic/l*?')'?''”' 1 * dha'na v.t. 

• I. • 11 l _ _ • . t • 


act inadvisably oppress 
beauty {f/^&tfqiyamal-t sugh' 
dual ; death W£s\jqiya mat ks a 

have pevishing 
ra n.f. indivi- 
adv. extreme 

widespread calamity"* destruction of nation, 
e tc.eZ-^stflfkyd qiya’mat hai int. what a pity 
how sad how miserable [A ~ ft? J 
qaid n.f. imprisonment - confinement; 
~ incarceration restraint condition ; 
stipulation (rare) shackle ^H^^qai'd-t 
ba-mashaq'qat n. i\ rigorous imprisonment : 
R.i. penal servitude quid' bh.? gatna 

( or kat'na ) v.i. undergo a term of imprisonment 
qai'd-e tanha’i n.f. solitary confinement 
* ip j? quid' -kha'nah n.m. prison ; jail ; gaolw^j*# 
qai'd-e farahg' n.f. inprisonment for defining 
order of (former) British rulers of the Indo- 
Pakistan subcontinent Ctf) quid' lags' na v.T. 
stipulate make conditional upon restrict 
qai'd-e mah’z n.f. simple imprisonment 
quid' ho' ns v.i be imprisoned be 
behind bars . be in prison be restrained 
be stipulated ^ylbbi-la’-qaid' adj. uncon- 
ditional unrestricted adv. unconditionally 

unreservedly at large tfjqai'di n.m. 
prisoner captive convict [A] 

r ' n.m. pitch - tat (j£jqir'-gooh adj. pitch- 
dark [A] 

Lfjqdtat’ n.m. twenty-fourth part of an ounce ; 
"VC carat [A] 

-jyqais' n.m. legendary Arab lover of the dark- 
en* beauty, Laila or of the blond, Lubna [A] 

‘ $qui’sar N..v. (PL.tptfqaya’sirah Caeshr 

emperor sovereign potentate [A~L] 
,**.9 // n.f. funnel [T] 

qi'l-o-qal' n.f. con- 
i'' V U* treversy objection ; 

criticism altercation passage- 

at-arms [K-Jj] J „ 

tjTqoUoo'lah n.m. nap ; siesta v/jJ?qailo<Meh 
kar'ns v.i. take a nap ; take a siesta [A] 
Aqay'yim ADJ. true correct straight n.m. 
chief convener secretary fA ~ f*lS] 
jqi'mat n.m., price value worth 
cost, CiiSSql’mat pans v.i. \x sold for 
fttch 'a high pricey ’mat. 
thaihra'na (or &uka'na) v.t. setfle a pric eVVcJ* 

) qV mat lags' na (or mlqar'rar kar'ns) vt. 
name the price fix the price evaluate 
put a price upon qi'matan adv.. on pay- 
ment ff^ql’mati adj expensive costly 
precious valueable highly prized., [A] 

“Zql'mah n.m. minced meat ; mince l'/^qtmah 
pfckar'tta v.t. mince back to pieces 

make mince-meat (of) 

Jj& qaift'ch.1 N.M. scissors truss 
(jlT VlK. quin' chi si zaban ( hala'na vy. talk 
very fast’ talk glibly CffpfLsffltfyqtiilffhi 
zubsn drains v.i. -talk very fast have 
facile tongue C& (ff quiti c]ii Iftga'na v.t. 
with the scissors pared ; trim make a tru 
\J> qaiti (hi lag' ns v.i. be cut be pared 

be trimmed 

“Squyood' n.f pl. conditions; stipulations 
y, limitations quyoodat' n.f. (rare.) 
(same as jj**) [A — SING, jg ] 

*’lqayy°om' n.m. (as an attributive name of 
God) He who exists by himself Un- 
parallelled [A ~ fyi ] 

r y 


kaf twenty-eighth letter of Urdu alphabet 
(equivalent to English k) (according to 
jummal reckoning) 20 particle like 
t/ks (inflected form & VL.^ke ; 

" f. J" kl) prep, of 
/C/ka'buk n.f. pigeon-house ; 

LJks'bul N.M. name of the capital 
of Afghanistan ; Kabull^^l^ 
£-J?t£teyfka'bul meh kya' ga'dhe na'/tifi ho' It 
prov. every land has all sorts of persons 
fools arc to be found everywhere (fykabeli adj. 
of Kabul unusually large n.m. Afghan 
robust person ^(pj/ka'bUtl dt a'ne n.m pl. 
large white gram 

kab'lah, Jl>tf kab'la n.m. bolt 

<oos' n.m. nightmare [A] 

in' n.m. dower yl-c/J if kabdn'-na'mah 
n.m. dower deed [P] 
kabt'nak n.f. Cabinet [E] 

)i n.f. copy note-book 
for lithography 


ri*h» E .. 

•^j /ka lib n m. (pi •‘ft'kuttab') calligraphy 
(lit.) scribe (arch.) secretary 
Ai'tib-e Ihhrir' n.m the writer of a document, 
etc .S&lJ'\Ska-tib-e taqdir vah'y 
n.m . the Hertv Prophet's scribe taking dowry 
froth him the revealed word [A ~C/(X) 

Cjkatak- n.m. name of seventh month of 
•‘•Hindu calendar (corresponding to October 
November) [jdj' Lm Jj]jka’tak ki kut'ya N.P. (fig ) 

\£tfkat'na v.t spin n.m. spinning 
^ v kata aur le dau'rt prov very hasty person 
n.m. goldsmith’s clipper 

(•jV kat'rta v.i. cut sever , sunder 

’ " cleave dissect strike off • bite 
trim prune reap ; harvest mow 

deduct cut ’(someone) short pass (one’s 
day, time, etc.) ; while away (one’s time) 
clear (forest) (of acid, etc ) corrode (of 
shoe) pinch traverse (distance) serve 

(term of imprisonment) divert (wate*-) 

dig (canah cress someone’s (path )iAjf&\/kai' 
pkafis n.f. tampering with talc-bearing ; 

back-biting backing n.f. cut 
wound incision discount deduction 
Vfi2s\g£tfkat' ckhant kar'ha v.i. deduct ; 
make deductions from pron eCH&lfkat' dal'na 

v,t. cut off strike off hew amputate 

kar'na v.t counter con- 

tradict corrode (of sword) cut make an 
Incision Skat' kkana v.t. bi 

ti„fk at'ne (or kat' kha'ne) ko daur na, 
kat'kita'na v.t. & I. be rude look daggers 
fly at (someone) try to bite or sting 
£f/kati (rarec£>jf/r3t) n.m. wood timber 

-* 75 ' (arch.) the stock Jf tf'jZ&'katk ka ul’loo 


ifi/kajal n m. soot lamp-black collo- 
rium t'Jj'Jtlf ka'jat parnu v.t. St o. subli- 
mate soot ; get lamp-black deposited on plate 
held" above wick ; collect collorium on suffers J^. 

kujal laga’na v.t. apply lamp-black (to the 
eye) (fjfij’J'Jftfka'jal ki koik’rl n.m. coal-celler 
P'1 /kajoo n.m. cashew nut adj. fragile rytrf 
* P kajoo bhoo’joo 'adj. quite fragile) 
g^kachh N.F. (dial.) loin {Ztfka'&ha n.m 
•t drawers 

/ks’chki n.m. (r.<y£lfka'dlhan) (dial.) 
yree itirrnrer vardener cultivating veere- 

N.m. IJj&vJrfljkath. ka gko'ra N.M. wooden 

horse (fig.) crutches j.iS/k/jj&tfkaiti (or kaxh) 
kabar' n.m. )Skmber(jJ'j/j'£vkatfk & gko'ri n.f. 
(dial.) bier^J ki hatl Oa 
bar' ■ bar na'hih jharhti prov. once a traitor 
always a traitor once bitten twice careful 

ke gko're » 

daur a' na v.t. spin yarns 

.gfJka'tkiH.Y. saddle body; Jgm 
C/ physique Jj l/jry 

kft'tlu pa' na v.i. have a good physi- J 

- t/kaj n.m. buttonhole business ; work 
QtC ( U|U . as) karri _ kaj n.m. (see under 

, /h)i\s£,tfkoj' banana v.t. & O. make aa 

•*'*? greeigrocer 

1 i/kakh n.m 

gardener cultivating vege- 

g^^kakh k.m palace villa mansion [AJ 

^ka'zib n.m. liar [A-wuT] 

I 1 / kar n.m. affair ;• work ; labour ; action , 
^ " operation ; profession ; business^; function , 
duty gj fjTj/kar-akmoo'dah, j/oaj/jS azmoo da-kar 
adj. jj’kar-agah' adj. (one) possess- 
ing the know- how us,eful >1 jlfkar-a' malt adj. 

useful serviceable jljtfkar'-bar n.m. (col 
for jLjjI/n.m. ★) (/jlsyV'kar'-bar-a’-ri n.m. 
getting one’s desire fulfilled wheedling 
kar ! -band adj. complying (with) acting up 
XoXyjjsj/kar'-baiid ho’na v.i. comply (with) 

act up to If' kar-pardaz' n.m. worker 
manager efficient (person) (jjb/.jV'kar- 
parda n.f. work efficiency manage- 
ment >-?)j)j)fkar~e savab’ n.m. virtue good 
deed good turn savab’ kar’na 

v.t. & o. do a good deed ^'JTjV'kar'^ob n.m. 

embroiderer embroidery frame adj. em- 
broidered (J>£ Jb'kar-cjio'bi n.f. embroidery adj. 
embroidered Jbtpjtfkar-kka'nah n.m. workshop 
factory mill system jbs&jV'kar-kha'na- 
dar n.m. millowher manufacturer in- 
dustrialist •Zjjtp/M'Jf kar-kha'na-e qAd'-ratslPjtftfLir 
khuda’i kar-jjfca'nah n.m^ nature yg’jtfka'r-e khair' 
n.m. good deed ; virtuous deed jtfjlfkar-dar n.m. 

manager » officer in charge Jljj^kar'-dafi 
adj. & n:m. efficient (person) (one) possess- 

ing the know-how bjt/kar-da'ni n.f. effi- 
ciency know-how ’^IjjjlP'kar-rana’i N.F. 
proceedings procedure action trial 

kat-rava"* kar’na v.t. tqke action deal ac- 
cording to procedure hold proceedings jbjfkar 1 - 
Zar’ n.m. battle warjIjj/tfLfmaida'irtkar'- 
zar’ n.m. battlefield ; field of baulejlsj&'kar-saz' 
adj. helping skilful n.m. doer maker 

mansion (AJ 

workshop (esp. kar-sa'i-e haqi'qi) 

n.m. God (as True AccoTnp\ishcT)Jjl<jlkar m sazi 
n.f. skill (j&jlkarastani n.f. mischief 
karasta'tA kar'na v.t. make mischief f 

ki karasts'ni ho'mv.u be the chief of tytfk'au 
forma n‘.m. authority ; one wielding power 
controller Jtyjllkar farma"l n.f. control 
exercise of authority f 3 /jlkar-kar’dagt n.f. 
work performance out put efficiency 

V kar’-kun n.m. worker adj. working j 
kar-kUn sahafi n.m. working journalist 
gah n.f. workshop field of activity l 

kar'-gar adj. effective efficacious active 
(ingredient) Vyf fjll kar'-gar ho'na v.i. be effec- 
tive l kar'-guzar’ ad?, effective n.m. worker 

(fjl^jlkar'-guzari n.f. work performance 
output efficiency,^ tf' kar'-na'mah n.m. 

deed heroic deed memorable workv^Y^JUV 
zih'dagi ka kar’-namah n.m. life-work., (of) ojPjl 
karih'dah n.m. worker agent ; representative 
ka'r-e tvma'yah n.m. memorable 
ka r-o-bar', (cxA.jlj fl kar’-bar) n.m. business 
trade commerce (fj^j{/kar-o~ba'ri n.m. 
business da'rfyf fit, it is no easy 

task , 2 * 1 / ka'r-e na mas'le ph. useless in 

vain suf. (one) who does ; doing (JjVka'rt suf. 
doing [P~cJjjdo] 

j f/ k « r suf- cultivator planter (Sf(ka'ri 
suf. cultivating planting [P-tiP'Vl 
fj ^ tor n . f . motor-car [E] 

y karbs'lik Abj. & n.m. carbolic acid [EJ 

4 / if. i/karbn'nik e'sid gas n.f. carbonic 
L&fCUljlf acid gas [E] 

karpore'dtan n.f. corporation [E] 

n.m. cartridge [E] 

kart' oral n.f. corduroy [El 

..I J. [/ kar'tooti n.m. cartoon t^/jlfkaxtoo nisi 
n.f. cartoonist [E] 

*L/k*r'd n.m. port-card kat d-bord n.m. 

cardboard [E] 

Ji^kar'nasJ'fka'ms n.f cornice [E] 

^ kar' nival N.M. carnival [El 

. Jkar’mh [n.m^ company of travellers; 
O ' caravan JLffljj\/kar'va1t-sara n t n.f. inn 
caravanserai IPJ 

ka'roneshan n.f. coronation [E] 

id .fka'rl adj. fatal or mortal (wound, etc.) 

^ r rp~>] 

yj fkarez' n.f. subteiranean canal 
•V sewer [P] 

f dko! r\-gar n.m. skilled labourrer workman 
« artisan adj. skilful (person) inge- 
nious (fj£jtfka't%-ga'fi n.f. skill workman- 
ship ingenuity [P] 

.• k>r/kark'na v.t. embroider embroider 
(pattern on) draw (veil) boil 
n.m. decoction 

n.m. artisan doer perpe- 
® trator [A-^1 ^ / 

^Jijkas't n.f. whittling down (only in)*-*''! 
be-ka' m-orkat’t ph. complete(ly) [P 
Jkosid adj. false ; base ; spurious ; counter- 
feit lA~jW] 

j^ka' sir adj. breaker Z/hJ/'oka'sir-t riyah' n.m. 
' 9 (of medicine) curing flatulence [A~ 
•y'l/kas’ni n.f. a kind of chicory ; endive , 
" litac adj. purple [P] 

jka'sah n.m. cup; bowl cup shaped 
M ® shell, etc . jtj^Hka'sa-e za'noo n.m. knee- 
cap y^H'ka sa-e sar n.m. skull 'filff'tfka’ sa-e 
gada"i n.m beggar’s bowl (/f^Vka'sartes adj. 
flatterer; sycophant ; boot-licker ; toady 
ka 'sa-le'si n.f. flattery , sycophancy . toady- 
ism [AJ y ^ 

‘f/U kash, fifi/kash ke /j'lfkdsh-ke would that , 
U how I wish [P] 

kasha' nah n.m. abode [P] 

, J> j j/ kajaspahAaty n.m. correspondent 
j ilka' raspaf, daft! n.f. correspon- 
dence [E) 

^j^kar'k n.m. cork [E] 

, ^ka'rartN.u. cause (only as)e0(4£& ka'ran 
p H . because of 

-2 kash' t N.F. cultivation ; tillage ; 

P bringing under the plough'll l kash' t-kar 
n.m., cultivator ; tiller • farmer . agriculturist 
fyl&llkash' l-ka' ri n.f. cultivation tillage ; agri- 
culture^ Abj. untilled ; unculti- 

vated fellow uncommahded C^^fkhQd- 
kash't adj. self-cultivated owner cultivated 
sponsored by (someone) himself zZ'Hkash'lah 
adj. cultivated , tilled , 

ka'shif adj. one who discloses or reveals 1 
* [A-^J 




r .pu/kashi n.f. glazed tile adj. of the 
0 ® city Kashant^/i^^a'iH-Aa'ri n.f. 

n.m. old name for Hindu temple 
» Town, Benares [S] 


tile^ work ; chips work 
Jr^ka'zim N.M. one controlling one’s rage 
| " appelation of a Shi’ite Imam [A] 
.•,^/ka’ghaz n.m. (pl. ■X/tJjy' kaghhzat") paper 

Jtv document L'Jjlfka'gpaz sa adJ. very 
thin ka'ghaz sxyah' (or ka'la) 

kar'na v.t. scribble write at length 
write silly stuff ka'ghaz-firosh’ n.m. paper 

merchant ; paper-dealer iL'(fjbtfka’gf}az ki na”o 
n.f. paper boat frail thing 5fc(pilf 

ka'ffiaz ki ng'o Joo’bi ke doo’bi prov. baseless 
things are doomed to collapse Cls If ka'ghaz 

k I ns”o bans' n a v.r. be engaged in useless task 
Jttf ka'ghaz ke gko’re damans ph. 
keep up brisk corresponding send frequent 
letters Ifji/ka'ghad adi- paper ; of paper 
delicate thin-shelled^f^VAa'gha^i bsdsm' 
N.M. thin-shelled ka’ghazi 

pairahari (or pairs' han) t*M-fjfVjjlf(fjfl/ka'gt}azi 
ksr-rava"i n.f. redtapism ; official correspon- 
dence [P] 

n.m. name of the letter kaf , 
faehal kaf n.m. forty ‘kafs’ ; prayer poem 
with forty ‘kafs’/^c tlfkaf lkm,C»lf( , Plam' kaf 
n.m. beast lie (JJ&ifkaJ' noon n.m. God’s 
command kun ; be , 

l y/ kafir (col. ksfar) n.m. & adj. (pl. j\if 
/ * kiffar') infidel beloved.; sweetheart 
ungrateful (person) cruel (person) ; tyrant 
IjlJlf ka'fir-ada' adj. & n.m. coquet; coquette 
5 I y?lf>lfka’fir-ma-jara”i n.f. cruelty ^f*flf 
kafir-e ne"mat adj. & n.m. ungrateful person 
Zlfslf kafira'nah adj. like an infidel im- 

pious adv. impiously (f iff kaf in n.f. infidelity ; 
disbelief [A~ 

kafoor ’’ N.m. camphor (l CjfjJ f kafoor' 

J* * ho’n a (or ho ja'ns) v i. evaporate 
vanish scamper (fj%¥< kafoo'ri adj cam- 

phor milk-white^'#'/* kafoo'ri sham' 1 n.f 
incandescent camphor light [A- S] 

•U kaf f ah n.m. all (only in) j' CIO \f kaf fat- un- 
nos’, (h'ljj/kaffa-r ansm n.m. all per- 
sons .whole mankind [A] 

I j ^jksfi adj. enough ; sufficient ; adequate 
4?® ample ; abundant j| Ij jf/kafi-o-vafi ph 
enough and too spare [A] 

•'ij/is/i n.m. n.m. 

w 9 coffee-house (E) 

*1 f^ka'ka n.m. (dial.) paternal uncle 

W* ks'ks n.m. (rare) elder brother a 
slave now grown old in master’s home (Pj 
jy kaka tu"a n.m. cockatoo [E - Malay] 

yU ks'kul n.f. lock , curl ; ringlet forelock 
U Ojf?i/lf ks'kul-e pe’chafi n.f. curled 
locks [P] 

j^ka'koo n.m. (dial.) maternal uncle 

^ks’ki n.f. (dial.) aunt 

i ft/ kag, tfV'kg ga n.m. - crow, 
uvula ka'ga rol n.m. cawi: 


: gS 

kag n.m. cork [~E corr.] 

cawing of crows 

I jj/ta/ n.m. famine dearth scarcity : 

shortage (rare) death I't/Jlfkal' par' ns 
v.i. (of famine) be ijblfjffkal’ ka ma'ra adj. 
famine-stricken ; starvejing 
fijkal pref. black (ff^/jlf kaf kothri n.f. 
0 ® black-hole ; dungeon [~ plf abb. of i)tf] 

• .j i/ ka'la adj. (F.J{fkgli) black dark 

* n.m. black snake (f/fp If ka'la sd'mi n.m. 

derogatory) an Africusian of a subject race<^?l)l/ 
ka'la bh- jafig' adj. jet black j^Vlf ka'la part 
n.m- transportation for life If ka'la pan n.m. 

blackness JU-J lif ka'la pahar' n.m. black moun- 

tain (fig.) anything huge and dark , terrible 
thing j£:Ptf ka'la ffior n.m. great thief 
(fig.) dark horse x|>jj*7a7a da'nah n.m. indigo 
seed this used as purgative Jsillfka'la dev n.m. 

black demon (fig.) huge dark person 
ka'la zi’rah n.m- nigella indica seeds I'f'plf ka’la 
kar’na v.t. blacken deface scribble on 
(paper) vf i PlfO'mUth ka'la kar'na v.t. & i. 
forcinate disgrace (someone) by blackening 
his face py / >' mufih ka'la ho’na v.i. be dis 7 
graced ao something shameful 
ka'la kalo't a (or kaloh'ta) jet black if y\f ka'la 
kav'vs n.m. raven (fig.) dark person i/lltf 
ka’la kav'va kha'ya hai ph. is talkative 
jy'l) / ka'la ko”ela adj. jet black 
ka’la miiiih ni'le hath pa” oh ph. may he be 
cursed to Hell with it Ui'plf ka’la nag n m- 
black cobra ^jjtJfkJ-/JiJ(jf‘’tL.lfkale s a' bun mal 
kar go're na'hih ho'te a crow cannot become 
whiter by washing itself with soap (fil ka' ti 
ah'dhi n.f. black storm jtrflf ka'libolg n.f. 
great evil ugly dark woman Iffjfff ka'lt 
pi'li otikheh kar'na v.i turn red with rage 
look threateningly If kali tUl'sl n f basil 



ocymum sanctum &lyf(ft/kali jam' e-rat n.f. 
hypothetical day for fulfilment of promise 
ka'R eabari anj- black-tongued ; inauspicious 
&'ri. n.f. "black cummin seed 
‘verusnico’ kalo'tl [or kalofiiti) 

ADJ. very black woman Miail 'si n.f. 

whooping cough , hiccup lldfji Ska li gka'ta n.f. 
dark rain-bearing cloud ominous clouds 
kaTt mt'ti n.f. clay slime (esp. 
one from dirty pool) &/$Yka'li mir'cb n.f. 
black pepper jp'^V'ka'li har n.f. black myro- 
balanW.;./ S/fi’lAlfka'li hafi'di sir par dhar’na 
v.i, be put to shame Wit ka 

ka'ta pa’tX na'hlfi maftgia v.i. it is difficult to 
escape a treacherous person’s guiles 

ka’lt ke age cb ragh’ na'hihjal'tS v.i. defiance 
of a dangerous person is very difficult 
ka’te kos n.m. long distance adv. very far 
/fyfjtfka'le. ke ka'te ka tut jan'lar na man'lar 
prov cobra’s bite cannot be cured by charm or 

t ' uka'las.K. property goods and chatties 
i- sjJj^'j r .riai gha'me duz'd na afide- 

sha e ka'la ph. neither have nor fear loss [P] 

A • ..J kalian* am’ ADv/brutish [A ~ like + Jt 

f fa) 1>V +^J/animals) 

i Jkal'bud sM. (human) body kal'bud-e-. 
kka'ki n.m. human body ; mortal coal [A] 
jjjjji. jkalboot’ n.m. last ; shoemaker’s last 

X® boot-tree [ ~P prec. corr.] 

C Jka'lij n.m. col lege kal'j i‘et adj. collegi- 

ate [E] 

J^ka'lar N.M. collar [E] 

/t/ka'lak n.f, blackness lamp-black ; soot 
stigma ; stain ; blemish black spot 
disgrace mortification ka'lak ka ji'ka 

n.m. stain ; stigma , 

Ly/ka'lam n.m. column ka'lam n.m. 

| " fifth column fifth columnist [E] 
ijl/kam n.m. work task duty job 
I * vocation avocation feat crafts- 
manship workmanship deed interest 
concern VjfcrtfYkam a’khir ho'na vsi. end 
(of work) finish L'f (“Ykani a’na v.i. be 

killed prove to be of use be used be 

well spent be skilled in (some) work Ufj'tffY 
kam' at'ka raih'ha v.i. (of soine work) be hinder- 
edtjl£f'lf'knm' bi’garna v.t. put a spoke in 

(Someone’s) wheel upset (someone’s) applecart 

mar something spoil 
of li^f/kam' bi'gar'ni v.i.. 

make a mess 
(of someone’s 


applecart) be upset (of something) be spoilt 
LU; f^kam! bana'na v.i. bring sue e» to) 
accomplish something ( V*fYkam' barina 
(or banja’na) v.i. succeed ; gam o4e s end 
(of something) be accomplished Cr^f > ^ kam' par 
laga’na v.t. engage ; get fixed up in some iob 
karri par'ns v.t. come into contact 
(with) have business (with) fffJyl'fYtBm 
pyara ke cfiam' prov. handsome is that hand* 
some does V/f*\jriYkam' tamarri kar'na v.t. 
kill finish , accomplish Ujf/'lJ'f t Ykam' tqmani 
ho'na v.i. be killed be accomplished Cji* f v 
karri ckalrina . v.t. manage kart’ (Jyui'oo 
adj. enough for the purpose makeshift 
temporary (i*(Ykam! dl al'na v.i. be managed 

have something going on be a going con- 
cern C%fYkam' cha'mok'na v.i. (of some .busi- 
ness) flourish, prosper, thrive Clfj&tfykam' 
cfiau'pat ho ja'na v.i. (of some business) 
collapse be upset jjrfY kam'-^jor’ adj. & n.m. 

shirker ; skulker "idler good for-nothing 
jbf-Ykam'-dar adj. embroidered f^y^kam! de'na 
v.t. be serviceable render good service 
wear well provide (someone) work fix 
(someone) up in some 'job kam x se -Abv. on 
busincss^bf'^j^Y' If' k am se kam a'la ha i prov. 
practice makes a man perfect l‘/i ha(y kam" 
■ rava ho'na v.i. (of work) get goingl^j 
kam seja'la raih'na , Cfj }y / ('tfkam' t 'ka na faih’na 
v. i. be no longer of any use be injured 
or damaged : beyond .repair 
kam! se kam rakk’na (or ho’tia ) v.i. mind one’s 
(own) business YfYkam' ka ad;, useful Apv. of 
usC'to&tffekam' kaj n.m. job means of 
livelihood' business v/'f’Y kam' kar'na v.t. . 
do (someone’s) work have effect CifYkand 
le'na v.t. use ; make use (of) get work 
done (by) get contract (or assignment* etc, 
from) ISJ ctifokam' meh la'na v.t. use , put 
to usctffc'fV karri nikal'na v.t. get (one's; work 
done accomplish one’s desire make use 
(of) QryV karri ni’knl'na v.i. (of someone's 
purpose) be served prove to be of u*e iVjfy'K 
kam! ho ja'na v.i. (of someone’s- purpose) ’be 
served die collapse be done with 
have some work to do , 

kam’ N.jd. (rare) passion JjfYkam! dev' n.m. 

| p Hindu cupid ; god of love and passion Jiiffl 

* n ■ Jtr M'r tspitvimf ffipl • u>entnm 



kam! -too' pi adj. & n. f. pruriant girl ; wanton 
woman ; lascivious lady (8) 

kam n.m. object ; intention 
desire (rare) palate [P] 




, i jkamran' adj. successful achieving 

O'/ 9 one’s wish(es) Ijfy’X kamra'ni n.f- 
success achievement of one’s wish(es) [P~ 


adj, successful lucky ; 

Jlfr' P fortunate achieving one’s wish(es)i£/^'{^ 
kdm-ga’ri n.f. success good luck ; good 
fortune achievement of one’s wish(es) 

[p~ TV] 

y kam-yab’ adj. successful achieving 

* one’s wish(es) passed ; qualifying (an 
examination) I'jLfUb'kam-yab' kar'na v.t. give 
wccess lofy^Ubkam-yab' ho'na v.i. succeed 
pass or qualify (an examination) tjkfv 
kam-yabi n.f. success achievement of one’s 
wish(es) insan' ke 

has meh na'hih prov.- success cannot be com- 
manded •^fyP'Jl&j'siL.yZjlSlSkam-ya'bi ke liye 
istiqlsl' shar't hai prov. perseverance is the pre- 
requisite of success ( kam-yabi 
pa'na (or basil karna ) v.i. succeed achieve 
one’s object (I'Jikf’bjbxtfyV’kam-ya'bi de'na (or 
‘ atd ' kar'na) v.t. give success (to) 
kam-yabi mil'na (or myas'sar ana) v.i. succeed ; 
meet with success [P~ w , 

L l/ ka'mil adj. (f. or pl. ^ ka'milah) full 
U " entire ; complete categorical 
decisive learned accomplished perfect 
J tftfOlinsa'n-e ka’mil n.m (the Holy Prophet 
as) the Perfect Man n.m. (pl. liX kumala) per- 
fect people [ A ~ JtX] 

n'm n.f. lovely delicate woman [S] 

mi/ kamod' n.m. name of a 
" mode [S] 

nocturnal musical 
y/V kan' -kan 

kan n.f. mine quarrry „ 

n.m. miner (f^tfkan'-ka'ni n.f. mining 
ka'n-e na'mak n.m. salt mine c 
j&ZXihar' ke dax ka'n-e namak' raft namak' shud 
prov. whoever goes to see becomes a part of it 
ka'n-e mala hat n.f. lovely brunette [P] 
r ti/kan n.m. ear (fig.) attention ; heed 
C'V (fig.) lesson i'/ t I^Q^katt ash’na ho'na V.i. 
be familiar (with voice, etc.) ^ L k'lf ka na-ba' (i 
n.f. whisper child’s joke by whispering 
loudly into the ears /"^^i’yjkCb'ka'na-b'ali 
ka'na-bd'ti kur'r PH. formula whispered in this 
joke (fy^C^ka'na-phao'sl n.f. whispher 
ka' na-phoo si kar'na v.i. whisper 
kan' u're (or pka'u) ja'na v. be deafened by noise 
an aiftik'ns (or kas'na) v.t. 
twist (someone) cars reprove Of kan baj'ns 


v.i. (of ears) sing ; (of someone) have a sing- 
ing in the ears fancy [Lbj^CLXdtfkan' bu(ji- 
ya'na, (or daba’na) v.t. (of horse) turn ears back 
when preparing to bitcLlA^cJljkan bindhsa'na 
v.t. & o. get ears bored <kan' baih're 

kar'na v.t. & i. turn a deaf dear (to) ren- 
der unable to hear li/ftftfkari bkar'na v.t. poi- 
son the ears (of) IV.^K kan' baih'naXA. (of ear) 
suppurate ( cXj I ) OfP U^Qf^i^kan' par jooh' tak 
na ehal'na (or rihg'na) be heedless not to 
take a lesson from be quite unaffected by 
V%d*kan' par'na v.i. be heard 
kan' pa'.rl a»az! Sana" l na de'na PH. be in* the 
midst of a deafening noise Ctiftflfkan' pa' kar'na 
v.t. & i. twist one’s ears (fig ) be peni- 
tent vow never to repeat the mistake ad- 
mit someone’s superiority be obedient be 
loyal ; be faithful rfX'jiftXzpl/kan' pak'H laufi'di 
ph. very faithful be obedient Cjte^kan' 

phar'na V.T. make a deafening pierce the 
ear-lobe phji'te ja'na v.i. (of 

noise) be deafening pkarpkra'na 

v.t. & l- (of dog) jerk the ears (fig), 
be alert L'j^fJJftflfkan’ tale kl cbkor'na v.i.. 
say something scarrilous or unpalable divulge 
a secret iCfytfkari jkina'na v.i. be deafened by 
noise iVi-xP^lAan' (hot' le ja'na ph. turn a 
deaf ear to bjattyifkaii' diked' n a v.t. pierce the 
ear lobe U-yH'kan’ daba’na v.i. keep 
kan' dhitr'na v.i. listen to ; give or lend one’s 
ears to (someone’s words) cXj^kan' rakh'na 
v.i. listen ejy.lffjb'kan' ka par’dah n.m. eardrum; 
tympanum (CfXl )\>\j'^X-ke kan' kat’na (or 
ka'larna) ph. outwit pf ( or ka'non) 
kakadteha adj. & n.'m. too credulous (person) 
ifyyVkan ka mail' n.m. ear-wax ; cerumen (jX 
I'lXkari kkana v.t. pester with too much 
noise or talk V/f > kdn ' & jd'ne ki 

fur sat na ho'na v.i. be extremely busy 
kan’ kka're kar'na x. i. prick one’s ears be 
on the alert kan kka're ho'na v.i. be 
alarmed oX^kan kkutna ph. be warnedjyb 1 ^ 
0? kan' kkol' de’na v.t. warn someone^y^V 
kan' kkol' kar adv. attentively Qyf^tfkab kkol'na 
v.i. open one’s ears warn (someone ) 
kan' laga'na v.t. listen attentively (to) 
overhear (0- kan maror'na (or mal'na) 
v.t. twist the ear : reprove (fig.) ^chastise 

Ug’tflfkan'-mai'liya n.m. one whose^ profession it 
is to clean ears ; earclear meh 

avoz' par'na v.i. happen to catch the sound (of) 



(&! t J ban' rneii uftg'll de rakf^nd 

(or lend) v.t turn a deaf ear (to} 
kali meh bat kaih'na v.T. whisper into (someone's) 
cars fan' men bat' m&t'ni V.l . turn a 

deaf ear to a pretend not to hear ^ 'J* 

kan' men bhi'nak par'nd, jv.i get wind 
l‘/fkan' men pa rah bkar'na v.i. pretend not to 
hear iS'jf^^dksn' men phooftk'na vt. whisper 
into the ears (of) (flg.) set (someone) against 
meit tel' dal' ke jo raih'na 
v.i. be attentive - pay no heed at all 
0 O * tfZfkari melt jkin'jhi kau'ri dal'na become 
slave (of) men dal'na v.T. inform ; 

to warn kan' meh AM bajdna v.t, 

din into the ears" (of) L'^j'j^jj/ijjlk'kan' (or 
ka'non ) men ras' par'na v.t. hear a musical 
voice have an ear for music 
Ojrkad (or kanoh) meh ras' gkol'na v.i. speak or 
sing in a very sweat voice 'uCtjjV'iJdV' 

kan' (or kanofi) men roo"i tbont' n& v.i. plug 
one’s ears (fig. ) pay no heed (to) disregard 
L'lf> i^lfkan' na htla'nd v.i. be docile (fig) 
not to raise one’s little finger 
kt noti par hath-' dhar'na (or rakh'na) v T. 
refuse disclaim deny feign ignorance 
l\f ka'non ke par'de pha'teja'na 

v.i. '(of noise) be deafening 
ka'noh kan kfia'bar na hdna v.i. not at all to leak 
ouiCkbS^^jlfkanon men kha’takna v.i. (of word, 
etc.) sound unfamiliar be cocophanous 
nan men ung'liyan de'na v.i. be in 
attentive ; turn a deaf ear to Ljftflfkan' ho'na 
v.i take a lesson (from). be warned 
. /kan N.F crookedness (in cloth, bed, etc.) (jD 
Wkao nikal’na v.t. straighten i'lS’ipt'kan' 
nikalva'nm\. T. get straightened 
1 * 1 /' kaf/ta., lt/Ykan'xd {F.'jSka'm,(fs l Skah'ri) adj. 
*>7 & n.m. one-eyed < person) having rotten 
kernel blemished defective»,»(,|,‘Klta'na 
par'd ah n.m. ‘purdah’ not fully observed 'Uij'Stf 

I yJfj ka'nt kf tk‘ tag jivt’ prov. one-eyed 
person is always mischievous 
i %y kamp n.m. rib (of umbrella) ■ 

K P curved rib (of paper-kite ) Ml 
i^^/ketmp'na, ZefLrtfkamp uth'na v.i Wj. 

shake ^ 


“ tremble shiver 
rock quake 

fct/kSii'ta n m thorn fork quill 
9 bone (of fish) fishinghook 
balanee tongue of balance fur (on tongue) 
hand (for pulling something out) uri- 
palateable remark au|, lean , thin I'jf&’tfkah'a 

efciibh,o' na v.t. prick with a thorn^ C&l'k'V 
kanta fa hkatak' na v I. rankle Wkanta 

lag'rta v i be pricked by a thorn MlsV'kshftt 
mar'na v.i. strike with spur Or wing 
kaii'ta m'kal ja'na v i. be freed from pain 
no longer to rankle kaii'ta ho'na v.i. be a 
thorn in the flesh of l Ifjf, sookh kar 

kaii'ta ho ja'na v.i. become lean l )jsjplfknnton 
par lot'na v,i. suffer pain lie on a bed of 
thorns Ij^fy^VAan' ton par khen&na, 
kan'pn meh tfiasil'na v.t. pull (someone’s) leg ; 
praise (someone) too much f j/ ed—d'ijjSj!' SliJ^ 
ki’sl ke haq met kan te bo'na v.i. sow the seed of 
trouble for someone (S S) kah'te men 

tul'na (or tul' kar bik'na) v.i. sell at the price of 
gold ; be very valuable 
.Si/kafiji n.f. pickled carrot gruel 

^ • f ^ 

v Si/kan'ji hauz n.m. cattle 1 ook - u pUjj'jfffl 
U S') S iSm kafi'ji kanz band kar'na v.t. 

impound (cattle, etc.) 

> l/kanch. k.f. glass protrusion of rectum 
fyv j)tfkandi.' m’kalna v.i, (of rectum) 
protrude ''Ulffclfkahck nikal'na v.t. give (some- 
one) his gruel 7 

| kaiidha n m. (dial for kjSft ) 

| bj^kan'ra ADJ. (same as (,V it) 


tbj^kan'ra N.M. 


name of a musical mouv 

M^kahs'tebal n m constable (fjS'V'kunsttb'lari 
n f. constabulary [EJ 
kah'si n.f- bronze • bell-metal 

JUtskan'farans n.f conlerencSSi/jddkan farafit 
U/* kar'na v t. hold a conference plot! 
intrigue [E] 

r^C‘^/kafikk'na v.i groan while carrying load* or 
P evacuating bowels 
ijf'jf^kang' ras n f. Congress [E] 

t(dj;\jkahg'il n k. (dial) portable 
*' ^ Kashmir stove ; wicker-work 
covered chafing bowl 
\tSkativar n.m. (with pf v.) 
jaundice fy/jV/ka kativar , l, 
ho'na v.t. suffer from jaundice S/’A 
iidra adj. non-plussed 

^^^^cinoon' n.m. stove fA) 

kanmkt'than k.f. convocation [EJ 


Jkfivjtfjl/kav’ hat n.f. delving deep dili- 
^"gent search meditation {P-cU^ffclig] 
i jka'xa n.m. lounging (a horse) Cj Ud’kn'vS 
de'na v.T. lounge (a horse) 

adj. awkward hollow [P] 

jka'vish n.f. inquiry research 
wfv scratching one’s head when puzzled 
animosity [P] 

1 t/ka'vah n.m. name of a legendary national 
7 " hero of Persian (jkitfkaviysni adj. of Kavah 
daraf'sh-e kavij/am n.m. ancient Persia’s 
liberation flag [P] 

suf. consuming [P] 

tl/kak n.m. (shortened as Ykah) grass hay 
tV'j'rpa'r-e kati n.m. blade of grass 
pa'r-e.kah' ke bar.a'bar adv, least ; in, the least 
amount [P] 

< rV krthith n.f. waning decline pin- 
* ing wear and tear [P~y^lfj 
Li/ka'hil adj. lazy ; indolent slothful 
Utr slow ; tardy n.m. (pl. Jj l/kava'hil ) shoulders 
iZftfitfka'hil vujood’, sjrJI&tfka hil-ul v jood'' 
adj. & n.m. lazy fellow kahili n.f. lazi- 
ness ; indolence sloth tardiness 
Ci ft' ka' fall kar'na (or se kam' le'na ) v.i. be 
lazy ; be indolent be slothful show tardi- 
ness [A] 

jt.ka'hin n.m. (pl. ka’hanah) soothsayer 

CvP wizard [A] > 

+Zs l/ k3 , ’Bfif N.M. Count jr*jif'ka''ufilais n.f, 
Countess [El 

y^ka’hoo n.m. lettuce [P] 
adj. grass-gfeen 

I /kahi'dah adj. waned gaunt/ofl^ 

Ajtf v txks'j/ioi v c wanintr gauntness [P «• 

I (/ N - T '» state > condition body 

* * t jf Jjlfi /la'fat ja'no v.r. undergo 
a radical change (use for the better) have a 
new Xooki^Wka'ya ka'lap n.f. rejuvenation [S] 

(/ ka yasth. n.m. a Hindu caste wellknown 
for their knowledge of Persian during the 
Moghul rule ; ‘Kayasth’ 

Y kub n.m. iiump hunch (of plaster) 
stick out or up ni'kalna v.i. 

be hunch-backed (of plaster) stick up (from 
the wall, etc.) 

/ kab adv. when : at wliat time how 
■* m Y’ in what manner < tab' tak, (arch. 
idki—S kab' ta'lak) adv. how long ; for how 
Tong till when y'kab' se, tfi—Skab' ka 

adv. since when since how long long 

enough ; long since ; since long 
j . Y kabab’ N.m. grilled mince adj. grilled 

• r burnt out {/ kabab* kar'na -v.t. 

gril (fig.) hum (with rage, every or love) 
disconfit lyf yhabab' ho'na v.i. be grilled 
burn ;_be consumed with rage, etc. be 

chagrined Lfj^l/kabab' chi' at n.f. wild clave ; 
cubcb ; piper cubeb jU'kaba’bi adj. grilled 
mince vendor [ ~ A) 

iL Y kabat’ n.m. pl. high-ups very impor- 

• tant personalities l v.t. & Ps. digratanes 
adj. great [A~ sino.^j/^ | 

j,. /kibaf n.m. broken furniture second- 

!X, hand stuff lumber ilrjl/ kaba'r'-kha noh 

n.m. lumber-room iSjX kaba'ri, \fj\Y kaba'riya 

n.m. dealer in secondhand stuff 
✓ /kdba'ir n.m. pl. deadly sins ; mortal sins 
[A — sing. e^Y\ 

m ( tidbit ' n.m. eulogistic limmeric (improvised 
by minstrels) [ ~ S 

jj'ka'bid N.M. (pl. jiti akbad’) liver [AJ * 

* b /kabttd’.div.F. a popular 

tani game j resembling 
prisoners’ base or (bant) ; ‘kabaddi’ /U 

CxX (f2/kabod'4i khtl'na v.i. V \ « 

j ki'betr n.m. old age being advanced 
A (age) ^j^kahir-*™*' n.m. being advanc- 
ed iii years ; old age (A]' 

Skih', n.m. pi idc ; consort : haughtiness 

A digniiy (AJ , 

.ft ah'ri adj. spoiled piebald IfZchU- 
l/t iab'ra adj. piebald 

/k/bait! n.m. pl; high-ups ; grandees -, dig- 
1/7 qharwtf ; V.I. P’s. (A-,/) 

universe creatures 
ssion stock , prestige 

■kAt* kab'dagi n.f. waning gauntness [P ~ 

( 3 \) 

y jka'hiko adv. why what for ; 

•- /Jka'inat' n.f. universe creatures 

creation ; possession stock , prestige 
worth [A~ 

Xi/ j/i/kji'eh ka"e1i n.f. caw,(of crow) 
CCP(JU 9 confused noise vYcC ^ 
ka''fb kar’na v.i. caw 

/.yta'lN.F. alga moss -lickeji mould 
()P hphat jana v.i dis- 

perse scatter 
^jfflka 'iyah adj. crafty 


. Yu*'.** major proposition of a I ***&>*£*£•****■’■ 

h/ k » • ma ior 3 elder (or eldest) being gnef stricken [PI / 

9/* syllogism, major , adj.. (f. or pl. ^ ) 

one adj. great dder or eldest J /iSMT J immense n.m. (pl. y: - - 7' 

su&ra kvb’ra mUraftab kdr'na v.t. .& o. forma Y ^ « important , personality ‘ 

syllogism Map- ftafilA- N.M. name of a synthetic Ihdor a istan 

magnificence Mag^ M u .. VoK; , ^JkafA, -Pabthi n.m. 

by large 
kii'bari , 

?*&«>*’ n.m. magnificence Mag- 

nificent (as an attribute of God)^^ 
kibrija''i- n.f. magnificence grandeur 

^ ^/kibrit' n.m. sulphur ; brimstoneyf^y/^ 
kibri't-e ah'mar n.f, red sulphur 

^“1-. («• *Y*»rt >-”t 

1^7 backed or hump-backed (person) , hunch 

ba /VAa6'^N.M a kind partridge ; P heasant 
tfjjcjfkab'k-e da'rl n.m. highland ot 
parttidge of ‘lovely plumage ; snow pheasant 
l&jJfrkab'k-raftar' adj. graceful in motion 
&C>jJifkab'k.rafta'ri n.f. graceful motion [A] 

.. /kabootar n.m. pigeon jlyyfkaboo lar-baz 
SX n.m. (dep.) pigeon-breeder one fond 
of pigeon-flying tfltfsfkaboo’tar-bS O n.f. 
(der.) pigeon-breeding pigeon-flying 

{Sflj/kaboo'tar-e ba'm-e ha'ram n.m. picture 

Ung abode on Holy M&’S** . W 

patth N.M. name ot a symneu. — 
creed founded by Kabir ^Jkabv -pafithi n.m. 

follower of this creed [A ~ ] 

fkabi'sah ad j . intercalary ^ J * sa c “ 
kabi'sah n.m. intercalary year [A] 
^j'kupnM. stack 

f/kup'pa n.m. leathern ml- 

Jy container adj. bloated j jyy? 

x'y? < l/ pfaol' kar ki, P'P s ho i s ' ns 

vj. * 9 grow very fat; put on flesh 

be bloated be swollen > ; , , 

.. /kapas' n.f. cotton ^ kapas et na 
U if (or bel'na) v.t. & o.- given cotton^lj^/LT 
.Vj/l/kapas' (ot'ne)ka karkha'nah n.m. cottop- 
. ginning factory 
»/kaptari n.m. 
dent of Police 
j captain’s rank [E[. 
j, /ka'pat km-' 

‘—’m. malice 

Captain Superinten- 
S;P. kaptani n.f. 

t . emnity ; animosity 

fjrrt jyi nautiu — - r ■ ff „ \ malice fraud \i£jJZ>Ska'pa$ rakk'na v.r. 

Ung abode on Holy Ka'aba’s r^ftop ^ malice adj. false ; insincere; 

one unaware of others troubl ^Lnf hU^O^, hvp0 critical malicious fraudulent (person) 
A I'Ay/lj/kunad' ham-jin's ba ham-jin s parval . (contR. of foll. *) 

kaboo'tar bakaboo'tar bat ba oat ™ 
the same feather flock together > 

kha'no/, n.m. pigeon-house ; dove-cote^ 
Taboe'tari n.f. , dove; female pigeon (rare) 
village dancer (P] . . 

/kabood' adj. & n.m. sk y- blue ; blue • 
PS? azure cerulean frZdiar kjx-e kabood 
N M sky ; the heavens ; firmament (fig.) 
fa te (f>jSkaboo'di adj. sky-blue; blue ; azure 

cerulean [P] ^ 

■^{'ka-'bhoo adv. (arch.) (same as £T* ★/ 

y ia'Ml ADV. . sometimes seldom 
(/T rarely ka'bfa to'lah kabU m'- 

thahvi i. inconstant whimsical; capricious 

V'jrka'bhi ka adv.. 

' J/kop’ra n .m. cloth piece of cloth 

I/t g 

kdp Ta N.M. cioui v* 

garment fryrfO&W ^ meh na sam “ nd 

v. t. be very happy ; not to contain, oneself for 
joy Ly<£-O># ka P' r0f ‘ Je bo'naA'l^fkop’re a'm 

vi, mensturate ; have the menses kap re 
nm. pl. clothes IjCl^kap’re utar'na v.t. & o. 

take off one’s clothes ; doff change clothes 
lAttJ/kap’re paihan'na v.t. & 0. put on clothes; 
doii ; dress; change clothes jtf\#kaprahkd\X*% 
... . . i • n ^ A 1l nf Kiirnintr cloth 

whimsical ; capnemu. tyFLf v .,. lhivet membk 

■ “T“3VS l&ZiL shake qu, 

ince long jUr j /C' ka hi .sjCf kab'kai* n.f. shiver tremb- 

,'Mi adv. attunes kapaha\, (ft? jrfVft VT 

lmg shudder C+StfZkap'kapt mrkna v.t. 

shiver with cold nave a fit of ague 
..fkapoof n.m. prodigal disobedient 

son [~ <y +fcS^l / 

Ckapoor' n.m. (dial.) camphor (fjj$ kapoo * 
JK. adj. milkrwhite ; white-like camphor (also 

ago long since ; since 

kahUr\ Mbto ka'bhi adv^ 

nowand then ; occasionally itftka bhs na 
kablH' adv. sometime or other once in a 
■while for once at least 

/ kabk'dah. adj. aggrieved ; afflicted 
(rare) folded , crumpled^'u/ kabi'da- 
kja'tir adj. aggrieved ; grief-stricken 




n.m.) a kind of white betel leaf [S] 

I / kapoo'rs n . m . testicle (as part 
of mutton) 

kip' pi n.f. metallic bottle 
leathern bottle [ ~ (/ dim] 
r*/ kills N.M. (f. p> k'ul'ya) dog trig- 
ger spring of gun-lock mean person 
^ri^./pp^ji&kut'ta-bhi dim hits' -kar baith'ts 
hai prov. even animals like to keep then abade 
clean q — kut'ts-ghas n.f. a kind of frag- 
rant but barbed grass iC kit'te ‘khs'nah 
N.m. a kennel for dog(tf*ljtf^2Ckit'te kha'si 
(or khas'mi) n.m. useless boring work -y'. 
kSt'te^ka kata adj. bitten by dog dog-bite 
tSxl- & ^ zCkut’te ks kut'ta bai'ri prov. colleagues 
tend to become rivals J/tfZCkut'te ks ka'fan n.m. 
(W. dial.) (der.) coarse cloth \jrf ’(f ' fpL 
kut'te ko gki tmz'm nahifi ho'ts prov. a mean 
person will always give himself outfjJ^kit'u 
ki dim adj. mean ^ malicious /_// '<£- 

iffr (f b£ji£(/ kit'te ki dim ko bs'rah 

ba'ras ml'ki ' men rak'khs phir’u'rhl ki te'rh I 
prov. what is bred in the bone will never come 
out of the flesh kut'te /si j« hu'rak 
ith'ns prov. have a sudden passion for some evil 
act £t~Vj33&Jn$Jf*J£f$£/fS<£ki( 'te ki mau t 
s' (i hat to mas'jid ki tarqf daur'ts hai prov. destiny 
drives one to death t,/CS(fe£ kit'te ki maut mar'na 
v.i. die a dog’s d eath be killed like a 
dog , 

^jffkitib' N.M. (pl. ku'tib) book _ 

» ^ (rare) letter (/\^/Q'kita'b-e ils'ht,<- T 'tljle'f 
ssma'm kitab n.f.. revealed book , holy book 
scriptures j^e<^Okitsb' ks ki'rs n.m. bookworm 
uJtfjjjdar'si kitab' n.f. text-book^ jy.'Cf kits' bat 
n.f. .calligraphy copying (},{/ kits' bi adj. 

theoretical (learning) book (lore, adjust- 
ment, etc.) (ofjace) oval, oblong 0/fC$ 0^ 
kits'bi cpeh'rah, too" e-kits' bi n.m. lovely 

oblong face /^cf'kils'bi 'il'm n.m. bookish 
knowledge (hence) lack of worldly experience 
ly' kata’ ra N.M. (dial, for n.m. It) 

katsn n.f. fine linen [A] 

t*{Y hats' na v.T. cause to spin J l^Aaia”* n.f. 

spinning remuneration for it [ ~ fcJV 


~ /ku'tib n.f. pl. books ^ ^/ku'tib- 
. kha’nah n.m. library (rare) bookshop 
ku'tub-Jirosh’ n.m. book seller tf"/? ‘7-*"^ 
kutib'-firo'sht N.p. book trade (A ~ sing. i~>(X ] 

kat'bah n.m. epitaph ' inscription 


kat-khv'ds, (rare Sji/ kad-khuda) adj. 

I yy married bridegroom head of 
family / j/' kal-khida'i, JjU*" / kad-khida't 
n.f. marriage [P] 

j., ^Skatrs'nS v.i. dodge evade avoid 

* 1/ leave the high road take to by-paths 
slink away (from) edge away Of j' pi 
katrs' kar chains v.i. cut the society (of) 

desert one’s companion 
|. ka tarns v.t. cut pare prune 
V trim Csjiyf ka’tar biyoftl' N.F. cutting 

out (clothes) cuts emendations kat'ran 

n.f. cutting clipping paring yjika'larrii 

n.f. scissors ; pair of scissors jb/ka' larvsh adj. 
sidelong (walk, move, etc.) away 
ki'tams v.t, gnaw 

^jJ^kq'tif n.m. (pl. i^Olakisf) shoulder [A] 

cP*“ 'tat n.f. brickbat 

kut'ks , Uj/khut'ks n.m. baton 

j? kat'm n.m. veil concealment (*£ 

| kat'nre ‘a' dam n-M. non-existence 
kitmsn' n.m. concealment keeping sccj 
ret [A] > 

.-S kilns adj. (pl. '2L kit'ne F. 0 kit' Hi) 
how much how many many : several 

adv. how ; how very . 'very (f t t£> kilns hi 
adv. a lot ; a great deal conj. howsoever , how- 
evermuch ^i~j^'t}!;^Ckil'ne ps'ni me h hat (etc.) 
prov. how shallow he (etc.) is (I know) 
his depth 

.••/ kat'ns v.i. be spun 1*1/' katos'na v.t. 

^ get spun cause to spin [ ~ b'V] 
l*/ kilns v.’t. be estimated 

katos'na v.t. cause to spin f ~ fc'V caus.] 

ka'ths n.f. Hindu sermon traveller’s 
tale someone’s boring tale of woes 
ka'ths bakhs'na v.t. tell traveller’s tale 
, «/ kat’ths, kai'tkah n.m. catechu ; ‘terra 
^ Wponica’ 

ka'tkak n.m. boy playing female dan. 
cer's role caste of dancers JS] 
i«J kut'ys n.f. female dog bitch [~m. l/j 

tragacanth clipper 
gohd n.f. tragacanth gum 

1 kati'rs n.i 
]/Z kati'rs go 

^J'kit n.m. name of a vegetable yielding a die 

I ^ ( kat n.f. cut . deduction j^fA&tptes' ».», 
cut-piece [E] 

* b { kat n.m. black colour adj. black adv. jet 
^ (Mat*) 

f } ( ka* v.i. imp. of 1 2> it biting cutting 
being hacked I'Wutfket kha'ni adj. 
addicted to biting n.m. (user. as pl.) broken 
letter (as copying pattern, etc.) (der.) help- 
books Ojj'kat mas' la adj. & n.m. fat (per- 
son) rough ; tough ; hoodlum [~ iff ] 
y ( kat pref. wood hard hidebound 
^ '(■at-pUt'ti, J^jZfkofirput'li n.f. 

' puppet (fig.) stooge adj. not enjoying real 
power kat-hxtj'jati n.m. quibbling 

silly argument quibber > kat-mul’la n.m. 

hedge-priest hide-bound religious man 
^ kut'ta n.m. pigeon with trimmed wings 

kat'ta adj.' (same as yf kat' far ★> 

\4?kska'td-&ka'ni, G chhanl n.f. 

clash; enmityUjy jft/ka'ta ehia'm raih'na 
v.i. (of enmity) exist (between) 

^^kafar' n.m. dagger 

i n.m. tamarind seed thin 

V ^ sugarcane globe thistle large dagger 
ifj if kata' ri n.f. dagger 

.•.k/kata’na, I’lyf katva'na v.t. cause to cut 
v cause to bite ) if kata" o n.m. cutting 

cut slash pattern floral pattern 
undulating pattern ^^/kata't n.f. harvest 
harvest time reaping harvesting re- 
muneration for it [ ~ iff] 
j>/ kat’ tar, \ff kat'ta adj. bigoted hide- 
y bound 

Jrfjr/'ka'tar kn'tar n.f. munching ; munching 
// fONO] 

.^k/kat'rTi n.m. .young male buffalo 
/ market; mart compound quadrangle 
lj^}f kat'r* n.f. young female buffalo 
small mart compound quadrangle 
> 6f kat' kat n.f. nibbling l •Ji^j/kat kat 
kat'ta v.i. nibble * 

dir *«tttia'«d v.t. grind (one’s teeth) C&HsPtf 
" datit knkita'rti v.t. & o. grind one’s 
teeth (fig.) fret and fume (L'fiijiktJ^kuf'ki 
it na (or lagd'na) v.t, biting edge of 
(sting, e|c.) [onoI 

t/** ’las n.m. cutlet [ ~E corr.) 

ijkf kat'rta vj. be cut be cut oft’ be 
snapped be clipped be deducted 
(of time, etc.) pass (of kite) suffer defeat 
(of bank, etc.) be washed away (of canal) be 

taken out (of colour) fade out (of name) 
be struck off be abashed ; be put ta shame 
* kit' na v-t. be pounded (j if] 

*.y/ kut’n a n.Mv pimp ; pander ; procurer i iX 
kutnapa n.m. pandering '$&/ kitna"l n.f. 
procurer’s wages gf kQt'm n.f. bawd ; pro- 


katau’B n.f. discount deduction 

jar kata’ m n.m. metallic bowl adj. (dial.) 
ijjr flourishing (town, etc. \jjf kata’ ra 

baj'ns (or kha'nakna) v.i. (arch.) 

(of water) be offered by water- 
carriers be a thriving town 
(CifokjCl/dfjfkato'fa pkira'na- (or 
daura'na) v . t . guess criminals names 
(by occult means through rotating 
a bowl and drawing Jots from it kata' ri 

n.f. small metallic bowl . 

jtf kadi pref. woody^Jrkati-bati'dkan, as 
JP kath- put'll N.r. (same as J* jftt.r. (see 


wcod-pccker [ - ^rjf'coNTR.l 
XtkYkuiha'k n.f. melting pot , 

0^ erucible 

. jpj kataih'ra n.m. railing 
l/t raised piece at head (or foot) 
of bed 

■p^fkatk'r a n.m. wooden trough 
Jgjka'tliin adj. 


jkfkathor' adj. callous relentless cruel 

y^Xj&ka&ar' ta n.f. (dial.) callousness 
kjtut'ti n.f. chapped fodder anything 

0 chopped to small nieces pickles snapp- 
ing friendly ties kar'na v . t . snap 

friendly ties (with) chop to small pieces 
^iit’ya (dial, jjf *B't») n.f. cottage 

^tfkat'ya n.f. young female buffalo fish- 

ST ing llbok a kind of hook-like ear-ring 
.tfkaxay’ya n.m. a kind of thistle (dial. ) 

XT butcher f~ tVl . 

>^*ajl7a adj. (f. katfk) piercing 
(harp-edged charming ifitC kat'tt log'na 

granary lime-kiln 
hard ; difficult 


* Aj 



v.i. be misappropriated (by). \f\f ] 
~ift£asa'fal -VK- grossness impurity 
^dansivy opaqueness [A] 
m u/kas'rot N.F. plenty excess ; abundance 
,m ^r majority bulk Zlj&^fkas' ral-e ra'e 

n.f. majority of- votes majority opinion 
^-Op^as'ret sc adv. amply , abundantly 
plentifully in a large measure tjj Ojrfba- 
kas'rat ho'ni,^ &-£yfkas'rat sc ho'na v.i. 
abound : be found in abundance [A] 

,*fkasir‘ adj. many multifarious much 

ample copious abundant plenti- 
ful pref. multi- poly jf^ilj^kasi'r-ul- 

isU'mil' ADJ. widely used i^0l / fkasi’r-ul-azli 1 ’ 
N.F. polygon, kast r-Ul-al' sinah ADJ. 

polyglot f y jfkaAr’ -toxin adj. too much ; too 
many (Jyjjjfiasi'r-ul-'iyql’ ADJ. one having a 
family £)j\J/kasi'r-al viqoo *' adj. frequent ; 
of frequent occurrence {A~ oJC] 

, *ff kasif adj. dense ; impure ; opaque ; 

** gross untidy dense opaque 
kas'f-ttt lab" adj. • untidy _ (person) (one) 
with unclean habits [A 
f kaj adj. curved crooked awry 

£/ oblique cross unfair fraudulent 
wrong perverse pref. ill mat bljfkaj- 
ndt,' adj. ill-mannered cross perverse 
Jjljl £kaj-ada"i n.f. perverseness; perversity 
crossness in manners being ill-mannered 
kaj-baih's adj. quibbler jf&kaj-baih'si 
n.f. quibble > quibbling (jTf£kaj-(jiash' m 

adj. squint-eyed £ koj-khiil’ q adj. surly ; 

ill-tempered rude jz/*)jb£kaj da r-o-ma-rez! 
Hi. tantalizing tantalization^-/y^ia/- 

ti"t adj. pigheaded * perverse^ tj£kaj- 
ra M i n.f. perversity J\Sj£ kaj-raftar, 3 j£ kaj-rau 
adj. unprincipled , perverse irregular 

motion# ji»;£ kaj raftar1,# } ;£ kaj-ra'il n.f. 
being unprinciple of perversity irregular 
motion walking in ungodly ways f?£kaj- 
Jaih'm adj. wrong-headed person £kqj-faih'mi 
n.f. wrong-headness ti/fkaj-kulnh' adj. 
(one) with hat acock ; foppish sovereign n.m. 

fop ; bean (fig.) sovereign #ftff'£kej-kula'tu 
n.f wearing one’s that acock foppery ; 
dandyism (fig.) sovereignty c koj'-maj 
zab*n'„ tfy? ££ kaj'-maj barin' adj. & n.m. 
(one) lacking felicuy of phrase ; (one) having 
no command of language Ji>£koj-na ' car adj. 
envious malignant #jii£kaj-na'zar\ n.t. 
envy malioe j[^£kaj-nehad' At>j. ill-najured 
'Jjls£ kaj-nthi'di n.f. being ill-natured f ka'jl 


n.f. crookedness perversity Otf'&ka]'- 
niknl'rta v.t. straighten set (someone) 
right [P] > 

if kuja ADV. where whither pjlaz k j~d' 
m ph. whence IP] 

a* tfkijal' ad). yjM.) of low caste 

^ X. base-born [ - . <f 4- »2lr] 
if kaja'vah n.m. (camel’s 

.saddle litter for camel’s 
back [P] . 

i .f kajkol' n.m. (same as Af* , 

Of? n.m. it) 

, fka'jal , of kaj' la n.m. (rus. or 
(J? dial. )_ (same as (tftfir) 

- / kajl&'na v.i. become tawny 

be about to be extinguish 

(of fire) 
(of coals) 

smoulder “jjfkajlau'tl n.f. oollyrium snuffers 
< if kajtl ban n.m. elephant forest 


a'j\ n.f. (see under f adj. -jf) 



/'kach pref. raw unripe 

Qc \ jfkach-ld ha n.m. untempered 
kacli-la'hoo n.m. mixture of blood and pus [ — 
CONTR.] / "S 

if kach' (bd, (f ft kach ’chi) adj. raw 
I? unripe half-done uncooked unbak- 
ed (flour or brick) (of colour) not fast 
fading away weak crude immature 
abortive inexperienced green un- 
developed rough not finalized sub-, 

standard allyed gross young fl 
Icach'cka bafts n.m. green bamboo docile 
kach'cka pak'ka adj. half-cooked 
halfbaked half-done partially clay-built 
not finalized (jfLcjl) ka&&* ta'ga (ot 
dka'gah) n.m. weak thread' (fig.) weak ties 
tV Iz v kadh’cjta t&abi'jana v.t. eat raw 
be very harsh (on) ^If^/jfka^'^tiparja'ni v.i. 
put to shame ff'kach' fa-pan N -«- unripeness 
inexperience '^\£ n.m. (arch.) 
ingot used in place of pice fka&shi 
takhni'nah n.m. rough estimate \SSj\f ka&ck* 
chit'tka n.m. (arch.) rough account' (fig.), 
whoie story (of) (fig.) evil designs (of) 
iC'kach'chi chit'ika su'na’na n.m. disclose the 
evil designs (o{)#)t>lf kach' chi doo<ti »-m. un- 
boiled milk jfrb' fkach’&a salk n.m. company 

of ladies and children family comprising 

small children ser n.m..* weigh' 

sub-standard 'seer ’ off ka&ehi kar at v.t. 
baste put: to shaifi* ssi'nd N.t 


temporary’ post none hereditary tenant 
tJ*Cl(£kaeh'&l tin n.f. unbaked brick 
ka/Ji'cfai pe'M prelminary hearing <f r kach' chi 
sa'rak n.f. unmettalled road ; ‘kutcha’ road fa 
fakach'dil «/a"i n.f. .basting / (f.ka<£cl\ 
‘fim'r n.f. tender age gg, kack'ch* ka'li.n.t. 
new bud budding young girl I'jjg o„kack'chi 
ka'll toot'va v.i. die at a tender age . (of 
virginity) be lost at early age U/(£kach'ehi 
go'liyat khtl'ni v.i. -(fig.) be inexperienced 
Jgt > ko"i kach'&i go'liyat 
rn'hlfi kke’le ph. we are not inexperienced 
<£• ka(h'(fri gha’ri met adv. in a short while 
ka&'fhe pak'kt din^i^kach'cke din n.m. *plT 
first half of pregnancy ^period rainy season, 

(as making one more susceptible to disease 
jk ZJf hadi'cbe bats' ji'dhar jhuka"o ja'le hait prov ..bend a twig while it is young 
L‘ £c£~kach ' (h e ta'ge (or dha’ge) 
met batdht a'tta PH. come submissively 
Vy.kack'chegka'Teparii bhar'na, Vjt 
pans ke kadi' the ghare bhar'na ph. undertake a 
difficult task show servility (to) $ 

CisJ&kach' (tt gha're (met) part bharva'na ph. 
make (someone) undertake a difficult task force 
(someone) to servility kach'ohe gha're 

ki chaih'na v.i. be tipsy ^ {f ka&ahtd n.f. tang 
of unripeness 

ijjkacba'loo n.m. yam boiled potatoes 

* Z; mixed with citricjuice 
J'* e /kifb‘pi(b, &§ khi&P'dt adj. milling 
& O' (crowd, etc.) n.f. sound of walking in 
slush (ono.) y 

. / kacb'ra adj._(f. kath' ri) ( of musk-melon, 
^/•i etc.) notjullyripe 

/" / ka'&ar ka’char n.f. sound made in chew- 
/*/%: ing raw food ( ~ prec. ono. ) 

''ka'fbar khan n.m. numerous small 

4 children (esp. of same parents) 

kiffo kifb (or ka& katb) n.f. chitchat 
noise altercation 
// kct&qk n.f. stroke (of sword) (fig.) 

•//kicfiki^ia'na *.T. grind (one’s teeth) 
grind one's teeth ; firet and fume 


Auka&'ktA, n.m. (same as JjZi/s.M. if) 

UJ % y 

. /ku’tbal'na, ku'&al Wna v.t. 

trample crush ku'fbal (or 

fafb'fa) ja'ta v.i. be trampled be crushed 

ka^-lo’ha n.m. (see under £ frff- 

^ kucb'iah n.m. nuxvomica 

kach la'hoo n.m. (see under £ 
yfv / pref. *) 

kkch'li N.F. fang 

tooth ; canine tooth 
luf'kach'n&r n.f. tiee yielding' 
buds used as vegetable buds', 
g /kachau'ri n.f. fried saltish cake 
Ojif fjf^iSj^ku^au'n se gif' 
n.m. pi., chubby cheeks 
y/kacho'ka n.m hit of sward) 

v Jmj piercing thrust (fig.) 

wound (fig.) censure 

/ kachoo'mar ti.u. chopped mango pickle 
Sy-t something chopped to bits ("//'/ 

kachoo'mar kar'ni V.T. chop to bits 
kachoo'mar nikat'ni v.t. (beat) black and blue 
Skuchh! adj. any some whichever 

whatever n.m. something anything 

y £ kiichh' to adv. little n.m. something 
at least '&j£k iichh thika’na hai ph. how 

wonderful to what length tyu d'lfkitJUjfkuM 
dal men kata ka laho'na v.t. (of something) befishy 
kuch h door’ na'hih ph. quite .possi- 
bly it is not very far away 
kuchkso'na kho'ta ki&h stnar' kk^jS prov. we 
stand to lose in any case I'y^jZ-^kitchb se 
kiichh.' ho na, tyj/- V. j£ kU(b$ ki kidhj, ho’tia 
v.i. undergo a radical - change j£j£kifh hL 
kiichh adv. almost somewhat 
kUchh. kar' d> na v.t. dp something cast a 
spell on CJ l f^kidi kha lend v.t & O. 
take something take poison 
kUckhkho' ke sikk'na v.t. gain valuable expe- 
rience through some loss kiichh' na 

poo'chho ph. it defies all description ; it is too 
good for words use. your own imagination 
and do not ask me jfj£ki^ih' ho adv. come 
what' may whatever may happen 

kUchh ho' j&'na v.i. become somethlhg be 
possessed ku^h ho' raih'ni v.t. (of 

something) to pass (of something decisive) 
happen J^kuchk hi ka'ro ph. do what you 

mav^jrjo' kiidik prov. whatever ; whatsoever 
jfi^ssab' kbchh adv. everything 

n.m. (same as I^'n.m. ★) 

/kachhar' jH.u. 

■S?* side lair 

moist low land by river 


/k-a&aih’ rt n.f. law-court , court of. law 
OJ^C <§/'* kofhaih'ri n.u. District Gourts ; 
Cutchery Vy;0'\r4(fs£kathaih'H-bar' kfmst ho net 
v.i. (of court) rise kadi aih'ri dtor'ka'na 
v.t. brine an action (someone) ; go to the court 
Q^^lS^kodt.aih'rl v.i. appear before 

the court (L'&lj pjfj^kadiaih' rt kar' ns (or 
tags'ns) v.i. hold a court ; try cases in court 
U k ‘* 'ni n.u. kadl'ni n.f. short drawers 


/ka&£ vs n.M. (f. tfy^kadjh! ?i) tortoise ; 
turtle kt dpi n .F. slow 

speed adv. very slowly ; at snail’s pace 
^^ks&ys n.m. ear-lobe 

"? /kadiya'na v.t. feel shy lose heart 
* ifc ** frightened t£sl/kadiys'hat n.f. fear 
bashfulness "* / 

tj koh'l n.m. antimony collyrium 
V koh'l-il java'hir n.m. collyrium prepared 
with pearls [A) 

I i/kahkal n.m. eye-specialist ; opthalmolo- 

0 * gist CA] 

/ tad pref. house jljf'kad-ba'no n.f. (lit.) 

mistress of the house fjrSkad-khuda' n.m. 
tyjjjT kad-khida”i n. f. (see under /^adj. if) 
/ kad n.f. effort ; endeavour persistence 
Jf importunity HJjf kad kar'na v.t. try 
hard ; make an effort ; endeavour urge.; im- 
portune kad' d-o ks’vish n.f. diligent 

search persistent effort [A) 

I i / kids' rs n.m. name of a musical mode ; 

li/kidat n.m. pickaxe Jf/ r 

kids' li n.f. mattock 
Cl fkfids'ns V - T - cause (horse, 

^ etc.) leap dance (child) on 
knee ; dandle %lyf'kads"i n.f. 
leaping (of horse) prize awarded for it 
(- (Vcaus.] 

raVir adj. muddy ; turbid impure [A] 

~//ki' dakns v.i, leap ; jump frisk ; gam- 

■ ■ hoi /iuf kodak’ r a n.m. leap gambol 

ty$P A dJ/J kidak’re mar’ta pkir’nS v.i. 
leap about frisk about caper 
'ku’dam n.m. a kind of tree 


/ kad'doo (lit. or ped. ka'doo) n.m. 
pumpkin goura 
bottle ZtjJjf kad’doo-danah n.m. 
intestinal worms J kad’doo-kaA 

n.m. grater 

/kUdoe'rat. n.f. ill-will bad-blood 


(rare) muddiness •; 

turbidness [A — Jt / ) 

ka'dah suf. house ; abode centre (of) 

jp /ki'dkar adv. where ; whi ther 
/ ki'dhar ja’’ooh kya ka'rooh int. to be or not 
to be, that is the question i&'jibtf/'jf ki'dkar ks 
fhsfid nik'la int. O, it is a pleasant surprise to 
have you here /'fjf ki’dkar ko adv. whither 
kykudhab' n.m. unmanageable intract- 
able difficult dangerous unreason- 
able I - J + 

t j‘/kiz!b n.m-. lie lying <-ftfkau&b' n.m. 
• confirmed liar [A] 

I / kar tt.M. power ; strength ; grandeur ; pomp 
J' adj. deaf y# i/kar'r-o-far’ n.f. splendour 
pomp and show (rare) attack and strategic 
retreat [A] 

kar adj. deaf (A] 

kar Mas. hand (elephants) trunk 

*.iAarrsY n.m. pl. number of times £* 

karrs't o-marrst’ n.m. pl. number of times 
[A - SINO. /\ 

,/karrsr' ad), attacking time and aggjp and. 
Jlr again ; impetuous fjlSkara'rs AD J. 

kars'ri) sevoury hot • spicy dfigp 

(fig.) curt (reply, etc.) cfjtj/kara'rs-pan n.H. 
being savoury being hot ; being spicy 
crispness curtness /‘j^—jlfkar&'rt dim adv 
while fjresh ; while jfet untired 
b, /kirar' n:m. (dial.) (derog.) (petty) shop, 
keeper Hindu 

J^j'ka'rskul n.m. cUrlew ; heron ; hern 

j / kirsm ' adj. & n.m. pl. noble ; great 
\)S kirs'man kstibain' n.m. twin recording 
angels ; guardian angels [A-sino.nJ/) 

I /karma f n.f. miracle ^H/ksrama’ H n.m. 
(col.) one showing miracles ai»j. miracu- 
lous. &'lfkarn'mat n.f. (lit.) (pl. tSilSkarsmst') 
miracle (rare) magnanimity [A] 

, /karsfi’, yi/ kars'nah n.m. shore mar- 
C/V gin bounds oi/^.be-karsh' adj. un- 
bounded ; boundless [P] 

1*1 /kar s' ns v.t. cause to be done get 
done I ~ v/ caus.J 

/l/karsh'dil n.f. camel-cart (col.) 
O^r (variant for name of Pakistan’s first 
capital) Karachi . 

• . /kirz'td n.m. (as nickname) Christian 
yiv (derog.) Westernized Muslim 


„ , /kata hat, J^ri/karahiyai *.f. abomi- 

nation abhorrence aversion scom 

disgust odiuintJ^ <t ’to»^^^ 3 hot se dtkh. ns 

v.T. scorn look down upon abominate 

%l/ kara'hstan adv unwillingly scorn- 
fully {A] 

* . ( karsh'ns v.l. moan groan' 

y . ✓ / 

, / kirayah n.m. fare; rent; hire &*?■/<£-!/ 
vte kirs"t per dials' ns v.T. hire out run 
as a cab, etc. (i'iili)l>}/.^J-/kirs['t par t de’na 
(or uths'na) v.t. let rent out “y l f 
kira”e ks tat'too n.m., kirayah 

ugah'ns v.T. realise rent jtj yiJ kira'ya^dar, 
jh^j/kirs- e-dsr n.m. tenant "" a/* if ktra'ya 
kar'ns v.t. settle rent settle hire rates 
(usu. kira't kar'ns) take out on hire -HV 
kiraya-n&'mah, si'^J-Jkir a' *-n&‘ mah n.m. deed of 

/kar'b, £sJkir'batH.t. anguish ; agony 

• S affliction ^/j^idar' d-o-kar'b n.m. pain 
and affliction Ik j ^J'kar'b-o-bala' n.f. trials and 
tribulations [A] 

.b /kar'bar a, I*/*/' iar'bars adj. (f. (f^Skor - 
bari, (j*y, ^/karba'ri) grizzled (hair) 

, / karbala n.f. Kerbala ; name of a place 
*1* in Iraq where Imam Husain was martyred 
Imam Husain's sarcophagus this is 
Shi’ite shrine (fig.) Calvary [A] 

^Jlfir'ps (ped. kri'ps) n.f. (dial.) favour (S) 

kir'ts n.m. (same as i„m. •*) 

m „ ,^ /kar'ta dkar'ls n.m. head (of) 

one enjoying power person m 

charge emcee ; master of ceremonies [ ~ %/ \ 
^ artST N - M - dial.) Creator [S] 

kar'lab n.m. feat jugglery sleight 

♦ ^ of hand finesse tfCf kar'tabi n.m. 
skilful person crafty person 

^ kartoot’ n.m. pl. behaviour ; conduct 

.. / kir'lah , JJ^kur'ts n.m. shirt \‘f( 

**S collar less shirt; old-fashion- 

ed shirt fiSkur'a n.f. .loose 
waistcoat bodice tunic V 
lal' kiir'1% n.f. British army 
jJ* f kar'tiys n.m. & adj. one who has practice 
» ■* . in ; adept [ ~ \j / ] 

, Ski' rich n.f. sword small splinter of 
0c/ ; splinter Sr/ kit' chi n.f. very 

small splinter llfij'jrff’/kir'dtl kir’chl ho js'ns v.i 

be broken to pieces 

S kar'chka n.m. frying pan (slang); 
ifS sycophant ; toady jfs kar'fhki n.f. 

* /’karakh't adj. harsh curt (reply, 
*~^S etc.) Jtykarakh'tagi N f. harshness 
curtness (P] 

. / kirdar' n.m. behaviour . conduct 

J ** character (of play, etc.) (fj^ij/kudat'- 
mgs'rt n.f. characterization [P) 

^ j'kir'dgsr' n.m. Creator ; Cod (P) 

\ /kar'daiti adj. &. n.f. (something) worth 
(jJS doing JrjtjjTj'j'fa/kar'dani kjntsh' am'- 
dam puR' pr'ov. as you sow so shall you reap 

-P d>A 

/ ka'dah adj. & suf. done accomplish- 
ed (of crime) committed ; perpetrated 
tli ’jfkarist&n' n.m. Christian Christian 
(✓ ^ convert ; neophyte Westernized pcnon 
tjZj kaiis' chan n.m. & adj. Christian 
kanschai'niti n.f- Christianty [E ~ Christian) 

S’ y karts' mas n.m. Christmas ^Jc/O'karis 'mu 
U S de n.m. Christmas Day (El 

( k\sr'si m f chair office of authority 
Os base (of pillar) plinth (of building) 
(rare) God’s throne (fi/kkr' si dt'ns v . t . 

show respect to otfer some one a chair '%!**&/' 
kiir'si-e sada'rat n.f. chairmanship ; chairvtVt/ 
kur'si-nd'mah n.m. genealogical tree t^fi/UkBr'n- 
nashtn' n.m. one entitled to a seat in a British 
officer's person [A] 

2 /kirish'mah n-.m. marvel wonder 

a* S phenomenon .amorous glances blandish 
ment (Cil/yljCi/jS^/ktrtsh'mak dikkn'tfS (or 
dikklatia ) v.t. work wonders do a marvel 

perform a miracle cast an amorous 
glance [P] ~ 

p, Skansh'n n.m. Krishna ; Hindu religious 
W S black ; dark blue : blue bader regarded 
as incarnation of Indian god Vishnu ULs/sj Ictf 
karish'n aur gu'piyaii n.f. PL. Karishna and his 
female devotees [S} 

% / karaf's n.f. parsley (P} /. 

VS IV*#* 

/ /kar'rak n.m. pain ; ache^M?\ 
*SS rankling 

kari' kac n.f. cricket (Ej 

~~ p/j kar'kat n.m. sweepings (usu. as) Si fy/ 
koe'n kar'kat n . m . litter ; rubbish 





Vj£fkar‘ gu’zarna v.i. act s t ubboml [gfj 

jai'sa kar'na vaisa hlutr'm ph. buffet' for one’* 
own doing tfljj da'ftB 
oa'la pak’ra ja’V mooti’^hoh va 'la PROv. one d * 
the harm another gets the blame (f/etybfj/tn/ 
ka’re ko''l bha’re ko’'i PROv. the sins ofparents 
visit their children (ka're tk 

pah’reja'efi sab prov. misdeeds of a few and in 
trouble for all 

if, ( kar’na n.m. citron bud a kind of 
*s citron used for picklihg 
• , f kar’na, I'Jkarrana N.m. (same as itjf 
n . m . if) 

/ kir'na v.i. (of edge) wear out (of 
VS crowd) thin 

karafita n.m. (derog.) Christian 

karaft'ja, rff/ karatfjl adj. (see |/adj •★) 

. // kUr’kura (f. kUr'kirl) adj. crisp 

'S * brittle 

kar'ka'ra (f. kar'kan) adj. cruel 

f / S kir'kira, (p-. kn'kiri adj. gritty 

'SS spoilt ; insipid ; vapid V l/J kirkira’na 

v.t sound gritty t£*ftjCfkirkira’hat n.f. gritti- 

y/kir’kiri n.f. grittiness disgrace; 

ijss shame /fkirkiri kar ddna v.t. 

put to shame ; disgrace S t (j 'Jjfkir’kin ho 

ja’na v.i. be disgraced ; be put to shame 

//kUr'kuri adj. crisp n.f- cartilege 
{jss dysantery a horse disease 
S/kir’kal n.f. grit ClfejJf/kir’kal raih’ jand 
Us v.i. be griety 

/yy kar’ gad an n.m. (lit.) rhinoceros fPJ 



kar’ gas n.m. vulture [PJ 

if'/'kar’gka, // kar’ gah n.m. 

*^S loom weaver’s pit [ ~ Vj/ 

+ 4 ] 

. /kar’ am n.m. kindness 
( / favour grace gracious- 
ness bounty benignity 
generosity ; liberality \?/(J ka'ram kar’na v.t. 

do favour show favour treat generous- 
ly [A] , 

+ /ka’ram (ped. kar’m) n.m. (usu. pl.) fate ; 
\s destiny ka’ram pkoot’na v.i. have 

bad ‘ ne ki shar’m us’ ke 

phoo’te kar’m pRov. hesitate and suffer 
. / kir’m n.m. worm moth kid m 

(s pi’lah N.m. silkworm**/^ dfk irm-khu rdah 
adj. moth-eaten ; vermicular [P] 

S* / kadm-kal’la n.m. cabbage 

l//kir'mak n.m. small worm mS’t4'/kir'. 
wir J mak-e shab-tait n.m. firefly : glow-worm 
[P dim of kirm] 

, /ki'ran n.f. ray beam sunbeam 
C/S moonbeam tasselkd lace of gold or 

. /ka’ran n.m. (dial.) ear Jsf&fka'ran phoot 
Css n.m. ear tops 

1. # Skar'na v.t. do perform execute 

vj effect implement act perform 
make (widely used to form transitive verbs 
from foreign nouns Mij’.J’kar baith'na v.t. have 
done J&y i kar jag n.m. (col.) times of action 
fruit* of one’s deeds ClfjJkar dikha'na v.t. 
accomplish successfully succeed in (doing) 


karatj'va n.m. a kind of brown medi- 
cinal plant its colour adj. brown 

I , 

Jr^'kSrafid' n.m. 

hone corundum 

t> / karat’ di n.m. a kind of cloth made of 
untwisted silk 

kar art si oi -rair) n.f. currency 

^ yj'kar’nal n.m. (same as y/ K.M. *) 

( kar' m n.f. trowel 

f *. / k-Snl n.f. deed domg 
(js gar ni ka’re to kyofi bka'rt prov. do what 
you deem proper and do not be afraid 
]}/*? (f~* jai'ri kar'ni vai'si bkar'rA prov. a* you 
sow so shall you reap 

i^/karnail', d'Jka,r'nal n.m. Colonel [-1 

** /kar'va n m. (dial.) spouted earthenware 
S vessel 

. / karra’na v.t. cause to make ;. have 

lbs made (vul.) submit to sexual act 

Cj CAVS -1 s 

. / karroo' bi n.m. cherub Q\$, sJ karroo' Bijfith 

LjJs n.m. pl. cherubs ; cherubiin [A~H] 
l / kar'va } n.f. side in sleeping, side 

0 ^tZ/js/kadvat ba'dalna (or Id «a) v.i. 
(also pl.) turn from side to side (in bed) 

(pl ) have a disturbed sleep ; feel uneasy in 
slcep'^^r^^/^^a' kar’m kar’m 
Ijan'natnasib' ka're PH. may God bless his soul 
/karodh! n.m. (dial )rage , wrath [SJ 



corinda gland close 

^ /karat n.m. & adj. ten million fcjtJ 
)}/ karor'-patl ADJ. millionaire vary rich 

I . f karaufd a nj*. 
to ear 

/ karoh ’ n.m. (arch.) league ; three-mile 
distance [P] 

f^'ran adj. (see under »/ »j». it) 

/ hi' rah n.m. sphere ; orb ; globe 
region ; globe ; sphere ball (of eye, 
etc.) <^f t /ku'ra-e ab' n.m. hydrosphere 
kUr~t a' task n.m. empyrean empy real region 
(/^ItJkU'ra-e ar'z n.m. earth jl >J kurort bad' 
n.m. atmosphere xjii tJ'ktt ra~t khak 1 n.m. ter- 
restrial globe e/ki'ra-c fa'lak n.m. celestial 

globe jL ,/ku 'ra-t nar' n-m. empyrean tfr/ 
kira'-t i adj. spherical ; globular [A] 

tSr'ri, (fiitftfkur'ri had' dr n.f. cartilege 

SkWri ka'ri, (ft/tftfkU'ri ku'ri int. 
0* 0 S call to poultry 

i S kir'ja, (ped. kri'ya), (Sb/ kri'ya kar'm 
Zr n.m. (H. dial.) funeral.rites [S] 

/. f kUryal' n.f. preening^-^tj^i/ 

0*/ ktiryal' kar' ha (or met! a'na) v.i. feel very 
happy 1 $ Skuryal' melt fhul'lah lag'na 
have one’s pleasure spoilt 
. i j kiryanah n.m. small change grocery 
j££}}bJ / kirya'na-firosH' N.M. grocer 
^ j ijkartp' n.m. crepe [E] 

/ kired’na v.t. scratch search; probe 
bjn/ jj, / kured'ni n.f. poker hired’ n.f. 
search ; probe C^f^jUj+j'kared' kind' kar 
poottk'na v.i. conduct a thorough probe ; in-, 
quire searchingly 

j^'karir' n.m. (same as £j\ n.m. -Jr) 

'kiri? n.f. moulting (of birds) ugli- 
ness resulting from it ij'^/'kiriz' kar'm 
v.t. moult lock-ugly owing to this 
L Skaril', kat\r ' ' N.M- a kind of thorny 
i/./ stnib 

kart' la n.m. bitter gourd 

'+%tC*y',>±f~6'k kart' la ( 
dots’ te nim' cha'rha prov. evil nature V 
that has been further incited 
j f karim' adj. merciful 
V** generous bountiful [A - 
ka'ram ] ' 

/korih\ adj. abominable execrable _ 
tty odious ugly revolting 'Sydl/kari'h- 





0 s-sauf adj. cacorphorous ; illsounding 
katih'-man'zar adj. abominable execrable 
ugly odious offensive disgusting 
revolting (A - ] 

-if ka'ra n.m. bracelet large ring used 
do door-knob ; door-ring rim ; ring 
(dial.) dome adj. (f. (S*Jka'rt ) strong 

unbending hard harsh rude curt ; 

ikik/kara'ra n.m. high and steep river bank ; 
’J'/ precipice ; declivity 
i/ikfkara'ka n.m. sf*/ ha'rok n.f. clap or 
* 1 * burst (of thunder) crack twang roor 
crash starvation intensity ; severity 
Jyj^/kara'ka gV zama v.i. sjarve to pass 
days in extreme poverty \f£.iykara'kt ka adj. 
severe ; extreme kara'kt ka ja'ra n.m. 

severe cold ; very cold winter 
^j^ka'rakar' adv. crackling (onO.] 

/kar ah! n.m. (rare) cauldron (filjfkara’hi 
O'/* n.f. small cauldron ; frying pan 
kara'bd that'na v.t. lick the pot this as 
reproachful habit in child as likely cause rain 
much later in his wedding day Otyyf/ltf kara'lA 
ebath'na v.i. be fried (of arrangement) be 
made for preparing cookies 
^y^kar'bora adj. (same as 1 ^ 7 adj. *) 

ka'xok n.f. (same as Vrf n.m. it) 

/,/ kurak N.r. clucking (of hen) ; cackle 
\?jT t sf>/ ki'rak ho'na v.i. (of hen) 
clack ; cackle lay no more eggs 
’•.//karkara'na v.i. sizzle crackle be 
*rs!s intense ; be rigorous */k/ kar' kar n.f. 
sizzle crackie [ono.] 

v *‘- (of teeth) gnash 
v'// kir kir n.f. gnashing [ono.] 

kir kir a’na v.l. cluck ; cackle */*/ kir’ kir 
t'/jf n.f. ciuck ; cackle 

ka'rakna v.i. thunder ; bunt 

kar' pa adj. (r. (fjifkar'rt) 

>2/ unpalatable touchy ; test 



— 1, .testy harsh* 

curt JJ.Ijlfka-r'va bol n.m. Jiarsh words Jltf 
kar'va-pan n.m. bitterness dZlj$fkar'va itl *n.m v 
mustard-seed oil i^-^ij^/kar'va kasai'la adj. 
bitter unpalatable \^jji/'ka\'va lag'na v.l. 
taste bitter leave a bitter taste in the mouth 
be offensive ; give offence (to) Vrf \£/kar’va ho'na 
v.i. be bitter be enraged ; to be harsh 
^fij/karoa hat n.f. bitterness ^jj^j^'ktr’vi ro'a 

i\*>/ * 

n.f. first funeral feast {ekt’fkar've kasai'U din- (etc.) has no standing liye ADV. why ; 

n.m. PL. hard times d/'j/jj/d/karve kasai'U wherefore /J*/j/kis' rn’raz it daKtkai PH. 
ghootif n.m. PL. unpalatable words, etc. after all what for he (etc.) is^S->i/4ir' mlftA st 

.». v.t vex C&/{f.jl kirks ' ns v.r. ph. how dare you (etc.) iZSs^yds’ oaq't adv. 

* 'PS fret and fume if,*/ kUr'kan n.f. vexa- when ; at what time kens' nut hoi 

tion mortification jealousy &’/ktf->k.'na v.r. ph. why is he so presumptive 

fret and fume ; be vexed ^ kUs n.p. vulva ; vagina 

t'h/'kaik'ns v.i. (of milk) be boiled be tr r s 

embroidered l/fUi/ka'rka lin’d adj. /kasnd' m.m. (rare) slumppr,<;t/l/*ajarf'- 

(of milk) be boiled embroidered % Ui'Wa". hszs'ri n.f. slump (A] 

n.f. embroidery .. Jkasa'la n.m. effort labour grief 

ka'rhi n.f. hot dish prepared by cooking ^ [coRR. ~ foll.] 
w S gram flour in dilute curds; curry jLiis/j*/ fJJkasa'lat n.f. laziness; indolence 
ka'rta ka sa ibdV n.f. sudden but swiftly* ending "‘''indisposition [A doublet of 
rage L'fjtl^^t^bba'si ka'ihi meh ubal' a ns j\J* isan ' NM - peasant ; tiller J/cfl/kisan' 

g ./ ka'ri~u.r. beam; rafter link (of kame'tl n.f. communist party aiming at 

chain) anklet (usu. pi.) difficulty ; peasants uplift ; ‘kissan’ committee 
hardship •. trouble harsh words adj. strong .•,/^nsa'na v.t. get tightened get tested 
unbending stiff hard .strict hard (of milk, etc.) become poisonous owning 

vigilant wrathful strong intense (flame, t0 chemical action of metallic container ' 3 {/ 
sun, etc.) C(£/ 1 ) l/kar’jan (or kart) kasa'o n.m. this poisonous effect tension 

jU ’ns (or Btka'hs) v.i. undergo hardship I Jkas’b N -M- trade ; profession acquisi- 

ka’ri suna' ns v.i. address in harsh words /fa foiftf/ * . t’ on ; attornment of skill wages of sin 
ka’rt kamanl ka Hr" n.m. swift piercing arrow v/<-f*kas’ab kar'ns v.i. acquire a skill 

<Jjs‘lf/ka‘ri man'zil n.f. difficult stage (in) Follow a trade gate the wages of 

L^/kar'yal adj. strong muscular (youth) n . m . kas'b-e kamal' n.ui.j'lyi^’kas'b-c ma‘dsh' n . m . 
CLt earthen earning of livelihood . 

ka'ri suns' na v.i. address in harsh words * tion ; attornment of skill ws 

ka'tt kaman' ka lir' n.m. swift piercing arrow v/<-f^kos’ab kar'ns v.i. acquire 
{i/(S/ka‘ri man'zil n.f. difficult stage (in) Follow a trade gate the wages of 

L^/kar'yal adj . strong muscular (youth) n.m. kas'b-e kamal' kas'b-e m 

U t f earthen earning of livelihood , 

. kagh' dim n.m, (rare) scorpion [P~ /~ £ ^Jkis'bat n.f. (same ask^KTJ.p. ★ 

f>y -t-fidum) 

/ kas n.m. person individual ; one suf. t g*> kas l? N - F - prostitute adj. aeguired [- A 
u capita f tar' ma-pur’st n.f. help- ^*‘vf ^ 

iT capita iSsffkas' ma-pur’si n.f. help- 
lessness har-kes-o ns’ -kas n.m. all and 

sundry be' -has adj . helpless t/'i) ft -kas adj . 

‘per capita* ; per head fP] 

/ kis pron. (interrog.) who whom 
w which what t/fjfkis' la’ raft (or ped. 

-tar'h) adv. h ow $lCZ£si/kis bir'te pa lat'ts \ x , /, ,, J _ . 

pa'm prqv. why this empt'y boast V J kas r > ( PL - J^kusoor ) n.f. deficiency _ 

kis Sals' ko fii'Mc lags’ U'yZ PH. why s did 'you, ^ loss vowel mark corresponding to English 
invite trouble in the form of this persony^t/ <P ath ) fraction U >^ *"*' rakk w 
kis' par bkeo'le ho ph. what misleads you to this VI - ’- eave a - deficienc Y 
confidences^! S[fkis hissb meh 'hai ph. it mkh ' m VI - ! eavc t no ® tonC “" turned 
(etc.) has no value din’ ke kas’r-e fshsnyyah ss. decimal fraction #1*1^ 

liye Uths' rak'kks kaTtn. what foV have you laid ^ as , r ' e f ^snyya-e «*tma l 

it to no standing " it i. worthto JuH/kV (“ "* « ' “ »») T '' . 

aov. how much how many^/fe/ have a doSctcncy be dcfkiem (m) be .»- 

Hi *am' Ja (iai) ph. it is worthless djt&Bi/ “mplete cite^faiV, L taa' detogattoo ; 

kis' kUsV meh H{k)'kka hai ph. on what authority something.bcneath one s dignity flt^kas r e am 
/tj//j(A/kis' kis' dUkh! ko ro” eh 4 ph. which, N F - vu, 8 a f fraction V/Skos'r kar'ns v.t. fall 
of my numerous grievances can I air/^ £ t short j)+f*kas'r~t mUdao'var n.f. recurring fiac- 

J kas'bi n.f. p 

C yT I - 

kas too ro n.m 
thrush oy 
.j kas too' n n, 


%~Jkas'tqm n.m. c 

I / . , / 

stoo’rs n.m. muskdeer 
rush oyster 
kastoo'n n.f. musk 

tam n.m. custom 

blackbird , 

kis; kUab' meh Ink) khz hai ph. on what authority sometning.Dcneatn one suignuyj r-r am 
JliJ //></{/ kis' kis' dUkh! ko rs”rt.PH. which, N F - vulgar, fraction V/Skas'r kar'ns v.r. fall 
of my numerous grievances can I air/^ lb short j)*/**kas'r-t mUdao'tar n.f. recurring fiac- 
^T~&fi$kis‘ kket' (or bagk') H moo'H hai ph. he tion u/fcsSkat'r-t ihOratkab N.F. mixed 



anyone certairi Isstf*)}: jOtyfeki’ si par 
jnn" (or dam’) dena v.t. love someone 
tjlsfki'sl paih'ko (or ‘inoan’) in some way s' 
'si se sa'i ki’si se badha'i PROV. 
make false promises with all Sy'^kisi tjad'r adv. 
little ; to some extent C ki’si 
ks gkar’ja’le ko"l tape prov. banking on others 
misfortunes tfijJ'trZe-Jkt If'if'ki'fi ka hath.' 
tjia'le ki'si ki zabari prov. he who cannot left, 
his little finger will wag his tongue Lfj jfi O' y 
ki'si ka ho raih'na ph. be deep in love with 
be subservient to ff£} T(f(f^ki'si ki a”* a'na ph. 
(dial.) (as curse) die an untimely 
tfy./.ki'si ke tvk'rofi par par' ns v.i. sponge on 
IjfjyjJyfki'si la'iq ho’na v.i. establish oneself in 
life (f** (y ki’si na ki’si prov. & adv. some 
someone or the other 
as ’si N.r. hoe 

number jj^-^kasr-e jnufrad n.f. simple fraction 
1 kas'r-e naf'si n.f. homility over- 
much humility underrating oneself 
kas'r-e naj' si se kam le'na v.i. underrate oneself 
OfiySkafr nikal'na v.t. make good a defi- 
ciency take revenge ra' hi sa'hi kas'r 

ph. whenever else had to be done [A] 
y^fkis'ra n.m. Chosroes [A~P 

* rfuu'rat n.f. exercise ; physical exercise 
^jr.vSkas'rat kar'na v.i. take physical exercise 
dy'kas'ra'tt n.m. athlete (adj.) (of body) 
dvelopetf by exercise as' rati ba'dan n.m. 
well developed body 

jkas'rah n.m. vowel-point, corresponding to 
/ English i^isljfiC^Wy^kas'rcre iza'fat (or 
iza'fl) n.m. this vowel-point denoting genitive 
case ; gehitive vowel (A ~ yS J 
YJka’sak n.f. pain t>h—eC/kas'ak ids' n a v.i. 

feel sudden pain Vli't—Cfka'sak mita'na v.i. 
alleviate pain. 

f'/kas'-getr n.m. (r. &J^kas'-garan) potter 

Ljka'sal n.m. laziness ; indolence iodis- 
es position xJ^ka'sal-maftd adj. indisposed 
lazy ; indolent 

fjku'sitm n.m. bastard saffron ; safflower 
f red dye obtained from it (fig ) menses 
jljitff** ku'sum ka azar' N.M. unceasing menstu- 

,* fkasmasa'na v.i. writhe and wriggle 
*0** fidget become restless»if {y^kasma sa 'hat 
n.f restlessness 

,, /kas'no v.i. tighten brace tie ; bind 
test (gold, etc.) on touchstone fry 
(meat) in butter oil till it almost dries up 
hurl (shouts at) n.m. string for tightening 
bed string for tying bed cover for straw 
box L'lfSkasva'na v.i. get tightened up 
/kis’vat n.f. (rare) robe , 

^ dress (also *£^rkis'bat) 

barber’s bag .[ - A] 

> « / kasau'ti n.f. touchstone 

Os l cJijkasau'ti par. pa'rakksta 
(or kas'na or laga'na) v.t. test ; prove [ ~ 
ki'soo pron. (arch.) (same as j^pron. ■£•) 

J^jfkvsoot' n.f. (arch.) (PL. of y^k) 

^^JkuSuof n.m. solar eclipse [A] 

'ki'si pro.n- anyone some- 
one ki'si ek prov & adv 


O O. 

/ ki'se pron. whom which what ( - 
^i/'kis) ■ r 

S'kn'se adj. (rare) anybody XsioS'ka'se ba'shad 
ph. let it be anybody ; no matter ; what it 
is [P -jSkas] 

S./kasya'na v.i. (of rfiilk, etc.) become 
VT poisonous owing to its metallic container 
. /, kase'ra n.m. brazier pewterer Ofyr 
!/* kaser'-hat'ta n.n. pewterer’s market [~ 

j^fkasis' n.m. iron sulphate ; ferrous sulphate; 
is — . green vitriol 

.yfkasai'la adj. bitter tasting like milk 
"»• spoilt by contact with bronze [ ~ dfa 
A Ykash n.m. pull at hookah suf. (one) draw- 
U ing ; (one) who pulls ; pulling drawing 
enduring suffering bearing ^carrying C&yf 
kash laga'na v.t. pull-at hookah (yiPkasha-kash, 
f/^kash' -ma-kash' n.f. struggle conten- 
tion dilemma; perplexity s&kasha'nah suf. 
pulling drawing enduring y^ka'sKi suf. 

pulling drawing , enduring ; suffering 

bearing ; carrying (P ~ 

*/fcfijAsuF. one who kills or destroys 
ks killing -cide ^iPkusha'nah suf. cidal Jr 
ku'shi iur. killing destruction -cide 

kUsha suf. opening revealing conquer- 

ing exhilerating [P~ 

.j^/kuskad n.f. opening revealing fog/ 
is kusha'dagi N.f. spaciousness expansion 
exhilaration (S' kUshadah adj. wide , 
spacious; expansive capacious open un- 
covered pref. open jjffttiskusha'da ab’roo adj. 


with eyebrow wide apart gay 
dah pesha'rtt cfivs &kusha'da-j abitf, Jw l^kusjia'da- 
dil adj. generous large-hearted ; magnani- 
mous )j tj&kusha' da-roo' adj. (one) with a 
wide forehead cheerful; gay large-hearted 
t}te>{pfkiisha'da di'li n.f. generosity laige- 
heartedness ; magnaxiimety ft jjejli/kusha'da-mo' , i 
n.f. cheerfulness ; gaiety [P lijopen] 
A jfi/ka’sha hash n.f. (see under tf*kash n.m. fit 

SUF. if) 

suffering ; bearing draw- 


r ^ inn 

ashaft suf. 


’Uitjkusha''iih n.f. easing way out 
^ ^solution opening relief [P ~t)j tf) 

tfkush't-o-khoon' n m. killing car- 

nage ; massaere 
, —jj jkish't n.f. field sown-field (at chess) 
check jlJiSfi^kish' t-zar" n.f. field sown- 
field S^kiA'tah adj. fit n.m, something sown 
[P~ ] 

tam kUsh't n.f. large-scale sword- 
J fights [ ~ P 

^S^kUsh'tah adj. killed - ; slain n.m. martyr 
lover one .whose love is unrequited 
calx; oxide (j,kush'taril n.m. fit adj. (one) 
deserving death jC X^kush'ta-e na? n.m. fit adj. 
-(one) killed by blandishments ; lover [P~</‘^ # ] 
*&tkish'ti (lit.£rxdsJj'/»L,N.F. 

boat; a tray (j\S>kas±‘ fi-ban 
n.m. boatman sailor ; marinar 
navigator <U^t; CDg(jf*kish'(l (hala'rta 
(or kh/na) v.t. row a boat kash'tt'- 
ra’tn n.f. rowing boating 

"Z/'kush'tix.F. wrestling wrestling-bout^, 

(✓ 8~baz n.m. wrestler (Ci/iJVJor] 

ktlsh'ti kar'n a (or lar’na) v,i. wrestle 
A£/ka’shish n.f. attraction aUurement 
Cr pull ; drawing affinity (ffi~fka'shish~e 
siq'l n.f. gravitational pull^L xfif^ashish-e 
n.f. chemical affinity [P-cJ-f^J 
^Pj fkasjy n.m. revelation manifestation 

divination C'li/fC&kash' f-o-karamat' n.f. 
miracle (f~*kash'fi adj. revealed ; manifest (AJ 
jJAflcathkol', JjPkajM', jJfkathkoT 
Vf** n.m. beggar’s bowl com- 
monplace book [P] 

*Jifkish'jnish n.f. raisins; currants; 

C/ i f^^kish'mishi adj. reddish 
crown [P] 


kashmi'ri n.m. pl 
Kashmiri adj. of Kashmiri 

:a a5a ' rnirafi ) 


kisht&t' n.m. coriander [P] 

yMkkdmf n.f. way out ; solution achieve 
' ment success jtf'jj^kBshoo'd-e kar n.f. 
achievement of aim 

xfkadnd' , N.F. 

•* tension tijfi’ka 

success [P~ch^3 _ . 

_ ear n.f. territory country 
kish'var-sita'm, ft kish'var kusha'H n.f. 
subjugation conquest [PJ 

brewing (ftifkashi'dagl N.F. 
:aM'darn adj. worth drawing 
IjfiSkdstii'dah adj. displeased annoyed 

having embittered relations brewed drawn; 
stretched tall J'i/ej^kashVda-kha'tir adj. dis- 

pleased ; annoyed not on good terms (with) 
jgfhasH’ da~qa' mat aim. tall having a com- 
manding stature (fj^oj^kasJA'da-ka'ri n.f. em. 
broidery O'jf'sjJiS kashVdah-kark'na v. embroider; 
do needlework [P] 

m f ka ( 'b n.m . lie (rare) ankle (rare)' 
• cubttft'Fka'batain' n.m. pl. dice game 
of chance played with these gambling [A] 
^ia"bah n.m. the Holy Ka'aba (lit.) 
cube [A] 

I . / *kaf n.m. froth ; foam phleam palm 

(of hand) sole (of foot) 0’(jjjhie>kaf-t 
afsos' mal'na v.i. be^ sorry (for); wring one’s 
hands with regret Jj\£tfkaj a'var adj. expectoran 
l£tfkaf-e pa' n.m. sole of the foot fij- cSkaf-pa' 
n.f. low-heeled slipper £*f^ka'f-e das't n.m. 
palm of the hand adj. bleak (plain, etc .)Cl)C^ 
kaf la'na v.i. foam at the mouth ; be greatly 
enraged [P] 

n.f. cuff [E] 

jfiftlffar' n.m. (pi» of )*+) 

p i^/kaffa'rok n.m. expiation (for sins) ; atone- 
mentis/ •jtiftaJfa'raA de'na v.r. expiate (for 
one’s sins) ; atone (for these [A ~ ] 

,/tcafaj' n.m. daily bread starvation 
w' wages mere pittance livelihood just 

enough for subsistence adj. sufficient just 
equal CfUtxtoaj'h-* hafaf N.F. means of aub- 
istence [A] 

. /kaf a'let n.f. security; surety 

drU' guarantee responsibility bail 
support; maintenance sl\2dlifiiafa'lat-na’mah 
n.m. bail-bond (AJ 

iZS.jAifa'jat n.f. thrift ; economy ; frugality 
**y sufficiency answering a purpose 

jb'jCs&f'kifa'yat-fhdar' adj. thrifty , frugal 
tfj&C/jJkifayot tte'a'ri n.f. thrift ; frugality 

^/c/Ykifa’yat kar'm v.i. suffice . answer a 
purpose (of food, etc.) last (for a period) 
kifayatiADj. cheap inexpensive economical 
(A doublet of fqll.) 

.•/htja'yah n.m. sufficiency x liC^ J a r '*-* kifayah 
yP n.m. sufficiency obligation ; religious obliga- 
tion of which the rest are all absolved of a suffi- 
cient number (A) 
j\ftaftar' n.m. badger 

\fkaf’ebaJi n.m. hood (of a snake) 
skimmer [P] 

S/kafr n.m. infidelity heathenism 

/ pagamism blasphemy profanity 

ingratitude if/Ykafr bak'na v.i. _talk blasphe- 
mously ; utter profane words I'JjjYkuf’r tor’na 
ph. overcome obstinacy (.of someone) CffYkafir 
t eofna ph. (of obstinacy) end bjlfjtf/fkuyr ha 
fat'va de'na v.t. condemn (someone) as an infide 
0& kiif'r ka kal'mah mutiti se 
nikal'na v.i. talk blasphemously kSfr 

kachaihri n.f. evil company kujr-go adj. 
blasphemous (person) [A] 

Ar/kufran' n.m. tlianklessness ingratitude 
0)/ disbelief &**falfkufra'n-e ne l 'mat n.m, 
thanklessness : ingratitude [A] 

^kSfris'tan n.m. pagan territory ; heathsn 
land [P ~ A jY) , 

*flfkdf'?h. n.F; ihocJjSfJ^kaf' sh-bardar' n.m. 

U menial servant sycophanttf/b &- 
bardart n.f. sycophency jijj^kaf'jh-doi' n.m. 

shoe-maker cobbler [P] 

J^xa/gir' n.m. cullander ; colander ; flat 
JZT ladle ; skimmer (slang) sycophant ; today 
(P-^ + ^/l 

} fka'Jan n.m. shroud . winding-sheet 
Cf kafan [fair ke bol'na __ ph. exclaim 
speak unexpectedlyji/Jj^ta'/an-g/iar, iJss-jQ* 
ka'fan-khosot' n.m, shroud-thief ruffian 

( kafan da’ fan n.m. burial funeral 
rites X»*b<ZrfJpkaf<m sar se bahdk'na ph. 
engage in a perilous undertaking ; jeopardize 
one’s life be ready to lay down one’s life for 
b'y,* f^rka! fan mai’la na ho'nn v.i. have died 

only recently PliYkafna'na v.t. lay out a corpse ; 
shroud (jrkaf'rd n.f. unstitched shirt as part 

Of shroud this as mendicant’s dress [A] 

JJkafoo' n.m. (pl. OS' akfa) n.m. kith and 
~ k«n ; kindred (rare) peer equal (A] 

\y'^f w>T ‘ n -m. infidel ; disbeliever thank- 
less , uhgrateful [A~ 

u/kofiV n.m. surety supporter ; 1‘^j^afit 
y^Jio'na v.i. stand surety ; give bail (for^ 
Jffafkhud-kafir adj. self-sufficient 
khsid-kafU' ho'na v.t. be self-sufficient 

achieve self-sufficiency n.m. Self-sufficiency 
^y/kak'ka adj. (dial.) albino one of the 
S' five religious obligations of Sikhs 
^jj/kakra'll n.f. armpit tumour 

^ j^k&'kUmUt' tn n.m. mushroom ; toadstool 

I # j^kaknh'da n.m. ‘celsia’ 

^//kak'kar n.m. (dial.) hookah a kind of 
s strong tobacco 

^jf'kuk’kar n.m. (dial.) cock old irah 

s (Hindu dial.) (derog-term for) ^Muslim 
(jJOfyfkuk'roo'ti koofi n.f. crow (of cock) 
pj'kUk'roofi koofi kar'ns v.i. (of cock) crow 
S^/fkVk’ri n.f. corncob skein' (dial.) 
0* hen 

.^/fkak'n n.f. cucumber Uf^^b^kak'ri ho ja'na 
Os v.i. shrink from cold grow lean 
( t/kal n.m. tomorrow near future 
( J yesterday near past doomsday n.f. 

machine ease : comfort ; relief biff kal' ana 
v.i. be at ease ; set one’s heart at rest «6r 
kal' bi'garna v.i go out of order be out o£ 
gear be in a bad mood l* i/kal' ps'na v.i. have 
peace of mind iisjfkal' par' ns v.i. feel at eas ejlf 
kal-dar' adj. ' machine-made (of rupee) 

with milled rim (of gun) having a trigger/i? 

kal-dar' bUftdooq' n.f. matchlock iff kal' ka 

a'dami n.m. robot puppet upstart 

IJ^ikal' ka gho'ra n.m. mechanical horse 
(euph. for) bicycle ; motor bicycle ; scooter 
W Y if kal' ka lar'ka n.m. raw youth 
inexperienced person,. 

kal' kalsh’ {ko) adv. some day ; in future tfjf 
l'/ kal kal kar'na V T. & l. dilly dally : shilly 
shally ; employ delaying tactics* Ziff kal' Id bat' 
ph. only a recent matter I'^cflfjfkal'ld bat' 
ho’na v.i. be a recent happening only the other 
day bjjyif kal' maror'na v.t. switch on a 
machine pull the stringe influence 1'%*^ 
kal' na par'na v.i. feel uneasy ; have no peace of 

f if kal n.m. pref. (contr. ~ JJlf ) black \*X<f 
U kalji'bka adj. (f kal jibhi malig- 

nant black-tongued J'yfif kal jhaoah adj. 
tawny tfkff kal'fhiri n.f. blackheaded spar- 
row jyjf kal sirs adj. blackheaded H-yY 
kal-mooh'ha adj. & n.m. (f. kal-mooti 'hi) 


ill-omened (person) unwanted rogue 
f p kill adj . all whole entire aggre- 
U gate pref . whole 1$}$ kUl-vaq'ti adj 1 . 
whole-time ft kMlo-hUm adv. all of them jf* 
bil-kul adv . completely wholly ; entirely [A] 
kola (dial) fine art trick 

wrestling trick somersault ka'la- 

4a' n.f. (same as tfjltpti.F. ir) <^*vrllt'ka'la 
jafig n.m. name of a wrestling trick Cljf ^ 
ka'la khel'na v.i. do wrestling tricks ka'la-kar 
dial.) n . m . artist adj . crafty 

kal'la n.m. (same as Jf'kctl'lah n.m. it) 

V kal'la int. never [AJ 

lab’ n.m. (pt.. of i^Xkal'b it) 

lL S kalabah n.m. (same as ^JPVm. if) 

*♦, ,/ ka'labaloon (col. JIIp ka'labat' too) n.m. 
gold (or silver) thread [T] 

I llS kclal' n.m. tavern-keeper kaial-kha’- 
W* m f l N M> ^ liquor-shop tavern ; pub 
ilo n . m . childless person whose parents 

are also dead [A] 

kalam' n.m. talk ; conversation ; speech; 

( discover (gram) sentence verse (of) 
works ; complete poetical works (of) l 
objection; dout apologetics kata’ m-ull ah' 

n.m. the Holy Quranfe Wfifkalam'ullak utha’na j 
v.i. swear by the Holy Quran ■hff’ltf kalam' majld' , 
n.m. the Holy .Quran I’Jfi# kalnm' kar'na v.i. 
speak (to) (,'j^ se kalam' ho'na v.t. have a 
word with mefi kalam 1 ho’na v. object to; 

doubt [A) 

k<llaii ' ADJ ‘ lar S e elder 

y W kulatck' n.f. (same as n.f. 

a / kda'vak (ped. s Dikaia' bah) n.m. roll of 
dyed yam [-PJ 

.j/ kulak' n.m. j (abb. y kulah) (lit.) cap ; 
^ head-gear ttff kulah'- po*J>’ adj. wearing 

a cap [P] ’ 

■j kala'i n.f. wrist maror'na 

v.t. twist (someone’s) wrist twist 
ists n.m. this as game 

Wb n.m. (Ft. kilsb') dog [A] 

kalah'UM n.m. virtuoso 

kalab' n.m. club [E) 

Lift kil'bil n.f. crawling of insects jfjfkii’W 
U» kil'bil n.f. such crawling sensation 
I’iip kUlbUla'aa v.i. (of worms) wriggle ; 
*'*'*» writhe itch fidget be restless ; 

feel uneasy grumble ^^H/kAlbUla'haf n.f. 

vermicular motion ; writhing ; wriggling 
itch ; fidget restlessness ; uneasiness 

U* kul'bah n.m. cottage ; ceUi/’X’l^tB/'h** 
ahzzh' n.m. cottage of sorrow (P) 

J^kalip n . m . clip |EJ 

ka'lap n.m. (col. for ka’la fit ) 

*. y kalpa'na v.t. cause to fret afHict 
l +C? pain ; grieve Cjjf ka'lapna v.i. fret and 

fume grieve ; be grieved be agonized 
kUl'thi n.f. a kind of pulse ; vetch 

fjf kol’-jUg n.m. (dial.) evil times' ; worst 
rimes [S~ S+U) g . 

Jp kal' {bar n.m- culture 
y’i. kal'dtaral adj. cultural [E] 

JO kul'bah n.m. a kind of bun 


\S kal'lar n.m. nitre barren land ; land 
+ impregnated nitre adj. barren ; sterile ; 
unproductive kal'lar lag' na v. be impreg- 

nated with nitre ; become barren 

kilar'k (or ka-) n.m. clerk [EJ 

kUl'larh. n.m. small earthen cup with 
gunpowder filled in it to make a kind "Of 
fireworks ; pyrotechnical pot i , 

Jo ka'las n.m. spire pjn- A ^ 

C/ nacle 

. L/kal'sa n.m. (dial.) narrow. 

mouthed spherical brass vessel,^ 
metallic waterpot y 

kal'- si n.f. small spire [ ~ Jr ] ' 

VP kal'gbi n-f. cockcomb l .'jf 
i3 crest plume ; decorative v 

ka'laf (col. ka’lap) nm. 

starch morbid tan of 


»• N,F - affliction 

trouble ; distress- cjy 

kal’fal door' ho’na v.i. be relieved [A] 



kil'k n.f. (arch.) reed pen (P] 

wrangling ti 
v.t- wrangle ; use bawdy 

0 f/t/kilka'H, tfj&qilqa'ri n.f. joyful 
scream titter kilka'riyah 

mar'na v.t. shriek or scream with joy 
giggle I titter 
& kil’ka n.m. 

U kit'kil kar’m a 
words with 

U' ka'limah («fbL kal'ma ) n.m. (pl. &U*kali- 
U mat) word Islamic creed ; Muslim 
creed if 1 sPka’lima-IQl-haq n.m. truth 
word of God ka'litnah parka' na v.t. 

convert (someone) to Islam teach (someone) 
the Islamic creed jf ka'limah parhna v.t. 

become a Muslim ; be converted to Islam 
be devoted (to) have unshakable faith (in 
someone) cherish yjf if ka'lima-e bbair n.m. a 

kind word (in favour of) ka'lima-e shahs.' 

dat n.m. Muslim creed in form of testimony ; 
credal testimony ; credal declaration U*^«£yl ?jf 
ka'lima-e shaha’dat park.' na v. recite the Muslim 
creed declare belief in Muslim creed fjfka'- 
lima-e k'[f’r n.m. profane words ; blasphemy 
.brag ; boast f" Jf ka'lima-go n.m. Muslim (f ef 
Jr) kal'me kt Mg' ft n.f. forefinger ; index finger; 
fint finger [A] 

zJpk&lahj' adj. knock-kneed (horse) 

Ufkalahk' n.m. stigma infamy /J $£&'kalahk' 

ka tl'kah n.m. stigma ; brand of infamy £t)JfiL$f 
kalafik' ka tt'kah laga'na v.t. stigmatize ; calumni- 
ate ; give a bad name (to) \fi J&flJ&kalahk' ka 
If kah lag'na v.i. be branded ; be stigmatized (f 
kalafi ki n.m. & adj. (dial.) disreputable (person) 
U&'Wrtg' H.M. heron (fig.) tall person 

/ kal'loo n.m. dark person ; black man jf 
kul'lo n.f. dark woman 

l* if kah'ta, \fjfkaloli\a adj. (f. halo' a, 
** OrjfkalH'tl) j«t (black) &f'l}fka'la 
kaloh'ta AOJ. jet blade (person) l~ tff] 

7 ^ hilookh' N - M - clod brickbatd&id&X 
rP* kuloo' kh-akda 'A n.f. brickbatting 

stoning hurling abuses (at) [P] 
jj. kalo'rafa'rom n.m. chloroform [E] 

ki’lo-garam' n.m. kilogramme [E] 




kilo}' n.f. sport ; gambol frisk ; frolic 
UjfkM' kar'na v.i. sport ; gambol ; 
frolic ' 

ki'h-mi'tar n.m. kilometer (E) 

/r* . 

^^kcslok'ta ADJ. (same as IV adj. it) 

kalaufi'ji n.f. ‘nigella indica’ its 

Of seed ' 

Z kal'lah (col. J P kal'la ) n.m. jaw iV Jf^P 
^ kal'la barkal’lah lar'na v. to fight face to 
face ; to fight on equal footing^ kal'la-tor 
\javsb' n.m. crusliing reply UJ^kal'lah ikal'laJi 
n.m. noise and bustle; pomp and splendour jbU 
kal’la-daraz' adj. rude ; imprudent [PJ 
A U kulha'ra n.m. axe tfjif kutka'rl n.f. 

hatchet pa’'oft 

a p‘ kulha'ra (or kiilha'n) mar'na PH. dig one’s 
own grave 

kul'lkar n.m. large earthen tumbler 

unwieldy bumpkin 

. jfkulk'ya n.f. (pl. jyfkalk'jali) small 
1*^ earthen cup this use as fireworks 

this used for cupping I'j^J'jtyfkulh'ya meh 
gur' phor'na ph. try to do something stealthily 
f ka'li n.f. bud triangular piece o'. 
0 cloth used in stitching ; transverse piece 
small hookah 

/ f *6/71 n.f. rising Of the mouth gargle 
O r/< / kul'li kar'na v.i. rinse the mouth 


r U ka Hi adj. universal general 
{j generic all ; entire n.f. universal 
truth generalization general rule principle 
formula dpyf’kUlliyyat n.m. it) 

^ kUlliy'yak n.m. 4k adj. [A~ jf kiU) 

„ I J kulliyyat' n.m. poetical works ; com- 
plete works ; work’s formulae (A~ 
sing. jf ] 

.. fkalyari n.m. name of a musical mode 
(✓« (dial.) prosperity (dial.) death 
kalya'na v.i. bloom ; blossom 

kMlliy'yalan adv. totally ; in tOto* [A — Jr 

Jp kale'jah n.m. liver heart magnaai- 
mity guts iale'jah bal'liyok 

(or ha'tkofi) uMml'na v.i. (of heart) leap with joy 
)>)iy If? kale'jah u'lc} (or pa'laj) ja'na v.i, 
be exhausted with excessive vomiting have 
one's heart in one’s mouth ilfoefof kale'jah bark 
ja’aa v.i. (of liver) enlarge take courage 
n.m. enlargement of liver Ciflgfjrf'kale ja baifha 

j&'ns v.i. be depressed in spiiitsllfjf kf.kil'yah n.m. kidney [A] 

kale'jah pash pash’ ho ja'na v.i. be heartbroken ’“ST 

kale'jah pak ja'na v.i. be deeply kMlliy (pl. <^U 

grieved feel helpless its tujVjf? kale'jah pa’kar L**. *W- generic gene 
kar raih' ja'na v.i. chok^ one’s emotions (pnnciple etc.) [A~ f } 

kale j ah pash pash ho j 3 na v.i. be heartbroken »» 
iiftSCjgf kale'jah pak ja'na v.i. be deeply 
grieved feel helpless itfejJtyfP kale'jah P^kar C**. 

kar raih’ ja'na v.i. choke one’s emotions ^ 

kale'jah phai'na v.i. be shocked (to) feel A 
great pity envy I'jfS#? kale'jah tar ko'na v.i. I 
be at ease ; be well off Clf ej(JZi) J /( , lZs£ kale'jah trou 
thsni' kar (or ke) raih' ja'na v.i. be greatly f ro . u 
shocked suppress one’s grief bear patiently , 

f* z'' i X . M . . j !»* _ t. i _ r \ IrCel* 

kUlliy'yah n.m. (pl. kUlliyyat') formula 

adj. generic general universal 
ciple etc.) (A ~ J ] 
ham Adj. little scanty less few 
rare seldom Mlfkam-azhr' adj. not 

envy kale'jah tar ko'na v.i. I L1 rarc ^r^m-ozar adj not 

; be well off troubteome n.f. not being 

(or ke) raih' ja’na v.i. ' bi greatly troublesome kam-thhUlat adj. lacking 

wra.o»,gnef Wp--, „ ot rai!Iing up ,£* of 

shocked suppress one’s grief bear patiently 
\Z)J (£i)J(’&('U / fi f kolejah thzm’ tham kar (or fo) 
ro'na v.r. weep bitterly tl/ kale'jah tkah'da 
kar'na v. to satisfy the heart’s longings^ to 
obtain one’s wish ; to get satisfaction Vjf bS4fz 
kale'jah jkak'da ho'na v.i. OfLf? kale’jah jal'na v. 
to suffer sorrow ; to burn with envy ; to mourn; 
to be heart-sore kale'jah (hkal'nl kar 

de'na v.T. grieve deeply cause to suffer 
heavy shocks If If Jf kale'jah ffchal'rti ho 
ja'na v.i. be deeply grieved Vft~6jjG»4?kde'jah 
dhak’ dhole 1 ho'na v i. have one’s heart in one’s 

mean kam-osji n.f. being base-born 
meanness LZS? kam-bakh't n.m. scoundrel ; 
villain adj. villainous cursed wretched 
unlucky ; unfortunate kam-hakh'ti n.f. 
ill-luck ; misfortune adversity mishap 
calamity vXff^fkam-bakh'tl a' na v.i. find oneself 
in trouble 

bakh'ajab a"e to ooftt' (ba'rht ko kUt'ta ka'te 
prov. there is no remedy against misfortune 
Ilk iff kam-bakh' (i ka ma'ra ph. as ill-luck 

— : — y — ~ ~ — . \ J» e (f- nam-oaKn n so ma ra fh. as m-iucn 

mouth 1. (J& ej *Z-i~isejf?kale jah dhak 1 se raih (or I have it adj. unfortunate (person) m sjUTtf? 

Iia\ • VjiTt «• * Iva • if+oi»llr tl2LV6 tfa C ■ - _ _ .. 

ho) ja'na v.i. be utterly 

kam-bakhtl ke din n.m. evil days ; hard times 

•••• _ — k — wanting V icam-tar adj. lewer adv. seiaom 

poison, etc life jJt/rCg. kale'jah masos' kar raih kam-tarin' adj. least very humble, 

ja’na v.i. repress one> grief U-S* kale'jah mal'na kam-tovaj jcH n.f. lack of attention >*** 

v.i. regret kale'jah mMh' ko a'na v.i. kam-ha:is'lah (or -hau’salah) adj. weak' 

have one’s heart in one’s mouth feel sick (ofl 
be fatigued with excessive vomiting 
kalt'je par hath ' dhar’na v. I. try to control one’s 
emotions l kal eje se laga’na V.T. 

cherish hold very dear caress embrace 
pjfyzL kalt’je ka juk’raji.u. son own child 
one's deer child ^ kaleje men ag ' 

lag' na v. be very thirsty have a buring 
sensation (fm .kalej l n.f. liver ; animal vitals 
used as food 

N - F - (Ht) key [P] 

ijf'katl'sa n.m. church the Church; 

field of religion ikll'siya n,f. 
church Christian community 
i V kileV n.f. sport ; gambol ; frisk ; frolic 
VJv^Zkule'leh kar'na v.i. gambol; frisk 


J 9 kolim' n.m. interlocutor ; one who has 
a talk (with someone) also Ztl^f kali'm- 

fi Hah' n.p. God’s interlocutor (as title of Moses) 
kalf'm i n.f. being like Moses [A - ) 

cowardly unaspiring ; unambitious 


narrow-minded J^!r/jkam-kaus'lagi (or -hau’- 
salagi) n-F. weakness cowardliness un- 
ambitiousness meanness ; narrow-mindedness 
i^ef^kam-haisiy' yatKxs]. of low status . of 

small means kam-haisW yad n.f. - low 

status small means $,^'Xkam-khar'ch adj. 
thrifty frugal niggardly cheap; inexpensive 
ti/yH 1 ; kam-khar’th ba'la nasjnfi prov. good 

a uality at low cost ; good but inexpensive • 
heap and best ; cheap and wonderful 
kam-khar'(hi n.f. ^ cheapness parsimony’ 
niggardliness sS f kam-khi’rad adj. unwise 
ul kam-khab' adj. sleepless one sleep- 
ing little one suffering from mild insomnia 
dj/f kam kha'bl n.f. sleeplessness sleep- 
ing little mild insomnia yjr/ kam-khor' adj. 

sparing in diet abstemious ijjffkam-kho ' r I 
n.F. being sparing in diet abstemiousness 
Cni/kam-zat' adj. base-born mean ; 
vile ' & l>>f kam-dima’ght s. v. Jack of imagina- 
tion pride ; conceit kam-rah' adj. slow- 
paced (horse) j>jfkam-Tou' adj. ugly low; 


base Jt'y( kam-zor’ adj. weak ; feeble 
frail powerless (fjyy.kaYn-zp'ri n.f. weak- 
ness ; feebleness frailty debility power- 
letsness gf* ^ kam-sit' khan adj. taciturn 
kanU&'khani n.f. taciturnity kam-sin' adj. 
young ; minor. ; of tender years X kam-si'ni 
n.f.. tender age ; nonage ; minority CX'fkam' 
sun'ra v.i. be hard of hearing fsA-fkaml se kam 
adv. at least the very least oP f kam - 
shauq' adj . indifferent Qy'(f kami-e shauq’ n.f. 
indifference kam-zar'f m adi . mean 

narrow-minded malicious kam- zar’ ft n.f. 

meanness narrow-mindedness /jrXkam-. 
'aq’l adj. foolish ; silly ; stupid cP? kamr t aq‘li 
n.f. foolishness stupidity ^/X kamr'Am'r 
adj. young ; minor ; of tender years (fX f kam- 
‘am'ri n.f. tender age ; nonage ; minority 
kam-ayar' adj. base (metal, coin, etc. )£*>*> X 
kam-fuksat adj. busy with a tight pro- 
pramrne X kam- fur' sati n.f. want of leisure 

^ f* kam- fain' m^ADj. thick-skulled dull 

silly ; stupid (f^[. kam faih'nA n.f. dullness 
stupidity uVfr kam-qi'mat adj. cheap • low 
priced ; inexpensive (fXr kam-qi’ mati n.f. 
cheapness ; inexpensiveness UX kam' kar'na 
v.t. decrease / X kam! kam adv.* somewhat 
little seldom finely fX kam-go adj. 
reserved taciturn f X kam-go" i n.f. 

being reserved- taciturnity kam-mayah 

adj. poor having little capital J'bf kanr 
ma'Ugl n.f. poverty smallness of means 
Lm^^kam-nasib' adj. unlucky ; unfortunate 
(S*? f kam-nasi'bi n.f. ill luck ; misfortune 
kam-jia' zar (or nigah' or ni'gah ) adj. 
short-sighted (ty \$P)>)tSjX{kam'-M'zar\ , (or 
niga'hi or ni'gahi) n.f. short sightedness 
la'tmrbrdi' adj. more or lcss» SS&f ka'm-o-kas't 
n.m- loss - deficiency kam-him'mal adj. 

spiritless , daunted ; cowardly Jf^j/ kam-him'- 
mat i n.f. lack of courage cowardliness 
\lj> f kam’ ho HA v.i. wl/ kam-y&b adj.* 
scarce rare f^\Jf kam-y&'bl n .f. scarcity 
rarity (f ka'm n.f. it fP] 

kam adv. how much how many n m 
^,quantity.*3^iflm/Vjwl s f. it (A] 

' ( kirn n.f-. akmim’) (rare) cuff (.A] 

. f kam a adv. (rare) just as ‘Jrifkama haq'qo-hoo 
h* adv. duly . properly a» it should be 
fr{jtksma kiyi auv as it is . as is (f^-Jkama 
yam baghi adv. as desired as' ought to be 
tA- J + t) 



kumdch'^K.r a kind of fat' bread 
kumaeji m “fih ph. chubby checks {TJ ' 
i /kumar' n.m. (dial.) prince ; son of a Hindu 
■** r\i\er(fj\Xk&mari n.f princess (rare) 

maiden [S] 

t. /kamal' n.m. {pl. £>l)tfkamalat‘) perfection 
O'* excellence wonder ; marvel (rare) 
miracle adj. extreme utmost 

kamal' ha'sil kar'na v.i. attain perfection 

reach utmost limits kamal’ ( darje ) ka 

adj. extreme utmost of the highest 
order adv. to the utmostCXfjX kamal’ dikka'na 
v.i. work Wonders perform a miracle 
show consummate skill l'/l)[fkamal' kar'na V.i. 

work wonders be guilty of an enormity 
do something unexpected or undesirable XjX 
ii^fXkamal' ko pahuhcha'na v.t. bring (some- 
thing) to perfection ; make perfect uh/jX 
kamal' ko pahufi(h'na v.i. attain perfection ; be 
perfect £jX/l h~ar kamet'le ra zaodl' PRO v 

every rise hath a fall [A] 

kamala n.m. sham fight |\ ^ 

I /kamdn n.f. bow rain-'^^'V^'^ 
O'* bow ; spectrum adj. bent (Jjv 

arfched (rare) flexible jSjtfX 
kaman-e ah’ too adj. arched eyebrows 

tjvkaman' Utar'nd v. unbend or unstring 
a bow ( Ctaigl ) l>* ty |/ kamdn ' lan'na (or ^.afha'ni) 
bend or string a bow V+fyXkaman' rfcaijtna v.i. 
be victorious ; lord it over j IjiXkanOn’-dar n.m. 

bowman archer J/\X kamdn' -gar, JtX 
kaman-gar, n.m. bow-maker (old me) bone- 
setter fjjrfyt/kama'n-B.gar'doofi n.f. (sign of the 
Zodiac) Sagittarius [PJ . 

f ../kamari n.f. command y^ltfXkaman' af'sar 
O'* n.m. Officer Commanding ; O.C. [-E com- 
mand CORK.] 

.. /kam&'ni v.t. earn do (good) com- 

v ■* mit (crime) build (body) with exercise 

dress or curry (leather) scavenge ; clean 
latrine of (house) beat (iron) into softness Jw 
kttmH oo adj. earning (member, person, etc.); 
breadwmning iy£-Xjj^lZXeXtZl/k4ima"oo t"e 
dar’ta nikbnf\oo a'e lar’ia prov. worthless person 
is foolishly proud £tXkama"l n.f. earnings 
profit work : performance virtuous* deeds 
t 'J kama'i kar ua v.i. earn have a profit 

do some virtuous deed 
/iff kamdn' epah N.M. fiddlestick {F) 

< - tdlf DIM 1 



9 * 


kamth’dar n.m. commander' 

ideg\jjHfkamati dar-in-ckif' n.m 
commander-in-chief ; c-in-c [E] 

% | /kama'rti n.m. spring (of watch, etc.) 
O'* hairspring ; mainspring spring for pro- 
tecting jar in vehicle, etc. bow spring bed' 

kamanl n.f. hairspring [~P c)Lf] . 

^Akama'oo Adj. U* kam&’i n.f. (see under tU 
*'*kanm'rfi v.t. if) , 

Utkam'bal, (rare lt kam'mal) n.m. blanket 
lA i/J()Akam'baLposh n.m. one leading a very 
ample "life ; ascetic ; dervish J* kam'ti n.f. if 
t'kilmbk' n.m. (dial.) (sign of .the Zodiac) 
** Aquarius Js&rfkUmbb! ka me'lah n.m. 
Hindu religious festival held every twelfth 
year (SJ 

/ fkam'pa n-M. fowler’s stick with bird lime ; 
ST lime-stick (VjbbjC&lfkam'pa lagans (or 
mar' ns) v.t. catch birds with lime-stick 
^j^Jkam’pai n.f. compass [El 

I*, 'damps' na, Isj kam'ps de'nS v.t. shake ; 
‘'is cause to tremble doublet of ITI^v.t.] 

^**1 ^kamps'uhi n.m. compound [E] 

• jJ&am'parii n.F. company ; India Company 

jAtftfiFkam 'para bahs'diir n.f. (arch.) (term 
of respect for) East India Company [E] 

Ckanipoo n.m. (arch.) camp ; cantonment 
British infantry [ ~ E camp corr.] 
kampo'zing N.F. composing j*jy*kampa'- 
zitar n.m. compositor [E] 

•* jTkam'li ADj. little ; less ; scanty n.m- 
O shortfall decrease jf^karn'll bark.' It 

adj. more or less n.f. shortfall or surplus 
error and omission [~P ft. 

.tjfkamkhsb N.m. kyicob ; brocade ; tissue [P] 

da' mar H.i. waist loin belt ; girdle 

/ sash middle (of a mountain) flank (of 

army) ifka'mar batidk'na v.t. gird up 

one’s loins resolve to do something be on 
the alert mat bis' tar se na lag'nS 

v.t, pass a sleepless night.; be restless 
ka' mar •bos' tah adj. ready adv. in a state of readi- 
ness Vj{j2~*dfka'mar-bas'lak ho' ns v.t. get ready 
for jCtyfMmar-batd n m. drawer-string ; waist 
band ready alert \& t ka' mar pa!ka\ 

kt Bfk'ra v.t. become weak ; put one’s hand on 
one’s waist in getting up owing to weakness 
i^Umar-ptt |' n.m. (dial.) turn;, turning 

ka'mar torna v.t. break the back (of) 
make helpless disappoint discourage 

Clf ka'mar toot' ja ns v.x. suffer a heavy loss 

be helpless lose spirit be disappointed 

be hump-backed $3*/ ka'mar dwhfdns v.t, 
put (someone) on the back buck up 
encourage &/k a' mar' ns v.i. have 
one’s back* bent ; be old I'jr tjSkbhnar-raih 
ja'na v.i. have a pain in the loins feel very 
weak \l// ka’mar kar'ns v.t. (of horse) twist 
its back to shake rider of it (of pigeon) take 
somersault flight (of wrestlers) do a trick like 
that Cj'j’jSf ka'mar si’dki kar'na v.i. rest a 
while ; lie** down Ik* j jf/' ka'mar ka (tti'/s adj. 
impotent bsfrvjfka'mar ka mazjboot adj. 
strong virile ka mar-kas N:F indi- 
genous drug used as cure for Bright’s disease 
resinous compound containing it and used as 
caudle iSj * b ka'mar kas' ke bahdk'na v. i. 

resolve on* an undertaking C-*? ka'mar kas'na 
v.i. resolve (on) get ready (for) JjC 
ka’mar ka'mar adj. waist-deep adv. up to the 
waist ka’mar-kot n,m« waist-high wall utff 

ka'mar ko'tkz n.m. end of beam projecting from 
wall e/s ka'mar-c koh' n.f. middle part of hill 
slope ka'mar kkol'na v.i. take of the 

belt ungird one’s loins sit at ease 
ka'mar lag’na v.i. have a sore-back have a 
back-ache Vjl^ka'mar mar' ns v. attack 
(army) in the flank strike sideways 
ka'mar mazbool' kar'ns v.t. give a strong 
support take courage in both hand 
kam'rak n.f. cambric (EJ 

J^kam'rakk n.m. a kind of citron 

dkam rah n.m- room apartment 
7 chamber . 

kam'ti n.f. waist-coat [~P y* ] 

^z/kamish'nar x. m. commissioner t$j*^kan&ijt' 
nan n.f. administrative division cOmprisi- 
ing a few districts ; division [EJ 
y/kU'mak n.f. succour reinforcement 

IsjkjCfffkU'mak bktj'ta (or ddm ror 
pahuft&s'.nu) v.t. succour send" reinforce* 
ments (to) 

^kam'mal n.m. (same as Jtn-m. ★) 


kam'la n.f. an appellation of Hindu 
Lakshmi n.m. melon-worm 

^ kumtla' n.m. (pl. of (f Yit) 

t/kHniWna, ClloJ kumkl&'na v.i, wither 
*"* be blighted 

if kam'li n.f. small blanket ; robcPjJrkam'fC- 
V oa'la adj. the Robed (as the Holv Prophet's 
appellation J 

• f kamahd' n.f. scaling ladder : 
cope-ladder lasso 
k) kamaftd' pktbk'na lor daFi id) 
v.t. ihrow up a scaling ladder 

fCfkaman-gar n.m. (same as fy\f) (see under 
^ tflf n.f. if) 

fkamaana v.t. cause to earn get 
* cleaned, curried, etc. cause to clean, 
every etc. fj/'cAUs.) . 

fkammoon' n.m. cumminseed kammoo'm 

(y^ r adj. cumminseed 

if kumkar' n m. potter if Jutmkar ka- 

daf n.m. potter's wheel (fjtf'kumka’ri 
N-F. potter’s wife any female member ; 
potter’s family ; insect building a clay-house for 


.X k* mi n.f reduction decrease 
thortfall scarcity ; dearth paucity 
ff f ka'mi bt'sH. N . f. profit and loss 
change fluctuation f ka’trii na kar’na 

V.T. leave no stone unturned [P - - f | 

, - f kimail' adj ., n.m. & adj. .reddish-brown 
- (horse) ; bay (PJ 

^ -^ fkamiy'yat n.f. quantity (A~ f J 

fuf kamt' ti n.f. committee a meeting of 

Cr** elders municipality ; municipal com- 

mittee saving through regular monthly deposits 
repaid in turn by drawing monthly lots 
kamt'ti par'na v.i. (of such deposits) be arranged 
OijJfkam/lt dal'nd v.t. deposit for this pur- 
pose I’Sfffkame'tlkar'tuxv. r. deliberate collec- 

^jfkumiddn ' n.m. commander m 

i fkami'ra n.m. gardener’s assistant 
menial [ ~ fK'] 

p jCkdmi’shan n-m. commission 

(£J~ count [E] v 

if kamt' lah n.m slaughter-house -/ 

ifhuaA'lak N.u. a kind of red medicinal 

Ij/karntri (or -mifi') n.f. ambush tifjf 
*'*’ gah' n.f ambush ; ambuscade 

s assistant 


fumin' mtk baitL’a* v.i. lie in ambush ; take dr 
lay an ambush ; lie in wait 
i Ykan&ri m-M. base-born person menial 
-P -i^coaa.l 

> •fk*maHi4' n.m- trial ; fraud l-t-T kitmaik" 
diya n.m. trickster 

• f kami'nah ADJ. mean ; Jow ; base igno- 

ble vulgar wicked cfijfkami’na-pa* 
m.m., ff kami'nagi n.f. meanness 'vulga- 
rity wickedness (PI s 

J^jffkam'yeouist n.m. & adj. Communist 
kam'yaonizm n-m. Communism [B] , 

Cfkam'yoanal adj. communal f’Xjgkam 
yX* yoonalism n.m. eommunalistn [EJ 
ktjnyaa /tilt n.F. community (EJ 

I fkan n-m. mote bud ; blossom 
C/ strength side half kankka'yHL 
OkX'lfkansifikh.'yall n.i. pl. furtive look 

kenaki'yan (or ktn ttikh' yek)~ u 
dtkk'na v.t. look with furtive glances 
f fkan pref. ear aural (usu. pi. 

( ff kan-pa ' ti n.f. temple (of ***<*);£/ 
kan-pker n.m. mumps •fy f kcmtop' n.m. cap com- 
ing down to below ears fJHffkm-dhida adj 
one whose ears are bored jfj fkan-tas n.m. ear 
for music kan-ras‘ya n.m. one having an 

car for music 'Jltsf kan-snltf'l n.f. a centipedc- 
like insect ; scolopendra 0} (J i/j-'g/A em-scxi ‘yah 
le'na v.t. overhear ; eavesdrop £/ f kan-ka'r*. 
adj. with a lopped ear ijf^kan-kktjotfra n.m 
centipede [ ~ (iff abb. | 

f kensvF. digger f ka'ni suf. digging IP- 

jkin who whom which what 

t fkun sof. making; doing fjfkmr'.kdn 
O' N -M. worker adj. working 'Jld* G /j¥‘kar'~ 
binuha'fi n.m. wt irking joomalist |P] 
f fkunim. be ph. universe 

W all the creation tfj&fkm'-ja-ygkm*' ph, 
Cod said let there be, and it came into being 
immediate result (A) 

,*/ kan* n.m. base string (of kite) to. which 
k* main string is tied lace notches in shoe 

.•/kanat n.f. lap^ bosom bank those; 

^ coast margin edge brink 

bo's-o-konar' n.f. kissing and hugging ; fondling ; 
toying amorously dm-kmur' am. apart 

t ‘/kma'ta (li' .f/Cfkma'rttk) n.m. hank 
[ ^ shore ; coast saomiB etfer hrii>*. 


vSljtf kina'ra kar'nav.t. withdraw retire 

refrain ; keep aloof ; abstain d^ejVkanara- 
kdsh adj. withdrawing retiring 
kens' rs-kash ho' ns v.i. withdraw retire 
keep aloof abstain tjif kans'rs-ka'M n.f. 

withdrawal retirement ^-jc/^jc/kinatt 
kina' re ADV. along $ kina re kind' re 
dial' ns v.r. walk along the shore (etc.) 
kins' re lags' ns v.t. run (boat) up on ashore 
beach (a boat) accomplish (someone’s) 
task $ kins' re lag' ns v.i. (of boat) touch 

the shore come to an end ; be finished 
Of kina-re ho js'ns V.i. keep aloof with- 

draw (P] 

fj^kins'ri n.f* lace border f~P ojU] 
{i m ikanaC n.m. land measure equivalent to 

C/ .20 

kilfl'jl N F. 

{ffkansC n.m. land measure equivalent to 
0^20 ‘tnarlas’ 

kins' yah n-m. (n.. t 2lifkina’yst') allu- 
sion metaphor hint^Cfjy t?/ ishs'rah kins' yah 
M.,£,Ct£~-j&lisks' re kina' ’e n.m. pl. hints 
amorous gXa.ncc&' kina' yatan adv. in- 
directly allusively metaphorically [A] 

* /kin' bah n.m. family .one’s people 

-*i kiin'ba-par'oar adj. nepolist supporter 
of one’s tamily ^^^kun'ba-par'vari n f 
nepotism support of one’s people 
^•/kan'tar n-m. decanter [E - cork.] 

jprfkat^k n.m. . Adam’s apple (rare) 
fir throat t)lir^kanth. ms'la n.f. scrofula 
pearl necklace (C^ijC^^'kafiti. ni'kalns (or 
phoox'nn) v. attain the age of puberty l g^kafitks 
n.m. pearl necklace beaded necklace ; 
string of beads Jr^'kat'jki n.f. neck rosary 
beaded neckband pearl neckband 
(animal) collar a kind of measles 

r kufij n.m. bower ; grove ; .arbour cor- 
ner (arm, etc.) pit kan'jt tanhs"l 

n.m. secluded comer [P] . 

W'' kah’js, (£/ karat js adj. (f. tf! kafi'jl, 
Z y (jZf karan'jH) blued-eyed y 

l/kah'jar gipsy; romany $£ kah'jati n.f. 
g»p*y ./ 

' •//btty'ra mm., gy? kutfj'ran green grocer 

j y 

{'•JkuHjnh'k (or -ja*'k) mm sparrow 

.•/iakjoos’ m.m. miser ; niggard adj. miserly; 
VX stingy i/STf //kabjoos' mak'kki &o<uj; 
n.m. (joc.) miser ; niggard ; skinflint iff. 
kahjoo'fl ttj miserliness 

solution (to) 

U kati'chan n.m. (dial.) gold wealth ; 
tyi money £ — meh kafi'cfian ba' rasas 
v.r. (of society, etc.) be affluent [S] .’ 
y kail' (ham n.f. prostitute ; whore , 
(fit woman who hires out her body for money 

dancing girl [ - ] 

,/kufid ADJ. blunt dull obtus z tfS 

J* kufid'-teh'n adj. stupid slow-witted 

block headed ; obtuse n.m. dunce; dolt; dul- 
lard [P] 

y/ku'nad v.t. & i. does v 0 U? fill 
^ ku'nad ham-jin's bh ham-jin's parvsz! prov. 
birds of a feather flock together [P ~ (j)S] 
lyfkatids n.m. (same as t.Zfkuh'dah n.f. •ft) 

DjC/kUki'ls n.m. gold thread 
itj-fkiiii'dan n.m. pure gold adj. lustrous 
^ exquisite having lovely qualities 
ti )*fkafidoo'ri n.f. table-cloth piece of 

cloth for wrapping loaves in ; loaf wrapper 
. . ( da, Ij/kati'da n.m. stock (of gun) 
^ log or block (of wood) 
pinion end of kite rib dehy- 
drated milk pillory 
kufids bhoofi'ns (or kas'ns) v.t. 
dehydrated milk lib’^Ztjifkufi'dah 
(harks' ns v.t. .equip a gun barrel 
with stock iuft'dah-e ns- tar ash’ n.m. 

lout undesciplined person ; unruly person 
yj^-fi kUh'de tol'ns v.i. flutter one’s wings 

get ready (to go, etc.) 

•/ 'kail' dak -adj. engraved ; carved j^ej/ 
J* kah'da-ksr n.m. engraver , carver t jf 
yljtfkah'dah kats'ns v.t. get engraved; have 
carved Jj fojSkat'da-kati n.f. engraver ; carving 
Vj'ej/kafi'dah kar' ns v.t. engrave; carve [P~cUf 
kah'dan dig] 

, / kafi'dha, , (dial. 1*> / ksh'dks) nM. shoulder 
l&Ar kafi'dha ba'dalns v.i. change shoulder in 
carrying coffin U££j£*jfkaf{ dhs pa'kar kt chal'na 
v i. walk by leaning on someone’s shoulder , to 
walk with another’s help l kafi' dha de'na v.t 
carry a dead body 0 (J kandhs dsl'vs v.t & s. 

throw off the yoke lost spirit ; throw up 
the sponge Clft^flrjfkoli' dha lag ja' ns v.i. have a 
sore neck (owing to heaviness of yok e)Clet£A£j 
kan'die parks' ns v.t. life (child Or champion) 
on shoulders CPdSj/ kah'dke lags'ns v.t. eanry 
baby with its bead resting on one’s shoulder 
tyAvfWift* kUa'ns v.t. shrug one’* shoulders 


kahiai'l n.f. door-mortice 

,/kuh’di n.f. calendering i’Jffjfkitidi 
0 ^ kar ana v.t. get calendered have 

(someone) thrashed v/iSJ^kin' di kar'na v.t. 
calender beat ; thrash stf^kuh' dl-gar n.m. 

calenderer one who launders expensive 
stuff ; laundry-man 

kuhd n.m. (dial.) sacred spring or pool 
^ fire-pit for hurrling ritual stufRn 

kuh'da n.m. hook hook for dogchain 

j p,/kih'dal n.m. curl ; lock coil halo 

(Hindu ascetic’s) large earring circle 
i I’JljVAjtykih'dal mar' ns (or kar'na or 
mtti baitk'na) (of snake) coil up of moon, etc.) 
be in a halo kufuL'li n.f. curl coil 
(of snake) halo (dial.) horoscope 
kuhi'li banana v.t. curl cast a haroscope 
C&t S jI kuftd' li mar kar baitk'na v.t, coil 1 


*b,/kun'& n.f. door-chain l 101 

(VjjS kUh'4 S de'na (or (barb-ana or lag&'na or 
kafid' kar'na) v.t chain door ; fasten the door- 
chainftf^jf^aTl ; ) id&ffjrf'kifidi kbaf-kbata' na (or 
kbar' -kbara na) v.t rattle the door-chain 
knock at the door ^ 

•fkali'i n.m. (pl. jjd kUnooz’) treasure 

treasury [A ~P £ ] 

yj . •/ kanzarvetar n-m. conservator of forests [E] 
^^ajfkan'iarvetiv n.m. & adj. conservative [EJ 

adj. cold (water) tfJ^kaii'ktrn n.f grit 
gravel very small piece of stone, etc. 
kahkari'la adj. (f- katkarfli gravelly 


kin’ kina adj. tepid (water) 

, kankav'v a n.m. kite ; paper-kite ( 
fJr _ kankav'va Ora' no (or barbs.' no) v..T. fly a 
kite Ui)l^>kankav’va lara'na v.t. engage in a test 
to snap kitestrings . 

kan'ki adj. (see under n.f. if) 

n.m. king [EJ 

t^/kah'gal', && kahg'la adj . & n . m . ( f - 

kahg'li) bankrupt poor ; penniless 
pauper C*jJl)&>kah'gal' kar de'na v.t. 
reduce. to bankruptcy impoverish ; make pen- 
niless ilfjfjt^kak’gdl' ho ja'na v.t, become 
a bankruptcy be reduced to property ; be 
impoverished ; become panniless 
king ’ too n.m. kangaroo [E] 

uf kah'gurah (col. kifig'rah), sjjr*Jianguu rah 
Os' n.m. parapet turrett jb ‘j&kah' gitra- 
dar‘ adj. turreted [P] 

fjtfj/' kahg'la adj. & n.m. ( f . J^kahg'll) (>cej& 

JO/ kali’ gan n.m. bangle , thick bracelet 
w kahg’na n.m. died yarn tied round 
groom’s right or bride’s left wrist ; wrist-string 
kahg'ni n.f. millet cornice bracc- 
C?T, let ; light bangle 

kah'gba n.m. comb weavers comb 
(f** kafi’gbi n.f. comb 
&o't i n.f. make-up hairdo V’JfyZir'Aah'gki 

(bo'll kar'na v.t. baud or plait" the hair 
do one’s make-up L'Jj^kah'gbi kar'na v.t. 
comb do one’s hair dress (the hair) 

kanmana'na v.i. whine ; whimpei 
moon grumble be uneasy, 

* i, / kan-mai'liya n.m. (see under r c /pREF. if, 

•* '*'*_/ / 

. .j kuhvara n.m. bachelor adj, unmarried 

y(7 (man) ^jlJ^kuhtsr'-pal, kilim' - 

pa' la, o/Ljljf kuhvar' -pan, bjljd'kufivar’ pa’na n.m. 
maidenhood Jj^ZzrJjirkuhvar’-pote ke din' n.k. , 
pl. maidenhood (JjtJ^ktitva'rl n.f. maiden, sfcf/isfc^ 
virgin ^JiS J ^kihva’ rl ko armin' baya'h ' 

pishtman' prov. wistful before rueful after 
kutva sa n.m. daughter's grandson 

kanas'tar n.m. canister [E] 

Z*Jkinish't n.m. pagan temple church 

snynagogue [PJ . , 

- »•/ kanfar'm v.t. confirm if'y^kan'-famtshan 
\yT n.f. confirmation [E] 

.It j/kan'in' (or "ah) n.m. Canaan 

pd'r-t kan" ah N.M. (appellation of) Jacob 

l A ~Ht , 

•n'j ka'naf n.f. (pl. JfUi aknaf) side 
direct ion ^IfdCkfakns'f-e ‘alam n.m. pl. all 
sides of the world [AJ 

jt(ka'nak n.m. (slang) wheat gold 
particle f kan'ki adj. broken (rice, 


Kl kah'kar n.m. gravel small piece of 
^ stone, etc. grit J^M^kah'kar pal' Aar 
n.m. pl. coarse pieces of stone L'J&'/cah'kar sz 

xyAuj. «. i». 

Jcf kali' gan N. 
(✓ kahg'na 
groom’s right or 
•tjf kahg'ni n. 
CTT, let ; light 

, j kUti'ah n.-m. well $£L-& J 'j/ ../ kan'niya n.f. (dial.) maiden 0b'{/ kan'niya- 

U’s kuti'ati be’sta hai kit” eh kaTpd'm na'hth dan' n.m, (dial.) giving a wav of a girl in 

bt'jha prov. quibbling Ulf fyuZ'i/k -‘SZ-Ji’ O \jr 
payzfse kt pas na'hiit ja'ta 
pay a' si kUh”eh ke pas ja'ta hai prov. he who has 
need must take the initiative 
kSh”ah (or kiti'eti) jhtthk' na v.t. look into well 
as cure for hydrophobia search a lot be 
tep-plusscd (ti/tfLj i^iO/kJO^ykati 'ih (or 

kuh’ieh) jkahka'na (or jkahkva’ ns) cause (some- 

one) to see his reflection ia a well get this 
done as cause for hydrophobia perplex (^0^ 
kuh"ah (kala’na v.i. work a Persian wheel on the 
well kip' ’ah kkod'rta v.T. dig a well 

dig a pit for (someone) (!fc.J!u(tJ m jrkiih''<h 
bhahg par’tia v.i. (of all) be dead-drunk 
i-ias-tejjl ku‘'th par ga”t out paya’st a'e prov 
an unlucky person knows nothing but depriva- 
tion Kf ^iJJriS'ifijykulC'th ki mat'ti kith" eh 
meh lag'na prov. ill-%ot ill-spent 
kiti ’eh meh bats' dal’ tip v.t. make a thorough 
search OJ.JtHjjS kdh’ ’eh meh bol’na ph. mutter 
unintelligibly "(Jiy[fjuf k&a'ri kuh'’ah n.m. well 
yielding brackish water {Jijflir' mi'tka kuti’ah 
n.m. well yielding sweet water 
**) •/ kaium'ti n . f . (horses) ear earring 
V * U&y kanmi' liyah kka'ri kar'na v.t. 

(of ho'rse) become alert ; raise its ears (~ tftf) 
^ kUh'oar n.m. (dial.) prince 

kah’val n.m. lotus b^j^Ault'Fol-gat'ta n.m. 
L/-' lotus nut CSafOyifl)* dil' kn kak'val khil'na 
ph. (of heart) swell with pleasure 
•Y^kfla'A n.f. essence (of) reality 

^ (about) [A) 

.y. ^Skatuath'da (f. o*r kanmt'dt) adj. 

^Jf i'kojibayya n.m. (dial.") lovely lad this 
•*V- as appellation of Hindu deity, Krishna [S] 
Aa'al n.f. spark (of diamond, etc.) 

V not fully boiled grains of rice 

ek’ Un i nik' jam v.i. (of rice) be almost but not 

fully boiled 

/ kaa'a* n.f. kite- fillet ; make weight at 

it* lighter end border kan'ni 

kahdk'M a v.T. fillet the lighter end of kite-rib 
kat'ni dt’xa V-T> bold ribs of kite to help some- 
one f> ’♦ iyfi/km'id katra'na .v.i. avoid 
dodge evade kan'rd tta'itf v.t. (of paper- 

kite) incline to one side 

marriage (S] 

kanya'na v.t. avoid ; evade , dodge 
.. (of paper-kite) incline to one side 


^ >1 kunyat n,f. patronymic filial a ppel- 
lation [A] 

^fkana' n.f. oleander 

, kaniz' (dim. ani'zak) n.f. 

yZ girl (fig.) devotee [P] 
kani'sah n.m. church [P] 

/ , ko particle (follows the object as) sign 
of accusative (follows subject as) sign of 
nominative when predicate is an infinite prep 
to towards uplo about ; ready to 
in ; in terms of ; for the sake of 

/ , koo n.f. street ; a lane; a market place // 
koo' ba-koo ad\>. from street to street 
whefc; all over the place g/koo’ckah n.m. -A[P] 
j if kav'va n.m. crow raven uvula 
CJsIl/kav'va iillfiana v.t. raise (infant’s) uvula 
kav'va pa r\ n.f. dark womanjlpj^/'^fifc^y' 
kav'va cta'la han's At (frai ap'rd 
bhi bhool' ga'ys prov. one who tries to emulate 
others blindly stands to lose jjlji^./ksv've ura'm , 
y t^/kav've hak'nt n.f. maid-servant 
Cinderella silly girl 
J, ./ ko’ap'reuv adj. Cooperative 
fjj* ko'ap'retiv sosa’iti n.f. co-operative 
society I / ko'ap'reshan n.f. co-operation [B] 
.( ko'&r' n.m. seventh month of Hindu 
J'J calendar (same as £_^/n.m. -jf) 

J> i ko'a'tar n.m. quarter Jb' 1 ,% 1 /' ko'a’tar- 
JJ’s mas'tar n.m. quarter-master djrj/t jjl/ 
ko' a' tar-mas’ tar jan'ral n.m. Quartermaster 
General [E] 

\jko’a'rat,un n.f. quarantine [E] 

> / kivar' n.m. -door (,"-/>< ylj'kivar' baud' 

J 'J kar'najC&ltkjJyt&jl/kwar' biur'na (or de': 
or lags' ita) v.t. close or shut the door JlV* Sir 
kivar' kkat-kkata'na v.t. knock the doot 
jff /' kavakib n.m. (pl. of tJ/ 


#1/ ko’a’Uti N.f. quality [E] 

ko' ah' tets N.F. quantity fW .] 


hota'if s.yi. particulars ; details (A ~ 
* si.Ni;. L>^] 

hob SUi'. beating one who beats 
* 6./ ko’bi suf. beating (P~ 0f./\ 

j. y kobafts ’ int. (used for) scaring away 
crows l)**’ /kobam' kobahs’ 

kar’le phir'na v.i. (fig.) loiter like an idle lout 
ty ^ koo'bar n.m. hump 

/ kobah n.m. clod-break kobo-kart 

• n.f. (arch.) beating [P~ 

"f ko ° 1 ’ N.F. estimate 0“ / kool'na v .t. esti- 

kotsh', zf ko'tah adj. small little 

short brief J/l'/ko'ta-andef 
AD J- .short-sighted indiscreet improvi- 
dence (fZCiz/ko'ta-afide'sJn' n.f. short- 

sightedness indiscretion improvidence 
cC- x/ ko'ta-bifi' adj. short-sighted indis- 
creet imprudence <j£- ?/ h.o' 1 a-h’ nt n.f. 
short-sightedness indiscretion imprudence 
&OZ/ko' la-das' t adj. weak; unable _ (to) 
t ~f J (ftyko' taki-e dast' n.f. inability (to) 
ko'la-'aq'l adj. unwise ko’tohi-e 'aq'l n.f. 

lack of wisdom yf f/ko'ta-‘Hm'r adj. short- 

lived rfy? Z/ ko'la-’um'ri n.f. early death 
ka'ta-qa'mal (or qad) adj. short- 
statured dwarfish undersized &>/ Z/ko‘ia- 
gar' den adj. short-necked wicked J6> 

ko'la-na’zar adj. short-sighted indiscreet 
t improvident (fjSi zfko'la-na'r.mi, Jitf/J 
kotn'hl-e na'zar n.f. shortsightedness itidis- 
eretion improvidence kola' hi, if/ 

ko'tolA n.f. smallness shortness littleness 
narrowness brevity deficiency short 
fall V/tfL '"/kotislh'i kar'na v.i. fail Jack 
fall short (of) make a mistake ; err if fCf 
kola'ki ho' ns. v.i. (of mistake) be made lack 
fail (to) t^f/ko'iak n.m. (usu. pl.) (one’s 
own) doings ; (own) misdeeds [P] 
y*/ ko'tal n.m. led horse horse kept for 
U ■* show wcll-caparisoned horse fP] 

Ujf' ko , tl i l ' r N - M - P olicc chicf (of a town) 
O ii <Js kolva'H n.f. town police head- 

quarters Jb/ fort-j- j )ij] 

** / ko'lah adj. (short for »1/adj. ■£) // 
ko'lahi n.f. (short for (fl~/) (see under 
ADJ- -A) 

mn m ' jacket ; coat coating [E] 

|* koot'ns v.t. beat ; pound powder , 
^ * pulverize IVf /*/£/&/ koot' foot' Kax bfra'r a 
ho' v.i. be full (mischief, virtue, etc.) 
tK/ ko'iha n.m. upper storey brothel 
*4*' barn ZL/ko'fa par, bairns 

v.i. (esp.) be or become a prostitute JWjdiS 
k o' the taliyah n.f. pl. prostitutes ; whores 
/✓ k>*<( koik'ri n.f. small room ; cabin ; closet 

uyy t- isr/} 

ko'thi n.f. bungalow granary 
l? ■ * masonry house ; chan.ber (of gun 
wooden rim under wall of well ; curb (arch.) 
factory (arch.) warehouse (arch.) banking 

kote'shan n.f. quotation (EJ 


/ kot N.M 

lot'll! N.M. 

fort willed city ik/ 
fortress walled town 

ban' sar km. name of a fool, fountain 

/“ or river (rare) abundance [A ~ 
v / kooth n.m. march departure Vf%/ 
hooch,' kar'na v.i. march decamp 
depart die ; pass away [P] 
k^y' knock, £/ kooffh n.m. weaver's brush 

hooch n.f. (same as fef n.f. ■*) 

faf hock. n.f. coach ollf/ koch'-bsr: &>?/ 
kodt'-oanN.M. coach-driver [E]~ * 

j kauch n.m. sofa couch [EJ 

koo'cha n.m. green tamerind pod 

ko'cha adj. (sec under f/ v.t. pf) 

f y kojhak ' adj. small younger 

‘"'if'' ‘-//£.&ieshiya'-e ka'chak n.m. Asia 
Minor [P] 

i‘f kotfi'iia, L// kofych'na v.t. prick 

pierce U'/ ko’cha adj. pricked n.m. prick 
j ^-/ko’che de'nii v.t. taunt 

ko c/van n.m. (usual form of tOtf/ttc 
Cr /y under fa/ hack n.f. -jk) 

V koo’chah n.m. narrow street ; lane; alley 
y/.sZ-f koo'cha ba-koo’chah adv. from 
street to street everywhere ; all over the place 
i'/lSJs f/ kon' fha-bafi'di kar’na v.t. mark off the 
limits of a lane koo'cha-gar'di n.f. 

wandering ; aimlessly ; roaming about [P~ / 

// koo'chi kooh'cjii n.f, coarse rush 
*£/ brush for whitewashing ; mason’s brush ; 
whitewashing brush(ljll)lfefjy / koo’th i frhn’na 
(or mzr'na ) v.t. whitewash 


(rare) pack- 

> W w>iaW '" F see under l‘j/ w-i. -fc) 

/ / ko'd<ik n.m. baby boy stripl- 
UJS ing [PJ 
. / ko' dan adj. stupid 

viJr n.m. stupid person 
horse [PJ 

i. / kood'na v.t. & i. jump leap ; bound ; 

frisk rejoice ; dance about kood' 

pafna v.i. jump in kood' phahd n.f. 

leap and jump skipping about capers ; 
gambols V/f^j/kooi’lt phir'na v.i. frisk about 
with joy, etc. l‘jl i/kood mar'na v.i. jump 
./ ko'do, ^jj/kodoh n.m. a kind of small 
.grain l>%/^Jj,fko'doh de keparh'na ph. 
fail to pay the extra two pence for manners 
get cheap education 

f k° r n f. border ; edge edge of nail 
ls,Jj/'t<£j(st)for' dab'n3 v.i. find oneself 
helpless against ^SjJkor' ka'sar n.f. slight 

f k° r adj. blind yAf j/koT-ba tin adj. 
benighted jfbj/kor'-bn'tm n f. being 
benighted u~?j/kor-bakh't adj . unlucky ; un- 
fortunate Jf-j/kor'-bakh'ti n.f. ill-luck; mis- 
fortune (*/jf kor'-^aih'm adj. blind uOj/kor'- 
na'mak adj. unthankful ; ungrateful 
disloyal n.m. ungrateful person tfj/ ko'ri n.f. 
blindness [P] 

I f ko'ra (f. Jj/ ko'ri) adj. unbleached 
(cloth) unused (earthenware) blank 
(paper) unlettered uneducated unscath- 
ed unmarried untouched thinly popu- 
lated matter curt (reply) C^-tj/ko'ra ba&na 
v.i. escape unscathed ^ iff ko'ra- pan n.m. 
newness inexperience ignorance de- 
privation /i£ lj/ko'ra pin' 4a n.m. (fig.) virgin 
\j/ko‘ rd rath' no v.i. be deprived be 
ignorant ; be unlettered be blank 
> /kor't te. Fi court j/jlj&tej/kor't aj'oar'dz 
n.f. court of wards /f?p£>j/kor'x ifispaik'ta^t 
n.m. Court Inspector; Prosecuting Inspector 
kon'ship n.f. courtship (jfJyfkar't-fees, £jJj# 
fees' -kor't n.f. court fees judicial stamp 

ij'j i <-£/;/ korf -mar' shed n.m. court martial [E] 

^ j 1 kor's n.m. course [EJ 

ko'ram n.m. quorum [EJ 

/ kaur'nish (ped. kUr'nish ) n.f. (pl. £/&/ 
U kurnishai') salutation obeisance 

salute do 

refuse rubbish lumber 
koor'-mafh'z ad/, thick-skulled 

Wir/, kaur'nish ha jet' la' tea v. i 
obeisance [T] 

. / ko'ri n.f. adj. see under jf if (adj. 
{jjdf see under j, / adj. if) 

ko'ra n.m. whip ; lash , scourge ) *—jf 
ko're (or ko'ra) laga'na (or niar’na ) 
v.t. whip ; lash ; scourge ; castigate 
kau'ra n.m. (rare) large cowrie 

, b/ kto’ra n.m. dirt sweepings refuse 
ids rubbish id// \j/ koc'ra kar'kax n.m. 


> f U.M. leprosy 0fj/korh! ta'pakna 
(or choo'na) v.i. be afflicted with leprosy 
Z//uZ**/korh.’ men khaj’ prov. one misfortune 
added to another (fi/ko'rhi n.m. leper adj. 

tsif ko'ri n.f. score ; twenty 
tsif koo'ri n.f. dunghill 

> f kau'ri n.f. cowrie this used as 
(jjf coin son breat bone ^((Jj/ kau'ri bhar 
adj. very little kau'ri pas' naho'na v.t. 

be hard up; have no money d/jffijjf kau'ri 
pits' ra kar'na v.t. run to the market every now 
and then unnecessarily ; to be coming and going 
constantly without purpose Jl*'/' fistf!/ kau'ri 
haram' IQq'mah halal' prov. strain at a gnat and 
swallow a camel f if;/ kau'ri ka adj^ worth- 
less ; good-for-nothing mean if kau'ri 

ka ad' mi n.m. mean or worthless fellow J^tflJj/ 
kau'ti ka mal' n.f. worthless stuff dlfjpftfjf 
kau'ri ka ho ja'na v.t. become worthless f^/jf 
U> kau'ri ha' Jan ko na ho na v,r. be penniless ; 
have no money tjjf (/Jf kau'ri kau'ri n.f. every 
farthing Vj'ij! tjjffjf kauri kau'ri ada' kar'na 
v. pay every farthing V f fp if j f if t /kau'ri kauri 
jor'na v.t. save up every farthing ; save every 
bit t’l OpifjftS^/k au'ri kau'ri chuka'na v.t. pay 
in full kauri kau'ri ko taftg' 

ho'na v.t. be reduced to abjecs poverty 
kau'ri kos' daur'na v.i. be very greedy ; run up a 
mile for a penny CfJp/f }f kau^rl ko na poo(hh.’nu 
v.i. regard as worthless k/(£c£%if*Sk°u'ri kt 
tin' fin bik'rta v.i. sell very cheap have no 
value left be disgraced- \dr, * \f ("If/ f// kau'ri 
ke kam ka na ho' ns v.t. be worthless ; be good for 
nothing l/j //(JJ;/ kauri' y oh ke mol' bik'na v i 
go very cheap t/f/^j^phoo'ti kau'ri n.f. (usu 


50 1 

neg.) sou ±j/ kau'rpO' adj. worthless 
(rare) damn cheap (V* Ij/kauri'ydt gbulam' n.m. 
(fig.) devoted person JJls/kauriya'Ia adj. & n.m. 
spotted (snake) u . 

. / kooz pref- hump ; hunch •~*%j/kooz'- 
Jj fiOsh't adj. hump-backed ; n.m. hunch- 
back [P] 

/ koo' tah n.m. pitcher ; goblet small 
OjJ earthem pot Xoj/koo' za-gar n.m. potter 
\$j ijf koo’zo-ga'tn n.f. pottery koo'zah 

mis’ri n.m. crystallized sugar lump VjjfL 
koo' ze meh darya' bahd kar'na v.T. put something 
in a nutshell 

^ / kos n.m. league unstandardized 
C J J distance measure calculated variously 

from oue-and-a-quarter to three miles sj>Oy/ 
ko'soh door adv. at a great distance ; far away 
■^iJy'/dJfka'le ko'soh par adv. far away ifyjjfjy'/ 
ko'soh door' bhzg'na v.i. shun ; avoid 
U/ ko'sa n.m. (see under foll. if) 

kos'na v.T. curse ; imprecate n.m. 
curse imprecation tsj kJ-fkos'ne de’rta 
y.t. curse; imprecate & — P*'™ />!/*’ 
kar kos'na v.i. curse greatly U/ ko's'a n.m. curse; 
imprecation tytfl/ko'sa-ka'ti n.f. curse 

koo’sah adj. (same as adj. if) 

jff kau'kab n.m. (pl. <■/'/ kava'kib\ small 
• * star (A) u 

// kau'kabah n.m. (royal) procession i&PffJ 
*** * kau'kaba-e sha'ki n.m. royal proces- 
sion [P] 

I „ . A ///to*' shas'tar n.m. a popular sex- 
manual for males ; sex Stado- 


i / kosh sup. attempting ; endeavouring 
U Jr labouring J&f ko'shah adj. attempt- 
ing ; endeavouring struggling 

ko’ shaft ho' ns v.i. make a bid^r^-^/to'iAfiA n.f. 

bid ; attempt effort ; endeavour exer- 
tion ; labour L'/fjr^fkofshirh kar'na v.T. make 
an attempt have a go (at) [P~ 

kau’shik n.m. (lit.) palace [P] 

— if kof’t n.f. .vexation anguish 
**SJr fatigue [P ~ (/>/] 

»» / koj’tah n.m. mince ball (pl.) dish 
*** prepared from it ; stewed mince ball 
adj. powdered ; pulverized beaten ; 
pounded t/- Z ^J'koj’ ta-o-bekh’ tah adv. pounded 
and sifted adj. sifted 'powder [P~prec.] 

Jf kook n.f. (see under // kook'na V.T. if) 

kok n.f. (see under // kok'na v.t. ★) 


ko'ka n.m. small nail 


.»/(' kook'na v.t. wind up (watch, etc.) 
^ * shriek (of cuckoo) cry J/im 
n.f. winding cry (of cuckoo) ONO. 

,// kook’na v.t. baste <J/ kok n.f. tack 


kok' nor n.m. poppy poppyhead (F) 

"If kok' rd adj. short n.m. a kind of blue 
w * colour 

// too' koo n.m. cooing (of dove) (oho.) 

// ko’ko n.f. cocoa [E] 

// ko'kah n m. foster-brother child of 
one’s wet-nurse [Tj 

kokk F. abdomen ; belly .womb 
** (fig.) children ; offspring tytyjCf 
kokk. u'jar ja'na v.i. have lost all one's children 
(^^/kokk’-ja'li adj. barren woman 
kokk' H at A' NF. maternal love Cff/f/WkStd 
lag'na v.i. feel very hungry fytfji/SW 
ma'n ja'na v.i. (of woman) become barren 
y/ s kokaV'i n.m. i kind of reddish bin* 
(J> * colour 

// kokin' n.f. cocaine m 

t / koul n.m. handful of grabt put b mill 
Qy at one thne morsel canal distri*. 
butory ; small canal 
^ ka'ual n.m. grain not fully i 

^ ko'la n.m. (arch, or dial, for Sf n.m. if) 

kau'la n.m- doorway side ride wait; 

Jj^kol'iar (j/jCtar'kol KM. tar; coahar flj 

Of kol'na v.t. bore (with drill) 

it / koo'lka ii/ koo’ la • n.m, haunch; (tip 
V&A./ koo' Hu matka'na v.T. walk with 
blandishing gait belly-dance . 
j /ko'lhoo N.M. oil-expeller oil press ! £jpko Hot 
JFJ cjiala'na v. set up or run an oil press (JyKjd/' 





ko'lhoo ka bail' N.m. ox driving an oil 

press person following killing routine Vy 

ko'lhoo mefi petiia' de’im v.t. crush in a mill 
torture to death ; annihilate 
i / ko'li n.m. weaver dark tint caused 

(/ by henna 

i / Aai//! embrace armfulfl^i^V tyfjs 
0* kau'li bhar'na (or men le'na) v.t. tm- 

ko'mal adj. tender soft downy 

O/a o' mall a n.f. (dial) .tenderness 
, j koo'mal, J* / koomhal fif/ kooH'bhnl n.m. 
{JJ> housebreaking hole made for the 
purpose koo'Mhl lag&'na v.t. break into 

a house ** 

, / kmn' x.ji. existence that which 
w-* exists world universe tf&juj/kau'n- 
o-mokafi x-M- universe ‘ alam-e kau'n-o- 

fasad' x.m. the world of existence and destruc- 
tion i£/ kau’nain ' n.m. pl. 

* . j kaun pronv who which what 
U* Is 0/ kaun’ ss, {Jsf kauri sa adv which 
which one what sort of 

f t / koon n.f. anus Jj koo'ni n.f. cata- 
U* mite [P] 

i, / ko'nn , >/} o' Rah n.m. comer’ side 
** (l//l)ij]j-d/ko'na khud'ra (or -kiit'ra) 
n.m. some corner every nook and corner 
Vs It k o'ne kh.ud're efthari mar' no v.i. 

search every nook and corner j Iss/ ko'ne-dar adj. 
cornered ; angular 

ij/ koh' pal n.k. shoot ; sprouting leaf 
(JF-J ( ) VstfiJ'/ koh’ pal phoot'na (or ni'kalna) 
v.t. (of leaf) sprout 

/ kohlk'na v.t. put pressure on bowels for 

i/ hoof) n.m. heron 

/ koofich, kooch. n.f. one of. the five 
tendous at back of kee 1>V koofi chch 
kat nd v.t. hamstring 

kooiicJi , Q,f kooch n.m. (same as 
kootfi if) 

kaun' (h.a n.m. grain-parcher’s handled 

IZf kohcjfna v.t. (same as Ojj v.t. ■*) 
koheb'b n.f new tooth', lank tooth 

"m t 

& koofi da n.f. (same as tf/ n.f. *) 



/ kaufid'nn v.i. (of lightning) flash U/ 
v>y kaufi'da n.m. Hath (of lighting) 
thunderbolt *~&(f&£/kaufi' de At la' pak n.f. flash 
of lightning . C& Ij/kaufi'ds la'pakna v.i. (of 
lightning) flash 

h m F koofi da, n.m. earthen trough (usu. kneeding 
flower) , dough trough VS &/ koofi da 
kar'nd subject to mass criminal assault by 
turns ruin V/fd—si/kooiide bhar'nu x.m. ritual 
feast in commemoration of the Sm'ite Imam 
Jafar Sadiq 

. >. / koafidi n.F mortar 

I S S kauri' r5 adj. & n.M. (dial.) simple-mind- 
ed person 

J / kaufisd n.f. council counsel^/ 
(j ■ y kauhs'lar n.m. councillor [E] 

k 00 *’ koofi n.f cry of puppies [oxo. J 

d/ koo'm n.m. (see under koon n.f ★ ) 


duaI] . . 

/ , koh n.m. mountain hill lid 

ko'h-e d lash-fish an n.m. volcano 
ko'h-e a'lam (or gb am') too-t'na v.t. be faced with 
a calamity (jjs^i/ko'h-e be-sUloofi n.M. Iranian 
mountain where the legendary' lover, Farhad, 
cut out a canal to secure his mistress jfji/koti- 
pai'kar adj. huge; gigantic sLfjkak-sar', j{^/ 
kohsar’ n.m. range of mountains d&~fJ'kohislari 
N.m. mountainous country ; hilly tract ; high- 
land ‘6 V^f/kohisla’ni adj. hilly ; mountainous 
n.m. highlander jj* »/ ko'h-e loir' n.m. (wrong 
but usual form) Mount Sinai cj 1 / koh' -k an n.m 
mountain-digger ; (as aft epithet of Farhad) 
tiy»dxf»/kok'-kafi dan-o kab! bar-avar'dan 
prov. the mountain was in travail to bear a 
mouse /j g/ko’h-e noor' n.m. the Koh-i-Noor ; 
world's largest Diamond ($/ ko'hi adj. hilly , 
mountainous IP) 

kohari n-m. hump (of camel) (P~prec.] 

honin' (or ka-) n.f. quinine [E] 

kaunairi x.m. pl. the world and the 
Hereafter the two worlds [A~ (jf 


. s/ ko"elah n.m. charcoal coal 
Jr P Id ko' 'eloh ki dalta'li mefi mufih ka la 
prov. he who handles peat is bound to defile 
his fingers (jtf($£/ko"*le ki kan' n. f. coalmine 
>'/ i(/%pafthar ka ko"elah n.m. coal J 1 / if $*/* 
lak’ri ka ko”elah n-M- charcoal 



\ (* ko'i pros . anybody some6ody 
0* adj. any some tif ko"i bai 

n a /lift ph. it matters little Of /(>{}fko"i 
dam ka mehman ' ho no. v.i. be about to die 
■f ko”i din ja'la hai ke prov. soon 

enough Ut f ■ > (jfko , 'i dam meft' adv. soon 
in a moment J ^/ko"i msl' 

mas'l ko‘'i hai (or kkai) mas’l, prov. one is con- 
tent in poverty, another is happy in his riches 
li/ (j / ko”i ko”i ADJ. a few rare 

hardly any $/■*$/ ko' j n a ko”t prov. & adj. 
some one tp the other somebody 

na' hiffpooeph' tit 

ke tumha'rc muft/i meft kai dan l haift prov no- 
body is solicitous for you everyone is free to 
do what he likes 

^ / ko'yah, l/ ko'ya n m comer (ol the 
•• ” eye) cocoon (of silkworm) 

,/*y ka’d n.m. (dial.) poet 1 'sjka'vila n f 
^ (dial.) poetry verse IS] 

i " Y ko’ya l (or n.f Indian cuckoo Ul/ 
U " koya/ya n.f (dial or dim for) ff 

n.f. *) 

• / kg' (or keh) pron who which that 
~ what conj. that as ; use if , 
whether for when suddenly [PJ 

Y ( keh adj. mean small jzf keh’iar adj. 

inferior junior smaller s * / 
ke'hro-meh' n.m. pl. high and low (P] 

^ kah n.m. (short for ^n.f. *) 

koh n.m. (shortened form of t/' ^ M 

^ kaih v.i., (imp. ol tf v.i. ■*) 

ka'ha n.m spoken word saying 
order • command word of advice 
recommendation ka'ha ba'da n.m ^ 

ka'hi ba'di n.f. pledge mutual agreement 
li-^1 f ka'ha su'ns n.m- ka'hi su’m n.f 

advice instigation ' harsh reply adj 
well-known '<f ka'ha kar'na v i carry 
out the instructions (of) obey orders (of) 
act upon the advice (of) (J/l if ka'ha manna v.t 
obey act upon the advice 

£(/ khabai adj. uneven 

kha'ta pf ta adj. (see Under v T *) 


Aia/'riN K riparian crop 



kha n n.m. carpentet 
kha'lah, f U- kba'ta n.m. 


ledger ; day book tCJt*j>jO>fCt/kha'iali 
khoirtn (or dai'na ) v.t.- open an account 
kha’lejpar'na v.i. be entered into an account 
t£jb I'lfkha'ta-va'ri n.f. ledger entries (, m dfA 
bat'tah-kha'la n.m. loss account bad debt 
£jf*~ bat'tc-kha’te par'na v.i. prove a bat) 
debt Clf f. bn'hl-kha'ta n.m. account book;, 

> . / khat n.f. {abb. khat) cot , bed, 
bedstead bier ifjLlf khat' bUhnu 
v.t. plait with rush Cjdat^^S'lfkhat' se UtZr'fta 
v.t. (Hindu dial.) lav (dying person) on ground 
l*l< £ if khat' bunana v.t. get cot plaited with 
rush down ; regard him as approaching *z-iflf 
l‘lf khat se lag' ja'na v.i be bad-ridden 
tf yfjj if kbit kha(o'la n.m- goods and chattels 
khat' nikal'na v.t. die C&'*£>lf‘()tfK 
macjimachati khat nikalna v.i. (as curse) die in 
one's youth lx t^lfkka i-bd'na n.m. bed-weaver . 

^ N,F ’‘ch -double, of.^J 

(/{/ kka'ja n.m pie-crust food 
• . cherished food 

ifkhad' (rarecx if khat) n.f. manure<>^J(/>* -/ 
sbf masnoo 'i (or kimy&'vt) khad n.f arti- 
ficial (or chemical) manure 
lJj\J)kha'di n.f home-spun cotton , ‘Khaddar 

..fkha'dar n.f. & ai>j low moist alluvial 
' ■'^Iand ; lowland 

tfkahar' n.m. palanquin-bearer (dial.) 

^ water-carrier scullion (/jlfkaha’ri n.f 
palanquin-bear’s wife scullion femalr 

water-carrier wages of palanquin bearer 
,(khaf' n.m. impure carbonate of potash or 

-^^soda alkaline earth ifjlfkhar’ lag' tea v i 
be impregnated with alkalies 

^khar'va n.m coarse red cotton used is 

curtain-cloth or for wrapping 
tftekha Vl adj brackish (water, well, eto ) 

^ jkha’rl n f 
(jj Ingulf 




fifkkas n.f large nei for carrying dung-cakes 
^ / '^etc. in 


n.m rhinoceros horn (used as stick 
handle, etc ) 

khak'si n.f. streaks on belly, etc: resulting 
from (frequent) childbirth 
ai n.f. skin hide bellbws b’jlljtf 

\ljfSlikhai ular’na (or kfuftep'na) v.t. skin; 

flay ; beat blue and black charge ah exorbi- 
tant rate I'*? (ap’ni) kkal' men mas’ l 

ho'r.a v.i. be content with one’s lot 
ill fkhit'la k .m. pit lowland abounding in 

r ^ stframc 

kha'ya pi'ya mkal'na v.t. beat black and 


£/j^iaha!nat n.f. soothsaying n.m. <£ [A] 

^ / strcams t£ijfa sh '& a n.“- coop ; hen-coop 

.tiikhan .n.f. (dial.) (same as^MlN.F. *) S' n.f. pannier basket with lid 

. /u... „ „ .... C I 

.ijka'hah adv. where whither whaka , 
place why ; where fore nowhere 
ka'hzft par adv. where ; at ; what place to 
\ hat degree how far Who.’ hail- lak (arch (JlA 
t^'kahaii talak'\ adv. how long ; how far 
to _ what degree ; to what extent 
(fcj&Jl/ka'hun rajah bhof ha' hah gahg'va te'li 
prov. t stars not visible by sunshine 
(j/ jt ha' hrm ram’ ram ha' haft tain' tain ph. what 
a world of difference ^s. yifka’han se adv. whence 
where from; from where ft<—<(2aS.(Jl/'ka’/(sn se 
ta'pak pa t a ph. how does (he, etc.) happen to 
be here U'ka'hah ka adv. of what place 
what type jfj (jt/ yf(jk/ha‘hah ho ka'hah na ho' 
who knows where he (etc.) may be (etc.) (s/Olf 
(t>J iJf/ka' hah ( yeh ) ktihafi (ivh) PH. what a differ- 
ence between (this and that) 

,,i /kkii'na v.t. eat sup dine eat up; 

* devour swallow consume draw in 
breath ; inhale corrode embezzle ; defal- 
cate accept bribe n.m. eating food ; 

meals supper dinner fare ; board 
feast L'ljhsjirUkka’na aur ghfirra'na v.t. be un- 
grateful Cp.liUkka'na pi'na v.t. eat and drink 
n.m. food ; meals board; fare entertain- 
ment CtCle/kha'ta pi' I a adj. well-to-do (person) 
iLsjLj VjCk/kha'na kar'na (or dt'na) v.t. give 
feast or banquet ; throw a party kha'na 

kka'na v.t. take food ; have one’s meals 
lunch sup dine l‘ll*CL/kka na kkiid’ita v.t. 

feed give food in charity to give feast 
tO 0/ W^Ukka ne ka kam'rah n.m. dining- 
room tsC^tfZL.ifjz.t/kknne kamd'ne ka thik'ra 
ph. means of livelihood child adopted to 
grow up into a bread-winner kha’ne 

ko daur'tua v.i. be surly pounce upon )[£ 
kka'oo n.m. & adj. glutton spendthrift 
defalcator jrfljL/kia 'oo ura'oo n.m. & adj. 
spendthrift jtlJ>>fjf J .tli//d^(akka''e par kha'ya 
voh ' bin gahva’ya prov. greed causes double loss 
l' U. iye man' bka'ta 

pai'hanye' jag' bkala prov. cat according to 
personal tastes dress according to public taste 
kha'ya piya ang' lag'na ph. 
assimilate food have a strong boay thus ig ltf\ 

/khafid n.f. sugar unrefined sugar 
powdered sugar 

.Mu /kkah'da n.m. double-edged sword 
/>^’(dial.) (same asifii^N.M. khan’ da 

baj’ita v.i. (of swords) clash.; (of sword fight) 

i.j./kkahs'na v.i. cough signify thus that 
one is awake or present kkaftsi n.f. 
cough \it(f^l^khansl a’na v.i. cough suffer 

from cough 

/kaha'm n.f. tale story ; fable 
(rare) plot made-up affair bjypfii/kaha'm 
jor'nav. t. make up or concoct a story 
(rare) prepare a plot cJ 'jfU kaha 1 hi kaih' na v.t. 
tell a tale [ ~ cf ] 

.* j /kaha' vat n.f. saying l w ) 


oo adj. (see under k/v.t. ■*) 

^(^hka"i n.f. ditch ; moat 

j ^khab'ba adj. left-hander 

1* J^ckub'na, ilru^kkub Jana v.t. & i. sink 
*<r ‘ penetrate stick in fascinate ; 


7- t^hkappach' n.f (diai.) splinter (of piece 
of bamboo, etc.) lean person 

• "Akapana v .t . kka' pat n.f. (see under 

bl^FOLL. -*) 

‘ / kh-ap'na v.i. be used up be consumed 

l*ir be dried up be disposed of be 
wasted pass muster (Likkapa'na v.t. St i. 
use finish abst spend waste (one’s 

life) L'ufabjan' kkep., ..a v.t. peak and pine y' 
L'l/magh'z kkapa'na v.i. undergo mental 
strain try to drive something home (to) 

^ ^ kka'pqt n.f. sale consumption 

f*kkapatli'&i n.f. splinter (of bamboo, etc.) 


tkkap'ra n.m. roofiing tile p 0 t sherd 
y/f broad-pointed arrow scale 

kkapiail' n.f. tiling tiled 

kkapraiV ctka'na v.t, tile (a roof 



Jf^khaprail' n.f. (sec under i/tfv.M. ★) 

1*1 /Lkhapram v.t. grout 

kkal'ta n.m. (S fdut'ti n.f. underground 



granary ; grain pit such store for any- 

y kkatau'ni n.f. annual land revenue record 

~ Heh'lar adj. (see under /★) 


•*^khal'M n.f. (same as *) 

J kaiti iehaih ph. (see under \aih'na if) 

fi fjf khatya'na v.t. (see under stf'if) 

] bj£khct n.f. knock tap clatter 

khat-pax n.f. vyrangle ; brawl ciash 
(of weapons) clank*^t^A:iat' se adv. at once 
with a clank ^J^kkat' kirn n.f knock- 
ing repeated raps clank fclMkha'ta pa’ti 
n.f. wrangle ; brawl clash (of weapon) ; 
clank, lj/(£.{i£khata-pa'ti ho'nav.x. wrangle 
r> n!f - (short for if) 

[ ),j lfat )i.». & pref. (short for (A^adj. if) 

n.f. clash ; clank [ono.) 

ipfkhm'ta adj, sour acid n.m. citron 
** Jjgkhat'ta tbook' adj. very touriJUfkhatas 
n.f.' acidity : sourness sag n.m. 

sorret^jf Ufc&uffiji) khax'tz mi'xha ho'na v.i. be 
tempted (UfljjJh'Jjfkhat mi'tha (or mit'tka) adj. 
sour-sweet taste 'fi&kkata'l n.f. sauce 
acidity acid t tikhata,”* mtn pax'na v.i. 

(of jewellery) be put into the acid put in 
cold storage ; be shelved l>0 J !>^i}^khnta ’ i 
men dal' raki'na v.t. put (jewellery) in acid 
for dean-sing put in cold storage ; shelve 
khax' xe mi'tke din n.m. PL. days of 
pregnancy ly; j* (or dil) khat'ih ho'na 

v.i. take offence be fed up 
(fpSkhtitrag' n.m. fuss ; ado wrangling 

../Cfkha'xakna v.t. rample offend stick 
lA** (the mind )x*@fkka'tak n.f. pain khax'ka 
n.m. scruple fear apprehension hitch in 
the mind presentiment V& K>kkat’ka log'na 
v.i. fear; have an apprehension; be appre 
hensive (of) 

,,fi±kku'takna v.i. come out of egg by cracking 
its shell [ono.] 

^ ^^t’jf khaxkhaxa'na v.t. knock ; knock at [ono. | 

^j£kkat'mal n.m. bug [~ 

pjfkkat' too n.m. & adj. bread-winner 

If N.M. Jffkkato'ti n.f. small bed 

ikJ ,khot‘ya n.f. small bed C&L&klu tt’ji ni'kalno 
v.i. die (esp. in youth) [~JslA dim,] 
/^khatik’s.M. tanner this as a caste 
tm *iT kkatik’ni n.f. female member of 

a tanner’s family tanners wife 
,j£kfaj'n& v.t. be , vexed be incensed . 

take umbrage at & kkij n.f. vexation 
nickname (yfkhija'na, CJ&gf kkifnikal'na v.t 
vex tease call names 
m /khuja'tta, I’D^khijlA'nav.T. scratch 
t tickle itch ; have the itch kh. j'h 

n.f. itch (in animals) mange (hg.) 
pruriencetO'f; khuj'li utk'na (or ho'na 

v.i. itch (fig.) have itch (to) ; have a 

temptation to beat ; be beaten, etc. (vul.) be 

j£kiajoor‘ n.f. date date-palm a 
j jT kind of sweetmeat looking like date-stone 
tfjjfkhcjoo'r i adj. of or like date well- 
plaited (hair) 

J> , £ kka'dia kkaefi' adv. closely (packed. 
Q/ l? ,or stuffed) very much (crowded) l£ 
I'y; I fakin' cha khach’ bka'ra ho'na v.u be 
overcrowded be stuffed together 

b ^khich ' w N-F- rice boiled in split pulse 
(J (F, berry flower plot mixture 
hotch-potch ; hodge-podge assortment (of) 
adj. grizzled (hair) assorted (stuff) 
t%kh.ifh'ii ptika'na v^r. mix together ; jumble 

make a mess of, 

^kkidfna, l£*kkttit£ na v.i. be drawn 
be distended be attracted be estrang- 
ed* ( Iff. HZ kj I'tfl/ khicha ja'na (or eh a’ la ana) 
v.i. be greatly attracted move fast towards 
Lfj l^kki'fha raih'na v.i. be estranged 
avoid; evade be glum skfkkicha"o, ^ 
khUi^ta'o, eZjl/f kkifha'vat Jp/g*kkificli&'vat n m 
tension pul 1 estrangement e* u*'i 

ajr^N.r. dragging; pulling: price paid for 
drawing li/f khie&oa'na, (i/? kkih&vana v.t 
cause to draw cause to pull cause to 

i * i M}j&kklidiana V.T. get en- 

graved get tatooed cause to dig 
cause to sink ( well) excavate ^[/Ykhuda' 'l, 

^Oj^kiwdva'l \ excavation carving , 
engraving tatooing digging sinking (of 
well, etc.) remuneration for any of these 
,*i Ykhadbadana v.i. simmer jkjYkkad' bad n.f 
‘' ef'e^simmer (ono. ] 
j^khari’dar s. m. homespun cotton cloth 

| .(kh.ud'ta ad), uneven n.m. comer (usu. as) 
^ \jjYxf ko'na khud'ri ph. (see under l’/ 

KM *) 

i. AWw v.i. be carved be engraved 
be tatooed be dug out be excavated 
(of well, etc.) be sunk ( - L jjS] 
k/khnd n.m. valley gorge ; chasm 
■^^ravine lj&kkad'da n.m. pit cavity 

. f kfkhiid' di n.f seat or compartment in latrine; 
privy stool ; privy seat , 

and crv make a fuss kohrdm' ma & js'ni 

v.i. (of lamentation) occur 
• n.f. stench ; offensive smell 

*/ burnt taste 

t_j j(kha'rab adj. a hundred thousand million 


I jkah-ruba (or kaih-) n.m. yellow amber 
electricity lyfkahrQbn''l n.f. electric [A - 
P ,\fkay+ i; snatcher] 

, /kbit/' pa 'n.m. hoe Dl a X'^\f}^kkJur'pa Ja'h 
safibkal'na v.i (have to) act as a grass- 
cutter J^Ykkiir'pt n.f weeding knife 

scraper ' 

Y^khJii'loi AD). straightforward out- 
YS spoken 
^ jLkka'raj n.f bass 


I LkhiiTja n.m. change , small coins {~P t>jS' 

i<wi khM'rachna v T. scrape scratch i^r 
•j/ khur'chnn n.f. (pot or milk) scrapings 

l*(r f'khudtr' rid v r pursue , chase SAP kkuder , /kbur' dui a adj. F .tfjj^kkur'du 

* Yy n.f. pursuil ^ rough uneven sht 

Yltih rys . i X koh'ta n.m fog ; mist Ij jJI/f polished (Jljj^khUr'duia pan n.m. 
^ koh'r-alood' (or alua'dah) foggy ness - unevenness 

Y k'sur n.m. cloven hoof ; hoof cough i / khar'sa n.m dry summer l 

/ sound oi coughing ,<j>Xkhur~bafi ' di n.f. par'na v.i. (of weather) be dr\ 

I Jckkurdura adj. f .tfjj^kkur' ditri) rugged 

rough uneven shaggy un- 
polished ijjXkhiir'duia pan n.m. rugged- 


/ sound of coughing tfj>/kkka>-bafi'di n.f. / par', 
shoring (of horse, etc. ) jljY kkur'-dar' adj. hoof- i/kka'n 
rd ( khnf mita'na (or kho'na) Us powd 
v.t. annihilate XiYY^ 

Y kkar'ra n.m. curry-comb draft (of is t 

letter, etc.) rough account Ip/jXkhar'ra I /XkSr'i 
kar'iu t v.r. turn , Yf 

Ykkttr'ra Mr), {r. HyrkfcUr'ri) uncovered (bed \Y /pkhai 
or cot) curt (reply) harsh surly [X • ' / ( u ' t 
hhaia adj. (I- - . y£kha'ri) genuine unalioy- jja/kkh'r 
<d pure straightforward honest valid ys baiidh 
(bargain) standard (weight) true good; heal 

right j^l/ Ckkara-pan n.m. honesty *J jp^krt'i 

frankness genuinness f^T^AAa'/o kko'ld adj. Ys 

genuine or spurious good or badcJj/ljJrX liV®' 
kka'ra khota pa' rakki) a v.t. judge people '‘s' for 

know one’s friend and foe know right from and must! 
wrong iC/tf^kka ri suna'na v.i. give a curt . /MS'/ 
reply not to mince words r/ J 

khan muzdoo’rl chokka kam prov. a good servant ^ j? kkar 
must have good wages (/lsl(£Xkh.a' ri asa'mi n.f 1 ** 

truttvorthy person one fair in his dealings ^ af > 

* /kobran.' n weeping ; wailing ; lameiita- l, / kka'ra 


i / khar'sa n.m dry summer t ^[s^khar' a. 
par'na v.i. (of weather) be dry and hot 


kali ram' nmcha'nu v i 

hue and cry fuss ; ado 
<i 'na v i bewail raise 

meiita- I , A 


i/kka'ral n;f. mortar v/jX^ a ,a ^ Par'na v.t. 
Y/ powder ; pound ; pulverise 

Y jf'Y' khUr' khan si INT. (nurs.) away with 
(s'&X this cursed cough 
^j£kkur’li n.f manger 

iX Y kkaran'ja, tfyY kharanja n.m. pavement 
*s\ (with upright breaks) 
b.Ykii&'raiid n.m, scab; cicatricelJ^’>^*'rajid 
Xs baiidh.' na v i. form a scab be about to 

^J^khn ni n.f. a kind of fruit like rawdaie 

Ykai'harv a n.m. name of a musical mode 

I/J/t f or morning a kind of lascivious danc< 
and music associated with palanquin-bearers 
. Ykhu'ri n.f. shoe (for horse) iron heel 
^I-^/Vm it] . 

, Ikhar'yi n.f chalk , a piece of chalk 
khar'ya mat'u n.f chalk . , 

, Ykharai'r a n.m. curry comb Wr^khataira 
£/ kar'na v cvrry (a horse) 

kar'na v cvrry (a horse) 

Xkha'ra adj. (F.^^i-a'ri) standing up- 
j/^right perpendicular vertical erect 
steep (of rice) not fullv cooked elongated 

(vowel) .(J&ffi&i a'ra da”oii n.m. stake laid half- I confounded v.i. look blank feel mortified 
heartedly when quitting ; last stake Cfjijpkha'ta be confounded tfJi l^Jkktsya na pan n m. 
raih'rS v.i. stand keep standing stay humiliation mortification clashment 
wait kh a'rd kar'na v.T. raise cause I being confounded C\fypil^0khisya'na ho jd'rta 

to stand set upright (vul.) make penis erect v.t. feel humiliated be mortified be 

set oh foot set up ; establish build confounded be abashed s 

institute (case) procure a fictitious person for, / kah'f n.m. catacomb ca vec>/‘-'U*l 

some purpose kka’rs kket n.m., (J* ashab-t kah'f n.m. pl. companions of the 

khja’n jas'l n.f. standing crop khel catacomb (A] 

n.m. fair dealing swift work Cyp ipfkka'ra kah'-kashdh (or kaih'-) n.f. Galaxy, 

ho'na\. I. stand stand up rise beset Milky Way [P~ ^hay-f- draw- 

up be instituted be built l^P'jk^/kka'rc ing] 

P&'rti na pi'na v.t. stay noteven for a moment^p . j, (jL kkakkar'nd v.t. scoop scrape 
di/>kka're kha'rt adv. standing all the while search out 

in or for^a short while just now soon b jff kkakker' n.f. vain or bootless labour 

lljfyxbl^kha'rr gkat dkalvs’ns v.t. get expressly yJT quarrel k&l^f^hhakher' utfia'na v.i. 

washed undergo - bootless labour 

kkara"oh n.m. sandals tUS kah’-gil (or kaih-') n f. mud plaster 

* (j'* [P~ tfK'hay-i- mud] 

f*f K b£ kkarban'rm v.i. clatter /, j# kkar'bar Lf kah'l n.m. middle-aged person [A] 

•■is’, kkar barm hat n.f. clatter ^ / / 

Hbjf kha'rakna v.t. rattle cling rustle L& kkal n.f. (same as J* khal'h x.r. itj ' 
y be knocked clash; clank Vhjf v'V s / 

kkar'ka n.m. knock foot-fall /W khMl imp. khSlfi adj. (see under 

kfrarkhara'na v.t. knock rap rattle ** . khul'na v.i. -A) ✓ 

threaten *£flpf*pkkar-kkara'kat n.f. knock (imp. jjA kki'la adj. see under Q& 

rattle clatter rustle 4/ khil' na v.i. if) 

JL kkir’ki n.f. window casement b.t/ kkilar adj. play frolicsome n.m 

r kah'f n.m. pl. companions of the 

*£> 'VTM* I u nnxi CdldLUiuu 

swift work Cy; Ipfkka'ra kah'-kashnfi (or kaih'-) n.f. Galaxy, 

stand up rise be set Milky Way [P~ ^hay-f (lizS draw- 

be built '^i^kka're ing] 

t not even for a moment^p (, fj, kkakkor'ns v.t. scoop scrape 

search out 

kkir'kf n.f. window casement 

kkaraft'ja n.m. same as n.m. -A) 

kharaftk’ adj. (of bread) very dry 

kharaifidt n.f. defect cavil 

kkaraifich' ni'kal'na v.t. (at) 
kkaraiiifhiya n.m. caviller f' 

y £ khu'sar phu'sar, <jrf? 1/ khSs pkus n.f. 

whisper; whispering 
kku’sarpku'sar (or khus' pkus) kar'na v.i. whTsper * 
khas’ra khasrah n.f. measles 

, Y £ khi’saknS v.i. slip out slink away 
draw (oneself) away slide 

khiska'nn v.t. slide draw, or move away 
steal irlakc away with spirit away 
tlfitsC^khi'sek jtlna v.i. slip away slink 
away decamp (with) 

f. J> £ kitin' na V.T. pluck tear at ctj-d’ 

khosox' n.f. tearing at snatching 

depredation , 

khisy&'na adj. (f. kkisya'ni) 

- tiimiliaffd mnrtifieH ^hashed 

fe jT± kkakhor'nd v.t. scoop scrape 
search out 

k Jfi, kkakker' n.f. vain or bootless labour 
JZT quarrel l'&l%f&hkakka' uxha'ns v.i. 

undergo" bootless labour 
gf kah’-gil (or kaih-') n.f. mud plaster 
\ (P~ oK'hay-r $ mud] 

L^f kah'l n.m. middle-aged person [A] 

kkal n.f. (same as khal'li n.f. if, 

llP kkil imp. Ihf kkttla adj. (see under ijf 

y U kkul'na v.i. ★) _ ✓ 

khil (imp. kki'la adj. see under Q& 
khil’na v.i. if) 

biij? khilar adj. play frolicsome n.m. 

Iibertive n.f. loose or wanton 
khilar'-pan n.m. playfulness (fjlk&knila'ri n.m. 

player one expert at a game sportsman 
adj. playful frolicsome funny veteran 
Urfil/'kkila'riyafi n.f. pl. pranks frolics 

,i £ khil a nd v.t. feed feast cause to 
l IM? eat cause to take (oath) l'l£ 
cams.) , 

f / khila'ra v.t. cause to bloom [ ~ C 

I'll* CAUS.] 

r... t£ kkila'na v.t. cause to play allt 

vlk* 10 pi a y (with) sport with ami 

[~ CAUS.] 

. / kaihla'na v.t. be called cause 

tiW sa y cause to reprove or rccommei 
l' I kaihalva'na v.t. if [ ~ l 'J CALS.) 

< kkila'i N.F. dry-nurse remuner 

(jl* tion for nursing feeding suppor 
maintenance J^kkila'i pHa'i n.f 
maintenance maintenance charges ( - l‘H * 
fjf kkal' ball n.f. hurly-burly ; bustle 
($• confusion commotion ; agitation 
perturbation panic khJ'bali pm 



humiliated mortified abashed 

g v.t. cause to play allow 

r (with) sport with amuse 


xa v.t. be called cause to 
cause to reprove or recommend 
'na v.t. if u/ CALS.] 

» N.F. dry-nurse remunrr.i- 
ir nursing feeding support . 


v.i. be in a state of bustle be agitated ; 
be in a commotion be grcatlv perturbed 
feel panickv OijJ^kkal' bah ffa V,T« 
throw into confusion cause a commotion 
create a panic 

"« v.i. giggle 1 

khilkkila kt hafis'rta v.t. .have a hearty 
laugh ; burst into laughter' khil N , F . 


kkil'ntt v.i. bloom bio? som ; flower 
*" be parched (of paster) crack be 

delighted become happy J* khil'lo n.f, 
jocose woman woman fond of laughing with- 
out a cause 

i*tjk bhSl'na v.t. open be uncovered 

be laid bare be cut open open out 
be unfastened (of sky) clear (of 
appetite) come back (of tongue) become loose 
be manifest ; become clear be known 
become free (with) . 
f hhilaftd'ra (f. tfjxi* khilahi'ri) adj. 

playful ; sportive fond of playing ; 
inattentive to studies [ ~ ctSl 
•. if kaihtdva'ta v.t. cause to say give 
v •Jr' a message send a recommendation 

i~ vu/y 

t.» . khilva'na v.t. cause to open or be open 
«d [ ~ Ojf] 

Vl khilvana v.t. cause to eat cause 
to take (oath) [~ 'vikf ] 

r khilva'na v.t. cause to play permit 
S' to play [ ~ r L‘i >^ ] 
t* J/D kkilau'na n.m. toy plaything 

{£ kha'li (or khal'li) n.f. ^ , khal n.f. 
” ^ oilcake 

.10 khil'H n.f, .joke; jest general 

V laughter khil'Ii ura’na v.T. ridi- 

cule I'ljiJ^kkil'li'ur'na v.i. be ridiculed Jl 
kkil'H-baz adj. jocund or jocose (person) 
M'li-ba'zi n.f. jocundity ; jocularity 
khil'Ii madi'na v.i. (of general laughter)' be 

khtdyari n.m. rick ; stack 

(arch.) post Vj liff^kham' ga'r a 
(of post) be driven (esp. for 


* L kfuimmadl’ n.f. name of a light musical 

i jh kkam'ba m.m. post pillar 

J- kham n.m. i 
I* ho'na v.jl 

khumbi n.f. mushroom 

ko'han (lit.), koh'nah adj . ancient 
U old worn out J [ kohan-sSt 

adj. old ; aged;; advanced in years ancient 
ko'han-sa'ti n.f. old age tf'jJ koh'na- 
masbq adj. experienced veteran 
kohnagi h.f. being worn-out being 


. / kaih'rta v.t. & i. (used as W say ; tell 
lyf relate speak utter assert ; 
affirm avow recommend advise 
declare versify (tff) call ; describe as 
n.m. advice order word of mouth 
(tfl IjvJcf'kaih'na kar'na (or man'na) v.i. 
carry out the instructions (of) obey, the 
orders (of) act upon the advice of kaih' 
imp. & pref. say hath' baifh'ng (or 

(huk'na) v.t. have. skid blurt out 
kaih' (or ka'he) de'na v.t. tell point out 
warn Vj’fsf'kaih' gU'zarna v.t. blurt out 
i)'foj?sfkaih‘ -mi'karm (or mik'n) n.f. lim- 
meric based on double-entendre (jh < f.kaih‘te 
haifi ph. they say it is said f kaih' tie ko 

adv. only outwardly \*Siab kaih'ne ki 

ba'teh haifi ph. there is "no” ‘substance in it 1 
ka'he de'na v.t & I. warn make manifest 
kya' kaih'na tnt. how wonderful 
(it is) / 

*.jj£ khittka‘'o n . m . same as j ffkhi£a' ’o 
kkib&na v.i. same as c5rkhi&na 
v'ff khiii(hpa'na v.t, same as Ci/fkhi^Loa'na 
'6 khib(hva"i n.f. same as % < khifh-'’* 1 
(sec under dff khiejina v.i. if) 

OjC^ v - t - tram p lc 

khanjari n.f. sanfe as ($jf n.f. ★) 

va •» 



part ; portion 
bruised rice 

kkahd’ n.m. 
j chapter [S] 
khah’da n.m. 

„ h,/ khah'dat n.f. becoming topsy-turvy 

^^(ljrt;)i;!C£,Z& khah'dat par'na (or Ao'na) 
v.i. be upset ; be topsyturvy t / 
h,/khafi‘dar n.m. (col. ph.&lj** khkdarat') 
ruins adj. ruined ; dilapidated 
. jt/kham-sat', Jl*&tta*hsnl‘ n.m. (arch) 
sugar-mill feitfftd-ra'F* adj. in- 
digenous (sugar) / 

. > / khafid'la (dial. »JU * khaft'4* «.*-• 
Dj&P slice (esp.) fish slice 





kkufid'lz n.m. cottage dilapidated 

kkttid'na, l\f&£ khiM jam v.i. scatter ; 
be scattered l' kkitidana v.T. 

scalier disperse [ ~ ) 

I*. \£ kkUfisa'nS v.i. be jealous of be cross 

* not to be on good terms with 
khkiis n.f. rancour irritation 

I* S.£ Makksr’na v.t. cough ; expectorate 
clear the throat hem ; Wmj&£ 
khahkar' n.m. spittle ; cxpecioration 
,"££ kka'vakna V.I. (of coin, glasses, etc. v.i. 

jingle <-££ kka'nak n.f. jingle 

khonha'na v.t. jungle 

khan'k\ana adj. cracked (earthenware) 

khinkkini'na v.i. (of sickly child) wail 

* y with a nasal sound 

0 QsP kkofigal'tia v.t. (of cloth or utensil) 
y,/ rinse purify thus 

kkafi'gar , *$£ kkah'gar n.m. over- 
burnt brick anything dry and hard 
dross kkati gar lag' ja'na v.i. be 

reduced to a skeleton 

gif' koh’nagt n.f., koh’nah adj. (see 
tT under ^adj. ★) 

•// koh'nl n.f. elbow koh'nl mar'na 

O y v.T. jostle signal thus 
ijf kka'va n.m. shoulder (only in PH.)*si^y» 
r kha'vt st kka'va tjgkil'na v.i. be 


. £ kkop'ra n.m. cdcoanut its dried 

kernels ; copra 

* £ kkop’ri, kkop'ri n.F. skull 

(fig) brain ; understanding 
kkop’ri kka ja'na v.i. plague ; (someone) (£?, A>/ 
(C&l) kkpop'rl (ha’takhna (or (Pa' qakna) 
cfffifckjkkop’ri gah'jl (or pil'pili) kar'na v.t.* beat 
severely ; thrash 

k j£ kkot n.f. alloy adulteration 

impurity defect deceit; in sincerity 
ViP £ j£ khox mila'na v.t. alloy U&'Jpj^kkoi 
nikal'na v.t. purify ; remove impurity (of) 

find fault (with) ; cavil (at) \?>£ kko'ta adj. (f. 

/tto'f<) base counterfeit spurious 

alloyed insincere y perfidious fraudulent 
mischievous pais ah 

fafc I bn'rt vaq'l kam' a' fa hai prov. even rejected 
dungs sometimes prove useful Cjfj kko'ta 

kka’ra dtkk'na v.i. distinguish between good and 
bad cyi^jikho'fi bat v.T. foul language 
dcceptiim VlZ^ffjfyjJkho'p kka r« suna'na v.t. 
abuse : revile ' 



od kho 

^ k> 


al’s) v 
.Jna) v 

kkoj m.M. track ; footprint sign ; 
trace search ; quest i!i &Xkkoj' pa’ ns 
v.t. find a clue (to ) khoj' khoj n.f. 

inquiry i &}&khoj' loga'na v.t. track 
trace look for a clue search (O'^) 
kkoj' lag'na (or mil'nii) v.i. be traced 
kkoj mitana v.t. obliterate all trace (of) 
kkoj' meh raih'na v.t. pick a hole in another’s 
coat be in search (for) V kkoj' nikal'na 
V.T. track ; discover the track (of) find a 
clue (to) JijXkko'ji n.m. detective in- 
quisitive person . y 

khoo'epar, *£ 3 ® kkooh' char n.m. one 

who puts spoke in another’s wheel 
khod'na v.t. dig delve uproot 
scrape carve; engrave 
kkod kkod' kar pcocpk'nn v.t. inquire scarchingiy 
^ khaur n.f. manger 

J, kkau'roo n.m. (of ox) pawing the grour. * 
digging the earth with the hoofs (ani- 
mal’s) wickedness ii'ii) v£jS^ kkau' roo kar'na (or 
la'na ) v.t. paw the ground 

kko'sa (ped. ko'snh) adj. having 
little or no beard [ ~ P corr.] 
p j£ kkoo'sat adj. very old decr-iit 
3r n.m. 

khas'na v.t. entangle stick (in) 

decrepit old man worthless 



Jl-wi. MV 


kko'kha n.m. (dial.) stall adj. blank 
(rounds) y . 

khokk'la adj. ij^S* kkokk'li) 
hollow blank (round) lacking 
substance or meaning y 

.. <£ kkaul'na v.t. boil MS* kkaula’na v.t. 
I rj^ cause to boil Zl)j£ khaufa’'o n.m. 
boiling boiling point^j) dar'jah kkaula’o 
».M. boiling point 

kkoj’na v.t. open uncover ; lay 

bare unfold untie unravel 

losen disengage disclose ; reveal dis- 

play explain ; clarify expose cut 
open ; rip open start expand 

spread out liberate ; set free unfasten 
cause to become free W'SjSkkol' kar 

kaih'ta (or bata'na) v.t. "speak out eluci- 

kko’na v.t. lose waste squander 

not to be attentive ;. be thinking of 
something else at the moment L &?.j£kk/i 
baifk'na v.t. lose fail to retain b 


deprived of t Ifj^kho' ja'na .v.i, be lost be 
absorbed in deep thought Ojt^kho' dtna v.t. 

lose waste l^v l fjflj* kho'ya kho'ya sd 
raih'na v.t. be absorbed in some other thoughts 
not to be attentive kar sikk'na 

v.t. learn through loss learn from ex- 

Jy £ khooiit n.m. comer direction 

' y lis'jf'ljjjlrchaion khooiit adv. on all the 
four sides 

khootit a n.m. peg (animal's) 

tether-pin tent-pin (fig-) protec-- 
tion : support <Z.**kkoofi'te se bavdk'na 

v.t. tie-(animal) (fig.) keep (someone) 
under control Q •j^^-2£.j*khooh'te se bandh'na 
v.i. (of animal) be tied come under 
control VsJi%<££Cj#kiu)oli'u ke bal kopd’na v.t. 
presume on (someone) protection tfr khootiti 
n.f. peg central pin (of hand-mill) 
knob (of guitar) hair root (tJ&frtXkhootiti 
nikalvd’na v.T. have a close shave 
Z jf kkoii(h n.f. \f ji0khatitha n.m. rent in 
& * cloth ; rent (" tfijj ana (or 

lag'na ) v.i. (of cloth) be rent 
i > £ kknuh'Aa k.m. six-and-a-half times 
Vf. (table) 

Hunk’ Aar k.m. (same as yya n.m. ★) 


/• * i khoofid’m v.t. work with feet 

tram P ic *8 ' 

X khah N.F. cave ; cavern »j*Jjicpahar' k% 
khoh m.f. cave in the hillside 
pp kha"l n.f. cane after extraction of 
juice ; sugar-cane refuse 
I kho'ya n.m. condensed milk ; aoj. (from 
- , l‘j* v.t. *) f 

, £ kkivay’ya, A (Jjgf khi'oan-har' n.m. 

rower boatman. (fig.) guide 

[- rl £ 

kkavay'yd n.m. glutton (~ •> ] 


/ khip n.f. trip with load or passenger 
«^Sr ass load of cargo load or passenger 
as carried once V/f^ufkktp' bhafna v.t. load 
^ kit/ n.m. field land crop 

expanse field of battle massacre 

shining or spread of moonlight khet’ 

par' na v.t. be massacred (of blood bath) 

be given Hut' jot’na v.t. till a field 

l jj kbit' raih'na v.t. be slain on the battle- 

field lyl/iSofkiet kat'rm v.t. harvest a crop 
VjT Z+^khrt kar'na v.t. (of moonlight) shine 

v.t. till a field well 


i.f. udder this as food 

l' if o^khel' kamatia 

work hard on uVj^^lc^f’ khel' hath.' ho'na v.i 
win succeed be victorious khe'lt 

n.f. crop (usu. (fjj'i^fCkhe'tiba'ri ) farm- 
ing ; husbandry kke'li ba’ri kar nd 

v.t. till ; cultivate khi' 11 khas'm se'li 

prov. he who ploughs himself reaps a good 
harvest self-done is best done you stand 
to lose when you leave work to others 
l £ kk/da n.m. pit for catching elephants ; 
elephant trap 

£ kfar n.f. rice pudding CUjf (*») 

khir dal' yd ho ja'na v.i. suffer a reverse of 

khi'ra n.m. cucumber , 

^j^kki'ri N. 

\j,j£kdu'ra n.m. village ; hamlet ^ kke'ri n.f, 
/fT small village membrane enveloping 
foetus, a kind of steel 
^Upkkss’ n.m. twilled bedcover with patterns : 

r A0khis n.f. first milk after calving . 
molar (used only 

khis (c>r khi’seh) nikal'ns (or nipir'na) v.t. grin 
tuf khi'ss n.m. message glove used in bath ; 

A X khi’ khi n.f. suppressed silly laughter 
0 U V’J'i khi khi kar’na v.T. laugh in a 
silly^manner > v 

kbit n.f. parched inflated rice 
l-tfs khil tok ur kar mukh meh Ha ja'na ph. 
get nothing to eat 

• fkhel’na v.i. play frish ; gambol ; 
M; frolic fondle copabit /(of obsessed 

(person) move head violent n.m. 

game sport frolic play drama ; 
show entertainment pastime child play; 

easy affair skill l-j!^J^khel' li’gar'na v.t. 
spoil someones game CiffcHul' bi’gar’na v.i. 
(of someone’s game) be spoilt Hid tfcr Hul bana'na 
v.t. regard as a joke,, ridicule get 
something done (for) t> Jrkhtl' ja'na v.t. play 
out one’s part par kful ja’na, V.t. 

die lay down one’s life for Codf^fkhil' 
sa'majhna v.i. regard as child’s play cf(£?HuL’ 
kar’na .v.t. sport play-put on a show 
j/'Jfkelh' kood n.m. ^skipping and jump- 
ing frolic sqmeones 0 IsiJ ufjhkft. 

khtl' koUmtU vaq’t (or sa'ra din) gU'tar'najp/jf 
khil khila'na v.t. cause to put up a show 


kkel' Hul’vn V.T. play sport treat as 
joke 1 'jjf&y'sar’ se kjul'aa v.I. (of obsessed 
person) move (head) violently do an act of 
great courage fjf-ba&dioh-k s kkel' n.m 

child's play 

./ka’hih adv. somewhere anywhere 
perhaps ; perchance lest 

ever « little would that 

ka’hili se adv. from anywhere Jtf 

ka'hih ka adv. of anywhere n.m. (col.) 

fellow ; bloke c/j 2 V'jO’ ka’hih ka na rakk'na 
v.t; render useless make worthless spoil 
the future (of) tXfj ^ fetf ka'hiit ka na raih'va 
v.i. be hemiliated have one’s future turned 


• ' vm. a lututv siuovu .i 

iff (/7 ka'hih ka'hlh_ADv. here and there M 
ka'hih na ka’hih adv, somewhere or. other 

ka’hih mur'de bki zih'dah 
ho'te hath prov. can the dry bones live < 
'^r~(ff(J>ZS ka' kih hafiu'ti par bhi sar'soh jam'li 
hai prov. Rome was not built in a day 
| •^kfu'na v.t. row ; paddle (boat) 

kktftcfi'na (or khifidi'na) v.t. pull 
?** drag draw (thing, line, picture, etc.) 

elongate distil suck up draw out 

heave (a sigh) suffer (trouble etc.) 
give (oneself airs) fr'lffkhih'eks la'ni n.f. 
tension ^stress and strain struggle ; conten- 
tion l£lr Akrt'sJa ta'tu kar'na v.t. struggle:, 
contend gfkkthch (or khstiih) n.f. pull tfL'g? 
kkehtb! 12 n n.f. struggle tension 

khehdt' tan'kf adv, with difficulty ; with j great 
effort Ujgiklutdi' dt'na v.t. pull draw 
scribble &ifgfkheh&' dal'na v.t. scribble (few. 
lines, etc.) write or. compose quickly l'y£T 
kfuhtfi' la'na v.t. draw; bring round ‘ pt P* 
kkefieh le'na v.t, to pull or draw out ; to extract ; 
to extort 

khe'va n.m. .ferry money ferry 

passengers in a ferry 

/y 4 

•'« crossing a river 
boat [~ ] 

t'm n.f. 

share of revenue 

Jf£ record of revenue share land mutation 
record JjiXj/klu'vaydar n.m. holder of a vil- 
lage share holder kitatau'm n.f. 
land mutation record 

j[\^kke'van-har' n.m. (Same as i^kkivay'ya 

{£jpkhe"i n.f. dry bush used in a hedge 

^ a ” 1 APJ- man y several <—/f{/'ka"l ek 
V AOt; a few ; some (Jyi ka" i 

bar (or daf'ah or mar'tahah) adv. several 
times ; many times ; many a lime ; often re- 
peatedly again and again ; time and again 
rfS ka'% 'JL/ hoys' m adj. (see under r a£- ★ 
w kai n.m.) 

kai adj. how many 

X kai adv. when [P] 

ff kai n.m. (pl. (jkf kaysh) of ancient 
Persian emperors royal if al^sha'n-t 
ka"i n.f. royal glory [P] 

, / kys pron. what particle (sign of the in- 
terrogative has no English equivalent) ( 
dZ- if kya' a’V kys dta'le ph. going soon 
kys' bat ’ hai ph. what is the matter well- 
done it goes without saying ; there is no 
doubt anout it ftfj, [/(fj,\Skya' pid'di kya' 
pid'di ka shor'ba prov. .the” iraiter -is not worth 
taking notice of V/ft b if kya' ja'ti dun'ya 

de’khi hai ph. is the change in your (cte.) atti- 
tude brought about by a thought of death yftf 
((^)>) kys' kha'bar (or maHoom') ph. who knows 
(CflJ L 7 rfl/'kya' khoob' (or kaih'na) int. beauti- 
ful ; wonderful ; well done i ‘fv lX>£j /kya ' 
dka’rs (or rak'k a) Ini va. thefc is nothing (in it) 
now qiya’mat hai ph. how terri- 

ble ; how awful ^-(l//kya' kaih'na (hai) int. 
wonderful excellent (f** If kya! ma"na ph. 
why. how / kya’ yad' ka'nge Int. 

you will remember me (etc.) for a long time 
after today 

jf ki'ya P.T. (~ty v.t. ★ n.m.) doing 
Z deed t/>» / kiya dka'ra n.m. doing lt/t/ 
ki'ya kara’ya adj. & n:m. (work) already” done 
ilap'na ki'ya pa’nd v.i. reap what one 


Vi n.f, flowerbed part of tilled 

yS^jbiya' sat n.f. sagacity (A) 

£jjkaib'ina} N.P. Cabinet [E) 

name of a fragrant plant 

^/ket'li n.f. kettle [E] 

Smjkai'tholik n.m. & adj. (alto 
^•vj^ro'man kai'tholik) Roman Catholic £B] 
£jkit n.f. hookah sediment oil dregs 
»♦ found in lamp y 

U/K’&ar (dial. & ki&) M .p. dirt; 
l-V* muc l ; mire ; slime watery discharge 



collecting in eye comers U^l*^ki'^ax *'na 
v.t. fling or throw mud (on) indulge in 
ntud-slingingl‘ta!Lz ( j/''ljjfJfyiJjf^ i ‘& a r ki kauri 
daftloh se vthaita PH. be very niggardly 
. .J kecfi'va n.m. earthworm intestinal 
'■%S~ worm 

kaid n.m. (lit.) stratagem fraud [A] 
f ktr n .M. penis [P] 

yZ t 

kai'ra adj. & n.m. blue-eyed (man)ifZ 
^ kai'ri adj. blue (eye) blue eyed n.f. 
blue-eyed woman j 

4/“'" n.f. unripe mango 

. y ,jki'ra n.m. insect worm maggot 

(re re) snake icTki'rz log’nd v.r. be 
worm-eaten JiXiyXkt’rs makau'ra n.m. (usu. pl.) 
any insect L-t/^ski' rt par'nd v.t. rot (fig.) 
go to ki're dal'nd v.t. & i. 

pick holes (in) depreciate 

ikj'ki ri n.f. ant leech 

1 -jfkts n.m. (dial.) long hair on head (as 
C/»*\,wom by Sikhs) 
r -jS kes n.m. case [E] 

kai’sa ADJ. (f. (fZ kai'sl) how; in 

" what manner what sort of ; what type 
of d^Uf^Ljiyfkai'sa zamanah a' gaya hat ph. 
how awful are the times / 

tfkt'sar n.m. saffron tfyZkes'ri adj. saffron- 
coloured n.m. (dial.) lion 
jf'ktsah n.m. (lit.) pocket bag y,^Z 
~ H'sa-bgr n.m. (lit.) pick-pocket [A] 

^pjiesh n.m. faith" way of life [P] 

~Zkaiih n.m. cash i^di/Zkoish'~bgk n.f. cash 

book [E] 

n.m. intoxication exhilaration 
•» rapture ; ecstasy X) ^/kai'f-o-kam n.m. 
quality and quantity particulars kaifi 
n.m. drunkard ; boozer adj. tipsy {jij&fkaif- 
din n.m. (rare) drug casket 
‘Z’kai'far N.M. punishment (for evil) jb/fX 
kai'far-e kirdar' n.m. recompence for one’s 
evil deeds tg'/jbfe'kai'far-e kirdar' ko pahuft&'nz 
v.t. suffer for one’s evil deeds [P] 

~±(kaifiy'yat n.f. state ; condition 
situation particulars remarks 
schedule news details facts iof) 


exhilciation rapture ; ecstasy [A* 

im j$kek n.m. cake [E] 


Jjtki'kar n.m. acacia XXfki'kar kn go fid n.m 

'** gum arabic 
& kek'ra n.m. crab 

if kil n.f. nail spike boss gold pin 

I (A* for nose pimple core of boil liVcJc £/' 
kaft'ta n.m. equipment ; accoutrements**.^. 

(C kafi'te se durus't (or lots’) ad; &. 
adv. well-equipped ; well-accoutred C±f kil ' n .- 
v.t.' nail exorcise thus prevent snake 
from by biting by playing ‘been’ incapacitate 
by breathing a spell (over) 

^Z kt'ls jX peg fang (dial.) 
" acre n.f. peg pivot ; axis 

it) kt'la n.m. banana ; plaintam 

jjyjkaitan 'dar n.m. calendar [E] 

1 ) ki'lo pref. thousand ; kilo < fijOZktlo-garam 
A- n.m. kilogramme X&rki'lo-mi'tar n.m. 
kilometre [E] 

^j^Jhaihos' n.m. chile [A- G] 

It n.f. (see under df ★) 
n.m. shagreen [P] 

, jZkainira, eyZkaim'rak n.m. camera [E) 

Jkaimis'tari n.f. chemistry [E] 

kai'mlkal adj. chemical (E] 

^j^Zkaimoos' n.m. chyme [A~G] 

Jfd’miya n.f. chemistry (old use ; now 
rare) alchemy iVjyXki'miya banana v.t. 
alchemize turn baser metals into gold 
make easy money ^DUC^Afmiya-rfan n.m. che- 
mist fibbX ki'miya-dd'ni n.f. knowledge of 
chemistry JbZ kXmiyd-gar n.m. alchemist 
deceiver Z/kXmi-ya gari n.f. alchemy [A~G] 
^jZ> t»a N.M. (same as yZ *»•«• ★) 

pZkefKk'li n.f. slough (of snake) (fig.)- 
dress OjsJZ"ket& ti ba'dalna v.t. slough 
(fig.) change clothes I'/yfli * kefufa'll djher nd v.t 
cast off the (old) slough 



n.m. name of the letter s 
n.f. (same asJ^KN.F. if) 



/ gagar n.f. mettallic pitcher 

1 1 # gal N.m. cheek Utfjttgal' baja'na v.i. 
0 " boast ; brag talk nonsense 

pi'chakna v.i. have sunken cheeks 
1>bz<Jfj(.dtgal' par gal charh'na, iydjfgal 
bhar'na v.i. have chubby cheeks i‘^Jfgal 
pkila'na v.i. sulk Is’tf'Jlfgal' kat'na v.t.~ bite 
cheek* in kissing cause loss 
ga’loh met dta’sal bhar'na ph. mince words 
it it g&'fo N.m. ball (of corded cotton) 
(snow) flake 

i |^* ga'ti n.f. swear word ; abuse 

0 * abusive language 
ga'li (or ga't\yah) bak'ns (or de'tta or "suna'na) 
v.T. swear at ; abuse revile call (some- 
one) names | (or gaWyafiy kha'na 
v.i. be abused .k jfJ ffga'li galoefi n.f. mutual 
abuse ; brawl I’fffsjjgtfga'liyofi par u'tar a' ns 
v.i. descend tQ the level of using abusive langu- 
age l\S(jk/fk) J jlgJ.(f<jAtf'galiyoh A* baufhhar' 
(or tt amir') kar'na v.i. hurl abuses (at) 

Jr gam -n.m. pace (of horse) (lit.) foot 

1 If f gam' -zan adj. moving ; treading 

Vjf jytfgam'~zan ho' net v.i. start ; commence 

(fig.) move (on the path of) [P] 
fat SUF; befitting -ly [P] 

if 2 

v.i. sing chant (fig-1 sing 

the praises (of) n.m. song singing 

vocal music t*|^ L'fga'na baja'na N.M. singing 
and playing music song and music ; vocal 
and instrumental music this as one’s profes- 
sion l a life of luxury f7 fga’te 

ga'te keiat’it hoja'na v.i. become an expert with 
long practice 

gatjk'ha v t. tic knot fasten 
stitdh cobble repair bring 
round ; bring over to one’s side plot Jeff 
ft. n.f. knot hardened gland bulbous 
root piece (of) misunderstanding fill-feel 
ings bundle (arch.) pocket(££ltyJj&!*l' t g?'t 
ga/tfM. bmM'na (or dt'na or laga'na) v.T. tie a 
knot do so to bear in mind join together 
& fgahfi par’ as v j. be knotted (fig. ) 

have ill-feelings Cty^-jfjfgaiith. se ja'na v.i. in-? 
cure a loss ; lose money (on a transaction, etc. ) 
'jj t'ji f&Stfk ka poo'ra ADJ , & n.m. (person) not 

allowing a penny to slip out of his hands 
b^lf&tfbeiloVP'aq’l ka atidha gafith.' kapoo'ra 
ADJ. & n.m. silly rich (person) 
gafith ka pai'sah bhi kam a'la hai prov. . the penny 
in the pocket is the best companion (Cjfijk'tfjftf 
gafith. kat'na (or k a lama) v.T. pick (someone’s) 
pocket bj&Zf'tkafnh khol’na v.t. untie a knot 
remove ill-feelings iSP^Jftfgafiik. goth* la adj 
having many knots c£/(j*js : tf'ga1itk men rakh'na 
V.t. pocket 

gijreh men kan'ri tia'hift bah'ke-poor ki sair', 
(J^pPfgantk na mut'thi phar phara'R 
SttM prov. building castles in the air silly 
brag iP/Pf'ganth. le’na v.t. bring over to one’s 
side ; make friends (with) 

gafi’ja n.m. smoking hemp 

» »,/' gah'dki {fxtgatidh* 

n.m. perfumer 

> P 1 

^ gafid Zdlfgahr n:f. (vul.) anus bum 
bottom jti'fgdh’doo. n.m. & adj. (vul.) 
catamite ; bum boy (fig.) coward 
' 8**4 N,M - g u *^ e [EJ 

gtf'ik n.m. singer male ; virtuoso J K" 
ga”iki N.F. art of singing music 
, a"»« n.f. female singer 
gati'o n.m. (arch, for if) 

$ fgi 


m gah, / jdA n.f. time occasion 
$ 0 place adv. sometimes suf. place of ; centre 
tt< ttgoh' ba-gah' adv. occasionally ofolfgak, 
gah,^fa^~fga'he ga'he adv. occasionally 

not very often ; rarely once in a blue 
moon [P] 

ga'hak n.m. customer ga'haki n.f. 
sale custom 
gsA'na V.t. thresh ; thrash 

gfihi kdv (see under et n.f. if) 

s ga”o n.m. cow cx bull prep. 
JP V large tflfSfga’a a' ban n.m. ploughshare 
J'P'ft 8$'° lak'yah n.m. bolster large 
pillow ftSf&a "o fhash’m adj. (drrog.) large- 
eyed ytjfga”o-kha'nah n.m. coW-shed £09 
ga"o-khurd * Apj. destroyed l * If % >PSfga ' ’»• 
khUrd ho ja'na v.i, be lost *ltgjtfga”Q-pidihar 
n.m, name of. a wrestling triclt j'j$tf ) ga' , o dim 
adj. tapering conical n.m. bugle 
ga"o-dum ho'na v.i, taper ty-ef/gii" o-didah n.m. 
(dial.) oval 'bread fjLjSfga'Q-zabari n.f. 


primula : oxlip (dial.) fried bun yjj 'tfga’v-e 
zantin n.m. legendary bull on whose horns the 
earth rests tfjjj iff ga'o-zo'ri n.f. (usu. pl.) 
wrestling tfga 'o-zo'riyafi kar’na v.i. 

wrestle to assert one’s strength y / )tfga"o-Mr 
n.m. gum-resin (fjIpjttga'o-shuma’Ti n.f. cattle 
census cattle cess t-4s$fga'v-t Jalak’ n.m. 
(fig.) Taurus (f 3 '/i?ga''o-kUshi n.f. cow-slaughter 
jJ^^ga'o-mesh’ n.m. buffalo [P] 

'ij'ga'odi N.M. fool simpleton 


^ gabroon’ n.m. a kind of coarse cloth 

<$M 1 ' 

jitf' g5 0h ^ arch ' ^Sah”o or Ojtf'gZn'oti) 
V 3 p N.M;. (pl. same or jjtf gan'oii) village ; 
hamlet ghar na 

jaii’ gal meft khe'li ph. be a very poor person 
< y ga'en.r. (pl. (jftf ga'eh dative pl. 

OJJf' Sa'yop) cow kar’m v.t. 

slaughter “a cow 

ko afi’nr sifig bha’ri nakifi ho' It prov. one’s own 
burden feels light 

1%/*$ gayal’n n.f. (dial.) name of sacred 
Os~y prayer- verse from the Vedas 
gnb’da adj. plump : fleshy 

f gab’r n.m. fire-worshipper ; Zoroastrian; 
/I Magus ‘giaour’ [P] 

, f gob'roo, gabk'roo N.M. youth ADJ. 

•VV well-built (youth) 

A J 

^/gapn.T, Chat tattle gossip 
V false report ^gap'-ba'# n.f. c hat 
... 8 -'P ^Y rga P'- (,p "* F : * chit chat 

/ report VS^^gap'.Mapkar'm 
bUli^tijbjUygap mar'na (or hafik'na or ura'na) 
v.t. tattle eossip brag give currency 
false report (jfgop'pi n.m. & adj, . idle talker 
prather liar 

Jf gUp't adj. (dial.) hidden invisible 
v ^ secretly; privately jl^gup’t mT ’ 
n.f. invisible hurts gup l mal' n.m. hid- 

den wealth gup'n n.f. swordstick [S] 

gi P‘ & U P AD J- quiet n.f.. silence 
vr easily soluble (sweet meat) 

Zurb? g f L '* a '' Aauth N - F - confusion ; con- 
fused state underhand dealings 
ly g*'Pte n.f. (dial.) cave t# oCta? gu'/fa 
mrf > baitk'na v.i. lead a hermit’s life 

dung-worn dung- 

^ gubri'la n.m 

gab'b'ka'N.u. (dial.) Chitral carpet with 
^patched patterns 


^ gU'pha N.M. 

% gold thread 


tassel skein of silk or 
bunch (of flowers) 


gap' pi adj. & n.m. (see under *r/ '”'*•+) 
plight ; predicament 

yf gat N.f. 



severe beating brow- 
beating gait made of dancing tune ; 
air f tf 1 . c/ gat’ baja'na v.t. play a tune ; play 
an aiT(l’ J flj(tg t y'gat' banana (or kar'n^j, v.t. 
beat severely ; give a sound ^beating. bear 
down; browbeat <CzL‘ t )^c/ qat’ bhar'na (or 
nacft'na) v.i. dsface to music ; dance in a parti- 
cular mode yiy gat' ka adj. good service- 
able (ts.yi’jpi^/gal' ho'na (or ban'na) v.i. be 
given a sound beating be browbeaten 
gat'ta n.m. cardboard 

Ujf'' fa* gad’to n.m. foil (for fenc- 
ing) blunt wooden sword (rare) 

gdtk'na V.T. contend ; fall to be 
^ plaited be closely knit L 'jJtSfergiU'- 
tham gul'tha ho'na v.t. . contend physically 
fall to each other jiy gutk'vait adj. plaited 

•y git’thi n.f. tangle complication 
O L'JZ (fl-.g&t’tfu pdr'na v.t. be tangled 

b'L^illtybjJ^ gut' thi (or gUtthiyah) sSljk&’na 
v.t. solve sy problem disentangle (some- 

thing) ty-^y gut’ thi su'lojhna v.t. (of pro- 
blem) be solved 

g a t'i a **•**• corn (on skin) stopper 
knOe-joint ankle-joint part of 
hookah pipe fitting into container a kind of 
crisp sweetmeat L» (f gat'ta sa adj. wee-bit 
gat' ft par’na v.i. have corns 
ff gBt't a ADJ. dwarfish n.m. (also Cfjfgol' 
gut’ta) marble; pebble tJyp£ ( J/j(gol') 
gut'y khel'na v.i. (of child) play with pebbles 
jf yf' g a t' fiat adj. mixed up adv. wrestling 
tv, j°S osiI y or in a friendly manner 
l>tfS!&:&gat' pflt hoja'na v.i. come to grips 
be mixed up 

Pj > f P*t N-F * (joe. or derog.) speaking 
English iStis^gn' pit kar'na v.r 
(joc. or derog.) speak English (ono.) 
yj gtfka N.M. (dial.) small book ; pocket 
edition small ball magic ball 
chessman draughtsman betelnut and catcher 
mixture chawed implace of betel-leaves 
iC & Js*ka* N-F^undulating voice in sing- 
' 3 \ J , ' n 8 ^ (fJ* git' kart Wna v.r. cause 
one’s voice to tmdulase 


greatly (valued) ^ y (S v * gira'mhqad'r adj. 

venerable <s'foy rwtn’j-r gira'mi' int. how do 
you do ; how are you [P] 

/girafi' adj. dear ; costly ; expensive: 
(J'-S heavy undesirable; unbearable jO\j 
girah'-bar’ adj. ^ heavily ; burdened laden 
with fruit ij'girah’-baha' adj. costly; pre- 
cious jin' s~t girah-baha' n.m. precious 

stuff ijl/girafi'-kha'tir ADJ. sad ; dejected 

unbearable j'Ji/girah'-sar, ji^ssar-girah' 
adj. proud ; haughty gir ah' -fi rash’ adj. 

one who sells dear ; one who sells at higher 
rates (US ( l)L'jf(Jij'(£lP ar ) giran' gu'zarna (or 
ho'na) V:i.- be unpalatable (to) be unbear- 
able (for) ^(JljTgirah'-ma'yak adj. of great 
value ; valuable LjfJl/girati ho'na v. to rise in 
price ; to become more costly 'tflfgira'ni n.f. 

dearness rise in price price spiral 
dearth ; scarcity heaviness indigestion 

being unpalatable ; being unbearable tyjy 

rrtir* u r« ( ommt pav •• s* - a . \ 

gar'jn adj. cracked (pearl) 

giir'fl n.m. a small species of dog 

/gar'Ji s.r. dust insignificant tiling 
V gar' d-alood\ tJ jTiJ'gar'd-aloo'dah adj. 

covered with dust ; dusty UiSl jSgard' flra'wa 
v.t. raise dust ruin L'jfjjtgard Br’na v.i. 

to (of dust) fly about be ruined Ugjjf 
gard' baith'na v.i. (of dust) settle down 
gard' jfar'na v.t. dust (c£~*igr.kj fj/ gard’ 

ko no, pa' ha (or pahiihch' sah'na) v.i. be unable 
to equal ( gard' ho'na v.i. come to nought 

/ gir'd adv. about round about near 

in the environs (of) j ’ffjfgir'da gird 
adv. all round (a place) j^i gird-a'var n.m. 
land revenue inspector iPj/fjJgird-a'vari adj. 
touring (inspector) n. f. tliis office such 

official’s rounds inspection tour gird' -bad 

n.f. whirlwind U»jJ'gird' 'gkUm' nm n.m. 

sar'-eira'ni n.f. (see under^sar n.m. if) tramp sycophant ^y-ifj/gir'd-o-perU adv. on 

I*. Tgira'na v.t.' drop let fall fell all sides ; all round n.m. cnvironstSjil^^i^f’ 
shed (leaves, etc.) let flow raze to the gir' d-o-pesW ke halat' n.m. pl. conditions obtain- 

ground lower rank, status, (price, etc.U ing somewhere/;/ n.m. vicinity; 

ground lower rank, status, (price, ctc.)l‘!/i>C 
qi'mit gira’na v.t. devaluate; devalue 
giro' dena v.t. drop- let fall raze [ — Us 
oads.J „ 

i, Ifgira'vat n.F.,jl/gira''a adj. pjgira'o'o 
y adj. & adv. (see under uf v .t. ★) 
^jjgiraht n.f. grant-in-aid ;• grant [E] 

Lb I tfgiraiidiLKDJ. hefty ; husky huge 

r+ d,’\ 

bSt fgata'ubd n.f. ground [E} 


*. fgii r’bUz adj . fraudulent person (fjfjgiir'ba’o 
n.f. fraudulence [P] 

fgUr'bah n.f. (lit.) cat JjIJjj , gur'bah 
kash' tan ro'z-e av’val trov, as you train so 
you will bring up Jgur'ba-e miskin' 

n.m. (fig.) meek but wicked person [P] 

^^gar'bh n.m. (dial.) pregnancy [SJ 

* fga'raj n.f. thunder roar C^/ga'rajna 
(ids v.i. thunder roar (also Qj Sfcf 
ga'raj kar bol'rm) v.i. thunder at speak 
with a stentorian, voice ga'rajte 

haih so ba' taste na'hlh prov, barking dogs seldom- 

gir'd-o-pesh' ke halat ' n.m. pl. conditions obtain- 
ing somewhere frlJji/gir'd-o-Haiah' n.m. vicinity; 
environs adj, near round about Ijjfgir'd 
ho'na v.t. surround begin to pester [P] 
fgtr'd n.m. (pl. Jbfgir'dafi) (lit.) brave 
9s fighter 

gar' da n.m. dust [~P] 

/ fgird-ab' n.m. whirlpool ; eddy ; vortex 
^by\?~ j/+«r7) 

jgar'dan n.f. paradigm conjugation 

U)hs frSi-l'jfgardm' kar'na v.t . conjugation 

ufgir'ja n.m. church (Pg.) 

jgar’dan n.f. paradigm conjugation 

tfhs i-j'^jfgardan' kar'na v.t . conjugation 

repeat adnanscam’ [P~ci>>>/] # * 

rgardsh adj. & suf. turning ; revolving jljJ 
garda'ni suf. turning ; revolving [P doublet 

of PREC.} 

^j^^gardo! nok n.f. mortice [P-eU^A/turn] 
fgardan'ra v.t. consider; regard [ ~ P 


{garda'ni w.f. double turn of Stole in prayer 
ijrs by women [ ~ Pci^/i^turn] 

~, 3 fg ar 'dishti.v. rotation revolution 

U* stroll, misfortune vicissitudes of for- 
tune jiS'uf’ifgar'dish-e ssman', ('iifrifbar'dijh't, 
ayyam' n.f. (fig.) vicissitudes of fortune 
gar' dish tar' na v.i. rotate ; revolve ; turn round 
Uu/hf^fgar'dish meh art a V.I. be unlucky; be 
unfortunate ; fall on evil days [P ~ 


^j^fgircT-gsti n.m. (lit.) walnut {PJ 

fgar'dan n.f. neck (fyl (, 

(/V gar’ dan Sra'na (or kst'na. or marina) v.t. 
behead ; slay I'jfjTJ^&rJgar'dan par bojk .' ho'na 
v. i. be pressed down, by (an obligation or sense 
of siri)tX If; S (jjJ'gar' dan par jao”a rakk'na 
v.t. St (. ^entrust with or accept heavy res- 
ponsibility marry ; make or become a family 
man come or put under the yoke of J. ^3/ 
I'yf gar' dan par khoan' ho'na v.i. be guilty of 
murder f y'-S&j/gar'dan par saoar' ho'na v.i. 

pester urge for redemption of debt 
gar' dan phahsa'na v.t. & 1. entrust with or 

accept responsibility make or become a 
surety jeopardise i/gar' dan pher’na v.t. 

& 1. disobey CHjftf-if gar' dan jhxtkana v.t. 

(bow one’s) head shame etc.) feel asham- 
ed submit make a bow 'JjStfj/gar'dan- 
za'danl adj. deserving to be beheaded l jCufe-tf/ 
gar' dan se joo" a iiar'na v.t. throw off the yoke 
(of) il (fa’S&'Vfajfgar'dan ka man'ka dka'lakna 
v.i. be about to die gar' dan-far az! adj. 

exalted haughty (ff^j/gar'dan kat'na v.t. 
be beheaded be ruined I’Jj/tf’Jgar'dan maror'na 
v. r. throttle ; strangle ; strangulate l^L'jr/gar'dan 
uap’iiav.T. deal sternly with take (some- 
one) by the scuff of L'lfl^tfjJgar'dan na atka'na 
v.i. not hold one’s head high CfyJtJgar'd'an 
hilana v.t. nod shake the head 
gar'dan htl'ne lag'n a v.i. become old l',fgar'dana 
n.m. thick neck blow on the neck 
gar'danah n.m. ridge jfzjgar'dard n.f. horse- 
cloth blow on the neck as a wrestling trick 
& * ]$>fgar'dan% dt'na v.t take (someone) by 
the scruff of the neck [P] 
q 1 • fgirdo'a'rah n.m. Sikh temple ( — S 

. .(gar'dooft n it. sky ; firmament ; the heavens 

O&I r-diJ] 

fgur'dah n.m. kidney fW<z4fJtdii gur'de ka 
kam' ph. something requiring great courage 

ro, * 

^Tgir'dah n.m. circumference 

fgar'dak N.M. painters’ powder sketch 


•par's N.M. mace^sj/gurz-bar-dar' n.m. 
J S macebearer jJ^yiaMr’z-shi'kan-gurz n.m. 
mountain-splitting mace [Pj 
^jJgat'K N.M. & ADJ. gross [E] 

^yjg&r'sal n .f. a kind of small bird ; passerine 

• fgHr'sanah, (or guras'r.ah) adj. hungry 
/m ^r avid (//gur’sanagt, gS*as’nagi n.f. hunger 
avidity [P] 

— 4 fs iTi f l n.f. grasp hold possession 
4 -'Vr objection I'/c^fgirif't kar'na v.t. find 
fault (with) L'T<sZ'Zj/girif't mrii v.t. be 
caught ; he nabbed become actionable under 
law IP -^ 7 ] 

i“*fgiTifta T ' adj. held seized ; arrested 
J\£r captive prisoner involved entang- 
led captivated v/jV>J'giriftar' kar'na v.T. 
arrest ; apprehend : nab take prisoner 
jail ; gaol Vjfj dJ girifi ari ho'na v.t. arrest 
take prisoner fall in love with ifj&Jgirifta'ri 
n,f. arrest ; apprehension imprisonment 
girif'tagi n.f. & suf.^ dejection /y^ffrdil- 
girif'tagi n.f. dejection $} girif'lah adj. & affix. 

afflicted sad ; dejected /irZi/girifta- 
khatir,ziJi)>dil-girif'iah adj. afflicted in mind ; 
sad ^ dejected [P ~ 

f/gUrg N.M. wolf ‘ia.j^ijiiJ/gur'g-e ba'roft 
J/ -di'dah, fjf fj giir'g-c kohan' experienced 
person shrewd person^ J/gurg'-bafid.ij <JJS 
gUrg'-za'dah n.m. wolf’s cub [P] 
jofeur'ga n.m. informer ; common informer 

1 / scullion underling adj. very naughty 

[~P 7 /corr.] 

.J/fgUrgabi n.f. ladies’ laceless shoe; sandal (PJ 

kfjgir'gat n.m. chameleon iij.,AjZ,/>/d// 
l ^*Cr gif' gat ki tar'A raftg' ba'dalna ph. be capn- 

gir'ga\ ki tar h rafig ba dalrta ph. be capri- 
cious be constantly changing fashions 
Afgw'l n.f. girl (jfi’ljjA'jfgar'lz iskool’ (or 
sakool') n.m. girls school [E] 

.fgar'm adj. hot warm busy eager , 
zealous brisk (trade) /lfr(/gar'm-ikhtilal) 

.fgar'm adj. hot warm busy eager , 
zealous brisk (trade) /li^lf/gar'm-ikhtilat) 
n.f. warmth of friendship fji/gar'ma gar'm 
adj. hot heated hot and fresh tf/if 
gar'ma gar'mi n.f. heat (of) (SJjlf/gagm-baza'ri 
N.F. brisk trade ; great demand (f /./gar m- 
jo’sht n.f. zeal warmth of affection; cordiality 
yf/gar'm-sar’d n.m. upland downs of life jfj* 
tj&fygar'tn-o-sar'd chasin' dah adj. seasoned ; ex- 
perienced gar'm-o+sar'd-e gama'nah 

n.u. vicissitudes of life v/3 y; (/ gar’m-o - sat'd 
dtkk'na be experienced V/pygar'tn kar'na v.t. 
warm heat enrage incide ^typ/gor’m- 
mtzsj' adj. hot-tempered tfjypt? gar'm-miza'ji 
n.f. being hot-tfmpered ^U'/t/gar'm-masa' lak 
n.u. condiments Cff/gar' m ho’na v.t. 



brcome hot be enraged Vjfjy kha'bat gar m 
ho' ha v.i (of rumour) be curreni gar mi n.f 

★ V[P] 

^Jgor'ma n.m. summer heat (P - prec J 

fgarm-a'bah bath ; hot bath (P- // -f 


fgarmo'na v.t. heat warm up 

enrage enliven 

{feurm&’kHi n.f, script used by Sikhs for 
\j J Panjabi Sikh dialect of Punjabi ( 

+ /] 


/ V' rnusk-r 

, ^ Panjabi 


mah, Ljgar'ma n.m. sweeter variety of 
•melon , sweet musk-melon 
. fgar'nn n.f. summer heal warmth 
{jS venereal disease anger , rage 
cordiality love . passion feavQur C/jJgar’mt 
par'na v.t. become hot (of summer) set in 
C^h) jr'tSfs.**'™-' sVkban (or kaldirt 
or mazmoon), o , jfgar'rrn da’nt n.m. pl prickly 
heat vj'tfj \ gar' mi kar'na v.t prove to be warm 
yf ^ J'gar'mi-e mah'Jil n.p. cause of warmth of 
a companyt>(^/gar'mt nikal'na v.t give vent 
to one's anger by tflgar’ ml ho' ltd v.t (of 
season) become hot have syphilis 
. Vgir'na vi fall; tumbledown drop 
collapse (of rain, price, etc.) fall (of 
health) deteriorate (of foetus) miscarry be 
disgraced /w'ra adj. fallen mean 

J^yfgita'oat n.f. fali ; debasement Slgiraoo'' 
adj. ready to fall precariously balanced 
2 if gird" oo adj. & aDv. about to fall un- 
balanced(iUt jiyf’gir' par'na (or ja'na) v.i. 
fall down " _ - . 

*V fsuran'A n f (dial.) Sikh Scriptures (ff 
&J garafi (hi n.m. (dial.) reciter of Sikh Scri- 
ptures [S] 

J^Jgarafid' n.m mud enclosure round handmill 

not rarefy gU'roo n.m. > (dial.) spiritual 
guide (iron.) knave (JC^fgu’roo ghaftfa}' 
M.!d. consummate knave [SJ 
fgirau' n.m. mortgage pawn ; pledge 
Ar c>C^ f girau' rakh'na (or kar’na) v.t. 

pledge ; pawn (something) with sljfgjTau'- 
na mah n.m mortgage deed fP] 

• , fgirva'na v.t. cause to fall down get 
w* demolished have a miscarriage [ - 


t/guroh' n.m group party 
Qs troupe (P) 


* (pcd. gt'ran) adj. mortgaged 

0* pledged ; pawned n.f. mortgage 
pawn ; pledge t£j<J»f gir'H rakh'na v.t. mort- 
gage ; pledge pawn | - Vjf girau'] 

$ dah adj. attached . enamoured, 

captivated s,> Jgiravi'dagl n.f. attach- 
ment (for) being enamoured (of) 

fgi'rth (col. gi'rah) n.f knot onesixteenth 
*/ ofa yard (fig.) dissention ; bad blood 
Cfyfgi'reh par'na v.i. (of dissention) arise , 
(of bad blood) be created have rancour (in 
heart ) jljefgi'reh-dar adj. knotted Crjefgt'nh 
dr'na v.t. tie a knot . knot \*ioz.»fgi'nh se dr'na 
v t give (someone) from one’s own pocket tZ-ef 
I'-— -S 'fgi’tth st kU(hh ja'na v.i. spend something . 
incur an expenditure j) tj £■ reh-kutha'i 

n.f. untying a knot solution of difficulty 
reh khul’nd v.i. (of knot) be untied 
(of misunderstanding) end incur an (un- 
desirable) expenditure Oj£*fg}' r *h kholna 
V.T. knotted yit/gi rrh-fir adj untie a knot 
remove misunderstanding £& ,fgi rth iaga'na 
v.T. tie a knot complete a couplet by 
adding a hynistick to another(s) l>> \t/ gi'rth 
men baiidh'na v i . bear in mind tie a knot 
in handkerchief, etc. for this purpose 
gi rth men pai'sah ho'na v.i. be rich 
gt'reh men rakh'na v.t keep in one’s pocket (P) 
fgarah' n.f. (dial.) planet l'T a f/par garah' fna 
5/ v.t. have a reverse of fortune (Sj 

hosf n.f. (dial.) showed life ^flf 

gtrhas'lan n.f. house keeper homely 

woman tf-fjgirhas'ti N.m. household goods adj. 
(affair, etc.) ($] 

^jt^garaih'n n.m. (same as y gaih’t n.m, if) 

$ i rl ' gari " r ‘ <Jif gir yn ) 'op™ 

v/ kernel (of fruit seed, etc.) 
il fgir'jtan adj weeping ; shedding tears |P~ 

i fgirtban' (lit. ginbah') n.m. collar 
breast (of garment) i-jlgtfjsfgireban phar na 
fr. tear one’s garment to shreds became 
a lover i^^/gireban pakafna 

(or men hath' dal'na) v.t. collar (someone) , 
seize him by the collar ^Irjgireban' 

&ak' (or tar tar’) kar'na v.t. tear one’s garment to 
sheds (through madness, rage, grief etc.)^/cj>U/ 
gireban-gir' adj. & n.m. (one) seizing by the 
collar accuser lij^fjbjgire’bah-gir ho'na v i 
seize someone by the collar OlJ^sjfylefgtreb an 



meft muhh dal' ns v.i. be ashamed of one’s own 
misdeeds ; do a little heart searching [P] 
n.m. graduate [E] 

jrj'gared' n.m. grade [E] 

** fga*tl' S.f. flight Escape evasion 
yj digression turning to the real subject of 
*the poem ; coming to the point i ^Sgirez'-pa 
ai»j. evanescent I'JyJ'gartzi kar'na v.i. avoid 
evade ; dodge^^/girf'^a* adj escaping [P 
~ vrCfrun away) 

^j^Jgarai' mar n.f. (same as /Ifrt.v. it) 

fgtr'yah n.m. weeping ; crying cries ; 
lamentation ( jk/'sjgir'ya-kunafi' adj. weep- 
iitg; crying (fjljjJ/gir'ya-o-za'ri n.f. cries; 
lamentation [P ~ ^t-^/Ueep) 

^ f'g^X n.m. raw sugar ; raw dehydrated sugar ; 
/ dried molasses ^ftfgur-am'bah n.m. mangoes 
hoiled in molasses /jr/gUrs'koo n.m. tobacco 
kneaded in molasses ‘Zrr- } J 
gur' di'yt ma'te to zaih'r kiyooh' di'jiye prov. why 
resort to harsh words where sweet ones succeed 
i&fg **T ' kka'tti gul’guloti se parhez' 
wtov. lumps of sugar he devours but refrains 
from eating sweet calces strain at a guat but 
«wallow a camel Ijfui* kaih’ne 
H mifih’ mt'th-a na'luh hoUs prov. fine words 
butter no parsnips (j^tftfgur ki biu’li n.f. lump 
of raw sugar J£ ( f*j'gur' kijoo'R ph. luxury 
denied to the poor 

J f jpf / S ar .’(>' ar . (col. J^t^ifgarbara hat 
'C'f gar'bari) (iron. uJ'5'jfgar'bar jha'ls ) n.f. 
dliorder ; confusion ; chaos ; mess gar' bar 

hh r.a v.i. lie confused be made a mess of 
gar Sara' na v.i. get confused (ono.) 
£yf gar ga j‘ N ’ M> bastion large turret 

pfpftiPt n.m. gurgle rumble c/i /if 
y** gur gar kar'na v.i. gurgle ; bubble 
rumb\e 1%*/ gitr' gars n.m. a kind of large hookah 
ifvVgar' gkri n.f. hubble-bubble [ono.) 
.'^fpfgorgara'na v.t. rumble thunder 
* SS gargars’kat n.f. rumble thun- 
der [ono.) 

i*,pfpfg>\gira'ns v.i. implore ; beseech 

gar gars' hat n.f. (see vender -if}/ n.f. *) 
'''gargu-ri njf. (see under i/*fgUr gUr 
n.f. it) 

(of nail) be pitched 
penetrate be buried be ashamed ; feel 

^gctr’ns v.i. 

disgraced i^trL^/^fia'ry mur'de ukhir'ns 
prov. renew old grievances ; dig up old fends 
Cb^/garvatis v.t. driven in 
get pitched + 

l^ipgor'va N.M. (see under tfjjti.r. 

^j^gtrm'nn n.m. go-cart 

.»y fgaro'ns v.t. 
into ; drive in 

pierce ; transfix stick 

fix (eyes) at hxny£./f 

tfb/garo' te ka pan n.m. beetle-leaf mellowed by 

burial in sand *. 

Jrfgarh n.m. fort (fig.) hot bed (of) 

Kf garh. jit' na v.i. (fig.) achieve the impossible 
yfga!‘r%a n.m. pit hole , cavity 


^ga'rbi n.f. small fort Lf^gerkayys n.f. very 

small fort 

.pfgar’ys n.f. (pl. jt^gur'yafi dative pl. <JJ*f 
i/ gdr'yoh ) doll I sjjljsiygUr'ya safivsr' de'na 
give one’s daughter a dowry .good enough for 
one’s means yah kkel'na v.i. play 

with dolls be (like) a young girl 
gar’yoh ks khel n.m. playing 4ith dolls ~ 
(fig.) child’s play ,yyt,if^4fgud'de gur'ys ks 
bay ah' ph. wedding celebrated without pomp 
,fgaz n.m. yard ramrod bow (for 
y playing fiddle, etc .) gaz' bhar ki 

Zaban' ph. sharp tongue 
. .fguza'rs, ejlyfguzarah n.m. livelihood 
U>y maintenance subsistence fg/ljljf guza' rs 

kar’na v.i. subsist pass one’s days get 
along with I’y; tjrfguia'rd ho ns v.i. make both 
ends meet 

^^JgUZa'rith n.f. request submission 
I'Sijgilf guza'rish kar'na v.t. ^request 

submit make a submission [P ~ ( 

i*/ 'fgazar’na v.t. pass life) ^ bring to pass 
V>V a y before state [~ t'jj/] 

gUzash'lant adj. worth quitting [P effj/] 


' n.f. brag ; boast [Pj 

JkUga'zat n.m. gazette [E] 
^ga'zar n.m. (lit.) carrot [P] 


Jir ar 

fgu'zar n.f. 

livelihood ; living ingress 

and egress loving together inference 

sSj'S g*' gar ba'sar n.f. subsistence pulling 

together living Vjiy^j^ga’ zar ba’sar ho' us V. i . 

live subsist itfj/gU'zar-gZh' n.f. passage 

cf f J 

52 * 


lCJffi'zar~gah-e 'an' N.F. thoroughfare 
gUzarah' adj. transitory evanescent [P] 
i\ ,fsMzrari n.f. livelihood living pulling 
wJS together getting along t ’J&bygBzran' 
kar'na v.t. jpull together maintain oneself 

’zar ga’’i guzran' kya’ 
jkofip'rl kya makan' prov. good or t> a d, the days 
are past ( ~ cj ~ P 
»• . (gu'zajna v.t. go by ; pass by 

bs e 


end die ; pass away 
pull together feel 


happen ; occur 
experience [~P 

^VJL f 

' v.t. submit; put up (fj?guz'ri 
Kw n.f. evening market K$($j$gUz'ri lag'na v.t. 
(of evening market) be held [ ~ prec.J 
£.‘f^Hzosh’tah adj. past elapsed ended 

bygone last late (J t£z£-fguzash lagan 

n.m. pl. the dead c Jii'^guzash ’tah 

ra salat’ a’ih'dah ra thlifat prov. let bygones ; 
be bygones think^of tomorrow for yesterday 
is no more V- cF/] .J, 

^Ajfgt*zash't i nt. past; ended (ftygazasJi tani 
adj. passing ; mortal [P~ j^-J] 

/ fea'iak n.f. a kind of crisp sweetmeat 

Oy relish [P- ^1 ^ 

• •fgacafid ' n.m. loss harm injury 
A 'iJ ’ gazafid' pahific&'na v.t. come to grief [Pj y 
. fgaQ'iah adj. bitten stung [P~fcu/ 

KbS ga&'dan] ~ . 

~ t f'gZ&'dah adj. chosen selected [P-^V 

°a kS ga&'dan] ~ 

“'f&diir' n.m. help ; remedy (only in) yyi'na- 
jJ giizir' ADJ. indespensable [PJ 

j fgizilf suf. choosing ; selecting adopt- 
ed ing tCi fgita'ni suf. selection adoption 


. Jgisar' suf. consuming ; drinking (fjlsgusa’rt 
^•^suf. consuming [PJ 
(jtJ&usa''**, uZVjgosa'ik n.m. (dial.) 

» ^ Hindu saint (arch.) cowherd (as appella- 
tion of Krishna) fS] 

f | -fg^stakh' ADJ. saucy audacious 

ru de ; insolent; impudent ^irc/gustakha- 
nqh ADJ. rude ; unsolent ADV. rudely ; insolently 
SC^Jgistakhi n.f. rudeness ; insplence 

sauciness audacity 

khi kar'na (or st pesh a'«a) v.t. & i. be rude ; 
be insolent ; behave impudently be saucy 
&\ygCfgftstakH mo'af inY. excuse me I 
crave your indulgence [PJ 
— f'gis’iat suf. spreading dispensing * 
administring^pjgCrtarVflA adi. spread^*' 

gista’ri suf. 

spreading dispensing 
administ / f 

••J gUsas’tak adj. broken (fegusas’. 

tagi (*.» 

being broken [P 
^yfgusil' suf, breaking ; ruining [P] 

^ ufgask'l n.f. beat (of police, etc.) round 
touring walk ; stroll 

gash't kar'na (or laga'na ) v.t. go one’s rounds 
patrol tour walk ; stroll 

nacp'na v.t. (of dancing-girl) lead marriage 
procession dancing ahead of it flr^gaih’tl adj. 

circulating touring ^.itinerant 

gash’ll chit’ths n.f. jsy^&'gash’ti mura’safaP 
n.m. circular letter ; circular [P~ ^r] 

•aigaf adj. (of cloth) thick ; of close texture 

jfjfguft&r' n.f. (lit.) speaking talk; 
“speech; discourse [P 
fttfglsflu go» n.f. talk conversation ; 
dialogue chit-chat (rare) parleys ; 

negotiations i-o-shunid' n.f. parleys 
negotiations ~ talks discussion conversa- 
tion '(P*fga f’tar.l aDv. & adj. worth mention 

[P~ - r 

e ffgog’r* ^gagar'ya N.F. metal pitcher [*)f 

Jfga’gan n.m. (dial.) sky ga' gan kM'na 

v.t. (of water) spurt high gan'ho'ntt 

v.t. rocket be sky-high (SJ 
tffgttl n.m. flower rose (fig.), baleved ; 

U sweetheart ; one’s lady love •* 

ash' raj i n.m. marigold fj&ffgul-afshdh adj. 
strewn with flosvers showering flower petals 
speaking sweetly ajsht’ni n.f. 

showering of flower petals (liv) Sweat speech 
efsha’m kar’na v.T. (polife Or iron) 
speak /* Ittfjga l- and am’ adj. graceful n.m. ex- 
quisite beauty beloved gal-$ aurafig’ 

n.m. a species of marigold ^^l^gnt-batg’ n.f. 

shouts of joy nigh ling graceful n.m. ex- 
quisite beauty beloved gale* cry good news 
tfjjgklrbt’dan adj. graceful n.m. cxquilitg 
beauty a kind of silk cloth £?g*l’bar'gjiM. 

rose leaf (fig.) beloved’s lips djrgul'r 
hak»’’oli n.m. a species of white fragrant (lower 
i yrf f gAI'bun n.f. garden tfjjf g*l hoo'ta n.m. 
flower and ill plant decoration j gul 
boo'it flowers and "plants . vegetation * floral 
patterns beganah n.m. wild flower 

jyfgdl'-piiili adj. strewn with flowers with 
a prolific growth of flowers CljMjfgM phnofnM 


v.i. (of something new or wonderful) happen 
be in troubl e t >lz(fgiil pays' dak N.M. wild rose 
gut-pair than, Jgil-pai' rahan adj. 

graceful n.m. exquisite beauty beloved 

l yp&gut-Lart dt n.m. gardner’s scissors C^/fgul 
jkar'ns v.i. (of talk) sound sweet \Sj^J gu'Ue 
ja 'fari n.m. ‘tagetes pat u la’ N . M . moon 

flower f^?(J^gu'l-eltash’in adj. & n.m. albugo : 
albugineous (person) gul-^eh'rah adj. rosy 

, checjced n.m. exquisite beauty beloved 

n.m. flower-gatherer ; florist 
who enjoys the close company (of a beauty) 
successful lover (f*ffgul'-ch I'm. n.f. plucking 
or gathering of flowers having a happy time 
(with) Ll/^ygul-cbrni kar'ns v.i. .pluck 
flower's have a happy time (with) ^y^lfgul-r 
khat’ml n.m. marsh-mallow flower 
gil-khai'rs (or khai'roo) n.m. gilly flower ; 
Chinese hollyhock <})ljjfgul-dsn' n.m. flower 
pot fsse (ftjtjJfgul-e da'oodi n.m. chrysanthe- 
mum £$0gul-das' iah n.m. bouquet ; nosegay 
Sti-* do-paihar' , kf&jfgOl dopaih'riys 
n.m. the marvel of Peru fj/gul'-dum ^n.f. a 
species of nightingale O^gul'-rJikh, 3/ / pitt-roo' 
adj. rosy-cheeked n.m. exquisite beauty 
beloved CfjJfgUl-e ra l nt n.m. a species of 
red and pale rose beloved <-£l/?g'ul-raiig' adj. 
red, rosy jejf gut-re t adj. shedding flowers 
petals n.f. a kind of fireworks (fyjfgut-re'zl n.f, 
shedding of flowers jj^fgulzar' n"m. garden 

guiztr-e ibrshim' (or ibrshi'tm) n.m. 
pyre raised by Nimrod to bum Abraham 
alive but which was miraculously changed into, 
a garden (fig.) unexpected relief.j£-^ 
guiis'taii, (rare gut' silsh ) n.m. rose garden jg/J 
gul-t sar sabad n.m. choicest flower s'Jfgul-e 
soorafijan' n.m. hermodactyl flow zr^/ytfgu-le 
sosan n.m. lily jfjfgbl-e rhab’bo n.m. a species of 
flower emitting fragrance at night J&gul’skan 
n.m. garden jjy j^^gul-e sad-bar’g n.m. msri- 
gold ( f'lS‘ ( fg3l-e ‘abb# si n.m. ‘mitabilis jalopa’ 
jUJ^gul-'azar’ adj. rosy cheeked n.m. ex- 
quisite beauty beloved f&?gulfm' adj. 

rosy-cheeked (beloved, etc.) cherry red (wine, 
cic.) ^fyjpgil-t farahg' n.m. ‘vinca rosea '&>}</ 
gul-Jirash' n.m, florist ; flower-seller j£fgilqahd' 
n.m. candied roses ; conserve of rose ($,gJ?gul-ktri 
n.m. embroidery painting of flowers 
gut-ks'rl kar'ns v.t. embroider Cp/jf'gUl' 

•ka! tarnS v.i. work wonders C&tfjfgUl' kh.Ua ns 
v.i. stir up some trouble sow seeds of 

dissention bring down trouble upon do 
something unexpected come to blossom Ct&Jr 
gul' khil'ns v.t. (of something unexpected) 
happen (of flower) blossom uzJ&gHl-gaeK ! 
n.m. walking in a garden ; stroll ^J&gul-gooh' 
adj. rosy : rose coloured ; roseate y J^gSlgoo’nah 
n.m. rouge ; safflower powder Jilifgu' l- e fa'ldlt 
n.m. tulip ; poppy flower J gtt'l-e makh'ma 
N.M. globe J gid-maihti di N;M . 

balsam u gul-mekh' n.f. stud jtlf gains** n.m. 

pomegranate flower scarlet colour adj. 
scarlet 2*& y L‘cf gUl-e. na-shigu J'tah n.m. (fig.) 
virgin ; maiden ^^(fgkl-e nasrin' n.m. jonquil 
•JMJgZ'l* haia'rah n.m. double poppy [P] 
t tfgut N.M. snuff (of wick) charred tobacco 
U (in hookah bowl) stigma ; brand live 
coal gul' jksr'ns v.t. flick the ash (of 

cigcrette) trim the wick squander money 
v/fY gul' kar'ns v.t. put out (lamp) Cldfjfgai' 
kh tns t. & i. cauterize oneself (in proof of 
love) be cauterized ^M'giit'-glr n.f. snuffer; 
pick wick bjfffgif ho'ns v.i. be put out ; be 

tfgil n.f. mud, clay earth tfj'u gi\-e 
U ar'mani n.f. Armenian bole git hik'mat 
n.f heat in container mode airtight by mud 
plaster ; heat in tight container fi fn 

hik'mal kar'ns v.t. heat thus bedraggle ff 
gi'li adj, earthen [P] ' 

tfgalpKZV.^ neck cheek throat 
v O 1 >( oy. tJ gal-bakfi'ysii (or bay'ysfi) dal' ns 
v.t. ^embrace’"fondly 1 keif gal' -pkarp n.m. gill 
PyfJ gal-phoo'ls adj. chubby gal-piur' n.m 
mumps fgal-tak'yah n.m. ' small pillow for 
cheek $ gal'-Xa'r&H.*. harness fitting under- 
neath a yoke tfjjrj gal-)ar\d'rs n.m. sling (for 
injured arm, etc.) JZ'jrjfgaljot' n.f rope for 
yoking two bullocks together (fig.) one who 
pesters others ,'^gal-khor' n.f. halter CZ/Jfgct- 
gautk'ns adj. & n.m. chubby i^iXgab-mSct' 
galach’dibe n.m. pp. whiskers (- fold. or~ 
Jf cheek cont.J 

.tfga'ls n.m. throat neck collar ; breast 
(of shirt, etc.) voice i'fi/ga'ls s'na v 
have a sore throat ptjtjjf'ga'la utbs'na v.t. 
message (cnild’s) Uvula as a cure for cold Vk&lff 
go! Is bafidh'ns v.r. be heavily in debt 
ga'ls band Ko'na v.t. lose voice be choked 
(Cfy&J Vffjfga'la bnith'ns (or par’nt) v.i. be 
hoarse ; have a sore throat ga'lafiak'.rd 

ja'nsv. i. have a burning m the throat pf 
go.' la pa' karris v.t seize (someone) by*tb» 


throat ; collar irritate the throat ijlef tffga'la 
Phar’na v.t. shriek A&V’tfga’la pilar pkar ’ kar 
adv. at the top of one's voice Cjgpfga’la pker'uc. 
v i. modulate one’s voice in singing ga'la 

dabs' nav. t. strangle ; throttle press hard 
(for) oppress ; suppress t ga'la kat'nd v.t. 

Cut the ^throat oppress ; suppress 

defraud tsyYtffga'Ia ghoi'vS v.t. strangle ; 
throttle Ce>2t,J?ea'le batdk'na v.t. foist on 

ga'le par’na (or batdk'na) v.t. & r.~ 
be foisted on foist one’s company (or some- 
one) be entrusted VjCl^Z.&.ga'U se utar’na 
v.T. gulp down ; swallow shake off 
V/i ga’le se u tarns v.i. be swallowed be 
shaken off 4 ga’le ks har’ n.m. unwanted 
companion t’te ga’le ks har ’ ho’ js'na v.t. 

pester; plague importune 

ga’le ki ra’get phSls’na v.t. be enraged 
ga’le lags’ ns v.t. embrace (someone) 
ga’le lag’ ns (or mil’ns) v.t. embrace get 
reconciled to each other ((>£■ ga'le 

maitdk'ns (or marh'rs) v.t. foist palm off 
(on) t <j£j£ ga'le met a'takns v.t. Jc . 1. 
choke not to be swallowed down l 
ga’le met kstite par'na v.i. have a parched 
throat feel thirsty /\ 

^ gal' l a n.m. (same as yjfgal'lah* + 

.d/gulab' n.m rose J’li^jfgUlab'-' 
pash n.m. rosewater sprinkler 
(/'*’ t-'dfgilab' ps’sH n.f. sprinkling 
of rose water C^/iy'lp-z'lflgulab'-pa'sHl 
kar' ns v.t. sprinkle T use- water v// 

cftfiyllfgalab'-ja'man n.f. luscious juicy ball ; a 
kind of sweetmeat fiijf'guta'bi adj. rosy ; 
roseate ; pink mild not fanatic n.f. flagon 
wine cup wine yif Y&Jlfgala'bi ahkkeh n.f. 
eyes red with inebriation/j^jj^gi/o'-ii js'ra n.m. 
mild winter [P] * ^ 

jj^gila'bah n.m. plastering mud l~P if gilf-yl) 

^ijfgilas' VM. glass ; tumbler [E] 

t.jfailai' n.m. red powder ^thrown over one 
y** another during Holi Oj\)^g*tlal urs'ra v. 
to throw red powder at one if gala'll adj. of 
red colour ; dyed with it jUfJItM gUlal adj. 
bright red „ 

a'»a V.T. (see under CP v.u *) 

gUlat’Jii adj. (of boiled rice, etc.) softened 
(y overmuch and clotted 


life of 

btf'g’h n.m. gilt nickel plating (f*gif’a 
I^adj. gilt ; gilded nickel plated fEJ 
Jtjfgil’ti N.f tumour gland 

bJfg&ljhutt n.f tangle ill-feeling . 
• rancour 

, Jffgulckar’ re n.m. pl. life of pleasure . 
S&?ClilgulcMar're ura'tm v.r. lead a li 

galach’ehke n.m. pl. (same as ^ (see 
I — under <f & al N - ★) T 

•Jpgal'khapsN.T. struggle (fig.) quarrel 
I— iy Km Jrg‘2l'khap hp'ria v.i. have a quarrel 
(with) [ ~ jjf) 

.tfgul’khan k m. furnace [P] 

Y.kj/mgaldahg' n.m. bull dog [~E bull-dog 
,‘-'VU F cor.] 

n.f. (same as n.f. it) 

^jfgal'gal n.m. citron 

jj^j^gul' gala n.m. fried cookie 

f.tlftfgalgala'na v.i. become jelly-like l&gal’ gala 
vlP* adj. jellv-like Jsfy&galgala'hai n.f. being 

ptfgal'ns v.i. be cooked well soften thus 
v*^ melt dissolve be mortified rot 
ijyiifga'la sa'rn adj. rotten putrid CJ f 

gala'ns v.t. cook well soften thus melt 
dissolve mortify _ cause to rot jjjfgala’'o 
N.M.,J>jltfgala’vaf n.f. dissolving ; dissolution 
Jjl f gala '00 adj. & n.m. melting (stuff) 
soluble or dissolving (stuff) 
tfgul’am n.m. hardened swelling (resulting 
r from injury) 

/l_ ^ 

muffler ; * cravet f rfeckcloth jewellery for 
neck ; neckhand Jfiy/guloa’-khals’si n.f. es- 
cape //guloo’-glr’ adj. irritating to the 
throat*" choking causing hoarseness choked 
seizing by the neck ; collaring [A] 

£ gilau ’ n.f, ‘menropermum glabrum’ 

gil’lo N.F. (same as (fyfa.r • ★) 

^galob’ n.m. globe [E] 


. j/gilou’ri n.f. seasoned betel-leaf roiled 
'Jjjr a pyramid 

faaloo'N.u. (lit.) gullet, wind pipe 
throat neck X*je gu’loo-bahd n.m. scarf; 


/fgtman' n.m. idea; thought; action 
supposition ; conjecture doubt ; 

suspicion (usu. prop, gaman) pride ; vanity 
fgumarre gha'lib n.m. likelihood Vj^lX 
guman kar' na v.l. think; believe ; suppose 
doubt ; suspect show pride ; be conceited ; 
be vain [P) 

1 Jtgambhir' adj. serious ; grave deep ; 
LjT* profound thoughtful n.m. carbuncle 

Sgi'lah n.m. (usu. friendly) complaint vjjt 
/Jr gi'lah kar'na v.t. complaint (in a friendly 
manner) (fji'/Xgi'la-guga'rin.r. (usu. friendly) 
complaint [P] 

I Sgal'lah n.m. flock herd drove 

gal' la-ban' n.m. shepherd herds man 

^ tjf gdl'lu-bam n.f. flock-keeping 
fj^gal'lah, $ gal'la n.m. safe 

ij^gilaih’ri (nurs. jt gil'lo) n.f. squirrel 

n.m. glandular swelling on throat 

figa'll n.f. street ; lane ; go’ll 

y koo'&ah n.m. street ; lane every street 
Jf'ff go’ I i go'll adj. from street to street 

in every street t'' tStJ^XdjXgalyok ki khak 
dihin'na v.l. wander aimlessly; tramp 
/*'* adj. (see under $ gil n.f. ★) 

/ gtTli, gal'll n.f. cat (used in game tip- 
eat) com cob ijl’fjfgH'ti daft' da n.m. tip- 
cat • &r\i'jdfgir li-dati da kkel’na v.i. play tip-cat 
jfgil’yor adj. lazy ; idle slovenly 

Jfgallm' N.F. rug [Pj 

f gin adj. lost missing wanted » Jy* 

I gum-rah', gum -rah adj. misled ; mis- 
guided depraved wicked heretical adv. 
astray gJi ,^1 gum' rah kar'na v.t mislead; 
misguide lead astray seduce fyg l/gum-rah' 
ho'na v.i. be misled be led astray 
apostatise be seduced (fi) y f'giim-ta'hi n.f. 
beine misled seduction heresy ^ apostasy 
X J gum' sum ADV. (ped. gum'-sum'ju 

struck dumb adv. quiet glum 

gum sum boitk'na (or ho'na) v.i. be struck, 
dumb : be dumb-founded be gluni, 0 y^f 
gtm'-tfU'dah adj. lost missing J’yXgum’- 

tkudagi n.f. loss . being missing g*m 
kar'na adj. (one) having lost 
karda-rah’ adj. & M M.- (one) led astray 1‘jX 
gum kar'na v.T. lose hide ; conceal zXXf 
gum-gatjtlah adj. lost missing (one) 
having lost one's way f^fgum-nawi adj. 
anonymous unknown obscure t 'jF^gum' 

ho'na v.t. be lost ; get lost be missing 
^ gum' ma N.m. large thick brick 

tfgumash'tah n.m. {pud^f^gSmadi' tagah) 
/•Sy* agent ; representative ; factor [P - ^lf 1 

turret small minaret 

t /{ 
i /! 

1 jXgum’ti n . f . 

t M gam'ti (or gtm’il ) n.f. dimity ( ~ E corr.} 

/faumak n.f. echo in musical instrument 

./ gam'la n.m: flower pot evacuation 

***Vpot in close stool ; pot chamber-pot 
jgttn n.m. y merit skill virtue qua- 
(✓ lity cSgton au'gUn n.m. merits anc 
merits Clfjfgun ga'na v.i. extol ; sing the praise: 
(of) lylfj/gun' man'na v.t. be grateful (to) 
gun-vabl ' , f gunl' adj. & n.m. skilful 

#gu'na adj. primes suf. fold \fj dug'na adj. 
* twofold X id? tin' ga’na adj . three fold 
Uganda n.m. sugar-cane (/jl/XLgari m ka ros 
n.m. cane juice ’X- gan'nt kl pkah'di 
n.f. bundle of sugar-cane" . 

• »jfeina'na v.t. same as (caus. ~ c? 
L V v.t. ir) 

,fginah\ X gunah n.m. (rare) fault 
ffr gUnah' bakh'shna v.t. forgive sin par- 
don t^JJdL-oOgana'h-e bt-laz'wt n.m. joyless 
sin (fig) lie; telling, a lie tyS^olf guna'h-e 
sagbi'rah n.m. venial sin o / *f' 9 \Xguna’h-e kabi’rah 
n.m. mortal sin I’X >X gunah' kar'na v.t. sin • 
commit a sin do a wrong 

n.m. & adj. sinful (person) guilty ; at fault jfyX 
I’tyjfgUnah'-gar thaihra'na v.t. condemn 
hold guilty gGna\-ga'rl, tfj&fgunah'-ga'ri 

n.f. sinfulness [PJ . „ 

,f gum' bad n.m. dome ; cupola 
Jyf badt-t khagra' n.m. Holy Prophet’s mauso- 
leum ; Green JDome ybyX gum'bad-dar adj. 
domed fTJjfgum'bad kl ana*’ (or soda') 

n.f. echo fig. bomerang (fig) recoil- 
ing of one’s misdeeds on one jbfjSf gUm'bad-e 
gar'dah, ^ZlljSgZm'bad-* lajvar'di n.m. hea- 
venly dome f 

t fgin't affix, count (only in )\ZX^tanrgin't 
diX innumerable ( - fX ) 

tfjgahga n.f. Ganges ; river regarded by Hindus 

- i i i v .. . . 

I fgo conj. though ; although , even though 
-^ thugh fj go keh aov. (arch.) although 
f f go (or goo) v.T. imp. (rare) say suf. saying 
S narrator ''dfh 0 ma-go' ki ha'lal 
n.f. hesitation ; reluctance fix ^Af go” I 
suf. saying ; speaking ; uttering (P- 

1 - 

as a sacred mother tits liE* gait n.m. . . . . ^ y >. ... ^ 

(dial.) bathing in the Ganges (as a purifying act) ffgo (or goo) v.T. imp. (rare) sa' 
CoT. tf ki gah'ga baih’na v.T. be profound (in) J narrator •JS-'V f/fgo i 

iff tffgoM'ga jot n.m. (dial.) water of the Ganges n.f. hesitation ; reluctance 
(as holy water) f &Igah' ga-ja'll n.m. small con- suf. saying ; speaking ; uttering 
taincr for the Ganges water tffgah'ga-ja'li ij ZWar' n.m. a species of com 

titiana v.t. (of Hindus) swear by the holy water f 

of the Ganges (jrfffgat'ga-jam'm adj. mixed , fgutmr' suf. (see under 
metallic (vessel) engraved to show off a A 
different metal Clf&fgat'ga nahtt'm v.i. be / i/gnva'ra adj. so-so ; 
absolved of sin by bathing in the Ganges l&Jp'. ' able oleasant : aer 
baih'li gah'ga n.m. (fig.) opportunity open to all 
Sri <£& baih'li gah'ga me* hath.' dho'na 
v.t\ avail oneself of general opportunity 
ftjjguri guna adj. (same as C^adj. if) 

fftffgingilna na v.i. snuffle hum 

PilHP* tina ini Rr fd enufflnr . 

ADJ. *) 

■ a ■jo— -o '— uvhu ar - 

gitng' gna adj. & n.m. muffler \ffgHngu- 
*a’ haf N;F. snuffle hum 

gin'na v.t. count ; reckon count up 
regard (as) ; count upon (as) bff tf gi'na 
adj. reckoned already known 
ffftf, gin' gin kar adv. counting one by one 

in the exact amount with . great difficulty 

/ .(givafa adj. so-so ; indifferent toler- 
i^ '^ablr. pleasant ; agreeable vj'ljfgM^tZ 
kar’na v. brook ; tolerate ; endure jtfguvar' 
suf. (untokr)-able (plcas)-ant [PJ 
.iitgovaid n.m. cowherd milkman Jf 
P 1 * govalon n.f. milkmaid cowherd’s wife 
[~£-foTy+ j)ij] 

fifgaoa'na V.T. cause to sing frcAUs.J 

.fgauah' (ped. gi>vah'\ n.m. witness Cts»f 
O-'Jgavah’ bana'na v.r.„ call to witness * 
name a witness tff?lfgaoa'h-e n.m. 

tutored witness ^ti^ f lfgaoa'h-e safs”i n.m. 
defence witness i :f t (fgavah' kar'na v.t. make 

(someone) a witness call to witness oiftjf* 

y ry v W1IU . gTOU uimcuuy a WU 1 IC 33 tan tu WiUlCba o'j***f s 

^f&Spt/gin ' gin kar din kaj'na ph. pass one’s thash'm-did gavah' n.m. eye-witness (ffgavaHu 

d^ys vndi grmt difficulty ; to live a hard life ,/ (pcd. guv a’ hi) n.f. evidence ; testimony 

CfjfJbygfo' gtn kar qa’dam rakh'na v.t. gtwahi de'na v.t. depose give evidence 
move slowly stop cautiously ..a? G . lilJ.zJpi'td bear testimony bear witness (PI 

cause to count help reckon 
f^fB^hoar' n.m. villager ; countryman ; 
jjr rustic churl ; boor ; clown adj. low- 
bred uncultured person unmann erly 
rude (frjljJgani’ar'-pan n.m. boorishness 
lack of manners rudeness P fjljfgamr' ka 
lafh n.u. arrant fool jjlfga/iva'roo adj. rustic 

v.t. (dial.) plaster with cowdung' 
pfb^'bhi, go' bhi ka phool n.f. cauli- 

flower (gffrbaiid go'bkl n.f. cabbage 
ed person unmannerly ‘ itfgopal' n.m. (lit.) mace (P] 
r ~pan n.m. boorishness / 

rudeness P tfjtjfgamr' ka /, n.m. (dial.) cowherd this a* 

fool jjljfgahva’ too adj. rustic (J*r appellation of Hindu deity Krishna fS~ 

« — * — • — * — * ' auj. fuhiig ut Mutuu ucuy jvnsxina 

(taste, fashion, etc.) (fj\$fgam‘ri n;f. country Ob ) 

™ 0I ^ n /, fgo’piya, i/£f go' Phan, Inf/go' pkiya n.m 

tflfgoftva'na v.t lose waste ; squander J$^sling catapult 

f' a . Jgo’pi n.f. milkmaid as one of the girl frii 

y\fgiM'na v.t. (caus. ~ & v.t. if) Qgor Hindu deity Krishna [8] 

£ fy/gohoa'na v.t lose waste ; squander 

£j^fgnm'na v.t. (caus. ~ «/v.x. ★) 

•J'ginah' n.m. (short for of«(j>N.M. if) 

/*■« adj. guinea W 

Qjgun'ja n.m. square ; mason’s square ; 
Z L-square 

fgto n.m. (lit.) ball goo”, sab' gat 

J ‘fji’na ph. st««| a march (on) (P] 

i W'P* N-F. milkmaid as one of die girl friends 
of Hindu deity Krishna [8] 

^jfo/M.M. (dial.) nib-caste lineage [8] 

^^gooth'na v.t. (same as t&jfv. t. if) 

JgoiN.r . counter. ; draughtsman hem 

- rvnnlj. • tmnailfltinn ' .. 

^hjtgoj n.f. counter. ; draughtsman hem 
* people ; population (also<5 tjffgu' oh 
got) village 

tkfgo' fa n.m. brocade fillet ; gold r silver) lace 




.fgoo'jar N.II. cowherd dairyman 
v' name of a martial caste of this subcontinent 
tSZl gooj'rl, if/fguj'ji N .F. milkmaid ; dairy 

maid dairymans wife, etc. woman of a 
particular martial caste of this sub-continent 
l^iiy'ra n.m. a mixture of wheat and barley 

JQfk'ri R-F. field of wheat and gram 

sown together mixed wheat and gram 
fgod n.f. lap t/fjgod’ bkar’na v.t. & i. 

37 place seven types of fruit in pregnant 
woman’s lap as a good omen be blessed with 
a child (f/fjfgod'-Uu'ri adj. blessed with a 
child in arms fj let (Ol*fkbfg° d (or go' diyog) 
kkila'na v.t. bring up“(a child) dandle Cdjf 
god' U'na v t. adopt (a child) C&ZuCjjgod meg 
baifh'na v.i. leap into (someone's) arms 
sit in the lap of Crj(ftbj2£j*,fg«d meg batik' 
kar da’rhs no&ia ph subtly abuse one’s 
benefactor be rude to him 1>| zt,fgod' meg 
le'na v.t. here (child) on one's lap dandle 
(child) ; 

| fg°ida n.m. pulp ; pap pith manow 

(ffj t'' • f goo'de ki had’di n.f. marrow bone 
^^jgodtari n.m. godown [E ~ Malay godongj 

P fgoo'dar n.m. cotton wool taken out from 
old quilt worn-out quilt rag 
goo'dar meg la l ’l n.M. a jewel in rags tf) 3 ?go' dai\ 
m.f. (same as^jj/w.F. ★) 

^y/d odi N - r - P>C r . wharf ; jetty 

/ got m.f. grave tomb (J^Z/jfgo'r-e 
ghari'baM n.f. unattended grave yard ; 
burial-place of the poor (Vjd t) I'iALfofJslf'jfgor’ 
ka math' jtagk' kar a'na (or ’pkir'na) ph . recover 
from serious illness ' c fj/gor'kan n.m. grave- 
digger x—itfjfgor' kwi' re adv. about to die 

decrepit pT r /go 't-o ka’fan n.m. funeral 
rites, obsequies > burial ( ^'j^/d r be*gor'~o~ 
ka'fm i adj. unburied ; uninterred j/';> 9 JJzig”da- 
dtr-pr' adj. (see under gjj adj. 
go'ristan n.m. graveyard . burial ground [P] 
f gt'ra AOj. (r. tfjfgo'ri) fair blond 
•J7 western English n.m Westerner 
Englishman British soldier lib ufgora <&it' fa 
adj, fair, fair-complexioncd tfli'U/go'ra-tka'fti 
n.f. British rule aoj of Britishers Army 
(boots) fa/ g*'ri N.r English woman 
Western lady 

^ Jg ot'-kho* n m sebra (P| 

gor'kha N.M. Gurkha 


I . S Ygo'rakh-dhan da n.m. puzzle lock 
JPJ* puzzle-ring intricate problem 
* fgavar'nar n.m. Governor } jf gaoar'nati 
SJ" n.f. gubernatorial office f)jsj,j/gooar'neg* 
^jan'ral n.m. Governor-General [E] * 
£^ J'ga' i bammegt n.f. Government [E] 

J'gu'roo n.m. (same as jj'tt.u. it) 

fgo'rt aDj. & n.f. (see under \dj. ft 
(J-J* n.m. Hr) 

^^jgavri n.f. name of a musical mode 

// f gar' gag (or gUrgan') adj. leading a Gfe of 
q)*J7 luxury [T] 

fgauray'ja n.f. (dial.) sparrow 

l J 7 

*% (g° r ’ na v.t scrape (weeds) dig 
lV.7 (earth) 

.fgo Z n.m. fan ji?j/go‘z-e Mk’ttkr n.m, (fig.) 
JJ silly idea ; word carrying no weight 
CdCgo'z-e shu'Wr sa'majkn a PH. treat lightly 

disregard I'jtjfgoz' mar’na v.t. fart ; break 
wind [P] 

^ j'gamz'n n.m. stag ; deer [P] 

.. fgosa'lah n.m. calf O^Jl'fgosa’Ukpani’t 
J*'7 adi. cow-worshipper r tosa'la 


cow- worship (esp of ancient 


paras't S n.f 

Egypt) (Pj > f 

ifl//* 0 * 3 '** N,M ' ^ 

. .f&ospagd', j&’fgosfakd' w.m. sheep 

X%7 goat (P) ^ 

Z.fgo it n.m. ear Vx jb^.J'/go^-bar-anaz ho'na 
Jj v.i. be in a state of expcctency Vjej&f 
go.tbzad ho’na^v.t. be heard t gjj , fgo&'-za’dah 
adj. heard ijP tffgg Or* shan'va n.m. an ear 
ready to listen e/ji^J'/goah'-gizar' kar'na v.t. 

submit bring to the notice (of) inti- 
mate Cj6bf t /*?g°!h'-gazJ*i' t ho'na v.t. be in- 
formed , be intimated Jff’/gosh-ma'li n.f. re- 
proof f/’d&Xgoth-ma'H kar'na v.t. scold . 
reprove , chide jc/^fj/gtrag’-godi' adj. hard of 
hearing . deaf (P) 

yfgosht n.m. flesh meat^Pd^ygoA't-poyt 
&y flesh and blood - one’s ficihj/ipfif 

goih't-khor adj. flesh-eating ; carnivorous 
lyj ijf^J'Itgoih'l se nakhknjida’ ho’na ph. (of near 
relations) be permanently estranged Ajjf \S C?/ 
go$ t ka lotk'ra n.m. lump of flesh (PJ 


^ goh h.f. iguana 

/ gooh n.m. excrement; filth ; ordure 

gooh ’ uekkol'na. v.t. wash dirty linen in 
public <7-1 OtyfuZ&tfly&f&ooh' ka ki'ra gooh' 
hi me Ik khtlth' rath' la hat prov. people like the 
environment in which they are born vJ’tfgooh' 
kar'na v.t. evacuate bowels make a poor 
show il^ t /gooh' khn’nn v.t. commit a sin 
talk nonsense if goo' ha ^lB dhhi ti.r. 

(nun.) filthy (fig.) silly talk 
i f (or j\f) gohar' n.f. cry for help 
J I y bandying oi abuses one's fight 
agains* many j[f gohar' lar'na v.i. fight 

single-handed against many 
' ^ gohcLtja'ni n.f. sty ; stye 


goA'r n.m. passage for ox -cart 

f gau'har, go'hor n.m. pearl' gem; 
>7-' jewel descent essence ; quintessence 
talent sharpness of sword gau'har- 

afshait apj. (fig.) adj. eloquent adv. (polite) 
speaking "^lyj^J'gau'har'-afsha'ni n.f (fig.) 
(polite or joc.) speaking utterance Ayt* 
gau’ Itar-bdr adj. raining pearls coming in 
fine drops highly prized gau'har-sabj, 

ifl~^f/gau‘har-dtin3s’ n.m. & adj. lapidary 
ffig.) critic [Pj 

.sfgo-’ii'dak n.m. informer (pl.^f^y 
go"ihdagsfi) speakers; utterers (P-» 

say] r * 

3/ go”i suf. (see under J go 1c) 

I**. / gka'ta n.m. excess charged on paid price 
' ghs'le mrfi adv. gratuitously 

> jrglat n.m. wharf ; ferry riverside 
^ bathing place such place for draw- 
ing water or washing clothes brassier* brest 
point where sword blade curves 
ghat ghat kapa'ti. fn'na ph. be widely* experien- 
ced I'jLt&fJghat' mar'na v.t. smuggle dutiable 
goods ij£l£t\£ ghat'-mak'jhi n.m. ferryman 
h.f’ gha'fS n.m. loss deficiency 
v damages I'lSrf ffgha'ia kits' na v.t 
suffer a loss C% If if / ho gha'ts pcn'na v.t. incur 
a loss [ ~ bw j , * „/ 

*ti? gha'ti n.f. valley pass J 
0 au'ghat gha'ti n.f. difficult pass 
J^fghas (\\A. Jtlfgfuihs) N.F. gram 
w ^hay^li/l/^t' />a/ n.f. greens (/tgrflfghas' 
pkoos n.m’ straw l/tyi/t/gkai' kdt’na v.t. cut 
grass grub up grass do something haphazardly 
Ci/j-Afghss' kha'na v.t. & 1 . graze lose 
one’s wits ; go mad hjj^cT^fgh as ' fcW'na v.t. 
grub up grass 
* * ghag adj. 

* goo*'e n.m. (genitive form of / goo ★) 

s { goo"iya% n.f. female’s friend or play- 
^ v*/ mate of own sex ; friend 

^ ge'/a n.m. & adj. speaking person , (one) 
able to talk con J. as if so to say 

in a way perhaps $ ifgoy a'** n.f. 
utterance (power of) speech [P ~ say] 

t/ gova/ya n.m. singer vocalist 

^ geh n.m. (short for ./'n.f ★) 

.—.if' ghat n.f . ambush , ambuscade 

opportune moment (for attack, etc.) 
(rare) trick rtJfctJl'tf&lfghattaga'na (or 
baifh'na) v.t ambush : lie in ambush , lay 
or nftakc aipbush ; lie in wait (for) gha'ti, 

gha'tiya n.m. ® adj. lurking (one) 
lying in ambush 


veteran wily (old man) 

, {,? ghagh'ra, ij? ghag’ra ttM. k»g 
•y ** skirt petticoat (rare) kilt cfiLflf 
ghagk'rs pal’tan n.f. (joc.) kilted soldiers $ 
Highland, regiment bevy of ladies 
s l' mel adj. mixed 

, \f ghal'na n.t. ruin Otf/tka 
\y M? ghal'na ph. ruin ; -reduce to straits 

gha'mar n.m. & adj. fool ; blockhead 

f ghon n.m. quantity cast once into frying 
IS) & pan, mill, etc. ktarni v.t. 

take out prepared quantity 0 IjtfiXghatd <tal'na 
v.t. cast a quantity (of something) for frying, 
etc. gha'td n«\ .quantity cast once in oil 
expeller, etc. QtXif* ko^'^l gha'iti n.m. first 
round of such quantity ^ . 

yf gka*'d >.M. wound sore 

a 0 bhar’na v.t. (of wound or sort) heal 
(; / flf gka"o kar'na v.t wound ; inflict a 
wound (fig.) injure (someone’s) fcefingsiT^jfi/ 
gjka"o kha'na v.t. be wounded jlfgha'yal n.m. 

^ k'!fghz''o-ghkp adj. embezzler V/iJflf 
gka , 'o-gkkp for'na v.t. embezzle 
y* f gha”i n f. angle formed betwerii 
l} (two finder, branch and stem, etc.) 
fraud trick (l? jtflfgha"iyah hot*# 

Uran uka " i bata'nd, v.T. dcfrsild 


i f gha'yal adj. injured ; wounded 
(JjP (fig.) smitten with love tpffjjf gkajal 
kar'na v.f. wound , Jn flirt a wound (fig.) 
sm»c with love If Jr $ gka'yal ho'na v.i, be 
wounded (fig. 1 besmitten with love 
i». T ghabra'nd v.T. & t. feel nervous be 

* l/T unnerved , be embarrased be per- 
plexed be confused unnerve confuse 
perplex Jt^l^fghobra'hat n.f confusion 
bewildcrmcni embarassment 

J gh*p’ adj. & Ain/ very pitch (dark) 
ghMp’ ahdhfta n.m. pitch 


gimp' Id n.m. discrepancy (in accounts) 

mess . confusion (ifljC-^lAihnp'la 
par na (or lag' an) v.i. be in a mess’; be thrown 
into ronfusion ^ (of discrepancy) occur (in 
accounts) Cf iS^Aghap'la dal'na v.t. make a 
mess (of) cause discrepancy (in accounts) 

ghip'na v.i. (of knife, etc.) pierce (into 
something) { ~ ha 

i pi gWi* n.f. cloud gathering of 
™ clouds (Lf L (£>/ 1 and 

or ufh'na or umaftd'na or ho' a a) v.i. (of clouds) 
gather in the horizon (of sky) become cloudy; 
be overcast gXJiA&CA.A&a'Y* jhaom' (or 
gkir') kara'na v.i. (ofcfouds) gather suddenly 
lour ; lower, i'lif & gka.'ta ftha'ha v.t. (of 
clouds) lour ; lower «_/} cfgha’td-top adj. & 
Any. pitrh (dark) 

ib± ghat' id, if gat' la n.m. corn (on skin) 

* a 

i *iM ghatand v.t. decrease; lessen ; reduce. 

* diminish abate subtract lower ; 

degrade demote devalue; devaluate 
cause to decline ylf ghata'’o n.m. fall 
reduction lowering depreciation/^/ Ptf 

ghata'o-barha"’o n.m. rise and fall decrease 
and increase iff ghat'nd v.t, decrease ; 
lessen be subtracted (of price) come down 
fall (of moon) wane subside dwindle 

be lowered be devalued e yri. fyffghat' It ka 
pmh'rah pm. time when something is on the 
wane old age \j£ ghat yd (rare J** ghat'yaT) 
adj. inferior ** cheap 

f,P £ gkitt'na vj. be well-rubbed be 
pounded ; be powdered (of head, 
etc.) be tonsured ; be close-shaven be chocked 
(of hreath) be suffocated ke adv. 

(die) of suffocation [’iff gtiitvd'nd v.t. cause 

to pound get (head) toplnired gkita’’o 
n.m. close atmosphere Jr** gkMi' tai ti.v. close 
atmosphere suffocation pressure on space 
pf ghSt'ni N.M. knee {\ffaC} if gf/dloA 
ghSt'noh mth sir' de (or ke baith'na) 
v.t. hang down one’s head with shame 
try to hide oneself be overwhelmed with 
grief 1'&/&SA-Jzgkst'n' * ^ga kar bi<ka'im 
ph. (of mother) not to set daughter apart from 

ghAt’niyoh ehal 

Pj. ghSt'ti n.f. first-ever dose to new born 
l? infant (fy L)l'%i££fgh**'* nteh par’ no 

(or ho' na.) ph. become one's second nature , 
I tJf'&’ty 3 ' Affghaiva! adj. (see undor lA 
ghat' na v.i. ★) 

gki (k'~pi& n.f 
writing adj. 





written over 

^ gohar’ n.m (short for gau'har n.m. it) 

Jl ghat n.m. house ; residence abadc • 
/ dwelling , habitation home family 
native place soiirc ; origin, spring 
place of production groove ; socket h‘f, 
^U^gfmr' dbdd' kar'ha (or basa’na) v.t. ■&. t| 
marry ; take a wife come to live with (some- 
one) as hip wife beget children Ifji 
ks ghar abad' ho'nd v.i. (of .man) get married 
many)ly4fjlC J rjlS.i)C5rl/g kaT ' ujarna (or 
bar bad' ho'nd or titan' ho'nd) v.i. (of home) 
be ruined suffer a Joss of someone^ in family 
(of house) be buigled LUjcJ ffgkaru /' ho 
jd'na v'.t. (of one’s home) be ruined ghar'- 

bar n . m . home family house- -house- 
hold good Cir'Ap'te ghar’ bar no, v.i. (of man) 
get married ; marry (jf^fghar-ba'A n.f. (.rare) 
wife li^Aghar'-bigdr’nd v.t. ruin a family 
caiisc friction in family fka ghar' 

bi'garna v.i. lose one’s contort (bv death or 
otherwise) have freqncsi tiffs VC/ghar’ 
banana v.t. build a house keep house 
seen not to ludge from gh*r bh/’en 

bhd"e(i kar'ha v. (of house) R>ok desolate 
be deserted ghar' blur n.m. die whole 

family ffA fhar baiik ! »2 v.i. (of house) ■ 
collapse (Of vaemun) be practically divorced 
\Jt*j£j£.kr ghar baith'na v.i. become the mis- 
tress of ‘jS-A ehm' bai'fhe adv. without the least 
txerdonl^j^ffke ghat' {mth) par'ria v.i. (of 




woman) marry (someone) become the wife 
of (someone) ^j^lXt^eCrf^ghar' phoohk' tarns ' - 
Jia dtkk'ns ph. waste one’s substance in idle 
pleasure tak pahutdiS'na V.i. 

escort (someone) to his home C^T gkar' 
tak pahuhchi ns ph. abuse members of someone’s 
family bare' ke gkar tak pahuttdi'na 

v.t. pursue (wicked person, etc.) to the 
utmost (joc.) persue to the ' utmost $ 
fjkar jatcs"i n.m. man living with his in laws 
L'ULtJJj>!f2»gkar ' 4tarh! ka lar'nt sins ph. go to 
(someone**) house in order to pick up a quarrel 
V9% jfgkar' chala'ria v.t. run a house 
maintain one s family 0%/^ gkar' dial'nd v.i. 
(of family) be maintained gkar'-dar' adj. 

family man gkar' -da rt n.f. being a 

family man Udj/jjtgkar' dekk' Una v.t. 
see a house visit a hotise frequently (of, 
death, etq,) spot a house for visitation ij Cdf/* 
£ l%(rf gkar' diibo’na (or iqar'ns or bar' bad 
kar'n a) v.t. ruin a family CiitJyS/fgkar' sir' par 
utha'ns v.t. make much noise 
hue and cry maintain a family 

raise a great 

i gkar' se 

ad.v. from one’* own pocket {•*£/ ^fgjhar' 
sr bt-gOar’ kar'ns v.T. evict t^/gkar' 

se pa"'o* bs’har nikal'na v.t. cbme*out of the 
house become vogiad gkar' se de'na 

v.t. pay out of one’s pocket (Jfjjfy ‘Z-J’ 

gkar’ se lor' kar to na'fdb fi’.’e int. why are you 
unnecessarily cross L> — gkar' se'tm v.i. (fig.) 
idle away one’s time at home Uf gkar' ks, 
adj, (f. tfjCfrar’ *1) own ofone’s family 
gkar' ks ad'mtu.u. member of one’s 
family trustworthy person i/Ujfcf'f \(/gkar' 

ka a*'g<m bd’js'm V.I. (of house or household; 
be mined Jftr/ gkar' ka ftfa'/a, gkar' 

ks (hirSgti' N.M. son ; successor ; scion of" a family 
ka bbj%‘ Sffca'aa V. be respon- 
sible for the upkeep of the house ; maintain 
one’s family^taf ks bhe’di n.m. 

confident confidant p gkar' ka 

rat ne (or kat kha'nt) 
my people very much 


r „ r # m _ the home is 

C(%Jt gkar' ks ras'lah bat ana ph. prevari- 
cate b£*gk ar' ka ras'tah le'n a int. make 

oneseff scarce gkar' *,ka gkar' n.m. the 

whole family fcji (>j£ gfar' ks Aar'vs ho 
js'no v.i. (of family) be ruined (Jl k^^gkar' ks 
mat n.m. one’s own property 

ka na ghat' ka ph. (one) rejected by both sides 
Vj/fttf/rghor ka nam’ dttb.Ynz v.t. bring shame 
on one’s family yf gkar 1 kar sat' tar baW 

sar prov. being a family man means a lot of 
trouble gka r' kar'na v.t. have a sepa- 

rate home for oneself marry' capture 
make room for oneself influence iVj ghar_ 
kama'na v.t. clean night-soil ; scavenge 

* & ar> ** a 'dbi na hs'har ki ja'ri prov. 
less income at home is preferable to more at 
both (dry bread at home is better than roast 
meat abroad C/JrJ^gkar' ki tar'k rath' ns 
live as a member of a family feel at ease in a 
home gkar' ki kk/ti n.f. (fig.) 

something to be had without incurring any ex- 
penditure own possession £i gkar' ki 

latth'd* n.f. handmaiden sJs.Afjfr'dJr gkar' ks 
mSr'ghj dal' bars' ber prov. no one is'a hero to 
his own valet ; a prophet is not valued in his 
own country lyd^^UeC/gkar' ke ja'le U't, 
phir'na v.t. search every nook and corner of 
the house roam about all over Sj gkar' 
ke log n.m. one’s family gkar' ghat' n.m. 

address ways and manner secrets (of) 

^iXjfgkar' ghal'ns v.t. ruin a household 
£ gkar' gkar' n.m. every house adv. in every 
fiousc jSJt&ar' gbar'nwfig'te phir'na 

v.t. beg from door to door gkar' gluts' roo 

n.m. & adj. (one) who always keeps at home 
Jy (f t? iJjA^gkar’ gha’ra na khkh as' mol prov. 
who will buy a pig in a poke gkar" 

garths' t n.f. household virtuous; housewife 

l'£t^ gkar' luta'na v.t. squander one’s wealth 
u*l £ ghar' le'na v.t. buy a house rent a 
house U— moos 'ns v.t. impoverish a 
household by continuous demands or filching 
ljf> rJtfLX‘\a( jj{<Ji/gkar‘ me* bkao’t a bta*g' 
tak na ho'na ph. have nothing at borne ; be ex- 
tremely poor CljtJlritj* 4 ua> meil Ma*' ur'ns, 
t fa , gkar' me* &oo'he daur'ns ph. have 
nothing in the house to cat ; be extremely poor 
£j tj(j£jf gkar' me* dsl'ns v.T. make one’s mis- 
tress one’s wedded wife jfjJd. (Jt/jl} y £ghar > 
na bar ' mj** mahal'le dor prov. feel proud with- 
out possession gtj gkar’ -vs' Is H.M. master 

of the house husband landlord Jlj^gkar'- 
vs'li n;f. housewife wife landlady 
oo*dt a gkar' n.m. high lainily y/j/f Ika'ra&uf 
n.m. rich- family with many members ^pit/o 
ask' gkar' n.m. (rare) post office ^jtrta'r-gkar 

n.m. telegraph' office Is^ghar'cs n.m. (dial ) 
small house V gkMU'tno ADJ. Tlf) 
t £ .gkar'ra~ H.u, death rattle gkar'ra 

lag' na v.l. be at the last gasp 
f gaih'rn ADj. (f. ifj’ gaih'n ) deep 

J/r sharp (colour) intimate (friend) 

strong , in dissoluble (link, etc.) well -observed 

profound (thought) deep or cunning 
(person) dense tt/fl/f gaih'rs par'dah n.m. 
wel 1-observed purdah ; total seclusion (of women) 
£'\fy?gaih'H bat n.f. profound truth sly 

matter VIS#// gaih’ri ^kan'nsy.T. prepare 
a dense solution of hamp be intoxicated with 
11 mt * grih'r* tkkan'na v.t be close 

friends . to have a great fight gaih’n I 

rfikd to M n.f. sleep soundly ; have a sound sleep 
0*4^fgaih‘rt (Pal'ita fi. (highwaymen’s slang) 
walk swiftly and kill the patient ^ - X £kt 
gaittu ho’ ns v.t. (of someone) earn a lot ; have 
good business gjif gaih'ri n.f. intimate 
friendship dense solution of hemp $ lyf 
gaihra”t N.F. depth deepness profundity 
gkir s'ns v.t. (see under I v.t, -dr) 

i *1 / gksra’ns, ginra’nah n.m. . house- 
* / ^ hold family dynasty ( - yif ) 
fi IV N F - wider \J" ADJ. it) 

gfutr-daur' N.f. hojse race Otygk* •sal' 
n f (arch.) Aab}9frfly0glkMr*tit n.f. a kind 
of small gun 0*’;* ghiir-na l 'l n.f, ft aDJ. horse- 
shoe [~ CON 1 K.J 

/ gka'ra n.m. earthep water pot s jar; 
’ / pitcher i Jjjffka'rph part par ja'nt 
v.t be greatly ashamed (f’sjfgjktrartt'tk * n.f. 
pitcher stand . 

ghars’na V.T. n.f. 

»y gha'rat n.f Cs'JttgkarM' n.f. see 

F0LL ** ) «. ✓ 

,*J,X ghar'aa, (dial. U>£T gmk'u) v.t. 

*7 beat, etc. into shape Jorgp- invent 
or fabricate (lie, story, etc.) Vl^Jtgktra'n*. fo yt 
gkarvs'ns v t. cause to forge get (orna- 
ment) made fti 5 +giora''i n.f. remuneration 

price workmanship •Zyf gka'rat, 

gharafit n.f. faked story make-believe 
f gka'rl n.f. chronometer watch 
(j y (arch, space of 24 minutes (this, that; 

etc.) moment occasion time gk*'l% 

bans' na v.t. repair a watch tyrgjy g)u£ A 
bha'ri ko'na ph. (of lime) hang heavy ‘(/tyl/fhf 
gha' ri bkar men adv. in a moment ; in a tnce 
in a jiffy in a short while 
pal ki asna'htfi ph. who can be sure next moment 

watch maker (f 


r >V>£ 

£ £ gka'rar gha' rat n.f. whirr Mi)Vfdrdr 
Jy ^y gka'rai gha’rar shal'ns (or kar’na) v.l. 
whirr [ono.J 

/ gku'rakna v.t rebuke browbeat 
Kr (fa? ghir'ki n.f. rebuke brow- 

/ / gkar ghat n.m. whirr |ono.) 

/ * A gha'ri gka'rl adv time and again ^ 

irr (VJb&fdyy I j'lt/’ghari met to’lah gka’ri meg mt'fhah FN. 

(• X gkir'na v.t. (of clouds) gather be 

* s surrounded (by) be besieged be 
busy (with work, etc.) 

\ f ghjr'ni n.f pulley handle. rope 

i ry twisting wheel vertigo ClS^ghil’rt 
kha ns v.r. fall down owing to vertigo 
1 * £ gkararti'da (or gkJ-). n.m. toy-house; 

•X sand or clay house made and unmade 
by children ( ~ ) 

i f ghtne loo adj. home homely 
y~T simple , unsophisticated domesticated 
tame private (f£}J’ y £ghatr'loo zifi'dagi n.f. 
private life ^U^Jytghare'loo mo's'malah n.m. 
internal affair ( ~ yf ) + 

Jy Leghari meh to’lah ghSri me ft ma'tkah FN. 
fickle ; capricious jjgf&n'j** gin' ns v.t 
wait impatiently 

huA N -“- crocodjle gong 

Oz.y grandfather clock Jl^fgkar'ja'll n.m 
one striking the hours at a gong 

giBr>a N.F. pony { ~ jJj£ dim.) 

, if gkisi'na v.t. rub cause to wear 

v out L~£ gii/’ta n.m. rubbing ; abra- 

sion shoving in push stroke trick 
fraud My lights 'sa-mi'ri n.f. game in which 
contenders try to’ snap each other’s string iiv(/ 
gkiss'vat n.f. /( ^fgkfs3'\> n.m. rubbing 
abrasion friction fiuJTgkJfa'U n.f. friction 
rubbing rubbing charg « cSgkis'm v.t. 
rule wear out j*’*» v.t. wear 

out ; be worn out Jfc ( j-* r gki , tan-pH'fl n.f. 
brawl fight iV* gkisua'na v.t. . cause to 
rub cause to wear out ✓Vr'Cr glw' *«r 
adv. (of clothes) after a long and happy use 

internal affair l~ V ) . „ ^ • ;; T; T. , . . T,. 

>/ gkir-savar', I if? /lUv/tJr *k»' kar lags. or to mk St ph. 

gifit'-cJor’ka n.m. horseman cavalier is not at all there 



fghv*z'(k* n.f 

‘arbus precatorious’ seed 

**gJluh'gar n.m. curl i)ij^gkufigara'ld 

gkut' ger-va' l&, Jlj&fghufigarvit la adj, curl 


fifgkti* '»» n.m. 
on all tides 

tinkle ; small bell protect 
tinkling anklet ; band 
containing these bells death-rattle 
ghuiig'oo batidh'na v.t. tie tinkling anklet (in 
preparation for dance) p 'too bol'nd 
v.i luve the death-rattle 


da ( 

kar) batik' na ph. keep mum despite the need to 

f | fj!j,gha*g»l'»a v.t. stir up (liquid) with 
* one’s hand make if turbid pierce 
with (something) 
l^jgaikva'ioh n.m. cradlr 

*.» up»t un ut-aui lamt .a 

■ h f. boiled corn 

0 tiSt mutih mrt gkithg'niyaKdalt (or d< 

iMlgho'ta n.m. 
^ pestle 
/, » fgkot'na, 
by rubbing 

polishing stone wooden 

tritna v.t grind 
pulverise (arch.) glaze (paper) 

f'gkor ATi]. terrible dark Jir 

adj. (see under ^fghan •*) f 
I fo 00 '* N M - dunfchilltf,(/(,>gi,»'ra gha'ri 
Jjr i^r. (see under (>/• v.t. it) 

I ffkau'n n m. shady pen (for animals) 

i. fgkoor'na v.t. scOwl , glower stare (at) 
gaac intently (on) ogle , cast 
amorous glances (fMf,j?gioo'ra gka'ri ogling 

gkaor gkoor kar dtkk'na v.t. stare 
at scowl ogle 

i N M - horse trigger ; cock 

'JJr (at chess) knight V&tfjfgfa-ra barha'na 
v.t. urge a hors* {,"(*£ lij* ghn'ra ^arhajia v.t. 
cock a gun gko'r? ebkor'na v.t. un- 
harness a horse . gallop a horse get a mare 

covered Cj>j Ijjigka'ra daba'na v.t. pul* trigger 
I'tjjj fjj+gko'ra dauri'ns v.t. gallop a *.orse \J$ 
Otf&o'ra dal'na (or ptutk’aa) v.t. race 
a horse at full speed set one’s horse on O&ljjf 
d»‘ra nikal'na v.t. take out symbol of Imam 
Husain’s horse during Muharram Vy'f&’rd-jft 
gfc>'r» fcp| km MM va. sleep too soundly^ 
l ’trf/'lgko'Ufm a’sonjoma'na v.t. sit finely on 
hone WlyrQM-fa^jftfu'rtjo'r'kV khn.i’ 
imr, may be continue to enjoy the happy marital 
life and his high tutus (ffjJgWrt n.f. mare 

crude machine for making macaroni lace- 
rnakeT s stand wooden strip used as clip in 
circumcision (usu. pl.) song sung at 
gin’ti tap' pa n.m. leap frog tlptfcf 
ejarka na v.t. get boy circumcised make 

a bridegroom, ^ 

, f^gkeoi jjjigfiot.its n.f. bribe 


gko i» N.M. 

gho ran n.f. 



cowherd (f. 

... /giel'»4 v.t. dissolve put in 

V)r ras ghoi'na v.t. pour dulcet tune’s (into 
cars) l jcJjfgkol pt'tia v.t. (fig.) care a hang 
for have no shame J^jj/gkol’mel n.m. 


ijyf gkol'oa H.n. opium solution 

Ds opiate f - pfec.J 

ghc'la n.m. perplexity difficulty 

y^& uom ni V I - 

turn round route 

_ revolve whirl uke a stroll feel 
giddy &<»**' ta gkam'ta (or pkir'ta) 

adv. walking around just by the way <jjT 
^■(jsfghaom' gkoom kt adv after a walk' 
after all 

n m. draught pull (at) hookah 



etc.) (£>lj& tt £fjj>gkoolit pt'na (or tt'na) 
take a draught have a pull (at hookah 

»a v.t. pierce with (knife, etc.) 

jj/gkoott'sq n.m. blow with the fist 

( 15 1 1 b$ Ldjjfgktwk'sa 

(or rasid" kar’naor 1 nar'nd) v.r. give 

(or **°*’* a ) V T press , grind 
krjr iSjfV go'la ghooitna v.T throttle . 
strangle ; strangulate btjdrjdam' gkcokt'na v. i 
make it hard to breathe 

fist shock 

, - .. _ Inga' n a 

(or rasid' kar'tia or mar'ni i) v. r. give a blow 
^>j* l S~'j*gkooh'sam gkdk'sah n.m. fisticuff* 
iS'jk gkoofise-ba'ei s.r fisticuffs (rare) 

'ghats' la n.m. nest iVnJj^ghoks la 
v.t. make a nest 
, j&fgkah'ga n.m. conch-shell 

py£r°* N M ‘ vf ‘* corner of mantle 
drawn over face screening wall against 
door skin protruding over penis (of .rmyi 
retreat (0j» i iOljuifrdfjfgkoah'gai mha'r.a 
(or u/ja'na or khol'na) v.t. unveil draw aw ay 
the mantle from the facet tfhS%»gkm'gat Uii'na 
v.i. (of army) rmcn ( fr>fijij&j/'gkxh‘gai 


kar'ni (or tar A’ na) v.t. draw mantle over the face 
(J Shook' gat va'li n.f. veiled woman 

Jgki N.M. clarified butter ; butter-oil ; ghee 
V t* gfr' dtu'parno v.t. rub with butter-oil 
CU'^-jiJr'Jghl' saliva’ re sal'na ban 
ba'hoo ka nUm' PROV. get,, credit for nothing or 

close frie 

jala'na v.t. rejoice 4^ £, i ke (hit ugh' 

jal'na V.T. prosper evince happiness 
J'' ga'he adv. & conj. occasionally ; at times 

j T gkiy'ya n.h. pumpkin ; gourd 

|« i ^'gkep'na v.t. (dial.) mix well make 

V^M^into a paste 

adj. heelless -upturned (slipper) for 


I* jf^ r na V T - encircle ; surround en- 
close hem in hedge blockade 

invest , by scige to press paster gker 
n.m. width fulness (of dress) circuit ; boun- 
dary jbyg gher-d&r adj. ample ; loose 
(j\) gker' gkar ke (or kar) ^adv. surrounding 

with great difficulty i^gju'ra n.m. circum- 
ference boundary cjrcle blockade 

siege cordon 0 l*^fghe'ra dal'na v t. 
blockade lay siege (to) throw a cordon 
round gkm”o n.m. industrial blockade ; 
gherao ij^J'ghera'o kar’na v.t. blockade. 

ghC y> " 

j bi'-ka’vqt, jlJLAghi'-ga'car n.m. name of 
J a medicinal plant with pulpy leaves 
1 T.of v.t. H) IjJiS gay a guz’ra 

ir ad J-(f. $fffga’'i guz’rl) (Dative & PL.*-yJUl 
ga"t gug’re) worthless (person) cowardly 
(of times, etc.) dead and gone 
ga'i guz’ri ba’Jek j&’ne do ph. let bygones , be 
bygones (jrtltel^&lfga'ya oaq’t pfor hath' a'ta / 
nctnti prov. time past is gone for ever if Is t/ 
gd'jd hat sakfi' ni'kal ab lakir' p%\ a kar 
ph. what- ever has been done cannot be undone 
ifgya'rah adj. & n.m. eleven J^jUgyar- 
^5 hovait adj. eleventh (jy^Jgya'rhant N.r 
eleventh of a month olfering on this day 
for Sunnite saint Abdul Qadir Jilani 
,fgajan (ped. gyntn) n.m. ((dial.) know- 
C'jr ,f dge wisdom dhayart 

N.r. (dial.) meditation Vsftfugayari he'ni v.t 
(dial.) acquire spiritual knowledge jtifgaya'm 
n.m. (dial.) rage (•) 

) [J' MJW*' n.f. grays (1*1 


song lyric 

song of Krishna : a Hindu 
(dial.) song |S cognate of 

rf'gi'ta n . f . 

*»• scripture 
PREC^j _ 

-J gi'ti n.f. world ul (fZgi'ii^a'ra adj. world 
(£~ adorning jj/ljf gi’ti-afroz' adj. world- 
illuminating }J )£* gi’ti-navar'd n.m. globe-trot- 
ter [PJ 

b fgn n.m. gat c yJ^/get' -toper n.m. gate- 
U < keeper [E] *“ ' 

> / gt'dars.M. )f. tfJ’jfgtd'ri) jac- 
-"T? kal (fifJjSgi'dar bhab'ki n.f. 

(usu. pl.^ ^ bullying bluff 
\>t(jy*?j*fgii’dar bkab'- kiyah de'na 
v.t. bully 


m rgi'di n.m. dolt shameless 
adj. stupid shameless 
jgir suf. holding conquering (^Xgt'rt 

S* si r. holding conquest ^f } jtjdar'o gii' , 

jlj gt'r-o dar n.f. roundup (of culprits 
etc.) fighting and killing (rare) melle iy 
yf j jh hakgu'ma-e da'r-o gtr' n.m. fighting 
and killing (rare) melee ^l^gtra"* n.f. 

hold strength gaihra’'i-o-gira”i 

n.f. depth and hold [PJ 

f gt'roo n.m. red ochre ge’ro’a adj. red- 
V^* dish ; like red ochre 
slrf'ge'ri n.f. one of several small pieces of 
Q/H wood with which children plaw'geriyan’ 
f'gt'soo n.m. lock ; tress ge’soo bun’- 

y*Z dah n.f. one with bobfied hair (arch.) 
shameless woman [PJ 
' N.F. gas [E] 

f i fgais n.m. guess gais' pe'pat n.m. guess 
l/**.P a P rT ( E 1 

.gfg‘g' 1 * AD J- ( F - g‘g'b I simple-minded 
siliv , stupid (tfi&geg’la-pan N.M. 
simple mindedness stupidity 

gail' adv. (dial. ) along with 

,iVgs'/4ADJ. (F. jfgi’U) wet moist 
damp gi'la pan n.m. moisture 
dampness kat'na v.t. damD 

moisten g»Va ho'm v.t. be moist^tf^gl'ft 
lak'ri iN.p (fig.) person of impressionable age 
rfjfgul'* n.f. gallery [E] 

^Jjfgm'la* n.m. gallon (E) 


bjfgai’lar n.m. child by the former husband of 
. • / ** one's wife _ j- 

jfr gift suf. haying fill cfZ.Sf nl Sl/F . 

U~ having fulness [P] 

■ .fgai'na AD). (F. Jz gai'ril) (of cow, etc.) 
*v- short and thick fusu. through non-brecd- 

: % T V 

-JJIgtfi’tl n.f. pickaxe 

.•f g tftj'na N.t. crumple : mash with one’s 
hands ~ 

geftd n.f. ball Ikj^geftd' bal'la 
n.m. ball and bat 

(rare) cricket bjj&S'gthd' rit'nn v . t . V*’ 'y 

howl mi* *' 

^ . J'gtfi'da n.m. marigold 

fej? • Salt'd a n.m. rhinoceros 

ifgai'hsfi n.m. world uni- U/ 
verse [P doublet of Ohr,] j ? 

fge'hooh n.m, wheat 

C )y\» gt'hoofi ke Satb gbun bhi pis' ja'ta hat 
pfeov the innocent suffering along with the 
wicked (jj^gc'ho'aft adj. wheaten . 

adv. definitely ; undoubtedly conj. doubtless 
i-'lgl) lo-javab' adj. silenced (by apt rcply)*-'^ 
/ ta-javab' kar de’itii v.t. silence 
la-javab ■ ho ja'na v.t. silence 

ji la-cjiar' (usual but less correct variant of 
j\rC na-char) adj. helpless destitute 
adv. * of necessity ; perforce inevitably 
la-tbar' kar'na v.t. render helpless 
reduce to straits force (to) If la-char' 
ho'na v.i, become helpless be disabled 

forced (to); constrained (to) Jjlffl nf. pl. Id- 
h&T'g i, Jjb I) la-cha'ri n >. helplessness 
inability "poverty la-hia'sil adj. use- 
less ; bootless fruitless unprofitable 

unavailing unproductive hot carried for- 

ward ; leaving no balance (J^f(^'sa' , y-t la 
Aa'sil n.m. vain attempt abortive attempt 
la-ha' sUi n.f. ZjifjJfV la-haula va la 
qia'vah, OfU la haul', jiu H<ZJlfjJy r lft& hau'la 
va la qitv'vata iila-biltah' ph. there is no sway or 
strength save that of God int. God forbid 
to hell with i t ( fl) la-haul' bktj'na 
(or parh-na) v.t. curse imprecate spurn 
iSfali la-da'’sa n.m. relinquishment of claim 
CoP la-da‘‘va likh’na v,j. relinquish one's claim 
I jj If la-dava’ adj. incurable irremediable 

tf-jff la-di’ni adj. secular &*£il)la diniy'yat n.f. 

irreligiousness secularism lz-raib' adv. 

(lit.) doubtless ; undoubtedly Jijj if la-gavnl' adj 
everlasting; eternal la-stl'ki n.f. & adj. 
wireless la-sho'oor' n.m. the subconscious 
la-sho'oo'rl adj . subconscious J’ii’tf la- 

J lam thirtieth letter of Urdu alphabet 
(equivalent to English l) (in jummai 
reckoning) 30 

Yjj laa'll n.m. (pl. of JJ if ) 

i .i la pref. not un urr -;in- less 
” It-ubalt adj. careless reckless devil- 
may-care (attitude) n.m. dare devil' care- 
less person ^jLllfla-Uba'fcfm n.m, care- 
lessness recklessness devil may-care atti- 
tude JtjJ U'-iUh wt. there fs no God Jftyiyti) 
la' ita'ha il'ltUah' , pm. there is no God save 
Allah jnJSjSZiltfjllVla' ila'ha il'ldla’ho 
moham'mad Ur raioo'tullah ph. there is no God 
save Allah and Muhammad is His messenger >if 
Id bud adv. inevitably indispensably tfj, jf 
la bu’di adj. necessary essential inevit- 
able indispensable jljJtffla-ta'dad’ adj. count- 

ta"il adj. useless ; bootless unprofitable 
vain (attempt) Jf la-‘ilaj' adj. incurable 
irremediable r^~t) tsril'm adj ignorant 

unaware la-U'mi n.f. ignorance 

unawareness D la-Ul'mi za'hir kar'na 

v.t. pretend or pleau ignorance f'jff J) la-kalam' 
adv. (lit.) doubtless ; undoubtedly posi- 
tively ji/'lak adv. surely; certainly 
assuredly ; definitely if la-maz'hab adj. 

irreligious secular la-mai'habi adj. 

irrel igious secular ff la- 

maz'hahiy'yat n.f. irrcligiousness secularism 
Cl&tf la-makan' adj. homeless omnipresent 
n.m. nowhere utopia Throne of God 
C*jbl) la-va'ris n.m. waif adj. . stray un- 
claimed (goods or property) (ped.) hairless 
la-va'risl adj. unclaimed (property) n.f. 
being unclaimed Jj If la va’lad adj. is issurlcss ; 

less ; innumerable las a'ni adj. unparallel- childless (fjj If la vn'lodi n.f. (ped. 

ed ; matchless ; incomparable /*yrp la-ja'ram la-valadiy'yat) being isstieless JtJ/lf la-yazaT adj 



eternal la-yo l 'nt adj. absurd obscene 

.irrelevant cSy^j* la-yamoot' adj. immortal 
la-yanhal adj. insoluble abstruse 
'iiq'da-r la-yanhal n.m. insoluble diffi- 
rulty la-yon fak adj. inseparable ; in- 

divisible C&0jy?jZz'w la-yan'/ak n.m. insepar- 
able part [A]* 

la n.m. stratum ; layer / J) la'-bar-la' adv. 
layer upon layer [P] 

,»i labk n.m. (dial.) gain ; profit Cdhatl} 
• " JaH, tiika'ns v.t. (dial.) gain 
' „ ,< tat n.f. leg kick lat' mar'na 

V ;.T. kick ; spurn 

r - it to' n.f. name of an ancient Arab goddess 
fay y tZs I ) lat-u-'uz’tn names of two 
goddesses of pagan; Arabs, ‘Laat’ and ‘Uzza’ 

lat n.f. lord governor chief 
lat' pad'ri n.f. bishop [E~lord 

lat n.m. lot (E) 
lit, jfii /a tA- N.F. pillar 
lat'n n. f. lottery [E) 
la'tki n.f. 



la'tki n.f. stick club ; cudgel 
*■' tr/f^7 kar'na v.t. fight 

with clubs tek'.ke chahia v.t. 

walk with the aTd of a stick la thi 

cfiali'na v.t. cudgel Uglify 

id tip' Ihl mar ja”e la'tki blttna too’ ft prov. kill two 
birds with one stone 

f i| H.F. modesty bashfulness good 
w" name sense of honou 
«'«a (or lag'na) v.t. be abashed be provoked 
by the sense of (family, etc.) honour u-0 £jf 
lay rakh'na v.t. protect the honour (of) 
live up to the traditions (of) jj h.j si 

mar'na, l 'yOZH> la'joii mar'na v.t. fed greatly 
ashamed (CijfljL’y&l) laj khona (or gaim'im) 
v.i. lose all sense of shame 

laj'vard n.m. armenian stone . lapis- 
lazuli azure IS^T.U faj' vault ADJ. 
sky-blue , azure (P) 

laj'vohti n.f. (dial.) sensime plant adj. 
{f£V (dial.) baslifu) (woman) 

la' big ADJ. (usu. of illness) alibiing 
U* affecting Vjf^JTll/ko la’kiq buna v.t. 
suffer from ; be ailing from catch (;jj> illness) 
2ry ta'hiqah N.M. suffix [A) 

.. . lad'na v.t load heap (upjni) 
burden (with) Ufjt) tad fkal'nu v.i 


pack up (fig.) die lS>D Wdt n.f. washerman’s 
load of clothes Ijtl la'diya n.m. one who loads 
fl) lad n.m. fondling caress affection 

. jt} tad' payar N.m. fondling caress 

is jt) lad' kar'na v.t. fondle j/^jf I ad' I a adj. 
& n.m dear darling pet spoilt child 
<IjU lad'k adj. & n.f. dear pet darling 
spoilt child jjD tad'do n.f. darling ; 
favourite (child or wife) spoilt child 
. j . ,i la'ra ti'ri n.f. prevarication Ulf 

l$/£ V' " la’ra H'ri laga’na v.t. prevaricate - 
jjjjf fsr’ta n.m. larva [E] 

la’ri n.f. bus ; omnibus [ ~E lorry] 
la'zim adj. 

t $J» 

. • <i la'zim adj. necessary incumbent 
( essential indispensable obligatory 
intransitive (verb) I'Tfji} lazim a'na v.i. 
become necessary be incumbent (on) follow 
out of necessity tilsf'jlf I* z»» jSn na v.t. re- 
gard as essential consider to be obligatory 
t> lazim kar’na v.t. make (something) in- 
cumbent or obligatory (on la'tim(-e-) 
mat zoom' adj. inseparable closely related 
to each other y)l/ lagimak n.m. Something 
going along with (another) JjJ) la'zim adj. 
(col.) necessary inevitable [A] 

. ,, laid, lasah n.m. bird-lime l( i>Up 

^ 0 la'sa loga'na v.T. catch with bird-lime 
catch kick up a row re par. 

laga'na v.r. bring (someonej round 

i/ lash n.f. (lit. also ylf la' shah n.m.) dead 
XJT0 body corpse U^iT^t/ki lash nikal'na v.i 
be carried away for burial jar an' la shah 

n.m. j'tfiitstma&maiha't* I&J! n.f. dead body 
of a vouthful'person £PJ . 

(rare ) laii'ni n F. & adj. Latin 

* j ia'ghar adj. thin; lean, slander (fyi) 
fv la'gfian n.f. thinless ; leanness ; slender- 
ness [P] 

# Inf n.f. boast ; brag ; bluster fjfioil 
\Jl) laJ'-ZM adj. braggart ; boastful person 
'AjiJjV laf'-lam n.f boasting, ' bragging; 
blustering t? f-zam kar'na, I'jl. CJ If laj 

mar'na v.t. ^ boast : >.ag ; bluster draw the 
long bou CiiJ'y OP la'f-o-gizaj' N.F. boast ; brag; 
bluster [P] 

) lakh, N.M. & ADJ lakh; lac , hundred 

jpP i thousand adv. howevermuch 
lakh’ hts’rt adv. surely ; definitely^jijft;//) 
UjftfjkfzL lakh (or lakkohpar Ha'rf ho'na ph. 

be very strong be very brave 'akhji it 

adv. with all one's heart 
lakh! ka ghar khak' kaj de'na ph. reduce (some- 
one) to abject poverty ; ruin a family play 
drucks and drakes with one s money 
la'khofi adj. lakhs many lakh 

(or la'khofi) nek n.m. one in lakh(s) " publicly 
lakh! -pa! d fejff laih-pa’tl n.m. & adj. 
millionaire ^ 

lakh n.f. lac ; sealing-wax fJU lot khz 
n.m. paint for lips lac, etc. used as 
lipstick Ciztfjl la'kka jama'na V.T. paint the 
lips red (with lipstick or betel-leaf) lakki 

n.f. red colour prepared from lac ADJ. made 

of lac of the colour of lac 
Jit lag n.f. rancour grudge enmity 

connection ; relation love 

lag' dant n.f. enmity rancour \^j lag' 

rahk'na v.T. harbouj- ill-will (against); have a 
grudge (against) \fi Jp lag' lag'na v.T. fall for 
Ji/ ^ — bt-lag' adj. & n.f. impartial (com- 

../it la'gat n.f. cost expenses , ex- 
V penditure outlay la'gat a' tin 

' CO:>l C$cz?V la'gat lagans v.t. spend money 
,.on) ; lay out money ( ~ J 

f'li & 00 N M ‘ enemy friend adj. 

' " inimeal friendly , attached I’jf fp 
la goo ho' ns v.t. be intent (on) love ; like 
tjf /fi tplftf ktjan ka I a' goo ho'na v i. resolved 
killing or pestering (someone) 
lit /a/ adj red tj$\ (Jjt lot akga'rah adj. 
w red hot flushed with rage ir&f(Jp lid- 
hhojak' kai n.m wiseacre I&I bkaboo'ka 

adj. blushed (with rage) ^ jy lal' -beg n.m. 
name of a saint of sweepers* £.Jjj lal'-be'gl, 
lal'-br'gij* n.m. sweeper <Jp lal'- 
M'n n.f fairy dressed in red (fig.) wine 
(Jti lal -pal ka n.m. whitc-tailyd red pigeon 
lal'-pi'ld hp'na ph. Olfa/ugJU Ul’-Jnli 
imkheh nikal'na ph. fly into a passion tjpf 
I al' -kh aft ka lak'ra n.m. a kind of pillory Ij/jJp 
lid ' dura n.m, redtupe (usu. PL) red streak 
(in the eye) JfjyJp Ini’ sauda'gar n.m. petty 
merchant quickly selling out wares at low profits 
‘gflf (Jlf W kitab' n.f. (joc.) supposed 
memoirs of the wiseacre Lai Bujhakkar (joc.) 
repository of answer to every question (joc.) 
' any red book j/jl) ltd' kUr'li n.f. British 
infantry (owing to its red jackets) cantonment 
W our' eh n.f chilly VjtJlf W ho'na 

v.t. redden flv into a passion lal* 
n.f redness 

j.. lal n.m. mb,. son favourite child 
laloh ka lal pk. very dear child 
lal'ri n.f. small ruby small favourite child 
.1 Ictla adj. lustrous , refulgent pp 
U " In' lU"e lala n.m. tustrous 
pearl [Aj 

jjif la' la n.m. slave (P) /])? 

lal' tain n.f. lantern (~E 


J , la lacji n.m greed avarice 

&*' covetousness avidity temptation 

£/ £}) la'lack de'na v.t. tempt Vjffrpla’lach 
kar'tia v.t. covet l'T(£ la'lacjt meit a'lui 
v.t. be moved by covetousness /p k-J' chi adj. 

greedy ; avaricious covetous 
l ... la'lah n.m. tulip , poppy flower Oj JU 
/Jot la'lah-rbkh, jjjp la'la roo, jljojp la'lo- 
l azar adj. tulip-checked n.m. (fig.) beloved 
sweetheart jljjjl la'la zar' n.m. bed of tulip [P] 
F.-i la'lah n.m. Hindu gentleman adj. (H. 
/J* dial.) Mr. f/jP lala'Un n.f. Hindu lad. 
adj. (H. dial.) Mrs. 

la'a'li n.m. pearls [A - sing jlJ ] 

(jjj la'll n.f. (see under 'jif adj. *) 

..JK . la'le par'na v.t. be hopeless (of) If 

jan' ke la'le par'na v.t. (of one's 
life) bejeopardized 

* . lam n.m. name of letter (J lam 

[V (fig.) ringlet lam' kaf n.f. abusive 

hnguage(L'y/^ljOu^ir / f1j lam' kaf bak'na (or par 
u'larria) v.t. abuse revile 

lam n.m. army, armed force tyflfP lam 
Ibafidh'na V.t. mobilize line up crowd 
gather togeth lam -baft di n.f. mobiliza- 
tion ; recruitment 
^ la'mi n.m. Lama (Tibetaoj 

ij ta'misak n.f. sense of touch ; sense of 
*** feeling tactile sense [A - Si * . 

^ 0 la' me' adj. bright ; shining (A~ J 

Ian n.m. lawn [E] 

fit la'na v.t bring produce introduce 

* ' persuade , win o\er buy , jmrchrtsc 

l^jj lak’ba adj. (dial ) (same as l J a=j. -%) 



& adv. (at) the roors comer tyA v* lab bafid 
'ns v.t. be silent J* — ^ ^ lab-bas' tah adj. with 
lips sealed ; quiet lab-e days' n.m. & adv. 

(on or along) the rever bank or sea-shbre jjj 
lab-ioz! adj. sealing the lips very sweet 
J-yi lab-rez' adj. brimful ^overflowing 
lab-soz' adj. piping hot lab-e M’rih n!m. 

honeyed lips Ojf*^ lab' kkol’na v. speak open 
the mouth jT<-^ la’b-e got' adj . with one foot 
in -the grave 1'Jj/ lab' hits’ ns v.i. speak ; open 

the mouth yi j lab-o-laihjah n.m. pro- 

nunciation * ‘intonation tone of voice 
&?CJ labofi P a ( or P*) j an' ho' ns v.t. be 

dying [P] 

fj lab h.m. saliva t aJ 4 — V lab lags' ns v.t, 
apply saliva [ ~ P»ec.] 

r t J lab n.f. moustache la' ben bark'ns 

• v.i. (of moustache) grow labeti 

le'nS v.T. clip the moustache [ ~ ] 

jU labs’ dah n.m. warm cloak [P] 

labs'rX, bjU labs'riya n.m. babbler' 

libss' n.m. (pl. al'bisah) clothes : 
dress ; apparet [A] 
lib'ral adj. liberal (E) 

lahd'n n.f. laundry [E] 

Izhk n.f. a cereal cut in the straw 

c6 Isfig'na, lsfi0l!nSy V.T. take (some- 
thing) in a stride yZ&V lah'gs\ait n.f. 
bee-line* line of two-way traffic dg 
lah'gan , lafi'gian n.f. stride 

Isfi’gkan met s'vs v.i. be in the course of some- 
one’s stride 

Is' vs n.m. lava [E] 

Is' van n.m. (dial.) stewed vegetable, etc. 
li'han N .m. brewed stuff 

- jji Ishoot' n.m. world lying beyond space 
■7 ” and time mystic stage in which 
human existence passes into God’s [A] 

.fjJJtt laibre'ri n.f, library tj/y'l) ls"ibrt'- 
riyan n.m. librarean [E] ** 

& . la'ihah n.m. (rare) guide line pro- 
s? V gramme ^j} la'eha-t ‘a’mal n.m. 
programme jmodus operandi’ rules of 
procedure [A~ £,& illumined] 

JAi Is'isafis ti.M. licence jL^ J dJa"isahsd 
V " 1} la’isalisysf'tah adj. licen- 

ced [E] 

mf . la 'iq adj. able ; capable competent 
U* qualified worthy suitable 
ke ls”iq adv worth ls"iq ka'ns v.i. be 

able ; be capable be competent ^ 

< . la'im n.m. reproachful person (*!}%)£) fb. 
r v bi-ls' khau'f-e lau'mat-e la'’im Anv. without 
fearing anyone’s reproach [A ~ ^ 

jiit la'in' n.f. line rail track OP; 
la"in-balsk' n.m. line-block [E] 
ls"o N.M. thick rope 

jj Is" id sefl'kat n.m. loud speaker [E] 

{ ttj sq l»"o lath'kar n.m. army with camp 

"l / W Is" otH n.f. minstrel’s song ; song telling 
v' a story 

j lab. n.m. (PL. t^ytatbab) wisdom 
^7 («.. liboob') essence ^j/ J lib'b-t 

luiab’ n.m crux of the question quintes- 
sence [A] 

* J Ub n.m. lip edge brime bank ; 

shore ; coast brow (of hill) i-VU la’bs- 
lab aov. (fall) to the brim ^ lab* bsm' n.m. 




d • 
i Y * 

i liboob’ n -m* » kind of sweet medicinal 
‘T'X preparation n.m. pl. essences (A -oho, 


I laboon' (F. or PL. labot'nah milk- 

yielding *y{ CeCljUbaivSns'l-t taboo’ nab{ ped. 
haj/a-) n.m. pl. mammals [A - iA) 

la'bar so! bar n.m. silly talk ; nonsense 
lab' labs adj. (r. lab'labt ) sticky 

lab'labi n.f. sere ; sear 
la'ban n.m. (rare) milk [A] 
lab'n i n.f. small earthen pot 

• j am 

IIS. w. 

tibbs' ns v.t. allure charm fascinate 

lubbs"o n.m. allurement; attrac- 


^ laHb ' adj. wise [ A ~ lib) 

j labors n.m., (Sjgi Isbt’n n.f. rag CfifjA 
f/jfi labe'riysk lags’ ns v.r. go about is ragt 


jfj laPbaik’ l kt. (pilgrims’ declaration dur- 
‘""i?* tng the Haj) at Thy beck and call n.f. 
being at. someone's service 

I lap n.m. a handful ; as much as both 
v palms joined together will hold /i 
lap' bkar adj. handful 
0 lap’ pa n.h. brocade lace slap 

I** U ^ pa' la adj. plastered with mud jU 
lipa"i n.f. plastering remuneration 

for it 

\i i l°Pa'fl. uV lapatija N.M. 

Jrf liar “* 


j(i la'fa Up’ adv. 
•? continuously 





lap' pa Hgg I n.f. fight with blows 

m S £4 

£ i la' pat N.F. (PL. lap tn 

smell flame 
li' patna v.t. embrace cling (to) 

stick (to) coil (round) fight ; wrestle 
pester((£’lj CfydJ li'pat par'na (or ja'na) v.r. 
embrace wrestle lipta'na v.t. 
embrace enwrap , enfold liptafn n.f. 

lap' jiapyH.t. agility 

•t • • f 

lap tkakh’n i n.f. babbler flatterer 

>J lap' par n.« slap 

KSpA l a' par ska' par n.f. chatter con- 

fused talk mess prevarication 
| la‘pa f . la' par kar’na v.t. babble [ono.( 

ism “ , ’ n poultice (derog.) turban 

Lf ^ /a’pa* N.r. (see under v.t. yfc) 


Zap's* adj. (of boiled rice) softened over- 
^ * much 

lap'ka n.m. bad habit excessive 
*t fondness for some dish etc. , vitiated taste 
lap'ka par'na v.t. be addicted (to) 

I kfj la'Pokna v.t. & r. move quickly rush 
Wj forth ; dart forth (of dog) snap at 
leap (on) throb (of lightning) flash across 
c-y la'pok N.r. flash leap, bound; 
bounce swiftness : nimblenesi la'pok 

jka'pak n.f. swiftness ; nimbtenea adv. with 
leapt and bounds ; swiftly ; nimbly la'pok 
kar adv. quickly hurriedly ‘ 

& lap'kl n.f. tacks < l'j U7 lap'kt bhar’na 
(or mar'na) v.t. baste 

l*J Up'na v.r. be smeared (with mud) be 
V plastered Ci/i Upva'na v.t. get smeared 
with mud get plastered [ ~ ] 

i.^j lapn'na v.t. fold roll wrap en- 
velope bind ; pack involve ; en- 

tangle ; implicate Jz^flapet' n.f. revolution ; 
rotation entanglement deception ; fraud 

JU^L^Iapn' jhaptt' n.f. entanglement 

deception flapet ' U’na v.t. roll fold 

wrap envolve ; entangle VHJ*d*?£lapa met 
4 '»a v. t. be involved be entangled .be 
weaver roll for rolling cloth on (A - caus-3 
lat N.r. bad habit CiZtZS lat' par'na v.t. 
have a bad habit 0 1 lal'ya n.m. one having 
a bad habit 

•Jr.*j latar'na v.t. rail at reproach 

take to task trample massage (some- 
one) with one’s feet > 0 lata r n.f. rebuke 
reproach trampling [ ~ Off J 

1 lat' pat adj. besmeared with mud • 

i lut'ra "n.m. lut'ri n.f. tell-tale 
S' back-biter mischief-monger babbler 

lit'ra-pan n.m. backbiting mis- 
chief making babbling nSyifJ li' tar ku' tar 
kar'na v.t.' babble 

lil'tah n.m. rag cloth (usu. as) ZJIjf 
kap'ra lat’tah n.m. clothes ItP eL~ lat' it Wtia 
v.t. take to task revite ; rail at 
fpCJ li'tkarna v.t. be bedraggled be 
'*y* > besmeared (with mud, etc.) be bed- 

rabbled lather’ na v.i. bedraggle 

besmear (with mud, etc.) 

li’thogaraji N.r. lithorgraphy (E) 

lal’ya adj. (see under n.f.) 


^ a ni V * T * k * ck l r 3 


l 1 lat n,.f. lock ; curl matted hair 
^ I'J-r dJ lat' daba'na v.t. capture ; seise 
fjpl lotoo'ra n.m. tangled lock \. jjl lafoo'rija 
n.m. man with long locks 

l* 1*1 ^ a * a P’ * 0 A °h ^ v.t. j& 

lifa"eo adj. J- 4 ' 16 }' fas n.r. (see under 

f*fJ hja'na, Ur U f«ja' <f«'na V.T. lay (some- 
*** one or something) down [ ~ caus.J 
> . > j lat' pat adj. topsy-turvy nji. daddy 


latpata'na v.i. have a temptation 
S £ be tempted (to) 

A Q tota"* *.r. roller for kite string 

Utre'ciar h.m. literature live'# adj.. 
/iSr literary [EJ t 

^j5s »•*. (see under & v.i.) 

>«A la'takna v.i. hang swing dangle 

1*4^ be pending ; hang fire la'tak n.f. 
coquetry coquetish or affected gait fall 
(of clothes jewellery, etc.) adj. coquetish (gait) 
la'tak kar chal'na v.i. coqiietishly & 
latka n.m. trick charm incantation 
magic way out simple remedy ; quack’s 
remedy (,*&£> latka nd v.T. hang keep 
pending latka" o n.m. fall (of clothes, etc.) 

d* lat kan h.m. nose-ring eardrop I 

pendant (rare) pendulum anything hand- 
ing down 

lut'na v.i. be robbed : be plundered 
^ be robbed ol' be squandered be 
ruined , be undone (£ 0 la'ta pi'ta adj. 
robbc<l and beaten Undone ft *>■ luta'iia, [‘ip 
lutaana v.t. spend lavishly squander ; 
waste jU luta"oo n. m. prodigal ; spendthrift 
IIpiJL’- 1 fiit' jd'na v.i. be robbed be plunder- 

ed be undone jp ! at' tas n.f. plunder 
emliezzlement ; misappropriation I'bf tut tas 
mncha'na v.t. plunder; rob # (/ u lit' tas Vtach'na I 
v.i. .be robbed ; be plundered be mis* 

>/ lat'tco h.m . , (op plummet 
2r adj, enamoured (only in) 
l’U S, p J- par iat'po ho Ja na v.i. 'jj ✓’ 

fall in love with ; be enamoured (of) \ 

CP lutvdna v.t. (sec under Id v.i. ★) j 

Ifj lath H.M. stick , club cudgel jlP 
9 latk.-bvz N.M. & adj. (one) fighting (Jjlp* 
latk'-ba’a n.f. cudgelling lath.' -mar' h.m. & 

adj. speak tactlessly 1‘jlP lath! mar'na v.t. 
club (also ( lath.' sa mar de'na) speak 
tactletsly Jp fjljf gutmar' ka faffc h.m. (fig.) 
dangerous fool & /tft'jfcj N.M. beam (rare) 
railway sleeper (glr /* f than laffha h.m. & 
adv. fight with socks y# lath'ya n.f. short 
stick { cudgel kS^/ajfcoti^N.M. one skilled in 
cudgelling or clubbing Jfir la^ht'H n.f. fight 
with sticks this as an art with a cudge) 

Pt lat’fka n.m, longcloth (see under 

PMC. *) 

lUt'ya n.m. child’s spouted metallic 

•• feeder spoutless metallic vessel CdS li* 

lut'ys dibo'na v.t. ruin (oneself, etc.) 

wreck (one’s, etc.) plans cut a sorry figure 

tji\P lut'ya doob'na v.i. be ruined he 

wrecked come to nought ( - (V dim.) 
i f[) lute' r a n.m. robber ; plunderer 
gangster highwayman footpad 

swindler one selling his wares at much higher 
than market rates ; trader who overcharges 

l~ tfj ) ; 

Itya'jat H.t. entreaty importunity 
adulation '* •• • 

lujdjat kar' nd v.t. 


• *jl la jd'na v.t. be modest be bashful 

\ t- w . . 

jj^r lij'lija adj. (f. lij’ltji) clammy 

J lojjah n.m. (.pi.. ^ th'jaj) midstream 

vast expanse of water [A] 
i J lit if ch a n.m. rake; libertine vaga- 

SST bond hooligan wicked person adj. 

profligate w irked £ luck' chi n.f. 

harlot ; prostitute wanton woman adj. loose 
(woman) ^ \J l itch’ ch a- pan, luch'-pan n.m. 

wantoness ; profligacy ’ wickedness 

^ la' (bar adj. foolish ; silly 

j[J la&ak N.F. elasticity flexibility 
t resilience buoyancy adaptability 

lach'ka n.m. light brocade lacc twist 

la'chak ana v.t. bend la'ehak-ddr 

adj. elastic flexible ' resilient buoyant 

adaptable ^.ijC^Placliki'la adj. elastic 
flexible resilient buoyant C$. la'^takn a 
v.i. bend be elastic C&L lucjtka'na vt.. 
bend . strain move 

i J lach’cjiba N.m. skein long thin pieces 
*** of onion, etc.) spiralling anklet set 

of glass banlges la(k' (kke-dar ADJ. long 

and involved (talk, etc.) 

j! la&Vml, lakih'mi n.f (dial.) 

Hindu goddess of wealth wealth 
prosperity daughter daughter-in-law 

1/nbk' mi ghat' met dna v.i. live 

in prosperity he blessed with a fortunate 

> lath (khan n.m. pl, signs (of depravity) 
O' * h(h'(bhan pa' (or 

likh'na) v.i. ~ learn (depraved) manners 
degenerate (into) 

be bashful 


be blessed with a fortunate 


Ut%“t *a na‘'rah n.m. war cry war slogan 
trjii/1* ra"i kar'ns v.r. quarrel wangle 

fight give battle (to) I’V J'V/ara'’* lar'ns 
v.t. fight it out (with) wage a war’ll ^j( 5 / 
UtTA 'i le' provoke quarrel invite war 
'mol' le'tia v.i. pick up a quar- 
rel ; involve oneself in trouble!^ / a ra'’i ho'na 
v.i. have a quarrel be at war (of war) 
be waged 

/jb>/ ler bar s’ ns v.i. stutter speak falter- 
-Jy »ngly .(ovo.) h 

£l*}lu r ka'n& v.t. '( same as IteJv.T. yy) 

j/fc/ Utr'kA n.m. boy lad son ; child adj. 

inexperienced : green gllfyiar'ks bala n.m. 
a mere child y \/tylar'ke bale n.m. pl. 
children boys (one's family )^ljJ^lar 'ke- 
vs 'It n.m. pl. bridegroom's people larak'pan 
n.m. boyhood childishness \jJ*Jlarko'rs 
N.M., (fj/itlarkon n.f. one blessed with a son 
tjA) l ar .'kofi kskhel’ n . m . child’s play 
heartless pursuit (f$)lar'k\ n . f . girl; lass 
daughter^. lufolar'ln va'le n.m. pl bride's 

.'.ytjfl larkhars'ns v.r. stagger reel jbj 
ij/tyzaban larkharana v.i. falter in 


gylar'ki n.f. (see under n.m. -fc) 

•uilar'ns v.t. fight give battle (to) go 
vJ to war wrapgle clash (with) contend 
(with) struggle against wrestle (with) 
lax' par' ns v.i. fall out with 1 ‘y^lar mar' ns y.i. 

fight to death fight it out between them- 
selves ll^dVlar'nS bkir'ra, Ctj&l'lJJar'na jka'gctrns 
v.i. fight wrangle quarrel 

lar'nt mai'nt fir utar' s' ns v.i. decide to "fight it 
out Isr'ne mar'ne va'ls n.m. desperate 
fighter i&yiaraht’ n.f. fighting wrestling 
l?J f lotah' tiy» wrestling fighting n.m. 


li'rhakns v.i. roll down slip slkle 
{all down turn turtle die/^J/ 
lUrk’kt sal n.f. somersault lli^^/SriribuS 
kka'nn v.i. turn a somersault Cfri/ lurfksna v.t. 
cause to roll down , 
nj. string 

££jtattojut n.f. glutinosity ; viscosity (A] 

r . , ttetoffi' n.m. necessity ; compulsion 
** adherence traaihldcscss 

Jibs n.m. being sticky ; viscosityjht/lof'-rfar 
v adj . sticky ; viscous Colas' lass adj. (f 
las'lasi) viscoifs ; adhesive CC^laslasa'na v.T. be 
viscous ; be sticky 

j l is an n . f . (pl. ^Jtal'sinah) tongue 
(✓•'''language voice y^i^Uliss'n-ul-’as'r n.m. 

voice of the times honorific title of the 
Urdu poet Akbur tm ^ , l(^iJUsa'n-ul~^haib' n.f. 
oracle ; voice of prophecy honorific title of 
the Persian poet Hafiz tfUlasssn' n.m. & adj. 

eloquent (person) facile (person) }}Ulisa'm 
adj. \in%ud\()Ulassani,£JUlassaniy’yat n.f. 
eloquence felicity of phrase [A] 

& . jlisdniyyat' n.f. linguistics' JlfL^lissmyya’H 
Z /\dj. linguistic [A~prec.] 

las' lass adj. (see under jJ n.m. *) 

jjlas'san n.m. (same as cT 1 ' if) 

lAl hsoora n.m. glutinous beriy used medi- 

J las' si n.f. diluted curds curds or milk , ‘lassi’ 

y, . 1 »uj >~j 

‘ lam pash' lam, lash' \am pash'- 

5 am adv. somehow or other 
• l/Al tosh^ar'iia v.t. XsWyho lash' ksr n.f. 

At lash'kar n.m. army armed force 
crowd ; throng la*h‘kar-e jarrar' n.m. 

strong army if*J&lash’kar-ka' M n.f. invasion, 
inroad ; incursion l’f(/°\£^s r paT lash'kar-ka'shi 
kar'ns v.i. invade t tfJ&lasKkar-gah' n.m. camp ; 
camping ground tf/sSlash'kars n.m. (arch.) 
soldier adj. of the army military TPJ 
• .lais'fat n.f. fineness softness 

Unpleasantness elegance exquisiteness 
subtlety [A] 

',.laia"if n.m. jokes amedotes JjofW 
lata’if-Ul hi'yal n.m. pl. subtle excuses 
\Jt&lk>lals'’if-o-zara"if n.m. pl. jokes and 
witticisms (A - sing. ] 

.ultU'f N.m. (pL.&ihllaltsf) kindness 

favour benignity grace pleasure 

enjoyment taste ; relish vtO&UTJ s' ns v.i. 
enjoy find (something) pleasant Ctjr 1 ^ 
lit'/ Sf&a'na v.i. enjoyy^/j Jj&lUl'f-o-ka'rom n.m 
favour and fun ( kt ) ph. 

it is strange that ; what is interesting is that [A] 
lat'mah n.m. (pl. £/\P latomat 1 -) slap 
buffet (of billows, etc.) £y^lat'ma-t 
mag’ n.m. buffet (of a billow) 

' Ulattf' adj. fire rarified light 

delicate elegant exquisite cheer- 



ful ; pleasant kind gentle tender^^Li*^ 
latlf-lab " adj. of gentle disposition of 

cheerful spirit Ijii^fkHatif'-gbirjt n.f. light food 


.jilall'fok n.m. (vL.^&lala’if) joke; 

^(7 jest pleasantry witticism ‘bon 
mot’ anecdote tali' fah chhor'ns v.t. 

tell a new talc f tali' fah-go n.m, wit, 
witty person factious person latt'fa- 

go”i n.f. indulging m witticisms telling 

anecdotes [A] 

■ i lo‘ab n.m. saliva viscous extraction 
• adj. viscous [A] 

i/«‘3n' n.m. mutual cursing (by a couple in a 
law-court in a case of adultery) [A ~ *£*>*] 
n.m. play sport lah'v-o 

la'ib n.m. play playfulness 

„ iio oai n.f. doll puppet 

lo" bat-ba zi n.f. puppet show play- 

ing with dolls [A ~ prec.] • 
ifjla' l n.m. ruby l^'\(f > la i 't u ’gains v.i. 

Lf cast up rubies (fig.) peak well (iron.) 

use abusive language 'I badakh- 

shafi (or ya'man ) n.m. high-quality ruby from 
Badakhshan (or Yemen) ^ la' 1 i-t lab n.m. 

ruby lips; lips red like ruby Vjf & J** meh 
la tf l la'ge ho'na v.i. (iron.) be of valuably cha- 
racteristics ( yd* , la t 'tih adj. ruby-red 

red [P] 

Alafn n.f. imprecation curse 
Ct la"n la"n n.f. taunts and curses re- 
proof to 1 '* kar'na v.t. reprove ; 

rebuke l a ‘ n La ' n ho’na v.t. be taunt- 

cdpP] ' 

• j la l 'nat n.f. curse ; anathema exe- 

cration imprecation reproach ; re- 
buke disgrace (l'SljOr?&* > la i 'nat bfuj'na (or 
kar'na) v.t. curse imprecate renounce 

abjure ; renounce ifc>* , la"nat ka touq n.m. 
ignominy la*'nat ka ma'ra adj. accursed 

ri'tf n.f. disgraceful life of a 
hanger on *^4 Zl^Wnat mala' mat n.f. re- 
proach admonition lot (ftat mala'- 

mat kar'na v. reproach ; rebuke tf** ) la"mti 
lain' adj. execrable accursed; cursed 

cussed {A ~ c r ] 

ia l oo?' n.m. electuary IA] 

I la'ln’ adj. (see under n.f. it) 


„ . •< lughat n.m. dictionary ; lexicort n.m pl. 
(ped.) words (rare) dialects [A -sing. 

£/i. . li-ghajfal adv. up to ; to the end of [A - 
— ^ fj to-fi>tfend] 

•i lu’ghat n.m. dictionary ; lexicon 
(pec.)' word (rare) dialect 

lughat tar ash' na v.i. coin a wordU 
lughat jfas’na (or chfafitita) v.t. use high- 
falutin language lu' ghat-sjiinas' n.m. 

philologist (p*l Ugh'vi (ped. lu'gha'ui) adj. 
literal ; verbal ma"m n.m. literal 
meaning ; verbal sense [A] 
lugh'z n.f. riddle [PJ 

..lagh'znji n.f. slip ^ faux pas. false 
step going astray Vi^y^lagh’tish in a 

v.t. slip ( lagh'zish (or ho'ni) 
v.i. slip take false step 

•J lagh'v adj. absurd int .( nonsense iD^Vdghg.y'- 
yal N.r. (pl. ^ily’laghviyyat') absurdity , 

. j laf adj. enclosed laff-o-nash'r n m. 
involution and evolution ; figure of speech 
in which a series of epithets or predicates follows 
a series of subjects ^y^j^laf'f-o-nash'r-e 
mural' teb n.m. such parallel series ^ 

lafj-o-nosfr-e ghair' •mitral' tab n.m. • such dis- 
jointed series [A) 

• tafjaz! adj. loquacious prolix , 
verbose voluble facile eloquent 
lajf a & n.f. loquacity prolixity verbosity 

volubility eloquence (A- Jibl) 

-. •Aifa'fah n m. envelope cover wrap- 
«^^pcr outward show ta£j AiMlifn'fah 
bana kar rakk'na v.i. put up & false show I'Cjlif 
lifa'fah bana'na v.t. make an envelope 
lifafah khui j ana v.i. be exposed ; be un- 
masked (of secret) be let out [A- ijfil] 

.,../{/■ a'fiya adj. slender fragih 
insubstantial prec.) 

**, •tlift n.f. lift 'ti n.f. lifty women’s 
shoe with sole on level (rather than below - 
heel [E] 

laif't (or left)' n.m., adj. & adv. left [E] > 

i,.j laf i n.m. word laj't baAnf't adv. 

JkP word by word; verbatim) ~\)U> laf'-g/a adj. 

literal literally rff* laf'& adj. verbal ; literal 
bah's n.f. a wordy discussion 
laf & tar' jamah n.m. literal translation or tender- 
ing W& ma''m n.m. literal meaning 



gu lafajt'ga. n . m . 

bad charac 

lioo ligan ; hoodlum 
ter Iqfati ga-f>an N'.m. 

tmt ^ a ' N ' 1 ' ,ncct “'g .• seeing someone ; en- 
^ countering jome one [A] 

laqa' n.f. face j t .countenance (Qglljs mail 
** (or m5h')-la'qa adj. & k.m. with a face 
as loveiy as the moon (fig. ) beloved ; sweet- 
heart [PJ 

\af ^ a ' X,M * “time of a lengendary character 
with his beard stringed with pearl 
laqa' ki da’rki n.f. such pearly beard [P] 
hq q~\ n.m. fan-tailed pigeon 

^ ^ ' VD J- K aunt 

^ ^ la'qab N.M, (pj ..^Cdlalqub') ap, dation (A] 

& tuq'tah n.m. unclaimed stuff [A] 

*«nJ(or "D'ij ) laq' laq n.m. Stork laq'~ 
is Icqah n.f. female stork n.m. stork’s cry 
,’lf luquiun n.m. name of a wise godly 
Of" Semite sometime identified with Aesop ; 
he is supposed to have been a great physician 
Aesop very wise man (f(ft 

m ki davs' luqmsn' ki pas' bh i na'hih 
mov. nobody can cure a fool’s worries [A - H] 

■pj liiq'mah n.m. morsel mouthful (of) 
^ Pjf l&q'ma-e a'jal ho'na v.t. die ;_go 
into the jaws of death Jjr luq'ma-e tar 
tar ‘ tuq’mah n.m. choice morsel morsel of 
rich food (fig.) bribe Os^luq'mahde'nav.r 
prompt tvC /^t^Cfek' H lUq'mah kar'na v.t. 

a mouthful of swallow ; gulp down [AJ 
I ^Viqatirajif luq'qah n.m. rogue ; scoun- 
drcl rake 

* -j la'q-o-daq (ped. laq' q-o-daq') adj. 
Q»V desolate (land) ; howling (wilder- 

^plaq'oak n.m. facial paralyse [A] 

J) liqqak n.m. (same a» (,^N.n. *' 

W h,m. coaltar paint 

Ukt'iak.H.x. wanton womair [A}. 

Jt ts&itr n.m. . lecture jl^ laik&arat' n.m. 
A lecturer tfjtjrUik&ora'rt n.f. lecture- 
ihip (El y ,y 

fila'l i n.f. kick tfjj- la'kad-zn'ti, 
jJ* la'tod-koh n.f. kicking (P) 

i bjj lak'ri n.f. wood timber fuel 

stick : staff club ; cudgel cudgelling 
as^an art lak'ri pfhenk'na v.t. cudgelling 

\Ti$ lak'ri lagans v.t. (vul.) (of male) per- 
form the sexual act ; fuck lak'kar, /£" takljr* 
N.M. log PREF. wood biZ# lak'kar ha r a n.m. 
woodcutter . 

JUI lak'shtrti n.f. (same as ^f\.F. ■y^) 

luk'nav.i. Slide ^ (of woman) not to 
appear (before) iuko'naf. r. hide a girl 
thus . 

^.fil&k'nat n.f. stammer ; lisp 

zaban' men lik'mt ho'na. vi. stammer; 
stutter ; lisp [A] 

ft luk'kah n.m. speck (of cloud) tuk’ka-e 

ab'r n.m. a speck of a cloud 

/ lakh. pref. a‘ hundred thousand (fljP lakhl- 
pa’li adj. millionaire Ij^^lakk-pe'ra adj. 
orchard with a very large number of trees 
lakk-lut adj. prodigal lakkookh' tin n.m. H. 

lakhs ( ~ ] 

|. Jflikk'na V.T. write draft compose 

register record enter ; make an entry 
copy take down kej' Ve^likhltis parkins v.i. 
read and, writp rective education n.m. educa- 
tion J be likka' (or lik'kh,na) n.m. fate 

lot lik'kka parks adj. educated (person) 
iffy. Ur lik'kka par'tsi n.f. written agreemntsS^ 
[a? \f qis' mat As lik'kka ph. one’s destined portion 
(qis'mat kd) lik'kka poo'ra kar'na 
ph. pass one’s days in hardship ; suffer what 
fate has ordained It Ur likka ns, likhoa *na 

v.t. cause to write have something; record- 
cd dictate fib/ likha’i.t^jlflikha'vat n.f. 
writing hand wTiting for writing remun 

ration likha’i parha’i n.f. education 

li'khat\.f. (arch.) inditing 
pa'rhat N.f. (arch.) inditing ljp'CJ tl ^i£>rrli'k)uit 
pa'rkal ho'na v.i. bp indited' ; be reduced to writ- 
ing htr ^j /^L tik' kki moo's a pa'rhr khqda' ph. 
illegible ' hand pH’b" a/ lik'kke na 
pa'rhe natn muham' mad fa iil ph. a fool parading 
as a learned man 

jflakir' n.f. line lineament streak 
/C l&s? lakir' pit' ns, lO? k g fafl* 
ho'na ph. follow the beaten path Cft£cr loktr' 
kkehA'na v.t. rule draw a line fix a 

boundary strike out put a mark (under a 
word) ; underline Hyf lakir'ns v.t. draw a 
line rule underline 

adv. (arch, or dial.) till 





similarity equality 
attachment pole for impelling a boat 
long bamboo &l&lag'ga sag'ga n.m. attachment; 
intimacy Cl/ 0 /ag'g a kka'na v.t. be comparable 

ftf.lagam n.f. bridle rein(l*|«£t)lj>(v 
I lagam' de'na (or eharka'na) v.t. bridle 
check ; control lagan' tjhi'li chhor'na 


land revenue (economic) 

afl N.M. 

:'na v.t. 

fdtfhga'na v.t. join attach put set 

" ^ arrange ; put in order apply engage 
employ busy fix (price) spend (on) 
include shoves in scandalize ; bring 

(accusation against) plant (,*ls£C0 lagana 

b~jkn'va v.t. to sow dissension •* to excite 
quarrels $ la'ga bah'dka adj. appointed 
fixed obedientjl^/a'^o-tar' continuous 

incessant successive adv. constantly 
continuously incessantly ; uninterruptedly 
successively J Inga to tir' nr'hin to 

tiik'ka prov. if it hits the mark, well and gc d; it 
not, we do not spand to lose \Pj$laga de'n,; v.t. 

fix (someone) up put set instal Cfj 
la'ga raih'nu v.i. continue (doing) be engag- 
ed (in) persevere (in) stick (to) lie (in 

ambush) l&)$ la'ga laga y a adj. settled fixed 
in stalled t£$la'gn le'na, C^^^jrak^, par laga' 
I on a v.t. bring (someone) round bl&.Vlft laga'na 
b jha'nti v.t. sow seeds of dissension^ 0 laga vat 
n.f. connection inclination attachment 
affection coquetry t*l/> laga' vat 

dikha'na (or kar'na) v.i. show love 
laga’vat ki bateh N.m. coquetry seductive 
ways ! a S a vat ki ba'ten kar'na v.i. 

speak or act coquelishly/g3 laga" a n.m. con- 

nection inclination attachment affection 
la'ga hi" a ADJ. fixed appointed adv. 
busy ; engaged near ; close by J laga" i 
b - jka'H n.f. (dial laga 'i lut'ri) back- 
biting mischief-making \!j < ^wj'{}tff i l<iga't 

bvjkcf't kar'na v.t. backbite mischief ntak- 
ingt/r laga'e rakh'na v.t. keep (some- 
one) employed keep (someone) busy or 
occupied keep (someone) close to ljfO* lag'ta 
ku"a adj. continuous piercing or trenchant 
lag'll kaih'na v.i. say acceptable words 
speak trenchant swords O^i^ijlag' chal'na v.t go 
along with la' gi ha' theft adv. in passing 

by the way J&&lagai\t' n.f. copulation tPj, 
lag'goo bafi'dhoo n.m. Pit. (rol.) friends t/ lags 3, 

jifl lags Hr' adj. selfish person J* la' gait n.f. 
love enthusiasm ; devotion n.m. (dial.) 
moment (of) rising of a sign of the zodiac 
VfjJt’h'gan dhar'rta v.t. (h. dial.) fix a dak 
for marriage la'gan lag'rta v.t. r 11 ir 

love (with) be enthusiastic (about) <CP hg'ni 
v.t. & i. be affixed (to) be appended (to' 
be attached (to) be connected (with) 
be applied (to) be consumed (in) be caught 
(by disease) be hurt ; be hit come ini. 
contact (with) take root come into contai • 
(with) fixed up have effect be soiled 

(by) be contiguous (to) fuck : (of male) 
copulate (of tree) be planted bear ffruiP 

(of money be spent on be invested (in) 
be a relation (of) (of eye) be closed with sleep 
(o'f boat) touch the shore (of door, etc.) 
be dosed (of things) be set (of hunger or 
cold) be felt (of mind) feel interest (in) ro: 

be staked incur (blame) v. acx. begin tc 
do, etc.) ClJ> lagia'na v.t. cause to be 
applied ; cause to apply submit t<, 

sexual act $ la' g: n.f. love ; passion 
*Z—la'gi ba'ri ho'ti hoi pit. love is blind 
passions are irrestiblc £(£/$ la'gi ko bujbu'tu 
v.t. bring one’s love to a ‘successful conclusion 
(ft# la'gi lip'ti adj. partiality 
la'gi lip'ti rak’khe ba-ghair’ k~„ih de'na n t. 
say (something) without minting matters j, £ 
C&jta' gi na rakh'na v.i. show no partiality 
snap all ties (with) 

y/l laga'i N.f. (dial.) wife woman 


ft lag bkag' adv. ^ near resembling 
" (usu. as) lag' bkag' adv. 

about ; approximately 
(jjt N F * urT, P ol moistened powder 

bftjj l“'g a f ba'gar, &i&la'gar 
bhag'ga n.m. hyena , 

i Jj la’gan n.m. basin ; trough 
Us, lag til n.f. small trough [P] 
f Jf la'gan n.f. & n.m. (see under{>*V? 

U V.T. *) 

la'la n.m. (dial.) son dear 

one little one [S] 

..j f la' lit N.f, name of a musical mode adj. 
(dial.) "cute [S] 

’.if lalcjta'na. v.t. long for , covet be tenia- 
lized be tempted l>j filial eh a d-r'nu v.t. 
tempt tantalize hi eft a" /< tsih' 

ja'na v.i. be tantalized (1- V 


^J^la'lak n.f enthusism 

^j^jjlalkar’n av.l. callout bawl (at) 

challenge lalkar' n.f. shout . cry 

n lal'loo n.f. (is dial.) tongue Cfj Ijd lal'loo na 

* rtnh'na ph. (dial.) be unable to keep mum 

lal'loo pal' loo n.f. flattery ; adulation; 
sycophancy lal'loo pat' too kar'na v.i. 

flatter ; fawn on , 

•T. fill ah int. for God’s sake lil’ lah' il ham d 

jnt. thank God thank goodness [A] 

J Hm N.f. reason ; cause charge 
I blemish (Cd>J l I'yfjL) L0f l’ m laga’na (or 
dhar'na or rakh'na) v.t. accuse point out a 

blemish in fA ~o+n 

' i lam pref'. in an (only in) Jj^lam ya'zal adj. 
f immortal [A] 

fl lam pref tall long v/r lamdaran ga, 

| adj. tall and stout fgf £lam' tail' gd, 
lam-tah'goo adj. long-legged f lam'fhkar adj. 
tall lam' dark' j/a adj. long-beared 

lam-dhihg adj. tall n.m. heron LS-tf lam-kan'nd 
adj long-eared n.m. rabbit hare [contr ~ 

KOLL. ] 

it lam'ba adj. (f. lam'bi) (dial. lah'ba 

• f. tf?]) lah' In) long tall distant 

(journey) 1 lam'ba tarafi'ga adj. tall 
and stout ) fell lam' bar (fcau'ra adj. spacious 

extensive tall and stout \lyp U* lam'ba ho'na 
vi. be long be tall be distant depart 

d lamban' , $ L-* lambs' "i n.f. length; tallness 

tk tl lamba'na v.t. lengthen elongate jjU* 
'jife lamba’i cpaura''i n.f. size length and 
breadth dimensions lam' bar, jl lam boo 

adj. tall and foolish (/j ^ la.mbool’ra adj. oblong 
(ft lam'bi n.f. a long stride in a horse adj long 
bjll' I'd? lam'bi t&nna (or tan kar so'na) 
v.i. sleep at ease 0^‘i 0 feift lam'bi chau'ri 
hahk'na v. boast ; brag 1 / (ll Ijtf? lam' bi 

(or lam'ba ) satis bhar'na v.i. heave a deep sigh 
i lam bar n.m. (arch.) number j bfe lambdr -dat 
/» n.m. (arch.) lambardar ; village headman 
I ~ E number dorr.] 

lam hah n.m. (pl Cstf' lamhat’) minute 
moment twinkling of an eye 
lam hah bhar adv. for a minute for a while 
n m. hardly a moment (A] 

'JU lam da n m (same as tj,'J n.m. -fc) 

lam's n m touch sense of touch [A) 



lam' l ah n.m. (PL. &Wlam‘at) brightness 

J Ian pref never , certainly not [A] 


‘si/ J Idn-tara'ni n.f. boast, brag tall 
w O' talk ) l'j'fttj\Jlan-tara'rii kar'na 

(or ki le-na) v.t. brag; boast indulge hi 
tall talk IA ~ God’s reply to Moses in these 
words meaning : thou shall not see Me (the 
Holy Quran 7 i !«)]. 

jji lUh’ja adj. (F. J? luh'ji ) lame of hand(s) ; 

■» crippled luh'ja-pan n.m. such lameness 

* ’ 1 liiiijka'ra, ' ife'ltiiijfce'ra nm. problem(s) 
of lay life 
Ui lahch n.m. lunch [El 

land n.m. penis 

. j»,, luh'da adj. (v.tftyljti'di) tail-cropped 
^ lah'di n.f. (derog.) woman 
b, , latid' mTthd adj. leafless (tree) tail- 

less one with all to has shaven 
s J*jluMak'ri n.f. somersault luhdak'- 

nyaft khel'nS v.i. turn a somersault. 
lafidoo'ra adj. (f.tfjjjlf lahdoo'ri) tail- 
cropped with no relatives with no 

. nail/Jltirka'na v.t. spill ; let flow 

C»xt l ahdk'ti a v.i. be spilt 
^jtflohk n.m. heap 

lah'ka~N.M. Ceylon 

lahka mthji'st de'kh-a so ba'van gag ka ph 
everyone here more wicked (or naughty) than 

^J^llhg n.m. phallus [S] 

^J^luhg n.m. loincloth [ -Pj 

^J^lahg n.m. lameness ; limping adj. lame 
lahg kar'na v.i. (of animals) limp 
IjaVa, Ij&lahga'fa N.M. rake wick, 
person cfJj^labga' ra-pan. ^^lahga'ra- 
pan n.m. profligacy wickedness 
' lab' ga' n.m. anchor free 

jr public kitchen ; alms house 
victuals distributed to the poor 
Hi 10 lah' gar Stfea'ha v.t. & weigh 
anchor lah' gar ja'ft kar’na 

v.t. to set up* a free public kitchen slrj&laft'gar- 
kha'nah n.m. free public kitchen 0 lah'gar 
dal'na v.t. cast anchor 

f fa lah’ gar n.m. pendulum thick rope 
s' wrestler’s f I'filjLb&P lah' gar lahgef' (or 





la*go'ta) y n.m. underwear wrestlers’ loincloth 
£*j£l laft’gar lafigot' baitdk'nd v.i. enter 
the lists 

[fj&lafig n n.f. kind of tray 

.fcfy lofts' r a n.m. a kind of mango lafig'ra 
AD j_ & n.m, (f lafig'rl) lame ; 
lumping (person) cripple L'l^lohgrii'jta v.i. 

\filahgot N.M., Ij&Jatgota n.m., lafigo'ti 

*“'jr n.f. \o\nc\o\hCo>ji\S^ lafigot' bdftdk'na v.i... 

gird up one’s loins be ready to fight 
/oftgvt'-batid adj. & n.m. one wearing a long- 
cloth confirmed bachelor larigoi -dat 

adj. (of kite) with a coloured piece of paper at 
its tail I#"' t f'ti^laftgot kd safjt'chd adj.^&. n.m. 
one not guilty of unwedded love 
laltgo'fi meft pkag kkel'na v.i. be happy * despite 
poverty laftgo'tiya n.m. crony chum 
cUldhood playmate adj. intimate (friend) 
jlifjr 1 laftgo'tiyd y dr n.m. crony 
i fa l aft goo' (]i a n.m. sausage : cn- 
trails in which sausage meat is 


fa langoor' n.m. black-faced a 
jjr species monkey with a very 
long tail 

f*f luh'gi n.f. coloured sheet 
17 meant to cover lower part of 
body thick coloured turban 

lo I NT. lo lOOk lo our ' 

sft'noiNT. how strange [~ ] 

loo n.f. hot wind £f»J loo lag'na v.i. have 
a heat stroke 

lau' n.f. flame (of candle, etc.) lobe 
of ear attention meditation devo- 
tion Cltfjlau' laga'na v.t. devoted (oncsclfs to) 
lau lag'na v.i. cfevoted (to) 
jj lam n.m. lark 

liva n.m. (pl. sjl al'viyah) banner ; stan- 
dard [A] V 
j lava'hiq (col. vrfjflavahiqiri) n.m. pl. de- 
U I * pendants [A ~sing. > 3^/ ] 

... A laod'zim (col. ^Ijtjlavazimdl') N.M. PL. 
I' 1 ’* necessaries, ingredient things go- 
ing along with another [A — stNG.vyi/J 
~Jfjlivd’lat n.f. sodomy; paederasty [A~H 
Jsj Lot] 

ClJ l** a ns ’ Wf lj Hvo' land v.i. fetch (someone) 
loobdn’ njh. frankincense loobdn' 





d i t ivuua 


i'hd v.t, ; bum incence A t A loobdn - 
di'tA n.f. censer 

lotk'ra n.m. lump of flesh 

lota N.M. spouted jug 

(hg.) fickle- 

. lobk n.m. (dial.) greed, avarice : co v etou , n ess 
Jif lo'hki adj. (dial.) covetous (S] 

« f jlo'biyd n.m. a kind of bean 

~,.loth n.f. dead body J&J2J loth polk Ain . 
'^■'dead tired 

\ b /) 

minded person ill i lo'tt dal'na v.i, (dial.) 

take a bath iStfjLrt-l* peftdh kd lo'td ph. 
fickle-minded (person) ; capricious (person) 
unreliable (person) 

/. >/ lautnd v.i. come back ; return (rus.) 

■'-j return ; send back (rus.) turn over (page) 
VU^J laut' and v come back : retumiVt^y 
lout ja'na v.i. go back : return k’tfj lautaia 
v.t. send back . return turn over 
b j lot'na roll toss about be restless 
love JsJ tot ad|. loving . devoted 
lot' pot adj. restless (in love) having a 
side-splitting laughter printed from same 
plate on both sides VfiJPiJp) lot' pot fio'na be 
restless (in love) have a side-splitting laughter 
P°t chkdp'nd v.t. print from same 
plate *on both sides ClfJZJlot ja'na. (,'Ujftiy 
lot ho jd'nd v.i. be greatly attracted by^y I o' tan 
adj tumbling (pigeon) n.m. ground-tumbler 
(pigeon) (fj lot'nt n.f. somerset ; somersault 
tossing Cl/jtAj lot'myaft kkd'nd v.t. turn a 
somersault be restless (owing to pain, etc.) 

looi'na n.f rob loot ; plunder 
*•' charge an exorbitantly high price dZ/Jloot' 
n.f. highway robbery plunder ; booty , 

spoil (Tfc loot par'na v.i. be robbed. be 
pillaged* be plundered fji loot' kd mat' 
n.m. plunder booty good stuff going 

very cheap loot kkd'nd v.t. sponge 

loot' kkasoot' n.f. exploitation 
kkasoot' kar'na v.t. exploit jiit/J loot' mir n.f 
plunder; pillage sacking exorbitant 
charges loot' macjfZ’na v.t. under ; 

pillage sack charge exorbitant rates 

L loo' tarn lai (or loot) bid to rob each other 
kp t io' utn adj ./VJlot ni n;f. (see under Cif lot'ni 
V'v.i. it) 

. lauthd adj.. (f. lau'tkl) well-developed 

j, jlaus- n.m. contamination (only as) 

be-taus' adj. unselfish adv. without ulte- 
rior motives (much) [A] 

. lodk n.m. sweetness (of voice) supplc- 
{Jp* ness viscocity or storchiness (of dough) 





l 9 (h. ~dnr adj. sweet (voice, etc. supple 
(body viscous ; starchy 
_ I link n.f. tablet plague ; stone titel 
v/ pa gc <£{/ 1,) Inu'h-e Jar’ bat, j\y& J Inu'h-e 
truKitr' n.f. tombstone Z/J lau'h-e tilis’m n.f. 
(arch.) tablet on which method of undoing a 
charm is. detailed; talismanic tablet f&J 
hn'k-e mahfiHt-i n.f. divine tablet recording 

all mankind's doings. divine knowledge Zy'Z/i 

■av'/i-.: math'/} N.r. practising tablet ; tablet for 
re.lligrapliia exercises Z>) lauh'-navts n.m. 

title page designer lau’h-o ijalam 

■n.m. divine decree tablet and pen record- 
ing it [A] .. 

w.t AJ ffau 1 /mlral'/ah int. wonderful [A~ Cf'i 
+>l T If 1 

^ , In'ri n.f. lollaby lo'ri de'nd v. r. 

sing a lullaby ; lull a child to sleep 
mJr, lor'hi n.f. mid winter Hindu festival on 
ijJ* which bonfires are made ; bonfire festival 
. i l tin: n.m. lozenge (rare) almond 
J* Inu.'A'voh n.m. almond pudding [A] 

jfijl'fini n.m. sodomite; paederast [ A - H 

fi Irk n.m. (dial.) people world prkf. 
folk ^ Jjlck'-dkun n.f, folk -tone 
Irl.'-sul n.m. folk-song l’*f)lok’-na& n.m. folk- 

I kii n.m. Oainc pieces of burning 
vs master thrown out from a torch, etc. \;li> y'd 
(C'j t') loo'ks Jayikd -or de'na) v,t. set fire to 
incite passions loo'ka Ja'ge int. ulial.) 

lie’ll with it 

b i/j Wat' n.m. loquat 'E~Ch. luh Jurat rush 
'* m/ »s orange] 

jfjt tr.u’ N.F. partly charred wood ; brand 

In 'kal adj. local lo'kal sriil'J'- 

gn'rr.rnmiin n.f. iocal self-government [E] 

Uni hi n.f. v dtal.) bottle gourd 



fi Ivy n.m. people mankind family 
<sj folk Jti ij/h'gbiig n.m. people; 
various tvpes of people ; people of all walks of 

. . Im'lu adj. & N.M; (r. loo'U) (one) with 
Vs hands cropped jfj loo'ld laiig'rd • adj. 

k k.m. it ■. (fty&JJIooli Mftg'ri)crippie 

j i Inula si n.f. spray with which groom is 
C? ss first groated 1>\ Ins sisters-in-law 
/ Initial' rn. raison ’detre" of whole crca- 
tjss tion dbJt^’Ussd' bib-r huldk' ph. (the 

Holy v Prophet as) the raison Metre of creation 
[A i -f 1) -I- J ~ Tradition recording divine 
words “But for thee, I would not have created 
the universe’’] 

'i'i Jo" la'* (or loii'lnuj (i*l. J J> la'ali] pearl 
“ * n.m. if If lao'lu'e la la n.m. pearl of 

the. first water [A] 

j j loo'li n.f. dancing-girl prostitute 
(s* adj. lovely (woman) i j(y’ Inn'li-e fa'lctk 

n.m. planet Venus [P] 
j, j lum'r n.m. fox tf/tS lam'ri N.F. 
yv fox vixen 
. / l mm. y) lau'mah n.m. re- 
| s proach [A] 

loon' n.m. salt ; common salt 
hwn' mir'ch Inga'nd v.t. exaggerate 
Inn n.m. loan | El lon'ni n.f. salt efflo- 
rescing from wall I'&tJJ loo' ni log ru'i v.i. 
(of building, etc.) decay thus If J lon'ni vit n.f 
salt-maker a kind of brackish potherb {El 
Y^jJ l°" n.f. lawn a kind of muslin (E ~ ooRR.J 

laun n.m. (fl fjij l u/viin') colour [A] 








Laund n.m. intercalary month , an extra 

lauh'dit (co\. fjJ- laiii’ila) boy, lad 

minion ; catamitec^liV latch' dd-pan 
boyishness_)lz£->'y Inun d( bat n.m sodo- 
pacdcrast n.f. woman going in 
youthful men ^}l^.‘Jlaui:di-l)d‘jgf n.f. 
sodomy ; paederasty ; homosexuality 
^l^t^Jjflnuh'dc late (or lartye or ixihartye) n.m. 
’young inexperienced persons unfaithful 
minions tf^JIaufi'di n.f. maid ; slave-girl 
Inuh'di bnch'chah n.m. (dcrog.) freeman’s son 
hv a slave-girl slave-born 1%'J taundya (col. 
Lum'diya n.f. gal . lass daughter 
JrJ lavih'diir N.v.. lavtnder :E| 

laubk’na of lightning) (lash 


laubg n.f. dovet nosc-piu 

ii In’ ltd. n.m. iron t'tv i-i In'ha baja'na v.t. 
Is fight with the sword U~*f,lJlo'hd barasnd 
v.i. have a free use of swords have a 
general massacre 1/ b'kit luh a tig ho’ tin 

v.i. be harsh (on) (Vff )ls)lS lo'ha de'na (or 
kar'ttd ) vet. iron (a cf eh ) J,- 1 Jj i-'hu lath.’ n.m. 

iron-bound club verse with difficult 
rhymes adj. strong b<hd toot ja mt 


v.i. (of sword) break or bend (of an affair) 
get spoiled 1“ .Jlo'ha mao' ja'na v.t. ack- 
nowledge the superiority (of) 0/ Whe 

H tfiha'fi kor let n v.i. be adamant' put up 
a bold fron t L * Jin hr. tkah'de ho jana 
v.i. lose all enthusiasm lo he ki 

eha’nr chabdna v.t. work "very hard ' face 
great odds i or jQ ' lohar' n.m. black- 
smith ; ironmaster : smith (rare) ironmonger 
jU lohar'-hhanah n.m. smithy Jls y'tfj-lbj D 
• lohar' -kha'ne met soo"iyai -h'na v.i. bring 
coals to Newcastle Mat'd n.f. 

forge , -furnace 0j)J (or^ ; U<) to... .an. ifAJ( or 
</>U) loha’ri n.f. female member of a smith's 
family tj loh prff. iron loh' ehoon n.f. 

iron filings ypjlo'hiya n.m. iron monger 
. | lohar' n m., [yjlo'hiyd n.m. (see undo J 

Jl War adj. lower 

to"i n.f. coarse woollen shawl 

ij lohar’. (JjlJ lohar an, tfjlJ toha'ri 
under n.m. 

^^j/oAaf n.m. uvula [A] 

I by lahar a n.m. not good at repaying debts 

.it lohan’ \oj. blood-stained (only inl^Wr 1 
(S' - la’hoo lohan’ adj. blood stained 

J loih'jah (ped. lah'jah ) n.m. r>i . laid jm') 

tone accent [A] 

H-ha'za adv. therefor^ ; for this reason 

consequently , with the result that 
[A - J for +- this] 

i laih'r (col. lai'har n.f. wave ; undula- 
S* tion waving pattern fluctuation 
physical reaction to venour from snake-bite 
intoxication ; inebriation frenzy fancy 
whim caprice (\£\l} \:jyj laih'r ana (or iitk'nrl 
v.i. undulate fluctuate feel enthusias 
feel enrapture. feel the effect of veno.. 
1^1 laih'r a n.m. lively tune y/.yj laih'r baih'r 
n.f. prosperity laih'r ch.arh’na v.t. be 

an influx (of) have a fit (of) feel the effect 
of drug or- venom Cet<JyJ laid ret le'na v.i. (of 
river, etc.) be wavy ^^1 laih'rdna v.t. wave ; 
flutter fluctuate laih'rt adj. emotional 
capricious jiyflaih'rija adj. wavy; un- 
dulating dyed or painted thus 
cT 4 loth' son n.m. garlic blotch 


n.m. grief [A| 

^ laih'ka n.m. thin brocade lace 

^ lathkar na v t. pat or encourage (horse) 

,./t lai'hak' na v.T. glow; kindle up; rise 

up into a flame flash chirp ; warble 

raise one’s voice be filled with passion 
get excited U) lai'hak n.f. glitter; flash; 
blaze lai 'link lai'hak kar (or ktb 

adv. enthusiastically excitedly loudly 
(T£V lai'hka'na v.t. kindle (fire) . stir (fire) 
shine or glitter excite cause cause to 
to chrip or warble cause to speak up 
. laihloha'na v.t. wave ; flourish 

l W^r bloom by verdant L*W laih'laha adj. 
(arch.) blossoming ^U^laihloha hat n.f. 
waving (of corn, etc.) before the wind bloom- 
ing verdure 

^^ylaihlot adv. restless. 

tailin' ga n.m. long skirt 

J la'hoo, (rare lohoo ) n.m. blood 

V f st la'hoo .ana v.t. pass blood (by 
stool) Vyt /) khoii met.) la'hoo u'tarna 
v.t. (of eyes) be bloodshot la'hoo ba’ras'na 

v.t. bleed la'hoo bigar'na v.t. (of blood) 

become infections tack fraternal (etc.) sympa- 
hics la'hoo pa ni tk kar'na v.t, work 

very hard ; sweet and toil la'hoo pi'na v.t. 

ivory a great deal be very angry yt 
(Cm *k) la'hoo ih.ook'nu (or dal'nd ) v.t. spit 
blood suffering, from phthisis 1 'Jsyt la'hoo 

t apak'na v.t. (of blood; ooze la’hoo 

khush'k kar'na v.t. terrorize be very harsh 
on I'yf hoo khUsh'k ho' ns. v.i. be terro- 

rized I’jjy) la'hoo ro'na v.i. weep bitterly 
la'hoo ka piyasa adj. blood thirsty -n.m. 
bitter enemy (of) 

la'hoo ke ^boohi pi'na (or pi tar' rath' jana ) v.i. 
suffer patiently ( Vyp J Li^j }0- 
la’hoo lagd ke shahi'don men mil'na (or shamil 
ho'na) ph. much credit for little ^Ldyl la'hoo 
lohan' adj. blood-stained 

J lah'v n.m. pastime ; fun ; amusement 
' j y) lah'v-o-ld'ib n.m. ft:n and sport [A] 

b- < lahet'di n.f. basket for drawing water 

la ” ij adj. able capable (A ~ 0*1^’ 



^ ^ laklb' adj. flaming ; blazing [A] 

Jji la'’im adj. , reproached (person) 

I ~ mean; base; sordid niggardly [A- 

j lai n.f. air ; tune keeping time 

le v.t. (imp. of Cd v.t. 

liys'qal n.f. ability capabiltiy 

suitability worth 

Z. proficiency 
merit [A] 

'toibar'tari n.f. laboratory [E] 

A It bar n.m. labour Jj It' bar par'H n.f. 

Labour Party [E] 

li P' * a n.m. leap year [E] 

J IV bar n.m. morbid water discharge from eye 

i. i lep’ ns v.|. plaster bedaub bes- 
mear with Up n.m. plaster 
ointment ^Jy-^Wp’ pot n.f...- plastering and 
mad-washing (£& Up' kar'nn (or lagans) 
v.t. plaster apply a plaster or ointment 
CV- LA It pa po'ts adj. plastered and mud 
washed clean JJ? LA It'ps po'ti n.f. plaster- 
ing (fig.) window-dressing \zXj m V*iltp'ns pot'na 
v.t. plastering and mud washing * 

/ . le-palak adj. & n.m. adopted (child) 

[~ Ci+ 

Ht ' ra n.m. worn-out shoe L^^JP^ltl' re 
'y* par'na v.t. get a shoe-beating 
imi „ l lai't-o-la‘al' n.f. evasion pre- 
4 varication LZrilai't-o la'aV kar na 

v.v. evade prevaricate (~A c^Alai'ta 
+ J+<y > la'al’ta] 

..Aj let' ns v.i. lie down rest ; repose 
(of crop be no longer standing) 

> i<J laijisle'tw adj. legislative 
yjTi* 4 laijisle'tiv asaimb'li n.f. Legislative 
Assembly yrA~*Llaijislt' &ar n.m. Legislature (E) 
Wjhi n.f. refuse of chewed betel-leaf 
worthless stuff 

^ J H'^ar adj. & n.m. stingy (fellow) nig- 
gardly (person) ^^.li' char-pan' n.m. 
stinginess ; niggardliness 

It’dti n.f. litchi [E — Ch.) 

W n.f. dung (of horse, ass, etc.) 

Laidar n . m . leather [E] 

J» . li'dar n.m. leader editorial 
JAg Ildars' rd (joc.) female leader tfjjJ H’iari 
n.f leadership [E) 

le'A n.f. lady U'A dak' tar n.f 

ladv doctor 1E1 

lady doctor [E] 
lir n.f. strip or slip of cloth rag 


lais adj. accoutred ready V/Pc/tf 
lais ho' ns v .1. be ready be accout- 


r ud lais n.f. lace [E] 

i A Its n.f. stickiness glutinosity 

les'-dar adj. sticky ; glutinous ; jelly like 
r ud Its sdf. licking (T - It si svf licking 

bk n.f. rut track ; beaten path 
— mark left by snake, ete. (derog.) old 

order, custom blemish Ilk' par (pal' ns 

ViUOutOllk' lik ejial'ns v.i. follow the rut 
follow the beaten path 

/j lek adj. (arch, or poet) but still 

however ; nevertheless [P - poll.] 

XJ It' kin conJ. but 1 still however ; 
lyy nevertheless [P~A Jo] 

likh n.f. small louse nit 


le'kks n.m. (dial ) account [ 

- cJ>] 

big n.f. league <-Ja f^mus'Hm tig n.f. 
Muslim League jp 1 bg' a/ ru'jhanz 
n.f. League of Nations [EJ 

U lail (rare JA lai'lah) n.f. (pl. JU laps'd) 
V* night jLr ) <)i lail-o-nahsr' n.m. night 
and day times; position; circumstances jJ^t \^}A 
lai'lat-Ul-qad'r n.f. the Ramazan night (general- 
ly regarded as 27tb) on which the Holy Quran’s 
revelation commenced ; anniversary of Quranic 
revelation lai'lah n.m 

The Arabian Nights [A] 

le'la n.m lamb kid 

h’la n.f. (dial.) theatrical 
*♦. performance sport 

amorous sport marvel (/jlnrllA Hla-dban 
n.m . J>ltA h'lavafi n.f (dial.) wanton ; playful 
woman [S] 

nj lai'la (Cork Jz lai'lt) adj. dark-com- 
(J~ plextoned n f beloved of legendary Arab 
lover Qais whose madness in love won him thr 
name Majnoon | A - (Jd 1 




; assume 

'Jr lai'man n.m. lemon 
U " lemonade [E ~ A ~ P] " 

J It'moo , O/t (ped 

(JSt laimoon') n.m. lemon; 
lime IV ooh-nickor' n.f. 

uninvited guest sponger 

Vj K, OK & moon nicfaor'na v.t. 
crush lemon [ ~ P] 

le'na v.t. take take over 
buy ; purchase accept 

receive usurp win ; conquer le int. 
come well take a' net v.t. bring 

fetch ; go and get produce lj U li'ya di’ya 
n.m. (fig.) act of charity good deed dJJflyV 
tif(('V'l£tl)li'ya di'ya are (or age or karri) a'na 
v.i. escape owing to some good deed done earlier 
le' ur'rta v.t. run away with carry 
tales bft dA-le' -bhag'na v.t. & 1 . abduct 
run away (with) abduct £a£A~ le' baidVna v.t. 

ruin others along with onesel f cause other 
parts to collapse with it force (someone) to 
become concubine t le' par'na v.t. lie 
down with a child lie down with a woman 
forciblyl?j^^^xfDf/e'/a bhoole na de'ta ph. cash 
deeling as involving no trouble l‘U AL-le' ja'na 
v.t. take away run away with win 
convey li’ji''e int. lo please take it 
4-jA~le’ de n.f. objections effort 
It de kar (or ke) adv. merely altogether 
. .Z. le' de kar' na vt.. take a strong excep- 
tion \oVf 4 **tJL’le' de ho'na v.i. be strongly 
objected (to) l doob'na v.t. ruin another 
person along with oneself Ci A—le' le'na v.t. 
take ; take power take by force ; extort 
take back accept receive force to yield 

VyeU le' mar'na v.t. & I. try hard and 
succeed ruin others along with oneself 
leri den n.m. business dealings y / ( £jtdi 
len' denka kfu'ra adj. fair in one’s dealings 
jj Ci le'na ek' na de'na do' ph. have no- 

thing to do (with) : have no connection what- 
soever (with) ; have no truck (with) J erf! len' 
den n.m. business dealing W 

le'na na de'na ka're na mas'le ph. useless le'tii 
h.f. ceremony on taking back child from wet 
nurse ; weaning jj-le’ne ke de'ne par' 

ja'na v.t. have tables turned on one 
le'ne men na de'ne men ph. having nothing to do ; 
have one’s hand clean 

jp lefid n.f. one separate part of excrement 
(fjbA lefi'di n.f. one separate pan of ex- 
crement adj. coward V J S ^ lar * tar n <* 

v.t. humour ; eajole DVjy len'di kflt'ta n.m. 
small underdeveloped dog 

* b A lain’ do' ri n.f. * bee-line un- 

broken traffic fy((jl)(f&(Jjy*rfLlain 
do'ri batidhl (or la'gi) ho'na v.i. have unbroken 
traffic ^ 

* ii laind’lard n.m. landlord (fjJtdlaind' 
le'd i n.f. landlady [E] 

lev n.m. layer plaster IV lj£ lev 
u' larva v.i. (of plaster) comedown 4 

lev' (fcarka'na v.t. plaster lev' cbarh’no 

be plastered grow fat 
le'va n.m. mud-plastering on vessel bottom 
suf. taking jan'-le'va adj. killing 

Wi n.f. paste 





li'ye adv. because (of) ; on account (of) 
aL <£■ ke li'ye pref. for, 



mim thirty-first letter of Urdu alphabet 
(equivalent to English m) according to 
jummal reckoning) 40 

ma'ab' n.m. recourse suf. focus (of) 
centre (of) reposilnrj (of) able 

*7' ma'a'sir n.m. pl. memorable deeds (of 
> person, family, etc.) glorious traditions 
(rare) celebrities (A ~ sing. c> >1] 


t'a'khiz n.m. (pl of n.m. ★) 

d k 

ma'al' n.m. . consequence end ; 
termination (j^jUjC ma’a'l-ande.rh' adj. 
prudent faresighted efiX l(Jh meVa'l ande'M 
H.f. prudence farsight J^ma'd'l-e kar' 
n.m. consequence adv. at last ; at length 
ultimately [A] 

1 ^ ma n.f. (same as Jl man n.f. ★) 
ma n.m. fourth note of national gamut 


prov. we l> ma b u ttu if ' prov. 

(of sovereign) we [/* yl ma -o~snuma n.m. 
pL. all and sundry ^ j i mi'-o-man' n.f. (rare) 
egotism [P) 

(f, ma sup whatever ; whatsoever that 
» which vhile ; whilst as long as jjJ i 


ma-ba''d adj. following ; that follows adv. later 
pref. meta, ma ba" d-Ul-taW iyyat' n.m.. 

metaphysics ; (or ‘Jtf l ) m$-baqa' (col. C 
mti-baql') n.m. the rest, remainder remnant ; 
balance ; arrears b ma-bihil-ektiyaj' n.m. 

whatever is necessary requisites jhJ'pGt 
ma-bih-il-imtiyaz' n.m. distinctive feature 
ma-kih-in-niza" n.m. point at issue bone of 
contention ms-bain' adv. during 
between among ^J^Lma-laiM (or ped. -taht) 
n.m. subordinate adj. subordinate inferior 
adv. under l ma-taqad-dam adj. earlier 

bygone afore-said ; above-mentioned \£b 
majors (col. maj'ra) n,m. event circum- 
stances happening ; occurrence state : 

condition predicament matter (J^b ma- 
thi'sul n.m. produce profit sum arid sub- 
stance (of) outcome ma-ha zar n.m. 

pot-luck c' -*(J ma-hatar lanavul farms" - 

i vc t it. come and take pot-back with us J/'k 
n rs-kaul' n.m. environment surroundings 

‘milieu’ ^yy^'baq adj. preceding 
ma-sa'lof adj. bygone ; what has gone before 
\y l mii-siva adv. moreover besides 
in addition (to) n.m. universe ruinous God 
ma-sha'allah' i n t. (rare) what God may 
God preserve it from evil eye wonderful 
gosh ms-fat' adj. what is dead and 

gone missing mitted on ma-fauq ’ adj. 
higher upper pref. ultra meta 
ms-fau q-ul-f it' rat adj. supernatural 
J i m a fiz-zamir' n.m. motive in- 
tention design l ms-fi’-ha ph. what it 
contains ; its contents U4 L jbj dun'ya-o-ma-ji'^ba 
pm. the world and whatever it contains 
vrd-qcb'l adj. preceding previous l 

r:a-qab’l-c a'khir adj. penultimate I ma- 
qul'Ta-ia-daV PH. to the point f p L ms-la kalafri 
adj, ineffable indescribable ma-/* 

yutuf adj. unbearable taklif-e ma-la- 

ruing' l'H. unbearable responsibility (col.) 
great trouble mS-la-yan hal adj. in- 

soluble that cannot be resolved ^ liV" 
tna-la-hoo'va-ms- dlaih' n.m. pros and cons^ (f**b 
ma-maza' adj. & adv. bygone maza 

nta-maza' ph. let bygones by bygones 
ma va'jab N.M. & adj. necessary ; whatever'is 
necessary fjjb ma-vara' adj. beyond be 
sides over and above pref. ultra n.m. that lies 
beyond ^ Git mi-vars'i adj. transcendental 
csljjb ma-vara 1 ’ iy'yat N.F. transcendentalism 
£lXl ma-yohlaf adj. necessary [AJ 

^i ma pref. no ; not £1 jlma-zagh' ph (rare) 
" did not go astray n.m. (fig.) beatific 
vision IAJ 

1i ma n.m. water 2 ish ma'Sl-leb'm n.m. div 

tilled or strong soup ma”i adj. 

watery liquid hydro jyp i ms' 'iy'yat n.f. 

liquidity wateriness liquid content [A) 

.. msp'ns v.t. (same as l> l* v.T. K)i^b 

V£w map n m. same as ty t*(sce under 
* « ** *• 

V.T ★ 

nisi n.f. checkmate defeat being 
• c'utdone((r)/tJ&’ji£ , l'maf dc'na (or kar'tts) 
'.t. mate : checkmate defeat ; beat (at) 
outdo confound mat' khk'vs 

(or Iio'tio) v i. be mated : be checkmated be 
defeated ; be beaten (at) be outdone be 
confounded CM shah-mat' n.m. checkmate 
[P ~ A died) 

.**. ma'ta n.f. small-pox (dial.) mother 
v * ma'ta pi'ts n.m. (dial.) parents£t£‘ft 

ma'ta ni'kalna v.t. (of someone) have small pox 
mart n adj. (f. 7? t matt) intoxicated 
t * jjb rriitd' ka ma'ta n.m. one given 

to too much sleep one in deep sleep one 
not conscientious 

j ma'tcm n.m. mourning obsequies 
| * grief ritual mourning (for Imam 

Hussain’s martyrdom)^ ms' tain pkr'si 

house of mourning (fig.) world as this Jbff' 
ma’tam-dar adj. mourning n.m. mourner 
matam-da'rx n.f. mourning matam-zadah 

adj. bereaved .inatam-Kar'vs v . t . 

mourn grieve ; lament perform ritual 
mourning m alarm n.m. mourner adj. ^ 

mourning mournful funeral (jrfjtfb 
lhatami libas' N.M. (usu. black) mourning 

dress (widow’s) weeds [A] 

madia N.M, forehead facade 
* brow front (of) ma'tfkaj '■•ii'Ka 

v.t. (fig.) grieve over one’s misfortune IS&& 1 
ms'lka du'nakna v.i. (fig.) have a presentiment of 
the coming evil ; have ill-forebodings tvGb-cl 
ma’tha ra'garna v r.. (fig.) prostrate oneself 
(before) beseach : supplicate Vjbgf mat' the 
mar'ria (rare LjL mu' the mar' no) v.t. throw 

back (at) ; return (with bad grace) 

^ mat n.m. large earthen receptacle for 
food grains, etc. vat indigo pit 


ka ma t’ W iig'ra hai hrov 
the whole group is spoiled 

matfcoo N.M. harlequin , merryandrew 
w audacious fool > 

^ ^ mil' tt n.f. (dial.) same as ^NK *) . 

j* i masoo'rah adj. mentioned. in the Holy 
Prophet’s traditions */5 

mason' xili n t. a prayer thus ^ transmitted . the 
Holy Prophet’s prayer [A ~ j\ ) 
llr t wii-ja'ya N.M. (see under (J l n.f -fc) 

•• • 

. ma'jid adJ. (f. & pl. o/f l m&'jtdah) 

JP » glorious [A~ glory] 

_ | mcijoo, majoo-pkal , )j l ma zoo 

*• n -m. gall-nut . 

majoor' adj. rewarded^fv^l*' 4 ^'^ ‘ in'/l- 
* allali' majoor' ho' ha v t be rewarded by 

• ^ ma'cha n.m. large bed (gardner’s) 

-j> seaH’olding 

ma'chis n.f. match-box match- 

i/*v Stick [E] 

.Pi much* n.f. dicky , dickey small 
Wp bed 

jig I niachin' n m. (arch ) Indo-china 

ma'khnz n:m. (pl. jjL ma'a'kjtiz) source 
I * >‘l take] 



apprehended called to account in 

makhooz' aoj. 

volved adopted (of article) lifted (from 
some paper, etc. ) lA~>/take) 
j j ^ ma'dar n.f. mother ma'dar ba'khata' 

adj. illegitimate ; bastard mis- 
chievous K ma' dar-hha hi kar'ha PH. 
abuse someone by making indecent remarks 
about his mother ma'dar -zad’ adj. bom 

(blind) stark (naked) ^fj'^jjjlma'dar-zad 
baraih'nah adj. stark naked ; nude^t 
nia'dar-zad ah' dha (or nabi'na) adj. & n.m. borr^ 
blind l mndaranah adj. motherly (affection, 
etc.) ma'dari adj. maternal matri- 
archal mother. ^ l } (fj) l ma'dari zaban ' n. k. 

mother tongue [P] 

• ma'dali n.f. female tj L (>jj nar(-o-)ma'dah 
n m. male and female [P] 

0 }\t Ma'dali n.m. matter body root 
(of word) ; radical letters capacity to 
understand ^also l> mad' dare Ulrikh') 

chronogram U&'&Vijlmad'da-e larikh ' nikal'na 

v.t compose a. chronogram ( of) %S^/, t jk tmord' da- 
paras' l n.m. materialist adj. materialistic 
£-4.mad'da patasta'nah-AD}. materialistic e » 1 
mad' da-paras' H adj. materialism l 

nmd'di adj. materia] materialistic l 
maddiy'yai n.f. materiality substance 
materialism IA] 

madiyah n.f. mare [P] 

• a 

..j I maddiy'yai n.f. (see under 

‘‘ N.M. *) 

(JjL r "“' lia ^ N M- AD J- model’ [E] 

j mar n.m. (lit ) snake; serpent >A mar-e 
J astin' n.m. foe in friendly guise 
mar'-guzi’dah adj. & n.m. snake bitten (person) 
oyf jl mar'-moh'rah n.m. jewel supposedly found 
in serpent’s head and used as antidote for nakc 
poison ; toadstone [P] 

.. , mar' na v.t. beat ; drub; give a beating; 
v Jr* giye a hiding ; thrash use third degree 
methods hit ; strike hurt at , strike at 
shoot (gun) kill win defeat rain ; 
destroy mar mortify embezzle ; 

usurp ; withhold (something) wrongfully 
sting (of male) copulate ; fuck oxidize 
(metal) J <• mar n.f beating striking 

hit ; stroke range (of missile) severity 

curse soil; a rich black loam L HOfjl mar' bhoga'na 
v.t. put to rout put to flight 
mar' baitk'na v.t. beat hit ; strike 
embezzle , withold wrongfully C^A mar’ par' na 
v.i. be beaten be under cause Amar' 
pitjIffijjlmar'dkar'N.T drubbing- fighting 
affray mar' fit'chbz sahvar' ph. 

patch-up j j? mar' de na v.t. kill beat 
to death t/j l mar' dal'.na v.t. kill murder 

(of woman) ravish someone with one’s beauty; 
make someone mashed on (oneself) mar ' 

rqkh'na v.t. withhold wrongfully usurp I'Ujt 
mar' khd'na v. be beaten I'tJjl mar' gira'na v 
knock down C])jl mar' lu'na v r, kill and 
bring obtain by plunder jl mat’ le'tia v.t. 

withhold wrongfully ; usurp (of male) 
copulate I j l mar a adj. & adv. beaten 
struck down smitten killed ruined ; 

undone lost spoilt n.m. loamy soil L'b tjl 
ma'ra ja'na v.t. be killed be lost ,be 
ruined be undone yL IjL ma'r.o~mar n.f 
ado bustle varied and toilsome efforts 
adv. with much ado with a burned effort 
lygl/lljlfirn'ra ma'ra thir'na vi knockabout 




aimlessly \;f ) l I>1 mar a mat ker'nav.r. & i. 
bustle about try one’s best 
ma'roon ^fckt'na phon'tt ankk PH. irrelevant reply; 

JM mar' lot n.m. mortello , turn-screw [Pg.] 

Z. iL mar'ch n.m. March march 
nmr'ch past n.m. march past 
mar'fh kar'na v.i. march [E) . _. 

.1 & . marshal-la n.m. martial law 4 ZojrDJrth 
”U mar' shot la hukoo'mal n.f. martial law 

regime or administration [E] 


mar'kah n.m. brand trade mark 

- ma'roo n.f. name of a musical mode n.m. 
'?J * kettledrum warlike musical instru- 
ment n.f. name of a musical mode adj; large 
(brinjal, etc.) 

mar 00 1' n.m. name of legendary angel 

I mare adv. for ; for the sake (of) 
on account (of) owing (to) ^,^4 Jl. rJj*. 
bkaok (etc.) kt mare, mu' re bhook' 

(etc.) kt aov. owing to hunger (etc.) [ ~ Cjl ) 

>1 rna'ra ADJ. (f. tf^lma'ri) weak; lean - 

md, - i n'.f. gruel starch 

}j t md '^°° N r M. I®" 1 ' a * f.k N.M. ★) 

y mas (/^Lmatis n.m. (dial.) flesh 
kJ * meat l£y (/l was' nock' Ha v.t. claw ; 

mas' tar n.m. (usu. as stas'Dir ji) 

yT m master ; teacher [E] 

/ . nfh'sikah n.f. focus power of 
* retaining food in body jZ'lgl&d truq'ta-t 
mo'sikah n.m. focal point [A] 

ma'st n.f. (dial.) aunt ; mother’s sister 

Af mash n.m. kind of vetch mash’ 

sjr^ kl dal n.p. pulse made from it 
modi' mar’ no v.t. cast vetch (on someone) with a 
malignant charm 


y. mo' l i n.f. & adj. past mo’ 1 1 

(jT'* thlimo'li, matt shak'kiylyah n.f. 

past conditional ma'zi(-r) istimro'ri 

n.f. past imperfect ; past continuous 
ma’Zi(-r) ba'id' n.f. past perfect J ma'ti(-t) 

tom anna’i n.f. past optative nia'&(-e) 

qatih’ n.f. present perfect t ma'zi(-c) 

mul'laq n.f. past indefinite t ma'ziyah adj. 
(f. & pl.) past [A - tf*'* went) 

1 makool' n.m. eatable dish (for 
UJ * meal) ; victual makoolal' n.m 

pl. eatables; victuals C/LrJy^Cip/i ma'koolat-o- 
mashroobut' n.m. pl. dishes anti drinks 
makiyah n.f. hen [P J 


magh n.m. . eleventh month of Hindu 
JP * calender equivalent to January 
ifyd magh.' noii'gi batsakh. bkoo'ki prov. 
always poor 

1 / mal n.f. (also Ji(f&~£diar'kju ki mal) 
0 * distaff string 

t tf mol suf. rubbed trodden Jl malt 
Q* suf. rubbing trampling [P~ tfjjk] 
f /, mol n.m. (pl. Jlfl amual') stock 
O'* wares goods cargo riches ; wealth 
property dainty ; dainties lovely person 
revenue; land revenue Cl)ljk mal' ura'na 
v.t. squander wealth feed on dainties 

jl mal' bar-dor' johaz n.m. cargo vessel 
tf-W’ mo'l-e harnm’ n.m. unlawful acquisitions 
-* L * j xli mal'-kha' nuh n.m. treasury jtjjl maf- 
ixr adj. rich ; wealthy moneyed tfjljt-mal’-da'H 
n.f. riches wealth wealthiness (frVjh 

mal'-za'di n.f. whore ; bawd ma'l-t 

halal' n.m. legitimate earnings 
‘ a rab pe'sh-t 4 a’rab prov. the best" custodian of 
one’s property is one’e own seif mid-t 

gharri' mal n.m. booty mol-t ghair ■ 

manqoo'lah N.m. real estate ; immovable property 
iZfjjs, t mal' ko bahd-o-bas' t n.m. revenue 
settlement tfstf'jL mol-ga'ri n.f. goods train mal- 
gngar' n.m. landholder mal-gizo'ri n.f. 

land revenue revenue assessment 
mal-mar'no v.T. swindle • embezzle 
mal’-mas’t adj. & n.m. (one) proud of one’s 
wealth Jfy^uk mal-e masroo'qah n.m- stolen 
property tSjirjb ma'l-e m ft n.m. something got 
without effort mu ft ii'l-t bt- 

raih'm prov. ’ money got without effort is swiftly 
squandered Jytyl mal-e manqoo'lah n.m. mov- 
able property mol-t vaq'f h.u. endow-, 

ment fr&jiflnia'i-o-mata" n.m. money and 
effects riches ; wealth (J l lo-va'ris mal’ 

n.m. unclaimed property escheat 
matroo’kah mal n.m. evacuee property 
legacy ; bequest JllfL ma'lo-mol adj. rich adv 
replete (with) abounding (ip) pfjLltt mo' la- 



mat kar’na v.t. enrich dr^-maUi adj. financial 
pecuniary fho/f sal n.m. financial 

year .Jl ms'liyah (ped. miUg’yah) n.m. land 
revenue L maliy'yat N.F. cost value 
maliy'yati adj. costly adv. costing [A] 
iJl mal'-rod' n.f. the Mall [E] 

ma'ljf n.f. (dial, m.) rosary ; string of 
beads garland necklace Infill 
ma’li pher’na v.t. tell one’s beads 

mat' li n.f. a kind of jasmine 




nta/'ta n.m. orange [E] 

mal'sirl n.f. name of a musical mode 

S.J ma itsh n.f. massage nausea 

( Jr " malizh kar'na v.t. & i. mas- 

sage feel nausea [P ~ t ] 

/. ma'lik n.m. owner proprietor 
master lord husband God 
(lyi )C0t~4fl ma'lik batin' na (or kar'na) v.t. 
empower make someone the owner (of) x&H 
malika'nah adj. proprietary adv. like an owner 
n.m. allowance paid by tenant annuity or 
allowance paid to onsted tenant fyy * l 
milika'nah rusoom’ n.f. proprietary dues [A~«^] 
malkaus n.m. one of the major modes 
U r * of national music connected with late 

ma'lan n.f. (see under J l n.m. if) 
maloof adj. loved (native country) 


• gg maivqj adj . 

^ ma'tt n.m. gardener g/l ma'lan n.f. 


woman gardener female member of 
gardener’s family 

ma'ti n.m. -Jl ma'liyah n.m. iJ^I mnliy'- 
yat n.f. J^l maliy'yati adj. (see under 


I / Wi maHkhoo'liya n.m. (arch.) melancholy 

j| mati'dah n.m». bread mashed in butter 
* and sugar ; mashed bread 
piece of woollen stuff [~P ©uJl] 

ma'ma n.m. (col.) mamma ; mummy 
mom [E] 

ma'ma n.m. (dial.), (f l ma'mi n.f. 

(dial.) (see under jyL ma'mooh n.m. if) 
ma'ma n.f. maid-servant 

ma'ma pukh'tariyah kka'na ph. be attended 





by servants; lead a comfortable life L l 
mn'ma-ga'H n.f. maidservant’s job 
.** , mam’ta n.f. motherly love , maternal 
affection mam'ta tkah'di raih'na 

v.t. of mother be happy in the sight of her 
children Csl mam'ta tkah'dl kar'na v.i. 

(of mother) look affectionately on her child 
(Jjllf mam'ta ki ma'ri apj. driven by love 
for her child 

S. ma'man (or madman) n.m. place of safety ; 
w * haven [A- ] 

> I mamoor' adj. appointed com- 
, manded ; commissioned detailed for 
duty JuHg/l/S l mamoor' mitt-allah’ n.m. one com- 
missioned by God ; prophet 1 mamoor’ 

ho'na v.t. be appointed be entrusted (with 
a duty) [A ] 

^ mamoori adj. safe ; secure [A— J 

ma'mooh n.m. maternal unde 
L/s* ma'irA, mama' ni n.f. maternal aunt 
maternal uncles’s wife 

mah (rare l ma) 
mafi bap PL. 
parents patron jl mah' btd'han kar'na 

v.t. abuse (someone) by casting aspersions on 
his mother and sister l Ujl mah'-ja’ya n.m. 
uterine brother own* brattcr Irifb mah~ja"l 
Jiflt ma-jV’N.F. uterine sister* own sister 
■2 — iU mah’ sc. ciyi'- 
dah ffoa'ht pka’pka kut'rti kaihla^’c prov. a show 
of too much affection is a cause of suspicion 
CjZjrrfjt. mah’ ka doodh sa'majhna v.t. usurp 
something tV/<Jl mah mar’ ja'na v.i. have a 
shock for one’s vanity J l mah' ma’rt 
ma'siji'yt prov. an aunt is no less affectionate 
than the mother 

m3* n.m. pride arrogance : conceit ; 
vanity confidence ; faith (diaL) 
respect tfjtf l man' rakk’na v.t. have confidence 
(in) py” left man kar'na v.i. be vain ; give one- 
self the airs 

n.f. mother k-'l^jk 
father and mother 

mah'jka n.m. paste mixed with ground 
glass and applied, to kite string wear- 

ing of marital kit vJgdtLt, mahjic baitk’na v.i. 
don on untidy dress won on die eve of marriage 
fjfl if ma'hjka kajo'ja n.m. marital dress 
manjk'na v,t. cleanse 

l^l n.f. female member of boatman's wife 

moh'jkl W.m. boatman mfi'jhtn 

m n&fid adj. 

* tarnished 

dutl dim faint 
eclipsed Jil maiid' par' 
be tarnished be cclip- 

jann v.i. lade be tarnished he eclip- 

• i mafi'dah adj. left ; weary ; remaining 
* tired , weary left ; remaining 
(f (jj, l mati'di) ill ; indisposed suf. tired 
left J>'l mah'dagl n.f. fatigue ; weariness 
illness indisposition suf. being left over 

>«i matid n.m rice-water 
Jh w 

i b> >1 mafi'da n.m. 
# (on eyeball) 

a kind of pancake 

/ ma'nas (ped. mantis) n.m. (dial.) human 
U ^ being bka'la-ma'nas n . m . 

eenlleman bloke ; guy 

J) i ma'no’ n.m. hinderance impediment 
& obstacle mane' a’na (or ho’ ns.) 

v.t hinder obstruct be an obstacle (in 
^th e v/ay of) 

£ mafig n.f. a line on head 
where hair is parted 

tjf/mfiag' S’jarna v.i. be widow- wff jff* 
rdtO&ljCoJjfbmaiig' bans’ m (or f p : _ , A? 

nik&l'na v . t . part the hair 
(old use) do one’s hair 

mafig' bkar'na v.t. fill parting live of hair 
with red-lead or pearls (fig-) give (a going 
woman) away in marriage ^J;\, maftg'-bha'ri 
n.f. married woman favourite wife 
mcitg pat' H n.f. braiding doing one’s hair 
make up pat' ft .met la'ga 

raih'na v. take a long time in make-up 
rating' -j a' li N.F. widow Ij ls-£&L ms fig’ saftvar'rui 
v. braid the hair Cpj Jj'tjGl mafig' kookh' 

so thuh’di raih’na v.i. (of woman) enjoy a happy 
married life and be blessed with children 
mdhg' khul'nn v.t. (of girl) have her fiance 

. t J?, mafig' na v.t. beg borrow demand 
“ pray seek girl’s hand in marriage 
(for one’s son, etc.) uC-\. mafig n.f. demand 

regular ^source of income /£*■ min go hs ahj. 
man go hi) borrowed 

- . man'ma! n.f. hullabaloo ado ; find 
V (Clf Imari mat knr'na (or moeha'na) 
v.i. make much hullabaloo 
... man'na v.t. accept confess 

* acknowledge agree (to) , assent (to) 

concede; grant suppose believe obey 
comply with (instructions, etc.) /ft ma'na hr 
int. granted ; I concede ; l admit j/ij* tff, * tfl 
(jiff man' na man' main te'ra mehmdn ' n.f. foust- 
ing oneself upon another. J l ma'no Int. (arch.) 
believe me 

*'L n, iinaiid’ (col. mamhd') adj. like [P~ cbtl>) 

ma'no n.f. (nurs.) pussy Jr jL ma'no bil'ti 
* n.f. (nurs.) pussy-cat 

A rnanoos' adj. friendly ; intimate 
L> dr *, attached ; familiar (with) used (to) 

•ai mart, ij l ma'ni ji n.f. (dial.) gover- 

C? ness (A— </' uns] 

lit miivA MM * condensed milk sub- 

1 stance 

f*li ( or cf> 1 ) ma'va, n.m. shelter ; asylum 
,J> resort (jfjL ma'ljo~o-maoa 

shelter and asylum (fig.) patron [A| 
i mah n.m. (cont. as ^ mah) moon 
® month gU al mah' ba mah' adv. monthly 
fjl gk mah'-pa'i'nh, ijl sSmah'-pii'rak adj. hand, 
some (person) n.m. beloved; sweetheart I 
mdh-tab ’ , wp mshtab' n.m. moon moon- 
light mah-ta'hi, mahta'bi N.F. kind 

of firework cloth embroidered widi starry 
pathern fenced terraced mah' (or 

maffy-jabif:, rna-V (or mah')-rukh 

mtih’ -roo, jj j ^ mnh-roo' glmah (or mahy 

si'ma , mah, (or mah)-tal'‘at, $ 

mah' (ct mak)-!aqa\fJj(^ij t l,mah‘ (or mah)-vash 
adj. exqu’sitely beautiful "*n.m. beloved ; sweet- 
heart l rnah'cpah n.m. ensign metallic 
moon on top of ensign (J\jj »t ma'h-e ravah' n.m. 
current month J" el mn'h (or ma'h)-e kamil 

betrothal (rare) fiance n.m. full moon mah (or ma'h)-e kan'ah' 

mahg' tetg' kar km (hati'na v. to beg, borrow or NM - Joseph i _J^ > .iy a h (or mah)-t 

steal ; to tide over a difficult period somehow nakh shab n.m. artificial moon made by political 

t'l/C&w& rnskg' mg' kar kha'na v.i. live wizard * Muc l an ' na! vvho 15ved at Nakhshab jbf l 

bv begging be forced to beg or borrow mah' -oar' adj. & n.m. monthly (jjtjfl mtih'-ian 

mafig' le'na v.t, borrow tj mafig' ho'na v.i. adv. per mensem n.f. inenses ; mcnstral cycle 
be in. demand l^fjf^J.V’MmSfi'ge m'ge par } i t maha'nah adj. &\adv. monthly 

giiia'ra ho’na v.i. be forced to borrow ; have no, mahiya'nah n.m. (arch.) monthly salary [PJ 


^ m&hir A.jpj & n m., ( pl ij-SJ l mahirln ped. 
si i-i. yf me' hat oh \ expert master 
(of) adept.; skilful skilled (in) pref -ist 
K /! yfl mahir he na v i. be an expert (in) 
mahir-e nr’iyyat' n.m. geologist 
mah'ir-e al'sirfah n m master of languages 
tna'htt-f Inaniyyat n.m linguist Cele^J^ma hxr-e 
ta’limat' n.m. educationist ; educationalist 
mahn-t lioshnyyat' n.m entomologist 
if mahir-e khitsoo'si n.m specialist 

ti'jUe ^lma'hir-e tabVyyat' n.m physicist 

•Z'tS'bi’l/flma'htr-e ish'aiyyal nm radiologist 
C/Ctjfybma'hit-t haivaniyya!' n.m zoologist 

mahir-r 'il'm-t kimiya' n.m. chemist 
sjl ni hir-e nabatiyyat' n.m. botanist 

inaoir-e ma ashiyyat n.m. economist 

.‘ri'V mahir-e nafsiyyat' n.m psvchologist 

fA~ Oylfl ^ 

ma'hi n.f fish i-* ma'hi-e ab' 

0 < ADJ. (fig.) restless ; uneasy ma'hi- 

push't n.m a kind of embroidery looking like 
fish-bone tj ma' hl-ta ua n.m. fish-frying pan 

mahi-khar n.m. cormorant ^ (f l rna'hi- 
gir n.m. fisherman ma'hi-gi'ri s'k. fishing 

i \y* if/ 1 mahi mar a' lib n.m. insignia of honour 
carried before princes, etc. [PI 
* * I ma'hiyal n.f. nature intrinsic value 

*■»■£** real worth essence (A- (, what 

+ »*J 

^ ^ ma" e' n.m. & adj fluid , liquid [Aj 

jfi ma'i! adj. fond (of) towards 

U ma"tl kar'na v.t persuade (A1 

ma"tl kar'na v.t persuade [A] 
£ ma'oof adj. afflicted 

m 8 [A’ 


ma'oof adj. afflicted (of bodily 
organ faculting. etc.) not function- 

ma 'i n.f maid-servant ok! woman 

ma"l adj see under l 

u maya nf (dial. | wealth illusion fS] 


y 1 . may oo s' adj. disappointed des- 
U Jy pondent frustrated chagrined 
mayoos knr’va v.t disappoint ; 
frustrate ^ mayoos' -hup adj hopeless 
mayoos' -kun atsdai n.m. hopeless 
manner L'jr^r' jft mayoos' ho'tia v.t. despair 
iof) . be disappointed (with) be frustrated 
be chagrined (fj l mayoos i n.f disappoint- 
ment despair despondence ; air of des- 
pondence frustration chagrin !A~ 


i ma'yah n.m stock ; capital cause (of • 

~ jfet maya-e na’ cause ol pride (to) 
v l firo-mayah adj. base mean (Pj 

~ .y mubah adj. permissible lawful 
u: tUTij mubah rakk'na (or sa'mujkna) v.T. 
permit . allow , regard as lawful I'X&ls mjbah' 
kar'na v t make lawful , legalise fA - ^ril\ 

. . „ mabahu n.m (pl. of , n m ir ) 


£ muba' hasah m debate discussion 
miba hasah kar'nn v l 
debate ; hold debate discuss [A - dS. } 

■ ma-ba'da , j'ljL-^ma-ba'da ir adv |P~ ( 

no, , be) ' 

M . muba' daral n.f expedition vieing 

with hastening (towards) [A] 

. . muba dalah n.m. exchange Darter 

— -f m tba'dalnh kar'na v.i. ex- 
change JslSjj za r-e m rba'daiah n.m loretgn 
exchange (A - ) 

I . rnaba'di mabadiyyai n.m hi, 

0*. fundamentals first principles 

elements rudiments [A ~ OJjt) 

‘,1a muba'nz n.m. warrior cfiallengcr 
• djjls muba’raiat n.f. single combat 

(rare) challenge l>bjyUpfjda'‘val-e miiba ratal J e - M 
v t. challenge someone to single combat [A] 

I i . mubardk"b.P congratulation; felicitation 
. adj. lucky ; fortunak auspieiou.v 
blessed int. (also f t Jyp nubarak ho) con- 
gratulations bless you OtJj^muba'rok^'na 
•v.t. congratulate Ojly muba'rak mil'na v.t 
be congratulated Vje muba'rak ho'na v.i. be 
lucky (for) muba'rak bad n.f congratula- 

tion ; felicitation int. congratulations 
maba'rak-bad kaih'ni \. T. congratulate (ftb 
muba rak-ba dl n.f. congratulation marital 
song CtffJlsyCls muba rak-ba diy ah garta v.i 
s * n 8 tf'-'lf muba’raki n.f. (col.) same as c/>u- 
n.f. * (A~4S'Cf blessing) 

*> Aj* muba'sharat n.f. sexual intercourse 
. copulation (rare) (of stripped 

couple) fondling 5*\i£,JrlSrmba‘ shatal-e fab, shah 
n.f. copulation muba'sharal kar'na v.t 

have sexual intercourse (with) ; (of male) copul- 
ate (with) [A] 

maba'ligh n.m. (pl. of & mob’iagh <*) 

» ti * tnuba'lafhah fcm. exaggeration 
^ « hyberbole /yf jtHs mtibu lagha-ara ’* ■- * 



exaggeration V/^f^miba'tafhai kar’na 

(or se kam’ Wits) v.t. exaggerate use 
hyperbole* [A) 

*.< mabari n.m. pl. buildings ; structures 

(j, [A -SING. (f*? ] 

m . mUbahaf n.f. pride contenting 
t’-'' l y* for glory ^^j^ffakKr-o-nuibakaf 
n.m. price and glory 

. muba'halah n.m. mutual imprecation to 
prove truth of one’s point [A] 
mub'tadu n.m. subject (of predicate or 
w proposition) ^ y mub' tada-o-tha'bar 

n.m. subject and predicate [A~ /.£/ ] 

. •*, mub'tad n.m. beginner novice ; 
(✓-A*rT tyro young scholar; beginning student 
[A- ty) 

|.*V, "fcb'tazal k dj. trite (idea or expression); 

(phrase) worn threadbare (A ~ Jljs \ } 
.*V, mubtaW adj. suffering (from) 

afflicted (with) involved (in) dis- 

tressed ; distracted ; unfortunate ; enamoured 
captivated ; enthralled [A - it? I ] 

^ V mab'has n.m. (pl. ilSlsmabahu) point 
at issue topic [A ~ 

. mab'dn n.m. source ; origin ; fountainhead 
!js mab'da-t fail' fountainhead of 
bounty ; God’s grace (A ~ 

1 ^, mUbad-'dal, adj. changed vJju'mB bad’ dal ba 
adj. changed into mbad'dal 

min' -hi ph. case in apposition 

1 + m * ba *' zir *»•**• ( PL - mibaztirin") 

spendthrift [A- ] 

(.V* mabiaol' adj. given devoted ; bestowed 
tavaj'joh mabiool’ kama 
(or fara'na) v.t. call attention to devote 

attention (to) ; attend (to) 

4 mubar’ra adj. free (of or from) ex- 
empted (from) innocent (of) [A- (fj w ] 
mab’roi n.m. anus [A ~ Jt/. ] 

mub’rim ~ adj. inevitable ; inexorable 
K* qaia-e mub’ram n .f. inevit- 

able calamity trouble some person 

[A~ ^€<#J 

# ^ mabroor' adj. the late ; one who has 
■^5/5 found salvation (of pilgrimage) 
accepted by God (A- J. ) 

ttbstof adj. detailed (A- jt-^ ) 

Xy, mibash'skir n.m. evangelist; one who 
A* brings glad tidings mubaih'shar n .m. 

one who. has been brought glad tidings 

-yftmbas'rir n.m. observer adj. perspicacious 

/** [A ~ 

• ^ mab'oos' adj. sent ; commissioned 


^ *y» mabghooz' adj. object of God’s wrath 
C/ . in (someone’s) bad (or blade) books 
[A— J***- ] 

Jj/ mab'lagh n.m. destination limit 

w * quantity ; number coin 
ntab'Iofl h 'alai’h is-salam! n.m. Mammon" ’j*#? 
mab'lagh-e 'il'm n.m. limits of one’s knowledge 
*Z'lit?mabla$hat' n.m. pl. money ; coins 

*j/> mab'ni adj. based on ; founded on n.m. 
O * word which is never inflected 
/)/ mi'bkam adj. ambigupus ; equivocal 

r • ca ~^kij 

^ > mabhoot' dumb-founded ; struck dumb 

with amazement [A] 

t ft mUbah'/A adi, aphrodisiac (A- «l ) 

tubin' adj. clear ; manifest (A- ) 

mibafjanah adj. alleged |A~ ) 

• maf adv. do not ; don't 

f *• / tat n.f. sense ; commonsense wit 
_ O’ mat' ir'na v.t. advise ; counsel 

Cififjl&Smat ma'rl ja'na v.t. loseone’c 
senses ; act as a fool become a dotard 
„ t.-rmixa'ba'at n.f. doing something in the 
manner of ; following [A] 
muta'as'sir adj. (f. or pl. tj'&mAta'as'- 
saraA) affected impressed afflicted 
[A «» J>l) 

■ mitd'a'kh'khir adj. following ; coming 
' ^ later & mita'akhkhirin' n.m. pl. the 

modem ; modem writers ; later [A~ ] 

, •* mata’as’sif adj. grieved regretful 
y.ZfiS*' repentant ^ti^Omuta'flssifanah adv. 
regretfully ; adj. regretful [A- *>*'/] 

+ •Vim/j" n.f. (pl. ^>1 am'tt'ah) stock ; 

merchandise goods; effects 
perty possessions [A] 

tita'‘i n.f. temporary wife [~A -^] 

asafa'am'im/ adj. hesitant (A- ) 




miia'n a v.t. cause to make water [ ~ 

* ^ moot ] 

• ,**. mata'nal n.f. gravity [A] 

L.*V miia' ah’ hit adj. married n.m. family 
Ur man [A- J^l ] 
iT» mUtaba'dir adj. easily ; comprehensible 

J - f A l 

I |> aha' dil adj. (f. & pi.. Jjy'mittaba - 
U*; dilah) alternate alternatives 

^r~jtjJ>k*mitaba'dUah zd'viye n.m. alternate 
angles [A ~t4l 

mutaba'yin adj. different [A~ tf\? ] 

JjL* mu (abaft' Mr adj. deeply (read) ; great 
scholar. [A ~ Jr. sea] 

/ — , mutabar'rak adj. holy ; sacred 
blessed [A ~ Jy J 

m ut abas' sim adj. smiling (face, etc.) 

f?-' f A ~ f?) 

'_£• mut'tabe ‘ n.m. 
S' IA~ ti?l) 

follower disciple 

mutaban'na adj. & n.m. adopted (son) 
( 'S * 1^" mutaban'na kar'na v.t. adopt 

(some-some) [ A - ^ / ] 

* J^* n&ttj&'vit adj. (one) exceeding (one’s) 
« limits adv. more than (is necessary 

l A ~^fl 

_^^^rn>dtajas'su-AD] . searching (eyes, etc.) 


mitt' tabid adj. (f. & pl. mt# tahtdah) 

united [A~ ji?/] 

Yg? mitttffar'rik adj. moving mobile 
uj movable vowelized 
*!*Jar rik tasa'vir n.f. pl. movie pictures 
t-sf Y ffjM'mUtajar'rik adv. inmovable 
not having a vowel [A~ oOj 

mitahaq'qaq adj. proved [A~ tsV’’] 

miitolfam'mil adj.„ patient 
siderate [A ~ Jc ] 


mitabayyir adj. amazed ; astonished 
SZ [A~ ^ J 

mitaihas'sim adj. contending 
f V mmkhasirnin' n.m. plaintiff "and 
defendant c'if’li?' mutckhasimln' n.m. pl. con- 
tendere (A ~ 

matakhil'lis adj. surname ; having the 

P 0 * 1 ** 1 surname jf&t al-mUtak/ml'. 
at ba adj. surnamed [A - I*] 

tJ^mxitakhay'yUak n.f. (also jJ&j q&vvat-e 
mUtakkqy'yilah) fancy ; imagination 

(A- (jtr] 

J / - mutada'rik adj. one who finds a lost 
J ’-A' thing n.m. this as name of a prosodic 
metre [A- Sy>\ 

J f — miitada’val adj. (f. & pl. mutadd'- 
yjiS '*• 


valah) current (A) 
i •*, mutday'yin adj. 

vr [a~ </•>! 

. .»• mutazab'zib adj. hesitant fA~ w>>j 

*r^ 7 ' 

/£~ mutazak'karah adj. stated f/**; jl 
vV mOtazak' kara-e bald (or ratf'r) adj. afore- 
said ; above-mentioned 

mit'lar (ped. mit'r) n.m. (dial.) friend $(?<* 
s mitra''i n.f., fjy mit'r ta n.f. (dial.) 
friendship [S] 

* /•> mutaradif adj. synonymous n.m. (pl. 

^ l> j Ijy mSinradifat’) synonym [A- 

Ojj J 

miitarat'tab adj. arranged [A] 

f •y mutarjim n.m. translator /iy mu tar jam 
C * adj translated ; rendered into other 

language. published along with translation 

(A — 

mutarad'did adj. hesitant (A - if y J 

/ai mSlarash'sheb adj. ^apparent ; evident 
US drizzling [A ~ gy\ 

*% mutaras'sid adj. one looking forward (to) 
(A- A-y] 

mutaraq'qabak sDi, expected .yfSjjP'ghajr- 
Yy ntUtbraq' qabah adj. unexpected** [A~ 

If/ mvtaran’nim adj. singing melodious 

y pm* mgiurun ni»> 

(7 l A ~ 

• / matrook' 

/ ^ matrook ' ( F - & pl* matroo'-kah) 
U)y forsaken ; abandoned archaic • 
obsolete n.m. (PL.^gjP' matrookat'), JlffylJj 
matrook-ul-iste'mal' adj. no longer in use; obsolete 
matroo' kah ja" edad n.f. evacuee property A ~ jfjf j 
* ,,y mutata”id adj. increasing; multiplying 
J^y [A- At'/ - 

/ mUtazal zil adj. shaken mao to 

0*S tottering ; shaky : rickety [A ~ Jyl's) 

. . r, mStasa'ii adj. equal paeF. equi- /yjt> 
mutasi'vi-l-azla‘ (col. •«•£/.) 
adj. equilateral [A.~£>bts} 

■ miita sha'beh adj. like ; similar id 
sembling ambiguous n.m. (pl. CWll^ 


mula.*ha'behat') ambiguous verse Holy Quran 
mmasha'beh lag’ no v.i. (in recitation of 
the Holy Quran) be misled from one place to 
another by similarity of verses [A ~ ] 

mutaiha' l ir n.m. pseudo-poet [A~ 

mUtashad'did adj. violent strict 

xbaP** muiashad'dida'nah adj. strict 
violent adv. strictly violently using 

third degree methods 

*, uj/ mutashar're 1 adj. religious stiiet 

in observance of religious [A «* O*!^] 
mutashak'kik adj. & n.m. agnostic 

f/d r\ mulashak'kik adj. & n.m. agnostic 

< -rr [a~ u? * 

mvtashak'kil adj. taking shape (A - Jr ] 

r f *T* mutasa dim adj. colliding clashing 

^ f»l2\ 

. •% mutasad'de adj. causing inconvenience ; 

hard ache (for) [A ~ 

•^mitasad'di n.m. clerk_ # . (arch.) 
ij-**** private secretary min'shf 

tmlasad'dl n.m. pl. clerks and private secretaries 
(A- rfju+>) 

, •Jymuiasar'rif adj. (one) who usurps 

[A- O/'] 

« A tnut'iasif adj. described [A ~ 1 

LjUs inSt'tasil (f. & PL. mut'tasilah) ADJ. 
U adjoining ; contiguous. ; adv. conti- 
nuously near ; close by [A~ JiJtt] 
w mUtasavvar adj. -imaginable coh* 

sidered ; deemed Vjfjye&mutasav'var 
ho'na v.i. be considered ; be deemed [A~ jt** ] 
~ mutazsd' adj. ,, opposite contrary 
n.m. {?L.£fbl&mutazadddi') antonym 

[a~ ,a] ■ 

S* muiazarn'mln adj. inclusive [A ~ tj ] 

1 . •« miita'd'riz adj. clashing ; conflicting 
V* "^reports, etc.) [A- 

,. muta'a'raf adj. (f. & PL.St/U^muta’a'- 
rafah ) adj. widelyknown self- 

evident axiomatic already introduced 

usoo’l-e muta‘ s' rafah n.m. self-evident 

truths ; axioms [A ~ ] 

e*. ••mula'a'qib adj. pursuing sub- 
tle sequent [A ~ k-J J) ] 

, + mSta'al' adj. exalted sublime 

U^[ A~ f] 

». thusfa’hid adj. allied ; confederate 

-^5* mUla'aj'jib adj. surprised astonish- 
ed ; amazed ; wc.iderstruck [A ~ , .&* ] 
rf muta'ad'dad adj. numerous many ; 
many a a number of jl ’JJ^muta'.ad'dad 

bar adv. many a time ; on many occasions 

[A- jjJ) 

muta'ad'di adj. transitive (verb) 
infectious (disease) (/jrfU' v ^muta‘addi-l- 
muta‘ad'di N.m. causative l J^yf^jr / muta'ad'di 
amraz n.m. pl. infectious diseases ; ''epidemics 
[A ~ ] 

% muta'ar'riz adj.' resisting ; standing in 
the way (of) (A - ] 

•muta'as'sib adj. prejudiced bigotted n.m. 
bigot [A ~ trf**] 

. ‘^mula'af fin adj. stink.' "g [A— if**] 

m mula'al'liq adj. counected with ; relat- 

( J ing (to) ; appropriate attached (to) 

dependent (on) relevant Uo)_ (J** muta'al'- 
liq-e Je''l n.m. adverb muia'allia kar'nd 

r. t. attach entrust (to) ^U^’muta'alliqif? 

n.m. relevant matters adjuncts 

muta'alliqat -t fe“l n.m.i adverbial adjuncts 
muta'alliqin' n.m. dependents {A ~ ] 

muta'al'lim n.m. pupil ; student [A~ ^ J 

«•, mu? 'ah n.m. marriage valid for stipulated 
period only ; usu. functionary marriage 

[A- t&] 

•** mutdah'hid n.m. & adj. (one) who enters 
into a covenant : (one) who accepts v 
responsibility (A - jut* ] 

jJJS ntuta‘afyan (f. & pl. mulaay'yanah 

adj. appointed fixed determined 

'j&s mula'ay'yan kar'na v. appoint 
determine Vjf muta'ay'yan ho' ns v.i. be 
appointed be dertermined [A - Jfy ] 

I , •~fmuta$az'zil n.m. (pl. ji y^mutagbae- 
Of* ziHn) composer of odes [A- Jy» ] 
^mutaghay'yar (f. & pl. muiaghay'- ( 

yarah ADJ. changed inconslstam 

' . . . f/r . ri rf . Mil 

mOtafa'vit adj. different [A~ 

mutafah'hj adj. searching seeking 
if n.m. researcher [A ~ ] 

g^SmutofaT'u' adj. branching out [A ~ £,/] 


*• • ", 



•* •’l^mutafar'roq adj. various mis- 

\sj~ cellancous scattered ; dispersed 

Vj JjS mutafar'raq ho’na be dispersed ; be 
scattered ^b^SmulaJanaqal' .n.f. miscel- 

laneous items various things sundries 

f A ~ 

m iy* mut'tafq adj. agreeing agreeable 

{Jf 2L~IJI£S’mu(’tu{q‘Ur-ra'e adj. (of 
persons; unanimous I'le j;J&mut'laJiq ho ja'na 
V. agree together unite LVjJwV-^ Jt ' mut'- 
tafiq ho'nii v.T, agree (to) see eye to eye 
(with) yS mut'tujaq aoj. agreed S iS“ 
milt’lafaq ’alaih' adj, unanimous decision, etc.) 
[A~ , 

mulajak'kir adj. concerned (over) [A~ 


• iy* mulafanm ad|. mischievous craft v 

0 [AJ 

l~~. mutaqa'bil n.m, ‘pet contra’ opposite 

US' adv. lying opposite (A ~ JlHi} 

?*.. mulaqaiib adj. convergent ; close n.m. 
“"this as name of a prosodic metre 

rA~ v yi 

If?-* mutaqa'zi adj. demanding wiping 


* » mnlaqad' dim adj. ancient preceding 

1 mulaqaddimxri n.m. pl. the ancients 

{A- I'JSiJ] 

. mittaqash' shij adj. ascetical (one) 
living on bare subsistence level 

(A - LlaS] 

muftaqi n.m. & adj. (pl. c/Smultaqin') 
(j pious (person) [A ~ jjf/ ] 

S mulakab'bir adj. proud ; haughty ; 

arrogant mutakabbirs' nah adj. proud; 
arrogant ; haughty adv. proudly; arrogantly ; 
haughtily {A ~ Jr] 

m&akafjil n.m. bail ; surety [A - J*^] 

,'j/p mulakal'lif n.m. & adj. (person) putting 
*“-’ 1 someone to inconvenience [A ~ CjS] 
mUtakal'lim n.m. (gram.) first person 
I schoolman ; scholastic philosopher 

a : /'-) 

m&tal&'shi adj. .seeking enquiring 

(j iS (pseudo- A~P(S^tf’~] 
k .» mutalalim adj. stormy (sea) 

/■* dashing (waves) [A ~ pjk"] 

| ** matia'ns v.i. be sick ; feel nausea r 

LIS mbt'li n.f. nausea i'yj > mat'll ho'na 
v.i. sick / 1 

j ’ Jy mutalaz&e adj. enjoying [A - J 

i ty' mstalav'vin vDJ. _ whimsical fickle ; 
capricious fytj'/jj'matalav'vin-mizaj adj. 
fickle-minded [A ~ 

/y» mat'li n.f. (see under fjpe ■£) 

‘utaiHo'sil adj. similar , identical 

' !*' ^1 

niutamcit enjoymvf; availing oneself 

>/ (of) nrutanwtUc' ho'n a y.t. enjoy ; 

avail oneself (of) [A- err 

nrutamad’ din adj. civilised cultdred 

OS [A ~ cIM j 

*V muiamtir'rid adj. proud ; haughty 
VC refractory ; wayward [A - .Jp ] 

JS miilamak'kin adj. occupying ; seated 
Or ^ strong : powerful [A - ^ ] 

Jr mutant' mutt n.m. one who completes 
J complement [A~ ("U ] 
tf mvlaman'ni desirous (of)[A~ &] 

_ 'Is mutamau’vij adj. (o_f waters) surging ; 
Us billowing [A~ ] 

J p* mutamav'vil adj. rich ; wealthy ; affluent 

> [A- j/] 

mutamny'yiz adj. distinct [A] 

wij/'n n.m - (pl. tfs* mutoori) text [A] 

oT ^ 

nwt'na IS mulo'ra n.m. child who wets 
bed ( ~ &y moot] 

fJjjS miliaria za' adj. (f. & pl. SCs-mutana- 
U za'ah) disputed ; controversial fcP* 
mulatto! za‘ ah fih' adj. (wrong but current form 
for mulatto.' za 1, fih') controversial; dis- 

puted (point) at issue [A~ 

mii land ' s *b AD J- proportionate [A 

* #• f 

mutanaqiz adj. opposite ; contrary 
ifl-T? mu tana,' hi adj. extreme terminated 

i A ~ pO' 1 

mutanab'bi n.m. pseudo-prophet (A ~ (J. J 

*/y mutanab’bah adj. warned cautious 
mulanab'bah kar'na v.t. warn 
caution S' m iilanab' bah Mni v.r. be 

warned w ake up to danger, etc. (A ~ S’ J 
mitlahj an n.m. sour-sweet rice dish 

.•ytnulanaf'fiT adj. _ disgusted with re- 
pugnant [A ~ j? ] 


VjJ» m'atanaf'fi* n.m. individual [A — 4/-*) 

„ m. mutavalir adv. repeatedly con- 
/i Jr tinually continuously [A" }\J ] 

ADJ. parallel 

0 J '* mutava' zi-l-azla 1 ’ adj. & n.m. qua- 
ri lateral (figure) mutavs' zi-s-ssqain' 

adj. A N.M. isosceles (triangle) [A] 

JP . *» mulava'zt' ADJ.. hospitable (rare) 
O'* modest (A ~ ] 

•»* matoa'la adj. (f. Vmalvaii) drunk; 
j) v intoxicated fond (of ; ; in love (with) 
t/f "Mtra' I a Mrs v.i. be drunk; be 
intoxicated be fond (of) 

1 S mutass'tl adJ. continuous ; successive , 
V recurring (A ~ 

m* muttwaj'jth adj. Attentive turning 
'v' towards (Oft i jl'/^y^mutavajjeh kar'nd 
(or kara'ns ) v.t. call - or draw (someone’s) atten- 
tion ^j^mUtavaj'jeh ho'na v.t. attend to ; 

to turn the attention to address (someone) 
turn one’s face (towards) ; attention to pro- 
ceed (to-wards) [A - yy ] 

Lj'mVUaDah' kith adj. desolate (place) 

* terrified person scared away 
unfriendly [A - jyj} * 

£ y/ tnutmiu’rt' adj. pious [A~ J 

^ yf mQ/ovtrr'rem, adj. swollen [A ~ fjj) 

*• rriutavas'sit adj. middle medium; 

medium sized middling mediocre 

(jAipSy'mutvas'sit-ul-hsr adj. (member) of 
middle class [A- j^J J 

rr.ulavas'sil adj. (person) who regards 
U * someone as his intercessor with God 

(A~ <fs) 

- A mutavat'tin adj. & n m. 
habitant [~ J 



« m itavaf'Ji adj. (ped. 'j jA mutavaf'fa) 

O* deceased [A~ 

2 "J/ mjtavaq'qe' ad. expectant ; anticipating 
O' V/; £* jsjnalavaq' qe‘ ho'na V.t. expect 
anticipate y'jnutavaq'qa' adj. expected 
anticipated fy g mutavaq’qa' ho'na v.i 
be expected be anticipated 
«'•*,» muiavak'kit adj. resigned to the will 
(✓ ■ ' of God resigned to fate ; resigned 

i*- Jj\ 

<>*> n.m- & adj. (same as & n.m. & 

hr adj. *) 

, mulaval'lid \dj. bom (A- Aj J 


i tnuiaval'li n.m. trustee (A) 


matavak'him adj. doubtful ; distracting ; 
p r apprehensive ; scrupulous (A - p!7 ] 
mat’ Iks n.m. (sac as n.m. *) 

Vr mat'tka-pkutav'val n.f. nodding acquaint- 


1 *• M. 

Or N.F.- (*«* 

maths' ni ^n.f. same as 
under v.t. ^) 
mul'laham adj. accused [A~ J 

.,*/> matk'ns v.t. ground (Some- 
s'*' thing) saucepan knead 

cover (fish, etc.) with dough or 

paste n.m. crusher matk'rti, 
maths' n: n. f. crushing rod ; crusher 
‘y* mi' a n.k. (dial.) day of matu- 
0 rity (of bill of exchange, etc.) 
mi’lt kg'ta n.m.. discount (on bill of exchange 

mutayaq qan adj. certain , ascertained 
t/f [A- y&f] 

* matin' adj 



/ V matin' adj. grave ; serious (fire) 
O'* solid ( S fc'(J?hab'l-e matin' N.F. strong 
(fig.) true faith {A~ cA& } 
mutapa n.m. fatness ; plumpness , corpul- 
ence lAvS'lC* mUia'pa charh’ns v.i. grow 
fat L - tV 3 

• ,t> mils' ns v.t. destroy obliterate 
v O' efface bring to an end rub off ; erase 
L‘ lx* r’f-t gh 'alat ki lar'h. mita'ns 
ph. obliterate mita'ns 

v.t. obliterate ' ^ 

n.f. thickness [~ty J 

> u A mTit hhir n.f. (same as yf^matk Hut 

★) > " 

> ■ rna'tar n.f. pea ; peas tf/Sma'tar rj adj. small 

sfp. ma'tar-gasht n.f. ramble V 
g a sht kar'na v.t. ramble 
^ Pm malar mu’ tar adv. (look) with astonished 
// eyes ; with amazement 
a ma'tak n.f. (see under fc^v.i. if) 

<^»ma«'A:a n.m. large earthen jar (£* 
mat’ ki n.m. earthen jar 
.•/% matakna v.i. move with dalliance 

ma'tak n.f. mincing gait; j 

dalliance JiLX?ma!tak kar with dalliance jr 
adv, ma\ak' ko n.f. (col. woman who walks with 

ys ma tar- 




dalliance C&'matka'na V.t wink 
(part of body) with dalliance 
i£>mit"na v.i. be destroyed become extinct 
be obliterated be effaced be rubbed 
off , be erased come to an end 
kfmatk n.m. (H dial.) convent ; monastery 
~ indigo vat 

* mufabher’ n.f (same as n.f. -fr) 

i ha n.m. dense butter milk ad;, (of 
person) slow 

^ymut'fa n.m. sheaf handle hilt 
'-arder’s cudgel 

j< tjbmufar'na v t knead well press with 
fists give a round shape (to) talk with 
a relish fj&'j&tHufar' mu }kar' i car ad*, (talk) 
with a relish 

^jjptntiihax' n.f. sweetness ( - 

■'ll Kmitfia'i n.f. sweets , sweetmeat ; confec- 
lion ( - \Jr£ j „ 

/H/m'fi rj N.F. sweet-saltish biscuit 
yf mithriyafi n.f. pl. infahts hiccups 
t y.mifaoo'na adj . with little salt t£ y + 

Atmii'fao n.m. (nurs ) poll; parrot tajka- 

* live child 

N -F- (nurs.) kiss mif’thi de'rta 

\J v.i (of child) let someone kiss (kind ) 
mit'thi le'na v.T. (nurs) kiss 
..My mu fa la n.m. (vul.) masturbation^ M.J*'' 
vy* mutho le mar'nav.i. i vul.) masturbate 
p-mutihi n.f, fist hand fill 

fj far' no v.t. massage ; press body with 

hands for massage I'/Af'mut'tki gar'jn kar'na 
v.t. bribe : grease the palm (of) fyff'mut'thi 
men ho nay i. be under (someone’s) influence; 
be under the thum (of) If'mutk’y a n.f. 
handle hilt thick end of stick carder’s 

p, mat ft. (or mit'tl) n.f earth soil clay 
IT dirt (fife ) dead body mat'ti ura'r, a 
v raise dust vf ( j)i t l^Y , f 

mat'ti harbad' (or palid' br kharaV or kharj kar'na 
v.t. disgrace scandalize make a fool 
(of) ; make a buti of ridicule 

Vf, O'fi mat'ti bar bad (or palid' or *kharab' or 
—*’1 j?." 4 *,** be disgraced be scanda- 
lized l gJ off max tj tkila'ne laga'na v.t. per. 
fiwm funeral rites (of someone) properly £ 

& mat'ti duka'ne lag'na v.i receive proper burial 


k* mat' ti d/rta v.t. cast dust (into someone’s 
grave) during burial O l?f mat'ti dal'na 
v.t. forgive and forget hush up let go 
with a curse mat'ti dha'na v.t. carry loads 

of earth Vf'/.ffmat'ty <t*U' kar'na v.t. give 
proper burial mat'ti ka put' la (or 

pit! jar) n.m. (fig.) ’mortal coil human 
being ifcl/Jr'mat'fl ka tel’ n m kerosine oil ; 
petroleum matti ka ‘it'r n.m. essence of 
clay l mat'ti ka gha'ra 
bhi fahk' baja' kar le'te haift prov. a buyer 
thoroughly.examincs the wares before purchase 
Iff mat'ti ka madko n.m. fool; dunce 
dummy ; non entity if f mat'ti kar'na v.t. 
ruin squander ; fool away (one’s money) 
spoil tZ'jSj&'mdl'H ki moo'ral n.f. clay figure 
(fig.) mortal coil Jy ff mat' ti ke mol adv. 
very cheap Qlfd-f mat'ti le dal'na v.t. pay 
frequent visits (to the house of) l>jt (j£ fmat'ti 
meftlot’na v. roll in dust I'lh yZtf'mai’th out, 
mila'na v. spoil mat. disgrace ruin 
bring to nought bring about the death (of)£ / 
tV Cf Jl mat'ti mek mil ja'na v.i to be spoiled 
be marred be ruined be disgraced' 
die l'lfjf($ / ’mat'ti ho ja'na v.i. labour under 
hard conditions come to dust \grow weak 
become worthless ffmat'ya n.f. small pitcher 
adj. clay earthen earthwork dust- 
coloured &S.U'mat'ya-bBt'j n.m. clay tower t** 
Cr*4 mat'ya-pkoofts adj. decrepit n.m. very old 

person y^fmat'ya-fas adj. lazy; 
f mat' ya-tnahaV n.m. habitation A 


to dust be rubbed 
lamp) be extinguished 

maty ar' 

n.f. clayey soil young vtoman adj. dust- 
coloured Hit' maty a' la adj. dusk-coloured 
ft*' maty ana v.i. come 
with dust (of 
turn a deaf ear 

mafab ' n.m. resort sit. resorting (to) (A] 


i.UMisai' n.f. example ; instance solved 
1/ '"'exercise parable saving ; proverb 

(platonic world of) ideas Meal 

misal de'na (or pesh kar'na) v.t give an 
example quote instance cite a precedent 
relate a parable ‘a'lam-e misal' N.m. 

plotonic world of ideas JCeinisa li adj. ideal 
model (A] 

^l~thasanah n m. bladder [A] 

y mis' bat adj positive affirmative 

• proved endorsed written {A - Olir] 

n.m. weight equivalent to four-and- 
'*nalf ‘mashes’ ft — JS] 



1 & mis' l n.f. (usu. but wrong spelling of (Jr* 

U. K F - ★) 

r ^ytmis'l adj. as ; like ; resembling (A) 

ry mu' sal n.f. (pl. JC’lamsal') saying 
U proverb xP* ma'salan adj , for example ; for 
instance [A] 

. A^soflos n.f. triangle poem with 
three lined stanzas adj. triangular 
Sjl'jl,lrmusar!as had'd-uz-za'viyah n.f. acute- 
angled triangle j}\'Jt/t} l ~JSniusal' las qa’im Hz-Za’ 
■viyah n.f. right-angled triangle^.pa’j/l^jl^i-*'' 
musal'tas(-( ) matasa'vi-l-azla' n.f. equilateral 
triangle t ^l^^»Uki^'miua/7a.r(-e) miilasa vi-s- 
saqairi n.f. isosceles triangle 
musal'las(-e) mukh' lalif-ul-azla 1 ' n.f. scalene 
triangle masala las{-t) mun’fanj-az- 

ZB'viyah n.f. obtuse angled triangle (A~ 

Ztmus'rnir adj. # fruit- bearing productive; 
/ _ fruitful [A ~ y*\ 

%VSmusam'mint n.m. octagon poem with 
(s eight lined stanzas adj. octagonal [A~ 

, ,~,mas'uavi n.f. verse comprising couplets 
this as verse genre used for narrative poetry 
[A~ tjiflor efi] 

lAntusan'naH.M. & adj. duplicate counter- 

(J foil < if*" mason' nd bth n.m. original (of a 
copy [A ~ -**•' ] 

I , mujadil adj. contentious J;(/ mujadalah 
ijyf N.M. contention struggle dispute 

[A" Jm\ . 

* > Mujaz’ adj. competent authorised 
JV licenced iZStyl/mujaz-e sama 'at, 
sSn'ne ka mujsz.’ adj*. competent to hear law-suit, 
etc .I’rfjlfV'ka mu jaz’ ho' tin v.i. be authorized to; 
be empowered to [A~*P;jr|] 

• . . rnajaz' n.f. metaphorical language 
J y outward appearance ; shadow (as opposed 
to reality) fmajaz-e mar'sal n.m. metonymy 
’j^jj^j^ljaqi'qiil-o-mojaZ' N.M.fjfcf majaian adv 
metaphorically ; metaphorically speakingly}*' 
rnajaz s adj. metaphorical ; figurative 
mundane ; worldly [AJ 

- [ reward and punishment [A~ l£] 

, ynajdl' n.f. power ; ability ; authority 
C/fy room ; rakh'nd 

(or ko'iiuj v. io have the power’; to have the 
ability (to) J nw J<* 1 ' (hai)jo ph. 
who dares how can it (A doublet of 0l!%] 



is'lis N.F. (Pt. of</*w. F . if) 



^ j..rnuja'lasat n.f. sitting together 

CO m party se mtjd'lasaf rakh'n* 

v.i. often be in the company of [A 

..mujamalatny. kind treatment [A 

mvja'ma'at n.f. sexual intercourse ; copu- 
lation ; coition 1‘JzZ^VtZ-se muji'ma'tt 
kar’na v.F. copulate (with) |A doublet of £>l f] 

• rnaj a nabat k.p. keeping away (from) (A — 

‘“V't iJlsl 

* ,'mujd’nasal n.f. being of the same stock 

k l yr, 

. » mujavir n.m. attendant (of mosque, shrine, 
{/ majaviri n.f. job of mosque (or 
shrine) attendance [A ~ jtg } 

. , majd'hid n.m. Muslim soldier 
J(y in defence of faith crusador 
vourer TA~ 

j m ja'hadah n.m. effort ; struggle ; endea* 
bjiy vour [A doublet of ,»Ut] 

majboor' adj. forced compelled ; con- 
jyf* strained helpless c/jjS mafboor kar'na 
v.t. force ; compel ; constrain render help- 
less I'/ij/fi majboor ' ho'nd v.i. be forced ; be 
compelled ; be constrained be helpless *\}j? 
mojboo'ran adv. by force ; under compulsion 
helplessly tfjyf- majboo'ri n.f. helplessness ; 
powerlessness compulsion'; constraint 
iZL majboo'rl kt bat something in which one is 
helpless majboo'ri ki bat' aur hai 

ph. it is quite different if there is no other way 
out A~ ^ ] 

, -£ muj'taba adj. chosen ; elect this as 
an epithet of the Holy Prophet [A Cfcl] 
naj'tama 1 AD[. united ' accumulated 

[A~ tft] 

s via j' lanib adj. keeping oneself aloof 

avoiding ; shunning shirking; hesitat- 

■ nt 2 jian'ib rai/ina 




c\ ade keep aloof from [-‘t'Wl 
.. > muj’tahul n.m. jurist entitled to indc- 
Jur- pendent opinion vicar of Shi'ite Imam 

maj'd n.m. honour glory [AJ 


mujad’did adj. revivalist J nHjdd' (iid-c 

al'f-c sd'ni n.m. 
millennium this cs 
Pakistan saint [ ~ 

rivalist of the second 
nufllation of an Indo- 


aggregate majmoo”i qt'mal n.f. total 

value [A ~ ] 

.•jmaj'noofi, cijfmajnoon' adj. mad ; insane 
Vjr* desperately in love n-.m. appellation 
of the celebrated Arab pat-lover Qais of the 
Amir tribe’ very loan person [A ~ ] 

• Smujav'viz n.m. proposer (of a motion) t'jf. 
• mujav'vazoh adj. proposed prescribed 

majoo'st n.m. fire-worshipper; Zoroas- 
0 ? m terian ; guebre ; Magus ijrfmajoos n.m. 
pl. Magi [P] 

* Z mijav'vaf adj. concave hollow 

vaulted [A ~ <_Xf] 

J mujh pron. me / jf.m jhi ko, mu’jhe 
jp% pron. me ; to me tf\mkjhi pron. only me 
i - majhnoi adj. passive (voice, etc.) 
{)yy„ (of vowel or having an open sound ; 
open unknown littleknown 
majhoo'l-un-na'sab adj. of unknown parentage or 
lineage [A ~ cK] 

i j* majho'la (f. Jyf'majho'lt) adj. middling 
Vjr* n.m. medium-sized utensil for community 

y mu'jhe pron. same as /y<: pron. (see 
ida under ^ pron. yk) 

Am&jib' n.m. one who responds one 
who grants jib-ud-da'vat' adj. 

ne who grants prayers ; this as attribute of 
God [A ~ 

Jr majtth' n.f. name of a rooi used red dye 

cry (for) 

. majid' adj. glorious qur'd'ne majid' 

n.m. the Glorious Quran fU^kala 'm-e 
majid' the Glorious word for God (A ~ jf ] 

I £ maji'Ta, n.m. cymbals 

.. * maehan' n.m. scaffolding 

.*. > madia na v.t. make (noise) create 
> (trouble) 

^mudtar'rab adj. fatty (of dish) hav- 
• Z? * n g a l Qt of butter content [pseudo A - 


* mach'ka n.m. break ; interruption 
looseness cheapness &£mach‘ka 

par'na have a break loosen become 

*. /g michka na v t sltut and open (eyes) re- 
peatedly and quickly t&jf?ahkh mi (ha nd 
v i wink 

ma' chak' na v.i. creak quake be 

"! rickety 

.14? mack' l a adj. (f. math'll) (person) 
feigning ignorance designedly silent 

maeh' la-pan n.m. being designedly silent 
nymuchel'kah n.m. bond recognizance 
/**•; muchal'kah hiT'z-e am'n m.m. bond 

to keep the peace mudtal'kah nek 

(tai'rii n.m. bond for good behaviour [T] 

>'l 4 macfid'na v.t. be obstinate (of way* 
*•; ward child) roll on the ground cry (for) 
persist in 

4 ? machmacha'na v.i. be frenzied with 

v w*.* sexual urge be excited be in full-/ 
blooded (youth) ^/'pjjfjff^madima&a'n hu‘'i 
la*h n.f. youthful corpse ly£maclimacha'kat 
n.f. closing one’s jaws with* force owing to 
strong passion 

<•> mach'na v.i. (of flames) rage of noise 
report, etc.) spread ClJ^mach' vans v.t. (of 
noise) cause to be made 

.Vf mich'na v.i. (of eye) close Llj^michpa'na 
v.t. (of eye) cause to be closed [ — 

£ machh n.m. large fish * ma' gar-madX 
«^*?n.m. crocodile 

/fmach'chhar n.m. mosquito fll/fmach'dlhaT. 
fP+da'rd n.f. (wrong but usu. mosquito net 
^ rnachh'li n.f. fish Pisces (as sign of 
Zodiac) flesh of arm or foreleg car- 
drop looking like fish nose-ring like it 
machh' It. u'bhar'na v.t. have a well developed 
muscle 06 #4 machh' ll fia'kar'na, 
rnachh'li ka shikar' kar'na v.t. fish , angle 
rnachh'li ka par n.m. fin if rnachh'li ka tel 

n m. cod liver oil fish oil ma dth'll 

ka faresh' n.m. fish glue machh ’li ks kan- 

ta n.m. fishbone (also rnachh'li 
pa’kar'ne ka kafi'ta) fish hook /(fj^machh lt 
ki tarh ta'rapna ph. feel like a fish out of water 
writ lie with agony rnachh'li va'la n.m 

fish monger J-f^jIu'ran machhTt n.f skip-jack 
fish tfB.ijVtara maMll n.f star fish 
machh va n.m. 4 fisherman (dial.) fish- 
monger [~4/] 

J • /^muchhaH'dar n.m. clown ; buffoon merry* 

-A^fandrew person with large moustaches 
J? mach'dihi n.f. (dial.) kiss CJji^machhijatt 
(/*.* le nd v . t . kiss 

d\ macjihail n.m one with big moustache 


, muhdba nm. leaning (towards' 

Lv partiality (for) scruple help aid 


Ilf be-moka'ba adj. careless aov without 
scruples [ ~ A cal/] 

•j • mohaz' NvM. (war) front moha’ z-e 

_/<rt,g n.m. war front tfitf moija z l adv. 
opposite (to) [A] 

.. moha' rib adj. fighting n.m. fighter -a/(/ 
moha'rabah n.m. fight battle war 

i/:j\f moharibin n.m pl nations (etc.) at war 


mahasib n.m. accountant auditor 

* ^ fmofia'sib-e a*' la n.m accoun- 
tant-general auditor-general ^f\f moha' sabah 

n.m. settlement of accounts checking of 
accounts ; auditing moha' sabah kar'na 

v.t. check, accounts ; audit call to account 
(jr'df moha'sibl n.m. auditing adj. audit (A- 

,muhaun n.m PL good qualities [A~ 

'J > 

, > moha \arah n.m siege VIZ S o/*& mofa' sarah 
uika na v t raise a siege l'J yflf moha' - 
tarab kar'na v besiege , lay a siege (to) ; 
beleaguer Llf T^^yolf moha'sare men a j ana v.i. 
be besieged ; be belcagured [A-jl^fort] 
yp^moha sil n.m (pl. of *) 

• *,* moha'fu.sM protector guardian 

keeper guard (fzfelf moha Jiz-e hatfi'qi 
nji. (Cod as) the protector lo JiflfmoKa'Jiz- 

kha'nah n.m record roomj^jj jifUmofra Jiz-e 

daf'lar n.m record keeper Jiff moha' fizre 
Za'tt n.m. body guard &Sif\f moka'jazat n.f. 
protection guardianship custody pre- 
servation [A~^l>] .. 

y^maha'fil n.f. (pl. cr n.f it) 

mahafah n m. litter ; palanquine |~A <&] 

••i* mohaq n.m. waning of the moon 
hj'* last days of lunar month [A] 

m /ynohakat' n.f reproduction or imitation 

(as literary device) account of loving 
couple's talk (A ~ 

mohakamah n.m. evaluation , decision based 
on comparative study [A] 

,tp moha!' adj . absurd impossible 
O * inipracticable difficult C*l)lfmohatat' 
n.f pl absurdities im|x>ssibilities im- 
pracucable things (A) 

1 ii* mahai n.m. pl smallest' unit of^revenue 
U assessment , village ( - A sino. yi 

mahai’ n.m bcc-hivc large bee 

. maha'mid n.m. pl. laudable qualities [A~ 
JtV SINO. fcS jT ] 

. » moha i ar ah n.m. idiom usage 
OJ y* (rare) dialogue skill habitf^w^l/' 
moha'varah par'na v.t. form the habit (of) 
moha'varah dal'na v.t habituate (someone to) 
CZtjilf moha' carat n.m. pl. idioms (A] 

*mohib‘ n.m. friend^ ^Anohib' b-i va'tan 
n.m. patriot v lA mohibba'nah adv. friendly 

• mahab'bat (col. mohab'bal ) n.f love 
fclJv# affection muhab' bal-amtz! adj. 

loving affectionate mahab'bat rakk'va 

v.t love show affection ; feel affection 
(for) mahab' bat ka dam' bhar'na v.t. 

profess love mahab'bat kar'na v.t. love 

di'll mahab'bat n.f. true love [A doublet 


mah'bas n.m. (pl.^/^I/ maha'bis) prison 
l/» jaii ; gaol [A~ ^rf] 

Jmafjboob' n.m beloved , sweetheart adj. 
beloved liked . favourite (pursuit, 
etc.) Ztl j? mahbooba'nah adj. like that of a 
sweetheart in the manner of a sweetheart 
jfmahboo'bak n.f. mistress beloved , 
sweetheart darling adj. beloved (jjfmahboo'tft, 
^f'.jfmakboobiy'yat n.f being a 'beloved 
loveliness [A- 

^ gmahbood n.m. prisoner captive adj. 
{j/, imprisoned ; jailed ; shut up : confined ; 
incarcerated (A~ 

* femohtsj' n.m poor person pauper 
*y*ADj. poor; indigent needy adv. 
standing in ijeed (of)hliQ, Hfmohlaj'-kha'nak n.m 
poor house ; alms-house dst&Cfmohlaj' ho'na v.i. 

be poor , be indigent ; be needy- stand in 
need of J’Gfmnhta’ji n.i poverty , indigence 
need want[A~£t^] 

Jsmohtat' adj. cautious ; careful wary 
circumspect [A~>t? > )] 

j. -minohtdl' n.m. & adj. cunning (person) 

Jl^fA> AT] 

% moh'tarlz adj. refraining from shunning 

y^moKlaram adj. honourable nespeci- 
able [A~^] 

J f moh'tasib n.m. censor (arch.) inspector 

* . of weights measures police official 
ify&moh' tasib ra-dam’n -t kha'nah fakae prov 



none has a right to meddle with people’s private 
affairs [A ^i>,] 

moh'ta.shim adj. respectable (rare) 
r person having a largo retinue [A-~ 

moh'lavi adv. consisting (of) [A ~ IjP’f) 


mahjoob' n.m. ashamed bashful 
veiled ft/ mahjoo'bi n.f. shame 

bashfulness [A ~ . 'If] 

mohad' dab adj. convex mohad' - 

dab shi* shaft n.m. convex mirror 

mohad' dab ‘ ad ' salt 

/s’ mohaddisin ■ . n . m . 

in the Holy Prophet’s 

, , limited 

mahdood''na v.t. 

(col.) magnifying glass 
n.m convex lens [A] 

.*«, moh'dis n.m. creator innovator 

^ [A-ciV/J 

mokad'dxs ( pl . 
one well-verse 

Traditions ; scholar of Tradition 
» mahdood' (or maih-) adj. 
i restricted 

limit restrict (A - je J 

♦. * * mahznoj' adj (of word, letter, etc.) 
understood , elided ; omitted ; .drop- 
ped [A ~ i^3 > ] 

^ I * mehrab ‘ n.f. arch niche priests 
* / niche in mosque curve 
’tifhrab' dar adj arched ft/ mehrabi adj. 
arched [A1 

S mohar'nr n.m. clerk , scribe ; amanuensis 
^S m //y/)nohar'nr-e larstl' n.m. despatcher 
fC — ‘t/niohar’rir-e laqsim' n m. diary clerk ; 
diarist Je-L//mohar'rir-e muta'aVliqah n.m. 
dealing clerk rwhar'riri n.f. clerical job 

clerical work t/ mohar'rarah adj. written 
inscribed [A~^l 

mokar'raf adj. clerical work (of text) 
tampered with interpolated 

[A- ^/) 

** S moh'nq (f & PL. jy moh'tiqah ) adj. 
Us burning d/ / ta'p-e moh'riqah n.m. 
tpphoid fever [A~ 

fs mohar'rik. n.m. proposer or mover 
(of motion) stimulant adj. mov- 
ing bringing into motion stimulating 

[A - <// J 

. S mah’ram n.m. close relation from when 
\S women need not go into hiding inti- 
mate friends confidant n.f. bodice , gussets , 
brassiere (al/bjj/if/mah'ram-e asrar’ (or raz) 
n.m. confidant bosom friend i£S ma$- 
rtwit n f. intimacy ^ / maprama'nah adj. 
prhate ads in private [A) 








mohai'ram n.m. first month of Hij,ri 
year (also f/l (/ mohar'ram-ul-haram) 

n.m. (the sacred month of) Muharram adj. 
sacred ; venerable forbidden ; tabooed 

[A~ ft/) 

moharramal' n.f. unlawful things ; 
borbidden things [A-prec.] 

> mahroo'sah adj. protected fortified; 

^ S garrisoned s/ S)V mama lik-t mahroo'- 
sah n.m. pl. protectorates [A ~ £S[f] 

5 S mahroam' adj. deprived (of) debarred 

( refused (something) unlucky j un- 

fortunate t£'jjli(')/niafirooirt''s adj. deprived 
of heredity / j (/ mahroorn' rakk'na v. dis- 
appoint i-j' f'rS' mahroom' kar'na v.t. 

(of) disappoint j/ mahroo' mi, 

mahroomiy'yal n.f. deprivation [A] 

. . £ viahzGon (or -zooii'Y adj. sad 

0>/ [K~ *r\ 

/ moh'sin n m. benefactor 
U adj. beneficent moh' sinkush adj 

6 n.m. ungrateful person [A~ 

m t* S nwhsanal’ n.f. virtues good deeds 

[A~sinc;.j: t moh'sanah viriue) 

L ^ / mahsouh' adj. calculated deduct- 
* cd Vf *-? ^ mahsoob' kar'na v.t. 

take into account deduct L'y; mahsoob' 

ho na v.i. be taken into account be deduct- 
ed [A ~ ‘t'L-*-; 

y mahiood’ adj. envied , looked upon with 
jealously [A ~ JS' J 
/a mahsoos adj. felt perceived 
l /s’ perceptible mahsoos’ kar’na 

v.t. feel perceive Ijj* mahsoos" ho'na 

v.i be fch sS-L'/ mahsoos at' n m. things felt 
or perceived sensations (A - t/" ) 

£, £ mah’shar (or maih’-) n.m.. day of 

resurrection tumultuous place com- 
motion by the elegance of a sweetheart’s gait 

tmS mohash'sht adj. annotator mohash'M 

( 'j adj. having marginal notes annot- 

ated [A - /'It) 

/ mohas'sd n.m. tax-gatherer revenue 
fj) collector dun (A ~ 

moh'satt adj continent mah'sanah 

fjT n.f. (pl. &\s*?tmhsanal‘) chaste woman 
[A- dbst~ ] 

£ mahsoor' adj besieged , beleagued n m. 
JIT*, (pi- (J-jj-e* mafnoonn') besieged person 
mahsoor' kar'nq v 1 besiege , lay a siege 
(to) mahsoor hi na v.i be besieged 





i jP mahsool' n .M. ( pi - maha sil ox 

{JJT. mahsoolat') duly tax revenue 
cess toll j gTjs^mafisool-e abka'ri n.m. 
excise duty (l <£^ Ij i'/ijijy^mahool' add kar nd 
(or chukd'nd) v..T. "pay duty jjZjr^mahsool' -chor 
n.m. (rare) smuggler mahsool' -dak n.m. 

postage czyjf (Jy 6 * 1 mahsoc'l-e farokfi't N.m. sales 
tax {i'J'XltljC^* (Jy*? mahsool' lagd'nd (or ‘a' id 
kar'nd) v.t. levy tax, duty, etc. assess 
Oy** be-mahsool' adj. tax free duty-free 
<Jy*? j/ far'd-e mahsool' n.f. tariff J r** mahsooli 
adj. taxable dutiable (of land) paying 
revenue bearing , unpaid to pay [A] 

mah' z adj. mere (rare) pure ; un- 

alloyed [A] 

mah' zar n.m. statement of a case or 
suit laid before a judge along with 
affidavits, depositions, etc. public attestation 

(also mah' zar -n a mah) public repre- 

sentation with remuneration signatures 
mahzar-na mah n.m. (wrong but usu. form of 
sense 3 ir) [A] 

i» ££ mahzooz' adj. pleased , delighted 

(a ~ ! 

maih'fil (ped. mah -) n.f. gathering 
U meeting assembly party society 
dance and song party I'j'o'&J&maih'fil bar[- 
khdst' kar'nd v.t conclude a meeting 
maih'fil barkhast’ ho'na v.l. (of meeting) conclude 
k) — maih'fil jam' nd v.i. (of party) be well-set; 
reaching an interesting stage maih'fil 

kar’nd v.t. hold a meeting have a dance 
party (A) 

. , maihfooz adj. safe, secure pro- 
yr*' tected guarded sheltered immune 


mohaq qflr adj. _poor ; mean con- 
temptible [A ~ ] 

•TpJ? mohaq' qiq n.m. ("pl. mohaqqiqin') 

!jr research scholar , research worker ; re- 
searcher first-rate scholar philosopher 
mohaqqiqa! nah adj scholarly research 
worker’s (manner) adv. in a well established 
manner from a scholarly view point 
mohaq’ qaq adj. certain , positive confirmed; 

established ; proved [A - ] 

Jlr mehak' n.m. touchstone |A~ ^ j 


moh'kam adj. strong firm un- 
shakable lasting [A - thkd'm') 
maih’kamah (ped. mah'-) n.m. depart- 
ment , bureau ; office (arch.) court) 

&yV.l)fr/,\lj f maih'kama-t abad-kd'ri or ba 
halhydt' n.m. rehabilitation department settle- 
ment — ■ math' kema-e ab'ka'ri n . m . excise 

department maih'kama-e itteld'dt' n.m 

information department L ^ maih' kama-e 
imdad-e bdhami n.m. co-operative department 
maih'kama-e anhd'r n.m. irrigation de- 
partment J^ljl^lff^maih'kama-e bahd'li-e ara'zi 
n.m. land reclamation department 
maih'kamah bkar’tt n.m. recruiting department 
y£ j J* maih! kamah polls' n.m. police department 
maih'kamah tdr n.m. telegraph depart- 
ment wvl? */—^maih' kamah-e tija’rat n.m, com- 
merce department y\t maih! kama-e 

ta' alloqqd' t-e-‘ dm' mah n.m. public relations depart- 
ment ff^J^—^maih'kama-eta'lim' n.m. educa- 
tion department of public instruction 
maih'kamah jangalat’ n.m. forest department , 

conservation department maih'kamah 

* y - s- ■*» 

ch^h'gi n.m. octroi department — *. maih 

kama-e khoorak' n.m. food department < 
maih'kamah dak' n.m. postal department dfy 
maih'kamah rel' n.m. railway department cJ'ljfJf 
math' kama-e zira'at n.m. agriculture department 
cyy t maih'kamk-e san' L al-o-hir' fat n.m. 

industries department CfjS J'-^maih' kama-e qanoon 
n.m. law department Of maih! kama-e 

masd'hat n.m. survey department 
maih'kama-e mo‘dsaldt n.m. communications 
department [A ~ J*f] 

mahkoom! (col. maih-) adj. & n.m. sub- 
ject , governed (person) ; ' subjugated 
(person) (J /—-^mahkoo'mi, mahkoomiy yat 

n.f. state of subjugation [A— 

/ \ rnahal ' (col. mai'hal ) n.m. (pl. maha-l 

1st' (col. maihalal palace . - mansion) 
palatial building place time occasion n.f. 
(arch.) (sovereign’s) consort; queen j^lp^mahal'-e 
khas' n.f. (arch.) chief queen particular 
place or juncture mahal-dsr n.m. harem 

steward mahal-dar'm n.f. harem 

stewarders l/tf mahal-sara n.f. harem; seraglio 
mahail-e na'zar adj. doubtful J — ^bar- 
mahal’ adj. apt appropriate adv. fitting the 
occasion y^-be-mahal' adj. inappropriate 
inopportune adv. out of place uncalled 
for fb—^maharil n.m. emasculate steward of 
harem [A] , 

~,fl£ mahal'ldt n . m . (pl of J* pl . of 
- ^ ^n.m, *) - 

mohailil adj. causing to dissolve [A ~ <Ja ) 

ucpai i 





{ {£ mahlool n.m. solution ao|. dissolved 

Or (A~ eKi 

, j mahal'lah (ped, pl ma/fallat') 

/J* street , lane ; alley (rare) quarter (of 
town) jijjf mahal'la-dsr n.m. resident of the 
same quarter headman of a quarter 
mahal'lt-da ri n.f. good-neighbourly relations 
neighbourliness [A] 

* A moham'mad adj. highly praised n.m. the 
J* Praised One (as the name of the Holy 
i’mphett . Muhammad , Mohammed i£ 
auham'madi adj. pertaining to or walking in the 
ways of 'the Holy Prophet , Mohammedan 
(A- ^ 1 

mah'mil (or maih-) n.m litter carried on 
4/ camel back camel’s saddle (A ~ ^ ] 
mah'mood (or math-) apj. (f or pl. uS 
mahmni) dah or math-) praised 
laudable praiseworthy 

j /f mah'muol (or maih-) n.m. (logic) object 
Ujf adj. attributed f JO-* par mah'- 
muol kar'nd v.t. attribute (something to) regard 
(something) as resulting front jS mahmoo’lah 
(or maih-) adj. attributed fA ~ 

? mehan’ n.m. pl. sufferings , trials and 
tribulations |A~sing. poll.) 

m *£mtf)!nal n.f. (pl. mt'han) hard- 
work ; industry ; diligence labour 
toil trouble l bdc^meh'nal uthana c v.t. 
undergo trouble take pains not ' 

Aika'nt lag'na v.i. be reward of one’s labour 
succeed shaq'qah n.f. con- 

sistant hard work great toil I fjZz+Smeh'nat 
kttr'ns v.i. * work hard toil be industrious 
(/* mth' nal-kadi n.s». labourer adj. con- 

sislantlv doing hard work working (man) 
meh'nat-kash tab'qah n.m. working class 
mth'nal mizdoo'rt n.f hard work 

mth'nal muzdoo'ri kar'na v.i work 

as a labourer earn by the sweat of one's brow 
mthnli'nah n.m. wages- fees (of 

lawyer, etc.) mth'nal* adj hard working ; 
industrious [A] 

/ matf o adj. engrossed , absorbed 
r effaced . obliterated erased ; rubbed off 
f J f maff'v kar’nd v.t. erase efface; 

obliterate fascinate ; engross Ky t f maff'v 

ho' ns v.i. be absorbed; be engrossed be 
effaced ; he obliterated niafyny'yal n.f 

fascination engrossment ; absorption 

mth'vari adj. axis axial meh'va'ri 

ta'qaleh' n.M. pl. axis powers 

, * mohav'vatah adj. stated referred to. 
stated , mentioned l)(Jf mohai'vala(-e) 
ba'li adj. abovemen tioned [A~ J'Jr) 

J mokey'yir adj, amazing moha/yir- 

Lj muhit (A) adj. Encircling; surrounding; 
comprehending; circumambient; contain- 
ing; guarding; knowing, n.m. Circumfe- 
rence; the ocean, 
muhit hono, v. To circumscribe; 

to surround; to encircle. 

_ .rp ■aakhs'rij n.m. expenditure outlets 
(yJ'* outlets for sounds (of letters) {A— 

mubhawmat n.f enmity ; hostility 


U.j mukjla lib n.m. person addressing an- 
*"■ other , Speaker lab n.m 

person _ addressed , (gram) second person 

• mufjjiatij n.m. opponent ; adversary 

enemy ; foe adj. opposite 
adverse unfavourable repugnant contrary 
[A- CJiir 1 

• ..% mokhalajat n.f. opposition dis- 
cord disagreement dissidence 
enmity , hostility (* Jkhzilttjat kar'na 
v.t. oppose go against dissent resist 
A doublet of ot^T 

y mubh'kir n.m. infonner ; informant 
y» one who brings news or intelligence 
makb'bit-e sa'diq adj. bringer of verti- 
able intelligence (as the Holy Prophet?* 
appellation) (fyd mujtfk bin n.f. informer's 
job report ; information mukh'biri 

kar'na v.t inform against inform ; act as 
a spy [A ~> ] 

l V? nakhbool' adj. foolish confused 
Py.' mabbboo't-ll-fwa.*' adj. 

foolish (one) who has lost his head . con- 
fused ; confounded {A ~ Jaf ] 

mukhi&r' n.m. attorney ; agent ; re- 
Jhf presehtative (arch.) attorney adj. 
authorized empowered having free will 
c/lr!>ty mibtlh'r-e this n.m. special attorney 
(*(* jl? mukhta'r-e * am n.m. general attorney 
jlfsCy mUktilar-t kjr' n.m. authorized 



makhmoor’ adj. drunk ; intoxicated ; 
^jjpmttkhan'nas nju . eunuch [A] 



I'jmakhaul' n.m. joke ; jest nonserious 
U-7 thing U J? makhaui liya n.m. jester adv. 
non serious (person) 

‘Amukhaf yir n.m. philanthropist liberal 

yii or charitable person - 

^j^mokhay'yilah n.m. imagination [A~ ctT ] 

i mad n.f. (same as «.t n.f. ^k) 

^ marf n.m. prolongation mark over long 

vowel tide ; flood-tide lengthening 

stretch ; extension N.F. (pl. CslMmaddat') 
head ; head of account ; head of expenditure 
entry item article l I > mad'd-e 
ama'nat n.f. head of deposits rnad- 

bafi'dt n.f. appropriation (of accounts' 
mad'd-e hissb' n.f. head of account (J’.&J- mad' d-e 
miqabil n.m. opponent antagonist 

mad'd-e na’tar adv. in view (of) mad'd-e 

na'zor rakh'na v. t. keep in view>j»>> mad'd-o- 
itti'r n.m. tide ; the flux and reflux of the sea ; 
ncaptide and ebb-tide -^-^mad’de adv. in the 
account (of) (A) 

i it? mad' da zil'lo-hoo (f. L&* mad' da zil'lo-ha, 
^ mad'd ziUo-b-ul-'ali ph. may he 

live long [A~ prec.) 

p \maddoh' n.m. eulogist ; an encomiast ; pane- 
ls gyrisitfUmadda'hi n.f. eulogizing (A ~ £-*) 
Ur madakhil' n.f. income revenue 
Ur receipts entrances mads’khil-o- 
makha’rij n.f. income and expenditure [A -sing. 

<£) '■ / •• 

riluda'khdlat n.f. interference inter- 
r* ruption intrusion meddljng entry 
trespass muda’khalai-e be-jd n.f. 

trespass undue interference Vj'tSJ'i* muds' - 
khalat kar'ns v. interfere intrude tres- 
pass ; force entry (A - cf* J ] 
j^mSai' n.f. ink [A) 

I f madar' n.m. swallow-wort; milk-weed; 

* **ce!adine madsr' ki bHrh!ys m.f. 

swallow-wort * 

f | madar ' n.m. axis orbit dependence 

^ basis , ground maia’r-e ar'ti n.m. 

earth’s axis madsr-e da°va n.m. grounds 

of the claim mada'r-t kar' n.m. what somo- 
thing^lepcnds upon [A 

I mudar' n.m. person in charge (of 

muds' r-ul-moham' n.m. the prime minister 
someone’s deputy for important jobs [A - t/bl] 

- I f mUdar at' n.f. , tZ’lj l+Jrir /tfts'tir mudarat' 
(col.) bU muda'ra n.m. (poet.) 
politeness ; courtesy hospitality entertain- 
ment (khs'tir) mudarat' kar'na v.t. 

treat hospitality ; be a goodly host 

maddrij n.m. (pl. of N.M. ★) 

(SjU mads'ris n.m. (pl. of -^>n,m. yk) 

id.Lmads'rin.u. juggler conjurer 

(-2'L‘ljfJ^'madaTi ka khel’ (or tarns' shah) 
mods [fa‘ at n.f. self-defence^ Umoda'/e 
*ADJ. repellant defening n.m. 

defender [A doublet of&b'j] 

r \,mudam' adv. always perpetually [A - 

, muds' vamat n.f. continual use , conti- 

* nuance [A ~{\») 

mods'i’a n.m. cure ; remedy [ — A*^/ji*~ 

«• "jil muds' banal n.f 
^V^cristy [A] 


I h j 


being facile 

- ^-"cristy [A] 

4 \j 4 mads''th n.m. (pl. of n. f. ^k) 

“vj mads "in n.m. (pl. of n.m. yk 

an ancient Persian capitale ; Ctesiphon 
modab’bir N.m. & adj. statesman ijys.modaVbirl 
. n.f. statesmanship (A -*\ 

mud' dat n.f. time length of time 
•'"space of time duration interval 
age ; period mid'dat-Bl-'um'r n.f. life- 

time adv. throughout hb life as long as he 
(etc.) lived (or lives) for keeps>>«^> mud'dat-e 
madid’ n.f. a long time mud'dat-e moqar'- 

rarah n.f. fixed time ; specified period ek 
mud' dal n.f. a long period adv. for a very long 
period mud' datoh adv. for quite a long 
period [A] 

-j^mad'hyCJZmiA'hat N.F. praise eulogy ; 

encomium ; panegyric jlfO^mad'k-khan n.m. 
euloist ; encomiast ; panegyrist [A] 

Lp madkhai n.f. rt.^Umada'Ichil entAnce 
UJt (arch.) income ; revenue [A~ JTj ] 

madkhoo'lak n.f. concubine ; kept mistress 
[A ~ JfJ] 

yjt madad (A) n-f ■ Help; assistance'; rein- 

forcement; succour; aia; labourers; 
masons; wages. 

/ -• * 
Jr* i 


0 J 

1,/j ma'dad pnhutifpana (or de'tta ov kar’iia) v.t.. 
help ; assist aid succour ; reinforce 
dad-gar' n.m. assistant helper 
auxiliary ally(fc& tj&l ^ma'dad b'ud (or 

nmiig’tia) v.t. seek help or assistance [A) 
jj^mOdir' adj. diuretic [A 

mudar'ris n.m. (PL.gtf^L omucldfi-siri) 
^‘''icachcr schoolmaster^*^) av'iml madar'- 
ris n.m. headmaster (Sj* mffdar'riH n.f, teacher’s 
job [A~^>] 

. mad'rasah n.m. school academy 
seminary academic rt*Hjis /> mad'rasai- 
Sl-^dloom’ n.m. (arch.) college ; university-—^- 4 
Azmad'rasa-e shabi'nah n.m. night school 
madrasah-e ba’lighafi n.m. an adult school 
iblida'l mad'rasah n.m. primary school 
mad’ rasa-e sa navi n.m. secondary school 
khanaii mad'rasah n.m. free school 
zana’na mad'rasah n.m. girls' school 
sarkart mad'rasah n.m. government school 
f^air'-sarkari mad'rasah n.m. private 
schtx)! **’J-»(f*^san'ati mad'rasah n.m. industrial 
school mad'rasah n.m. (pcd.) 

high school hain-mad’rasah n.m. school- 

fellow . school-mate [A ~urf>\ _ 

J^mUd’rik adj. perceptive £j. mud'rtkah n.f. 




/.r>j. perceptive [A - 
^ mudda'a' n.m. aim ; object objective 
''wish ; desire ; intent *■ intention scope 
(rare) stolen prqperty (rare) object claimed or 
sued for adj. sued mudda 1 a ~ 1 alaih' n.m. 
respondent ; defendant It* mudda' a’ 

patta (or ha’sil kar'nd) v.t. achieve ’one’s object 
<£&l)0’k*mudda'a' mil'na (or ni'kalna) v.i. (of 
stolen property) be recovered 
t> mad'oo’ adj. invited tfifamad'Mmin' n.m. 
invites [A ~ &/i) 

f> mVd'da'i n.m. plaintiff claimant 

(✓"adversary rival *fi>m?d'da'iyah n.f. 
plaintifT claimant 

*P mUd’fham adj. merged (of letter) 

I ^“doubled [A ~/VsJ] 

^ mad’ fan n.m. burial place . grave [A-</») 

.jjj \ madfoori adj. buried intoned (of 

treasure) hidden underground [A - ] 

"j^mudaq'qiq adj. & n.m. (one) going into 
minute details (A 

T*hjmadqooq‘ n.m. & adj. consumptive (person) 

( ma’dak n.'f. mixture of opium and j>rau 
smoked as sedative ma'daki n.m. opium- 

if,; mudal'lal ADJ. reasonable; wcllgroundcd (A ~ 


mudam'migh adj. proud ; haughty . conceit- 

/J mu'dan n.m. (H. myth.) god of love 
“^(dial.) love (dial.) lust ($) 

.a mu’ dan n.m. pl. 'rfj. madam, adj .'^gmadaniy'- 
^ _yat n.f. (see under n.m. -fc) 

mudav'var adj. round circular spheri- 
-^■'* t cal ; globular [A] 

\Q ?Jl madh. > rpad n.f. wine honey lust 
madh'-bhara (f. madk'-bha'rl ) , 
C !>>>> madk-ma’ta ( i- . Jl madk'-ma'ti) adj. 
drtink ; intoxicated V /✓>.> madh! par a'na v.t. be 
in the prime of one’s" youthy0*>iha'rfjkiir adj. 
sweet (y*> ma’dhMrtu n.f. sweetness [8] 

mad'dham adj. low moderate ; light 
I dim (jpjkjf^-mad'dkam rau'shani n.f. 

dim-light mad'dkam sur n.m. low note^A 

Vj'mad’dham kar'na v.t. lower (sound) dim 
or dip (light) Lj[[fj>mad'dkam* ho'na- v.i. be 
low be lowered grow dim 
Aj, madhosh' adj. astonished , drunk ; 
U -n"" intoxicated senseless ; unconscious 
stunned tftymadho'sht n.f. intoxication, 
unconsciousness being stunned [-Ki/jpjr 
maihoosh' mixed up with Vj^fhoxh] 

. madid' adj. (f. or pl. o^npdl’dap) (rare) 
long ; extensive [A] 

. mudir' n.m. editor mo'a'mn 

vT* n.m. assistant editor iZtj/ffamUdt’r-e mukha'- 
barat' n.m. newseditor 

y.madi'nah n.m. (pl. mU'dan) city 
't • Islam's first capital city (of) ; centre (of) 


a ^y°° n AD J’ debtor [A"* 

k»u>mu4bier',^ff^Pmkf for ', fPfJ'mapkfor ' 
V** n.f. encounter- meeting Ofjgjlm 64 
bhrr' ho'na v.i. encoijmer have ^ confron- 
tation (with) 

■' a I adj. middle n.m. middle tundard (E) 


•?l* ma:aq‘ n.m. taste ; relish ; nkc joke ; 
(✓•^plesantry relish taste (for) Ol>maca'^cui 
adv. humorously ; wittily ; in jest ; by way of 
joke ; jocosely ; jocularly jJlimazaqiy’yah ad> 
humorous; witty adv. homorously jocularly 
(A doublet of (£pj) 


/ . mOza'karak N.M. symposium conference 
9 J ^ discussion w*/U muzakarat’ n.m. pl. 
parleys . talks [A - J> e«*'r| 
jj**maz&iub n.m. (pl olfcfC*N.M. *) 

T i\* 

/. • maz'bah n.m (pl £*maza'bih) slaughter 
house , shambles [A~ £> j 
• • mUzab'zab adj. wavering hesitat- 
mg ; reluctant (A) 

— .•mazbooh' adj. slaughtered, killed tfd> 
O^mazboohH adj. of slaughtered animal 
suicidal mazboo hi horak&t' n.f. suicidal 


/• mazak'kat adj. masculine male n.m, 
masculine gender {A - J'i za'kar] 

/. mazkoor' n.m. mention adj. (f. & pl. 

J* ** mazkoo'rah) related ', mentioned tfl tjfj. 
mazkoo'rai -t) bn' la. mazkoo‘ra-e sad'r adj. 

above mentioned ; aforesaid tfjjX mazkuo'ri n.m. 
(arch.) process-serving process-server (A~ 
Ji irAr] 

m y mazal‘lat n.f abjectness disgrace [A 
^“'^doublei of iZ$\ 

derogatory remarks 

mazam'mat n.f. 
contempt censure impeachment rbjty 
C^iqanr-da' A~t mazam'mai n f. censure motion 
[A doublet of (*>] 

. • mazmoom' (r. An. mazmoo'mah ) adj. 

C jr '* blame worthy ; contemptible mean ; 
base [A~ prec.) 

*. muz' nib n.m. St adj. (pl. i £‘J-muz’mbin) 
sinner ; sinful (person) [A - oj-izd tab] 
-mUzah’hdb aoj. gilded gold plated [A 

~ *-*>&' hab gold) 

• maz'hab n.m. religion ; faith way of 

living ; mode of life creed doctrine 
school of thought CU^^fitnazhab met la' ns 
v.t. convert to a faith Oa *^fj,maz'hab ba'dalna 
v.t & i. convent ; be convert (f&maz’habi adj. 

religious religious minded (person) n.m. 
(Sikh) sweepcrw>t?;««cAaAi»a< n.f. religious- 
ness religiosity religious -mindedness [A — 


. • ma'zi n.f. minor involuntary seminal dis- 
charge [A] 

^mAt n.m. myrrh (A] 

y/mit'at' n.m. minor mir’a’l-Ql-'ar 

by n.m. bride's mirror (A - cjvl 

^Jflynara'tib n.m. (pl. of^N-M. ★) 

Ajj^mara'ri n.m. (pl. of n.m. •A' 1 

_ mvraja'at n.f return recourse 
doing over and over again Lj 
Ijftjs ) miira'ja'at kar'rta (or fauna' ho'na) v.t. 
leiurn (A ~t?A 

mar a hi! n.m. (pl. of -* 5 -n.m. *) 


f mar a him n.m pl. favours 

marahim-e khusruvanah n.m pl. royal 
favours [A - sing. .2^1 

tyiurad' n.f. intention object; Objective 
meaning; purport wish 
murad’ bar a'r.a v.i. gain one’s wish 
( mil rad' patta (or poo'H ho'na or ha'stl 
ho'na) v.t gain one’s wish i'S&jJ.*!/’ murad' poo' ri 
kar'na v.t. someone’s- wish mirad' lina 
v.t mean (by) understand (by) : infer 
(from) I^L^ymurad marig'na v. ask for a 
favour pray for a boon V*l*>/*murad' manna 
v.t. & i, vow . make a vow Xs murad’-mahd 
adj. desirous ; needy mut a’ doh kt dirt 

n.m. longed-for happiness youthful days 
tf > ymura'di adj. implied (meaning) secondary 
(sense) (A~ w hi] 

. | muradif adj. synonypiousN m. (rare) hind 

rider [A 



mura’ri n.m. (H. dail.) enemy of devils [E) 

^L/i mura' salat' n.f. correspondence 
^ / exchange of Icutrs^iJjjy'Ismura'salaG 
nuab' n.m. correspondence course (A- JI*j] 

I/I mxtra'saloh n.m. (PL.^tyy mura' salat') N.M. 

letter ; epistle ;A doublet of prec.] 

** .mara'sm n.m. pl relations customs 
\V £Z-s< dost&'nah mara’stm ho'na 

v t. have friendly relations with (A -sing.) 

I murrat' n.f. pl. privileges conces- 

wlf/%ions n.f. consideration privilege 
concession ^JPi&io^mora'at-un-nazir' n.f. use 
of related words to form a prolonged metaphor 

[ A~&kA . 

•i mura fa' ah n.m. appeal Vj *>}»*&*' fm'ah 
Jr kar'na v.t. appeal (to a higher-court A*» 

murafaqat n.f. kindly treatment _ 
u»*y travelling in the company (of) (A— jjRl] 
«. | miraq' N.m . a kind of madness ; melancholia 
OS Jy mira! fi adj. mad ; melancholic” 

crazy mad n.m. mad man [A] 

muta'qabah n.m. observation ; meditation ; 
templation mura'qabah karna 

v.t. meditate L‘lf(j£^-lfmura'qabe meft jana v.t. 



fifim-irakh'khtu adj. permitted to depart 
US m-trokh'khas ho’na v.t, take leave 


mat'd n.m. man male husband 
hero fellow t )/ mar' d a'damf N.M. 

tall well-built man brave man gentleman 

i NT. my good sir >y mat'd back'diah n.m. 

brave man’s son ; brave child ; brave boy 
mat'd batons v.i. be a man ; show courage Ijrjf 
mar'd-e khlda' n.m. a pious man int. my good 
sir l&,s*l)£ljjji/mar'd ki zat (or soo'rat) x.F. 
man ; male C ^ tS^y^fymar' d ki soo'rat ni 
dtkh'na ph. be still a virgin mar'd-e 

maidah' n.m. brave nun ; man of action tS ) A^d/ t 
mar' da mar'dl ad v. forcibly marda nags n.f. 
manliness ; bravery ; heroism fK'tf'tfiymarda'- 
nngi kt kam' n.m. brave deeds ; heroic deeds 
'^\>y marddnah adj. of or for men male 
masculine manly ; brave mens’ lounge ; 
apartment for male members of house jb>\»y 
marda'na-vat' adj. manly heroic adv. 
bravely ; courageously heroically 
da'ni adj. of or for men n.f. tomboy brave 

r mat' dak n.m.. manikin mean fellow 
utra shaih'nah mar' dak nam 
PRov. (see under if) 

i ^murdar’ n.m. carrion adj. unclean 
ill-gotten (wealth) int. (W. dial.) wretch ; 
hussy j/j\jy>mardat'-khor n.m. carrion-eater 
tjSmUrdar'-sotig, mur’da-satig n.m. 

red lead ; litharge tfjlj/murda'rl n.f. lizard [P] 
a mar’dam n.m. pupil (of eyeri (pl. 0^*/* 

J y mardUmah) n.m. pl. people /ft (ymar'ilm- 
azar'^K.u. oppressor ; tyrant tormentor 
(fjljtfz/mar' dim aza'ri n.f. oppression xffjy* 
mar’ dim Uxor, jlffs/mar'dim-khar adj. man- 
eater cannibal (fj/’^mor'dim kho'rlAjl/fA 
mar'dum-kha'ri n.f. counilialismjtf^y' mar’dum- 
khez adj. (or area) producing famous men tS/Z(y 
mar' dum-kht-zi n.f. being productive of famous 
men flymen’ dim dos’t n.m. philanthropist 

mar'dvm-dos’tl n.f. philanthrophy 
i>j fsy mar-dim-t di'dah n.m. pupil of the 
eye most precious thing * the people 
who have been seen (f > mar-dim- 

shma'ri n.f. census j^A^^jymar'dim-rinias' 
'adj. having knowledge of men mar'dim- 

shina'sl n.f. knowledge^of men mar'dim- 

kush adj. murderous (fyy mar'dim-ki'sH n.f. 
murder ; homicide J>y mar'dimi n.f. manli- 
ness bravery (also (fx/tzjqivval-t mar'dimi 
v.T. virility [P] 

/ mar' dim ak n.f. pupil of the eye[P~ 

PREC.] • 

£ mirdafig' n.f. a kind, of long tom-tom : 
‘mirdang’ $*s mirdafi'gi n.m. one who 
plays on ‘mirdang’ 

* mur'danl n.f. dismalness death-like 
Oy paleness death-like stillness adj. fit 
to die deserving death t*l^ Js/mir 'dart 

(kba'rta v. become deadly pale {~P die] 
mor'di’a n.M. (see under j>y n.m. if) ' 

mardood ' adj. reprobate [A~ >J } 

mir'dah n.m. corpse ; dead body adj. 
Ojf/ 0 dc.o.d weak Ctir I »>/m rtr'dah Btka'na v.t. 

give a proper burial (to) perform the funeral 
rites (of) VaJX* oi/ mlr'da ha-das' i-t ziti'dah ph. 
one to weak to move about for himselftj^fj U - 
mir'dah bha'rl ho'na v.i. (of dead body) be heavy 
(supposedly owing to sins) O^t^mir’ da-paras' t 
adj. (of society or person) idioljzing the dead ; 
acknowledging great men’s -services after their 
death b‘jr t ^iy 9 ^ymir'dah kharab' ho’na v.i. no 
to get a proper burial u>/m2r'da-dil adj. 
dispirited dejected Jsfymir'da-di'l I n.f. 
dispiritedness Rejection y* t^/mir'da-sho 

n.m. washing the dead I'yjx > l by’xC-Oslf mir’- 
doh se shar't bakdh.' kar so ' na v.i. sleep very 
soundly (f (Jiff mit' doll ki had' diyak 

ukhrr'na PH. talk evil of the dead express 
trite ideas mur’doh ki had'diyaii 

chicfior'na v.t. ' (of worhless persons) feel pride 
in the deeds of one’s ancestors [P] 

mar di n.f. (see under t/r n.m. iC 

mar'z boom km. native land [P] 

. - mtr'za, (ped. or arch.) IjyS mlr'za 
' J i/ titlq of respect for descendants of Moghuls 
chieftain* iy^jjymit'za phjo'ya n.m. a very 
(nickname for) a delicate and inactive person 
\Jy mir' za ma'nish adj. of princely disposi- 
tion mirza"i n.f. (arch.) princedom ; 
gentility (arch.) arrogance ; pride (aho 
£}/ mir2ai”i loose-sleeved quilted waist coat 
n.m. (member) of Ahmadiyyah community 
l y mir'saL n.m. (pl. c yf^mirsalin) apostle 
U / adj. (Tradition) with second top link 
in chain of narrators missing ^tj^mir’sal-ilaih' 
n.m. addressee J^^mir'salah adj. sent : des. 
patched mir'sil .n.m, sender; despatchcr 
(A- Jlyi] 




mflr jhi n.f. hen &Si(f^Ui£ymur'gh^ddik? 
bath's ph. reasoning in a cirrle pointless 
discussion (e.g., which came first be created, the 
egg or the hen) l7> 

mfir'ghf jan se ga"i kha'ne vale to ma’za n a. dya 
prov. the sai rifire goes unrewarded xlr ’J’y' 
mu 'ght kha’nah pon'try farm jf? 
mUr'fhi-me’jor n.m. (iron ) poulterer jij $y 
mSr'ghi-vd/a n.m. fowl vender f ~ P fay mur'gh] 

• I* . myr'gfia'W n.f. wild-duck 

C/. / mSrgha'bi ka dtikar' n.m. wild-duck 
shooting [ ~ P 4 - w/7 J 

V. mar^hoob' adj* desired ; desirable 

• >V agreeable pleasant lovely 


Jts margho’lah n.m. spiral (of) [P} 

l, \ , marfoo " adj. letter having a pesh 
(’) over it raised ^ < fa jy mar joe ' 

qa'lam adj. mad ; not answerable for his crime 
[A~ &J) 

• mUraf'fah adj. well-off Jl/ljy mUraf'fah - 
y~S itl-hal' adj. well-off ; prosperous ; in easy 
circumstances [A ~ o fij ] 

X * mar' gad n.m. grave , tomb ; sepulchre 

y [A~ >h) 

y moraq'qa' n.m. (pl. 0iy mmq'qi 1 ) 
album collection of paintings rags ■ 
tatters adj. patched C^tf.&yfeyfahai'rat fid 
mUraq'qa ‘ ban ja'na v.t. be perplexed ; be 
amazed [A ~ ] 

>7 y marqoom' adj, (f. & pl. /// marqoo'- 
f "s »ifl/i)^ADj. written ; inscribed re- 
corded j)i ,yjy marqoo-ma(-e) bdla adj. aforesaid; 
above-mentioned [A~ ] 

,«i/ / murkdna v.t. twist snap (— 

Jf mar'kab n.m. conveyance pack- 
horse [A ~ 

/ murak'kab apj. compound not 
simple n.m. compound ink 
Sc* ( lS> tv kJ(}yfftimtyd’i (or ktmiydvi) 
niarak'kab n.m. chemical compound tv \Jy 
■mUrakknbti n.m. pl. cotripounds medicinal 
preparations [A~ 

mar'kaz n.m. (pl. '/y mars' kiz) 
s' centre headquarters ; Centre upper 
flourish (of letters ef and S ) dr^ymar'kaz-e 
tig l n.m. centre of gravity (fst* mnr'kaz-e 
bunyddl n.m. radical centre mat'kac 

gurez' adj. centrifugal. (force) binys'A 

mar'kaz t*. m. chief centre pivotal point 

marsoom' n.m. allowance; dole (A - J 
. spiritual guide mentor 


A m&t'shed n.m 

[a~ >&i] 

mUras'sa' \dj. set or studded with 
w/ jewels (ol vcr;e, etc.) comprising 
balanced words or phrases j Is mans' sa'-sSz, 
jtf' fa?/ mQras'sa'-kar n.m stone-setter ; lapidary 

tS'j U faf/mdras' sa'-sa zi, J u V fa?y Maras' sacks' H 

N.F. Stonesetting J 

0^0* Manrsw* adj (f. & ri.. rnarsco'- 

U 's' tab i) very strong (structure) 

reinforced [A] 

. ma'raz n.m (pl. ytyt awiai') illness; 
sickness; disease C^jhJymarazul- 

maul' n.m. mortal disease J*/ (fjf'niSldtui'dl 
ma'raz n.m infectious disease yy w(FV mok'lik 
mar az n.m fatal disease jf AtV ma'raz 

kl davd he ph. of what use are you (etc ) 
yfi y mUr'ze', murze'ak n.m. mother 

w / . foster-mother ; wet nurse 

^0. mar'A n.f. _ pleasure choice will 
If/ , consent he mo'djiq 

Anv according to the will or pleasure (of) 
to the entire satisfaction (gf) ap'ni mar'zi 

Atg f willingly ; voluntarily of one’s own 

free will (A — ' l>j J 

, W . martoob' adj. wet ; moist ; humid 

'-fry (a ~ ^> v ] 

j g, mar'oob' adj 
. V beaten 


& m mar ’ gli n.m. cock bird; fowl t *s\t/S 
mffr'gh-e bad'-numa' n.m. weather-cock 
/f ZynUr'%h-baZ N.M. cock-fightcr (fskfcc/* 
mur fh-ba'zi n.f cock-fighting jL-ys" mr:-' ^h- 
bSn' n.m. poulterer, ft&y miir'gh-ba'nt n.f. 
poultry farming tymSr'^-e cha'ma/i n.m. 

garden. bird chirping bird nightingale 
uyfcsSJ t>S mur ’ ghv dar t Smoz N.M. stooge (of) 
s^ trf m & r har n.m. morning bird ; 

harbinger of day chanticlear nightingale 
qib’la-numa' n.m. compass 

needle (P] 

. mar'fh n.m. kind of grass (only In) 
w/ margh’-zar n.m. pasture; mea- 

d°w(P) X 

I* mmr'ffta n.m- cock ; chanticlear l lay 
/ j (fS! A mur'gha baftg na de'gi 

(e kya' titb'h na ho'gi prov. non-co-operation by 
one cannot upset the whole' 

(ve'ht) mur' {hr hi tk' tabg' pit. silly insistence 

tightened ; 





'Jy fi ham-mar'kaz adj. concentric <S‘Js 
mat'kaz I adj. central iff * <S'S/ mrikazi asaimb’ll 
n.f. Central Assembly « tfJ^mar'kasS, 
kukri mat n.f. Central Government ly 

jlsyjlfjfntar'kazk-mUqan'ninah (or maj'lis-e qanoon- 
saz) n.f. Central Legislature [A] 

ma'rakta v.t. be twisted , get sprained 
be snapped 

« f. markooz' adj. focussed impressed 
jjy markoo'z-e kha'lir adj. impressed 
upon the mind [A~ Jy •] y 

mar'kkana adj. (f. iyy mor'kkani) 
V goring 

mur'kl n.f. car-ring 

f* mar'g n.f. death mar’g-e 

( \amboh jash'ne da ' rad prov. general cala- 
mity is a festival by itself c^ffli^J/mar'g-e 
mijajaf, jut' Jy mar'g-: »<? w.v. sudden 
death (P] , 

f mir’g n.m. (dial.) deer tilf Jy mir'g- 
bJs (h%ah n.m, dear-skin ifl/Jy mir’g-sala 
n.m. (dial.) deer preserve Jy mu' g natna adj. 

(dial.) gazeHe-eyed 

mar' gal n.m. fried fish its slice 

. . mar'giat n.m. (dial.) cremation ground 

t s l ^ 

r . mir'gi N.F. epilepsy Cfytjj) mir '& 
0/ ha. dm' rah par'na v.t. have an epileptic 

At Lyy mir'giya adj. & n.m- epileptic 
I ~ mar' lah n.m. (dial.) land measure equiva- 
rs lent to 5) square yards 
» mar'll n.f. flute V./ 
t)/ mUraPy a N.F. small flute 

^ markin' mat n.f. repairs ; repair 

mending adj, 

broker. oat cf e.s**..- ; *wi vf gear ’ out 
of repair; not in good repair mar am' mat 

kami v.t. repair’ mend set right ; put 
right beat ; give a hiding punish (A) 

. . mar' mar h.m. marble mar'marih adj. 
// marble beautiful like marble [PJ 
mur'mUra n,m. swollen parched rice 

/ . tmram’mam adj. (f. & pl. mflram'- 

( mamah) (rare.) repaired amended 


. ma'ran n.m. (dial) death. (£Sdl& jl'van 

tyr ma'ran n.m. (dial.) living and dying 
Kfc and death wr 1 'n-bar't n.m. fast unto 
death j\tf/mar'n-hv adj. doomed to die [S] 

mar'na v.t. die ; expire ; breath one’s 
last cease fade lose strength 

work hard ; sweat and toil suffer hardship ; 

be in great trouble long for fall for ; be 
desperately in love with Cf.Cy mar'na jl’na n.m. 

life and- death living and dying 2\y ty. V/ 
l'y ( mar'na jfna saikho'na v.t. (of possibility of 
death) life tfjrlLymar'nejo'ga adj. fit or deserv- 
ing to die Vy^^^yJiLymar'ne kl f Or’ sal na 
ho'na v.t. be overwhelmed with have no leisure 
Clrjy ma'raja'na v.i. be very “anxious or im» 
patient | Cfy mar'-bhuk'ka adj. glutton 
mar' pit kar adv. with great difficulty £/p y“V> 
msr’ta kya' na kaj'la ph. 1 (etc.) was reduced 
to the straits; perforce I (etc.), had to 
marie dam lak adv.. till death ; till the last gasp 
2~/Lymar'te mar'te adv. while at the point of 
(one’s) death {Aj Jyjymar'te mar' ga’ya {par) 
ph. never at all did he (etc.) It ty mar jana 
v.i. die tlfy mar' Aal'na v.t. be on the point 
of death tyjy mar' raih’rta v.t. delay sweat 
and toil )/y mar' kar (or ke) a,dv. hardly 

great difficulty Clf ay^mar’ kkap ja'na V.T. 
have did long ago JJyy mar' mar ke v t. with 
great difficulty t mar mit'na v.t. come to 
dust be ruined fall for toil hard 
' ^-yPjrlf’j&tS/mi'rt bher khaja kha’zirk t 
nam' prov. the worst stiff goes in fulfilment of 
vow jljtt lu*4-~j\ij'‘d-yma'te ko ma'ren shah' madar' 
prov. misfortunes never come singly a 
bully would beat the weak 
jh. mUtah'da n.m. sweetmeat prepared from 
■V parched wheat and ‘gur* 
jjyA maT ' va n.m. name of a scented plant 

i mar'varld n.m. pearljsrii^lymar'varld-t 
JJ Js na-suj tah n.m. unborc * “»*arl 
(fig.) virgin (P) 

mama r, a v.t. get killed cause to 
be subjected to sexual act 

ivi ) 

^ mUruv'oof (coL murav'vat) n.f. favour; 
hrijy* kindness benevolence politeness 
regard (rare) chivalry < UjtftJJ'yS 
mSrVp’pat kar'na (or ba’ratna or se kam‘ le'na) v.t. 

show regard for treat kindly [A ~ 

„ . mirrivaj adj. (f. tz pl. jr»y maratf- 

oajah) current customary ; usual 
adv. in force in vogue (A ~ £ bj } 

^ mUroor' N.M. passage (of time, etc.) [A] 


>’ be beaten 

u * maror'na v.t. twist contort *>/ 
maror' n.f. affectation vanity 

n.m. pl. (dial, f.) gripes ; colic 
ke pet' meh mrror' utk'na v.i. have gripes or 
colic feel jealous j>S maror' -pka'li n.f. a 

drug used at cure for colic ; gripe-cure beans 
1*^/ maro'ra n.m. twist ; strain tfji/ \j>S 
maro’ra taro'ri n.f. struggle internal com- 
motion tfjjf maro'ii n.f. knot screw 
twist ; contortion small roll of grime, dough, 
etc. rubbed off palm (fjj/maro'ri de'na v.t. 

twist t U tfjj/mato'ri kha'na v.t. be twisted 
. mar' vi adj. related ; stated ; narrated 

0>/ [A- CCbA 

mar' rah n.m. time; turn suf. (sign of 
*s adverb) -ly [A] 

X, . mar'hatah n.m. Mahratta tff/mar'hati 
t/ n.f. language of Maharattas; Mahratti 
(arch.) maladministration under the Mahrat- 
tas (rare) misrule 

Sf * mar' ham n.m. ointment unguent 
( / salve cS i fcfiS mar' ham pat'ti kar'na v.t. 
dress a wound (joe.) set right [P] 

. murhan n.m. dry powdered tobacco 

marhoon' adj. (f. mafhoo'.nah) 
Osis pledged; mortgaged ^s^ytymarhoon-e 
min'nat adj. indebted (to) ; under obligation 

mar"! adj. visible [A ~ 

mr'ri pron. (short for pron. if) 

* . ma'rt n.f. animal pestilence tytfy ma'ri 
Os pai'ni v. breaking out of animal plague 
or pestilence 

m«’rj n.f. alimentary canal 

£ viur'ri n.f. upper end of men’s toga among 
Os Hindus UV (fymur’n pkah'da n.m. a kind 
of stitch in embroidery 
ly mirrikh' n.m. Man [A] 

/ » murid' n.m. religious or mystic disciple 
i'/*S murid' kar'na v.t. make disciple 
(of) Vs,s S murid' ho'na v.i. become a disciple 
y* muri'di n.f. being a disciple [A~ •Zjji] 

V/ martz' N.M. (f. martzah) patient 

L mar'yal adj. weak; feeble emaciated 
Us lean lazy yjy mar'yal toftoo ph. 
weakling [ - lyj 

^ mar'yam n.f. Mary ; die Virgin ^ k'ffy 
( s mar'yam to panjah n.m. Mary’s hand ; a 
sweet-scented grass supposed to facilitate delivery 

• . man' nah n.m. merino [E] 


<•> mSr'na v.i. turn turnback bend 
y be twisted t a'ns v.i. come 
back l‘Ujy miir' ji'na v.i. turn back 
bend be twisted \j£>pf‘’/Mur' harna dtkk'na 
v.t. not to look back (upon) have no 
regard (for) maf mQr kar dekk'na 

v.t. turn round and look time and again 

\"/pM mu’rakna v.i. be sprained get 

wvy f r: ,*„ n A 

mark'na, maftdk'na v.t. cover with 

~ marlkna, \+>jS mam 
•y* (leather) impute 
tf> marks n . f . (dial.) Hindu hermit’s cell 

ma'za n.m. (same as n.m. it) 

jm i .. mizaj' n.m. temperament disposi- 
U/ls tion ^temper ; mood vanity suf. 
temper l'ys c )lr'i£,'/ , mizaj' asman' par ho'na v.t. 
be vain KS,tfs.b !/* mizaj' bor'-ham ho'na v.i. be 
upset I’if&iy mizaj' bigar'na v.t. spoil (some- 
one’s) temper (by sycophancy, etc.) l*2f 
mizaj ' bi'garna v.i. get out of temper C$&!smizaj' 
pa’na V.T. feel the temperamental pulse (of) ; be 
familiar with (someone’s) disposition CiS/fr's 
fJiS'iSlyj) mizaj' pooebk'na (or pur' si kar'na) V.t. 
enquire after (someone) health mizaj' - 

pi'ti adj. conceited (woman) j'jfly mizaj' -dar 
adk conceited ; haughty ^5 iy mizaj' -dan', 
mizaj' -spinas' adj. familiar with the 
disposition (of) iJjd^’&Jpmiza'j-e shartf’ 
miza'j-e *a’li, JjXs^ymizaj-t maba'rek ph. how 
do you do ; how] are you ;/ & lymizai' kar'na 
v.i. put on airs Ch i mizaj’ na mit'na v.i. give 
oneself airs Q, bad-mizai' adj. ill-tempered 
& tu’nuk-mizaj' adj. testy; touchy; 
irritable £,iys' Hz' -mizaj’ adj. hot-headed 

mizaj' va'la ADJ. (f. Jb&'ymlznj 1 va’ti) conceit- 
ed JJy miza'ji suf. temper {A] 
u f. . mAzaJf n.m. humour muzajf'mgar' 
s adj. & n.m. humorist f$j${ / t ymSLza&- 
niga'ri n.f. humour £ [yjyklan'z-n mazfi# n.m. 
wit and humour mioJpiy'yak adj. humo- 
rous (A) 




muz a’ him adj. hindering ; obstructing ; 

I y impeding n.m. hindrance ; obstruction ; 
impediment Vy ftymuzahim' ho'rta v.i. hinder; 
obstruct ; impede i^ytymuza'hamat n.f. 
hindrance; obstruction impediment opposition 
resistance VS CiSty muza ham at kar'na v.i. 
hinder ; obstruct ; impede oppose resist 
O? & bi-la -muza' hamat adj unopposed 
unhindered ; unchecked [A] 

mazar' mm. (pl. cz>hiy mazar at') shrine 

grave; tomb [A ^ &j±j] 
t,Jt • . mSzare‘ n.m. cultivator ; tiller ; peasant 

vV [a ~ j^bj] 

fnazmir' mm. (pl. of Ay n.m. <fc) 

„ ~ ,, mUzzva'jat n.f, marriage [A~ Q,jj] 

* * s 

moza'valat n.f. regular practice [A] 

.J»m mazboor' adj. written ; recorded (A] 

^ muzjat' adj. petty ; little [A] 

. . * mAzokhrafat' n.m. pl. nonsense [A ~ 
sing. *_> yy\ 
maz'd n.f. wages [P] 

. . mazdoor' (ped. muzdoor') n.m. labourer 
A 9 porter( t ^i' j*y mazdoor' -yoo' niyan 

(or aft'juman ) trade union •S^jj^y mazdoor' 
taihrik' n.f. labour movement (JjJiy mazdoo'n 
(ped. mizdeo’n) n.f, wages labour 
work [P] v 

P /•> rnaz'ra.' ,^/y maz'ra'ah m n.f. (pl. fyXy 
C/'/ maia re') farm ; field mazra'a-e 

has'ti n.f. (fig.) world [A-~ 

. mazroo"ah adj. cultivated ; tilled cultur. 
able [A~ C*W] 

* y muza" far n.m. sweet saffron-coloured dish 
y'y of rice adj, saffron-coloured [A ~ tfiyfj] 
maz'oo'mah adj. supposed ; presumed 
f*yy l y/y maz'oo'mah bet n.f. presump- 

tion [A~ f j ] 

» muzam'ms n.m. tether lU^ymazam'me 
U'na v.t. (fig.) harass [A} 

• « mUzav'var adj. base ; counterfeit [A ~ 

JJJ ) 

mizmar' n.f. (pl. ySty mazamir') 
musical instrument flute [A) 

*, mBz'min adj. chronic (disease) (A- *lj ) 



ma'zak , \y ma'za n.m, taste flavour 
8y relish deficiousness pleasure 
enjoyment fun ['Toy ma'ldk a'na v. relish ; 
enjoy ma'zak utha'na (or ur&'na 

or pans) v.T. enjoy revel 1*5 i*y ma'zak 

par'ns v.i. acquire a taste (for) fall into 
the habit (of) ( 'U*eyma'zah (hakka'na v.t. teach 
(someone) lesson UaC ey ma' zak &akk' na v.t. 
learn a lesson face the music VX, \//»y 
ma'zah kir'kira ho'na V.T. (of someone’s game) 
get spoiled ( tfylj v/ttL-yi)*yma' zah (or nia'ze) 
kar'na (or loot' na) enjoy oneself jlj-yma'zt-dar 
adj, tasteful delicious interesting t$Ayy 
maze-da ri n.f. taste deliciousness 
interest; being interesting jf'^-r/'ma'ze ks adj. 
(f .(f^yma'ze ki) interesting CstQl-ymazr 
hi bat’ n.f. interesting thing [P] 

, , . mazW adj. more greater, increased 
•*/ adv. more further 
bar -all conj. moreover (A ~ gjl J ] 

muzsy'yart adj. bedecked ; decorated; 
Cry adorned [A ~ 

** . muzh'dah n-m. good news ; glad tidings 
muzk'dak sina'na v. to announce 
good news (to) [P] 

A mi’zhah n.f. (pl. ^y mi'zhagafi) eyelash 

>y ir r 

y mis n.f. Miss [E] 

y mis n.m. copper mi' si adj. copper [P] 

• y mas n.f. (usu. PL.) down on lips }A&yS 
W yy? ma'sefi bhig'na (or pkjoot'na or 

aghac' ho na ) " (of down on'lips) appear 
grow up 

r mas n.m. louch taste (for something) 
U ['/ y mas' kar'na v.t. touch feel 
i y<y mas' ho'rta v. i have a taste for 
feel [A] 

j . masa n.f. evening Ls sub' h-o-masa 
n.f. day and night [A] 

ts ma'sa n.f. difficulty (only in) ^fi^ma'se 
kar ke adv. hardly 
Is mas'sa n.m. wart 

, j mis' sa, u/U*mrr'sa kUs'sa n.m. cheap flour 
ground from mixed grain 

A^sahaqat N.f. jr)ls musd baqak N.M. 
b^race ; competition [A ~ <£&f } 
j^^massjid n.f. (pl. of N.F. ★) 





. masa'id adj. favourable n.m 
supporter &j*lsmusa‘adat n.f. 

*• , * masa'hal n.f 

tfCA^flsmasa hal-e. frjkislaa 
survey of Pakistan C/LSmassaP :• • - 

yor [A] 

. mis as' n.m. massage contact oi 
O' naked organs of sex (A~ (/"' ] 

acipcr j 

help ; 

support aid ; assistance [A ~ ji U'J 
f'l ^ mosa'i n.f. efforts ; endeavours 
4/ nm>a‘i-e jami'lah n.f praiseworthy en- 

deavours [A~ 

Vi . mas a fat n.f. (pl. &{jUsmas2jat') riis- 
t. anc e mas a fal tai (or 

< 70 f'‘) kar'na v.i. cover on traverse a distance ; 
travel [A] 

n f musa'ftr n.m. traveller passenger 

stranger nWtnifjjP^L^mosa'fiy-par'vuri, 
(fjljj>Lsmusafir-Mva'zi n.f. hospitality,:^*^ 
musa fir-kka nah n.m. waiting-room (at railway 
station, etc.) bj^LSmasafiranah adj. traveiler- 
like as a stranger adv. as a traveller 
mass' fatal n.f. travel journey (fJsLSmusa- 

fir i n.f. travel journey [ A~ ] 

masakin n.m (pl. of y/''* n.m. -fc) 


s, masafon’ n.m. poor; indigent [A~ 
4^** - SING, j [A] 

ill mass li y JLsmasa’lah n.m. (usu but 
wrought £ Laf masalah) 

condiments ; materials spices ingredients 
material CO V Is masala banana v r mix- 
condiments tafiK’na v r. lace ; 

stitch a cloth (with trinkets, etc.) £t mas a La 

dal’na v. season fy^L^masa'le-dar adj. seasoned 
with spices ; spiced ; hot 

mass' lik n.m. (pl. of u-^’n.m. ★) 


masam' n.m. (pl. massmstj pore 

fljut^masam'-dar adj. porous [A] 

— S muss' mahal n.f. pardon con- 
nivance lA] 

. * masan' .n.m. (dial.) crematory [S] 

•* f ij» n ‘* ,sSvSt .' n.f equality (Math.) 

equationc/»^fcS'(jlXmur5P , a/(-r) da.' raja-, 
nv'val n.f. simple equation(5>^nS.(rU / '«;ora:.i'r i ) 
da'raja-t durum n.f. quadratic equation ; simul- 
taneous equation (fjlSmiisa'ii adj. equal 'to ; 
equivalent (to) £,tkj , ]) l (jyl/musu'vi-l.azla'' (col. 
-«/-) n.f equilateral figure (A] 

masa'il N.M. (PL. of 

N.M. ★) 

j^ytmusab'bib n.m. cause ; causer 
4 *f'* musah’bib-ul-asbab' n.m. (God as) the 
causer of causes (foif’T'musab'bib-e haqi'ql n.m. 
the real doer of things , God [A ~ *-*>”' ] 
mas ^ onr l' AD J- P^i > former 

*mas't adj. drunk ; intoxicated one 
devoid of senses must ; run amuck 
lustful ; lascivious ; frenzied with sex impulse 
drunk with divine love n.m. mad-saint 
(&j\\.)£^t£^'mas‘t-t alas' t (or a’zali) N m. mad 
saint bad-mas' t, siyah'-mas't adj. 

dead drunk hal'-mas'l adj. intoxicated 

with divine love khsl'-mas't adj. (joc.) 

happy despite, poverty msl'-nuis't adj. 

purseproud (tC*) mastsn { shah ) n.m. p'Vk- 

name for a) mad saint I ' V ^' masta'ns v.i get 
frenzied }V~~^masta'nah adj, & adv. like an 
intoxicated person charming staggering 
(motion) (}£—*^ masla ' n \ n.f. mad saintly woman 
**j*mas'ti n.f. intoxication frenzy 

( } — mas'li a ha (or cJsark'ns) ’-,r. 

have sexual frenzy fP) 

... " musiaju n.m. lessee of agricultural 
J. sr land revenue farmer musts' jiri 

n.f lease of land revenue farming 

(A - S.t 1 

LS^^mUsta sal adj. uprooted [A ~ (T'l 
mu', tabid' adj. despotic (A~ ] 

* 0 * tl t'nanul>' , ad ad|. unlikely far-futched 

• I** a masts' nab adj, mas I a' ni n.f. (see 

under ai>j. 

* ‘Sunnis' t at nr adj. hidden; concealed ) 

/*. , 

mustas'.nc ad j. excepted exempted 1 

Vs If**** mustas'na kar'na v f. eXccpi 
exeinpt ‘ dHjii^'mustnsnayat' n.f. pl. excep- 
tions (A — 

t jjtr* mUstajab' adj. responded (to) 

• ♦ granted'; •accepted tS'f/lifwVi tnns/aja'b 

iid - da ' avat ’ adj. (person) whose prayers are 
accepted by God [A - 

mUsliij'nn‘‘-us-sifal' adj. (man) 
( * of many parts repository of attri- 
butes [A~ ttsr't v 

ZmSmUslajib' n.m. one who grants prayer 

• • (A - Ypd ^ 

^ ’ tahab \dj. desirable (A r 


mQs’tap son (or •taih-') adj. commendable 
OT m [A- 

* J ^v* / * mVstah’w adj. present remem- 

mustghiql adj. deserving entitled 

musUahiq thaihrana v.T. con- 
sider deserving L'j? mus'talfiq ho ’ ns v.l. 

deserve be entitled (to) [A ~ 

/jr^* mustah'kam (or -laih-) adj. strong 
firm established [A ~ 
mustahll' adj. difficult baseless 

(J~ [A 

~ mustakhraj adj. derived taken 

& s’ but [A - 

& *• m mustad ,i i adj. beseeching ; imploring 


~ , mustadv' adj round spherioal , 

■i, 1 *' 0 ' globular [A - j») daw ] 

— s mSs'tarad adj. rejected thrown out 
mus'tarad kar’na v.T. reject 
throw out f A ~ ] 

t mis'tari n.m. mechanic mason ; 

V/ Drick-layer artificer skilled 


I muslazad' adj. extra additional 
adv. over and above n.f. verse form 
with an extra foot or two appended to each line 

mustashzr’ n.m. one whose council is 
sought ; counsellor 

•• ij l^mustash'riq n.m. (pi.. (/Jy^^mustash- 
riqin) Orientalist (A ~ dJ :y \ 
ii~* m ustatab' adj. good delectable 
[A c-*>] 

-J t**^mustatV’ adj. (one) enjoying the means 
Cr'' of accomplishing something [A 

l mustatii n.f. rectangle adj. rectangular 

CA*^ (A ~ J»> ) 

Cj^Smistaz.' hit adj. (one) seeking help n.m 
Z' petitioner [A ~ 

# ~*musta' ar' adj. borrowed , got on loan 

.( *fy*»i8ifa‘an' adj. one whose help is sought 
[A- c»/j 

^SmSniusla' 'jll adj. short-lived [A- LZJf ] 

^ i.‘\ / tmusta$hai’ adj. (one) to whom com- 
plaints are made for redress [A ~ Zl^i] 
J^/tmusla'id' adj ready , prepared 
prompt showing alacrity 

masta'id'dl n f readiness promptness pro- 
mptitude alacrity [A ~ yU**'')] 

mOsla“'fi adj. resigned musta‘'fi 

U ho' ns v.i. resign ^ 

tv'* musla t 'marah n.f (pl. 

/ ^ marat') colony [A ~ c>l^l 

Lp** /, musta , 'mal adj. current in use 
U in vogue used ; secondhand 
m\ista u malah adj. used (stuff) ; second-hand 

goods [A ~ jy^i] 

•• *1*j>musiagh'raq adj. absorbed; engrossed 
0/^ [A-jyZ',] 

• l^Smaslagh'fir adj. penitent ; repentant 

• l&Smustagh'nl adj. rich contented 

4/^ content [A~ 

^ j J^muslaghis' n m plaintiff [A ■» 

meant gained 

seeking legal opinion 

mustafad' adj. 
benefited [A ~ 

-ttLSmustaJ'li adj ' seekir 

{T [A— &>,] 

•JiySmustafsiT adj. seeking interpretation 

•J?ymuslaJid’ adj. profiting gaining 
"ti acquiring [A ~ « U^i ] 

•-JiZSmusloJii' adj. (one) seeking favour 

lTZJ [A- J»] 

i*^ LtSmustaq'bil n.m. future future tense 

fe°l-e mustaq'bil n m. future 
tense [A~ JUi-j] ^ 

taqar n-m. halting place 
faza’i mus'taqar n.m. airport ; aero, 
drome [A] 

\\£Srms' taqil adj. permanent confirmed 
(j unshaken unshakable firm 

(rare) separate ; independent oJ^C^'mas'laqd 
iradah adj. fixed resolve . determination^ty^)^ 
mas' taqil asa'mt n.f. permanent post per- 
manent vacancy g, ly'cj^mus' taqil-mizsj' ADJ 
resolute , of unshakable resolve J*^~'muttaqH'tT 
N.f. confirmation ;A~ jD^l] 
jpt^mitslaqm adj. straight sin'te- 

C - mustaqlm'_ n.m. straight path (fig.) 
Islam [A — oslis'i] 

S, mas'lak n.m. elephant’s forehead 

(dial.) head 

s,j£Sm&Jlal'zam adj. nec essita t in g 

ko mustal'zam bona v.T. necessitate 
(A ~ pt>] 

mgs' lamir adj. jjermanent [A •» (^1] 
^J^ymust'mand adj. poor needy [A] 


^ymis'ianad adj. . authoritative 

tic ; reliable [A ~ >>* ] 

L mustam'bat adj. derived extracted 

At [A 

—T/ mustau’jib adj. liable (to punishment, 
etc.)[A~ wp>] 

**»mastoor' adj. veiled covered 
JJf hidden ; concealed ^iJb-^mastoorat' n.f. 
pi.. (~sjng. ej£f) ladies purdah observ- 
ing women tfjS^mastoo’Ti n.f. concealment 
retirement [A - ] 

*• mustau'fi n.m. one who realises in 
(J Jr full chief collector [A - £•*'•'/ J 

maslaul' (or mastool') n.m. mast [~ Por] 

•* •* mustau'll adj. possessing (someone’s) 
mind [A~ 


mils' tavi adj. level 
straight [A- fjy t \ 
mas'ti n.f. (see under o^adj. if) 


i >. */musm’da adj. & \.y. (f (fxr'musian'da 
stout person hooligan tough 
soft' da misiah'da, kaf'ta 

mas la ft' da n.m. stout tough ; hoodlum 
K/ mis' tar n.m. Mr.; Mister t mis' \arah 
n.f. &.suf. mistress 

y mas'jid n.f. mosque ^ur^tnasjid-e ag'sa 
n.f. Dome of the Rock l&^mas'jid-Ul- 

harem' n.f. the Holy Ka'aba 
mas'jid n.f. chief mosque (of city, etc.) 
large mosque (A - ejf* ] 

m usaj'ja' adj. rhymed (prose) [A~ & J. 

_ masjood n.m. object of worship [A~ »j^} 

n.m. wiping anointing [A] 

mashoar' adj. fascinated bewitc hed; 

enchanted [A ■« .<■%?] 

mas’kh, ojj> ma’skh.skU’dah adj. 

Cs mutilated metamorphosed into a lower 
species Vjtgfmas'bk ho'ns v. i. be mu It dated 
be metamorphosed thus [A] 

• mUsakh'khar adj. overcome ; subdued 
[A~ ^*1 

mas' kharah n.m. jester, fool; buffoon 
wag mas'khara-pan n.m. 

mas'kharagi n.f jesting foolery ; buffo- 

onery [A] 

.m us ad' das n.m. hexagon verseform 

comprising six-lined stanzas adj. hexa. 
gonal[A - jr^U) 

m osdood' ADJ- shut ; closed (A 

»• j masar'rat (col. musar'ral) n.f. joy ; 

delight ; pleasure ; happiness [A] 

*. >• mUs'tif ADJ. & N.M. (pl. og/Smusrifln') 

extravagant ; prodigal [A- ofyi] 
masroor' adj. -happy ; glad ; pleased ; 
' delighted ; cheerful [A~ Jiy y ] 
masroo'qah adj. stolen [A«* 2f / ’] 

by* mUsat'taJf adj. plane ; level ; even. 

{y f A ~ & ) 

Uy mis' tar n.m. ruler (arch.) threaded 
paper (used as a ruler for unruled sheets 
of paper) such ruled paper calligraphist’s 
ruled sheet [A - Jy ] 

I ,JjS m *sioot‘ adj. written [A- J** J 

mas'oad' adj. (f. & pl. t ,j*^’mas , oo'dah) 
lucky ; fortunate [A— jjy ] 

^ . p’Zy 'mUsaq'qaf adj. roofed [A~ 

/ mis'k n.f. (same as ^Jp- 
mUsh'k n.f. if) / ^ 

\/ + musak'ka 'n.m. muzzle (for 

animal) s. \ 

/•iA« miska'na v.i. (dial.) (same as \ v f 

* v.t. ★) J I 

mis' kit adj. silencmg (reply) A I 

•* / mdskira? n.f. intoxicants [A~> 

^ jfiAV] 

mUskura'na v.i. (dial iTfc^mSrAa'no) 

* smile simper ; smirk grin 
miskuTa'hat n.f. smile simper 

smirk grin 

J^Smas'kan n.m. (pl. yfifis masa'kin) resi- 
C'”, dence ; abode , habitation [A- &/>) 
Csmusak'kin adj. sedative n.m. anodyne 
V [A- ctP ) 

..jT^ma'sakiia, C^hPim'shA ji'n 3 V.I. bf 

tom at the seams 

yjy'mas’kanat n.f. indigence humility 

maskoon ' adj. inhabited ; habitable 

S^mas'kah n.m. butter i & ntas'kah lagtfna 

v.t. cajole flatter (AJ 

tyy*miskin' adj. poor meek n.m. (pl. 

masakln') poor person meek 
person (f+£*misfa'rft n.f. poverty ; indigence 
meekness [A] 



mis'l (col. mi'sal ) n.f. file record (of 
C/ case); file file cover ^ mis'l-kliafi 
n.m. reader l mural' lab kar’na v.t. 

prepare record (of case) 

A*** mUsal'lah adj. armed ; equipped 
w' armoured (A ~ 

tnUsal'sal adj. coherent ; linked to- 
U gether consecutive ; successive adv. 
consecutively [A ~ 

LiS musol’lal adj. conquered subdued 

, appointed; set over ruling (A ~ &Lk^} 
/W mas'lak n.m. (pl. masn'lik) 

way conduct school of thought [A] 
ntus'lim n.m. (pl. mistimin') 

| one who professes Islam ; Muslim one 
who surrenders himself to Allah’s will 
fA~ ftwj 

musal’lam adj. admitted ; granted ; 
conceded (of fowl, etc.) cooked whole 
r VS mtZgh-c musal'ltin/ \. M . ror.u fowl 

.1 ty ma'salmnn n.m. (ped. pl. ^ 'jilftnusa! - 
O'* manan' or -afi) Muslim Lb^musalmn’ni 
n.f. Islamic faith (a rh.) circumcision 
adj. Islamic [P~A S'* 

musal'lamr.h adj. universally admitted 


accepted (truth, etc.) (A ~ — J 1 

via' salmi v.t. crush ' 

vicsloob’ adj. (of thing) snatched 
away (of person) deprived of 
^jh^jvrjloo' h-nl-bavas' , i )r* , t>- r '±*masloo'b- 
ul-'aq'l adj. deprived of senses (one) in his 
dotage [A ~ . — ** ] 

lj maslool' adj. drawn (sword) [A ~ J* ] 

(P f d. "olf^ ) m'nsammal' n.f. legal title 
used before woman’s name to jioint out 
the sex ; Mrs. Miss ; Lady adj. named 

(of building) razed; dcmolish- 

J ** ed (A] 

nusmare zam n.m. mesmerism f 


mismare'zqm kar'na v.t. mesmerize 
l) I) viismare' zom kar’ne vala n.m. mes-- 
merist [EJ 

. mUs'musa adj. (f. mus'musi) hav* 

** ing an air of humbleness (one) u ith an 
air of innocence \,jfi(C>jj*b) (J^S^ mus'musi 
ihak'l (or soo'ral ) baia”t adj. with an air of hum- 
bleness or innocence 

masmoo adj. heard [A~ 

masmoom ' adj. poisoned ; venomous 

[A ~ f sam] 

viosam'ms adj; named ; called [A~ r> i 

( musam'mi n.m. (pl. mSsam'miy an) 

(j legal title used before man’s name to 
point out the sex [ ~ A r* mosom'ma corr.) 

? jgS musam'mi n.f. sweet tangerine [coR|t. of 
O A~ (f"y seasonal] 

musin' adj. old ; aged ; advanced far 
O years grown up [A~ { y' sin age] 
u a mas'nad N.f. throne exalted tjljS* 
nias'nad-fira', i yTTt>'vias' nad-nashih' adj, 
adorning a throne enthroned n.m. reigning 
prince mos'nad-ara’i, mas'nad 

nasbi'ni n.f. accession to the throne [A~ j^*\ 

. > mas' nad n.m. predicate mus'nadihxih 

n.m. subject [A- mad'] 
masnoon' adj. as practiced by the Holy 
Prophet ; Traditional [A~ i^*\ 

I misvak’ n.f. tooth-brush [A] 

musav’vadah n.m. *(col. musvad'dah ) 

draft manuscript [A~ 

^a masoor n.f. lentils ; a kind of pulse 
J lj I d* a yeh miinh aur masoor' H 

dal' prov. hdw can lie (etc.) deserve it ? 

> j, masoo'rh.d n.m. gum (holding one’s set of 
teeth) Cfj‘f£.jj*'masoo’rh c pkool'na v.r. 
have rcvollen gums 

. . masos'nd 'V.T. twist (heart, etc.) owing 

to grief- kalejd masos' hat 

raihja'ita v.t. suffer grief patiently 
. a masaih'ri n.f. canopied 
L/S*' bed mosquito iict 
ifSmus'hil adj. aperient n.m. 

< j aperient looseness of 

i>owels[A~ Jts'l] j. 

i*a mas" nlak n.m. (pl. JriSmasa’il) issue; 
a*** question tlicorcm proposition 

(A doublet of Jly) 

. s j,mas"ool adj. responsible ; answerable 

a mis' si n.f. red lead used as toothpowder 
(j and lipstick for its darknfessing effect 
L'J(J?k / 'ir‘ mis' si ka’jal kar'na v.t. do one’s 
make-up C If,'.. 0 /yrf’lflf' mis ' si ** dka'ii 
hoii'toii par jama na v.t. paint one’s lips dark 

masih’ n.m, Christ ; Messiah an- 
C? nointed ffT masi'fa n.m. & adj. Chris- 



— . t'^mUsha' bahat n.f. 


tian kr'* mast fa n.m. Messiah healer 
beloved JUS"' mastf a”i n.f. healing power 
power to restore to life , suspire v/d&l' ma'siha'i 
kar'na v.t heal quicken 

resemblance simi- 
likeness similitude x 
mushabth adj. like resembling analogous 

(A ~ ^^shib’h) 

4 m&shat' adj. indicated ; signified 
J ^ misha'r tin Hath' adj. aforesaid: the 
said (person) above mentioned [A~ ,vli|] 

. ^ij.^masjta'nb n.m. (pl. of ‘tv^ / *n.m. -fr) 

masha'riq n.f. (pi. of n f. -*) 


mitshar akat nf partnership |A~ 


mashsbatah n.f waiting maid make- 
up expert ; tire-woman woman acting 
as marriage-agent mashsjia'lagi n.f. 

make-up acting a's marriage agent [A~ k>* 
mush'l comb) 

musha'ar'ah n.m. meeting at which poets 

recste their verse in turn ; ‘musha’ira’ 

‘ I' 

•y mashaghil n.m. (pl. of n.m. if) 




1 musha'faJmh n.m. facing one another (only 
in) bil-miishu'faha/i adj. private 

(talk) adv. face-to-face J&jf&lbii-moska'jahah 
g [ft-u-goo' tete-a-tete face-to-face talk 
confrontation (A - Zas lip] 

•*1 a, mashshaq' adj. practised; expert jli' 
mashsha'qi n.f. practice ; expertness 

i*~ Cr* ] 

masham' n.f. smell sense of smell 
f ** organ of smell (A - SKZ- ] 

**. Bshjfvarat n.f. mutual consultation 

. U* n.m. observation wit- 

nesting die divinity ; contemplation 
Vs mushahadah kar’na v.t. & i. observe 
contemplate mush a' hid n.m. observer 

{A - ^, 1 ^) 

• mush'hdrafi n.m. monthly pay ; salary 
*Sl'** r [A - ^ month] 

. :,.nashahir' n.m. famous - persons. 
/Z 1 '*' celebrities the elite [A - sino. jyr' ] 

wa ~ a N,M ' ( PL * £T**n.m. ★) 

•'j ,A, masha'i N.M. (pl. cc/l>masha'ixyin’) 
0 peripatetic (A- t/s ] 

. — •*# musha'ya'at n.f. going along (someone' 

*' to see him off [A] 

A. mushab'bah n.m. object for which a smile 
• is used adj. likened (object) ^ 
moshab'bnh be-hi' n.m that to which anything is 
likened (A - ) 

.. mdsh't n.f. fist blow handful 
4 ^ 1 *^ 0*f "uZ^tnUsk't-e uslukhafi n.f. mere 
skeleton; very weak body ( 
khak' (or ghubar') , n.f. handful of dust 
(fig.) man 'J 'j^^s'mush't-iam n.f. mastur- 
bation (joc.) boxing l'J'(^C^‘mUsht-ma!i kar'na 
V.t. massage 2=£- mUsh'te numoo'na(-e) 

a,; knar ia re ph. specimen ; a handful out of a 
heap { P ] 

** mushiaq adj. found ; ardent wist- 
ful ; longing i'j^oV^'mushtaq hona v.t 
be fond of long for kGtsis'mushtaqa' nah 

adj. fond longing adv. fondly 
longingly jc^'mushta’qt n.f. fondness 
longing [A - Jjs *' i ] 

jJZ? mushtabah' adj. doubtful,; dubious 
suspect n.m. suspect (A — e^'l] 
fC niUsh’tatak, (f. & pl. /j^s'' musjtla rakah) 
adj. joint common shared 
adv. jointly in partnership (with) 
mjsbtar' akoh taur' par ph. jointly [A - j'lyj'i] 
mush' lari n.m. Jupiter n.m. buyer [A] 

rJjJZfr'iBsh'ta'il adj. enraged kindled 
I'S'J^^mBsh’ta'il ho’na v.t. be enraged 
be kindled J^J^mush'ta'il ho kar adv 
under provocation [A ~ ] 

**j&^mush'taq n.m. derivative adj. drived from 

U JA-Z&*,] 

mush' tamil adj. inclusive (of) ; includ- 
es ing ; containing comprehending 
consisting (of) ; comprising L'f J^'mush’ tamil 
ho'na v.t. consist of ; comprise [A~ (JCr^f ) 
ry mush'tohar adj. advertised made 

public vjy5-~s' jpush’ta/uir kar’na v t. 
advertise make public n.m. 
(pl. clys^mushlahirin') advertiser [A - 

mush'tahl adj. appetizing n.m. appetizer 
(A - J 

| Jy mushaj'jar adj. silk with arboreal 

. patterns tapestry (A - jlf'i ] 
mushakh’khas adj. ^defined; specified 
L/ individualized mbshakh’khas kar'm 

v t. defoul ; specify individuajize j&i 
na-mbshakh' khas adj. unspecified ^^i'J'khar-e 
na-mshakh'khas • * (ped.j unspecified ass , arrant 
fool (A- jrf* ) 


. !• mashad'dad apj. doubled (letter) (this) 
•A-*' bearing tashdid («<)(A-~>3'] 

■nrjyrw'h'rzb K.iv'. way off 

life (rare) place of drinking [A] 
-Sifmishar'Tah adj. detailed annotated 
Cx with a commentary having an exegesis 


•^SymSshar'rqf adj. honoured exalted 
vSfiyi^ JJy^mslshar'ra/^ ba-islsm' kar’na 
v.t. convert to Islam 

*1 u.maMr\q n.f. (pl.JA >masha'riq)~ east 

y'' place of sunrise } ) jyidy^m ash' riq-e 

bald" (or aq'sa) n.f. Far East 
mash’nq-e qarib' (or ad'na) N.F. Near East 
rrwsJi'nq-e vus'tc n.f. (wrong but usu. form for 
JtS}l fjySmash' riq-e ou' sal shat' q-e au’sat) 
n m. Middle East ; Mid-East JyJ^mash'Tiqi adj. 
Eastern , ortental u £y2 / 'mashriqain' n.m. pl. the 
two Easts ; extremely points of sunrise during 
summer' and winter t y*££^U*>bo t 'd-3l-mas]>riqain' 
n.m. a world of difference [A~ Os']/ 
f^mUih'rik n.m. colytheist [A- up>\ 

n.f. hard labour c^^bn-mashaef qal adj. rigorous 
(imprisonment) bi-la-mashaq' qat adt. 

w! f y 

^jvymast'toah' n . m , ( pl . Cly^mashroobal') 

•/ drink beverage 
.jjymashmt' adj. conditional*af>£^2s. « mash j- 
root’ ho'na v i. be conditional on [A - 

£. ji^mashroo'’ adj. lawful legitimate 

permissible (rare) programme na- 
•>’ n>h to/i‘ ' adi unlawful [A — 
tjjymash 'a> (or wrong but ped. mish'al) n.f, 
C/ torch (f$*~'mas]>’‘alchi N.M. torch-bearcr 

,^,mosh‘$halah n.m. {PL.JflsmoshagfiH) 
avocation hobby amusement.,; 

pastime job , vocation [A doublet of J*^] 

J • •ymashghQol’ adj. busy • occupied ; engaged 
''dr JjiZ'maskghoo’ll, sSJy^maihQoaliy'ynt n.f. 
preoccupation ; being occupied (with) [A~ rf**] 
-vj* mash'fiq N M. friend adj. kind ; considc- 
IJ rate affectionate HS^mush'fiqa'nsh adj. 
kind affectionate adv. kindly affec* 
tionately \\~CZ**) 

"tymash'q n F. exercise practice model 
U lettering its copy ; repeated copies of it ; 
copy v/cr'moMq bar'nst v.t exercise 
practise copy Vyjj^mash'q ho'na v t, have 
practice be skilled (in) mash'qi adj. 
exercise (book) practice (work) pracitcal 

mjfrnmjtof qat (col, mu-) n f, hard work 
toil labour AjP&j^tnashaq'qat-t *5 adid' 

mashkizah n . m . 

simple (imprisonment) [A] 
fi, mush'k n-f. water-skin tjj 
small water-skin [P] 

/i^mUsh'k n.m. musk J* 

> XjUfmVsh'k a’n-asl ke khUd' bi-bo'yad na kt 
'altar' bi-go’ yad prov. selfpraise is no recom- 
mendation jU&m'Hsh'k-bsr adj. diffusing 
musk fragrant tfj J^iriustlk-besH n. f fragrance 
mBsh'k-boo adj. muskscented fragrant 
(V *— ■ & Tt&sh'k-f&m adj. jet black ^ \.’*^&mush'k- 
na fah n.m. musk bag ^'mUsh'kl adj. (of hone) 
blade n.m. black-horse ij^tn ush'kift adj. 
musk of or like musk black [P] 

/fetmVshak'kik adj. sceptical Pyrrhonic 
N.m. sceptic Pyrrhonian [A- 

mUsh'kil adj. difficult ; hard n.p. (pl. £>}}£> 
i/ mushkilat') difficulty ; hardship 
mUsh'kil zsuri kar’na v.t. remove ^difficulty 
solve (someone's) problemist '!j&mHsh'ktl 
ararT ho’na v i. (of difficulty) be removed of a 
hardship jJ^dJ^masit'kil-pasand' adj. (one.) 
given to using difficult language (one) en- 
joying difficulties ifj%Jr'mgsh'kil-pasati’di n.f. 
fondness for difficult styles (or situations) 
mush'kil se adv. with difficulty hardly 
^/^^mush'ki t -kasha n.m. one who removes diffi- 
culties $ l^l)^mush'kil-kusha"t n.f. removal of 
difficulty Vjfj mush'kil melt par’ni 
(or girifldr' ho'na) v.T. land oneself into trouble 

t A ?jtfl ^ ' 

m\fiymishkat' n.f. niche (for lamp) 

mishka t-iil-mas&bik' n.m. niche for lamps 


fc/tmashkoor’ adj. (col. though wrong) thank- 
d* ful ; grateful [A 

( (&/>mashkook' adj. doubtful ; dubious ; un* 
*~Jr certain [A~<-(>] . 

A* mash’ki adj., ( j*p'mish'Hit (see under 
{jT mushk n.M. ★) ** ^ 

m famashki'zak n.m. (see under 

^ST N-F *) 

Apmush'keft n.f. both the arms or the shoulders 
{J7. tied behind as punishment(U— 
mush kch battik na (or kai’na) v.t. pinion 
I psmaskmoai (f. & pl. Jjr inashmoo'tah ) adj 
U* j. included (in) ; incorporated (with) [A— 


•y mi’ shan n.f. mission adj. serving the ends of 
ir a Christian mission jJ^'mish’nari n.m. 
missionary n.f. (col.) Christian mission [E] 



place of (.someone’s) 
mausoleum of a martyr 

0 ‘~f mc *h' v 1toh, n.m. (rare) ^J-^mash'varat) n.f. 

consultation counsel (usu, pl.) 
plor , conspiracy t 'fosjZ'masJiparok kar'nS v.t. 
consult take advice deliberate bfejjZS 
mash'varah ho'na v.i, be consulted come to 

the conclusion [A] 

*r ~/ mii s!l aB ' Ba ?h $dj. Jterplexed uneasy ; 
mash' had n.m. 


~Smashhood' adj. clear ; manifest wit- 

nessed [A — 

A/ masbheor' adj. well-known famous 
JJ" celebrated reputed notable 
mash' hooro-ma' roof adj. well-known famous 

reputed i/jf^’mashhoo'ri n.f. fame 

reputation [A~*£^] . . 

Ay. mash'y n.f. walking ("?* * j (jF'mash'y fin-naum' 
O n.f somnambulism [A] 

^A^mashiy'yat n.f. will pleasure (also 

** mashiy'yat-e e'zadi) the will of 

God ; fate [A ~ l?) . . 

' ^mashi'khat n.f. pride ; vanity 

** IV mashi'khat kifkiriho'na v.i. (of some 
one’s pride) humbled T 'by&Z'i mashi’khat ma'ab' 
adj. vainglorious [A~ £T] 

A^mashayyad (f. & pl. tj^mUsfuiy'yadah) adj. 
-Sr rainforced cemented [A] 

A^mishir' n.m. adviser ; counsellor con- 
/Z sultant t muM'r-e khas n.m. privy 
counsellor special consultant 
. itd-dau'lah n.m. Slate adviser musWr-e mat 

n.m. financial adviser^^^) qanoo'ni mUshir' 
N.m. legal adviser [A~ 

AAmashin' n.f. machine sewing machine 
maskin' -gan n.f. machine-gun^^" 
mash i' hi adj. mechanical machine jjjfff' 

mashl'ni dour n.m. machine age [E] 

^ ^^masabib' n.m. (pl. ofclfPXM. ★) 

mUsa'hlb n.m, companion *aid-de- 
**J*U* / camp‘ ; A.D.C. tSft^jnSra'^iaf n.f. 
companionship ; company ; society [A ~ 
^m jr^ ynasa'hif n.m.- (pl. of<J^t.M. if) 

^j^masa’dir n.m. (pl. ofdt—N.M. if) 

^^ynosa'n/ n.m. (pl. of^N.M. *) 

V mUsa’fahoh njt- handshake luCt&mMsa'- 
fatah kar’na v.t. shake hands ; shake 
(someone) by the hand [A] 

masa'Uh n.m. (pl. qf if) 
moss' la n m. (same as JIVn.m. -&) 


muss' lahat n.f, reconciliation com- 

position ; compounding ; adjustment 
specification cessation of hostilities 
musa'lahat katana v.t. reconcile bring 

\ about an end of hostilties (between) r f v ~jL*s 
musa'lahat kar'na v. become reconciled (to; 
make peace (with) adjust ; compound [A ~ 



mosa"ib n.m. (pl. ofiSfJ^N.F. if) 

-\ i f£fmisbaH n.m. (pl. g-l*smasabifi') lamp [A~ 

C'' ^ 3 

r musah'hek n.m. emendator 
proof-reader one who 


.'ggtmus'kaj n.m. (pl .^iesmasa'hif) the 
Holy Quran page beloved’s (usu. 
sleek) face [AJ 

.jf misdaq' n.m. proof ; evidence ; (only in) 
kc misdaq' PH. according to [AJ 
J .^mos'dar n.m. (PL/jU^masa'dir) infinitive ; 
“*** infinitive mood noun of action source 
origin fjllj-*^'mas'dar-e la'zim N.M. intransitive 
verb ($j*kij**'mas’dar-e muta'ad’di N.M. transitive 
verb [A 

fJ^^mUsad’diq adj. verifier [A- 

£ musad'daqah adj.. true attested 

-^^authenticated J^Sjue^misad'daqah naq’l N.M. 
true eopy [A~ 

\-fmis'r n.m. Egypt (pi. jL*damsar') 

/ garrison town ; city (1^‘mis’ri n.m. tk adj. 
Egyptian [A] 

^ytmUsir' adJ. insistent [A - jj/^f J 

oy^fnusar'ral} adj. clarified ; elaborated eluci- 
^ dated [A- gyJ] 

py^mis'ra^^mis'ra'ah n.m. hcmigtitch . 

U line of. a verse (rare) leaf (of door) 
l*l£ I t S*" mis'ra 1 Sf*a'»a v.t. (of audience) 
repeat reciting) poet* line as sign of appreciation 
& /g, finis' ra'-t tar’h n.m- line set for completion 
of verse t/^mis’ra 1 lags' hi v.t. complete a 
couplet by adding a line to given hemhtidi [AJ 
fb^tvnas'raf n.m. (pl.* - ^ L a/* mass' rif) expen- 

V^diture use ; utility 
^J^findsTOo" adj. epileptic [A- 1//*\ 


t masroof adj. busy ; occupied ; engaged ; 
having one’s hand full 
ho' ns v.i. bebusy&fy&'masroofiy'yat n.f. engage- 
ment ; preoccupation [A ~£>/*sar'f] 
\iAf misrl N - F - sugar-candy ka 

V/ koo’zah n.m. cup of sugar-candy adj. very 
sweet kl da’ll n.f. lump of sugar 

adj. very sweet sugar-cake 
, ^^fnis'r\ adj. (see under n.m. if) 

i^dfniUs'tafs adj. chosen ; selected n.m. this 
as the Holy Prophet’s appellation [A ~ 


tU^mas'taqi n.f« mastic ; gum-nr.astic (P ~ A 

0 '($*** ~Gj 

& i t-f mastalahst' n.f. (dial, m.) technical 
terms terminology [A ~ 
i • v v«(or &tSmusaf'fa adj. clean clarified 

(j . pure [A ~ 

1*0/ misqf'fi adj. cleaning.; purifying adj. 
O cleaner ; purifier musaf'fi-e khoon' 

adj. blood purified [A 

tt^Slor l^mUsal’ln n.m. prayer-carpet [A~ 

Ao/mus'leh n.m. (pl. muslehtn) reformer 

U corrective (A — £, ] 

tja/mas'lahat n.f. (pl. m. £ US mass' leh) ex- 

pedicnce ; expediency advisability 
prudence considerations vfcc^f'rnas'.lahat-biii 
adj. prudent ; vyise ; farsecing C^jC^^mas'lahat 
dekk'tia v.t. regard as advisable tOS/ <-^s u> 'mas'- 
lahat-t vaq't n.f. expediency opportune 
moment’ seasonable caution ^^‘mas'lah.altn 

adv. as a measure of expediency [A ~ 
j tmasloob ’ adJ- crucified (A~ 

yO^musal'li n.m. - one who says prayers 
v sweeper converted to Islam [A — ;y-»] 
jpS masam'mam adj. firm (resolve) vlslf*** 
| mis am' mam ir&'dah n.m. firm resolve; deter- 
mination [A-^C'’*) , 

• n.m. {PL.(£***musannifin’) 

writer ; author Jt^mOsan'ni-fah m.f. (pl. 
C'lH^musamifst') writer ; authoress [A 

t jmsan'naf n.m. (pl. ^ti^nutsan'naf at) 
olume comprising the Holy Prophet’s 
Traditions arranged subjectwise A^musan'nafah 
adv. by ; written by [A-aJ**-*') 
6* a/t masnoo"ah adj. made; prepared ; manu- 
< V l **^actured made wpCI/j^masnoo'at' n.f. 
pl. manufactures £y J *'tnasnoo"l adj. aptili 
cial fabricated false unnatural [A~ 

musav vtr 

t mfUa're‘ n.m. (gram.) aorist tense aorist 
name of a common prosodic metre 

n.m. (pl. d JS^musavviriit ' ) 
painter artist lSjif e/ ' musav'viri n.t u 
painting drawing graphic art ’] 

j ^3/ mUsav' var adj. pictorial illustrated JA 

y* ->>■] 

^masoon' adj. safe ; protected ; guarded (A ~ 

S&i >] 

^•"musi'bat n.f. trouble affliction 

* disaster misfortune calamity 

(CPfi L S’! must' bat Utka'ns (or 

bhar'na or fc'gafna or jhtl'ns) v.i. undergo 
trouble must' bat- zadah adJ. unfortunate 

miserable afflicted <J ^/*S*r^^fftOhl ' bal-zadagun 

n.m. pl. the afflicted l>*bfoj*£cu???rniisi’bat ke 
din' kat'nd v.t. pass one’s days in trouble 
VX must' bat men par 'ns -v.i. be 'overtaken by 
misery tZisf^jCfena-gahs'tumisi'bat n.f. un- 
expected trouble ; a bolt from the blue [A) 

/ . mazar' n.m. (pl. of*5&*N.F. if) 




mats" a! doubled multiplied; 
increased n.m. stem, (of word) repeating 
one or more letters [A~c***ze l, f] 

muzzf n.m. noun in the possessive case , 
b*0 / * possessor adj. related or appended toU»UV 
I muzaf-elaih' n.m. possessed noun or pronoun 
[A ~cfa»] s. ... 

# , muzqfdt' N.F. (zlto/rJZbU’mizs'fd't * 

xhaih'r) suburbs [A — 

^M^mazsmtn' n.m. (pl. of cfjritM. fe) 

, muzs'yaqah n.m. harm (in doing something) 
CTuiy i/y'JZl kuehh. nuts' yaqah na'hih ph. 

don’t you worry ■ it is of no consequence ( ~ A 

, \fmazboot' adj. strong ; fixed ; fast 
Py!r firm (resolve) cogent ; (reasoning) 
durable ; lasting i fs?*mazboo’tt N.F. strength 
firmness cogency durability ; long wear 

/jqSmaz'hik adj. ridiculous ludicrous . 

droll facetious [A~foll.] 
£<&‘muz'takah n.m. fun ridicule drol- 
lery facctiousncss i Js**msz kakah 
urs'ns v-.T. ridicule yS" Js 0 * maz'haka-khez' adj. 
ridiculous ludicrous laughter-provok- 

> ng [A] ....... 

I • t * mu V r ' AD J- injurious hurtful per-rn- 
[/^ cious deleterious noxious baneful 

detrimental (A- ] 




mizrab’ n.f. plectrum [A~ 

•jnazar'ral n.f. (pi.. «5^ / *ma^arrgt') harm; 
y^damage detriment O^^ymazar'rai- 
r&ssh’ adj. harmful damaging detri- 
mental ^j^y^mazar'rat rasa'rii n.f. harm; 
damage damaging capacity mischievous- 
ne-s ; mischief [A ~ ^i>] 

j • jmazroob' adj. hurt; wounded. in* 
4^/^ jured n.m. (math.) multiplicant 
mazroob'-fih' n.m. (Math), multiplier [A~ 
rJy*mUz’ tir adj, afflicted desperate ; 
chagrined powerless ; left with no choice 

[A ~jpf] 

. mUz'laiib ’ adj. disturbed uneasy 
troubled ; agitated 

tarib-ul-hal’ adj. in straitened circumstances 
Vsi mUz’tcrib ho’na v.i. be restless be un- 
easy ; be disturbed be agitated ; be in a state 
of commotion muztaribanah adj. dis- 

turbed uneasy agitated adv. uneasily 
in a agitated state of mind [A~»*~^f*^] 

^4* mu z'mahil adj. fatigued ; exhausted 

(Jr weak ; infirm [A— Jn^f] 

muz mar adj. hidden ; latent n.m. (gram.) 
./* antecedent [A ~ ] 

^s&mazmoom' adj. (of some letter) having a 
pesh’ (— ) over it [A ~ ] 

Jg^mazmoon’ n.m. (pl. mazmin’) 

composition ; essay ; article subject 
topic subject-matter ; contents meaning; 
sense ; purport j t^lyy^mazmoon'-nigar' n.m. 
contributor to a periodical writer of essay 
article, etc. yy^mazmoon'-ttiga'rl n.f. 
article-writing essay-writing contribution 
to a periodical tjij ^Pmazmoon' -navis', n.m. 
writer of an article essayist i^J^Pmazmon'- 
turn's* n.f. article-writing essay-writing 
composition [A] 

mazy ms-maza’ pl. let bygones be 
W. bygones ; forgive and forget [A~ 


'mata’bt' n.m. (pl. of£? n.m. it) 

i-^/mata'lib n.m. (pl. of ^Pmaflab if) 

^.mUta'labah n.m. (PL.dJUU u'mutalabat') 
* demand requisition [A ~ ,_>b ] 

muta'la'ah n.m. study ; reading ; perusal 
1'sCJUtSmutala‘ah kar'na v.t. study ; read ; 
peruse [A] 

, muta'yabah n.m. ( (pl. uaUU»'' mutayabut’) 

^XU^jest joke [A~ J 

matab ' n.m. clinic [A~ J 

•^/‘mat'bakh n.m. kitchen [A~ ] 

mat’ba' n.m. (pl. a '£«*) press; print- 
ing press [A~ £} 

-hfjnatboo“ adj. agreeable ^ delectable 

tj* liked by bom (poet) {ftirfrjp'maiboo' t -e 
khala”iq adj. according to the public taste 
[A~ d\ 

u / ,matboo' , ah adj. pri n ted ‘Z'tfsrmatboo'al’ 
jj,f, books publications [A 
ma’tar n.m. (rare) rain [A] 

•V mSla'&i? adv. like ; alike correspond- 
ing (to) ; conforming (to) in accordance 
(with) ; according (to) kar’na 
v.t. make alike L'yjjtUymuta' big ho’na v.t. 
conform (to) ; correspond (to) be like be 
alike rmUta'baqat n.f. similarity con 
fwrniity [A] 

mUti" n.m, & ADJ. one who is obeyed 


\AmOf\ H) 

, * 

.mats' It' n.m. (pl. of^T^N.M. ★) 


^i^mul’rib n.m. singer ; songster surging- 
*/ man (rare) entertainer ■ip'mgt'ribah n.f. 
(pl. C'iymulrihal') female singer ; songstress 
female artiste [A~ •y/] 

/J *.mafoon' adj. reproached; child 
blameworthy [A ~ 

yj^mutal'la adj. gilded ; gilt [P~A] 

^mat’lab tz.M. (pL.^Usmalalib) meaning 

purport wish ; desire object ; aim; 
purpose motive corcern yyy.^J^mat'lab- 
bar-sr* n.f. selfishness achieving one’* 
object cXjuJ^mal’lab rakk'ns v.i. have an 

interest (in)* be motivated by something w**'' 
Carnal' lab-e sa'’di di' gar-os' t ph. the real 
purpose is different jif^maflab kayar' n.m. 

selfish person time-server one having 
ulterior motives CJl^ly^maflab niksl'tta v. gain 
one’s object to serve the purpose mat’ lab 

nikal’na v.t. have one’s object served tjf < r P >/ ‘ 
mat’lab ho' ns v.t. & i. mean have a concern 
(frmat’labl adj. selfish ; self-seeking ; one dri- 
ven by ulterior motives [A~ 

Jjy mafia* n-M. place of rising cast 
W (of sun, etc.) sky exordium (of ode, etc.) 

mafia' stj’ ho'v 9 v.t. (of weather) 
be clear (A— fjp\ 



tala' adj. notified ; informed : t inti 
& mated aware (of) t/t^mat' tala kar'-na 
v.T. notify ; inform ; intimate \!/ r Carnal' tala' 
ho’na v.i. be informed ; become aware (of) 

"ifrSmUL'laq adj. absolute (rare) free inde- 
ed pendent adv. entirely altogether 
(not) at all ; (not) in the least Wljjr'matlaq- 
ul-iifan' adj. absolute (authority) despotic 
(ruler) Qb’mut'laqan adv. absolutely en- 
tirely altogether (not) at all ; (not) in the 
least [A ~ Jiifrt] 

<*My>mUld'laqah adj. & n.f. (PL.^U^mSia/fa- 
qdt') divorced (woman) 

^.i.matluob' n.m. object of one’s love ; be- 
'/** loved adj. desired *r 'jrfjtfa-h#v val- 
matloob' t h. Q. E D (A - 
Cf J*'* mat’mak-e nazar n.m. goal ; aim ; 
/ t/ object ; objective [P~A place where 
one casts one glance] 

* mat' me? in adj. satisfied [A~ u)£f>] 

^J^fmalav'vd adj. lengthy j prolonged [A~ 

mtftah'har (f. & pl. e/J^mutah'karah) adj. 
S' purified cleansed yJ^mltah'kir adj. 
purifying cleansing [A - yJP ] 

U/tmatir' adj. raining : coming down in 
SZ drop,.(A~>] 

mUti *' adj. submissive obedient 
& [A-C^jJ-t] 

^^naza'lim N.U. (pi. of ^thN.M. ★) 
^^ma&hir n.m. (pt. of y^u.u. if) 

ig+ml&'lmah n.m. demonstration [A~ jS] 

iztff’fir adj. victorious successful 
mazaf'fax-o-mansoar’ adj. & adv, 
triumphant(Iy) [A- ^i>'] 
jyjpmazloom’ adj. wronged aggrieved 
[■* oppressed n.m. (pl. & && mazlooitfn ) 
wronged party oppressed (person) tfjb' 
\ mttiloo'ml N.F. being the victim of oppression 

C? piaz'har n.m. phenomenon^U^JWfl^'AiV 
S* N.M. PL. phenomena C^^tHemaza'kir-e 
qUd’nl n.m. pl, natural phenomena (A ~ jyf] 
tit mHz' hit n.m. (pl. ^jJ'mSzhirztn') witness 
S' adj. communicating ; revealihg 
tk' Uha’bar mMz'hir hat v.T. a news-item ^reveals 
[A~ jiff I ] 

*/* ma* prep, with along with ma'-al- 
khair' adv. safely ; safe and secure 1-*^" 
ma'a-hazu adj. in addition to in spite of 
despite ''tv ma‘an' adv. all of a sudden 
instantaneously «£»?'* ma'iy'yat n.m. ★) [A] 
^^yna*a'bid n.m. (pl. of^tN.M. -fr) 

^ mo' a lib n.m. (pn^-Wmo'alibii?) re* 

• Improver cxposlulator'r't*'’ mo' a tab n.m, 
blameworthy person [A - 
I ma'ad'' n.f. the next world ; hereafter 
aU^t/tv ma t adr-o-ma‘id > n.f. this world 
and the next temporal and spiritual needs 
[A~ xf place of return] 

, , ma'adin n.f. (pl. oft^vjj.M. if ) 

». rna'd'z n.f. refuge; shelter Juibiy ma'a'-z- 
allah' int. God forbid [A] 

^^ma'a'rij n.m. (pl. ofg^vN.F. if) 

mo'a’riz adj. contending ; opposing s.M» 
L/J ^contend cr^tv mo V razak n.m. contcn-. 
tion comparison of manuscripts (rare) 
evasion (A] 

ma'arif n.m. fields of knowledge*^ 

JvS da'irat-Til-ma'arif n.m. encyclopaedia 
(A ~cp^\ . 

S^ma'a'nk n.m. (pl. of-i^N.M. A;) 

ma’ash n.f. (ped. rUfjHyma'zKyidt) 
^jneans of livelihood (rare) worldly life 
Jusjf/^Csma'd.' sh-o-md'&d n.f. (see under 
n.f. ★) shl adj. economic 

ma'asMyyat ' n.m. economics [A doublet of (jrH 

I m'asharal n.f. way of living ; mode of life 
ISiS 3^ tv mu'a’sbarati adj. (ungrammatical 
■ but csu. form ior)(£?bs mo'dsharl adj. social 
mo'a'sharak n.m. society (A] 
fy. ma'a'M adj. , ma'd'shiyyal' (see under 
. Sly if) 

.wo'a'rir'ADj. & n.m. (pl.<^> tv moVrirW) 
contemporary [E] 

^^ma’a'ii n m. (pl. of*2v^.F.) 

{ j+jp^jno'a , tafat n.m. kindness [A- *5^) 

# . mo'afADj. forgh-en ; pardoned ; absolv- 
U^U^ed (of fine, etc.) \ifo\ymo l nf kar’na v.T. 
forgive ; pardon excuse remit reprieve 
jdEclyl ymo'a f ktjiye int. excuse me pax 

don ; 1 ,6eg yojir pardon J lymo'a'J l n.f. 


^~s,ma‘toob‘ adj. & n.m. object of (someone’s) 
displeasure [A 

.* Smo']izah n.m. (pl. Csty & noji & i ') miracle 
mo “ jiz , ZfjlP ' mo ' jiza'nah \ j ^ r mo i ' jiz - 
numa' adj. miraculous [A~ ;tf»] 
i gP * mo ' aj'jal adj. immediate ; promptly done 
(✓* { y — fs<r maih'rt mo ' aj'jal N.M. prompt 
dower ; part of dower paid in cash, etc., right 
at the time of marriage (A - 

mo' jam adj. (f. & pl. t ^mo x jamah) 
j * dotted (letter) [A- rv>i ■ , 

-fma joon n.f. (pl. tff&r ma'zC jin) elec* 
tuary hashish electuary 
^j^mo'ad’dil n.m. equalizer (A- Jy] 

m j maTMat v.r. justice ; equity 

ma^dalat-guftor adj. just ma‘'da- 

lat~gOs' lari. H.r. .justice ; equity [A~ Jjt) 

/J ma l ’dan (pcd. ma l 'din) N.F. (pl. 

ma'a'din) mine quarry (jj^nuf'daril 
(ped. -<//-) adj. mineral ma'daniy' yai) 
(ped. -<//-) n.f. pl. minerals (A] 

, ma'doo'tah adj . (of ) quiescent } written 
'•'■J-^’out not pronounced (A— (Jjo\ 

• nufdood' adj. numbered (only 
X^ma'doo'dt djah'd adj. very few (A- jjf ] 

* ma'doom' adj . non-existent •. extinct 
f ^^annihilated ; put to the sword VSfjjy 
ma'dbom' kar'nav.r. annihilate b'/.fyjy ma‘doom‘ 
ho'na v.t become extinct (/ja*'" ma’doo'nti n.f 
extinction [A- (jo ] 

HM - *&™*ch&-v*'tnc J de ka,(fjvs 
mt''di adj. stomach ; stomachic (A) 

ma t '(irat n.f. an excuse ; a pica 
V-A^apology cxcuxi£/ljlfi[i2 / Jir‘ma , ’vral 
tbah'ii a (or kot'na) v.t. apologize 
ma , ’zirat-khak' adj . ma , 'zirat~kha'hi 

n. f. apology apologizing (A doublet of jU ] 
• , ma'zoor' adj. excused; excusable 
disabled n.m. (pl.c 6jj*'ma'zooTln') ' dis* 
abled persons cfjjyJjsma'zoor' rakk'na v . t . 
excuse (fjtjo'rna'zoo'rl n.f. excuse disabi- 
lity [A- jjf] 

t mo‘er'ra adj. plain (text) ; one without 
notes. ; translation [A - ijjlt] 

fl lmS me ‘ ra i' a'rij)., tlie Holy 

Cy Prophet Accession acme ; height 
(rare) ladder [A- Q,jf\ 

. mo'ai'rab ~ adj. Arabicized (word, etc.) 

v^ia - 


,ma u riz n.m. field 1 fyjZi'Plj/f'nuf'Ti&t 
Him' mefipar'ra v.t. be put off ; be post- 
poned it^tjZjiT’JppSmayriz-e khdlar mefi par'm 
v.i. be endangered ; be jeopardized [AJ 
i ^ i 'rifat n.f. knowledge of God ; mys- 
y*tic knowledge recognition adv. through 
the medium ot : [A~*^/3 

• ma‘'rifah adj. proper (noun) [A — doublet 
of PREC.J 

• mo'arrij n.m. (arch.) usher liyf^mo'ar'raj 
^^adj. defined ; changed into proper (noun) 

/ rna t 'rikah n..w. (ped. PL. Jjb>'ma , a'-rik) 
bottle ; engagement \/f ma''rika-ara' 
adj. with troops marshalled I j7%/ ,/, m<i‘'rika-ara' 
ho'na v. r. fight have troops marshalled 
lJplzfc*Sma l 'rikat-Bl-a r a' adj. causing great diver- 
sity opinion l/£^'ma t, Tike ka adj. important 
(person) mentous (decision, etc.) [A] 

ma'rooz' n.f. object (rare) aub- 
UPjr mission ; petition adj. submitted 
ma'roo'zah n.m. submission ; petition letto 
to superior [A - 

ti? . ma'roof ' adj. well-known ; celebrated 

(gram.) active (voice of verb): (of j) 
long ; preceded by ‘pesh’ (of (f ) long , pre- 
ceded by ‘zer’ 

-•* mo'az’zaz adj. honourable: respectable ; 
J y esteemed ; revered [AcS^] 

I • m A mat z°°r adj. deposed ; dethroned 
Ol/ ma'zool' kar'na v.t. depose ; dethrone 
zool' ho'na v.t, be- deposed ; be- de- 
thronedJj^Vwa^ooVj n.f. deposition ; dethrone- 
ment [A ~Jrf] . 

I .\/>ma‘'shar n.m. group ; party 

ma t 'shar-e jin'n-o-ins v.t. the group of spirit 
;and human being. [A] 

/j&fma'shooq’ n.m. beloved ; a sweetheart 

ma'shooqa'nah adj. lovely ; facinating 
coquetish like a beloved Jj^ina'shoo'qak n.f. 
beloved; mistress Jjr*ma'shoo f <]i n.f. state 
of being beloved loveliness coquetry [A - 


^^^ma'soom' adj. innocent sinless n.m. 

f-' infant (pl. Qfiy^ma'soondniy-moa.’ 

less persons C^o^ma'soomiy'yat n.f. innocence 
infancy child’s sim plici ty 'siyat 
n.f, sin [A- 

l^j^mo'at'lar adj.-, perfumed ; scented (A- J*\ 

liXmo'al'tal adj. suspend effects ADV. 
held in abeyance rendered ineflective 

v/j^mo'al’tal kar'na V.T. suspend retider 
ineffective hold in abeyance Cyiiy^mo’at'tal 
ho'na v.i. be suspended be ineffective 
mo' at' tall n.f. suspension ineffectiveness 

abeyance [A] 

too/’ n.m. first of two words or clauses 
^ joined together with a conjunction adv. 
turned Jjf&^ma’toof * alaih ' n.m. second of 
two words or clauses joined together with a 

r mo"ti adj. & n.m. {pL.^yt^mo'li/ari) donor 
donating (person) [A~ ySt] 

<£*/* mo’az’zam (f. & PL. J^mo'az'zamah) adj. 

mo’az’zam (f. & pl. J^mo'az'zamah) adj. 
f great • exalted [A 

i *%m/ ma, 9 0 °l‘ AD J~ reasonable plausible 
Oy^ fair ; just substantial (amount, salary, 
etc.) ' sensible (person) intellectual part of 

knowledge ; field of extra-religious knowledge ; 
£'Uj f *>na‘qoo , iat' n.m. pl. works of philosophy 
and logic extra-religious fields of knowledge 
cJp^ma’qooliy'yat n.f. reasonableness 

plausibility fairness sense [A - (Jr] 

./* ma'koos' adj. inverted reversed 

Uj U^jfc / ‘iarcq'qi~c ma'koos' n.f. retrogression 

- jf^mo'al'laq adj. suspended pending ; 

U hanging fire Cs;<%[f v ‘mo’at'laq pa'ra ho’na 
v.i. be pending ^j^-^nw’al'laq rakh'na v.T. 
keep pending t'jf fy^mo’al'laq ho'na v.T. he 
suspended [A - jJ*?] 

LpS mo'al'lim n.m. (pl. mo’allimln') > 

r teacher ; instructor pedagogue 
'mo’al'lim-e sa’nl the second teacher ; Farabi 
m'aT-lim-e sa'lis n.m. the teacher; 
Aivicenna Czjfr , f / mo’al'lm-Ul-malakoot' n.m. the 
teacher of angels ; Satan • mo’allimanah adj. 
pedagogic adv. ' pedagogicaily J*'* mo'al'limah 
n.f. school mistress ; teacher (/*“ mo'al'liml n.f. 

teacher’s job ; teaching profession peda- 
gogy [A-^] 

lx^mo"lin n.m. announcer ; advertise: gr ' 
is almo‘'lin n.m. (as subscript) the advertiser ; 
the notilier [A ~ ^i^t] 

j*.ma'loom' adj. known obvious ; evident 
' Jr adx. (iron.) none ; nonexistent 
ma’loom ' kar'na v.T. learn find out dis- 
cover ma’loom' ho' la hai ph. it 

appears it seems Vjf’CP'ma’ loom' ho'na v.t. 

appear seem look like become known 
be found out _ come to light na'hin. 

ma'loom', fj^ma'loom’ nahAfi adv. it is not 
known; God knows; who knows C'Lj^ma'loomt' 

N.F. information n.f. pl. tilings knownvbv^b^ 
ma’ looms' t~e ‘am'mah n.f. general knowledge [A 

u ju* metal' la adj. sublime exalted 

0 mo'al’la alqab’ adj. having high titles ; ex- 
alted <£££.->} j! urdoo’-e mo’al’la n.f. chaste 
Urdu (arch.) king’s Urdu n.m. Mongol horde 

[A~ - 

,-fmo'am'ma n.m. puzzle ; enigma Ijfjiy 

1 * mo’am'ma hal kar'tm v.T. solve a puzzle 
unravel a mystery O* ^ mo’am'ma khul'na v.i. 
(of mystery) be unravelled [A- yf I ] 

.-/m'mat' n.m. mason ; builder architect 

me’ma'r-e a"zqm n.m, master- 
builder ifjiyme’ma'ri n.f. masonry ; building 
architecture [A ~ 

/mo’ am' mar adj. aged [A - 

^tma"mal n.m. laboratory [A - cKl 

•Sma’moor' adj. inhabited populous 
Jjr prosperous ; flourishing full (of); replete 
(with) ; abounding (in) mao' rah n.m 

populated place , town ma’moo'ra-i 

has'll n.f. (fig.) world (fjjt'ma’moo'rl n.f. 
population flourishing state [A - cfj^] 
i «/* ma’mool' n.m. (pl. practice; 

0* custom hypnotic subject t*< y. 
ma’mool' bahdk'ns v.i. do something regularly ■ 
make it a regular practice (to do) 
ma’mool' ke dih n.m. pl. monthly course ; 
menstural period ma'mool ke dih 

taV jana v.i. be pregnant jy^ma'moo'li adj. 
ordinary ; usual customary common [A~ 

•pymo’am'bar adj. perfumed with ambeigris 
/» perfumed ; scented [A- 

.•pfmo’an'van adj, dedicated V/bl^'mo’an'van 
l£/Jr kar'na v.t. dedicate {A — &<}*'} 

(ped. ma’'na) n.m. meaning 
O senses purport import intent 
significance intrinsic quality ; spirituality ; 
substance ; essence ; reality ; hidden or interior 
part of anything Vj'cfl’ (j*‘ma’ , ni bayan' kar'na 
V.T. explain interpret ma u m-e 

begs'nak n.m. a new ideal (in some literary com- 
position de'na v.i. mean give 

the sense (of) (f*'ma”rri rakk'na v. have 
the meaning of have the sense (of) imply^y^ 
ma l 'navi adj. pertaining to meaning or sense 
intrinsic real intllectual ; spiritual 
ma’naviy'yat n.f. meaningfulness [A) 



J^ma'oo'nat n.f. help , assistance [A~ c>f] 

y _ ftna'hood ' adj. stipulated promised ; 
Z’ covenanted mast/.-e ma'hood’ n.m. 

the promised Messiah [A ~ jjf- ] 

n.m. (pcd. pl .jd&ma'aytei") 

-rfc standard (rare) touchstone (A ~ ->£*■] 

„ ma'iy'yat n.f. company (of) ; association 

w jL^ma'i’shal n.f. livelihood subsistence 
way of life ; mode of living 
'i'lm-Vl-ma'i'shdt n.f. economics (f?*' Dj. 
economic [A doublet ofjf) 

.-Atno'in n.m. helper - assistant promoter 


jno'ay’yan (f. & pl . Jj^’mo'ay'yanah) adj. 
(j/»T fixed settled established appointed 
f Scfiy mo'ay'yan kar'na, v.t. fix settle 

establish appoint [A 1 

v v ma'roob' adj. bad improper iridc- 
cent opprobrious wl <~'j£'ma'yoob' bat 
n.f. something against etiquette ; improper [A 
~ 1 

lymugh n.m. (pl. (ji^mu'ghaii) . magus 
^ tavern-keeper ; publican mugh-ba’ (hah 

n.m. pot-boy; pot-man lovely ladciU^r 

magban n.m. religious leader of the Magi 

l p ] 

j,. . mughahUah N.M. (pi.. d^lhHj'miighalatat') 
fallacy delusion misunderstanding 
^ZsJ^lj'magbalatali de'nu v.t. mislead 
delude lead into fallacy Oifjttfrtnigkalata 
dal'ndv.t. lead into fallacy cause to make 
mistake [A~±M] 

.. mughd'yarat n.f. estrangement 
Z ^ repugnance j'iy'rndghayar adj. contrary 
(to)^ repugnant (to) [A~^>j ^ 

•jJfmJgh’tanam adj. prized ^*mugblanamat' 
f* n.m. pl. prized things; treasures (A ~ 

, magb’rib n.m. west accident the West 
•jr sunset ; sundown evening jOtf'r'f' 
magh'rib hi namaz' n.f. evening prayer 
magh' rib-za' dak adj. (derog.) Wertenizcd 
inagji'rib-zaddgi n.f. (derog.) Westernization 
al-magh'rib n.m. North-West 
Africa (yj^ma^'ribi adj. Wesiern ; 
accidental J^y^magbribiy'yat n.f. 

(derog.) Westernization (A~ k r / ^) 

**■ . itiigbar' raq adj. ornamented Oy^iC^y'so’ne 
mughar'raq n.m. bedecked with a large 
number of gold ornaments [A~ (j f ) 

•• maghronr' adj. proud ; vain ; arrogant 
naught v ; conceited tfj) j ymaghroo , Ti n.f. 
pride ; arrogance ; vanity haughtiness ; conceit 

.TfViagh’z n.m. kernel marrow pith 
/ brain intellect essence Ctfijly^magh’’ 
it’ ta jam v.t. upset I'tjij&magh'z Srs'na v.t. 
upset (someone) b )(£?;' magh Z‘pi(h'(hi 

(or kjha'li) kar'na v.t. try to drive • home (to) 
l>* If j^magh 'z ch at 'ad v.t. bother someone) 
pester (someone) with silly talk Zg/fmagb' z?&at 
n.m. idler talker ; garrulous person &£'/*' magh'z 
dial'nn v.t. be proud go mad 
magh'z ko chaik' j and v.t. affect the head (of) ; 
magh' z-kka'an v.t. tease worry ; tax the 

brain Vljt^^-^^y^magb'z ke ki'u ura’na v.i. 
chatter ; brag bother a great deal 
magh'z ke ki'rk jkar'nd, O^'J^Jjy'magb'z kikil 
ni'kalnd v.t. be humbled face the music 
be set right ; come, to one’s senses j^-be-magjh' z 
adj. emptyheaded ; dullard jM/pur-magb' z adj. 
profound (Sj^magh'zi nf. hem; thin border 
l'$(f^'magh'zi lagana v.t. hem Pl 

* L/magbzqob ' adj. (one) who has incurred 
(God's) displeasur^ 

^^•mighfar n.m. helmet [A] 

.♦ . magh' fir at n.f. absolution ; salvation 
deliverance ^JCsJ^arkhuda magb'Jirat 
ka're ph. may God bless his soul [A doublet ol 


• Z^magh foot' adj. forgiven ; pardoned 

dead ; deceased jy^s (T/marhoo'm-o- 
magbfoor' adj. deceased 

I J^mit'ghal n.m. Mongols Moghul : a racial 
*y mixture of Turks and Mongols a descen- 
dent of these ik^mtigh’/a n.m. (derog.) Moghul 
tfl^mugblani n.f. Moghal woman attendant 
in harem ncedlc-woman female gover- 
ness tjr i mughlai’i adj. Moghul (style, etc.) 
^f^mUgblai"l pku’rd n.m. Lahore sore J*' 
mugbaliy'yah aqj. Moghul (PJ 
■ y^maghal'/az adj. foul dense thick 
l^c^iS^mugballazat' n.f. pl. abusive language 
swear- words ; curses f C'Ct’Vi^'m jghallazat' .sund’tis 
v.t. use abusive language ; hurl abuses (at) 
-yfmugh’laq adj. (VL.'Z&'mugjhlaqal') diffi- 
U cult (word) obscure (passage) A~<yt)*i] 
Jtfmugh'lim N.ti. sodomite ; paederast [A- 

f ('it* 1 

l _ J i t ’.maehloob' adj. conquered ; subdued 

•y^overcome brought low I 

maghtoo’b ul-gha’zab adj. short tempered ; irasci- chicvo 
ble t'Jif'jj'maqhloob' kar'na v.t: subdue \yi\ J 

4>veTcomityf»?^* / maghloob' ho'tia v.h be brought 
low be subdued (A~ C? t 

* IfmaQmoom’ adj. sad ; sorrowful (^) o' 
| r grieved mournful [A— {*] m . * 

•J^mugh'nl n.m. one making free from want (Py* i 
is this an attribute of God A~ I ho’na v 

j^m3ghan‘n| n.m. singer ; songster dat 
V niyah n;f. female singer; songstress [A ~ 

&] (J ju 

.l^mugb’tajah adj. & n.f; abducted womair shar"-e 
** [A~ IjPi] . , cable c 

..^jnrjghjVatf n.m. acacia (Jl^Ci^kha'r-e ,\? m 
(✓•'tT might'll. n.u. acacia thorn {PJ ^ di 

N - F - (PL. of^N.F. ic y ma j 

-I l‘/ tt foj al ' N - F * suddenness; unexpected* jr)/m 
ness g-t m fojat' N.F. sudden mt 

death [A] * mV 

i ~ »jn q'kharatK. f. boast contention J/Fp 0l 

for d ignityS'ti/rt fakhir n.m. pl. glories; 
causes of just pride [A ~ J single | 

J •jnafad’ N.M. {PL.Cbii/maf&dat') interest t/^U/ # w 

^'iSJ’GrJmfadal' to bifazat v.t. safeguarding r 

of (bne4 or someone’s) interests [A] • jn 

«•? . • Jn5f a'raqat N.f . separation forsaking; 

4 - / -' ^desertion [A~ _ r^ma 

. • maf a'sid jt.m. pl. evils [A ~ sino. J et< 


^ymaf&'sil n.m. PI. joints (of body) [A sing. 

t>T . fnrr 

adj. free ; gratis gratuitous adv. 

***** free ; without payment gratuitous 
causelessly ; without any rhyme or reason 
moft-khor' n.m. parasite ; sponger ; hanger-on 
adj. who sponges on ; who hangs on 
muf't-kho’ra n.m., J't ra c&e g f t 

prov dp notlook a gift horse in the mouth. fd* 
to sbarab’ qa'zl ko bhi 
hold' hai prov. a free offer is welcome to every 
mrt aov. free: gratis: for 
nothing ; for a softg gratuitous . (sfiic&m ft 
hath! lag'na v.i. get free of cost get r *“ a 

gpmiflty' N.F. (PL.^i^mJdkV) key A & ) 

•J&mUf'lakJtat adj. honoured : d^nified [A*, 

S jfr*) 

,~‘m-fl<n\ adj. n.m. slanderer ; calumnia- 
y/^ tor mischief-monger. ; adj, mis- 
chievous (person) slanderous (person) [A ~ 

fZptmafiooh! adj. conquered ; subdued 
taken ; captured (of letter) having zabar 

(i)overlt{A~ £>3 

-•,» naftoon' (or -toifi') adj. fascinated ; cna- 
H/y* moured dotard mad tyijs^maftoon' 
ho'nn v.i. be enamour (of) ; be fascinated with 
date (upon) [A>~ ] ' 

n.m. (pl. (J&m- flijan’) Muslim 
(j jurist ; Muslim counsel c£?'C<S( i )0*'m~fiija'n-t 
shar u -e matin' n.m. pl. expounders of the irrevo- 
cable code of Muslim law [A-»0 m ] 
•frm'fakb’khdr adj. honoured ; esteemed 
dignified [A ~ j 
major ' n.m. asylum [A- jly] 

m~/ar’re/! adj. reviving n.m. cordial OUy* 
W maj'arielal' N.F. pl. cordials [A~ 

. m~frad adj. simple (medicine) urcom- 
^pounded. single singular adv. alone 
&)ff'm*fradal' n.f. uncompounded medicines 
single (drugs) [A~ j fyt] 
f*+m r 'faT'T<is adj. Fersianized (word, etc.) 

^/• m f rtt AD 1* excessive [A 

• mafroor adj. & n .m. escaped (prisoner, 

etc.) fugitive n.m. fugitive 

runaway [A~ j!) ] 

A, f^ma/roosh' adj. spread ; carpetted n.m. 
U3/ article of furniture*^ n.m- 
pl. furniture [A ~ ] 

ji •^mafroo'zah n.m. hypothesis adj. supposed 
Jf hypothetical [A ~ i/y>] 

• m fiid adj. mischievous (person) 
seditious (person) n.m. (pl. tfjJPm'fsidlu') 

mischief-monger seditious “person 
m fsida'nah adj. riotous (assembly) mis- 
chievous (manner) ; seditious (speech etc.) adv. 
mischievously seditiously riotously [A - 

0 l^rnafsadah n.m. (pLssfrmofa'sid) riot ; 

tumult ; disturbance mischief 
maf'sadu-pardaz' n.m. mischief-monger ; mischief- 
maker ; rioter# J zJ^maf’s/ida-parda'a N. F. 
mischief-making rioting [A ~ jC*} 

• m-fas’sir n.m. {vL.n/p^mr-fassiriri) exegetf 
cal writer ; writer of Quranic exegesis (A- 


L&jy" nu fas' sal adj. detailed adv at length ; in 
U detail n.m. concluding portion of the 
Holy Quran {usu . ^H^mfassalat') 

countryside; rural area outlying area of district 
(as distinct from its headquarters or cities J'Jjt***' 
(iuelj rrrtjas' sala-t zail' (or sad'r) adj. following 
adv. as follows [A 

I Ifmaf'ool' n.m. object ; catemite , 
minion * jf^maf ool' be-ht' n.m. direct 
object l }L & (Jj* t/ ’maf‘ool-e satii n . m . indirect object 
^(Jy^maf'ool fih' n.m. locative casej/^jjM'* 
mafool' la-hoo' n.m. oblative case 
nih'a-hoo n.m. accusative case in opposition 
with a noun in nominative; object telling of 
something that accompanies another [A ~ ] 

jy—^mafgood' adj. missing^ goo' d-ul- 

kha'bar adj. (one) untraceable (person) 

[A~eiUS>] ■ 

m''fak'kir n.m. (pl. 'fak'kirin') (A 

Sf ~ J»'} 

J&ni 'fits adj. poor ; indigent beggarly 
U penniless n.m. pauper penniless 
person lisa beg n.m (iron.) pauper 

(f^m f'hsi n.f. poverty,, indigence 
pauperism , pauperdom list 

weft a'fa gi'lct prov. misfortunes never come alone 

^mafloof adj. paralytic , palsied [A ] 


I ^^ /i tnaJ'lod'k-ul-/ial‘ adj. destitute adv. in 
straitened circumstances [A ~ 

•a !i® Jav'vazah adj. assigned entrusted [A~ 


jt V» mafhoom' n.m. (pl. ft is^mafakim') sense 
Iff meaning connotation 0} (fP'mafhoom' 

if' ns v t. interpret Ijf fy^mafhoom' ho'na v.i. 
mean be understood [A ~ jV ] 

•ntiijid' adj. useful profitable ; benefi- 
cial advantageous officacious that has 

utility UsAf^mufid’ par’ m v.i. (something) agree 
(with) ma l lo(im' ho' na v.T 

(appear to) be useful (A 

muqa'bir n.m. (pl. pf fJv' n.m. •£) 

— muqa balah n m. comprison contrast 

competition contast confrontation 
opposition ; contention I’lScL&'muqa'bale par a' na 
v.i. oppose challenge the authority (of) 
l£\ZfiiiUqa'bil adj. opposite against 
compared opposed opposing confront- 

ing |A] 

j ^mBqn'bah n.m. toilet-box 

.*!*• mUqn'talah n.m. slaughter , carnage ; battle 
/rSfif conflict [A doublet of Ji?) 
j^Q^maqai'it' n.f. (pl. of-A**N.F -^r) 


, mUqa'rabat n.m. approximation 
• J 'dV affinity sexual intercourse [A — ] 

«• muqa ranat n .f . companionship con- 
junction propinquivy&i&'muqa' rin adj. 
near ; close (A doublet of c >!/] 

. - maqa'sid n.m. (pl. o£a*£'’n.m. j)r) 

^y^^tnuqa la'ah n.m. boycott [A- & 1 

, «• maqal ' n.m. word, talk, speech d&tjsf 
4/ '^'shi'rifi-maqal! adj softspoken sweet* 
tongued [A ~ jj] 

maqalah n.m. (pl. C ydismaqalat') treatise 

dissertation ; thesis discourse ; disquisi- 
tion anide^U^ IJI^maqa' la-e iflitahiy'yah N.m. 

leading article ; editorial [A -{Jj\ 

A* maqam' n.m. {VL.i^ltfmaqamat') place 
('“site situation encampment position 

station status ; dignity tune bases 
occasion ; opportunity ^tyfle/maqa’m-e tbrahim' 
n.m. name of a place in precincts of the Holy 
Ka‘aba where lies the stone on which Abraham 
rests his feet while building the sanciuary cff li/ 
maqam' kar'na. v.t. halt j^f&maqa'm-e mahmood 
(or •mailt') n.m. desired status lofty station 
where the Holy Prophet’s Ascension took him 
maqa'mi adj. local n.m.^ native ; local (as 
distinct from refugee [A-f'ts] 

&^~^mUqa'vamat n.f. resistance [a~^j 

.. muqa'marat n.f. gambling /•&muqa'mr 
n.m. (pl. (fy&mUqa mirin') gambler [A ~ 


—.tnaq’barah n.m. (pl. y&maqa'bir) tomb , 
yf' sepulchre , mausoleum [A - ] 

« ••^maqboo'zoh adj. seized ; captured ; 
occupied taken possession ofclt^*" 
maqboozst’ n.m. pl possessions , conquered terri- 
tories [A ~ 

{ ••maqbool' adj. popular acceptable 
Y/f C^yfmaqbool iy’yat n.f. . popularity 
acceptance [A - Jf>] 

Zfi^rnuq'iabas adj. culled (from) excerpt 
(Jf* (of) ; extract (from) [A 
,„•» mUq'lada n.m. leader ^Z^mUq'tadl n.m. 
follower (prayers) [A ~ Ufi] 


. ‘•"muq’todir adj. powerful (one wilding 
authority [A~><XTf] 

* »T/ m *<tt<tza' n.m. demands (of justice) 
‘^■‘^inclination (of mind) exigency {of situ- 

ation) i/^muq' tazl adj. desirous demand* 
ing ; wiging requiring ; calling for exact- 
ing [A ~ u&Tl 

^fimaq'tal n.m. place of execution [A- ] 

,~~fmaqtool‘ n.m. (pl. ( jij*'maqtoollri) one 
Ojr who is killed victim adj. killed ; slain 
(A~ Jf\ 

miqdar' n.f. (pl. sj&tnaqadjr') quantity 

dd* amount measure size ; magnitude | „ maqdoor’ n.m. authority power 

length ; term ; span expression J Uj^ability capacity guts ; courage 

miqda'r-t ghair-mitama'sit n.f. one of the hetero- * • - a. . ^ -. 

venous exnressions a mUtnth/ro'. 

'•mUqad'dam jsn'nn (or sa'majhnn) v. give 
priority (to) prefer regard as more impor* 
tant cfjfjZ’mlqad'dam rakh'na v.t. give 
priority (to) place the first on the list give 
precedence (to) Ilf (*u2“ ml qad'dam ho’ ns v.t. 
receive priority be the first on the list 'jH^imqad' 
damah n.m. (n..<5>&muqaddamat') indroduc- 

tion ; preface preamble ; prolegomena 
advance-guard case; law-suit jtf&jirmuqad' • 
damat-ul-jaish' n.m advance-guard Tiqad'- 
dame-baz n.m. & adj. litigous (person) (f/f 
muqad'dame-ba'zf n.f. litigation litigious- 

** magdoo/ n.m. authority power 

tnxqd*!™ ^hair-mil lams' sit n.f. one of the hetero* weahh means . rcsources (^^tJ^maqdoor’ 
genous expressions e^j^miqds't-t muta$\a/- b%af (or 1a k), , Via -ba-mZqdoor’, jjj&itf' 

jyirah N F. variable quantity or expression hat’ ta-l-maqdoor' ADV.'the best of oiie’s abilitv^ 

miqdzfr-t mutam&’sil n.f. one of the homogeneous 
expressions Jj^jUi^miqds'r-t majhool' n.m. un- 
known quantity or expression i~ c J/*i l j£fmiqds'T-t 
murak'kab n.f. compound quantity or expression 

naqdooi 3 ki bat' n.f. aquestion of one's 
resources maqdoor' na rakk'na 

:nown Quantity or expression r~e (or ho* na) v.i. be unable (to do) not to be in a 

nurak’kab n.f. compound quantity or expression position toflfjjj&'maqdoor’-va'la n.m. man of 

*->J/*2ltafmiqda’rg ma'roof' n.f, known quantity means Vjf/jja'maqdoor’ ho'na v.t. have power 

or expression Jj'J^miqds’r-e man'fl n.m. nega- or ability be in a position (to do) [A 

ive quantity or expression jL&yZ'mBgar'raraA Z/maqar' n.m. (lit.) abode station (A - 

niqdsr' ph. fixed amount constant quantity / 

miqdar' ph. fixed amount constant quantity 
or expression [A— jjs] 

-*muqad'dar n.m. fate ; destiny adj. destin* 

; predestined ; ordained by God ; preor- 
dained (of word or expression) understood 
Cbjljjf^mUq^d'daT avmtna v.t. try one’s luck 
Q t j \jjZfmQ,qad'daT-avna''\ n.f. trying one’s luck 
l' tfjfXuZs/jXismlqad'daT bar-gash' tah ha ja’rta 
v.t. be unluck ; have an advene fortune C&LuZr 
muqad'dar (ha'makn a v.i. thrive ; prosper 

have a sudden stroke of good fortune [A 

qir' n.m. (PL.vtySmuqirran') corfessor 
affirmer one who pleads guilty one 
who executes a deal adj. confessing pro- 
fessing ; acknowledging affirming under- 
taking; assuring Uj£ / * / ‘m\iqir' ho'na v.i. confess 
admit avow plead guilty execute a 

flad m *4 rSZ ' N.F. (lit.) scissors a wrest- 
Uy ling-trick ; trouncing by trampling upon 
adversary’s neck [A] 

& Mjnaq' diiat (or-da-) n.f. power ; ability [A *>.muqar'rab n.m. (pi.. c£y*' m uqa rr abin') 

doublet of*3(£] trusted person dose friend favourite 

muqad'das adj. (f. & PL .'^jSrmuqad'dasah) person confident adj trusted favourite 

holy ; sacred sanctified consecrated close : intimate d^aL/ / ‘muqar’rab-ul-khid'mot 
hs\\o^tA^O[fjirmaqad'dajkitab' n.f. holy ^i^muqar'rah-e bsrgah’ n.m. (arch.) 

book or scriptures (of Wjd^Ukita'b-tmoqad'das ' • • - - - • - - > 

n.f. (dial.) Biblc^by&t&maqama'l-e muqad’das ah 

N.M. PL. holy places ; sanchianes jfjSftnaq' dis rar & ADV . poiniea empIoyea 

n.m. sacred place t/V/^Aai t-nl-muqad'das (or \j? ? fixed . settlcd agreed upon pres P cribed 

- maq’dis ) n.m. Jerusalem [A] 

fTynaq' dam n.m. arrival onrush; flux [A~ 

V f*JS ) 

-- muqad’dam ADJ. chief superior 
(d*^ prior ' more important n.m. antecedent 
major premise village headman a minor 
official of agriculture department (C^T 

person confident adj ( trusted favourite 
close ; intimate d^i-^muqar'rab-ul-Uhid'mat 
e%j\'-gf'muqar'rab-e bargah' n.m. (arch.) 
personal assistant favourite trusted servant 

^mUqat'rar adj. & adv. appointed employed 
'/ fixed ; settled agreed upon prescribed 
established defined regarded 
mUqar'rar kar'ns v.t. appoint settle 
prescribe regard k'jf^muqar' rar ho'na v.i. 
be appointed be settled be prescribed tj/*' 
muqar'rarak adj. appointed fixed settled 
prescribed established defined settled 
agreed uponl/^muqar'rari n.f. (arch.) 

fixed tenure in perpetuity tenure at fixed rate 
of interest [A) 

jZfmiqor’rir n . m . (pl . tfJf'miqarTirW) lecturer, 
/ oiator [A~ ,4^] , _ 

\~,muqar'raz’ adj. ihea.TcdiStf'miqraz' N.F, if 


n.m. debtor aoj. indebted [A~ 

\~ m uq'ar , nas adj. spiralled roof or building 
L/jTN.m. spiralled building (A] 

« maqroo' qah adj. (of^ property) attached ; 

•» "> maqroo' qah adj. (of pi 
confiscated [A- £>] 

; <* jnaqroori adv. near 


connected [A) 

adj. & n.m, who brings about a change of 
he%rt God as such ; converter of hearts \Kr* 

sTyniqal'lid n.m.. conformist disciple , 
follower J&yZ ghair'-muqal'Hd n.m. non-con- 
formist [A~ 

^^majloob' adj. inverted reversed v>r 
* ' (Ss^rnaaloob-t mis' lain n.m. palif drome 

[A~ *r^3 

jfei, mag'na'iu n.m. magnet^'l^'m.jynartrj 
C'- I'^adj. magnetic n.f 

magnetism (A~ G] 

*£* muqan'na * adj. veiled n.m. veiled prophet of 
£/ KhorasAn [A] 

j jymuqarinin n.m. law-maker ; legislator 
(2/ muqan'ninah n.m. legislature adj. legislative 
2^/^ maj'lis-e muqan'ninah legislative assembly 
or council (A ~ (*)/ If J 

. £*for (fjpsmuqav’va n.m. cardboard , paste. 

board (A reinforced - t r£s i ] 
tr^maqoo' lah n.m. sayiug quotation 
maxim ; adage ; aphorism [A — Jj] 
/Zfmuqav'm adj. strengthening.; invigorating 
O* t \(£ji*'muqav'v\-e bah' n.m. & adj. aphor- 
disiac oJ'Ly y /?(j,y*muqav’m-e ji'gat (or ka'bid) 
n.m. & adj. hepatic (drug) 
dil' (or ya/'A) n.m. A adj. "cardiac-; cordial 
Z/b(fj*'mZqav’vi;e dimagp’ n.m. & y adj. cephalic 
(drug) BjustfJpfmoqav' vi-e me''doh n.m, & adj. 
stomachic (drug) (A ~ 

mdqhoot' adj. oppressed (one) in the 
JJT bad books (of) [A- yj) 

. .•niiqyas' n.m. gauge ; meter prep, meter 
u ifif Cjj/ttffrmiqya s-ul-hara rat n.m. ther- 
Tnome.icTi^uJ’^f'iniqya' s—il-la'ban n.m. lacto- 
meter’ll nnqya 's-ul-ma' n.m. hydrometer 

water-guage ^ lif£ / ‘migya's-ul-mau’sm n.m. 
meteorograph Ijd^j^migya' s-il-hava' n.m. (rare) 
barometer [A- 

^ZymUqil' n.m. ~ one who gives everyone his or 
u- tT her livelihood this as attribute of God 
|A ~&jqoot) 

0 * m.tqay'yad adj. imprisoned incarcerated 
confined bound in chains fettered 
shackled bound down (to something) (A~ 
M.\ _ 

iui itmuqqaish' n.f. gold (or silver) thread 

brocade muqqai'M adj. f brocaded 
embroidered in gold or silver thread 
j£*miqim' adj. residing ; stationed 
(•» mUqim' raik'na (or h&na) v.i. stav [A 
^mak'ka n.f maize (doublet of jj** ] 

— .miq'sit adj. just n.m. this as an attribute 
Jfc^of God [~ jfc2] 

• maqsoom ' n.m. fate; destiny dividend 

adj. divided apportioned Cliff***' 
l ) maqsoom’ jag' na (or dia'makna v.T. have 
good ionxsnt.^^p^maqsoom' 'alaih' n.m. (Math.) 
divisor tfJjJ^maqsoom' ka lik'kh-a (or likhs) 
n.m. fate [~ CZ***} 

^prmiqash' star adj. peeled ; skinned (A- ] 

^.maq'sad (ped. -sid) n.m. (PL^l^maqa' sid) 
purpose : aim ; object intent ; inten- 
tion design wish ; desire meaning ; 
purport b'X/j^maq'sad bar-a'na v.i. (of some- 
one’s object) be achieved (A~ 

.TsmUaas' sir -Apt, deficient; falling short of 

^maqsood' n.m. aim; object intent 
design {A - juS ] 

0 ‘Zfmaqsoo'rah adj. shortened (alif) 

closely-guarded n.m. niche in mosque 
for leader of congregation house owner's 
private apartment [A - 

^Jyj fnuq at'tar adj. distilled (water, etc.>> (A~ 

j~/niqat' n.m. rest for pen in trimming [*- AA>] 
LZs maq'ta' n.m. concluding couplet (of poem) 

d? 1 

Jpa Smiqat'la' adj. (of beard) properly tnm- 
C/ med reserve ; serious ; solemn cultur- 
ed 'Zh&muqatta'at' n.m. pl. small ..pieces of 

cloth verse in short metre [A- 
^^maq’ i ai n.m. anus (rare) seat [A} 

'jpfmiqaf.'fa adj. rhymed (A ~ ^ IT) 

^ftmiqqf'fql adj. locked [ - ( y > \ 

t^miqjVlib adj. & n.m. w (one) who brings 
*0*^ about a change ^jy^^^miqal'lib'ul-qiloob' 

(one) in the 

pgEF. meter 
n.m. ther- 
n.m. lacto- 

tAmUKki, JmvXkah n.m. blow with the fist 
kjVt>& mUk’ka lags' na (or mar'na) v.t. 
give a blow with the fistjb^milk'kr-bac n.m. 
boxer ($'A<£,mUk'kt-ba’& n.f boxing 
fisticuffe y 

^J^makzftib n.m. (pl. 6f *£>xm. ★) 

^ ^jy/makatib 1 n.m. (pl. of if) 

Smakkar ' adj. cunning ; crafty ; deceitful n.m. 
Jy (F.ii&s makka’rah) cheat deceitful person 
pretender impostor rogue knavery 
makka'ri n.f. cunning ; artifice cheating 

deceitfulness imposture knavery 

roguery [a~ yj 

moka’rim n.m. (pl. ot&Crn.t, if) 

••ZtA, m *ks 'shafqh n.m. revelation ; apocalypse 


M .f^mukafat' n.f. retributionfl^/t.j 
^""makafat' mil' ns (er ko pahutifh'na) v.i. 
suffer for one's misdeed [A] 
i^muka'lamah n.m. (pL.*2&l^mukalomat') con- 
'•'* ^versation ; dialogue [A— (if 1 

Smakari n.m. ivh.OClymakaiat') house ; 
abode lodging ; dwelling lodge flat 
apartment (rare) place ; space 
makan’ baitk’m v.i. (of house) collapse (owing to 
rain, etc. ) vi* & makan' -dar n.m. owner of rented 
house 5 landlord &J(A)£j.Jtf&iMkari kira"e (par) 
de'na v.t. let a house Ci fJtfjZJJiy&makari 
kira't (bar) le’na v.t. rent a house [A] . 

(tAmaka’'id n.m. pl. tricks ; frauds (A~^> ] 

( mUkab’bir n.m. enlarger one of the 
congregation repeating die leader of prayers 
cautions [k~y*?\ 

"(malt tab n.m. (tL.*(lfmaka'tib) elementary 
religious school school (of thought, . etc. 1 
(arch.) school ; academy 
mattab-e khayal' (or fik'r) n.b. school' of thought 


•% mak'tabah n.m. bookshop ; bookstall 
‘J***’ (rare) library [A ~ <■?&] 

‘t&kmUk'taflA r»j. sufficient (rare) content 

O (A - U?(/J 

y_ !\(maktoob' n.H. ^(n.. t T t £&makallb‘} letter ; 
• ■^epistl k.^t\*~iyrrrmktoob ! tlaih' n.m. addressee 
(A ~y&) . 

jf^Cmak'toom adj. hidden ; concealed [A~y] 

«*> mult ti n.f. (dial.) salvation ; exemption of, 
{j soul from further transmigration 
tnuk'ti fauj n.f. Salvation Army -JSJ 
b(,ia'kat n.m. coronet tiara ; ornamental 
coronet for groom, etc. 

'mUkab'bir n.m. 


/ mUkad'dar adj. turbid (water) uneasy 

Jjs disturbed or troubled ; (atmosphere) 
displeared [A ~ j / 1 

/ mak'r (col, ma'kar) n.m. cunning ; wile ; 
S' artifice ; craftiness deceit ; cheating 
pretence unposture fraud (rare) strate- 
gem (,* j(/ mak'r kar'rta v.t. cheat deceiv 
defraud feign ; pretend resert to strate- 
gem 'dJUgJ mak'r &ahd’nl n.f. moonlight In 
early hours of morning which has the false effect 
of down nutkar tha'kar n.m. (col) fraud [A] 
( mukar'rar adv. encore again ; a second 

time^jfXX mukar’rar aft-fc adv. ‘post scriptum’ 
P.S. jfy* j,f mUkar'rar st-kar’rar adv. (col.) 
twice, thrice ; repeatedly [A~ f] 

. /mUkar’ram adj. respectable ; honourable (fS 
(y mUkar'raml ph. (superscription to letters) 
dear sir «>< (if nikar'ram (-<) bah' dak ph. (arch.) 
dear sir [A ~ (.S\ 

-j/mak'romal n.f, (pu(b'maka'nm) grace ; 
nobility of character [A] 

/ mUkar'na v.i. refuse to own up go 
IV* back on one's words ; retract one’s con- 
fussion b'<fy^CrUsaf mu’kar ja’na v.i. deny 
altogether mu’ karri, mu/tri n.f. (also 

$ y* kaih’ -mV karri) (usu. pl. as 

kaih’ mu'kamiak) assertion denial riddle based or> 

/ : mokrooh' adj. unbecoming bad 
disgusting loathsome ; abominable 
odious (in law) though not unlawful dis- 
approved ojSmakroo'h-t tah'rlml n.m. dis- 
approved to tKe point of being for bidden &IjS 
makroohat' n.f. pl. unbecoming things dis- 
approved though not unlawful things 
. y( mak'ra, yt mak'kar n.m. large spider 
mak’r i n.f. spider ri 

ka ja'la nIm. cobweb ' , 

( mUkas'sar adj. broken jam' 1 - e 

mUkas’sar n.m. broken plural ; irregular 
plural of Arabic noun [A ~ 

_( maksoor’ n.mi (Math) fraction adj. (f. & 
pt. tjjy* maksoo'rak) (letter) having 
*zer’ (?) under it maksoo'r-e a'sharifyah 

n.m. dedmal fraction/*^ maksoo'r-e ‘am n.m. 
vulgar fraction [A - 

.. &(■ mkshoof adj. open ; manifest 

disclosed; revealed brought to light 


~(muka‘ ,l ab n.m. cube adj. cubic ; cubical 
Ik * T ^muka“ , ab-nnma' n.m. cuboid [A1 
i • ( rnkfool' n.m. pledged; mortgaged 

Oy [a - 

ti/y mukla'vah n.m. (H. dial.) (same as 

Ojly \;f n.m. ★) 


» mukal'laj adj. & n m. (one) entrusted 
(with) duty ; responsibility Ca^'makal'lij 
adj. & n.m. (one) entrusting (duty or res- 
ponsibility (as subscription to invitation letter, 
etc. csp. as^fitPtahitukal'lif one putting (some- 
one) to inconvenience [A ~ 

mukoilal adj. burnished (rare) 
ij . crowned [A~ (fft tklil'] 

If viUkam’mal adj. complete adv. finished ; 
L J completed [A~ iff ] 

maknoon’ adj. hidden ; concealed 
Off (fig.) yet undercovered (fig. precious 
c dur^r-e) maknoon' PH. hidden pearl ; 
precious pearl [A] 

/ mako' n.f. cape gooseberry ; brazil cherry; 
‘sohamum rubrum* . . 

)r f makau'ra n.m. large ant ki'rt 

ljjr : makau're n.m. fl. insects 

mikau'kab adj. speckled [A- if) 


f mak’kl 



month /,*- 
" sa mukk'ra 

mak'kah n.m 
Meccan [A] 

/ tnTikk n.m. (dial.) 

mikk’ra n.m. 
n.m. lovely face 
ft/ mafcka'na-N.M. dry water-lily seed 

/f mak'khan n.m. butter (fJif^ mak'khan 
O' . tos n.m. bread and butter 
i*jf makh'na n.m. a kind of laige elephant 
- . with small tusks adj. such (elephant) 

of mak'khi. n.f. . fly sight (of gun) 
V I'jL mak'Ma par mak’khi mar’na 

v.i. copy blindly fj^^'mak'khi (Loos' n.m. 
miser; a niggard; stingy personC&lfh •< 
mak'khi chbor'na aur ha' thi ni'galna prov. swallow 
the camel and strain at a gnat £&'(f mak'khi 
ni'galna v.t. hourt trouble land oneself in 
trouble mak'khiyah bhi'nakna v.i. be 

sordid I'jl tjQ* mak'kkiyafi mar'na v.t. sit idle 
have nothing to do (of shopkeeper) have 
slump in trade V^^jZ&^uff wak'kkyoti ke 
thhal'te ko ether' na .v.t. stir up a hornet’s nest 
W&ifffO&C' /f(fa^e>^‘jdoodk se mak’khi ki tar'h 
nikal' fhehX'rta v.t. get rid of without compunc- 
tion par mak'khi na baith'ne 

de'n* v.i. avoid incurring even the least obli- 

midi/ya n.m. village headmaj\jj^ 

^ makai"' (f mak’ki n.f. 


maize-, Indian corn 
m'uk'ki n.f. pressure with 
the fist ff^L.ta'\e ko 
muk’kl de'na n.m. knead flour with 

fist ; press dough with fist C’L^ maky&'na v.t 
give a, blow with the -fist 
.A? makin' n.m* resident inhabitant 
O'** If makin' ho'na v.t. live f A ~ ) 

f mug'dar n.m. club for exercis- 
JJr ing muscles like dumb-bells ; 
exercising club fjjj jjf mug'dar 
hila'na v.t. exercise muscles with' 

magdam'bar n.m. a kind of high tent 
^ large wooden palanquin 
t ma’gar conj. but (lit.) perhaps 
y f ft a' gar ma'gar PH. if and but if ff 

a' gar ma'gar kar'na v.t. pievaricate [ ~P] 
r ^ ma'gar n.m. crocodile ; alligator 
y eardrop 

f mag'ra adj . (f (if mag'rl) ainning ; 

crafty one who feigns ignorance, etc. 
to shirk work ^if mag'ra-pan n.m. cunning , 
craftiness ; artifice „ 

mdgas n.f. (lit.) fly hct / ,^j ( jr 
U ma’gas-ran n.m. fly-flap tyj(j^ma'gas~ 

ra'tft n.f. driving away flies inactivity 
perfprm servile office [P] 

> ma'gan adj . absorbed ; engrossed 
w self-satisfied ; self-contented overjoyed 

Iff ma'gan ho’na v.i. be overjoyed trans- 
ported with joy be engrossed 
of mug'gham n.m. abtruse remark 
secrety draw [~A corr.J 
L mat n.f. (rare) ; wine if gi'l-o-mul 

U n.m. (fig.) woman and wine [P] 

mal n.m. (H. dial.) stout warrior 
dregs excrement [S] 
mil n.f. (or m.) mill [E] 

mil' la n.m. (derog.) priest (derog.) 
one knowing only religious lore . teacher 
in a mosque (arch.). ‘learned person jtj/fth 

^ft^mil'laJfi daur’mas'jidtak pit. nont 
can go beyond ' his resources this is my 
resort vfl* mjlld'nali N.m. (f. a* mills' nl) 
(derog.) religious sounded person priest 
•ip ma'lif-c a" la n.m. angels unmates 

(ft sir of ficaven [A~ + (ft ] 

, milap" n m. meeting reconciliation 

t TT / IT agreement concord union ; unity 
combination milap' kar'na v.t. get 

reconciled lj% milap' ho'jia v.i. be. recon- 

lb* iL rni'lajh'la adj. tfJ mil' jil imp. (see 
•% under O mil'na v.T. if) 



p ,i mallatf n.m. boatman jailor ; 
mariner ; seaman 

malls# ks lafigo'ts H bhig'ts hai prov. a poor 
man stands to lose little ; a poor person has 
little at stake {Ji> mala hi .n.f. seamanship 
see separate entry if) adj. long 
mallahl hath. n.m. long stroke in swimming [A] 

„ mala hat n.f. nut brown complexion 
brunethe’s complexion as source of 
attraction brackishness elegance • beauty ; 
charm [A doublet of £ mil' A] 

mals'fcdah n.m. (pl. of n.m. ★) 

tZyu mils'hazah n.m. inspection review 

close examination regard ; con- 
sideration mulahazah kar'ns v.T. 

inspect review examine closely ; look 
attentively show regard or consideration (for) 
[A doublet of ] 

f.i malls' fc n.f. (usu pl.) curse without 

{/•# naming any names malls' hiysti 

suns' ns v.t. abuse thus ; curse 
flail* mala da' Is adj. see under t> mal'ns 
V ^ v.t. if ) 

malsz' n.m. refuge ; shelter [A] 

malar' n.f. (same as jlj> n.f. if) 

-•,/ mils' zim n.m. (pl. mulszin^n') / servant 
fdV* (rare) attendant hhan'gl 

(or gkare'loo) mlis'zim n.m. domestic servant 
{fytfj\£ssmks'i% mils' zim n.m. government 

servant mils' zamat n.f. service 

employment (arch.) paying respects to a 
superior (rue) attendance (on) ll/jPlCSstP 
mils' zamat ikhtiysr' kar'ns v.t. take up service 
(with) ; enter the service (of) 0“jlP mils'- 
zamat-pe'shah adj. (one) who adopts (govt.) 
service as his profession [A ~ (yj J 
•• atlL mils’ taf at • n.f. kindness ; favour ; con- 
sideration [A ~ •— 2*^] 

^jy mailin' n.m, (pl. of ^ nji. if) 

m i**., mUlsqst' n.f. meeting call visit 

interview introduction 
mulsqst' pai' da kar'ns v.i. obtain an introduction 
f / milsqst' kar ns v.t. arrange a 

meeting (between) introduce (someone to) 
£*$!)> milsqst' kar'ns V.t. meet visit 

call on interview 1'y, £/lf IP milsqst' ho' ns 

muls'qi adj. meeting ; visiting mils' qi 

ho'nsyi.T. call on ; meet ; visit [A] 

[ifiL malagi'n adj. of sandal-wood colour 
V” nut-brown 

|/r mdsl' n.m. displeasure grief 
dejection (rare) fatigue , weariness 

tiredness I'TjV’ malal' s' ns v.i. be displeased 
to be seized with be grieved be dejected 
1‘ fj ^^^-^cheh're par malal' a ns v.r. show signs 
of displeasure [A] 

•* j*IL ma ls'mat n.F. censure reproach 

reprehension reproof obloguy 

l !j mals'mat kar'ns v.t. censure 

reproach mals'mati adj. & n.m. censur- 
ed (person) reprehensible (person) [A] 

mils' na v.t. join unite mixblend 

f V harmonize compare ; tall intro- 

duce ; present bring together reconcile 
U— « mils’ le’ns v.t. win (someone) over 
mils"o n.m. JZ'jti’ mils' vat n.f. adultera- 
tion tJf ghiza’i mils' vat n.f. food adul- 

teration ; adulteration of foodstuffs [ ~ 

Jp.t mals”ik, mals”ikah n.m* (pl. of 
malak n.m. if) 

J,i mula"im adj, soft tender molli- 
f ** fied mild gentle mils’ 'im 

kar'ns V.T. soften mallify appease 

mila’imat, t^ilP mils"yamat n.f. softness 
tenderness mildness ; gentleness [A] 
mals"i n.f. cream (see under 

0 v* mal'ns v.t. fr) 

., mal'bs, ^ mal'bah n.m. debris 
•Z mal'baJchar’fh n.m. money realized by 
headman from peasant for officer’s enterainment 
milab'bab adj. wrong but approved brin- 
• * ful [pseudo- A ~ P ] 

y L malboos' n.m. (pl. malboasst') 

U. y, clothes ; garment ; apparel suit 
dress adv. clothed (in) [A~ << /-' > Cf 1 
ma’lat n.f. worn-out coin 

1 ^ mil'lat n.f. society; friendship 

mil'lat ks sd'mi adj. friendly ; affable 
sociable [ — ] 

mil'lat n.f. (pl. mi'lal) followers 
of a faith following (of) Muslim 
nation (j! mil' It adj. national of Muslim 

nation [A] 

of Muslim 

interview Cy t die tSt)> milsqst' ho' ns \i*Y milts'ni n.f. name of a musical mode 

be known (to) (Jlalh milsqs'ti 0 *^ adj. of or^as^of Multan (a town in 
caller acquaintance i> West Pakistani tf* /U^ milts : ni mat tl n.f.. 




6 ? 

armenian bole [~ y/L> a city name] 

[Ult mil' la, jUl’ta adj (see under t> mil'na 


mul'taji n.m. applicant petitioner, 
suppliant aoj. applying requesting 
imploring; supplicating Cy { g? mul'taji ho'na 
v.t request ; implore; beseen [A ~ Ipi ] 
v Pjt mul'tazam n.m. place for prayer near 
( / southern corner of the Holy Ka‘aba 

fA- (s?S\ 

, ~.‘a3 * adj. attentive, adv. inclined 

(towards) looking - (towards) (A ~ 


mui'tamis adj. requesting , beseeching ; 
c/ imploring [A 

♦*(, mul'tavi adj. put off ; postponed 
adjourned ( l ) mul'tavi kar’na 

(or ■ rakk'na) v.t. put off ; postpone [A ~ ip I ] 
aJ mulat'thi n-F. (same as miilaih'ti 

O n.f.*) 

iL mal'ja n.m. refuge; asylum (jjlf mal'ja- 
7 o-ma'va n.m. refuge ; asylum (fig.) 

retreat w 

tahib adj. flaming Ij * t-ur mUl' tahib 

• \ ho'na v.t. be in flames [A ~ 
ma'lat n.m. mallet [E] 

<S? mil'fari adv. & n.m. military [E] 

^ mil'h n.m. (rare) salt brackishness [A] 

L mul'hid n.m. (pl. tjrlh mala'hidah) 
atheist heretic infidel [A ~ )ld I ] 
mul'haq (f. & pl. mUl'kaqah ) adj. 

U adjoining contiguous subjoined 

V * / ‘ mul’haq kar'na v.t. include l’f ( 

mul'haq ho'na v.i. be adjoining ; be contiguous 
mUlhaqst' n.m. pl. subjoined remarks, etc. 
[A- JV»] 

/* Jf malhooz' adj. regarded considered 
JP malhoo'z-t kha'tir adv. borne 
in mind Cdfj },'jP malhooz' raki'na v.t. bear 
in mind take into consideration VffjjtjP 
malhooz taih'na v.t. be taken into consideration 
(A- ] 

k* mg' lakh n.m. locust Z> mo'r-o-ma'lakh 
n.m. pl. ant and locust ; insects IP] 

mUlakh'khas n.m. gist , summary ; 
{/ abstract ; epitome [A ~ ] 

• • i mulatZU. adj* & n.m, aphrodisiac jjh 
mUlaz'ziz adj. delicious [A - ] 

i t mu' lit mu' lit adv aghast helplessly 

S *. > mk'liit mB'lilt tak'na v.i 


look aghast look helplessly 

mul'zam n.m, (pl. muhamin') the 

( ' adj. accused [A - f#\ ] 

P .It !r >al zoom' adj. necessitated ('tp)fjl) 
[ P' la'zitn-o -malzoom' .n.m. pl. inseparable 
persons (or things, etc.) [A ~ fyj ] 

mal'oon' adj. & n.m. cursed (person) 

execrated being [A - JiiP ) 
l malgUo'ba iP* malgho’bah n.m. any 

mashed food; mash thick soup 
fulsome liquid mixture of food [T] 

moljooz' adj. (of letter) that is sounded 
maljoozat' n.m- pl. sayings (of 
saint, etc. ) (A ~ JUP \ 

«. malfoof adj. enclosed put in the 
envelope [A] 

•U, mUlaq'qab adj. entitled nicknamed 
\al-mulaq' qab-ba ph. entitled 

nicknamed [A ~ uJZ>] 

/ ma’lok n.m. (pl. mala’’ik, (V 

mala 'ikah) angel ma'lak-M-maui 

n.m. the angel of death dZ'J* mal'koot’ N.r. 
dominion (also ‘alam-e malakoot 

n-f world of angels “(jP malakoo'ti adj. angel, 
angelic malakoo'ti sifat' n.m. pl. angelic 

qualities fA] . 

/ ma'lik n.m. (pl. up mUlookf f. J> 
ma'likah) king , monarch ; sovereign 
chief (of); prince (of) ; magnate ; king 
jtf J UPrma'lik-ut-tSjjar'x.M. merchant prince 
business magnate ma' lijc-ush-sho'ara' 

n.m. laureate ; poet-laureate i ’JO* jala'lat-Ul- 
ma'lik ph. His Majesty ma’likah n.f. ★ [A] 
/ mul’k n.m. (pl. mama'lik) country 

dominion ; realm territory >> 
mul'k-ba-dar adj. exiled ; banished ; ostracised 
n.m. exile i'J'yjt ujjt mul' kdba-dar' kar'na v.t. exile 
uZP t/ i-t <-& tjJr mu!'k*e khuda' 

tafig' nes't pa n e gada' iafig' ties' t ph. one can 
try one’s fortune elsewhere there is no end to 
resources (Sy/ Jmul'k-gl'ri n.f. territorial 
aggrandizement of l£ / fj{/sjha'vas-e mul'k-gVri 
n.f. last for territorial aggrandizement 
mUl'ki adj. & n-m. indigeneous national 
[A] oj(y t^ijnavva’ b-e be mul'k ph. pretender 
proud person [A] 

P mil'k n.f. (pr Jpiamlak') property 
possession mil'ki n.m. properti- 
ed person landlord mil'ki ka'he 

na dil' kt ph. a rich person would never open 
out his heart to others , how can the opulent 
wear then htart on the sleeve cJ milkiyyat 

"F ★ [A] 

, nialakst' n.m. (pl of Jv ma'lakah 


hmjt mdlkana v.i. speak with an affected tone 
ma'laknd v.i. walk with an affected 


, “ j Jy malakool' n.m. & malakoo'tl adj. (see 
under *^6 ma’lakKM. *) 

Jy ma'likah n.f. (pl. j{lC* malika'et) queen 
^ ADJ. (rare) large ma'likah masoor' 

n' F a Urge species of lentil [A F. ~ 

Jy ma'lakah n.m. (pl. •£/& malakat') ability 
_ proficiency skill Vj«ft>Jb ma’lakah 
[ha sU) ho nd v.t. be able to be proficient 

, **jjy milkiy'yat n.f. property possessson 
[A~ mil'k] 

mal'gaja adj. (f. mal'gaji) dirty; 

' affability ^ mi/'ni n.f. (dial.) meeting on 
wedding day between elders of two families 
wedding procession’s reception 
[ mal'na v.t.^ rub message aniont 

scrub <!& maid" I n.f. remuneration 
for ^scrubbing 

malajig' n.m. one of a category of mendi- 
I cants ; unorthodox mendicant ; drug, 

addict calender [P] 

| Zy mil'ni n.f. (see under mil'ra v.t. 

\(J &i • ★) 

milau’nl n.f. (arch.) adulteration^ Cll> J 

soiled faded discoloured dusty 

^ mi'lal n.m. (pl. of mil'lat if) 

xa • mulam'ma' n.m. gilt plating 

^ electroplating aoj. gilt electroplated 
tawdry jlstf mulam'ma'-saz n.m. gilder 
plater dissembler (fj mulam'ma' • s a’ H 

N -F. gilding plating dissembling ( 

mulam’ma' kar’na v.t. gild plate electro- 

plate [A ~ V lustrej 
yt mal'mal n.f. muslin 

itL mal'mald adj glum; dej'ected 

mat mala hat n.f. dej'ection ruiny 

mulam'ma, mulam'mah n.m. (arch.) 

provisions stored in house to last a whole 
month or season 

mil'ni v.t. & i. meet come across 
have and interview embrace be 

reconciled get together get ; obtain ; find 
join touch mix ; mingle ; commin- 
gle blend resemble tolly 
mil' bat {' kt adv. conjointly Ujff J' mil' baitk'na 
v.t. come together get 'reconciled 

mil ja na v.t. & i. be found ; be recovered • 
be received get mixed up join together 
be reconciled jJi'J’mil'jal kar adv. 
together with a united effort l> l> mil'na 
JM'na v.t. meet frequently have friendly 
relations (with) n.m. friendly relations Jlf ik 
mirta jiil'la AOJ. resembling ^ mi'lan n.m. 
(dial.) meeting mi’ lan~sar adj. soaabli ; 

affable (Jjl^mi'lan-ta'rt n.f. sociability , 



1*| J* milva'na v.t. get joined [~ l> mil'na 

* * CAUS.J 

I’, y malva'na v.t. cause to rub, anoint or 
' * scrub ( ~ l> mal'na .cads.] 

• y mulav'vas adj. tainted *»^^,{/gUnah' se 
mulav'vas ph. tainted with sin [A - 


/V mulook' n.m. pl. kings Wj mulooka nah 
kJJr AD j. kingly ; royal ; regal 
mulookiy'yal n.f. monarchy ; monarchical system 
(A- ma'lik) 

/ L malool’ adj. sad ; dejected (rare) 
U a weary (A ~ Jib ] 

ntalo'/a n.m. yearning . wish grief 

| j malhar', malar' n.f. name of a musical 
mode sung during rains malhar' 

ga'na v i. sing in this mode be in a happy 

CT^ mulaih'ti , r mSlat'fhi n f liquorice 

Af miilham n m. inspired person one to 
C . whom something is revealed prophet 
mil' ham bil-ghaib' n.m. one to whom 
I something is revealed mul'him n m. inspirer 
t [A- f'Ul) ' 

^ mi' It adj. (see under mil'lat n f. if) 

, J> ^ <1 L mal’yn-mtt adv. ruined effaced 
' •* Vj'i U> mal'ya-mei kar'na v.t. ruin 
efface ma' lya-mtt ho’na v.i. come 

to nought be ruined be effaced 
.. m *'l* bha gat n.f plot ; conspiracy 

plot to defraud others [ ~ (> ] 

malicfrh.' n.m. (H dial ) pagan 
unclean person [SJ 

malih' adj. nut brown beautiful 

charming malt hah n f nut-bi Own 
maid (etc.) (A-*^>*) 


l, mah'dah n.m. bread mashed in butter-oil 
and sugar woollen cloth washed and 
rubbed into fineness [ — P tfjJ l rub corr.J 
( L male'riys n.m. malaria [E] 


mU'imltar n.m. millimetre [E] 

S mam n.m. (nurs.) water 
jL mil'yan n.m. million [E] 


At mulay’yin adj. & n.m. aperient ; laxative 

[A~ c^] 

( * mamat’ n.f. (rare) death Jf" 

^ hayst-o-mamst’ n.f. life and death 

[A doublet of 1 

mums' salat n.f. likeness ; similarity 

resemblance J 1 (/ mums' sil adj. 

similar ; alike [A~ ] 

[S mums' rasat n.f. practice ; exercise [A] 

iT# mamas’ n.m. (Math.) tangent ]A~ J 

jft # mams 'lik n.m. pl. countries states 
*“7*^. kingdoms; Vealms territories 
mams'lik-e ghair' n.m. foreign countries 
mams'lik-e mafnoo'sah jj m. protector- 
ates mams'lik-e mufav'vazah n.m. ceded 

. territories [A - sing. 

/t, , mamslik’ n.m. pl. slaves slave 
^7; dynasty (A ~ sing. JM j 
M ?. mums'na'at n.f. prevention pro- 
hibition V mums’ na' at kar’ns v.t. 
ban forbid prohibit tij 1 rnims'na'at 
ho'ns v.i. be refused be prohibited 
(A - 

*• . , mama'ni n.f., wife of the mother’s brother; 
0 ** maternal aunt ; aunt J 

mim'bar n.m. member ^ mimbars'nl 
S» (care or joc.) female member tf/Smim'bari 
n.f. membership [E] 

•|*Va mimtaz' adj. distinguished honoured 

■**7 illustrious; eminent; pre-eminent 
fi/ljVfjOmumlSz' kar'ns (or farms' ns) v.t. 
distinguish honqur [A~ } 

mum'tahin n.m- (pl. cjz mumtahinln') 
(y examiner fA~ Sr*/] 

—m mumtad' adj. extended stretched 

** (A- 

? mUm’iali adj. brimful (A- lP"l ) 

•Zf mum'tana' adj. ^prohibited ; forbidden 

impossible j^^iabU-* mUm'tano' 

n.m. easy style that is nevertheless impossible to 
emulate [A ~ 

irf mamas' sil n . m . ( pl . mumas' sitin') 

L/,- actor mamas' silah n.f. actress fA ~ 

> mumid' n.m. & adj. helper ; protector 
jjS mUmid' d-o-mo‘a'vin n.m. & adj. 
helper (Cjf t ) tfjjjlyjjS mumid' d-o-mo‘ s' tin ban" ns 
(or ho'ns) v.t. become (or be) helper [A-*- jlj*t ) 
mam' dooh adj.- (f. mamdotfhah 

praiseworthy ; landable venerable 
aforesaid ; above-mentioned NiM. patron 
laudable personality (A ~ £> ) 

• mamdoo'dah adj. elongated (‘alif’, etc. ) 
[A~ > ) 

» mamar’ n.m. course channel pass- 
/. age (A- J 

V mamrez! n.f. rowel 

— j mamzooj' adj. mixed ; blended / A~ 

/ / ,. mUm'sik adj. miserly niggardly 
retentive (medicine) n.m. miser 

[A ~ Jut) 

mum kin adj. possible practicable, 
(J/ feasible plausible ; credible -, con- 
ceivable likely liable PRRF. -able : -iblc 
lQ>^mum'kin-ul-fyusool' adj. Obtainable ; 
procurable Jjijl mum' kin-ud-dUkJiool' adj. 
accessible mum'kin-ul-objOfxT. adj. liabk- 

to exist distinct from one necessary to exist 
mum'kin-ul-vuqoo' adj. liable to 
happen mSmkinsl’ n.f. pl. possibilities 

y C/li&mumkinat’ ntefi se na ho'ns xj. be 
utterly impossible 

/ , mam' lukat (or mam' lakat) n.f. (pl. 
mama' lik) kingdom realm 

country territory (A doublet of <-& mal ic] 
y mamloo’ adj. full (of) tilled v\ ith [A j 

/ mamlook’ n.m. (pl. wifi/ mams' lik 
d J slave captive fjS mamloo'kah adj. 

owned j fy* mamloo' ka-o-maqboo’ zah ADJ. 

owned and possessed (by) [A - mil'k ] 

, » mamnoo"ah adj. prohibited forbid- 
/■i’jr den contraband £, Jj mamnoo‘‘ adj. 
& adv. porhibited out of bounds 
embargoed mamnoo'at' n.m. pl. prohibited 

things [A ~ ] 

• J mamnoon adj. obliged thankful 
d* grateful viamnoon’ kar'ns v.t. 

oblige mammon! ho' n& y.i. be obliges i 

mamnooniy'yat n.f. being obliged [A~ 


mamo’la n.m. wagtail 
ma'mi n.f. mummy. [E] 

f f ma'mi n.f. mummy ; mummified corpse 

0 {E~A Ley) 

. > mcurCya PREF. maternal ; of maternal uncle 
J: srL*Lf mam'ya-sas n.f. maternal aunt 

(of husband or, wife) mar/i'ya- 

si'sar (or khu'sar) n.m. maternal uncle (of 
husband or wife) ( *• (J/l* ] 

•. » mamys’na v.t. (of goat or sheep) bleat 

tjr Iono.] 

„ y wiBrnit' n.m. He who Causes death (as 
attribute of God) (A ~ tS'y* ] 

. y mame'ra adj. (f. mame'ri) descended 
from maternal uncle [A ~ (J/l ] 
if matrA'ra (ped. jyf mami'rsh) a medicinal 
/v root useful for eyesight [ ~ P 

f mlma/yizah adj. discriminating (power) 
9 /Z ) qiv'vat-e mumay'yizah n.m. dis- 

crimination mumaj/yaz adj. distinct 
distinguished [A— 1 

1 0 man ’ n.m. mind heart soul 

O' spirit inclination conscience atten- 
tion tnaund gem (supposed to be) in 
snake’s head ; serpentine gem (fi^fmari a'tak’na 
v.t. fall in love (with) ; have an attachment 
til if man' UtA’ns v.i. be satiated (with) 

(7/ Lj mtm'Uktana (or SAta' jo'itt) v.i. be 
sick and tired (of) ; be fed up (with) 
mm' B’goi'M (of snake) disgorge its stone 
nan-bk&'ta adj. liked ; loved ; cherished ; 
favourite (dish) HjTtWy’ man-bha'ta kka'ja n.m. 
favourite dish fc/ijj CflJ Is^fman’^ bu'rs (or 
bka’rt kar'na) v.i. be dejected •/ man‘- 
bka”ona adj. liked by one Z~fyi‘hsiLly: l j'mari 
bka"e mSftd'ya hila"e v.i. apparent refusal des- 
pite desire man'-bhar ADJ. to one’s 

satisfaction about onemaund man 

that' ja'na be sated be satisfied ; to be 
sated Cff J'J'jS- ttys' man ’ kkar 
sit' ‘ kila'na take kl zuban’ nd hits' na v.i. nod 
rather than talk L'iW,c/“ man' baihla'mL v.i. 
amuse oneself (with) ; divert oneself man'- 
tka' la adj. (f. J-cf* mari-fba'h bold ; brave ; 
courageous man'-samjhau' tl n.f. resig- 
nation i man' Aa kap'ti (or 

kkp'j ia or mai' la) ADJ. & N.M. malicious (person) 
man’ ka&’sLd kar’na v.i. lose heart | 

V/ if man' t kar'na v.t. desire 
kiat'ts ho'nz v.i. be fed up (with) 
man' ke lad-doo phor'na v.t. build castles in the 
air tj/ (fufjifman'- ki man' meh raih'na v.i. 
(of desire) remain unfulfilled ™ n ' ki 

may ph. whim ; caprice sudden desire 
CJ man’ lag’ ns v.t. have the heart set (upon) 
ClSiffman' laics' nZ v.t. yearn long for 
hanker after man' ma/ raih'na , j\(f 

mar' ke bank! raih'na v.i. suffer 
patiently suppress one’s desire man’ 

mar' ns v.t. suppress one’s desire ^ l ^ man- 
ma'ni n.f. wilfulness adv. according to one’s 
wishes man' -ma'ni kar'na v.i. be aril- 

ful; be head-strong do as one likes; act accord- 
ing to one’s wishes |> man' mil'na V.u be of 
the same mind (as another) nan ' mau'ji 

adj. whimsical ; capricious lijf tfyfman' mah' 
It' ns v.t. charm ; fascinate ; 'captivate 
man'-mo-’kan n.m. (dial.) beloved ; sweetheart 
mem ' men adv. in the mind (of) 
into the heart (of) VfdZtf man' meti s'nA v.t. 
& i. occur (to) ; strike fill (somef/ae’s) 
heart with one’s love man' hi man' 

meh adv. in one’s heart of hearts l r mai va n.m. 
(endearingly or as dim.) heart 
r t man' n.m. hole in the middle of weighing- 
W balance beam - . . „ 

f * man' pron. I (to) 

man’ a'nam ke man' da mm ph. I anow 
my limitations do not pull my 
yji rlyjman' tars' fa'ji bi-go'yam to mars' 
ha'jl bigo' ph.^ mutual admiration j 

^ lS'£'■e^J^ssi*m<m , (be me sars'yom-i-tambco'ra-e 
man' (jith me sars'yad ph. contradictory reports 
from the same end (/ 

khoob' me shins! sam ptra'ne parsa’ ra p’h. (iron.) 
the veneer of false virtue is too thin for my 
eyes [P] t 

f a man ’ n.m. manna (fjk'j if mann-o-sal'oa n.m. 
O' manna and quails (with which the 
Israelites were fed during the Exodus wonder- 
ful victuals [A ~ ] , 

> min psef. (rare) ^from imf rrdn-js' tdb adv. 
O' from. ; by Jill tf'min-jamb-illah\ adv. from 
God min-jUndah adv: from among ; out of 
all bjfi£&min-frn's-tf-majmo ot ' ph. on the 
whole kWl-il-vBjeok' ph. in every 

respect min-vajoh ph. in one way for 
one reason mi'n-o-*an adv. exactly ; as it 

was ; to the very letter CA* mirths' adj. A adv. 

★ [A] 



» \* mini' n.m. sacrificial centre on the outskirt 
C? of Mecca [A] 

. rnUn’na n.m. (f. (f'munni) small child adj. 
is* small.; little Qf'nan'nha mun'na adj. 
(r. (f' J*" nan'nhi mun'nl) small ; little 
j^manabir m.m. (pl. of^->N.M..-*) 

. manat' n.f. name of a pre-Islamic Arabian 
''w / * goddess [A] 

. Tt ttnajoi' N-F. hymn supplication 

so God ; iniplorationii>^(jJ(pU , fftft»<ija(' 
path'm v t. sin? a hymn implore God |AJ 
^ £ / i munS d‘ i n.m. vocative case [A— l> J 

. munadi N.F. proclamation public 
announcement to the beat of drum n.m 
(pcd.) proclaimer town-crier V/jjfiymuna di 
hat'na v.t. proclaim to the beat of drum 1A~ 


| * manat', fjl^mana'rah (pop. though ungram- 
J matical jl>pmirmr') n.m. tower mina- 
ret light-house [ A — jj ] 

muna'za'ai n.f. quarrel contention 

Jflf'lA -M>] 

. . manaiil __n.f. pl- stages storeys 
Gk^pliases ^2 (Jj£smana'?il-t i/a'mar n.f. pl. 


phases cf the moon [A - JX 3 
( muni' sib adj proper 'meet ; becom- 
• l^ing lit : appropriate expedient 
suitable : opposite ; pertinent corresponding 
— -a«'U-i*!M«U sabot n.f. fitness ; suitability 

connection ; relation relevancy ; consistency 


S. , mantiuk n.m. pl. rites of pilgrimage 
tavv rites prayers £ *-*C'&mana sik-e haj’ 
n.M. pl. Haj rites (A ~<J&) . 

^j^mana s\b n.m. (pl. of *-^n.m. if) ^ 

Vp* mani i ‘ T NM ‘ ^ SCC under J^' N - M - ★) 

i*. muna fir n.m. pl. views ; scenes 

manuiu-c qad’rat n.m. natural scene [A~ 
sino. jfy j 

L*j* muna corah n.m. dialectic ; polemical 
3/ writing or speech controversary ; dia- 
logue yPtsmUnB'zir n.m. [PL.tfjsUminazinn') 
dialectic ; dialectician ; polemical -writer or 
speaker [A ~ Jp J 

_ • .• mnna'farat m.f. hatred [A-iS'V] 


• . muna fatal n.f. bid to out de another 

be one better strife (A] 


•f N.M. (PL- of><* X N.M *) 

^lymana/e 1 n.m. (pl. ofv^N.r. if) 

J lyrnSni'/a (argils) n.m. profit 
O ^ muna fa' n.m. net profit glsflrkhv* 
muriafa * N.M. gross profit 
— • munafiq n.m. (PL M^r !■''>*»«« •*/»$**') 
(✓‘'''hypocrite dissembler pretender to 
\s\umCP^mUna' fayat N.F. hypocrisy dij» 

simulation show ; pretence pretensions to 
Islam [Ajjtii] 

\ AOJ- contrary (so); negating 

^ . mana'qib n.f pra Mrs qualities 
‘^^'eulogy of Imams &A\smuna qabal n.f. 
composing encomium to Imams [A~*3^*| 

I J” muna qashat K-P .^l smuna'quthak n.m 
dispute contention (A) 
muna'kahat n.f. marriage [A doublet of 

i. -manat' n.m. what comes to hand (only in) 
0*^ J&j Jlmal-o-mandl N.M. wealth ; riches [A] 
.* mannatt' n.m. great benefactory this 

C'*'** as attribute of God [A ] 

.... mana'na v.t. coax ; cajole bring 

v *' round persuade prevail upon 
wheedle conciliate appease ; propitiate 
celebrate (festival) [A ~ fc'kCAUs.j 
fl.- manah.ij n.m. (pl. of g n.m. if) high- 
er ways ; roads ; routes [A — ) 

manakt n.f. prohibition n.f. pl. prohibi- 

ijt ^'tions n.-f. pl. prohibitions [ ~ A siNC. iT-J 
^ ’munab'bat aoj. (rare) embossed tgjtfcwf 
munab' bat-ka' ri n.f. embossing raised 

tloral pattern [A] 

mim'bar n.m. (pl. j[ty’ mana'b'ir) pulpit [A) 

mamba ‘ n.m. (pl. * mans' be') foun- 
0y tainhead source : origin [A] 

man’nat n.f. vow vJ'ffjjUaifnaiiMtpotttt 
kai’na v.t. fulfil a vow ijftfj/fliSmn'net 
pao’ti ho'na v.t. (of vow) be fulfilled 
man not ka ph. got or kept as a result of vow 
Jjl>fcyman'nat ki tony' PH. neckband. worn in 
fulfilment of vow ffjf.ff^Sman'nal ki be'rt PH. 
such shackle on child’s foot ki 

bat' ph. hair worn thusU'lt sjfmariHatmittnt 
v.t. to make a vow [A — fc't J 

• min'nat n.f. (pl. mt'nanj bumble 
request , entreaty ; supplication (rare) 

obligation CUtl<d£ / mitfnat Ufka’na v. come under tive Ji/f^jnin'taqm-miza'ji n.f. vindictiveness 
obligation -C*. &Smin’nat-pa&T' adj. acknow- fill [A~ f'U/'ii] _ . 

1 edging of (someone’s) favour td{,\c*^min’nal- | (ped. ) muntaha' n.m. , goal 
pazi'rt n.f. acknowledgement of favour extremity IZr^mintaha' -e maqsood' 

min'nat sama'jat n.F. entreaty ; supplication n.m. goal ; ultimate aim tfV*'* min'tahi. adj 
coaxing ; cajolery j cornin' nat (or proficent learned n.m. one in his final yedrs 

min' na toft) kar'na v.t. beg ; earnestly implore ; [A~ Lr'l } 

entreat ; beseech (j^'iZ^'min'nat-kash adj. obli- J >j >» mifi't n.f. mint [E] 

ged adv. under obligation (^ J 'cJ>min'nat-ka‘shi 

n.f. eome under obligation [A] b V mi'nat n.m. minute [El 

r mun'Uy adv.. leading (upto) adj. deduced 
S,pat min’taj ho'na v.i. lead up to 


^J^min'takhab adj. , chosen selected 

^7*^ elected ty {J^**min' takhab kar'na v.t. 

choose, select elect ; return (someone) 
Vf min' lakhab ho'na v.i. be chosen, 

be selected be selected [A~ 

man' tar n.m. charm ; spell ; incantation 

^ (dial.) verse of Hindu scriptures 
««a'tor par4'«a v.t. & i. enchant recite 
incantation (dial.) recite verse of Hindi! 
scriptures tf’jgyman' tar phoofik’na v.t. cast a 
spell y^p^man'tar jan'tar j an' tar man' tar 

n.m, charm incantation exorcism 

n.m, charm incantation exorcism 
socery (jy'msn'tari n.m. % sorcerer ; magician 
(dial.) minister (/y^^)ln^' mah'tari 

mi'nat n.m. minute [El 

Ay man'soor adj. unbored (pearl) prose 
J* (writing) Vi kata' m-e mansoor' n.m. 
prose [A “• y* ] 

•» muh'jazib adj. that can be absorbed 

'-fj? [A~ V /^i] 

muh’juli adj. clear ; lucid (A ] 

Js munaj'jim s m. fpt. iSJ? minajjiir&n') 
r m astrologer [A ~ ~ ^/frtar] 

' Jy min' j amid. adj. frozen congealed 

[A* >l£l 1 

mifi'jim'lah adj. (see under cf min frit.) 

pS malt j an n.m. tooth-powder; dentifrice 


maijh!m v.i, be cleansed be 

polished j become cultured. (of langu- 


N.M. (dial;) -prime minister ; 'premier d&tSs* I age ) become chaste hi'U 

man tan man dal n.m. (dial.) cabinet [S] | zabiulyH. chaste language . • 

A jjfmin'tashit adj. dispersed (crowd) 
distracted (ideas) mun'tashir kar'na 

v.t. disj>er?e (crowd) distract (mind, ideas, 
etc,) Vjfyi&muri tashir ho'na v.i. (of crowd) 
be dispersed- (of mind, ideas, etc.) be dis- 
tracted (A ~ >14?) J 

UjymMn’tozir adj. waiting ; awaiting adv. on 
the look-out ; (for )’ yarnin' tazar adj. 
awaited ; expected [A - jlffi ] 

£+*>* mOn'iazim n.m. manager master of 
J ceremonies ; emcee adj. one good at 
management [A~ 

min' tape* adj; profiting enjoying 


. >fJ^*mun‘taqil adj. moyed; shifted carried; 

V transoorted v/iy^min' taqil kar'na v.t. 
shift - carry; transport L> , filmin' taoil 

ho na v.i. 


carry ; transport J&'miri taqil 
be shifted be transported [A~ 

23** mirftaqim adj. 

r ; "*** 

taking revenge ; aveng- 
this as attribute of God 

ifZr y^manUaqim-e haqi'qi J«.M. (God as) the 
Avenger in' taqim>mizttj' adj vindic- 

zaban\PH. chaste language . • 

mahjamq' n.m. (pl. maja'idq) cat* 

pult [A] . 

J/ matjh, prep, middle mafjk^dhar N.t 

midstream mafjh-diur' meh 

par'na v.i. be in midstream be in great 
difficulty ; be in. the midst of a crisis tut f* 
mafijk'la (f. matjh' A adj. between the 

eldest and the youngest ; middle mat j ha' la 

adj. middling n.m. half-sued, cauldron 
mahjfu'la n.m. delay l % ILff'matjht’la par’na 
v.i. (of delay) . occur U mat jins’ la dal'na 

.T. delay n.f. midday adj. (of 

night) quiet fearful 
l^pSmafiji'ra n.m. (same as n.m it) 

. Us miin'ttarif adj. disaifccted deviu* 
L-Jy ing declining deflecting Cjf&y 

min'ftarif ho'na v.i. rebel ; revolt . be dis- 
affected deviate deflect [A- C*(St J 
Jpf mun'hasir adj. dependent (on) 

resting (on) [A -Vll 
• Jy mun'ftanl adj. weak lean bent ; 

( y curved [A «. ] 


Jf' \ 

manhoos' adj . unlucky ; unfortunate; 

11-starred inauspicious abomin- 
able . execrable damned : d — d [A~ 

• mar.d suf. able -ible -ful having 
Js suf. -ability ; -ibility 

fulness having 

| •, man da n.m. slump adj. dull cheap 
Js mar!da bcih'na v.T. sell cheap 

Ijsman'da par'na (or ho'na) v.I. (of 
market) be dull of price fall ; slump 

• , man'dar (dial, -dir) n.m, (pl. jj U-* manmiit) 
JJs temple pagoda Hindu temple 

S JJ> muiid'ra n.m. large ring ; a collar 

, muftda’ rajah adj. entered; inserted 
SjjS mufida'raja-tla'la ADJ. & ADv. above* 
mentioned JiJ rjjJtau iidara'ja-e zail' adj. & 
adv following ; as follows ; as under ; as given 
below QjjlS tnun'daraj adv.. entered ; inserted 


J> ^ mail Jamil adj. healed up [A~ (] 

.. . muhd'na v.i. (of eyes, etc.) be shut ; be 
*Jr shut ; be closed [A- (’>)/] 

*, matdoob' n.m. (fl. tf.jXs mafidoobin') 

• delegate [A ~ ] 

i • mifidil n.f. a kind of brocade turban 
iM' table cloth napkin [AJ 
ih mult' da adj. shaven ; tonsured a 

’Jr kind of shoe having no point- 
ed toe [~ i 

I miiiidasa n.m. a kind of 

'S’ small turban ’Ui l? : 

,*| -k, mundana, Ujtr mimjva'ns v.T. 

* Jr licad, bread, etc.) shaved cause to be 
swindled niunda'i n.f. remuneration for 
shaving or hair-cut [ ~ ( caus.) 
t.J.jnah'dop n.m. (dial.) temporary struc- 

ntuiiduk’ri n.f. silting posture with 
0 j Jr head resting on knees. i,;tJ/Jk>m3kdaJk'r1 
marina v.i. sit thus 

J it , man dal n.m. (dial.) circle rirrum. 
Jr fercnce sphere sky [S] 

one s 

^jjj^ hover 

Jiy maftd'H n.f. group assembly f - 4t>) 

i,>. mifid'n* v.t. be shaved be tonsured 
be duped ; be swindled 
n.m. (H. dial.) the first shaving ceremony (of 
child) [- ifty 

. mafid'va n.m. theatre- a kind of 
\)Js coarse cereal 

mutdva'na v.t. (same as fijv v.t. •£) 

i >. matti'dha n.m. ■ pavilion bedecked with 
'PJr shoots and sprays prothalamion iVu£* 
mafid'dha ga'na v.t. sing aprothalamion [ ~ l'i>) 
.. > mar.dh'na v.t. cover drum/etc.) with 
*JPjr parchment put parchment (over) 
encase impose ; palm (something) off (on 
C(y*>i> v.t. get (drum, etc.) covered 
with parchment 

.b , muh’ di n.f. name of a medicinal plant 
O'Js hairless houseless (of mosque; 
with no minarets {— 
j>y muhdet n.f. parapet 

I ,y man' zil n.f. (pl Jjfr mans' zil) storey 

wv (of house) goal ; destination stage 
(of) journey one of the seven stages into which 
the Holy Quran is sub-.divided ; Quranic stage 
6/f < Os'" man' zil ba man' zil adv. -by stages 
C\gXS-i)yman‘zU par pahuiicjia'ns vjp. take 
to* destination perform the obsequies (of) 
OJ? ^J^Jman'zil par pahufttfi'na v.r., reach (one’s) 
destination IsjJpJman'zil dt'ns v.t .place the 
coffin on ground for respite while on way to 
graveyard Vj^-i)/^tnan'zil tai' kar'ns v.t. 
reach the journey's end get over a stage 
O' I man zil kaf'na v.t. act over a stage (WjJJ 
man zil kat'na v.i. complete the journey Vj'JyJ 
man' zil kat'na v.i. halt ; go one stage in journey 
man' zil ko pahafick'na v.i. : achieve 
(onc’s)^objcct arrive at (one’s) destination 

(® r 

man' zil (h) mar'nS v.i. journey finish a 
difficult task jj^tyjr'mariztl-e maqsood' n.f, goal; 
destination ttypp man' zil g”b n.f frarc) destina- 
tion JyJ" man'zilah adj. storied decker 

f A ~ ^ ... 

j .ymunaz'zal adj. sent down 
Us munaz'zal min-allsh' ph. God’s revelation 
[A~ Jy>] 

_/. V manzilat n-F. dignity statu* 

i£j/S } jjj qad'r-o-man' zilat n.f. esteem 
qad'r.o-manzi'lat kat'na v.t. hold in 
high esteem [A ~ Jj'J] 

i man'zilah n.m. place ; rank (only in) JjpJ. 

adj. (see under pref.) 

• j/munaz'zah adj. pure; free (from) [A ~ ] 

(one sj object arrive at (one s) acstmai 
Cj} fojpJ/Jman'zil kko'fl ho'na v.f. be getting , 
for one’s destinationK/f^yijJ^Sman'zil 

, ,y mutton adj. s e elu d e d (corner) (A~ arb 
(fis justice 

/L* MUn'salikah adj. attached strung ^ . 
together mBn’jelih adj. attached • 


^^l^mmnsoob' adj. attributed , imputed 

betrothed ; fiance {a*** mansoc' bah -jr*^ 
n.f. fiancee [A- wa^J I contri’ 

J \fMMuoo kh’ adj. cancelled abolished mansoc 

abrogated; annulled Jy^mansoo'kh I bandi' 
M.r. cancellation; abolition abrogation; mansoc 
annulment [A~£t j khandi 

n.f. temperament tor, minded , 

t*' P*~ .(/* ] pknni 

jAty man'sha n.m. tenor ; purport motive ; man' set 

intention place of origin ; birth place L .Jj 
&'<****' has’ b*t man’sha ra. as desired (by) 
tiMfjfyma*'lid-o-man'sha n.m. birth-place JjT* 

Zjs'manshoor' n.m. manifesto (arch.) suc h) 

^ proclamation prism [A- ^2^ ] ij 

*ly MB*sH n.m. dark ; vernacular clerk 
v (lawyer’s) clerk (army officers) largu- {f/* 
age teacher Persian teacher (rare) writer, [A~ i 
(arch.) amanuensis (arch-) secretary • 

Mitn'sH-kha’nak n.m. vernacular office 
mun'M-tfa’lak n.m. (planet) Mercury (£/ (T^* anc e 
MBn'sht-ga’ri n.f. clerkship tf^/S mhr-mBn’shi 
n.m. superintendent of vernacular office xli** 

arbitration S.y^*^ nun'sif-miza'ji s.r. 
justice fairplay (A~ *>t^0 
^ mansoob' adj. in accusative case 
• /*; bearing the vowel-point zabar [A- 

mansoc' bah nm. preject plan ; 
•Jr^ scheme design ; plot ; conspiracy 
contrivance intention aspiration J l 

mansoo'ba-buz adj. scheming l^jii^j^mansoo'bab 
bandi’ na v.T. plan resolve 
mansoc' ba.bah' di n.f. planning 
khandatd mansoo' ba-bah'di n.f. family planning 
mmoo'ba-bahdl national 
plann ing &****(($) l>*j ma ‘ ashi (or Iqtisadi] 
man'sooba-bat'di n.f. economic planning [A» 

maniocs’ adj. victorious ; triumphant 
succoured ; aided n.m. (correctly 
ibn-t mansoor’ though seldom used as 
such) name of a famous martyred mystic 
[A- &yi>] 

. mansoos’ adj. definite and unequivocal 
order of the Holy adv. such order/, 


• .manas'sah N.M. bridal chamber 

manas'sa-e shohoof n.m. place of appear-) 

# # - ly _ L 

min'zij adj. & n.m. (pl. nunzijat ') , 

w suppurative [A ~ ^ ] '>" 

munshiya'nah adj. clerical nji. clerk’s fee -Apt min' labiq adj. applicable conform. 

|A~ lii/J .. t/* ing (to) coinciding (with) 

&X* minao/di ADJ. intoxicating C'&minash. min’tabiq Jtar’n* v.T. apply (to) > __ 

V sAirar' N.M. pl. intoxicating drugs Ipseudo ^^man’tiq n.f. ' logic{& &hjl? ; tfo*nian’tii i 
A~p ] C/T (&**}’ ” a ( or bagiar’na) v.t. chop logic 

. . (ped- •«*) h.m. (pl. *s**frman-a'~ man'tiqi n.m. logician adj. logical [A- 

S. «*) office ; post > U^'swm'xaWar n.m. ] 

nfimr ^ke.Vs ~ ^mn’taqah n.m. (pl. mana’tiq) zone 

(rare) bt\t&SyJI}i&min'taqal-il-burouj 
N.M. zodiacjj^i/^^NwVlflJC-e ba’ridah n.m. frigid 
zone *j If 2&min'toqa-t hat’rah n.m. torrid zone 
^X^J^min'taqaH mo'’tadHah n.m. temperate zone 
[A- 0Ui>] 

^^fnMiooq’ n.m- utterance [A- jjr* ) 

L t/Mii'M ADJ. rolled complicated 

<SjTik~ «£~i 

£%> man' car n.m. (pi.. /*>m v*t&) scene 
jT sight spectacle View ; scape. . 
scenery f'bjr'marizar-t 'zuri IMi- public view 
MJjvjifman’zai-t W ptr la'nz bring into 
public view make public discloM dividf 

. sib) office : post n.m. 

(arcb.) officer magistrate s^+ifjt/’saska'ri 
mm*’ sab n.m. government poet official 

•j rmin’s arif adj. (gram.) inflected 

declined deviating (from) [A~ 

* yy man'sarm n.m. administrator clerk 
| of court manager one skilled in 

management [A ~ /f’t) . . 

• r ^ j>rnun'sif n.m. (pl. nuns if in' sub- 

judge^ subordinate judge adj. (also 
sxf-mizaj') adj. just ; fair-minded ; 
given to justice ^{i^munsija'nah adj. just ; 
fair |; equitable adv. justly ; fairly ; equitably 

min' sift n.f. court of a sub-judge , i public view 
justice ; equity judgment ; decision ; verdict I |A- 1 



rrmnaz - 
nMnaz ' - 

muiiaz'zam adj. organized t* 
r zam kar'na v.t. organize 
'zam ho'na v.i. be organized [A — ^'1 

j vanzoot! adj. sanctioned ; granted 
accepted approved liked intended 
Jr&jjti&mmzito'r-e khatir adv. desired 
mnzoo'r-e pa'zar n.m. favourite adj. favourite 
beloved adv. in the. good' books (of) 
manzoo'rl n.f. sanction permission 
approval Uzj (f.,J P / manzoo'r1 de'na v.t. sane- 
>on ; accord sanction (to) approve [A ~ Jz> ] 
fAfr manzporf adj, metrical ; versified ; in 
l ' verse form (rare) strung together (j&firf 
kalz'm-* manzdom’ n.m. verse: poem of. 

manzoomt' n.m. poems [A] 

vum* n.m. prevention dissuasion 
U prohibition adv. forbidden , prohibited 
Is man’ 1 kar’na v.t. prevent forbid 
dissuade prohibit Vyfgfman'* ho'na v.i. 
be prevented be forbidden be dissuade 
be prohibited [A] . 

• AD J- diverted 

tavaj'jqh mWatif kar'na v.t. call (some- 
one’s) attention (to) U/ tavaj 'joh mun' l atif 
kar'na v.t. pay attention (to) [A~ CfiiSi] 
t»\^mUn"aqld adj. held convened 
celebrated I' JjSf^mUn'aqid kar'na v.t. 
hold; call; convene celebrate l‘jfj£r'mun , aqid 
ho'na v.i. take place be held ; be con- 
vened be celebrated [A - jiSAi) _ /. 

m8n"akis adj. & adv. reflected i'jfc'*’" 
U mUx'akis ho'na v.i. be reflected [A ~ 

jtl'mQtC'im n.m. benefactor rich person 
l ‘im-o fag? gi n.m. (God as) 

True Benefactor [A- ^bit/j 
UUlPmOnagh'ghas adv. (of someone's) pleasure 
is be disturbed (AJ _ 

••r. pm’faz n.m; (pl. ji \> mana'fiz) orifice 
passage exit [A - ) 

mthtfd'rijah adj. obtuse (angle) (A- 


. jAftt&n'foad adj. uniflue isolated 
7 solitary ; lonely (A* 

j adj. separated [A - 

*.r. (Ft. $ ; profit 
JUs*** advantage ; benefit t&*Si***nsn'for‘at 
Bfia'ia v.i. . derive benefit (torn) profit 

& 1 ' . , 
tjpmtn'fo'U adj. asbatned pewteat 

y) passive (A* JM) 



ejs man'fi adj. minus 
deducted deprived (of) 
negative (A - £ ] 

,/z‘S mUn'fak adj. Separated [A - i ] 



CymUnqad' .adj 
j\js m * n ge T ' n.f- HH ; beak (A) 

! *• J ^ Sman'gabal n.f. dignity praise 
* eulogy (of the Holy Prophet’s Compa- 
nions or relations fA] 

munqasm adj. divided classified ; 
r categorized [A~ 
aV* miindq'qdh adj. elucidated (A - g?' ] 

— • m 


. mun'qabiz adj.. not feeling happy ; 
{J» dejected [A ~ 

munaq'qash adj. painted printed 

(✓ ... (cloth, etc.) impressed (upon) [A 

la^y rrMn'qazS adj. past elapsed 

0 expired ended ; finished [A 

J&S mOn'qate * adj. snapped finished • 
C' terminated exterminated [A 

miin'qalib adj. altogether cha 

inverted ; upside down 

miin'qalib ho'na v.i. (of circumstances) be changed 

[A~ <7* Half) 

♦V monqoosh’ adj. primed _carved ; 
engraved impressed [A ~ ] 

1 “^y ADJ. (f. Jrji^manqoo'tah) (of 

Jether) dotted (of writing) 

| mangooV adj. copied reported ; 
O' related ; narrated ; recounted tradi- 
tionally reported (sciences, etc.) Oj iJnSrnanqco- 
l at' n.m. traditionally; reported sciences; religious 
branches of knowledge Jj&'m&nqoo' lah ,adj. 
movable (property) reported [A~ ] 

I munaq'qa N.M. large raisin adj. (rare) 
purged [A ~ ■£&"} 

•A, man'ka N.M. bead vertebrae (of neck) 
& mon'ka dio'lakna v.i. be dying; 
to be at the point of death 
y mun'kir N.M. (pl.^ -A minkirin')- atheist 

jy jC^mXn' kar ADJ. strange dis- 
approved ^/f ^^mStn'kar nakir n.m. names of 
two angels cross-questioning the dead in the 
grave [A - j&i ) . 

mBn'kasir , gj^^mn'kanr.itt.miz^' adj. 


revealed ; disclosed 
■dawning (upon) ; clear (to) [A~ 

. A vCinia ' ktshtf adj 
tiiwninv <i 

(£* mankoo'hah N.r. lawful wife adj. married 
~Jr (woman) (A ~ £&] 

<* J/y mahga’na, vfj&’matgva'na v.t. cause 
" j to bring get an order placed 

mahg'ta n.m. beggar mendicant ; 

borrower adj. (one) given to begging 
n.f. beggar woman ; beggar ; 
maid borrower adj. (woman) given to beg- 
ging or borrowing [A - 

mafig'sar n.m. ninth Hindu month (cor- 
responding to November-December) 
matt gal n.m. Tuesday (dial.) Mars 

U bustle festivity pleasure song 

of pleasure Clf ( jfi'map' gal gs’ns v.i. sing a song 
of joy or congratulation ; sing in praise or 
honour (of) Vyjp'moh'gal ho' ns v.i. be a lot of 
bustle or festivity methg'H n.f. irritable 
gitUSJ x, 

rjB* mahg'nh n.f. betrothal ( ~ fc^l ) 

mafigra'ni v.t. (same as ifrs.T *) 

jA m&goo'&i n.f. (same as J^S n.f. -)c) 

A maftgo’ra n.m. seasoned gram meal roll 
l iJr^ mahgo'ri n.f. such vetch roll * 

mafige'tar n.m. fiance n.f. fiancee [ ~(f^ J 

. * min' -mm n.f. numble nasal tone 
slow working (,• / min' -min 
kar' ns V IV*' - minmina'na v.t. mumble speak 
through the nose go slow t in work ; work 
slowly (ono.] 

man'ty v.t. be reconciled be soothed 
^ t Kr. J'tfgfmari man kar bi’ garni v. 1 . be- 
come estranged even after repeated reconcilia- 
tions Ctymanva'na v.t. cause to agree 
cause to admit cause to recognize Jjf 
manm'li n.f. reconciliation { - l>‘l] 

> miunav'var adj. illuminated lustrous 

jr [A- y/\ 

wS««p'm« adj. nunated (A- y j 

A? mam' kar adj. lovely bewitching [S] 

, miHih' (also written as Jry or *y) n.m. 
mouth face , countenance figure 
tongue opening , orifice guts regard 
direction V'fym ihh' s ns v.i speak 

rudely oi* insolently have the thrush V U fj? 

miifih' a ja’na v.i. have the thrush 1, •/ 

(ap'na sa) mufth' It' kar raih' ja'na v.i. lose 
hope feel ashamed t*> I y mufth! utar'na 

VTtf'l'lsl^muiik' it'nz sa ni'kal a'ni v.i. have 
the face thinned by weakness ; grow weak 
mufih' u'tka kar ekal'na .v.i. walk 
carelessly Vlafiy mufih’ fltia'na v.t. hold up 
one’s head undertake a journey mufih' 

utha’e adv. carelessly dauntlesslyli*i£21?f«> 

mufih utka"e cha! It ja’na move ahead carelessly 
or fearlessly \jls y iifljsmVfih' S j'la ho ja'na v.i. 
succeed; win ‘success; come off with flying 
colours iTtflJs mufih' is qa'bil ho'na^ v.i. 
be able to be able to face iyjuZ-(jA~'**muiih‘ 
ash'kofi se dho'na v.i. weep bitterly eZ-yjCtds mufih' 
aftdke’re adv. at dawn ; early in the morning 
mufih' baftdh' ke baitk'na v.i. Hold 
one’s tongue , keep mum CO I^ ^mufth' bu'ra 
banana v express displeasure ; show dislike 
display effects of bad taste ds mutih' 
bisoor'na v.i. sulk ; left in the mouth ; pull a 
long face mufih' bigar'na v.i. make faces 
make a way face Clrt? > mufih' bi'gar ja'na 
v.i. (of bad taste) be left in the mouth C^ O. d* 
mufih' band' le'na v.i. sulk ; pull a long face 
Vis df'muW banana v.i. make faces pull a 
long face > mufih' bafid' kar'na v. cork 

put a stopper close the mouth worst 
(someone) in argument (fjO J* mufih’ -bafid ka'ti 
n.f. bud (fig.) virgin Viyds mufih' banvans 
v.t. (iron.) prove one’s fitness for a task/^jJ^* 
mufih'-bo'la adj. (f. 6j.* munh-bo'li adopted 
(child) sworn (brother, sister, etc.) d* 
miifih' -bol'ti adj. life-like (picture) 1‘fyymUnh' 
bha'r a'na v.t. be cloyedf l^/dJLj()jA>muiih bhara'i 
(or bha'ri) n.f bribe ; a sop yj d^muhh' bkar' 

de'na v.t. bribe ^yf^mhfih' bkar ke adv. fully; 
much U— d* miifih' bkar ke kos'na v.t. to heap 
curses (on) I'b J* mufih’ pa'na v.i. be heard 
find agreeable J* d^mhfih' par adv. ty the 
face (of) tO'i'jT^C&mUiih' par a”f bit’ ph. on 
the point of being uttered mufih' pat 

bat' la'na v.t. & i. be on thc point of uttering 
disclose a! secret (CkAljO^fc^ridd^mufih' pa 
basafif phool'na (or pkal'na) v.i. (dial.) grow pah 
mufih' par lkook' de'na v.t. spit or 
the face (of) ViJAjfi^Ay^milth'parpkbkri 
rakk le'na v.i. refuse to have any regard for 
VOyf mUfih' par pa’rA pkir ja'na v.t. tool 

healthier par pketk' mar' as v.i. 
return irritably ItmiZAd^mUth' par &<rrh’na v.i. 
(of word, phrase, etc.) come easy or natural 



become an expletive 4 y mufth'^ par 

zar'di khiftd' ja'na v.i. grow pale 
mufth' par sha'faq pkool'na v.i. (of face) be flushed 
with joy £tf-j IJZrl> mufthj par japjjtah Ur' ja'na 
v.i. feel jittery C# par qlf'l (or 
mok'r) lag' ns v. be dumb-founded C/ S~>s mufth' 
par kaih'na v.t. say to the face (of) tjpx mutih' 
par Ians v.i. say; utter fjyp laf £ ^ mufth' par 
H(k)'kha ho'na v.i. have visible proof 
mtifih' par mar'na v.t. & i. return initably 
tell to (someone's) fa ce(tytf!:jCb?'jy-S*>mufih par 
mur'dani (ha'na (or phir'na) v.i. look ill 
have cadaverous looks \jyph ^Jl's.^smutih' par 
eat' na ho’na v.i. be shameless Ljfil- &jpf>mufih' 
par na'mak ho'na v.i. be charming owing to nut- 
brown colour it mufth' par noor' na 

ho'na v.i. lack the appearance of piety be 
very weak S„ismufih' par hath' pher'na 

rub face with hand (do so) to threaten reprisal 

(do so) to vouch for truth of one’s prediction 
/.s'muhh’ par hath 1 rakh'na shut 
(one’s or someone’s) mouth with one’s palm. 

(do so) to enforce quietness ( L'jufkjL'jifJls L-"./ is 
mufth par hava"iyaft urn a (or chhooi'na) v.i/ 
change colour be confused have the blue 
funks V/pismufth' par'tta v.i. be eaten be 
talked about have the courage (l o) 
mifth'-pa'ri n . f . & adj . town-talk CtstAjCCjis 
muiih' passr' kar rath ja'na v.i. . look aghast” 
be wonder-struck mufth’ -phat’ adj. & n.m. 

babbler abusive (person) i fiat .is mutih' 
phyiia'na v.t. be annoyed pull a long fa ee 
lx > ySfismUfth' pher' de'na v.t. cloy 
math' pher le'na v.t. turn one s face (from) 

disown ; refuse to acknowledge Clk^ismufth' 
phiihi’na v.i. gape ismuhti phaila’t adv. 

agape tjsis mufth' pit' na v.t. slap oneself in the 
facet mufth' tak ana v.i, come close to 
the mouth be on the point of being uttered 
mufth' tak'na v.T. look blank ; have a 
blank look on the face gaze (at) look up 
to JiSmufth to de'kho PH. (iron.) just look 
at it ; it (etc.) dare not <£•>>>* mufth' tor' ke 
pii. (reply) curtly; bluntly \ij'j is mUfifr lor’jta 
v.t. break (someone's) jaw-bone (t‘ 
mufth' thitka'na (or s ja'na) v.i. show signs of 
annoyance or unhappiness jor'na 
v.t. backbite talk in whispering tones 
is mufth' jhu[a('na v.t. eat just a little IS 
t *1* mufth' dat'nzt v.t. lick the face kis 
mufth' dwav'vat n.r. caress ; caressing 'lifts' 
piftfjp fair o' na v.t. & i. make face ; mouth ; gri- 

mace UrJgjfMiihh' dta'rha adj. (f. if JZ is" math' 
ch a 'rhi) favourite i\dfc>mufth' (Par ha'na v.T. 
show too much favour (to) cause to become 
saucy thus make a wry mouth mufth' 

chaik' na v.i. become the favourite (of) Cliffs 
mUfth' (hala’na v.i. go on eating dainties 
abuse t>*Asmufih' (pal' ni v.i. move the tongue 
eat abuse talk irreverently 
adj. & adv. not facing others owing to shame or 
shyness Isj jjt^^.f^s'mufih’ jtoom’ kt (phot’ 
de’na v.t. desert after achievement of own object 
(Is} f&h) C'JTs’muiih' (Poom'na (or dtoom’ le'na) 
v.t. kiss ; caress CXsgismhth &kdpaM v.i. 
hide one’s lace (from)* ; observe ‘purdah’ from 
mufth ^tho’a'na v.t. treat with great 
but outward respect ll/i—' if** mufth’ kharab’ 
kar'na v.i. leave a bad taste in the mouth 
use foul language is mufth' 

sookh' (or khush'k ho) ja'na v.i. have a parched 
throat mufth.' dar mUth’ adv. (col.) face to 

face Clfj as mufth' dikka’rta v.t. appear ; show 
one’s face ftl/j+'mith' dikka"l n.f. present 
made to bride by groom’s Family on - first meet- 
ing after marriage when she Unveils before them 
&jj»jis m utih' dko' rakh’na v.i. give up all 
hope of mufth' de' kar bat' kar'na 

v.i. talk with full attention t tffj Htfiiis m uth' 
dekh'te raih' ja’na v.i. stare (someone) in the face 
in amazement Hufjjis mQfih' dekh'na v.t. 
see the face (of) ~ look up to (someone), 
look up to show regard (far) 
mufth' de'kht ki mahab'bat N.F. mere show of 
friendship or love tCJlflj ls.sis muth’ de'na (or 
dal'na) v.t. & i. attend (ofanimaj) put its 
mouth to its feed 

dhatp dhaftp' kar ro'na v.i. weep bitterly hsUis* 
t mufth' za'ra'kJ a'na v.i. grow week > 
c/j mufth' rakh'na v.i. show regard (for 
nMh'-zaba’n i adv. from memory adv. verbal 
jjj is mufth' -zor, \*/ ^ is mufth, ka ka'ra adj. 
headstong given to using harsh words hard 
mouthed tjjj'j is mufth' -zo ri n.f. headstrong- 
ness habit of OLr^iS mufth' soft'bkal'na v.t. 
hold one’s tongue f is mufth' si’ de'na v.t. 

force to keep quiet silence to give hush- 
money V. if Js mufth’ si' le'na v.i. keep quiet ; 
keep mum <SS->m8*A' st adv. by word of mouth 
Cu luzJsmMh' st bat m ni'kdna v.t. be 
unable to speak keep ^mum 
mufth' it bo'lo sir st kht'lo m. speak out don’t 
keep quiet muhh' st pkoct na v.i. (joc.) 

speak out Vyf^^^mutih' st phool' jhar'na v.» 



speak levely language speak sweetly 

muth' se doodk' \t'pdkna v.i. be yet a 
child have little or no sense 
muth st ral' la'pakna v.i. (of mouth) water <*->* 
if^j^U^f/^muth' st nik'li ko'iiot pat &aril 
prov. secret once devulged becomes town talk 
Kf, "0 ^muth' faq' ho'na v.i. change colour 
froiri fear (£*£ JO* muth' ka pho'ra N.M. foul- 
mouthed person I'fptf'jsmUtih’ ka'la kar'na v. 

incur dishonour bring disgrace (on) 
have unlawful sex relations 
muth' ka mi'ti a pet (or dil) ka kho'ta ph. 
hypocrite fair without \if ffetmSHih ka had'- 
tha ADj. unreliable tender-mouthed (horse) 
pl> tfjfmath ka nivs'lah adj. mouthful 
easily attained mifih' kar'na v.i. to con- 
front ; to turn one’s move (towards) attend 
burst open U^^mTtth' kil’nsv.l. keep mum 
refrain from opposition ClM^mUkh' ihUha'na 
v.t. provoke into saying unpleasant things 
make saucy J>muth' khol'na v.t. open 
the mouth disclose abuse (J> (S* l 
muth' ko khoon (or la'hoo) log'nd v.t. become 
carnivorous become cruel or rapacious jf if 
muth' ko ka’lak laga'na v.t. slander f&/j> 
>j maijh' ko lagam' do ph. shut up talk 
sense C& f>m~*th' ko lag' Ha v.i, know the 
good taste develop a relish for 
math' kka"t atkk' lija'tvv.ov. one has to 
yield to one’s benefactor 0*1-* muth' khal'na V.t. 

be about to say something become foul- 
mouthed Vj£j£->matti kt bal gir'na v.i. fall 
face foremost ; fall fla t < Cd—4rl}j 
muth' ki (or st) bal’ (ikin' ha (or fi'sJsk le'na) 
v.i. say what (someone) was about to sayiUffi* 
math' ki kka'na v.i. suffer disgrace tt/> 
mdth' kil'nz v.t. strike dumb force to keep 
quiet through charm K/fjDifmutk' Idl' kar'na 
redden (one’s) lips cause cheeks to flush (with 
slap) VjfJtfi* muth' Sal' ho'na v.i. (of face) flush 
with anger l^v *-C S —^i^muth' lapet' kar par’ 
taih'ni v.i. lie down in comer in low spirits or 
in protest Hfidjsmuth' lai ka'na .v.i. pull a long 
face C&Jfmutk' laga'na v.i. show undue favour 
to t»i**M*kk' lag' na v. suit the palate be- 
come used to 1*1 a tj/^-^O^ap'na sa muth' It 
kt raih' ja’na v.i. remain silent through shame 
VAi+mlth' mar'na v. (of animal) bite 

put mouth in feed > mUth'-mat'ga adj. (r. 
<f*t>’mii*k'-ma»'gi) asked for prayed 

for tyjjf J’i^muhh' mat'gi^ murad'ta'na^v.t. 
attain one’s prayed fpr wish J OsiS^** 

muth'- mat’ gl maul' tfkl nahit a'ti ph. you cannot 
have every thing you wish f j£.l H* math' -mat' ft 
dam' n.m. rv. price demanded fancy price 
V*y if mlth' mor'na v. turn away once face 
(from) abstain from, desist (from) shun , 

avoid of&fifmlth' ml’f&a kara'na v.t. give 
a treat bribe Vjlir^iamapK mi’tia Kar’na 
v.t. give (someone) a treat bribe , 

sweaten the mouth (of) VTutiftnUth' met a'na 
v.i. come to one’s lips ; be about to be uttered 
OJ.ji ■*** muth mti bol'na n.m. mumble 
V^/dmAth' met pa'm hhor a'na V.I. (of mouth) 
water £ mtt pa' M $3’a na v.t. 
trickle water into dying person’s mouth 
muth' mtt par' no v.i. be eaten become talk 
of the town muth' nut pari' ns v.t. read 

or pronounce inaudibly ( O? *+ 

rnUth' (or d at' tot) fntk tin'ka U'nay.l. acknow- 
ledge defeat show servility *J\i(£ifmath' mtt 
khak’ v.t. never to Hell with 

mtt dm’ naptt' mtt atP ph. 
very old ; decrepit old person ()lj 
df Smith' mtt gkMtgk’niyat dal' kar taiik'n* 
v.i. keep quiet when it is essential to speak 
JCi. '(flt^-t^jikt) mMh' nut git’ dak' kar ph. 
thank you for this wonderful piece of news 
come out with the happy qews OSJa*muth’ 
nock’ le'na v.t. scratch one’s face (in intense 
grief) > math’ no dtkh'na v.t. disdain to 

look at t / * ta'taf) math’ na kar'na 

v.t. not to go (towards) havec no truck 
(with) jfjti’^^rmuth' na khai’va"o ph. do not 
force to disclose your secrets or weak points i-Jir 
C& muth’ tut laga'na v.t. not to encourage some- 
one to become familiar Vjlifmitk' ho'na v.i. 
have regard (for) dare muth' hat 

ph. dare he 1** math.' hi rnUth met Apv 

to one’s self mumbling 

I •*minha' adj. & adv. subtracted deduct- 

ed vf&minha’ kar'na v.t. subtract 5^-^ 
minha' i n.f. subtraction deduction (A 
from-i -(*] 

-l^rninhaj' n.m. programme (rare) path 
& (A- g) 

. • manhar ', jL-fmanhiyar' n.m. maker or vendor 
^‘' t of .glass bangles (S'&manha'ti, 
manhiya’ri n.f. female bangle-vendor 

imin'hadim adj. demolished (A ] 


: met h' di n.f. (more favoured but less used 
form of Ha** -it 

Syjs min' hazim adj. routed (A~(*[>i?l) (or fh'sid) mavsd' n.m. natter bad 

'•'V . . humour [A ~ sing. tj l mai'dah) 

jin*r min'haim adj. digestible [A~f u*V|] w.m. comparinn J 

mn'hamak adj. absorbed ; engrossed (A- . n.m. account of (annas, pice, paisa, 

t ^k y '] etc.) aOj. (rarej opposite [A1 

Sman'Al adj; forbidden ; prohibited ; banned *, .macs' ski n.m. (pl. same as c#n.m. pl. a) 
y V ' ^L^manhijyst' ».P. pl. forbidden things \ (JIJ 

unlawful things [A - ^ mo'ssalSl’ n.m. PL. communications f* litf 

Vmfi'ni n.m. Hindu recluse with a vow of £>\k*i/nizo , m>’t rn’iualat' n.m. communi- 

ty silence [SJ > ^ 

1 V ma'nJ N.r. money j)jStfmdril Sr’dor N.M. 
C? money order ; M.O. (E) 
r ^jSma’ni n.f. semen ; sperm (A] 

^/•ww'alN-p. egotism |P~ ' (/* 3 

l^miinlb’ n.m. penitent (rare) represen* 


-jLSmai'nejar (or mane' jar) n.m. manager [E] 

^/munir' adj. illuminating [A~ V) 

n.m- (dial.) manager accountant 
/* ffiini'nd n.f. office of manager-cum* 
accountant [A - w^corr . ] ^ 

> mau n.f. bloom of youth tfi symau par s' ns 
. • v.r. be in the prime of youth 
. woo n.m. (lit.) hair t^iiymoo-bsf N.M. tassled 
strings for plaiting hair y.ymoo bo-moo'^ adv. 
exactly entirely ; in evcry^ part ft moo- 
shigafi n.f. hairsplitting ifj moo-shiga 'f * 
kar'ns v.i. split hairs *rjm.oo' -qa' lam N.M. painters 
brush jfj Z~/moo-e zehsr' N.M. pubes ; pubic 
hair [P] , 

s.mW'a adj. (f. jymu" i) dead cursed; 
If damned • d— d JjitfW’a bs’dal n.m. sponge 


^yiymava'slq N.M. (PL. oftJ^N.M. if) 

~ I mavvsj’ adj. billowy stormy [A~ &/] 


macs' jib n.m. salary dues [A ~ l 

VH-Avhatever+wfjwas due| 

f muvs'jahah n.m. confrontation 
*ff mjiajahah ph. face-to-face [A- *?> J 
•* 1* a<> N,p .‘ brotherhood fratemi- 

zation [A - &1 brother] 

• • ,\a khazah wji. accountability; calling „ death dec 

twf toaccotnt arrest penalization <ur(/ ^ptflCe/maat l£tA v.T. die 

i t t . . .A • _ _ .. « 

cations system fA~SINO. tjf>\ 

£&lymv*ze' N.M. (PL. of^ji.M. -A) 

macs' tin n.m. (pl. of J^/gx^j n.m- A) 

^'s’zsbot n.p. regularity ; doing some 
''t\f thing regularly assiduity 1 ‘fsfiy 

m's’zabat kar'ns v. do something regularly [A] 
£j/ymava ( iz n.m. (pl of C^*n.f. A) 

^j^ymacs'W n.m. promises [A - sing. jUv) 

~\'s'fiq ADJ. agreeable suitable 
(y > conformable consonant adv. ftu , in 
favour (of) in accordance (with)ef()V 
mt's'fiq s' ns v,t. agree (with) c&[/mo'a'faqat 
n.f. agreement ; accord suitability 
conformity consonance accordance fc/iSfy* 

mtfp'Jaqdt kar’ns v.T. agree (with) [A] 
gPjymavs'qe N M. (pl. of n.m. A) 

„ .jno'slsf N.F. co-operation CtjH/Jjtor’k-* 
mo'slsl’ N.M. non-co-operation [A- ] 

n.m. slaves servants (rare) 

lyf clients [A -sing. $y) 

.tynacslid’ n.m. pl- types of creation king- 
dams (rate) progeny ? If jJ*y marsh’ d-e 
sals’ sah n.m. pl. three kingdoms of nature ; 
animal, vegetable and mineral ; kingdoms [A - 
ante, jjy] 

U mo’s'naset s.r familiarity mutual 
love [A 

,,j '.jnavi ne n.m. ?t. obstacles impedi- 

C^*inents[A-’ {10 

n.m. (pl. of U«jS*n,f. A) 


-noa’bid hm. Zoroastnan priest 


^ moat n.f. death decease . mortahty 
^ftnc^maKt afta v.t. die y/t£.o*'<2>y 

* tO aCCO iill aricj* pciiai ^ — ^ . - 

Vfmo'a'khazih kar’ns v.t. call to account mad Mt U* tm'U pkifra v.L feel approach of 

^ a- >-u 

( maud' n.m . matter ra\ 

pus (arch ) humour >»y(. 



par'll* v.t. (fig.) shun 

1 (<» mabg’na) v.t. 

; Ask Ai. pray (for someone’s) death be ditgusted 


.with life &! maul ka bazar' gar'm 

hn'ns v.t. (of mortality) be widespread s-tSOy 
(tyjb'hOJfmwl'. sir par kful'rta (or savar' ho' no) 
v.t (of death) approach t^ymaut ke 

Jin poo' re kar'm v.t live in very poor circum- 
stances VjU JZ > ld <£ Cejfmaut ke ghat ' utar'na v.t. 
kill ; murder^ \i Jr* j£',L-&y maul ne gkar' dekJt' 
li'ya hai ph. death has singled out this house for 
visitations Vy'&ftf'Jap'm maut' mar'na v.i. die 
a natural death l Ty mau'ta n.f. (dial.) death [A] 
' Jay moot' n.m. (vul.) urine; piss tyj/mool'na 
* v.t (vul.) make water ; urinate ; pass urine''tamar n.m. conference consultative 
// committee (A ~ y* / J 
I !/ /• nw t ^ s N - M - a kind of grass its root 
Wy medicinally 

i^y mau' la n.m. pl. the dead [A - &ymaul} 

? ms'll n.m. pearl adj. pearls^ Jy mo'll fnro'na 
{jJ v.i. string pearls speak eloquently 
write, a lovely hand J^jymo'ti-^ioor n.m. tiny 
sweet drops N.r. sparking eyes {of Kabul pigeon) 
fji ^jJ^Jym'n-Aoor ke (oftfos n.m. pl. balls 
rolled frout these drops Oj^cCsJthjytno'li khak' 
me* rol'na V;l. waste a treasure Otj’tfymo'ti 
rol'na v.t. collect pearls accumulate wealth 
Vy, *-r/ff*-'f\2f/‘$y mo'll koot hoot kar bka’re 
ko'n a v,t (of eyes) be very loyely kffijJ/mo'ti ki 
ah' n.f. lustre of a pearl ki si a b- 

N.r. lustre like that of a pearl (Jymo'ti 
ki si' pi n.f. shell^f*— /‘l *-(jj?fmo'lxyon se 

maftg bkar'na v.i. string pearls ip hairiHJ'lf'ijyS 
mo'tijotka jha'la mm'. pearly ear-drops ($*)£(£// 
mo'liyo* ~kl Wri n.f., ^jyymo'tiyofi"ka 
Aar' n.m. pearl necklace £j mo'tiyon men 
tol'na v.t. weigh (someone) with pearls do 
(someone) great honour 
j** mo'tija n.f. a species of jasmine; 

.y jasmine adj. cream-colour £ U/* 
motiya-bohd n.m. cataract 
. Jrmo'fa adj. (r-.Jy mo'fi) fat ; 

** plump ; corpulent bulky 
thick coarse large bold (type, etc.) 
major gross low typ e&l'ffrmo'fa an*}' 
n.m. coarse grain; inferior kind of cereals sjftV 
mot a lazah adj. stout jho'pa adj 

inferior ; !->w quality coarse (fUlySmo'J 
out' mi n.f. rich person wealthy client V 
C/l mo ' ti bat N.F. straight talk plain-spcak- 
•ng J fjy mo'ti ga'li N. v. gross abuse ^ 
h. mo' tar n.f. motor-car motor ijzyy 

s* mo'iar jarf’im n.m. driver j chauffiavfcV 

mo'tar-kar n.f. motor-car (E] 

%*mcth n.m. kind of vetchling 
' fomo'ik &ata'»a v.t. charm J 
cast a T speii (over) 

>. ymovds. n.f, fist handle ; j 

grip t'/JS'ymooth. kar'na v.t. hold. (quail, -etc.) 
in hand and press it to make it ready for fight 
l jijiy mootk mar’na v.i. masturbate 
l^Jfy mo fi r3 n.m. (etc.)' chain on grip of 
/ sword (etc.) 

A^mo"as’sir adj. _ effective touching 
Js efficacious tjf }y mo' 'as’sjr ho'na v.i. be 
effective ; have effect prove efficacious (A ~ 


max; n.f. (pl. fr’yiamoaj') wave surge , 
Q/f billow whim ; caprice ecstasy ; rapture 
wave (of) ft^/huiu; a'na v.i. (of wave) 
rise or advance have a whim^f ^ymauj'-khez 
adj. billowy stormy y’^ymauj'-zan Koy. 
billowy stormy ; tumultous raging Vjrtf'yy 

magj’-zan ho'tia v.i. (of storm or passion) ragejyy 
ma:i'j-z<fn i n.f. raging (of storm, passion, etc.) 
l‘S g, ymauj' kar’na v.i. enjoy oneself ; have a 
good time VjI &ymauj' mar'na v.i. billow 
enjoy oneself ; have a ! good time I’Tvt&ymauj' 
men a’na v.i. be overjoyed -be in a fit of 
emotion feel enraptured /mass' j^emasim!, 
n.f. waft of breeze j?y mats' j ah n.m. (lit.) billow 
tfy mau'ji n.m. & adj. cheerful (person) 
capricious (person) gyrf man-mats' ji n.m. & adj. 
whimsical or capricious (person) (AJ- 
_ moo'jib n.m. reason (of) ; cause (of) 

kt ba-moo’jib n.m. according to ; in 
accordance with pursuant to consequent 
upon JA 

moo'jid n.m. (pl ^jjmymoojtdln') investor 
JP* (rare) cause (of) (A ~ jt/lJ 
yyjmoojag ft Mi compendhimv(A ~ jiff) 

Lp mo'aj’jal adj. payable at a later date 
U,f (of money settled on wife) payable on 
demand [A - Jfj ) 

maujood’ n.m. that which is or exists adj. 
AJi'' present ; existing existent extant 
ready at hand available tjfymaujoo'dah 
adj. present presentdxy current tP tjjry 
mppoodat’ n.f. pl. beings existing things 
(f?jry maujood’ gi (ped. -da-) n.f. presence ; exis- 
tencef | jCj^yymaujood'gi me* aDv. in the 
presence (of) ; during the exiSMfece (of) ^ 
during the currency (of) (A - J 

+ mau'jah N.M» <jT/ mau'jt n.m. & adj, (see 
• + under n.f. yfr) 

j muvaj'jah adj. valid ; plausible (of reason) 
Z/jj* bi-doo'n-e 'uz'r-e muvaj'jah ph. 
without any valid reason 

7 j mo (K n.f, sprain i i &/mo(fc' a'na v.i sprain 
(one’s foot, etc.) 

r*' -tj* moch'ras n.m. gum yielded by ‘semal* ; 
U Sy ‘semar gum 
^y mogfe'na n.M; tweezers [ ~ P \ 

mos&h. N.F. (same as.^y n.f. ■*) (jfy 
moo&'thhal adj. & n.m. one having large 

n.m. shoe-maker ; cobbler ^mo'&an 
0J n.f. cobbler’s wife . female member of 
cobbler’s family 

mo" ah' hid adj. & n.m. Unitarian ; person 
Jff believing Ip the unity of God ‘Ajeymo'ah- 
hidanah adj. Unitarian [A ~ ) 

••jr.movah'hi^h adj. bewildering shocking 
t/v [A ~ *i^5) 

•jmo'akh'khar adj. posterior put at the 
yd! end Jjjtyymo'kh'khar-Uzzik’r adj. the 
latter last-mentioned 

a mo' ad' dab adj. respectful disciplined 
*7^/ well mannered polite , civil ; cour- 
teous ; , 1 // mo’addaba'nah adv. respectfully 
courteouslv [A~~;0 

mavad'dat n.f. friendship affection 
love [A — » ] 

— j, mo'dhoo n.m. simpletion 

mo'.di n.m. shopkeeper grocer 

0 J>y keeper of provision stores tff/mo'di- 
kba'nah n.m. pantry 

mo'az'zin n.m. one who shouts the call to 
piayer [A ~(Jbl) 

,'ynoo’zi n.m. tormentor miser adj. 
obnoxious pernicious tyrannical 
wicked miserly; niggardly J l tfift/moo'zi ka 
mnV n.m. miser’s property or belongings (A - 

M j, 

~mor' n.m. peacock - 

Jf paii'khi n.f. hand-fan opening 
out like'peacock feathers peacock ’ 

bargejbvy* mor'-dial n.f peacock 

dance ;‘dancing on arms with feet 
in the aW(j£/mor -{Jn&al n.m. fan made of 
peacock feathers horSe-hair fly - whisk dVififj/ 
jt gar' dan n f. long and be 

mor'rA n.f. pea-hen 

J mor n.f. ant y jfmo’r-o-ma'lakh n.m. ants 

J and locust [PJ _ 

jtnaur n.m. blossom (of mango tree) f TjSs- 
par maut’ a'na v. (of mango tree) blossom 
M jtnoo'rat n.f. image figure ?. figurine 
“■“-v statuette ~$jymoo'li n.f. (dial.) idol 
moor'li-poo'ja n.f. idol-worship ; idolatry 
^ jtnoo’ris n.m. legator ancestor , pro- 
%tn\tOT (jfl&j/moo'ris-e a" Is. n.m. remote 
ancestor [A *j) ] 

I j mor'&ah n.m. trench entrenchment 
mor" (ha-ban di kar'na v. en- 
trench dig ‘ trenches (Ijl i t mor' 
(h. a hjil'na (or lend, or mar' no) v.j. capture 
enemy’s trenches f 

Y \mor'(hah n.m. rust (CP byiiify/ mor'^ah 
y&y kkana (or lag'na ) v.t. rust (PJ 
’• m'ar'rikh n.m. (p\.. ( yjfj/mo'arrikhin) 
historian annalists ( iy/mo' arrikha nah 
adj. like a historian [ - 
\ • t mo'ar'rakhah adv. dated [A - prec. ) 

i Zif ~ 

mau’ritf n.m. place of descent butt (of) 
PJJ object (of )( , 0i^ymau'rid-e ilzmj adj 
butt of accusation , object of indictment^i^y 
mau’rid-e allaf adj. object or focus of favour 
[A ~ jfjt] 

moo’rakk adj. & n.m. foolish (person) 

«*• mauroo'si adj. hereditaiv patrimonial 

ancestral J U/ $„y mauroo'si as a mi N.M 
hereditary tenant [A - pj ) ) 

0j/ mo ri N ‘ F ‘ drain drain P i P e orifice 

j; mor n.m. bend . turning meander KjJ 
jf mor'ns v.t. bend turn twist drive 

bend . turning 
bend turn 

back restrain . . 

^ Jymoo'rka n . m . (same a&fyry mooli' dka n.m. it) 

. mauiooti adj. apt proper ; appro- 
(J’jjf priate fit suitable metrical 

symmatrical rythmical well-balanced 
.well-adjusted k well-measured agreeable y^ 
\)fyshe''r mauzooti kar'na v T. versify . compose 
verse) Lyij/j/mauzooti ho' tin . N.M. (of verse) be 

composed be suitable £S,}yma\nzm\y‘yal H f 
aptness > suitability (A- 
. ,.mau'zah n.m. ’H sock ■ * kid sock jU> i 
OJJ jfi , mau'ze ka gha’o miyahjane ya 

‘‘"’pROV.lhe wearer best knows where 


.rffWrtN.F. club for physical exercise 
OS* mallet battledore 
j kool' n-M. (dial.) principal b^tjy 
0 * mol” si bays j' ' pays' rS prov. childrcfi’s 
children are dear than children themselves 
I mol' n.m. price ; purchase money djljS 
0 ^ mol' tol n.m. haggling l de'na 
pay the price purchase for a consideration 
tij/mel' It ns v.i. buy on payment 
invite trouble, etc. 

U .(or Vf ) mauls n.m. master lord 
0* God (rare) freed slave ; client jrZl>S 
mau'la-bakh'sh n.m. (fig.) rod ; cane ; baton fc * \y 
(ort Ip/) muuls'na n.m. title of respect for 
Muslim religious scholars ; revered person 
(rare) my lord if [A] 

, num'lid n.m. birthplace native land 
JJj (rare) nativity 

t maul' sari n.f. (tree bearing) jasmine-dike 

.1 mo'al'lif n.m. (Jdy md'al'tifah n.f. com- 
piler JJymo'al'laJah aUJ. compiled by (A~ 

C 1 

. maulood' n.m. baby (usu. 

mauloof sharlf') meeting celebrating the 
Holy Prophet’s nativitv (A 

i .maul'aH (ped. mau’lavi) Muslim priest ; 
yy/ Muslim divine (A~ (}S][ AJ 
l j moo'll n.f. radish moo’ll gs'jai kl 

0* lar'h, ph. indiscriminately 

mom n.m. wax ("y mom -bat' li n.f. candle 

f * mom' -j s' malt n.m. cere-cloth -oil- . 

cloth Jj fS. mom' -dil adj. tender-hearted l-tfiffS 
((iyfjf ) man? fa gar'ya (°r mar'yam) n.f. delicate 
woman db' iffy mom k\ nsk adj. fickle- 

minded docile ; amenable mom' he’ ns 
v.i. soften he appeased; be mollified 
tf/ mo' ml aoJ. wax waxen soft like 
wax jf fj/mo'ml ks’ghaz n.m. wax-paper JSjS 
mo'td mo' a n.m. glass bead filled with wax ; 
imitation pearl [P] 

* mo’ min n.m. believer ; faithful Shiete. 
OJr- Muslim weaver adj. having full faith 
of/ 3/ mitr'd- 1 mo' min n.m. a Muslim having pee 
feet faith in God [A ~ cl fr f i 
I momiya ti.y. mummy momiys'ns adv. 

v/ mummify J l*y monuyS'i n.f. medicine' 
supposedly extracted from rocks or luun-ao body 
and regarded as a cure for broken bones 
momiya 'i nikal'n* v.i. extract *hb luiec - 
drive like a Slave ) ~ A mem'iyi 

^y ^ma’oo'nat n.f. provisions : daily food [A] 

Hj*™' annas adj. ^feminine n.m. feminine 

‘^'gender [A ~&?t} 

^ ymootj N.f. rush twisted into strings or ropes 

> . mooh^k moodVl . n.f. moustache(s) ; 
JZff mustachis(s) J t> fags mooDehk’ ks bsl n.m. 
(fig.) one very close (to) outspoken person 
ij’jftjJ maro'rs ro'a to’rs ph. 

bragging idler 4-Pjify mooh&hak're n.m. pl. 
large moustaches U j jC/fjjSymoofi&heli ko 
ta'o de’ns v.t. twirl one’s moustaches 

mooh.chkeh nl dll kar ns v.t. accept defeat 
moohd'na v.T. (arch.) shut ; close 
Mof cover 

.moohd'na v.t. shave cheat ; impose 
upon c)j,y moot’ Jan n.m. (dial.) first shav- 
ing of Hindu baby’s head I'Jtfi'Smooh'dl-ks'ta 
adj. (dial.) accursed ; cussed 
I n.m. . shoulder shoulder gusset 

dHyjZjyiiymoit'dheft kt firish'U n.m. p L 
shoulder-angels (deputed to record one’s actions) 
. k, ',.mooh'dks, L^jymoo'rHs hm. reed stool 
W^P-reed chain 

J moo ms n.m. companion consoler ; 
(Jj sympathetic friend '(iUsjfymoo'nis-t tonhs"\ 
N.m. (fig.) book Us friend in solitude) [A - J 
maun' soon n.m. monsoon (E ~ A ^y ] 

moofig n.m. a kind of 
l-Af vetchling J^u^ymo&fig'- JHIf 
pH4.ll N.F. groundnut ; peanut jmCm 
(ffy moofig' tfil, (f-ijp' maHgo' dil // 

n.f. vetch ball seasoned and Kt 

dehydrated lS'/ moofi'giys. . adj. 
dark green ~ 

moon'gs n.m. coral »/Z\f£ymoofi'ge ka 
& * ja&'rak n.m. coral isjaud 
• , rnufih, *Sry mUth n.m. (same as mML 
SPf n.m. it) 

mo' tan Qjfmon n.m. dough kneaded in 
(J \i7 butter-oil 

^ mau'hibat.s.r. wfiy maos' hi b) grant; 

bestowal munificence [A] 

.. j mnh'ns v.t. fascinate ; captivate 
"'l* charm! allure e y moh n.f. fascination; 
captivation charm; allurement & »y moh’ 
It' ns v.t. fascinate ; captivate charm ; 
allure rf/ mo'han adj. (dial.) captivating N.M. 
(dial.) Sweetheart appellation of Krishna 
(ftS mo'hanl n.f. (dial.) ~ charm beauty 


adj (dial.) fascinating, captivating 

charming ; alluring 

s * * mauhoom' adj. unreal imaginary 
\ fancied [A - (fi ) 

mo'ay'yid n.m. helper one who 
seconds adj. helping reinforcing 
>>• rno'ay yad adj . aided strengthened 

reinforced [A ~ asC\ 

• 0 mavti' n.m. raisin > /* move’ e-t munaq qa 

n.m. seedless raisin |P] 

Aj mave'thi (ped. if ly meam'M) n.m. pl. 

cattle quadrupeds ( - A corr. of 
"sino. J>\. ] 

mah n.m. moon month s mah-parah 

** n.m. beauty xjbr's mah-jabin', w ^*ymah- 
tai'at, QJ s mah-liqa , S mah" -vash adj tk 
n.f exquisite beauty (~A »L cont.J 
^ nuh adj. chief big ; great fP] 

ma’ha adj. (dial.) big; great. arrant; 

egregious adv. greatly exceedingly 

OjUs mahn-oot adj. arrant fool (/.Is ma'ha- 
ba'li adj. (dial.) very powerful n.m. this as 
Moghal emperor Akbar's title t^jts ts ma' ba- 
bbit’ rat n.f. great war name of famous 
Sanskrit epic t is mi ha-pap' n.m. (dial.) 
great crime cardinal sin LSls mahat'ma adj. & 
n.m. (dial.) pious man {J’.is mahijan n.m. 
Hindu banker (dial.) big gun J"f lv maha'jani 
Nr. Hindu banker's business banking £,tjts 
meharaj' n.m. sovereign ; maharajah int. (as 
polite form of address) my lord, sir 
maharajah n.m. sovereign chief prince 
& 'jUmaharaj' adkiraj' n.m & int. mighty 
sovereign $ 'jls mahara'ni n.f. chief consort of 
a ‘maharajah’ hr? Is ma'ha-sa'bka n.f. (dial.) 
major organization of Hindus Mahasabha 
Jhr?^is ma'hSsabka'i n.m. & adj. Mahasabhite 
ma'ha-sher' n.m. a kind of fish ; mahseer 
.. .* m maha'bat n.f. fear dread awe 
[A- c*T] 

meha^ir n.m. refugee immigrant 

emigrant evacuee (rare) one 

who abandon's something mnha’jarat n.f. 

abandoning migration Bight (A~ 

I mohai n.f (camel’s) nose-strings 

bt-mohar’ adj. unbridled ; unrestrained 
intractable tWi—y*' shu’lur-t ba-mohar' n.m 
way ward person intractable person 
maverick ' 

. maha'rat n.f. skill experience 
*** proficiency expertness (A - ) 

\ 1 j mohat'ni n.f. cacophorious chorus (as by 
0^"* children memorizing' tables) 

I Is mohasa n.m. pimple Ui't£-Umoha' se 
** ni'kalna v.t. have pimples 
1 1 , mohal' n.f. beehive , hive large kind 
0™ of bee 

/i _ maha'lik n.m. pl. dangers (A- sing 

S(>S } 

MX. moham' n.f. pl. ventures . enterprises 
j important matters [A ~sinc. ^ ] 

mohana n.m. mouth of river ( ~ ) 

^ mahi'vat n.m. elephant-drivar , mahout 

> 1 , mahtivat n.f. winter rain 

, mahab' n.m. place where wind Glows 
k T^ / [A ‘rOfT ] 

' , mak'bit n.m. place of descent birth 

pi ac e (A ~ Its", J 

.•* mahtab' (col. wuik-) moon moor 
light iftk-^J-y l smahlab ' nt ktui kiya 
ph. the moon rose at moonn^ J u 
muhtabi n.f a kind of firework open 
terrace brocade adj. lunar moonlike 

a moh'tadi n.f. guide Jr jC^moh'ta4a adj 
0"^ rightly guided (A- 1 

»•* meh'tar n.m. prince (euphemism tor) 

y/ sweeper adj. superior , greater li’y* 
mthtara'nl n.f. sweepress [ ~P s mth+ j ’] 

moh'tamxm n.m. manager superintend 
r dent administrator emcee 

moh'tamim{-e) bafid-o-bast' n.m. Settlement oft cer 

mahjoor adj. forsaken (lover) 

Js* forlorn deserted J j mahjoo ri n.f 

forsaken state (A - ^jfT ] 

math'd (ped. mah'd) n.m. cradle 
as maihd la taih’d U*yiSmath'd-t ut'ya n f 
dowager-queen [A] 

a . math'Ji (ped mah'di ) adj. guided n.m. 
0-^* appellation of twelfth Shi’tte Imam, 
awaited ‘Imam’ [a~ 

. j • „ mohcz'zab adj. civilized well- 
• ** mannered ; well behaved cultured 
polite ; civil [A ~ x~sj>s ] 

* maih'r (ped. mah'r) n.m. money settled 
S*' upon the wife ; dower jointure 
alimony maih'r bahdk'ni v.t settle a 



dower .on wife maih'r bakh'sknn v.t. five 

op a jointure maih'r-e ihar"} n.m. dower 

approved by Muslim law J^y maih’r-e mis'l 
N.M. dower in force in the family ; proper 
dower ; customary dower Jfymaih'r-e mo'aj'jal 
■41* prompt dower JCyyJ maih'r -e mo'aj'jal n.m. 

ferred dower & /") t(y maih'r ks da''ta n.m. 
claim for dower [A] 

moh’r N.r. seal stamp gold coin ; 
S* guinea C* iyf moh'r uth’na v.t. (of seal) 
give good unpression sh/.y/ moh' r-bar-dar' n.m. 
seal-bearer yf moh'r ba-lab' adj. silent 
mum taciturn fp-^ymoh'r-e das' It n.f. signet 
(t&i ) v/yt moh'r kar'na (or lags' no) v.t. seal; 

put a seal (on) stamp rubber sump ^yf 
moh’r -kart n.m. engraver seal-engraver 
stamp- maker [P] 

« meh'r n.m. sun n.f., kindness ; favour 
s love; affection Jc'ly* meh'r-e ahgez' adj. 

exciting love ; loveable meh'r -ban' (or 

-bah) ADJ. kind considerate affectionate 

friendly loving lijf dhy* meh'r- ban' ho'na 
v.t. be kind ; show favour JjyS meh'r-ba'ni n.f. 

kindness favour regard ; consideration 
love , affection yf meh'r-gayak, \fy meh'r - 
gaps’ n.f. mandrake [P] 

j . maih'ra n.m. sedan-bearer ($yf maih'ri 
's' n.f. Hindu maid-servant 

« moh’rah n.m. vertebra (neck) joint 

iA piece chessman draughtman . 
counter - shell or piece of stone for polishing 
paper stooge; cat’s paw jb tyfmoh’ra bat adj. 
sharper; swindler; cheat ty y moh'r a-ba'ti 

n.f. cheating, swindling fraud * y ? 

moh'r a-e puA't n m. spinal vertebra b’J’tyf moh'rah 
kar'na v.t. polish (paper) thus }{} ,y moh'ra-e 
namaz' n.m. piece of kerbala clay placed under 
forehead in prostration by Shi’ites [A] 
moh'ri n.f. end of trousm* leg 

> / moi'hakna v.i. emit sweet smell; perfume; 
be fragrant <-<6 mai'hak n.f. fragrance, 
weet smell maihki'la adj. fragrant 
spicy aromatic \!)6t maihka'na v.t. perfume ; 
fill with sweet smell 

j, moh'lat n.f, respite time grace 

deferment reprieve moh'lat 

dent v t. give respite allow time defer 
reprieve (A) > 

/ mdh'lih adj. (r. or pl. moh'likah) 

, . \fat»l mortal destructive 
r .jinou>{^« xmS^ } 

^^7 moh’.m' NT. (PL, (/V e\. 

I pedition raid venture , enterprise 
exploit important affair ivC— -j**' mohim’ 
sat kar’na v.t. overcome an obstacle 
succeed in a difficult affair [A] 

.) Lrf me ^ msn > o/UV mehmah (poet. idlnS meh’- 
msh ) n.m. guest meh'man-kha - 

nah n.m. guest-house , guest-room U If 
mehman' js'na v.t. go as an invited guest 
mehman'-dar n.m. host {$j!a, 1/* mehm&n'-da'n n.f. 
hospitality r L'yfi ; tfl/J mehman' rakk'na (or 
kar’na) v.t. keep (someone) as a guest UV 

mehman'-sara''< n.f. place of sojourn 
meh'mah-navaz' adj. hospitable mehm&n 

nava'zi N.F. hospitality I'y (-jls* mehman hona 
v.i stay as a guest J U* mehma'ni n.f. feast . 
banquet hospitality i‘y Q Is* mehma'ni kar'na 
v t. entertain [P] 

Lff moh’mal adj. (f. Js* moh'malah ) 

» meaningless silly ; absurd dotless 
without any diacritical mark ~la'be‘-t 

moh'mal meaningless adjunct mohmalat' 

n.f. pl. nonsense absurdities [A] 

• y mahmooz adj hamzaeted [A - g\fT ] 


-f maihmez' n.f. spur ko maihmez' 

yiT kar'na v.t. spur on fP] 

• ^ mth'na n.m. sneer; taunt U > CYmeh'ng de’na 
v.t. sneer ; taunt 

meh’namat n.f. (W. dial.) hue and cry 
1'i/^zsiy meh'namat mad a «a v.t 

(dial.) raise a hue and cry 

• • mahant n.m. presiding head of a 
Hindu religious order Hindu monk [SJ 
,, mohan'nad adj Hindiized (word) {A 

j , , mohafi'dis n.m. (pl, mohah'disin') 

y Jr* engineer mathematician (A~ 


maihh'di (or ) n.f. 

&& henna myrtle 

seventh day of Muharram celebra- 
tions A 

y maihh'ga (f (f* maihh'gi) 
adJ. dear, expensive: highly- 
priced JU'I&V maihh'ga sa'mah n.m. inflationary 
times maihhga'i n.f dean, ess 

maihtga'i ailn"ahs n . m . dearness allowance 

mahva n.m. a kind of tree with fruit yield- 
\ y* ing liquour and seeds yielding oil 

. mahoo’rat n.f. (dial.) fi auspicious 
moment inaugural ceremony [S] 




wm mhav'vis n.m. alchemist greedy 
US* ify* mohav'visi n \ f . 



. moha/ya adj. available provided 
U* ready mohty'ya kat’r.a v.t. 

supply provide IV Ivmohay'ys ho'na v.t. be 
available [A] 

• motib' adj. grim formidable [A ~ 

‘rtr *^] 

matin' adj. hne or thin (texture) 
(✓** feeble (voice) 

. . mati'nah, mahi'nz n.m. month 

■'*» monthly salary mahi'nt se ho' ns 

v.i. menstruate >i^ / mahl'ne ke mahi'ne 
adj. monthly adv.“ a" month,; permensum 
n.m. everymonth [ - P el ] 

maijn.F. liquor liquour wine 

mai-iishdm', mai-paras’t, j\S£- 

mai-khsr', cr^ mai-kash', mai-guszr’, 

mdi-nosh' n.m. drunkard sot ; boozy 
adj. wine-addict (f\2t£~maisshii' t mi, £— 
nun-paras'ti, (fjljZmai-khu'ri, && mai-ka’M, 
j iJLs mai-gusa'ri, cOi vm-no'sjti n.f. 
drinking drinking bout ; carousal 

;i k mai-kha nah , maika'dah n.m. 

liquor shop tavern public house ; pub 
mai'-jirosh’ n.m. _ winc-merchant 
tavern-keeper ; publican {f'j/4-mai’-Jiro'shi keep- 
ing a public house Oxf mai'-goofi adj. red- 
dish ; auburn flushed moi-e nab' n.f. 

pure wine l p l 

/. mafyZ n.f. (dial.) mummy ; mom mother 

•• l~ u < ’ 3 

,1 . mi' yah n.m. husband master ; lord 
U*; (as formal title) Mr. (as vocative) 
mi’ yah ad' mi n.m. gentleman ; nice man 
^.(jUmi’ysh bi'Vi n.m. man and wife ; hus- 
band and wife (£ mi'yah ji n.m. elementary 

teacher in mosque school jrfyLfmi'yab mit'tkoo 
n.m. Poll ; parrot simpleton 

miyan' n.m: sheath ; scabbord waist 

U*f centre ; middle adv. between 
among in the midst of ; amidst miys.ii. 

bat' tab adv. ready ; prepared 
talvsr' miyan' st kkth&'na v.t. * whip out or 
unsheathe (one’s sword) be ready to fight 
(teftar') ’miyan’ mth kat'na v.t. 
sheathe (one’s sword) stop quarrelling [P] 

• . ■ miyz'nah n.m. centre middle adj. 

midding medium V moderate adv. 

(miya'na-e) between; among ifjj ^umiys'nc.- 
ra’vi n.f. moderation miya'na-qad adj. of 

medium stature [P doublet of prec.J . 

■ ~lLs n.f. gusset ; transverse piece 

0 .• stitched between legs of pair of trousers 
[~P PREC.) 

v. . miya’oh n.f. cry of a cat ; mew ; miaow; 
<J) j miaul [ono.] 

N - M * (dial-) friehd [S] 

ma y'y^ n.f. ^ eat ^ body (A - O/ | 

me'lhi n.f. fenugreek jC' me' Ik i ka 

L/ ** sag' n.m. this used as potherb 
met n.m. mate [E] 

-K» ml' tar N.M. metre suf. meter [E] 

ma i*'rik, mahrikule'shan n.m. 

matriculation ; matrice 
1 met'nz v.t. (col.) erase eradicate 
“ wipe out [~ t’C?*] 

ml'ting n.f. meeting [EJ 
•* ^ 

f>>» mi'tta adj. (f. (f*^ mi'thi) sweet 
'~ r — loving (of sleep) sound mi id in- 
ternal ; not visible ; not apparent n.m. sweet- 
ening substance sweet lemon (,5^* mttka' 
ba'ras n.m. eighteenth year of life J / mi'tka 

bol n.m. sweety words tSC U^ml'tha tel n.m. 
sesamum oil k^luffmYth a le'liya n.m. aconite 
mi’tka tkag n.m. wheedler jjj mi'tka 

dat'd n.m. mild painf</>t^ml'}fcj muhh karz'na 
v.t. entertain with sweets to celebrate some joy 
^^USmi'tka mi'tka adj. sweet mild 
yof <J b /jJ 1 ‘r'f 'Jr? mi'tka mi'tka hap' aur 

kar'va kar'va tkoo' prov. selfishly grabbing good 
things to the exclusion of bad one’s ll/U^mltka 
kar'na v.t. swejten tjr? l&i?nd'ika ho'na v.i. be 
sweeto^i’tjC't^f^mi’tii bat (or ba'teh) n.f. (pi,.) 
sweet words Jj) ml'jhi bo’ll n.f. sweet 

words sweet tongue iC^Zr^mi'f&l dkWrl 
n.f. snake in the grass ; foe in friendly guise 
jsJ*? mi'thi 'id' n.f. Eid-ul-Fitr 
ga'li n.f. curse by beloved, etc.) giving^no 
offence jl if^mttyti mar n.f. contusion 
mi'thi murad’ n.f. sweet wish nazat 

n.f. affectionate look amorous glance 
Xf'ifZ'mi 'til nlhd n.f. sound sleepjj* 
ml'tie met sal o' ns mils' na v.t., make the whole 
thing distasteful 

r- mi’thi n.f. (nun.) kiss ; repeated kiss 




."1 r\t misaq' n.m. (pl. f 1/ mavaslqj agree- 
■ - ment ; pact compact ; covenant 

alliance co-operation promise ; assurance 
Ply Q CV- misa'q-e salasah n.m. triple entente 
if jl misa q-e mil'll n.m. national covenant 

[a~ jyj] 

me' jar n.m. major [E] 


jf* rnai'jik n.m. & adj. magic ^ 

. ** rnai'jik lain' tarn n.f. magic lantern [EJ 
S maid k n.m. match [EJ 



mieh'na v.i. shut or close (one’s eyes) 

Jpg mekh N.F. peg tent-peg nail 
m L'jlft £/. mekh’ Mkhar'na v.t. take out the 
nail (or peg) jfmekh' thank' na v.t. nail ; 
drive a nail J[r mekh'dkoo n.m. mallet [P] 

,1 maidan' n.m. (PI. i/^y Jg mayadinj 
& » plain ; level tract of land ground 
parade ground field (of battle) ‘maidan’ 

v.t. yield ground make room for 
maidan' mar’ no v.t. win be victorious 
win the battle ( Csltj tit/cllgmaidan' met a'na (or 
utarna ) v.i. enter the list come out and 
fight come out in the open ( tyjLj L'iigjsid^ 
maidan' hath men a'nzt (or raih'na) v.i. win suffer 
a reverse be defeated I'yf jS l jUs maidan' 
hath.' he'na v.i. come off with flying colours 
tjf (j'j^gmaidan' ho'na v.t. (of batttle) 
take place "J 1^ maida'ni adj. level 
of or coming from plains n.f. lamp installed in 
courtyard n.m. paste from which to prepare 
sweets (arch.) herald [P] 

V mai'dani, '(jjCg maiti dani n.f. party of 
CM; visitors to fair (dial.) party of Hindu 
pilgrims going on foot 

f mai'dah n.m. superfine flour ; ‘maidah’ 
^Tfinc powder \;f t /smai'dah kar'na v.t. grind 
very fine, [PJ 
j^maid adj. mad [EJ 

hmrd adj. made adv made in (E) 

d |> mai'dal n.m., iZsfrmaida' list n.m. medallist 


^Jr^mai'dam n.f. madam [EJ 

,> mai'dlsan h.y. medieine Jf^mai'dlka! adj 
(^Mj^medicai [EJ 

*imr n.m. title used for Syeds head ; 
A chief leader professional singer if/?, 
mi'r-e a'tash n.m. (arch.) master-general of 
ordnance^ 1^” mi'r-e akhoor' n.m. (arch.) master 
of the stable mi'r-e bah'r n.m. (arch.) 
admiral collector of port duty 
bakh’shi n.m. (arch.)' paymaster-general 
mir bfiSij'ri n.m. prototype and saint of eunuchs 
(fy* mir' ji ph. from of address to a Syed 
form of address to a professional singer 
mi’r-e haj' n.m. leader of pilgrim party^-^y' 
mi'r-e deb! n.m. village headman^ ids mi'r-e 
soman' (or sa'mafi) n.m. (arch.) chief steward 
chef j&ySmi’r-e shikar’ n.m. game warden , 
a huntsman mi' t-t ‘ar'z n.m. (arch.) court 

official presenting people’s petitions if//* mi'r-e 
jar' A n.m. pawn-like piece of stone put on corner 
of carpet to keep it in place Jsti'y* mi'r-e qs'filah , 
Jfjjli/* mi'r-e ksr'van n.m. caravan-leader f'f/C 
mi'r-e kalam' n.m. eloquent speaker jr^/*mi'r-t 
maj'lis n.m. master of ceremonies ; emcee 
chairman ; president jf^Sn&'r-t mahal'lah n.m. 
headman of a ‘mohallah’ /d/gmtr' mohar'nr 
N.M. head clerk mi'r-e maih'kamah n.m. 
head of department ; departmental head oj’djg 
mi’r-e musha'arah n.m. president of the meeting 
of poets gfyf mi'r-e mat' bakh n.m. chef 
mir' muriM n.m. a head clerk person in 
charge of Urdu office senior language teacher 
to British officers of Indian army (f/Smi’ri adj. 

first (in kabaddi) chief; topmost ; unparal- 
lelled n.f. leadership being a Syed 
being a professional singer being a man of 
means dlL-g fi£/* mi'ri ke phisad'di ph. first or 
the \zsitffgs fjyS mi' rl-o faqj'ti ph. wealth apd 
penury [P] 

j*me'ra prov. {/.(fgme'ri) my mine 

Ze£-iJ^ly*me'ra bas' &a'le to 
tuj 'he kach;' (tta 'hl ' kha ja’'ooh int. I would kill 
you if I could mt'ra te'ra n.m. stress on 
difference of ownership 2—W tfj/f me'ra hal'va 
kha'e ph. (fig.) find me dead if if r me'ra kya' 
ga'ya ph. how db I stand to lose XtS/C 

/fsme'ri an’khoh se dt'kho int. see it with my eyes 
tf/Sj'me'rl bit'll our mij'hi se 
miya"ah PH. ray man challenging me ' hj jt%e'(fyg 
^■J/me'ri paizat' (orjoo'ti) se ph. I care a 
hang for it who cares 

joo'li me' re hi sir' ph. (iron.) so that is the return 
for my favour mere PM ' ki 

lam'bi latn’bi ban' hen PH. every mother praises her 
own child ^dgjftfftpa^gtne’re mut'ia tt fil'd dl 



M .jfmaima'naf n.f. good fortune (> 'J 
L ^** qudoom~t mai' manat luzoom' n.m. propitious 
arrival {A* c^’i 

• /Smai'manah N m. right wing of the army 
A~ </“) 

.jtmaimaori adj. lucky , fortunate ; auspi* 
V*— cious ; propitious [A ~ ^ ] 
ijyft matmoon ' n.m. monkey baboon [P] 

a maid PROv. I egotism b (f. jfrjtfjZ 
(JZdb&T/f&fmai*' bhi ra'nl too' bki ra’nl kaun 
bka'rega pant prov. this army has all generals 
and no soldier (j) *fcC math ja'nooh ph. I be- 
lieve I suspect khSsh' 

mt'rn khuJa khusti' prov. it is (or will be) a real 
pleasure to me (• l/j^/jtmaih ’ kaun' too' kaun' 
prov. as soon the interest is served, we become 
strangers to each other Od l > t^maih' nama'nooh 
pm. disbelieve ; despite obvious proof iSy* 

« 7 -xJ ^ifjfmaih' ne kya tumka'ri ga'dkl (hur&''i 
hai ph. how have I harmed you 

men adv. in within inside 

r j* met n.m. (usu. (jZ mft> m< *) S oat * 

U* bleat (ono.) 

i. mai'n i n.f starling sweet-tongued 
**> child 

jj.f. mound along field boundary 

00 * ^ 

(K^mrlt'dak n.m. frog toad jiff mehd’kt 
n r. female of frog or toad 
mrhd'ki ko zukam' ho'na v.». assume consequential 

yKytneh'dki n.m ram billow 
•*Zmet'dht u'&lkalna v.i. (of water) be billow* 
ing mi' <jki n.f (usu pl ) 

small plaits of hAii^'/ljlfj^mtfidhi'yah goohdk'na 
v.t. make small plaits of hair 
•jjprmefig'ta n.f. the dung of sheep, goats and 
f* camels ; droppings 
• y,mi'noo , j* minoo' n.m paradise; heaven 
& mi' noo-savad' adj heavenly in ap- 


m^mtk'h n.m. nml^/^meh'h ba’rasna v.j. 

C rain 

X^mne'jar n-m. (same ★) 


t\jmyoatns'pal adj municipal (f^^miyootns- 
i/fJ^pait'jl &t\$?.rntjoonis‘pal kanu'fl n.f. 
munkipality ^J^^rniynonis'pal kamtsh'tur n.m 
municipal commissioner {E] 

. mc'vah n.m. fruit jbtjtfme'va-dar. adj fruit 
t/U bearing ; fruitful , fructiferous 
firosh' n.m. fruiterer [PJ 


; LhLi 

1 noon thirty-second letter of Urdu alphabet 
representing a dental (or as noo'n-t 

g hun'nah purely nasal sound equivalent to Eng 
lish n ) (according to jummal reckoning) 50 
< rtoon'(-e) ohan'nah n.m this letter with a 
U purely nasal sound 
^ m pref un- ; in- , -less 

*i. n& particle (used for emphasis) do (come, 

1 etc.) 

i. na particle no; never , in no case 
" (used for stressing the negative that follows) 
Vj'i/'l' nona' nuk'kar kar'na v t say ‘*No” , 

.. na pref un- in* , im , il tj/j It" 

* na azmoo'dah adj. untried unproved 
jtftj/j I V na-azmoo'dah-kar' adj. raw, green 
inexperienced na-ashna' adj. un- 
known unfamiliar ; unacquainted n.m. stran* 

ger na-asj>na’'t n.f. unfamiliarity #J?l* 

na-agah' adj. unaware adv in the dark un- 
awares j^yAli'na-amezgar' adj. unsocial ($&'<■' 
na-ittifa'ql n.f disagreement ; discord 
na-iltif&'ii n.f indifference (fj^tL'na-Ummi'di 
(arch ni-ume'di) n f hopelessness . despondency 
jZ+ll'na-ahdtsJt' suf. careless (of) , thoughtless 
{of) J&tL'na-atde'shl suf, carelessless {ofjdtuilL' 
na-insa f adj. unjust J oJit^na-insafl n.f* in- 
justice na-aih'l adj. unefficient un- 

deserving na-aih’h, C^fiCna-aihliy'jai nt 
efficiency not being a deserving case £ i p 
na-Aa’hgh adj not yet of age n.m minor 
J* L f na-ba'il^H n.f minority , nonage 
j\£l‘ na-ba-kar 1 adj. wicked (rare) good 
for-nothing (jA^Vna-ba-ka'rl n.f. wickedness 

worthlessness Jr, 1‘ na-ba'lad adj. jgnorant 
^of) , unaware (of) n.m. novice aJS .. a-bood 
adj. non-existence annihilated V/a^uC^) 
( nes't-o -) na-bood’ kar'na v t annihilate l>,t‘ 
na-bi'na adj. blind Jlvna-pak' adj. polluted 
unclean defiled ' dirty fi.Vna-pa'kt N.r. 
uiicieanliness defilement lewdness 
swint j'/tl’na-^a'War’ adj. frail durable 
passing ; transitory , transient unstable ; 

inconstant# jl/lVna-px'' e-da’ rt y r. frailty 
not being durable transitoriness instability; 
inconstancy >> L’na-padid’ adj. invisible 
vanished evanescent unavailable ^ 1' 
na-pasafid' n.f. dislike disapproval adj. 

disliked rejected ji-^l’jv^pasatid' na-pasahd' 
n.f. likes and dislike (of) oj.X—^na-pasahdi dak 
adj. disliked ; disapproved unwholesome 
offensive rejected t ‘ na pasahdi dagi 

n.f. dislike ; disapproval being offensive 

l’ ns-paid' adj. extinct non-existent 

unavilable ; invisible v/xtUna -paid' kar'na v.t. 

cause to vanish remove from the scene 

Uj js.l' ad-paid' ho'na v.t. vanish be re- 
moved from the scene j\pf na-pai’ da-kanar 
adj. boundless ; unbounded expansive 
jf'J' l’ na-tef riba-kar' adj. re w ; inexperienced 
(f jtf'fJ? V na-tajri'ba-k&'H n.f. inexperienced 
Jfl/);n8-tarash’,>j}l/l'na-larashi'dah adj. _ not 
smoothed unpolished ; uncultured 
kuh'da-e na-tcrash’ n.m. uncultured person 
lJ» LiS** yl'na-tar'bijat-jaf ’ lah adj. untrained 
raw uncultured \^XyL'na-tarbiyal-j>a f- | 
tagt n.f. lack of training lack ol culture 
tZ/’V na- tar's adj. fearless merciless suf. 
unfearing (f'sV na-tar‘si n.f. being unfearing 
r* {/ na-tamam’ adj. complete imperfect 
deficient jUl'na-tama'mi n.f. incomplete- 
ness imperfection deficiency (j/yb'na-lo'afi 

(col. na -/avail') ad]. weak_ powerless 
infirm feeble frail 'jljl'na-to’ani (col. 
na-tava'm) weakness powerlessness infir- 
mity frailty yifl'na-ja'U adj. .unlawful 

contraband " not permissible na-jins 

ad). heterogeneous strange ignoble jUL' 
na-Aar' adv, perforce ; of necessity adj. 
helpless constrained disabled cripple 
{$j UL’nS-fkari n.f. helplessness constraint 
disability being crippled JW'na-rfa'fi n.f 
discord strained relations na-ch'tz 
adj. worthless ; good-for-nothing insigni- 
ficant trifling ' of no account ; of no conse- 
quence ygVi. A b afida-e na-&iz’ n.m. (this) 
worthless slave na-haq adv unjustly 
falsely in vain (J“j Ij^i'na-khuda-lar's dTjCljj 
khiida ‘ no-tar's adj. ungodly ; hard-heartedly 
na- kha'laf adj. undutiful (son) 

degenerate (progeny) na-khpt dah adj. 

illiterate uninvited (guest) na-khati- 

dagi n.f dhteracy^r^fna-k/ju^' ,adj dis- 
pleased . unhappy indisposed jfyL'na-khu'sht 
s f. displeasure ; unhappiness Indisposi- j 

iion jt^y-Cna-khush-guvar' adj. unpleasant 

undesirable J'jij^'/tna-khish'-gava'ri n.f. 
unpleasantness disagreeableness jijl' na-dar 
adj. floor ; indigent pauper insolven 
na-da ri n.f. poverty; indigence 
pauperism insolvency <£--/, lj 1‘ 

na-da ri sab st ba’rd gunah ' hat prov. poverty is a 
great sin ^ijl'na-dan' adj. ignorant foolish 
innocent n.m. fool child (}<jt,‘nu-da'ni 

N.F.. ignorance folly innocence 

IkfffjCbAna-dan' dos't st dam' dish' man bha'la 
prov. a wise foe is better than a foolish friend 
C ki dos'li jl ka zqyah' 
prov, even the friendship of a fool (or child) is 
dangerous Zm^ubnd-danis'toh adv. unknowingly ; 
unwittingly ; inadvertantly na-danista'gi 

n.f. inadvertance i^/A'na-dirus'l adj. in- 
correct wrong J~£i’na-durBs'tl n.f. in- 
correctness wrongness (,* na-dthiti' dah 

adj. close-fisted n.m. bad pay-master ffjufj^na - 
dehilt' dagi (col. tfxfjU na-dthift'di) N.F. non-pay- 
ment e jLj\pna-di'dah adj. unseen '^XjfPna-didani 
adj. too pitiable a sight ^jl'na-rast' adj. 
'crooked not straightforward dishonest 
unfair (f~~p\,'na-ras'ti n.f. crookedness dis- 
honestly unfairness ^jVna-raz' adj. dis- 
pleased offended angry ; rage^b'na-ras'. 
eXfOVna-rasi' dah adj. unripe immature 

I (fig.) young IsjlPna-rasa' adj. incapable of reach- 
ing ; falling short (of) l' na-rasa’t n.f 
incapacity falling short (of) ; shortfall 
na-rus'lah adj. unblossomed immature IjjV 

na-rava' adj. unlawful not permissible in- 
admissible prohibited (of money) not current 
'na-zeb', (sjl'na-zeba adj. unsuitable 

unseemly unbecoming ungainly; uglyJUl* 
na-saz'-x nj. indisposed ; out of sorts tfjL'l'na-s&'ii 
n.f indisposition gftfjlsi'na- sa'zi-t lab"' N.F. in- 
disposition jjfjLsL'na-saz-gar' adj. unfavour- 
able unfortunate (fjlftlsV na-SaZ-g&' ri y.f. 

unfavourable nature (of circumstancesji/uf 
na-sipas’ adj- unthankful ; ungrateful 
na-stpa'si n.f thanklessness; ingratitude 
na-saza'-var' adj. improper undeserving ; 

unworthy unmerited indecent silly.St'T 
na-siftah adj. unbored unstrung Ina- 
sa'ma'jk adj. silly ; foolish dull ; unintelli- 
gent raw ; inexperienced n.f 
folly dullness ; unintelligence inexperi- 
ence ignorance^lx l - na-shad' adj. unhappy 
cheerless unlucky ; unfortunate nir 

sha'n'/ah adj. uncultured unmannerly ; ill- 
mannered ; indecorous unbecoming 


improper indecent l' *a-jfta’’ufagi n f 

being uncultured unmannerltneM im- 
propriety indecency tJ-J'Tna-jftfiVan: adj. 
impossible ill-fated . unfortunate worth- 
leu ; good-for-nothing l / &'t‘na-shuk'ra adj. St 
n.m thankless ; ungrateful ; {JJ&'l'na-shak’ri n.f. 
thanklessness „ ungratefulness ; ingratitude 
na-shakeb’, l^ljia-sbake'ba adJ- restless 
impatient ^uf'l"na-shakeba"l n.f. impatience 
restlessness (fisCna-shinas' svr. unrecogniz- 
ing ; ignorant {of) y^i’na-shinau' adj. inattentive 
refusing to listen OLeCna-saf' adj. unclean ; im- 
pure ^lyflna-savab" adJ- wrong ; incorrect jffV 
na-saboot' adj, impatient restless (SjyfVna- 
saboo' i\ n.f. impatience restlessness 
na-ta'qat adj. weak ; feeble frail infirm 
IftyVna-ttf qafi n.f. weakness feebleness 

frailty infirmity JP^USsfitCna-'aqibat-ahdesh' , 
gJlV&f** s'qibat ra m andesh’ adj. shortsighted 
J^>liSZ^{fl'na~ , s'qibat ahdt'shi n.f. short- 
sightedness recklessness indiscretion flf/^ 
na-farjam' adj. that comes to grief that has 
<n evil endtfLfiVna-faman' adj. disobedient 
na-Jarma'ni N.F. disobedience na-faih'm adj. 
dull ; stupid ft L'na-faih'mi n.f. dullness 
stupidity Jr\fl'na-qabit adj- inefficient 
incapable unqualified unfit unworthy 
junable (to) affix, un — able ; im — ible Jf. \tC 
jP^na-qa' btl-t iste'mal’ adj. unserviceable J; £ p 
fjffna-qa' bil-e is l ah' adj. incorrigible 
irr retainable jlyt ! J.tjC na-qa' bil-e e'tibar' adj. 
ur.tiustworthy ; undependable ; unreliable Jf-ifl’ 
()&!na-qa’bil-e intiqal' adj. inalienable'j^ct(>l>‘na- 
qa'hil-e bai-dash't adj. intolerable unbearableJ'Of 
>V na-qabil-e tardid’ adj. incontrovertible: irre- 
futable unassailable ^na-qabil-e tarmim 

adj. unamendedabie immutable 
na-qabil-e t as this’ adj. unconquerable impregn- 
able indomitable ‘ l' na-qabil-e tala' ft 
adj. irremediable irretrievable 
na-qa'bil-t \smal' adj. impracticable ; not work- 
able ft J.iS't na-qabil-e faih'm adj. unintelligible 
J ft tfjSV na-qa'bil-e qabool au/. unacceptable 
inadmissible t» I'na-qa'bil-t kash't adj. 
uncuUurable . uncultivable af.l/h’na-qabiliy'yal 
N.f. inefficiency incapability inability 
lack of qualification unworthiness 
pow crlessness^ L’na-qad'ra adj. unappreciate 
ungrate ful </" i ... f’jSVna-qad'r-sbinasf\^^ J jS 
qad'r na-shinis adj. unable or uuwilling to 
recognize someone’s merit not giving the devil 
bis due^jSHna-qad'ri n.f. disgrace (f'l&jiV 

na-qad'r shina'st, qad'r na-shmisi n r 

non-recongnition or merit low estimation 
ba-ka'tah adj. useless worthless un- 
serviceable otiose f'd'l'na-kam' adj. failed 
unsuccessful disappointed ijK'Vna-ks'mi n.f 
failure; disappointment tjf'b-na-katkhUda' k&Jl 
na-kadkhuda' adj. virgin unmarried 
spinster. ^ifp'i‘na-katkhada'’l. ^ijAjfl'na-kad- 

khuda”i n.f. virginity unmarried State 
spinsterhood fi'na-kar'dan adj. not worth 
doing too bad to be done t*/i‘ na-kar'dali adj. 
not vet done ; uncommitted jfejj'C na-kar'da- 
kar' adj. inexperienced unknowing 
na-kar’da-gurtah' adj. innocent . adv. faultlessly 
jSvna-kas’ adj. worthless ; mean n.m mere . 
nobody <j*/1 ka f ' ka s-o na -kas n.m. high 

and low ; everyone irrespective of his status 
na-kasl n.f. worthlessness Ji’na-gah. 
OlJ'b'na-gahafi' adv, suddenly all of a sudden 
unexpected accidental Sftna-gugir' adj 
inevitable indispensable ty&Oia-g' f'hini ad|. 

deplorable ; too bad to be described Zifl'na- 
g'J’lah adj. unsaid untold * JZafi' na-gu f 'la beh 
adj better left unsaid jlJVna-gHoar' , ijljb'na- 
guva'ra adj. unpalatable unpleasant 

awkward (question) offensive (b‘j^ 
na-gltva'ra gu'zarna (or ho'na’i v.i. be offensive , 
be unpalatable tfjl/l'narguva'rl ^ n.f being 

unpalatable being offensive (JiH'tta-la' 'iq adj 
inefficient „ incapable unqualified 

unintelligent f l}l/na-la"iql n.f inefficiency 
incapabilitv stupidity lack of qualifica- 
tion j-yU'na-manooi' adj. unfamiliar (words 
etc.) JjUt,'na-muba'rak adj inauspicious ffl' 
na-nxah’ram (col -ma\h‘-) n.m. & adj. (one) 
other than a close relative one from whom a 
Muslim woman has to observe purdah jyl’na- 
murad’ adj. chagrined , disappointed un- 
lucky , unfortunate (fjfina-mura'di n.f 
chagrin , disappointment ill-luck ; misfor- 
tune ^yyl'na-marboot' adj. unconnected 

dispointed ungrammatical construction, etc.) 
yl'na-mar'd adj. impotent coward ; un- 

manly n.m. impotent person coward fj/l' 
£ 3 na-mar'd kar' de'na v.t emasculate (fjyl'na- 
mar'di n.f. impotency unmaniineis; cowar 
dice ytlsl’ na-m isa' l i<L adj. unfavourable (cir- 
cumstances etc.) Ing-m&sbak'khet adj . un- 
defined. unclassified kha'r-e nZlmushakk- 

khas n.m. (fig.) arrant fool ^jf^L'na-masbW 
adj. unlawful inadmissible bad^g^t' 

na-miia'biq adj. inconsistent (with) £^1* 



.•a - mat boo" adj diasagreeable unpleasant 
contrary 10 nature/f**'*!.' na-mo’’ taoar adj. un- 
reliable undependable j untrustworthy 
tti-ma'qool' adj unreasonable improper 
indecent absurd silly (rare) irrational 
ma‘ qooliy' yat n.f silliness { J^lna- 
ma'lnom' adj. unknown f lkl'na-mula"im adj. 

rough harsh or uncivil (words, etc ) { ^\! 
rid-mun<'kin adJ & imt impossible (.✓oi" 
ti ( i-mana fib adj improper unbecoming 
indecorous jjH^L'na-maneooi adj. & adv 
rejected refused turned down disallowed 
disapproved inadmissibility 

na-mo'ajiq adj adverse (op*mon, circum- 
stances, etc ) disagreeable or unwholesome 

(food, etc ) unsuited unsuitable un- 
congenial .ii’i/l'na-mo'a/aijtfi n.f. disagree- 
ment unsuitability unwholesomeness jfy s' 

na-mauc.ooH' adj. unsuitable unmetrical^iy t 
na-meh'rbal I adj unkind , unsympathetic 
na-muyaSuin n f. poverty ; peunry i—^l' 
id- va jib adj improper va'qif adj. 
ignorant unacquainted ; unaware inexperi- 
enced; unskilled , unknowing n.m stranger^uf 
vd-va qifi,£j*%)ind-vaqiji/yat n.f ignorance 
unawareness inexperience being a stranger 
CSjVnd-vaq't adv. out of time , at the wrong 
hour adj unseasonable jlj^k'na-hamvat adj 
uneven irregular (rare) uncouth tfjlfti' 

na-hamva ri nf unevenness (rare) lack Of 
manners j\f ^ l na-hahjir adj mean worth- 
less , good-for-nothing wicked n.m. rogue , 
rascal na-yab'^ adj unprocurable 

rare scarce na-yaf't n f unprocur- 

ability [PI 

nab adj pure unadulterated 
clear [P] 

_ n.m (pl £lj nov&'Hff!) 

genius (A] 

j . i* nap'na v.T measure %1'2-jras'tah nap'na 
» v.i. walk without any purpose walk just 
for the fun of it IJfly iff gar' dan nap'na v.t take 
someone by the scruff of the neck ‘r'C nap n.m 
measure, measurement (Jj^Vnap' tol n.m. weigh- 
ing and measuring 

t **i. na'ta n.m. relationship ties ; relations 

* Vjj ft na'ta tor' no v.t sever relations 

(with) sever ties (with) iff; ft na'ta jor'na 
V.t forth an alliance (with) establish 
relations (with) -describe something as related 

••i, nalk (h.) n.m. nose-stnng (for) draught 
oxen (dial ) husband &l'nath'na vt 



pass a string in animal’s nose-ring 
(someone) under control 

**» L* ni « tt N M ‘ K 13 "^ 500 ' *°nof one's daughter 
0 " (J l>‘ no' tin n f grand-daughter, daughter 
of one’s daughter 

na'ta adj. (f. J t‘ na'ti) short , dwarfish 

na'tak n.m. (arch.) drama , play 
WOv dramatic performance na’utkya 
(rare) actor 

?,• na'ji adj. & n.m (one) delivered of sins 
W (A - 

r* ( • nacjx'na v.t dance & f nadj n.m. dance 
ball ballet (C/\j ClSjQ,L nacb dtkha'na 
(or kar'na) v.i. dance frVna&'-raiig n.m 
dance and musicA_af g,l nadl'-gkar n.m. danc- 
ing hall ball room Clf &Vnadt' na&a'na v.t 
cause to dance Ltj'& tVjJ'tig'ni ka na& na&a'na 
v t make (someone) dance to the tune (of) 
k&'c / r k-J?>&l>'na(h na ja'ne afigan fe'rka prov 
a bad workman fights with his toots 
l-f naf/t'ne la'gi to gkut'ghat kat'sa prov. straw 
at the guat after swallowing the camel 

i. na'hiyah n m. (pl. i j nova' ffi ) vicinity 

* bourne [AJ 

. . i. nakhuda' n.m seaman , sailor , captain 
W* * skipper [P] 

r,. na'khun, {rare nakfwon') n m nai 

.tfJ’.tfb na' khun-bak'di n f (dial ) service 
nakh^n-e tadbir n.m. (fig.) device 

ttrifpm/ i hx'A L ti. .. !» _t! . 



separation) occur between near and dear ones 
yJ^f’Cna’khttn-e shamsHr' n.m. (fig.) edge of 
a sword tZ-J^tyl'na'kbun shamshit se ph. with 
the help of the sword , by dint of force £>f^C 
na'kh^n gar'na v.i. have control (of) b'/fifb 
na k&ttn garo tis v.t dig one’s nails (into) 
rta'khun gtr n.m nail-clipper , nail- parer 
iU tfi'na'hhun U'na v.t. pare the nails 
(of horse) trip ; stumble [P] 

, « . na'khunah n.m. plectrum , guitar quill 
haw or web (in the eye) [prcc. ) 
nakhoon' n.m. (same as JTi' m m. *) 

na'dtr adj. (p. na’dtrah pl 

nav ? d,T ] cunous wonderful 

jVj'jjftJVJJb na dtr-e (or na'dtra-t) at M U 

wonder of the world n *‘ dit-sha'kX n s 

tyrannical rule adj. tyrannical ~ ategorica , 
of Nad ii Shah, the 18th century conqueror of 
India and Persia l na'dira-kar adj. & - n . m . 

(one) working wonder (fjjVna'dirl n .f. (at 
cards) acc or picture-card ADJ. of Nadir Shah 
tyrannical categorical f&tfsjl'na'dirl 

huk'm n.m, tyrannical or categorical order 

(A — C sjSi ) 

if , tia'd-e 'all' n.f. opening words of a 

(J well-known prayer stone amulet on 
which it is carved [A invoke God] 

> >• ns' dim adj, sorry regretful asham- 
I ^ ed repenting ; penitent I'j'fjL' na dim 
kar'na v.t, put to shame V^^^^C^ap'ne ki'ye 
pat na'dimho'na ph. be sorry for onc’s'doings 

y-T* yoke (ox, etc.) 

. na'diya n.m. ox (or f, cow) with extra 
limb, horn, etc. taken round by Brahmins 
for begging alms 

* .. nar n.f. fire hell tfji'na'ri adj 
J* fiery cursed ; condemned be lash 

f nar, (JjV na’ri n.f. (dial.) woman $j\iJ 
Jv nar' na'ri n.m. pl. man and woman [S} 

< nara‘'in n.m. (H. dial.) (God ar) the 
4Jr i/l Eternal 

natjlV n.m. cocoanut [A-Uc/A] 

C/rH’ / . . 

# nar’ mat adj. normal nar" mat sakod 

(Jjv N.W. normal school 

> .. Karat) n.m orange (f.j V varaft’jl adj. 
Q/ d ' orange-coloured ; orange 

^ ^ tarai’jgl n.f. tangerine 

g I* na'ri adj. (sec under jt' n.f. see under 

N-F. *) 

L j. na'riyal n.m. cocoanut cocoanut- 
yJ* tree small hookah made of cocoanut 
ipYj'jV na'riyal ka tel' n.m. cocoanut-oil 
£ nd’ra n.m. trouser-string t>>U^Cna'r<"j 
|jv kakd&'m V.T. tie the trouser-string CJjoT | 
aa'rfl ktoTna V.T, untie the trouser-string 

• sac N.M. coquetry blandishment 
V* dalliance ; amorous playfulness whims 
and apncrxtl£?}J L'&ljVnaz Btfca'na (or kkrttch'- 
ng) v.t. bear with (someone’s) whims and 
cvprietM AIj yjCnairbar-da’rl n.f. praising the 
coquetry ways (of) ttJ&iiifJ I'naz-bar-da'ri kar'na 
v.t. bear with the gjjj/jiJnaz-partiar'dak adj. 
tenderly nurtured * spoil (child) t* naz' 
kar'na v.t. take airs ; be full of pride tfjl naz' 
naU'rok n.m. coquetry ; blandishment ; dalliance 
jU> jji'na'z-o-nayaz' n.m. pl. coquetry and 
gallantry - loving couple’s mutual relations . 

na'z-o-nt' mot n m. worldly.. comforts 

Q L£mS'jJt,'na'z-o-iu‘'mat men pat'na,jb'jjst 
Jakh'r-o-naz' nm. pride cenceit VSjl'j/t/- 
far Jaj&'r-o-naz' kar'na v.t be proud (of) take 
pride (in) v.t. be born with a silver spoon m 
the mouth be bred in j (J t* na'zafi adj. 
proud (of) conceited [P] " 

{J*j t* ” a ' 1 — N,F ' P r ' c ' e conceit (P] 

JX naz bo n.m. wild rue ; basil [P] 

• • 

J 'C . . na'zuk adj. delicate tender 
J v elegant ; graceful slim nice 
sensative subtle critical dangerous 
fragile fiyt JjL'na'zSk-altdam' tfj. J'jCd'zM- 
brt'dan adj. delicate n.m. sweet-heart 
nh' zitk-khnyzJ' adj. fanciful; imaginative Ju\fX" 
rtii'zuk-khaya'li n.f imagination ; fancy 
subtlety of expression £, tj <S)V na' zuk-dimafh’ 
ad j^ touchy; testy J,ljJ'j\ZnaZ‘*k zoma'nah. 

nn'zak vaq t n.m. critical moment 
dangerous times na'zuk mizaj' adj 

touchy; testy mo’a'malah n.m 

delicate matter (f-ji' na'znki n.f. delicacy 
tenderness [P] 

t,..r.a'zU adj. descended alighting 
U-d » dismounting coming down arriving 
at arriving unexpected revealed (scrip- 

.tures) I'j'lJjL" nn'zil ho'na v.t. descend 
alight dismount come down arrive at 
unexpectedly be revealed I'f J)V na'zil kar'na 
v.t. reveal (scriptures) JjV tia'zilah n.m. (lit.) 
calamity adj. descended revealed (A~ 

JyJ 1 

a*, .naz'rtln n.f. delicate person belle 
C Cd • sweetheart adj delicate 

lovely [P] 

</V n as n.m. (rare) people [A) 

y oat- n.f. snuff ki tft&t'ki n.f 

a pinch of snuff Ot.tX knas It na v.t. 
take snuff sniff (something) 
r . * nas n.m. ruin destruction C'j/jr’Vnai 
V i karde'na v.t. spoil ruin . destroy 
ho ja'na v.t. be spoilt be 

ruined go to rack and ruin tik n.m, 

& adj. (dial.) atheist [S] 

> , n a' slkh adj, annulling cancelling 
C'' * N.m. amanuensis scribe [A ] 

/ t na'sik n.m. (pl. niissak') 

Avvt* worshipper ; devotee one who makes 
a sacrifice [A] 

V T 

.* nasoot' N.M physical universe man- 
land : humanity [A] 

nasoor' n.m. (n "sZ'ljaavasir') running 
jy' » sore ; ulcer; fistula jy> l’ naroor' bhor'na 
v.i. {of ulcer) heal nasoor* par' na v.i. 

become a running stare ; ulcerate [AJ 
*j ^ ^ natbpa'li N.F. pear 

i* nosh'lak n.m. breakfast 
J-*'' t* fcar'na v.i. breakfast [~P (J? I? ] 

A,,. na dir hm. (pl. y^ict'n 3 f*ir|«') publisher 


ea'rti n.m. one setting something up 

particle putting a word in accusative 
case [A ~ <-+*&] 

£0 1 . na'-JcA ADJ. & N.M. (PL. nUsaka') 

(/ * adviser ; counsellor : monitor ; mentor 

. . nasir adj. (pl. jU>i ansar') n.m. helper 
ally (A- ) 

na'siyah n.f. (pl. uaca'ii) forc- 

<T» head forelock over the head 

na'siya-sa, Ufi^l'na'stya-farsa' n.m. & adj. (one) 
imploring humbly ' ( i^^i'na’stya~sa' , i,Jiyy^U 
na'sia-farsa''l n.f. humble lmploration [AJ 

na'fi? adj. categorical (decision) 

(y * rational (quality) talking (creature, 
etc.) J&l'ns'tiqah n.m. faculty of speech I'JjsJ&tS 
natiqah band' kar'na v.t. silence [A ~ J 
tli. aa'zir n.m. beholder . spectator 

/ * supervisor inspector a petty court 
official reader na' ztr-e taHim' n.m. 

Inspector of Schools cf-JzV nazirln' n.m. pl. 
spectators ej>l' na’zirah n.f. (pl. w^Cnaeiral') 
inspectress ; lady superintendent (rare) eye 
reading by sight *w (reading) by sight 
&e%tpVna‘zirak parX'na v.t. read (by sight) 
y l 1' na' zira-tthatt n.m. one who is able to 
recite the Holy Quran but is unable to under- 
stand its meaning c n.m. beholders; 
spectators onlookers [A J 

b t oacun n.m. (pl. \£> nUzama') adminis- 
f trator manager (rare) poet ; com- 

poser of verse. (arch.) governor (of province, 
etc ) [A ~ JP ) - 
* j* »3'ghaA n.m. 

xa'fftaA kar'na 
work [FJ 

. . « nuj n.f.. navel; umbilicus centre 
w v ( 0 f) f' tal'na v. (erf navel muscle) 

be displaced cC'Ol’aa’/-* zomti' n.f. centre 
of the earth . (fig.) the Holy Ks'bah [FJ 

close day leave (j/> l* 
v.i, stay away from 

.* ., na'Jiz adj, operative ; effective issued 
Ji V adv. in force I'J'jSVna'fiz kar'na v.t. 
issue (orders) .enforce ; give effect to : imple- 
ment b'ytjil' na'Jiz ko'na v.t. (of orders, etc.) 
be issued be enforced ; be put into effect ; be 
implemented [A ~ 

\ i. n a' fir adj. fit n.m. (one) who disdains 

1 na'fe 1 adj. profitable ; beneficial 

Cs * useful ; advantageous [A ~ ] 

/li* na'filoh N.F. & adj. supererogatory (devo- 
^ tion) [A- ] 

na' Jah N.M. muskpod j^tJoVnafa-t a'hoo 
£ v n.m. musk deer’s pod [P ~ <2> t* ] 

* i. na'ft, J V na'Jiyah adj. negative [A ~ ] 

4> l 

>. na'qid adj. & n.M. (pl. tfjjl'najjidln') 
v fault-finder (rare) critic"* IjS l' naqtda' nak 

adj. & adv. critical fault-finding [A ~Ja> ] 
Jt , .na'qis adj. defective deficient 

{J t imperfect unsound „ wanting (in) 
worthless finite (verb ) ^jfy^L'na’qis-vUkhil'qat 
adj. deformed deiective by birth 
na qis-ut~'aq'l adj. of unsound mind 
deficient in understanding [A~ ] 

/c na'qil n.m. narrator [A ~ ) 

»• naqoos' n.m- conch 
(ped.) wooden gong 
naqoos' baja'no v.t. strike* the 
wooden gong l^'y^ l j-^}l'naqoos' 
pheotik'na v.t blow the conch [AJ 

na qah n.m. she- camel ; dromedary 
£ * na'qa-savar' n.m. camel driver drome- 
dary rider [AJ 

/. nak n.f. nose caspicuous person 
imJ" prominent thing honour (of) | 
nak a' na v.i. feel like blowing one’s nose ( f i \ Jl' 
(,♦ fi nak’ oolt&i ho'n a v.t. enjoy a resectable 

status (among)* win greater honour 
yOrji t/V nak' i'dhar ke nak u'dhar prov. a change 
either way would make "little difference Jji' 
nak' -band n-m. , nose-band (for horse) ji 

nak' band ko'na v.i. have rasal passage choked 
owing to cold L bkaun dt orha'na 

v.t. knit the brows frown ; scowl ex- 
press one’s disgust (with) Uv. Ji'nak’ baih'na 
v.i. (of someone) run at the nose 
nak baifi'na (or pi&akna) v.i. (of nose) flatten 
fir jt'nalf bUtdk'na v.t. bore the nose /- Jt* 
s P aT ra *b kar bat ' 

kar'na v.i. place one’s finger on one’s nose 


while talking be effeminate ; talk like woman 
l* f j - } A Jl'J n ^' P aT jnta' kar a'na 
ph. (dial.) achieve success in the teeth of (some- 
one) opposition C/j Jjji. Ji' nak' par raft, de'na 
ph. make prompt payment Ji'Jki nsk’ 

par ghus'sah ho'na v.i. (someone) be irritable 
C Ijl > i nak par kl mak’kh i tak na Ur s' ns 
PH. be slothful U- » s&k i , ([’nak' tor nusk ’• 
khi m baifk'ne dens ph. not be come under the 
least obligation ijjji' nak' tor’ns v.t. smash 
(someone’s) nose disfigure(l^^l I’ltfvfJi: 
nak’ (harha'na (or sukor'na or suker’na) v.t." 
frown (upon) express one’s disgust lt> 
nak' (pa'rha adj. (p. nak'~(ta'rhi) proud 

vain ; conceited dpjff’JJi'nak' dia'rhi raih'na 
v.i. be surly nak’ (pane (pabva'na v.t. 

torment hars&s ( \P,j 

nsk' sio'ti kai'na (or kat' kar hath.', de'na) v.t. 
disgrace (a woman) nak' tfio'ti 

men girif'tar' raih'na v.i. be proud be ink- 
able be preoccupied with own worries 
J?.JV nak' &%i' j a'na v.i. (of nose! have its 
bore LJ nak’ rakhl le'ns v.t. preserve 

(someone’s) honour ( n °k' ra'garna 
(or ghis'na) v.t. express regrets very humbly 
implore deplore oneself for the purpose 

l ‘J*pf nak' st laki'ren khet&na v.t. 

humbly assure not to repeat a mistake JL / Jl' 
nak' ka bal' n.m. person having influence over 
(someone) confidant {JtJJi'nak' ka 

hah'sa (or ban'sah) n.m. bridge 'of the nose 
j/Jl' nak' ka bah'sa phir' ja'na v.t. be at 
the point of death & y'Jl'nak' ka tin'Jta n.m. 
small ornamental nail for noseU^c(ftbi^^^^ 
nak' kat' b choo'taron men rakh'na, 

ka'ti muba'rak kan' ka' to Jala' mat 
ph. be impervious to all sense of shame IZbfvJ 
nsk’ {kan') kat'na v.t. disgrace or debase (some- 
one) I'uJi'nak' kaxa'na v.i. be disgraced 
nak’ kat'na v.i. be disgraced (in family, 
etc.) rf.jrjMjJi'nak’ kl sldh' men i adv. straight 
ahead jji' nak’ kt pkungl N.r. tip of the 
nose iVciu nak' kt phe'rt bayan’ 
kar'na ph.** complicate some statement unneces- 
sarily iy Jl' nak' mar'nS v.t. spurn; dislike 
O I, (jZtji'nak' men bol'na v.i. snufHe l>j 
d'Sk) nak' men dr' de'na (or kar'na) v.r. harass 
L-rSjtfJt'nak' men dam' a’na v.t. be harassed 
Jk'nak' men dam' kar'na v.t. harass 
L'J (p/ijl'nak' na dl ja’na ph. stink 
nak’ na raih'na v.i. lose prestige Jv nak' va'la 
adj. (f. J i } Ji‘ nak'joa'H) respectable (person) 





k> Ji'Oji' na'kon nak bkar' de'na v.t. fill to 
the brim j >JV nak'rS n.m. thick nose 

nsfc 8UF - na’ki suf. -fulness [PJ 

nu'kah , /V na'ka n.m. end of road 
check-post there eye (of needle) (Pm jC 

n&’ka-bafidi n.f. blockade ti/tfM. Ji' rts’ka-ban'di 
kar'na v.t. blockade .place a picket at the 
end. (of street, etc.) Olefjjl'na'kah sambhal'na 
v.t. picket O&^Z-ijtJXnake men se nikal’na v.t. 

bring under one’s yoke coerce make 
things difficult (for); put (someone) into a corner 
[doublet of Jl* J 

na’keh n.m. one who marries [A- 

? nag n.m. dangerous snake 
<Jl cobra (regarded by 

Hindus as a diety) l* na’gan 
(dial, na'gin) jyb' nSg'nt n.f. 
dangerous female snake 
nag-pha'm n.f. a kind of cactus # 

Lrf na' gor-bcl' n.f. betel-leaf creeper U iyji’ 

0, na'gar-mo'Aa n.m. a kind of fragrant 
grass y • 

nsg'ri, dev-nag'rl n.f. Hindi 

script ; Devanagari 
na'gal n.m. strap under yoke 

na'gan, jA* nag'ni n.f. (see under Ji" 

N.M. if) 

j,, «s/n.f. pipe tube barrel (of gun) 
Q v stalk stem (weaver’s) shuttle 

pith (inside reed) navel string drencher 
0 ^(^k)iwJb'«algar'na (or daj’n ha' ns) ph. 
have hereditary connections (with a place) 

na'/a, Jl’na'lah n.m. ravine brook 
V m drain gutter 

rn’lan adj. (see under JI * n.m. •*) 

Aj # na'lish n.f. spit ; law-suit ; legal action ; 
(ft p\aint'#tJsU J £na'lisit-* dlva'itl N.F; civil 
soax.l-J'^l)) i y J Vna'liai{da' , ir) kar'na v.t. file a 
suit na'/i*H N.k. plaintiff 

J nal’ki n.f. open palanquin for the rich 



., na'loh n.m. lamentation toflak adj. 

Ji lamenting complaining tlf/'Jt; 

na'loh sar kar'na v.t. layment sigh ; heave 
a sigh nala-t shab-glr' n.m. lementa- 
tion at "night JrO f nzt la-kasfi adj. ft m.m. 
lamenter nn'la-ka'M n.f. lamentation 

I' jjti' na’loh kar’na v.i. lament jdy jjl’ na’la-o- 
faryad, tfjljjJVna'lo-o-za'rt n.f. lamentation 




lamenting crying 

moan Jina'lisvr 

IP~ CV 1 ‘) 

t i» na'li n.f drain pipe 
0 vein tubulated tile 

nam n.m. name appellation good 

f * name ; character ; fame jjTfl'na'm-a’sar 
adJ. famous ; renowned (fjjtfl/na'm'a'vari n.f. 
fame ; renown Car i (l' nam' Sii’na v.i. (of some- 
one’s name) be stamped well Olgl (inzrri 
Zc&kal'na v.t> defame make famous 

nam' U'dshal'ni v.i. be defamed *win 
fame t fjfiLft’nam' ba'gi raih'na v.i. be im- 
mortalized irSfVjsfil nam bad-nairi kar'na v.t. 
defame L tyftyfl’nam bad-nam' ho'na v.i. be 
defamed ej^fl’nam'-bUr'dah adj. above named 
nam' ba'ra dar'shan d&o'tf v.i. be 
famous beyond deserts l je ft nam' ba'ra ho'na 

v.i. a (of person or family) have great prestige 
^7 —O', f V torn' bik'ta hai PH. the name sells ft," 
nam' bik'na v.i, have a good market ; have a 
name (for) Vj&ftnam' bigsr'na v.t. nickname 
defame i^fCnam bi'gar’na v.i. be nicknamed 
fL^ftnam' ba-nam’ adv. individually by 
name (,*£ finam' ps'na v,T. win a name for one- 
self ; become famous -4 (V nam' par adv. in the 
name (of) parjan' de'nz v.t. be 

ready to lay down one’s life for one’s prestige 
V tCJ^^Vnam' par lpr’f a'na V.t.^ be defamed ; 
earn a had name (for oneself) nam' par 

mif’na v.t. be deep in love (with) CifjUfi nam ’ 
parja’na v.t. have an appellation L'jgfVnam’ 
pukar'na v.t. call out the name (of) i'S I' 
nam' pai'da kar'na v.t. make a name ; become 
famous ifirfl'nam' jag'na v.i. (of someone’s 
fame) be rehabilitated Ugfl'nsm' jap'na v.t. 
repeat the name of be devoted to fS nam'- 
joo adj. fame-hunter 0££jft*»am ehark'na v.t. (of 
name) be entered nam ’ dtal'na v.i. have a 

name (for) (,' Ip hhak' meh mil' 

ja’na v.i. lose one’s reputation ij/r fl' na’m-e 
fchUda' tot. good heavens ; goodness gracious 
may pod. preserve him (etc.) from all harm 
Vj't-sIS'fi'nam' Merab' kar'na v.t. defame , 
bring a bad name (to) jlu> t" nam'-dar adj. 
famous ; renowned ; celebrated (fjljsV nam'-da'ri 
n.f. fame ; renown , celebrity .^,4 /w 

(or pa) nam' dkor'ra v;t blame ; accuse ' ijj f l' 
•tarn dSbo’na v.t kwe one’s (etc.) reputation 

.. . V nam doob’na v.t (of reputation) be lost 
c£j fi/nam’ rokk’na v.t. name CoCfi/ ko nam’ 
rakk’na v.t. blame , accuse VjJp'jjfb'nam' 
rau'shan kar'na v.t make (someone) famous 

win fame O? C^ha m' rau'shan ho'na v.i 

become famous I'nm’zflbari par phir'na 

v 1. (of name) not to be recalled fully 
nam' -tad adj. nominated (arch.) betrothed 

(to) (tare) earmarked (for) fotjfb'nam' raih f 
ja'na v.i. be remembered ever afterwards K/jyV 
nam'-zad kar'na v.t. nominate (arch.) 
betroth (rare) earmark (for) $WVnam- 
za'dagl * n.f. nomination (arch.Jbetrotha! 
I'/ oJj (V ram' zik'dah kar’na v.t. revive the 
name (of) *s-fV namst adv. by the name (of) 

be afraid (of) fyC^b^fCnam' se va'qif ho'na v.t. 
know (someone) by name b'jf tfjlfji'tffrnam' ka 
sik’kahja’n ho'na v.i. rule be famous tfgi' 
nam ka adj. nominal adv. just in name iiajfl' 
nam ’ kar ja’na v.t. leave a good name behind 
L'S fl' nam kar’na v.t. aehieve fame /.fV nam' ko 
adv. nominally in name only • just in name 
worth the name (not) at all io^/^oj/fVnam' 
ko dhob'boh laga'na v.t. & 1. defame earn 
a bad name for oneself, etc.) l'& ft' nam' 
taga’na v.t. blame accuse (of) fl’nam’ 
lag'na v.t, b? blamed be accused (of) 
nam' le kar adv. In the name of nam' It 

It' kar .adv. openly by name 1% fir nam le'nu 
v.t invoke the name (of) name call by 
name accuse falsely praise (jifi'nam'-le'ua 
n.m. heir descendant follower i^fl" 
nam' mit’na v.i. be forgotten for ever. Jiff 
na’m-e na’mi n.m, famous name O^fUnam’ 
nikal'na v.t. & i. win fame hit upon name 
(for child from Scriptures, etc.) V&'fl' nam' 
ni'kalnav.l. become famous be notorious 
become a by-word (for) (of name of culprit, 

etc.) be found out jiff V nam’ -ruhad adj. so- 
called * fV nam nO le'na v.t. forget all 
about be disgusted with j>T nam' -oar adj. 
famous ; renowned n.m. celebrity tfj/i nam' -va’ri 
n.f. fame; renown; celebrity (Vna'm-th 
nishan' (Or -s*aft') (col. (.)& fL'nam’ nishan') n.m. 

sign trace particulars jj* j> fina’m-o~ 
numood' „n.m. (col. jf fi nam'-mmod') mere 
show 1 -£jfl'na'm-o-mhg' n.m. honour 
prestige i'Jjfl'nam ho’na v.i. win fame ; be 
renowned be entrusted to t£ f na'mi adj. 
famous ; celebrated illustrious well-known 
Jt/jV na'mi giro ml adj. well-known [P] 

f namoos' n.f.(pl. (jffjnavatnis') honour 
U/i chastity female members of a family 



seraglio angel rule; law yfi namoo’ s~e 

ak'bar n.m. gabriel the chief law (f'/V 
namoo’si n.m. (col.) disgrace [A] 

.* na'mah n.m. letter record (of) 
t*" na'ma-e a'mzd' n.m. record of (someone’s) 
deeds na'ma-bar n.m. messenger bearer 
of a note nz'rr.a-nigar' n.m. correspondent 

(of periodical) ( J l'; r j J sl'na'ma-o-pajcm’(*(J^jsV 
na' ma-o-paigham' n.m. correspondence ex- 
charge of latters messages [PJ 
(A- nz'mi adj. (see under fV n.m. -fc) 

f m .. na'ml adj. vegetal J I'ff'jism-e na'mi 
O * n.m. living or vegetal body 
adj. organic UcftfUl'tOtniya'Q klmiy* n.f. 
organic chemistry na'miyah n.f. vegetal 
function ; vegetation [A ~ y ] 

nan n.f. loaf of breed Jt^l’nan-Aa'’l n.m. 
baker jb^Vnari-pa'o n.f. (arch.) bread 
Vna'n-e javi n' n.f. barley bread (fig.) 
coarse diet ^ih^ji‘nan'-khala' , i n.f. cooky e / \‘Jf (,* 
nan'-hhoh n.m. seed of a plant of dill kind^i) 
na'n-o-naf'qah (coL Pb^^'nan’ naf'qah) n.m. main- 
tenance allowance for one’s family l" 

na'n-o~namak n.m. simple food [PJ 

a t na’na n.m. maternal grandfather J l’ 
.tiarii n.f.' maternal grandmother £ 
Ot^lfjy^nanl ke s’ge nanhyal’ k% baiefi prov. 
complain to someone against his-, kith and kin 
j/U jff/JlU U'uU^^Vnani ne 

Uias'm ki’ys bu'ra ki'yS kar' ke chhor di'ya aur' 
bhi bu'ra kiyz prov. silly step followed by naive 
amends I’tjL taniyad' a'na prov. be remind- 
ed of one’s palmy days 

nah'tha adj. having no heir 


naiid n.f. vat trough 

^ .j, natidh'na V.T. begin (embroidery, etc.) 

l^iit natt'ga n.m. nude Hindu saint adj. nude 
PI (doublet of ] 

.• V.. nafigk’na v.t. (dial.) jump over ; take in 
" a stride 

* .. nak''o~ (Jjl' na’'ofi n.m. (arch.) for 
7" (n.m. if) (Jij> i'nab’vab n.m. money 
debt b'^O'j^kan'vafi tkuka'nZ v.t. repay debt 
t* aa'pa* n.m. arrow jljSl cfoV na'vak-afidaz' , 
2* na'vdk-fi’gan n.m. archer 

sagittrius; critical person ^ji^hj'jL'na'vak-afida'zi 
iP'JjV na'vak-fi'gani n.f. archery harsh 
criticism [P) 


| I* na'vil n.m. novel ; 

nigsr’ (or navis') n.m. novelist^^'t^^t^jjt' 
na'vii-nigari (or navi' si) n.f. fiction-writer [P] 
s., na -0-nosh'' n.m. carousing [P ~ 

Cc 7 )}* flute + 4/^ drinking] 

£ n2ter' n.m. breakfast [P] 

”sfi'roo n.m. (same as n.m. 

.* nakid' n.m. Venus (PJ 

£ na'Ai/i! adv. (dial, for \J^ ) no 

s . na'’i 4 n.m. deputy ; assistant 
4 -j' / v attorney vicegerent locum tenens 
t‘ na” ib-Us-sallanat n.m. viceroy 
na'ib manab' n.m. vicegerent [A- lx ] 

,h- na 1 'Irak n.m. fire flame (of) (A ~ j{p] 

na'izah n.m. penis (P) 

/V/« na n ik n.m. corporal (rare) virtuoso 

>A' na'ikak n.f. bawd ; mistress of 


* i • va’o n.f. boat (^fj^l/'^'jb'na'o khush’ki 
2 * men na’hifi (Jtal'ti prov.** one must spend to 
vs in honour jV na’o ktu na v.t. row a boat 
l ,' tji jl‘na”o mek khak fira'na prov. trump 
up a false charge 

<« na"t n.m. barber 1* na”ln nji. barber’s 
0 L wife 

^ _ l ”«'**> ^ ^ AFFIX. flute gulf 

^ ^ nabat’ n.f. sugar-candy [PJ 


nib N.M. nib [E] 

^ **. • nabatat’ n.f. vegetables 4$ l y nabata'li 
Y AD j_ botanical C>[s\s nabaliyyal' n.f. 
botany (A — sing. CsO ] 
nabbaz' n.m. 

^ pulse ; specialist in diagnosis shrewd 

person nabba'zi N.f, 

shrewdness ‘ 

expert at feeling the 
gnosis shrev 

such expertness 

i» i* nibah'na, L*W nibha'na v.t. be faithful 
be constant in relations (with) live 

(happily, etc, with) for a long period accom- 

modate *U nibah\ j[a? nibf>.z”o n.m. faith- 
fulness constancy spirit of accommodation 
l‘f nibalt' kar'nh v.i. be constant in 

relations (with) accommodate; have an accom- 
modating spirit 

kibtn'ns, C& aiptz'ns, v frrimta'ffi v.t. 
v K settle bring to a conclusion 
ni'batnu, Iff ni'patns, ni'matnS v.i. be 
settled be concluded ; be brought to a con- 
clusion settle bring to a conclusion _ 

\ nabar'd n.f. battle war fight yv-'jc' 

y* nabar’ d-^-ma N.M. warrior fighter 

nabard'-gah n.f. battlefield [?] 
i.^ * ni'barns v.i. be finished ; be completed 
y come to an end be expended I'fzf 
naber'na v.T. complete expend do ; 
perform ; execute , . 

Jg/J nab'z n.f. pulse 
{J m nab'z dekh'na v.t. feel the 
pulse (of) [f^lff^nab'zeh chkoot'tia 
v.i. (of pulse) cease beating 
be dying [A] 

mbuv’vat n.f. (see under (f n.m. if) 

nibo'li n.f. margose fruit [~ {C ] 

0 • 

na'bavl adj. (see under (f n.m. if) 

.*. 2 nibha'na v.t. (same as UfU v.t. ir) 
tlA nibha’o n.m. (same as ’n.m.) (see under 
UfU v.t. if) 

..JJ nibh'na v.i. be faithful be constant 
live together pull together 
>* no 'As n.m. prophet fi/jt nabiy'y-c karim ' 
V/* n.m. the Holy Prophet ^ nabiy'y-t 
miir' sal n.m. .Prophet to whom scriptures are 
revealed nubuv'at n.f. prophethood 

prophecy na'bnvi adj. prophet; prophetical 
{A~ (y news] 

• .* nabiz' n.f. ‘nabiz* a non-alcoholic for- 
mented beverage prepared from malt 
l* nabi'rah n.m. grandson [P] 


|*j, naber'na v.t. (see under tJV v.i. jfr) cute 

j!** 4 . 

* na'pu (Ala adj. measured limited 

[ W+OJ ] 

p* \ ni'pat n.f. (arch.) quite 


* >« nip&'na v.t. (same as lb* v.T. if) <-* 
LLif ni'patnn V.T. & l. (same as \£? v.t. & i. 
-A) (see under ) 

|^* nap'na v.i. be measured ( ~ l^l*] 

• ■ nit' adv. always; ever tyiib£sbj*pljr£s 

nit’ ku n et ktad'na nit' pi' til pfn2 prov. live 
from. hand, to mouth L* cf" nit' na'yi adj. & 
adv. (f. if >£/ nit ' na' ’*) ever new 

T v* nipoa'in n.m. rfji nipoo'ti n.f. (dial.) 
issuelcss[~ ^ 

^ nata'ij n.m. (pl. of jrt n.m 

•rj naiA n.f. large nose ring £(,!>■' 

& nalh Utsr'ns v.t. deflower j®| M 
lisi/fr' nalh barha’na v.t. take \ iff 
nose-ring off fjjfff naik ejioo'ri jffli 

ff choo'ri natk n.f. nose-ring fm 

and bangles (as symbols of happy 
married (life) nalh.' rti N.f. animal’s nose- 

ring small nose-ring iff nalh' y a n.f. small 
nose-ring [ — iff ] “ 

I* 1 Zef "itksr'na v.t. (of liquid). draw or pour 
vjr& (of the sediment) lyff ni'tharna v.i. 
purified thus ; be drawn off ; be poured off 
,.£j noth' na. n.m. nostril nath'ne 

phStana (or (tarhana) ph. be angry ; be 


nat’thi adj. tagged ; strung together 
0 enclosed n.f. (rare) tag file 
thread for filing nat’thi-shWdah adj. 

tagged strung together enclosed placed on 
file l/jjf nat'thi kar'nze v.t. tag ; strung to- 
gether enclose place on file 

nati'jah n.m. (pl. £ 0 nata"ij) result 
V* consequence conclusion inference; 
deduction issue il nati'jah nikal'na, v.t. 

deduce infer declare the result O&jf? 
nati'jah ni'kalna v.i. be deduced ; be inferred 
(of result (be declared) 

^ * nat n.m. rope-dancer juggler name 
of musical mode nat'ni n.f. juggler’s 
wife female rope-dancer 

j, * nat'-khat adj: naughty ; roguish n.m. 
knave ^ nat -kha’ti n.f. naughti- 
ness ; roguery ; roguishness 
I**, nisar' adj. sacrificed nisar kar'na 

v.t. be sacrificed at the altar (of) ; be 
immalated (of money, etc.) throw over some- 
one’s head (fig.) devote (to) I’jfjly ‘nisar' ha' rot 
v.t. be sacrificed at the altar (of) (fig.) be 
devoted (to) [A] . 

nassar n.m. (see under poll, if) 

nas'r n.f. prose $)' nas'T-<Agar > km. proae- 
writer jt>‘ nassar' ».m. prose-wr i ter (A] 
k nij ' n.f. of private ownership (used only 

(> as) f £ nij' ka (or) ni’ji adj. oVm 

personal private unofficial 
- nqia'bat nj nobility ■; gentility 
ADJ. & N.M. if fA] 



£* [if n<y§f N F - deliverance ; salvation 
* absolution ; freedom , liberation 
escape [A] 

najsh n.m. success [A] 

(6g ) be 
to be 

t> najjar' n.m. (lit.) carpenter ifjVnajja'H carelessly at lei; 

* nf. carpentry [A] f.jjfna&vtu avr 

mt. (see under jJ. adj. if) 

* • . , ... I*/ <6 nuctva'na v.T 

>/> ™<ya *M n.m. Negus [A ~ Aetheopian] 

naj'd n.m. Highland Arabian [A] 

* . 

naj's, na'jis adj. & n.m. filthy (thing or 
U' person) ; . impure ; unclean (thing or 

nithofna v. T. rinse, rinse out squeeze 
'jy-i wring strain exact ; extort drain 
the life blood (of \j£. nijior' n.m. essence • 

U • person) ; . impure ; unclean (thing or 
P^so") na'jis-uU'ain, adj. & n.m. in- 

1 herently undean (thing or person) [A — k£»-'|/ ] 

, *o^ na 'i a S n . m . site of Hazrat Ali’s tomb 
•, * in Iraq * (rate) waterless mound [AJ 
yfi naj'm N m. pl. afij'um, {Jr. nujoom ) 

( star planet ^^najm-us-sa'qib n.m. (wrong 
but) popular variant of Qjfian-naj'm-us-sa'qib 
n m shining star 1 

f Jf nlfjeom' n m astrology n.m pl stars jjr 
I nujoo'mi n m. astrologer [A - sing. / ) 
^nijl adj (see under £ n f if) * 

^ nojib' n.m (pl. if ntjaba) person of noble 

• birth adj. noble naj l' b-Ut- tar afain' 

adj having noble parents [A ~ 

• t£. > nu'clsa kk B'cJa adj (see under {J' 


n f slope ; declevity (A~ {£ ) 

m'\ nagta'n a v.t. cause to dance pester ; 
iff harass tV ka nach naeha'na 

v t. harass' cause - (someone) to daitce to 
ones trone CjL if nacha' mar'na v.t. harass 
pester by demanding too much obedience 
tire (someone) out t /jjf na&va'na v.t. make 
(someone) dance ijina'&ba/ja n.m.- (derog.) 
dancer [- \Jt caus.) 

ni'ditirna v.t. (see under (Jj£v.t if) 

ni&'la APj. {J, nil'll) motionless 
Df inactive quiet rtf' nick' la na baith'na 

v i. hot to sit quietly fidget 
*,ijf n’tk'l* (dial, ni&al’la) adj (f. j£ni(h’ll, 
*5 dial. ni<&al'ft) lower (storey, etc.) 

kkiis ta) adj. plucked pinched (fig ) be 
crest-fallen i’lj. nuchua'na v t. cause to be 
plucked [ r ifj ] 

ni'&afit adj. free from care uncon- 
• cerned leisurely careless adv 
carelessly at leisure [S~ (^] 

nathva'na v t (see under i'ffv.t. if) 

nuc/tva'na v.t (see under i. if) 

t.kjf nitfior'na v.t. rinse, rinse out squeeze 
wring strain exact ; extort drain 
the life blood (of) nijior’ n.m. essence ' 
summary' the long and short (of) 

| £ na&vay'ya n.m. (see under *a^i a' na 

v.i. ★) 

/ nichh-a'var adj. sacrificed at the altar 
J)\0rj (of money etc.) of scattared (over 
someone) a propitiatory offering Cjjjl^ntekha'var 
kar'nS, v.t. sacrifice at the altair of* scatter 
money, etc., thus I'jfjjlefcnadfka’var ho'na v.i 
be sacrificed at the altar of be scattered 

•rjjhafhkal'tar n.m. (dial.) constellation in path 
/*^~of moon [S] 

^Jp ^ n obafat n f (see under iSoJadj ^k) 

/ nak't n m. slaughter (of camel) sacri- 
fice [A] 

4 naihf (ped. na'hs) adj ill-fated. 4 inauspi- 
{JT cious; ominous; porten tous nahto’sai 

n.f. misfortune portent ominousness 
evil influence laziness [A] 

LfnaA' l n r bee [A] 

^ naft'l n. 

/ ' naA'v n.f, syntax mode Cy* sat 

nah’o n.m. 1 accidence and syntax gram- 
mar adj. syntactical grammatical t$jr 
nah'vt n.m expert in syntax Grammarian 


’/{ nakh n.f. thread thin lacquer 
& bangle [P] 

, knahij adj. lean ; thin slender weak 
C^ij'naba'Jat n.f leanness weak- 

ness [A] 

f.ynakhkhas' n.m. (arch ) slave marker 
^cattle market market nakhkhas' 

ekarh'na v.t. be put for sale in the market 
be ill-famed (ft/ J nakhkhas' In gho'rf n.f. 

pony whore Jij L /^ 1 nakhkhas’-va’ii n.f. 
whore (A] 

J rni-kha'lis adj. (col.) pure ; unadulterated 
i/fjf [~P fcl +A t / fl ^used in exactly opposite 

thread thin 

lean ; thin slender 

n.f leanness 


, nutk na v t. 
Uj worn out 

be plucked be pinched 
b®* If n kka’&a (or 




meaning to literal sense] 

"ZnaWu&U' n.m. prey; game 

ckir'-gah n.f. game preserve hunt- 
ing ground [P] 

I •Jtnabb'rs, naljirah n.m. coquetry 
'/ blandishment disdainful airs ; affecta- 
tion j 1 4—fnakh're-bsz n.m. & adj. coquetish;. 
pretender ; an (person) affected (person) 
tf^-nakh're-fi'ti n.f. & adj. (iron.) coquetish 
woman . • 

^ jky^nakhus'ilb adj. first [P] 


Zjp'nakh'skab n. m. name of a central Asian 
town h-e nakh'shab n . m . (see 

ynder/lN.M. ★) 

* 'nikhas'rm adj. divorced (woman) 

loose (woman) 

fi/nakh’l n.m. date palm dlhj nakh'l-* 
(j t'man (or toor') n.m. Sinai tree where Goc 



made Himself manifest j£jffnabh'l-baitd. n.m. 
gardeners market for.artificial fruits <jC-fnakh'- 
listan n.m. (ped. J*' nakh'lah ) oasis ^ nakhil' 
n.m. date grove [A] 

•* •Snakh'wt «•*<• pride ; haughtiness ; conceit 

yfnabbid’ nj i. gram [PJ 

fiakhll' n.m. (see-under if N.M. *) 

j* nad n.m. (rare) river stream [ ~ tfX ] 

j£ nid n.f. like ; parallel [A} 

I ♦ nida' n.f. call voice U'Ci^har’f-e nida' 
n.m. vocative (A] 

jjfjfna-da’md adv. missing ; gone (Px -f jjb] 

.nadz'mat. p Ha' dam n.f. regret 
(J* repentance (A) 

, riud'rat n.f. rareness singularity 
uniqueness J ^£>j*nud'ral-t b&ayal’ n.f. 
rareness of vision unique idea [A] 

^ nuda'ma n.m. (pl. of^>* n.m. *) 

,ty*nado'la n.m. trough ; large earthen pan [~ 

• nad'vah n.m. ' group ; association (also 
^ V^tZijknad'vat-Ul ‘Blama) Muslim religious 
scholars* association as the name of academy 
founded by the Urdu writer Shibli No’maniif»‘ 
no dm adj. belongiif to Nadvah 
,/• (or nad'di) n.f. stream ; rivulet j V tfX 
dyra'di nd’o satijog' n.m. chance meeting 

0 • naii'dah adj, & n.m. nadYtt; 

■?, covetous (one) looking covetously ru 
eatables, etc. f — P ^ ] 

,* nadim' N.m. (pl. I j! nudamd) 


( ^ companion courtier [A] 
ftnidar' adj. fearless 
^ locc • unrlaiiTrtP^ « m daring person 





less ; undaunted n.m. 
dare-devil [~d + J* ] 
li^-Knidfial adj. & adv. weak 
U ^ tired run-down 

\naz'r n.f. vow offering oblation 

gift ; present Ua>tZ/j.' naz'r cjiarkdna v.t. 
make offerings at a shrine, etc. L’l ay jX' naz'r 
dikka'na v.t. make a present to authority l sj /j.' 
(I'jt'J'i) naz'r dt'na (or guzran'na) v.t. make a 
present (to king) etc. t'y jX'(fki naz'r kar’na v.t. 
present to C'LjJb'naz'r man'na v.i. make a vow 
Ijf jX'afi (ki) naz’r ko'na v.t. be presented (to) 
be a present for someone jjX'naz'r-o-niyaz 
(col. j\s jjS naz'r niyaz) N.m. gifts and oblations 
nazra'nah n.m. present (to superior, etc.) 
(euphuism for) price (euphuism for) 
bribemoney [A] 

j]*nazir' n.f. one who terrorizes [A] 

•4 Ar % 

* nar n.m. & adj. male Jjt/ nar ma'dagi n.m. 
■* cj nar-ma'dah N.m (also {Jj kjnar-mddin 

male and female pair of drums forming ‘tabla’ 
IfjV} nar-ndri m.m. (dial.) man and woman >S 
nari'nah adj. male (issue) [P] 
jtiir pref. without ; lacking un- ; in- . 
■* -less [S] 

ffjmras' n.f. despondence adj. (dial.) (also 
Utjnira'sa) despondent [S] 

, • ni'ra adj. & adv. (f. (j/ ni'ri) merely 
pure and simple through and through 

It!/ nira'la adj. (f. J ( f r.ira'li) strange 


odd rare incomparable 
jnira'na v.t. weed J ly nira n i n.f. weeding 


jnir'bosi n.f. Zedoary 

L*nir’bal adj. (dial.) weak powerless [ ~ 

Urs + J.i 

•» •ni’rat n.f. resigns (alsotyf^r'ttj'rat- 

* kdri) use of 



jr / nir'kh n,m. rat: price Z,ymr'kh.- 

baii'dis.r. (arch.) fixation of rates 

price control v*t>v nir’ kJi-ndmah n.m. price- 

list . . . 

« • nar'kha'a n.m. windpipe nar’khara 

sjy bol'na v.i. have the death-rattle 



' y nar'd n.f. draughtsman ; counter [P] 

j ^ Jnar’d-lan x-M. ladder [P] 

. nirdosh' adj.. (dial.) innocent ; not guilty 
,/ +(/j^blame) 

jptntr'dkan adj. (dial.) poor [S~ J +^3 
if3f wealth] 

• nar's n.f. nurse c &Jnqr'sing n.f. nur- 
uS sing[E] 

L/ ’nar' sal, nar'ka 1 n.m. reed ; matting- 
U J rush 

. nar-sirt'gha n.m. horn (used as wind instru- 
ment) [ ~ s + ] 

* * nar'ghah n.m. cordon crowd (suuound- 
ing culprit, etc.) press \;fy) nar’ghah 
kar'na v.t. throw a cordon (round) press ; 
crowd (round) IV l(f£-snar’ ghr me ft a ja'na v.T. 
be surrounded (by) be pressed (by) [PJ 
nar'k n.m. (H. dial ) hell [S] 

ncr gts n.f. narcissus^. 

{J J nar'gis-e bimar' (or makhmoor') 
n.f. (fig ) beloved’s eye 
nar'gis-e shohla N.F. narcissus with ^ 
black spot (fig.) beloved’s eye tf*} nar gist 
adj. like narcissus nar'gisi pula’o n.m. 

cgg-p ic ‘pulaoVl/tfV nar'gisi kabab’ n.m, boiled 
egg covered with cooked mince and cut length- 
wise , egg-pic [P] 

a • nar'm adj. soft smooth mild 
j > gentle tender easy slow slack dull 
(market) Jr nar'm-dil adj gentle ; kind- 
hearted )jS/ nar'm-rau adj. easy going 
considerate i'ff) nar'm kar'na n.f. soften 
appease f/f/nar'm-gar'ni n.m. harsh words 
'■'‘I, nar'm gar'm sun’na (or saih'na) 

v.i. endure ; put up (with) ; brook (s nar'm 
nar'm adj. quite softy t f f} nar'm ho'na v.i. 
soften yield ; give in take pity be ap- 
peased Cl> S narma'na v.t. soften appease 

oi^i^/nar'mahaf, $ l,/ narma'i n.f. (col.) 
softness (fy nar' mi n.f. softness smooth- 

ness mildness gentleness ; tenderness 
slackness dullness (of market) [P] 
f * nar'mah, bjr nar'ma n.m. long-staple cotton 

r • nar'mah n.m. (ear.) lobe j nat’ma-t 
sj gosh' n.m. ear-lobe [Ft r*y ] 

., • nitv&ri n.m. (f. dial.) salvation IS] 

^ j niroop’ n.m. amorphism [S~ (J + 

na'n n.f, kind ; tanned sheep-skin 

j nari'nah adj. (see under S - a dj . ■£) 
nazar' adj. thin ; lean ; gaunt weak 

thin lean 

j J naki'f-o-nazar' adj 
weak fP] 

C’j.jni'za’ n.f. dispute altercation con- 
Lr'"' tention litigation point at issue [A] 
^Ji.jnaza'kat n.f. delicacy blindishment 
J coquetry (P ~ J^l'j 
. niz'd (or tiaz'd) adj. (rare) near i—j^ynaz- 
dik' adj. if [P] 

//nazdik’ adj. close (to) near in the 
wjjjv opinion (of); according (to) l '\fi> 
ke nazdik' na ja’na v.i. not to go near (fig.) 
keep away from ; fly away (from) (f/jnazdi'ki 
n.f. ad; near (relation) n.m. near relation 
n.f. nearness [P] 

c, •jtiaz"' n.f. last breath ; last gasp 
agonies of death [A] 
j ,’naz'lah n.m. catarrh; rheum 
rS naz'la bar l uz'v-e z^if prov. the weaker 
always gets it in the neck L JJ'S naz'lah gir’ns 
v.i. (of rage) be vented (on) [A~ Jj‘j] 

I /nUzool'- n.m. revelation descent arri- 
val sojourn state lands jDflJ^y 
nuzoo'l-c ijlql' n.m. arrival (of some personage) 
U/Jj>* nizbo' l-al-ma n.m. cataract hydro- 
cele J/J nuzoo'l-e vadiy n.m. revelation . 
divine revelation [A] 

^j .yiuz'hat n.f. (rare) being away (from) [A] 

. • nazhad' n.f. generation descent ; 
extraction ) jl : y nazha'd-e nau' N.F. new 
generation [P] 

\nas k.f. sinew; a tendon; muscle 

\JT (dial.), penis jbfj* nils' -dar adj. sinewy 

mascular f f nas-ka'la n.m. eunuch adj. 
emasculate effeminate 

*fnis n.f. night (only in) nis’-din n.m. 
\JT & adv.. night and day ; always 
. • nisa n.f. women n/sa"l adj. female 
womanish nira 'iy'yat n.f. effemi- 

nacy traits of women’s character [A] 

, \ nasd' n.f. (same as tJJljf’ ir'q-un-nasa' 
n.f. (see under iff'ir'q n.f. if) 
jna'sab y.M. lineage Geneology family 

na' sab-na mah n.m. pedigree ; goneo- 
logical tree 1/ na’sab-nima' n.m. (Math.) 

denominator ^-^oa’sabi adj . family of 
good family Zf^^^ha'sab na'sab n.m. (sec under 



jnis'bat n.f. 


connection ; relation 

reference comparison ratio be- 
trothal adv. (col.) in. proportion (to) 
comparison (with) C't'C^nU’bat ana V.I. (of 
girl) have an offer of marriage ; have an offer 
"C^nis’bat-e tans.’ sub’ n.F. ratio proportion 
'i y fc<S^nxs’bat thai’harna v.l. be betrothed 
nis'bat de'na v.t. compare (with) relate (to) 
U^ii nis'bat rakk’nd v.i. be related (to) be 
connected (with) VjlS^^nis'bat kar'na v.T. be- 
troth l>jfc^p > nis'bnt ho' ns v.i. be betrothed 

be related to ; be .connected with (finis' bait 
adj. in-law^ nis'bad bha”i, bira’~ 

dar-i nis'bati n.m. brother-in-law [A] 
f~Unas' taran n.f. dog-rose [P] 


nasta'liq' tT.iiJ t ' , fine ‘ round hand 
usual Urdu script) ‘nastaliq’ adj. 
cultured soft-spoken facile 

Ms'kh n.m. cancellation abolition 
W repeal ; abrogation commonest Arabic 
script (A] 

. ) nits' khah n.m. (pl. nu'sakh) pres- 
cription copy (of hook) edition 
[A doublet of pref.) 

\ nas'r n.m. vulture y U Innas' r-e~ ta"ir n.m. 
constellation of the Egtglc g ij^nas'r-e 
vs'qe" n.m. constellation of the Lyre 
/j nas'rih (or nasrin') njh. dog- 
~S , rose [P] , 

mj nas'q (or na’saq ) n.m. .order 
CT (rare) arrangement 
naz’m -o nas'q (or nasaq') n.m. discip- 
line [Aj . p . 

Innas' l n.f. race ggperation l^^nas'l 
U bar |a'»a v.t. breed P.nas'l-ka'M n.f. 

breeding rearing . I'J' nas'l-qa'shi 
kar'na v.^y-breed (£ / ' l }-^nas'l-kQ'shi n.f. geno- 
cide uas'l-kU'sht kar'na V.t. guilty of 

genocide linos' Ian adv. by descent 
racially JU# nas'lan bi‘'da nas'lin adv. 

generation after generation nos'll adj. racial 
I Janas’ li imtt’jf&z' n.m. racial discrimina- 
tion [A] 

jf^f nam ax’ N.F. snuff \fi j 

j j nit'van n.f. women if (n^nisva'ni adj; 
eff aminate female C^j^nisvaniy'yat n.f. 

effeminacy tiaits of women’s character 

[A doublet of l^) 4 t 

.i^nuran' n.m. forgetfulness ; oblivion 

nas'yan mansiy’y a adv. forgotten • oblite- 

rated [A] 

nastm' n.f. zephyr breeze 
(- nasVmre sa'har n.f. morning breeze [A] 
nis'yah n.m. credit loan [A] 


„ nasb"at, g&nasW-'at n.f. creation 
0 nash"at~e oo'la n.f. gensis noth' - 

'at~e sa’niyak, n.f. renascence ; renaissance [A] 
nishss'tah n.m. starch [F] 

, i*J nashaf N.f. delight L-sUlarba’b-e nashat’ 
n.m. & pl. gay-girls [Aj 
t ij’,nilban' (or nidmti) n.m. mark sign ^ 
V trace Scar emblem ; betrothal ring, 
etc. flag; ensign; standard & & nishan - 
bar-dsr' n.m. standard-bearer nishan’ - 

par’na v.i. have mark of (beeting, *etc.) 
nisban'-de'hi n.f. pointing out identification 
nishan' -dd hi kar’na locating v.t. 
point out locate ’J & nisha'ni v.t. ^ [Pj 
* lAjuisba nah n.m. . aim target 
ft*** m' ska' na-baz' ifrii* nishan' chi n.m. mark- 
man ; good shot tfjl v & nisha'na-bs'zi n.f. 
marksmanshipL^*t^(fj ni'shunah bahdk'ns, v.t. 
& i. aim (at) take aim 
khats' hu'na v.t. be wide of the mark 
n'sho'nah kar'na (or lags’ nd) v.t. hit the mark [PI 
*} n ‘~“ ni N>F * mark sign token 

0 ** book mark keepsake ; souvenir 
L'W nisha'hi de' j s'n a v.t. give (something as) 

a souvenir leave a mark nisha’ni ka 

chkal'la n.m. souvenir r'mgMlif nisha'n n.m. -Or 

I N - M - lancet CPs^nish' tor lags' na v.T, 

| jr rip (body, etc.) open [Pj 

^j?£ jnash’t adj. (dial.) annihilated (Sj 

I Aj nash'r n.m. broadcasting ^reading (of 
\f rumour) (rare) resuscitation e &Jf*na&'r- 
gah n.f. broadcasting house ^l^lg^naA'r-o- 
hha'‘at n.f. publication naAriyyat’ n.f. 

broadcasts tjnashnyya'li adj. broadcast- 

~tfniriias't (dial. Hadn't) n.f. seat sit- 
ting posture fitting 
barkhis't n.f. company . manner ; etiquette" 
clfcySnishas't-gsh n.f. .sitting room par- 
lour lounge [P ~cr*~^\ 

Aj nash'v (rare jj^nash”) n»m. growth: vege- 
tation nadt'v-o-nam a', ji> narh' '-o-nama 

n.f. development (AJ 

A) nSshoor' n.m. resurrection 'm-un- 

JJr nishoor' N.M. Day of Resurrection [A] 


i.\ r.asU'shah (or na' shah) n.m. intoxication 

r.a's!i)'shah u'tar'na v.i. come to one’s senses 
Kasha-fa nl N.M. (col.) Hquours 
drugs iyj Ljjna'sha-parf kar'na V.I. be a 
drunkard be a drug addict na(shYshah 

chtirh'na v.i. become intoxicated ; be inebriated 
i‘_/ \//^na{sh)'shah kir'kira kar'na v.t. (fig.) 

upset a feast disturb (someone’s) pleasure) 
I'/jj na(sh)'shah kar'na v.i. be a drunkard 
be a drug-addict na(sh)' shah ha' ran ho'na 

v.i. be no longer intoxicated (fig.) come 
to one senses,} l na(sh)' she-baZ . N.M. drun- 
kard drug-addict na(sh)'she met 

(hoor' ho'na v.i . be dead drunk adj. 
[r.^r^mshi'li) intoxicating toxicated 

A fesheb' (col. nasheb') n.m. slope decli- 

vity low land jiyrju^f^nishe'b-o-faraz' 
n.m, declivity and acclivity (fig.) ups and 
downs (of life) ; vicissitudes (of life) (fig.) 
intricacies (of) Jf&nishe'bi adj. low-lying (land, 
area, etc.) [P] 

nashid' n.m- (p v.j&lanshsd') song [A] 

** . • 

aJ hashfla adj. (f • df^) naM'ti (see under 


Jit nashe'man N.M. nest (fig.) resi- 

(jA** dence [P] 

Ajnadiift' suf. - sitting nashi'ni suf. sitting 

-j nas n.f. categorical order 

y of statement, etc. "d 'Jj^has's-e qur'ani 
n.f. definitive verse of the Holv Quran 
categorical Quranic injunction [A] 

, mssb’ n.m course syllabus cum- 

* j^culum minimum taxable income (for 

purposes of ‘zakat’) QLotntsa'bi adj. curricu- 
lar prescribed (books, etc.) [A] 
ft ^nass'ra n.m. (pl. j ^ n.m & adj. *) 

a'V# N.F. (PL. OfhSi^N.F ★) 

* nas'b n.m. fixation setting tip estab- 

lishment ^vowel-point tabar’ accu- 
sative c&sc nas' b~ut m 'ain r n.m. ideal 

goal l/i^^nas'b kar'na v.t. fix ; set up , estab- 
lish [A) * 

•.nas'rn.r. aid ; help succour (rare) 
victory [A) 

llJf narri ni N;M ,( pL ifyUa>nnsa ra Christian, 
i 0 /^ Nazarene nasraniy' n.f Chris- 

tianity [At/f-H] 

^ * !,ui rat n f victory , aid Help 
SuCCOV r 1 A) 

& n.m. half; mid 

nis’f-un^nahar' n.m. meridian midday; 
noonS'buA'^mr’/ dtf'irah n.m. semicircle 
ms'f-qut'r.sM. radius (of circle) C^liofnix'/a- 
nis’f^^nis'fa - nis'fl n.m., adj. A adv. half 
and half [A] 

. ~c*4* n * s f at N F - justice ; equity [A doublet of 

- 1) nasooh' adj. honest or sincere (repenttance 


^J nusoos' n.f. (pl. of ^ n.f. 

1 \nasib ' N.m. lot ; luck^; fate ; fortune 

t ~ t *T (rare) portion nasib' zzma'na 

(or lor a! no) v.T. try one’s ludditla^nasi'b-e a'da', 
>-*£ af nasi'b-e dush'manah int. be it the lot 
of your enemies C*J' ir **£>naslb’ bigar’na , 
nasib' ph.oot'na v.i. be unlucky .^e> 

l‘\f l jnasib’ phir'na (orjag'na~ or ch<i f makna 

or kkul' ja'rta) v.i. (of one’s stars) be in the 
ascendent have a stroke of good fortune C J C^ a> 
nasib' so na v.i. be unlucky ^ nasib' ks 
likh'kka n.m.. fate ; destiny ; that which is des- 
tined tVi—^'nasib’ lar'na v.i. have a stroke of 
good fortune VjTi^at nasib' ho'na v.t. get, 
obtain ; gam fall^to the lot (of) mu' bah, 

Lf** nasib a n.m. lot ; fortune nasi'ba-vat 

adj. Iycky fortunate nasi’ boh ja'la adj. 

( f • nasi' boh j a' ll) unlucky ; unfortunate 

Ijj nasi’ boh ko ro'nZL v.i. curse one’s fate 

nasi' boh ki khoo'bi n.f. (iron.) mis- 
fonune’^L^/Oj^nasi'boh ki da’ mat n.f. mis- 
fortune U**gr nasi be meh adv. destined [A 1 
*.^4 atnan’ftat n.f. (pl. {^) nasa^'eh) . ad- 
*■’**’•• vice ; counsel precept j/sC^C^rusri’ fyu- 

a moz adj. teaching good dounsel^f/tS^^Rari'- 
hat-amez adj. full of counsel advice 
msihai-patSr’ adj. amenable to good counsel 
(l'/l)u,C^Z* fnasl ’t at de ’ ns ( OT k *'* 1 *) V T 
advice counsel ; say a.word of advice admo- 
nish exhortfcj^nasi'tat.garx.M. coun- 
sellor mentor nasi 1 hat ho'na v.i. 
learn a lesson be warned by experience (AJ 
Jtnosir' n.m. helper , ally \k~S** 1 


^^naZO'rat n . f . verdure freshness [A) 

nazj n . m . (Ht.) ripening 
& maturing ;(of some humour) na$j 
adj. ripe 2Jjl$rnazi'j-ir-ra''* AD J of maTurt 
judgment (A) 

.^jnut'fah n.m. semen sperm iff' £ — <d >> 
nSl'fa-e be-tahqiq',f^'J&>riut'fahre Aar am' 
n.m. bastard (fig.) scoundrel j\f> Ij iffjtfr 
Vi; nat'fih thaihar'ns (or qarsr'pans ) v.i. be 
pregnant (with) [A] 

& nut’q n.m. speech ; power of speech 

— ynazS'rat n.f. „ supervision office of 
Ul/ Djrec tora nazs'rat-e ta'lim' n.f. 
Directorate of Public Instruction [A] 

nazes’ rah (col. nazs'rah) n.m. sight 
^'**view vista tfjl nazzs' ra-bs' a n.f. 

ogling ; amorous glances I'JtjW hazzs’mh kar'ns 

v.T. view enjoy looking (at) cast amo- 
rous (glances at) fjUaJ nazzs’ragl N.F. ogling 
viewing n.m. spectator one who casts 
amorous glances [A - ) 

-91 Ct na Za‘fats.y. neatness; cleanliness 
^■’^'"*purity fc >Ji , ADj. • -A [A] 

S s', mzam' n.m. system set-up order 

I ^ arrangement ^ \Sji)fsi)'nizsm-ul-auqst' n.m. 
timetable nizs'm-e batlimoo'si n.m. 

Ptolemaic system astronomical theory regarding 
earth as the stationary centre of uni verse rttfo' 
nizs r nPt ta l llm’ n.m. educational set up 
nizanre sham'si n.m. solar system 
nizs'm-e fisa^o'rasi n.m. Pythagorean system of 
astronomy regarding the sun as the stationary 
centre of the universe &s\£)rtiza! mat n.f. (arch.) 
office of ‘Nazim’ ; provincial administration 

[A~ /’*] 

yl^J naa '' ir N-F ' ( dial< M< ) ( n - °f n.f. ★) 

l It na'zar n.f. look ; glance sight ; vision 
/ view care ; supervision influence 

of evil eyes favour - careful thought 
observation dialectics fT na’zar s' ns v.i. 
be seen vfl & na’zar Utar’na v.T. counter influ- 
ence of evil Clir lji> na’zar utha'ns v.T. look up 
na’zar uths bar dikh’ns v.T. look up 
at \£’i&lf>na’zar-t iilifat’ n.f. kind attention 
v na'zar-ahdsz' adj. rejected dis- 
regarded thrown out of favour na'zar- 

atdsz' kar’na v.T. disregard cast off from favour 

jL Jjj na'zar-baz! adj. & n.m. ogler licen- 
tious (person) gallant (fjtjb>na’zar-bs'& n.f. 

ogling gallantry j£vjPna'zar-ba~W-ke 

adv. in view, of the fact that i/. J»> na'zar 
ba&a'ta v.t. avoid the sight (of) evade 
dodge * Ji l na'zar~t bad n.f. evil eye 
na'zar (or na/rtti) ba'dalna v.i. with draw one’s 
favour A f^ na'zar-baitd n.m. detenu fA 
na'zar- bob' dl n.t. detention na'zar 

bhar' bar dekh'ns v.i, look to one’s fill O* 
na'zar (par) charh'ns v.i. be specially noted 
(as good, bad, etc.) be taken a fancy (to ) 
V% Jd> na'zar par' ns v.i. come into view, be 
seen na'zar phirja’ns v.i. be no longer 

favoured by na'zar p ph? sains v.i. (of 

something) be very sleek na'zar jhm'hams 

v.i. be able to stare na'zar-e sa'ni n.f. 

revision review na'zar -t sa'ni 

kar'ns v.t. revise VDf Ji> na’zar jata'ns v.t. 
counter influence of evil eye C*". na'zar 
jam! ns v.i. be able stare ; look with fixed eyes 
na'zar (or naz'rett) (purs' ns v.i. 
evade; dodge look furtively VOrrfr na'zar 
daurs'ns v.T. look all around look on all 
four sides na'zar (parh'ns v.t. take a 
fancy (to) 0 na'zar dal' na v.t. cast a look 
at j Ji> na'zar rakh'ns v.t. ^ keep an eye (on) 
cast a wistful eye (on) l> > iJtS-OJiflfAna zar 
(or naz'roit) se giro de'ns v.t. disgrace 
with draw one’s favour from , IvH; 
na'zar (or naz'roit) se gir'na (or U' tarns) v.t. be 

disgraced fall in the estimation (of) 
na'zar si'dhi ho' ns v.t. (of someone) look with 
favour upon lyf *£~Jd>na'zar se gi'zarns v.i. 
be ; seen have been read na'zar -fareb' 

adj. attractive ; charming*; enamouring 
enticing (rare) unreal &'})•> rut' zar -fare' bt 
n.f. charm attraction unreality \;fji> 
na'zar kar'ns v.t. look at jf'jp) na'zar-gi'zar n.f 
( col.) influence of evil eye Ji> na'zar- 

gi'zar ho' ns v.i. come under such influence .tfji) 
na'zar-gu'zar kl ^iiz Id ns V.i. take the 
little given away to counter influence of evil 
eye C*J na'zar lar'ns v.i. come across 
exchange amorous glances (with) be pitted 
(against) i£> Ja> na’zar lags'ns v.t. cast a 
malignant look (upon) regard (someone) 
with evil intent ( If na'zar lag'ns (or 

khs' ja’ns) v.i. (of someone) come under in- 
fluence of evil eye (of) come to harm thus 
) find zar (or naz'reh) mils' ns V.T 
meet the gaze (of) look (at) f I na’zar 
meh arts v.i. be seen come under Jthe in- 
fluence of an evil eye ± na! zar 

(or naz'roit) meh phir'ns, t of tjt/ na'zar melt 
jajt'ns (or khub'ns ) v.i. be liked ; look lovely 
L'j'jlJ if f£ rta'zar melt khsr ho' ns v.i be an 
eye-sore be disliked (by) bt not to one s 
ipind cfj na’zar men rnkk’ns v.t. keep 
in sight keep in view keep under control 
Cl/dZ na’zar (or na'zroh) men soma' ns 


adj. loathsome ; abominable causing ill 

will (Cu^jl'j&pnqf'rat kar'na (or Hts'nz) v.t. 
dislike ; detest l naf rat ho' an v.t. de- 
tested disgusted 

•\nafrin' (or -i*') (ped. nifrin’ or -»') n.F. 
'~‘y* reproach , opprobrium naf ’tin 

kar’na v.t. reproach curse 
Jafna’fas n.m. . (PL.t/CJianfas’) breatli 
W gasp (pl .fj-^ian'/Us) moment 
J*f?j l nafas-e va-pasin (or bzz'-pasih) pit. last 

Jj naf’s n.m. (pl. jj* mfoos’) mind ; 
Ls psyche soul self person body ; 

flesh ; carnal life ; sensual appetites concupi- 
scence (col.) penis substance; essence (of) 
hafs-Bl-am 'r n.m. the fact of the matter j 
>jLj ^naf's-t amnia' rah n.m. one’s baser self, 

inordinate appetites; evil genius 
na.J's-e bati’Myfy}>)£>g ( j i> naf's-paras't (or par'ear ) 
axij. selfish sensual voluptuous n.m. 

sensualist selfish person^ 
naf {-paras' ti (or par'vari) n.f. sejfishness* 
sensuality voluptuousness naf's-ku'sjyt 

n.f. self-denial ; mortification sclfabnegation . 
SlJ nafs-e lam'mah n.m. conscience ; one’s 
accusing self I'jl \f* nqf’s mar’na v.t. mortify 
the sensual appetites; restrain one’s passions n,m. 
self-denial ; mortification ^Jb^naf’s-t mat'lab 
n.m. point of issue long and short of the 
matter naf’s-e mutma’in'nah n.m. one’s 

satisfied self ; joul naf's-e mul'himah n.m. 

oiie’s inspiring self ; intellect naf's-e 

na'tiqah n.m. one’s rational .self ; reason 
mouth piece ; spokesman naf'sn-naf'st 

(p cd. (/^tf-^naf'si-naf'si) adv . each for himself 
(jtf* <jr**&a-naf's-f naf is' adj. euphuism for) 
by himself (etc.) jjijJJnafsa'rn Anv. sensual 
carnal C^tjAnafsaniyyat' n.f. sensuality; 
carnality. voluptuousness luxury selfish- 
ness iff* naf si adj. (rare) psychic ph. myself 
Cj nafsiy'yzt n.f. psychology (jt-^nafsiyya'ti 
adj. psychologica l nUfoo's-e qudsiy'yah 

(or^si’yah) n.m. pl. prophets and angels (A) 
naf' 1 n.m. profits gain advantage ; 
W benefit C&igi nafuthana v.t. a profit 
profit (by) jL'sg’naf'-rasaii, ttfg’naf”- 
bobil'sp adj. profitable gainful advanta- 
geous ; beneficial (J^^^tX^naff mb do 
joo'tiyah ph. foolish bargain (jU&JCf'naf'-o- 
nuq’san n.m. profit and loss (A] 
t^j nqfqak (ped. nafaqah ) n.m. maintenance 
**®allowance alimony .ii/^jCnan-na/'^eA n.m 

maintenance alimony [A] 
iTjnafl n.m. (dial, n.f.) (pi-.J’ty nao&'fil 
(f supererogation supererogatory prayers [A j 
, VI nS J°°z’ NM * penetration . influence 
ir sJjj}ia’saT-o-njfooz’, 3 1 ) iPnufoo z^o-a’sur 
n.m. influence 

• fnafoor’ adj. fleeing from abhorring n.m 
*Jr abhorrence detestation (A - -SyJ] 
n I 003 ' NM * ( PL * of (j^naf's n.m. if) 

•A naf' i (ped. naf'y) n.f. negative negation 
(J nqf'y-o-isbat' n.m. negative and 

affirmative (fig.) Islamic creed as comprising 
negation of all deities save God [A] 

^jjaaflr, (fj^nafi’ri n.f. small trumpet 

•pi naf is' adj. nice ■ refined ; exquisite [A - 

jl M*mqab' veil 0' < >-'(*>niqab' Ulatnd v.t. 

. ^lift the veil (j'J^^niqzb'-poA’ adj. & n.m. 
veiled (pzrson)(t‘fj&i)Olft~/G>niqab’ dai’na (or 
dihar'na) v.i. lift the veil let down the 
veil [A] 

jjJJnaqqod' n.M. critic reviewer f A ~ JZ> ] 

. ^‘naqqa’rah n.m. drum 4-^Pj naqqa' re kt 
shot p H* to the beat of the drum open- 
ly&l 'pnaqqar' 4ii n.m. drummer Hrj&uaqqdr'- 
tha'nah n . m . place where drums are beaten to 
announce time 

naqqar'-Ma’ne mcli too' ti ki svsz' kaun sun’ 13 hat 
prov. who listens to tr poor man against his 
rich opponent who would listen to counsel of 
sanity in this insane world [A] 

.%lnqqqasj,' n.m. painter draughtmanship 
^^tfQnaqqk'shi n.f. painting decoration 


^Jniqat' n.m. (pl*. of Jo? n.m. ★) 

( r'.naqqal' n.m. mimic clown imitator 
O*' (ffZtnaqqa'li n.f. mimicry clownish- 
ness imitation [A - ] 

^Jf^naqu'hal n.f. weakness; debility con- 
valescence naqih' adj. *i*i 
(PL. Of t/^N.M. if) 

•*jnoq’b n.f. house breaking ; burglary 
*5*^ hole made by a burglar fj X^naq’b-zan n.m. 
burglary , house-breaker j;, ^Jpnaq’b- za'ni n.f 
burglary [A] 

~lnaq’d n.m. (pl. sJ^niqood’) cash cnti- 
■^*cism (rare) assay adj. cash (payment) 


fj'yjnuqoosh' n.m. fl. of cT'n.m. *) 
k, m . (pl. of J^n.f. *) 

0 J 

^ tiff Jl adj. cleafa pure n.m. name of 
W Shi’ite Imam {$Jo>na'qavi adj. descended 
from Imam Naqi 

^J^naqU/ n.m. herald prodaimcr [AJ 
• n.p. opposite ; contrary [A~ (y ^] 

Jfjnaqik adj. weak ; feeble (A~uif£)] 

j£iuJc 8DF. nose Jj < idinok-bol' n.m. favourite 
*■"'% person exercising influence (over another) 
Cx.yC'nak-baih’na adj. & n.m. (f. ±X- nak 

batn'rA) (one) running at the nose tfj/'nakto’ra 
n.m. (dial.) ironical remark ; taunt 
nakto'r* Sthz'na v.t. humour nak-cfia'rka 
ADJ- (*-(f iZ'-tnak-cka'rliS) proud surly 
fastidious (f^u^nak-^pkik'ni n.f. sneeze- 
wort ; tip top CfJ^nak'-ka’ta adj. (same as £/' 
oakfya if) tf\^tfnak-ka'tl n.f. disgrace; infamy 
Vjf nak-kafl ho’na v.i. be disgraced 
nak’-gftis'si n.f. rubbing the nose on the 
around by way of humiliation imploration 
Vj(f~*i~6nak-gbxs's i kar'na v.i. implore ; 
beseach[ ~ Jt‘ cont. ] 

^fnukfka n.m. point ; pointed part of anything 

n.m. (pl. of ^/n.m. if ) 

9 ^nikalf n.m. marriage.; matrimony 

(llfnikab parka' na (or kar'na) v.t. many 
perform matrimonial rites 
paria”i n.f. remuneration _ for performance of 
matrimontal rites *>j. t^'nika# ki si 
shar'Un bandk’na v.t. " put forth harsh con- 
ditions prevaricate^ (/£ n.m. 
matrimonial deed ; marriage deedl^£l^m'Aa/i- 
ho’na v.t. (of matrimonial rites) be performed 
be married Cfi^mka^ta,(Jf^nika^ n.f. & 
adj. (woman) whose marital rites have been 
performed [A] 

fiAnikas' n.m. i (f&hiktfsi n.f. outlej out- 
U ~tum ; turn over sale 
fit Anikal’na v.t. turn out ; expel ; drive out 

dismiss.; sack take out pull out ; 
draw oat extract distil subtract; deduct 
solve (sum) out work (problem) em- 
broider (pattern) issue ; publish achieve 

(desire) eject hit upon (idea) devise 
(plan) U&"nika'la n.m. extradition (> y&nika'la 
mil'na 'M, be extradited be turned out 

des'-nika'la n.m. banishment extra- 
dition u*- des'-nika'la mil'na be banish- 

ed be extradited J ty'nikal’ dc’nc. v.t. 
expel drive out take out extract 
subtract deduct eject ; to discard ; ex- 
clude banish ; extradite I'll J&'nikal' land v.t. 

seduce elope with bring off 
.•y/.nika'na V.T. weed fi&'nika" i n.m. weed- 
* ing remuneration for weeding 
»« ynak’bal n.f. Aiakabal 1 ) adversity 

misfortune [A] 

*£• nUk'tah n.m. (pl. wl^'niAat') subtle point 
significance point (of joke, etc.) 
(J^nuk'ta-ajrW adj. (one) using conceits 
nuk'ta-afri'rii n.f. use of conceits j i> X^'nuk'ta- 
pardaz' adj. subtle ingenius ZJ-'nuk' la 
parda'zi n.f. subtlety conceit nUk’la- 
0ti n.f. critical; captious ^yi'nuk'ta-^d'ni 
n.f. criticism ; cavilling ; captiousness 
nuld la-dcifi' (or ras’ or shims'), 
i/\^(,)nuk‘ ta-da ni (or ra'j* or shim' si) n.m. 
sagacity discernment nuk’ta-shinas 1 , 

£ niik'ta-sa fij! ad j. discriminating ; having 

critical ability (j^zfinuldta-saii'ji n.f. dis- 
crimination; critical ability.^ zf'nUk' ta-gir’ adj. 
critical ; captious tfyS ££’ nukta-gi'ri n.f. 
criticise cavil a huk’te nikal'na v.t. 

cavil (at) ; criticize 

nuk'd n.f a kind of sweetmeat 

nak' yd adj. & n.m. (f. ^ nak'ti) (one) 

p having a cut nose shameless (person) 
\fj l £Z.i r ts'US'tynak'ta boo'tfia sab se ooft'dia F’.'.ov. 
a shameless person would stop at nothing [ - Jt' 

+ J 

na'kirah n.m. & adj. common (noun) 
nuk'kqr n.m. (street) corner ; turning (of the 


j^Tiik'-suk (dial, nik’-sik or nak'-sak ) n.f. 
appearance ; features (only sx^^^CjC- 
^psljuC^nik'-siik st tils' (or dUrUst') ph. tip- 

I (pnaksir n.f. vein of nose nan. »#* 

j/T phnoi’na v. bleed at foe nose [~ Jt*] 
,,i/*ni'kalna v.i. come out go forth be 
*** taken out be pulled out ; drawn but 
distilled be hatched be produced sprout 
(of aim, etc.) rise flow set out depart 
secede elope be lost balance get 
lost overtake exceed (desire) be achiev- 
ed appear issue be ejects | ity'vtkal 






seeing ; beholding. tfJ'jii’gan 
beholding [P ~ 


.jj^nigarnfi' (col. nigrsn') n.m. overseer 
(// superior protector adj." overseeing 
guarding Jlr^^nigara'n-c fa l’ n.m. & adj. 
watchful (person), (one) looking after 
supervising fi^nigara'rR n.f. care ; custody 
revision py ^ ij : nigara'nl 'kar'na v.T. look- 
after supervise tyj&S&jdarkhas't-a nigarn’tA 
n.f. revision petition [p~c#*r * 

it&'ni'galna v.t. swallow gulp downc45£f 
s Ug'le &ait{ na nig' It (&ain' prow . 
peace neither way 

nigafid'na v.t. sew (quilt) with long stitches 
U^^'nigati'da N.M. long ornamental 
stitching ' 

.Jrf* nigo'ra adj. & n.m. {v.(j£rtt*go'r l) (dial.) 
'wretched (person) ' miserable (person) 
develish (person) &V I jx'nigo'ra na'fia adj. 
& n.m.' (f. if* VtfjjF mgo'ri aa’ffcl)' (one) having 
no relative 

.iy*igooti aff. hanging “down advene 
'Ax' nigoo'td suf. hanging down ad- 


jftnigka'r a adj. homeless n.m. waif [~ cf + 

mgah n.f. (short for *|^n.f. •£] 

^^mg’hat n.f. (col. for) •A'^n.f. if 

X nagUt, jXnagi'nah n.m. gem : jewel ; 
(5^ a precious stone something that*sits well 
VtfJir nagi'nak jar’ra v.t. set a stone jlsjX’ 
nagfna-saz n.m. lapidary 
Untix. m. pipe hydrant tap water 

V pomp urinary duct Jr $ Depart ka nal 
na water-pipe spout hydrant 
{•iPnala’na v.t. Weed out $lt l 'nala' , i n.f. 

" weedling remuneration for it 
iC nal'ea n.m. tube fpr administering drug to 
** animals 

4* nil’vah adv. without resistance gratui- 
** tously unaffected 

L* na’li n.f. tube pipe marrow bone 

(f shim-bone (weaver s) shuttle 
If nan adj. damp : moist humid n.m. 

| .(rare) dampness ; moisture humidity 
'ojjXf natn-bhMr’dah, zwfnam-didah, *LSjj*nm- 
r&l’iah apj. moist 'destroyed by” moisture 
Uij nam-rok! adj. & n.m. damp proof (sub- 
stance) oj" ? nam-gt’rah n.m. awning 
canopy Jft/nam-naX adj. moist ; damp 

wet with tears ; tearful rum-na'ki n.f. 
dampness tearfulness jf no! mi n.f. damp- 
ness moisture humidity [P]' 
i * numa' suf. like ; resembling appear- 
** .ing showing ; exhibiting suf. 

likeness ; resemblance show display 
[P~ ^j^show] 

•i * namaz’ n.f. divine service ; Muslim prayers 
JlA nama’z-e istisqn' n.f. late afternoon 

prayers jtg'jO nma'z-t ‘I d n.f. Eid prayers 
jJ&j li noma'z-e qas’r n.f. reduced prayers (in 
travels) d>y 60 nama’z-e kasoof ’ n.m. special con- 

tiu namaz! bakhsh’va'ne ro'ze ga'le par gd't frov. 
bid to seek redress brought further trouble ($j 0 
nama’zl adj. & n.m. one who prays (one) 
who says his prayers regularly \^^JjOnama’zi 
ka fa'Aa n.m. trap false hope [P] 

»mma"isjt n.f. exhibition show 
Id display affectation smobbery t 
nsma n .ish-g5h n.f. exhibition hall Mima”- 
isH adj. just for show ostensible showy 

j> • nammam! adj. backbiter JU nemma'mi n.f. 
\V backbiting [A ~ y? ] 

* numa’ih'dah n.m. representative 
■**** nUma'ih'dagi n.f. representation [P 

.. i * nZma'ysfi adj. prominent ; conspicuous ; 
Ozr salient [P~eky < show] 

U *. mm' bar n.m. number marks ; award 

^ rum' bar pa'na v.i. secure marks 

nam'bar dikin' na v.t. exceed steal the march 
over jlj^nam'bar-dar n.m. Lambardar ; village 
headman [E] > _ 

0 nimta'na v.t. (same as IV* v.t. if) 

& ni'mat'na v.T. (same as (Sif v.T. Jf) 

0 * nam’dah N.M. 
^ saddle-cloth 

fc(t felt carpet rug 
housing, m nomad free. 
felt j'JjZ na’mad-pogt adj. & n.m. (lit.) (one) 
clothed in felt mendicaqt [P] 
nomas' It, j^namaskar' n.m, 

^ (H. dial.) salutation ; wish- < 
ing [S] 

A Jf na'mish n.f. cool milk frotl? 

"f * na'mat n.f. manner (only in) h na'mat 
Jr adv. like i in the manner of 

/» na'mak, (lit.) namak n.m. salt saltish 
^-H^ taste attraction ; charm grace ; 



elegance y'fr^Xt'na'makpaih' adj. & n.m. (one) 
who XaantS(fliUtna'mak-pashi n.f. /pouring 
salt (fig.)’ taunt > taunting y£uC' na'mak- 
parvar’dah, jf^'na'mak-khar' adj. % n.m. 
faithful (servant) (one) bred at another’s 
money L^y'jZ>j<*i£j*fus6'na’mak phoot phoot' kar 
ni'kal'na ph. suffer for ingratitude tfflLCna’mak- 
dta’sht n.f. first feeding (of child) (i^^Ci'na'mak 
dtakh'na v.t. taste (food) eat at the table 
na'mak-haram' adj. treachnous; 
perfidious ungrateful unfaithful (fiJLM 
na'mak-bardmi n.f. treachery ; perfidy 

ingratitude disloyalty Jd^^C'na'mak-Mdl' 

ADJ. grateful ; true loyal-; faithful 

na'mak-halali n.f. loyalty ; fidelity jfr na'mak- 
dan' n.m. saU-cellar4 r /^- r 'na'mak ka tezab' 
N:M. hydrochloric acid '(ftft-*6'na'mak 
ka haq’ ada' kar’na, l / )/'ljlt^0'(f’haq'q-e na’mak 
add kar' ns v.t. discharge one’s obligation f 
(plf na’mak'ki kan’yt^'tfl/ka’n-e na'mak n.f. salt 
mine ^ aT> ke dar ka'n-c 

na’mok raft na’mak jIiwJ-prov. none can escape 
the influence of environment l ^<-X‘ na’mak 
ki mar' par’na v.i. be cursed for ingratitudell^*-^/' 
na'mak lagans v.t, salt pickle with salt 
l'$ &/LXi' na’mak mir’ch lags’ na v.t. <" give 
relish ; make tasteful garble* ; give a garbled 
version coloor-highly ; give a coloured version 

exaggerate harass taunt namkln’ 
adj.’ saltish saline brackish of brownish 
complexion ; nut-brown attractive j charm- 

ing £rnamki'ni n.f. saltishness salmity 
brackishness agreeableness brown com- 
plexion charm ; attraction [PJ 
^ numoo' n.m. growth increase {A} 

• numood’ it.r. show ; showness pomp 
yy and show fame ; celebrity known 
egotism appearance existence } y 
numoo' d-e be bood' n.f. vanity ; outword ’show 
I'J'jS numood’ kar’na V.T. boast ; brag 
appear t>^Sy numood’ kho’ns v.t. lose prestige 
Cd fff/ numood’ ki le’na v.i. brast ; brag Ijjk 
nUmoo’diya n.m.’ & ADJ. showy (person) fo? 
numoodar’ adj. visible apparent; manifest 
('J'jij/numoodar’ kar’na v.t. make visible IjfjIfJk 
numoodar' ho' net v.i. become visible appear 
(of sun, etc.) rise (P~^y ] 

. . \ numoo' nah N.M. specimen type 
Vy model pattern numoo' hah dan n.m. 

(rare) show case [P~ 1 • 

ntmon’iy a n.m. pneumonia [E] 



f nmoo’ha ADJ. (f. mmoo'hl ) quiet ; 

taciturn helpless [ ~ + ^3 

nan n.f. nun [E] 

nami'mah n.f. backbiting [A] 


u* nan' ns n.m. & adj. (f. (f tian’ni) same as Ipf 1 
* N.M. & ADJ. -fc) 

/ lijl\ ninaiil ' vail AD J- & N - M - (dial.) ominous 
(person) [~x + (*!>'.] 

, ninnsn've n.m. & adj. ninety-nine (jljjld 
ninnan’ vevafi adj. ninety-ninth^^ 
ninnan've ka pher' ph. bid to increase one’s 
wealth greed £^[2 ninnan’ veh 

ke pher' men a'na (or pad na) ph. be after increas- 
ing one's wealth 

,’nafid (dial, na'nad ) n.f. sister-in-law ; hue- 
y*' band’s sister^A>" nando"i n.m. brother-in-law 
husband of husband’s sister 
f ,• nth da n.f. (dial.) disaparaging remarks 
v/\m ki niit'da Uar'rta v.t. (dial.) utter dis- 
paraging remarks against 

f fcnaitg n.m. shame disgrace honour 
reputation(ylidL-&nafi’.g-e khandan' adj. & 
n.m. one who is a disgrace to one’s faraily£j(n<u^‘ 
nahg-e khald'iq adj. & n.m. one who is a disgrace 
to mankind {i‘ji^C'nang-o-ndm' i (Jjfl‘£e&naft’g- 0 ’ 
namoos' n.m. honour prestige [P] 

^ tfnafig n.m. nakedness shamelessness 
‘■'^adj. nakedness pennilessw^f},^' 
natig' dharafig ' adj. stark naked 

+ nah'ga adj. (f. nah’gi) naked 
0^ denuded bare shameless ; unashamed 
■i v exposed <&&haiiga’-pan n.m. nakedness & 
tfjjtfnah'ga jbo’ri n.f. search of labour on com- 
ing out of factory l&Jifj&’nafi' ga dkarah’ga adj. 
quit© naked stark naked f) jyl ma' dar-zad 

nah'ga n.m. stark naked nafi’gtbaA'A * adj. 

unadorned (woman) \yf & nah'ga kar’na v.i. 
strip (someone) naked expose lay ‘bare^ 

jlJ>~nah'gllalvar' n.f. drawn sword (fig.) 

fearless person outspoken person ; one who 
wears hiv heart on his s\otvttjjb£.nah’ ge pa” on 
adj. bare-footed nah'ge pa”oti nah'ge 
sir adj. bare* footed and bare-headed 

perplexed nah'ge sir adv. bare-headed 
t /f^j<yjl}/f^(r'nan’ginaha’'egi kya' 
cur nicto’re gi kya’ PROv. a poor person can 
never have enough and to spare 
^pnan’rAa, \y'nan’na adj . & n . m . ( f . (ftum'i&i. 


(<? nan' ni ) small tiny wee-bit 

small child ; child iftflidnan'nha kat'na v.T. & I. 

spin fine yarn . be niggardly 
u ^naniijsl n.f. matcrnabgrandfather’s bouse 
or family [ ~ ft-’ ] _ 

i * nau adj. & n.m. nine LO^^jnav.' te'rah 
j bn' left bana'na v.i. prevaricate Ljftjifjjj nau'- 
do-gya'rah ho'na v.i. run away ; slip away 
rtau' ra'/an n.m. niife jewels (fig.) nine 
celebrites 4 /— <?/%, ($• j 

cjioo’he khz’ kar bil'li haj' ko efca’ti prov. having 
sinned for six days be goes to church on the 
seventh nau-lak'kka adj. valued at nine 
lakh rupees t£q/2 r'tfjnau' meiina te’rah meh 
ph. worthlessjUvi^ ^ nau' naq’d na te'rak 
udkzr'^'jf nau’-na'ga n.m. nine jewelled bracelet 
{Jf} na’vah adj. ninth 

f j nau adj^ new fresh pref. new 
* fresh >L ) J nau-abad’ adj. newly settled 
(rare)^ newly commanded (land) colonized 
jtfibi} nau-abad’ -kar n.m. colonizer nau 

abad’-ka'ri n.f. colonization (fj l 0 nau : aba'di n.f. 

colony settlement *2 1 j(l}nau-abadiyat' n.f. 
colonies jy\) nau-amoz' adj. & n.m. beginner 
novice ; tyro raw hand inexperienced 
(peT$on)(fjSljnau-amo'zi n.f. inexperience )sj 
nau’ ba-nau' adj. ever new up-to-date 
nau-bahar' n.f. early spring full bloom adj. 
in full bloom youth ; young man c»y)nai -javan' 
n.m. (PL.^l'/jy nau-java'nah or -javanan') adj. 
(one) in the prime of (one’s) life tflrjnaujava’ni 
n.f. youth youtbfulness ; prime of (one’s) 
life tfXgjnau-&ati di adj. of the new moon ; 
first (Thursday, etc.) of the lunar month 
nau' &bas' tak adj. & n.m. newly (rich) ; upstart 
nau-Mcz’ n.m. & adj. adolescent 
youthful beauty nau-Me’zt n.f. adolescence 
youthful beauty &tj/jnau-dau'lat adj. & n.m. 
newly rich upstart (/iy nau-ras ' adj, & n.m. 

newly-mellowed^^^ nau-rus’tak adj. newly 
(fruit) sprung 'apJ M }nau-roz' n.m. # new year’s 
day this as a persian festival naa'.-shah n.m. 
bridegroom ; groom yt ) rum.-’ unit ajjj, young 

inexperienced n.m. beginner minor 
(fy?) nau-' uni ri n.f. minority ; childhood v {'j 
n / urgiriftar ' adj. & n.m. newly captured (person) 
d“? nau - mus'lim n.m. & a -j. convert to Islam; 
neophyte ^"'jnau-mash'q a j. inexperienced ; 
novice nau - nehal ' n.m. (rare) sapling 
young man ; young man ; youth jjljjnau-va'rid 
ADJ. & n.m. newcomer fresh arrival [*) 
|y nova' n.f. song tune voice sound 

subsistence belongings JbS r J nav a' par da? , 
fc'ij nava'-satj' adj. & n.m. singing one 
emitting a sound t$j fj nava'-parda'Zt, 
nma'-saiiji n.f. singing emitting a aonnd 
ijj Jjbar'g-o-naoa' n.m. belongings be- 

bar* g-o-naca’ adj. empty-headed [P] 

^jjnav'vab (col. ruwab') n.jf. lord (aich.) 
• ’J governor (arch.) petty ruler ; prince ; 
nabob t~>ij»~vdL~be-muik nawab' -n.m. haughty 
person tfjj nawa'bf n.f. lordship (arch.) 
princedom (arch.) governorship vanity ; 
pride misrule adj. lordly jSxSjjO nawa'bi ffcaA 
n.m. pl. lordly ways 

jjttSwab ' n.m. (rare PL.*of<>l*N.M. ir) 

_ fjnovah' n.m. environs (fljnava'kl adj. sut- 
£/ a rounding [ ~ A (fi}~ sing.^tCn.m. -A] 

/ • nava'dir n.m. Ft. curios - rarities 
JP’Jr curiosities jtfj-j jjl? nava’dir-e rozgar’ n.m. 
wonders of the world [A~sing.<»/> 1 *] 
ijnivar’, (dial, nivaf) n.f. tape (of the 
coarse kind) 

* (j navsz ’ SUF * favouring; cherishing player 
J 'J (on musical instrument) 

•» ava'zish n.f. {Ph.yC/jlJ navazirbat') 
U J’J favour ; courtesy yi^jQnava' zish-na'mah 
n.m. (euphuism for) letter ; kind letter [P~ 


. •navaz'iia v.T. favour , show kindness (to) 


^j/^nioas’ n.m. (dial.) house ; residence [S] 

/j nava'sah n.m. grandson ; daughter’s son (fjj 
naoa si n.f. grand-daughter ; daughter’s 

y.nava’si adj. eighty-nine n.f. (see under /-dy 

O I^N.M. *) 

naD osir’ N.F. (PL. ofV't'NJI. if) 

Lulnava’Jil n.m. (pl. of J**n.m. •£} 

|y navaf n.f. (lit.) beneficence [AJ 

ii\nivalah n.m. morsel; mouthful b'UfiJtj 
/J 'y nava'lah utia’na v.t. take a morsel 
1'J 1 ek‘ hi niva'lah kar’na v.i. gulp down 
consume at once I'JJt s jQniva’lah na tor’ha 
n.m. not to eat Jljy tar’ niva'lah n.m. choice 
morseUfj* V'2^^u/^itfy!?'d£>de'kh<t sher' ki 
ankk' lhila”e so'ne ka niva'lah prov. provide all 
amenities but be a strict disciplinarian 
- ijnava'hi n.f. pl. prohibitions inter- 
’* diets injunctions tfljj/bl ava'mir-o- 


✓ 9 


nava’fA n.m. PL. exhortations and. injunctions ; 
orders and prohibitions [A — SING, (f ] 

Kt *.nava’'ib n.m. pl. calamities ; unfortunate 
« ^occurrences ; adversities [A ~ SING. 

nau'bat n.f. turn period time ; 
occasion opportunity stage condi- 
, tion I'USfj nau’bat a'na v.t. (of somethings turn) 
come ; be the turn (of) nau'bat ba-nau‘bat 

adv. turn by turn CfX'iSsj nau'bat pakuficfi'na v.i. 
be reduced fc/j nau’bat ko pahufi^tMt V. 

reach a (certain) stage be reduced to the 
condition fit) nau'bati adj. intennittant (fever, 
etc.) [A] 

* *V j nau'bat n.f. kettle-drum drum for 

^9* announcing passage of time, etc. Ctejc/j 
nau'bat baja'ns v.t. beat the drum an- 
nounce the hour with beat of drum nau'bat 
baj'na v.t. (of drum) be beaten (of hour) 
be announced with beat of drum>L»(J>'j) nau'bat- 
kha'nah n.m place front where time is announc- 
ed with beat of drum guard house to the 
condition (of stage) come [~prec.] 

no'bal-para''iz n.m. Nobel Prize [E] 

• mu' tab, Zjfnajo'tah n.m. monetary gift made 
V-Fat wedding Vjfnaut'na v.t. invite as wedding 
guest (^)naut'iii n.f- wedding party^L^ncu/kari 
n.m. (dial.) wedding guest who lias to give a 

gift /, • 
if * not n.f. currency note note wtJb’aoj'- 

***7 biik n.f. note-book I'/i^jfnot'-har'na v.T. 

note ; make a note of [E] , _ 

\ no'As n.m. notice ; [yj^/Jnous dt’na 

(or bkej'na)y. t. give notice [E] 

9 \nauj int. (dial.) God forbid [corr. of A 
we seek asylum (of God] 
i»j notfi'na V.T. pinch elaw tear at 
Vpr (Jj (^y no’fha-na&i n.f. tearing at each 
other Jljjtffr/floclt'-kbasoi' n.f. plunder 


9 \nau '& l N.F. bawd’s girl young 
U^7 prostitute 
* *ncoh n.m. Noabgit/l iftoofa'n-e nooh! n.m. 
Us deluge r.jS’ Vm'r-t /tool V n.m* very long life 
;A~H] ^ 

•nau'iak n.m. lamentation dirge 
fiy kind of elegiac verse QtyjrJ nau'ka-hhah n.m. 
& adj. mourner ; (one) who laments 
writer or reciter of elegiac , verse j mu’ ha- 

kha'm n.f. lamentation writer or reciter of 

elegiac verse J^ttau' ha-gat' ADJ. & n.m. lament- 
ing (person) ; mourner (fjsjfnau'ha-ga'ri n.f. 

lamentation [A] 

\ floor 1 n.m. (pl. jtj\ anvar') light lumino- 
sity refulgence splendour ty\/jnoor’- 
ofza' adj. illuminating (jCflj}noor'-afs±aA' adj. 
diffusing light doL/jnoor'baf N.M. (arch-) weaver 
noor'-ba'ji n.f. (arch.) weaving<yLp^> noo’r-a 
jahati' n.m. light of the wprld N.F. ( noor '• 
•jakaff) this as female name fSfujf noo'r-e tbash'm, 
oj*? jjt noo'r-t di’dak' ji>£ noo’r-t na'zar n.m. 
(fig.) toaCtJjjnoor' fhka'na v.t. be light all 

around noor' zahoor' ia vaq't N.M. 
dawn 1 daybreak j) if 5 jnoo'rdn 'ala' tutor' int. 
wonderful tfty ffj) noor ha tar'ka n.m. early hours, 
of moming noor' ke tar’keADV. in the 

catty hours of the mornmgt5uic(^ «i 9 r> 

ke safi' (fee mfi dkal'na v.i. be exquisitely beautiful 
jjf \f/y noor' ha go! la n.m. melodious voice )f/y 
ft noor’ ha ga'la pa'na v.r. have a melodious 
voice "j lyj noora 'ril adj. bright . luminous 

brilliant refulgent resplendent saintly 

C^i/jnooraniy'yat N.r. brilliance saintli- 

ness (S/j noo'ri adj. composed of light 
heavenly angel n.m. angel (A] 

• naoar'd suf. traveller ; wanderer tfjJtmar'H 
}J7 n.f. travel ; wandering [Pdit)] 

^jj noo Ti AD J- & N - M> ( see under ujt N.M. if) 

y nau’rah n.m. depilatory made of lime 

! “pi nosh n.m. honey ^ tPy noM'bah n.m. elixir 
t Js jjljgsJriash'da'roo n.m. name _ of medicine 
used as cordial or antidolec^** uo'jHb Adj. 
honey-like ; -sweet [P] • a. 

f ‘f/jKOsh n.m. eating clrinkingf^b^.^C^ 
Us noM-e jail) f armada (or kar'na) V.T. 
eat drink [P~ 

.A*j nauspa'dar n.m. ammonium chloride ; sal- 
iS 7 ammoniac [P] 

-ZlnaO&. suf., writing n.f. writing (only in) 
L0 7*!ybs'J nasish't-o-khafid' n.f. writing and 
reading being reduced to writing j&jnatrish'tak 
N.m. writing adj. written Jjsf &)tumMta-e 
taqdir' n.m. fate ; denting £-& > jnauiah , Uuft adj. 
worth-writing [P~ J^*) 

~jUau' shaft n.m. (see under y ADJ. & PRBf. ★ 

~ ,a. ■ 

X/lno'shih adj. ( ee.under (/yN.M. ♦) 

U~7 , -■ 

, mu' n.f. (pL.^/ytcn'ca*) species kind; 

f\J sort manner (jO\ijnau‘ t -t jn'uk' N.F. 

mankind t'JA ba - hr ' mu< ’ ADV * an y^ w ?*. 
any rate ; at all events somehow or other 


nau'iy'jat n.f. kind quality particular 
nature [A] 

nok n.f. point tip end 
w pa'lak n.f. beauty of features nicety 
of calligraphist t-dfctJjinok' jhofik'S.F. passage- 
at-arms jiff nok'-dar adj. pointed ufijfijjiwk'- 
dam bhag’na v.T. run away ; show a clean pair 
of heels (Jl'jj')nok-e zubafi’ adv. by heart ; on 
the tip of one’s tongue I'jfjljjjf/J(bar) no’k-e 
abaft' ho'na v.i. be on the tip of one’s tongue [P] 
{'•nau'kar n.m. servant employer Xjfy 
s* A nau'kar a’ge dia'kar prov. one entrusting 
one’s work to another ASS nau'kar dkakar 
n.m. servants domestic servants c 
nau'kar rakk'na v.T. engage or take up as a ser- 
vant VftJs nau'kar ho'na v.i. be a servant 
take up service (with) $ [/jnau'k'ara'ni n.f. 
maid-servant ($Jj nau'karl service employ- 
ment post ; job nau'karl-pe'shah n.m. 

one defending on service as his means of liveli- 
hood ; salaried person nau'karl- 

pe-’shak log' n.m. pl. salaried classes vf 
nau'karl kar'na v.T. take up service [PJ 
l*jnaum n.f. sleep [A] 

^^navam'bar n.m. November [E] 

•itaumld' (areh. naumed') adj. hopeless iS^i 
Jgj nahna'dl, (arch, naume'dl ) n.f. disappoint- 
ment hopelessness ; despair ; despondency 
[P~ t* + vw*/] 

* .•.noon n.m. name ofthe ‘noon 5 (rare) fish 
Os* ^Sfyjnoo’n-e ghin'nah n.m. nascl 
noo'n-e qUt'rH n.m. superior (or inferior) ‘noon’ 
written at various places for nunation 
/Jj tton ^ or noon } n.m. salt non' tel 

Wjr{lak'rl) n.m. (f.) minor necessities"of life c)j 
Ctf&/non' mir'dt laga'ra v.T. exaggerate 
•j Jiwo'nl n.f. infant’s penis butteroil 
0J salinity on walls, etc. Qjl noo'rii lag' no. 
v.l. (of wall plaster) come off owing to salinity 
.jf native adj. & n.m. ninety tjjnau'vevsh adj. 

jjj nmd' n.f. good news glad tidings [P] 

J* navis' 8UF. writer (of) ^y-^Jnaiisifi'dah n.m. 
V&r ^writer scribe natH'si suf. writing 
(P ~ (ytytuiaah'tah] 

ii J nave' la adj. (f. (j^j nave'll ) new singu- 
lar netya nave' la adj. (v.g'jjjfnvl'l 

nave’ll) brand new ~ 

I* nah adj. no not neitlier not jfjtS 
~ ml poo'dJu urr. it is indescribable tz^Mrz 

na’ thook'na v.i: (also fig.) not to care a hang for 
if (or na-ja'ne adv. who knows^l^^ 
na ra'he bafts' na ba'je bafts'ri Prov. let 
us^s trike at the root ofthe trouble 
cy<<£4£na math' men datt’ na pet’ met Btt’ ph. 
(fig.) very old (person); decrepit 
(na) e'ns na de'na ph. of no use having no 
connection na nau man 

tel'ho'gana ra'dha na'dteftgl t*ROv. puttingfprth 
impossible conditionsjiflf ’ * na bar' bar 
na kkar khar ph. with no quarrel 
Xjnah suf. like ; -ish[P] 

• noh n.m. nine J? na'hum (ped. - nuaum!) adj. 
* ninth (P] ' 

. • nehnd' n.f. nature disposition [P~*kv 

nahar' n.m. day j LyJ tk! lai'l-o-nahat ' n.m. PL. 
nfght(s) and day(s) ways ; habits [A] 

i •.nahar' adj. without food since morning 
^"’’without breakfast S-fjCj nahar' mJfth adv. an 
an empty stomach [P] 

./ i • naha'ri (or ne-) n.f. skin of beef stew 
this used for breakfast horsefeed com- 
prising condiments and raw sugar [ ~ Ijl? ] 
j.» nehal' adj. (dial.) happy prosperous 
nehal' kar'na v.t. please make 
prosperous Ijftjlytiffa/' ho'na v.i. be happy 
prosjjer ; thrive 

ft • nehal n.m. sapling lovely newgrown 

tree tf&neha' It n.f. mattress adj. of or like 
a new-grown plant ^CrnehaV &ah n.m. small 
mattress [P] 

ii • nihaft' adj. hidden ; concealed latent 

UW clatndcsiineZlajlf nihaft' kha' nah n.m. 

private room^li-m/ta'nl adj. hidden ; con- 
cealed latent frlUrfUlahda’m-e niha'nl N.F. 
private parts of female body [P] 

<*i •rtaha'na v.i. wash oneself ; bathe 
v^naha'na dho'na v.t. wash oneself ; bathejU- 
nahan' n.m. (dial.) bath 

i*| * neha'na n.m. tie milch-cattle’s kind legs for 
’yt milking 
^f^naha”l n.f. anvil 

(JV. nehtfyot n.f. limit ; end ; extremity 

boundary excess extreme adv. 
very ; very much extremely exceedingly 
remarkably exquisitely [A) 

I#.’ nehat'ta, (f. nehal 0) adj. unarmed 

empty-handed [~qJ+ St f ) * 

iflnahufta km. nail-scratch CfllmMt'l* 
lag'** V4> have a nail scrrteb tV((<Ci?acta|'|a 



mar'na v.t. scratch hard with nails 

naih'j (ped. nah'j) n.m. mode manner [A] 

\ naih'r (ped. nah’r) n.f. (pl. jislanhar') canal 
(O&'LjlstfyYnaih'r kst 'na (or nikal'na) v.t * 
take out a canal from (f^ naih’rl adj. canal- 
irrigated land [A ~ river] 

|» • nahur'ia n.m. (col. t**' nahan'na n.f. 
nahur’nl n.f. nail-parer 

i.“ na h aT 'va,j/?L'nah'roo n.m. long threadlike 
y* worm coming out of skin this as disease 
^^ynoh'zdt n.f. marching movement [A] 

•£ynehzf'tah adj. hidden ; concealed [P] 

ii’tiaih'la n.m. nine (at cards) Ijjl ipj 
**' naih’le par (or pit) daih'la mar'na fh.’ go* one 
better [ ~ > ] 

,'.i\naihlan5 v.t. wash or bathe (someone) 
vlr'i fiiLy- naihla'i n.f. remuneration for giving 
a bath L'ljkYnaihlvana v.t. cause (someone) to be 
washed or bathed t’u- cads.] 
j^na'kum (ped. no' him) adj. (see under v noh 
I ADJ. & N.M. -fc) 

^JfTiotimat n.f. courage desire [A] 

^ » nahajtg’ n.m. crocodile alligator 

nahati’g-e ajal’ n.m. (fig.) death [P] 
nihafig adj. naked unconcerned 
WV^shameless [P] 

«« •nahot’ n.f. straitened circumstances 
penury ; pennilessness [ ~ it + l'y ] 

/ 1 noho'ra, jjj^’naho'ra n.m. • coquetry 

JJ” vaunted favour ; obligation 

nahurs’na v.t. bow down (one’s head) 

J, nah'y adj. prohibitory (tense) n.f. pro- 
W hibitory tense interdict [A] 

*yna'/un adj. no ; not; nay jy^na’hin to int 
t/*- no ; not at all adv. otherwise 
fyna"\, na"e adj. inflected forms of lx 
adj. *) 

rti n.m. seventh note of national gamut 

i • nai n.f. flute ; pipe read <J&£nayas'talt, 
&~(or nai’sitafi) n.m. place where reeds grow 
jijiL-nai-navaz! n.m. pipertf } I j*L narnava'zi n.f. 

piping [PJ 

r j nai adv. (lit.) no; not; nay J ...J^nai... 
*'■' nai adv neither.. .nor [P] 
j nt particle. (It follows subject of transitive 
verb used in past tense ; not translated into 

r ^ * / • 

| • nays adj, (f. (f na”i, na”e) new ; 

Z, fresh recent modern na'ya pkal 
new species of fruit new fruit (of the 


season )xfU na'ya ja’nam (ped. -jarim) n.m. 
new life complete recovery rebirth tyiJpU 
na’ya rag' alap'na v.t. strike a new note 
create new problem na'ya rafig' In' no. v. 

(of events, etc.) take - a new tum l *(£jl>i»V na'yn 
fit’nah utka'na, Ulb^if \f na'yn gul' kkiln'na v.T. 
create new problem vjv na'yn kar’nn v.t. eat 
new fruit of season (W. dial.) bum CU 
cb y na'ya nau' din pirn' ns sau din ph. ofd 
things outlast new one’s /Jit na'ya 

nau'kar hi' ran mar'tn hai prov. new broom sweeps 
well li.y ¥ na’yn nave’ Is, adj. (?.{$_}&' ncTi 

nave'li ) new young beautiful untouch- 

ed unused £iJ?if'na”ijova'ril n.f. budding 
youth L na”i javn'rA eharhlns v.i. become 
yotmg again (<fna''i rau’shani n.f. new light; 
modem civilizations. si' re se adv. 
anew ; afresh all over again ^ £. 
na”e navab asm an' par dimagh' prov. ' an upstart 
is always arrogant /(?£■£. na”e na”e 

lyctkim na”i na”i Aa'/rt pRpv. new master, new 

i^nay'ys n.f. boat ij* tf^nay’ya ka khivav’ya 
JT n.m. boats’n (fig-) breadwinner of family 

niya'bat n.f. vicegerancy deputizing 

* £ (f° r ) ; becoming an agent (of) %¥ niyabatan 
adj. as an agent iJ'i'ns'ib adj. if [A] 

| ^niysr’ n.m. fodder 


niyara, adj. (F.tfjVniya’ri) (dial.) un- 
common ; extraordinary separate n.m. 
scoria left after refining gold, e tc.jyjx mja' riyS 
n.m. one who washes metal grains from scoria 
adj. clever 

■ *. * niyaz' n.m. humility meekness need 

meeting acquaintance n.f. offering ; 
libation 1 ‘Lp^J O niyaz' ('na v. make an 
offering ^•/(y’brjOniyarP ha’silkar’na v.t. pay 
one’s respects (to) niyaz? ha’sil ho'na 
v.t. rrfeet know be acquainted with jy 
ClJj niyaz dilva’na v . t . make an offering in 
the name (of) give aims (to) niya'z-e 

rasool' n.f. alms given in the Holy Prophet’s 
name niyaz? -kesh' adj. humble ; obedient 
jyjO niyaz? -matd' adj. humble ; obedient 

indigent.; needy supplicating(fji>>U niyaz'- 
maft'di n.f. humble grayer ; supplication {PJ 



n.m. penis [~P ojz corr.] 

A • nxyam n.f. sheath; a scabbardfp^-i^ni^am' 

I adj. (of sword) uncovered ; unsheathed [P] 

•. 0 niya'na , noi'na n.m. piece of rope' with 
which milch animal's hind knees are tied 
during milking . 

s. « niya'o n-.m. justice; just decision 
J~fni/ , a' > o kar'na, i-U niaf'e n.m. (dial.) 
justice dialectics logic 
niyn'yak n.m. judge dialec- 
tician logician 

ifni'boo n.m. lemon ; lime 
■%**ni'boo-nichor‘ n.m. lemon-crusher 
*• \ttiy'yat n.f. intention 

intent ; purpose design wish ; will .. 
i I'Jl ) Or A niy'yat babdk'na (or kar'na) v.T. & I. 

resolve , repeat formula for opening the 
prayer niy'yat bhar'na v.i. be satiated ; 

have no more any desire to eat IVJUJ^ 
t 'j(Ji i ) niy’yat bi'garna (or ba' dal ja'na or bad' 
ho'na) v.i. change one’s mind suddenly 
have an evil intention C^jOCc^niy'yit sa'bit 
akk'na v.T. stick to one’s resolve 
niy'yat-e shab haram' /( ,PYt. I (etc.) have no intent 
to go to sleep Cpj (?• C*fniy"yat la'gi raih'na v.i. 
bear in mind p niy'yat melt far'q ana 
v.i. suddenly have an evil intention [A] 

ni'ti n.f. (dial.) conduct rqj-m'll n.f. 
£/** (dial.) conduct of state .politics ; diplo- 
macy [S] 

X ni(h adj. low ; mean n.f. descent ; declivity 
Qy $rtH(!i'-Zat f n.f. & ADJ. low caste ; 
depressed class (fyfyy ( ocftgjl n.f. inequa- 
lity of social status vicissitudes (of life) 

unevenness [ ~ fool] 

tJj ni’dia ADJ. (f. low less 

5" mean; base sloping lowlying Ci/jjf- 
nitjitt dikha’na v.T bring (someone) low p/fcd' 
kar'na v.T. lower bend 
Hi’efti na'iar kar'na v. .look downward out of 

zar ho'na v.t. 

respect or shame Vy/Ji><f-ni'thl na’z 
be ashamed 

shocked ; have the shock of one’s life Lli^-ni'cjte 
la' no V.T. trounce 

gtne'diar n.f. nature J^naich'ral natural 
yZ** lfy£nech'n n.m. materialist ; atheist. [E] 

riai'cjiah n.m. hookah tubes jsg- nai'cJna 
bajid n.m. hookah tube binder [P~ 

^ rit'ehe adv. (see under [g adj. it) 

| ^Z'nir n.m. (dial.) water 

# • - « 

'nay'yir n.m. & adj. luminary nay yxr-t 

JZ as'ghar n.m. moon ; the lesser luminary 
U A Vi) j ybay'yir-e a e zam (or ta'bah ) or rakh'- 
shab n.m. the sun; the greater luminary [A ~ jjl ] 
fZ»nairang' n.m. sorcery ; magic miracle 
trick wonder fyjynairatigl n.f. 
sorcery ; magic ^miracle trickery 

wonder ly Ljijj &>J(jyynauan gi-e rozgdr' (or 

zama'nah or ‘a lam) n.f. the vicissitudes of 
fortune [P] 

j, T ne'rqo n.m. strength ; power ; might [P] 

_ ^ _ nay roll se 

dekk’na v.t.. look ashame look with down- 
caste tytz£L-nl'the adv. below ; beneath 
down under m'die a 'na v.t. be thrown 
dovtn^jiiZ^Lm'&e se oo'par tak ph. all over; 
from top’to bottom Vyitfj fetal’ (he ka pax 
bhz'rl ho'na ph. have petticoat government ; (of 
wife) wear the 

Ibej m'cjse ki sabs' ni'/^e aur oo'par kl salts' oo'par 
raip' ja'na v.i, be/struck dumb be greatly 

also again even [P] 


I »^*ni^cONj. 


, * ne'zah (ped. nai'zah) n.m. spear ; lance 
Q/Z javelin reed from which pens are 
made }L tjy ne'za-baz n.m. spearman ; a lancer 
ne'za-ba'zi n.f. tilting jousting [P~ 
2J nai J 

itZnai'sah n.m. name of Iranian Spring 
U**0 month (corresponding to April-May^jU^/i 
ab're nai' sab n.m. spring cloud ; spring shower 
^Cnes' t n.m. non-existence adj. non-existant 
*"* < ’’** adv. no L'SjJl'jO?nes't-o na-bood' kar’na 
v.t. ruin ; destroy annihilate obliterate 
ms'll n.f. non-existence annihilation 
ruin ; destruction- ill-luck indolence ; 
lethargy I’tgtf^bes'ti fhh&'nav. I. have . ill-luck 
brought about by indolence Ijl V / (fC?nes'tl ka 
ma’ra n.m. indolent ; lethargic wretched 
(P-y+i s*'}] 

"Jtnesh n.m. sting jb^nesh'-dar adj. sting- 
LA* iug mordant tf}Jr£nesh'~za'nl n.p. 
stinging taunts taunting [P] 

•jne'fah n m. part of trousers through which 
string runs OfjjfjZne'fe men H'rasna v . t . 
hold (something) in purse improvised by upturn- 
ing a part of trousers from under the belt 
/ t mk adj. good , virtuous ; pious man- 
^'Vnerly lucky; fortunate^ ^Cne'k-akh’tar 
adj. lucky; fortunate ^ii-X^nek-abjam' adj. 
having a happy endc /fa'S&neh abdeshf adj. 
wel l-meaning well-disposed nek - 




atd/M n.f. good intention nek'-bakh't 

adj. lucky ; fortunate true ; dutiful ; well- 
behaved nek'-bakh' ti n.f. good luck ; 

good fortune "being well-behaved ^i^Cnek- 
(faa'lan adj. of good conduct ; having a good 
character. nek' -dial' rtl n.f. good conduct ; 

good character J&isC'nek'-bbisal' nek'- 

khas'lat , nek'-bhoo adj. good-natured 
tttk’-bhah adjT well-wisher ; friend (f,\9'*JVntk 
kb a hi k.f. being a well-wisher ; friendliness 
&t£6ntk' sa' ‘at n.f. auspicious moment ^ 
'-st' rat (or adj. well-behaved 
of good disposition nek-si' rati n.f. 

good behaviour \/£gJJz,bsZC'ruk' salnh' ka 
poo (frith a kya' prov. 'implementation of good 
council should not be delayed Jl fal n.f. 
good omen nek’-farjam' adj. with a 

happy end ^jf^Onek'-qa'dem ADJ. welcome' 1 \yi~C 
nek '- kirdar ' ADJ.*" of good character \<yf J//'wek‘ 
gka’ri n . f . auspicious moment nek'-mak'zar 
adj. well-behaved of good disposition 
£< I y nek'-mizaj' adj. well-mannered; well-behav- 
ed tfjy nek’-miza’ji n.f. beiiig well-behav- 
ed good disposition ^L^nek'-ma'nish adj. 
good-natured ntk'-man'zar adj. lovely f'cf 

nek’-nam' adj. reputed having a good 

character jCr nek’-na'ml n.f. repute 
good character nek'-nehsd 1 ' adj. good- 
natured iz&nek'-niy'yat adj. well-meaning; wcll- 
intentionsd (ft <-X>' nek'-niy'yati n.f. being well- 
intentioned ru'k-o-bad n.m. good and 

evil pros and cous (of) / tte'ko pref. (same 
as pref. *) ru’ki n.f. good good : 

ness virtue piety beauty 
ru'ki aur poocb k'pootki prov. do not delay doing 
good (fjt (gnt'ki ba'di n.f. good and evil 
weal or woe {jpttfpVtfcne’ki bar-bad' gunah' 
la'zim prov. a good turn repaid by evil 
t)'A£ «'** kat darya' men dal' prov. if you 
confer a favour do not boast 
/gneg n.m. cash presents made by marrying 
m couple to relatives ; menials or entertainers 
ur.^’ntg' jogti.u. (tame ostJV 
mg' de'nav.r. make such presents 4 %*jTnegi le'na 
v.T. accept such presents WtJ&tujJlag'na v.i. 
be well spent frj^nt'gl jo'gi s!k menials 
deserving such presents t 

^vnl/ n.m. & adj. ten billion 

f L}nil n.m. indigo dark bruise carried by 
LA* blow, hurt, etc.) pref. blue 
bi'gama v.t & f. (of false report) get round 

tell a white lie suffer reverse be unfortu 
nate go mad (of indigo vat) be spoilt 

tjp nil' parjana v.t. be beaten black and blue 
dkul'na v.i. lose all sense of shame 
(of dying man’s eyes) run ; slime J-f 'Jtnil' 
ka ji'kah n.m. slur; stigmac^i fulfil' ka mat 
n.m. indigo vat tnl'-katth. n.m. blue-necked 

vl’ kl > sala'i-yan 
Bti'kiofi met pker'na v.t. blind if f (£. nil' Li 
ko'thS n.f. indigo y factory 2jtf£riil' -ga" e n.f. 
white antelope J$'nil'gooh adj. blue 
azure |P] 

C> nail Nf.M. achievement ; attainment ; Requisi- 
te* lion (*!/'()£ nai‘l-c maram' n.m. success , 
achievement of one’s object ^l/*^eL-bt-nail-t 
maram' adv. unsuccessfully ; without achieving 
one’s object 

ittnVla adj. (f. (jam'll) blue azure 
•ST livid Cyf pup ni'la pi' la ho'na' v.i. be en- 
raged , fly info" ‘a** passion ni'la tho'tha 

n.m. blue vitriol , copper sulphate &>»*’( IvO* 
ni'la do'ra baMh'na v.i. tie a blue string to offset 
of evil eye ^fli^nila'hai n.m. blueness 
azureness lividness 

rfijnilam' n.m nila'ml N.F.^auction fyfiy 

• *5T ril am' kor'na v.t. auction tkp'rdlam'-gkar 
n.m. auction house [Por] 
ifint'lam n.m. sapphire rt'lam-pa'rl n.f 
( legend) blue fair ; sapphire fairy [P] 

I y^ra'lo/ar n.m. water-lily; lotas; nenuphar 
/y£» (f^f^’m'lo/a'ri ADj. blue fJ^ff^J^gUm'bad-t 
rd'lofari n.f. blue sky nl' {J adj; bluejjfj^ 
t&'li ruvaq' n.m. blue mus0Mti [P] . 

m n.m. margosa ;» pie t la azedirachta’ 

to N.F fruit of the margosa 


v/it&m. adj. half middle sup. half semi* 
I/** quasi )!?(*? nim’-baz adj. a half-open 

"(of eyes) drunk , intoxicated*^/^ aim' birisht’ 
adj. (of meat) not fully roasted (of egg) 

purboiled ; soft-boiled . half-fried , poach- 
ed soft-boiled nim’ pukht, >*f£nim'paz 

adj. half-baked* not well^cooked (of 
egg) parboiled; half-boiled (J^^rdm’-bis'mil adj. 
mortally, wounded ni m'-pufrb’tah adj. half; 

ripe sjSnim'-tar adj. (joe.) semi-literate c> 
nim'-jan adj. half-dead n.m. (fig.) lover 
rnm'-josh adj. half-boiled rdm'-frakim' sM. 

quack ; charlaton mountebank^U^fc^^ 
(jL ’oJP’ IbfC nim’-fiaklm’ khat'ra-e jan* ntm'- 
mul’la khat’ra-e }man prov. half-knowledge is 
dangerous nim-bhab adj. half-ailccpJ/j^r 



nlm'-bhabt n.f. doze drowsiness *>K 
ntm'-khabi'dah adj. half-asleep tJjrtfnim' khur’- 
dah n.m. remainder of victuals crusts and 
crumbs adj. half-eaten < fbtCmm'-Ta’zi adj. 
somewhat agreeable half-satisfied nim'- 
ras'mi adj. demi official (letter) ; D.O.ji/C n * m " 
roz' n.m. midday ; noontide .ii/y mehr-e nim- 
roz' n.m. noontide sun nim'-sotjj’ tah adj.. 

half-burnt nl m'-thab n.f. mid-night 

nim'-k&T n.m. worker working with hired imple-, 
merits, etc. and paying part wages to owner 
nl m'-kash adj. half-drawn agonizing 

tiim’-kvsh'tah adj. , half-killed f/et mm'-gar'm 
adj. lukewarm nim'-mur’dah adj. emaci- 
ated tired; jaded (Cnim’-mul'la adj. half-" 
educated n.m. priest with a smattering know- 
ledge [P] 

vi nim'&ah n.m. dagger ; small sword 
(idjLjnlm'djah tan'na (or tol'na) * 
brandish the dagger whip out one’s dagger 

nfmah pref. half; semi- rfrsJO. ni'ma-as'tin 
^ n.f. half-sleeved jacket [P~^ j 
ttymi'na n.m. (same as (,‘U adj. *) (dim. 
HTof^N.F.) ” 

j[nain, n.m., nai'na n.f. eye -sukk 

CUn.m. (dial.) a kind of fine longcloth 
nain’ gatva'na v.t. lose one’s sight by constant 
Bdin-mUl’n a Ai>j. weeping at the smallest 


•Cniid n.f. sleepfU/'jj VU>nlftd’ a’na (or 
par'na) v.j. sleep feel sleep(j/ 

(>U ntttT fi'gjaj (or Br') ja'na v.i. have one’s 
sleep driven off ^y'/fj^rAtsd' bhar' so'na v.i. 
have a sound sleep nltd' fyiram' kar’na 

v.t. disturbed someone’s** sleep l'y l f i 7'X>n\kd' 
tfathm! ko'na v.i. be unable to sleep tfxSriilid' 
ka ma'ta, (r. Jjl^ niSrf' ki ma'ti adj. sleepy 
adj. one who is fond of too much sleep 
ntt'deryaft n.m. pl. (nurs.) sleep j^CSriltidoo *n.m. 
one fond of too much sleep 

ttm'aoo n.m. a kind of embroidered cloth ; 

’ sprigged muslin 

•'m i 

«>e' dal'na v,t. 

mjw' n.f. (rare Jj£t&'va n.m.) foundation 
lay the foundation- 

stone (of) 

nijo'ta n.m. invitation 

j^tu'vor n.m. wound on hone's knees. 

• i n.f. news ^t^ijjCnijmoz’-ejafit ' n.m. 
*• new* agerit/r^f/j^ nijeoz'-sjat’s^ n.f. news 

agency niyooz'-pe'par n.m. newspaper [E] 
*V?ni)ojA' suf. (used in comp.) hearing ; listrn- 

iijitiiyo'la n.m. mangoose ; 

^•ferret ; weasel 

waist [~ prec.j 

3 /, 

V. T 

jrtijo'll n.f. purse 

fastened to 

nayog' n.m. (Hindu dialect getting insemi- 

l a o 

nated by a high-caste man with permission 
of impotent husband 

neh’, iri ru'ha n.m. love nek laga'm 
become a lover neh I n.m. lover 





thirty-third letter of Urdu alphabet 
(equivalent to English v) in according to 
jummal reckoning) 6 vowel representing tin 
sounds 8, oo or au conj. and vrer. by (God) 
va' adj. open pref. & adv. back ; behind 
re- ; again separate Z-lsjva'bas'tah n.m. 
(pl.^II va'bastagah' dependent adherent 
adj. connected ; related bound together 
depending on va-bas'tah ho'na v.i. be 

dependent (otO be attached (to) be con- 
nected (witty^prfjva-bas'iagi n.f. dependence 
connection Jfnva'peu adj. back behind 
va 'past n.f. return withdrawn U*^u 
va' posit) adj. last jtfljfjda'm-o v a' posit n.m. "last 
gasp Z4I) va-Tos'lok adj. free escaped 
unconcerned va’reu’Ugi n.f. freedom: 
liberation unconcern adj. 

not in (one’s) senses unconcerned infan ma- 
ted distracted, mad va-rafta-miza/ 

adj. infatuated with love mad careless 
vs-raf'tagi n.f. not being in one’s sense 
unconcern infatuation distraction ; 
madness tfffljva-zhagook' fjjtijea-ijioott' mjjL- 
va-zhoo'nah adj. inverted ; upturned per- 

verse (if* 1 ; va-zMgoo'rA jjjlj va-zhoo'ni n.f. 
inversion perversity va-sohi’t nJt. 
disgust genre of poetry expressing chagrined 
lover’s disgust with beloved jjkwer’s revolt 
va-sokh'toh adj. burnt Wt scjifc'tagi n.f. 
being burnt down ; incineration va-^igaf 
adj. open adv. openly - without mincing 
matters I'Jis ca' kar'na v.t. open jljffj va-gmar' 
adj. restored v/jlj/ljoa-gUzar’ kar'na v.t. restore 
va-guzash'tah adj. left behind 




ward (of city or hospital) 

kor't afvar'd 

I ft vat d n . m . 

^ (someone’s) vv urdl/lj 
N.r. court- of wards IE] 

rj'ra N.M. quarter, (of city) 

n.f. & suf. enclosure 

> y vas'tah (ped. va'sitah) n.m. medium 
^intermediary a^ent go between 

connection concern t‘ /Jzsjitas' lah par'na v.i. 

come into contact (with) ms tah pai' da 

kar’fia v.i find means of approach establish 
contact (with) learn vas'tah de'na v.t. 

quote (someone) as intermediary cry for 
mercy \dXjJts\3 vas'tah rakk’na v.t. have concern 
(with) LrfJtsij vas’tah ho'nd v.t. have anything 
to do (with) ; have concern (with) be related 
(to) ; be connected (with) bil-vas'tah (ped. 

bit vas'itah) adj. indirect Jt^jjl>bi-la-v5s'tah (ped. 
va’sitah ) adj . direct (elections) J^istCke vas’le 
prep. for ; for the sake of because of ; 
on account (of) ; owing (to) in order (to) ; 
to the end (that) [A ~ uZblsj] 
n.f. waistcoat [E 


va'se* adj. ample 
*of God [k~£^] 

this as an attribute 

•^jfiva'sif n.m. one who sings praises (of) [A ~ 

L^va'sil ADJ. joined to n.m. realization ; rcaliz- 
4/ (Jed amount of revenue Jl itfjva'sil-ba'qi n . f . 
revenue account ; revenue receipts and arrears 
{/zj&hirtjva'sil-ba'qi-navis' n.m. revenue official 
minor keeping an account of receipts and arrears; 
revenue accountant ba-haq' hu'm 

v.t. die ; enter the kingdom of heaven 
vasilat' n.f. proceeds (of estate, etc.) ; mesne- 
profits revenue receipts (from an area) [A ~ 


*0, Va'ctht adj. evident ; clear ; apparent 
fy ! * evident ; obvious manifest 
va'zeh fa' he (or ho) be it known that whereas 
now (that) Vs&l>va'z*h kar'na v . t , clarify 
point out 

raze’ n.m. one who lays down, (law) 
C/13 maker ; givpr ; .establisher 
qanooii n.m. law-giver , law-maker ; legislator 
1*~&1 • 

jgf'vdT'iz n,m. (pi.. yfiPutia'Uin') preacher; 

^^sermonizer (A- &,] 

J r a'/fr ADJ. ample ; copious , plentiful ; 
' Kabundent [A~ jJ> j 


va'fi adj. enough ; sufficient ; adequate 
entire ; complete [A - ) 

J) i <a'qe‘ adj. happening ; occurring be- 
& * falling adv. situated; situate (jf^bva’qe’ 
meh &W$fil-va'qe' adv. actually, really; in 
reality ; in fact bat' yek' 

hai ph. the fact of the matter i&byfgljva'gS ho'na 
v.t. happen ; occur befall^[^pa'j«‘i adj. 

real actual factual adj. really ; in 
reality ; in fact ; truly ; certainly mT. really 
(A* tj > } 

va'qe’ah N.M. event ; incident happen- 

ing ; occurrence (arch.) news , intelli- 
gence fact of the matter (jij^/bia qe'a-naiAs’ 
n.m. (arch.) newswriter &[ialsv&’ q/a? n.m. pl. 
events ; incidents happenings ; occurrences 
circumstances tf&ljva’qe'ati adj. circum- 
stantial (evidence) [A - prec,] 

£ vaqif adj. acquainted (with) ; aware 
fJ(of) knowing ; conversant (with) 
W'ell-informed well-posted sensible ex- 
perienced n.m. one who makes an endow- 
ment ; donor of trust appropriatorc^Cs^ 
va’qif-e hai adj. & n.m, (well-informed per- 
son) (one) who stands seized of the situation 
Va’qif-kar’ adj. experienced , skilled , 
expert well-informed vaqif iy’yat n.f. 

acquaintance knowledge information 
experience skill llfljs vaqif iy’y at pat’ da 
kar’na s. form acquaintance (with) acquire 
knowledge (of) [A] 

^ AD 1' ^ F- ra ’fy belonging to; hail- 
•' 'ing from doer ; maker keeper ; owner 
seller ; vendor Jljval suf. (col.) hailing 
from in the style current b 

fa 'la adj. (of rank) high ; eminent ; exalt- 
ed; sublime tifi}ij^\zj 3 h',C^Ubva’la mar- 
tabat adj. exalted (in rank) (J&ilUva’la-shan adj. 
eminent ; dignified va'la-qad'r adj. highly- 
esteemed v L'DIj va la-na’mah n.m. superior per- 
son’s letter sfjp’ytj va’la-nazhad’ adj. of noble 
birth i^Siiilfva'la-him’mat adj. courageous fFJ 
| it valid n.m. father va'lidah N.r. mother 
V" * JJbHalidairi n.m. father and mother , 
parents (A- wjjbj 

la'lattiydr * n.f. volunteer , a£j**(* va'labfiyar- 
/^i^kor' n.f. volunteer corps |E] 

Ll vail ah int. by God 

d* W a l 'lam bis-savab' ph. Chad* knows (the real 
facts) (A] 

[ /Iva’/f^ADj. distracted with kwe ; madly in 
W ’3 love sUbvaleha'noh adj. ft adv mad with 

Xove'-^L^'iUb vahha'nah ‘atfl'dal n.f. great devo- 
tion [A] 

H.M'/In.m. prince governor 

V * e8'/l va'rir n.m. supporter guardian 


/ earn n.m. loan debt Qjfltvsm le'na v.t. 

| l^v.T. borrow fbjpjqaa'l cam kar'ns v.i. 
borrow [F] ' 

V M'mtf n.m. lover name of legendary 
Wl^Arab heroine Azra’i lover [A] 

1 <i vak adv. (poet.) there thither at 
C'^that place (A ~ cont.) 

|^yww sur. (dial.) proceuor (of) [8] 

s < tm"o n.f. name of letter Jd’ltjlj va”vt'a'tifah 
3 ' * n.f. conjunctive Jsfffbva’v-t majhool’ n.f. 
sounding like o Jjuu^SIj va’ct ma'doo'lah n.f. 
quiescei t va'vt ma'roqf' n.f. preceded 


ii . I . taw'/a (ped. ca-vai'la) n.m. lamentation ; 

■ " be wailling int. ala* ; ah [A ~ 0 + J j ] 
j oak int. excellent ; exquisite bravo ; 
d -' well done n.m. praise joyful 
vah' rt int. strange ah^r^t/J/jpaA' kya' 
bat ' km ra. (praise or irony' * onderful ofi/ob 
■ah' kya' kaih'na ph wonderful ; excellent,,'), t lj 
■•h' vak' (col. vak'va) int. bravo ; excellent n.m. 
praise ovation 

L ^joa'hib adj. generous ; munificent [A] 

va'himoh n.m. hallucination (A ~ ] 

* va'li adj. silly ; nonsense crazy 
i-t vagrant tfU oath, taba'hi adj. silly ; 
nonsensical llftfUp&b oa *** tuba- hi bok'na v.t. 
talk nonsense ; to' use foul language 
vote taba'hi fkir'na v.i. tramp ; move about 

^ i vahiyai' adj. silly ; nonsense [A ~ sing. 

j^ ra'V int. (lit.) alas fie [A] 

i vaba' n.f. epidemic ; plague ; pestilence I'llj 
;J(CLrfi/Mba a’na (or phail'na) v.i. (of epidemic) 
spread fib vaba”i adj. epidemic ; pestilential 
omraz' n.m. epidemic; diseases [A] 
it cabal' n.m. visitation burden 
wr nuisance vexation vaba'l-e jan' (or 

;»*'). ADJ. nuisance [A] 

*'’• va’yar-lais n.m. & adj. wireless [E] 


va’isra’i n.m. viceroy (EJ 

va’elin n.m. vioilin (E) 
voi lad n.m. (PL. jCj 1 aulad') pcd. fin pro- 

sody) three- lettered word [A) 
va'tat n.m. string (of bow) chord 
hypotenuse of right-angled triangle 
diagonal (of a quadrilateral) [A] 

. S * cali'rah n.m, manner ; behaviour f A ) 

P vi'tamin n.m. vitamin (E) 


mm ** 


vasa"iq n.m. (pi.. of^i*> vasiqah) bonds: 
(✓ written agreements ; pronote 

pBs ooq' n.m.' confidence reliance 
Jt^tc P°o’ff vtissoq' st p«. with full 
confidence pasi'qah n.m. (p£. ^jV»vasa"xq 
deed bound written agreement jlj 
vast qa- dar' n m. bondholder govern- 
ment pensioner > vast' qa-navis' n.m. 

deed writer (f^j ) vast' qa-nav\' st n.f. deed- 

writing [A] 

•* va Ja'hat n.f. commanding (male) 
personality dignity 

[A ~ ] 

va'jab n.f. (rare) span (AJ 

• • 

vaj'd n.m. ecstasy ; rapture ; transpor 
fit of religious frenzy (vTrft jvX'f 
vaj'd kar'na (or mtk a'na) v.t. be enraptured 
dapce in a fit of religious frenzy vaj'd 

mtk /a’na v.t. enrapture (AJ 
. il # vijdan' n.m. intuition At^j vijda'n I 
UN?* adj. intuitive (A] 

vaj" n.m. pain; acheJ-'tUf^p vaj"-ul- 
Gv tnafa'sil n.m. gout ; rheumatism [A] 
vujoob' n.m. necessity , obligation 

v'jood ' n.m. existence essence , 
>Z> being body (I'bjPLjilsfJ cuiood' pa'na 
(or mtk a'na) v.i. be bom come into 
existence c jood' mtk /a'na v.t. create 

procreate ** bring into existence if>?j 

v ijoo'di adj. existenialist <■£/»%* v'joodiy'yat n.f. 
existentialism (A) * 

m vaj'h n.f. (pl. tfj vUjooh' double pl. 
• ' oujodtat') reason , cause 

basis means n.m. (pl. o&jooh', jrj I aujohj 
face uqj'h-e tds’miyah n.f. basis of nomen- 

clature j?j caj’h-e ma'ash' n.m. means of 
livelihood vaj'h-t mUvqj'jah n.f. cogent 

reason or argument (AJ 

vajlh' adj. man with a commending 
personality (A- 

**| vahda'ni adj. unitary showing 
oneness j bi^khutoo' t-e vahda'ni n.m. 

parenthesis iSsltrrvahdzmy'yat n.f. unity (of 
god-head) the belief in the unity of God 
[A- jrb ] 

„ vah'dat (or vaxtf-) n.f. oneness; unity 
unit one-unit jjpJI&jifj vah'dat-ul- 
vujood', v~ijood' n.f. unity of 

existence; pantheism 3 ?S &jr»vai)i dal-t shohood' 
n.f. unity of divine manifestation ; patheism 
( J t> t vaih'dat-e Jik'r (or khayal') n.m. 

community of ideas community of 

interests [A] 

Mi /•%![ I vah'da-hoo la shari' k{a la-hoo’) ph . 

He is alone and has no partner; 


vah'sh n.m. (pi. vokoosh’) wild beast 
(✓ ' iff?* trah’sh-o-tair’ n.m. beasts and 
birds (AJ 

„ vaih'shat n.f. (or ped. vah-) n.f. 

* * wildness savageness ferocity 

fear; dread; horror y? £&>vaili's]iat-a'sar,j/‘i<zzJP} 
vaih'shal-atigez', vaih'shat aloo’d{ah) 

iS&^i vaibt' shatnak’ adj. shocking fright- 
ful ; horrible ; horrid dreary desolate 

( 1^*1 ) O/iZ&Svaih'shat ba'rasna (or ta'pakns ) v.i. 
be dreary vath'shat-za'dah adj. aghast 

horrified I’jf cJ&vaih' shai ho' ns v.i. be 
shocked be bewildered be horrified ; owing 
to loveliness 

vaih'sH (ped. vah-\ n.m. wild beasts 

0 P brute savage adj. wild untam- 

ed ferocious cruel uncivilised tf'Pi 
vohoosh' NJL (PL. of N.M. if) JA~ ] 

if> vah'y (or col. va'fft) n.f. revelation [AJ 

valid' adj. alone singular in- 
comparable unique nonpareil 

I jjrj vahi'd-Ul~ l as'r n.m. non-pareil [A~ 
jeb 1 

/ tadad' . n.f. friendship love j»» 

) ^ vadood' adj. friendly loving N.m. 

this as an attribute Of God [A] 
a. f vada" n.m. farewell; adieu £,(,>/ al-uada 1 ’ 
int. & nji. good-bye : farewell ; 

adieu [A] - 

| vidk'va n.f. (dial.) widow [S] 


1 vid'diyn n.f. (dial.) (same as t> n.f. ★ ) 


i uadi' 'at n.f. deposit ; trust 

tad Vat kar'na v.t. entrust bestow 

loving N.m. 

l‘y, iZ^sjvadV'al ho’na v.t. be given ; be entrust 
ed [A}' 

vaT PREF. having ; possessing IP] 

, cars' adv. behind beyond be- 
sides [A] 

vira’sat n.f. _ inheritance heritage; 
" legacy v vira'sajt na'mah n.m. deed 
of inheritance vira satan adv. by inheritance 
[fj ) vorasa' (wrong but usual form for 
varasah n.m. heirs successors legatees 
Zjl vir'sah Nja. bequest ; heritage ; legacy (A) 
far'd n.m. (rare) rose [A] 

vir'd n.m. daily round of prayer or 

yj) recital daily recital daily practices ; 
something repeated daily tfl'jtj* vir’d-e zabah' 
adj. known by heart oir'd-e zabatf 

ho'na v.t. have by heart ;• / tJ f vir'd kar'ita v.t 
repeat (prayers, etc.) [A] 

var’di n.f. uniform ; liver (arch.) 
reveille (arch.) retreat (arch.) 

report (by army scout or spy) H\£tf*** var’dt 
baja'na v.t. sound reveille or retreat 
var'di bol’na v.t. (of spy or scout) report 
. var’zisft n.f. physical 
U exercise . athletics 
gymnastics \;f var'zish kar'ita 

v.i. do physical exercise »1 
var'ziib-gah n.f. gymnasium 4/^ w 

var’ziM adj. athletic (body) n.m. athlete [P ~ 
practice ; exercise] ^ 

JlJJb var ' ta h N,M- whirlpool aar’ ta-e 

hai'rat met par'na v.i. * be bewildered 
be at one’s wit’s end [A] 
r, va'ra 1 n.f. abstinence ; continence [A] 

vdrghala'na v.t. entice ; seduce ; m- 
veigle coax ; cajole ; wheedle 

provoke or incite (against) 

•* va’raq n.m. (pl. $\j»\ auraq'f leaf 
0 ^* leaf (of book) foil (gold or silver) 
leaf ( kj&OJJ va'raq v'latna (or pa'lauia) v.t. 
turn a (new leaf) Jjjva'raq u'latye (or 

pa'latye ) please turn over P.T.O. j\sqj> va'raq* 
saz' n.m. one who beats gold or silver leaf ; leaf- 
beater (Sj tj;> va'raq-sa'zi n.f. leaf-beating 
kf/ Jjj va'raq koot'tia v.t. beat (metal) into 
leaves vj'jb/jj} varaq-garda'ni kar'na v.t. 
skip over (a book) turn leaves (of a book) 
J <Jj) va'raq-e gul n.m. petal j'jj vara’qah N.M. a 
leaf (jjj va'raqi (col. var'tfi ) adj. leaf-like 
leaved [A] 



J / *vrSk n.m. work ,yj) v arks' n.m. works 
J) U 

jt~( . nark' -shop n.f. workshop [E] 


var'kihg kame'u n.f. working com- 

mittee {EJ 

ia' ram n.m. (pl. (b) I auram) swelling 
inflammation L'/'ffjJ va'ram kar'na v.t. 
cause an inflammation [A] ^ 

var’r.ah adv. otherwise [P~ j -j- Jl + > ]| 

j liyw} y't/fz-'jJ) va$'re (hUrtlti sjtaik’r-ya're 
diUn&i' prov. like man like master Ctj IJj vita rat 
n.f. 1c [A] 

visa'dah n.m. (rare) bolster (A] 



vurood' n.m. coining arrival j 
uuroo'd-e mas'ood' n.m. auspicious | 
arrival (fig.) birth (A] 

vara adv. beyond save ; except [A] 

j va're adv. on this side (of ) 

' this end (of) jjjs var'la 

vasa'tat n.f. means mediation 

medium ki vasa'tat se ph. 

through [A ~ Jy) ) 

— vasa’mal 


( Jii/9 

★ IA] 

n.f. beauty ^"J'adj. & n.m. 

(PL. Of ✓/) N.M. If) 


this .one 

the one on this 

at ] 

adj. this 
side or at the near 


varid' n.f. (pl. Q jjl an'ridah ) vein [A] 

’il n.m. pl. resources 

) (jf qau’mi vasa”il ph. national 

resources [A ~ sing. tr'A 

(or iji ) vara.' n.f. people ; creation [AJ Jy'j 

vas't (rare va'sat) n.m. middle ^ ke 
vas't men adv. in the middle of 
among ; amongst ^3 vas'ti adj. middle 
central intermediate vus'ta adj. middle; 
mid [A] 

vtts‘ n.f. (rare) expanse [A] 

^ i. vita rat n.f. ministry tZ>lfiii>l^jtfnza'rat-e \ 
ittela'al' n.f. ministry of information 
■fj U (j/ij £/j I'jviza' ral-e (umoo’r-e) kharijah n.f. 
ministry of external affairs ; foreign ministry 
C>j I? viza'rat-e tija’rat v.t. ministry of trade 
and' commerce ; .commerce viza’rat-e 

ta'lim' n.f. ministry of education^tiUj.i'fXSi//,^ 
idza'rat-e khiza'nah (or maliyyat') n.f., ministry 
of finance ; finance ministry yJ’fj vita'rat-e 

da'kJiilah v.t. ministry of internal affairs' ; home 
miuistry £, \}> IJj viza'ral-e difa' n.f. ministry 
of defence jzS'} J j£>jtj3viza'rat-t zira'at n.f. 
ministry of agricultu re !/> viza'rat-e son' 'at 

n.f. ministry of. industry ; industries ministry 
(1JI} tlsjljr viza'rat-e qanotn' law ministry (JL&jIJj 
vita'rat-e mat' n.m. revenue ministry 
viza’rat-e m*asalat' n.f. ministry of communica- 
tions ; communications ministry [A) 
tij vBcara' n.m. (pl. of yjj n.m. 1c) 

i 'az’n n.m. (pl. (jtjil auzari) weight 
weighing (of verse) metre 
vain kar'na v.t weigh vaz'n ho'na v.i. 

be weighed be heavy be weighty j 

vaz'n-d&r, "Jjj vac' n't adj . heavy 

weighty {AJ 

/*« va ?i^ N,M ' ^ PL ij ' 3 p “* ara ) minister 
m vazir-e a'zam n . m . prime minister,- 

premier Ij* ,j>Jj vacs' r-e a"lo n m . chief minister 


wealth [AJ 

vBs' l at n.f. extent 
area span 




vis'ki n.f. whisky [E] 
vt'sal n.f. whistle [EJ 

hairdye hair darkener 

indigo leaves as such 

vas’mah n . m . 

v as'mah laga'na (or kar’na) v.t. dye hair (of one’s 
head or beard) black [A] 

vasvas' n.m. apprehension ; lurking 
t/ * fead superstition distraction 
evil suggestion tempter ; devil {f it's vasva'si 
adj, apprehensive ; superstition yy* vas’vasah 
n.m. lurking fear evil suggestion temp- 
tation [A] 

carl' adj. spacious ; extensive 
vast" -ul-ikhtiyaf ADj. enjoying ex- 
tensive powers high powered JPi^jvasl" 
un-na’zar adj. broadminded ; magnanimous 
breath of vision ' / & l £fjvasi-Un-na'z/n% n.f. 
breadth of vision bn»dmindedness; magnani- 
mity [A - 

I. vasi'lah n.m. (pl. JL^3 vasa”il) media- 
tion support , intercessor (one) 
who recommends or will speak m favour of 
means of approach to ; means resource 
*■»'/«* pat' da kar'na v.t find out 




means of approach (to) [AJ 

vasim' adj. handsome [A - 

lash suf. resembling ; like ; -ic va'sht 
Lr\* suf. ness ; likeness [P] 

V/ vish’noo n.m. (H. dial.) God the creator 
Jr * Vishnu & v aish'noo n.m. Vishnoo’s 
worshipper vegetarian [SJ 
A, !» vishvssh n.m. (H. dial.) trust ; faith 
U \3T> belief [S] 

, . visit' n.m. meeting ; interview 
{Jv** sexual intercourse. death (usu. of a 
saint) union (with God) CtfSjjLtjvisal' ho 
ja'n a v.t. die ; pass away unite with, God 

meet ; have a meeting [A ~ ] 

I | ^ vasa'ya N.M. (pi • of c^f 3 n.f. *) 

** # * ras'f n.m. (pl.^u^i ausaf) quality 

virtue ; merit attribute ; epithet 
description praise ; encomium; eulogy [A] 
ip vas'l n.m. (rare vas'lat) intercourse 
(J* / union joining meeting; interview 
tyrtKr vas'l ho' ni v.t. (of sexual intercourse) 
take place be joined (to) [A] 
t yg vas'li n.f. pasteboard (used) as support 
{y * for paper while writing thick paper 
for practising calligraphy on it (,(/"#( /J^vas'li 
j ty&h' kar'na v.T. write and over write on the 
same sheet to practise calligraphy [prec.J 
/ „ vUstiol' adj. & adv. receiver n.m. 

{/Jr* receipt (ped.) realization collection ; 
recovery (rare) arrival vdsoo’lr n.f. 

receipt realization ; collection ; recovery [A] 
if* va’si n.m. (see under n.f. if) 

vasiyyat n.f. (pl. {,{/>> vasa'ya) will ; 
testament (rare) advice ; word of 
advice ; counsel vasiy'yal kar' na-\ .7 . 

draw up one's will leave by will ; bequeath 
(rare) advice counsel vasiy'yal- ha mah 

n.m. will -testament ^ vdsi n.m. (pl.i 
ausiya') executor lagatee [A] 

„ • vaza'fya n,f. clarification clarity; 

lucidity yf&r&j vazfhat kar'na v.t. 
clarify ; explain g u va’zth adJ. if [AJ 
J& vaz 1 ' N.F. (pl. Z,i/,iauza' 1 ) style 

Cy y fashion behaviour manner; procedure 
attitude deduction _ delivery laying 
down coming vaz" bddalna v.t. 

change one’s mode attitude or behaviour 
vaz'‘-e from' l n.m. delivery vaz“- 

dar' adj. formalist ' stylish elegant '■ 
(one) sticking to one’s mode, attitude or be- 

haviour ( fj\ J cfjvaz' i -di'tl n . f . style for- 
malism elegance sticking to the last one’s 
mode, attitude or behaviour (jr&woza qat" 
n.f. style mode vaz?‘ kerne, v -,t. 

deduct ; subtract coin (word, etc.) d(Si 
pa's-e vaz’* formalism i (fj’ki&sh-oaz" adj. 
stylish fashionable elegant [AJ 

vu* zoo n.m. ablution 

vu' zoo ta'zah 

kar'na v.t. perform ablution 
before there is need for its renewal 
l’j j/Jrj vu' zoo tor’na v.t. do some- 
thing necessitating renewal of 
ablution j^yvi'zoo foet’na v.i. be need for 

renewal of ablution vi'zon 

that' da (or dki'la) ho'na v.i. lose one’s enthusiasm 
_ Jp. vazooh n.m. clearness ; lucidity 

U ,‘ " clarification [A doublet of* 3 ^} 

vazi* adj. mean ; low ; base ignoble 
Aari' $-o-vaz>" n.m. pl. high and 
low ; noble and ignoble [A] 
h va'tan n . m . motherland , fatherland 
iy " country native country ; native land 
land of birth va' tan-paras' t n.m. gatriot 

va'tan paras' ft n.f. patriotism^ ^ 'V' 
va tan-dush man n.m. traitor J^^jidtan- 
dush'mani n.f. treason kam-vdtan n.m. 

compatriot ham-va tani n.f. belonging to 

same country va'tan 1 adj. country 

made [A] 

N “- ( pu of ★) 

^ ^ vat'y ns. copulation (by male) [A] 

« L* va&’Jah n.m. (pl. vaza’'if) 

* scholarship fellowship stipend 

function daily round 


(lit.) pension 
practice or recital incantation^lj^iJ^ vazl'/a- 
dar n.m. scholarship-holder stipendiary 
pensioner ( Ce>yl j vazi'fah kar'na (or park'na) 
v.t. repeat incantation [AJ 

vd'dah n . m . promise assurance 
^ * C*pJ7ojtJ va"dah a' pa'kBt&'na v.i. (of 
time of death) approach 0 va l 'dah tat na 
v.t. evade ; procrastinate ; dilly-dally ; shilly- 
shally Ho ojfj va" da-khilaf , vd'da- 

shi'kan adj. & n . m . (one) who goes back on his 
word fitfo mj.j va''da-khila'fl, va"da- 

sjti'kam n . f . going back on one’s word 
va" da-far amosh' adj . & n . m . (one) ^ who fails 
£ to keep one’s word va"dorfaramo'sht 

n.f. failure to keep one’s word eifcj fata* da- 
mo' af gavah' n . m . approver va"dah va'r.d' 


n.m. promise prevarication [fjejfj va"da- 
vafa adj. true to one’s words V J /'{fjojfyva , 'da 
; afa' kar'nct v.T. make good one’s word [A] 

va'z n.m. (pl. Jgf'iy. mass’ ‘iz) sermon ; 
Jr* homily. \pfb?}va''z kar'na v.T. deliver a 
sermon vtf'z-o nasi'J/at n.m. wise 

wise counsel sermonizing [A] 

\\CiS> sa ‘ alai' kum-us-salam’ n.m. and peace 
«* " be on you ; formula in reply to 
greeting [A~ j + J* + { + 
a. va'id' n.m. threat [A] 


ragha' n.f. war ; battle ; enagement [A] 

v, vaghai'rah adv. etcetera; etc., and 50 
^ forth ; and others [ A ~ >s 4- + 0 ] 

1 * m/2' n.f. faithfulness ; fidelity ful- 

filment sufficiency vaf a' -paras’ t, 

vtifa-pe’shah t j0>[tJwJa'-she l ar', Hj 
vafa'-pesh’ adj. faithful ; sincere ; loyal 
vaf a' - paras' tl, (fzTv' 1>J vafa-pe’shagi v'afa- 

she'arl (J-z l}j vafa’-ke'shi n.f. faithfulness ; 
fidelity loyalty constancy jhiisvafa’-dar' 
a of. faithful constant loyal (fjb\ij 
: uju\dari n.f. faithfulness constancy 
loyalty \ff\it vaf a' -kar’na v.T. be true or faith- 

ful (to) be loyal (to) fulfil (promise) 
(rare) suffice (A] 

« I* . vafat’ n.f. death ; demise 0(v £01 
tari’kh-e vafat’ N.r. date of death 
death chronogram L'lcVt?-* vafat' fm'ns v.i. die ; 

pass away [A] 

•* * vifaq’ n.m. federation (rare) agree- 
ment ; concord Q it > Hi bala vifaq' n.m. 
confederation vifaq' n.m. sub-fede- 

ration $ffB**iUiqJk n l vifaq' n.m. .. zonal 

government cZf'fovifaqiy'yat n.f. federalism 
*S5>(/N. F. ★ [A] 

* sqf'd N.M. (pl. j}j vu food') delegation 

-45 > deputation [A] 

«•! i<j/'y n.m. accordance bar vaf'q ph. 

in accordance (with) 

.* . riifoar' n.m. plenty ; abundance ; pleni- 

jT* vaqar' n.m. prestige dignity _ 
Jv* rare) gravity (of manner, etc.) j$j l 
ha-v,\qar' , j\f^jipikT-vaqar‘ adj. dignified [A] 
iff* laqa'e' n.m. annals events; occur- 
fjvi r ciicfs (arch.) news ; intelligence 
i<j£} i> Jp^'jraqa'i'-nigar' (or navis') n.m. 
annalist despatch writer correspondent 
J>\, -N M. ★ [A - S1N0. sJlfj ] 

vaq't n.m. (PL.iZ>\fjlcuqZl') time 
hour opportunity respite season 
adversity ; hard times vaq't bs-vaq't 

ADV^at all times ; in season or out of season 
■CtJZPf vaq't par adv. on time ; in time, on time 
of need ; when there is need for it t* I 
vaq't par kam a'na v.T. stand by in time of iieed 
c h 24 r^‘ vaq't par ga'dke ko bki 

bap’ bana' t. iiaih pxov. bow down before the 
fox in season I'JjloAj vaq't par'nu v.T. be faced 
with adversing stand in need 
C^/tSjf-vaq't pare par ja’niye ko bai’ri ko mil’ 
pRov. adversity is the best judge of friend and 
foe Gr Jkc*; vaq’t tang’ ho’na v.i. for (some- 
thing) be very short \fvZJs vaq't ka pabaftd’ 
adj. punctual vaq't kat’iia v.T. pass 

one’s days in trouble pass away thc..time 
vaq't kko'nz v.T. waste time 
vaq't ko ghanl'mat jan'na ph. make hay while 
the sun shine make the best of an opportunity 
vaq't kt vaq't adv. in the nick of 
time at the eleventh hour i£pj Jjl’na'zTik vaq't 
ph. critical time or moment Qlf'&zcaq't nikal'na 
v.T. find time (for) ; take time (for^something) 
off one’s duties vaq't ni'kal 

ja'ta hat bat' rath ja'ti' hai p*Rov. difficulties get 
resolved with time, but people’s harsh treatment 
is never, forgotten vaq't vaq't ki 
rag'ni,(Jtj/c-hc^i vaq't vaq't ka rag' pr'ov. 
modes of life suited to one stage are out of tune 
with another*iV vaq'tan fa-vaq'tan adv. from 
time to time ; occasionally ffj vaq'ti adj. 
provisional transitory ephemeral 
vaq'ti taur par adv. for the time being [A] _ 

£ vaq’r n.m. dignity ; prestige vaq'r 

/ ' pa'rta v.i. honour va'qr kho’na v.T. 

suffer a blow to one’s prestige [A doublet ofjljj] 
".tit *3 vaqis' 'ala' haza ph. and so on 



— * vaq'at n.f. honour; respect prestige 

lZ** 7 P c/) oaq"at rak&'na _v.i. command 

respect ; enjoy prestige vaq‘‘at kko'na 

v. lose respect or prestige 

vaz" adj. weighty (remark, problem 

etc.) [A] 

^ M?/N.M.(pr.J»lw(^?a/') trust endow 
* ment foundation fer public charity 

devoting (one’s life, etc. to) stop punctua- 
tion mark V/ vaqf kar'na v.t. make an 
endowment endow (property, etc.) 

vaq'f-t la’ zjm n.m. eompulsory stop vaq'J- 

na'mah n.m. trv‘ deed deed of endow- 
ment [Aj 



f, ,, »*?«>" N.M. 

a vaq'fah n.m. interval pause [iL ~ 

occurrence (of something) 
being ; existence situation 
vjqoo : '-e jur'm n.m. commission of a crime 
l » c/tfe/* vUqoo" meft ana v.t. happen; occur 
viqoo" N.f. frJjjf mahal'l-e 

vuqoo *' n.m. situation (of a place) vuqoo' l ah 
n.m. accident criminal act ; crime [A] 

. - *2 vuqoof n.m. sense understanding 

* discernment wisdom (lit.) 

standing o>// be-v&qoof adj. fool senseless 
person (A] 

y AD J- (see under n.f. ★) 

/.V vakalat, (or vika'lat) n.f. legal 
W/J practice advocacy proxy I'JlzdlfJ 
vakalat kar’na v.t. be or become a legal 

practitioner ; practise at the bar plead ; 

advocate [A1 vaka'lat-na'mah n.m. power 

of attorney fa vaka'latan adv. by proxy «K4. 
vakil n.m. (pl. fk (j vukala') lawyer counsel 
pleader ; advocate attorney (rare) 
proxy t>akif kar’na v.t. engage (as) a 

lawyer . 

hf vi'katt n.f. wicket stumps 

vi'kat-ki'par n.m. wieket-keepet^£^££/> 
vi' kai-ki' pari n.f. wicket-keeping [E] 

, yf vikto'riya n.f. victoria ; a kind of 
"JJ' 2 carriage vikto'riya koras' n.m. 

Victoria Cross * . 

f". va' gar conj. and if va'gar-nah conj. 

** otherwise [P~ J ‘4- S+ > ) 
to Pt/a’ n.f. friendship ; amity [A] 

«• ii 4 vila’ dot n.f. birth ; nativity n.m. 

★ (A] 

<< vila'yat n.f. ruler’s country foreign 
land England ; Blighty the' West; 
Western lands dominion Kabul as this 
government ; control ownership guardian- 
ship (rare) friendship saintliness 
vila'yat pa' na v.t. become a saint ; be canonized 
tfiib uila'yati adj. foreign ; imported n.m. 
(f. (fipj vila'yatan ) Briton foreigner Jj 

n.m. ir [A] 

/ » va'lad (col. p aid) n.m. son; offspring r*i4 jj)y 
va'lad-ul-fraram', I’yflJj va’lad-uz-zina 'n .m. 
bastard JyJ IjIj va'lad-ul-halal’ n.m. legitimate 
son va'lad-ul-haiz' n.m. offspring of sexy 

parents (jlU Jj (Jtlifulaii va'lad fulah ph, so-and- 
so, the son of so-and-so sdlfjlj valdiy'yai (ped, 
valadiy'yat) n.f. parentage [A] 

ij val'valah n.m. (pl. [JJt val'oala-ha) en- 
V** thusiasm ; zeal ; fervour ; ardour 
.1 , va'li n.m. (pl. Uriauliya) saint 
V" 7 friend guard ia"n owner (of) 

valiy'ySlah n.m. {Pi.Jjjt.lJjIauliya-ullak) saint 
jjp (jj va'li-ai'hd (ped. saliy'y-e yok’d) n.m. heir- 
apparent ; crown prince oa'li 
khatigar (or kkah'gar) n.m. pseudo-saint 
va'li,ne l 'mat (ped. valiy'y-e ne‘'mat ) N.V.. (*l. 
tZ^^-Ujlauliya-e ne''mdt) patron ; benefactor 
OJ b n.f. ★ [AJ. 

/ . va'le valtk', (J~!) va-le'kin CONJ, 

G 000 * (poet.) but [P~ A >+ ( /\ 

J noli’ truth n.m. wedding party thrown by 
/ V " groom’s family {A] 

K sot n.m.. vote yfjj so'tar n.m. voter 
^ vo'iifig n.f. voting [E] 

i n.m. volt vol'tsj n.f. voltage [E] 

. woo* adv. in that manner in that 

tyyjt ° 00 ' 1 ' d* vU ' i ,MT - ( dia1 *) oh ; 

va h 5 nt. bravo wonderful [~ >IJ) 

voh pron. he she it they the 
^ those v °k atikhfit na’kih ra'/uh 

prov. the* times are changed no longer i; 
that earlier love evinced ^C(*)JsjDoti to (y<h) 
kaihiye ph. it is well that tfjjfebjltfitjooh' din 
aur aj r ka dirt ph. never. since jthen ; never after 

°° h ' din s a>< 

jab khalil' khaft fakh'tah ura'ya kar’tt ike PRcrv. 
gone is the goose that lay the golden eggs 
i j L m vahhab' adj. & NiM. bestower thi 
# »* as attribute of God ills oahabi (ped, 
vahhabi) n.m. & adj. purist in religion 
follower of the Holy Prophet’s Traditions 
unorthodox Muslim with a revolutionary 
political creed [A ~ nicknamed after 19th century 
Arab religious leader Abdul Wahhab) 

i rn'hsti adv. _ there thither yon, 
Ul* yonder ^rjjyjUyd-Atfz/ijbva'hattgar'dan 
ma'riye jahafi pa'ni na mi'le ph. be (etc.) deserves 
no sympathy 

jt vah'b n.f. giving ; bestowing tfty vah'fa 
, ( //adj. bom (poet.) inherent*; inmat 
tfrJtff* vah'bi-o-kas'bi ph. inherent and acquir 
ed(A] ’ 

if 0 vaih'm (ped. vah'm) n.m. (pl. fill auham ) 
\ vision superstition fear ; appre 

hens ; anxiety doubt ; misgiving (f/j vaih’m 
adj. visionary superstitio'us fearful 


e fa 

if i 

apprehensive [A] 


vah'n N.F.sluggishness ; indolence 

vo'ht pbon. the same ; tha* very he 
f- 7 himself (etc.) 

- t | rikrf n.f. (same as Jy cel n.f. ★ ) 



va'/dfi adv. there and then 
Ci/ * mediately 
j ^ rt' pi n.f. V.P.P. ; value payable post 

** vai from, (dial.) they those 


ved n.f. Hindu scripture(s) ^svedatt' 
n.m. Hindu metaphysics Vedanta [S] 
void n.m. physician practising Hindu 
system of medicine 

C vai' dak n.m. Hindu system of medicine 

> adj. of this system [S] 

^ tlr n.m. (dial.) hero [S] 

vai'rg n.m. government goods sold to 
public at high rates 

9* oairng' jj.m. renunciation of the world . 
lJ leading the life of a recluse 
vaira'gt n.m. recluse [S] 

eiran' adj. deserted depopulated 

desolate waste laid waste 

ruined; lying in ruins disconsolate (mind, etc.) 
Vj'tytJj vi ran' kar'na v.t. ruin lay waste 
depopulate vifa'nah n.m, deserted 
place desolate place ruins ; ruined place 
wasteland j (/(.» PJra'n* n.f. desolation 
ruin depopulation (of mind) being dis- 
consolate ; wretchedness ; misery 

vi'za n.m. visa l>y ci'.ja de'na v.t. 
/.«£* give a visa (for) l> J yj vi’za mil'na v.t. 
get a visa (foe) [E] 
j vair'na n.m. ploughshare 

. vai'sa adj, (f. vai’si) such 

similar adv. -so in that manner like 
that of that kind vai'sa hi ph. similar 

in the same manner or state in ‘status 
quo’ ; in ‘status quoante’ <=~> vai' st adv. 
thus ; in that manner vai' se ka vai'sa 

adv. same as before adj. unchanged y vai' se 

to ph. short of that otherwise though 
if, ^Lj vai'se hi adv. in the same manner 
just by chance without any particular object 


free ; free of cost 

r vaidt n.m. (dial.) one of the mercantile 
class (jeconcd last in the heirarchy of 

Hindu caste system 
& vaish'noo n.m. (sec under 

? n ' m . ir) 


like' span n.f. vacation sam or 

like’ shan n.f. summer vacation [E] 
vail n.m. woe (only in) i } n.m. it [A; 

L vel, Jrfj i<ke!, vel 

Ls,*, rnachk’ll n.f. whale [E] 
vail’kam n.m. & int. 

(*** welcome vail’kam kar'na v.t. we. 

come [E] ' 


g he thirty-fourth letter of Urdu alphabet 
(also called jf ( <£— j; ha'-e hav’vaz) (in nasta'liq) 
written as p or as gr or if pronounced alone 
or as (called ha'-e do cjiash'mi or 

Aa'’-e makhloo’ t-Ut-talaf fuz) when 
sounded as part of another consonant (in 
junmal reckoning) 5. 

1 1 ha n.f. Arabic name .for letter o 
X ha'-e do &ash' mi ha'-e makkho't-ul- 
talaffuz n.f. (see under o if) s 'j&^ jh 
• « . _ .1 _ • 

mjkhta'ji n.f. quiescent 

_ 'la -e 

inserted just to indi- 
cate, that the preceding letter bears a vowel sign 
ha’-e malfoo’ri n.f. aspirate 
* ^ ha stiF. (sign of pl.)-s ; -en; -ren 

ha int. (W. dial.) oh ; O 

L haboo’ra n.m. (dial.) highwayman 

l bugaboo 

| hat n.m, (same as A *) 

•JJL ha’tif n.m. voice. of_ the unseen 
t — oracle angel jj^^^ka'tif-e ghaf'bi 
n.m. voice from heaven angel [A] 

•VI hath.' (poet! O l hat) n.m. hand 
& *> cubtt slap blow stroke (of sword) 
hand (in) trick authority \;X jg?\h*1k' 
ana y.t. come by ; come to hand be got ; 
be gained ; be obtained C&.&fjifiha tk' ufka' 
baifk'na v.t. beat get ready to heat 
IV \£flJdihatk' utka le'na v.i. reabandon ; 
keep one’s hands off ClJflJf^haib Uik-ana v.t. 

raise (one’s) hand or hands do so (to greet, 
pray or course) beat give up ; despair (of) 
tiSf tjStikatk! utk'na v.i. (of hand) be raised 
be attacked or beaten (by YfyWjtjgrihdlh! 
o’fhhd par'n^ v.i. (of stroke in fighting) go awry;, 
graze along oofi'charaih'na v.i. 



have the upper hand give (alms, etc. rather 
than receive) Ua»>'l iJilhalh' baftdh'na v.t. tie 
(someone’s) hands fold one’s hands (to show 
respect,. etc.) beg with folded hands £-jL\j(\ 

hath' bah'dke aDv. respect fully with folded 

hands t iqj ath' bah'dke kka're rah'na 

PH. wait upon C ^Jithath' ba.d'r.a v.t. help ;lcnd 
(someone) any hand or helping hand 
hath' barhana v.t, stretch (one’s) hand do 
so to get or lift something Of hath' 
bik'na v.i be sold out (to) be under the 
thumb (ol> be subservient (to) (.’jj- hath' 

band' ho na v.i. be poor be helpless 
have one's hands lull L'^jJ/^odihath’ bhar poor 1 
par' ns v.t. receive blow etc. in full force f 

hath' bhar' ja'na v.i. (of hands) be stained or 
smeared Unfair l hath' bhai ka adj. a cubit 
long (of tongue) uncontrolled (of heart) 

brave l i Ji^hath' bhar ki zaban' ho'na 
v.i. be cheeky ; be insolent U^r./iithath' bai'hakna 
v i. miss the aim , (of hand) falter l 
ike) hath' bhej'na v.T send (through someone) 
send (ner bearer) {par) hath’ baifh'na 

t v.i. become deft or dextrous ; acquire skill (in 
some manual work) (J^uV^'^jt^-^hath’ be' (he 
"ath Za ,r na'hih be' (hi prov. though a servant, 1 
etc.) shall not be abuse CJ 'jb^j^hath' pant le'na 
v.t. wash anus after evacuation, lave (j)bJZfl 
hath' pa” ofi n.m hands and teet (fig ) 
helping hand il^-oU^lmth' pa ’oil baejia'na 
v.t. protect oneself ; protect one's life and limb 
^O^OJjtafihath' pa” oh phool' ja'na v.t be 
unnerved have blue funks ; be jittery be 
tired ; be fatigued iD?*jjtj*ihaih' pa”olt 
phaila na v.i. extend one’s pians or business 
begin to show onese! f in one’s true colours 
li — hath’ pa” oh tor' kar buith'na v.i. 
do nothing to earn one’s livelihood I'J’JcJjiJil 
hath! pa”°h tor'na v t. fracture (someone’s) limbs 
jh ) Lit hath" pa” oh tooi'na v.i. fed feverish 

^—^(jjiJ’^hath 1 pa” on tkati de ho'na v.i. 

(of limbs) grpw cold swoon be diging 
bfiJjkJfihath' pa” oh ckal'na v.i. be still 
strong enough to work be fidgety 
bath' pa”cft dab'na v.t. massage by pressing 
(someone’s) limbs Clftyj/bjeeihath' pa”ott rath' \ 
ja'na v.i become decrepit (oflimbs) be j 
paralysed Uiepjjjjl^^hath' pa” oh sahbhai'na v.i. 
begin to show off become well-developed, 
hath' pa”oh st chhooina v.i. be ! 
eiidelivered of child l’j L uh^hath' pa” oh mar’na 
strive ; struggle hard endeavour , make 


an all out bid to 0 i hath' pa 'oh nikal'na 
v.i grow into a strong, body become sauc\ 
or too independent t'y^ (JjjfJfi ^dth' pa” oh hur ra 
v.i (of limbs) be enfeebled ClfuJtbJtfhath 
pa 'oti htlana v.t. do something to earn one s 
livelihood work bardtlsjljl'hd^Jg'aflhatk 
pat'thar tale a'na (or jlab'na) v.i. find oneself 
helpless t 'ye^JsS'&LUhath' put'the pat no 
rakh'ne de'na v.t. ‘ *(of horse) sky (fig.) be 
too clever UlCJ^Jf^hath' par to' ta pal'na v.i. 

have the hand wounded have a boil on 
the hand *i*pj/* , jS J -f^hath! par^dha'ra ho'na v.i 
(of something) be ready C&j ) i<^{ke )hath' 
par quran' rakh'na v.t. make (someone) swear by 
the Scriptures £/**(£&/£ jifl hath' par gah'ga- 
ja'li dhar'na v.i. (dial.) swear solemnly £ [sJZfl 
hath' par hath dhar' kar baith'na v.t. 
sit idle do nothing to earn one’s livelihood 
have a slump in business Sit? j[ hath' 

par hath' rakh'na v.T. promise , assure 
hath' par hath mar'rta v.t. put one’s band into 
that of another bet thus assure thus Ctpji rf 
hath' par'na V.I. come to hand ; conic by 
be hit by hand be robbed L'yl ■Jjet[ksih 
posar'na v.t. beg; beg alms t'^f'jf^hath' ’pa'kar'tm 
v. help support 'cause to desist ; 

[ withhold 1'yi.lyJJffhath' poo'rp par'na v.t. assault 
with full force 0$%Je(lhath' pahui)(h'na v.t. 
have access (to) L^gJZlhath’ pher'na v.t. 
fondle; caress cheat tob L lUcj at. ’£ hath' 
phaila ha v.t. beg, beg for alms UXii*ifJjl!;z;h' 
phefik'na v.t. wield sword (etc.) l‘ J /'2L^^k u ih 
pi'le kar'nu v.t. get (a girl) married £ hath' 

I tak'na v.t. depend on (someone) for sub- 
sistence look up to (someone) for support 
LjTu-AsJerthath' tahg ho'na v.i. be poor ; b# Strict 
up (y?jt Jfihalh’ tootefi int. vfjpjfi hulk jo. hu 
v.t. fold (one’s) hand entrea t ; cm piece 

hath' jor' kar kaih'na v.t. say uijh 
folded hands ; say humbly VdleSj yti\ hath' j.b a'/ & 
v.t, give a jerk one’s hand give a biov. 

give bestow empty (one’s) hands of money Le_ 
disappointed U&oeTjZl hath! jhajakna v.t. give. 
a jerk to one’s hand free one’s hand Lj la? or! 
hath' jhula'na v.T. wave the hands sideways ir? 
walking J ha th' jkJUlh”i n.f. safe pasi»g«. 
money realized by government , landlord or 
highwaymen C*s+ hath' jhoo' fa par'na v.i. 

(of blow) not to be struck in full force Vj£>&£i 
hath' jhooja kar’na v.i. east just a little (fttfSt) 
hath' &alal\ n.f. thievishness (of child) 
strong figiiting l‘/'Jt)U2'thath (jtala'ki icr'r.a 



v.t. fight thus strike steal hath'- 

ekark'ra v.T. & i. gaim ; come into the hands 
(of) be overpowered (by) hath-chaiana 

v.i. strike move (one’s) Hand’s swiftly 
llourish (one’s) hands Ofjjr/Aa/S.' chal'na v.T. 

(of hands) flourish in talking strike (in 
talking, etc. ) C’jrjtii hath' &oom'na v.t. kiss the 
hand to show respect I'fpfjZihath' chkura'na 
V.T. free one’s hand [hath' dafitotse 

katna v . t . rtie ; bitterly feel the consequences of 
hath.' dikka'na v. show the hand to 
a fortune-teller let the physician feel the pulse 
display one’s swordsmanship, etc. trick 

(someone) V/fj^^hath dhar'rta v.t. touch 

with the hand swear by support select 
hath.' dho'na v . t . & i. wash one’s 
hands wash one’s anus and hands after 
evacuation despair (of) (C£"j ijUJktjPjJkt hulk' 
dho' baitk'na (or rakh'na) v . t . despair (of) ; give 
up as lost lose all hope (of) L jL 
hath-' dho kar (or ke) pi'dlhe par'na r v.T. make 
an alUout bid for pursue despite of stiff | 
opposition persecute 2\hath' de de 

mar'na v . t . continually beat hath' \ 

.ikh'na v. feel the pulse (of) tell the fortune 
(of) depend on (someone) for subsistence look 
up to (someone) for support Lij^lhath' de'na 
v.t. lend a band or helping hand support 
pledge shake hands do so to praise 
(of lantern, etc.) pul out (of pox boils) sub- 
side (of brokers) strike a bargain with finger 

undercover (of grain dealer) shuffle grain 
lying in heap 0 }fjg)hatk’ dal'na v . t . take 
upon oneself lay (one’s) hand (on) arrest 
meddle (with) tinker (with) rape; ravish 

Cf'j 2ft hath ruk’na v.i. be with held be 
economized hath’ rakh'na v . t . touch 

select support swear by C-fjJtl hath.' 
raltgna v . t . dize one*3 hands (with henna) 
earn a lot take bribe earn by unfair 
means id/o 'jjZt hath' raraft' kar'na v . t . gain or 
get skill 00)11# hath’ ravah ho'na v.i. be- 

come skilful (at). ; attain skill in £/jj Jek^hath' 
rok'na v . t . & i. withhold keep back 
desist (from); refrain (from) hath' sam'na 

v.t smear one’s hands (with)t^ y^ofihath' sir 
par rakh'na v swear by the* head (of) 
patronize caress ; fondle hath' 

iiko’na (oi samet'na) v . t . exercise a keep on 
expenditure fojf^£[hath' sun’ hoja'tta, of\ 
Clsy* hath' so' ja'na v.t (of hand) become stiff 
f — Jflhath' sf adv by haqd ke hath' se 


ph. through CsjiiftZ^ilhath' seja'ia raih'na v.i. 

get out ozone’s hand or control lose an 
opportunity , to "be helpless 0,<~.£Lhatk' se de'na 
v.t. give bestow give up 

hath' se ham’ nikaina v.t. gain a practical 
experience of something get it done through 
get out of (someone’s) hands ijy as\cs-'a . iff 
hath' se hath mila'na v.i. shake hands k/i 

hath' se hath' mal'na v.t. wring one’s hands 
rue i[?sj~2[huth' sjial' hn ja'na v.i. (of 
hand) become senseless through cold (of hand) 
be paralized c/jl^ f hath’ saf kar' ha v.t 
play fraud upon steal (something or someone’s 
belongings) plunder murder practise do- 
ing gain skill Zfhath' qabze par dal'na 

v.t. be about to draw ’sword fySf hath' ka 
jhoo'ta ph. one who does not repay debts 
dishonest L_j ‘ g 'J£ [ hath' ka di'yu n.m. alms; 
charity \us . \/^.jhath' ka di'ya a're ana 
prov. (of charity given earlier) stand in good 
stem ^ hath' ku sa^tejia ph. one who 
repays* debts on time honest Jyf hath' ka 
mail' n.m. (disparagingly) money ; pelf 
hath' kati' se nafi’gi ph. (dial.) (of woman) with- 
out jewellery c/j d.jjy'JHhath! knnoh par rakh'na 
v.t. wash one s hands of ; deny out right 
hath' kat' ja'na v.i. (of one’s) hands 

be* cut off have signed document curtailing 
one’s powers, etc. i j {,'Jjkl hath’ kar’na (or 
dikha'na ) v.i. perform a valorous feat make 
(sword, etc.) thrust cheat 
hath' kati'gan ko a r'si kya prov. as plain as the 

pikestaff obvious truths need no proof 
0> hath' ko hath' paihehsn'ta hai 

ph. one repays him from whom one borrows 
ko hath' s'yka”i na de'na 
ph. be pitch dark £l£2*\ hath kha'na v.i. be 
hit by (sword thurst, etc.) hath! khul'na 

v.i. become a bully attain skill in manual 
work become rich l hath' khetith'na 

v.t. withhold (from) hath' k\ laki'relt 

n.f. pl. lines on the palm 
hath' kllaki' retina' hih mit'M prov. fate cannot 
be changed ilfjiJ&JZajJ^lkjSihatk' (or ha'thofi 
ke to'te fir ja'ns PH. be unnerved be flabber- 
gasted be nonplussed hath'-ga'ri n.f. 

pram ; perambulator hand-driven cart 

O.l fiCjZZt hath' ga'le mett dal'na v.T. embrace 
V hath' ghisa'na v.i. make useless effort . 

waste time and energy hath'-ghisa’t 

n.f. useless effort hath' ghahgol'na v.t 

stir up (water) shake up (water) thus and 

2 \ 



make it turbid ItJsi hath' la, &>!)%[ 

hath. 1 la ustad' kai’sl . ka'hi ph. come tell me how 
much did you 'like the remarks ±X> 21 hath'- 
lapak adj. light-fingered knave pilferer 
l’$ jZ l hath! lags' na v.t. touch lay hands 
(on) lend (someone) a hand meddle (with) 
tinker (with) Cihfe-&j?lkatk' loga n t kamkla’na 
v.i. be very delicate (jjr jerfhatk' laga"e 
mai'ts ka'n$ v.i. be very lair ; be exquisitely 
beautiful be very clean yjB hath! lag' nix v.i. 

be touched come to hand fall into the 
hands (of) (of something) be begin IjlUtl hath, 
mar'na v.t. acquire ; illegally pilfer plun- 

der usurp strike with sword slay eat 
gluttonously Cib 2(i hath' mila'na V.T. shake 
hands (with) do so to express agreement ; 
close a bargain or begin a wrestling bqut 
hath\mol'na v.i. wring one's hands repent; rue 
hath' (men) a'na v.i. cqpc to hand 
3 hath' me a thik'ra de’na v.t. 

reduce (someone) to extreme poverty eZ-jtfJZi 
j l SsSsjfyjJ hath! null de ro ' tl aur sir' par 
mare joo'tiPKOv. give alms and curSes t '•e&JejZi'l 
hath! met rakh'n a V.T possess be able to 
influence (someone) hath' 

met sa'moriS ba'ghal met ka'tana prov. foul within 
fair without l / 'i/'( / 0 jj(j££‘LCZ(jiJZl[hatk' met 
le'n a pat' met (dhar') kha'na prov. live from hand 
to mouth 0> hath met It'n a v.t. take 

up (fig. ^undertake IsjjZIi. CJ zlkattf met hath' 
de'na v.T. shake hands (with) give into 
the charge of; entrust give away in marriage 
(to) ; give (Woman’s) hand (to) JrlAsri.' 

met ha'nar ho'na v.i. be a skilled workman 
hath' n a a'na v.t & i. not to fall into hands 
(of) slip out of the hands (of)* dodge ; 
evade hath! no par'na v.i. be out of 

one’s reach cff i> 21 hath' i u lag' na v.t. not 
to touch > not to beat , not to treat harshly 
fr l • *21 hath’ na mfij'tfcl bilbila'a Bf'tki 
prov. burning with rage without power to avenge 
0j2 i ha'thot n.m. pl. hands adv. with hands 
cubits high very high greatly 
ke ha'thot adv. at the hands of through 
owing to ha'thot hath! adv. from 

one person to another swiftly stealthily , 
furtively )jl2t<Jj2{hathot hath Sr' (or 
bik!) ja'na v.t 7 find a ready sale ; sell like hot 
cakes C* Ijl2ijj2 1 ha’thot hath’ ura' le'na y.T 
take away stealthily f <Jy2[ ha'thot hath' 
le'na v.t. receive (someone) respectfully ; show 
due deference to fit (jrf ha’tha-pa"i vt.i. fight ; 

scuffle y/'i A i 2 lha’' , t kar'na v.t. fight 
ha'iha-Ahatitl N.r. embezzlement 
tf\ tirl ha'tha-ha'thS adv, from one person 
to another quickly ; swiftly 
dfl ha'thi n.m. (r. _ 

(j X hath'rii) .elephant 
hathl pa' 'oh n.m. elephantiasis 

oA-V / <Si<f ( l 

ha’thi phi're ga"ot ga"ot jis ka’ 
ha'thi u'si ka na"ot prov. no 
matter in whose possession a 
property may temporarily rest, its title vests in 
the owner tl^yftf'jha'tkl jhod'na v. be very 
rich t ha’thSTjkoom'na v.i. (fig.) be 
very rich have a grown-up daughter who is 
yet to be married t>J*lha‘tkl-datt n.m ivory 
lift hathl ka pa’tha N.M. young male 
elephant Jjj> if < r * y j*Jj};^(f t iha'Ai ke pa”ot 
met sab ke pa" oh prov. ” rich persons contribu- 
tion covers that of all everybody is subservient 
to a big 

ha'thi ke datt' kha'ne ke aur dikka'nt ke aur prov 
all that glitters is not gold JV (fil hathi-nal' 
N.F. (arch.) cannon 

ni'kal ga'yS hai dim' raih ga"l hat prov. we are 
at the tail-end of the work l ha' thl-oan 

n.m. elephant-keeper . mahout / 

£Lj> 'll ha’hi hazar u> bki sa'oa lakh td'ke 
ka prov a rich man, even if ruined, has. his 

(tr ha’thi Aok n.m. artichoke ( - E 


ha\ n.f market 

(ft hajl n.m satirist (A- J?7 ) 

r s l ha dim n m. one who pulls down a build- 
• ing, etc. Csljd fAha’di'm-t lazzat’,*^Ut>Y^ 
ha'dim-il-lazzai' n.m. (fig.) death (A - (*4 ] 

/r f ha'dl N.M. mentor spiritual guide 
0*1 Ifj. J>1 hadi-e bar-haq adj tree guide 
n.m. the Holy Prophet as such (A - tjf ) 

I I hsr n.m. necklace garland chaplet 
^ * jlf*-* 2 thar' sitgar' n.m. make-up 
weeping nyctanthes l>jo/jtha* gootdh'na v.t 
string a garland 

IJJ hat n f (see under l ’j\ v r. * 

ha'ra, ji hat slf, doer one dealing 
or working in material 
ha'rij adj obstructing (A - | 


with pain [ono.] 

hs"idro'jan n.f. hydrogen (E] 

ijftt hab'ra n.m. 

^f V .T. 

ij9* 000 t a n.H. ugly person one with 
xT* large teeth 

hoban'naq, Ijy, hmarinaq adj fool; simple- 
U» l ton [A] 

^^ y/j kuboob' n.h. blowing (of wind) (A) 

- huboot n.m. descent downfall fall 
JtJi* (*jibSjhuboot'-e a' dam n.m. fall of 
man [A] 

hi' bah n.m. gift ; present hi’ bah kar'nS 
execute a deed of gift ^ l’ ^ hi' ba- 
ns' mah n.m. deed of gift [A ~ >-y?J ] 

.t hab'bah dab' bah n.m. rickets 


^ hap ' *?*f*-s*<hap’-hap n.f. gulp sound 

"Tjl of toothless person’s voices iJu&iy*hap' 
jkap adv. greedily yrfygt ha' par ha' par adv. 
(gobble up) gluttonously fb ft-rf hap' kar js'na 
v.t gulp down ; gobble <ip l"J \-*r^Jjhap' hap 
kar’ns v.i. speak or eat like a toothless person 
[y hap’ pa n.m. soft rice jrf hap’po n.f. tooth- 
« f less old woman * 

/*jl»yhip’nstizm n.f. hypnotism Ll/yl 0 $ 
I 4 hip'nsts"iz kar' it's v.t. hypnotize [E] 

‘hap' poo n.m. (nurs.) opium 

671^ aS»g 

abuse ; self-pollution hatk'-ka'ti n.f 

fencing or cudgelling trick aiming at adversary's 
hand tfZ ’whatk'ka'rl, hatha' ft n.f. 

handcuffs; manacles tfl&i hatk'-ka'rl lags' ns 
v.t. handcuff C& tf£&r u ?hatk'“ka'rl lag 1 ns v.t. 

be hand cuffed Jtfhatk'-kal n.f. doorknob 

n.m. (usu. in ra. ) 

sleight of hand trickery, handicraft ( • £ t 

contr. ] 

handle hand 
v.t. pilfer 




- haphaps'ns v.i. pant 

L h? > - 

^ hat int. be off J cL-s^lhai' te're ki int 
be off ; begone ; away ; avaunt mind 
you [ono.] 

/L ha'tak (ped. hat'k) n.f. libel; demafation 
disgrace affront ySum&jhat'k-anuz' 
adj. libellous ; defamatory disgraceful 
deragatory H-jfj hat'k-e iz'zat ks- 

da"v's n.m. libel suit , defamation case 1 
I 1 hat'k-t 'iz'zat kar' ns v. defame dis- 


~f,katk', hat' pref. hand jlarjlarfhatk'- 
& ( Sdksr' n.m. loan advanced or taken without 
any security or IOU fli* i'Jt? halh-bah'dhs 
ghilsm' n.m. devoted servant atf hatk-pkool ' 
n.m. a kind of firework (fydfatfi katk phe’ri n.f. 

trickery sleight of hand caress; fondling 
C/lf^^Thatk' phe'ri kar' ns v.t. defraud 
caress; fondle hath.' (hak'ki n.f. hand- 

mill adj. given to belabouring 

at the slightest provocation i^fd'j^J^^'hath 
thhiit mutih'-phat adj. short-tempered ;■ given to 
cursing and beating^/ Jtfhath'ra'si n f self- 

latch hatk-kak'ds 
trickery dr^T hathau'ti, ftyf halau'f I 

I hat' da, . hat' ta n.m. 

L'jl & hat' As mar' ns 
acquire illegally ^ ^£2. hat' As efcark'ns v.i. fal 
into the hands (of) hat Ike par An r ,'- 

ns v.t. object to something right at the start 
I'JaflHZ-Jg hat’ the se B'kkar'ns v.i. be uprooted 
be separated (of kite) have its string 

snapped be out of joint ( ~ prec.] 

♦ ^ hath! Hi n.f. female elephant 

W *V> hai'tki n.f. handle rest for band 
ySf ha A! yd n.f. small handle [ ~ af\ ) 

. hatffysr'- n.m. weapon tool 
Jyyt Implement instrument equipment 

accoutrement jtb J hathysr'~babd ad). 
armed equipped accoutred l) 

£ UO hatkyar' bshdk'ns (or saj'ns or lags' ns) 
v.i. arm oneself 0 l/jU&Thatkysr' dal'na v.i. sur- 
render ; lay dawn one’s arms 
1*1 ‘net ha Ays’ ns C^haiys'ns v.t obtain by 

4 r 7 fraud 

hatke'ti, tb*/ hate'll n.f. palm 

ty/tPfthrtke'tl par sir rakk'Hs 
play ^with one’s life 

t’lf J-^/dlrthsAeli par sar'sot jams' ns v.t._ 
work wonders do something swifUy-^^^7 
iyaS ^L-/* hathe'li par sir' li'ye fhir'ns v.i. be 
really to lay down one’s 

hath/'li ka pkapko'ls (or pko'r a) ph. cherished 
grievance (l hatheli kk j js'na (or 
salsals'n a) v.i. (of one’s palm) itch (a* augury _of 
one’s coming by some money) 
hath/' U meh (tor' par'ns vx (of henna) leave some 
white patches ; fail to dye whole palm ( - jtt t ] 
/y- hatti'ya. L+fy^jlyoo' kattiys n.f. (dial.) 
ZT* killing IjC^hattiys'ra ADJ. & n.m. (dial.) 
blood-thirsty (person) .[I] 
h^hat n.f. stubbornness ; obstinacy t 

lap' HI) hat' par s' ns v.i. show obstinacy 

be peevishly dkar'tn adj. stubborn , 
obst inate unreasonable J^jii^hat-dkar'mt 
n.f stubbornness ; obstinacy unreasonable 




show hat' kar'na v.i. obstinacy be 

pe5vish hcti'la (dial. hati) adj, (f. 

hati' li) stubborn ; obstinate . 

rYl>* hat'ta kat’ts adj. (f. (f (S^t hat'tt 
i kat'tl) robust ; stout ablebodied 
f|> hata'na V.t. remove -push back; 
* ^ drive back clear away repel 

repulse cause to retreat cause to recede 
cause to flinch [ ~ foul, caus.J 
i.^, hat'na v.t. get back be driven back ; 

be repulsed stop recede flinch 
0 (of milch animal) dry up 
•irfr hatt'la adj. (see underci*^N.F.^t) 

| hija n.m. (also l^'ilm-Ul-kija) ortho- 
yl graphy £L hi'je (col. hij'je) n.m. pl. 
spelling vj'jid. (t£)(ke) hi'je (or hij'je) kar’na v t. 
spell out (a word) [A] 

f 1^0 hija n-f. satire lampoon [A doublet 

Y‘ <* JT*) 

£• hij'r (ped. haj’r) n.m. separation from 
/• beloved ; separation hij'r ah n.m. (lit.) 

separation [A] 

.. g hi j' rat n.f. migration fleeing ; flight 
^■^5 exodus flight of the Holy Prophet 
from Mecca to Medina (in 622 A.C. the year 
from which Muslim era begins) ; Hegira tjyfi 
hij'ri adj. of the Hegira (Jyfi^sann-e hij'ri n.m. 
Vluslim era ; Hegira era [A-pkf.c.] 
ft haj'v n.f. satire lampoon speaking ill 
(of) l^hqj'v kar'n a v.t. speak ill (of) i/jfi 
haj'v kaih'ns v.t. satirize lampoon fjji 
haj'v- go’ n.m. satirist jjt haj'v-go”i n.f. 
satire (as a literary genre) satirizing J*, 
haj'v-e mat & h.f. irony sugar-coated 

satire [A] 

hijoom' n.m. crowd ; concourse mob 
J X* (rare) assault l’f fjfihujoori kar'n a v. 
ush upon ft hujoom' ho' ns v.i. (of crowd) 

hi’jt n.m. pl. (see under nji. jfr) 


2 hi’&armi’&ar n.f. quibbling 

prevarication V hi' faar-mi' &ar 

kar’na v.i. quibble prevaricate 

/** hi'&ak n.f., (^fy hi&ka n.m. jerk 
jolt Of? hi' ehakna v.i. (dial.) be iolted 
toggle ; hesitate draw back 

N - u * kite-string bobbin , spool 

, /g, hi&ki&a'na (dial, t y^hifhmi fkn’na) v.i. 

hesitate . be in suspense boggle 

falter waver shrink (from) ; recoil shy 
J^\ffc‘hichkichahat n.f. hesitation ; suspense- 

boggling faltering wavering 

. /£» hi(hko'ls n.m. jerk 
hithko'h ktia'na v.i. jolt 

ufthidi'ki n.f. (usu. in pl.) hiccup; hiccough 
[yt convulsive sobbing breathing spasm 
(U^r* 'ki (or hifh 'kiyat) ana v.i. 

hfccup (fig ) be remembered by someone 

J ($5 h icjl’ki (or higliki'yat) batik jana 
v.t. hiccup kM{0hich'ki lag' na v.i. suffer 
from hiccup have the last gasp [ono.] 

,W (or \Jj ) hud s' n.m. correct guidance fA doub- 

\j(j^ had a y a n.m. (pl. of N.m. ★) 

*>j hida'yat n.f. correct guidance 
^.^counsel of sanity righteous l).iy>it-hida- 
yat pa'na v.i. be rightly guided become 
righteous *"£ fyhida 'yal de'na (or kar'na) 

v.t. show the path of righteousness (a 
hida'yat-na truth n.m. guide [A] 

..ha'dar n.m, exculpating (someone who sheds 
* blood of) (A] 

*» ha' daf n.m. butt target bull’s eye 

object ; objective (AJ 
had'm n.m. razing ; pulling down [A) 

(>. had'rajjjiskaid’ra n.m. (dial.) 

plight " 

hud' hud n.m. woodpecker 

hoopoe {A] 

» Kad'y n.f. ’ sacrificial animal V 8 ^ 

0 > 7 taken to Mecca for sacrifice V 
during Haj ; pilgrimage victim [A] 

„ had'yah (ped. hadiy'yah) n.m. (pl. LJ^ hada'ya ) 
Z/t gift ; present price (of a copy of the 
Holy Quran) had'yah kar'na v.t. present 
make a present **(of) sell (a copy of the Holy 
Quran) (AJ ^ 

y had prep, bone n.m. (also Sj> had' da) big 

■v bone spavin had 1 haram n.m. & adj. 
lazy (person) good-for-nothing . ~ foll.J 
^had'di n.f. bone hard inner part or 
core (of carrot) had'di pas’li lor' ns, 

i-jj jl^had’diyat tor'na v.t. beat black and 
blue give a sound beating C {Of jH (fu/j 
had'di yot ki mi' l a ho ja'na ph. emaciated 

ha'ga prom, (ra^e) this [A] 


,1 * hazyari (ped. hagayan') k m 
graving A] / 




* har adj. every each any ^[/fhar ait 

A adv. every moment constantly when 
ever Air a'l'nah adv. certainly ; indeed 
hat' ek adj. each every n.m. everyone 
everybody jl/i bar' bar adv. every time "3 j^^r- 
ja'1 adv. (of beloved) ; inconstant J..j}^har- 
ja’'1-pan n.m. faithlessness ; inconstancy infid- 
lity jjfyhar' tkahd adv. although ; though ; 
even jfriough howevermuch Jygfhar’ ekatd ke 
adv. although; though; even" though Aar' 
adv. whatever jlljl^har' foba'dabad' 
come what may ; whatever (he consequences 
A Jt'cjiA'dtfa&jbo*' die dar ks'n-e na'mak 
raft na’mak shud prov. one soon gets absorbed 
in the anlie\^^jyfkar'~dil~ , azlz’ adj. popular 
lS^^Jfhar'-diU , a&& n.f. popularity har' 
dm adv. every moment any moment yf 
har' do adj. both ^Qtrfhar-de'gl’diam'&ah n.m. 

hangeran one with no fixed principles^* 
bar' roz adj. every day 

har' roz ‘id' rust keh jml'vs khz' rad ka' se "prov. 
one cannot nope to have a stroke ^of. good luck 
every time jiJ'jjj Ifj-yCJjffhar’ shab 

shab-e bant hainar' roz ro’z-e ‘id ph. ’ happy times ; 
palmy days ; halagon days Dy^fonar' fan mm' la 
n.m. jack of all trades jjl; 
har 1 kas ba-khaytd-t Jjhtsh’ bhab'te da’ rad prov 
everyone has a fad (jAnArfhar' ka’s-o-nz-kas 
.n.m. everyone high and low ; alt and sundry J/f 
i^iyJojlfAhor f ke a’ mad *ima'rat-e ncu ' sskh’t 
prov. everyone implements own fad 
har' mil' ke bar' ras'me prov. every place has its 
own traditions Uifahor' ka'hift adv. everywhere 
iti/fhar’ gab' conj. whereas ; since c^har-haf't 
#.M. (woman’s) full make-up adv. with full 

f Aar, (f/fiha'rl n.m. name of Hindu god Vishnu 
A or Mahadev ; God ; Har KV/fryA/s/ 
har' ko bhd'je so har' ka ho"e ph. he who worships 
God becomes his devotee hot' har maha- 

dev n.m. god of gods Har'*(as Hindu war cry) 
tyii/thetri bol’ns v.i. (of Hindu) die; pass 
away [S] 

j.Ha'ra adj. (f. ($/I ha' ri) green verdant 

>7 fresh unripe (fruit) raw (wound) (of 
debt or value) realised I'yJ^ha'ra ho'ns v.i. 
be green be verdant (of wound) become 
(of debt or value) be realized (of fpiit) 


be yiripc lyf l/fha'ra bha'ra adj. (f. (f/^.lf/jha! r\ 
bk/i'ri) lush or luxuriant (vegatation) pro- 
sperous ; thrieving L>f tS/fjf fa god' ha'ri 

bha’ri raih'nz v.i. (of woman) be blessed with 


children ha'rU&ug adj. ft n.m. selfi 

hit as' n.m. fear ; terror nj(/yfhiras'-z/t da* 
adj. terror-stricken 0l^kira'sah adj. 
terror-stricken [PJ 

hara'na v.t. defeat wont overcome 
"yi cause to k*e£~ tVtcAns.] 

* l.hiraiid' n.f. tang of termerk tang of 

half-cooked stew 

1 ihara'vai n.m. ft adj. vanguard ; advance - 
Uyt guard 

, * har' har najan'na v.i. not to know 

v f*AA the difference between two things 
A rg * Mr’ ke adv. at last ; at length 
after all in the final analysis 

* h ar’j n.m. harm ; damage trouble 

(J//J wastage v/Z^/tkar'j kar ns v.t. harm ; 
damage waste tyS'y/bar'j ho'na v.i. suffer 

loss ; face trouble £,/ gj /fhar'j-mar'j n.m. 

trouble disorder kar j ah n.m. damages 
compensation demurrage bar'j ah 

t ashkhi s’ kar'na v.t. assess damages 

harja'rmh n.m. indemnity damages 

compensation demurrage [ ~ prec.] 

hir'da (dial.^j*Aa'ru/ai) n.m. heart C 
yi hir'da khul'na v.i. (of mind) become en- 
lighted [8] 

♦ har’zoh adj. absurd; silly . nonsensical 
°yi idle vain purposeless her' za- 
sara’, j f i'j/j har'za-go' adj. n.m. idler talker , 
foolish prater J \lytj/jkar'za-sara"i ^/eJyfharjz.- 
go"i n.f. silly talk ; prate ramble i/iry? 
har'za-gar'd adj. roving ; rambling n.m. tramp 
(fl/risl har'za-gar 'di n.f. ramble ; roving [P] 
^that's n.f. ploughshare 

[j^hor'sa n.m. sandalwood abrading stone 


6 Sharks' rah n.m. courier [? -yf -k j/\ 

J 7l 

A. har'giz adv. (emphasizing negative) (not) on 
y / any account [P] 

£.hurm'&l (ped. tfjffhir'mid) n.f. red 
{jyi earth [P] 

, . hi’ ran (dial, ha' ran) n.m. 

UA dear : antelope hart; buck 
roe fysf if tOt hi' ran ka 

(kau'kari bhar'na v.i. (of deer) leap 
i'ran ka ^au'kari 
bhaol ja'na p.h. be confounded 
be flabbergasted Ctfjfotrf hi' ran ho jut. a v.i 
flee ; run away f n<! - ^' rari hu 



>a'«8 pu. come to one’s senses be no longer 
under effect of drink hir'na N.M. buck 
pommel (of saddle) hirnau'ta n.m. roe 

fyyf kir'n i n.f. doe ; hind 
* kar’na v.i. lose (at gambling) 

fur'na v.t. seize hold 

ha'fi km. (same as n.M .At) 


I Aor'j’a adj. green wild int cry to 
•t/T drive away parrots, etc. JJ t yp harja’ln 
adj. green ; verdant young ; youthful n.m. 
a kind of nuptial song jjy? harya'U, J)}yf 
karya'aa! n.f. greenery ; verdure | ~ > ) 

h hari sah km. mashed pottage made 
't'* of wheat and minced (fig.) pap [A] 

< bt har'yal n.m. green pigeon [ ~ fy ] 

Aar n.f, a myrobalan-like nut plaited 
// tosscl (rare) bone IjF.yp bar jo' ra n.m. 
bone-setter name of a drug used for the 


i*«> k, harbara'ria, ify.ylarbara'na v.i. start 
up be flurried harbors’ kar 

aDv, hurriedly ; in hot haste tS" 
bars’ fear utk’na v.i. start up from sleep ^yy, 
har' burl n.f. flurry scurry confusion 

nervousness b yCy? hdrbrrray'ya n.m. nervous 
persons irascible (person) 

ftiK* harbohg' n.f. uproat , tumult 
■ mess ; confusion commotion 

C%<~AkJpt harbohg’ ma&a'n a v.t. & i. make 
n upioar Create a commotion cause 

harap' n.f. sound of gobbling adj. 

?y* gobbled up misappropriate £/ 
harap' kar'na v.t. gulp down ; gobble up' 
embezzle usurp grab harap' pa n.m. 

gulp ; embezzlement usurpation 

t ness centres as protest ; protest standstill 
sulphurate of arsenic VJ'O^yP bar ^ai' kar'na 
v.t. strike l>’jf{Jly?hartal’ ho'na v.t. (of business 
centres, etc.) be closed in protest 

hnrdap'ga n.m. children’s noisy play adj. 
^ Si (f. hardat'gi) tumultous 

rowdy quarrelsome unskilful 

ASrcA’ea v.i, pine (of baby) miss 

M», hWrak n.f. hydrophobia its effect 
kJyl pining haukering % hur'ka n.m. 
pining (of baby separated from parents) 

latch l \/y? hitrka’na v.t cause to pine thus 
cause hydrophobia 1/ l/yf Aurta ya ad) 
f. ^ ^ hurka’i) rabid 

bazar' adj. thousand many 

innumerable however much n.m. nigh- 
tingale t v j/p hazar’rpa n.m. centipede -i .(g.tV 
l'j? ixJ^hazdr' jan se fido’ ho’na v.t. be deep* in 
love (with)^/Ul — ^>jl/phazar' -das' lan N.M. night- 
ingale adj. melodious 

'ilaj' our tk' parhez' prov. prevention is better 
than cure tV % i cj/ h<rza' roll gha're pa'ni 
par ja'na ph. feel greatly ashamed ct.JJj !/f 
hara'roh meh adj. openly : publicly Qjy\y t 
haza'roh meh ek ph. pick ; choicest ’of *the lot 
JifjJ/fhazar’vaA adj. thousandth \y fy- hazsrha' 
adj. thousands hazart n.f. command of 

a thousand Soldiers adj. holding a fief for a 
thousand soldiers (fast) in commemoration of 
the Holy Prophet’s Ascension (fyl'S. (fylyphaza'ri 
baza'ri adj. (one) who meets both high and 
low unreliable fP] 
j <j hizab'r n.m. lion fP] 

- ha'zaj N.E. name of a verse metre [A] 


j haz'l n.m. jest ; joke drollery 

buffoonery (fh hazliyyit') this is 
a literary genre ; nonsense verse / Jyphaz'l-go 
n.m. one who writes nonsense verse 
haz'l-go”* n.f nonsense verse {A] 

•4^*, hazi'mal n.f. flight ; defeat ; rout 
Ik Let l Ck^yp bazi'mat Stka'ns v.t. be 
defeated ; be put to rout tjyJ’^yyi hazimat- 
khUr'dah adj. defeated ; routed 

jthas’t n.f. being ; existence present 

i ajJ J has' t-o-bood ph all that is or has 

been [P~ d/^fbe] 

*7^ has' tint n.f. the lowest of the four cate- 
{j * gories of women according to Hindu 
writers on sex ( ~ S female elephant] 

bas'd «.f being ; existence entity 

(/ * life world worth ; value 

i/y,his'ka n.m. (dial.) emulation; bid to 


"Is* hush, c^fhUsh’t int cry for driving away 
C/ * birds and animals or set them ly 
hushkar’na v.t. halloo (ono.) 

Vl ha shsh ask' Cfba shsh aA’ boshshash' 

Ls adj. jolly ; jovial (A) 

^•J ^yrhish't int fie ; for shame (ono.) 



t .i\*hash't adj., n.m. & pref. eight 
L hash' I behish't ph. eight parts of paradise 

called khul’d, dar-As-salam ' , da'rul qarar' ,jan!nal-e 
'ad njan’natu l-ms’vn ja' nat-an-na'm , illiy'yin and 
firdaus’ hash' t-paih’ loo adj. octagonal 

J^ThasJi'tum adj eighth j Cii^hasjhtdd' adj. & 
N'-M. eighty [P] 

j *\»» hushyar' j LZjr’hoshyar' adj. clever 
J zT t shrewd"* intelligent awake ; alert 

skilled learned grown up 
hushyar' kar’na v.t. caution ; warn rear 
unpart skill or knowledge wake up ; rouse 
(jj y^fhusjtya'ri, hoshyari n.f. clever- 
ness shrewdness alertness awareness 
being skilled or learned being grown 
up [P] 

J&t haz'm n.m. digestion assimilation 
f misappropriation Vj^'m kar’na v.t. 
digest assimilate misappropriate 
kam'z ho'na v.t. be digested assimilated 
be misappropriated [A] 

~kf ha S' 1 AD J- & N.M. seven ^c^haf’tiqlim', 
haf t-kUji'lar n.f. the seven climes; 
world FYijdlc^fhaf't -ahdam' n.f. great vein 
running through arm n.m. seven outer portions 
of body viz. head, chest, belly and four limbs 
haf t-push' t n.f. seven generations 
haft- path' loo adj. seven-sided n.m. septagon 
f^7ef , fiS^'hqf't~khs'n-e rus'tam n.m. pl. seven 
difficult stages traversed by Rustum ; Herculean 
tasks fj j haft-rafi'gi adj. capricious ; cun- 

ning ; artful versatile ^LjiS^haft-zabafi' n.m. 
master of many languages ; linguist adj. polyglot 
haf t-'aja" ib n.m. pl. seven wonders 
of the (ancient) world, according to Western 
nations ^ haft-qa’lam n.m. seven cal- 
ligraphic styles viz. stilus, mokaq’qaq', tauqi", 
raihan, riqa ' , nas kh and ta'liq' master of these 
l fj‘sT*Z*7hqf't-haza'n n.m. one holding a fief for 
seven thousand soldiers J^J^haft-hai'kal n.f. 
Mtof seven prayers repealed for personal safety 
pihaftum adj. seventh haftad' adj. 
& n.m. seventy ^jjjjC^hafta'd-o-do mil' lot 
N.f seventy. two (Muslim) sects 

hopah s.u. week Saturday name 
of a wrestling trick by which adversary’s 
neck and arc locked J^^hafta , mukhtat.'mah 
n.m, week ending (such and such date), liZi* 
haj'ja-var adj. weekly [P ~ prec.) ' 

m ' Zttr ,NT < dial )may he (etc.) 
' * escape the effect the evil eve 

, ^ J \' a /» hajavat ' n.f. . pl. 

utterances [A] 
ft } haf'i n.m. adder adj. 

nonsense silly 

utterances [A] 

/”» n.m. adder adj. crafty glut- 

_ tonous [ ~ A^l cORR.j 
hiik n.m. hook [E] 

*&r hak’ka bak'ka adj. (never inflected) 
* i aghast ; dumbfounded tifojtfj iCf hak'ka 
bak'ka raih'-ja'na v.i. be struck dumb 
/ * C ha'-kaza adj. thus similarlv 

hakla'na v.i. stutter ; stammer 0^1 
hak'la n.m. & adj. (F. hak'H) stam- 
merer c^lf&hsk' Is-pan hakla' hat n.m. 

stutter ; stammer 

1 bag'na v.i. evacuate bowels ; go to stool s(f$; 

1 hagas' n.f. need to go to stools Ulfyha'gass 
adj. (f. (fl^haga'si) (one) feeling that need 
cowardly '£f- (f dq" hag a' si bat'takh n.f. (fig.) 
coward Cfyhaga'na v.t. cause (child, etc.) to 
evacuate bowels (/jf hagau'ra n.m. & adj. (f. 
l/yjf hagau'ri) (one) going to stools very ofter 

coward dastardly 

J fhalu.u. plough fyjhal-jo'ta n.m. plough- 
t man ; tiller <(&!,. Mg i } OjfJj hal jot'na (oi 
thola'na or' na) ** v.tT" ‘plough raze 

(struture) to ground thus lyUrJ; hal' ehal'nz 
(or phir'na) v.i. be ploughed * be razed 

.‘/■’H.ha'ljl'pa'li, l&V; ha'la-dtall n.f. (same as 
• ★) . 

i ftL^ as N,F ‘ snuff fjffll’halas'da'nl n.f. 
U *7 snuff-box hulas' le'na v.i. snuff : take 


(jL halak ' adj. dead killed perished 
overwhelmed with grief n.m. (rare) 
pardition run; destruction \yfijb’ halak' 
kar'nax. t. kill destroy overwhelm (with 
grief) tyjfyhalak' ho'na v.t. be killed ; lose 
(one’s) life perish be ruined be over- 
whelmed (with grief) Lsfy hala'kat n.f. death 
destruction perdition extinction ; ex- 

hilakool (ped. f&i hUla'goo) n.m. Hulagoo 
7 l (fig.) tyrant (fig.) killer (Tj 

Crescent ^(Jijf^pffaii'juman-t hila'l-t 
ahlmar n.f. Red Crescent Society 
d Ilf kila'li adj. of, pertaining to 
or having a crescent horned horseshoe 




((a 6% hila'H par'cham n.m. flag with a cres- 
cent Muslim (country’s) flag 
salib' (J b-o-hilal N.M. PL. Crescent 

and Cross (fig.) Muslims and Christians [A] 
^ s n3 V - T - move jerk ; jolt shake 
i agitate tame familiarize h'lkjak' 
ka dil hilar, a v.t. move (someone) to passion 
strike with terror 

biihalahil adj. deadly (only in) Jfftyfjzaih'r-e 
Ul~i halahil n.m. deadly poison [A] 
f i iL halbalatm v.i. scurry be confused dd t 
hal'bah^li> t halbala'hat n.f. hurry ; 

scurry confusion 

Iphal'-dial, (f! : l)’ha'la*pati,J l ZD>ha'la-i}iali n.f. 
Ut tumult ; commotion confusion 
fright ; alarm ; panic stampede 
VjfJ kal'-cjial par' no (or math'na or ho'na) v.'i 
panic stricken (of common vu)' be caused 
/ ihal'di n.f. turmeric ^ (jj LiStL o/ifd 4 
IZcrt hal'di ki gireh le' kar pansa'rt ban baitk'na 
prov. boast despite meagre resources ; presume 
a great-deal hal'di la’ge na pkit'kari 

without incurring any expenditure or 


undergoing much labour early grabs bP} 
hal'dava n.m. a kind of yellow timber IJ} hal'diya 
adj. yellow n.m. jaundice a poisonous 

element of turmeric 

ML hul'lar n.m. rowdysm riot row 
tumult uproar V^tf’hal’lar madia na v.i. 
riot cause tumult * cause uproar be 


j*i Lhuha'na v.t. coax incite (thus) to 

- quarrel , 

1 A hal'ka adj. (F. (f", hal'ki) light (in weight 
decree colour or character) mild soft 
cheap ; inexpensive easy of digestion 
soft (water) mean disgraced ashamed 

delicate \0*fyhal'ka pkul’ka adj. (f. £ 

hal'ki phul'ki)' light lean Li Iffy hal'ka jan'na 
v.t. disdain look down upon regard as mild 
c/fy hal'ka kar'na v.t. lighten abate 

assuage ease refresh debase Cjffy hal'ka 
ho'ni v.i. be or become light grow mild 
be refreshed be relieved of burden (of 
fever, etc.) abate feel ashamed P^JLhal'ke 
hafke adv. mildly soft lightly ^ fy 
hal'ka pan k-m. lightness softness (of -water) 
levity despicablencss 

O tfL hulkat'na.k/if^ kiish kar’na v.t, halloo 

(hound) ( ono.) 

■/ hilksn' adj. exhausted (with work) 
.erwhelmed (with gnef) I'J&fytfbjan 

halkan kar'na v.t exhaust overwhelm 
with grief exercise mind haikan' no na 

v.i. be overwhelmed (with grief) be exer- 
cised in mind [ - A 

hal'kam n.f. (dial.) uproar 

| /l hilko'ra (dial, fjjfhilo'ra) N m. (usu. in PL 
'Jdrl wane ; billow ; surge ripple 4—jPl 
iid hilko'rt le'na CJ^-jJrhilo're le'na, 
hilo'reft le'na v.i. ripple billow; 

Mga'na V.T. hr ng ; suspend 

. . a L hal'-mim' magld' ph. is there men 

>/C >Ul 

jolt shake 
familiarize (of 

of it more still more (A ~ (j t -kyj " + 

i.i hil'na v.i. move 

tremble be tamed 
heart) be moved to passion 

J i hal'lah n.m. attack ; assault battery 
i sally ; sortie uproar tumult rowd- 
yism <£<y hal'lah kar'na (or bol'na) v.t. 

attack ; assault j 

, j, hill' hila n.m sudden desire spurt ll/rfy 
hulhula'na , Loft lip hut hula uik\na v.i. have 
a sudden passion for 

^ a ^ 3 na v>1 - shake ; shiver 

hale’lah n.m. a myrobalan-like nut 

» ham pron. we (used) by him editor or 
f l wonder J'p" i ham' ko, fjy ha'rnefi pron. us 
hama'ra pron. ou bh$ 
hairi panch’vm sava'roji mek prov. We bounds kill- 
ed the hare, quoth the lap dog. . 
ifham adv. also ; even too Fref. each Either 
f* together mutually equal similar 

haveipjflj^ham-aghosb' adj. embracing ; lock- 
ed in each other’s arms \fiham-aghosh' 

ho'na v.i. embrace each other ham- avaz,' 
am-ahakg' adj. harmonious concordant 
(fig.) agreeing ; consenting , united ; (with) 
one voice (tftffham ahat'gi n.f. harmony 
agreement (tfriham-as'l adj. of common origin 
or ancestry ^ ham-bis' tar n.m. bedfellow adj. 

sharing the same bed ; cohabiting ; copulating 
CSj^fiham-bis'tat ho'na v.t. sleep together 
cohabit ; copulate (fsffihajn-bis' tari n.f. cohabi- 
tation copulation coi\ionty(£ptfham-bis' tart kar'- 
na v.t (col.) copulate (with) * If, ham- pa' yah, 
.Jv.f'f ham-pal' lah adj. of the same status , equal 
in rank or dignity ham-paih' lou adj. adja- 

cent Jfy, ham-piya'iahjJtjffjJJg^ham-piya'la-o- 


ham-mva'lah adj. boon-companion chum ; 
intimated friend ham-pt' &ah n.m. colleague 

adj. engaged in the same trade fi *• 

jj S') bkvad' ham-pe'shah ba ham-pe'shah dUsh'man 
PRO'’ rwo of a trade never agree Cf, ham-la n.m. 
equal ; peer jCXham-ta't n.f. equality , simi- 
larity of status ( s?\ftham-jalis ' n.m. constant 
companion ham- jama'' at n.m. dassfellow ; 

classmate adj. studying in the same class 
ham-jin ' t adj. homogeneous of the same 

species having similar mental horizon 
h:m-(fiash'm n.m. equal ; peer ham- eh ash' mi 

n.f. equality of status being of the same status 
ham-dar’d adj. sympathetic n.m. sym* 
athiser condoler tf)jAf,ham-dar'd\ n.f. 
•ympathy condolence v/tf)jjS<ham-dar 'di kar'na 
v.t. sympathize condole ham-dar's, 
&?'(*' ham-sa’baq n.m. dassfellow Jjjz t ham-di'gar 
*dv. (arch.) together ham' dam n.m. friend 
ham-dosh' adj. equal ; peer adv. shoulder 
4D shoulder -ZsiJX ham-zat'\Dj. of the same caste 
jl/f ham-raz' adj. confident ej/jham-rah' AD/, 
eith ; along with n.m. (rare) fellow-traveller 
kam-ta'hi n.m. (col.) fellow-traveller n.f. .;*•< - 
^any (in travelling) yjfj ham-rut' bah, -r 

mar’tabah adj. equal in status >-? yj/j hara-iihitb' 
n.m. fellow-rider adv. attending ; along with 
ham-rang’ adj. of the same colour 
of similar disposition da'm-e ham- 

rah'g-e zamih n.m. camouflaged snares jlp^ham- 
Zad ' n.m. one's familiar spirit ; familiar 
(rare) twin ham-zabani , kam-zaban adj. 

speaking the same language unanimous 
-fy} Ukyi ham-zaban' ha kar adv. with one voice 
Cfii/f, ham-zul'J n.m. brother-in-law ; husband of 
vife’s sister ham-sa jah n.m. neighbour^ 

kt hamsa’ t met. nih'nd pit. live i* 
the neighbourhood of be the next door neigh, 
bour of Lfham-sa’igi (ped. J, t-f ham-sn'ya#) 
n.f. neighbourliness or neighbourhood 
!tamsa"X N.f neighbour ham-su' tjhan n.m. 

interlocutor ham' -sat n.m. equal; peer^-f 

ham-sa'ri n.f. equality . similarity of status 
ham-sa jat n.m fellow'-traveller this as 
Communist sympathiser ( y'/‘ham' -sin adj. of the 
same age coeve! ham-shak' l adj. like- 

shaped : appearing , alike , resembling 
homomorphic (fig.) like : similar ; analogous 
ham-shi' rah (ped. ham-shir') n.f. sis f er 
ham- soft' bat adj. associate moving 

in same society^-' jr ham-safir' n.m. (of bb-d«> 

fellow-songster (fig ) comrade ham- ‘a ’ 

adj. & n.m. contemporary y J'^ham-'Zm't adj 
of the same age ; coeval (jCfjSjham-'tnM' , 
ham-qa'dam adj. attendant adv. attending 
ham-'aih'd (ped. -'ah'd)_KD]. of the same are ’ 
contemporary ("jrfham-qaum n m. fellow country 
man ; compatriot ^zzJjfyham-q\' mai adj. 
equivalent in value similarly-priced 
ham-kar n.m c.oWc&truttfj&jham-ka ri n.f. bemr 
a colleague jjSrfham-knf’v adj. enjoying 
similar social status ; belonging to the same 
social class of the same family j*tiL^ham- 
kalam ' adj. & adv. conversing together n.m. 
interlocutor hdm-kalsm ho’na v.t. talk . 

converse (with) J py^ham-kala'mX n.f. mutual 
talk ; conversation dialogue ; ir teerourte ; jntei 
locutionvi^7 ham-kanzr' adj, embracing jCCr, 
hatn-karmr’ kar'r.ff v.t. embrace (someone) I'jfjlJfi 
ham-kanat' ho'na v.i. embrace trYrfhnm mailis. 

hnm-kanar ho'na v.i. embrace jrzfihom mojlis, 
n.m. companion adj. (ona) keeping comp? ion 
(of) *~y*{fhom-m(iz’hab adj. coreligionist 
ham-amr' kaz adj. concentric (circles) •-tjijfham, 
mrjh'rab adj. having similar outlook on >v 
sharing the same views (o 

ped, -ns) adj. synonymous hum-mak' in 

N.t'-. -«*iool-feliow ; school mate adi. studying 01 
having studied at the same schoo* fC/ihmi-tam ' 
n.m. namesake adj. having the same tiir 
ham-nas'l adj. of the same race ; derived of thr 
same racial stock jjrff ham-nashin' (or -i£ift')%t.M 
companion adj. (one) bearing (someone) com- 
pany J'irjS'ham-mishi'ni n.f. companior.ship 
bearing (someone) company ham- na' fas 
n.m. friend comrade ham-na'fasl n.f. 
comradeship ty^ham-naca aoj. & n.m. (one) 
raising the same voice (as another) ; (one) ex- 
pressing agreement one singing in harmony 
(widi anotlieij^(rfAa.7i-ntu>s"» n.f. singing 
in harmony (with) expression of agreement 
j ham-par' adj. level ; even smooth 
flat equable consistent oj iy ham-va' rah adv. 
(rare) always ; ever constantly#, Ijfham- 
va’ri n.f. evenness smoothness flatness 
uniformity , equability consistency^^ 
ham-vaz'n adj. of same weight c fy?ham-va'lan 
N.m. fellow-country man ; compatriot (jffyham- 
va'tarA n f. belonging to or hailing from the 
same country ; being compatriots) [P) 
fy^kam n.m. (pl. yy, humoom') worry; care, 
f anxiety j’sfiham'm-o-Qam n.m. worry and 
grief [A) 




/iw/na n.m. phoenix; a fabulous bird supposed 
♦ to raise to throne anyone coming under 
shadow of its wing t/fj l bs'l-e hums', 
shaih' par-e hums' n.m. wing of phoenix [P] 

/ | hams' ts PRON. (f. jls; hams’ ri) our i/lji/r, 

hams'rs kya hai_ ph. who cares , why 
should I worry />j bUjy to hams'rs zim'mah ph. 
I vouch for i hams'rs salsm' hai 
ph. I wash my hands of the whole affair (jf(/(fjki 
(jiiS/Z-hama'rl bit’ li ha'mifi se miya'oit^ ph, 
challenging one’s own benefactor 
hams' rl bhs'li kha''e ph. (dial.) may he find me 

I p/ w ha 1 ms shu'ma adj. everybody ; all and 
*'/ sundry ( - P(cwe+ l? you corr.] 
li fhims'li'yah, J l^hims' lah n.m. abode of 
snow ; the Himalayas [S] 

„ * hamsm das'tah n.m. (same as 

(X'T n.m. *) 

* >a mS ha wi N-F ’ * x>aSt l3ra ® ' tal1 ta ^ 

I J I M^^'y 00 * 1 AD J- ; fortunate ; auspi- 
LAf.^cious [P] ^ 

n.f. (PL.f* hi'mam) courage ; 
/ery boldness . gues ; spirit dar- 
ing (adventure -, enterprise d'jn ) OaIOT 
him' mat bahdk'na (or kar'ns) v.t. be bold; to take 
courage; muster couragel Ipu^j^'him'mat bafidk'ns 
v.t. encourage him' mat par' ns v.i. take 
courage; to dare *iy—IJiP(fbl/s* i ^'him'mat ks ha' mi 
khilds -hai, (Jb/Cj’him'mat-e mar’dah 

mo'dad-e khuda prov. God helps those who 
help themselves him' mat har' ns v.i. have 

no courage left ; lose heart him'mati.tlljc^S, 
him'mat ■ vs'ls adj. (y. (jit him' mat vs li) 

bold ; courageous daring ; spirited enter- 

prising adventurous 

^jfham-jo'li n.m. & f. friend playmate 

,^tham'z<th n.m. hamzah; name of penultimate 
latter of Urdu alphabet [A] 
ha'mazah n;m. (pl .£>tf hamazat') fear ; 
doubt ; suspicion [A] 

- fhamss'vsil n.m. (W. dial.) (name for) 
0 3^*1 sixth month of Hijri calendar 
. . fhu'masnS v.t. move leave or place 

X, hu'makns v.t. (of infant) jump to go into 
another’s lap 

yf^hi'mam n.f. (pl. of*— “fN.F. ^r) 
f ^‘humwm! N.M. (pl.- of ^n m. +) 

^ f'ha'ma adj. all whole everyone pref 

l all omni- pan- tZsjl^ha'ma os' l ph 
pantheism tf^ha'ma-tan adv. wholly; entirely 
adj. whole ; entire tfij^ha'ma-dsn' adj. 
omniscient having a wild field of knowledge 
ha'ma-ds'ni n.f. omniscience wild 
field of knowledge ha'ma si'fat 

mausoof adj. endowed with all good qualities 
ha' magi adj. alj , entirely ha'ma-gir 
adj. all-embracing (£,//? ha' ma-gi' ri n.f. all em- 
bracing nature ^ ha'rta-vaq'ti adj. whole- 

time (employee, etc.) Jj^ba-W ha'mah ph. 
nevertheless despite [P doublet of — ] 

\^f>hamys'ni n.f. purse [~Pe^] 

• t ~hame'shah (dial . iff hamesh') adv. always; 

1 ever continually perpetually ; inces- 
santly [P] 

^fjha’meti pron- us tous[~^J 
/ j* ha' mih, (//ha mi pron. we ourselves , only 

CO we 

l^jfha'mih adj. this very |P] 

jthun n.m. (fig.) gold, wealth (arch.) 
Wl name of Deccan gold coin Cs/tfhUn ba'rasns 
v.i: (of wealth) be abundant 
^Jp/»haii' tar n.m. whip [EJ 

i Js hail] Sr n.m. right way (only in) J&fl'ns- 
hai jar' adj. wicked JP] 

• India ; Indo-Pakistan subcontinent 
(jjtfhihd'ni n.f. Hindu woman »j>, hiii'doo 
n.m. (pl. tS / /hunood')' Hindu slave thief 
adj. black tf&jjafhihdiistsri n.m. India ; Indo- 
Pakistan sub-continent Urdu-speaking area of 
the sub-continent (j&uifJiitidttsts'iii adj. Indian 
n.m. Indian n.f. Hindustani ; basic Urdu## 
hin'di adj. Indian pertaining to this sub- 
continent n.t. bastard form of Urdu written far 
Sanskrit script n.m. 

hin'di ki ekin' di kar'ns (or bats’ ns or niksl'ns) PH. 
do hair-splitting [~A~ Indus) 
j. hati'dasah (col. hin'ss) n.m(usu. hlndsa(h), 
'*>*7 numeral (rare) engineering [A] 
•jj^yhiitdo's'nah n.m; water-melon [Pl 

|>, hafi' da n.m. earthemware pot 
•Ay hanging lampshade ( - ($Jh\\ 

i hahd-kulkya n.f. children s 

pastime of cooking dish 
thus cooked ) ~ ) 



'y/ko v.i. (imp. of by, v.i ir) 

r ^ ho. Ckf, hot jnt. ho , hallo ; hello fo\o. ] 

*y» hon s.t. groan noise (ono ] 

r v too' iNT. God n.m. nothingness save God adj. 

& \r>v. annihilated if y hoo’ haq int. God is 
true (as mystic’s cry in ecstasy) \lf£fyhoo' haq 
kat na v.i. raise this cry remember God 
revel make a noise f'Ujf (COyhoo' {haq) ho 

;a>n'v.i. be ruined /be annihilated fa of I j 
A (ik) hoo' ka ‘a 'lam n.m. wilderness ; desert 
[-l&tiaUa'hoo cont.] 

X hoo' pron. he that He God 
si (or ysy) hoo' ba-hoo adv. exact (copy) 
adv. exactly [A] 

. hav s' n.f. air wind breeze 

* fl atmosphere desire love lust good 

name ; reputation rumour pref. air (,’/ * 1 ly 
hava' ura'na v.t. &_i. give out spread rumour 

cause (someone) to lose credit fojliyhava' Ur' 
ja r,h v.i. lose credit (of secret) be given 
out be rumoured lyhava' u'kharna v.i. lose 
credit jlljf hava'-baz' n.m. pilot ; airman ; aero- 
naut (fw*hava'-ba'zi n.f. airmanship 
aeronautics f (tf hava' batdk'na v.i. build 

(usu. false) reputation (of) brag bruit abroad 
l'/ iy hava' lag' nay. i. dodge prevaricate 
get rid of (someone) by curt reply or false 
promise Oj. Ijf hava' ba'dalna v.t. & i. change- 
elimatc ; go to a hill resort for the purpose 
(of circumstances) change; (of times) be changed 
^lyhavabas'lah adj. airtight 0^ lyhava' bi'gar'- 
va v.i. lose credit (of circumstances or 
environment) Carjklyhava' baftdk'na v.t. become 
famous Ijf hava' bkar' ja'na v.i. be puffed 

up with pride flsyf IjftfjJlspet mefl hava' bhar' 
ja’na v.i. have flatulence ; suffer from wind \y, 
V/dhora' bhar'na v.t. inflate (tyre) bjkj{iyhav a' 
bki na de'na v.t. keep hidden ; not to expose 
in the least not to leak out Vy&ljjJjjhava 
pci dimsgh ho' ns v.i. give oneself the air <z*ssjy 
hava-paras't adj. (one) seeking wordly plea- 
sures fickle vain I'yjiyjL (/s-j^Jkyyhava' 

(ke gfu're) par sovar' ho’na v. be in a hurry 
1st iy (zama'ne ki) hava pa'latna v.i. (of times) be 

• hanged tf'UCiyhava' piank'na v.i. eat spar- 
sely pretend to go without food I'Uryfiy hava' 
phir' ja'na v.i, (of circumstances) change (usu. 
for the better) £&> ty hava' cjtal'na v.i. (of 
wind) (of breeze) waft become the vogue ; 

be m stvle ; be the fashion l/yf if, hava chhm na 
v.i. fan , break wind Cy&l&iyhata' khilaf ho na 
v i. be faced with adverse circumstances tfiy. 
hava'khah' n.m. well-wisher sympathisers 

fcitndifUrljqhava'-hha'hi n.f. good will 

friendship sympathy jblf hova'-dar' adj 
open airy ; well-ventilated n.m. sympa- 
thiser well-wisher lover portable throrn- 
for a side tfjbly hava' “dart n.f. airiness 
love sympathy Go lyhava' de'na v.t. fan 

(flare) incite trouble ; foment quarrel air 

(•’Othes, etc.) Jjjiyhava'-za'dagi n.f. cold (fly 
lata' sa adv. a little ; wee bit CifjUs-'ykava' if 
ur' ja'na v.i. be so light as to be blown away by 
the least wind Ll/lC} ^ lyhava' se ba'tefi kar'na 
v.i. be very fast rival the wind in speed yz~\y£ 
ki hava' se ba&' kar ni'kalna v.t. avoid , 
shuni'^ltZ-ljfhava' se hr’na v.i. seek occasion for 
quarrel be peevish; be testy ; be touchy , lf\yj 
$si?hava' ka ikape'ra n.m. gust or blast of wind 
t 2^/1 Ay hava' ka rukh bata’na v.t. indicate 
direction of wind show blows evade 
dismiss with a curt or subtle reply tofi&j'Jly 
hava' ka ruth dek&'na, Ctfj ly^f (Zdijij ijjduti'ya 
(or zama'ne ) ki hava dekft'na v.i. /see which way 
the wind is blowing trim one’s sails accord- 
ing to the prevailing \;f ty hava' kar’na v.t. 
fan despatch ; send (someone) away swiftly 
ll/W hava' kha'na v. stroll; /go out for an 
airing have a taste or existence of live , 
remain alive ji/iyhava' kka^ojl pH. quit Vj^ty 
hava' kho'na v.i. lose credit Jjj £iy haval ke 
doth' par adv. on the air J }jl(fiyhava ' kt ro’H 
n.f very thin bread Ly j hava ' kt 
gko’re par savar' hq'na v.i. be in a great hurry 
be very proud; be vain (V lJj lyhava' log 
ja'na v.i. catch cold hive rheumatic pains 
have one’s head turned become naughty 
come under outside influence IV \yhava‘ le'na 
v.i. stroll go out for qn airing 
hava' mut'ihi men band* kar'na, £ , iy, 
hava' men gi' rah de'na v.i. attempt the im- 
possible make a vain effort C&'iykava' nikal'na 
v.i. lose credit be deflated have a flat 
tyre die ; breathe one's last be no longer 
puffed up with pride Ik j ^kJvyhava lag'ne de na 
v t. keep hidden ; not to expose in the least 
not to leak out ^yy j iy hava' •o-ho'vas n.f. 
greed lust ^ambition h urban wishes 

vanity Clcjfiy hava' ho ja'na v.i/ run away 
swiftly , scamper disappear 7 ; vanish end , 
become a matter of the past/ evaporate ^ \y, 

7 ( 


hava"' i adj. air wind airy swift 
light stray clever blue , azure incoui- 
tant n f rocket rumour parings (of 
nuts, etc.jj/'f^ljfhava'i^ankk n.f fickle lover 
ijtfii/fhai’a'l ad'dahJiZ'Jljr hapa'i mils' taqar n.m. 
airport, aerodrome hava'i urana v.t 
spread (usu. false) rumours (ttyfl) iJl/j'jf hava”i 
ur'na (or chkoot'na) v.i. (of false rumour) spread 
L'jI «. ‘~/?(heh're (pr 
muhh) par hava'Hor hava" ijiafi) ur'nu '(or ^ihoot'na) 
v.i. lose colour ; become suddenly pale through 
fear J ly hava' ’l bahdooq' n . f . airgun; pop-gun 
hava" l fir n.m. arrow shot in the direc- 
tion of wind a kind of firework sent high up 
in the sky jly^yhava"i jahaz’ ^ n.m. aircraft, 
aeroplane ; ’airplane (t'Ufjjlr^havd^i jahaz' 
ehalana v.t. fly an aircraft hava'i 

(hhor'na v.t. let off a pyrotechnic rocket 
hava'i ham'lah N.M. air-raid tj* 

hava’i ham’lah- se ba^ta"o ki laddbir’ ph. air raid 
precautions^; A.R.P. hava'i kha’bar n.f. 

rumour tt : jJ , jfhava’'i di’dah adj. instant in 
love^ saucy (fs**(j!yhava"i sad’ri n.f. air-jacket 
iyt hava'i qil"ah n.m. castle in the air J iyj 
Ui^Zhava’i qil'‘t baha'na ph. build castles in 
the air 

lythu“a V.I. (P.T. ofl’/'V.I. if) 

I yhav va n.m. bugbear , hobgoblin 

1 1 y have!' o N.M. courage , guts ‘purdah’, 
* 7i modesty CJjjlyphava''o khul'nav. i. grow 
bold become less modest 
^yfhot int. (same as yj int jf) 

n.F.L ’j'ko’ta; (or Jjfho’ti or J-jTko'te) 
±7t pr.t (see under L'yv.i. if) 

^jy/ho'tal n.m. hotel [E] 

hau'dah, (rareZojfhau'daj) n.m. howdah 

ityt litter (of camel) [~A] 
ft^ha'vas n f. lust lasciviousness sensu- 
U7i ality pseudo-passion ; false love desire 
greed , covetousnesss CTJftha’vas bujfna 
v.i. (of wish) be {umMjS'j'yka'vas-pe’shah adj 
greedy , covetous lusty sensual ; lasci- 
vious jjS'J's; ha' tas-par' cat adj. lustful 

lascivious tj /j ha vas-par vat-i n f lascivious- 
ness VJi/Jho'vas kar'na v t. covet ha’oas- 

ktsh adj lu.tfui lascivious j'esy havas-nak 
ad | lascivious covetous JOyiha'oas-naki 
Nt lasciviousness O&'J'S’ ha vas mkal'na vt 
satisfy one’s desire 

ijfyjhoosh' adj uncultured 


“fT,hosJ}' n.m senses sense understand 
C&f ine discretion (Ol^’lC^licfj'yhosh 
ana (or pa’karna or satibhal'im) v.t. & i. come 
to understand recollect reach the age of 
discretion l My, »AJ~Jis r l l ClfjlLjtjljx 

(WSlA hosjt ur'na (or ur ja'na or bakh'lah 

ho'na or paragon' dah ho'na or ja'te raih'na or gum 
ho' ja'na) v.i. lose one’s senses become con- 

founded jCS'jf hosh-mafid' adj. sensible intelli- 
gent grown-up jy^hosh-mafi’di n.f. sense 

wisdom intelligence being grown-up 
l'f(jZ<j%hosh mefi a'na.v.i. come to come 

to one’s senses if! 7) uJj hosh-o-kavas n.m. setose 
and understanding [P] 

I *f t y tl °shj>a r ‘, J yi*kUsJiyar' adj. clever 
careful watchful ; cautious alert 
awake attentive sensible wise ; intelli- 
gent grown-up int. (also J'ljJyfwshyat' 

bash') be cautious take care watch it. 

(etc:) 1‘JjJyhoshyar' kar'na v.t warn , 

caution train up make clever ClfyjJy 
hoshyar' ho ja'na v.i. be careful become 
cautious become clever jjJyhosJtjia'ri n.f 
cleverness carefulness accuracy 
watchfulness alertness wisdom prudence 


f^hook n.f. deep sigh of helplessness , heaved 
by a lovely person; excruciating sigh V&sjf, 
hook'uth'na v.i. heave an excruciating sigh 
^/.hau'ka n.f. greed; covetousness voracity 
^7 t/tff, hou'ka kar'na v.i. be greedy ; be 
covetous be voracious 

(Jjfhaul n.m. fright; horror , terror restless- 

7l ness; uneasiness vfjyhaul a'na v.i. be frighten- 
ed Ilf haul bdifh ja'na v.i. be obsessed by a 
terror J; Jjf' hou'l-t dil n.m. fright pjjjhaul'- 
di'la adj. coward J jJyj haul' -di'll n.f. cowardice 
ojjJ/! haul' -za.' dah adj. frightened , terrified 

aghast nervous CWJflhaul' kha'nav.i. 
be afraid ; to be frightened grow restless 
Joy, haul' nak adj. fearful ; frightful terrible 

terrific; dreadful; horrible; horrid dangerous 
risky JJy; haul-' na' ki n.f. fearfulness ; fright- 

fulness , terror , direness , dreadfulness 
dangerousness (A] 

I j jJiau'la adj. \restless nervous terror 
I 7 l stricken rfyi/jr hau'la jau'lt nf restless- 
ness nervousness [A] 

\^*hola~rr.M. chick-pea parched in the -pod 
I 7 l a Sikh festival following ‘Holi’ 

tfaj'haul'na v.t. 
1 thrust 


urge an elephant 
J^hau'loo adj. (dial.) whimsical , capricious 

i ho'li n.f. festival of Hindus celebrated by 
( spilling dyes as one another song sung 
on the occasion d'Ce ho'li hkel'na (or 

mana'na) v.t. celebrate the Holi festival thus 
; hau'le adv. showly gently , softly 

gradually^^Aau'/e hau'le adv. slowly 
gently ; softly gradually ; by and by ; step by 

b *y < Pf*,hom dlpnr'tmant n . m . home depart* 
yi mentJjjfahom' rool' n . m . Home 
rule tj/Jy fathom' saik' retort n . m . Home secretary 
hom' minis'tar n . m . Home minister [E] 

* ho' miyopaithi n . f . homoeopathy 
ifjJ&ho'miyopaitk n . m . homoeopath 
ho'miyo.paith-ik, yfaho'miyo adj. homeopathic [E] 

. ifahooti tijT. well yes may be V/jljJ 
Vjl hooti hah kar'niiv.-i. dilly-dally; prevari- 
cate assent half-heartedly j/hJ^hoon hooti' 
int. don’t beware keep quiet yes 

and no L'y ho'na v.t. be exist become 
happen be bom come into existence 
transpire existence ho' imp. be subjunctive 
may be Ms, ho' ana v.i. return after a visit to 
t‘| fjfho’ ja'na v.i. become l^jfKo' chuk'rta ph. 
become fall for ; be devoted to (iron.) be 
impossible of achievement jgrfho'jiyc subjunc- 
tive may it (etc.) beCyjjho' raih'ns v.i. be 
devoted (to) become come into being ; 

talk place stay on somewhere fyj (/ijtSfa 
ho' kc (or kar) raih'na v.i. definitely become fa 
ho'ga v.i. might be shall or will be ihjj/y; 
lio' guzar'na v.t. (of dead personality) have 
(once) lived Mf, ho le’na v.i. be accomplished 
go along (with) sjtho' na ho ph. definite- 
ly , of course whatever might Iiappen/j'T/iS'a 
past t. was becametf-L^^ljf hu’a (hah'ta 

hai ph. is about to take plac e/jfp so kn’a 
ph. let by gones be bygones ka're ph. 

who cares*^y fjhot n.f. (one’s) power 
(one’s) means (one’s) resources hot’ 
jot la la n.m. rich person resourceful man 
faf, hot' ki jot' hai ph. splendour is bred 
by pelf Vjjho'ta pr. >. become p.t. were adj. 
(one) who is n.m. relation Lufyho'ta sg'is n.m. 
(pl. aJtsiL-Stho'te ja'/£,(dial.) supporter 
relation alive ^^Tj^ho'ti a”» hai ph. it is 
cusioniar>_ that dS<ho'te adv. in the presence 
(pf) ho' tt ho't i a D v. gradually ; by and 

by (fi^-Jho'tc hi adv. soon after coming into 
being as soon at it happened ho’ te hi 

ho’ga ph. (it) will its own time yfa ho jiyo int. 
(arch.) wish to God that (itl may jjy; ho'ni n.f 
something that is going to occur the inevit- 
able »*t~jjho'nc do ph. let it go on come 
what may ubJ~-y ho' ne vatu adj. & n.m. that 
is going to be what will be 
ho'ne vals ho' kar ra'he ga ph. what will be will 
be ‘f’hai pr. t. is adv. present fa! haiti pr. t. 
are f 

* * hofii n.m. lip b J/jj hott chat'na v.i. relish 
t‘(jr OJ iC-lsdsyhoht diaite raih Jana be 
able to forget the relish of some dish 
hot: si' den a v.t. force to keep quiet {f 

ho' fit si’ le’na v.i. keep mum fc/VwOf 
ho' ht katrta v.i. bite one’s lip df iJjj^hofit'-ka’ta 
ADJ. & N.m. one whose lips are cut fjjr ^jyhoht 
hila’na v.i, speak CSjlJfrjjJfahofi'm par 
paparyah jam'na v.t. (of lips) be parched Jfa 
hcfi'tal n.m. & adj. thick-lipped , ^ 

fa hoots n.f. jealousy evil eye fay hoots' na 

fast v.t. cost an evil eye on 
“J.havan'naq n.m. Too) . simpleton 

hautik'na v.i. pant huff and puff 

. - jhorihar adj. budding (youth) ; 
J ing that must happen 
uslhon'har bir'ia ke (hik'ne chik’ne pat' prov. 
a preebeious child shows the man inside him 
greatness is visible even at a tender age 

[~ Ifa] 

{^ythoo'ha n.f. hullahallo 

| v hUvai'da adj. obvious evident clear; 
..L manifest 

1 fa , ha"i n.f. hue and cry 
(j 1 noise 

is there all right 

wonder cry : 

r •yha”i 

fa ( there 

* hi adv 

is very 


there is no doubt about it [contr. 


(not used with neg.) 
ifal immediately on (doing) 

*hai int. alas strange wonderful^-^- 
hai' hai int. alas £j-*~hai' hai na 

kkai' khai ph. no trouble after that no 

lyjhi'yn n.m. , hearth courage 

■ St hiya’o n.m. courage moJesty Ckffls 
hiya"o khul'na v.i. become saucy 


•• j^hni' bat n.f. awe 
***e%<£?£ ! .kai'bat*za'dtth adj. 

fear , dread ; horror 

. _ \nj. aghast 

appalled (fotZtfZhai' hai za' Jagi n.f. being terror- 
stricken Ji'£*f>hai’bat-nzik adj. awful fear- 
ful ; frightful; terrible tremendous ; appalling 
Jb^-tflhai'bat-na'ki n.f. terror [A} 

^ht'bljas kar'pus n.m. habeas corpus 
*** 'also '^^jc^yj^T^ltebijias kar'pas 
darkhas't) habeas corpus petition [E] 

I K^heta adj. inferior (ftfheu n.f. insult 
disgrace adj, inferior llffc/heii kar'na v.t. 
insult Lj 1'rl he' it ho’na v.T disgrace 
^haija' n.f. battle [A] 

* ,oyrthai'jah n.m. tumult excite 

mcnt 1 commotion iy ijy&lfjthaijan paida 
ho' ha v.i. (of commotion) be 
i^ihij’ra n.m. eunuch 

y't heck AD J- nothing insignificant 
hech pock' adj. insignificant c' 1 -* 
heck'' mad ah' adj. ignorant j ixf^hefh'-mada'ni 
n.f. ignorance ■itd’&lheek'- ma-yarz adj. worth- 
less (person) tfj // sg£.he(k''ma-yar'zi nf. worth- 
lessness [P] 

*hatd (col. hed) n.m. head this as a body 
'vf' of water kept at a height for taking off 
canals from it pref head ; chief jyj^haid'- 
kilark n.m. head clerk j'j/Zyhaid-ko'ar'iar n.m. 
headquarter H.Q.^ljLfhaid'mss'tar n.m. head- 
m&steu/^j+fhaid-mis'tarais n.f. headmistress 
[ £ ] 

j ffhi’ra n.m. diamond gem; jewel 
^ 1 hi' ra adami n.m. gem ; jewel of a man cfjy, 
ht'ra man n.m. (legendary name for) parrot X/ y 
ff hi’ re ki ka'nl N.F. diamond particle ' 

.£ /4 \ fhe en pke'rl n.f. returning some- 
Y/sz/Z* thing after buying or fetching it 
wangling trick y^fther’ pier n.f. change 

trick wangling h’/y^rfher' pier kar'na 

v.i. wangle defraud & \(f/£Siher' pier ki 
bat' n.f. something said with “the tongue tn 
the cheek fraud deceit 
9 jthi’ro n.m. hero^J^jr Hltau' in (ped. hi'ro'in) 
y/Z^ n.f. heroin [E] 

# jfhYroo iyfiht’roo n.m. a kind ofsongsungin 
‘Diwali’ festival 

iy*her'm n.m. (dial.) baby’s impatience or 
\/Z l pining while missing someone \dj'l)yf,hcr'va 
kar'na x. i. (of baby) be impatient or pine on 
missing (someone) 
ysh K «... eunuch [P] 

A, he'zam n.f. firewood faggot 
yZ l he'zamrfirosh’ n.m. firewood dealer 
he' n.m. wood-cutter [P] 

• * /t hai'zah n.m. cholera QAyrfhai'zah pkaur.a 
HT^v.i. (of cholera) break out tcXdiyliai'zah 
kar'na v.i. suffer from cholera l 'yjtfhai'zah ho' ns 
v.i. suffer from cholera < / aSi£hai'ze ka tl'kuk 
n.m. cholera inoculation i&jZi/oSZha i'ze ka 
ti' kah laguna v.t. inoculate against cholera [A i 
jf/^hui'kar adj. strong ; robust (/"Csi&hai'kar 
mustu'man hector ; bully ift&hfrika'rl n.f. 
oppression bullying 
hai’kari jata'na (or kar'na or ki le'na) v.t. 
oppress bully 

\£*hm'kal n.f. temple oracle body 
C/** * shape of body ; figure neckband necklace 

made of coins 

iiyhi'la n.m. push work hi' la 

de’na (or mar'na ) v.t. push 
| ~Jyfhail'tft (col. hel'tfi) health^t^f hail'th af'sar 
n.m. Health Officer *d^ji,j£i$haillk dipart'- 
matt n.m. Health department 4rtfe-4t*pub' tik 
hail’tk n.f. public health [E] 

magic a branch of black 

i Vfii 'miya n.f. 

IT*' art 

what why 
oh oh no 
weak inferior 

oh Uijihai. 


ftham int. 
hain' int. 

^ythi'na ADJ. 

^yrhaihd n.m. hand ^jp/haiii'di adj. handy JXy 
haihdal n.m. handle V/J&l halt' dal kar'na v.t 
handle tackle [E] 

I fijjhUg n.f. assafoetida king laga 

kar rakk'na (iron.) v.T. Jie'ep safe ; set apart 
hlng hag'na v.i. suffer from dysenter 
peak and pine 

Ji U* (or Ujtfhayoo'la n.m. amorphous substance 
0* shapeless substance ; object devoid of 
form [A] 

t£',haihat' int. (poet.) alas '(rare) 
'Zj away [A] 

-tht’-hi n.f. ^ silly laughter sound of 
(jlijt laughter J* J* cf,tflhi'-hi tki'-thi n.f. 
silly^laughter joyous but purposeless life (fltf, 
iki'-thi kar'na v.i. lead such life 
laugh in a silly manner [oxo.] 

&M ha '' 'at n.f. astronomy form figure 
** appearance body organization 
jfolllhai' 'nt-ul-aflak' n.f. form of heavens 
(rare) astronomy hai" at*e as'li n.f. original 
form CkS*xZ^i/hai"at pa'karnu v.i. take shape 
hai" at"e ha kimah n.f. governing 

2 £ 


body authority form of government 
hai"at~dan (or dali) n.m. astronomer 
hai"at-e kaza’’t (col hai'at ' kaza”l) h.t 
present form or state despicable looks 
ludicrous appearance (A) 


^hami z a thirty-fifth letter of Urdu alphabet used 
either for giving a jerk to the tongue in pro- 
nunciation or just as a carrier for a short vowel ; 
n this letter case, it is equivalent to the carrier 
} In Urdu it never occupies the initial position; 
instead the initial is termed hamza by Arab 
grammarians and their followers. No Urdu word 
begins with this letter [A] 


.ye thirty-sixth letter of Urdu alphabet 
having a consonantal value equivalent to 
English y as a vowel it is usually written as fj 
when standing alone or in final position and is 
Crti'ed ejiho'xiye as a diphthing or open vowel 
it is written as<£_in such positions and is called 
ba'rlye omega (in jummal reckoning) 

10 ; r A ) 

| ya n.f. Arabic name for t)yf.<L~-lya'-i mnjhool 
jl n.f. this representing the ay sound in the Eng- 
lish word ' day’ Cfjf’tLlyn' -c ma'roof n.f this 
representing the et sound 

*1 ya conj. or eithet l .. t ya.--.ys conj. 
m either... or (P] , 

f ya int. oh ; O you JZ/lly? allah’ int. 

I good God my God 
. jab sup. finding ; discovering receiving 

getting gaining •jJ^yabih'dah n.m. 
payee recipient one "who finds i}Jzy*'bii 
sup. ; finding ; discovering receiving ; 
getting gaining [A ~(/?l find] 

Ij^yn'bis adj. dry (A ~ 

ji'ja'bco n.m. (rare.) pony ; nag 

ft ** 

I*, ynl'ra n.f. (dial.) pilgrimage to Hindu 
•/ shrine [8) 

— jajooj' majooj' n.m. Cog and Magog 


i yad n.f. memory remembrance 
recollection reminiscence retrospect 
commemoration f I jlyad' aim v.t come to 
mind be recollected ; be recalled (Jjjtjly ad' ■ 
a vari n.f remembrance Jin jlyad' al'lah n.f. 
form of salutation between mendicants, etc 
acquaintance (long-standing) relationsfi/ji 
ya'd-e ayyam' n.m. ©Id memories memory 
of days gone by int. welladayts^^jlj’arf'-rfiir/i / 
N.F. memory memorandum note , aide- 
memoire lj) j jlyad' dila na v.t. remind re- 

fresh someone’s memory jljjlyad-dehs'ni n.f. 
remindering reminder liJj jlyad' rakh'na v.t 

keep in mind remember C-jjlyad' rail.'na 
v.i. be remembered be borne in mind Cy.jl 
yad' par'na v.i, 5 come to mind be recalled 
l^O'jiJS'dash ba-khair' pht (for a dienshcd 
object" recalled) may be (etc.) live in peace t-ljjl 
yad' forma' na v.t. remember think (of) 

send (for) I’Jjl yad' kar'na v.t. learn b> 
heart ; learn by rote ; memorize ; commit to 
memory remember think (of) send (for) 
jtfjl yud-gar’ n.f. memorial monument 

keepsake souvenir adj. worth remembering 
tfjlyad-ga'r-e zamn'nah adj. memorable 

peerless tfjtfjlyad-gn'ti adj. memorable 

commemorative ; commemoration 
yad-ga'ri ti’kat n.m. commemoration stamp Ifrjj, 
yad’ ho' na v.i. be remembered be commit- 

ted to memory ; be memorized ; be ®leamt by 
heart be borne in mind fylfot? 

turn' hefi yad' ho ke nayad' ho ph. perhaps you may 
able to recall it 

| jar n.m. {pi.. jUlja'TBli) friend com- 
sZ, panion (rare) supporter (vul.) para- 
mour ylj^yar ash'na n.m. acquaintance • 
paramour n.m. pl. friends and acquaintances 
J'ljlyar' bash adj. friendly sociable 
jolly ; cordial voluptioxa (f'ljlyar'-ba'sH n.f. 

friendliness ; cordiality sociability jolli- 
ty ; voluptiousness i Cfj tjar' bona’na v. make 
friends with form a friendship jjr jljar-e 
jani n.m. fast friend bosom friend &SjjjI 
yaf dos’t n.m. pl. friends ; chums l 
jar ’ tin dalt soh'bat bd'qi PH. hope lasts with 
life we will meet again if death gives a respite 
J?ti!bCil ja'r-e sha'tir ph. clever friend wise 

friend^, l >J>&jlya'r- sha’tir na {ke) bir-t 
khz' Hr ph. a wise friend and no bor cjltslyar’-t 
gh ar’ n.m. Hazrat Abu Bakr as the Prophet’s 

companion of the cave during the exodus from 
Mecca sincere friend fast friend Jjjiyaf 



log n.m. pl. friends people 
t^lyar' log (bat') le i're ph. people made it a 
town talk mar adj. (one) who betrays 
a friend Jjljiyar-ma'ri n.f. betrayal of a friend 
VflSjljl yw m'ri ker'na v.t. betray one’s 
friend^! ftfaZJiSajjl yv‘ no jo oaq't par kam a't 
prov. a friend in need is a friend indeed C^y’d 1 -/}'. 
yara'n-t sa'r-t pul n.m. PL. chance acquain- 
tance people who happen to meet on the way 
jL b£)bt> yi'roil ks y»r N.m. a friend to friends 
very good friends companionable person 
*Ay&ri'nah, n.m. friendship adj. friendly adj. 
in a friendly manner Uaf'&l/Lyara'nab gafith'na 
v.t. form a friendship become friends with 
[fjL yari n.f. friendship help ; assistance ; 
support tyj^/jiyari de'na v.t. help ; support tfjl 
'ti kut' kar’rta v.t. (of children) snap 
friendly ties lj%dlS(fjlya ri kut' ho'na v.t. (of 
children’s friendship) end [P] 
w 'ra n.m. strength I'jfshf^^-jlyara 'e zabl ' 
~na ho'na v.t. be unable to control or resist [P] 
« . yaz'dah adj. & n.m. eleven {fjjlyaz'dahum 
adj. eleventh [PJ 

y'yasN.T. despair despondence frus- 
,, tration chagrin [A] 

vasamtn', ^ Lyas'mih. yf'i 
•* iiyasaman n.f. jasmine ; jessa- 
mine [A~P] 

j^/>. (abo (yi^yasin' n.m. name of a chapter 
Jj of-thc Holy Quran recited especially at 
deathbed to facilitate someone's death appda 
tion of the Holy Prophet ; chief 
recite this chapter at someone’s deathbed |Ai 
(JVjaf'l n.f. gain ; profit perquisite 
„ income earnings accessibility 
na-yaf't n.f. lack of profit inaccessibility 
ZSbyaf'tah' n.f. got ; receive found dis- 
covered^ Lyaf’tanl adj. due n.f dues [P ~ </ , <- 

yMool’ n.m. (pl. cJipavaqii') ruby cJcj't 
S*yaqoot'-lab adj. ruby-iipped 
yaquo’t-f rummanl n.m. garnet (jjlyaqoo'ti adj!” 
ruby-red n.m. garnet ; electuary [A J 
jfcyrt n.m. yak l Tibetan) 


yal N.F. (same as JtlN.F. •*) 

jj^yafi A»v (poet.) here [ ~^U;cont .1 
•< ya na n.m. a mere child 


1'var n.m. helping adj. helping ifjAya' oar% 

i ya vi 

n.f. help ; support !>*(£/ jlyu'etm kar'riii V t 
( of fate) help [P] 

0 . 


lya'vah adj. silly ; absurd 
•Lvain ; futile f oAy a oa- go adj. & n.m. (one) 
who talks nonsense ; babbler ; chatterer^/* jt. 
ya‘va-go”i n.f. babble silly talk nonsense 

l\/(j/ffybya'va-go”i kar’na v.t. babble 
talk nonsense 

l£t*4y*boo’sal n.f. dryness costiveness [A] 

'sfiyata’ma n.m. (pl. of ^f^N.M. if) 

^ *♦ < „ 

j£yatim’ n.m. (PL./jlsyala’ma) orphan adj. 

j** fatherless (child) matchless ; peerless 

yls^y-yatim'-kha'nah n.m. orphanage du(r)‘r t 
yalim' n.m. peerless pearl £ tyali'ml n.f. orphan- 
hood ; orphanage 

i^yjyas’rab n.m. Medinah 

j,j)/y a 'j UT ved N * m • one of tlie four Hindu 
» ^"scriptures ; Yajur Veda [S] 

^yah'ya n.m. John ; John the baptist IA~H>) 

V yokh n.f. ice adj. very cold ZJ'gyakh-bas' tah 
(y adj. frozen (^fj^yakh'-dan n.m. ice-box 
icather box [P] 

• J^yakh’ni n.f. soup 

y ** pakana (or lay' yar kar'na ) v.t prepare 

soup | P) 

yad n.m. (pl .tfMai'di, (fjllaya'di) hand Jjilj. 
—yad-ullah’ n.m. the hand of God ; God’s pro- 
tection L>4Sj,ya'd-e baiza' n.m. luminous hand 
(as the miracle of Moses) ft^Aya'd-e too' la n.m. 
skill : dexterity Cefj ya'd-t too’ la rokk'na 
v.z. have great skill (in) (A) 

J&yudh. n.m. battle (S) 

—A.yoraq' n.m. arms accoutrements iAjjU 
sa'z- 0 -yaraq' n.m. equipment for horse and 
knight [A] 

^J^^yorghamal' n.m. hostage [P] 

{$9/ JVBpri n.m. j*undicttjj^[fyyorqaH'~zo\‘ k 


adj. jaundiced [A] 

H • .yofdafi n.m. God (rare) Zoroastrian 
^ god of goodness and light (as opposed to 
n.m. ★) j bj'y^zdatii adj. divine godly 
(person) [P] - 

ya'zak^x. m. army scouts group [TJ 

• yaod' n.m. the second Omayyad caliph 
V'C.during whose regime the tragedy of Kerbala 
took place ; Yezid ungodly tyrant 
yazldiy'yat n.f. ungodliness and oppression [A] 
i jyassr' n.m. left hand left wing (of 
••army) ADJ. lc(t jUj^yami'n-o-yasar' n-M. 
(see under t^N.M. if) [A] 

^^jyasa’vul n.m. herald [T] 

\yus’r n.m. affluence ; easy circumstances ease 

*y^.yas\r' adj. little easy [A] 
^yjyasoo 1 ' n.m. Jesusj5-^yasoo''i n.m. & adj. 
U** Jesuit [A] 

^Jyyash'b n.m. agate jasper IP] 

• ' ** 

, > iya'soob' n.m. queen bee [A] 

»>'»• ^ 

i~J~iya‘qoob' n.m. Jacob L r'S^^Jgir'ya-e yf qoob' 

^***ph. Jacob’s wailing [A~H] 

* mi jia'nl adj. that is to say ; namely ; videlicet ; 
0**‘v iz.’ [A he means] 

i 'mi yagh'ma booty; spoils plunder; pillage 
"** l^&tfkhan-eyagb ma n.m. feast at which 
booty is divided Jlcya^h’ma-gar n.m. 

plunderer Q sweetheart $1 jfyaghma’i n.m. 
plunderer adj. plundered (T) 

•\yaq\ri n.m. belief faith confidence 
trust assurance certainty definite- 
ness '* positivencss unequivocal terms 
yaqi'nan adv. indeed certainly Verify 
as a matter of fact . definitely positively 
(j^Zyaqi'nl adj. certain definite positive 
convincing \s? yaqi'ni suboot' n.m. 

convincing proof definite proof [A] , 

ADJ- one single a ; an 
** jtf-ya/c tins' r-o--ad himar' prcv. one post 
and lots of candidates ‘^feya'ks-yak adv. 
suddenly ; all of a sudden ^ j i^yak-ba ragi adv. 
suddenly ; all of a sudden , at once with 

one supreme effort all together tyjjjfLi^Cyak' 
ba'm-o-do hava prov. application of different sets 
of rules to identical cases Z^^Uyak-pudi' tah adj. 
(paper) tXyCyak’ ba-yak' adv. suddenly ; all of 
a sudden £fyak-ta adj. singular ; unique 
incomparable $ Lfyak-ta'^i N.F. uniqueness \jO-. 
yak-ta'ra n.m (arch.) single stringed gustar 
kind of fine muslin tfCyak-ja adv. together 
in one place \£yak-ja n l N.F. being to- 
gether intercourse^!^ adj. & adv. 

well-mixed t-fljijJi^le'ijCyakjan' do qs’lab ph. inti- 
mate friends {fjpuCyak-jad'di adj. collateral 
^f^Cyak-je'hati n.f- unanimity ^accord ; 
agreemen. singleness of purpose ^ftiXyak-]i'm adj. blind of one eye 
yak' dar gi'r-o-moh'kam glr ph. stick to one 
thing a rolling stone gathers, no moss (f'it-X 
yak-das' li n.f. name of a wrestling trick jy£yak'- 
di'gar pron. one another ; each other Jjfyak- 
dil' adj. unanimous agreed (on) acting 
in union (jj^yak-di'lt n.f. unanimity 
accords ; agreement acting in unison < jlSyak - 
ran' adj. & n.m. (rare) thoroughbred (horse) 
yak-ra'khah onesided partial single- 
phased j^£yak-ru'U}ii N.F. partiality 
(arch.) kind of bow adj. (also i~&£yak-rafig') 
adj. of one colour uniform sincere 
devoted to one purpose J’sfyak-ran'gi n.f. 
being of one colour uniformity sincerity 
devoted to one purpose tjjt^yak-ro' zoh adj. 
just for a day ephemeral ; transitory 
transient clbj^Xyak-zubah' (or zuban') ADJ. un- 
animous fir /.it jUCyak-zdban ho kar adv. with 
one voice (speak) all together ah' adj. 

uniform like ; alike similar conform- 
able even ; level ; plain adv. alike in 
the same manner uniformity yak'ss'tu 
prop, though ungrammatical Cr^l^yaksaniy’yat 
n.f. uniformity sameness being level 
conformity jU^yak-sar’ adv. entirely all 
together j^fyak-soo' adj. lying on one side 
settled ; peaceful undisturbed attentive 
^~~fyak-soo'’l n.f. full attention peace of 
mind devotion ^J^yak-sham' bah. n.m Sunday 
juj/yak-sad adj. one hundred y Uil-iil ti ifah 



(ccl. • tarfah ) adj. partial *ex-parte' 
(decision, decree, etc.) ^ t-X'yak-qa'lam adv. 
entirely all together ; all at once cu^^Cyak- 
lahk't ad v. suddenly ; all of a ■ suddem^'CfS'^- 
miish't adv (of payment) in lump sum (, 

yak' man ‘il'm ra dah' man ‘aq'l bn'jad 
prov. knowledge needs a lot of wisdom for its 
application J^u-^aA-man'ifr/a/) adj. one- 
storeyed ; single-storied single-decker (bus, 
etc.) Xs33Ash i-Xyak' na thud do' shud prov. one 

misfortune on the heels of another IP] 


ya'kum n.f. first of the month ( ~P prec.) 


Syak'kah adj. one solitary unique 
/•£ n.m. ace (at cards) (same as J\ n.f.) 
a kind of dog-cart ; one-horse shayjt rj'yak’ka- 
laz adj. (one) who fights alone brave : 
valiartt [yj J*yak’ ka-o-tanha adj. & adv. all 
alone eXL-yake n.m. someone t^fj^J-ya'ke 
ba' d-c dl'gare ph. one after the other in 
quick succession [ ~ P 1 
gAjPyagari gat n.f. kindred [ ~ ) 

• X'ya&a'nah adj. peerless ; unmatched ; un- 
"Z parallelled ; incomparable singular 

unique (rare) kindred tf&yaga'nagt n.f. (rare) 
uniqueness peesleisness kindred [P] 
(rare) hero [P] 

/ . yalda n.m. winter’s longest night adj. dark 
(night) !Xyy / shab-e yaldtf N.F. long dark 
night [A] 

y , yil'di rim (or yal'daram'* n.m. (rare) lightning 

Ki i] 

• yalghsr n.f. uiroad ; incursion forced 
march (of army) [PJ 

• / yam n.m. sea; ocean (i*(f.yam' ba-yam ph. 
p* from sea to sea all over the oceans [P] 

yam n.m. (H. myth.) God of Hades &jjjyam. 
doot' n.m. (H. myth.) angel of death [S] 
j ya'man n . m . the Yemen; south-western corner 
Cr * ** of Arabia famed for its shawls, ruby and 

zon\e\i 3 in^/ l y^' < a<fi'q-e ya’man n.m. Yemenite 
cornelian yanmt n.m. Yemenite ruby 
tf^yama'ni, i/yama'ni adj. Yemenite JU;-''. 
bar'd-e yomarii n.f. Yemenite shawl [A] 
lyUmn n.m. good luck; felicity cf/jfjf.yumn.o 
*'~ba'rakal n.m felicity and blessing [A) 

Uyamxri! n.m. oath right hand right 
" / ****wing (of army) adj. & adv. right jlXjctf-- 
yami'n o-yasar' n.m. right and left wings (of 
army right and left hand adj. & adv. right 
and left [A] 

j yoo'rap n.m. Europ etjj^jjyop'rap zo'dah 
„ adj. Europeanized J')j^ J jyoo'rap‘Z<idagi 
N.F. Europeanization djjyoo'rapl adj. European 
i&JL yoo'rapin (coll, yoor'pin) adj. European 
n.m. European Europeanized person 
_ j yuvraj (ped. yu'varaj) n.m. (dial.) crown 
6^-f. prince [S] 

^ i yoo'-ais-e n.m. U.S.A. ; the United 
f "{s.r.. States of America ; the States [E] 

,j . yoo'-ain,ji^ ( y , j.yyoo'-ain-o n.m- U N. ; 
U.N.O.; United Nations; United Nations 
Organiza! -oji [E] 

^yyoo'-ke n.m. U.K. ; United Kingdom [EJ 
.yoorish (ped. yit'risji) n.f. invasion [TJ 


,,y°°'sjf n.m. Joseph (j filial yoo'suf-e ss'ni 
J n.m. very beautiful person; another Joseph 
[A ~*H] 

y yaum n.m. (pl. IJ ayyatri) day (rare) 
[■£ battle t r'L~^lf'jyau'm-sl-bif<ib’ n.m. the day of 
reckoning ; the day of jvdgmcnty^ifjkyaum-ul- 
bash'r n.m. day of resurrection ty \j yau'man 
fa-yau'man adj. day-to-day adv. from day to day 
yaumiy'yah adj. daily n.m. daily wages 
daily allowance [A] 

, yoofi ADV. thus ; in this mannerly yoofr -ki 
adv. thus ; in this manner by chance ; 
accidentally ; casually unintentionally 
cursorily easily causelessly ; withouFrh -me 

or reason without yielding anything J* bk I ki'si nt no poo' Aka tStnha're mm men ka 

yooifhl sa hi ph. well will be seen you will daht’ hain p h. nobody cared a hang for him 
get a tit for tat (etc.) no one ever looked to his (etc.) interest.-; 

-yJ— ' Greece i Hellas j l Jyoona'm or comforts j M W# 

O hN.1I, Greek indigenous system of Aark'tl na'zfti na'hit a'ft ph. it appears difficu) 
medicine based on ancient Greek science adj. G f achievement b-ejbfje' ja vo' ja ph . b 

Greek ; Hellenic indigenous (meoicine, etc.) W cnt away be disappeared he left every- 
j O^tib'b-e yoong'a n.f. indigenous system one j, ^ y mm mt k 

of medicine U'jCjyoona'tH tabib' n.m. physi- dal PROV caviare to the general ,yw»(etc.> 
cian practising indigenous system of medicine do not deserve it v 

(A ~.G Gonia] naskah' na'hihji'se tur'M star' it ph. it is nc 

yoonMs n.m. Jonah easy to grow out of this habit this enthusiast. 

, • s Xa > • • -l cannot abate yt'ti adj. this very 

yoo Ktyoit n.f. union yoo niyan jaik v - J j 

dji N.m. Union Jack fj^dyoo'niyan kome'fi VCTy one “ 1**™* ^ 

n.f. union committee >£j yoo' niyan kmn'sal *** ADV * 1 * t h cr at ( our J 

n.f. union council joy tartf yoo' niyan n.f. ** in (our) country etc. t^>a ban 

trade umonui>y yoo' mam\ n.m. trade la * U P to P lacc for 

unionist tarrd' yoo' niyan taitpik hitherto to this degree l^ytf han se adv 

n.f. trade unionism trade union move- hence ; from this place ^j^jt^ya'hah kahih ao\ 

even thi: 

mcnt [E] 

yootavaras'p (ped. yoo'iA var'siH) uni- 
Y varsity [E] 

t vi yoo’ moor sat adj. universal ; working 
m both A.C. and D.C. currents 
^ yth adj. this these pron. he she 
** it they n.m. my husband n.f. my wife d/'jf* 

somewhere here hereabouts 
yahoo' A n m. (pl. jjrf yakood') Jew^Za»)>s* 
** yahoo' d-o-nasa'ra n.m. pl. Jews 
^ye’hi kdj (see under adj. ^) 

-y y o' hit adv. here in (his very place*/*; 

' ** ** U^f y a '^k ka'hih adv. hereabouts u 

4 $.£,tye bki ko"i bai hoi ph. that is absurd . this place somewhere here 

it is unacceptable -it is not plausible that is u. yilsg' n.m. (PL^fap-' vilavat) (arch.) summa 

nothing resort (T) 


IsMf. - ^ 5 ^ 

cio vn- ■ jv 

l^hetidci- - J>t 


(jM-djlSHSlvt - J’l l l 

Cuw^ -^W-> - ^ 

G)ir\^Q7i_ ' Jd^ 

MttdazJ ^>- u ^ 

$t,U>nQg ~ 


ADVANCED TWENTY FIRST English into English 


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CONCISE TWENTIETH Urdu intoEriglish 


- 4-4 jmu 

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